CONTRIBUTORS. HEINRICH BECK, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.

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1 CONTRIBUTORS SHABBIR AKHTAR, born in Pakistan, educated in England and Canada; formerly Professor of Islamic Studies, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; presently Freelance Writer. Publications include: Reason and the Radical Crisis of Faith (New York, 1987); Be Careful with Muhammad: The Salman Rushdie Affair (London, 1989); A Faith for all Seasons: Islam and the Challenge of the Modem World (Chicago, 1991); The Final Imperative: An Islamic Theology of Liberation (London, 1991); Collected Poems by Shabbir Akhtar (London, 1992); The Muslim Parent's Handbook (London, 1993); Love in the Wrong Season: Collected Poems (London, 2000). ERNST ALBRECHT, born 1930; B.A., Dr. rer. pol. Member of the Parliament of Lower Saxony, Hanover, Germany, ; Minister-President of the State of Lower Saxony, ; Vice Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, ; Founder and President, Stiftung Niedersachsen- The Foundation of Lower Saxony, ; Personal Advisor to the President and the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, since Publications include: Der Staat: Idee und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart, 1976); Erinnerungen, Erkenntnisse, Entscheidungen (Gottingen, 1999). HEINRICH BECK, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany. MICHAEL VON BRUCK, born 1949, Dresden, Germany; Dr. thcol., 1978, Dr. habil., 1981, both University of Rostock. Professor of Religious Studies, University of Munich, since Publications include: Moglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Theologie der Religionen (Berlin, 1976); Einheit der Wirklichkeit: Gott, Gottese~fahrung und Meditation im hinduistisch-christlichen Dialog (Munich, 1986); Weisheit der Leere: Sutra-Texte des Mahayana-Buddhismus (Munich, 1988; Revised Edition, 2000); Die Bhagavadgita (Munich, 1994); Co Author, Die Welt des tibetischen Buddhismus (Munich, 1995); with Whalen Lai, Buddhismus und Christentum: Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog (Munich, 1997, 2000); Die Geisteswelt des Tibetischen Buddhismus: Grundlagen, Geschichte, Praxis (Gtitersloh, 1998); Religion und Politik im Tibetischen Buddhismus (Munich, 1999).

2 CONTRIBUTORS 225 KARL-ERICH GROZINGER, born 1942, Stuttgart, Germany; Dr. habil. Professor of Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam, Germany. Publications include: Co Editor, Qumran (Darmstadt, 1981 ); Musik und Gesang in der Theologie der friihen jiidischen Literatur (Ttibingen, 1982); Editor, Franz Kafka und das Judentum (Frankfurt, 1987); Kafka und die Kabbala (Frankfurt, 1992); Co-Editor, Mysticism, Magic, and Kabbalah in Ashkenazi Judaism (Berlin, 1995); Die Geschichten vom Ba'al Schem Tov, Schivche Ha-Bescht, hebriiischer undjiddischer Text, herausgegeben, tibersetzt und kommentiert samt einer ausfiihrlichen Einleitung, 2 vols. (Wiesbaden, 1997); Editor, Sprache und ldentitiit im Judentum (Wiesbaden, 1998); Co-Editor, Literatur als religioses Handeln? (Berlin, 1999); Co-Editor, Religion in der schulischen Bildung und Erziehung (Berlin, 1999). ENES KAruc, born 1958, Visnjevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; Ph.D., Islamic Studies, 1981, Political Studies, 1982, University of Sarajevo. Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Publications include: Translation of the Qur'an with Commentary in the Bosnian Language, 2 vols. (Sarajevo, 1995); Political and Ideological Interpretations of the Qur'an and Islam (Zagreb, 1990); Islamic Fundamentalism: What Is It? (Sarajevo, 1990); Human Rights in the Context of the Islam- West Debate (Sarajevo, 1997); Essays on (behalf of) Bosnia (Sarajevo, 1999). PETER KOSLOWSKI, born 1952, Gottingen, Germany. Independent Author; Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Political Economy, University of Witten/ Herdecke; Founding Director, Forschungsinstitut fiir Philosophic Hannover The Hanover Institute of Philosophical Research, ; Visiting Scholarin-Residence, Liberty Fund, Inc., Indianapolis, USA, Publications include: Gesellschaft und Staat: Ein unvermeidlicher Dualismus (Stuttgart, 1982; Russian edition); Die postmodeme Kultur (Munich, 1987, 1988; Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian editions); Series Editor, Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy, 30 vols. (Heidelberg and New York, since 1992); Gnosis und Theodizee (Vienna, 1993); Editor, Die spekulative Philosophic der Weltreligionen (Vienna, 1997); Co-Editor, Die Wirklichkeit des Bosen (Munich, 1998); Principles of Ethical Economy (Dordrecht, 2001, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish editions); Philosophien der Offenbarung: Antiker Gnostizismus, Franz von Baader (Paderborn, 2001). SHEN-CHON LAI, born 1962, Taipei, Taiwan. Student of philosophy and Buddhism, University of Taiwan, ; Dr. phil. in Philosophy, University of Munich, 1998; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Huafan, Taipei, Taiwan, since Publications include: Moral Theology in Kant, Fichte, and the Young Hegel (Taipei, 1996, Chinese); Gesinnung und Normenbegriindung:

3 226 CONTRIBUTORS Kants Gesinnungsethik in der modernen Diskussion (Munich, 1998); Ontodynamics in Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind in Modern Confucianism (Taipei, 2000, Chinese); Buddhist Hermeneutics (Taipei, 2000, Chinese). NAVJYOTI SINGH, born 1958, Kanpur, India; B.Tech., 1979; M.Tech., 1981, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Research Scientist in Philosophy of Science, National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi, 1982-present; National Coordinator, Program on Foundations and Methodology of Theoretical Science (Logic, Linguistics, Mathemtics and Cognitive Sciences) in the Indian Tradition, Publications include: Editor, Temporality and Logical Structure: An Indian Perspective (New Delhi, 1991); Co-Editor, Sr!iti: Its Philosophical Entailments (New Delhi, 1991); Co-Author, Model of Mind (New Delhi, 1995). RICHARD SWINBURNE, born 1934, in Smethwick, U.K.; Professor of Philosophy, University of Keele, ; Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford, 1985-present; Fellow of the British Academy, since Publications include: Space and Time (London, 1968, 1981 ); The Concept of Miracle (London, 1970); An Introduction to Confirmation Theory (London, 1973); The Coherence of Theism (Oxford, 1977); The Existence of God (Oxford, 1979, 1990); Faith and Reason (Oxford, 1981); The Evolution of the Soul (Oxford, 1986, 1997); Responsibility and Atonement (Oxford, 1989); Revelation (Oxford, 1992); The Christian God (Oxford, 1994); Is There a God? (Oxford, 1996); Providence and the Problem of Evil (Oxford, 1998); Epistemic Justification (Oxford, 2001).

4 INDEX OF PERSONS Italicized page numbers refer to names in footnotes. Abraham 31,42 Adorno, T. 175 Akbar41 Akhtar, S ,54-65, , 218,221-22,224 Aristotle 26, 56-58, 61 al-ashari, A. H. 25 Ammann, L. 207 Anawati, G. C. 187, 188, 190 Antarkar, S. S.186 Asmussen, J. P. 135 Auffarth, C. 39 Augustine 28, 60, 156, 164, 179, 206 Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 22, 25-28, 58 Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 25 Baader, F. von 183,201-4,208,213, 221 Bajaj, J. 88 Barreau, J.-C Barth,K.27,34,186 Beck, H , 96-97, , 181 Bellah, R. 125 Berner, U. 135 Bernhardt, R. 129, 153 al-biruni 165 Bi:ihmc, J Briick, M. von 62, 98-99, , 121,122,123-60,181, Bsteh, A. 187, 197, 199,215 Buber,M. 133,149 Buchheim, T. 211 Buddha , 107-8, 117, , 136,142,149,156,219 Burkle, H. 215 Chalmers, D. 69 Charlemagne 207 Chestov, L. 206 Chiarini, P. 47 Chih-1, T.-T , Cicero, M. T. 125, 157 Cobb, J. B.l22, 133 Cohen, A. A. 39 Colpe, C. 135 Comte, A. 4, 124 Corbin, H. 180 Derrida, J. 147 Descartes, R DiBlasi, L. 206 Donner, N. 98 Meister Eckhart 130 Edelstein, W. 43 Eliade, M , 162 al-farabi 25 Fichte, J. G Foxley, B. 4 Frauwallner, E. 101 Gadamer, H.-G. 146, 150 al-ghazali 22, 25, 27-28, 58, 164, 180 Gladigow, B. 39 Glasenapp, H. von , 119

