BOUGHT THE BREWERY. the. So Says Mr. Smith, who Returned to San Francisco. Races.

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1 &z t "S r& TO. XXX.. XO. Go. noxouu, n... Tuesday, august 4. so4. seweek lx. WHOLE HAAllA SEHWEEKL Y, PUBLSHED sr &AZETE HAWAAN GAZETTE CO., (Lmted;) Every Tnelajr anl Frday MorulDg. T FVS DOLLARS PER ANNUM PA TABLE TX AWAXCE. re.rl;t Subscrber n Al Whch csdes postages prepad. nr. H. H. WHTNEY,"Busness Manager JLn.l EDTOR RATES Osftce, No Mercfcaat SttM! OF ADVERTSNG. Sp."a. na 3n 6m ly n e W l.m StW 300 4W JW 0 X) b... 3W W 3 WW tu) J le W 5W 6W 5W) VtU UW SOW s... 4tW W TMwww 7 so : b 5W T 980 SW SW 2UV 3WV 5 s 750 ota la,!lu0t)tv 3000 SOW T ta... 9M lttlln lssolw. MW sow Oal t swtf aswlww w W 0000 S OH... T 50 KM sovu sw raw (Jet for pawtesuoa.! Hawa &OtrJ0BwcelBtnlf MKWMRrfwthcEdlMroan Gsette. Fsl twee Box. O. " srcnnttac relatae a4 Job Prntng. W shook! Sr4toUrXMo t Bswalan SuMW, Pet Osae Bos. O. " Crd sad all qasrterly or yearly Urueseat are pop: rf or oe retenutet. bll. ṿ.. B All foreurnadtertlsementsmastbeae... uu t. r Tt SSSTVrtU b. tokeno n. The are wa n show Jcale. and remt. fzet for Sarupean or Aac adrertlse e de by postal "ate. bj ark. T H E Dalv PscGc Commerca Advertser HU t Carrer lc te CW. at Xlgt Dollars (S8.00) Per Annua. a A5(r atrcoenaaalcauoa, HAWAAN GAZETTE COHPAST. SM K4 gusmcss Carrs. PROFESSONAL. CARTER S: CARTER, a.x atv. So. 24 Mertaaat Street. A. ROSA. orj0y fvt Law No. S KUHtntAS. Srssrr. Hoaolala. H.. Attorney at Xa"X7tf WXLAA C. PARKE, Aad Asent take Acknowledgments. OFFCE: S Srsss. DM Honolala. H.. W R. CASTLE, jvtoaxzctefsr at xj.a.v Aad Xotary PaUc Atteads autae Cherts SM tke KhB: 7 J. AETREXJ SAGOOX, Attorney and Counselor At Law. OFFCE 42 Merchant Street. Hocolsla, H.. Z Utt E HOFrSCHLAECtB: CO. Elag and Bett el Streets, Honolala, H. L, portk ad Cco 2relaaU, MM. H. E. HOLSTEEN, JUtrtorxLoy at Xja"W. Cvuzcross Paarn.T Ansxoso to n SQHALA. HAWA. JOU.". JATY. stotaet PC3LC ad C0J2OSS0aZ3 For tfte states Calforna sad Xew Tort Omee at te Ba Bshop Jc CoHoEOlnla. 3S VJA BKO.. 2errdj et mperter cf Geerxl rsox FEASCE, SSGLA). OERMAST AXD THE CMTED STATES. Ko. z& QaeenStreet, Honorela.H., B3j HYUAX Commsson BROTHERS. Merchants, 204 Froet Street, San Francsco PartcssrauestOBpahtolUlngasd sh pptcj m staad orders. 7 F. A..sCA:rEK A: CO. mporters &. Commsson Mrcs. W Honoals. Hawaan slands. j M. HACUFELU & CO. Cezeral Commnen. AgtzU. UM Qaeen StrettJOBOsJa, H.. G. W. MACTAREANE & CO laporters and Commsson Herclants, Hocetals. Hawaan slands, agsts ros Xrrtees, Watson Co Scotland Street ron Works, Glasgow. John Fowler Co (Leeds) Lmted SuamPow MM asd LocenaotlTe w ks. Leeds. ly TEO. DAVEM & Co., aporur and Caxtmuen Hertall, sjto asxxts ros. Lloyds and LlTerpoo Underwrters, Brtsh acd Foregn Marne nsarance Co. S4 AadSTorra Arasee CcopsaT. y PONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakery, tactcal Coafecunser Pastry Cook and Baker 4 Tl Hotel St., hexttana and lort y Susncss arts MSCELLANEOUS. MME. J. P.TTPS. Xadlcs :EXx Ercs&or &so HalS CtXTVKST Sad TtHLXT AETBTS. Mulct SlTcvpo. Focrth tl, tn lacco 506 t E. O. HALL A S0. USTED. mporter! and Dealers s Eudne, Plows, Pants, Ols and General Merchandse, OFFCERS: W Hall Ja..Presdent and Manager O Whte. Secretary and Treasarer af Allea......Aaator Tho May aod T W Hebron.Drectors 3t Corner Fort acd Knc sts y B. XWXf. t.. LOWKET. C. X. CUOES. LEWEltS Jk COOKK. Sccce5or to Lsvtkbs Dckon, nporter nd Dealer! xa Laaber, And al knds ot Balldlng Xa:erlal, S Fort Strtet.lloaolala. y EMPRE HOUSE, J. OLDS, ::::::::: opnetor Comer Xacma ATec: acd Hotel btw! Choce lo Ales, Wnes and jqnors HOXOtTl.l ROX "WORKS CO PVK Steam Enxlne,SBgarll!j, Bollen,, CaajtaCooler3,ro.,Brs3ndLead Castlas Machnery Every Descrpton XJ to Order. Fartcalar attecuos pad to faps Blactt cathns JOB WOKKeKStedoa lorttj 366 notce. y H. 7. SCHMDT & SONS, alslt umm (tusm Qt4) Honolnlc. JOly T AVATKHHOUM. HPOBTES AXD DEALEB S GEKEEA XS2CHASDSE. X Qseen Street. Honolulu y J. M. T7HTNEY, H. D., D. D. S DeztalBoca o Port Seet, Oce n Brewers, Boclc, corner Hotel and Fort!54 y street: Entrance. Hotel street. WLLAM 0. SMTH, ATTORNEYATLA Fort Street, : : Honolala. 3 y E G.HTCHCOCK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Oce at HLO, HATTA. " X. B. BllS PEOm.TCotCTED. S ray a e wrluas, mporter. lannactcrer, Uptclsterer, AXD OA.SS s FCMTURE CF EVEH DESCSPT0M, Panos and Mmcal nstruments. lft FORT STREET. ly S. S. GRDTBATJl t CO ncrobtks or Genl Merchandso and Commsson 3M Merchants. Honolulu. H.. 7 M. S. GRLNBAXTM & CO., Commsson Merchants, To. 25 Front Street. San Francsco, Cal. Post 0cc Box 2SB. S HAWAAN ERAK WNE CO. BROWN, Manager. and 30 Merchant Street, Honolala, H.. t3lj MH. W. F. ALLEN, AX OFFCE OVEH MESSES. BSHOP 4 HAS corner Merchant and Eaahnmana treet,and he wll be pleased to attend to any rjlnt entmted to hp. 3t a f. r.. jcttm; & mo, Grocery, Feed Sura and Bakery. Comer Knjr and Fort Streets. SM Honolala. H.. t THE "WESTERN AND HAWAAN nvestment Comnanv (LlmlUa Money loaned for long o. soort perods, ON APPROVED SECURTY. AptJy to W. W. HALL, Manager. &.Ogfe BeaTerBloch.FortSt. t "XALDEl & CO., Corner FcrtandQaeenSteetj, Honolala, Laner, Part, Ols, 5alj, Slt Bclcg S Haterals etery Hcd t C. HTJ5TACE. (Formerly wth B.?. Bolles Co.) Wholesale and Retal Crocer, Klnz Street, ender Harmony Hall. Pamly, Plantaton, and Shps Stores ed at short notce. Xw Goods By etery steamer. Orders ros or slands falth fally ezecated. SM TF.LEPBOXZ 9 DR. E.. AnDERSONt3 SrecxssoE to DB5. ANDERSON & LTJNDY DENTSTS, Hotel 8L, opj..dr.j.s.2fcqren GAS ADMNSTEEED. THE RAMBLER WON. t Captures Every Event at Bcycle Races. JrEHERE were about h tax) people went out to tne race track f. Saturtlav. to see tue v. bcvcle races, mere were 0 records 6W,fl broken, nor was tbere auy especally brllaut rdup, Gles walked away from every tbng n sgbt, aud sbut "Walker out completely. Gles rode a Rambler, aud "Walker a Cleveland. Tbe baud was n attendance, and added greatly to tbe days enjoymeu t. Tbe follwnj: was tbe days procrantbe wnuers, and tbe tme:. One mle; opeu standng start; gold medal. Heurv Gles won. Tme 2X6. 2. Halfmle ; novce; flyng start; Habtea d slver medal. N. won. Tme.2. S." Quartermle ; open flyug start; slver medal. Henry Gles won. Tme Halfmle ; bovs race; flyug start; st aud 2d slver neuas. uoro Nakayana won. Tme :2. 3 Halfml open flyug start; gold medal. Henrv Gles wou. Tme l:lso. 0. One mle; 3 mnute class; standng ttart; slver medal. J. Kalauanaol e wou. Tme 3:02. Tbreefourtbsml e; 7. open flyng start; cold medal. Heury Gles wou. Tme 2:S S. One mle; novce; standng start; slver medal. X. Halstead wou. Tme 3 3:03 5. The engne Honolulu Dary Company havng gven out, a twelvefo ot geared Aermotor, whch arrved on Australa, wll be set up and used n work formerly done by engne, and at less expense. "When movng nto our present home found a bottle Chamberlans Pan Balm left by a former tenant. On label found statement that t was good for cats and burns. can testfy to truth ths. Nothng n all my experence has fonnd ts equal for treatng blsters or bnrns. F.. Baeeett, manager Le Sueur Sentnel, Le Sueur, Mnn. Pan Balm s also a sure cure for rheumatsm. For sale by all Dealers, Bexsos, Smth &. Co., Agents for H.. Canadan Pacfc Thb Fajocs Tocest Route or Wokld. LN CONNECTON WTH THE CAN ADANAUSTRALA N STEAM SHP LLNE, TCKETS ARE SSUED To A Podjts s CMTED STATES sz OAK AD A, va Yctoejj. Yscoutxuro s. uotj3t.uh ezsobs, Banff, Glacer, Mount Stephen and Fraser Canon. E::r;s Ls cf Sjz;:: fr:s V:; Tckets to all ponts n Japan, Chna, nda and around world. J2f For Tckets and General nformaton THEO. H. DAVES & CO., Agents Canadan Pacfc Balvar and CanadanAnstrala n S. S. Lne. 4Gl v BSHOP & COMPANY. zstjvstjsas BANKERS. DRAW EXCHANGE OX nv obu, THE SJHX OF CJUFORMA. SXR FR4XCSC0 A3TO THR A6ETTS Xew Tor., tlenco, Boston, Pars XD K M. ROTHSCHLD SQRS, LC&K. The Commercal Bankng Co. Sydney, a London, and Sydney. The Bank Sew Zealand n Anckland, Chrs tcharcb, Danedn and Wellngton. The Hon:koc;r and Shangha Eanknz Corporaton n Hosckocz acd shaneha. Chna; ana l akscama. moo, ana Aazsax:, japan. The Bank Brtsh Colomba n Vetera, ldlrao, and Westmnster, B. C; and Portland, Orejan. And Azores snd Madera slands. 23 y COXSOLDATED Soda Water Works Companj, Lmted splands, Ccrcer lllen ud Jcrt Sts. HOLLSTER & CO., 370 looslv Azenta. MSS D. LAMB Notary Publc 02ce J. A. Magscn, Merchant street near tbe FostoSoe. 3ly. BOUGHT THE BREWERY. So Says Mr. Smth, who Returned to San Francsco. Recently! A. N. Smth, New York, who returned by last steamer from Hawaan slands, reports! gradual restoraton confdence under Provsonal Government, says a late San Francsco Call. Mr. Smth s a busness man much experence, and vsted slands wth specal purpose feelng pulse ot people, n order to dscover wher captal mght qr mght not be safely nvested re. So confdent dd he,become stablty pres ent form government that he closed negotatons for a large bustbe ss whch hs prncpals wll now carry on. He states that he found sentment generally n favor Amercan annexaton, wth present confdence n Presdent Dole and hs colleagues. The royalsts had not gven up hope, hut hope people as a whole, as well as confdence, seemed nclned toward ultmate consoldaton r nterests wth those Amerca. Mr. Smth bought franchse for only brewery n slands, franchse extendng for a perod ffteen years. Some $30,000 wll at once be nvested, and ths amount wll be ncreased. At present $000 a year s requred for a lcense to sell sprtuous lquors n slands, but a malt lquor lcense costs $250 a year. The Amercan sentment slands was especally shown ths year n unusually elaborate celebraton Fourth July. There were premums fered for best decorated buldngs, and as much as $500 was Epent n ths way on one buldng alone. Labor was scarce at tme Mr. Smths vst, and many Portuguese were beng mported to work n Eugar felds. n all, resdents seemed to be settlng down under conservatve rule Provsonal Government. G. J. Waller, who owns brewery, sad, last evenng, that he buldng and a few moments later entre structure was n flames. Fortunately tbere was but lttle wnd at was negotatng sale beer factory, but that he dd not want tbe tme, orwse result would to say any more about t at present. have been more dsastous as ples f many people had known what lumber were stacked n tbe mmedate neghborhood, besdes buldngs Mr. Smths errand was whle here tbat tbe flames could have easly he would have made a good many reached. t s estmated that tbe loss frends who were speculatng n wll reach $5000 outsde nsurance futures. amountng to twce that sum. C. L. Wght, tbe mauager tbe Mabukona branch Wlder & Co.a NOT busues, REGSTERED. was a pasenp er Knon tu. He heard tre nt Lahana, tbe news beng telephoned from Ka Wocg Tres t and Wll Probably hulu by G. P. Wlder, who receved Make a Test Case. tbe nformaton wrtten on a small pece tssue paper, whcb was fasteu ed Wong Ta Poon s a Chnaman. to tbe tny leg a carrer pgeon. Tbe pgeon wa sent from Hana Wong Ta Poon wshes to regster, to Kahulu by Purser Kblng but Wong Ta Poon s havng a steamer Claudue. Ths s tbe way tbe message ran: slght dffculty n dong so. "Steamer Claudue, Frday, 7 a. m. Wong Ta Poon evdently wshes Tuesday evenur at 8 oclock tbe to make a test case hs regstraton, or, rar, hs takng all lumber lne tuka Mabukoua store was dscovered to be on fre and was burned to tbe ground, n, for Board refused to regster hm. t was mentoned n caused fre. Mr. Wght wll come t also. Mr. Fall; las no dea what upon Advertser some tme tbe Knau, and Mr. Falk would ago, that lke you to send hm ths message to tne unmese ntended to make a Maalaea. We are just arrvnr at test case regstraton process, Hana. C. A. K.", and yesterday operaton was We got l at Mabukona to see our begun. Wong, etc., went to regster. When he was refused, Wong, resptctvely CollectorGenera l, Port very good frend Mr. Sms, who s Surveyor, Deputy etc., nssted Port Surveyor, aud on havng hs record Postmaster. He has a temporary entered n wrtng, so that he custom bouse n warehouse near could refer to t n future, tbe landng place, and tbe sad custom bou e const a one queer look when he wants to contest regstraton. The record made by ng desk, behnd whch sat Mr. Sms, tryng to make tbe best certfcate servce. have no specal lettt3 denzaton. have taken oath to support Hungry Exoursonsts Fed on. nstalment Plan. CHNESE DOMESTC WHO S A JEWEL. Sr. Sms,.Mauukonn, Loses K ery thne; but lls Stock Stores A llotelman Loses hs Cooks anl Walters A Lttle About Trp, Etc. Volcano House, Klauea, (Hawa), August 9. Tbe Frank L. Hoogs personally conducted excurson to tbe Volcano Klauea was not a bowlng success from a numercal pont vew, out tbe ladles and gentlemen who went along have no cause to regret makng tbe trp as one and all bad au outug that for strange sghts, cannot bo excelled n any or land. Four days were spent at tbe Volcano House, more tme than s usually allotted to toursts, and each hour passed away as pleasantly as possble. t s now almost tme for our departure aud we all regret to leave ths cool spot wth ts many attractons. Our departure from Honolulu wll always be pleasautly remembered, thanks to Pressor Berger aud tbe mauy people who crowdrd tbe wharf. The steamer trp here was uneventful. We made frequeut stops at ports on tbe Mau coast and when Mabukoua was readed, a number passengers went ashore to bear all about fre that wped out tbe store and warebou se Wlder & Co. A large ple cbarred runs s all that marks? tbe place where tbe store once stood. Nothng was saved from tbe fre, wth tbe excepton otllce books, and y were badly cbarred when removed from safe. The exact cause fre wll never be ascertaned, but tbe supposton s that tbe blaze started n a corner tbe buldng where pants and ols bad been stored. Tbe ttore aud fce bad been closed about 5 oclock n tbe afternoon by Charles J. Falk, tbe bookkeepe r. Everythng was all rgnt at tbat bour. About 8 oclock flames were seen ssu ng from rear tbe " shaped board was as follows. t s Wongs nothng. HU fce was n burned statement: was born n Canton, Chna. arrved n Ha tbe desk and bs stock stores. Hs tuldul, but he saved nothng but waan slands n S6G. latest tale s that he has stopped receved letters naturalzaton now devotng hs tme to pneapple rasng strawberres for export and s from C. T. Gulck, Mnster culture. Ths story wll be amusng nteror, n 865. know no to people who have ever placed r feet ou treaty between Chna and Mabukona shore, as Ha t seems that noth.g thrves re but waan slands. have no specal Mr. Sms aud rocks aud rocks aud. nxks Qute a contrast to Mabukona s beautful green spot ou whcb town Hlo s stuated. We had but oath to Fuppyrt Republc oue bouts stay on our trp up, and Hawa, (he exhbted a certfcate that bour was n a van attempt oath to support Republc, naturalzaton papr s and certfcate to get MJtnethg to eat We reached a hotel where tbe food was dealt out on nstalment plan that s, you oath allegance to Hs Ma got ome clee frst, n, ten jesty Kalakaua )" ml.ute later you were s handed a pece But board refused to regster rubber aud n, ten mnutes later, you were handed Mr. Wong. Consequently, he wab somethng else, and fnally, not regstered. The case wll probably be brought up n courts before you th drver calls out "all when everythng was placed n tbe near future. aboard," and tbere you are. n justce to hotel man, t must be sad that, accordng to hs story, hs cooks and The Mexcan Congress haa made waters all left hm thf nght before, provsons lookng to encouragement and development thnk he told me tbe same story on and, my memory eerve mo rght, my prevous merchant marne that Republc. trp to Hlo. Wth tht excepton frst few Congress before adjournng empowered tbe Executve to take all n excellent condton, and before ths mles out llln, Volcano road n necessary measures for creaton a Mexcan merchant ma appears n prnt road wll have been completed to door hotel. The rne. bune have been gong from Hlo to tbe Volcano House drect XO. 37G. for some tme n spte ot tbe fact that road s not fnshed for a short dstanceabout oue mle anl n half from ths place ; but, as have prevously stated, tho road wll bo fnshed very shortly. Hdng n a Concord bus all tho way s n decded mprovement over tho old plan ot takng to horses about nuo mles, Tho rde a now very comfortable, aud ladles can undertake journey wthout fear ot death from exhauston. The hotel has been crowded for over a mouth, and Peter Lee wears a smle that could not be measured wth yardstc k. People are comng and gong constantly, but attendance at dnng tables remans same always crowded. At ths wrtng about thrty peoplo are here, and vsts to crater are frequent occurrence. Madame Pele s stll n a very actve condton, and tho nghl scenes "beggar descrpton," as crcus posters read. The lake has not changed very much snce last accounts, but t s evdently snkng slowly. The wall crater s very shaky at dfferent ponts, and, at ntervals, portons fall n, causng large clouds dust to ascend. Peter Lee has dscovered a safo restug place, aud be wll soon commence work on a house to be used as a shelter for people who vst Hawas great wonder. The wear here las been delght ful for some weeks, sunshne all day, wth occasonal showers at nght, s such a pleasant change from Honolulu, wth ts leut tbe pat few weeks, that a short stay at ths elevaton s a better tonc than Dr. Jays Celery andron tonc ever dared to be. Ouo caunot dsguse fact that Peter Lee knows how to run n hotel. Ho leaves nothng uudouo to make a strangers stay a most agreeable oue. He s ably seconded by Ah He. Tho latter s a very ntellgent Chnese who has not receved publc recognton he deserves. Hee has been here for some years. He meets you on your arrval at door, and carres your grp to tbe best room n bouse, for all are "best" n hs estmaton, he wats on table at meal hours and, when not orwse engaged, rear ranges tne rooms, carres water, attends tbe sulphur baths aud, when tbe fres are low, Ah Hee can be seen flttng about wth fresh fuel. Not beng satsfed wth few dutes mentoned, be must go over and help n laundry. When he sleeps no one knows, for he s last one you see at nght and frst one to greet you n tbe mornng. Ah Hee s really ndspensable. torn Peter Lee t s learned that Wlder Company contemplates a change for tbe better n r tme table. t s r ntenton to have tbe Knau leave Honolulu at an early mornng hour, nstead tbe after noon, as at present. f ths change s made, passengers wll have but one nght at sea and n arrve at Hlo about sundown next evenng. Then agan, t s sad, tbat anor chauge for comfort tbe companys patrons wll soon go nto effect. t refers to tbat dreaded ppot, Laupahoehoe. At present tbe Knau arrves tbere at nght and makes a long stop owng to large amount freght tbat s usually lauded tbere. She comes to anchor n trough ot sea and ncessant rollng s enough to make a good salorman wsh he was ashore. On our trp up we had about eght hours ths msery wth Hlo but two hours and a half away. t s sad tbat tbe steamer wll make but a bref stop at Laupahoehoe on tbe up trp, to laud mal and passengers, and n proceed to Hlo, returnng to former port next mornng to unload freght. f tlls s so t s good news and, as Bert Peterson remarks: "Oh, let t be soon!" Fraxk L. Hooos SUBSTANTAL SYMPATHY. Mrs. Fearstcne Receves a Present $240. Mrs. Foarstone, who was so badly cut a week ago, by a knfe n hands her husband, has had sympathy communty all through her trouble. Yesterday, th3 sympathy assumed a substantal form, when an envelope contanng $20, and followng letter was brought her by one boys messenger servce ; no name was sgned : TWO HTJXDKED AND FORTY DOLLAP.S. Mrs. Featestone: Please accept enclosed money from people Honolulu who take ths method expressng r sympathy wth you, and also r apprecaton your bravery shown August th aud s tce. They trust you wll receve ths Mght token esteem n sprt ot whch t s gven, that you wll apply what s necessary to obtan adorce and use rest for your own percon al comfort. Most earnestly requestng that no part t shall be used for your husbands beneft. We lenau, Your Honolulu Frends. lrs. Napoleon Dead. Mra. Pamahoa Napoleon ded at her resdence, on Queen street, yesterday mornng, at :40 oclock. She s mor Mrs. Emma Mahelona, Mrs. J. U. Kawanu, Mrs. J.. S. Kaleo, Mrs. E P. Low and fve or chldren, all whom are lvng. She was born at Napoopoo, South Kona, conse Hawa, n tbe year 830, quently sho a 04 years age. t J fc wh ttshftsss fual&& lltfsslrfa,. hm j wnswnto mfl f lrj, "n lhjjt jtr ff TTVll

