Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I am they also may be with me.

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1 Sunday, 1 May 2016 * Sixth Sunday Easter *.stosephparish.org Far, y are r gift to me. I ish that here I am y also may be ith me. St. Joseph Parish First Holy Communion 2016

2 Sixth Sunday Easter May 1, 2016 Reflection Next Week: Jennifer Kelly Readings for May 8, 2016 First Reading: Acts 7:55-60 Second Reading: Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20 Gospel: John 17:20-26 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday - 5 pm Sunday - 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 5:30 pm Weekday Mass Schedule Monday - Friday, 7 am, Parish Center Reconciliation Saturday - 3:30-4:15 pm in Church or by appointment Parish Center th Ave E, Seattle, WA Monday-Friday - 8 am - 4:30 pm Saturday - 9 am - 1 pm.stosephparish.org Parish Receptionist (206) Pastor Rev. John D. Whitney, S.J. x107 hitney@stosephparish.org Additional Priests Rev. Jim Harbaugh, S.J. x103 harbaugh@nesuits.org Rev. Bob Grimm, S.J. Deacon/Pastoral Associate Steve Wodzanoski x106 steve@stosephparish.org Pastoral Staff: Dottie Fareell, Dir. Religious Ed. x112 dfareell@stosephparish.org Rebecca Frisino, Business Mgr x108 rebeccaf@stosephparish.org Tina O Brien, Steardship x114 tinao@stosephparish.org Jack Hilovsky, Communications Mgr x113 ackh@stosephparish.org Renée Leet, Admin Assistant x100 rleet@stosephparish.org Bob McCaffery-Lent, Liturgy & Music x109 rmclent@stosephparish.org Caprice Sauter, Administration x102 caprices@stosephparish.org Yuri Kondratyuk, Facilities x110 St. Joseph School Main Office Patrick Fennessy, Principal Mary Helen Bever, Middle School Dir Lillian Zadra, Primary School Dir x210 x218 x215 x219 The Joy Love (Amoris Laetitia): A Reading Apostolic Exhortation Pope Francis Part 1-Introduction & Chapter One: In Light Word The Joy Love experienced by families is also oy Church. -Pope Francis- Last eek, as part Jubilee Year Mercy, a large number priests from Archdiocese Rome set up ad hoc confessionals in St. Peter s Square, to hear confessions pilgrims visitors re for a Jubilee event for teenagers. Sitting on black chairs something like those used in St. Joseph Social Hall earing simple hite albs purple stoles, priests spread out across plaza elcomed ng people ho ished to receive Sacrament Reconciliation; many took advantage opportunity. Among priests, sitting on same kind black plastic chair earing a simple purple stole, one priest stood out, noteorthy both for his gentle expression for hite zucchetto on his head. For a little more than an hour, Francis, bishop Rome, sat among his priests received his people a shepherd among his flock, a sinner sharing mercy One ho had saved him. In reading Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, (i.e., The Joy Love) e do ell to keep this image Pope Francis in mind. For at root this long (325 paragraph) somehat encyclopedic reflection on marriage family life, re is alays Francis priest, Francis pastor, Francis minister (though never Master) sacraments. Written in response to Extraordinary Ordinary Synod Bishops, regarding family life, this document pulses ith Francis desire to bring Church out cloister or classroom, into orld. While grounded in ology ( even fering some subtle, revolutionary teachings), Amoris Laetitia is fundamentally a pastoral document, intended for practical use meant to deepen life Church beyond alls by enriching life her members. Differing from many his predecessors, Francis speaks in this document like one ho has spent a great deal time in trenches parish life as a orker in Great Physician s field hospital. Thus, all people faith ould do ell to listen to his ords, alloing our hearts to feel ir healing effect. Even in brief introduction to Amoris Laetitia, Francis suggests revolutionary path he intends for Church in her exploration issues family life. Implying that neir Synod nor tradition Church is a closed system, he suggests hat might be called a Principle Progressive Revelation, hich makes exhortation a starting point not an end: The thinking pastors ologians, if faithful to Church, honest, realistic, creative, ill help us to achieve greater clarity ( 2). Furr, using one his favorite sayings time is greater than space ( 3)

