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1 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof In 1969 the Bishops Committee on the Liturgy issued Guidelines on Latin in the Liturgy. The statement suggests how concern for continued use of some Latin can be reasonably handled without inury to the overwhelming maority who now benefit from the vernacular liturgy and without affront to the principles of liturgical participation. Four points of sensitivity appear, relative to liturgical, pastoral and musical udgement: 1) the community at large should not be deprived of vernacular celebration; 2) the possibility of employing Latin for certain parts of the Mass, especially sung texts, should be explored; 3) the possibility and desirability that the principal variable parts, the readings from Scripture and the eucharistic prayer should be in the vernacular; 4) the emphasis that there be no diminution of liturgical participation through responses by the people, common recitation of prayers, and congregational singing. The use of Latin should never be construed as the occasion to employ a form of Mass contrary to the principles of the Constitution on the Liturgy and the Roman Missal of Pope Paul VI. The following texts may be used in whole or part. Table of Contents NUMBER MASS TEXTS PAGE 1. Asperges Me (outside the Easter Season) Vidi Aquam (in the Easter Season) Kyrie XVI Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor) Kyrie VIII (De Angelis) Gloria VIII (De Angelis) Gloria XV (Dominator Deus) Alleluia (Mode VI) Alleluia (Mode II) Laus Tibi, Christe (etc., for Lent) Laus Tibi, Christe (etc., for Lent Mass XVI) Credo III Preface Dialogue Sanctus XVIII (Deus Genitor Alme) Sanctus XI (Orbis Factor) Sanctus VIII (De Angelis) Mortem Tuam Annuntiamus Quotiescumque Manducamus Salvator Mundi Great Amen Pater Noster Quia Tuum Est Regnum Pax Domini Agnus Dei XVIII (Deus Genitor Alme) Agnus Dei XI (Orbis Factor) Agnus Dei VIII (De Angelis) Ite, Missa Est Ite, Missa Est (Easter Season)

2 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof STAND Order of Mass Introductory Rites Entrance Song Greeting + In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti. Amen. A Grátia Dómini nostri esu Christi, et cáritas Dei, et communicátio Sancti Spíritus sit cum ómnibus vobis. Et cum spíritu tuo. Grátia vobis et pax a Deo Patre nostro et Dómino esu Christo. Et cum spíritu tuo. Dóminus vobíscum. Et cum spíritu tuo. Bishop: Pax vobis. Et cum spíritu tuo. B Grátia vobis et pax a Deo Patre nostro et Dómino esu Christo. Benedíctus Deus et Pater Dómini nostri esu Christi. Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water After the invitation, we respond Amen to the prayer(s). During the sprinkling we sing the following antiphon or another appropriate baptismal song. 1 & b & b A spér ges me, la vá bis me, OUTSIDE THE EASTER SEASON Asperges Me m Dó mi ne, et m hys só po, su per nivem Ps. 51:9 et mun dá bor: de al bá bor. 4

3 SAMPLE & b Mi se ré re me i, & b m cór di am tu am. (The following is used only with 1962 Missale Romanum.) De us, & b et Spi rí tu i San cto. & b 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof se cún dum magnam mi se ri Gló ri a Pa tri, et Fí li o, et in sáecu la sae cu lórum. A men. m Sic ut e rat in princí pi o, Ps. 51:3 et nunc, et sem per, Mode VII, 13th cent. During Passiontide omit the Glória Patri and repeat the Ant. Aspérges me or Vidi aquam immediately after the Ps. Miserére or Confitémini. V/. Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam. (In Paschal Time add: Allelúia.) R/. Et salutáre tuum da nobis. (Allelúia.) V/. Dómine, exaúdi oratiónem meam. R/. Et clamor meus ad te véniat. V/. Dóminus vobíscum. R/. Et cum spíritu tuo. V/. Orémus. Exaúdi nos, Dómine Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. R/. Amen. 2 & # Vi di a quam & # a lá tere & # IN THE EASTER SEASON Vidi Aquam e gre di én tem de dex tro, m et o mnes, ad quos per vé nit Ez. 47:1, 9 tem plo, al le lú ia: a qua i 5

4 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof & # sta, & # & # et di cent, m sal vi fa cti sunt, al le lú ia, Con fi té mi ni Dó mi no & # & # (The following is used only with 1962 Missale Romanum.) quó ni am in saé cu lum mi se ri Gló ri a Pa tri, et Fí li o, & # Sic ut e rat in prin cí pi o, & # et in saé cu la sae m al le lú ia. quó ni am bo nus: cór di a eus. et Spí ri tu i San cto. et nunc, et sem per, cu ló rum. A men. Ps. 118:1 Observe the rubric and versicles on page 5. Mode VIII, 10th cent. A 6 Penitential Rite Confíteor Deo omnipoténti et vobis, fratres, quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo, ópere et omissióne: We strike our breast. mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa. Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper Vírginem, omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres et soróres, oráre pro me ad Dóminum Deum nostrum.