2 HHMHHHaHB namm MMMM PMUJfWJMUf PMMHP unwwwv! WMSMN MMH, up"h fv r?!wr,5ww9,pb?vw? "Tv LATE R FROM ABROAD, Jaws aa Gkaa ars a fee Tarees tf War. H. Srf Kf T53 SSGAE Btr tltunk W k Wl"por ef tte Defrat t 7ET?. to Dralb. r Ch lar.r la a Ufcr rl lkrrrnra t KMtl TtW aw Afceut Oxrr. ElKceaN, Aagust 3. A dspatch to ffegstaaanl says: t s reported that tbere has been afresh eolhkb CWaes am Japasese troops n SKbrea. t seek zbat after r let et 4feat Japanese assembled tefc avalable strength and took M&eslvw, achevng a decded vetory javer Chnese. A dfefatch from TenTs n says all he 4esertfs from troops marehs g M Tku wll be beheaded today. WAshsgto, Aagast 3. Offcal tmwuon a battle between Jagano and. Chnese land forces n Xrea was reeevev at Japanese Legaton here tonght from For Oteeat Tokra. The telegram Sjteted thatoatbegsthot Julys por tne Japanese troops at seoel a?autst a mactt superor tml Chnese ntrenched at Shan "$. A battle ensued and after lke flehtng Chnese were pat wnpwtely to root and a r large numfcera f prtsoners and mantoos war flastoued by Jaoanese. On wrlnp 30th Japanese M.Karen acanst Orasao. Year s stuated between gml aad Gaan, near Y&shan, where flat feat between Japane e and rasaltnc n loss AW s reported to have ooenr t s opnon legaton tfce bete that reports from oarcea contanng rumors Japanese at Yasban probably gross exaggeratons, no dspatches referrng to a ; at latter place have vet been teeeved. Sbbux, August 3. dspatch bam a German oscal souree at TenTt a says: The Uerman gunboat lts wtnessed snkng Kow BETWEEN THE DEVL AND THE DEEP SEA. Th ntwntuht r pour Korta s r,etced A om., Pd4tlpkta ftptrt. t s added that crew fronters Germany and Austra, but Bfc resetted 3w Chnese strngl.l". f movements eontagon westward re are as yet no sgns. n water. Tfce 4tpatrh confrms report mat we veoese were vctorous over The A. R. JT. Conventon. Japanese n recent battle at Yash&a, Korea. Chcago, August Debs Shangha, Angust 3. The solders presded over Amercan Ralway beheaded TenTsat n for desertkm Unon Conventon whch met here today behnd closed doors. There are leaded a extenuaton r fense aad exhaaston. Before y about 230 delegates present, represent n snppea A apparently? exeeatea tney were o MmMrm trpm j..pj, n f.avnr rfpolar rulr syl rwmr ng.tne ruurnan J.? z otl. tbearay. r? The example has z. terrfed Doycott The Pullmaa works were started today An edct has gone forth that wthout a demonstraton. But 250 arssv wll reeeve doable pay hence men reported for work, although company expected SCO. About 000 cth tarng war wth Japan, and HAWAAN GAZETTE: TUESDAY. AUGUST 4, S94. SEMWEEKXX. seek asslstatkv any ntermedary, just same as you would do had you any busness re. The Presdent has" receved plea for restoraton Queen, aud we, who reprent her, now have prlvl "Watson has desgned a new yacht, C.Ktn tn! H les that slt Wll llpflt eallnc ou State. Brtanna. Me s Deng outt oy r Mr. WMenan sad furr that Ffe Fame. some reason ur oommbsto u hd not come to Washngton to ask for restoraton secrecy was beug preserved regardng or mv nformant told tue absolute Queen nor for purpose askng eomdensaton for her dethrone nev boat." ment. n fact he ( demauj had not Sentenced to Death. heard ths report untl he reached Lyons, August 3. At couoluso u "Washngton..Recognton by Jlnster Wlls. "Washngton, July 30, The Presdent sent Congress anor nstallment Hawaan corresponeae e, toda y most mportant feature whch s Mnster HuV recogutou new republc He wrote: " herebv as far as have a rght to do extend republc Hawa recognton accorded ts predecessor, Provsonal Government. do ths n belef that represent Presdent Unted States, to whom, as executve chef government, mv acton wll be submtted for neces sary approval " The Hawaan royalst commsson now on ts way to Washngton wll be compelled todepend upon ts own resources to secure an audence wth ameers ths Government. o assstance n that drecton wll be gven by fcers legaton republc here, who pont out that t would be manfestlv mproper for m to ntercede u "behalf anyone who s opposed to exstng Government. Seeker sland. Mklbocene, July 29. Robert Bed, Mnster Defease, denes charge that has been made aganst hm that he revealed Brtsh ntentons n regard to takng possesson Neeker sland. He states that Flemng sent a man Sanfor to charter a d steamer at Honolulu for purpose sezng Neeker sland, trustng that Great Brtan would recognse sezure. The Government Hawa, learnng ths proposed movement, took steps to prevent ts beng carred out. The Cholera Scoars. London, Jolv 29. Prvate letters! tell horrble stores hold whch cholera has now obtaned on St. Petersburg, where t seems that Hamburgs experence s lkely to be thrown nto shade. t s sgnfcant that for several days re have been no leal bulletns from Bussa plagues progress. Sporadc eases contnue to appear n lower Rhne valley and along Eastern whch, however, really belonged to a syndcate Clyde yachtsmen. The syudeate bulllug new boat s pyaetlcallv same as that whch ral Thstle. tral nf Santo Casera, murderer Presdent Caruot, n assze court here today, prsoner was sentenced to te executed by gttllotue u spte prsoners defaut atttude, hs habtual smle dsappeared from hs face when sentence death was pronounced. M. du Brul, prsocers counsel, gave notce appeal, audu so duug asked m wocmea naral Bssels and transports. Mssonares n Danger. The Sleepngca r System. E. Ancnst Bshop se Bt, L Washngton, August 3. The W. Wlo a Sourn! Honse Commttee on nterstate and nhodtt Charefa, who spent many Foregn Commerce devoted an hour n Ueeton wors n cmna awl today to system. dsettslo n sleep gars : "There s ntneb reason log fenr for safety ear For a text t hd msson xepceseaattve ccu t: nu, wureu statbm ed ares, both men and women, now was ntroduced darng Chcago n Chna and Korea. The natf s strke and whch provdes that after ac always ready to vst January, S&5, ralroad companes troabl? on foregoers. engaged n nterstate commerce shall macter bow remote tter mar be own or control by lease all sleepngcar s : canse trouble." ued on r roads or branches operated or controlled by m, and War JbUc rfjl for Chn. fxng a penalty 30 a day for falure to comply n each ca.e. Sw Havek,Cooo.j, Aarnt 2 &fe Knotted here that Wnches Several members spoke n favor ter F pontne Ar Company has prnctpes emboded n ML h serer cartoons ot gnns ana The members commttee beleve that a measare that knd wll for Chnese Gnvern The shpment was sent by be reported whch wlt nclude dnng a B U Vancoorer, B. C. ears am all palace ears, bat tme wll doubtless be extended to S64, Zalh From Plgae. wrh a vew to gvng companes tme to adjust r bttsness to July 25. Woeboo A k change. fesne t taday by Sr W. RMns4,! Gtfveranr Hongkong, reports that! fnn le dfotl frost tk nfcfrse la Chzrcs Agnst McCalh. AeOamoc dstrct. Wasenoton, Aug. 2. CapUn Cholera, Howson, n Chna. commandant 3are sland, and Commander H. B. McCalla, VAaccvKK fb. CK Jey 27. Orf eqtrpmentflceratthat yard have had entalamnces bv Empress nda ambundersunddgaboutadmlnlstaafeat e that Chna s threatened wth tratloa af&rs yanl.and t as"epee, cholera. " that frstname d fcer has. preferred charges aganst hs fcal They Co to Gresham. assocate. The matter U now before Navy Department, but detals, "Washngton, Aegast L myast TheHawaSa who n wll notbe made publc, at least for commsoaer s, present. Teaohed dty last nght, kept n r reoms at Arlngton most Wtll Try Amret g for Cap. day, amazng for r ptaa work here. When asked parpose New Yoek, August 2. The Heralds Glasgow correpoudent cable?: r vst to "Washngton, Mr. "Wldeman sad " hear a yacht s now belnz bullon " cannot tell you at ths tme. "We Clyde"o ebalunge for Amercas have agreed not to dvulge nature cap. Th yacht! bng bult, accordng to ray nformaton, for a syn ef ocr m"km natl we free Secretarv Gresham, aad alo possbly Pres deate at hrad whch U Lord dent. "We excect to see Secretarv Provest Bell, Gfcso Gresham tomorrow, and shall go d "Mr. Bell, t wll be remembered, rect to State Department, and not was nomnal owner tbethuue, that presdug Judges charge to jury at opeung sesson be entered on records. The Case Ezeta. Washngton, August 3.T he Unted States war slp Beunngtou wth General Eeta ou board, ol her way from Atcapulco o San Francsco, s proceedng under half power, owng to one her eugues beug dsabled, and s not expected to reach her dest naton earler than August 0th. After thorough, repars at Mare slaud 2avy Yard she wll return to coast Central Amerca. Proposed Xew States. Washngton, August 3. The Xew Mexco aud Arzoua admsson blls were reported to Senate today. n case Xew Mexco a consttutonal conventou s provded for, delegates to whch are to be chosen at an electon to be held on second Tuesday n June, S&5, and conventon s to meet on second Tuesday n followng July. To Get Kd fe Zepers. San Francsco, August. Mayor Ellert has been tryng to fnd a way to dspose San Francsco colony lepes that exsts out beyond Msson, and most satsfactory way that has recurred to hm s to shp entre colony to Moloka, leper slaud Hawa. Lepers from all over Pacfc Coast are under treatment and awatng death at Sau Francsco hosptal, and Mayor thnks t would be an excellent polcy to n turn un load m ou Pacfc slands, where y could lve n greater freedom and possbly receve better treatment than y get at oca hos ptal, whch everybody shuns. But Hawa may pass an excluson act aganst Amercan lepers on ground that t has enough ts own. Lawyer Thomas B. Bshop frm Garber, Boalt & Bshop was n Honolulu some tme ago, and re he became acquanted wth F. M. Hatch, a lawyer hgh n councls Hawaan Government. At Mayors request he wrote to Mr. Hatch about removal lepers to Moloka, and answer that he receved s as follows: "Honolult;, June 22, SJH. "Dear Mb. Bshop: Yours 5th nstant n regard to lepers at Recevng Hosptal was dulv receved. "Please say to Mayor Ellert that Government wll gve careful consderaton to any proposton whch he may choose to make to m upon ths subject, but at moment wrtng am at a loss to understand how Executve could act n a matter ths nature wthout legslatve acton. "The system segregaton has been fathfully carred out n recent years and gves hope ultmate eradcaton dsease. We have obtaned appropratons for support lepers amountng to somethng over f 00,000 a year, whch, consderng sze communty, s a pretty severe tax, but t has beenmet wthout a murmur from any quarter. " am nclned to thnk that objectons a sentmental nature would be made to a proposton for taklnr care lepers from any or country. The dea certanly would not be" a very pleasant one that se slands were beng turned nto an nternatonal lazaretto. hope, however, what have sad wll not dscourage Mr. Ellert from makng a trp down here, because we would certanly be glad to see hm. whatever mght be result n regard to ths matter. "Very truly yours, "F. M. Hatch." Mayor Ellert s determned to fnd somethng more defnte about tte feasblty hs plan, however, and f project s not too strongly opposed at Honolulu he wll try to have t carred nto effect. To Resde n Honolulu. C. L. Wght, Mahukona, arrved on Saturday mornng on steamer Kn&n. t s understood that be wll take np hs resdence n ths cty, ftr lvng for 3 yeara on Hawa. There s some talk electng Mr. Wght presdent Wlder Steamshp Company. The matter wll be settled very soon aa a meetng company wll be j held earlv n Se&tember. He s consdered a very energetc and practcal busness man. Kenneth Bazemure had good fortune to receve a emal bottle Chamberlans Colc, Cholera and Darrhoea Bemed when three mem bers hs famy were sck wth dysentery. Ths one small bottle cured m all asd he bad gome left whch he gave to Geo. W. Baker, a promnent merchant place, Lewston. X. C, and t cured hm same complant. When troubled wth dysentery, darrhoea, colc or cholera morao?, gve ths remedy a tral acd you wll be more than pleased wth result. The prase that naturally follows ts btodncto n and nse has made t very popular. 25 aod 50 cent bottles for sale by all Dralrs, JJessos, Surra & Co Agents or H. L PERSONALS. Judge W. F. Frear and Mrs. Frear, K. Castle, Pressor Theodore Kchards, Dr. J. M. Whtney and wfe and Mrs. J. T. Lews and daughter are all n town agan, after spendng a few weeks ou Hawa. Mrs. C. L. Wght was a passenger on Australa. Her husband arrved from Hawa same mornng. Mrs. Wray Taylor and chld are home agan after pavng a vst to Coast. K. R. Hnd and wfe arrved from Hawa on Saturday mornng. They wll leave for San Francsco ou Saturday. 0. S. Wllams, J. D. Letcher, W. F. Helbron, G. Walln, F. ClQord, Mrs. Wllam, H. Hoogs and Mss Llle Love, all whom were members Frank L. Hoogs excurson party, returned from volcano on Saturday. M s Grace Wng s at present on Mau takng n dfferent sghts on that sland. Arthur Johnstoue, Stars edtor, receved Saturday, sad news death hs far n Calforna. Mss Hannah Eastman was an arrval by Australa. She wll assume charge kndergarten for foregn chldren. Admral Walker and staff made a fare well "call on Goverment Sat urday. Charles Htchcock, who left on Kmau n a very weak condton, stood sea trp remarbably well. He wll soon leave for Htchcock place n Olaa Dstrct, to reman several weeks. Mss Margaret Roche, one Hoogs excursonsts, dd not return wth party. She stopped f at Ookala to spend a few weeks wth Mrs. Walker at place mentoned. Arthur Rchardson expects to return to Honolulu very soon and reman here permanently. Mr. Rchardson was formerly Unted States Vce Consul at ths port. F. W. Macfarlane s n town agan. He left last week for Mahukona to adjust an nsurance loss. On hs way back he stopped f at Maalaea Bay to spend a day at Wakapu. B.. G. Steeles Estate. The wll E. L. G. Steele was fled for probate Saturday. He leaves $3000 to hs mor, Elza Anna Steele Brooklyn, N. Y., and gves rest hs property to hs wdow, EmmaS. Steele, who s apponted sole executrx wthout bonds, says a late San Francsco Chroncle. He commends hs chldren Edward, Beatrce and Murel Steele to r mors care, though he says that he has deeded 960 acres land n El Dorado county to hs son Edward. n petton for probate wll Mrs. Steele does not descrbe estate nor estmate ts value more than to say that t 3 worth over 0,000. A great deal property has been deeded to Mrs. Steele, whch, course, wll not fgure n probate proceedngs. Wll Repeat Lecture. The followng s from San Francsco Chroncle August 4 : Owng to many requests Camera Club expects to repeat camera lecture on Hawaan slands by Mrs. Gans n near future. Mrs. Gans s a talented San Francsco lady who recently spent three months at slands. The Best Dressng s n & AVERS HAR VGOR Prevents har from tteomns thn, faded. wry, and presenre n and color to an perod te. t ceres ltrbrns humors, and keep tne dp cool, moot, and beauor. The base Avers lar Vgor s a rvlaed and delcate feld whch does c.t sul or rancd br ezposore to tbe ar, aad wfclen s as fperfeet a sobstttcte for tfw od suppled by nature, n youth aul tetllh. a Bodera chezautrf can supply. Ayers Har Vgor pezpaked rr Dr. J. C. AER L COLctsS, Hxl, V.S.L J3?" Beware cheap mtatons. The name A jrer t promnent on vrapper anl s Wown n glass on bottom cf each onr Lottes. For Stls bjaollbtzadsr CO. 5Ttu) Stfujcrtenurnte. E. 0. HALL & SON, LMTED A GREAT VARETY OF GOODS lteotlvtct ly or d: rou "Vurloun o The apartment f.ovvs and BREAKERS U very c npleu. are n use n every put UeseHUtvlj an aro consddro th oju Handls aad PotVra always on hand and o!d n rg nn natfm. HALLS FUEEOW Mam Wthout n KtM m W n Cmatnnt Urnmtul. PLOW On lud a lare af scrtuent Hous Erujrns, Ml P.rooms, hrdan d Street Brooms ard CGroanut Hroorns. bbvsh s ot all kr U o. for puner H9. PUCKtTCUTLFRY just tohand; alotablkcu LEUY expected verv soon. Onr assortment ron and Seel WRfa, ROKE s now complete, also lop sal SHEET CHAN nclndnztjl szes. ACFG HAKDAAtK J0PaNY, U:.!,TKl nvoces tost receved., p ; r Vhe patterns drect rom Fuctorv. X he very latest styles., J nqne n desgn aud fnsh. " Ll eceved by Br; W. G. rvn. j very taste satsfed. TJLOULDXGS FOR sa.k Jxu work s faultless a executon. U nosoal ndncemens to cash customers. T Look at onr assortment Brd Cages. JLrect mportatons specally selected. nspecton oar s solcted. N.s ow s tme to make your choce. VJ ve your orders to Pacfc Hardware Company. Lmted. A Conversaton On CutRate s. Good mornng. You are stll cuttng prces hope, for wsh to make a purchase:" "Yes, we are stll cuttng. Were gong to contnue so long as publc desre t. They seem to lke purchasng a 50s patent medcne for less than establshed rates. We are glad to serve m; we want r busness add we want r goodwll. " Now, wll you please tell me what eu to ms cuttng J" "There are several reasons. We wsh to reach ont for more busness. Theres no better way than to fer goods best qualty at sub bottom prces. Thats always a trade brng er. n ths we have not faled n our purpose for wo have observed a materal ncrease duroe nast month. We have new customers come to ns every day. They are certanly gettng r moneys worth here. Anor reason was, that two drug frms made a combnaton to boycott ns because we gave cash customers a lberal dscount. A boycott usaally ends contrary to am sought, and last condtons prove worse than frst. We have cut below onr compettors prces and we are underselln every g house n our lne." "You say y tred to boycott you!" "Certanly." "Well thats suffcent Youll have my trade n future. Good mornng." The foregong conversaton place n drug store took Hobron, Newman & Co. FOB, SALJE. A thoroughbred Holsten Bull Calf, FOtJE MONTHS OLD. Address J. H. HcCHESNEY. 572l B.V.0MS nonolu u X.tttt Arrval. AM) COKNGbV HAS Jnly 87, S04. $ TECE BARKENTNE JD6T ANOTHER Supply Rjtf&AED ARRVED FKESH Ht Gran and Chcken Feed. TELEPHONES 2. The Most Complete st S ALL TS STYLES AT ttov Tuna Setr Bcoh, t WTH Mllnery J. J. Egans, 54 Fort St. A largn assortment Woolen Dress j Goods, Storm Hrrge n Bne, Black and Whte; Scotch, Englsh and Amercan Ongham8 n large quanttes. A fn lne n fancyfgure d wash Goods. A complete stock Strped and Checked Flannels. Ths la place to buy your Lacea, Embrodery and Uoslcrr, cheap; a complete lne. DrHnmakfn done n. all ta branches by wellknow n Dressmaker Mm Kenner. Notce. T!? ANNUA. MEETNG Hawaan OFTHr Gazkttk Comp.w be hold atcflw W. E on TUK8DAY. Auwat 0 at 3T" f m