3 Pope breaks ith more than three decades centralization in Church by proclaiming that not all discussions doctrinal, moral, or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions magisterium ( 3). For Francis, Roman magisterium does not have a lock on truth, since our understing truth is still developing, through Holy Spirit; thus, concrete solutions to difficult questions may differ according to culture or circumstance, even as those cultures remain united to universal Church. This somehat radical concept, proposed almost nonchalantly by Francis (as he ten seems to do) means that even proposals this very document are open to dialogue inculturation, part humble humane reflections represented by Jubilee Year Mercy itself. From ithin this context progressive revelation, Francis invites reader especially families those engaged in family apostolate into deeper study personal formation issues family life, beginning ith study family in Scripture. Here, in first full chapter Amoris Laetitia, Francis notes: The Bible is full families, birth, love stories, family crises. This is true from its very first pages, ith appearance Adam Eve s family, ith all its burden violence but also its enduring strength (cf. Gen 4) to its very last page, here e behold edding feast Bride Lamb (Rev 21:2,9) ( 8). This chapter, In Light Word, hoever, is more than a collection family stories from Scripture; rar, through use Scripture, Francis presents an image family that is, at once, traditional, radically reimagined. Using Psalm 128 as a starting point, Francis presents traditional image mor, far, child as emblematic Divinity itself. Although God transcends gender, implicit fruitfulness human love reflects manifests creative being God, ust as love hich unites a family reflects that communion love at very heart Trinity. God is, by analogy, a family persons united in a communion love a love hich gives life overflos in bounty creation. And ust as Adam Eve are called to cleave to one anor, so God cleaves to all humanity in a relationship that is both spiritual physical (as seen in Creation in self-emptying love Jesus). Going furr, Francis notes prominence marriage family as symbols relationship beteen God God s People, importance family as place in hich children are raised. While never suggesting that a family ithout children is anything less than a family indeed, unitive image God ould make such a suggestion heretical Francis notes that bringing forth life is intended to be connected to loving relationship parents for one anor. Unity in love child care are meant to go toger, Scripture says, for ell-being next generation. Yet, even as Francis points to scriptural support this apparently traditional model family, he shos ho Scripture goes furr, undoing many supports ten given to more aberrant understings tradition. For though Scriptures portray children as a blessing to parents, Francis notes that y do not support notion that children are property ir parents. Rar, in contrast to traditions many societies, including his on, Jesus demonstrates e.g., by his elcome children his designation m as models for us all that children are to be valued in mselves. Thus, hile parental love is affirmed, paradigm parental domination is overthron, ust as domination is overthron throughout Francis vie Christian tradition. In history Christianity, as in many or religious traditions, domination men over omen has ten been norm. Indeed, patriarchy has ten been considered a fundamental principle Christianity, enshrined in everything from metaphors for God to structures Christian marriage. Yet, Francis follos a different scriptural tradition, noting that domination omen by men is a sign fall, a manifestation sin Adam Eve: through sin, relationship love purity beteen man oman turns into domination: Your desire shall be for r husb, he shall rule over (Gen 3:16) ( 19). In Christ, ho renes orld through his death resurrection, structure domination, born sin, is itself overthron. Though he ill follo this up more, in later chapters, Francis introduces here notion that gender equality is not an aberration from tradition, but its deepest truth. Thus, omen men, redeemed by Christ, are equals in ork love in communion family life an equality manifested in Christian tenderness ( 28). Meanhile, underpinnings patriarchy (hich continue to be felt both ithin family ithin Church) are suddenly decisively eakened. In se first sections Amoris Laetitia, Francis introduces mes that ill be found throughout ork: e.g., equality love, sin domination, essential relationship beteen communion love bringing forth life. Furr, he introduces a method that is both pastorally grounded ologically strong one that speaks both to idea God to experience persons. Though still only barely touching on issues that ten strain marriage ideal (e.g., poverty, unemployment, loss), first chapter Francis exhortation invites reader to bring her on experiences into text, to find here text is strong here it may fall short. Furr, this chapter calls those ho minister to married people to consider ell spirit behind ir actions ir advice. Though only a beginning, promise presented in this chapter is one that Church needs to explore, if possible, realize.

