Mass VII. in Honor of Saint Michael. Kevin Christopher Vogt. Kyrie Gloria. Gospel Acclamation Sanctus Mysterium Fidei Amen Agnus Dei

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1 Mass VII in Honor of Saint Michael Kevin Christopher Vogt In memory of Gail Lynne Walton, Kyrie Gloria Roman Missal, Third Edition Gospel Acclamation Sanctus Mysterium Fidei Amen Agnus Dei For congregation, cantor, choir, organ

2 Mass in Honor of Saint Michael Kevin Christopher Vogt This mass setting is included in resource Lift Up Your Hearts: Music for Order of Mass, a collection of ten mass settings pulished y Liturgical Press Information aout this resource is availale on our e site: TheRomanMissalorg The people s edition of Lift Up Your Hearts contains Order of Mass including ICEL chants plus ten mass settings The people s edition is small (04 pages at 4 ¼ x 6 ¾) and sold in packs of 0 ooks An affordale resource, ulk pricing is as lo as $49 per copy hen you order 0 or more copies The accompaniment edition of Lift Up Your Hearts (8 ½ x, spiral ound) includes ten mass settings plus Fr Anthony Ruff s accompaniment for ICEL chants Lift Up Your Hearts contains everything an assemly needs to transition from current Roman Missal to third edition Each of mass settings in Lift Up Your Hearts, plus accompaniment for ICEL chants, ill also e sold individually as PDF documents that can e donload and copied A link to each mass setting is provided online at: TheRomanMissalorg Please feel free to forard this electronic PDF revie copy to or musicians and pastoral ministers in your diocese If you have any questions, please contact me: Gary Feldhege Music Editor Liturgical Press , ext 977 gfeldhege@cssjuedu Revie copy This copy of Mass in Honor of Saint Michael is provided for revie purposes only It is copyrighted material and must e destroyed once you have completed your revie Out of a sense of justice for composer and pulisher, it is expected that hen you use any copyrighted music during celeration of Eucharist, you ill have secured appropriate original copies and necessary permissions to lafully reproduce music Liturgical Press Phone: Online: litpressorg

3 Kyrie h = 6 ( ) ( ) Deacon, Priest, or Cantor ad liitum* Lord, have Deacon, Priest, or Cantor ad liitum* Christ, have mer - cy mer - cy All: Lord, have Accompaniment, ad liitum Christ, have * If Kyrie is comined ith Penitential Act, an invocation from Roman Missal precedes this phrase All: mer - cy mer - cy Mass VII

4 Kyrie, pg Deacon, Priest, or Cantor ad liitum* Lord, have mer - cy Lord, All: have mer - cy Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved Mass VII

5 Gloria h = 0 F high-est, f - - œ œ and on œ œ (All:) œ œ œ œ earth peace praise you, e less œ œ œ œ œ œ œ to œ œ you, Incipit (Priest, Cantor, or Choir ad liitum) Glo - ry to f ( p ) œ œ peo-ple of good œ œ œ œ e a - ill dore you, œ God in œ œ We div div e œ œ œ œ 4 Mass VII

6 Gloria, pg œ œ glo - ri - fy œ œ œ œ Lord you, œ œ œ œ God, ẇ e give you heav-en - ly thanks Fa-r (All, ad liitum) Lord Je-sus Christ, for King, O On - ly Be - your great œ God, al - got - ten glo - ry, might - y Son, F P ẇ Mass VII 5

7 Gloria, pg unis Lord unis Fa - r, r, you P God, ẇ (All, ad liitum) Lam take a - of mer - cy on us; God, ay div div Son of œ Son Son Son of œ F sins of you orld, Fa- r, of of Fa - have Unis (All, ad liitum) take a - F P 6 Mass VII

8 Gloria, pg 4 ay unis unis you are unis sins of seat - ed div div orld, re - at right ceive hand mer - cy unis on us - f our of œ hand of hand hand of œ For prayer; Fa-r, F Fa - of Fa - you a - lone have r, have Fa - r, have r, have P are Mass VII 7

9 Gloria, pg 5 Ho - ly One, div you a - lone div œ are you a - lone œ Most œ œ œ are High, Je - sus - - Ho - ly œ Spir - it, Spir - it, Spir - it, Spir - it, in œ œ œ œ in in in - œ œ - œ œ glo - glo - glo - glo - Lord, Christ, ry, ry, ry, ry, ith glo - ry of 8 Mass VII

10 Gloria, pg 6 God Fa - r ƒ - - rall rall rall Assemly: A - Choir: A - W men Text: e Roman Missal, 00, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved W men W W W W Mass VII 9

