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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AL-ANKABOUT... 3 (69 VERSES)... 3 VERSES MERITS... 3 VERSE VERSES VERSE VERSES 8 & Re: The parents are Muhammad saww and Ali asws VERSES VERSES 14 & VERSES VERSES 25 & VERSES VERSES VERSES 39 & VERSES VERSE VERSE VERSE Re: The debating is of two types VERSE VERSE VERSE VERSE The Signs of Allah azwj out of 56

2 VERSES 51 & VERSES VERSES 56 & VERSES 58 & VERSES Reason for the Revelation VERSES 67 & VERSE out of 56

3 CHAPTER 29 AL-ANKABOUT (69 VERSES) VERSES 1 69 ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم MERITS ابن بابويه: بإسناده عن أيب بصري عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»من قرأ سورة العنكبوت و الروم يف شهر رمضان ليلة ثالث و عشرين فهو- و اهلل يا أبا حممد- من أهل اجلنة ال أستثين فيه أبدا و ال أخاف أن يكتب علي يف مييين إمث و إن هلاتني السورتني عند اهلل مكانا«. Ibn Babuwayh, by his chain from Abu Baseer, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: The one who recites Surah Al-Ankabout (Chapter 29), and (Surah) Al-Roum (Chapter 30) during the twenty third night of the Month of Ramazan, he would be by Allah azwj, O Abu Muhammad from the inhabitants of the Paradise. Do not exclude (leave) it ever, and he should not fear that there would be written a sin on his right hand. And for these two Chapters, there is a status in the Presence of Allah azwj. 1 ومن )خواص القرآن( روي عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( أنه قال:»من قرأ هذه السورةكان له من األجر عشر حسنات بعدد املؤمنني و املؤمنات و املنافقني و املنافقات And from Khawas Al-Quran It has been reported from the Prophet saww having said: The one who recites this Chapter (Surah Al-Ankabout) would have for himself the Recompense of ten times the number of the Momineen (Believing men) and the Mominaat (Believing women), and the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women. و من كتبها و شرب ماءها زالت عنه مجيع األسقام و األمراض بإذن اهلل تعاىل«. And one who writes it and drinks its water, all illnesses and diseases would pass away from him, by the Permission of Allah azwj ثواب األعمال: 109 مجمع البيان : صدر الحديث في مجمع البيان : 3 out of 56

4 وقال الصادق )عليه السالم(:»من كتبها و شرهبا زال عنه محى الربع و الربد و األمل و مل يتت من وجع أبدا إال وجع املوت الذي ال بد منه و يكثر سروره ما عاش و شرب مائها يفرح القلب و يشرح الصدر و ماؤها يتسل به الوجه للحمرة و احلرارة و يزيل ذلك And Al-Sadiq asws said: One who writes it and drinks its water, there would be removed from him the reasons for the fever, and the cold, and the pains, and he would not be affected by the pains at all except for the pain of death, for that is inevitable, and he would frequently be in delight for the duration of his life. And drinking of its water rejoices the heart, and expands the chest, and the washing by its water removes the redness and the heat. و من قرأها على فراشه و إصبعه يف سرته يديره حوهلا فإنه ينام من أول الليل إىل آخره و مل ينتبه إال الصبح بإذن اهلل تعاىل«. And the one who recites upon his bed and (places) his finger in the navel and turns it around it, so he would sleep from the beginning of the night to its ends, and would not wake up until the morning, by the Permission of Allah azwj. 3 VERSE 1 Alif Lam Meem [29:1] امل }1{ وباسناده إىل أىب بصري عن أىب عبد اهلل عليه السالم قال: " امل " هو حرف من حروف اس اهلل االعظ املقطع يف القرآن الذى يؤلفه النيب صلى اهلل عليه وآله واالمام فإذا دعى به أجيب. And by its chain going up to Abu Baseer (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws : Alif Lam Meem [29:1] - is a letter (phrase) from the letters (phrases) of the Magnificent Name of Allah azwj, abbreviated in the Quran, which the Prophet saww and the Imam asws composed in the Quran. So if they asws supplicate by it, it is Answered. 4 وروى أبو إسحاق الثعليب يف تفسريه مسندا إىل على بن موسى الرضا عليه السالم قال سئل جعفر بن حممد الصادق عليه السالم عن قوله " امل " فقال يف االلف ست صفات من صفات اهلل عزوجل And it has been reported from Abu Is'haq Al Tha'aby in his commentary (It has been narrated) from Ali asws Bin Musa Al-Reza asws that a questioner asked Ja'far asws Ibn Muhammad Al-Sadiq asws about His azwj Words Alif Lam Meem [29:1]. 3 خواص القرآن: 5»قطعة منه» 4 Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn CH 2 H 5 4 out of 56

5 He asws said: 'In "Alif" are six Attributes from the Attributes of Allah azwj the Mighty and Majestic. " االبتداء " فان اهلل عزوجل ابتدأ مجيع اخللق وااللف ابتداء احلروف The "Beginning" Allah azwj Initiated the whole of the creation and "Alif" is the initial letter. و " االستواء " فهو عادل غري جائر وااللف مستوىف ذاته The "Straight" He azwj is Just and is not unfair, and "Alif" is straight in itself. و " النفراد " فاهلل فرد وااللف فرد The "Solitary" Allah azwj is Solitary and "Alif" is solitary. و " اتصال اخللق باهلل " واهلل ال يتصل باخللق وكله حيتاجون إليه واهلل غىن عنه وااللف كذلك ال يتصل باحلروف واحلروف متصله به وهو منقطع عن غريه The "Connection of the creation with Allah azwj and Allah azwj is not connected with the creation, and all of them are in need of Him azwj and He azwj is Independent of them. The "Alif" as well is not contacted by the other letters whereas it is contacted by the other letters, and is cut off from the others. واهلل تعاىل باين جبميع صفاته من خلقه ومعناه " من االلفة " فكما ان اهلل عزوجل سبب الفة اخللق فكذلك االلف عليه تألفت احلروف وهو سبب الفتها. The "Different" - Allah azwj is at variance by the entirety of His azwj Attributes from His azwj creatures, and its meaning is, from the affinity. So, just as Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is the Cause of the affinity of the creatures, similar to that is the Alif, upon it is the affinity of the letters, and it is the cause of the familiarity (joining of the letters). 5 VERSES 2-6 أ ح س ب الن اس أ ن ي ت ر ك وا أ ن ي ق ول وا آم ن ا و ه ال ي ف ت ن ون }2{ Do the people reckon that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and they will not be Tried? [29:2] 5 Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn Ch 2 H 9 5 out of 56

6 و ل ق د ف ت ن ا ال ذ ين م ن ق ب ل ه ف ل ي ع ل م ن الل ه ال ذ ين ص د ق وا و ل ي ع ل م ن ال ك اذ ب ني }3{ And We have Tested those from before them. So Allah will Make known those who are truthful and He will Make known the liars [29:3] أ م ح س ب ال ذ ين ي ع م ل ون الس ي ئ ات أ ن ي س ب ق ون ا س اء م ا حي ك م ون }4{ Or do those who are doing the evil deeds reckon that they can outrun Us? Evil is what they are judging [29:4] م ن ك ان ي ر ج و ل ق اء الل ه ف إ ن أ ج ل الل ه ل ت و ه و الس م يع ال ع ل ي }5{ One who was hopeful of meeting Allah, so the term of Allah shall come, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing [29:5] و م ن ج اه د ف إ ن ا ي اه د ل ن ف س ه إ ن الل ه ل ت ين ع ن ال ع ال م ني }6{ And one who strives, so he rather strives for himself. Surely, Allah is needless of the worlds [29:6] وعنه: عن عدة من أصحابنا عن أمحد بن حممد عن معمر بن خالد قال: مسعت أبا احلسن )عليه السالم( يقول: امل أ ح س ب الن اس أ ن ي ت ر ك وا أ ن ي ق ول وا آم ن ا و ه ال ي ف ت ن ون مث قال يل:»ما الفتنة «And from him, from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Moamar Bin Khalaad who said, I heard Abu Al-Hassan asws saying: Alif Lam Meem. [29:1] Do the people reckon that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and they will not be Tried? [29:2] Then he asws asked from me: What is the Trial (Fitna)? قلت: جعلت فداك الذي عندنا: الفتنة يف الدين. I replied, May I be sacrificed for you asws, that which is with us, are the Trials regarding the Religion. قال:»يفتنونكما يفنت الذهب مث خيلصونكما خيلص الذهب«. He asws said: They (Momineen) would be Tested like the gold gets tested, then they would be Purified like the purification of the gold الكافي /302 :1 6 out of 56