4 Prelude Sixth Sunday Easter Instrumental (9) Choral Anm - Psalm 150 Harper Alleluia, praise God in his holy place, praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his poerful deeds. Praise his surpassing greatness. Alleluia! Praise him ith sound trumpet, praise him ith lute harp. Praise him ith timbrel dance. Praise him ith strings pipe. Alleluia! Praise him ith resounding cymbals, praise him ith clashing cymbals. Let everything that lives breas give praise to Lord. Alleluia! (5:30) Spirit Bloing Through Creation Haugen Entrance Songs Come to Feast Moore & # 4. & # Lord. Come to feast, O. & # Î come let us. come hear come to ord, feast, come. oin be Î to come sing r ta-ble On this mountain Lord ill provide for his people. On this mountain death ill be iped aay. On this mountain tears ill be gone forever. On this mountain here is our God King. On this mountain Lord speaks to his people. On this mountain e see our God King. On this mountain e break bread toger. On this mountain e orship our God King. song, On this mountain Lord hears cry his people. On this mountain e are on Holy Ground! On this mountain a ne, clean heart is created. On this mountain e come e oin as one. one. (5:30) Live On In My Love Psallite & # #.. Live on in my. love... Live on in my. love,.. live on in my. love. Sprinkling & b 8 6. (5:30) Gloria III... Glo - ri - a, glo - ri - a, in ex - cel - sis De - o! & b.... Glo - ri - a, glo - ri - a, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia! Taize

5 First Reading Acts 15:1-2, Some ho had come don from Judea ere instructing brors, Unless are circumcised according to Mosaic practice, cannot be saved. Because re arose no little dissension debate by Paul Barnabas ith m, it as decided that Paul, Barnabas, some ors should go up to Jerusalem to apostles elders about this question. The apostles elders, in agreement ith hole church, decided to choose representatives to send m to Antioch ith Paul Barnabas. The ones chosen ere Judas, ho as called Barsabbas, Silas, leaders among brors. This is letter delivered by m: The apostles elders, r brors, to brors in Antioch, Syria, Cilicia Gentile origin: greetings. Since e have heard that some our number ho ent out ithout any mate from us have upset ith ir teachings disturbed r peace mind, e have ith one accord decided to choose representatives to send m to along ith our beloved Barnabas Paul, ho have dedicated ir lives to name our Lord Jesus Christ. So e are sending Judas Silas ho ill also convey this same message by ord mouth: It is decision Holy Spirit us not to place on any burden beyond se necessities, namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meats strangled animals, from unlaful marriage. If keep free se, ill be doing hat is right. Fareell. Responsorial Psalm & 4. God, Psalm 67.. J let all peo-ples praise, all na-tions earth. Psallite Second Reading Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20 I, John, heard a voice saying to me: Behold, I am coming soon. I bring ith me recompense I ill give to each according to his deeds. I am Alpha Omega, first last, beginning end. Blessed are y ho ash ir robes so as to have right to tree life enter city through its gates. I, Jesus, sent my angel to give this testimony for churches. I am root fspring David, bright morning star. The Spirit bride say, Come. Let hearer say, Come. Let one ho thirsts come forard, one ho ants it receive gift life-giving ater. The one ho gives this testimony says, Yes, I am coming soon. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! Gospel Acclamation & # # 2 4. Al J Festival Alleluia - le - lu - ia, Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia, Al - le - lu - (5:30) Easter Alleluia & bb Al - le - lu - ia, Al - le - lu - ia, Al - le - lu - ia! ia. Mozart/Trapp

6 Gospel John 17:20-26 Lifting up his eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed saying: Holy Far, I pray not only for m, but also for those ho ill believe in me through ir ord, so that y may all be one, as, Far, are in me I in, that y also may be in us, that orld may believe that sent me. And I have given m glory gave me, so that y may be one, as e are one, I in m in me, that y may be brought to perfection as one, that orld may kno that sent me, that loved m even as loved me. Far, y are r gift to me. I ish that here I am y also may be ith me, that y may see my glory that gave me, because loved me before foundation orld. Righteous Far, orld also does not kno, but I kno, y kno that sent me. I made knon to m r name I ill make it knon, that love ith hich loved me may be in m I in m. Homily Fr. John D. Whitney, S.J. Prayers Faithful Lector: Lord, In r mercy... Offertory Songs Table Plenty Assembly Response: Hear our prayer. Schutte & # # 4 3 & # #. plen & # # & # # Refrain Come to feast Î Î heav-en earth! Come to ta - ble - ty! God ill pro-vide for all that e need, here at ta- 2 Verses. - ble plen - sit at my eat ith-out ev - er sus flo - er in & # # Î & # # I My My For ait feast ine I,. ty. ta - ble mon - ey; - tain full - ness; to ill cup full - depths rain ness on my r Î Î el - come glad - ness flo like giv - er. love. life. soul. soil. here through r ill a. saints come days homes lost feed sea home J to ill r î Î 1. O 2. O 3. My 4. Your sin - ners are drink ith - out sor - ro flour - ish in lone - ly spir - it glad-ness har -vest, to ith to ill come come bread fields. ill ill friends. price. oe. peace. share faith flood send.. Î Î my