11 Gospel Acclamation Refrain h = 8 W ia % % WW Verse Tone To repeat Intoned first time y cantor or choir ad liitum Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, v *Speak, O Lord, your servant is vv listening; To verse W ia W W W W W n al - le - lu - n Last time W ia n W W nw W v œ you have ords of everlast - ing life v œ + DS DS vv v œ *This verse provided for general use Consult Lectionary for Mass for prescried verse for day +Introductory measure of refrain may overlap ith final accented syllale of verse 0 Mass VII Text: Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved

12 Gospel Acclamation Lent Refrain h = Verse Tone Lord Je-sus v To repeat ad liitum Christ! *One does not live on read a-lone, vv vv % % Glo - ry to Christ! you, To verse and last time Word of God, v œ ut on every ord that comes forth from mouth of God v œ v *This verse provided for general use during Lent Consult Lectionary for Mass for prescried verse for day œ œ DS DS Text: Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved Mass VII

13 Sanctus h = 0 Ho - ly, Ho - ly Heav-en and earth are full of your Lord * Ho - ly, God of hosts glo - ry Ho - [ h = h ] san - na * Melody in Alto line for this measure Mass VII

14 Sanctus, pg in name of high-est Lord div unis Bless-ed unis san - na in high-est is œ œ œ œ Ho - div œ œ œ œ [ h = h ] he ho san - comes in na, ho - n W W Text: The Roman Missal, 00, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved Mass VII

15 Mysterium Fidei A h = 40 and pro- fess your Res - ur - We pro-claim your Death, O n rec - tion un - til you n Lord, come a - W gain n W W n W Text: The Roman Missal, 00, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved 4 Mass VII

16 Mysterium Fidei B h = 40 e pro-claim your Death, O Lord, When e eat this Bread un - til you come a - and drink this Cup, W gain n W W n W Text: The Roman Missal, 00, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved Mass VII 5

17 Mysterium Fidei C h = 40 for y your Cross and Save Res - ur - rec - tion us, you have set Sav- ior of orld, us nw free W W nw Text: The Roman Missal, 00, ICEL All rights reserved Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved W W 6 Mass VII

18 Amen h = 8 a - men, A - men, n a - n W men n W W nw W Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved Mass VII 7

19 Agnus Dei h = 84 All: Lam of sins of God, you orld, have take a - mer - cy on ay us To repeat To repeat 8 Mass VII

20 Agnus Dei, pg Last time All: Lam of Last time sins, sins of Soprano Descant: Lam God, of you orld, ẇ grant rit rit rit God, you take a - us grant us - - take a - ay ay U peace U peace # U # Music: Mass in Honor of Saint Michael, Kevin Christopher Vogt, 00 Pulished and administered y Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 56 All rights reserved Mass VII 9

21 Mass in Honor of Saint Michael Notes The Mass in Honor of Saint Michael as inspired y four-ell peal in elfry of St Michael Archangel Catholic Church, Leaood, Kansas These ells take ir pitches from traditional Gregorian incipits for Gloria and Te Deum: Te Deum Gloria Happily, mode of Te Deum also corresponds to traditional presidential chant melodies found in Roman Missal, alloing for a seamless integration ith ritual chants of Missal (Chant lovers ill also recognize quotations of Sanctus XI [ Oris factor ]) The musical material for Mass is furr derived from quarter-hour chime composed for se ells, a grand 6-note palindrome symolizing Christ ho is Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, source and goal of all Time: A B Fourth œ œ œ Quarter œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ X B Y A I A Sixteen-Note Palindrome The resulting cruciform patterns permeate melody and counterpoint of Mass, and are finally laid are as if in a final self-emptying act in Agnus Dei, litany during Breaking of Bread and ultimate kenosis of Body of Christ Performance Performance directions for singers are limited to suggested reath marks Strong text syllales are generally highlighted y metric placement and duration Such metric and agogic accents are perhaps est-rendered in singing ith a messa di voce, a lift or loom in voice This ill e heard as a sutle crescendo-decrescendo on each note, its speed and amplitude corresponding to length of note The slurs in organ accompaniment suggest moments here a smooth legato touch may e appropriate Orise, a slightly detached touch ill allo for sutle articulation of text and rhythm, as acoustical situation dictates Metronome markings are approximate, intended primarily as an aid to interpreting no-unconventional meter signatures The hite-note notation as chosen, hoever, as a visual reminder to those singing and praying to aim for a feeling of readth, expansiveness and gravity, avoiding rushing and trivialization of time R Y I B I B R X I A 0 Mass VII

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