Your Good Dharma Friend Talks: Rev. Henry Toryo Adams

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1 Issue No. 583 San Mateo Buddhist Temple April 2018 Your Good Dharma Friend Talks: Rev. Henry Toryo Adams The Seed of the Buddha On April 8, 2018, we warmly welcome you to join us for our Hanamatsuri Service, a joyful celebration of the Birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama 2,641 years ago in Lumbini, Nepal. After realizing awakening seated under the Bodhi Tree at age 35, Siddhartha dedicated the rest of his life to teaching the path to liberation from suffering. From that time, down to the present he has been revered as Sakyamuni Buddha, the Awakened One, Sage of the Sakya Clan. Sakyamuni Buddha is a great hero to all those whose lives are guided by the wisdom and compassion of the Dharma he taught. His teachings have provided the strength and clarity needed to face great challenges for people of all walks of life through the generations. When I reflect on the difficulties we face in our world today, I am guided by those who, inspired by Sakyamuni Buddha s presence here in our world, have walked the path of the Nembutsu before me. Rev. Daisho Tana, the first full-time minister to be assigned to our San Mateo Buddhist Temple is one of my heroes. Tana Sensei was living in Lompoc on the Central Coast of California in December 1941 when the United States declared war on Japan following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Like so many leaders of the Japanese American Community at the start of the war, despite the fact that extensive investigation of his home and activities yielded no proof of unlawful activity, he was taken from his home and separated from his family. He departed from Lompoc on March 14, 1942, along with twelve other community leaders from the San Luis Obispo area, including a fellow Buddhist minister and a Japanese Christian pastor. They were first detained at an old Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Tuna Canyon on the edge of the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles. For their first breakfast at the Tuna Canyon camp they were served a breakfast of black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal that had no flavor apart from grains of sugar. Tana Sensei had heard a rumor that they would not be served lunch, so he forced himself to finish the whole bowl of oatmeal. The majority of Japanese Americans had yet to be incarcerated at that time, and Tana Sensei records in his journal that friends and family of detainees were allowed visiting hours from 9:00 a.m. that day. One after another, visitors from the Los Angeles area brought all kinds of delicious homemade food for the men who were detained, which was shared freely among all the men at the camp. Tana Sensei writes that had he known he would be treated to such a feast, he would not have filled up on flavorless oatmeal. On March 26 the detainees were transferred to Santa Fe, New Mexico. After traveling by train for 25 hours, mostly through the desert, they found themselves in a much less hospitable climate than the Southern California coast where they had been living. The cold desert nights at the Santa Fe camp reminded Tana Sensei of early spring in Hokkaido where he grew up. The overwhelming impression I received from the early days of Tana Sensei s memoir of the war years was one of uncertainty and continually facing unexpected change. In the midst of all this chaos, Tana Sensei describes how the he found comfort and peace of mind in the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha. Buddhist ministers from all over the country were assembled at the Santa Fe camp, so their lives remained grounded in the Buddhadharma as they faced those adverse circumstances. In a journal entry for April 8, 1942, Tana Sensei recorded the following reflection on the Hanamatsuri Service they held eleven days after arriving at the Department of Justice internment camp in Santa Fe: Today we celebrate Sakyamuni s Buddha s Birthday. At 7:00 p.m. we will conduct the Hanamatsuri Service in the camp dining hall. War between Japan and the United States has given rise the causes and conditions by which Buddhists from the West Coast have brought the Buddha to this place where we celebrate his appearance in this world against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains. I am deeply moved when I consider the Buddha s prediction that his teachings would continually spread Eastward. From this day forward, there is no telling where we will find ourselves and how long we will stay there. At the moment there are 630 of us here. When I consider the possibility that in the future as many 1,500 Japanese