5 228 INDEX OF PERSONS Glock, H.-J. 125, 141 Goethe, J. W. von 159, 180 Go1damer, K. 41 Greive, W. 129 Groeben, K. K. von der 127 Grozinger, K.-E , 158, 179, ,221-23,225 Groot, J. J. M. de 110 Hagar 190 Hamann, J. G. 4 Harnack, A. von 147 Hegel, G. W. F. 4, 97, 159, 164, 189, 192, 197,201-4, , 214 Heidegger, M.150, 156, 161 Heiler, F Herder, J. G. 3 Hick, J. 128, 198 Hillerich, I. 43 Hitti, P. K. 165 Hofer, J. 197 HOlderlin, F. 161 Hosie, V. 67 Hume,D. 59 Huntington, S. 161, 170 Ingram, P Isaac 49 Ives, C. 122 Izutsu, T. 107 Jesus Christ 16, 19, 24, 31, 36, 49, 131, 144, 149, 159, 187, 190, ,203,211,213,222 Jung, C. G. 3 Kant, I. 3, 4, 57, 64, 85, 201 Karic, E. 4, ,218,222-23, 225 Kasper, W. 197 Katz, J. 38 Kawamura, L. S. 121 Kepler, J. 9 Kierkegaard, S. 27, 57, 221 Kim, Y.127 al-kindi, Y. 25 Koslowski, P. 1-6, 54-65, 67, 131, , Krings, H. 210 Kling, H. 127, 128 Kumarajiva 100 Kuschel, K.-J. 127 Uihnemann, J. 127 Lai, S.-c , , 179, 219,225 Lai, W , , , 125, 144,154,224 Laktanz 125, 157 Lao-tzu 115, 164 Laube, J Lcsehinsky, A. 43 Lott, J. 43 L yotard, F Macintyre, A. 71 Maimonides 38, 56, Makrides, V. N. 137 Manusmrti 93 Marty, M. E. 137 Marx, K. 34 Mary 182 Matthes,J. 124 Matthews, B. 170 May,J. 132 Mendes-Flohr, P. 39 Mensching, G. 51 Metcalf, B. D. 68 Micksch, J. 129 Mill, J. S. 124 Milton, J. 24 Moon,S.M.41 Morgan, R

6 INDEX OF PERSONS 229 Morin, E. 162 Moses 34, 49, 149, 211 Muhammad 25, 31-32, 34, 36, 149, ,182,187,190,203,207, Muller, M. 41 Murti, K. 196 Muzaffar, C. 167, 171 Nagao, G. M. 121 Nagarjuna 97, , 104, 109 Nagel, T. 195, 201 Napoleon Bonaparte 192 Nasr, S. H. 163 Nayak, G. C. 185 Newton, I. 9-10, 62 Nichiren 126 Nicholas of Cusa 41 Niemann, R. 129 Nietzsche, F. 22, 229 Origen 197 Oser, F. 43 Ott, H. 150 Otto, R. 41, 51 Pannenberg, W , 207 Parmenides 164 Paul24, 31, 49, Peterson, E. 199 Pieris, A. 199 Pirenne, H. 207 Planhol. X. de 207 Plato 26, 58, 61, 159 Plotinus 58, 97 Prahladacharya, D. 69 Pye, M.l25, ,149, Rahner, K. 197 Ranke, L. 206 Richard of St. Victor 16 Ricceur, P. 147 Rieber, A. 97 Ritter, J. 6 Robbers, G. 194 Roosevelt, G. 4 Rousseau, J.-J. 4, 5, 6 Rudolph, K. 135 Said, E. W. 162 Schadel, E. 97 Scheler, M. 4-5 Schelling, F. W. J. 4, 183, 193, 201-5,208-10,211, Schenk, R. 67 Schierse, F. J. 197 Schimmel, A. 180 Schleiermacher, F. 146 Schmidt, H. 127 Schmidt-Leukel, P. 153 Schmirber, G. 96 Schulz, W. 211 Schulze, R. 211,212 Seckler, M. 200 Sed-Rajna, G. 47 Shakir, M. H.l85 Shear, J. 69 Shirazi 180 Shiva 50, 196 Shukla, B. 85 Singh, A. 80 Singh, C. 81, Singh, N , , , 186,218,220-23,226 as-sijistani, A. D. 25 Smith, R. G. 133 Smith, W. C. 212 Socrates 23, 37 Spaemann, R. 6, 212 Spencer, H. 124 Spengler, Srinivas, M. D. 88 Stegmeier, W. 48 Steinbach, U. 206

7 230 INDEX OF PERSONS Steiner, R. 196 Stevenson, D. B. 98 Strolz, W. 215 Swcdenborg, E. 199 Swinburne, R. 7-20, 54-65, 179, , 226 Taylor, E. B. 124 Tenbruek, F. H. 124 Thabit, Z. ibn 165 Theunissen, M. 133 Thomas Aquinas 28,56-57, 59 Tillich, P. 144 Troeltsch, E. 136, 146 Ueda, S.130 Vishnu 50, 196 Waldenfels, B. 132 Waldenfels, H. 215 Ward, K. 215 Weis, K.151 Welte, B. 215 Wigoder, G. 38, 43 Wilhelm, R.111, 113 Wittgenstein, L. 131 Zimmermann, H. D. 47 Zinser, H. 39

8 INDEX OF SUBJECTS for Volumes 1-5 of the Series "A Discourse of the World Religions" compiled by BRIGITTE BERGES and VICTORIA POGOSIAN Roman numerals stand for volume numbers, Arabic for page numbers. Italicized page numbers refer to footnotes. Absolute, the I, 33-6, 43, 53, 78, 96, 115, 119, 121, 124f., 131f., 147; II, 2f., 6, 37, 103f., 117, 144, 148, 156; III, 88f.; IV, 11; V, 99, 10lf., 107f., 112, 114, 117ff., 126, 129, 130, 158, 166, 197, 202ff., 208f. absoluteness, claim to I, 55, 146; IV, 127f.; V, 188, 195 Africa I, 57; III, 118; V, 25, 120, 148, 178, 207 agnosticism I, 132; III, 108, 131; V, 22, 195 Allah I, 95f., , 105f., 114, 130ff.; II, 43, 45, 135; III, 5, 47-52, 56ff., 136f., 140; IV, 90ff., 95f., 98f.; V, 21ff., 25, 28, 31f., 36, 142, 186f., 198,203,207, 211, 222 angell, 70,95,99, 103, 109;11,24, 33f., 36, 43, 46, 49f., 54, 59f., 87, 128,138,140, 142;1V,45,58, 62, 92, 119; V, 36f., 47 animal(s) I, 39, 55, 84f., 90ff., 106; II, 35, 40, 85, 123; III, 26, 32, 42, 53f., 57, 61, 84, 104, 111, 114ff., 121, 124f., 130; IV, 12, 23f.; V, 12, 50, 72, 136, 161 anthropocentrism III, 32, 43f., 63, 65ff., 69ff., 73-78, 82, 139; IV, 7, 117 anthropology I, 9f., 59f., 75f., 80, 82, 90, 92, 117, 125, 139f.; III, 64, 66f., 69-80; IV, 104; V, apocalypse, apocalypticism II, 140, 145; IV, lf., 40-9, 51f., 54-73, 76, 78, , 115f., 122, 124 asceticism I, 104; III, 8f., 69f., 72, 10lff., 106 Ash'arites I, 96, 118 atheism I, 132, 136f., 140; II, 37; III, 99ff., 106; V, 15, 184, 186, 195 Atman I, 13, 26, 33, 40f., 76ff., 119, 149; II, 104ff., 111, 136; IV, 12 atom I, 12, 18, 21ff., 128; III, 88, 92, 104, 111, 130; V, 12 atonement I, 113; II, 7, 35; V, 49 authority I, 3, Sf., 10f., 13, 15f., 27, 37, 116, 118; III, 57, 85, 99, 107, , 137; IV, 9; V, 17, 2lff., 25,28f.,33f.,36,57,61f.,87,8~ 92-95, 126, 148, 152, 191, 199f., 211 f., 217, 223 autonomy I, 87; II, 134; III, 20, 27,

9 232 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 127, 136; IV, 37; V, 28, 88ff., awareness I, 147; II, 40, 123, 142; III, 122, 139; IV, 2, 22, 28f.; V, 48, 127, , 189 behaviour I, 86ff., 92; II, 24f., 32, 34, 46, 84, 94ff., 119, 122, 129f.; III, 5, 76, 112, 124, 131f. being I, 12, 17ff., 26f., 29, 36, 38, 40,45,49,52,56,69, 76,97f., 100-3, 105, 109f., 113, 116, 119, , ; II, 3.,!Of., 19,22f.,33,35,53,65,93f.,97, 104f., 107, 110, 112, 115, 122, 129; III, 29, 31, 33f., 35, 36-39, 43,62,66-73,78-81,86,90, I lilt., 126, 128, 130f., 141; IV, 17, 24, 30[., 36, 76, 116ff., 124; V, 3, 7f., 13, 56, 58, 62, 71-80, 82,83,90,92,95,99, 107,133, 136, 156, 159, 197, 202ff., 208ff., 214f. -being-in-the-world I, 49, 56; III, 29, 31, 36, 38 -co-being (Mitsein) I, 126 -non-being I, 27, 105, 130; V, 115 -there-being (Dasein) III, 67; V, 107 -(there-ness) (Dasein) I, 103 -with-being (Mitsein) V, 107f. - techno-being III, 14 -absolute being I, 119; V, 118, 204 -awakened being l, 123; IV, 32 - biological being III, 77 -conscious being V, 118 -corporal being IV, 23, 25 - cosmic being III, 61, 144 -created being HI, 44, 65, 67ff. -creative being HI, 4 -Divine Being III, 65; IV, 19 -dispositional being V, 71-6, 80, 82f.,92,95 -extended being IV, 26 -finite being IV, 25, 75 -free being V, 57 -human being I, 12, 13, 14f., 27f., 33f., 38-42, 47f., 50, 52, 54f., 59-64, 68, 70, 76, 80, 83-90,92,116,124, 125; II, 1, Sf., 14f., 17, 24, 29, 33, 35f., 39, 49f., 55ff., 59-65, 67, 68,74,79f.,85,90,93,96f., 106,110,114,116, 120f., 123ff., 134, 149; III, lff., 7, 11-16, 18, 26, 32, 42,47-62, 72,75,80,82f., 88,91,93, 96, 100, 121, 123, 126ff., 132f., 135ff., 139; IV, 2, 4, 7, 10, 12f., 16, 18f., 34, 37f., 75, 78,82,85,92,99, 102, 105f., 108, 110, 114ff., ll8f., 124; V, 7, 13, 24, 32f., 37, 45, 50, 63, 78,144,184,196,203 - ideal being IV, 16 - individual being III, 94; IV, 17 - intellectual being III, 77f. - intelligent being I, 28 -judicious being V, 90 -living being I, 13, 14, 24, 27f., 31,38,47,55, 77, 80,116, 149;II, 111, 116;111, 103ff., 109, , 118f., 12lf., 130, 132, 136; IV, 4, 17ff., 24, 27; V, 77, 78, 99, 102, 107, 108, 136, 157 -mistaken being IV, 28 -necessary being I, 18f., 98 -non-human living being III, 125 -non-living being III, 104, 109, 130

