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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AL-QAMAR... 2 (55 VERSES)... 2 VERSES MERITS... 2 VERSES 1 & VERSES VERSES 9 & VERSES VERSE VERSES VERSE VERSES The one worse than the slayer of the she-camel VERSES VERSES VERSE VERSES 41 & Nine Signs to the people of Pharaoh la The Signs to the people in the era of Rasool-Allah saww and afterwards VERSES VERSES 46 & VERSE VERSES VERSES 54 & out of 32

2 CHAPTER 54 AL-QAMAR (55 VERSES) VERSES 1-55 ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم MERITS ابن بابويه: بإسناده عن يزيد بن خليفة عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»من قرأ سورة اق ت ر ب ت الس اع ة أخرجه اهلل من قربه على ناقة من نوق اجلنة«. Ibn Babuwayh, by his chain, from Yazeed Bin Khalifat, from Abu Abdullah asws having said: The one who recites: The time approached [54:1] (Surah Al-Qamar), Allah azwj would Bring him out from his grave upon a she-camel from the she-camels of the Paradise. 1 و من )خواص القرآن(: روي عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( أنه قال:»من قرأ هذه السورة بعثه اهلل ععاي يوم القيامة و وج ه كالقمر ليلة البدر مسفرا على وجه اخلالئق And from Khawas Al-Quran It has been reported from the Prophet saww having said: The one who recites this Chapter (Surah Al-Qamar), Allah azwj the Exalted would Resurrect him on the Day of Judgement, and his face would be like the moon on the night of the full moon, continuously emitting light from his face upon the creatures. و من قرأها كل ليلة ك ان أضل ل و م ن كتب ا ي وم اجلمع ة وق ت اله الة الل ر و جعل ا و عمامت ه أو ععلق ا ك ان وجي ا أينم ا قهد و طلب«. And one who recites it every night, it would be better. And one who writes it on the Day of Friday at the time of the Al-Zohr Salat, and keeps it in his turban or attaches it (as an amulet), it would be reasonable, wherever he may intend and seek. 2 و قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(:»منكتب ا يوم اجلمعة وقت الل ر و عرك ا و عمامته أو علق ا عليه كان وجي ا عند الناس حمبوبا«. 1 ثواب األعمال: Tafseer Al Burhan H out of 32

3 And Rasool-Allah saww said: One who writes it (Surah Al-Qamar) on the Day of Friday at the time of Al-Zohr Salat and leaves it in his turban, or attaches it (as an amulet), would be a reasonable one and will be loved by the people. 3 و قال الهادق )عليه السالم(:»منكتب ا يوم اجلمعة عند صالة الل ر و علق ا على عمامته كان عند الناس وجي ا و مقب و و س لت عليه األمور الهعبة بإذن اهلل ععاي«. And Al-Sadiq asws said: The one who writes it on the Day of Friday during Al Zohr Salat, and attaches it upon his turban, would become acceptable in the presence of the people and his difficult affairs would be easy by the Permission of Allah azwj. 4 VERSES 1 & 2 The time approached and the moon split apart [54:1] اق ت ر ب ت الس اع ة و ان ش ق ال ق م ر }1{ و إ ن ي ر و ا آي ة ي ع ر ض وا و ي ق ول وا س ح ر م س ت م ر }2{ And if they see a Sign they turn aside and are saying, Continuous sorcery! [54:2] مث قال علي بن إبراهيم: حدثنا حبيب بن احلسن بن أبان اآلجري قال: حدثنا حممد بن هشام عن حمم د ق ال: ح دثنا ي ون قال: قال ]يل[ أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(:»اجتمع أربعة عشر رجال أصحاب العقبة ليلة أربع عشرة من ذي احلجة ضقالوا للنيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(: ما من نيب إ و له آية ضما آيتك و ليلتك هذه Then Ali Bin Ibrahim said, It has been narrated to us by Habeeb Ibn Al-Hassan Bin Aban Al-Ajary, from Muhammad Bin Hisham, from Muhammad, from Yunus who said, Abu Abdullah asws said to me: Fourteen companions of Al-Aqba 5 gathered on the night of the fourteenth of Zilhijja, and they said to the Prophet saww, There is none from the Prophets as except that he as had a miracle to show, so what is your saww miracle in this night of yours saww? ضقال ]النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله([: ما الذي عريدون ضقالوا: إن يكن لك عند ربك قدر ضأمر القمر أن ينقطع قطعتني. So the Prophet saww said: What is it which you want? So they said, If there is Power in your saww Lord azwj, then order the moon that it should split into two pieces. 3 4 خواص القرآن: 52»مخطوط «. خواص القرآن: 9»مخطوط» 5 Those who had plotted to murder Rasool-Allah saww by pushing him saww into the ravine. 3 out of 32

4 ض بط جربئيل )عليه السالم( و قال: يا حممد إن اهلل يقرئك السالم و يقول لك: إين قد أم ر ك ل يء بطاعت ك ضرض ع رأس ه ضأمر القمر أن ينقط ع قطعت ني ض انقطع قطعت ني ضس جد الن يب )ص لى اهلل علي ه و آل ه( كرا ]هلل[ و س جد يعتنا مث رض ع الن يب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( رأسه و رضعوا رؤس م مث قالوا: يعود كما كان. ضعاد كما كان مث قالوا: ينشق رأسه! ضأمره ضانشق So Jibraeel as descended and said: O Muhammad saww! Allah azwj Conveys Greetings to you saww and is Saying to you saww : I azwj have Commanded everything to be obedient to you saww, therefore raise your saww head, and order the moon that it should split into two pieces. So it split into two pieces. The Prophet saww performed Sajdah in appreciation to Allah azwj, and our asws Shias (also) did Sajdah. Then the Prophet saww raised his saww head, and they raised their heads. Then they said: Return it to what it was! So he saww returned it to what it was. Then they said, Break its head! So he saww ordered it, and it split. ضسجد النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( كرا هلل و سجد يعتنا ضقالوا: يا حممد حني عقدم سفارنا من الشام و ال يمن نس أ م م ا رأوا و هذه الليلة ضإن يكونوا رأوا مثل ما رأينا علمنا أنه من رب ك و إن ي روا مث ل م ا رأين ا علمن ا أن ه سحرس حرعنا ب ه ض أنزل اهلل: اق ت ر ب ت الس اع ة إي آخر السورة«. The Prophet saww performed Sajdah in appreciation to Allah azwj, and our asws Shias (also) did Sajdah. They said, O Muhammad saww! When our travellers come back from Syria and the Yemen, we will ask them what they saw in this night. So if they have (also) seen the like of what we saw, we will know that it is from your saww Lord azwj. And if they did not see the like of what we saw, we will know that it is sorcery which you saww have enchanted us with. Therefore Allah azwj Revealed: The time approached [54:1] up to the end of the Chapter. 6 الشيخ و )أماليه(: عن أمحد بن حممد بن الهلت قال: حدثنا ابن عقدة يعين أمحد بن حممد بن سعيد ق ال: ح دثين عل ي ب ن حممد بن علي احلسيين قال: حدثنا جعفر بن حممد بن عيسى قال: حدثنا عبيد اهلل بن علي عن علي بن موسى عن أبيه ع ن ج ده ع ن آبائ ه ع ن عل ي )عل ي م الس الم( ق ال: انش ق القم ر لك ة ضلقت ني ضق ال رس ول اهلل )ص لى اهلل علي ه و آل ه(: ا دوا ا دوا هبذا«. عبي Al-Sheykh (Al-Sadouq) in his Amaali From Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Al-Salt, from Ibn Uqdat, meaning Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Husayni, from Ja far Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali, From Ali asws Bin Musa asws, from his asws father asws, from his asws grandfather asws, from his asws forefathers asws, from Ali asws having said: The moon split into two halves at Makkah, so Rasool-Allah saww said: Bear witness! Bear witness of this! 7 حممد بن إبراهيم النعماين قال: حدثنا أمحد بن حممد بن سعيد قال: حدثنا القاسم بن حممد بن احلسني بن حازم قال: حدثنا بن هشام النا ري عن عبد اهلل بن جبلة عن عبد الهمد بن بشري عن أيب عبد اهلل جعفر بن حممد )علي ما السالم( و قد سأله عمارة ا مداين ضقال ]له[: أصلحك اهلل إن ناسا يعريوننا و يقولون: إنكم عزعمون أنه سيكون صو من السماء. تفسير القم ي 341 1: األمالي. 351 : out of 32