3 Wr j le&mmjjfyzff 3tsTsggfyn ft ht."ty, "" nr J hu n n.t. V f J The mmtvate reward? HAWAAN ATHLETES ABROAD. athletes s unbounded adulaton v rtceve from best ho pe. and quck passport t gves " tlun t. av!!r "n m!rneuhed! Records Hsde fey tfea Fsvered Sees traveler, uo kngs nor queeus, nor &f Hawa Ne. TEZ BTS BST3GUSH TESMSSLTTS. The!m4 "Kacr ot Venj MTtto st Jladr Thrmrlv Fcao.,T&rttOEhfaerMttcse Terfrsanc a Credt to llwhnrl. Hawa has farafbed a remarkable aw qbcsq& nsraber athletes to AmereB colleges. 2o esewberc&rarauaty a States, or e, bas furasbed so rasnv, n proporton to tbe number ts nhabtants. Fve athletes Hawaan brth or descent have taken frst rank n largest nsttutons keraag n States, where pbvsc tranng has been poshed to tbe extreme, and cotopet WAl y WALTER SANFORD DOLE, COR NELL, se. mle was soeear te Varsty crew wmefe nee. oo tfbrr, wfcb tbe Peasrtram& Varsty crew, s US. t was Md at ta e teat that was tbe best ce a Amerca. dscclty n seccrng prtable employment as nstroctors n art. t s becomng a source honorable and wellpa d employment. f W fjp5l P! HJLVHAS" aazette: TUESDAY. AUGUST 4, S94.SEMWJEE J Jl Bfll " BRONCO ARMSTRONG, YALE, halfbac Kcferd ArasstrtK ns k a Var:y football team n 533 a all coatesu that tsx. He was n Freshman crew "S3, whch won race wsh Harrard; was bowoa r a Varstty race wth Harrard on Jane 25th. 55M, n whch HarrarU was ren.ted. He was elected captan "Varsty crew for S6. statesmen, receve such ncense from old, young, and especally from young women, as successful boys n se contests. Hawa has sold reasons to be proud her record n ths matter, and has shown people Amerca how much can be done by a lttle State n producng boys who have plenty "sand," and are never "left." Four pctures Hawaan ath flt l js? letes who have dstngushed mselves whte abroad, appear today, S. 3. DAMON, gazetted and noc or wll be vald. s frst, George K Carter, a son Alnster Fnance. H. A. P. Carter, formerly Hawaan Mnster at "Washngton. He t Fnance Offce, August 6th, SSH. 3757S 5743?. M WNfZZ..tTJL AT S was rajjkrs born n Honolulu, on December s 25, S66, and s consequently 23 To Whom t May Concern. mmesz?,. years age. He was always to front n athletcs whle n ths, parson to ts sze, has such a 2fotce s hereby gven that under hs natve land, and was one record. fhawas sons C3n only provsons Secton 2, Artcle 93 best football players hs keep up r record n r Consttuton, all Commssons held under appontment from Department GEORGE R. CARTES, YALE, SS. tme. He was not a scholar at studes as y have n athletcs, Carter tu m tbe "Yarstr football team Punahou, but attended Mr. Atknsons prvate school, and afterward notch. And t s to be hoped y after frst day September, S94. y should be at top nteror are null and vod from and f. 5w A "ST; sras oar "!So T n "ST and "5. s VrsT tout eresr. n tbe nee wa Harvard, a 545, lb crew Fort street school. He spent are. All partes holdng such Commssons worn. "c tbe c4 recosd two years at Phllps Academy, and desrng to be to la fw asfte s auontes Andover, before he entered Yale, THEY CAME BACK. same, are requested to mate mmedate n SS6. applraton When he entered n wrtng refor to latter twa for representatve places has college he became a substtute n A Lfe 0a Ocean Wave Does Mnster nteror, gvng name n been severest knd. Varsty Eleven, and pul ed full, date Commsson, Dstrct n and Not Sut Solders. Freshman crew. The frst race he locaton Resdence n Dstrct. n Yak Gollece selectons palled n, bs boat swamped at From Saturdays Daly All wll be duly rao for football team and twelfth stroke, and he won applause multtude by swm from army Re J. A. KNG, Sproat and West, two gazetted and none or wll be vald. raeng crews are made from a bod v over twentytw o hundred young mng around and pckng up tbe Mnster nteror. publc, returned yesterday. Ther raen, and ths large body s far lfe preservers that had been nteror Offce, July 23, 594. thrown out to supposed drown experence n an open boat, and a t above tbe average physeal small boat at that, was not suff. strength n country, as men ctntly entrancng to keep m on DErUBTMEvr op AttobseyGexera., wellbreare healthy and d. r journey. Thay were sghted Bdreac or Polce, Marshals Ornc Tbe selectons made, refore, f Damond Head Thursday nght, HosoLCtc, August 2d, S94. and entered harbor yesterday represent an extraordnary hgh n accordance wtn provson? mornng. standard physeal perfecton, Secton 2, Artcle 93 Consttuton As mentoned n Advertser especally as no favortsm s tolerated, and only best are Kepahlc Hawa, all commssons West was a deserter from ssued from taken. ths fce nnder army. As soon as he landed he Tbe publc have lttle knowledge authorty Provsonal Government vanshed entrely. The Government s lookng for hm, and f he constant, severe and protracted tranng requred clared to be vacated, null and vod from Hawaan slands are hereby de s found he wll be arrested as a teams, and especally crews. and alter st day September, A. as a deserter. Tbe latter begn work n January D. S94. AH persons holdng such commssons are hereby ordered to return Both amateur voyagers declare that y dd not ntend to and contnue r severe practce for sx months, and are aded n same to ths fce for cancellaton go to Samoa, and seem vrtuously reachng tbe best results n muscular work bv skll on or before sad date. $f ndgnant to thnk that anyone and experence ablest men n coun E. G. HTCHCOCK, try. "Sand, power to endure, A" should thnk so. But aa y told Marshal Republc Hawa. Maletseveral people that land oa 3753l w 5733 t was r destnaton, ths s" tbe needful thng. A fborml e later statement s taken wth several grans allowance. J. F. SCOTT, late Prncpal race for yocng men, twenty years age, s a seroos test bodly JAMES R YALE, ST. Hawaan Governn ent JLDD, School atwaana e, When hardy voyagers arrved strength. Jndd w s tbe Freshman crew whch nrlt defeated Harvard at New re was qute a crowd on Oahn, s hereby apponted Clerk The young men engaged n se Loodo n on Jane Slb, 59!. He wn probably be m tbe Varsty crew for 56.) waterfront to receve m. As Boa d Educaton Republc Hawa, such appontment to take contests are becomng exponents physcal culture to whch effect y had no knowledge navgaton, nor even ranch attenton s now gven. A ng athletes. n followng Fall and date as and from salng a boat, tbe st new art, that physcal tranng, he played on tbe Varsty eleven, y had some dffculty n enter day Aujnst, S94. s takng a promnent place n and afterwards polled n Varsty crew, and was elected cap Presdent Board Educaton. "WLLAM R. CASTLE, nstructon, and many graduated athletes fnd no tan latter. Offce Board Educaton, Walter Sanford Djle, a nephew Honolulu, July 24,834. present Presdent, was born at Kolos, Kaua, on July 30, S6S. He went to Cornell seven years ago, and was re fve years. He was always nterested n athletcs all knds, beng a great hunter and swmmer. He made a frstcla ss record whle at college, and was n frst rank athletes. At present, he s n busness n Chcago. He s a member llnos Naton3 Guard, and durng recent strke, he was on duty for three days and two nghts steady, and hs athletc tranng stood hm n good stad. Echard Armstrong, Yale, 96, was born at Seabrook, Conn., July 6, S74. He prepared for college at Hampton, Va., and at Andover, Mass. Hs early lfe was spent n boats, navgatng about Hampton Roads, as he lved opposte spot whtre Merrmac and Montor had r celebrated fght. On enterng Phllps Academy, Ando ver, he tcok frst prze n bcycle races, and became a member football team. On enterng Yale, Sr.tf5cld Scentfc School, be engaged n athletcs, and n S93 was halfbac k n football team n many contests that year, n whch team was vctorous n every contest exceptng that wth Prnceton. He was on Freshman boat crew, whch won race wth lltrvard n 69S. n January,?94. ho bcamt a member tha Varsty cr?w, whch won n race wth Harvard on Juue 2$, S94, and mmedately alter race was elected captan crew for year S03. He goes by name "Bronco." Hs far, "W. td N. Armstrong, to a racng crew Yale College n early days, and hs uncle"! Gen. S. C. Armstronc was! one best athletes n Wllams f College. Hs uncle on hs mors sde, W. D. Morgau, pulled stroke oar n Yale crew 5G. James E. Judd was bom n Ho nolulu on 20th May, S76, and btloucs to class 97 Yale. He s a grandson Dr. Judd and s refore a cousn George Carter who s mentoned frst u ths artcle. He was captan Punahou eleven 92 whch has never been beaten. Though only seventeen years old when he entered Yale, he was selected as one Freshman team out a class 530, and played rght tackle n 2ew Haven last fall," beatng Harvard Freshmen by a score SO to 4. He was also a substtute on Varsty team. n January he was taken nto Freshman crew, and, after sx months tranng, pulled starboard stroke n race between Yale. Harvard aud Columba at New Londou, on June 27th beatng Harvard by thrteen lengths. t was consdered to hs advantage that he never rowed be fore he went to college and thus had no faults to overcome. Judd has always been fond outdoor sports beng a good horseman and shot, and havng shct when only 3 years old a wld bull n forests Kaua. n vew above facts about Hawaan boys who have dstngushed mselves at college n athletc sports, Hawa ne has reason to be proud her ctzens. No place n world, n com ng harbor. Port Surveyor Sanders had to take a few men and go out and tow two solders through channel. When y were safe on dock y dened that y ever ntended gong to Samoa. Sproat sad he and hs frend West had only gone out for a pleasant lttle sal. Ths, however, s slghtly fshy., Snce departure boat, varous rumors have sprung up. One s to effect that tbe men had set sal for Kahoolawe, where y expected to fnd a few hundred tns opum bured n, sand. However, y dd not get even that far. The polce were lookng for West all day, but y dd not succeed n fndng hm. As soon as he s fonnl, he wll be returned to barrack as a s deserter. Ty boy was taken wth a dsease resemblng bloody flax. The frst thng thought w&3 Cbamberlanfe Culc, Cholera and Darrhoea Remedy. Two doses t settled matter and cured bm Eontd and wl heartly recommend ths remedy to all persons gferng from a lke comp&nt. wll answer any nqoes regardng t when etamp s nclosed refer to any county fcal as to roy relablty. Wa. Boxen. J. P, Prmroy, Campbell Co, TnB. For fle by all Deaers, Bexso x, Surra h Co, Agents for H.. BYAUTHOKTT. Rebtratou Xottce. Tht? mretnsr Mwr ol Kegtstra ton n Honolulu at cncolnued untl farr ulco. The Board wll be n ssut at Ka lauutron Honoulnl, from 0..s. to Sr.j;., on Angut loth snd at thuknacourt Mouje, from S a j. to 4 r. m. ontuuksluy, August 6th. The furr meetng u prvcncts wll ba duly advertsed. C. T. KODGKRS. ANTONO PERRY, L. D. KELPO. Beard Regstraton, sland Oabu. 37t3 t 576 lt Hoard Examners. Untl agan sucoanced no more meetngs Beard Examners created by Act 7 Consttuton wll be held n Honolulu. The Board wll meet at Ewa Plantaton store, "WEDNESDAY, August 5, and at Ewa Court House, THURSDAY, Aucust 6. EDWARD TOWSE. CARL BUSCBJAST, 3762tt F.. CUTTER. To Wora t Jfav Concern. Notce s hereby gvea that under provsons Secton 2, Artcle 93 Consttuton, all Commssons held under appontment from Department Fnance are null and vod from and after frst day September, SM. All partes holdng such Commssons and desrng to be to j same are requested to mafeo mmedate applcaton n wrtng refor to Mnster Hnance, gvng name n full, date Commsson, Dstrct and locaton Resdence n Dstrct. All wll be duly t 572 At specal request several teachers and ors an Examnaton for Prmary Grade Certfcates wll be held at Fot Street School on MUNDAY, September 3 and TUESDAY, Septemt e ruber 4, commencng at 9 a. m. ALATAU T. ATKNSON, nspectorgeneral Schools. Honolulu, August 4, S94. 37J Sule Lexse Government Lot No. xs Wth TwoStor y Wooden llnldn. Fort Street,, Honolulu, SepUmbe On TU3?DY, r, 694, at 2 oclock noon, at ront entrance Execcve Buldng, ll be sold at publc anctjn, thu lets Government Lot No. 5 oa rort etreer, Esplanade, Honolulu, Oahn, contanng an area 5900 Equare feet, wth twoet ory "Wooden Bnkcg on sad lot. Term Lease for fve years. Upset prce $30), per annum, payable Eemannnal n advance. x J. A. KNG, Mnster nteror. nteror Offce, Anust 8, t vjy. a Central Metropoltan Market "Kns Chocest Stroot. Meats FKOl Fnest Herds. G. J. WALLER, Prop. FAMLES AND SHPPNG SUPPLED OH SHORT NOTCE AND AT THE Lowest Market Prces. tyau lct dellteredrom thlsmtrkcure Uoroashly chlled lmrne dutely after kllllnc tj meant a n FatentDry teat AlrKefrlgerat so treated reulnt all ta Jalcj t)ranrtla anl ta..m.u. atter. dellterj than frethlorkllledmea t., BENSONSMT H JOBBXG tj ND JtASUTACTURNU q & CO PHARMACSTS 2Pax:re Medcnal PATENT a raj. vss or CHEMCALS. XrxLgrs, Preoaraons, MEDCNES AT THE EOWEST PRCES. 3 and 5 Fort Street. BEAVER SALOON H. J. NCTE, Propretor. Beys to announce to ht frend publc n general and That he has opened tho above Saloon where lrstclas s Refreshments wll oe eerred from 3 a. m. tll 0 p. m., ncder mmedate anpenrllon a ComDetcntCAtf CuUlnt THE PNBST GRADES OF Cgars, Ppes and Smokers Sundres Tobaccos, Chosen by a pmreonal selecton from manafaetore, hat been obtaned, frstclas and e wll be added to from tme to tme. One Brnnewlck BalfeeV Celebrated Bllard Tables connected wth establhraent.where pf cne can partcpate 833 q W. H. RCE, STOCK U f DBALEB BBEZDEB 07 Fne Horses and Cattle From Thoroughbred Standard bred SUUon, Xutwood by Nutwood, Jr Norman Stallon...Captan Grawl Natlre bred Stallon Boswell also a choce lot or Bulls, Cows and Calves From Celebrated Balls Sussex, Hereford, Ayrshre & Durham a lot or Fne Saffle an Carrap Horses FOB HALE. HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE TonrftU and Excurson Partes desrng Sngle, Doable or Fournhan d Team or Saddle Horses can be accommodated at W. H. lce Lver; Stables. 4J All comnanlcatlont to be addretred to W. H.MCE.Llbn. Kaua. 293l r TBZO. B. DATB. BAEOLD ASOH. THE0. H. DAVES & CO., COMMSSON MERCHANTS, 2 & 3 The Albans, LVERPOOL. tml y JJuourauc otttcu. NORTH BRTSH AND MERCANTLE nsurance Company. Tora, Amkt t Slrt Dtcxxnaa, lsws x,um.; n. cj. ClUal..J3.lW.WO X d.ypvuw "" S.SV.W tal.nn r?nltl es7.scg o o 3 Fre Fond. a,.,m t J Lfe and Annuty Knnd,.. 8,US,WH 7 X.OM.6S7 7 Revenne Kte Branch.,S3S,CS S C lerenne Lfe and Annuty Branches.OT.KS 5 S,W9.T 0 8 The accnmulatrd Fund or Fre and Department! Lte are free from lablty la retdcct each or. ED. HOFTSCnXAEGER & COM Agents for tho Hawaan slands. TRANS ATLANTC Fre nsurance Company, u.vuuuu. Capta or tho Co. and leterre.releh marks,ooo,00 CapltallrlclnacranccCompanl.....0,630,009 ToU.Relchsmark 07.SSO.OW NORTH CE RMAN Fre nsurance Company, OF HAMBtntO. CaplUl Ca. Reserve Rclchmarks... S.KOOCO CapltallrRenauranceCompanle s 33,00O,0W ToUl Relchmark 4&Sa,(MJ two companes for tho Hawaan nlands, are chandlse and lrodnce,.machnery. Jte. also bocar and Kce tllls. and tc. n harbor, asralnstloss ordanface by arc. on most favonble terms. U.lAChrKLD A CO. tss6 ly Tle Lvepoo l and London and Gloue 3jSr"CTRAuSrCE CO STAllLUnFD 8.: Assets.., ,000,000 Jfet ncome... o,ou,oo Clams... Takes Rsks aganst Loss or Damassbyrlrt on Buldngs. Machnery. Sugar Mlls, Dw.lUngs and Fnrnlturs.on mostfatorable Urms lss2.q Bslop & Co. NSURANCE Theo. H. Daves & Co.,, AGENTS FOR FRE, LFE and MARNE. NSURANCE Norrn Assurance Co Of London for FRE & LFE, ESTABLSHED 830. ACCUMULATED FUNDS 3, BRTSH AND FOREGN Marne nsurance Co.Ld Of Lverpool for MARNE. CAPTAL, Reducton Rates mmedate Payment Clamsjf THEO. H. DAVES MARNE 7 & CO., Agents NSURANCF The andersfrned U actborued to uk Marne laks on HOLLS, CARGOES, FBEKtUTS and, C0MM3S0a, At Carrent Hates n Tollown Cocj. pamee, vz: Al ance Assurance Fre and Marne, London. WlhelmaMadrjeburg GenJ. ns. Co Sun nsurance Co., San Francsco. JOHN S. WALKER, CT Ajent for Hawaan slands. UA.UJKGM SJB3K. Fre nsurance Company. The nndertfcned hayng been appolte nntu flava srralnst ra nv M. a k " f Ullellllrm sth nn as.... a... " " vu rtca.uaullc nfg tfrnlar. nn mt tk. m. u r bcaepff2co7 " tss ya Q33XTTVT7Xr XjXsOTkT Mnrlno nsuranco Company OF BERLS POHTTjaTA Conoral nsuranco OF BERLN Company. TbeaboTe nsurance Companes hareesubhshea d oenal here, and sgned. Oeseral Agents, under are ao.thurl.ed to take tlsks ncalnat tbe nke,r ultlemra b m nol rnkonuue Kate B, anl SMS luojn ratorooe Terms leeay r. A. 8 ClfAErER A. CO.. General Acta GENERAL NSURANCE COMPANY For Sea, Rver,a.nd Traaayet OF DRESDEN Hayng establshed an Azcdct atllocolnla Hawaan slands otderlted Geser Acenu, are aomozca to late Rsks aganst Dancer tk AT TOX Most ReasoBable Kates.astl ta tk FaTorablo 2t Moat r.a.buuaeer A CO. jzttlt A sen t for Hawaan slands.,