2 may be interned here, with roughly half of the internees being Buddhist, I am reminded that the Buddha showed us that the Dharma is taught according the circumstance of the times. Therefore, I have asked my wife to work on sending us Buddhist items. After all the Japanese have left the Pacific Coast, our temples may be abandoned, but the seed of the Buddha, once planted, will be carried by the winds of war, eastward across the American continent so that the Dharma Lotus will blossom in this land. (Santa Fe Lordsburg senji tekikokujin yokuryūjo nikki, Vol. I, p. 136, Trans. H. Adams) As we celebrate the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha, let us reflect on how our own lives have been transformed by his appearance in our world. Guided by the wisdom and compassion of his teachings, may we find the courage and inspiration to live with peace of mind amidst the challenges of our lives. Namo Amida Butsu SMBT MINISTER S MESSAGE 仏種 2018 年 4 月 8 日に花まつりの法要をお勤めしますので 是非ご一緒にお参りください 花まつりというのは2,641 年前にネパールにあるルンビニの花園でお生まれになったゴータマ シダッタ王子の誕生日をお祝いする日です シダッタは35 歳の時に菩提樹の下で悟りを開き 人生の残り45 年間の間 人々が苦しみから解脱できる道を広く説かれ 多くの人々をお救いになりましたので 釈迦牟尼仏陀 ( 釈迦族の聖者 ) と敬称されるようになりました 仏法の智慧と慈悲によって人生の歩むべき道が照らされている人々にとって釈尊は大いなる英雄であり その説かれた教えは代々迷いの世界に苦しむ人々を極楽へと導く灯火となっているのです 現在の世の中に見える様々な迷いと苦しみを考えますと 釈尊がこの世に現れになったことを喜び 先にお念仏の道を歩まれた方々の導きに対しての感謝の気持ちが湧いてきます 1952 年から1955 年までサンマテオ仏教会に赴任されていた開教使田名大正師は私のヒーローの一人です 1941 年 日米間の戦争が始まった当時 田名先生はカリフォルニア中央海岸にあるランポークにて活躍されていました 戦争が始まると 日系コミュニティのリーダーは皆疑われ 細かく捜査されました 犯罪や反アメリカ活動を行なった証拠は見つけられなかったにもかかわらず 大勢の方が収容されました 田名先生もその一人でした 田名先生は3 月 13 日に収容され 3 月 14 日にキリスト教の牧師 他の開教使を含め12 人と共にトラックに乗せられ ロサンゼルスの方へと向かって出発しました 最初はロサンゼルスの北側にあるサンガブリエル山脈の中のタハンガ (Tuna Canyon) という市民保全部隊 (Civilian Conservation Corps) のキャンプに収容されました タハンガのキャンプに到着後 最初の朝食はブラックコーヒーとオートミールだけでした オートミールは特に美味しくなかったようですが その日はその一食だけしかもらえ ないという噂が流れていたので 仕方なく完食したと田名先生は日記に残されています その時点では日系人の多くはまだ収容されていなかったため 午前 9 時からの面会の時間があり ロサンゼルス周辺から大勢の家族や友人らが訪ねてきていたそうです 面会に訪ねた人たちは美味しい食べ物を余るほど沢山持って来ていたので 収容された人たち皆でそれを分け合って立派なご馳走をいただいていたそうです そんなにご馳走が食べれることを前持って知っていたなら 無理してオートミールを全部食べなければよかったと田名先生は後に述べておられます 3 月 26 日 タハンガに収容されていた人たちはニューメキシコ州サンタフェにあった司法省が経営していた収容所に移動させられました 25 時間も砂漠を走った列車の旅を終え 皆が住んでいた南カリフォルニアの温暖な気候と全く違う環境の土地に辿り着きました 朝夕冷えるので 田名先生の出身地である北海道の春の上旬を思い出したと述べられています 田名先生のその当時の日記を読みますと 次はいつ どこに移動させられるか分からない将来についての不安な気持ちがよく伝わってきます サンタフェの収容所ではアメリカ各地の開教使が集まったので 迷いの日々の中でも 田名先生にとって仏法が何よりの安心のよりどころであったことが述べられています 1942 年 4 月 8 日の日記には 司法省の収容所の中で営んだ花まつりについて次のように書かれています かじつ今日は釈尊降誕の佳日である 午後七時からキャンプの食堂で 花まつり 法要を営む筈である たいへいようえんがん日米戦争が因縁となって 太平洋沿岸せおまぢかの仏教徒が 仏を背負うてロッキー山脈を間近さんこうに眺め得る地にまで来て 此処で如来の出世を讃仰とうぜんきんげんかんがいするのは 仏教東漸の金言を思う時感慨深きものがある ちょうたん今後何日まで此処に滞在するかは 長短みちすうともに未知数