5 Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al-Nu mani, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed, from Al-Qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn Bin Hazim, from Ubeys Bin Hisham Al-Nashiry, from Abdullah Bin Jabalat, from Abdul Samad Bin Basheer, Abu Abdullah asws Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws (replied) when Amarat Al-Hamdany asked him asws, May Allah azwj Keep you asws well! The people are reporting that you asws are claiming that there will happen to be a voice from the sky? ضقال له:» عرو عين و ارو عن أيب كان أيب يقول: هو و كتاب اهلل عز و جل: إ ن ن ش أ ن ن ز ل ع ل ي م م ن الس ماء آي ة ض ل ل ت أ ع ناق م ا خاض ع ني So he asws said: Do not report it from me asws, and report it from my asws father asws. My asws father asws had said: It is in the Book of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: If We Desired to, We would Send down upon them a Sign from the sky, so their necks would be humbled to it [26:4]. ضيؤمن أهل األرض مجيعا للهو ]األول[ ضإذا كان من الغد صعد إبلي اللعني حىت يتوارى و جو السماء مث ينادي: أ إن عثمان قتل مللوما ضاطلبوا بدمه So, on that day, all the people of the earth would believe in the first voice. But, when it would be the next day, Iblees la the Accursed would ascend until he la would hide in the atmosphere of the sky. Then he la would call out, Indeed! Usman had been killed as an oppressed one so avenge his blood. ضريجع من أراد اهلل عز و جل به را و يقولون هذا سحر الشيعة و حىت يتناولونا و يقولون: هو من سحرهم و هو قول اهلل عز و جل: و إ ن ي ر و ا آي ة ي ع ر ض وا و ي ق ول وا س ح ر م س ت م ر«. So Allah azwj would Return the ones for whom He azwj Intends Punishment, and they would be saying, This is sorcery of the Shias!, to the extent that they would be addressing us asws, and they would be saying, He asws is from their sorcery. And these are the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: And if they see a Sign they turn aside and are saying, Continuous sorcery! [54:2]. 8 VERSES 3-8 و ك ذ ب وا و اع ب ع وا أ ه و اء ه م و ك ل أ م ر م س ت ق ر }3{ And they are belying it and following their whims; and every matter has an Ordained term [54:3] و ل ق د ج اء ه م م ن األ ن ب اء م ا ض يه م ز د ج ر }4{ 8 الغيبة: 20 /261 5 out of 32

6 And there had come to them from the news wherein was deterrence [54:4] ح ك م ة ب ال غ ة ض م ا ع غ ن الن ذ ر }5{ Being a perfect Wisdom but warning did not avail (them) [54:5] ض ت و ل ع ن م ي و م ي د ع الد اع إ ي ي ء ن ك ر }6{ Therefore turn away from them. On a Day the Caller would call them to an abhorrent thing, [54:6] خ ش ع ا أ ب ه ار ه م ي ر ج ون م ن األ ج د اث ك أ ن م ج ر اد م ن ت ش ر }7{ Their eyes would be humble. They would be coming out from the graves as if they are scattered locusts [54:7] م ط ع ني إ ي الد ا ع ي ق ول ال ك اض ر ون ه ذ ا ي و م ع س ر }8{ Hastening to the Caller. The Kafirs (non-believers) would be saying, This is a difficult day! [54:8] علي بن إبراهيم: قوله ععاي: و ك ذ ب وا و اع ب ع وا أ ه واء ه م أي كانوا يعملون برأي م و يكذبون أنبيائ م: و ل ق د ج اء ه م م ن األ ن ب ا ء ما ض يه م ز د ج ر أي متعظ. Ali Bin Ibrahim The Words of the Exalted: And they are belying it and following their whims [54:3], i.e., they used to follow their opinions, and were belying their Prophets as, And there had come to them from the news wherein was deterrence [54:4] - i.e., advice. يء ن ك ر قال: اإلمام ]إذا خرج[ يدعوهم إي ما ينكرون. و قوله ععاي: ض ت و ل ع ن م ي و م ي د ع الد اع إ ي And the Words of the Exalted: Therefore turn away from them. A Day the Caller would call them to an abhorrent thing, [54:6], said, The Imam asws, when he asws comes out, would be calling them to what they used to deny. 9 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن احل س ن ب ن حم ب وب ع ن ع ل ي ب ن ر ئ اب ع ن أ يب ع ب ي د ة احل ذ اء ع ن ث و ي ر ب ن أ يب ض اخ ت ة ق ا ل س ع ت ع ل ي ب ن احل س ني )عليه السالم( ي د ث و م س ج د ر س ول الل ه )صلى اهلل عليه وآله( ق ال ح د ث ين أ يب أ ن ه س ع أ ب اه ع ل ي ب ن تفسير القم ي 2: 6 out of 32

7 أ يب ط ال ب )عليه السالم( ي د ث الن اس ق ال إ ذ ا ك ان ي و م ال ق ي ام ة ب ع ث الل ه ع ب ار ك و ع ع اي الن اس م ن ح ف ر ه م ع ز ب ما ج ر دا م ر دا و ص ع يد و اح د ي س وق م الن ور و ت م ع م الل ل م ة ح ىت ي ق ف وا ع ل ى ع ق ب ة ال م ح ش ر A number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Ra ib, from Abu Ubeyda Al-Haza a, from Suweyr Bin Abu Fakhta who said: I heard Ali asws Bin Al-Husayn asws narrating in the Masjid of the Rasool saww Allah azwj saying: Narrated to me asws by my asws father asws, and he asws heard it from his asws father asws Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws narrating to the people saying: When it will be the Day of Judgement, Allah azwj will Resurrect the people from their graves in their isolation, without beards, in one plane, being driven by the light, and Gather them in the darkness until they are paused upon the hurdle on the Plains of Resurrection. ض ي ر ك ب ب ع ل م ب ع ل ا و ي ز د مح ون د ون ا ض ي م ن ع ون م ن ال م ل ي ض ت ش ت د أ ن ف اس م و ي ك ث ر ع ر ق م و ع ل يق هب م أ م ور ه م و ي ش ت د ض ج يج م و ع ر ع ف ع أ ص و اع م ق ال و ه و أ و ل ه و ل م ن أ ه و ال ي و م ال ق ي ام ة So, some of them will climb upon the others, becoming over crowded. They will be prevented from passing. Their breathing will be heavy and they will sweat profusely, and their affairs would be constricted, their noises would intensify, and their voices would be raised. He asws said: This will be the first horrors from the horrors of the Day of Judgement. ر ض ي أ م ر م ل كا م ن ال م ال ئ ك ة ض ي ن اد ي ض ي م ي ا م ع ش ق ال ض ي ش ر ف اجل ب ار ع ب ار ك و ع ع اي ع ل ي م م ن ض و ق ع ر ه و ظ ال ل م ن ال م ال ئ ك ة اخل ال ئ ق أ ن ه ت وا و اس ت م ع وا م ن اد ي اجل ب ار He asws said: The Compeller azwj Blessed and Exalted will Attend to them from above His azwj Throne in the shadow of the Angels, so He azwj would Command an Angel from the Angels who would call out among them: O group of creatures! Listen, and listen intently to the Caller of the Compeller azwj. ذ ل ك و ت ش ع أ ب ه ار ه م و ع ل ط ر ب ض ر ائ ه م آخ ر ه م ك م ا ي س م ع أ و م ق ال ض ت ن ك س ر أ ص و اع م ع ن د و ع ف ز ع ق ل وب م و ق ال ض ي س م ع ي ر ض ع ون ر ء وس م إ ي ن اح ي ة اله و م ط ع ني إ ي الد اع ق ال ض ع ن د ذ ل ك ي ق ول ال ك اض ر هذا ي و م ع س ر He asws said: So the last of them would hear it just as the first of them. He asws said: Their voices would break up due to that, and they will anxiously look around and their body parts would become restless, and their hearts would be in a panic, and they will be raising their heads towards the direction of the voice hastening to the Caller. He asws said: So when that happens, The Kafirs (non-believers) would be saying, This is a difficult day! [54:8] Al Kafi H out of 32