4 " 2ị l4 rtjgw M from tf x he artcle on.hawaan oeys d v J&mencan athletcs, publshed ths x jbkkang shows a record whch tra.. sntu ws may well be procd. The ter Rffcj: reomst&nce that so rasay se Unocal fcovs are rnssooarv stock wll nl umgve deep pan to soase, hat, nnfor Kensely, t cannot be helped. 2o T5g ngrgr t MtttTfltt v t. ft J SEM WEEKLY. TCSSOAY. ACGrT 4. H. Fkenvk justce "s proverbally Say. The murder Carnot s sll so fresh n mod tost t seems to fve occurred but yesterday. The assassn has already been seaeac ed to death. PjBStKsrCLEVSt. oa submtted so Senate wth great promptness despatch from Mnster Wlls announcng prodaoaton Republc, and hs recognton t The ndcatons a speedy recognton from Washngton are vac r favorable. Whle fate sugar duty and whole Wlson bll s stll nvolved n greatest uncertanty, latest advces are dstnctly favorable. The sugar scbedale. accordng to telegram test receved, has been adopted by Conference Commttee. The Bulletn now declares that t aver qoasuotred.tbe legalty she Presdents appontng powers, or powers hs appontees to act nntl end ot frst sesson Senate." Ths $eems to dspose queston at ssue recr effectually, as t leaves valdty Crcut Judges appontment unquestoned. We con gratulate Bslletn upon havng attaned a more ratonal frame mnd. t s an nterestng feature war between Chna and Japan that : wll submt prncples at bass worlds new na to a more decsve test than feehea gpes se&tk Sy have ever bebre experenced. werey Wth excepton cvl twft wars Chle and Brazl, t"?. qualt y ret osf heavy armament modern shps has never been tested a betwe ea actual prsetee. The contest Japan and Chns wll be " " avalgreatest navs war snce tne Arner Sean conflct. The naves Chna Baqt" j r..n jwu..;.. n;nn r Sfethsboot all varous tvpes shps rfceh have been, evolved e far fear! test veneraton, and a great deal ttre?fa r GresagcQj, red to. relatve ntltv. ". v tt HAWAAN THE PBOP035D SCTS0 KOAB. f Honolulu s to wtness constructon an electrc street ralroad, t wll look as though long expected boom had begun. As s well known, Advertser has been agtatng ths subject for several months, so that re s no need an elaborate restatement vews whch are already well known to publc. We beleve that re s a promsng feld for such a road n Honolulu, and that f lne s economcally constructed and judcously selected, t wll pay. These who are always more nterested n decryng than n fosterng new enterprses have drawn attenton to fact that Hawaan Tramways Company pays very small dvdends, and nference s drawn that a new road, dvdng traffc, could not pay any. n frst place, t should be borne n mnd that servce Tramways Company s far from satsfactory, and that wth a better servce a consderable ncrease n travel mght reasonably be expected. The number persons who mantan r own or use hred carrages s ndefntely creater loan t would, oe t cleaner, better and faster cars were run, and streets opened up whch present company does not reeeh. t s a very common fact that supply ten antcpates demand and creates t. Ths s partcularly true n ralroad busness. t should be remembered furr that present company, wth ts Kng, Beretana and 2vuuanu street lnes, has to pay nterest on stock and bonds amountng to?ooo,ooq. t s probable that for same sum a road can be constructed wheh wll reach much furr,, and dran a larger feld travel wth correspondngly larger returns. An electrc lce to Judd. street, va Xuuanu, Llha and School, to Wakk and Park, Every good annexatonst wll be sncerely pleased to learn that Messrs. Wdemann and company have had an ntervew wth Secretary Gresbam and Presdent Cleveland. They could not go to say better quarter to get nformaton whch y are seekng. The resoluton r doubts s somethng by beach, and to Punahou va whch shocld speedly fol low, and whch wll doubtless contrbute greatly to peace consderable cumber ntermed mnd both mselves and ate passengers. Moreover, t wll those whom y represent. n make ts own customers by hastenng settlement new localtes. meantme Republc pursues and wll contnue to pursue Wth lveler condtons whch he way wthout reference to wll preval here n a short tme, tat ot those pure subjectve re wll be a growth n populaton and a boom n house buldng. :yhkm: whch vex souls P&ker, Cummns, et al. The electrc lne wll, to a large extent, determne drecton n whch ety.wll grow, and streets whkh now exst cheny n Knau and Lunallo streets and er Avenue, wn get tne pus j through travel, besdes a! eazette: TTXESDAT. HST CLAMS TS VCTMS. The fearful heat whch has lstely prevaled n ctes East may well lead people se slands to congratulate mselves because y lve n torrd and not u temperate zoue. On 25th July rmometer rose above 90 degrees n New York, whle n Chcago t s sad to have readed almost ncredble heteht 03 decrees. Those who lve s spacous, breezy Honolulu, where rmometer rarely touches 80, can form lttle dea sufferng whch prevals n crowded quarters Eastern ctes n deadly best July and August. n most densely populated part Xew York cty re are nearly 200,000 people crowded toger wthn lmts a sngle square mle. A hot July day and nght, whch to wealthy means no more than a passng dscomort, means to tne nhabtants swarmng tenement houses, sckness and death. Can we wonder at fanatcal and morbd excesses roters and anarchsts, when modern socety wth ts sreat ntellgence and ts superb applances, leaves such evls unremeded from year to year and from generaton to generaton? The anarchst hmself s smply dseased produet se evl condtons, and he wll dsappear when SHh and dsease are cleared out. WAS. The war between Japan and Chna, whch has been threatened for last month, has become a fact at last. t seems to have been precptated bv a wellfound con.rcton on oart Japanese that r opponents were smply delayng a declaraton war n order to strengn mselves by obtanng fresh supples war materal from abroad. The Jap snese refore began hostltes and notfed powers ex heace a tate wa.f thns effectuallv checknz furr equpment Chnese troops wth foregn weapons. t s dffcult for outsders to estmate wth any approach to accuracy relatve strength two combatants. The bold fact stands out that populaton Chns s nne or ten tmes as large as that Japan, and that nomnal numercal strength her standng army s many tmes greater, whle naval power maps, or n mnds eye, two natons s about equal. wll gve m company more pas.jjhowever, can be nferred sengersto"blockthankngandfrom Chnese superorty Beretana. numbers. From tme Alex These antcpatons may seem 2mJer Great t0 tle nneteenth somewhat roseate to doubtng lurr warfare wth Afrcans and Thomases who requre ev ( ndjad hstorv s crowded wth eebc re s a nroceostv to nlace earn a return on jcjj.wj. m Xothna has been sad above as ksatoo great a stress npon athletc ex s uph ll work. We wsh t were to tfce jestfcaton, ratonale Gvren erases n East, and men re easer; we are sncerely sorry for, ar. From pont vew jjje cl. ceve a degree attenton to whch those stockholders n London. t tj,e humantaran, justfcakonolul u, tr or qualtes would never however, must go ahead, ; j, WOQld sm to be wantng, enttle m. At same tme t wher those stockholders snk orj prorl tbjs pont vew, ndeed, estal a a mstake to suppose that mere enm. a he 4.uunas vu.tu qq appeal to lores can oe commenu Seylbrae feres s honored. The con has had opportunty to aue except that whch s prt stant tranng, strenooos con tself popular m Honolulu, but tre Hene calls " Lberaton tests, develop many excellent qca opportunty, for some reason, seems j "ar f Humanty." t s a great "WjStes mnd as well as body, soeh to have been lost Handcapped j pjty that European powers selfcommar r3any who are promnent ss unwholesome potatons watered j ZjSas plcck, coolness, by ts unpopularty, bloated wth j coefly nterested dd not make a athweret es jjg strennocs effort to prevent are eqj proment n stock, compsny s n bad tran j coonct. Probably a very decded tlntellecraal feld. There s no ct ng 5r ts race wth electrcty. nterference would have proved ef ; between physcal and mental caceus. Xo doubt bloodlettng s have development ; on contrary, y The Boards Regstraton and cetnes benefcal, bat at best t olshould deal rasnhecd Examners wll st at Ewa planu aqd m rfcct reme. toa sad tfee r.wa court house on deal peqares a sound hdy as well as a Wednesdav and Thursdar ths dy medcal expedent " mnd, we mddle ages. n Orent, more AUGUST 4, S94.SEMWEE LLX. over, where mlder manners West are not yet prevalent, and n Chna partcularly, re s need less and not more sheddng blood. THE SDQAR S0HSDULE. The letter wrtten by Presdent Cleveland to Gharman Wlson House Representatves does not seem to have made hm many frends, er n hs own party or that opposton. At same tme, t seems to have been a sound statement Democratc doctrne, and f t had been made deoces r senses to persuade eamde ndefnte super m, and who are hardly convnced n. Such people are ter armed solder. Japan has made orty.better traned and bet lackng n "commercal mssnato a far more rapd progress than Chna, ;" y lag behnd reforms not merely n assmlatng tne ors. The tme has come n hgher cvlzaton West Hawa, however, when coun but n appropratng ts superor try s gong to be developed. The apolances, ts tools, machnerv and work wll be done, and prts weapons. The Japanese army s reaped by people who have "com rgaazed, armed "and dscplned menal magnaton ;" who ean ( on Eoropean model, whle that count r chckens before y! f Chna seems n greater part to are hatched and count m rght. be stll nothng better than a feudal Xo doubt buldng an electrc street ralroad wll be very n The queston, however, wher weapon. jurous to present Tramways Japan wll be able to conduct a Corapeoy. We are sncerely sorry wnnng fght aganst power for t, bet t s one those thngs her hnge neghbor to West,must whch cannot he helped. The be settled fnal! v at sea. f Japan present company has a road worth c&a maatan a naval superorty, $50,000 wth whch t s tryng to be jh bave lttle to fear. at tme Presdents nomnaton t would have won applause hs party. The tmes are changed. The only thng n letter partcular nterest to Hawaan? s ts utterance upon sugar schedule. Whle Presdents observatons on ths head are a lttle ndefnte, t s perfectly clear that hs atttude toward sugar s very dfferent from hs atttude toward coal and ron. To Senate amendments, regardng two last, he s unalterably opposed, but he does not object to duty on sugar and declares succnctlv that t s a legtmate object taxaton for purposes revenue. The opnon Presdent on ths subject s very mportant because t throws a good deal lght on probable acton House. On queston Hawa, Mr. Cleveland stood alone aganst Congress, hs party and country. On queston tarff, however, odds are or way, and Presdent and House stand arraved asanst Senate. The expressons Mr. Cleveland are ndcatons that House wll adopt Senate sugar schedule, or ts practcal equvalent. f an accommodaton can be reached n coal and ron, whole bll wll fnally pass. r red fsh so dreaded by Hawaans have really put n an appearance n harbor, t wll naturally cause great dsquetude among supporters ancent. The vst fsh course can have no reference to exstng government for t s not "legtmate," and se fsh who are monarchsts reddest dye, would never condescend to foretell by r presence any dsaster to usurpers. The fsh, lke a ghost, are appurtenant only to old famles. Xo poltcal or socal parvenu er. can expect to have THE FLAGSHP DEPARTS. She Wll Be Pnshed n Order to Reach San Francsco Soon. The flagshp Pnladelpha left harbor Sunday mornng promptly at eght oclock wth her large slk flag flyng at stern. As she was heavng anchor cruser Champon saluted Amercan flag, Phladelpha returnng complment. As bg whte cruser was leavng harbor her band played "Auld Lang Syne." Durng mornng Mnster Wlls and ConsulGenera l Mlls called on board to ssy goodby to e Admral Walker, Cptan Barker and fcers vessel. The Phladelpha wll be pushed n order to reach San Francsco as soon as possble and one fcer sad that she would go up n less than seven days, but ths seems hardly probable as her bottom s xery foul. She can be depended upon to make trp n eght or nne days When Australa left San Francsco Charleston was that sugar clause wll not become a law, and anor s that t has ready to leave for ths gared all port, but no raw materal at ports from whch date was set for her t may be departure. bronght to Unted States between Offcer G. H. Green who looks passage Tarff bll and after boat landng receved a tme when t goes nto effect. At present and followng note yesterday mornng : are 50,000 tons raw sugar n present moment t s sad re West ndes whch T. S. 5. Phladlpha, trust has, Aug., SM. j made no attempt to move n bulk. Nearly all Me. Gbees, Polce Offcer at Boat t could be moved n a Landng: month. From certan ndcatons t Dear Sr: The Ward Boom fcers s beleved trust wll n a few ths shp dfcre you wll accept days begn brngng t here. enclose! pres as a slght token nt r apprecaton your unform courtesy n performance your dutes on wharf, and your attenton to varous lttle matters nterest to m and shp. They wsh you lonsc lfe sort prosperty. Bespectfally yours, Hetey Clay Cochrane, CapUn, TJ. S. JL C. The Whte House, at 3 Xuuan u avenue, s a frstclas s lodgng house. THE DUTY ON SUGAR. The Conferees Have Not Yet Agreed. Wasuxotos, August U. Tm understandng among tnrt coufer eos when y adjourned ths afternoon was that sesson tomorrow should brujr about er an agreement ou sugar schedule or a decson to report a dsagreement. Today was devoted by confer ence to a dscusson on sugar queston. Ths schedule u detal provdes for a duty 40 p,er cent, ad valorem ou sugar below G Dutch standard and 40 per ceut on sugar above ths grade, duly on refned sugar to bo collected oh bass saccharne strength raw sugar used n t wth 5 a cent dffer ental on refued, aud a dscrmnatng duty equal to export duty leved by such sugarproducn g countres as pay a bounty on sugar producton. Ths schedule was submtted to conference as ultmatum conservatve Senators, couug through Senator Smth Now Jersey, and House conferees where gven to understand that schedule was nearest appronchto requrements that Senate could make wth any assurance that bll would pass n Senate. oome ot tne lonso conferees are favorably nclned toward schedule, but y beleve t defnes exactly extra duty to be pad on refned sugars and s free from ob jectou urged aganst Senate schedule; that owng to wordng schedule t was mpossble to tell beyond oneeg hth a ceut dfferental what duty would be on refned artcle. Tlley are opnon that lntv n chedule nracntl tlu ttrtll c confned to one ffth a cent dffe r ental. t s understood, however, that whle nclned to hecept se fgures as hest y cau get, and whle consderng that u ths y secure an advantage over Senate schedule, y ndcate a desre to consd er queston over nght, and that t was on ths account that decs on, whch t was hoped would be reached today, wll be postponed untl tomorrow. Eepresentatve Bland has ntroduced a resoluton nstructng Commttee on Ways and Means to rpport a bll placng all sugars on free lst and for rasng $00,000,00 0 revenue by an ncome tax. Bland says concernng resoluton: " have not consulted Ar. Wlson nor any one else, but have acted on my own judgment n sub pttng resoluton. My purpose s to press t f re s any ndcaton that general tarff bll wll fal." A BG CORNER N SUGAR. The Trust mportng mmense Quanttes Raw Product. Xew Yoex, July 30. What s sad to be a new move Amercan Sugar Refnng Company s bronght to lght through arrval steamshp Monkton Seaton yesterday, wth a full cargo raw sugar drect from Alexandra, Egypt. t s sad that ths cargo s one not more than two or three that have come here drectly from that port, and t s taken n certan crcles to ndcate beyond possblty a doubt that Sngar Trust s buyng up and shppng here all tho product n Egypt, so that t may not suffer mmedately through adverse legslaton n Washngton. Durng last few months shpments raw sugar to Amercan ports here reached enormous proportons, and at present moment warehouse here are full t. t s s sad that at no perod n hstory commerce New York has such an amount raw sugar been on hand. The raw materal now n storage ranges through all qualtes, whch s taken as anor ndcaton that trust s out for eveythng n sght. The shpments are from every sugar producng country on globe, and nclude greater part ot tne avalable wet sugar lately produced. By holdng all avalable raw product t has practcally cornered market and frozen out those who mght be able to do harm to trust. Whle shpments stll contnue. t s sad n shppng crcles y have fallen f late. Several constructons are pnt on th3. One a that Sugar Trust s nformed n order to ntroduce Chamberlans Cough Remedy here we sold several dozen bottles on strct guarantee and have found every bottle dd good servce. We have used t ourselves and thnk t superor to any or. W. L Moweet. Jarvsvlle, W. V. For sale by all Dealers, Beseos, Soth 5t Co.. Agents for H.. Pars has 90,000 trees n ts Btreeta. August S, Sg4. Tho trouble ovor selecton a jury to try natve cases horo looks as though t nuht be mowng serous to tho follows whoso names grace calendar. As tho consttuton does not provdo that Tawaa ns, natves shall bo tred by though t s a custom, aud ctzeus that natonalty cannot he procured f a remedy s needed t may bo found ouly n au act to bo passed by tho present Advsory Councl. h some parts tho Unted States, New York for nstance, to bo elgble to jury duty, a man "must bo a ctzen Unted States, a resdent tho dstrct n whch ho s called and be owue er n hs or hs wfes name, two hundred and ffty dlolars worth real or personal property." Ctzens are created by law and natves do not become ctzeus uutl tho statutes make m such. n ths ustauce takug tho oath to support present government s all that s necessary. Ths seems to decde tho queston "wher a change n form government nulltes ctzenshp people." To become a ctzen now, one must bo poltcally born agan and tho result last Alondays md wfery was that all but three panel ded "a boru." He only relef for tns state ot aflars seems to bo n amendng consttuton; men do not become crmnals untl j are convcted charges on whch y are tred aud uutl such convcton y are enttled to certan rghts. f y are not tred wthn a certan tme y have a good strong kck whch must be recognzed by court. We. cannot see where takng requred oath to support government s a guarantee that verdct rendered wll be accordng to law and evdence, result court and attornes should strve to obtan. The judcary beng consdered above poltcs t must not be supposed that court would be a party to ncreasng number supporters government by any such pecular methods. f you can get an artcle that wll do all and more than anor wll at same prce, t seems reasonable to decde that more versatle s The "D. & D." one to be used. polsher s one m. t does everythng that Sapolo does and more too, t polshes slverware wthout slch est njury to metal. Everyone who uses Sapolo knows that nstructons are not to use t on slvenvare. "D. &D." s purely a vegetable preparaton contanng no acds and may be used on fnest polshed woodwork wthout njury. "We are only people who sell ths artcle and we know t s good. Our btand Lamps, good qualty, at low prces, are what have been wanted n Honolulu for a year past. t has been hard to get a really servceable and stylsh lamp for a dollar and sx bts untl we found m n Pttsburgh. They are sellng rapdly and delay means a tallow candle: y cannot last long when people get acquanted wth r good ponts. We have a few ol burnng Radators that wll be n demand at beach when wear changes and n mountans even now. They are bult just lke an ordnary heatng stove except that y burn ol nstead coal or wood and beng on castors, y may be moved from one part house to anor wthout annoyance whch accompanes takng down or puttng up ppes. The heat can be regulated or shut f entrely by mere turnng a screw so that re s no necessty for. temperature a room beng anythng but just rght. The Hawaan Haedwaee Co., 307 Foet Stbeet.Uokolulu.,.