10 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 233 -original being IV, 28; V, perfect being I, 133; II, 12, 120; III, 37, 68; V, 203 -personal being III, 2; IV, 76; V, 58,63,204 pure being I, 98, 101 -primal Being I, 26-29, 33, 36 -rational being I, 97, 107, 129; II, 84; IV, 38; V, 7 -sentient being I, 12, 29, 40; III, 104,112,116 - spiritual being I, 28, 38, 40; III, 138; IV, 9, 11,25 -Supreme Being I, 128; II, 104; IV, 17,20 -Ultimate being IV, 15 beginning I, 57-74; III, 86; IV, 50 - of the world/of the universe I, 9f., 18, 27f., 76, 82, 92f., 119, 134, 136f.; III, 100; V, 63, 73f., -of being II, 149; -of creation I, 99, 105; -of history II, 53 f., 60f., 63; V, 31 - of nature III, 3 - of humanity II, 60; belief I, 8, 33, 54, 110, 128f.. 133, ; II, I, 11, 24, 26f., 37, 39, 45,81,90,95f., 115,118, 122f., 127, 135, 137, 139, 145; III, 29-35, 47f., 66, 85, 95, 101, 107f., 11 I, 13 3; IV, 7, 9f., 15 f., I 8, 21, 23,27,30,34,37,41,43,48f., 52,56f,60f.,69f.,87,92, 129; V, 7!T., 12, 14, 17, 27-30,32,33, 37, 42, 43, 62,66-72, 75ff., 79, 93, 95, 124, 139, 165, 178, 221 Bhagavad-Gita I, 129; II,!Olff., 112, 115; III, 62, 144; IV, 8, 10-17, 19f., 79, 124 Bible I, 2. 9, 57, 59, 62, 77, 82, 114, 129, 137; II, 34f., 40, 80, 87, 97, 133f., 136, 140f., 143; III, 5, 18, 27f., 32, 34f., 52, 6lff., 85, 127, 139;IV,5, 14,48,67, 77,80, 82, 101, 128;V, 18,22,47,58f.,61, 165,212 Big Bang I, 82, 114, 134, 137; II, 141; III, 139; V, 14 blessing I, 66f.; II, 73, 92; III, 42, 137 bliss I, 50, 128; II, I 0, 104, 1 09; III, 88, 104; V, 120 body I, 16, 31,39-42,47,51, 59, 60, 62ff., 70, 72ff., 89ff., I 05, 110, 116, 121, 139f.; II, 17, 33, 54, 105-8,117, 137;111,2,9-12,40, 44, 54 f., 6lf., 74, 90, 1 04f., 107f., 114, 123, l30f.; IV, 4, 7, 9, 12, 17f., 22-31, 66f., 75-78, 85-88, 115; V, 77 -of Christ I, 77; II, 55, 57, 79, 125; III, 10 bondage I, 38, 40f.; II, Ill; III, 26, 104f., 111, 130; IV, 10, 12f., 19; V, 73f. Brahman I, 13f., 24-37, 40f., 76, 78f., 13lf., 149; II, 3, 103-7, 109, 111, , 136; III, 62, 87ff., 93f., 99, 110, 139; IV, 11, 20;V,50, 156,166,196 Buddha-nature II, 10, 12f., 23; IV, 27ff., 31, 33, 35, 116; V, 100, 107f., 118, 121, 136, 156, 219 Buddhism I, 9f., 43-56,75-79, 87, 113, , 147; II, 2f., 6, 8-23, 75-78, 146, 148, 100, , 124ff., ; III, 2, 4, 7, 9, 92f., 96, 99, 102, 106f., , 117ff., 12lff., , 130ff., 140, 142, 144f.; IV, 4, 6f., 9f., 13, 18ff.,22-39, 75-79,114-18, 122ff., 126, 129; V, 35, 42, 50,

11 234 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 73, , 131f., 136, 138, , 149, 153, 161, 163f., 169, 171,176,186,205,209 - Hinayana I, 119; II, 19 -Mahayana I, , 122ff., 126; II, 8, 11f., 19, 22; IV, 31f.; V, 103ff., , 114, 116ff., 142 -Zen I, 44, 47ff., 51f., 55, 118, 124; IV, 22-39, 75f., 79, ; V, 108, 130, 156 burden I, 71; II, 28, 35, 42, 61, 66, 110, 126, 129, 137; IV, 96 caste I, 42; II, 20, 117; III, 129; IV, 13,17;V,138 causality I, 15, 17f., 24, 29f., 32, 36; II, 39, 122, 134; III, 93f.; IV, 19, 23, 37, 78; V, 56,131 causation II, 104; III, 90; V, 27, 73 cause I, 15-30, 35, 37f., 41, 45, 119, 128, 133, 136f.; II, 15, 106; III, 131; V, 7ff., 11, 14, 34, 42, 56, 104 -of evil II, 13, 49, 78, 135, of life and death IV, 29 - of the living body IV, 23 -of suffering II, 14-17, 20f., 23f., 138; III, 106ff., 131; IV, 15,30 Christendom IV, 3; V, 22 Christianity I, 3, 5, 43, 47, 54, 59, 76f., 80, 82, 88ff., 93, 112ff., , 149, 115f., 118, 125ff., , 135ff., 139, 141f.; II, 3f., 22f., 26, 34, 36, 48-74, 76-79, 94, 97f., 100, 113f., , 124f., 132f., , 145, 147, 149; III, 1-5, 9f., 19, 27, 29-46,49, 56, 59-82, 85, 92-95, 106, 118, 122, 124, 127, 133, ; IV, 2-7, 34, 41f., 44, 48ff., 52-55, 67, 69, 72ff., 76ff., 80-88, 99, 101, , ; V, 7-20,21,23-32, 34ff., 38ff., 42f., 46, 49ff., 54-65, , 127f., 131f., , , 149f., 161, 163f., 166, 168f., 171, 173f., 176ff., 185ff., 190f., Eastern III, 67, 69ff., 81 Christology I, 145; II, 67; V, 187 church I, 77, 88f., 92; II, 48ff., 52-57,70-73, 75f., 78f., 118, 121, 125, 138, 143; III, 10, 18, 45, 46, 56, 143; IV, 8, 49, 78, 84, 105ff., 121, 125, 127f.; V, 1, 17f., 36, 40f., 43, 49, 139, 160, 173, 181, 193, 197, 199, 201, 212 clearing (Lichtung) V, 156 clash of civilizations I, 1, 8; V, 1, 67, 162, 170f., 178, 194 cloning III, 53-58, 61f., 76f., 127, 137 commandment(s) I, 58, 61, 64, 66f., 71, 74, 76; II, 55, 79, 85, 87; III, 21, 25f., 30f., 40, 101; IV, 51, 58, 123; V, 59, 71 compassion I, 96f., 105, 126; II, 3, 19ff., 24, 79, 122, 124, 133; III, 50, 52, 113f., 116, 119, 123, 136; IV, 34, 116f.; V, 142 completion of history/time/the world I, 10; III, 49; IV, 1, 3ff., 80, 82ff., 87ff., 101f., 117, 121f., 124 concept of God I, 6, 9-56, 75-94, 112, ; II, 28, 42, 63; III, 63, 93, 125; V, 186 condemnation III, 114; IV, 122; V, 23,40 conduct II, 41, 112; III, 101, 107, 126, 129, 131; IV, 34, 110, 123; V, 68, 77, 88,92-5, 125, 129, 135, 167, 181 Confucianism III, 118; V, 109,