3 であるが 現在六百三十人 将来千五百人の日本人が収容されたとしたら 約半数は仏教徒である 事を思い 随時法莚 ずいじほうえんよそうの開かれる事を予想 さるおくして 仏具を取り寄せる手続を妻に申送たいへいようえんがんった 日本人のいなくなった太平洋沿岸 の仏教会は 差当 さしあたりはいろり廃爐 となるかもしれないが 一度移植 いしょくぶっしゅされた仏種 おおかぜは 戦争の大風に送られて 米大陸を東へと運ばれて 正しく ほっけ法花を開こうとしている ( サンタフェー ローズバーグ戦時敵国人抑留所日記 136) 私たちが今年の花まつりを営む際 釈尊がこの世に現れになったおかげで私たち一人一人が歩ませていただいている人生を省みながら 釈尊が私たちのために無量寿経に説かれた本願念仏をよろりどころとし 極楽往生に向かっている人生を共に歩みましょう 南無阿弥陀仏 April Major Service: Hanamatsuri (Sakyamuni Buddha's Birthday) Theme: The Eastward Transmission of the Buddha's Teachings 2018/4/1 India to China 2018/4/8 Hanamatsuri Service (Guest Speaker: Rev. Blayne Higa) 2018/4/15 China to Japan 2018/4/22 Japan to North America 2018/4/29 FDSTL Conference in Foster City May Major Service: Gotan-e (Shinran Shonin's Birthday) Theme: Key Historical Events from the Time of Shinran Shonin 2018/5/6 Buddhism and the Conflict Between the Taira and Minamoto Clans 2018/5/13 Parent's Day and Hatsumairi 2018/5/20 Gotan-e Service (Guest Speaker: IMOP Ministers) 2018/5/27 The Nembutsu and Migration into the Kanto Region June: End of Dharma School Year Theme: Reflections on What We Have Learned During the Year 2018/6/3 The Wheel Dharma 2018/6/10 The Sagarifuji (Wisteria Crest)