5 jr LOCAL BREVTES. The prce sugar was 3J at latest advces. Wllam Easse wll Jeave lor Xaala todav on th Alk&hala. The massenger servce has mounted ts bots on Columba bcvces. The August number Paras e Pacfc wll be out n tme fer Australas mal. The dfferent lodges Odd FelWw s wll gve a receptwn to G. D. Olman arexcelsor Hall ths evaa c. F. A. Schaefer t Co. have receved a fresh lot Apollnas water, whch y fer at low rates. The Arthur Whte case wl come ap.n Crcut Court ths mornng. t s last crmnal case on calendar. Tbe royalsts clam to be very jublant over news receved on Saturday. Where does jublaton come n? Capt. Campbell, tbe dock supertende nt nterslan d Company, left for Kapaa yesterday on tbe steamer Kaala. There s some talk startng Anor sugar plantaton on ths saad. The land selected s sad so be on tbe or sde Ewa. A proclamaton neutralty appears n tbe fcal column n ths ssee. t refers to tbe war beng waged between Japan and Chna. 3fr. and Mrs. Gorham B. Gnan are at tbe Hawaan Hotel. Thej have engaged passage on Marposa, whch leaves on 23d as. A natve ded suddenly at Koola u, ths sland, on Saturday alternoo n. Hs name could not be ascertaned. Alcoholsm s sad to be tbe cause hs death. Toemoe, toe bandboy who was arrested some tme ago on a charge ot attempted burglary, has been sent to prson for sx years. Hs companoc, Leon, was gven fve veers. Antone Cloys pleaded gulty yeserda y to a charge recevng stolen goods. t s understood that Cloys s wllng to leave coun try, and, f he does so. prosecuton wll be dropped. George Beckley, tbe purser Knau. wll try to make arrangements to have tbe local bcycle rders race on Volcano road. f he s successful a handsome gold edal wll be fered as a pr:e. There was a rumor current yesterday that cruser Champon woom leave port for a short cruse. t was ascertaned last nght that story was not so. The Champon wll reman n port, for present at least. Francs Harden, exle, wrtes tlsat f Chna wll not accept hs servces he wll ret urn to Honolulu a about three months. Francs gnores, wth a stojesm worthy a better cause, great fact that evervbodv wants to forget hm. A natve man, one Salvatonsts, was preachng near cshm&rket Saturday, when he suddenly dropped dead. A natve who was lstenng to hm, sad he was talkng poltcs, clamng that f exque was restored, natves would all de. Just as he aatshed ths statement, he dropped 4eed hmself. a course tbe next three or eor days Board Regstra m and tbe examners applcants br certfcates specal lghts, wll leave town for purpose holdng sessons n dfferent precncts throughout ths saad. Ths, course, wll necesstate a dscontnuance sessons n Honolulu. Doe notce when regstraton wll cease here for present and when t wll beressmed wll be gven by advertser ecl THE OWMS S WANTED.! ketrs x Tbs Open Captured, ea &e Stealer AEsrala. The Australa was searched from stem to stern on Saturday and as a result Depaty Port Surveyor GlSllsa eaeerd nnetys x tns epere. The drag was found n re anerent places, lae ce hobse was frst searched and every box fral was opened but no oaeea was dscovered. Glfllsn was aot dscouraged, however, and as he exprtsse t be "put on hs workng clos and went below where fremen and coalpasse rs resde, sad Jeter n day he was dwarsed as above stated. Ths s tse second eaptcre mace by Gl nfan wthn a month. TTAWATTA GAZETTE: TUESDAY. AUGUST 4, 894. SEMWEEKL Y. The Text Document Sent to Foregn Representatves. SEZ QUOTES CLEVELAND S MESSAGE. A lsrqnrtt Wrtten shortly Keforr rrouulcatlon Con.tltutlon That Koreljrn l)lplaat Do Not KeeBcnUe New Krpubllc. The followng s tbe text protest sent by Lluokalan to varous foregn dplomats just before promulgaton new Consttuton : Sr: Havng n mnd amcable relatons hrto exstng: between Government whch you here represent and Government Hawa, as evdenced by many years frendly ntercourse.aud bens: desrous urncnc to attenton your Government facts here followng,, Lluokalan, by tbe grace God and under Consttuton Hawaan Kngdom, Queen, do hereby soltmnly protest, that am now and have contnuously been snce Mth day January, A. D. S9, Consttutonal Soveregn Hawaan Kngdom; that on 7th day Jauuar v, A. D. S9S, n word Presdent tbe Unted States hmself : "By an act war, commtted wth tbe partcpaton a dplomatc representatve tbe Unted States, and wthout authorty Congress, Government a feeble butfrend v and confdng people has been overthrown. A suostanta! wrong has thus been done whch a due regard for our natonal character as well as rghts tbe njured people reqares we should endeavor to repar;" that on sad date and my Government prepared a wrtten protest azanst anv nd a acts done aganst myself and Consttutonal Government tbe Hawaan Kngdom by certan persons clamng to have establshed a Provsonal Government and for ths Kngdom; that sad protest was forwarded to Presdent Unted States, also to Sanford B. Dole, tbe Charman Executve Councl tbe sad Provsonal Government, and was by latter duly acknowledsed; that n response tosad protest Presdent tbe Unted States sent a specal commssoner n person Hon. Jas. H. Blount to Honolulu to make an accurate, full and mpartal nvestgaton facts attendng subverson Consttutonal Government Hawa and nstallment n ts place Provsonal Government; that sad Commssoner arrved n Honolulu on 29th dav March, A. D. 59S, and fulflled hs dutes wth untrng dlgence and rare tact and farness;: that sad Commssoner found that Government Hawa surrendered ts authorty under a threat o war, untl such tme onlv as Government Unted States, upon faets beng presented to t. should renstate " Consttutonal Soveregn, and tbe Provsonal Government was created to exst untl terms unon wth Unted States Amerk have been negotated and agreed upon, and also that but for lawless occupaton Honolulu under false pretexts by Unted States forees, and but for Unted States Mnsters recognton Provsonal Government when Unted States forees were ts sole supportand consttuted ts only mltary strength, and my government would never have yelded to Provsonal Government, even for a tme, and for ole purpose submttng my case to enlghtened justce Unted States, or for any purpose; also that great wrong done to ths feeble but ndependent state by an abuse authorty Unted States should be undone by restorng legtmate government! That snee tne nappenng o sau events, tbe executve, and " Congress Unted States have formally declned overtures sad Provsonal Government for annexaton tbe Hawaan slands to tbe Unted States. That notwthstandng sad rected facts, sad Provsonal" Government has contnued to exercse tbe functons government n ths kngdom to tbe present date, and that ts course from tbe tme ts ncepton to present, has been marked by a soces sko arbtrary, llberal and despotc acts, and by tbe eovtment and enforcement reteodv law " subversve tbe frst prncples free government and uuery at varance wth tbe trad ton?, hstory, habts and wshes tbe Hawaan people. That sad Provsonal Government has now recently convened, and s now holdng what t s pleased to term a Consttutonal Conventon, composed nneteen 9; self apponted members, beng Pres, dent and Executve and Advsory Councls sad Provsonal Govern meat, and eghteen (5), delegates Treeeu ov es luau leu rzz reu (.vj, loyal voters kngdom, consstng almost entrely alens. and chefly sueh alens as have no permanent homes or nterests n Hawa, and whch sad conventon s now consderng a draft a consttuton (copy whch s hereto annexed t submtted for ts approval by Executve Coancl sad Provsonal Government consstng Presdent and Mnsters re. That t s expressed purpose sad Provsonal Government to promulgate such consttuton as shall be approved by sad conventon wtho at submttng t to a vote tbe people, or any people, and to tbereopoa proelam a government under seen consttuton, "and under name Republc Hawa. That sad Provsonal Government has cot assumed a republcan or ojhtrr consttutonal form, but has remaned a mere executve councl, or olgarchy, set up wthout assent tne people : that t has not sought to fnd a permaueut bass popular support, and ha notglveu no evdence an ntenton to do so; that ts representatves assert that people Hawa are unft for popular governrueu t and frankly avow that ttey can be besr ruled by arbtrary, or despotc power, and that thu proposed Consttuton, so submtted by sad Executve Councl Provsonal Government for approval sad Conventon does not provde for or contemplate a free, popular or republcan form government but doe coutempl ate and provde for a form government arbtrary and olgarchcal powers, concentrated h hands a few ndvduals rresponsble to people, or fo representatves people, and whch s opposed to all modern deas free government. Wherefore,, consttutonal Soveregn Hawaan Kngdom, on behalf myself aud people my sad kngdom, do hereby agan most solemnly protestaganst acts aforesad, and aganst any and all or acts done aganst myself, my people aud consttutonal government Hawaan Kngdom, aud do hereby earnestly request that government represented by you wll not extend ts recognton to any pretended government Hawaan Kngdom, under whatever name t nayapply for such recognton, or than consttutonal government so deposed as aforesad except such government shall show ts ttle to exst by wll people Hawa, expressed at an electon wheren whole people shall have an opportunty, unembarrassed by force and undeterred by fear or fraud, to regster r preferences as to form government under whch y wll lve. Wth assurances my esteem, am, Sr, LlLCOKALAN. MORE EXCURSONSTS. A Yacht to Carry a Party Through South Seas. The followng letter was receved bv a busness man ths ctv on Saturday. t s y: San Leandro vca. ), July 2S, S9. Dear Mr. : was ou my way yesterday to take my tcket for Honolulu by one Spreckels schooners when accdentally beard a proposed excurson whch seems to ft my esse exactly. The promoters excursons to Chcago lat summer, wth whom n traveled, have been makng a busness excursons ever snce. They have now hred a beautful yacht 20 tons regster and 350 tons capacty, whch was bult here tbree years ago by a rch man for a trp round tbe world. The panc stopped hs trp for a tme, and yacht has been to Samoa, etc., provng herself a splendd sea boat. She N to take about twenty passengers under charge Captan Bray, who for ten years has been n charge vessel carryng supples to tbe uneaten mssonares South Pacfc sles. The Captan tells me that n all those years he has never once had to reef hs top sals. am gong to be one crowd, sure. We are frst to sal for Marquesas and vst two or three those slands. Then we drop n to an "atol" sland, about whch Darwn has wrtten so much, ext we reach Pomotan group, where we expect to make tbe acquantance real, genune, hungry savages wth unmpared dgestons. "Provded we are not absorbed re, we contnue voyage to Taht, where we stay a fortnght or so before salng for Hawaan slands. We make for Hlo frst and vst volcano whch you keep on tap re. Then we come to Honolulu and stay a week or so, where hope to gve vou greetng as n days yore. The trp s to be called "00 days trp," and s to cost 350, all ncluded. We are to take a naphtha launch along, and go vstng about tbe slands. The company want to make ths one popular excursons age, and to run several tmes a year. Ths tme y dont expect to make anythng but reputaton, but for tbe future prce s to besoto. The only drawback to me s that we cant get f before mddle or end ol September. So you have plenty lme to tell me what you thnkabout t. Yours sncerely. THE MOWERA ASHORE AGAN. Her Frst Voyage After Beng Repared Ends n Dsaster. n San Francsco papers tbe st nstant, a bref dspatch states that steamer Mowera, owned by Canadan Pacfc lne, whch salrd from Shelds July 9th for Odde, Norway, s aground near Askengod, on Norwegan coast. Her passengers were landed on an unnhabted sland. Xo or partculars are gven. The Mowera formerly ran between Sydney and Vancouver, va ths port. t wll be remembered that she went ashore here last November, and was saved by Captan Metcalfe, Lloyds surveyor. After she was floated she steamed to San Francsco for repars, but owners thought charges extortonate at that port, so she left for Vctora and later proceeded to England, where she was practcally rebult. She was ftted up wth refrgerators and an extensve cold storage planl Karal Chance. Wahsgtox. Aug.. Tbe Presdent today approved applcaton for retrement Admral Sfanton. to take effect July 30 Ths results n promoton Commo ; dore Erben, now co3macdc European Staton, to be B?ar Admral, and assgnment Commodore.Rchard Mesde to command Xorth Atlantc Staton, Tacated by Admral Stantons retrement. CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. Edtou: You wll please allow me a lttle your valuable tlmo and space n your paper. The Advertser 2d nst, contaned a communcaton, sgnet! "Hamakualte. t n a way pertans to matters legal wth whch! wll not bor, but allow me at same tme to say tht your correspondent confuses matters a lttle. One supposed perpetrators crme left Houokaa because he w out employment; f he had anor reason do not know t. At same tme some or gentlemen left, bou ml to Afrca va Australa, aud can fully say y were gnorant reasons for whch "supposed perpetrator crme" left. The otbtr man only made up hs mnd whle n metropols to go to Australa aud not to Afrca. cau say ths because he hmself told me that place was hs destnaton. Ths s to explau matters as contaned n your nformers correspondence, so as not to mx such true gentlemen as Messrs. t. T. Rlckanl, Sr., Charles ScbulU aud Joseph P. reland n that drty and foolsh act sad to be done bv "two Amercans." G. F. Afjoxso. Honokaa, August, S, S94. Mr. Enshee. Mr. Edtor: was shocked and surprsed at an artcle whch appeared n Saturdays Advertser anmadvertng on Mr. Bushee. Mr. Bushee has lved n our mdst for a great mauy years aud leaves behnd a throug frends who wll feel greved ou readng tbe artcle mentoned. Hs lfe for thrtyfou r years s known to many us who can testfy to ts purty." He lved n Waluku for sev eral years n seventes as carpenter for plantaton, and all who knew hm n apprecated hs frendlness and honesty. Beug strcken wth heart trouble he came to Hono lulu for advce and was gven up by bs physcans. He recovered somewb at and Messrs Xott Bros., who were sub contractors n a large busness whch Mr. Bushee managed n New York n S6, gave hm lght employment. By hs udustrous habts he "was gradually advanced, as busness grew, tobe bookkeep er aud manager. He was contnually under tbe care a physcan aud consumed great quanttes medcne, and re s no doubt t may have affected hs bran. He was over seventy years age and should have been retred long ago. do not know that he ever had tranng a bookkeepe r, uor do know who had been checkng hs work; but ths know, that he was thoroughly mbued wth prncples honesty, and f any trflng errors are found fn books concern y are errors a falng head rar than errors heart. Latterly he faled fast, and hs physcan advsed hm to leave busness and recommended a change clmate. Therefore he and Mrs. Bushee decded to go to Massachusetts where she had a sster lvng. He was very solctous that every lttle bll should be pad aud left wth me a sum money to pay all whch should be presented. have pad m all aud remtted hm bal ance. Would t not be better to wat untl a decded defct moment had been dscovered by a thorough expert than to have cast "out an nnuendo that so old and revered a gentleman had "er absconded wth consderable money bekneng to Mr. Xott, or that be had kept Mr. Potts books n such a way that ner head nor tal could be made m?" The people slands expect more Advertser. Respectfully, Jas. W. Grvx. Mr. Grvn s doubtless rght n hs opnon Mr. Bushee, and Advertshas never cast any slurs at hm. There mat a rumor fo effect mentoned, and t was nvestgated and found not so on Mr. Xotts own testmony. Then facts were publshed. Ed. The Polce Force n Uamakaa. Me. Edtor: The polce force ths dstrct never has had respect communty and never has been noted for ts brllant deeds. ts general ncapacty, ts abuse poston n carryng out petty sptes ts member, and all around worthlessnes s have earned for t contempt all respectable ctzens. By way, t s same old, easygon g, tmeserv ng force that we had under he monarchy; wth all ts royalstc proclvtes, neffcent n everythng and prompt only n drawng ts salary. The personnel force wll not bear t runs all way from a brbe taker, through a eonvcted"opum smoker, down to ts latest acquston, a prl eent and expert gantpowd er fsherman. What an array talent! When opportunty for acton came, t was atlrays