Kelowna Buddhist Temple

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1 April 24, 2009 Kelowna Buddhist Temple The New Dharma Express PO. Box 22092, RPO Capri Centre Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9N9 phone Special points of interest: May 2, Sat. Quigong/ Tai Chi Class 1pm May 3, Sun. Dharma School 10am May 6, Wed. TSS May 7, Thurs. TSS May 8, Fri. May 9, Sat. Quigong/ Tai Chi Class 1pm May 10, Sun. Dharma School, Monthly Memorial 10am May 13, Wed. TSS May 14, Thurs. TSS May 15, Fri. TSS Monthly Memorial MAY Master Masaharu Terai Mr. Kinai Kita Mr. Shichigoro Hayashi Mrs. Tomeno Oikawa Mrs. Mitsu Hayashi Miss Yukiko Yokota Mr. Iwajiro Yoshikawa Mr. Bunzo Sakamoto Mr. Shojiro Yamaoka Mr. Suekichi Koga Mr. Katsuzo Hayashi Mr. Kuniyoshi Tamura Mr. Yazo Atagi Mr. Robert Kawaguchi Mr. Roy Tanemura Mrs. Takeko Kimura Mr. Masaichi Terai Mr. Masaru Tamaki Mr. Shuo Yamaoka Special points of interest: May 16, Sat. Quigong/Tai Chi Class 1pm May 16, Sat. Manning Park Retreat sponsored by the Living Dharma Center May 17, Sun. Retreat Continued Clean-up Altar Toban Group #3 M/M Yuki Tanemura Mr. Jim Nishi M/M Teruo Ogi M/M Tosh Suzuki Mr. George Terada Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaoka Mrs. Sakae Nishi Mr. George Hayashi M/M Alan Yamaoka Mr. Brian Yamaoka Ms. Lisa Yamaoka Ms. Carrie Yamaoka Special points of interest: May 20, Wed. TSS May 21, Thurs. TSS May 22, Fri. TSS May 24, Sun. Gotanye Service 10am May 27, Wed. TSS Inside this issue: Sensei s Report 2 Editor 3 Calendar 4 BCC Update 5 Japanese Calendar 6 7 Just Rambling 8 Temple Executive 9 Donations 10 Special points of interest: May 28, Thurs. TSS May 29, Fri. TSS, Flea Market Pricing & Sorting 9am May 30, Sat. Annual Flea Market & Plant Sale 8-2pm

2 Page 2 From Sensei Against all odds Music heard so deeply That is not heard at all And you are the music, While the music lasts (T.S. Eliot) A few mornings ago, my wife asked me to come quickly to the computer. I had no idea what she wanted. She showed me a recent clip from You Tube called Britain s Got Talent the British counterpart to Canadian Idol. She had seen the clip the previous night on the CTV National News, and wanted to share it with me. I sat down in front of the computer screen and watched. I saw three familiar faces, the judges, actor Amanda Holden, former Daily Mirror Editor, Piers Morgan, and Simon Cowell whom we know from American and Canadian Idol, who is well known for his negative and at times scathing criticism. Two young assistants escorted an older looking woman on stage. As usual, one of the judges, Simon Cowell, began asking her questions. What is your name darling? Susan Boyle she replied. Where do you come from? She told them that she was from a small village in West Lothian, Scotland. Cowell asked and how old are you? I m 47 - shaking her hips she added and that s just one side of me The judges, as well as people in the audience rolled their eyes, and snickered. Simon asked what s the dream? Susan responded that she wanted to be a professional singer---like Elaine Paige (a well known British singer). The audience snickered again with stifled laughter. Standing before a crowd of more than 3,000 people, most of whom seemed to be waiting for her to fail, because of the way she looked, she announced that she would sing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables. As the music accompaniment began, she smiled nervously, and then began to sing. Instantly, everyone was transfixed by her incredibly beautiful voice. The judges faces changed, their jaws dropped. Their previous cynicism was replaced by broad smiles, and wiping away of tears. I myself had the same reaction. I am not a musically talented person, but I was so moved by her incredible talent. Susan finished the song to a standing ovation, and then began walking off the stage. The judges had to call her back to give their comments. Piers said to her that was the biggest surprise that I have had in three years on this show ---when you said you wanted to be a professional singer, like Elaine Paige, everyone laughed, ---but nobody is laughing now---that was stunning - an incredible performance. Amanda told her I am so thrilled because everybody was against you; ---it was a complete privilege listening to that. Simon told her that something extraordinary had happened now you can go back home to the village with your head held high- its 3 Yeses. Since then I have watched this video many times. Every time it brings tears to my eyes. This video clip on You Tube has been seen by more than 26 million viewers. Susan has touched people worldwide. She has been interviewed by ABC, and more than 60 major Newsmakers, and is now scheduled to be on the Oprah Winfrey show. Susan has achieved instant global fame. This unemployed. plain-looking church volunteer, who lives alone with her cat, has challenged all of our preconceived assumptions and prejudices. She has shown us the jewel that was within her, that is her true essence. The jewel that she knew was within her - that creative force that strove to express itself. Within the Larger Sutra it is described as follows: green lotuses grow with a green light, white ones with a white light, and likewise dark blue, yellow, red and purple lotuses grow with lights of their respective colors. The brilliance of these lights is so magnificent that it outshines the sun and the moon. In our judgements of people, we need to look beyond superficial appearances, to the person within to the transcendental dimension of selfhood that is the Buddha within us. In listening to the incredible singing of Susan Boyle, I thought about Taitetsu Unno s words the nembutsu is the music of cosmic harmony, which reverberates through one s being in the sounding of NAMU-AMIDA- BUTSU. In Gassho, Yasuhiro Miyakawa