7 علي بن إبراهي قال: حدثين أيب عن حممد بن الفضيل عن أيب احلسن )عليه السالم( قال:»جاء العباس إىل أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( فقال: انطلق بنا يبايع لك الناس. فقال له أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(: أ تراه فاعلني قال: نع. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Muhammad Bin Al-Fazeyl, who says: Abu Al-Hassan asws has said: Al-Abbas came to Amir-Al-Momineen asws so he said, Come with us for the people to pledge their allegiances to you asws. So Amir-Al- Momineen asws said to him: Do you see them doing so? He said, Yes. قال: فأين قوله: امل أ ح س ب الن اس أ ن ي ت ر ك وا أ ن ي ق ول وا آم ن ا و ه ال ي ف ت ن ون و ل ق د ف ت ن ا ال ذ ي ن م ن ق ب ل ه أي اختربناه ف ل ي ع ل م ن الل ه ال ذ ين ص د ق وا و ل ي ع ل م ن ال كاذ ب ني أ م ح س ب ال ذ ين ي ع م ل ون الس ي ئات أ ن ي س ب ق ونا أي يفوتونا ساء ما حي ك م ون م ن كان ي ر ج وا ل قاء الل ه ف إ ن أ ج ل الل ه ل ت- So where would be His azwj Words: Alif Lam Meem [29:1] Do the people reckon that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and they will not be Tried? [29:2] And We have Tested those from before them. So Allah will Make known those who are truthful and He will Make known the liars [29:3] Or do those who are doing the evil deeds reckon that they can outrun Us? Evil is what they are judging [29:4] One who was hopeful of meeting Allah, so the term of Allah shall come [29:5]? قال- من أحب لقاء اهلل جاءه األجل و م ن جاه د نفسه عن اللذات و الشهوات و املعاصي ف إ ن ا ي اه د ل ن ف س ه إ ن الل ه ل ت ين ع ن ال عال م ني «. He asws said: One who loves to meet Allah azwj, the term will come to him, and one who strives himself from the pleasures and the lustful desires and the (acts of) disobedience, so he rather strives for himself. Surely Allah is needless of the worlds [29:6]. 7 حممد بن العباس قال: حدثنا أمحد بن حممد بن سعيد عن أمحد بن احلسني عن أبيه عن حصني بن خمارق عن عبيد اهلل بن احلسني عن أبيه عن جده عن احلسني بن علي عن أبيه )صلوات اهلل عليه أمجعني( قال:»ملا نزلت: امل أ ح س ب الن اس أ ن ي ت ر ك وا أ ن ي ق ول وا آم ن ا و ه ال ي ف ت ن ون قال: قلت: يا رسول اهلل ما هذه الفتنة Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed, from Ahmad Bin Al-Husayn, from his father, from Haseyn Bin Makhariq, from Ubeydullah Bin Al-Husayn, from his father, from his grandfather, From Al-Husayn asws Bin Ali asws, from his asws father asws who had said: When the Verse: Alif Lam Meem [29:1] Do the people reckon that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and they will not be Tried? [29:2], was Revealed, I asws said:?(الفتنة) O Rasool-Allah saww! What is this Trial قال: يا علي إنك مبتلى بك و إنك خماص فأعد للخصومة«. 7 تفسير القم ي 148 2: 7 out of 56

8 He saww said: O Ali asws! You asws would be afflicted by it, and you asws would be antagonised, so be prepared for the antagonism. 8 وعنه قال: حدثنا أمحد بن هوذة عن إبراهي بن إسحاق عن عبد اهلل بن محاد عن مساعة ابن مهران قال: كان رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ذات ليلة يف املسجد فلما كان قرب الصبح دخل أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( فناداه رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( فقال:»يا علي«قال:»لبيك«قال:»هل إيل«And from him, from Ahmad Bin Howzat, from Ibrahim Bin Is haq, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Sama at Ibn Mahran who said, One night Rasool-Allah saww was in the Masjid. When it was near to the morning, Amir-Al-Momineen asws entered, so Rasool-Allah saww called him asws over and said: O Ali asws! He asws said: At your saww service. He saww said: Come near me saww. فلما دنا منه قال:»يا علي بت الليلة حيث تراين و قد سألت ريب ألف حاجة فقضاها يل و سألت لك مثلها فقضاها يل و سألت ريب أن يمع لك اميت من بعدي فأىب علي ريب فقال: امل أ ح س ب الن اس أ ن ي ت ر ك وا أ ن ي ق ول وا آم ن ا و ه ال ي ف ت ن و ن«. So when he asws approached him saww, he asws said: O Ali asws! I saww spent the night where you asws see me saww and I saww asked my saww Lord azwj for a thousand needs, so He azwj Fulfilled these for me saww. And I saww asked Him azwj for you asws, the likes of these and He azwj Fulfilled these for me saww, and I saww asked my saww Lord azwj that my saww community should be gathered for you asws after me saww, so my saww Lord azwj Refused it to me saww and Said: Alif Lam Meem [29:1] Do the people reckon that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and they will not be Tried? [29:2]. 9 ابن شهر آشوب: عن أيب طالب اهلروي بإسناده عن علقمة و أيب أيوب: أنه ملا نزل: امل أ ح س ب الن اس ا ليات قال النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( لعمار:»إنه سيكون من بعدي هنات حىت خيتلف السيف فيما بينه و حىت يقتل بعضه بعضا و حىت يتربأ بعضه من بعض Ibn Shehr Ashub, from Abu Talib Al-Howry, by his chain from Alqama, and Abu Ayoub who said, When the Verse: Alif Lam Meem [29:1] Do the people reckon [29:2] the Verse, was Revealed, the Prophet saww said to Ammar: And discord would be happening after me saww to the extent that the swords would be drawn between them, and to the extent that some of them would kill the others, and to the extent that some of them would disavow from each other. الناس. فإذا رأيت ذلك فعليك هبذا األصلع عن مييين: علي بن أيب طالب فإن سلك الناس كله واديا فاسلك وادي علي و خل عن تأويل اآليات 2 427/ 1: و صدره في شواهد التنزيل / 1: تأويل اآليات 4 /428 :1 8 out of 56