12 INDEX OF SUBJECTS f. conscience I, 59; II, 56, 72 consciousness I, 18, 25, 29f., 39, 45f,59f,90,93, 121E, 135;IL 15, 22, 40, 43, 48, 69, 104f., 109(, 113, 118, 127, 136f., 141; III, 9, 11f., 38f., 72, 74, 76, 79, 88(,93(, 100,103,105, 108(, 111, 131, 138, 140, 144; IV, 28f., 34, 129; V, 5, 14, 69f., 103ft, 117f., 127, 139, 143f., 155, 157ff., 187, 203, 205f., 209 contemplation I, 66, 71, 96, 123; II, 67, 102; III, 130; IV, 50, 68; V, 115 contingency I, 5, 18f., 73, 105; II, 1, 3f, 7, 94, 136; III, 2ff.; V, 15, 18, 27, 76, 78, 83-86, 92, , 194 cosmos I, 47, 75, 105, 127f., 137; II, 63, 69f.; III, 18, 44, 64, 66, 70, 75,80, 100,107,121, 144;IV, 116;V, 112,114,117,144,166, 168 cosmology I, 9, 75f., 80-83, 114; 111,26, 73,80,86,92, 107, 118; V, 14, 96, 114f., 145 creatio ex nihilo I, 55, 100, 107, ; III, 24, 94; IV, 119 creation I, 6, 9f., 14-23, 31f., 34, 55, 59,61,67,69, 73,77,80-111, 114, 117f., 120, ; II, 2ff., 6, 12, 33, 39, 43, 49f., 54, 60, 71, 73, 81, 87, 104, , 113f., 119, 122, 129, 134f., 139, 141, 144f., 148f.; III, 2-5, 13, 17-60, 64f., 68-73, 83-98, 121, 123, ; IV, 7, 50, 67, 77, 83, 87,89,92-96,99,110,117, 128; V, 5, 20, 56, 59f., 62, 73, 112, 114, 119, 129, 139, 157, 159, 169,204,213,215 creator I, llf., 15, 21f., 33-38, 40, 55,67,81,87,99, 101,106,108, 128, ;11,49,56,60,76, 91, 108, 113, 126, 139f., 149; III, 2ff., 13, 18, 22, 24f., 28, 30ft, 35, 36, 47, 50, 55, 59f., 66, 83, 93ff., 100f., 126ft, 133, 136; IV, 77, 86f., 89, 92, 94f., 119, 121; V, 62, 162, 164 creature I, 28, 59f, 81, 83f., 87f., 93,99, 102,107,109,114, 118(, 143; II, 16-22, 39, 42, 49f., 82, 90, 110, 126, 135; III, 2-9, 14f., 32,47f.,51,65,68,93-96, 113(, 132f.; IV, 34, 87, 94, 110, 124; V, 21, 138, 173 critique I, 3f., 20, 41, 81-84, 141; II, 4, ; III, 18-21,65, 143; V, 1-6, 110, 147, 158, 185, 192, , 205f., cross I, 113; II, 9, 52, 56f., 118; III, 68; V, 181, 197f., 206 crucifixion II, 53f., 67, 138, 141; V, 16, 19,49,65,198 Crusades IV, 48, 72; V, 39 cult III, 1, 34; V, 34, 42, 195 culture(s) I, 48, 71, 80, 82, 86, 88-94, 131, 147; II, 28-32,34, 37f., 56, 58, 61, 70f., 116, ; III, 5, 27, 30, 133; IV, 73, 76, 89, 115, 125f., 128; V, 2, 23, 27, 33f.,37,88,96, 120,124, 126ft, 132, 134ff., 138ff., 142, 144, 148f., 154, 157, 165, 170, 173, 176,178, 194,206,220f( dead, the I, 73, 77; IV, 1, 12, 18, 25, 47, 65f., 83-87, 95f.; V, 19, 187 death I, 27, 51, 60, 62f., 65, 90, 106, 129, 140; II, 9ff., 14, 21, 28, 34, 43, 47, 50-54, 57, 61, 63f., 65, 66ff., 68, 87, 106, 108, 112, 114,

13 236 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 118, 121, 126f., 133, 135, 137, 140; III, 2, 7, 11, 12, 37, 68, 78, 92, 101, 104ff., 108f., 111, 122, 131; IV, 1, 3f., 7, 9, 13, 15ff., 20, 22-39, 65, 67, 75ff., 85-8, 90-4, 97, 102, 115, 117, 119f., 122, 124; V, 5, 37, 49, 73, 75, 184-7, 194 deed(s) I, 16, 62, 71, 73, 113f.; II, 1, 4, 18,40,42f.,44,53,89,94, 106f., 1 1 lf., 114ff., 122f., 126, 137; III, 9f.; IV, 4, 9, 68, 79, 94-9, 103, 1 12f., 121, 123f., 130; V, 32, 50, 74f., 77-93, 95 deification III, 69-75, 78-82; V, 139 deism II, 147; III, 125 deity I, 61, 106, 131; II, 24f., 40, 86; III, 84, 94; IV, 41, 79, 82, 98; V, 47, 50ff., 55, 62, 135 destiny I, 12f., 16, 14lf.; II, 6, 9, 22, 49, 67, 107, Ill; III, 65, 69; IV, 6, 8, 12ff., 94, 122; V, 31, 64, 110 determinism I, 102; III, 59, 72, 127; IV, 61, 102f.; V, 8 dharma I, 76f., 120, ; II, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20f., 105ff., llof., 114, 117, 136; III, 95f., 99, 102, 129, 131, 144f.; IV, 9, 13ff., 19ff., 29; V, 41, 72, 88-91,99, 103-6, 108f., 117f., 131, 150, 157 dialogue I, 42, 53, 80, 99, 117, 130; II, 34, 59f., 64, 70f.; III, 45f.; IV, 62; V, 26, 47, 50f., 58, 63f., 67, 127, 132, 140f., 149ff., 154, , 181,221 -of the (world) religions I, 4, 7f., 93, 125ff., 132, 141, ; 11,58,69,78f., 14~ 147, 149; III, 1,40;IV,4, 7, 106, 11lf., 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 125, 128, 130; V, 1f., Sf., 26, 38-53, 55f., 62,64-122, , 157, , 180f., 183, 187f., 190, 193f., 205, 215, 217f., 220 dignity I, 88f., 92, 98, 114; II, 72; III, 16, 93; IV, 110, 118 discourse I, 86, 137; II, 39, 144; III, 65, 68f., 71,78-81, 140; IV, 57, 68f.; V, 1, 66, 87, 126, 145, 160, 181 -of the world religions I, 1-5, 7ff., 81, 86, 123; II, 2, 6, 76, 139; III, 1, 11, 62, 125, 142; IV, , 130; V, 1, 3, Sf., 61,129,146, 157,213f.,216, 218f. divine, the I, 7, 62, 66, 73f., 131, 144f.; II, 37, 59, 74, 97, 114; III, 17,48;IV, 78;V,33,46,52,153 divinity I, 9f., 87, 103, 105, 109; II, 42, 44, 93, 104, 106, 126f.; III, 32, 127; IV, 85; V, 21 doom IV, 70; V, 178 dualism I, 13, 15ff., 20, 26f., 36f., 51, 59, 117ff., 124; II, 4f., 138, 141; III, 43f., 87f., 94, 135, 144; IV, 10f., 26f., 29f., 33, 37, 48, 78, 119; V, 15, 49, 97, 101f., 107, 109, 112, 115f., 118f., 127, 158 duty I, 28, 68; II, 111, 116; III, 47, 51, 58; IV, 10, 13, 17, 19, 91, 124f.; V, 17, 72, 193 earth I, 12, 18, 21ff., 27, 33, 38, 50, 68, 84, 90, 95f., 98ff., 102, 106, 109,113, 127; 11,20,24,32-35, 39, 43f., 54 f., 73, 101' , 127,131, 138; III, 13f., 19, 22ff., 27, 32, 35, 41, 44ff., 49-52, 57f., 88ff., 103f., 111, 113f., 117,119, 130f., 61, 122; IV, 3-7, 9, 21, 35,