8 VERSES 9 & 10 ك ذ ب ت ق ب ل م ق و م ن وح ض ك ذ ب وا ع ب د ن ا و ق ال وا م ن ون و از د ج ر }9{ Before them the people of Noah belied. They belied Our servant and they said, Insane, and he was tormented severely [54:9] ض د ع ا ر ب ه أ ين م غ ل وب ض ان ت ه ر }10{ Then he supplicated to his Lord: I am overcome, so Help! [54:10] ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب ي ه ع ن أ مح د ب ن حم م د ب ن أ يب ن ه ر ع ن أ ب ان ب ن ع ث م ان ع ن إ س اع ي ل اجل ع ف ي ع ن أ يب ج ع ف ر ع ل يه الس ال م ق ال : ل ب ث ض ي م ن وح أ ل ف س ن ة إ خ س ني ع اما ي د ع وه م س ر ا و ع ال ن ي ة ض ل م ا أ ب و ا و ع ت و ا ق ال : ر ب إ ين م غ ل وب ض ان ت ه ر Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Aban Bin Usman, from Ismail Al Ju fy, From Abu Ja far asws having said: Noah as : remained among them for a thousand years less fifty years [29:14], calling them privately and openly. So when they refused and were insolent, he asws said: Lord azwj! I am overcome, so Help! [54:10]. 11 الطربس ي و )ا حتج اج(: روي أن أم ري ا ؤمنني )علي ه الس الم( ك ان جالس ا و بع ع مالس ه بع د رجوع ه م ن الن روان ضج رى الكالم حىت قيل له: حاربت أبا بكر و عمر كما حاربت طلحة و الزبري و معاوية Al-Tabarsy in Al-Ihtijaj, reporting that Amir-al-Momineen asws was seated in one of his asws sessions, after returning from (the battle of) Al-Naharwan. The discussion went on until it was said to him asws, Why did you asws not battle against Abu Bakr, and Umar, like you asws battled against Talha, and Al-Zubeyr, and Muawiya? ضقال علي )عليه السالم(:»إينكنت أزل مللوما مستأثرا على حقي«. ضقام إليه األ عث بن قي ضقال: يا أمري ا ؤمنني. علرب بسيفك و عطلب حبقك So Ali asws said: I asws have never ceased to be oppressed, removed from my asws rights. So Al-Ash as Bin Qays stood up and said, O Amir-al-Momineen asws! Why, O why did you asws not strike with your asws sword, and why did you asws not seek your asws rights? 11 H 8 تفسير نور الثقلين ج 5 ص: out of 32

9 ضق ال:»يا أ عث قد قلت ق و ضا سع اجل واب و عه و استشعر احلجة إن يل أس وة بستة من األنبياء )صلوا اهلل علي م أمجع ني(. أو م: ن وح حي ث ق ال: رب أ ين م غ ل وب ض ان ت ه ر ض إن ق ال قائ ل: إن ه ق ال ه ذا لغ ري خ وف ضق د كف ر و إ ضالوص ي أعذر«. So he asws said: O Ash as! You have said (these) words, so listen to the answer and sense the argument. There are for me asws, examples from six of the Prophets as. The first one is Noah as where he as said: Lord azwj! I am overcome, so Help! [54:10]. Thus if a speaker were to say this without being in fear, then he has committed Kufr, and there is an excuse only for the successor asws. 12 VERSES ض ف ت ح ن ا أ ب و اب الس م اء ل اء م ن م ر }11{ So We Opened the gates of the sky with water pouring out [54:11] و ض ج ر ن ا األ ر ض ع ي ون ا ض ال ت ق ى ال م اء ع ل ى أ م ر ق د ق د ر }12{ And We Burst the ground with springs, so the water gathered upon a Predetermined matter [54:12] و مح ل ن اه ع ل ى ذ ا أ ل و اح و د س ر }13{ And We Carried him upon (a ship) of panels and nails [54:13] ت ر ي ب أ ع ي ن ن ا ج ز اء ل م ن ك ان ك ف ر }14{ Sailing before Our eyes, being a Recompense for who was denied [54:14] و ل ق د ع ر ك ن اه ا آي ة ض ل م ن م د ك ر }15{ And We have Left it as a Sign, so is there anyone to take heed? [54:15] ض ك ي ف ك ان ع ذ ايب و ن ذ ر }16{ So how was My Punishment and Warning? [54:16] 12 اإلحتجاج: out of 32

10 ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن أ مح د ب ن حم م د ب ن أ يب ن ه ر ع ن أ ب ان ب ن ع ث م ان ع ن أ يب ال م ؤ م ن ني )عليه السالم( أ ن ه ق ال إ ن ن وح ا )ص لوا ق و م ه أ ن ي ف ور الت ن ور ض ف ار ض ق ال ت ام ر أ ع ه إ ن الت ن ور ق د ض ار ض ق ام إ ل ي ه ض خ ت م ه ض ق ام ال م اء مح ز ة الث م ايل ع ن أ يب ر ز ين األ س د ي ع ن أ م ري اهلل علي ه( ل م ا ض ر م م ن الس ف ين ة و ك ان م يع اد ه ض يم ا ب ي ن ه و ب ني ر ب ه و إ ه ال ك Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Abaan Bin Usmaan, from Abu Hamza Al-Thumaly, from Abu Razeyn Al-Asady, who has narrated the following: Amir-al-Momineen asws said: When Noah asws was free from building the ship and there were (many) seasons between him as and his as Lord azwj for the destruction of his as people, the overflowing of the oven. His as wife said, The oven has overflowed. So he as stood up and covered it. The water was contained. و أ د خ ل م ن أ ر اد أ ن ي د خ ل و أ خ ر ج م ن أ ر اد أ ن ي ر ج مث ج اء إ ي خ ا ت ه ض ن ز ع ه And he as entered into the ship whosoever that he as wanted to, and exited from it whosoever he as wanted to. Then he as came to his as covering and took it off. ي ق ول الل ه ع ز و ج ل ض ف ت ح نا أ ب واب الس ماء ل اء م ن م ر و ض ج ر ن ا األ ر ض ع ي ونا ض ال ت ق ى ال ماء ع ل ى أ م ر ق د ق د ر و مح ل ن اه ع ل ى ذا أ ل واح و د س ر Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying: So We Opened the gates of the sky with water pouring out [54:11] And We Burst the ground with springs, so the water gathered upon a Pre-determined matter [54:12] And We Carried him upon (a ship) of panels and nails [54:13]. ق ال و ك ان ن ر ه ا و و س ط م س ج د ك م و ل ق د ن ق ص ع ن ذ ر ع ه س ب ع م ائ ة ذ ر اع. He asws said: And he as had built it in the middle of your Masjid and it was of seven hundred cubits. 13 ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن ه ار ون ب ن م س ل م ع ن م س ع د ة ب ن ص د ق ة ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ل ي ه الس ال م ق ال : ق ال أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ني ع ل ي ه الس ال م : ع ن ز ل ق ط ر ة م ن الس م اء م ن م ط ر إ ب ع د د م ع د ود و و ز ن م ع ل وم إ م ا ك ان م ن ي و م الط وض ان ع ل ى ع د ن وح ع ل ي ه الس ال م ضإ ن ه ن ز ل م اء م ن م ر ب ال و ز ن و ع د د Ali Bin Ibrahim, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas ada Bin Sadaqa, From Abu Abdullah asws having said: Amir Al Momineen asws said: No drop of rain from the sky has descended except by a known counted number, except what was from the day of the flood in the era of Noah as, for it descended as water pouring out [54:11] with neither a (measured) weight nor number Al Kafi H H 16 تفسير نور الثقلين ج 5 ص: out of 32

