Lect 7: Samskaras: Vedic Purification Rituals/ Consecrations for Human Life

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1 Lect 7: Samskaras: Vedic Purification Rituals/ Consecrations for Human Life The word Samskara is derived from the word 'samskri' which means to purify or form perfectly. The words Samskriti (civilization) and Samskrit (the perfect language) are also derived from the same root. Thus Samskaras evolved over thousands of years as religious sacraments performed at various stages of one s life. Though growth is a continuous process, there are certain periods in an individual s development when significant changes take place physically, cognitively and emotionally. These ceremonies help person recognize and value his or her own growth and assist in transition from one stage to another. They are very significant from religious, cultural, and social stand-point and validate the growth of an individual. It also serves as a means of facilitating an individual s psychological growth and appreciation of oneself as a part of a wider scheme of creation. Why do we engage in these rituals? Because in the performance of the ritual, am impression is left upon the mind of the person or persons involved so that they are beginning a new life and have a new responsibility to fulfill. All these ceremonies involve prayers with homa (fire yagna), and mantras for removal of impurities, addition of positive attributes and take vows for fulfillment of duties towards God (Brahma), rishis, and ancestors. Samskara go a long way to foster one s growth not only as an individual, but also as a member of one s family, community, society and in a broader sense the world at large. Cultural. The variety of rites and rituals related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality. In the Parashar Smruti it is said, "Just as a picture is painted with various colors, so the character of a person is formed by undergoing various samskaras." Thus, the Hindu sages realized the need of consciously guiding and molding the character of individuals, instead of letting them grow in a haphazard manner. (2) Spiritual. According to the seers, samskaras impart a higher sanctity to life. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras. The whole body is consecrated and made a fit dwelling place for the atma. According to the Atri Smruti a man is born a Shudra; by performing the Upanayana Samskara he becomes a Dvija (twice born); by acquiring the Vedic lore he becomes a Vipra (an inspired poet); and by realizing Brahman (God) he becomes a Brahmin. The samskaras are a form of spiritual endeavor (sadhana) - an external discipline for internal spiritual edification. Although the number of samskaras prescribed by various scriptures vary, we shall consider the sixteen that are a consensus among scholars: Reita Agarwal Page 1

2 Pre-natal Samskaras (1) Garbhadan (Conception) (2) Pumsavana (Engendering a male issue) (3) Simantonayana (Hair-parting) Childhood Samskaras (4) Jatakarma (Birth rituals) (5) Namakarana (Name-giving) (6) Nishkrama (First outing) (7) Annaprashana (First feeding) (8) Chudakarma (or Chaul) (Shaving of head) (9) Karnavedh (Piercing the earlobes) Educational Samskaras (10) Vidyarambha (Learning the alphabet) (11) Upanayana (Sacred thread initiation) (12) Vedarambha (Beginning Vedic study) (13) Keshant (Godaan) (Shaving the beard) (14) Samavartan (End of studentship) Marriage Samskara (15) Vivaha (Marriage Ceremony) Death Samskara (16) Antyeshti (Death rites). 1. Garbhadhana Conception/Pregnanacy Garbha' means womb. 'Dan' means donation. Garbhadhana sanctifies conception and declares that a child is wanted and welcomed. It is an opportunity for the prospective parents to affirm their commitment to each other and to the future child. It is believed that the soul, or jiva enters the mother's womb after traveling through pitr-loka (the world of the ancestors), parjanya (the rains), the osadhis (the plant kingdom) and purusa (the father). Garbadhana acknowledges that the child does not come from nowhere but rather owes its existence to the parents, the ancestors and the world. In garbhadhana, mantras are chanted to pray for conception, and a purification ritual (udakasanti) and a ritual prayer for the blessings of ancestors (nandi-sraddha) are performed. 2. Pumsavana means 'male procreation')- 3 rd Month Pregnancy Pumsavana is performed in the third month of pregnancy when pregnancy is visible (2 nd Reita Agarwal Page 2