3 Page 3 Call for your donation of flea market items May 30th, 2009 we will having our Annual Flea Market & Plant Sale As in the past M/M T. Ogi have generously supplied us with the Plants, we also need others to support with Flea Market items. Help for larger items is available, please contact Gord Lacey ( ) or Alan Yamaoka ( ) or Your assistance is requested on Friday May 29th, starting at 9am, when we will be sorting and pricing the items and of course any time between 8am and 2pm the day of the sale Thank you! Min Mori, has spear headed this event for years and is getting tired should you be able to offer your assistance in apprenticing under his guidance, we would greatly appreciate a volunteer this year, please contact any Temple Executive. Message from the Editor Is it just me or didn t we just do an issue? Wow, is time really flying by we recognize it when we look at how those nieces and nephews, that were little once, have grown into adults; with this publication it has been almost 6 years that I have hosted the web site and put together this New publication (with the help of many volunteers). Time will catch up to most of us and wouldn t it be a shame to regret supporting the Temple more. Sure family and friends are high on everyone s priority list, but when I reflect back, I don t want to feel that there wasn t a balance between things that were important in my life. I doubt whether anyone would admit to saying at the end... I wish I had spent more time at the office or work instead it would be all the non-physical things that were important, like family, friends and the Sangha. In the sutras the word sangha (lit. "group, assembly") is usually used in one of two ways: it refers either to the community of ordained monks and nuns (bhikkhusangha and bhikkhuni-sangha) or to the community of "noble ones" (ariya-sangha) persons who have attained at least stream-entry, the first stage of Awakening. The members and friends of the Kelowna Buddhist Temple, consists of a group of noble individuals who are in the first stages of awakening and I m happy to have met all of you. Stream-entry makes me think of little salmon fry fighting to survive lol, could be a good analogy. In Gassho, Jiro Get your Notepads here! The Vernon Buddhist Temple has organized a Fund raising program for the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temple of Canada, which consists of a unique note pad with drawings from Dharma School students with a scriptural quote. Our Temple supported this project and has them for sale, please watch for them to become available. The Collected Works of Shinran - see Sensei for your personal copy today only $50 Those who realize shinjin, which is Other Power, Revere (The Dharma) and greatly rejoice in it, and therefore are my true companions. Such is the praise of the World-honored one, the master of the teaching. Such is the benevolence of Amida s great compassion, that we must strive to return it, even to the breaking of our bodies; such is the benevolence of the masters and true teachers, that we must endeavor to repay it, even to our bones becoming dust.