14 INDEX OF SUBJECTS ,54,56,83,86,90-9, 123;V, 10,57,96,110-14,117,120, 138, 156, 159, 165, , 177f. ecology I, 82, 84, 87, 92f., 118; III, 12f., 27f., 76f., 117f.; IV, 39; V, 129 economy I, 41f., 91, 140, 150; II, 21, 72, 116; III, 1, 6ff., 9, 12, 15, 42, 63, 66, 116, 118; IV, 2, 6f., 130;V,~ 127,129,140, 170f., 184f. ecosophism III, 118f., 133 ecumene V, 35f. ecumenism IV, 111, 114, V, 201 Eightfold Path II, 16, 21, 123ff.; III, 107, 110, 130f. element I, 13, 19, 21f., 27, 31, 43ff., 59, 72, 75, 102f., 105, 119; II, 109; III, 65f., 87-90, 109, 111, 131; IV, 31, 37f., 61, 79; V, 113f. emanation I, 71f., 74, 96, 100f., 107, 109, 137; II, 84f., 87f.; III, 94; V, 120 emptiness I, 43f., 51, 54; III, 106; IV, 27, 35; V, 99, 101, 106f., 155-8, 179 end of history/time/the world I, 10, 76; III, 35; IV, Iff., 5f., 21, 40-74, 80, , 102, 105f., 110, 112, 116, 120, 122ff. enjoyment II, 106, 119; III, 88, 114, 118; IV, 10, 93f. enlightenment I, 1, 148; II, 17, 18f., 23, 29, 140; III, 19, 27f., 96, 126, 129, 131, 137; IV, 28,31-35, 126; V, 3, 5, 22, 25, 27, 186, 192 entity I, 13, 15f., 18, 20, 22f., 25, 28-33,36,54,59,71,75f.,83, 101, 111, 127, 149; II, 15, 105; III, 13, 18, 90, 114, 141; IV, 23, 26, 58; V, 2, 12, 72, 81, 156, 177, 220 environment I, 80, 86, 92; II, 24, 124; III, 2, 21, 29, 40, 42, 65, 76f., 80, 82, 84, 97, 117ff., 124f., 135 epistemology I, 12ff., 21, 70, 131f.; III, 29ff., 86, 90, 133, 135; IV, 27, 120; V, 3, 27f., 30, 63, 96f., 103, 105, 107f., , 117f., 123,146,155,211,214 eschatology I, 10, 74, 99, 106, 109; II, 56, 74, 136, 138, 143; III, 80, 118; IV, 1-6, 41ff., 45-49,51-54, 56, 58, 60f., 66f., 69f., 72, 84, 86-91,94, 106, , 118f.; V, 184 etemality I, 9f., 13, 16f., 21ff., 31, 40, 42, 67, 97, 100, 114, 119f., 122, 134ff., 142; II, 5, 11f., 54, 56, 104f., 107ff., 111f., 114, 117; III, 1, 3, 15, 21, 26, 94, 100, 103f., 107, 112, 126, 129f.; IV, 1-5, 10, 16f., 19f., 23ff., 28f., 35, 38, 66, 76f., 82-85, 87-91, 97ff., 101f.; V, 13, 16, 42, 52, 56, 104, 114,145,180,185,214 eternity I, 100, ; II, 2, 5, 33, 35, 156; III, 3, 11, 44, 107; IV, 6f., 28, 38, 76f., 85, 87ff., 97, 99, 102, 117, 119, 122, 138; V, 27, 166 ethics I, 7f., 91, 120, 147, 150; II, 37, 72, 77f., 83f., 89,94-99, 114ff., 122, 124, , 139f., 144, 146;111, 1,8, 16,26,28,37, 54-57, 61f., 76ff., 91, 106, 112, 125f., 129f., 137, 140; IV, 3, 13, 18, 20, 104, 115, 120, 123f.; V, 4, 27, 35, 48, 120ff., 127ff., 144, 152, 185, 218 ethos I, 7, 85, 91f.; V, 37

15 238 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Europe I, 7f., 91, 120, 147, 150; II, 2, 77, 103f., 110, 114, 136, 140; III, 11, 47, 70; IV, 23, 30, 42, 48-52, 73, 82; V, 22, 24ff., 33, 39, 63, 71, 124, 127, 136f., 140, 143f., 146, 148, 150f., 161, 164f., 171, , 190, 192, 195,201,209, cvill, 6, 87, 93, 113f., 140; II, 1-13, 24-44,46-71,73-79, 81,85-90, 98, 103, 105, 108, 110f., , , ; III, 15, 51f., 56, 99, 127;IV, 10, 15, 18,21,29, 34,38,43,51,53,56,58,64,67, 78f., 95, 97, 102f., 108, 121, 123; V, 13, 15, 18, 57, 114f., 117, 181, 183f., 186,203,213,215 evolution I, 13, 16f., 19f., 25, 27f., 32, 83, 135; II, 34, 108ff., 119, 137, 141; III, 13ff., 47ff., 68, 72, 88, 125f., 136, 138f.; IV, 21, 41, 56, 108, 122; V, 13, 124, 157 exclusivism II, 58; V, 21, 33, 176, 189, 197, 209f., 213, 215 existence I, 12f., 16-32, 36, 38, 46, 50, 52-55; II, 11ff., 37, 39, 49, 74, 104ff., 109, 114f., 122; III, 32,34,36,47,51, 70, 73,86,88, 95,104,107, 141;IV,4, 19,42, 78, 85ff.; V, 13f., 87f., 99, 104-7, 114f., 118, 120ff., 155f., 159, 187,216 -ofgodi, 11, 19,31,35;II,2, 24ff., 35, 37f., 53, 86, 90, 130, 144, 148; III, 100; 126, 129; IV, 12, 76; V, 15ff., 30, 58f., 64, 183, 188 experience I, 2, 6ff., 12, 21, 30, 37, 43, 53, 78f., 81, 83, 89, 95, 97, 104, 113, 118, 120f., 124, 131f., 140, 148f.; II, 6, 9f., 14-17,23, 25,27-32,37,39f.,42,59,61, 63f., 67ff., 73, 76, 78, 86, 90-93, 99, 103f., 106, , 118, 121ff., 139f., 142, 144, 146, 148; III, 12, 18, 20, 22f., 25f., 29, 31, 35-38, 65, 70f., 79f., 82, 88, 95, 107, 131, 143; IV, 30, 53, 58ff., 65, 67ff., 75f., 78, 80, 83f., 97, 109,123, 127;V,3f., 13,27,29, 31, 39, 42, 58, 66f., 70, 80, 99f., 103, 105, 107ff., 113, 118, , 129f., 133f., 136, 138ff., 143f., 147f., 153, 156, 158f., 161f., 165, 168, 171, 184, 189ff., 198,214,217ff. faith I, 8, 40, 72, 97, 107, 113, 116, 122, 124,142, 145f., 148; II, 20, 37, 40, 48ff., 52, 54ff., 58, 67-70, 72ff., 76-79, 84, 91, 93, 96ff., 114, 116f., 120f., 123, 125, 136, 139f., 143f., 147, 149; III, 10, 18, 28f., 69, 95, 99, 101, 105, 123, 133, 143; IV, 2f., 21, 49, 75, 81, 84, 88ff., 94, 97f., lou., 111, 112, 113, , 128ff.; V, 1, 3f., 21-37,44,46, 48f., 54, 64f., 93, 98, 129, 136, 139, 164f., , 176ff., 185, 190, 192, 199, 200, 211f., 215, 218, 222f. fall I, 77, 86f., , 106, 108, 114; II, 4, 6, 24-27,51, 113, 116, 121, 140, 149; III, 4., 7, 15,68-73; IV, 4; V, 27, 204, 213 fate I, 103; II, 19, 82, 86f., 91f., 97, 107, 111, 116; IV, 55, 72, 95; V, 50, 110, 136 feeling I, 21, 59, 60; II, 15, 17, 27, 30, 93, 95, 106; III, 113; IV, 29, 34f., 37, 73, 76, 90; V, 77 fideism V, 27f. finitude I, 6, 18, 37, 40, 119, 125, 130, 134; II, 2f., 5, 10, 75, 83,

16 INDEX OF SUBJECTS , 114, 140f.; III, 20, 68f., 75, 80, 83, 89, 91, 104f., 107, 117, 127, 136; IV, 3ff., 17, 25, 29, 38, 75, 77,101, 124;V, 11,55,62, 66,78, 117(, 139,214 force II, 2, 11, 21, 66, 68f., 82, 89, 92, 109ff., 117, 122, 129; III, 5, 27; IV, 6, 9f., 13, 16, 18f., 41; V, 22, 39, 97, , 118, 120, 181,206 forgetfulness I, 103f., 106, 109, 140; V, 163, 168, 171 forgiveness I, 113; II, 7, 35, 39, 44, 54f., 57, 66, 91, 137; III, 26; IV, 90; V, 32 freedom I, 41, 71, 104, 137f., 143; II, 1, 10, 20, 35, 39, 49f., 57-66, 68-74, 111, 122, 133ff., 139, 143; III, 3, 6, 19ff., 52, 59f., 78, 83f.,93,96, 108,114,121, 126ff., 130ff.; IV, 19, 77, 102f., ; V, 13f., 16, 57, 62, 164, 168, 169, 181, 197, 199, 202ff., 210, 213ff., 217f., 222 fundamentalism I, 145, 147; V, 56, 135, 137, 183, 199ff., 210ff. future I, 60, 133, 142; II, 17, 115, 122, 142; III, 12, 16, 124; IV, 5, 31,37,48, 70, 78,80,83-88, 110, 115; V, 67, 84, 85, 89, 106, 107, 157, 199 genetic engineering III, 10, 16, 57, 77 Global Ethic Project I, 7f.; II, 78; V, 122, 127f. globalization I, 2, 4, 145; II, 30, 32; III, 16, 70f., 77; IV, 2; V, , 180, 185, 194,218 gnosis I, 6; V, 199 gnosticism I, 6, 105; II, 138; 195; IV, 7 God I, 3f., 6, 9-15,20-23, 31, 33-36, 38ff., 50f., 53-79,95-126, 128ff., , ; II, 2f., Sf., 12, 20,24-8,30, 33-40,42-7,49-57, 59-73, 76ff., 80-4,86-99, 104f., 107, , , ; III, 2-5, 10, 14ff., 18-36, 43, 45, 46, 47-51, 54-66, 69ff., 81-84, 87, 89, 91-96, 99ff., 107f., 110, 123, 125-9, 131, , 144f.; IV, 7, 9-16,20,26,34,44-7,50,56,58, 62, 65f., 75-78, 80-88, 90f., 93-9, 101ff., 110-3,117, 120ff., ; V, 4f., 13-20, 21, 24, 30ff., 37, 38, 40ff., 45, 47, 48, 50ff., 55-64, 75, 111, 113, 119, 122, 125, , 135, 138f., 142-5, 150, 152f., 156, 158f., 161-9, 171ff., , , 196, 198ff., 202ff., , , 218f., 222 -God's presence III, 32, 34f., 45, 95, 128, 133ff.; IV, 85, 87; V, 38,48 -God's word II, 143; III, 32; V, 181f., 190, 214 godliness III, 135; V, 178 good, the I, 76, 87; II, 1, 4f., 10, 12, 21, 28, 31, 33-36, 40f., 43, 45f., 49, 55f., 59-64,69,73,77, 81, 88, 91, 110f., 114ff., 126f., 129, 133ff., 144; III, 13, 21, 51f.; IV, 16, 18,29,37f.,51,54,56, 79, 91,9~97, 108, 123f., 130;V, 13f., 49, 57, 114f., 169, 181, 185 -common good III, 5ff.; IV, 2f. goodness I, 133, 139, 143; II, 2, 9, 12,35,40,44,4~ 123,127,140, 147; III, 16, 46, 94, 133; V, 13, 15, 17f., 20, 38, 41, 139, 189 grace I, 38, 78,107, 114, 139f.; II, 46, 49, 52, 53ff., 56, 57, 67, 69,