9 So, when you were to see that, it would be upon you to be with this shaven headed one on my saww right Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. Even if all the people were to travel in a valley, so you travel in the valley of Ali asws and leave the people. يا عمار إن عليا ال يردك عن هدى و ال يردك يف ردى. يا عمار طاعة علي طاعيت و طاعيت طاعة اهلل«. O Ammar! Verily, Ali asws would never repulse you from the Guidance, and would not repulse you during death. O Ammar! Obedience to Ali asws is obedience to me saww, and obedience to me saww is obedience to Allah azwj. 10 الطربسي: عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(:»يفتنون: يبتلون يف أنفسه و أمواهل «. Al-Tabarsy From Abu Abdullah asws having said: The Trial They would be afflicted regarding their selves and their wealth. 11 و ر و ي أ ن أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ني ( صلوات اهلل عليه ) ق ال يف خ ط ب ة ل ه و ل و أ ر اد الل ه ج ل ث ن اؤ ه ب أ ن ب ي ائ ه ح ي ث ب ع ث ه أ ن ي ف ت ح هل ك ن و ز And it is reported that, ل ف ع ل الذ ه ب ان و م ع اد ن ال ع ق ي ان و م ت ار س اجل ن ان و أ ن حي ش ر ط ي ر الس م اء و و ح ش األ ر ض م ع ه Amir Al-Momineen asws said in a sermon of his asws : And had Allah azwj, Majestic is His azwj Praise, so Intended with His azwj Prophets as, when He azwj Sent them as, He azwj would have Opened for them treasures of gold, and mines of minerals, and plantations of Gardens, and flocks of birds of the sky and the animals of the land, along with them as, would have Done so. ل م ب م ح ل ت األ ن ب اء و ل م ا و ج ب ل ل ق ائ ل ني أ ج ور ا ت ل ني و ال حل ق ال م ؤ م ن ني ث و ا ب و ل و ف ع ل ل س ق ط ال ب ال ء و ب ط ل اجل ز اء و اض ال م ح س ن ني و ال ل ز م ت األ مس اء أ ه ال ي ه ا ع ل ى م ع ى ىن م ب ني And, had He azwj Done so, the Trials would have dropped and the Recompense would have been invalidated, and the News (Commandments) would have been eroded, and whatever was Obligated for the speakers would have been for the deniers, nor would there have been a right of the Believers the Rewards of the good deeds, nor would the names have been necessitated for its deserving ones upon the clear meaning. و ل ذ ل ك ل و أ ن ز ل الل ه م ن الس م اء آي ةى ف ظ ل ت أ ع ن اق ه هل ا خ اض ع ني و ل و ف ع ل ل س ق ط ال ب ل و ى ع ن الن اس أ مج ع ني و ل ك ن الل ه ج ل ث ن اؤ ه ج ع ل ر س ل ه أ ويل ق و ة يف ع ز ائ ن ي ا ت و ض ع ف ةى ف يم ا ت ر ى األ ع ني م ن ح اال ت م ن ق ن اع ة ت ل ال ق ل وب و ال ع ي ون غ ن اؤ ه و خ ص اص ة ت ل األ مس اع و األ ب ص ار أ ذ اؤ ه المناقب. 203 :3 مجمع البيان 427 8: 9 out of 56

10 And due to that, had Allah azwj Sent a Sign down from the sky, so it would have humbled their necks to it in submission, and had He azwj done so, the afflictions would have been dropped from the people altogether. But, Allah azwj, Majestic is His azwj Praise, Made His azwj Rasool saww of higher strength in their as determinations of their as intentions, and weak in what the eyes could see from their as state, from the contentment filling the hearts and the eyes, its self-sufficiency, and self-denial filling the parts of the hearing and the vision. و ل و ك ان ت األ ن ب ي اء أ ه ل ق و ة ال ت ر ام و ع ز ة ال ت ض ام و م ل ك مي د ن و ه أ ع ن اق الر ج ال و ي ش د إ ل ي ه ع ق د الر ح ال ل ك ان أ ه و ن ع ل ى اخل ل ق يف اال خ ت ب ار و أ ب ع د هل يف اال س ت ك ب ار و ل م ن وا ع ن ر ه ب ة ق اه ر ة هل أ و ر غ ب ة م ائ ل ة هب ف ك ان ت الن ي ات م ش ت ر ك ةى و احل س ن ا ت م ق ت س م ةى And had the Prophets as been the people of strength not seen (among the people), and might not merged, and a kingdom to which the necks of the men could extend to, and the belts of the men tightened to achieve, it would have been easier upon the creatures with regards to the choice and the remoteness of their regarding the arrogance, and to believe out of awe compelling for them, or desires to incline with. Thus, the intentions would be associated, and the good deeds divided. و ل ك ن الل ه أ ر اد أ ن ي ك ون اال ت ب اع ل ر س ل ه و الت ص د يق ب ك ت ب ه و اخل ش وع ل و ج ه ه و اال ست ك ان ة أل م ر ه و اال س ت س ال م ل ط اع ت ه أ م وراى ل ه خ اص ةى ال ت ش وب ه ا م ن غ ري ه ا ش ائ ب ة But, Allah azwj Intended that there should happen to be a following for His azwj Rasools as, and the ratifications for His azwj Books, and the humbleness to His azwj Religion, and the submissiveness to His azwj Commands, and the acceptance to His azwj obedience, the Commands being for Him azwj in particular, not being confused from others with impurity. و ك ل م ا ك ان ت ال ب ل و ى و اال خ ت ب ار أ ع ظ ك ان ت ال م ث وب ة و اجل ز اء أ ج ز ل أ ال ت ر و ن أ ن الل ه ج ل ث ن اؤ ه اخ ت ب ر األ و ل ني م ن ل د ن آد م إ ىل ال ت ن ف ع و ال ت ب ص ر و ال ت س م ع ف ج ع ل ه ا ب ي ت ه احل ر ام خ ر ين م ن ه ذ ا ال ع امل ب أ ح ج ار ال ت ض ر و ال ذ ي ج ع ل ه ل لن اس ق ي اماى ا ل And every time the Trial and Test is greater, its Rewards and Recompense is more. Have you not observed that Allah azwj, Majestic is His azwj Praise, has Tested the former ones, since Adam as to the last of them from this world, with the stones which can neither harm nor benefit, nor can they see nor hear, so He azwj made it to be His azwj Sacred House (Kaaba) which has been Made for the people to stand (in Salat). مث و ض ع ه ب أ و ع ر ب ق اع األ ر ض ح ج راى و أ ق ل ن ت ائ ق الد ن ي ا م د راى و أ ض ي ق ب ط ون األ و د ي ة م ع اشاى و أ غ ل ظ حم ال ال م س ل م ني م ي اهاى ب ني ج ب ال خ ش ن ة و ر م ال د م ث ة و ع ي ون و ش ل ة و ق ى رى م نق ط ع ة و أ ث ر م ن م و اض ع ق ط ر الس م اء د اث ر ل ي س ي ز ك و ب ه خ ف و ال ظ لف و ال Then He azwj Placed it (Kaaba) at the rocky barren spot of the earth, and the least in generating vegetation, and the narrowest of valleys in livelihoods, and the harshest of the places of the Muslims for the water, between rough mountains, and soft ح اف ر 10 out of 56

11 sands, and springs of trickling flows, and cut-off towns, and hardly any traces of the drops from the sky which neither can the shoes be cleaned with nor hooves. مث أ م ر آد م و و ل د ه أ ن ي ث ن وا أ ع ط اف ه ن و ه ف ص ار م ث اب ةى ل م ن ت ج ع أ س ف ار ه و غ اي ةى ل م ل ق ى ر ح اهل ت ه و ي إ ل ي ه ار األ ف ئ د ة م ن م ف او ز ق ف ار م ت ص ل ة و ج ز ائ ر ب ار م ن ق ط ع ة و م ه او ي ف ج اج ع م يق ة ح ىت ي ه ز وا م ن اك ب ه ذ ل ىال ي ه ل ل ون ل ل ه ح و ل ه و ي ر م ل ون ع ل ى أ ق د ا م ه ش ع ثاى غ رب اى ل ه ق د ن ب ذ وا ال ق ن ع و الس ر اب يل و ر اء ظ ه ور ه و ح س ر وا ب الش ع ور ح ل قاى ع ن ر ء وس ه Then He azwj Commanded Adam as and his as children that they Praise Him azwj around it. So it became a resort for their journeys, and a destination for resting their rides. The fruits of their hearts incline towards it from the vast expansive lands, and the islands of the oceans cut-off, and the valleys of the deep glens, until they stoop their shoulders in humbleness, extolling to Allah azwj around it, and walking upon their feet s, tired, dusty, for Him azwj, having cast their head-coverings and their regular trousers behind their backs, and fatigues, with the hair shaven off from their heads. اب ت ال ء ى ع ظ يماى و اخ ت ب اراى ك ب رياى و ام ت ح اناى ش د يداى و ت ح يصاى ب ل يتاى و ق ن وتاى م ب يناى ج ع ل ه الل ه س ب باى ل ر مح ت ه و و ص ل ةى و و س يل ةى إ ىل ج ن ت ه و ع ل ةى ل م ت ف ر ت ه و اب ت ال ء ى ل ل خ ل ق ب ر مح ت ه A grievous tribulation, and a great trial, and a difficult examination, a critical scrutiny, and clear devoutness. Allah azwj Made it a cause for His azwj Mercy, and a link and a means to His azwj Paradise, and a reason for His azwj Forgiveness, and a trial for His azwj creatures by His azwj Mercy. و ل و ك ان الل ه ت ب ار ك و ت ع اىل و ض ع ب ي ت ه احل ر ام و م ش اع ر ه ال ع ظ ام ب ني ج ن ات و أ ن ه ار و س ه ل و ق ر ار ج األ ش ج ار د اين الث م ا ر م ل ت ف الن ب ات م ت ص ل ال ق ر ى م ن ب ر ة مس ر اء و ر و ض ة خ ض ر اء و أ ر ي اف حم د ق ة و ع ر اص م ت د ق ة و ز ر وع ن اض ر ة و ط ر ق ع ام ر ة و ح د ائ ق ك ث ري ة ل ك ان ق د ص ت ر اجل ز اء ع ل ى ح س ب ض ع ف ال ب ال ء And had Allah azwj Blessed and Exalted Placed His azwj Sacred House, and Magnificent Signs between gardens and rivers, and ease and tranquillity, thickness of the trees, laden with fruits, clad with vegetation, connected towns, brown fields, green meadows, rural houses with attractive courtyards, and scenic plantations, and wellbuilt roads, and plentiful gardens, would have reduced the Recompense upon the accounting of the weakness of the Trial. مث ل و ك ان ت األ س اس ال م ح م ول ع ل ي ه ا و األ ح ج ار ال م ر ف وع هب ا ب ني ز م ر د ة خ ض ر اء و ي اق وت ة مح ر اء و ن ور و ض ي اء خل ف ف ذ ل ك م ص ار ع ة الش ك يف الص د ور و ل و ض ع م اه د ة إ ب ل يس ع ن الق ل وب و ل ن ف ى م ع ت ل ج الر ي ب م ن الن ا س Then, had the foundation been carried upon, and the stones raised by, between the green emeralds, and the red rubies, and light, and illuminations, that would have softened the wrestling against the doubts in the chests, and would have weakened the striving against Iblees la from the hearts, and would have negated the weakening of the insecurities from the people. 11 out of 56