4 April 2018 Happy Spring Time!!! It s a favorite time of the year for me, aside from the hay fever and allergies it brings. Basketball season is winding down and baseball season is starting up. I also get to go out and golf in short sleeves and short pants. Who could ask for more??? Springtime also means that this year s BCA National Council Meeting in Sacramento is over. While most of the agenda was standard for this type of meeting, there was one issue that we were asked to review and vote on that seemed to spark a lot of emotion. The BCA Board asked an ad hoc committee to review and make a recommendation on the possibility of liquidating some of the BCA s non-performing assets, mainly the BCA s SF Headquarters and the bishop s residence in Belmont. The main theme of the committee seemed to be a question of how the BCA could use the proceeds of the sale of the Headquarters and residence to retire the final $3.6 million debt for the Jodo Shinshu Center. After a one-day meeting, the committee recommended that the BCA Headquarters in SF be sold and the bishop s residence be retained as is. While there were many reasons given as to why this would be a good idea, I personally felt this kind of decision should take more time than they allotted to develop a good plan. After meeting with our board, we decided that it would not be in the best interest of our temple and the BCA to vote YES on this issue. As it turned out, we were not alone in our thinking. At the meeting, there were many good points made on both sides of the issue, but in the end, it was clear that the temple members, the ministers, and the voting delegates thought that selling the BCA Headquarters would not be in our best interest at this time. What surprised me was what happened next. Instead of dropping the issue, there was a motion on the floor to expand the review of this subject and create a committee made up of representatives from all the districts, Buddhist Church of San Francisco, BCA, the Endowment Fund, the ministers, and the Bishop s office, led by the BCA president, to review the status of the BCA properties and how they might be used to retire the remaining Jodo Shinshu Center debt. This new motion passed and will now create a committee with proper representation across the BCA to come up with a plan to retire the debt and manage the properties, even if that means liquidation of the properties. I was very happy to see that the BCA and our temple are in such good hands. The democratic process that was demonstrated in this meeting really showed that the people tasked with guiding the BCA into the future are thoughtful and caring and have the best interest of us all in their hearts. I am really looking forward to the results of this committee s discussions and their conclusions and recommendations to hopefully retire the debt and maintain the assets of the BCA. Looking forward to the future Jeff Kawahara 門徒総代よりお寺のみなさまへ うれしい春がやって来ました! 花粉症に悩まされる以外は 私は春が大好きです バスケットボールシーズンが終わり 野球のシーズンがやって来ます 半袖 半ズボンでゴルフが出来る これ以上何を望めるでしょうか? 毎年春にある米国仏教団 (BCA) の総会が 今年はサクラメントで開かれました そこで話し合われたことは 大 体が標準的な事でしたが 一つだけ 皆の注目を集めた議題がありました それは 米国仏教団の理事会が 諸々の人を集めた委員会を作って その委員会が BCA 本部の建物と ベルモントにある 総長が住む家を 売却することを提案した事でした その委員会の目的は どのように 浄土真宗センターを建設した時の負債の残り (350 万ドル ) を早く返済し終えるか考える事でした いろいろな意見交換がなされ サンフランシスコにある BCA 本部だけ売却し ベルモントの住宅はそのまま残す路線で話が終わり 初日が終わりました 私には それは良い考えのようにも思えましたが このような重大な事は もっ と時間をかけて決める事ではないかと疑問に思っていました サンマテオ仏教会の理事会は 二つの物件を売却するという案に 賛成の票を入れることは 私たちのお寺や BCA にとっても 良いことではないという意見で みな一致していました そして 開票されて分かったことは そう考えていたのは 私たちだけではないという事でした 両方の意見が議論され 最終的には 二つの物件を売却すると 今決める事は 得策ではないという結論に達しました

5 そして びっくりしたのは 次に起こった事です この議案を このままにせずに 新しく委員会を結成し この件を改めて考えてみてはどうかという意見が出ました そして 最終的に BCA の会長をリーダーとして 本部 各開教区 サンフランシスコ仏教会 開教使 総長室 B CA 基金室から代表を選出して 新しく委員会を結成し その委員会が この問題に取り組み みなの意見が反映され た提案をする事になりました 今回 米国仏教団と 所属する各お寺が 民主的な方法で運営されていることを 確認できた事は 私にとって と ても嬉しい事でした そこにいる全員が 将来を見据え どのように発展していくかを考えていました 新しく結成される委員会が どのような提案をするか とても楽しみです そして その提案が BCA の資産と負債 両方を良く考慮したものであることを望みます 将来が楽しみです 合掌 サンマテオ仏教会門徒総代 川原ジェフ Dear Parents: SAN MATEO BUDDHIST TEMPLE BWA 2 South Claremont Street P. O. Drawer J San Mateo, CA The San Mateo Buddhist Temple will celebrate Hatsumairi, Infant Presentation, on Sunday, May 13, 2018 during the Dharma School Service, which begins at 9:30 a.m. If you wish to participate in this ceremony, please complete the form below and return it to San Mateo Buddhist Temple BWA at the address above by May 1, HATSUMAIRI (Infant Presentation) Father s Full Name: Mother s Full Name: Address: Phone Number: Child s name: (First, Middle, Last)