4 Page 4 May 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Taiko Practice 7pm 2 Quigong/Tai Chi Class 1pm. Lawn Cutting Gord Lacey 3 Dharma School 10am 4 Taiko Practice 7pm Taiko Practice 7pm 9 Quigong/Tai Chi Class 1pm, Lawn Cutting Harry Tonn 10 Dharma School, and Monthly Memorial 10am 11 Taiko Practice 7pm , Temple Executive Meeting 6:30pm 15 Taiko Practice 7pm 16 Manning Park Retreat, Quigong/Tai Chi Class 1pm, Lawn Cutting Jim Nishi 17 Manning Park Retreat, 18 Taiko Practice 7pm Taiko Practice 7pm 23 Lawn Cutting Tim Tahara 24 Gotan-e Service 10am Taiko Practice 7pm Flea Market Pricing and sorting 9am, TSS Taiko Practice 7pm 30 Annual Flea Market & Plant Sale 8-2pm, Lawn Cutting Ken Ueda On May 10, 2009, Dharma School will be hosting a luncheon to commemorate Mother s day and the end of our current term. We would like to invite everyone attending the Dharma School / Gotan-e service to stay and have lunch with us. If you feel that you will be able to join us, please notify Pegi or Herb to allow us to obtain a rough head count. Thank-you, In Gassho

5 Page 5 BCC Update: A monthly update from the national headquarters of the Shin Buddhist Churches of Canada Fentiman Place, Richmond, B.C., V7E 6M6 Ph: fax: e: or web: Update from the office of Bishop May 2009 Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Fentiman Pl. Richmond, B.C. V7E 6M6 May this Update find you all in good health and spirits despite the persistent wintry weather across Canada. Traditionally, May is the month in which we commemorate the birth of Shinran Shonin, known as Go-tanye in Japanese, as he was born on May 21, There are many things we can learn from his life of 90 years during the Kamakura period in Japan. One of the most important events, I believe, is his decision to give up the Path of Sages that he had faithfully followed on Mt Hiei for 20 years before encountering Honen Shonin, who introduced the Pure Land Path to him. Giving up what you have accumulated for many years is a very difficult thing to do. Today, you are encouraged to begin to learn as early as possible in whatever you do, such as soccer, baseball, golf, mathematics, language, musical instrument and so on. However, there is another important factor which can not be ignored, that is the timely advice from the experienced professional. In the case of Shinran Shonin he didn t seem to have anyone to consult on Mt. Hiei and he simply followed the traditional way for many years. Naturally, he got stuck in a maze. I understand he had been in a spiritual dilemma; the more he practised, the farther the goal seemed to be. Zonkaku, the son of Kakunyo Shonin the 3 rd Monshu of Hongwanji, wrote to praise the virtue of Shinran Shonin in the Tan-doku-mon; Although he did every effort to see the calm water, his mind was constantly waving. And as he meditated on the moon, the obsessed clouds covered his mind. As the rest of the story goes, Shinran Shonin was able to make 180 degree turn after meeting Honen Shonin who was preaching the Buddha s Power instead of self-power. In Gassho, Namo Amida Butsu, Orai Fujikawa 四月に入ってもカナダ各地で依然として冬型の異常気候が続いていますが 法友のみなさまにはお変わりなきこととお察し申し上げます 鎌倉時代に 90 年の生涯を全うされました宗祖親鸞聖人から多くのことを教えられますが 中でも大切なことは 比叡山で 20 年間修行されました聖道門を捨てて 法然上人の浄土門に帰依されたことであります 永年真剣に積み重ねてやってきたことを やめてしまうことは中々難しいことであります 今日 何でも若いときから才能を発掘すると言うことで サッカー ベースボール ゴルフ 語学 音楽など習うことが奨励されていますが その場合専門的な良き指導者との出会いも大切であります