found wantng, and n fact, t could never rse above arrestng a poor Jap for carryng poll on a Sunday or for rdng hs horse faster than "a trot. When crmes a serous nature took plare y were dumb founded knew not whch way to turu, nor what to do and dd nothng. On contrary, y endeavored to hush up last senous fence aganst law and morals, and even kept fenders posted, as to actons several persons who were endeavorng to have m punshed for r msdeeds, and so gave m an opportunty to qut country. A good rddance, we an say, out tne enus o justce are not satsfed that way. The members tbe force say that womans story was not worthy credence, she beng nsane. Tbe cel erty wth wbch culprts absconded proves reverse. What f tbe woman was poor, a natve, and half nsane; and only a few knew t at frst? Great God, s enormty an fence to be measured by extent ts publcty? f nsane, tbe needed our protecton; a natve, our consderaton, and poor, r sympathy. But Jrom our polce force she receved none se; only from communty, whose s?use justce and moralty were nexpressbly shocked, dd matter receve any consderaton... v.,.. J aa t: luajjkjbuu),utus3s When a crme s commtted, justce and publc demaud that St shall not be hdden md that fenders shall be punshed; but our force says thnt t shall be concealed, and that culprts shall not be punshed. Then so much worse for our polce force. When publc pays good nouey n mantanng a polce force, t expects to receve equvalent servce for t; t expects that force to do ts duty rrespectve color, money or nfluence; and when that force refuses to do ts duty promptly, publc has rght to demand ts dsmssal, nuln present case emphatcally does so. Mr. Sherff", you caunot gloss over ncapablty Hamnkua polce force. Gve us anor. The odor ts bad repute rrtates olefactory nerves every respectable ctzen u dstrct. What we want s an euergman for deputy sherff, who must be an earnest supporter present government am not secret sympathzer a defunct monarchy. He and half number present force wll be more than suffcent to preserve law aud order n ths communty. Anor Hahakuate. Hamakua, August 9th. HMl The Kewalo Pear. A monstrous allgator pear may be seen n wndow News Company, rased by Mr. H. 5. Whtney, at Kewalo, on Kng street. t s nneteen nches around long way, nearly ffteen nches small way, and weghs forty ounces, or two and oneha lf pounds. t looks more lke a medumsze d musk melon than a pear, but meat s very delcous, and about an nch thck. f such pears can be grown here, and ths s only a sample ths years fruts on tree, why may not such pears be rased for export? BTAUTHOETY. PROCLAMATON. Offcal nformaton havng beea re ceved by ths Government that a ttate war exsts between Emprej Japan and Chna, notcs s hereby gven to all subjects sad Empres, and to all or persons resdng wthn ths Republc, that y are prohbted from engagng er drectly or ndrectly n prvateerng aganst tbe shppng or commerce er sad bellgerents or orwse renderng ad or takng part n sad conflct and that strct neutralty Republc Hawa must be respected. Tbe protecton and Losptalty ports Hawa shall be eqaa!ly extended to bellgerents sa long as y respect neutralty ths Repablc. Execate Buldng, Anrast 3th, 804. SAXFORD B. DOLE, Presdent cf Republc Hawa. By Presdeat: Feancs M. Hatch, Mnster Foregn AfTus. 370S 5S7 3t ACT 2. As Act Relatng to Dkawsg Jcnons. Be t Enacted by Extcnthc and Ad rory Cometh UtfrnUk Hawa: Secton". Whenever from any cause a less number than twentyfou r properly qualfed jurors out any panel, natve or foregn, are n attendance at any term Crcut Court n any Crcut, or whenever durng term any Crcut Court, for any reason avalable number properly qualfed jurors from er panel now authorzed by law k less than twentyfou r, Crcut Judge toger wth a Clerk Court may forthwth n dscreton such Judge draw from tbe Crcut at large n tbe manner provded n Secton 2 here a new panel, or a suffcent number to make up a panel thrtysx n tbe Frst Crcut and twentyfou r n tbe or Crcuts: and tbe perrons so drawn shall genre for remander term for whch y were drawn, toger wth tbe qualfed members old panel, f any. Sectos 2. Sueh Crcut Jndgeto getber wth a Clerk Crcut Court or Judcary Department shall draw such addtonal panel as follows: For a natve jury n any Crcut such Judge shall select names ffty persons or aborgnal or part aborgnal blood; end from sad ffty shall draw by lot so many names a may be requred to make panel full For a foregn jury for Frst Crcut sad Judge shall select ffty names persons or than aborgnal Hawaans, and from such ffty shall draw by lot snch cumber as may be requred to make a full panel n all Crcuts or than Frst Grent whenever t s necessary or proper to have a jury composed wholly or n part ors than aborgnal Hawaans Crcut Judge shall summon such jury from tme to tmer as requred from Crcut at large. Secton 3. Tbe Crcut Judge may draw snocesrte paaete n tbe manner aforesad as many tmes as may be necessary. Szcnos 4. All laws and parts laws WMUMmJWLJH.UlfJWll "r "Se?. v n conflct herewth nro hereby rcpcttleusecto n 5. Ths Act shall take effect from and after ts publcaton. Approved ths 9th day August, AJ. SM. (Sgnal) SANFORD B. DOLE, Presdent Kcpnblo ot Hawa. (Sgned) J. A KNG, Mnster tho nteror. C7G. ACT 3. As Act to Ameso Act No. CG tuk Laws Pkovsoxa. ExTrn.ED "AjjActBbuats o to tub Laxoxo Alesr s Hawaan suvsna," n Marten st, SM. Be t Emtted by Exectttft and Advsory ConncU Ute Republc oj Hawa: Secton. Secton ono ot Act No. 6G Laws Provsonal Government, enttled "An Act relatng to tho landng Alens n tho Hawaan slands," approved March st, SM, s hereby amended by addng nt end sad Secton followng words, vz., "bndng such alen to work as an agnal rural laborer for n term ot not less than two years." Secton 2. Ths Act take effect from date ot ts publcaton. Approved ths 9th day August, AJX S9L (Sgned) SANFOKD B. DOLE, Presdent tho Republc ot Hawa. (Sgned) J. A. CNG, Mnster tho nteror NOTCE! The Board tecutralon and Examner for tbe Thrd Dstrct ( slands Mun, Mototal, acd LsmlJ wll hom.meetngs a follow!, begbongat 6 a. m. each daj At llanakaapoto, Jfaat, Thursday, July QSt SM. " Haelo, " Jtondaj. so. " Keanae nd UlalBO, Maul, Tnefdajr. July 3, SW. At lana, Man!, Wednesday. Anc., S9. " Klpahnta, Mau, Saturday, Ant..!, M. Kanpo, Monday, 6, " KhlkW and Kanalo, Tuesday, Ang. 7.SS. Olnpalakna.Janl, Wednesday. " 8, " " Walakoa, Kuta, Maul. Thnrsday. 9, " lalcawao, Frday, 0, " Kahakuloa, " Monday, 3, lonokohau and Kaanapall, Maul, Tuesday, Aos.l.lSl. Lahalna, Man!, Wednesday, 3, l. " Kalawao, Moloka!. Frday, Anj. T, 89 " Pefokuna, Saturday, S. " Ulaw, Monday, 20, " Pakoo. Tmesday, 2. " KaBmkaka, Wednesday, MoaoM, LuB.l, Thursday, S3, " " Labatua, Mart, xtarday, l Posted notces wll annoowe any or meet lag tbe held by t$ aforesad boards. e. W.AKDY. U.. DCKEY J. W. KALt A Makavaa. Jnl 3). SM.!STO Hstory tlc Conventon WHCH FRAMED THE CONSTTUTON f OF THE REPUBLC OF HAWA! Specal : Edton To satsfy demand for a Hstory Consttutonal Conventon, Gazette CPAXY has prepared and today ssues a report ts proceedngs, whch termnated wth Proclamaton tho 2Tew Consttuton on Fourth July at Executve Buldmr. The pamphlet wll also contan a fne portrat Presdent Dole, and New Consttuton n full, wth an ndex. The whole s enclosed n a most artstc llumnated cover, whch tself s worth prce charged for pamphlet. Early applcaton s necessary to secure copes ths memento brth Hawaan tepublc, as numerous orders are on fle, and edton s lmted. Now Ready for Dtlmy. PRCE 50c. Hawaan Gazelle Company, 33 MERCHANT STREET. Jf

6 !535T Mr K 6 TTAWrATTAN llll.and Godfrey Brown to Assume Management Bank. SDOH S TE2 RUMOR AT PRESENT. Thr Sale Concern r.lop and Company May AVorfc Great Chances n Houolulnllnk!ncClrce Mr.Hamon Wll lrobably Start a Uant. Sone weeks ago t was announced luat C. R. Bshop had told, or at least had made all arrangements to sell, hs nterest n bankng busness conducted here under hs name, to a company headed by Llenthal Brors, Sa n Francsco. One latter vr&s here a few months ago, evdently nvestgatng matters, and when he left t was understood that Mr. Bshops terms had been accepted, and that man who started frst bank n Honolulu was to step down and out, gvng way to new captal and Amercan money. Ths, course, was to be expected n tme, and, equally course, Mr. Bshop had a rght to dspose hs property as he saw ft. t has been known for some tme that Mr. Bshop was tryng to dspas all hs Hawaan nterests, and wanted to convert all hs property nto hard cash. Bat one phase transfer wll not be very acceptable to a large number Honolulu people. Ths s, that when tbe new bank s started, S. M. Damon, who has for so long conducted tbe busness bank, s to be removed, and Godfrey Brown put n as local manager. Speakng Hauler, a promnent busness man who does not wsh hs name used, sad yesterday : "That Lleuthals ntend to oust Mr. Damon s well known. But that Mr. Damon contemplates startng a new bank here, n event deal beng consummated, s not as reuerallv acknowledged. Godfrey Browu s to be p m as manager tbe new concern, and no recognton s to be made long ervces Mr. Damon. The latter has been n bankng busness here for over twentv vears, am he understands jeople thoroughly. There s probably t.o man n tovvu who has tn couflen ee as many large busness houe s as Mr. Damon. When deal was completed between Bshop and Llenthal, t was understood that all busness controlled by bank woul.j be contnued by new ooucern. But l Mr. starts knotter bank, us ramo. has t that he wll, he wll certanly take an ay a bg part clentele tbe pes ut mm. When Mr Daruou beard proposed sale, and fact that new propretors wa to put Mr Brown m as manager, he to crcumvent deal f posbl e. XaUrally, be does not w h to be left wthout any busness alter all hs ytar fathful servce. He went to San Francsco to l d out wher rumor were true, and under stand that le found thfy were. When He came back, he at once eutered nto negotaton wth severa moned men here, forth purpoeo f fndng out wher he could start anor bank wth auy assurance success.!eleve that arrangements to ths effect have been made. f that s case, Mr. Bshop wll bavcsoue trouble n telverng coods he promsed. Mr. Damon wll control sugar busner s at least fve bggest frms here, ncludng Castle & Cooke, Brewer & Co., aud Theo. H. Da ves & Co., aud loss busness tese frm would make a bg hole n prts new frm. Besdes se, Damon has. a large number frend amoug tbe smaller concerns, whch, n tbe aggregate, would amount to a great deal money beng thrown n hs way. Whe ths fact becomes known, t mav. course, nterfere wth tbe sale bank, as Lleulbals wll not wsh to buy a busness whch mght, and probably would, deprecate u value." Godfrey Brown, who s sad to be comng manager new bank, clamed to know nothng whatever about hs appontmeut. "Mr. Bshop has fered to sell hs nterest u bakat very favorable terms, whch wll undoubtedly be acceptedhe "Ams purchase money wll come from Honolulu, and some from Ban Francsco. Sx months are gven u whch to complete deal. As for smy beng apponted me manager o new coucern, that s al n future. Tbe drectors wll, course, meet and appont whom y please," on n spte Mr. Browns to contrary, t s generally understood that he s to assume poston manager, to excluson Mr. Damon. The latter sad, jesterday afu moon : "Ths new deal kves me out n cold entrely, anl understand that Mr. Brown s to be apponted. manager n tbe event negotatons gonc through. f ths s tbe case, shall certanly not be dle have been lookng around me snce my return, and may confdently say that can start a new bank here wth a bg chance success. Do not understand me to say that regret sale bank. The more foregn captal that comes to ths country tbe better t wll be for all us, as mosey makes money." Mr. Damon would not say who hs assocates are n plan startng j a new bank, nor was t possble to as certan r dentty. But that a y V FRANCES NEW PRESDENT. Zl. Jean CasmrPere r, who has been elected presdent France to succeed M. Carnot. was presdent Chamber Deputes before assassnaton Car" J He s 57 years age, very rch, and small but courageous. He s a btter foe anarchsts. FRANCES NEW PRESDENT, The electon M. CasmrPere r brngs to tbe Presdency France a man who represents n a large measure nfluences and tradtous whch were conspcuous u hs predecessor. As Carnot dd, he comes from party. But r proposal was ndgnantly rejected by hm, wth an a lamly whch has been conspcuous for several generatons n hstory swer France. The Perer famly that he would rar be a ctzen s related closely to Duke n a republc than a duke n a kngdom. n S90 he became daudflretpasqule r, who was emnent under VcePresdeut tbe Chamber, aud has been Napoleon The grandfar three tmes elected to that poston. new Presdent was a Presdent n November last he became Prme Councl under bourgeos Kng, Mnster, aud, falug a vote confdence several weeks later, hs Mns Lous Phlppe, aud ded n ls32from what was supposed to have been cholera. n realty he ded from treat s supposed to have been brought try was overthrown, and result ment nne doctors, who dosed hm about by hs own efforts to furr hs for three dseases from whch he had prospects as a canddate for Presdency. never suffered. He was n bed for three weeks whle doctors treated The new Presdent wll brng to hm for cholera. For three weeks Elvsee same measure o"f socal after ths he was treated for vrulent dstncton whch t has enjoyed under Carnot, whch was n turn such a bran fever and ultmately for gastrc fever. After hs death t was dscov contrast to bourgeos parsmony ered that he had suffered from noue se malades, and had taken to hs bed from results overexe r ton. Hs vtalty was furr weak eued aud ultmately extngushed by mnstratons hs doctors, The far Jean CasmrPere r was eldest son Mnster Lous Phlppe, and entered dplomatc servce when a young mau. When a member Legslature he protested aganst coup detat, aud was mprsoued for several days. On hs release he.retred from publc lfe, but was madea Mnster repub lc by Thers t lsl. le resgned from poston after a few months, but was recalled to fce two years later. He accepted appontment, but went out wth Thers admnstraton a week later. Jean Paul Perre CasmrPere r, new Presdent France, was born at Pars on November S, S7. He studed re, aud receved a degree at lb? Sorboune n lterature and hsur v. Durng tbe FrenchPruss an war he belouced to Mobllt daube, department hs. far.. had represented at tue outset o ns publc career. The regment was summoaeu 0 me cujma, auu ur uo personal bravery youug Casmrftre r was mentoned u poltcal dspatches, and decorated wth tbe button Legon Honor. He was from October, S7, untl February, S72, hs fars secretary n Hp Mnstry nteror. n order to open a poltcal career for hs sou, older CasmrPere r resgned hs poston n S74 aud presented hs sou as a canddate to electors NougentsurSeu e. The youug man, strong n that regon tnrougu tue u fluece hs famly, was elected to Chamber Deputes by 907 out cf 2)7 votes cast. Prevous to ths tme he had devoted some attenton to hs fars mnng nterests, but had acqured no poltcal experence beyond what hs dutes a hs fars secretary had gven hm. n same year, S74, he conducted an aetve poltcal campagn n hs department aganst M. Argeuce, Bonapartft canddate, aud n favor General Saussler, Republcan nomnee. At general electons n S76 for tbe new Chamber Deputes u arrondsement NougentsurSeu e he was a canddate wth a strong presson Republcan doctrnes, aud was elected by an overwhelmng majorty. He voted always wth majorty formed by Left Centre aud Republcan Left whch refused a vote confdence to Mnstr e Brogle. The unon between two partes was brought about by effots CasmrPere r. At electons whch followed dssoluton Chamber CasmrPer er was returned wth 655 votes aganst 3400 obtaned by Bouapartst canddate. Durng hs frst year n Chamber Deputes he had been apponted UnderSecretar u department Bardoeu Publc nstructon, whch M. x was Mnster. He remaned n ths poston untl S79. n S79 he pased from Left Centre to Republcan Left, and n SS became dentfed wth Republcan Unon. n February, SS3, after havng been agan elecfed year before, he re sgned ns seat when Chamber passed law excludng from fce all members former regnng fam les from publc fce, ou ground that t was mpossble for hm to reconcle hs poltcal sentments wth hs famly duty. Ths was an act whch would not fal to make ts mpresson on French people, and n a short tme he allowed hmself to be persuaded to become a canddate agan. He was elected, and n October, SS3, became Under Secretary ot War number