7 Holy, Holy, Holy Storrington Mass Haugen & b All Are Invited To Come Forard Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - & b. J Lord God & b 8 6 J ä hosts. Heav -en earth are.. During communion, e invite all to come forard. If do not ordinarily receive Eucharist, or choose not to, come for a blessing, indicating r desire by putting r h on r heart. If have a gluten allergy, & need a gluten free host, please come to Presider & indicate this. ly full r glo-ry. Ho - san - na in high - est. Bless-ed is he ho & b. & b Communion Songs & b 4. & b. & # # 4 3 comes in. ä J name. Lord. ä san - na, ho - san - na in high - Taste taste Un & # # it & b 4 3 & b. I see, see,.. taste taste Ho Taste See, #814. see. see.. good - ness good-ness.. Lord, Unless A Grain Wheat - less a grain heat shall fall up - on ground re. - mains but a sin - gle grain. I Receive Living God ith no ä - san-na, ho -.. Lord.. life. est. O Lord. re - ceive liv-ing God, my heart is full oy. I re- ceive liv - ing God, my heart is full. oy.. die, Moore Farrell Anonnymous

8 Song Praise Communion Prayer Recessional Jesus in Morning Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in morning, Jesus in noontime. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus hen sun goes don. Verse 2: Thank him Verse 3: Love him... & b b b b c Celebrate Mercy Lord Jesus Christ, have taught us to be merciful, as heavenly Far is merciful. Help us to celebrate r mercy: by loving orld as love, by alking ay r cross, by living as omen men bound for resurrection. May love revealed in emptiness cross, bring us fullness hope. May mercy fer in r body blood, nourish us in mercy for ors. May glory God receive in onder Resurrection, bring us all to communion ith ho live reign ith Far, in unity Holy Spirit, one God forever ever. Amen. (5 & 11) I Am Bread Life œ The 3. Un - œ œ œ œ œ I bread less am that & b b b b œ œ œ œ œ œ come flesh flesh to for me shall life Son & bb b b œ œ œ œ œ lieve eat drink & b b b b. me ev - blood, in me shall œ un - er, & b b b b œ œ not this his not Bread I. thirst. bread, blood, ill œ œ œ life. give eat You is ho my œ œ œ œ œ œ hun - orld, Man œ œ œ œ œ œ less shall shall not have œ œ œ œ Fa - live life ger; ho if be - œ œ œ œ œ No drink r for - ith one shall œ œ. beckev - in œ œ ons. er.. can come live œ to for - his œ œ And I ill œ œ œ œ Toolan raise & bb b b œ œ up, I ill œ œ œ œ raise up, I ill raise up on last day.