6 San Mateo Buddhist Women s Association By Michi Mukai April Toban *Chikako Sakamoto, Edith Okino, Helen Sasaki, Ethel Toda, Niki Gempf, Nobuko Suruki, #Yoshiko Bertsch, #Kerry Kubota (#unable to assist). April Calendar Haru ga kita spring has arrived! We moved our clocks ahead one hour so have more daylight time (which I prefer) and I noticed most of the pink blossom-bearing trees have blossomed and petals gone already! But other plants are sprouting and creating havoc to allergy sufferers like myself. Rather than stressing out with this natural process of nature and life, we need to just flow with them and welcome the seasonal changes. How boring if everything stayed the same! Co-president, Doris Murai, opened the Mar. 4th meeting with 18 members present. She thanked the February toban and others who helped with Hinamatsuri. Treasurer s Report: Martha Sutow thanked the following people for their generous donations: James Suyemasa in memory of late mother, Kimiko Suyemasa; Steve and Pat (Shin) Yasuda in memory of late mother, Lucy Shin; and Stephanie Patterson. BD BWL Workshop, Palo Alto, March 24: About 4 people will attend and will bring back what was discussed and work on implementing how to recycle and promote ecology. Bento Food Sale: Thank you everyone for helping with the Temple-BWA food sale on Mar. 18. It takes a lot of people to shop, prepare, BBQ the chicken, cook the rice for the maki, inari sushi, the nigiri and place them nicely in the bento boxes. As always, the food was delicious. ARIGATO! Shinbokukai, March 25: Suzy Lee and Kathy Sneath have been planning for months now for our annual Shinbokukai, a gathering of members and friends to welcome new members. After working so hard with the bento food sale, we ll look forward to relax and have fun with games and prizes and enjoy the bento lunch. New Member: Add to March toban: Stephanie Patterson, 1244 Laurel Hill Dr., San Mateo, 94402, (650) , (650) (cell). Welcome Stephanie! Membership dues: Lynn Yokoe, new Asst. Treasurer, asked toban chairs to contact these people in their toban to renew their membership: U. Del Valle, S. Dimitroff, N. Gempf, Kimijo Gilchrist, Suzuko Hasegawa, H. Hiraoka, Y. Ikeda, M. Kawabata, D. Kawahara, T. Kiyohara, Y. Ohara, H. Ozaki, Y. Shimonosono Nyugen, K. Tsukida, E. Yamanishi. Members over 90 and shut-ins do not pay. Dharma School trip SFBC, Asian Art Museum, Japantown, March 31: Yuko Suruki, Dharma School Supt., invited everyone to join them for this trip. They will pay for the bus but fee to the Asian Art Museum will be $20, $15 for children and seniors. Bus will leave church at 8:30 a.m. Please sign up ASAP if interested. Next meeting will be April 1, 2018, 11:30 a.m. 01 BWA Meeting 03 Senior Gathering 05 Bazaar Meeting 08 Hanamatsuri 24 Temple Board Meeting Takikomi Gohan Wash 3 cups of rice and allow to drain in a strainer 2 to 3 hrs. Dice the following: 1 chicken breast 1 aburage (boiled in water, squeezed to remove water, and then diced) 1 carrot ½ block (5.5 oz.) konnyaku 2 to 3 shiitake (soaked to soften, drain, reserve liquid) 1 Tbs. cooking oil Flavoring: ¼ cup shiitake liquid 2 Tbs. soy sauce ¼ tsp. salt ½ tsp. granulated sugar ½ to 1 packet dashi-no-moto Rice Flavoring: 1 Tbs. soy sauce 2 Tbs. sake Water Beni shoga (optional) Heat cooking oil in a pan. Add chicken, then add the next 4 ingredients and stir-fry. Add flavoring mixture to the pot and continue stir-frying until chicken and vegetables are cooked. Remove from heat; strain the chicken and vegetables, reserve the liquid. Place the rice in a rice cooker. Add the reserved liquid plus 1 tablespoon soy sauce and 2 tablespoons sake. Add water to make enough liquid for 3 cups of rice. Cook. When rice is done (or rice cooker clicks off), place the chicken mixture on top of the cooked rice. Cover and let steam until ready to serve. Fold the mixture into the rice just before serving. Serve in rice bowls and top with beni shoga, if desired. (From Orange County Buddhist Church Cookbook, Vol II)