6 Page 6 宗祖親鸞聖人のひ孫に当る存覚上人は その著 嘆徳文 のなかで 定水を凝らすといえども識浪しきりに動き 心月を観ずといえども妄雲なお覆う と比叡山当時の宗祖の心境を述べてあるように 良き指導者に恵まれず行詰まり悩める姿が窺えます いよいよ決心をされ山を降り 良き師法然上人に出会い めでたく本願他力の信心に遇われることになりました 五月二十一日は宗祖の誕生をお祝いする降誕会です その頃にはもう暑い暑いと不平が出る気候になっているでしょう 合掌 COMING EVENTS Apr 12 Hanamatsuri Service at Montreal Buddhist Temple 19 Hanamatsuri Service at Hamilton Buddhist Temple 23 JSBTC MA Meeting in Lethbridge 24 JSBTC Board Meeting 25 JSBTC AGM 26 JSBTC Memorial and the Dedication of the new temple of BTSA May Manning Park Family Retreat 行 事 案 内 5 月 2 日 ( 土 ) 午後 1 時 タイチ教室 3 日 ( 日 ) 午前 10 時 日曜学校 6 日 ( 水 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 7 日 ( 木 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 8 日 ( 金 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 9 日 ( 土 ) 午後 1 時 タイチ教室 10 日 ( 日 ) 午前 10 時 日曜学校 祥月法要 13 日 ( 水 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 14 日 ( 木 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 午後 6 時半 仏教会役員会 15 日 ( 金 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 16 日 ( 土 ) 於 マニンク ハ ーク マニンク ハ ークでの集い 午後 1 時 タイチ教室 17 日 ( 日 ) 於 マニンク ハ ーク マニンク ハ ークでの集い 20 日 ( 水 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 21 日 ( 木 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 22 日 ( 金 ) 午前 9 時半 千部経三昧 24 日 ( 日 ) 午前 10 時 降誕会 27 日 ( 水 ) 午前 9 時半千部経三昧 28 日 ( 木 ) 午前 9 時半千部経三昧 29 日 ( 金 ) 午前 9 時フリーマーケット準備午前 9 時半千部経三昧 30 日 ( 土 ) 午前 8 時ー午後 2 時フリーマーケット フ ラントセール # 未だ寒い日が続いていますが 恒例のマニンク ハ ークでの集い 降誕会 フリーマーケットセールと続く行事迄には 暖かくなっていることでしょう 皆様のご参加 ご支援をお願いします

7 Truly a Journey Page 7 The three principle Sutras of the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism are the Larger Sutra on the Buddha of infinite life, Sutra of Meditation on the Buddha of infinite life and Smaller Sutra on the Buddha of infinite life. These Sutras contain the essence of our teachings and were translated into the english language a few years ago. Reverend Miyakawa has been a passionate promoter of chanting the english versions of the three Sutras and thus created the T.S.S. meditation sessions. The goal is for each participant to chant each Sutra one thousand times. This practise is designed to have each person internalize the words of the Buddha and to gain a deeper insight in the Pure Land teachings. The sessions have ongoing in Kelowna on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings, for the past two and a half years and have attracted a few Temple members as well as people from the general public. Reverend Miyakawa also holds sessions in Kamloops as well. Yuki Tanemura received recognition at last year s Hanamatsuri service for completing fifty cycles of T.S.S. (chanting each Sutra one time). Recently, two more of our members reached this milestone. Cheryl Tanaka and Michael Martin were each presented with a Mandala depicting the Contemplation Sutra in picture form, at this year s Hanamatsuri service. Their dedication to obtaining a deeper level of understanding of Buddhism is commendable. This represents approximately one and a half years of chanting and studying the meaning of the words contained within the Sutras. Along with Reverend Miyakawa, they invite anyone interested in learning Buddhism from the origins, to join them and chant the Sutras. Reverend Miyakawa has completed his one hundredth T.S.S. cycle at Kelowna Buddhist Temple. This is in addition to sessions held in Kamloops and at his home. This is truly a lesson in perseverance and dedication towards his goal of one thousand cycles. Congratulations Sensei, you continue to inspire us all. In Gassho, Herb Terrific Turn Out Now that is what I m talking about we had a terrific turn out of volunteers with this years spring yard clean-up. Special thanks to Ken Yamada for all his expertise in pruning, the Temple grounds is a thing of beauty. Breakfast was prepared by Barb, Pat, Laurie and Joyce, the men really appreciated the fine food and it was a great way to spend a couple of hours. I know that Alan Yamaoka had called people and was worried that we might have a low turn out for the work party. It is a huge concern what made YABA Update: We have rescheduled a number of events this year and Ladies Night Out was one of them, we are hoping for the first week in May our social committee will be calling you shortly. As a point of interest for those that are new to YABA or those that are thinking about joining, the Ladies are treated to dinner, as a small thank you for all their hard work through out the year (men get to go, and pay, as their The Semi-annual General meeting is also tentatively booked for the May 23rd weekend, everyone s job easier, was the many hands that came out to help. I doubt there is an article that I write, that I m not pleading for people to come and help, I know it sounds lame, but I m actually being selfish with my time. I have things I want to do to and the more people that turn up for Temple activities, the less time we all have to spend there. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all the volunteers In Gassho Jiro please keep that weekend free as well. YABA Executive wishes to thank all that came out for Yard Clean-up and the ladies for preparing a delicious breakfast. As mention in past newsletters, the lawn cutting schedule is not written in stone, if you are unable to, please phone the person below you to rotate. Or if you are unable or don t want to be included, just let any YABA executive know and we will work around any issues. In Gassho Jiro