12 و ل ك ن الل ه ع ز و ج ل خي ت رب ع ب يد ه ب أ ن و اع الش د ائ د و ي ت ع ب د ه ب أ ل و ان ال م ج اه د و ي ب ت ل يه ب ض ر وب ال م ك ار ه إ خ ر اجاى ل لت ك رب م ن و إ س ك اناى ل لت ذ ل ل يف أ ن ف س ه But, Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Tests His azwj servants with a variety of difficulties, and they worship Him azwj with a variety of struggles, and He azwj Tries them with strikes of the difficulties to extract the arrogance from their hearts, and settle the tremors in their own selves. و ل ي ج ع ل ذ ل ك أ ب و اباى ف ت حاى إ ىل ف ض ل ه و أ س ب اباى ذ ل ىال ل ع ف و ه و ف ت ن ت ه ك م ا ق ال امل. أ ح س ب الن اس أ ن ي ت ر ك وا أ ن ي ق ول وا آم ن ا و ه ال ي ف ت ن ون. و ل ق د ف ت ن ا ال ذ ين م ن ق ب ل ه ف ل ي ع ل م ن الل ه ال ذ ين ص د ق وا و ل ي ع ل م ن ال كاذ ب ني. And, He azwj Made that as gateways opened to His azwj Mercy, and causes for ease to His azwj Forgiveness and His azwj Trial, just as He azwj Said: Alif Lam Meem [29:1] Do the people reckon that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and they will not be Tried? [29:2] And We have Tested those from before them. So Allah will Make known those who are truthful and He will Make known the liars [29:3]. 12 و يف التوحيد عن أمري املؤمنني عليه السالم: يعين منكان يؤمن بأن ه مبعوث ف إ ن وعد الل ه ل ت من الثواب و العقاب And in (the book) Al Tawheed From Amir Al Momineen asws (having said re: One who was hopeful of meeting Allah, so the term of Allah shall come, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing [29:5]): It means, one who believed that he would be Resurrected, so the Promise of Allah azwj will Come, from the Reward and the Punishment. بعقائده و أعماهل. قال فالل قاء هاهنا ليس بالر ؤية و الل قاء هو البعث و ه و الس مي ع القوال العباد ال ع ل ي He asws said: So the meeting (with Allah azwj ) over here, isn t with the sighting, and the meeting (with Allah azwj ), it is the Resurrection, and He is the Hearing of the speech of the servant, the Knowing [29:5] with their beliefs and their deeds. 13 VERSE 7 و ال ذ ين آم ن وا و ع م ل وا الص احل ات ل ن ك ف ر ن ع ن ه س ي ئ ا ت و ل ن ج ز ي ن ه أ ح س ن ال ذ ي ك ان وا ي ع م ل ون }7{ 12 Al Kafi V 4 The Book of Hajj Ch 6 H 2 13 تفسير الصافي ج 4 ص: out of 56

13 And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We will Remove their evil deeds from them and Recompense them for the best of what they had been doing [29:7] عنه عن أبيه وحممد بن عيسى عن صفوان بن حيىي عن اسحاق بن عمار عن عباد بن زياد قال: قال يل أبو عبد اهلل عليه السالم: يا عباد ما على ملة ابراهي أحد غريك وما يقبل اهلل اال منك وال يتفر الذنوب اال لك. From him, from his father, and Muhammad Bin Isa, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Is haq Bin Amaar, from Abaad Bin Ziyad who said, Abu Abdullah asws said to me: O Abaad! There is none upon the Religion of Ibrahim as apart from you (Shiah), and Allah azwj will not Accept (from anyone) except from you all, nor Forgive the sins (for anyone) except for you all. 14 VERSES 8 & 9 و و ص ي ن ا ا ل ن س ان ب و ال د ي ه ح س نىا و إ ن ج اه د اك ل ت ش ر ك يب م ا ل ي س ل ك ب ه ع ل ف ال ت ط ع ه م ا إ يل م ر ج ع ك ف أ ن ب ئ ك ب ا ك ن ت ت ع م ل ون }8{ And We Enjoined the human being kindness with his parents. And if they contend with you for you to associate with Me but (regarding) that you do not have knowledge with you, then do not obey them. To Me is your return, and I will Inform you with what you had been doing [29:8] و ال ذ ين آم ن وا و ع م ل وا الص احل ات ل ن د خ ل ن ه يف الص احل ني }9{ And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We will Admit them to be among the righteous ones [29:9] ]في أن الوالدين محمد ص و علي ع:[ Re: The parents are Muhammad saww and Ali asws ق ال ر س ول الل ه ص أ ف ض ل و ال د ي ك و أ ح ق ه م ا ل ش ك ر ك حم م د و ع ل ي. (Imam Hassan Al Askari asws said): Rasool-Allah saww said: The most superior of your parents and the most deserving of your thanking them are Muhammad saww and Ali asws. 14 Al Mahaasin V 1 Bk 4 H out of 56