7 SMBT DHARMA SCHOOL APRIL 2018 Happy HANAMATSURI! Hanamatsuri, Flower Festival, is a celebration of Buddha s Birthday on April 8. A day of joy, peace and reflection! We will have a beautiful Hana-mido and everyone will have an opportunity to pour water over the Baby Buddha! Please join us at our Hanamatsuri Service on April 8. FDSTL Conference 2018 INTERSECTIONS April Crowne Plaza, Foster City Keynote Speaker : Rev. Henry Adams Parable of the White Path We are expecting almost 180 Dharma School teachers from all over the US and Hawaii! We are looking forward to a day of sharing the Dharma. Sunday Service & Dharma Foster City Crowne Plaza April 29 at 9 AM Everyone is welcome at the conference closing service and Dharma Talk by Rev. Henry! not be Sunday Service at SMBT on April 29.) (There will Dharma School Field Trip on Mar 31 is FULL. Thank you for everyone who registered to join on the field trip the city! We look forward to seeing you! FOOD OFFERING Bring non-perishable food canned fruits/vegetable, cereal, and pasta. The next Food Offering will be on April 8th.

8 Temple Acknowledgements February Shotsuki 3 Families; $ Total donations Fujiura, Henry Nakada, George & Masako Ochi, Tad & Mae March Shotsuki 39 Families; $2, Total donations Aoki, Susan Kodakari, Kazuyo Endo, Yoko Kojimoto, Kelvin & Jackie Gonzales, Joyce Kujo, Rev. Eijun & Toshiko Horikawa, Kikue Lazo, Frank & Doris Hurst, Allison Maeda, Yasuko Ikeda, Jerry Maemura, Yutaka Inokuchi, Jeffrey & Leslie Matsuyama, Takako & Tadashi Inouye, Kazui & Janet McMullin, Wanda Ishida, Diane Morimoto, Kazuomi & Setsukko Ishida, Fumiko Nishimura, Minae Ishida, Kumiko O'Sullivan, Larry & Jan Kajikami, Eiko Ohara, William Kanomata, Grace Omai, James Kawahara, Lisa Onizuka, Diane & Victor Quan, Keiko Sasaki, Rev. Laverne & Helen Soong & Komaru family Sueyoshi, Yoshiko Takao, Reiko, Susumu & Kathleen Taoka, Wesley Tsukida, William & Kyoko Yamanaka, Katsumi & Yuriye Yamauchi, Gloria & family Yasunaka, Kaneki & Thelma Yoshimoto, Junichi & Jane Hoji/Memorial Donations Hampel, Clarice & John $ Funeral service for Sasayo Ellen Okazaki Murasaki, Alicia $ In memory of Sasayo Ellen Okazaki Oto, Hisako $25.00 In memory of Takeshi Oto Ouye Family $ In memory of Toshiko Ouye Special Donations Hisaka, Judy $ Special donation for Rev. Sasaki s book Kids Taiko Group $ Special donation in appreciation for use of Temple Oyako Taiko Group $ Special donation in appreciation for use of Temple Taiko Group $2, Special donation in appreciation for use of Temple FLOWER DONATIONS Our Sangha expresses its gratitude to Mrs. Miki Hashimoto Shea, and the Ikenobo Ikebana Study Club (Mmes. Kazuko Kajisa, Yurie Yamanaka, and Grace Murata) for their generous Dana of floral arrangements to adorn the Buddha Shrine. Need Assistance? If you need help in selling a house, buying a house, or even donating it, please contact the Temple office.