17 240 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 73, 115, 121, 140f.; III, 21, 71, 95, 101; IV, 97, 111ff., 119, 121; V, 21, 23, 27ff., 32, 38, 49f., 127, 130, 199 guilt I, 71, 86, 88f., 113f., 118, 126, 140; II, 4f., 66f., 79, 89, 92f., 119,130, 134;V,40, 139 Halakhah/Halacha I, 58f., 61, 65-8, 71; II, 95, 98; IV, 41, 59, 74, 107; V, 65 happiness I, 139f.; II, 12, 14, 17, 59f., 85, 91f.; III, 7, 40, 100, 106, 114, 120, 126; IV, 9f., 13, 37f., 88, 99, 116; V, 177f. heaven I, 13, 23, 50, 62f., 65, 68, 70, 90, 96, 98, 102f., 106, 127, 141f., 144; II, 24, 31, 36, 43, 53ff., 73, 88,132,135,137, 143;111,24, 44, 49, 57, 86, 103, 124; IV, 9f., 15, 18,38,46,54,71,83,89f., 93-6, 99, 112, 123f.; V, 18, 25, 47, 60, 96f., 110-4, 117, 120, 156, 159, 162f., 165, 168[. hell I, 13, 116; II, 11f., 121; III, 124; IV, 9f., 15, 18, 90, 94, 97ff., 121-4; V, 18, 37, 108 henotheism I, 33 hermeneutics I, 62, 65, 67, 103; II, 58-73, 132; III, 29, 60; IV, 60f., 1 05f., 114; v, 43-46, 48f., 60, 100f., 106, 108, 110f., 114, 125-9, 133, 136, , , 152, 154,202,205 Highest, the I, 77; V, 158 Hinduism I, 5, 9f., 11-42, 116ff., 75-8, 127, 135f., 141, 145, 148f.; II, 2f., 6, , 119, 121, 129, , 145f., 148f.; III, 2, 4, 9f.,49,61,83-101, 118,121, 123, 125f., 139, 144f.; IV, 2, 4, 6-21,75-9, 114f., 118ff., 124f., 127ff.; V, 6, 41, 50, 56, 66-95, 137, 140, 159, 163f., 166, 186, 196f., 204f., 209, 223 historicity II, 60, 78; III, 5, 7f., 68; IV, 22, 36f., 39; V, 144, 157, 200, 206, 208f. history I, 50, 123, 133, 141; II, 1, 3f., 9, 36, 50ff., 54, 60-3, 65, 67f., 70, 73f., 100f., 129, 135, 139; III, 5, 20, 23, 31, 34f., 63, 133, 138; IV, 1-8, 20, 39, 41, 44, 48f., 58, 67f., 73, 75-90, , 127f.; V, 8, 13, 15ff., 19, 22f., 29, 31ff., 46, 48, 52, 109, 116, 125f., 131, 135, 140, 142ff., 146f., , 157, 159, 162, 163, 165f., 176, 188, 192, 195, 197, 203-6, 208ff., 214f., 217f. holiness II, 50, 132; III, 3; IV, 38; V, 11, 157 hope I, 40, 128; II, lf., 5, 19, 51, 54, 70, 115, 122, 134; IV, 4, 24f., 38, 48ff., 76, 84-7, 90, 99f., 106ff., 110,111, 112f., 117, 119, 124, 129;V,34,37,48, 143,145,184, 186 human(s), the I, 10, 12, 14f., 28, 33, 38ff., 43f., 47, 85, 90f., 104, 109, 128, 130, ; II, 3f., 11, 25, 39ff., 44, 60-64, 66, 69, 104, 106f., 113f., 116, 133ff.; III, 1-9, 14f., 22, 26, 29-32, 35, 37, 40-6, 50,54,56,61,89,91, , 122, , 139; IV, 7, 24f., 34f., 37, 39, 90, 92, 96,110, 113; V, 12ff., 136 humanism III, 95, 126; V, 35f., 181 humanity I, 1, 4, 114; II, 4ff., 51-4, 57, 59f., 65-70,72, 74, 88, 92, 97, 118, 120f., 124f.; III, 1, 4f., 13, 15, 17, 51, 76, 99, 112, 119, 123; IV, lf., 3, 7, 15, 82, 84f.; V,

18 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 241 3,33,36,82,94,96, 116,133, 136ff., 144, 156-9, 162ff., 170ff., 181, 187, 197, 204f., 214 humankind I, 57, 84f., 140f.; II, 2, 21, 24, 32, 35, 43, 124, 126; III. 14, 18-28, 35, 36, 39, 47-58, 62, 77,99-120, 136f.; IV, 6; V, 198 humility III, 58; V, 64f. I, the I, 44-53, 55 f., 76, 113; Ill, 109; IV, 26, 35f.; V, 158 idealism II, 133, 139, 143, 149; Ill, 2, 12, 90; IV, 10, 79; V, 5, 195, 20lff., 208f., 213 idolatry I, 63, 113; IV, 130; V, 38, 130, 139, 166 idols I, 2f., 61; II, 3; Ill, 23; IV, 98; V, 61 illumination I, 51, 98, 103, 109; V, 92, 98, 100, 102, 106f., 109, 111 image of God (imago Dei) I, 9f., 57-77, 84ff., 90ff., 103, 109f., 112, 118, 130, 139; II, 50f.; III, 4, 64, V, 14, 221 immorality II, 24; III, 56 immortality III, llff., 16, 19, 108, 131; IV, 5, 7-39,75-79, 85f., 115, 119 incarnation I, 125; II, 53, 57, 114f., 137; III, 65, 69, 94f., 126; IV, 13-16,20, 84f., 127; V, 187, 190, 196tl., 203, 214 inclusivism V, 188f., 210,213,215 individual, the I, 12, 16, 22, 77, 82, 89, 114, 121, 124, 127, 131; II, 29f.,32,46,60,63, 77,82,84f., 88, 92, 94, 106f., 110, , 129, 139, 145; III, 5, 12, 62, 64, 69, 78, 83, 101, 105, 109, 112f., 118,127, 131;IV, 1-4,68,85-88; V, 33f., 48f., 89, 92ff., 124, 134, 181, 185 individualism III, 43, 88, 102, 129, 133, 135; IV, 88 infinitude I, 8, 18, 21f., 27, 36ff., 41, 76, 107, 125f., 130, 133; II, 12, 55,63,65f.,68, 104,110,114, 120, 141; III, 17, 19ff., 44, 93, 100, 103ff., 107, 130, 133; IV, 2, 6f., 29, 37f., 77, 104; V, 11, 47, 52, 55, 62, 78f., 87, 118, 120, 139 inspiration I, 65, 98, 118; II, 33, 45, 62, 71, 102f., 110f.; III, 62, 82, 144;IV,22,28, 77,111,114, 116; V, 26, 35, 165, 167, 176, 185,212 intellect I, 59, 69ff., 97, 101, 104, 1 07f., 110, 114; II, 84f., 88, 104-7, 111;III,51f.,58,82, 126, 143; IV, 26-29, 58, 78; V, 27 intelligence II, 82ff., 1 08, 111; III, 10-13, 61, 88ff.; IV, 62 Internet I, 2; III, 16, 75; IV, 6 intolerance I, 113, 148; V, 46, 66 Islam I, 5-6,95-114, 118, 127, 135, 144, 146ff.; II, 3, 6, 24-47,75-79,84,98,100,120,122-25, 128f., 135, , 146, 148; III, 2-5, 47-58, 60, 63, 106, 118, 127, , 140, 142ff.; IV, 2, 4, 8, 48,52,77f.,89-100, 102f., , 121ff., 125f., 128; V, 6, 17, 21-37' 39, 43, 54-65, 68, 119, 127, 132, 137, 140, 143, 145, 149, , 184-7, 190f., , 203, 205ff., 209, 211f., 214, 217, 222f. It IV, 11 Jahwe I, 130ff.; III, 34; IV, 80f.; V, 142 Jainism H, 106; III, 7, 99, 102-6, , , 122, ,