11 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن حم م د ب ن س ن ان ع م ن ذ ك ر ه ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ل ي ه الس ال م ق ال : ك ان أ يب ي ك ر ه أ ن ي ت د او ى ب ال م اء ال م ر و ل اء ال ك رب ي ت و ك ان ي ق ول : إ ن ن وحا ل م ا ك ان الط وض ان د ع ا ال م ي اه ض أ ج اب ت ك ل ا إ ال م اء ال م ر و ال م اء ال ك رب ي ت ض د ع ا ع ل ي م ا ض ل ع ن م ا. A number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from one who mentioned it, From Abu Abdullah asws having said: My asws father asws used to dislike being treated by the bitter water and by the water of sulphur, and he asws was saying: Noah as, when it was the flood, called (all) the waters, so all of them responded except the bitter water and the water of sulphur, so he asws supplicated against them and cursed them. 15 VERSE 17 و ل ق د ي س ر ن ا ال ق ر آن ل لذ ك ر ض ل م ن م د ك ر }17{ And We have Eased the Quran for the Zikr, so is there one who will take advice? [54:17] حممد بن يعقوب: عن علي بن حممد عن علي بن العباس عن احلسني بن عبد الرمحن عن سفيان احلريري عن أبيه عن سعد اخلفاف عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(- و حديث طويل- قال:»حنن ذكر اهلل و حنن أكرب«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Abbas, from Al-Husayn Bin Abdul Rahman, from Sufyan Al-Hureyri, from his father, from Sa ad Al-Khafaf, From Abu Ja far asws in a lengthy Hadeeth He asws said: we asws are the Zikr of Allah azwj, we asws are the greatest. 16 VERSES ك ذ ب ت ع اد ض ك ي ف ك ان ع ذ ايب و ن ذ ر }18{ (People of) Ad belied, so how was My Punishment and Warning? [54:18] إ ن ا أ ر س ل ن ا ع ل ي م ر ي ا ص ر ص ر ا و ي و م حن م س ت م ر }19{ H 13 تفسير نور الثقلين ج 5 ص: 179 الكافي. 1 /437 :2 11 out of 32

12 We Sent upon them a wind (called) Sarsar, during a Day of continuous bad luck [54:19] ع ن ز ع الن اس ك أ ن م أ ع ج از ن ل م ن ق ع ر }20{ Snatching the people as if they were torn trunks of palm trees [54:20] ض ك ي ف ك ان ع ذ ايب و ن ذ ر }21{ So How was My punishment and Warning? [54:21] حم م د ب ن ي ي ع ن أ مح د ب ن حم م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن احل س ن ب ن حم ب وب ع ن ع ل ي ب ن ر ئ اب و ه ش ام ب ن س ا ع ن أ يب ب ه ري ق ا ل Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Ra ab and Hashaam Bin Saalim, from Abu Baseer who said: س أ ل ت أ ب ا ج ع ف ر )عليه السالم( ع ن الر ي اح األ ر ب ع الش م ال و اجل ن وب و اله ب ا و الد ب ور و ق ل ت إ ن الن اس ي ذ ك ر ون أ ن الش م ال م ن اجل ن ة و اجل ن وب م ن الن ار ض ق ال إ ن ل ل ه ع ز و ج ل ج ن ودا م ن ر ي اح ي ع ذ ب هب ا م ن ي ش اء م ن ع ه اه و ل ك ل ر يح م ن ا م ل ك م و ك ل هب ا ض إ ذ ا أ ر اد الل ه ع ز و ج ل أ ن ي ع ذ ب ق و ما ب ن و ع م ن ال ع ذ اب أ و ح ى إ ي ال م ل ك ال م و ك ل ب ذ ل ك الن و ع م ن الر يح ال ي ر يد أ ن ي ع ذ ب م هب ا ق ال ض ي أ م ر ه ا ال م ل ك ض ي يج ك م ا ي يج األ س د ال م غ ل ب I asked Abu Ja far asws about the four types of winds the North, the South, Al-Saba and Al-Dabour, and I said that the people are mentioning that the North (wind) is from the Paradise, and the South (wind) is from the Fire. So he asws said: Allah azwj has armies of winds by which He azwj Punishes whomsoever that He azwj so Wishes to from the ones who disobey Him azwj, and from every wind from these is an Angel allocated to it. So if Allah azwj Intends to Punish a people by some kind of torment, He azwj Reveals to the Angel in charge of that particular type of the winds by which He azwj Intends to Punish them by. So the Angel orders it and it get excited like a lion gets excited when bothered. ق ال و ل ك ل ر يح م ن ن اس م أ م ا ع س م ع ق و ل ه ع ع اي ك ذ ب ت عاد ض ك ي ف كان ع ذايب و ن ذ ر إ ن ا أ ر س ل نا ع ل ي م ر يا ص ر ص را و ي و م حن م س ت م ر و ق ال الر يح ال ع ق يم و ق ال ر يح ض ي ا ع ذاب أ ل يم و ق ال ض أ صاهب ا إ ع هار ض يه نار ض اح ت ر ق ت و م ا ذ ك ر م ن الر ي اح ال ي ع ذ ب الل ه هب ا م ن ع ه اه He asws said: And for every wind from these is a name. Have you not heard the Words of the High azwj : (People of) Ad belied, so how was My Punishment and Warning? [54:18] We Sent upon them a wind (called) Sarsar, during a Day of continuous bad luck [54:19]. And Said: the destructive wind (Al-Aqeem) [51:41]. And Said: a (blast of) wind wherein is a painful Punishment [46:24]. And Said: Then a tornado in which is fire, hits it, so it gets incinerated [2:266]. And (others) from winds which have not been Mentioned by which Allah azwj Punishes the ones who disobey Him azwj. 12 out of 32

13 ي ي ج ل ل ه ع ز ذ ك ر ه ر ي اح ر مح ة ل و اق ح و غ ي ر ذ ل ك ي ن ش ر ه ا ب ني ي د ي ر مح ت ه م ن ا م ا الس ح اب ل ل م ط ر و م ن ا ر ي اح ت ب ق ال و الس ح اب ب ني الس م اء و األ ر ض و ر ي اح ع ع ه ر الس ح اب ض ت م ط ر ه ب إ ذ ن الل ه و م ن ا ر ي اح م ا ع د د الل ه و ال ك ت ا ب He asws said: And Allah azwj Mighty is His azwj mention has winds of Mercy which occur, and others besides that which He azwj Displays His azwj Mercy. From these is that which incites clouds for the rain, and from these is a wind which holds up the clouds in between the sky and the earth, and the winds which squeeze the clouds so they make rain by the Permission of Allah azwj, and from these are winds which Allah azwj has Counted in His azwj Book. أ م ر ض أ م ا الر ي اح األ ر ب ع الش م ال و اجل ن وب و اله ب ا و الد ب ور ض إ ن ا ه ي أ س اء ال م ال ئ ك ة ا ل م و ك ل ني هب ا ض إ ذ ا أ ر اد الل ه أ ن ي ب ش ا ال م ل ك ال ذ ي ا س ه الش م ال ض ي ب ط ع ل ى ال ب ي ت احل ر ام ض ق ام ع ل ى الر ك ن الش ام ي ض ل ر ب ب ن اح ه ض ت ف ر ق ت ر يح الش م ال ح ي ث ي ر يد الل ه م ن ال ب ر و ال ب ح ر As for the four winds the North, and the South, and Al-Saba, and Al-Dabour, so these are the names of the Angels who have been allocated to these. So if Allah azwj Intends the North wind to blow, He azwj Commands the Angel whose name is the North (Al-Shimaal), so he descends upon the Sacred House (Al-Bayt Al-Haram), stands upon the Al-Shamy corner of it and flaps his wings. So the North wind disperses in the land and the sea wherever Allah azwj Desires it to. و إ ذ ا أ ر اد الل ه أ ن ي ب ع ث ج ن وبا أ م ر ال م ل ك ال ذ ي ا س ه اجل ن وب ض ب ط ع ل ى ال ب ي ت احل ر ام ض ق ام ع ل ى الر ك ن الش ام ي ض ل ر ب ب ن اح ه ض ت ف ر ق ت ر يح اجل ن وب و ال ب ر و ال ب ح ر ح ي ث ي ر يد الل ه And if Allah azwj Intends to Send the South winds, He azwj Commands the Angel whose name is the South (Al-Junoub), so he descends upon the Sacred House (Al-Bayt Al- Haram), stands upon the Al-Shamy corner of it and flaps his wings. So the South wind disperses in the land and the sea wherever Allah azwj Desires it to. و إ ذ ا أ ر اد الل ه أ ن ي ب ع ث ر يح اله ب ا أ م ر ال م ل ك ال ذ ي ا س ه اله ب ا ض ب ط ع ل ى ال ب ي ت احل ر ام ض ق ام ع ل ى الر ك ن الش ام ي ض ل ر ب ب ن اح ه ض ت ف ر ق ت ر يح اله ب ا ح ي ث ي ر يد الل ه ج ل و ع ز و ال ب ر و ال ب ح ر And if Allah azwj Intends to Send Al-Saba wind, He azwj Commands the Angel whose name is Al-Saba, so he descends upon the Sacred House, stands upon the Al- Shamy corner of it and flaps his wings. So the Al-Saba wind disperses in the land and the sea wherever Allah azwj Desires it to. و إ ذ ا أ ر اد الل ه أ ن ي ب ع ث د ب ورا أ م ر ال م ل ك ال ذ ي ا س ه الد ب ور ض ب ط ع ل ى ال ب ي ت احل ر ام ض ق ا م ض ت ف ر ق ت ر يح الد ب ور ح ي ث ي ر يد الل ه م ن ال ب ر و ال ب ح ر ع ل ى الر ك ن الش ام ي ض ل ر ب ب ن اح ه And if Allah azwj Intends to Send Daboura, He azwj Commands the Angel whose name is Al-Dabour, so he descends upon the Sacred House, stands upon the Al-Shamy corner of it and flaps his wings. So Al-Dabour wind disperses in the land and the sea wherever Allah azwj Desires it to. 13 out of 32