sold, substantal men are, n Ferry Mnstry. He had never at Mr. Damons dsposal wth money before helda poston such mport money to start tbe new concern, and auce, aud when he resgned t as a monev to keep t gong, s undoubted. protest aganst agtaton lookng The result wll be awated wth great j to expulson tbe Orleans prnces nterest. t aroussd a temporary dstrust n hs T GAZETTE: TUESDAY. AUGUST 4, 894. SEMWEEKL Y. fact that hs poltcal career had been conservatvely republcan throughout. Several years later Royalsts presumed on ths acton, aud lered CasmrPer er an exalted poston n return for hs allegance to r Grevy days at Presdents resdence. Casmr Perer s a wealthy man, and hs wfe came a wealthy and noble famly. She was Count es3 jg sgur, and s conspcuous u yeld an ncome 300,000 francs or about $60,000 a year, whch n add ton to hs wfes prvate ncome aud Pars socety. Jlost wealth new Presdent comes from hs mne?, although a number country estates whch he owns have been, snce days revoluton, n possesson hs famly. Hs wealth s not so great as has been reported. t s sad that hs propertes,js arge salary as Presdent wll be sumceut to enable tbem to contnue tbe luxurance and splendd hosptalty at Elvsee whch were mantaned by Cam ts. The Presdents, town house n Pars was at 23 Rue Ntot. Hs mor was a Fonteueland CasmrPere r s a cousn Vcomte Gaston de Fontenela t, who was marred n ST7 n Pars to Mss Mm Smth, sste Mrs. W. K. Vauderblt, and lves now u Vrnna...,... nffur A... nmdtrlmr tllrlmlont..wu.v.u. resdeuce several year n ths cty, There are or aflatous famly wth ths country. The Perer s have suppled a number notabltes to tbe Church, and one se was Rose DuchesePere who r, ded here n S42 afteralfe devoted to relgous work. She came here, a nun, to Chrstanze Amercan ndans, aud her only complant when she was past seventyon was tnat net e advanced age prevented her from les cujg ndans from barbarsm and beausm and brngng m nto Church. Tue perer famly descended from a notarv w0 lved near Grenoble, n Dauphue, u second half tbe eghteenth century. The faraly prosperel, and n 775 notarys sou bought royal castle Vzlle from Duke Vlleroy, and dved re u state suted to a landed propretor, although he was only a uotarys sou. Ths was Claude Perer aud hs son was Mnster under Lous P lppe and grandfar new Presdent. A nece Claude Perer marrtd a. dstngushed lawyer Grenoble, and r daughter, RosePhllppue Duchesne Perer, who was born n 769 at Grenoble, was member famly who lved and ded n ths country. When regn terror was naugurated Perer famly had already settled u Pars, and, owng to grave poltcal stuaton, daughter, Rose, wa not enabled to take vel untl S0. The name Casmr belongs toanolde branch r famly, aud t has been legally made a part famly name. Casmer Perers republcansm has ten beeu questoned by hs poltcal opponents. Ths s a part hs speech, touchng especally ou hs poltcal creed, made u 593 when he accepted portfolo Foregu Affars: "The Government before you fnds ts duty traced by recent expresson wll country. Jsever has Frauce affrmed wth more force her attachment to Republc, her averson to a perod reacton, her respect for lberty thought and conscence, and ter fath n progress. Never has unversal suffrage more clear y condemned poltcs abstract formulas, unjust restrctons aud arbtrary classfcatons, nor more energetcally preserved, u face tbe ores certan schools, mantenance order and defence prncples gven to us by French revoluton lberty and ndvdual property." The new Presdent s a man mlar y bearng, graceful and polshed manners and dguty whch s so ten characterstc "f Frenchmen n hgh postons. Hs electon wll prove than that morepopula r Dupu v would have been, for spectacle a man such rearng aud tastes as representatve naton would probably have pleaded very few classes French people. Stll W TOHN nural 95 StttocrKscmrnts. n tbe summer season when walex supply gets low and ts mpoosble to get a a gla pare water, s tme when : :.SPAEKLXG NAPA SODA WATER s apprecated. We have a fresh lot ot ths Kng Table Waters Drect from Sprngs and cal care for ths market. bottled wth spe Every Bottle Warranted! fflffor sale by Bottle, Dozen! Case! and delveted to any part cty by HOLLJSTER DRUG CO., LD. Fort Street. Honolulu. NO! MPOBTER V2TD DBJAjKJa EST f J5pyE555S Steel and ron Eanges, Stoves and Extures EOUSEKRPHB GOODS HD KTCHEH DTM8LB, AGATE WARE N GREAT VARETY. Whte, Gray and Slverplate d. RTJBBJER HOSE! LFT AND FORCE PUMPS, WATER CLOSETS, METALS, Plumbers Stook, Water and Sol PpeB. Plumbng, Tn, Copper and Sheet ron Work, FOR DMOND 523 BLOOE. Gve Baby H HEfc JH AND NFANTSfelNVALlDS. JUST ARRVED PER B.AJt C. n. BRYANT. BABY JSL sad 97 KNG STREET. BENSON, SMTH & CO., A Perfect Nutrment for growng chldren, convalescents, Consumptves, dyspeptcs, and tbe.crl,and n Acute llne4&(! all Wsunz Hcsc4. THE Best Food for Handfe d nfants. avr. BOOK for nfracton motbers,tle Care nrnl VrJn c orndmt,"wn be ma!elrr to any address, a pon request. DOLBERGOODAL E CO, BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. Sole Agents for Hawaan slands. all styles, CARPETS, ECGS, and MATS n latest patterns, "Household Sewng: Machnes Hand Sewng Machnes, all wth latest mprovements.. Also on hand Westeraayerb Celebrated Cottage Panos Parlor Organs, Gutars and or Muscal nstruments SPFor sale by KD. BOFFSCHLAEGER & CCK Kns Street, opposte Castle CooKe Daly Advertser, 75 Cents per Month DELVERED BY CARRER. OacMSCo. are just n recept larre mportnlona by r ron Mrka "Paul cenberg" and "J. C. rflnger" from Eorope nnd by a number vessels from Amerca constog A Large aufl Cflplele ssortment OF TRY GOODS, ASFr SUCH ats, Gnslnmo, Cottons, Sheetngs, Demm, Tckngs, lpctt.9. Drlls, Mosquto Nettng, CortmnB, Lnwns, A FNE SELECTON OT DRESS GOODS. ZEPHYRS. ETC n latest styles. A splendd lne FLANNELS, black and colored MEltlNOS and CASH.MEHES. SATNS, VELTETS nnd PLUSHES, CHAPE. AC. TALORS GOODS, a full assortment, SleanR, Sleevetnncs, StfUnen, talan Cloth, Moleskn?, Meltons, Serge, Kammprns4c.,Ac &a Closng, Underwear, Shawls, Blanket?, Qalto, Towels. Tablecovers. Napkns. HntdkercuefH, Gloves. Hosery, Hats, Umbrellas, lnes and Carpets, tbtons, Lce and Erabodery, Cutlery, Perfamery and Soaps, Ac, Ac. 4c, Ac. Ao. A larse varety SADDLES, Venna and ron Garden Farntnre, ltechsten & Seller Panos, ron Bedsteads, Aaj, Amercan and European Groceres, Lquors, Beers and tnera! Waters. Ols and Pants, Caustc Soda, Sucar, Hco nnd (Jnbbaees, Sal Twne nnd Wrappng Twne. Wappng Paper. Burlaps, Flterpress Cloth. Holnc Slates, Square and Arch Frebrcks, nbneatm Grease kw v; cu. " tuv. OHCCl.UVJU,, Plan rou Best nnd 3 Best, Galv. Corrucated ron. Steel Bals, S and CO. 5. t. Bolts,Spkes and Fshplates, stcl Sleepers, Market Demjohns and Corks, Ac. ALS O Hawaan Su ar and Rco, Golden Gate. Damond, Sperrys. Merchants and Eldorado Flonr. Salmon, Corned Beef. Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. ST For sale on most lberal terms and at lowest prces. BY. ACRFELD & CO. BSMAEK STABLES, GENEP.AL LVEBV. Feel aufl Sale Stats Mau Street, Walnkn, Mr u. CARRABES OBTANED N S UlWll NOTCE wth relable drvers, SNGLE or DOUBLES TEAMS, SADDLE H0KSE3 Gentle for Lades use. H Carrages wll be at every Steamet land 7, on Steamers arrval., WH. GOODNESS, rroprletor and tangtr. TOHJNT NEAR CUSTOM HOUSE, HONOLULU mported and Dealer n Japanese Provsons, Dry Goods, AND EVERY LNE OF JAPANESE 3AXUFACTDKE. landjordee fathfully flled at reafo able prces, n quanttes to eot. P.O. BOX 6.. 3tUT.TEL.3S2 47.5J. MPORTERS, Hardware and Commsson MERCHANTS! General Merchandse! AGRCULTUKA. LAXTATOV MP. 3EXT3, SULlF.q. The Daly Advertser a delvered by carrers for 75 centb a monthfm g up Telephones 88. Now t he tme to subscrbe. Sh J ma vnf " A""jTjft&Aafc Aaajm,. grnsaf tc2g..jr;,fek.l

7 " Pt 5 r mubf mmnnnmnrurt rrrrn Tr"? a,vv HAWAAN GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 894. SEMWEEKL Y. to. t tt. FROM THE OTHER SUHDS. nterestng News Letters From Mau and Hawa. SO0AL EVENTS VERY ABUNDANT. A Chnaman Kll. forlufokf at Ha, uakapoko Cnlna lleporls Sucrr n legutratlon Voter The aalulnna Tre Or tem. Mss Deyo, Hlo, s vstng old frends n Makawao. t s Makawao versus Waluku at baseball ths afternoon at Makawao polo grounds. Mrs. Marks, Honolulu, s beng entertaned at D. D. Baldwns, Haku. About two acres rattoons were burned atspreckelsvlledurngthursda y evenng 9th nst. Msses Nckelsen and Lndsay, Kaua, are guests at Spreekelsvlle. They depart for Haua today. Mr. O. H. Dckey s back from Honolulu and wll jon Board Begstraton at Lahana. Mss Wng arrved ths afternoon and s domcled n pleasant resdence Mrs. H. B. Baley Makawao. Messrs. Arthur and Frank Baldwn, sufferers at Ogden from recent strke, arrved home well, Sth nstant. Durng 3d nstant a Portuguese named Jose de Mderos ran over and klled a Chnaman known as Ah Sam at Hamakuapoko. Yesterday, 0th nstant, Mderos was commtted for manslaughter by Polce Justce Copp Makawao. t seems that Portuguese was rdng hs horse wthout a brdle, gudng but not controllng hm wth a smple pece rope. The evdence presented dffers as to several facts, but n man probable story Orentals death s that he was knocked down by horse whch was er gallopng very fast or runr ng awav, and ron shoe on one anmals hnd feet crushed n Ah Sams forehead. He lved for several hours after accdent. Hon. J. W. Kalua, who has just returned from Hana, gves glowng accounts hosptalty Hana people toward Board Regstraton. Mclan e, Sressrs. W. von Graevemeyer, P. Judge Kalec,!X. Olmsted and many ors treated m most kndly. Qute a number natves were regstered n Kpahulu and Kaupo. The Board spends nest two weeks n Lahaua and on Moloka and Laua. Wear: Warm and delghtful, wth no prospect ran. Hlo, (Hawa) Aug. 9. Mss H. Austn entertaued a number frends at her home on Tuesday evenng last week. The nvtatons ssued some days before were orgnal and very neat two plan whte cards ted toger wth a danty bow rbbon one announced that "Mss Harret Austn would be happy to have you jon her n study geography Tuesday evenng, July 3st, S9," and or sad "Please represent some geographcal feature or desgnaton by.means a smple devce." Some "smple devces" proved qute puzzlng. reland was well represented rf Mss Cunnngham, Dubln. Mr. Schoen, Belfast. Mr. Scott, Cork. Hawa, Mrs. Baldwn, Pearl Cty. Hlo, Mss Alexander. Damond Head, Mss Rce. Mr. Whtney representng Mt. Whtney. Mss Hatte Htchcock, Chle. Mss Wng, Cape Flattery. Mss Broderck, Pekn., Chna. Mss Dan els, Chcago, and manv ors helped to make a very enjoyable evenng, ce cream aud cake were served as re fresbments. On 3rd nst. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Rose entertaned a large number r frends at r home on Church streetj event beng annversary twentyffth, r weddng. The event was spent very pleasantly n conversaton and dancng whch wa3 kept up tll mdnght. Mrs. Rose was asssted by her daughters, Mss Rose and Mss Paulne n entertanng guests. Pr. Adelsten San Francsco gave a very successful and enjoyable concert at Hlo Courthouse on Saturday evenng, August 4th. The followng named lades and gentlemen asssted at entertanment: Mrs. J. Lews, soprano; Mss Porter, panst; Mss Lougher, soprano; Mr. F. M. Wakefeld, bartone; Dr. R. B. Wllams, voln; Pr. Adelsten, mandoln and lute. PERSONAL JOTTXGS. V. R. Castle returns to Honolulu per ths Knau. Mrs. Castle s stll a guest at Volcano House. Mrs. Henry Deacon Pepeekeo s vstng her sster n Hlo. Mau, August. Durng Thurstla y evenng, 9th nst., Mr. and Mr. C. E. Rchardson and famly Mrs. H. r. Baldwn gave a "welcome are enjoyng bracng clmate Kluuea. Lome recepton" to r four sons, Judge Barnard and Manager MacLenn au who have recently returned from varous Eastern colleges to spend vacaton Mss Alexander Honolulu who s Laupahoehoe are n town. days at Haku. guet Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Baldwn pad her respects to Madam Pele Makawao, Kahulu and Spreckelsvll e last week. people, toger wth a number We may expect soon some nterestng pctures Volcano n her pre summer vstors, made garng a large one, and perfect nght, sent state from brush D. Howard Htchcock, who came up from wth ts balmy breezes and st moonlght, added much o success nau. Honolulu on last trp K occason. Mss Coan Hlo s spendng her Vocal musc by Mrs. Perley Aken vacaton at Volcano. Husteds Drectory representatve s and Mss Kate Flemng, and nstrumental by Mrs. Forest and Star tons. n town, canvassng ads and subscrp Orchestra, was much apprecated and Toursts and sland vstors who have been applauded. n Hlo durng past two mouths wll go away from here doubtng truthfulness many web Freworks on lawn was sensaton evenng. The guests stores that have been told to m n grouped mselves on verandas past much slandered lttle and walks, and strnged baud town. Mr. Coler representng played lvely strans whle most NewYork Lfe nsurance Co. s actvely excellent pyrotechnc dsplay was n engaged n canvassng dstrct for progress. applcants for lfe n hs After ce cream and cake t was company. Madam Moore Honolulu s to goodby to Baldwn boys and have a dancng class n one vacant rooms at Unon School. homeward bound, wth thoughts anor delghtful event hauntng Th Protestant Portuguese Church sand. s recevng a c at palut. On followng evenng, 0th The bark Anne Johnson brought nst., anor charmng affar a down fve cabn passengers: Mss dancng party u honor Mss Eva Emma Schoen, Mrs. R. A. Wllams. Smth, was gyen u n autl rs T. F. Grndell, T. M. Harrson and Taylor, Hamakuapoko Here agan Geo. J. Green; also 25 mules forpahal Star Orchestra dd brllant work, plantaton and a fve horses for and earned grattude twentyfve merry guests, among whom vessel expected. Hlo. The C. F. Crocker s next Yale, Harvard, "Tech" and Hotchks s were represented. The event was a most eujoyable one, and candles n veranda Kohala (Hawa), August 9 The lanterns burned low, very low, ere re planters clos are gettng all luctant farewells were uttered and m bagged at knees agan, prayng patent anmals turned homeward. for ran. f Republc s to come STRAY SCKBBLXGS. up to our expectatons t, Kohala ought to have ran wthn a week. The new plant cane has made a beautful start, but re s not much mosture n ground for t to feed on. The rans we have had already have not penetrated far below surface. Ths s also pretty generally true all our rans for a year past. The crop cane that s to be taken f ths wnter, seems to have no deep roots. The stalks cf cane, havng but lttle roothold n ground, have to be handled carefully ths year. We have threatenng skes toward nght fall, and sometmes a sprnkle ran, but showers seem to fall just f shore. The roads are gettng duster than y have been for four months; but that does not prevent rdng partes se moonlght nghts. Trps are beng taken to many our famous ponts nterest. t s sad that a large party lately spent all early part nght searchng for teau, and a good deal rest nght fndng r way back. But y got re anyway, as Kohala folks generally do, and y all got back before breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. R. t. Hnd and Mss Molle Hnd leave by ths steamer for Honolulu, on r way to r San Francsco home. Mss Dce Semnary also returns to Honolulu by ths Knau. Mss Hnd gave a farewell party on Tuesday ugut. everyone was mere, and a delghtful tme was spent n dancng and or amusements. The Kohala Lterary gave anor r popular entertanments last Frday eenng at Semnary. Papers were read by Mss Bruce and Messrs. Barnett and Renton. Selectons from George Elots works were read by Msses Bcknell, Pope and Pauldng. The musc was furnshed bv Mss Dce, Mrs E. E. Bond. Mrs. J. Hnd and Master Robbe Bond. After lterary half an hour was spent n Pcture Gallery, a unque aud u genous means entertanment. Mrs. G. F. Renton aud Mss Bruce explan ed mysteres connected rewth. As already told u your paper be done towards savng buldng, but all that was rescued from man buldng was sx bags rce. The wnd blows from mauka, and all Mahukona store and otlces were entrely destroyed by fre. At fve oclock that evenng when place was locked up for nght everythng seemed as usual. But three hours later, at eght oclock, a Chnaman about a quarter a mle away saw flames Burstng through ro n about mddle buldng. t was a wooden structure wth shn gle ro, and not only could nothng ples lumber maka were consumed. The store, Ralway fces, Post Offce and Port Surveyors fce were all reduced to ashes. There was tme enough for Postmaster and Collector Customs to secure most f not all documents and memoranda before fre rea( hed those fces. There was only