9 (9) This Is Day This is day Lord has made, let us be glad reoice in it. Let us be glad reoice in it. Alleluia! Glory! Alleluia! Let us be glad! Haugen & b 4 3 & b. Do III & b. I. J Do - na no - bis pa - cem, pa-cem. Do - na no - bis pa - II Do. - na no - bis pa-cem. Do-na no-bis pa -.. (5:30) Dona Nobis Pacem Traditional - na no - bis pa-cem. Do-na no-bis pa -. cem.. cem.. cem. All GIA Publications reprinted under OneLicense.net # A All OCP Publications reprinted ith permission under LicenSing.net # All WLP Publications reprinted ith permission under license # Texts for Eucharistic Acclamations are excerpts from English translation Roman Missal copyright 2010 by ICEL. Storrington Mass music by Marty Haugen 2010 GIA Publications, Inc. estive Alleluia music by W.A. Mozart, arranged by Lynn Trapp 1999 Morningstar Music Publishers St. Louis. Administered by WLP Publications Inc. Gloria III ords music by Jacques Berthier Taize 1983 Les Presses De Taize administered by by GIA Publications. Inc. Come To Feast ords music by James E. Moore 2002 GIA Publications, Inc. I Am Bread Of Life ords music by Suzanne Toolan 1966, 1970, 1086, 1994 by GIAPublications Inc. Love One Anor ords music by James J. Chepponis 1983 by GIA Publications. Table Plenty music ords by Daniel L. Schutte 1993 OCP Publications. Psalm 145 We Are God s People ords music by David Haas 1986 by GIA Publications, Inc. Joyful, Joyful Easter Alleluia in public domain. This Week At St. Joseph Sunday 9:00 AM Mass - Childcare Available 10:00 AM Cfee & Donuts - Join us! 11:00 AM Mass 12-5 PM Parish Directory Photo Appointments 5:30 PM Mass Monday 7:00 AM Daily Mass 7:00 AM Yoga - Body in Prayer 7:00 PM Sacred Silence 7:00 PM Rosary Prayer Goup 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Tuesday 7:00 AM Daily Mass 1:00-9:00 PM Parish Directory Photo Appointments 7:00 PM Tent City Parish/School Info Meeting Wednesday 7:00 AM Daily Mass 7:00 AM Yoga - Body in Prayer 1:00-9:00 PM Parish Directory Photo Appointments 6:00 PM Pathfinders Youth Group 7:00 PM The VOICE Youth Group Thursday 7:00 AM Daily Mass 1:00-9:00 PM Parish Directory Photo Appointments 7:00 PM Holy Hour Friday 7:00 AM Daily Mass 1:00-9:00 PM Parish Directory Photo Appointments Saturday 10 AM-5 PM Parish Directory Photo Appointments 3:30 PM Weekly Reconciliation 5:00 PM Vigil Mass

10 Parish Life Young Adults (21-35) Have enoyed St. Joseph Young Adult events? Got great ideas for or ones? Interested in planning coordinating events for community? Great! Our next Planning Meeting is Monday, May 2, at 7pm in Parish Center. Please oin us. Necomers alays elcome! Please oin our Young Adult Brunch Group folloing 11am Mass at St. Joseph. Enoy felloship brunch on folloing dates: May 8th June 5th. Contact Amara at or Becca at to RSVP. Estate Planning: A Legacy Love St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph School & Endoment for St. Joseph School cordially Invite to Lunch Thursday, May 26, 2016, Noon - 1:30 pm, Arrupe Rm. During this complimentary lunch ill learn about: Estate planning hy it is important, Estate planning tools, Wills & Trusts. You are elcome ( encouraged) to bring guests advisors. Seating is limited. Please RSVP to steardship@stosephparish.org or advancement@stosephsea.org, or Seniors On The Go Thursday, May 5th - Trip to Bloedel Reserve/Bainbridge Isl. Leave 10am from Parish Center, admission to Reserve is $10. To register call Renee at Friday, May 13th - Healing Mass at 11:30 folloed by luncheon at Parish Center. This is SECOND Friday. Thursday, May 19th - 12 noon Lunch Cabaret Sho ith Sigrid Endresen accompanist Will Gerhardt. Men s Spring Retreat 2016 The Road to Mercy: Honesty, Humility, Surrender, Service Friday, June 3, 8:00 pm - Sunday, June 5, 11:00 am Location: Dumas Bay Centre, Federal Way, WA Join us for a eekend prayer, reflection, relaxation, felloship at a beautiful coastal setting. Registration cost is $170 includes lodging meals (Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner, Sunday breakfast). Partial scholarships are available. All men are elcome. On May 5 Necomers Wanted! Welcome to St. Joseph! If are a nely registered member to parish, please oin us for our MEET, GREET & EAT fiesta on Cinco de Mayo, Thursday, May 5th from 6:00 8:00 pm in Parish Center Food Drink provided! Come meet Parish Staff, r fello ne parishioners learn about ho to get involved in parish. To RSVP please contact Jack Hilovsky at ackh@stosephparish.org or Faith Formation Welcome First Communicants! Saturday 5 PM: Brennan Barr, Salvatore Battaglia, Conor Cavens, Nikolas Cristilis, Mateo de la Torre, Jorga Dupont, Rhea Elrod, Charlotte Flynn, Mia Kate Fuller, Isabella Garcia, Dane Garlitz, Beatrice Grevson, Blakely Grove, Dylan Koa, Samuel May, Annalise Mullally, Jimmy Nguyen, Estelle Oaksmith, Luke Plaster, Emmett Samson, Logan Soli, Harrison Sumner, Emily Waite, Jack Wise. Sunday 9 AM: Ansel Ambuske, Maggie Anderson, Niamh Blish, Thomas Daly, Calla Friedman, Bailey Hackman, Victoria Hatfield, John Hughes, Ben Huson, Caleb Lappenbusch,, Gavin Lines, Griffin Lines, Xavier Losh, Millie Mats, Tobias Mintkeski, Patrick Mirkin, Lucia Padilla Bond, Nicholas Padilla Bond, Kendra Pinkard, Tamir Richardson, Clara Schneider, Zachary Schaegler, Isabella Stangl, Mat Tessin, Harrison Tobin, Maggie Wood, Alexra Zaboukos. Sunday 11 AM: Patrick Alspach, Diego Alvarado, Will Baxter, Gavan Bess, Jacob Bess, Lillian Bess, Henry Buga, Bianca Butler, Ben Courtney, Nora Crisera, Leonardo Curatolo, Isabel Dain, Joshua Dain, Sasha Escoto, Sloane Heisler, Mason McDonald, Sophie McDonald, Ella Morrison, Maisie O Callaghan, Gigi Perrina, Claire Raymond, Antonia Reed, Frankie Rodriguez, Joey Tilghman Havens, Henry Wells, Caroline Welte, Josephine Wolfram.