3 trimester rare miscarriages) and is a prayer for the birth of a male child. It is done only for the first conception. In Vedic society, the eldest son continued the family lineage, inherited ancestral property and performed rituals and fulfilled responsibilities related to parents and ancestors. As a result, most couples wanted at least one son. It involves taking some herbs to prevent miscarriages. 3. Simantonnayana (Hair-parting)>7 th Month Pregnancy This is performed between the later months of pregnancy, usually in the seventh month or afterwards. At this point an infant who is born prematurely can survive; therefore, the mother and father are expecting to welcome a separate individual into their family, and the family prays for the health and well-being of the mother and the child. Simantonnayana involves the husband parting the wife's hair (to invoke the protection of goddess Lakshmi for her).this samskara is an opportunity for the parents to once more affirm their support for each other as they prepare to have a child. 4. Jatakarma (Birth rituals) This samskara is performed at birth to purify the newborn child. The family prays for the child to have intelligence, health and a long life. A homa (fire ritual) is performed, the father whispers the Gayatri mantra and the name of the star the child was born under into the child's ear and the child is then turned over to the care of the mother. Often, the family will give and receive gifts and offer charity on the day of this samskara. 5. Namakarana (Name-giving) 11 days Namakarana is the naming ceremony performed on the eleventh day after the birth of the child. The name is commonly considered a marker of identity. Therefore, namakarana is the ceremony that welcomes the child, as an individual in its own right, into the structure of the extended family and the community. After namakarana, the child has an identity recognized by the wider world and passed on to next generation. In vedic tradition, names have meaning based on derisable qualitie, or positive disposition. Often,middle name is father s or mother s first name, while last name is indicative of one s community which gives an individual a sense of belonging to a communal sub-group-gotra (Iyer), or where ancestor s lived or profession of individuals (gupta). 6. Niskramana (First outing) 3 months Niskramana is the child's first ceremonial step out of the house, performed when the child is about three or four months old and starts becoming more aware (social smile)of its surroundings. The child begins to have a personality and relationships, and niskramana recognizes this developmental step. The family prays to Isvara in the form of the sun, the moon, and the eight directions so that the child will be protected at all times and in all places after entering the wider world. 7. Annaprasana (First feeding) 6 months Reita Agarwal Page 3

4 Generally performed in the sixth month for a male child and the seventh for a female, annaprasana is meant to mark the child's weaning and first bite of solid food (usually a mixture of ghee, curds, rice and honey). The family prays for the health of the child and acknowledges the role of the plant kingdom and Varuna (god of water) in sustaining the child. Furthermore, annaprasana is considered the child's first acceptance of prasadam (food that is ritually offered to Isvara or God before eating). By advocating this samskara, the wise sages accomplished two important considerations. First, the child is weaned away from the mother at a proper time to prevent overly dependence of child on mother. For, an uninformed mother, many out of love, continue breast feeding the child, without realising that she was not doing much good to herself or the child. 8. Cudakarana (or Chaul) (Shaving of head) 3 years Performed in the child's third year, this samskara involves a shaving of the child's head, leaving only a tuft sikha. This signifies discipline and control over desires. Just as there are countless hair, there are countless desires that grow back (multiply) after old hair or desires are shaved. The shaven hair are offered to Lord symbolizing the surrendering of one s countless binding desires. 9. Karnavedha (Piercing the earlobes) Anytime 1-3yrs This samskara is performed when the child is between the ages of one and three and involves piercing the child's earlobes, regardless of the child's sex. 10. Vidyarambha (Learning the alphabet) 5yrs Also referred to as aksharaabhyasa, this samskara is done when the child is five years old and marks the beginning of his or her vedic education. The ritual involves having a teacher guide the child through the beginning of the alphabet. The teacher and the child trace out the symbol Om onto a plate of ricethis samskara is also known as Akshararambha, Aksharlekhan, Aksharavikaran and Aksharavishkaran. After bathing, the child sits facing west, while the acharya (teacher) sits facing east. Saffron and rice are scattered on a silver plank. With a gold or silver pen the child is made to write letters on the rice. The following phrases are written: "Salutation to Ganesh, salutation to Sarasvati (goddess of knowledge), salutation to family deities and salutation to Narayan and Lakshmi." The child then writes, "Aum Namah Siddham". He then presents gifts to the acharya, such as a pagh and safo (head adornment of cloth). The acharya then blesses the child. 11. Upanayana (Sacred thread initiation) age 8yrs Upa means 'near.' Nayan means 'to take (him) to,' i.e. to take the son to the teacher. This initiates a child (usually male, though in ancient Vedic society girls were also Reita Agarwal Page 4