14 مث ق ال أ ب و ج ع ف ر )عليه السالم( أ م ا ع س م ع ل ق و ل ه ر يح الش م ال و ر يح اجل ن وب ال م و ك ل ني هب ا. و ر يح الد ب ور و ر يح اله ب ا إ ن ا ع ل اف إ ي ال م ال ئ ك ة Then Abu Ja far asws said: As for your hearing their words the North wind, and the South wind, and Al-Dabour wind, and Al-Saba wind, but rather these are the Angels who have been entrusted with these. 17 و عيون ا خبار و باب ما جاء عن الرضا عليه السالم من خرب الشامي و ما سأل عنه أمري ا ؤمنني عليه السالم حديث طويل وضيه مث قام إليه رجل آخر ضقال: يا أمري ا ؤمنني أخربين عن يوم ا ربعاء وعطرينا منه وثقله وأى اربعاء هو In Uyoon Al-Akhbar, in the chapter in which has come from Al-Reza asws the Hadeeth of the Syrian and what he asked Amir-Al-Momineen asws a lengthy Hadeeth and in it is: Then another man stood up, so he said, O Amir-Al-Momineen asws! Inform me about the day of Wednesday, and we are pessimistic about it and its weight (upon us), and which Wednesday was it? قال: آخر أربعاء و الش ر وهو احملاق وضيه قتل قابيل هابيل أخاه إي أن قال عليه السالم: ويوم ا ربعاء أرسل اهلل عزوجل الريح على قوم عاد. He asws said; The last Wednesday of the Month, and it is the decline. And it was during it that Qabeel la killed his la brother Habeel as until he asws said: And on the day of Wednesday Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent the Wind upon the people of Aad. 18 [ الثعليب ] باسناد أيب محزة الثمايل قال: حدثين حممد بن سفيان عن حممد بن قرظة بن كعب عن أبيه عن رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه قال: انتزعت الريح الناس من قبورهم. Al Sa alby By a chain of Abu Hamza Al Sumaly, from Muhammad Bin Sufyan, from Muhammad Bin Qartaz Bin Ka ab, from his father, From Rasool-Allah saww having said: The (Sarsar) wind removed the people from their graves. 19 VERSE 22 و ل ق د ي س ر ن ا ال ق ر آن ل لذ ك ر ض ل م ن م د ك ر }22{ And We have Eased the Quran for the Zikr, so is there one who will take advice? [54:22] 17 Al Kafi H Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn CH 54 H Tafseer Abu Hamza Al Sumali - Hadeeth No. 310 (Non-Shiah Source) 14 out of 32

15 يعقوب: عن علي بن حممد عن علي بن العباس عن احلسني بن عبد الرمحن عن سفيان احلريري عن أبيه عن سعد اخلفاف عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(- و حديث طويل- قال:»حنن ذكر اهلل و حنن أكرب«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Abbas, from Al-Husayn Bin Abdul Rahman, from Sufyan Al-Hureyri, from his father, from Sa ad Al-Khafaf, From Abu Ja far asws in a lengthy Hadeeth He asws said: we asws are the Zikr of Allah azwj, we asws are the greatest. 20 VERSES ك ذ ب ت ث ود ب الن ذ ر }23{ (The people of) Samood belied the Warning [54:23] ض ق ال وا أ ب ش ر ا م ن ا و اح د ا ن ت ب ع ه إ ن ا إ ذ ا ل ف ي ض ال ل و س ع ر }24{ So they said, Is it one person from us we should be following? Surely then we would be in straying and madness [54:24] أ أ ل ق ي الذ ك ر ع ل ي ه م ن ب ي ن ن ا ب ل ه و ك ذ اب أ ر }25{ Has the Zikr been Cast unto him from between us? But, he is an insolent liar! [54:25] س ي ع ل م ون غ د ا م ن ال ك ذ اب األ ر }26{ They will come to know tomorrow, who is the liar, the insolent one [54:26] إ ن ا م ر س ل و الن اق ة ض ت ن ة م ض ار ع ق ب م و اص ط رب }27{ We will be Sending a she-camel as a trial for them, therefore watch them and be patient [54:27] و ن ب ئ م أ ن ال م اء ق س م ة ب ي ن م ك ل ر ب حم ت ل ر }28{ And inform them that the water is to be divided between them - every drink shall be regulated [54:28] الكافي /437 :2 15 out of 32

16 ض ن اد و ا ص اح ب م ض ت ع اط ى ض ع ق ر }29{ But they called their companion, so he came and hamstrung (it) [54:29] So how was My punishment and Warning? [54:30] ض ك ي ف ك ان ع ذ ايب و ن ذ ر }30{ إ ن ا أ ر س ل ن ا ع ل ي م ص ي ح ة و اح د ة ض ك ان وا ك ش يم ال م ح ت ل ر }31{ We Sent single scream upon them, so they were like dry fragments of the carpenter [54:31] ع ل ي ب ن حم م د ع ن ع ل ي ب ن ال ع ب اس ع ن احل س ن ب ن ع ب د الر مح ن ع ن ع ل ي ب ن أ يب مح ز ة ع ن أ يب ب ه ري ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( ق ال ق ل ت ل ه ك ذ ب ت ث ود ب الن ذ ر ض قال وا أ ب ش را م ن ا واح دا ن ت ب ع ه إ ن ا إ ذا ل ف ي ض الل و س ع ر أ أ ل ق ي الذ ك ر ع ل ي ه م ن ب ي ن نا ب ل ه و ك ذ ا ب الر س ل أ ر ق ال ه ذ ا ك ان ل ا ك ذ ب وا ب ه ص احل ا و م ا أ ه ل ك الل ه ع ز و ج ل ق و ما ق ط ح ىت ي ب ع ث إ ل ي م ق ب ل ذ ل ك Ali Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Abbas, from Al-Hassan Bin Abdul Rahmaan, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, who has narrated the following: Abu Abdullah asws said when it was said to him asws : (The people of) Samood belied the Warning [54:23] So they said, Is it one person from us we should be following? Surely then we would be in straying and madness [54:24] Has the Zikr been Cast unto him from between us? But, he is an insolent liar! [54:25], he asws said: This is what they belied Salih as with, and Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic does not Destroy a people at all until He azwj Sends to them, before that, the Rasool as. ض ي ح ت ج وا ع ل ي م ض ب ع ث الل ه إ ل ي م ص احل ا ض د ع اه م إ ي الل ه ض ل م يب وا و ع ت و ا ع ل ي ه و ق ال وا ل ن ن ؤ م ن ل ك ح ىت ت ر ج ل ن ا م ن ه ذ ه اله خ ر ة ن اق ة ع ش ر اء They argued against them (the Rasools as ), so Allah azwj Sent Salih as to them. He as called them towards Allah azwj. They did not respond and were insolent to him as, and said, We will not believe you as until you as bring out for us from this rock a tame shecamel. و ك ان ت اله خ ر ة ي ع ل م ون ا و ي ع ب د ون ا و ي ذ حب ون ع ن د ه ا و ر أ س ك ل س ن ة و ت م ع ون ع ن د ه ا ض ق ال وا ل ه إ ن ك ن ت ك م ا ع ز ع م ن ب ي ا ر س و ض اد ع ل ن ا إ ك ح ىت ت ر ج ل ن ا م ن ه ذ ه اله خ ر ة اله م اء ن اق ة ع ش ر اء ض أ خ ر ج ا الل ه ك م ا ط ل ب وا م ن ه And it was a rock which they used to magnify and worship and make their sacrifices near to its peak every year, and they used to gather around it. They said, If you as are as you are alleging to be, a Prophet as, a Rasool as, so call upon your as Lord azwj for us until He azwj Brings out for us from this solid rock a tame she-camel. So Allah azwj Brought it out as they had sought from him as. 16 out of 32