19 242 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 139; IV, 10, 13, 129f.; V, 6, 73, 186 joy I, 89,126, 128; II, 18,132, 137; III, 113f., 119; IV, 3, 25, 27, 29f., 35f., 123 Judaism I, 5, 43, 57-74, 76ff., 80, 82, 84, 93, 112, 114, 127, 130, 135, 141, 145, 148; II, 6, 78,80-99, 113f., 116, 118f., 122, 125, 129f., 132, 136, l40ff., 144f., 148; III, 2-5, 18-28, 59ff., 67, 94, 118, 144f.; IV, 4, 8, 40-74, 76ff., 106-9,111,115,120, 123ff., ; V, 6, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 29-32, 35f., 38-65, 119, 134, 143, 149, 161, 163-6, 168f., 173f., 177, 180, 185f., 204ff., 208ff., 213, 223 justice I, 22, 42, 123; II, 38, 42, 50, 55 f., 72, 81, 83, 85ff., 89f., 92f., 97L 124, 126, 130, 145, 147; Ill, 42, 83, 135; IV, 38, 82, 90, 97, 103, 108, Ill, 113; V, 50, 68, 71, 80, 82-95, 110, 157, 165, 180 Kabbalah I, 57ff., 69, 72ff., 114, 117;II,87f., 116,118, 148;IV, 43-7,49-52,54-9, 61-70, 72ff., 107f.; V, 47f., 51,204 karma I, 77, 120ff., 126; II, 77, 18, 106ff., 111, 115f., 137, 145f.; HI, 9f., 17, 83, 100f., 105, 108f., 121, 123, 126, 129ff.; IV, 9f., 16, 18-22, 37, 39, 76, 115, 118; V, 50,98, 100, 186f. law of Karma I, 16, 22; II, 110, 114f., 129; III, 10, 83, 101, 126, 129; IV, 9f., 12f., Kingdom of God I, 142; II, 49-56, 125, 138; IV, 2, 82ff., 87f.; V, 169 knowledge I, 4, 7,!If., 28,3-39,41, 72,83,8~96,98, 107, 121f., 128,130, 132f., 141, 148;II, 18, 33-6, 40f., 44f., 73f., 87' 90f., 93, 99f., 102, llof., 113f., 116f., 127f., 131, 133f., 137; III, 7, 10, 16f., , 42, 55, 58, 84ff., 89, 96, loof., 104f., 107f., 111f., 123, 126, 129f., 142; IV, 2, 10, 12, 15, 19, 26, 28f., 45ff., 58, 66, 78,90,92,95, 101f., 122, 128; V, 3, 5, 13f., 18, 26, 33, 40, 43, 46, 58ff., 64, 69, 97, 71, 74, 75, 77-82,85,88,90, 92, 101, 105, 116-9, 124, 137, 139, 145, 149, 152f., 167, 179, 187, 188, 199f., 202,205,208 -source ofknow1edge I, 12f.; III, 100, 129 Koran ---7 Qu'ran language I, 37, 85, 96, 145; II, 6, 60, 83, 95, 10 If.; III, 22, 24f., 27f., 33f., 60, 89,111, 143; IV, 55f.; V, 30, 33,44-46,61, 124, 131, , 155, 159, 180,217, 221f. Last Day/Last Judgment/Day of Judgment I, 46, 107, 128; II, 46, 128; IV, 54, 83, 89, 90ff., 96-9, 104, 115, 121f.; V, 50, 167, 185 law I, 30,58-69,71,87, 105f., 112f., 123; II, 50, 52, 70, 78, 85, 89.96, 105ff., 110,112,117, 129; III, 56, 71, 92, 94f., 140, 143f.; IV, 2, 13, 19f., 25, 27, 49, 123, 130;V,8ff., 13f., 19,42,49, 54, 56, 60, 168, 186, 193, 194, 206,221,223 -of being III, 36, 133f. of creation II, 50, I 11; III, 133f. -of entropy IV, 6f.

20 INDEX OF SUBJECTS of nature III, 58, 70, 97, - commanding law IV, 113 -divine law I, 1 06f.; IV, 15 -holy law II, 52; V, 26 -Mohammed's law IV, 112 -moral law II, 105; III, 100f., 138, 144; IV, 38 -natural law III, 101, 144f.; IV, 4, 19 -religious law III, 106, 110 liberation I, 12, 23, 40f., 82, 140; II, 9, 11, 17f., 20, 22, 53f., 62-72, 74, 75ff., 97, 121, 137, 139; III, 18, 20f., 59, 99ff., 103ff., 107, 111, 119, 126, 129ff., 138ff.; IV, 4, 10-15,21,48f.,53f.,78, 105, 118, 120, 124, 127; V, 7375, 143, 167, 169, 199 liberation theology II, 22, 76f. liberty I, 42, 51; II, 4ff., 20; III, 13; V, 1, 199,200,203 life I, 16, 38, 40f., 71f., 76f., 87, 90f., 103, 106, 114, 120f., 127f., 135, 140f., 145f.; II, 14, 15, 16, 19-22, 25, 27, 30, 32-35, 40, 42ff., 47,51-54,57, 63f., 65, 67, 68, 72, 82, 84f., 88, 91f., 95-9, 39,42,46,66,75-9,84-97,102, 115, 120, 122ff.; V, 5, 7, 18, 21, 37, 63,71-5,77, 78, 82, 84, 86-8, 97, 102, 1 15, 119, 136, 138, 140, 153, 185ff., afler death II, 20, 36, 43; III, 2, 11, 101, 108; IV, 1-7, 80-8, 96, ; V, 5, 36,213 -eternal life II, 109; III, 2; IV, 1-6, 25, 76f., 83ff., , 112; V, source of life II, 105; IV, 83, 92; V, 55 liturgy I, 66, 88; II, 57; III, 21; V, 4, 47,216 logic I, 21, 30, 34, 149f.; III, 6, 45, 123; IV, 31f., 37, 39, 68, 123; V, 23,29,33,56,69, 71,81, 185, 187, 197, 204, 209f., 221 Logos I, 105; II, 136; III, 38f., 43, 45, 63, 94-5; V, 120, 221 love I, 72, 99f., 102ff., 109, 111, 128, 143; II, 3, 46, 49f., 53ff., 61,64-70, 72ff., 94, 110, 116, 121, 125, 132f., 139, 142f.; III, 19ff., 40, 79, 86, 113, 118f., 123, 132, 135; IV, 88; V, 21, 42, 110, 116, 120, 128, 136f., 150, 159, 179, 189, 199 machine I, 48; II, 35; III, 6, 11-15, 45,64, 74,84,97,116 macrocosmos I, 105; III, 64, 66f., 69f., 74ff., 79f., 144 magic I, 61; III, 9f., 17; IV, 59f., 62ff., 72f., 94; V, 23 man I, 31, 51, 54,59-64, 66-72,74, 76, 91, 98f., 101-5, , 113, , 124f., 127, 142, 145; II, 6, 12,20,22,24,33,34,37,44, 45, 50f., 53f., 57, 59, 63, 65, 70f., 96, 105f., 108f., 124, 133; III, 4f., 23f., 43, 49, 51, 60,64-71, 73-82, 84, 91, 93f., 108, 116, 129, 133, 136, 139f., 142; IV, 3, 6, 8, 13f., 16-21, 28, 47, 63, 66, 83f., 92, 94f., 98f.; V, 21, 32, 104-9, 11lf., 114ff., 118f., 121-9, 131, 136f., 139, 146; III, lf., 7ff., 11, 12, 14, 20f., 23, 25ff., 31f., 35ff., 40fT., 51-8,61,65, 80, 87, 90ff., 95, 99ff., 107f., lllff., 116, 119, 121-4, 126, 128, 130f., 134f., 137, 139f., 140, 143, 145; IV, 2, 3f., 6f., 9, 12-16, 20,22-36f.,56,66f.,71f.,75-8,82,86-95, 110, 112f., 120, 136, 162ff.,

21 244 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 167,169,177,186,197,214 mankind I, 128; II, 12, 52f., 55, 105, 109;111,66,68,94,96, 117;IV, 4, 13, 20, 91, 95-8; V, 21, 32, 42, 96,161,164-8,184,210 materialism III, 90; IV, 10, 13, 16f., 79; V, 5, 166 matrix I, 18; III, 17; V, 99, 101, 106, 138, 152 matter I, 20, 31, 35, 38, 135ff.; II, 82, 85, 105, 109, 111, 114, 137; III, 9-13,49, 90ff., 94, 104f., 123, 129ff.; IV, 4, 26, 39; V, 7, 10, 114 -primal matter I, 13, 19; III, 86 -primordial matter I, 137 maya I, 29-32, 41, 100; II, 9, 104, 111, 113, 136; III, 59f., 89ff.; IV, 11; V, 204 meditation I, 13, 44, 47, 50, 77, 118, 120, 124; II, 16, 22, 102, 123f.; III, 102f., 106f., 130f.; IV, 35; V, 117, 159 mercy I, 68, 85, 97, 101, 106f., 114; II, 24, 28, 32f., 35, 40f., 43f., 55, 69f., 73, 79, 89, 119, 126, 133, 140, 145; III, 50f., 136; IV, 45f., 89, 96f., 99, 108, 113; V, 33, 142 merit I, 22, 123; II, 84; IV, 9, 15, 93f., 99, lllff.; V, 27, 49 Messiah II, 52, 97, 114f.; IV, 41-7, 51f., 55f., 58-61, 63ff., 68, 70, 72f., 81, 88, 108; V, 31,46 messianism II, 52; IV, 40-7,50-61, 63ff., 67-74, 78, 107, 129; V, 49 metaphysics I, 5ff., 12-16, 21, 27, 35f.,59,63,77,82,95, 109, 115f., 137; II, 13, 38, 75, 85, 87, 133, 136ff., 145; III, 30, 67, 71, 79, 86, 107f., 144; IV, 4, 14, 56, 86; V, Sf., 24, 26, 30f., 35, 61, 110, 112, 146, 186,204, 213f., 216 microcosmos I, 105; III, 66f., 70, 74f., 144 Middle Ages I, 58, 69f., 72, 133; IV, 44,48,57,59, 73, 123;V,47 Midrash I, 57; II, 86; IV, 43f. mind I, 21f., 26, 28, 31, 37, 39, 41, 121; II, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 25, 28, 40, 42, 105f., 109ff., 123; III, 11ff., 61ff., 87-93,103,105,108, 117, 123, 130f.; IV, 12, 23, 27, 87;V,22,30,80,95, 163,171 miracle I, 60; II, 53, 142; III, 28; IV, 43, 58, 62f., 94; V, 19f., 54, 218 Mishnah I, 62, 65, 67, 71 mission I, 77; II, 45, 79, 128; III, 77;IV, 7,23,51,54,64,83, 124f., 130; V, 39, 40, 139 modernity I, 82, 88-94; III, 20, 27; IV,6 monotheism I, 96f., 114, 116, 146; II, 3; III, 27; IV, 43; V, 32, 35, 168,204,218 morality I, 8; II, 16, 19f., 71, 83, 89, 122ff., 132, 142,; III, 101, 108, 111, 122, 140; IV, 38, 123f.; V, 16f. morals I, 86, 87; IV, 14; V, 75, 87, 88 mortality III, 68; IV, 4, 25, 115 Mu'tazilites I, 97f., 100, 107, 118 mystery I, 89, 96, 108, 118; II, 40, 49, 52,56-60,62-7,69,74, 100, 121;111, 1,29,34,44,57, 123; IV, 83, 116; V, 51, 88f., 99, 120, 187 mysticism I, 7f., 104f., 118, 124, 148, 159; II, 87, 136, 141-4, 148; III, lf., 80, 108, 131; IV, 58, 69f., 104, 107, 116, 123; V, 47f. myth I, 100, 133; II, 111, 141; IV,