8 Page 8 BC Federation Convention September 25 27th, 2009 hosted by Kamloops Buddhist Temple and co-hosted by Vernon Buddhist Temple Rev. Emeritus Seigen Yamaoka (Former Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America) Guest Minister Theme: True Compassion in difficult Time Japanese Theme: Kurushimino Nakade Ooinaru Kokoru ni Idakarete Watch for more information and make plans to attend! Just Rambling Yesterday I returned to Chilliwack following four weeks in the land of my birth enjoying the warmth of the Okanagan sun. I have noticed that Kelowna s rapid growth of recent years has slowed to a crawl especially in condo construction. Near my home, the H2O project for aquatic activities opened for public use the other day and it certainly is a most impressive sight. Though rather late to bring it up now but better late than never. In my February s newsletter article, which due to a careless computer error on my behalf, missed the deadline for publication. I had congratulated the new president of the Kelowna Buddhist Temple Alec Pelletier and the incoming board. I also extended my sincere appreciation to retiring members former president Shirley Tanemura, Yuki Tanemura and George Hayashi for serving as executive members so efficiently and capably for years. The Hanamatsuri celebration was as it has been in previous years a tremendously successful event. It s amazing how tirelessly everyone worked to accomplish this. Sensei Miyakawa deserves our appreciation for conducting the service and for his informative and interesting Dharma talks. A big thank you goes to the Fujinkai ladies who worked so hard to provide us with a most delicious meal. It has been an unseasonably cold, late spring this year and I have noticed as of April 15 th in the Belgo district, just a slight green tip is showing on the apple buds. As a contrast, several years ago, some of the apple trees were in full bloom on April 20 th. In Gassho, Suey Japan Youth Tour 2009 July Rev. Grant Ikuta is escorting a group of interest Dharma School Students to Kyoto for this year Japan Youth Tour please contact Rev. Miyakawa if you are interest, there is now only a short window of opportunity left. These once in a life time experiences are now being held every other year, instead of every year so make the most of this terrific opportunity! Please let us Know We are doing our best to record your donations properly and hope you will be patient with any errors or omissions. Should you notice anything that is incorrectly recorded or missed, the Temple Treasurer would truly appreciate bringing it to someone s attention. It is not an inconvenience or bother, it is a benefit and will be treated as such Thank you In Gassho Jiro Third Annual 12-hour Marathon Chanting Event August 6, 2009 at the Vernon Buddhist Temple, by Rev. Y. Miyakawa In support of peace and non-violence throughout the world! Please support by: attending, sending a folded paper crane or making a donation to your local Temple