17 مث أ و ح ى الل ه ع ب ار ك و ع ع اي إ ل ي ه أ ن ي ا ص ال ح ق ل م إ ن الل ه ق د ج ع ل ذ ه الن اق ة ]م ن ال م اء [ ر ب ي و م و ل ك م ر ب ي و م و Then Allah azwj Blessed and Exalted Revealed unto him as : O Salih as! Tell them that Allah azwj has Made a share for this she-camel, from the water, that it would drink from it one day and for you would be to drink for a day. ك ان ت الن اق ة إ ذ ا ك ان ي و م ر هب ا ر ب ت ال م اء ذ ل ك ال ي و م ض ي ح ل ب ون ا ض ال ي ب ق ى ص غ ري و ك ب ري إ ر ب م ن ل ب ن ذ ل ك ض إ ذ ا ا ي و م م ك ان الل ي ل و أ ص ب ح وا غ د و ا إ ي م ائ م ض ش ر ب وا م ن ه ذ ل ك ال ي و م و ع ش ر ب الن اق ة ذ ل ك ال ي و م ض م ك ث وا ب ذ ل ك م ا اء الل ه And the day which was designated for the she-camel to drink, it would drink the water during that day. They would then milk her, and there did not remain any young one or old one except that he drank from her milk in the day of theirs when it was the night time. And in the morning they would drink from the water, and the she-camel would not drink from it during that day. So that situation prevailed until such time as Allah azwj so Desired it to. مث إ ن م ع ت و ا ع ل ى الل ه و م ش ى ب ع ل م إ ي ب ع ع و ق ال وا اع ق ر وا ه ذ ه الن اق ة و اس ت ي وا م ن ا ن ر ض ى أ ن ي ك ون ل ن ا ر ب ي و م و ا ر ب ي و م Then they rebelled against Allah azwj and some of them walked towards the others and said, Slay this she-camel, and be relaxed from it. We are not happy that there should be a day for us to drink and a day for it to drink. ج اء ه م ر ج ل أ مح ر أ ق ر أ ز ر ق و ل د ز ي ع ي ل ي ق ت ل ا و ن ع ل ل ه ج ع ال م ا أ ح ب ض ر ف ل ه أ ب ي ق ال ل ه ق د ا ر مث ق ال وا م ن ال ذ ي ق ي م ن األ ق ي اء م ش ئ وم ع ل ي م ض ج ع ل وا ل ه ج ع ال Then they said, Who is the one who can kill it, and we will make a reward to be for him whatever he likes! So there came to them a red, blonde, blue-eyed man, of an adulterous birth, whose father was unknown, called Qudaar. A wretched one of all wretched ones of a sinister character, and they made a reward for him, for it. ض ل م ا ع و ج ت الن اق ة إ ي ال م اء ال ذ ي ك ان ت ع ر د ه ع ر ك ا ح ىت ر ب ت ال م اء و أ ق ب ل ت ر اج ع ة ض ق ع د ا و ط ر يق ا ض ل ر ب ا ب الس ي ف ض ر ب ة ض ل م ع ع م ل ي ئا ض ل ر ب ا ض ر ب ة أ خ ر ى ض ق ت ل ا و خ ر إ ي األ ر ض ع ل ى ج ن ب ا و ه ر ب ض ه يل ا ح ىت ص ع د إ ي اجل ب ل ض ر غ ى ث ال ث م ر ا إ ي الس م اء So when the she-camel went towards the water to drink from it, he left it until it had drunk the water. When it returned, he sat waiting for it upon its path. He struck her with the sword but it did not kill her. So he struck at it again and killed her and it fell down upon the earth on its side, and its young ones fled until they sat upon the mountain. They cried out three times towards the sky. و أ ق ب ل ق و م ص ال ح ض ل م ي ب ق أ ح د م ن م إ ر ك ه و ض ر ب ت ه و اق ت س م وا حل م ا ض يم ا ب ي ن م ن ا ض ل م ا ر أ ى ذ ل ك ص ال ح أ ق ب ل إ ل ي م ض ق ال ي ا ق و م م ا د ع اك م إ ي م ا ص ن ع ت م أ ع ه ي ت م ر ب ك م م ض ل م ي ب ق م ن م ص غ ري و ل ك ب ري إ أ ك 17 out of 32

18 And the people of Salih as came over, and there did not remain anyone from them except that he participated in hitting it, and they distributed its meat in between themselves. There did not remain anyone from them, whether young or old except that he ate from it. So when Salih as saw that, he as came up to them and said, O People! What called you all to do what you have done and rebelled against your Lord azwj? ض أ و ح ى الل ه ع ب ار ك و ع ع اي إ ي ص ال ح )عليه السالم( أ ن ق و م ك ق د ط غ و ا و ب غ و ا و ق ت ل وا ن اق ة ب ع ث ت ا إ ل ي م ح ج ة ع ل ي م و ي ك ن ع ل ي م ض ي ا ض ر ر و ك ان م م ن ا أ ع ل م ال م ن ف ع ة ض ق ل م إ ين م ر س ل ع ل ي ك م ع ذ ايب إ ي ث ال ث ة أ ي ام ض إ ن ه م ع اب وا و ر ج ع وا ق ب ل ت ع و ب ت م و ص د د ع ن م و إ ن ه م ي ت وب وا و ي ر ج ع وا ب ع ث ت ع ل ي م ع ذ ايب و ال ي و م الث ال ث Then Allah azwj Blessed and Exalted Revealed unto Salih as : Your as people have been tyrannous and rebellious, and killed the she-camel that was Sent to them as a Proof to them, and there was no harm in it for them, and there were great benefits from it for them. So tell them that I azwj will be Sending upon you all My azwj Punishment after three days, and if they were to repent and return (from their ways), I azwj shall Accept their repentance and Prevent it from them, and if they do not repent and do not return (from their ways), I azwj will Send to them My azwj Punishment on the third day. ض أ ع اه م ص ال ح )عليه السالم( ض ق ال م ي ا ق و م إ ين ر س ول ر ب ك م إ ل ي ك م و ه و ي ق ول ل ك م إ ن أ ن ت م ع ب ت م و ر ج ع ت م و اس ت غ ف ر غف ر ل ك م و ع ب ت ع ل ي ك م So Salih as came and said to them: O people! I as am a Rasool as of your Lord azwj. He azwj is Saying to you all that if you were to repent and return (from your ways) and seek Forgiveness, He azwj would Forgive you all and Turn towards you (Mercifully). ض ل م ا ق ال م ذ ل ك ك ان وا أ ع ىت م ا ك ان وا و أ خ ب ث و ق ال وا يا ص ال ح ائ ت نا ل ا ع ع د نا إ ن ك ن ت م ن ال م ر س ل ني ]اله اد ق ني [ ق ال ي ا ق و م إ ن ك م ع ه ب ح ون غ دا و و ج وه ك م م ه ف ر ة و ال ي و م الث اين و ج وه ك م حم م ر ة و ال ي و م الث ال ث و ج وه ك م م س و د ة But, when he as said that to them they became more rebellious and treacherous than what they had been and said, O Salih as! Let it come to us, what you as are calling for us, if you as are from the Rasools as, the truthful ones. He as said: O people! When you wake up tomorrow morning your faces would be yellow, and on the second day your faces would be red, and on the third day your faces would be black. ض ل م ا أ ن ك ان أ و ل ي و م أ ص ب ح وا و و ج وه م م ه ف ر ة ض م ش ى ب ع ل م إ ي ب ع ع و ق ال وا ق د ج اء ك م م ا ق ال ل ك م ص ال ح ض ق ال ال ع ت اة م ن م ن س م ع ق و ل ص ال ح و ن ق ب ل ق و ل ه و إ ن ك ان ع ل يما So when it was the morning of the first day and their faces turned yellow, some of them walked towards the others and said, There has come upon you what Salih as had spoken of. The rebellious ones among them said, We will not listen to the words of Salih as and will not accept his as words, even though they may be great. 18 out of 32