14 و ق ال ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ع: مس ع ت ر س ول الل ه ص ي ق ول أ ن ا و ع ل ي أ ب و ا ه ذ ه األ م ة و حل ق ن ا ع ل ي ه أ ع ظ م ن ح ق أ ب و ي و ال د ت ف إ ن ا ن ن ق ذ ه - إ ن أ ط اع ون ا- م ن الن ار إ ىل د ار ال ق ر ار و ن ل ح ق ه م ن ال ع ب ود ي ة ب ي ار األ ح ر ار. And Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws said: I asws heard Rasool-Allah saww saying: I saww and Ali asws are two fathers of this community, and our asws rights upon them are greater than the rights of their biological fathers, for we asws are retrieving them if they obey us asws from the Fire to the House of tranquillity, and we asws will save them from the slavery, with the good free ones. و ق ال ت ف اط م ة ع أ ب و ا ه ذ ه األ م ة حم م د و ع ل ي ي ق يم ان أ و د ه الد ائ إ ن و اف ق و ه ا. و ي ن ق ذ ا ن م ن ال ع ذ اب الد ائ إ ن أ ط اع و ه ا و ي ب يح ا ن الن ع ي And (Syeda) Fatima asws said: Two fathers of this community are Muhammad saww and Ali asws. They asws would both straighten their (Muslims ) crookedness and would be saving them (Muslims) from the perpetual Punishment if they were to obey them asws, and they asws would be taking them to the perpetual bliss if they act in accordance to them asws. و ق ال احل س ن ب ن ع ل ي ع حم م د و ع ل ي أ ب و ا ه ذ ه األ م ة ف ط وىب ل م ن ك ان ب ق ه م ا ع ار فاى و هل م ا يف ك ل أ ح و ال ه م ط يعاى ي ع ل ه الل ه م ن أ ف ض ل س ك ان ج ن ان ه و ي س ع د ه ب ك ر ام ات ه و ر ض و ان ه. And Al-Hassan asws Bin Ali asws said: Muhammad saww and Ali asws are two fathers of this community. Therefore, beatitude is for the one who was recognising their asws rights, and was obedient to them asws in every state. Allah azwj would Make him to be from the most superior of the settlers of His azwj Gardens, and please him with His azwj Prestige and His azwj Pleasure. و ق ال احل س ني ب ن ع ل ي ع م ن ع ر ف ح ق أ ب و ي ه األ ف ض ل ني : حم م د و ع ل ي ع و أ ط اع ه م ا ح ق الط اع ة ق يل ل ه : ت ب ح ب ح يف أ ي اجل ن ا ن ش ئ ت. And Al-Husayn asws Bin Ali asws said: The one who recognises the right of the two superior fathers Muhammad saww and Ali asws, and obeys them asws as is the right of the obedience, it would be said to him, Live comfortably in whichever of the Gardens you so desire to. و ق ال ع ل ي ب ن احل س ني ع األ م ة - أ ج ل و أ ع ظ ف ه م ا ب أ ن ي ك ون ا أ ب و ي ه أ ح ق. ا- ل ح س ا ن م ا إ ل ي ه ف إ ح س ان حم م د و ع ل ي ع إ ىل ه ذ ه إ ن ك ان األ ب و ان إ ن ا ع ظ ح ق ه م ا ع ل ى أ و ال د ه And Ali asws Bin Al-Husayn asws said If it was so that the two fathers rather were of greater rights upon their children due to their favours, so the favours of Muhammad saww and Ali asws to this community is more plentiful and greater. Thus, they asws have become their fathers truly. و ق ال حم م د ب ن ع ل ي ال ب اق ر ع م ن أ ر اد أ ن ي ع ر فك ي ف ق د ر ه ع ن د الل ه ف ل ي ن ظ ر ك ي ف ق د ر أ ب و ي ه األ ف ض ل ع ن د ه حم م د و ع ل ي ع. 14 out of 56

15 And Muhammad asws Bin Ali Al-Baqir asws said: The one who intends that he recognises how much is his worth in the Presence of Allah azwj, so let him look how much he considers the worth of his two superior fathers with himself, Muhammad saww and Ali asws. و ق ال ج ع ف ر ب ن حم م د ع م ن ر ع ى ح ق أ ب و ي ه األ ف ض ل ني : حم م د و ع ل ي ع مل ي ض ر ه م ا أ ض اع م ن ح ق أ ب و ي ن ف س ه و س ائ ر ع ب ا د الل ه ف إ ن ه م ا ص ي ر ض ي ا ن ب س ع ي ه م ا. And Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws said: The one who takes care of the rights of his two superior fathers, Muhammad saww and Ali asws, it would not harm him whatever he wasted from the rights of his own father and the (rights of) the rest of the servants of Allah azwj, for they asws both would be pleasing them by their asws efforts. ث و اب الص ال ة - ع ل ى ق د ر ت ع ظ ي ال م ص ل ي أ ب و ي ه األ ف ض ل ني : حم م د و ع ل ي ع. و ق ال م وس ى ب ن ج ع ف ر ع ل ع ظ And Musa asws Bin Ja far asws said: The greatness of the Rewards of the Salat is upon a measurement of the reverence of the praying one to the two superior fathers, Muhammad saww and Ali asws. و ق ال ع ل ي ب ن م وس ى الر ض ا ع أ م ا ي ك ر ه أ ح د ك أ ن ي ن ف ى ع ن أ ب يه و أ م ه الل ذ ي ن و ل د اه ق ال وا: ب ل ى و الل ه. ق ال : ف ل ي ج ت ه د أ ن ال ي ن ف ى ع ن أ ب يه و أ م ه الل ذ ي ن ه ا أ ب و اه أ ف ض ل م ن أ ب و ي ن ف س ه. And Ali asws Bin Musa Al-Reza asws said: Don t you dislike to be separated from his father and his mother, those that gave him birth? They said, Yes. He asws said: So let him strive that he should not be separated from his father and his mother, those who are his superior fathers (Muhammad saww and Ali asws ) than his own father. ع ن ه. و ق ال حم م د ب ن ع ل ي ]ب ن م وس ى[ ع ح ني ق ال ر ج ل ب ض ر ت ه : إ ين أل ح ب حم م داى و ع ل ي اى ح ىت ل و ق ط ع ت إ ر باى إ ر باى أ و ق ر ضت مل أ ز ل And Muhammad asws Bin Ali asws Bin Musa asws said when a man said in his asws presence, I love Muhammad saww and Ali asws to the extent that if I were to be cut into pieces and pieces, or sawed, I would not cease from it. ق ال حم م د ب ن ع ل ي ع: ال ج ر م أ ن حم م داى و ع ل ي اى ي ع ط ي ان ك م ن أ ن فس ه م ا- م ا ت ع ط يه م ا ]أ ن ت [ م ن ن ف س ك إ ن ه م ا ل ي س ت د ع ي ان ل ك يف ي و م ف ص ل ال ق ض اء - م ا ال ي ف ي م ا ب ذ ل ت ه هل م ا- جب ز ء م ن م ائ ة أ ل ف أ ل ف ج ز ء م ن ذ ل ك. Muhammad asws Bin Ali asws said: There is no doubt that Muhammad saww and Ali asws would give you what you give to them asws from yourself. They asws would be calling for you, during the Day of the Decisive Judgment what your efforts did not equate to by one part from one million parts from that. و ق ال ع ل ي ب ن حم م د ع م ن مل ي ك ن و ال د ا د ين ه حم م د و ع ل ي ع أ ك ر م ع ل ي ه- م ن و ال د ي ن س ب ه ف ل ي س م ن الل ه يف ح ل و ال ح ر ام و ال ك ث ري و ال ق ل يل. 15 out of 56

16 And Ali asws Bin Muhammad asws said: The one who does not happen to be more honouring to the two fathers of his Religion, Muhammad saww and Ali asws, than his own parents, so he isn t from Allah azwj in a Permissible, nor a Prohibited, nor more, nor little. أل وث ر ن ك ك م ا ر ط اع ة أ ب و ي د ين ه : حم م د و ع ل ي ع ع ل ى ط اع ة أ ب و ي ن س ب ه ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل ل ه : و ق ال احل س ن ب ن ع ل ي ع م ن آث آث ر ت ين و أل ش ر ف ن ك ب ض ر ة أ ب و ي د ين ك ك م ا ش ر ف ت ن ف س ك ب إ يث ار ح ب ه م ا- ع ل ى ح ب أ ب و ي ن س ب ك. And Al-Hassan asws Bin Ali asws said: The one who prefers the obedience to the two fathers asws of his Religion Muhammad saww and Ali asws, over the obedience of the father linked to him (biologically), Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says to him: I azwj shall Prefer you just as you preferred Me azwj and I azwj shall Ennoble you by the presence of the two fathers asws of your Religion, just as you ennobled yourself by preferring their asws love over the love of the father linked to you. 15 VERSES و م ن الن اس م ن ي ق ول آم ن ا ب الل ه ف إ ذ ا أ وذ ي يف الل ه ج ع ل ف ت ن ة الن اس ك ع ذ اب الل ه و ل ئ ن ج اء ن ص ر م ن ر ب ك ل ي ق ول ن إ ن ا ك ن ا م ع ك أ و ل ي س الل ه ب أ ع ل ب ا يف ص د ور ال ع ال م ني }10{ And from the people there is one who says, We believe in Allah! But when he is harmed in (the Way of) Allah, he regards the trial of the people as being a Punishment of Allah. And if Help from your Lord comes, they would be saying, Surely we were with you. Or, isn t Allah more Knowing of what is in the chests (conscience) of the (people of the) worlds? [29:10] و ل ي ع ل م ن الل ه ال ذ ين آم ن وا و ل ي ع ل م ن ال م ن اف ق ني }11{ And Allah will Make known those who believe and He will (also) Make known the hypocrites [29:11] و ق ال ال ذ ين ك ف ر وا ل ل ذ ين آم ن وا ات ب ع وا س ب يل ن ا و ل ن ح م ل خ ط اي اه م ن ش يء إ ن ه ل ك اذ ب ون }12{ خ ط اي اك و م ا ه ب ام ل ني م ن And those who commit Kufr say to those who believe, Follow our way and we will bear your sins. And they will not bear anything from their sins. They are lying! [29:12] 15 Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askari asws S 189 to S out of 56