5 3 Misereátur nostri omnípotens Deus et, dismíssis peccátis nostris, perdúcat nos ad vitam aetérnam. Amen. & b b & b b & b b Acclamations Ky ri e, e lé i son. Chri ste, e lé i son. Ky ri e, e lé ison latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof Ky ri e, e lé i son. Chri ste, e lé i son. Ky ri e, e lé i son. Mass XVI, Mode III, 11th 13th cent. ubilate Deo Missa Orbis Factor & b b b. A Ky ri e, e lé i son. & b b. A. Chrí ste, e lé i son. & b b b Ky ri e, SAMPLE 4 A e lé i son. & bb Ky ri e, A e lé i son. Mass XI, Mode I, 10th 14th 16th cent. 7

6 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof Missa de Angelis &. Ky ri e, e lé i son. &.. Chri ste, e lé i son. & Ky ri e, e lé i son. & Kyri e, e lé i son. Mass VIII, Mode V, 15th 16th cent. B C 5SAMPLE Miserére nostri, Dómine. Quia peccávimus tibi. Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam. Et salutáre tuum da nobis. Misereátur nostri omnípotens Deus et, dismíssis peccátis nostris, perdúcat nos ad vitam aetérnam. Amen. The priest or another minister leads us in these or similar penitential invocations. Qui missus es sanáre contrítos corde: Kyrie, eléison. Kyrie, eléison. Qui peccatóres vocáre venísti: Christe, eléison Christe, eléison Qui ad déxteram Patris sedes, ad interpellándum pro nobis: Kyrie, eléison. Kyrie, eléison. Misereátur nostri omnípotens Deus et, dismíssis peccátis nostris, perdúcat nos ad vitam aetérnam. Amen. 8

7 6SAMPLE Gloria Missa de Angelis 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof Gló ri a in ex cél sis De o. bo nae vo lun tá tis. Et in ter ra pax ho mí ni bus Lau dá mus te. Be ne dí ci mus te. Glo ri fi cá mus te. Ad o rá mus te. Grá ti as á gi mus ti bi propter magnam gló ri am tu am. De us Pa ter o mní po tens. Dó mi ne De us, Rex cae lé stis. Dómi ne Fi li u ni gé ni te, e su Chri ste. Fí li us Pa tris. Dó mi ne De us, A gnus De i, Qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di, mi se ré re no bis. Qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di, sú sci pe de pre ca ti ó nem no stram. 9

8 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof Qui se des ad déx te ram Pa tris, mi se ré re no bis. Quó ni am tu so lus San ctus. Tu so lus Dó mi nus. Tu so lus Al tís si mus, Cum San cto Spí ri tu, e su Chri ste. in gló ri a De i Pa tris. A men. Mass VIII, Mode V, 16th cent. SAMPLE 7 & Gló ri a in ex cél sis De o. & & bo nae vo lun tá tis. Gloria Missa Dominator Deus Lau dá mus te. Et in ter ra pax ho mí ni bus Be ne dí ci mus te. Ad o rá mus te. & Grá ti as á gi mus ti bi & Dó mi ne De us, Rex cae lé stis. Glo ri fi cá mus te. pro pter magnam gló ri am tu am. De us Pa ter o mní po tens. 10

9 & Dó mi ne Fi li u ni gé ni te, & 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof e su Chri ste. Dó mi ne De us, A gnus De i, & Qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di, Fí li us Pa tris. mi se ré re no bis. & Qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di, & sú sci pe de pre ca ti ó nem nostram. SAMPLE Qui se des ad déx te ram Pa tris, & Quó ni am tu so lus San ctus. & Tu so lus Al tís si mus, & mi se ré re no bis. Tu so lus Dó mi nus. e su Chri ste. in gló ri a De i Pa tris. Cum San cto Spí ri tu, m A men. Mass XV, Mode IV, 10th cent. Opening Prayer After the invitation, we pray silently for a while. Amen. After the readings: Verbum Dómini. Deo grátias. Liturgy of the Word Silent reflection may follow each reading and the homily. If the responsorial psalm is sung, a common seasonal response and psalm may replace the proper texts. SIT 11