19 ض ل م ا ك ان ال ي و م الث اين أ ص ب ح ت و ج وه م حم م ر ة ض م ش ى ب ع ل م إ ي ب ع ع ض ق ال وا ي ا ق و م ق د ج اء ك م م ا ق ال ل ك م ص ال ح ض ق ال ال ع ت اة م ن م ل و أ ه ل ك ن ا مج يعا م ا س ع ن ا ق و ل ص ال ح و ع ر ك ن ا آ ت ن ا ال ك ان آب اؤ ن ا ي ع ب د و ن ا و ي ت وب وا و ي ر ج ع وا So when it was the morning of the second day and their faces turned red, some of them walked towards the others and said, O people! There has come upon you what Salih as had spoken about for you all. But the rebellious ones among them said, Even if we were all to be destroyed, we will not listen to the words of Salih as nor will we leave our gods which our forefathers had been worshipping, nor will we repent, nor will we return (from our ways). ض ل م ا ك ان ال ي و م الث ال ث أ ص ب ح وا و و ج وه م م س و د ة ض م ش ى ب ع ل م إ ي ب ع ع و ق ال وا ي ا ق و م أ ع اك م م ا ق ال ل ك م ص ال ح ض ق ال ال ع ت اة م ن م ق د أ ع ان ا م ا ق ال ل ن ا ص ال ح So when it was the morning of the third day and their faces turned black. So some of them walked towards the others and said, O people! There has come upon you what Salih as had spoken of for you all. But the rebellious ones from among them said, Let it come upon us what Salih as had said to us. ض ل م ا ك ان ن ه ف الل ي ل أ ع اه م ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ض ه ر خ هب م ص ر خ ة خ ر ق ت ع ل ك اله ر خ ة أ س اع م و ض ل ق ت ق ل وب م و ص د ع ت أ ك ب اد ه م و ق د ك ان وا و ع ل ك الث ال ث ة األ ي ام ق د ت ن ط وا و ع ك ف ن وا و ع ل م وا أ ن ال ع ذ اب ن از ل هب م So when it was the middle of the night, Jibraeel as came upon them and screamed out a loud scream at them which broke their eardrums, and split their hearts, and ruptured their livers. And during those three days they had been applying camphor upon themselves, and shrouding themselves, and they knew that the Punishment would be descending upon them. ي ء إ أ ه ل ك ه الل ه ض أ ص ب ح وا و د ي ار ه م و ض م اع وا أ مج ع ون و ط ر ض ة ع ني ص غ ري ه م و ك ب ري ه م ض ل م ي ب ق م ن اع ق ة و ر اغ ي ة و م ل اج ع م م و ع ى أ مج ع ني مث أ ر س ل الل ه ع ل ي م م ع اله ي ح ة الن ار م ن الس م اء ض أ ح ر ق ت م أ مج ع ني و ك ان ت ه ذ ه ق ه ت م. All of them died in the blink of an eye, their young ones as well as their old ones. There did not remain for them a she-camel, or a sheep, or anything except that Allah azwj Destroyed it. They had all died in their homes and on their beds. Then Allah azwj Sent upon them Fire along with the Scream from the sky. So it burnt all of them, and this was their story. 21 For detailed Ahadeeth on the story of Prophet Salih as, refer to Ahadeeth under Chapter 7, Verses 73 to Al Kafi H out of 32

20 The one worse than the slayer of the she-camel و روى الثعليب و الواحدي بإسناد ا عن عمار و عن عثمان بن ص يب و عن اللحاك و روى ابن مردويه بإسناده عن جابر بن سرة و عن ص يب و عن عمار و عن ابن عدي و عن اللحاك و روي اخلطيب و )التاريخ( عن جابر بن سرة و روى الط ربي و ا وصلي عن عمار و روى أمحد بن حنبل عن اللحاك أنه قال: قال النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(:»يا علي أ قى األولني عاقر الناقة و أ قى اآلخرين قاعلك«And it has been reported by Al-Sa alby and Al-Wahidy, by both their chains, from Amaar, and from Usman Bin Saheyb, and from Zahaak. And it has been reported from Ibn Mardawiya by his chain, from Jabir Bin Samrat, and from Saheyb, and from Amaar, and from Ibn Udayy, and from Al-Zahaak. And it has been reported from Al-Kahteyb in Al-Tareekh, from Jabir Bin Samrat. And it has been reported from Al-Tabari and Al-Mowsay, from Amaar. And it has been reported from Ahmad Bin Hanbal-from Al-Zahaak who said, The Prophet saww said: O Ali asws! The most wretched of the former ones is the slayer of the she-camel, and most cruel one of the later ones would be your asws murderer (Abdul Rahman Ibn Muljim la ). 22 ابن عباس قال:كان عبد ال رمحن بن ملجم من ولد قدار عاقر ناقة صاو و قهت ما واحدة ألن قدار عشق ام رأة يقال ا رباب كما عشق ابن ملجم قطام. Ibn Abbas said, Abdul Rahman Ibn Muljim la is from the children of Qadaar, the slayer of the shecamel of Salih as, and both of their stories are one (the same), because Qadaar was in love with a woman called Rabaab, just as Ibn Muljim la was in love with Qataam. (For whom they both did what they did). 23 VERSES 32 و ل ق د ي س ر ن ا ال ق ر آن ل لذ ك ر ض ل م ن م د ك ر }32{ And We have Eased the Quran for the Zikr, so is there one who will take advice? [54:32] يعقوب: عن علي بن حممد عن علي بن العباس عن احلسني بن عبد الرمحن عن سفيان احلريري عن أبيه عن سعد اخلفاف عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(- و حديث طويل- قال:»حنن ذكر اهلل و حنن أكرب«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Abbas, from Al-Husayn Bin Abdul Rahman, from Sufyan Al-Hureyri, from his father, from Sa ad Al-Khafaf, المناقب. 309 :3 المناقب. 309 :3 20 out of 32

21 From Abu Ja far asws in a lengthy Hadeeth He asws said: we asws are the Zikr of Allah azwj, we asws are the greatest. 24 VERSES The people of Lut belied the Warning [54:33] ك ذ ب ت ق و م ل وط ب الن ذ ر }33{ إ ن ا أ ر س ل ن ا ع ل ي م ح اص ب ا إ آل ل وط ن ي ن اه م ب س ح ر }34{ Surely, We Sent a hailstorm upon them, except the family of Lut. We Rescued them before daybreak [54:34] ن ع م ة م ن ع ن د ن ا ك ذ ل ك ن ز ي م ن ك ر }35{ Being a Favour from Us. Like that do We Recompense one who is thankful [54:35] و ل ق د أ ن ذ ر ه م ب ط ش ت ن ا ض ت م ار و ا ب الن ذ ر }36{ And We had Warned them of Our Seizure, but they disputed the Warning [54:36] و ل ق د ر او د وه ع ن ض ي ف ه ض ط م س ن ا أ ع ي ن م ض ذ وق وا ع ذ ايب و ن ذ ر }37{ And they endeavoured to turn him from his guests, but We Blinded their eyes; so taste My Punishment and Warning [54:37] و ل ق د ص ب ح م ب ك ر ة ع ذ اب م س ت ق ر }38{ And by the morning, the Ordained Punishment had seized them [54:38] Therefore taste My Punishment and Warning [54:39] ض ذ وق وا ع ذ ايب و ن ذ ر }39{ الكافي /437 :2 21 out of 32