17 و ل ي ح م ل ن أ ث ق اهل و أ ث ق اىال م ع أ ث ق اهل و ل ي س أ ل ن ي و م ال ق ي ام ة ع م ا ك ان وا ي ف ت ر ون }13{ And they will bear their own burdens, and (other) burdens along with their own burdens, and they would be Questioned on the Day of Judgment about what they were fabricating [29:13] ابن بابويه قال: حدثنا أيب قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد اهلل عن حممد بن أمحد عن أمحد بن حممد السياري قال: حدثنا حممد بن عبد اهلل بن مهران الكويف قال: حدثين حنان بن سدير عن أبيه عن أيب إسحاق الليثي عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(- يف حديث طويل- حمبيك فرتد على مبتضيك! قال: قلت: يا ابن رسول اهلل ما أعجب هذا تؤخذ حسنات أعدائك فرتد على شيعتك و تؤخذ سيئات Ibn Babuwayh said, My father narrated to me, from Sa ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Sayyari, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Mahran Al-Kufy, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father, from Abu Is haq AlLaysi, From Abu Ja far asws in a lengthy Hadeeth he (the narrator) said: I said, O son asws of Rasool-Allah saww! What strangeness is this? You asws (would be) taking the Rewards of your asws enemies and returning them to be for your asws Shias, and you asws (would be) taking the sins of those that love you asws and returning them to be upon those that hate you asws? قال:»إي و اهلل الذي ال إله إال هو فالق احلبة و بارئ النسمة و فاطر األرض و السماء ما أخربتك إال باحلق و ما أنبأتك إال بالصدق و ما ظلمه اهلل و ما اهلل بظالم للعبيد و إن ما أخربتك ملوجود يف القرآن كله«. He asws said: Yes, by Allah azwj, the One Who, there is no god except Him azwj! He azwj is the Splitter of the seed, and Fashioned the humans, and Originated the earth and the sky, I asws have not informed you except for the truth, and I asws have not given you the news except with the truthfulness. And Allah azwj is not unjust to them, and Allah azwj is not the least unjust to the servants. I asws am not informing you except what is to be found in the Quran, all of it! قلت: هذا بعينه يوجد يف القرآن قال:»نع يوجد يف أكثر من ثالثني موضعا يف القرآن أ حتب أن أقرأ ذلك عليك«قلت: بلى يا ابن رسول اهلل. I said, This is to be found in the Quran? He asws said: Yes, it is found in more than thirty places in the Quran. Would you like me asws to recite that to you? I said, Yes, O son asws of Rasool-Allah saww. فقال:»قال اهلل عز و جل: و قال ال ذ ين ك ف ر وا ل ل ذ ين آم ن وا ات ب ع وا س ب يل نا و ل ن ح م ل خ طاياك و ما ه ب ام ل ني م ن خ طاياه م ن ش ي ء إ ن ه ل كاذ ب ون و ل ي ح م ل ن أ ث قاهل و أ ث قاىال م ع أ ث قاهل «. So he asws said: Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: And those who commit Kufr say to those who believe, Follow our way and we will bear your sins. And they will not bear anything from their sins. They are lying! [29:12] And they 17 out of 56

18 bear their own burdens, and (other) burdens along with their own burdens [29:13]. 16 و عنه قال: حدثنا أمحد بن زياد بن جعفر اهلمداين قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهي بن هاش عن أبيه عن عبد السالم بن صاحل اهلروي قال: قلت أليب احلسن الرضا )عليه السالم(: ما تقول يف حديث يروى عن الصادق )عليه السالم( أنه إذا خرج القائ )عليه السالم( قتل ذراري قتلة احلسني )عليه السالم( بفعال آبائه فقال )عليه السالم(:»هوكذلك«. And from him, from Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja far Al-hamdany, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Abdul Salam Bin Salih Al-Harwy who said, I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza asws, What would you asws say regarding a Hadeeth which is being reported from Al-Sadiq asws that, when Al-Qaim asws rises, he asws would kill the descendants of the killers of Al-Husayn asws, for the actions of their forefathers? He asws said: It is like that. فقلت: و قول اهلل عز و جل: و ال ت ز ر واز ر ة و ز ر أ خ رى ما معناه So I said, And the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: A bearer of a burden will not bear the burden of another [53:38], what is it s meaning? قال:»صدق اهلل تعاىل يف مجيع أقواله و لكن ذراري قتلة احلسني )عليه السالم( يرضون بفعال آبائه و يفتخرون هبا و من رضي شيئا كان كمن أتاه و لو أن رجال قتل باملشرق فرضي بقتله رجل يف املترب لكان الراضي عند اهلل عز و جل شريك القاتل و إ نا يقتله القائ )عليه السالم( إذا خرج لرضاه بفعل آبائه «. He asws said: Allah azwj is True in all of His azwj Statements. The descendants of the killers of Al-Husayn asws would be pleased with the actions of their forefathers. And the one who is happy with a matter is like the one who has done it, even if a man was killed in the East and a man in the West was pleased with him being killed, since the one who is pleased with it, in the Presence of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, is an associate of the killer. But rather, Al-Qaim asws would kill them when he asws rises, due to them being pleased with the actions of their forefathers. قال: فقلت له: بأي شيء يبدأ القائ )عليه السالم( منك قال:»يبدأ ببين شيبة و يقطع أيديه أل ن سراق بيت اهلل عز و جل«. I asked him asws, With what thing will Al-Qaim asws from you, begin with? He asws said: He asws will begin with the clan of Shayba, and he asws will cut off their hands, because they are thieves in the House of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic علل الشرائع:. 81 /606 عيون أخبار الر ضا )عليه الس الم( 5 273/ 1: علل الشرائع: 1 229/ ينابيع المودة: out of 56