10 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof The Alleluia should always be sung. If not, omit it and the gospel verse. 8 & # Al le lú ia, al le lú ia, al le lú ia. STAND 9 & b b b b Mode VI Al le lú ia, al le lú ia, al le lú ia. Mode II During Lent, these or similar acclamations of praise replace Alleluia before and after the gospel verse. 10 & # 1. Laus 2. Laus 3. Gló 4. Gló ti et ri ri bi, ho a a nor et ti laus bi, Chri ti Chri ste, bi, ste, rex ae tér Dó nae mi ti Ver gló ri ne e bi, Chri bo De ae. su. ste. i. & Laus ti bi, Chri Laus et ho nor ti Gló ri Gló ri a a et ti laus bi, Chri SAMPLE 11 ste, rex ae tér nae gló bi, Dó mi ne ti bi, ste, Ver bo ri ae. e su. Chri ste. De i. Mass XVI, Mode III, 11th 13th cent. At the gospel: Dóminus vobíscum. Et cum spíritu tuo. Léctio sancti Evangélii secúndum N. Glória tibi, Dómine. After the gospel: Verbum Dómini. Laus tibi, Christe. Homily SIT 12 Profession of Faith Credo III Cre do in u num De um, Pa trem o mni po tén tem, STAND 12

11 fa ctó rem cae li et ter rae, et in vi si bí li um latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof vi si bí li um ó mnium, Et in u num Dó mi num e sum Christum, Fí li um De i u ni gé ni tum. Et ex Pa tre na tum an te ó mni a saé cu la. lu men de lú mi ne, Gé ni tum, non fa ctum, De um de De o, De um ve rum de De o ve ro. con sub stan ti á lem Pa tri: per quem ó mni a fa cta sunt. Qui pro pter nos hó mi nes SAMPLE et pro pter no stram sa lú tem Et in car ná tus est de Spí ri tu San cto et ho mo fa ctus est. sub Pón ti o Pi lá to de scén dit de cae lis. ex Ma rí a Vír gi ne: Cru ci fí xus é ti am pro no bis: pas sus, et se púl tus est. 13

12 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof 4 Et re sur ré xit tér ti a di e, Et a scén dit in cae lum: se cún dum Scri ptú ras. se det ad déx te ram Pa tris. Et í terum ven tú rus est cum gló ri a, u di cá re vi vos et mór tu os: SAMPLECredo III, 14 cu us re gni non e rit fi nis. et vi vi fi cán tem: Qui cum Pa tre et Fí li o et con glo ri fi cá tur: Et u nam, san ctam, ca thó li cam Et in Spí ri tum San ctum, Dó minum, qui ex Pa tre Fi li ó que pro cé dit. si mul a do rá tur, qui lo cú tus est per pro phé tas. Con fí te or u num ba ptísma et a po stó li cam Ec clé si am. in re mis si ó nem pec ca tó rum. Et ex spé cto re sur re cti ó nem mor tu ó rum. Et vi tam ven tú ri saé cu li. A men. Mode V, 17th cent.

13 SAMPLE General Intercessions 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof We pray: a) for the Church, b) for public authorities and the world, c) for those oppresed, and d) for local needs. The priest calls us to prayer. He or another minister states the petitions ending each in some common formula., Dóminum deprecémur. implorémus. exorémus., exaudíre dignéris. A B C D E Praesta, aetérne omnípotens Deus. Grant it, eternal and almighty God. Kyrie, eléison Lord, have mercy. Christe, audi nos. Christ, hear us. Dómine, miserére. Lord, have mercy. Te rogámus, audi nos. We ask you to hear us. Amen. SIT Liturgy of the Eucharist Preparation of the Gifts We present the gifts for the Eucharist, the Church and those in need. We sing while the gifts are collected and brought to the altar in procession. If there is no song, the priest may say two prayers aloud, and all may respond. Benedíctus es, Benedíctus Deus in saécula. STAND Oráte, fratres, Prayer over the Gifts Suscípiat Dóminus sacrifícium de mánibus tuis ad laudem et glóriam nóminis sui, ad utilitátem quoque nostram totiúsque Ecclésiae suae sanctae. Amen. 15

14 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof 13 & Dó mi nus vo bís cum. & m & & Eucharistic Prayer Preface Dialogue Sur sum cor da. Dó mi num. Dó mi no De o no stro. Et cum spí ri tu tu o. m Ha bé mus ad m Grá ti as a gá mus m Di gnum et u stum est. Mode II 14 & San ctus, San ctus, Sanctus Missa Deu s Genitor Alme San ctus Dó mi nus De us Sá ba oth. & Ple ni sunt cae li et ter ra gló ri a tu a. & Ho sán na in ex cél sis. & nó mi ne Dó mi ni. Be ne dí ctus qui ve nit in Ho sán na in ex cél sis. Mass XVIII, Mode VIII, 13th cent. ubilate Deo 16

15 San ctus, Sanctus Missa Orbis Factor San ctus, 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof San ctus Dó mi nus De us Sá ba oth. Ple ni sunt cae li et ter ra SAMPLE 15 gló ri a tu a. Ho sán na in ex cél sis. Be ne dí ctus qui ve nit n in nó mi ne Dó mi ni. Ho sán na in ex cél sis. Mass XI, Mode II, 11th cent. 16 & b b b Sanctus Missa de Angelis San ctus, San ctus, & b b b & b b b San ctus Dó mi nus De us Sá ba oth. & bb b Ple ni sunt cae li et ter ra 17