5 initiated) into the Gayatri mantra and into the student's life of brahmacarya (celibacy). In this ceremony, the teacher gives the child the Gayatri mantra and the sacred thread janoi or yagnopavit and takes responsibility for the child's life. The sacred thread is made of three strings, which represent one's debts to the gods, the rishis and one's ancestors. The new student must ceremonially seek bhiksa (alms) from his mother and other women, to indicate that he is no longer a child being fed by his parents but a student who must live an austere life. Upanayana is a commitment to a life of strong discipline, respect for one's teachers and hard study. Amongst all the foregoing samskaras this is regarded as supreme. It is the dawn of a new life, hence dvija - twice born. This samskara is performed by Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, for both boys and girls.. Like the parents, the acharya will mold the student with love and patience into a man of character. He will inculcate in him the invaluable knowledge of the Vedas. The three strings of the janoi denote the three gunas - sattva (reality), rajas (passion), and tamas (darkness). They also remind the wearer that he has to pay off the three debts he owes to the seers, ancestors and gods. The three strings are tied by a knot known as the brahmagranthi which symbolises Brahma (creator), Vishnu (sustainer) and Shiva (leveller). One important significance of wearing the janoi is that the wearer would be constantly aware and vigilant prior to any action. 12. Vedarambha (Beginning Vedic study) This is performed between a student and teacher, before the student begins to study the Vedas. It signifies the student's commitment to learning and the teacher's to teaching, In this samskara, each student, according to his lineage, masters his own branch of the Vedas. 13. Kesanta (Godaan) (Shaving the beard) Age 16 yrs 'Kesh' means hair and 'ant' means end. Also known as godana, this is the first shaving of a young boy's beard. It marks a transition from childhood to adulthood, but is also a renewal of commitment to the student's disciplined and simple life. This samskara is included as one of the four Ved Vrats. This samskara involves the first shaving of the beard by the student at the age of sixteen. It is also called Godaan because it involves gifting a cow to the acharya and gifts to the barber. Since the student now enters manhood he is required to be more vigilant over his impulses of youth. To remind him of his vow of brahmacharya, he is required to take the vow anew; to live in strict continence and austere discipline for one year. 14. Samavartana (End of studentship). 'Sama vartan' meant 'returning home from the house of the acharya.' This samskara signifies the completion of one's education and is performed for the majority of students who move onto family responsibilities after finishing their studies. The student offers daksina or payment to the teacher; this payment was symbolic as the Reita Agarwal Page 5

6 gift of education was considered priceless. This samskara is performed at the end of the brahmacharya phase - the end of studentshipthis involves a ritual sacrificial bath known as Awabhruth Snan. It is sacrificial because it marks the end of the long observance of brahmacharya. It is a ritual bath because it symbolises the crossing of the ocean of learning by the student - hence Vidyasnaatak - one who has crossed the ocean of learning. Those students who wished to remain as lifelong students observing brahmacharya would remain with the acharya and enter sannyas. 15. Vivaha (Marriage Ceremony) Vivaha is marriage. The marriage ceremony qualifies the husband to perform Vedic rituals and entitles the wife to participate in and benefit from her husband's rituals. The husband will take a second sacred thread to symbolize that all rituals he performs are for both himself and his wife. Together, the husband and wife will enter the grhastha (householder's) stage of life. The ceremony is long and elaborate The relatives of the bride and the groom also celebrate the joining of the two families. By marriage an individual is able to achieve the four purusharths (endeavors) of life: dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and moksha (salvation). He is also able to pay off ancestral debt by having children. Procreation for children is also a primary purpose of marriage. In addition to being a religious sacrament, Hindu marriage is also regarded as an important social institution. For developing a stable and ideal society, marriage has been regarded as an essential element in all cultures of the world. A society without loyal marital ties tends to degrade. By marriage, both an individual and society, while remaining within the moral norms, can progress together. This samskara boosts cultural values and dharma. It upholds and promotes moral righteousness and self control. 16. Antyesti (Death rites). The final samskara, Antyesti is the ritual cremation of a corpse and is usually performed by the son of the deceased person. The word Antyesti means "last religious act" and is also meant to expiate whatever wrong actions the deceased may have taken in the last days of his or her life. Cremating the body immediately unifies it with its surroundings and pre-empts decay. Many features of the religious ceremonies that are performed during the 12 days following person s death fascilitate the mourning process for family left behind. ************** END *************** Reita Agarwal Page 6

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