19 VERSES 14 & 15 و ل ق د أ ر س ل ن ا ن و ى حا إ ىل ق و م ه ف ل ب ث ف يه أ ل ف س ن ة إ ال خ س ني ع ا ى ما ف أ خ ذ ه الط وف ان و ه ظ ال م ون }14{ And We had Sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them for a thousand years less fifty years, and the flood seized them while they were unjust [29:14] ف أ ن ي ن اه و أ ص ح اب الس ف ين ة و ج ع ل ن اه ا آي ةى ل ل ع ال م ني }15{ So We Rescued him and the companions of the ship, and Made it to be a Sign to the worlds [29:15] ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ مح د ب ن حم م د ع ن ع ل ي ب ن احل ك ع ن ب ع ض أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( ق ال ع ا ش ن وح )عليه السالم( أ ل ف ي س ن ة و ث ال ائ ة س ن ة م ن ه ا ا ن ائ ة و خ س ني س ن ةى ق ب ل أ ن ي ب ع ث و أ لف س ن ة إ ال خ س ني ع اماى و ه و يف ق و م ه ي د ع وه و خ س م ائ ة ع ام ب ع د م ا ن ز ل م ن الس ف ين ة و ن ض ب ال م اء ف م ص ر األ م ص ار و أ س ك ن و ل د ه ال ب ل د ا ن A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al-Hakam, from one of our companions, who has narrated the following: Abu Abdullah asws has said: The life span of Noah as was of two thousand and three hundred years, of which eight hundred and fifty were spent before he as was Sent (as a Prophet as ), and a thousand years less fifty years (950) was whilst he as was among his as people calling them, and five hundred years were after he as had disembarked from the ship, and the water subsided, so he as built the cities and settled his as children in them. مث إ ن م ل ك ال م و ت ج اء ه و ه و يف الش م س ف ق ال الس ال م ع ل ي ك ف ر د ع ل ي ه ن وح ( عليه السالم ) ق ال م ا ج اء ب ك ي ا م ل ك ال م و ت ق ال ج ئ ت ك أل ق ب ض ر وح ك ق ال د ع ين أ د خ ل م ن الش م س إ ىل الظ ل ف ق ال ل ه ن ع Then the Angel of death came whilst he as was in the open sun and said: Greetings be to you as! So Noah as returned (the greeting) and said: What made you to come, O Angel of Death? He said: I came to you as to capture your as soul. He as said: Leave me while I asws come out from the open sun and enter into the shade. He said to him as ; Yes. ف ت ح و ل مث ق ال ي ا م ل ك ال م و ت ك ل م ا م ر يب م ن الد ن ي ا م ث ل حت و يل ي م ن الش م س إ ىل الظ ل ف ام ض ل م ا أ م ر ت ب ه ف ق ب ض ر وح ه )عليه السالم(. So he as transferred himself as, then said: O Angel of Death! All of what has passed by me as from the (life of the) world is like my as transfer from the open sun into the 19 out of 56

20 shade, therefore fulfil the task you have been Commanded to. So he captured his as soul. 18 حم م د ب ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ن حم م د ب ن احل س ني ع ن حم م د ب ن س ن ان ع ن إ مس اع يل ب ن ج اب ر و ع ب د ال ك ر م ب ن ع م ر و و ع ب د احل م يد ب ن أ يب الد ي ل ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( ق ال ع اش ن وح )عليه السالم( ب ع د الط وف ان خ س م ائ ة س ن ة مث أ ت اه ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ف ق ال ي ا ن وح إ ن ه ق د ان ق ض ت ن ب و ت ك و اس ت ك م ل ت أ ي ام ك ف ان ظ ر إ ىل اال س األ ك رب و م ري اث ال ع ل و آث ار ع ل الن ب و ة ال يت م ع ك ف اد ف ع ه ا إ ىل اب ن ك س ام ف إ ين ال أ ت ر ك األ ر ض إ ال و ف يه ا ع امل ت ع ر ف ب ه ط اع يت و ي ع ر ف ب ه ه د ا ي Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir, and Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, and Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al-Daylam, who has narrated the following: Abu Abdullah asws having said: Noah as lived for five hundred years after the storm. Then Jibraeel as came to him as, so he as said: O Noah as! Your as Prophet-hood has expired, and your as days are complete, so look to the Greatest Name (Al-Ism Al- Akbar), and inheritance of the Knowledge, and Ahadeeth of the Knowledge of the Prophet-hood which is with you as and hand these over to your as son Saam as, for I azwj do not Leave the earth except that there is in it a Knowledgeable one by whom obedience to Me azwj can be recognised, and My azwj Guidance can be understood. و ي ك ون ن اةى ف يم ا ب ني م ق ب ض الن يب و م ب ع ث الن يب ا ل خ ر و مل أ ك ن أ ت ر ك الن اس ب ت ري ح ج ة يل و د اع إ يل و ه اد إ ىل س ب يل ي و ع ار ف ب أ م ر ي ف إ ين ق د ق ض ي ت أ ن أ ج ع ل ل ك ل ق و م ه اد ياى أ ه د ي ب ه الس ع د اء و ي ك ون ح ج ةى يل ع ل ى األ ش ق ي ا ء And salvation can be in what is in between the passing away of a Prophet as and Sending of another Prophet as and I azwj never Leave the people without a Divine Authority from Me azwj calling towards Me azwj, and guides to My azwj Way, and understand My azwj Commands, for I azwj have Ordained that I azwj shall Make for every people a guide who will guide the fortunate ones and will be the Argument from Me azwj against the wretched ones. ق ال ف د ف ع ن وح )عليه السالم( اال س األ ك ب ر و م ري اث ال ع ل و آث ار ع ل الن ب و ة إ ىل س ام و أ م ا ح ام و ي اف ث ف ل ي ك ن ع ن د ه ا ع ل ي ن ت ف ع ان ب ه ق ال و ب ش ر ه ن وح )عليه السالم( هب ود )عليه السالم( و أ م ر ه ب ات ب اع ه و أ م ر ه ف يه ا و ي ك ون ع يداى هل. أ ن ي ف ت ح وا ال و ص ي ة يف ك ل ع ام و ي ن ظ ر وا He asws said: So Noah as handed over the Great Name, and inheritance of the Knowledge, and effects of the Knowledge of the Prophet-hood to Saam as. And as for Haam, and Yaafas, so there was no knowledge in their possession that could be benefited from. And Noah as gave them the good news of Hud as and commanded them to be obedient to him as, and commanded them that they will open the will during every year, and look into it, and make it to be a day of festivities for themselves الكافي 429 /284 :8 الكافي. 430 /285 :8 20 out of 56

21 VERSES و إ ب ر اه ي إ ذ ق ال ل ق و م ه اع ب د وا الل ه و ات ق وه ذ ل ك خ ي ر ل ك إ ن ك ن ت ت ع ل م ون }16{ And Ibrahim, when he said to his people: Worship Allah and fear Him, that would be better for you, if you knew [29:16] إ ن ا ت عب د ون م ن د ون الل ه أ و ث انىا و ت ل ق ون إ ف ىكا إ ن ال ذ ين ت ع ب د ون م ن د ون الل ه ال مي ل ك ون ل ك ر ز قىا ف اب ت ت وا ع ن د الل ه الر ز ق و اع ب د وه و اش ك ر وا ل ه إ ل ي ه ت ر ج ع ون }17{ But rather, you are worshipping idols from besides Allah and creating a falsehood. Surely, the ones you are worshipping from besides Allah are not controlling any sustenance for you, therefore seek the sustenance with Allah and worship Him, and be thankful to Him. You will be returning to Him [29:17] و إ ن ت ك ذ ب وا ف ق د ك ذ ب أ م م ن ق ب ل ك و م ا ع ل ى الر س ول إ ال ال ب ال غ ال م ب ني }18{ And if you are belying (me), so communities before you had also belied. And it is not incumbent upon the Rasool except for the clear delivery (of the Message) [29:18] أ و مل ي ر و ا ك ي ف ي ب د ئ الل ه اخل ل ق مث ي ع يد ه إ ن ذ ل ك ع ل ى الل ه ي س ري }19{ Or do they not see how Allah Initiates the creation, then Repeats it? Surely, that is easy upon Allah [29:19] ق ل س ري وا يف األ ر ض ف ان ظ ر وا ك ي ف ب د أ اخل ل ق ك ل ش يء ق د ير }20{ مث الل ه ي ن ش ئ الن ش أ ة ا ل خ ر ة إ ن الل ه ع ل ى Say: Travel in the land and look how the creation begins. Then Allah would Produce another growth. Surely, Allah is Able upon all things [29:20] ي ع ذ ب م ن ي ش اء و ي ر ح م ن ي ش اء و إ ل ي ه ت ق ل ب ون }21{ He Punishes one He so Desires to and Mercies one He so Desires to, and you will be Returned to Him [29:21] 21 out of 56