16 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof & b b b gló ri a tu a. & b b b & b b b Be ne dí ctus qui ve nit Ho sán na Ho sán na in ex cél sis. in nómine Dó mi ni. in ex cél sis. Mass VIII, Mode VI, 11th 12th cent. SAMPLE Memorial Acclamations & m Mor tem tu am an nun ti á mus, Dó mi ne, & 18 A re sur re cti ó nem con fi té mur, B & et tu am do nec vé ni as. m Quo ti es cúm que man du cámus panem hunc et cá li cem bí bi mus, & mortem tu am an nun ti á mus, Dó mi ne, C 19 & m Sal vá tor mun di, sal va nos, & re sur re cti ó nem tu am do nec vé ni as. qui per cru cem et li be rá sti nos. Mode III Mode III Mode III ubilate Deo

17 per ómnia saécula saeculórum: Concluding Acclamation 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof The acclamation may be developed through repitition, musical elaboration, and other words of affirmation. Communion Rite The Lord s Prayer The priest invites us to prayer in common before communion. Pa ter no ster, qui es in cae lis: & A men. san cti fi cé tur no men tu um; STAND & Ad vé ni at re gnum tu um; & sic ut in cae lo, et in ter ra. Fi at vo lún tas tu a, Pa nem nostrum quo ti di á num & da no bis hó di e; Et di mít te no bis dé bi ta no stra, & sic ut et nos di mít ti mus de bi tó ri bus no stris. & SAMPLE 21 & 20 Et ne nos in dú cas in ten ta ti ó nem; sed lí be ra nos a ma lo. Mode VI Líbera nos, esu Christi. 22 & Qui a tu um est regnum, et po tés tas, et gló ri a in saé cu la. Mode VI 19

18 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof Rite of Peace Dómine, in saécula saeculórum. Amen. 23 & Pax Dó mi ni sit sem per vo bís cum. Et cum spí ri tu tu o. Mode VI Offérte vobis pacem. As the priest greets the other ministers, we express wishes of peace and love toward one another in words and gestures of our own choosing. Breaking of Bread 24 & b b & b b & b b Agnus Dei Missa Deus Genitor Alme Agnus De i, qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: A gnus De i, qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: A gnus De i, qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: mi se ré re no bis. mi se ré re no bis. do na no bis pa cem. Mass XVIII, Mode VIII, 12th cent. ubilate Deo 25 # # # # # # A gnus De i, mi se ré re no bis. Agnus Dei Missa Orbis Factor qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: n A gnus De i, qui tol lis 20

19 # # # pec cá ta mun di: mi se ré re no bis latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof A gnus De i, # # # qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: do na no bis pa cem. 26SAMPLE & b b b & b b b A gnus De i, mi se ré re no bis. & b b b pec cá ta mun di: & b b b Agnus Dei Missa de Angelis qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: Agnus De i, mi se ré re no bis. Mass XI, Mode I, 14th cent. qui tol lis A gnus De i, qui tol lis pec cá ta mun di: do na no bis pa cem. Mass VIII, Mode VI, 15th cent. Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccáta mundi. Beáti qui ad cenam Agni vocáti sunt. Dómine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanábitur ánima mea. Corpus Christi. Amen. Sanguis Christi. Amen. Communion Song Our oyful processional song expresses our unity in esus. 21

20 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof SIT After communion we may spend some time in silent prayer and/or a song of praise. STAND Prayer after Communion After the invitation, we pray silently for a while if silence has not followed communion. Amen. Concluding Rite If there are announcements, they are made at this time. Dóminus vobíscum. Et cum spíritu tuo. Pontifical Blessing Sit nomen Dómini benedíctum. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saéculum. Adutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini. Qui fecit caelum et terram. A Benedícat vos omnípotens Deus, + Pater, et Fílius, et Spíritus Sanctus. Amen. Another formula of blessing may be substituted. Solemn Blessing: We bow our heads and respond Amen to each verse of the blessing. 27 Prayer over the People: We bow our heads and respond Amen to the prayer and its concluding blessing. 28 & SAMPLE B C & I te, mis sa est. De o grá ti as. Mode IV I te, De o mis ti as, al le lú sa est, al le lú grá ia, ia, al le al le lú lú ia. ia. 22

21 SAMPLE Closing Song 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof As the priest and ministers leave, we may sing a concluding song or depart to the accompaniment of instrumental recessional music. We go forth to share what we have received in Word and Sacrament. 23

22 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof 24

23 SAMPLE 4020.latin mass1st proof 4020.latin mass1st proof 25

24 SAMPLE Engraved and printed in the U.S.A.

25 SAMPLE World Library Publications a division of. S. Paluch Company, Inc. Schiller Park, IL

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