22 مح د ب ن ي ي ع ن أ مح د ب ن حم م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن اب ن ض ل ال ع ن د او د ب ن أ يب ي ز يد و ه و ض ر ق د ع ن أ يب ي ز يد احل م ار ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( ق ال إ ن الل ه ع ع اي ب ع ث أ ر ب ع ة أ م ال ك و إ ه ال ك ق و م ل وط ج ب ر ئ يل و م يك ائ يل و إ س ر اض يل و ك ر وب يل )علي م السالم( ض م ر وا ب إ ب ر اه يم )عليه السالم( و ه م م ع ت م ون ض س ل م وا ع ل ي ه ض ل م ي ع ر ض م و ر أ ى ه ي ئ ة ح س ن ة ض ق ال ي د م ه ؤ ء أ ح د إ أ ن ا ب ن ف س ي و ك ان ص اح ب أ ض ي اف ض ش و ى م ع ج ال س ينا ح ىت أ ن ل ج ه مث ق ر ب ه إ ل ي م ض ل م ا و ض ع ه ب ني أ ي د ي م ر أى أ ي د ي م ع ه ل إ ل ي ه ن ك ر ه م و أ و ج م ن م خ يف ة Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Fazzaal, from Dawood Bin Abu Yazeed and he is Farqad, from Abu Yazeed Al-Hammaar, who has said the following: Abu Abdullah asws having said that: Allah azwj Sent four Angels (to Prophet Ibrahim as ) for the destruction of the people of Lut as Jibraeel as, and Mikaeel as, and Israfeel as, and Karoubeel as and they had obscured their faces. They greeted him as. He as did not recognise them and saw them as good persons. So he as said (to himself as ), No one shall attend to them except for myself personally, and he as was a kind host. So he grilled a calf for them until it was well done, then placed it near to them. So when he as placed it in front of them, But when he saw that their hands were not extended towards it, he deemed them strange and was apprehensive from the [11:70]. ض ل م ا ر أ ى ذ ل ك ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ح س ر ال ع م ام ة ع ن و ج ه و ع ن ر أ س ه ض ع ر ض ه إ ب ر اه يم )عليه السالم( ض ق ال أ ن ت ه و ض ق ال ن ع م ام ر ض ق ال ت م ا ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل ض أ جاب وه ا ل ا و ال ك ت اب ال ع ز ي ز و م ر أ ع ه س ار ة ض ب ش ر ه ا ب إ س ح اق و م ن و ر اء إ س ح اق ي ع ق وب ض ق ال إ ب ر اه يم )عليه السالم( م ض يم ا ذ ا ج ئ ت م ق ال وا ل ه و إ ه ال ك ق و م ل و ط So when Jibraeel as saw that, he as removed the turban from his as face and from his as head. Ibrahim as recognised him as. He as said: You as are he as! He as said: Yes, and his as wife passed by and he as gave her as the good news of Is haq as, and after Is haq as of Yaqoub as. So she as said what Allah azwj has Stated, and they as answered her as with what is in the Mighty Book. So Ibrahim as said to them: What have you as come for? They as said to him as : For the destruction of the people of Lut as. ض ق ال م إ ن ك ان ض ي ا م ائ ة م ن ال م ؤ م ن ني ع ل ك ون م ض ق ال ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ق ال ض إ ن ك ان وا خ س ني ق ال ق ال ض إ ن ك ان وا ث ال ث ني ق ال ق ال ض إ ن ك ان وا ع ش ر ين ق ال ق ال ض إ ن ك ان وا ع ش ر ة ق ال ق ال ض إ ن ك ان وا خ س ة ق ال ق ال ض إ ن ك ان وا و اح دا ق ال قال إ ن ض ي ا ل وطا قال وا حن ن أ ع ل م ل ن ض ي ا ل ن ن ج ي ن ه و أ ه ل ه إ ام ر أ ع ه كان ت م ن ال غا ب ر ين مث م ل و ا So he as said to them as : Suppose there were a hundred Momineen among them, would you as destroy them? Jibraeel as said: No. He as said: If there were fifty? He as said: No. He as said, If there were thirty? He as said; No. He as said: If there were twenty? He as said: No. He as said: if there were ten? He as said; No. He as said: If there were five? He as said: No. He as said: If there was one? He as said: No. He said: Surely in it is Lut. They said: We are more knowing with the ones in it. We will rescue him and his family except for his wife, she would be from the ones left behind [29:32]. Then they as left. 22 out of 32

23 و ق ال احل س ن ال ع س ك ر ي أ ب و حم م د أ ع ل م ذ ا ال ق و ل إ و ه و ي س ت ب ق ي م و ه و ق و ل ال ل ه ع ز و ج ل اد ل نا و ق و م ل وط ض أ ع و ا ل وطا ح سن ة ع ل ي م ع م ائ م ب يع و ث ي اب ب يع ض ق ا ل و ه و و ز ر اع ة ل ه ق ر ب ال م د ين ة ض س ل م وا ع ل ي ه و ه م م ع ت م ون ض ل م ا ر آه م ر أ ى ه ي ئ ة م ال م ن ز ل ض ق ال وا ن ع م ض ت ق د م م و م ش و ا خ ل ف ه And Al-Hassan Al-Askari Abu Muhammad asws said, and I (the narrator) don t know whether it is the speech except that it has been preserved as such: And these are the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: he pleaded to Us for the people of Lut [11:74]. So they as came to Lut as while he as was in his as farm near the city, and they as greeted him as while they as had obscured their as faces. So when he as saw them to be as good persons clad in white turbans and white robes, he as said to them as : Lodging? They as said: Yes. So he as led them as and they as walked behind him as. ض ن د م ع ل ى ع ر ض ه ع ل ي م ال م ن ز ل و ق ال أ ي يء ص ن ع ت آ ت هب م ق و م ي و أ ن ا أ ع ر ض م ض ال ت ف ت إ ل ي م ض ق ا ل إ ن ك م ع أ ع ون ر ار خ ل ق )عليه السالم( ه ذ ه و اح د ة الل ه و ق د ق ال ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ن ع ج ل ع ل ي م ح ىت ي ش د ث ال ث اد ا ض ق ال ج ب ر ئ يل But he as regretted having offered lodging to them as and said (to himself as ): What shall I as do when I as come to my as people and I recognise them? So he as turned towards them as and said: You as have come to evil creatures of Allah azwj. And Jibraeel as had said: We as will not make haste against them until he as testifies by three testimonies. So Jibraeel as said (to himself as ): This is one testimony. مث م ش ى س اع ة مث ال ت ف ت إ ل ي م ض ق ال إ ن ك م ع أ ع ون ر ار خ ل ق الل ه ض ق ال ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ه ذ ه اث ن ت ان مث م ل ى ض ل م ا ب ل غ ب ا ب ال م د ين ة ال ت ف ت إ ل ي م ض ق ال إ ن ك م ع أ ع ون ر ار خ ل ق الل ه ض ق ال ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ه ذ ه ث ال ث ة Then they as walked for a while, then he as turned towards them and said: You as have come to evil creatures of Allah azwj. So Jibraeel as said (to himself as ): These are two. Then they as went, so when they reached the gate of the city, he as turned towards them as and said; You as have come to evil creatures of Allah azwj. So Jibraeel as said (to himself as ): These are three. مث د خ ل و د خ ل وا م ع ه ض ل م ا ر أ ع م ام ر أ ع ه ر أ ه ي ئ ة ح س ن ة ض ه ع د ض و ق الس ط ح و ص ع ق ت ض ل م ي س م ع وا ض د خ ن ت ض ل م ا ر أ و ا الد خ ان أ ق ب ل وا ي ر ع ون إ ي ال ب اب ض ن ز ل ت إ ل ي م ض ق ال ت ع ن د ه ق و م م ا ر أ ي ت ق ط أ ح س ن م ن م ه ي ئ ة Then he as entered (the city) and they as entered with him as. So when his as wife saw them as of good built she climbed on top of the roof of the house and whistled to the people. But when they did not hear her, she raised smoke. So when they saw the smoke they came rushing to the door. She came down to them and said, He as has such people with him as that I have not seen such beauty ever better than theirs. ض ج اء وا إ ي ال ب اب ل ي د خ ل وه ا ض ل م ا ر آه م ل وط ق ام إ ل ي م ض ق ال ي ا ق و م ض اع ق وا الل ه و ت ز ون و ض ي ف ي ض ق ال ه ؤ ء ب ن ا ت ه ن أ ط ر ل ك م ض د ع اه م إ ي احل ال ل أ ل ي م ن ك م ر ج ل ر ي د They came to the door, so when Lut as saw them, he as said: O people! Fear Allah azwj and do not harass regarding my as guests. Is there no man with guidance among 23 out of 32

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