22 و م ا أ ن ت ب ع ج ز ين }22{ يف األ ر ض و ال يف الس م ا ء و م ا ل ك م ن د ون الل ه م ن و يل و ال ن ص ري And you will neither be escaping in the earth nor in the sky, and there is neither a protector for you besides Allah nor a helper [29:22] و ال ذ ين ك ف ر وا ب آي ات الل ه و ل ق ائ ه أ ول ئ ك ي ئ س وا م ن ر مح يت و أ ول ئ ك هل ع ذ اب أ ل ي }23{ And as for those who do not believe in the Signs of Allah and meeting Him, they are despaired from My Mercy, and those, for them is a painful Punishment [29:23] ف م ا ك ان ج و اب ق و م ه إ ال أ ن ق ال وا اق ت ل وه أ و ح ر ق وه ف أ ن اه الل ه م ن الن ار ل ي ات ل ق و م ي ؤ م ن ون }24{ إ ن يف ذ ل ك But there was no answer from his people except that they said, Kill him or burn him! So Allah Delivered him from the fire. Surely, in that there are Signs for a believing people [29:24] ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه ي ع ن أ ب يه ع ن اب ن أ يب ع م ري ع ن ه ش ام ب ن س امل ع ن أ يب أ ي وب اخل ز از ع ن أ يب ب ص ري ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( أ ن آز ر أ ب ا إ ب ر اه ي )عليه السالم( ك ان م ن ج ماى ل ن م ر ود و مل ي ك ن ي ص د ر إ ال ع ن أ م ر ه ف ن ظ ر ل ي ل ةى يف الن ج وم ف أ ص ب ح و ه و ي ق و ل ل ن م ر ود ل ق د ر أ ي ت ع ج باى ق ال و م ا ه و ق ال ر أ ي ت م و ل وداى ي ول د يف أ ر ض ن ا ي ك ون ه ال ك ن ا ع ل ى ي د ي ه و ال ي ل ب ث إ ال ق ل يىال ح ىت حي م ل ب ه Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin salim, from Abu Ayyub Al- Khazzaz, from Abu Baseer, who has said the following: Abu Abdullah asws having said that: Azar, the (adopted) father of Ibrahim as was an astrologer for Nimrod la and he la never passed a law except after seeking his advice. So he looked at the stars one night, and in the morning he said to Nimrod la, I have seen something strange. He la said, And what is it? He said, I saw a new-born being born in our land. Our destruction will be by his as hands. It will not be long after him as being conceived. ق ال ف ت ع ج ب م ن ذ ل ك و ق ال ه ل مح ل ت ب ه الن س اء ق ال ال ق ال ف ح ج ب الن س اء ع ن الر ج ال ف ل خي ل ص إ ل ي ه ا ف ع ل ق ت ب إ ب ر اه ي )عليه السالم( ف ظ ن أ ن ه ص اح ب ه ي د ع ام ر أ ةى إ ال ج ع ل ه ا يف ال م د ين ة ال He la was astounded by that and said, Has the woman fallen pregnant with him as yet? He said, Not yet. So he la separated the women from the men. He la did not leave a single woman except that he la made her to be in the city, with no man being allowed to be alone with her. (When) Ibrahim as was conceived. He thought that he as might be the one. 22 out of 56

23 و ش يء إ ال ع ل م ن ب ه ف ن ظ ر ن ف أ ل ز م الل ه ع ز ج ل م ا يف الر ح إ ىل ف أ ر س ل إ ىل ن س اء م ن ال ق و اب ل يف ذ ل ك الز م ان ال ي ك ون يف الر ح أ ن الل ه ت ع اىل س ي ن ج ي ه الظ ه ر ف ق ل ن م ا ن ر ى يف ب ط ن ه ا ش ي ئاى و ك ان ف يم ا أ و ت م ن ال ع ل أ ن ه س ي ح ر ق ب الن ار و مل ي ؤ ت ع ل So he sent for the women from the midwives of that time, that if there is anything in her womb they should notify him. They examined her. But Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Made what was in her womb to be transferred to the back. So they said, We did not see anything in her belly. And what was in his knowledge was that he as would be burnt by the fire, and did not know that Allah azwj the Exalted would be Rescuing him as. ر أ ت ه ال ت ذ ه ب ب اب ن ك إ ىل ن ر ود ف ي ق ت ل ه د ع ين أ ذ ه ب ق ال ف ل م ا و ض ع ت أ م إ ب ر اه ي أ ر اد آز ر أ ن ي ذ ه ب ب ه إ ىل ن ر ود ل ي ق ت ل ه ف ق ال ت ل ه ام ب ه إ ىل ب ع ض ال ت ري ان أ ج ع ل ه ف يه ح ىت ي أ ت ع ل ي ه أ ج ل ه و ال ت ك ون أ ن ت ال ذ ي ت ق ت ل اب ن ك ف ق ال هل ا ف ام ض ي ب ه ق ال ف ذ ه ب ت ب ه إ ىل غ ار مث أ ر ض ع ت ه مث ج ع ل ت ع ل ى ب اب ال ت ار ص خ ر ةى مث ان ص ر ف ت ع ن ه He asws said: So when the mother of Ibrahim as gave birth to him as, Azar wanted to go with him as to Nimrod la to be killed. So his wife said to him, Do not go with your (adopted) son as to Nimrod la for he la will kill him as. I shall go with him as to one of the caves and leave him as there until his as death comes to him as, and you will not become the one to have killed your own (adopted) son. So he said to her, Take him as. So she went with him as to a cave, then placed him as in it, and placed a rock to block the entrance of the cave. Then she left him as. ب ال ي و م ك م ا ي ش ب غ ري ه ه ام ه ف ج ع ل مي ص ه ا ف ي ش خ ب ل ب ن ه ا و ج ع ل ي ش ب يف يف اجل م ع ة و ي ش ق ال ف ج ع ل الل ه ع ز و ج ل ر ز ق ه يف إ ب ي ش ب يف الش ه ر ك م ا ي ش ب غ ري ه ع ة ك م ا ي ش ب غ ري ه يف الش ه ر و يف الس ن ة ف م ك ث م ا ش اء الل ه أ ن مي ك ث مث إ ن أ م ه ق ال ت يف اجل م ر )عليه السالم( و إ ذ ا ع ي ن اه ت ز ه ر ا ن أل ب يه ل و أ ذ ن ت يل ح ىت أ ذ ه ب إ ىل ذ ل ك الص يب ف ع ل ت ق ال ف اف ع ل ي ف ذ ه ب ت ف إ ذ ا ه ي ب إ ب اه ي ك أ ن ه م ا س ر اج ان ق ال ف أ خ ذ ت ه ف ض م ت ه إ ىل ص د ر ه ا و أ ر ض ع ت ه مث ان ص ر ف ت ع ن ه He asws said: Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Made his as sustenance to be in his as thumb. He as would suck it and milk would flow from it. He as grew in a day like others grow in a week, and grew in a week like others grow in a month, and grew in a month like others grow in a year. So that situation remained for as long as Allah azwj Desired it to remain. Then his as mother said to his as father, If you allow me, I shall go to that child. So he allowed her. So she went there and there was Ibrahim as. His as eyes lit up like two lanterns. She grabbed him as and pressed him as to her bosom, and fed him as. Then she left him there. ف س أ هل ا آز ر ع ن ه ف ق ال ت ق د و ار ي ت ه يف الرت اب ف م ك ث ت ت ف ع ل ف ت خ ر ج يف احل إ ىل إ ب ر اه ي اج ة و ت ذ ه ب )عليه السالم( ف ت ض م ه إ ل ي ه ا و ت ر ض ع ه مث ت ن ص ر ف ف ل م ا حت ر ك أ ت ت ه ك م ا ك ان ت ت أ ت يه ف ص ن ع ت ب ه ك م ا ك ان ت ت ص ن ع ف ل م ا أ ر اد ت اال ن ص ر اف أ خ ذ ب ث و هب ا ف قال ت ل ه م ا ل ك ف ق ال هل ا اذ ه يب يب م ع ك ف ق ال ت ل ه ح ىت أ س ت أ م ر أ ب اك Azar asked her about him as, so she said, I have hidden (buried) him in the soil. She waited, and she would come out for her need, and go to Ibrahim as, hold him as to her bosom, feed him as, and leave him as. So when he as started moving, she would still come to him as and do as she had done before. So when she wanted to leave, he as 23 out of 56

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