11 Liturgy Worship St. Joseph Community extends its prayers hopes for folloing intentions: For Elma s upcoming knee replacement surgery... Thanksgiving for Kevin s strength as he continues to recover from a motorcycle accident... For Mike ho had open heart surgery on Friday, may his healing go ell... For Julia Ann for ir loved ones as y travel on life s ourney. May Lord bless keep. May Lord make his face to shine upon Be gracious to... give peace. ~A Judeo/Christian Blessing Sacred Silence A time for silent prayer peace. Join us this Lent! The Sacred Silence prayer group gars on Monday nights at 7 pm in Church for an hour silent prayer. Next garing is Monday, May 2. Necomers alays elcome. Open to all types prayer practice. People are encouraged to use hatever silent prayer practice orks best for m her it is centering prayer, Ignatian imagination or anor prayer. Time is spent both sitting alking in silence. For information on Sacred Silence silent prayer contact Jim Hoover at sacredsilence@stosephparish. org or Faith Justice Presentation Panel on Opioid Opiate Addiction St. James Cadral Mental Health & Wellness Ministry is sponsoring an event on opioid opiate misuse on Sunday, May 15th from 1:30-3:30pm in Isaac Orr Conference Center at 910 Marion St. across from Cadral. May is Mental Health Aareness Month. So many us have been impacted by friends family ho experience addiction, statistics for accidental deaths have increased to an alarming rate. Keynote speaker Melissa Weiksnar lost a daughter to an accidental overdose. Read her article in Crux at life/2015/11/13/losing-amy-a-call-to-action/ For more information contact Nancy Granger at ngranger@stames-cadral.org or call St. Vincent de Paul Helps Parish Neighbors St. Joseph Conference helps people ho have lost hope need help making ends meet. Most people ho request a Vincentian team visit are living in lo income housing. Many are elderly, disabled or single mors. We provide rent to prevent eviction, food, utility payments to prevent shut-fs st quarter: House visits: 120 Rent assistance: $ 4,353 Utility help: $ 3,343 Food gift cards: $ 2,810 Furniture/beds: $ 1,500 Bus Orca cards $ 521 Donations Received: $19,600 via Mass collections Our team 14 Parish volunteers is doing all this ork. We ould love to have think about oining us. Contact Dennis West at svdp@stosephparish.org or call for more information.