9 Page 9 Gotan-e Service May 24, 2009 at 10am Shinran Shonin, founder of Jodo Shinshu s, Birthday Traditionally we held this service in the afternoon, but with everyone s busy schedule, we were hoping a time change would encourage more to attend. Hope to see you there to celebrate our founders Birthday! From the Temple Executive Spring in the Okanagan! Warm sunny days, trees budding and flowers blooming. Not this year cold, dreary days and flowers afraid to peek through the ground in fear of freezing. That s not a problem at the Kelowna Buddhist Temple where we create our own spring at the Hanamatsuri (Flower Festival) service. All the warmth you could ask for from the many Dharma friends and the beautiful Hondo adorned with daffodils and pink cherry blossoms. A Hanamatsuri tradition continued with the Dharma School students visiting shut-ins at the hospital, spreading Dharma cheer and presenting daffodils to the patients. I m sure the patients really appreciated their kindness. Congratulations to Cheryl Tanaka and Michael Martin who were presented mandalas to commemorate the completion of fifty cycles of T.S.S. meditation. Your dedication and conviction are an inspiration to all of us. Thanks to Miyakawa Sensei for his tireless work in leading these sessions and spreading the Dharma teachings. April 11 th was our spring clean up day. Thanks to the Stevey Wonder... The program the Dharma School children put on at Hanamatsuri was so entertaining, it made me grin from ear to ear great job! It is nice to see so many little kids at the Temple and I hope their interest continues. Also I want to thank Michael Martin and Genevra Cavaugh for their contribution to the short performance they did with Yamabiko Taiko at Hanamatsuri this year. It was a treat working with them and we had a lot of fun just a week prior to Hanamatsuri, there was a 50/50 chance it wasn t going to happen due to conflicts and personal issues, but I m so glad things turned many volunteers who came out and made short work of the tasks and to KenYamada who came out during the week to prune the trees and shrubs. Of course, we must not forget the ladies who prepared a delicious breakfast for everyone. Don t forget the Manning Park Retreat from May 16 to 19. It s great fun and is a wonderful opportunity to renew acquaintances and make new friends from the lower mainland, Kamloops and Vernon. A reminder that May 30 th is our annual flea market and plant sale. As you are conducting your spring cleaning and find treasures you would like to share, please bring them down to the Temple. We would welcome the opportunity to sell them at the flea market. We encourage everyone to come out and lend a helping hand we can use all the assistance we can get. You might find a real bargain and stock up on plants from Ogi s Nursery for your garden. I assure you that the days will get warmer and we look forward to seeing everyone at the various Temple services and events. In Gassho, Derek out. The combination of Taiko, Chanting and Singing Bowls, was a unique treat, that everyone seemed to enjoy. My son and wife were a little embarrassed, because of my poor Stevey Wonder impression I was bopping my head and moving like him. As most people know when they watch me in front of a crowd, talking or drumming, I like to smile and enjoy the moment, plus make others enjoy the moment. Sharing special times with the Sangha, is what motivated me to express myself like Stevey Wonder. If you weren t there, you missed a rewarding afternoon of celebration don t miss the next one. In Gassho Jiro Recent legislation enacted by the Provincial Government restricts organizations from divulging personal information without the approval of the individuals affected. The donations generously made by Temple members and friends fall under the realm of personal information. Therefore, if you object to your donations being published in the Temple Newsletter, please let us know and we will cease doing so (Mail or your wish to be omitted from the pub-