9 APRIL SHOTSUKI The Monthly Shotsuki (Memorial) Service will be held on Sunday, April 01, 2018 at 10:30 am. Shotsuki (Memorial) Service for the following: Amamoto, George Miyauchi, Tetsui Sakai, Tom Baishiki, Sei Miyazono, Kazuaki Shibata, Yaeko Endo, Robert Masao Mori, Shigeki Shigemoto, Arnold Hanada, Ben Tsutomu Morioka, Hideno Shigemoto, June Hashimoto, Masaru (Bob) Morisue, Magoichi Shimamoto, Elsie Horioka, Chiaki Nagatsuyu, Itaru Shin, Harry Katsumichi Ikeda, George Nakada, Hiroyoshi Shirasaka, Hina Inokuchi, Taro Nakada, Louise Sugimoto, Ichijiro Ishizuka, Yuriko Nakada, Eiko Takemoto, Yukio Izumizaki, Arthur Nakamura, Randy Tanaka, Sachiko Kanemura, Tomoichi Ochi, Kinzo Tanihana, Takeshi Kawabe, Shigemi Oka, Koguma Taoka, Satoru Kawakita, Tomo Okimura, Noboru Uchida, Zentaro Kobayashi, Jiro Osaki, Takeshi Uyeta, Tokio Maemura, Kiwa Oshima, Katsutaro Wada, Joanne Maemura, Tadao Ota, Kimi Yasunaka, Kaname Marubayashi, Mina Oto, Asakichi Yoshifuji, Yutaka Marubayashi, Toshi Saiki, Hideo Yoshimoto, Miyoko Maurice, Jadine Chun Saito, Itsuo Special Services should be held for the following intervals: Year of Death Special Service prior to 1 year prior to 3 Years prior to 7 Years prior to 13 Years Year of Death Special Service prior to 17 years prior to 25 Years prior to 33 Years prior to 50 Years In Memory Mr. Elson Snow who crossed to the Other Shore on February 28, 2018 Gassho, SMBT

10 Dharma Talks and Conversations at the San Mateo Buddhist Temple 2 South Claremont Street, San Mateo, CA (650) (Please use the South Entrance by the main temple parking lot) ALL ARE WELCOME! Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Satoshi Shaku Ryukoku University, Visiting Researcher, Institute of Buddhist Studies Tannisho in the Nishi Hongwanji Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Tannisho: A Record in Lament of Divergences... hell is decidedly my abode whatever I do. Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. Dr. David Pating Sensei Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF Psychiatry/Addiction Medicine, Kaiser San Francisco Minister's Assistant, Buddhist Church of San Francisco Buddhism and Parenting: Part 2 Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Tannisho: A Record in Lament of Divergences Even a good person attains birth in the Pure Land, so it goes without saying that an evil person will.

11 San Mateo Buddhist Temple 2 South Claremont Street, San Mateo, CA Mailing address: Drawer J, Main Post Office, San Mateo, CA Tel: (650) Fax: (650) SMBT Membership Pledge Each year at SMBT, we ask members to support our Sangha with a pledge system. Each member should give careful thought to our Sangha, the role it plays in our lives and the opportunities we enjoy for spiritual growth. We believe that a strong and vital Temple benefits all of us, regardless of whether you are actively or only occasionally involved in Temple activities. We are all asked to make a responsible annual pledge to keep our Temple open and thriving. We only ask that you pledge within your financial means. Please note that SMBT must pay $ per member as an assessment by Buddhist Churches of America, as SMBT is part of the BCA community. Please send in your 2018 membership pledge today. Thank you for your continued support to San Mateo Buddhist Temple. In gassho, Roy Suruki Membership Assistant Treasurer サンマテオ仏教会では 毎年 門徒の皆さまに プレッジ ( 寄付金の誓約 ) をお願いしています お寺が果たす役割は 人によって それぞれ違いますが 活気のあるお寺が続いていくことは 私たち全員にとって 重要なことです プレッジの決まった金額はありませんが サンマテオ仏教会は 米国仏教団 (BCA) に属するお寺として メンバー 1 人につき 140 ドルの賦課金を支払っていることも お留め置き下さい また プレッジは 分割払いにすることも可能です 下記の用紙に御記入の上 早急に ご送付下さいますようお願い申し上げます サンマテオ仏教会摺木ロイ