22 INDEX OF SUBJECTS , 76, 79;V, 129,135 mythology I, 33; III, 140, 145; IV, 9,56,68;V,205,209 nation I, 8, 88f., 92; II, 5ff., 51, 72; III, 19, 46, 63; IV, 2, 41, 46, 49, 52, 56f., 82, 109, 126ff.; V, 6, 22, 37,50,59, 75,96, 116,129,138, 167, 169, 174f., 185, 192ff., 197, 212 naturalism I, 127ff., 137, 140; III, 87f., 95; IV, 57 nature I, 7, 17, 33, 39,49-53,90.92, 100f., 104ff.; II, 12, 49, 61, 69, 71, 85, 93,109, 11l;III, 1-28, 30, 34,47-70, 74f., 77, 80, 82, 87f., 91, 94f., 97, , 122f., , 139; IV, 4, 7, 34, 41, 44, 65, 79, 102, 105f., 113f., 119f.; V, 7f., 14, 21, 28, 54, 63, 100, 120, 162, 163, 188, 197, 202f., 213 necessity I, 97, 137f., II, 61; III, 3, 54, 68, 73, 118, 139; IV, 17, 25, 56; V, 184f. need I, 73f., 89, 147f.; II, 29, 45, 55, 69, 99, 131; III, 1, 8, 118, 133; IV, 10, 56, 113 Neo-Platonism I, 74, loof., 137; III, 80f., 94; IV, 50, 67, 119; V, 25f., 97 New Testament I, 82, 142; II, 49, 52, 56, 61ff., 65, 69, 97, 134, 140; III, 65; IV, 112; V, 21, 24, 29,60,62,162,208,213 nirvana I, 130f.; II, 10, 16, 17, 19, 21, 123f., III, 40, 99, 107, 110, 131, 140f.; IV, 3f., 7, 10, 22,30-7, 39, 75, 77, 115; V, 50, 97, 99ff., 103, 199 non-violence II, 21; III, 102, 112, 115, 119, 122, 132; IV, 125; V, 159 norm(s) I, 8, 39, 127; II, 29-32, 50, 130;V,69, 70,82,85,87,89,91, 94,120,124,126,150,212 nothing I, 47, 49-53, 78, 120, 133, 136, 138; II, 135; III, 34, 50, 61f., 83, 94, 104; IV, 37, 94; V, 50, 56, 63, 104, 111, 119, 121, 157 nothingness I, 105, 130, 134; III, 49 obedience I, 107; II, 53f., 65f, 115; V, 28,49 object!, 12, 17-22,31,37,50,60, 102, 106, 123; II, 17, 59f., 104; III, 1, 3, 19f., 29ff., 36, 42ff., 59f., 62f., 73, 91, 93, 104, 109, 114, 122, 133; IV, 30; V, 4, 12, 14, 78, 117, 124, 133, 146f., 149, 203f., 208 objectivity I, 86; III, 3, 8; V, 27, 67, 147f., 150,217 obligation I, 66; III, 21, 26, 134 Old Testament I, 82; II, 35, 49ff., 98, 120; III, 19, 25, 64f.; IV, 80, 82, 111; V, 62, 208,213 omnipotence I, 6, 11, 1 00; II, 2, 26, 39f., 122f., 135; IV, 95, 113; V, 13, 15, 18, 56, 58f., 228 omnipresence II, 42, 126; III, 11, 16, 128, 133 omniscience I, 35, 37; III, 10, 16, 100, 103, 105, 130; IV, 95; V, 13, 18, 56-9, 62, 84-7, 91f., 95 One, the I, 26f., 34, 95, ; II, 40, 54, 57, 123; III, 26, 85f., 88, 94; IV, 77; V, 117, 156, 165 oneness I, 40f., 96., 109; II, 111; IV, 71, 91f. ontology I, 23ff., 29f., 32, 40, 43, 59-61, 68, 70, 73, 78, 100f., 104; III, 31,65-73, 77ff., 81, 86, 88f.,

23 246 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 126, 129f., 141; IV, 4f., 7; V, 80, 96, , ll7f., 121, 133, 143f., 152, 155f.,203,208 origin V, 91, 109, 101, Ill, 114f., 120f., 157, 161 -of creation III, 3, of evil II, 1-8, 24, 48-79, ,135,138, 143f., 148; -of history IV, 12lf.; V, 31 - of humankind II, 32 -of life V, 7 of nature III, 17 - of philosophy I, 5 - ofreligion V, 31, 34, 131, 138, 167 -of suffering II, 1-7, 13, 75-9, , 143f., 148 -of the universe I, 1271'. -of the world I, 8-56, 75-82, 93, 103,119, 127f., 133-8;111, 84; V, 55, 73f. Orthodoxy I, 6, 11-4, 142; II, 133; III, 18, 67, 69f., 81; IV, 27, 12lf.; V, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33ff., 175 -lslamic1,99, 106,109, 112f.; III, 55, 136; V, 36 overcoming I, 87f., 120, 140; II, 1-79,113-31,138, 143f.;III,!Of.. 68; IV, 2, 73, 122; V, of evil II, , , of evil and suffering II, 1-7, of suffering I, 140; II, 8-23 pain I, 126; II, 8, 14, 24f., 27, 35f., 43,46,68,89,106-11,119,121, 127f.; III, 96, 104ff., 108, 124; IV, 17, 27ff. panentheism III, 125 pantheism I, 101, 109; III, 3, 125, 128, 130; V, 144 paradise I, 113; II, 30, 36, 43, 116, 127; III, 52; IV, 78, 90f., 93, 97ff., 122f., 130; V, 23, 32, 37, 180 path I, 107, 110, 140, 144; II, 11, 13, 20f., 38,102,108, 111f., ; III, 40, 95, 101, 107, 143; IV, 11, 19, 26, 28,32 past II, 17; IV, 58, 102, 115, 117, 127; V, 22, 26f., 31, 52, 82, 84, 85, 871'., 106, Ill, 140, 145, 147, 151, 154, 157, 167,209 peace I, 3, 47, 106, 114, 141, 145, 147;11, J8,22,56,72,74,78f., 92,94, 104,110, 114;111, 15, 17, 27,40,42,52,61,93,96, 106, 110f., 113f., 116, 119, 132f., 135, 140; IV, 2, 46, 82ff., 90f., 98, 104f., 111, 127f.; V, 39, 63, 70, 127, 159, 170, 173, 175, 183, 193ff., 217f. perception I, 11 ff., 22, 35, 86ff., 146, 149;II,9,28-39,41f.,61f., 93, 105, 120-3, l25f.; III, 16, 38f.,41,59f.,80, 104f., 109, 134; IV, 11, 29f., 47, 54; V, 60, 123f., 132ff., 142-8, 150f., 154, 158, 175 person I, If., 7, 9-111, ; II, 1, 41T., 10, 14f., 17, 21, 24, 27, 30ff., 37, 41, 5lff., 55, 57,65-9, 71,74f.,77,86,91, 108,112, 114-7, 120f., 133-9, 145, 149; III, 1-13,15, 17,20L,24,27,44, 54, 59, 61-83,93, 100f., 105, 108, 115, 119, 121ff., 133, 144; IV, I, 3, 5, 7, 19, 27ff., 33ff., 37ff., 47, 56, 58,79-91,93, 96f., 99,101-20,122-5, 128;V,8, 12ff., 16, 37, 40, 45, 47, 48, 50, 60, 63, 66-9, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87.

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