10 With Gratitude the Temple and all of its Affiliated Organizations Acknowledge Your Generous Contribution and Apologies for any Errors or Omissions. Membership Tahara, M/M Morio $500 Favell, M/M Don $250 Tanaka, M/M Herb $250 Nishi, Mr. Jim $150 Kitaura, Mrs. Joan $125 Kurahashi, Mrs. Shigeko $125 Mayeda, Mr. Derek $125 Tomiye, Mr. Reg $125 Mayeda, Mr. Derek $125 Donations Mayeda, Mr. Derek (In Appreciation) $125 Nishi, Mrs. Sakae (in leu of Membership) $100 Hatanaka, Mrs. Sugino (in leu of Membership) $80 Nishi, Mrs. Sakae (Chow Mein) $50 Richardson, Mrs. Janice $30 Tanaka, Mrs. Sachiko (Chow Mein) $20 Hatanaka, Mrs. S. (Chow Mein) $20 Hanamatsuri Tanemura, M/M Y. $60 Yamaoka, M/M Alan $50 Yamada, M/M K. $50 Takeda, M/M J. $50 Tahara, M/M Tim $50 Ohashi, M/M K. $50 Martin, Mr. M. $50 Koga, Mr. Suey $50 Yamaoka, Ms. C. $40 Uyeyama, M/M J. $40 Tanaka, Mrs. S. $40 Tainaka, Mr. A. $40 Suzuki, Mr. Rick/Tanaka, Ms Peggy $40 Hatanaka, Ms. M. $40 Favell, Ms. Lindsay $40 Nishi, Mrs. E. $35 Yamaoka, M/M N. $30 Yamaoka, Mrs. C. $30 Terai, M/M I. $30 Tanaka, M/M H. $30 Tahara, M/M M. $30 Suzuki, M/M T. $30 Nishi, Mrs. S. $30 Koga, M/M M. $30 Ishikawa, Mr. J. $30 Hatanaka, Mrs. S. $30 Fong, M/M M. $30 Sugie, M/M S. $25 Mori, M/M M. $25 Hayashi, Mrs. S. $25 Yamauchi, Mrs. K. $20 Kurahashi, Mrs. S. $20 Hokazono, Mr. A. $20 Memorial Wada, Mrs. M. (in memory of Yoshitaka Wada) $30 Yamaoka, M/M A. (in Memory of Carl Nishi) $30 Nishi, Mrs. S. $30 Tanemura, M/M Y. $25 Nishi, Mrs. E. (in Memory of Carl Nishi) $25 Ohashi, M/M Kiyo (in Memory of Tomechiyo Teramura) $25 Teramura, M/M R. (in Memory of Tomechiyo Teramura) $25 Terai, M/M Isao (in Memory of Mom Itani 13 year) $20 Itani, M/M Ted & Frances (in Memory of Mom Itani 13 Year) $20 Mori, M/M M. (in Memory of Carl Nishi & A. Sugimoto) $20 Ueda, Yosh & Scott (in Memory of H. Ueda) $20 Kimura, Ms. L. (in Memory of Shigeto Kimura) $20 Sugie, M/M S. (in Memory of Mother) $20 Tainaka, Mr. A. $20 Newsletter Yamaoka, Mrs. C. $50 Tainaka, Mr. Albert $30 Fong, M/M M. $30 Kitaura, Mrs. Joan $30 Mukaida, Mrs. May $30 Nishi, Mrs. Sakae $30 Sakaki, M/M Terry $20 Wada, Mrs. M. $20 Hatanaka, Mrs. S. $20 Kurahashi, Mrs. Shigeko $20 Ohiganye & Eitaikyo Service Tahara, Mr. Sumio $50 Tainaka, Mr. Albert $50 Tanemura, M/M Yuki $40 Koga, Mr. Suey $40 Tanaka, M/M Herb $30 Tainaka, Mr. Albert $30 Tahara, M/M Morio $30 Ishikawa, Mrs. M. $25 Hayashi, Mrs. S. $25 Martin, Mr. Michael $25 Mori, M/M Min $20 Tanaka, Pegi/Suzuki, Rick $20 Murata, Mrs. T. $20 Itani, M/M Tom $20 Suzuki, Mr. Sam $20 Terai, M/M Isao $20 Suzuki, M/M T. $20 Yamauchi, Mrs. K. $20 Fujinkai Ms. Terry Murata (Mother s 13 year Memorial) $40 M/M Isao Terai (Mother s 13 year Memorial) $20 M/M Ted Itani (Mother s 13 year Memorial) $20 YABA David & Tammy Nishi (Membership) $10 Scott Ueda (Membership) $5

Kelowna Buddhist Temple

Kelowna Buddhist Temple Oct 28, 2011 Kelowna Buddhist Temple The New Dharma Express PO. Box 22092, RPO Capri Centre Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9N9 phone 250-763-3827 Special points of interest: Wed. Nov 2,

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Kelowna Buddhist Temple

Kelowna Buddhist Temple Oct 26, 2012 Kelowna Buddhist Temple The New Dharma Express PO. Box 22092, RPO Capri Centre Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9N9 phone 250-763-3827 Special points of interest: Thurs. Nov

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Kelowna Buddhist Temple

Kelowna Buddhist Temple August 27, 2010 Kelowna Buddhist Temple The New Dharma Express PO. Box 22092, RPO Capri Centre Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9N9 phone 250-763-3827 Special points of interest: Wed. Sept

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Kelowna Buddhist Temple

Kelowna Buddhist Temple May 27, 2016 Kelowna Buddhist Temple The New Dharma Express PO. Box 22092, RPO Capri Centre Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9N9 phone 250-763-3827 Monthly Memorial Clean-up Altar Toban

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