12 San Mateo Buddhist Temple 2 South Claremont Street, San Mateo, CA Mailing address: Drawer J, Main Post Office, San Mateo, CA Tel: (650) Fax: (650) MEMBERSHIP PLEDGE FORM Name (Mr./Mrs./Ms.): Date of birth (optional): Spouse/Partner (Mr./Mrs./Ms.): (if desired to be a member) Address: City: Zip: Phone: Name of children (to be included in our alumni network) Name: Name: Name: Relationship: Date of birth*: Relationship: Date of birth*: Relationship: Date of birth*: *only if a minor child 2018 Annual Pledge Total: Receipt needed? Yes / No Payment frequency (choose one): One time Quarterly (month) Monthly (date) Other: Make checks payable to San Mateo Buddhist Temple (SMBT) Credit Card Exp 3 digit code #credit card pledges must be greater than $300 per transaction for processing. Signed: Comments: A message from the Assistant Treasurer Roy Suruki 2018 Membership Pledge Drive, Tax Receipts Thanks to everyone who has already sent in his or her 2018 pledge. If you have friends or families interested in joining our temple, please pick up a new membership packet at the information stand or contact me. SMBT is thankful for the generous membership pledges; with your support we are able to keep our 100+ year history and traditions alive. Please note tax receipts will not be provided unless they are marked yes on the 2018 pledge form. You will need to make this designation every year. If you previously marked no, you can still request a tax receipt by just contacting me at the or number provided. Depending on your selection, you will receive an or letter with your tax receipt Membership Pledge forms have been included in this month s newsletter. Sorry for the mix-up last month.

13 2018 tax receipts will be processed after Bazaar!! Thank you for your patience. In Gassho, Roy Assistant Treasurer Membership Prize Booth accepting Donations year round!! The Prize Booth is accepting new and used toys, collectibles, etc. All donations are tax deductible (please confirm with your tax advisor on your particular situation). If you have questions with your donated items please contact Roy or Yuko or Used or new ipads SMBT is looking for used Apple ipads for internal use. If you have already upgraded or will be upgrading your ipad, please consider donating it to SMBT instead of E recycling it. Please contact or The Marubayashi Family Scholarship With deep gratitude for the generosity and vision of Ms. Alice Marubayashi, the San Mateo Buddhist Temple welcomes applications for the 2018 Marubayashi Family Scholarship Fall Award. With a true heart of Dana, Ms. Marubayashi wished to encourage the future vitality of the San Mateo Buddhist Temple by providing a generous Scholarship Award to support the higher education of young adults who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to the life of the temple. The scholarship will provide a cash award for tuition only up to $20, per year. Disbursements may be paid directly to an institute of higher education or as reimbursement of tuition payments for the period of the award. Applicants may be high school seniors, undergraduate attendees at traditional university/college in the USA or post-graduate students planning full time school attendance. Applying student should be a current Buddhist and an active member of the San Mateo Buddhist Temple for 4 years. Up to 2 awards may be received by a single student in different application periods, unless there are no other applicants in a subsequent application period, then a third award may be received. Selection shall be made in consideration of academic successes and values criteria. APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 7, A timely submitted formal application is required for consideration. Please contact the San Mateo Buddhist Temple ( / (650) ) for application materials.

14 Application for The Marubayashi Family Scholarship Due June 7, 2018 Name: Address Date of Birth: Last school attended: Phone(s): School receiving tuition (attach proof of enrollment): 1. San Mateo Buddhist Temple member since: 2. Significant SMBT (or relevant participation) 3. Scholastic background/achievements: 4. Educational goals: 5. Personal goal to enrich the community: 6. The roll of education in your goals: 7. The relationship of your goal to your Buddhist principles: 8. Finish this sentence: Without this scholarship... (UP TO TWO ADDITIONAL PAGES MAY BE ATTACHED)

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