12 A. Aenean elit. THE YEAR OF MERCY: VISIT THOSE IN PRISON Nullam nec massa vulputate augue laoreet laoreet. Cconsectetuer Vestibulum adipiscing quam. elit. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vel ligula. Mauris laoreet aliquet mi. Mauris ac est a eros iaculis adipiscing. In hac habitasse (item # XXXX) platea dictumst. $ Nam accumsan, nulla a mollis D. ultricies, Quisque usto Viverra eros semper elit, id aliquet tellus tortor eleifend nisi. Nullam Nulla nec orci massa sem, vulputate convallis a, augue convallis laoreet nonummy, laoreet. interdum Cconsectetuer eget, adipiscing lacus. elit. Mauris ac est a eros iaculis adipiscing. Nullam nec massa vulputate augue laoreet laoreet. Cconsectetuer A CONVERSATION adipiscing elit. ST. JOSEPH Mauris PARISH ac est a CENTER eros iaculis ARRUPE ROOM adipiscing. MAY 12, PM 732 [Insert 18 Date] th Ave. East, Seattle, WA PRISON EDUCATION AND RENTRY SOLUTIONS E. Suspendisse congue. Nullam nec massa vulputate augue laoreet laoreet. Cconsectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac est a eros iaculis adipiscing. C. Vestibulum quam. Nullam nec massa vulputate augue laoreet laoreet. Cconsectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac est a eros iaculis adipiscing. Lorem Ipsum Dolor F. Nulla quis sem. Nullam nec massa vulputate augue laoreet laoreet. Cconsectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac est a eros iaculis adipiscing. A B Join us for a panel discussion about issues surrounding incarceration in A Washington State around nation. The panel ill consist community activists, educators, formerly-incarcerated students ho are involved ith prison education Donec re-entry Vitae programs. Sem Come hear about innovative programs opportunities, find out ho can get involved! In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sponsored by: St. Joseph Parish The Jesuit Parish in Seattle Faith Justice Commission Featured Presenters: MARY WEIR Program Manager Freedom Education Proect Puget Sound ARI COHN President Post-Prison Education Program C. Cras et sem. In hac (item habitasse # XXXX) platea $ dictumst. Donec nisl odio, vulputate vel, C. Praesent ante. venenatis in, fermentum et, Nullam arcu arcu, hendrerit vitae, blit purus. eget, sodales Mauris sapien sed, ligula. dolor, Sed eu dui. Sed ut turpis eu est blit congue. eleifend et, feugiat sed, fringilla eu, lectus. Aliquam blit. For More Information Contact: Dn. Steve Wodzanoski (206) SteveW@stosephparish.org or Mark Petterson (913) Petterson.mr@gmail.com Vestibulum sagittis, ante sollicitudin sollicitudin rutrum, arcu leo mattis tellus, quis placerat sapien sapien eu nisi. Page 5 All us are part that effort, all us are invited to encourage, help enable r rehabilitation. A rehabilitation hich everyone seeks desires: inmates ir families, correctional authorities, social educational programs. A rehabilitation hich benefits elevates morale entire community society." ~ Pope Francis, Address to Detainees at Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility, Pennsylvania D E F C

13 TENT CITY INFORMATION MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 3rd 7:00 8:30 pm St. Joseph s Parish Center - Arrupe Room TENT CITY 3 is coming to campus St. Joseph, June 18th thru August 27th. This is an opportunity to learn about Tent City 3 & ho it operates. A chance to ask questions voice any concerns. If are not able to oin us, but have questions or concerns, please contact Deacon Steve Wodzanoski, staff liaison for this proect, at or steve@stosephparish.org Come & see hat it s all about!

14 Register Online or in Parish Center TODAY! Questions? We Are St. Joseph Parish Directory We need r photo to make it complete! Photography continues through may 21, spaces filling up. Follo signs to Brebeuf Room (Parish Center basement)

15 JUBILEE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS: HOMILY, ST. PETER S SQUARE, 24 APRIL 2016 By this everyone ill kno that are my disciples, if have love for one anor (Jn 13:35). Dear ng friends, hat an enormous responsibility Lord gives us today! He tells us that orld ill recognize disciples Jesus by ay y love one anor. Love, in or ords, is Christian s identity card, only valid document identifying us as Christians. It is only valid document. If this card expires is not constantly reneed, e stop being itnesses Master. So I ask : Do ish to say yes to Jesus invitation to be his disciples? Do ish to be his faithful friends? The true friends Jesus st out essentially by ir genuine love; not some pie in sky love; no, it is a genuine love that shines forth in ir ay life. Love is alays shon in real actions. Those ho are not real genuine ho speak love are like characters in a soap opera, some fake love story. Do ant to experience his love? Do ant this love: yes or no? Let us learn from him, for his ords are a school life, a school here e learn to love. This is a task hich e must engage in every day: to learn ho to love. ~Pope Francis

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