one Japanese letter burned. Owng to large stock pants and groceres on hand, fre burned on, long after buldng had dsappeared, and burstng cans made t sound lke a battlefeld. There vrere large stores r.ce that.burned lke authracte wth lttle or no flame, but an ntense glowng heat. The fre burned for twelve hours. Owng to exceptonal heat safes suffered more thau s usual n fres n ordnary buldngs. There was a good deal slver con n one safe, and t all came out as black as though t had passed through chemcals. The glare fre could be seen all over Kohala, flame tself beng vsble twelve mles f. Mr. Falk njured hmself by runnng aganst a car on track on hs way to fre, and Mr. Lews was overcome by smoke whle helpng Mr. Sms remove hs thngs. The orgn fre s not known. The loss s partally covered by nsurance. Xew stores goods have been ready al receved from Honolulu and busness wll go on as formerly. Mr. Bushee JOHN NOTTS BOOKS. Left Them n Very Bad Shape. J. L. Busbee and hs wfe left here on Warrmoo July 3d, for States. Mr. Bushee expected to go drect to Boston, where he proposed to lve for rest hs days. Snce Mr. Bushees departure many rumors have been crculated around town. The majorty m have been to effect that Mr. Bushee had er absconded wth consderable money belongng to Mr. Xott, or that he had kept Mr. Xotts books n such a way that ner head nor tal could be made m. Mr. Xott was asked about matter yesterday He sad : " do not thnk that Mr. Bushee has tred n slghtest degree to take anythng that dd not belong to hm. For some tme before hs departure, notced that he was becomng careless, and beleve that hs mnd was affected. When he left, hs books were n a bad shape. Accounts that were pad appeared on m as not settled, and debts that had not been settled appeared as pad. have had an expert on books ever snce hs departure and y are not straghtened up yet. really thnk that Mr. Bushees mnd gave away durng last few years, but as for thnkng hm dshonest, t s absolutely out queston." H. B. Atkns, who s workng on books, says that he has never seen such a set accounts. Credts aud debts are so mxed up that t s almost mpossble to tell whch s whch. But both he and Mr. Nott agree that re seems to be no attempt at crookedness. WENT ASHORE AT KAPAA. The Steamer James Makee Goes on a Reef, but s Floated. The steamer James Makee went on reef at Kapaa on Saturday afternoon, as she was proceedng to sea on her way to ths port. She was floated nto deep water after a short tme, and now les moored at place mentoned, awatng arrval a new smokestack, old one gong by board owng to guy ropes partng. t wll be sent ths evenng on steamer Kaala. The Makee s expected n port on Wednesday, when extent ot damage wll be ascertaned. There was a report around yesterday that Captan Peterson had had hs cargo 500 bags paddy thrown overboard to lghten vessel, but story s not true. t s ead that when steamer struck all natve salors jumped overboard and swam to shore. Ths s one case where y preferred water to a shp or anythng else. HoodsOyres Saved My Wfes Lfe Weakness, Ncrvou: ncsa, Sftlt Rheum. SV"T5vfcfj 3 Vf 3b John TV. Jonea Kalama, "Wsh. " Of my own free wll and uccord, tmblased bj anyone, and wshng only to do good to afflcted, wsh t tell ot good qoalluea o Hoods Sarsaparlla and ood3 Fll. thnk re are no medcne equal to m, and hare proted r mert by experence n my own famly. My wfe, Bachel, has been afflcted wth weakness, nervousness, and salt rheum. spent nearly all that had ths worlds goods for doctors blls and medcne untl wa decded to try Hoods Sarsapanlla. t undoubtedly Saved My Wlfo From Crave. The salt rhenm has entrely healed and n s restored to good hrnlh. hat6 many blends and relarltes n east who wll b glad to know that Hoods Sarsaparlla uas cura my wfe.".tnrrt W JftVFt Kalama, AVaa. Get HOODS; HOODS PLL8 aretbtrerdhnrpffl j xut sufaaos, cur heaacc. Try a box. Wc HOBRON, NEWMAN & CO., S366 Wholesale Agents. From Moment Brth CUTCD SOAP &m H)Ecrtuj:Ko:tf USe KT trf t s not only purest, sweetest, x "5? and most refreshng nursery and tolet soaps, a fc., but t contans delcate emollent propertes, whch purfy and beautfy skn, and prevent skn blemshes, wher smple or heredtary, from becomng lfelon g afflctons. f t j T. To know that a sngle applcaton Cctcura Remedes wll afford xylo LlCS nstant relef, permt rest and sleep, and pont to a speedy and economcal cure torturng, dsfgurng, tchng, burnng, and scaly humors, and moments delay, s to fal n your duty. Cures xnace n cm.onood are speedy, economcal, and permanent. JVTot h ers not to nsc era wou a Sold throughout world. Prce. Cutcura. oc: SoAr. asc: Resolvent. S. Bensoh Smth & Co., Honolulu, H.. t&fcv4svy5. J3C J All about Babys Skn, Scalp, and Har, maled free to any address. Dr. J. OOLLS Orgnal ajtaol COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHTS DR J. COLLS BROWNES CHLORODYNE Vce Chancellor blr. V. PAGE WOOD stated publcly n Court that Dr. J. COLLS BROWNE was undoubtedly NVENTOR CHLORODYNE, that whole story defendant Freeman was delberately untrue, and be regretted to say t bad been sworn to. See The Tmet. July 3, 864. DR. J. COLLS BROWNES CHLORODYNE s a lqud medcne whch assuages PAN EVERT KND.aflords a calm, refreshng sleep, WTHOUT HEADACHE, and nvgorates nervous system when exhausted. DR J COLLS BROWNES CHLORODYNE s TRUE PALLATVE n CANCER, NEURALGA, GOUT, TOOTHACHE. HEUMATSM. n UENTURE BROWNES OLORODYNE o JOST RECEVED A FURNTURE and OF THE LATEST Only Bedroom Sets, Wcker Ware, Cheffoers and Glal rs KEPT ON US HOPP GrOXVtlTO. THE GREAT SPECFC FOR rjlarrhcea, Dysentery: CHOLERA TheGENERALBOARD nealth, London, REPORT that t ACTS as a CHARM, one dom generally suffcent. Dr. GBBON, Army Medcal Staff, Calcutta, states : " two doses completely cured xz ot DUBnncEx." DR J COLLS BROWNES CHLORODYNE Rapdly cms short all attacks ef EPLEPSY, SPASMS, COLC, PALPTATON, HYSTERA. MPORTANT CAUTON. The M! MENbE SALE ths REMEDY haseven rse to many UNSCRUPULOUS MTA TONS. N. B. Every bottle GENUNE CHLORODYNE bears on Government stamp name nventor DR. J. COLLS BROWNE. Sold n bottles. s. lmd., f. H. and 4s. 6d., by all Cbemrts. Sole Manv pactuhkr J. T. DAVENPORT. 33 Great Russell Street. London, W. (. 498lr NEW LNE UP TO SDT ALL AT THE LOWEST PRCES; ALSO, ALL KNDS OF Ma: FACTORNG DONE N FURNTURE, BKDDXG AND UPHOLSTERNG, AND BEST QUALTY OF LVE GESSE Emm, BAB, MOSS AND EXCELSOR. HAND; ALSO THE LATEST PATTERNS F WCKER WAR N SETS OR SNGLE PECES. lvspedal orjpra for Wcker Ware or all Hnda FurnftBrp to snt at low prces. 3T or.lers from or slawla wll receve our prompt attenton. ad Famture ll b well pu&el and goods sold at S.n r rancaoo pro" ASK 4S0 PATTEBN8 a:4 nmjtalrm?! UPftOLSTERT POR X CO., 74 Kng Street. p An tea Uut each Jar beara Baron Lebg Sgnature n Bas nk acrou Label. FNEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK FOR SOUPS, HADE DSHES AND SAUCES. nvaluable for nda as an Effcent Tonc n all To be hl an Storteejwr ad Dealers throughout nda. cases Weakness. Keeps Rood Cookery Books n Pot Free on Applcaton hottest to Clmates, and for any Company. length tme. LEBGS EXTRACT OF MEAT Co., Lmted, Fendmrch ATeane, London, England. Toursts Gude Through Hawa. Prce 60 Cents per Copy; Foregn, 75 OnLa, Encludng Ppatage. turdl faxrltkmcrf Gffll k ODOD MPORTERS, Hardware and General Merchandse The Rochester Lamp Company was gven tho hghest award at Worlds Far for artstc Lamps, Shades, Burners, etc. We are ferng ns a specalty r fno, WTH LA COLORED LNBN 8HADE. These Lamps are slverplate d beautful desgn and are sold at a low prce. We also carry a complete and well selected stock or lamps varous szes, p Uterus and prces, hut call your specal attenton to those Parlor Lamps. We have handled CLAUS KNVES for over a year and have always found m to gve good satsfacton, whle n Outlery Lne we have many new desgns n Carvers, Table Cutlery and Spoon3. Oar stock s a large one. We have a good artcle n Spoons at $2.25 a dozen ts somethng new. Agan ts somethng now n TOWEL KAOKS. They are nckel plated, n no way bulky, can be adjusted to anythng, are neater than wooden ones, cost less, look better, are better and are just what you want, from 5 cents up. SOAP, SOAP f you ever use t, you know BROWN SOAP, BLUE MOTrLED SOAP and CASTLE; you can get n quanttes to snt. CASTLE & 000KE. HAVAEANS.. FRST but you must take advantage wonderful chances fered to boys by KMKHAMEHA SCHOOLS or ors may. Schools open Sept. o. Wrte at once to Theodore Rchards Manual and Alce E. Knnpp. Preparatory. NORMAL DEPARTMENT opens. Entrance by Examnaton or Government Certfcate. 573l m 08. SEWR & CO.S Boston Lne Packets. Shppers wll please take 3 notce that "AMERCAN MOHCAN BARK Leaves New York on or about JULY 5 for ths port, f suffcent nducement fers. jyfor furr nformaton, apply to Chas. Brewer & Co., 27 KlbySt, Boston, llas3., or to V. BUEWER & CO. (LD.), Honnlnln Atrfnts. Crown Flour FOB SALE BY Castle 3583 & Cooke 54lm tf ll rttrmt,lfcm r ;hnffrjlwrlrnjt8!atlwftfr

8 $ f qw j ypmwg j lw " 8 HAWAAN GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 894.SEMTVE EKLY. FOKZON MA t. 8KKVCK. Steamshps wll leave for and arrve from San Francsco, on followng dates, tll osa 89. as. at hokolultj LtAVE HOSOXLU Fm. Sas Fbakcbco Foe Sa.k FaAKCf co OB Vascouteb oe Vancouver On or About On or About Arawa.Aug. 24 Australa....Aug. 8 Alameda....Aug. 30 Cuplc..Aug. 2 Chna......Sept. 3 Mnrt)0a....Aug. 23 Australa.... Sept. 8 Warrmoo...fcept. Warrmoo.. Sept. 24 Australa..Sept. 5 Manposa... Sept. 27 Monowa. Sept. 20 Oceanc.. Oct. 2 Arawa......Oct. 2 Australa.....Oct. 6 Pekng......Oct.9 Arawa......Oct. 24 Australa.. Oct. 0 Mnnowa.....Oct2 5 Alameda. Oct. S Australa....Nov. 3 Warrmoo.. Nov. Chna.Nov. 2 Australa.. Nov. 3 Alameda....Nov 22 Manposa. Nov. 5 Warrmoo..Nov. 2 J Oceanc....Nov. 9 Australa....Decl Arawa..... Dec.l Oceanc Dec. Australa..Dec.8 Marposa....Dec. 0 Jlonowa.. Dec. 3 Arawa.Dec 24 Warrmoo...Dec 3 Australa...Dec. 23 Chna..Dc3 Tdes. Bun n Moon. S e o o a S o S?J 5;?: s: " ;r " So r 3a h a 2 r? p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.p.m. OD S J 3. 7 m... t S.3S ea S C rhnr G S.Co rses ft lt l S 8. "nn... 9, S S3 Full moon on 6th at 2h. 46m. a.m. Tme Whstle blow at n. 2rm, St. P.K. lonolulu tme, whch ll same aa 2h. Cm. C. f (Jreenwch tme. For every 000 feet ol dnacce observer.from Custom House) allow one second for transmsson sound.or S seconds to a stnte mle. Meteorologcal Kecorrt. S TM OVSttSEKT (COVET. rubuhb EVZ3T COS3AT. lutttu E c E " t.??.? H KE E C9 M E ESE JE ENE CO 4 EMS 4au. S3.ll tfo toe We, nm frl C6 4st M Barometer corrected for temperature and electon, bnt not for lattude. SHPPNG NTELLGENCE. AUUTATS. Keday, Aug. 0. Stmr walau, Freeman, from Kaua. Stmr Wamanalo, Davs, from crcut Oalm. Stmr Kaala. Thompson, from Waanao and Kahuku. Sauat. August. OSS Australa. Houdlette, from San Francsco. Strur Jlokol. McGregor, from Moota and Lana. fclur Waaleale, Smytle. from llamaku a and Lahana. Stmr Kndu. Clarke, from Hawa and Mau. SUSDAT. AUgUSt 2. Schr W S Talbot. Slulm, from Newcatle. Stmr Mkahala, Haglund, from Kaua. Stmr Olaudne. Cmeron. from Mau. DZFABTUBZS. Fedav. Aug. 0. Stmr W O Hall, Smersou, for Mau and Hawa. SCKPAY, AUgUSt 2. U S F S Phladelpha, Barker, for San FrancUco. Mokcay, Aug. 3. Stmr Kaala, Thompson, for Karjaa. Stmr walan, Freeman, for Lahaua and Honokaa. Stmr Mokol, McGregor, for Moloka ad Lana. VEWSK.? LBAl M TOA. Stmr Knau, Clarke, for Mau and Hawa at 2 pm. Stmr Waaleale, Smy, for Makawel. at 4 pm. stur Mkahala. HagluDd, for Nawhwu and lanuuaulu at 5 n. Stmr Claudue, Cameron, for Mau at 5 pm. VKSSK.S N JK7. (Ths lst does not laccde cotr KAVAL VESSELS. HUMS Champon, tooke. Vancouver. MEBCHAKTMEh. Schr W fa Talbot, Bluh ra. Newcastle, N S W. OSS Australa, Houdlette, San Francsco. H t V Kt, Morrson. San Francsco. Jlk Alandra, Barfeld, Newcastle, N S W Bk A bert, GrfDbs, San Francsco. Am bktnes N Castle, Hubbard, San Fran. Am l)k Klktat, Cutler. Port Townsend. Am bk Amy Turner, Warland. New York. FOREGN VESSELS EXPECTED. Ve tt.erejoo m. Am schr WS Phelps...Grays Har...Due Sch Allen A... SF(Mah)... Due SchrKobt Lewers Grays HVr... Due BarkSenta Lverpool...July 30 BuSG Wlder SF...Augl6 BrshpOrmara Newcastle Aug20 Sclraade SF(Kah). Aug20 O k O S S Belgc Yokohama..Aug 2t BkODBrvant SF Aug22 U M S a Marposa bydney Aug 23 CASS Arawa.Vancouver.Aug 2 Bk G N Wlcox... Mddlesborough. Aug 2. Bktne Planter... Laysan sland..aug29 OSS Alameda S F...Aug 30 CASS Warrmoo... Sydney Sept PMSSChna SF S pt4 Bktne John Smth. Newcastle..Sept 4 Gerbklau senberg.bremen... Nov Bk Kontenbeck Lverpool....Nov 23 PASSENGERS. AEKVALS. From San Francsco, per OSS Australa. August A J Campbell, Ms Emma Cameron, Mss Pearl Cameron, Mss Hannah Eastman, W M Johnston. Ms Alce H M Keyworth, Ms Bertha W Kmbl, B A Knght, C t McVegh and wfe. Mss Dora E Pullcn. Mrs Ptts and son, John Mmmer and wfe, Mr an! Mrs Saston, Mrs Wray Taylor and chld, MrsW.M Thrds, Mrs Chas Wllams. Mrs C L Wght. Mrs C Warner, L C Warner and wle, C M Walton. From Mao and Hawa, per stmr Knau, August Volcano: G C Potter, O S Wllams, J D Letcher, W F Hlbron.G WalH F Clfford. Mss Llle Love. Mrs W H Hoogj, V L Hoogs, A W Crockett. W L Whtney. Theo Rchards, Master C Smth, W t Castle, T F Grndell, G t Mahoney. Judge W F Frear and wfe, Dr J M Whtne v and wfe, Mrs J T Lews and daughter, Mfss tel, Mss Whtnev. Way forts: MrsJSemson and 3 chldren, ll R wfe. Mss M E Hnd. Jas M Hnd, L Aseu. wfe and 6 chldren, Mrs J Shaw and chld, Mrs Neal, Mss Jula Qunn, Mss Emma Kane. Mss D Hand, Mss M Dce, Chas Lake, Wm Berlowtz, S G Wlder, and 80 deck passengers. From Mau, per stmr Clandne, Aug 2 G P Wlder and wfe. Mss Vda. Mss Helle n Wlder, W H Comwell, J S Kaleo. wp am 2 chldren. Mss Kawanu, D Toomev, Trevenen, Rev J Okabe. C W Gray. Bro Meha.l. Bro Alfred, r S Tregloa n, A Buchhollz, W E Rowell, D Kanuh a, F W Macfarlanc and son. Mss M Whtter, Mr Chrstansen. Goo Tang See. Mon Wa,S Ahm, Hop Yune, Y Alau, and and 45 deck. From Kaua, per stmr Mkahala, Aug. 2 W F Allen, U D Olman. A M Snroul, Mss Macfarlane, Mss Wdemann, H Gorman, W Crowell. G Carter. F Carter. Bshop Wlls and wfe, W Wrght, Mss E Blake, Mrs Jackson, and 40 deck. DEPAETCEES. For Mau and Hawa, per stmr W G Hall. Aug 0 Volcano: W W Nott. Mss Florence Nott. Way ports: Mss Greenwel l. Mrs H N Greenwell, D Kahaulelo, K Okots, F Grau. C H Dckey, N Omsed.? Chllngworth, H Aheen and boy, C B C B Wells, and 40 on deck. DED. MCALLSTER n ths cty, August 9, 89, Freddy C. only son J. V. and Hatte C. McAllster, aged 2 years, 7 months and 3 days. JTV San Francsco parers please copy. ORDWAY" n San Francsco, July 30, 89, Robert Jackson Ordway, dropsy, aged CS years, a natve Belfast, Mane. Far Wm. F., Geo. A. and U. J. Ordway ths cty, and Mrs. A, Lyda tt San Francsco. JOHNSTONE n Alameda. Calforna, July , Rev. Alexander Johnstone, aged OS years, a natve Pennsylvana, and far Mr. Arthur Johnstone Honolulu. WHARF AND WAVE. The German bark Paul senberg left Bremen for Honolulu on July 3et. The Bteamer Belgc left Yokohama on st net. for Honolulu. She wll be due on 2st. The steamer Kaala left for Kapaa yesterday afternoon wth a new smokestack for steamer James Makoe. The bark Alden BeEse, formerly sugar fleet, s now moored n Oakland creek watng for somethng to turn up. The Hawaan &hp John Ena arrved at Port Prc, Australa, from Port Gamble, on st nstant. She was lumber laden. The mssng ffteen men wrecked whalng lark James Allen were recently pcked up n Arctc by a sealng schooner. A darng marner named Captan Adolph Fretch left New York on 3d nst. n a nneto n schooner. He s bound for Queeustow n alone. The vessels leavng today are Knau for Hawa and Mau at 2 p. m. ; Waaleale for Kaua at 4 p. m. ; Claudne for Mau, and Mkahala for Kaua, both at 5 p. m. The U. S. S. Bennngton was recently ordered from Salvador to San Francsco. On board are General Antono Ezeta and three or Salvadoran refugees, whose cases attractej wde attenton. The recent arrval a fleet deepwat er shps at San Francsco has added to large number vessels n Msson Bay and or parts harbor. Fully sxty shps all rgs and tonnage are anchored wthn sght passng Oakland boats. Not n ffteen years have r been eo many vessels lyng dle. The steamer Australa, Captan Houdlette, arrved from San Francsco on Saturday mornng wth twentyseve n cabn and thrtyfv e steerage passengers and fftyfv e bags mal. Fne wear was experenced throughout voyage wth lght norrly wnds for frst two days and n lght trades to port. The past season has been a most dsastrous one for sealers, and owners vessels are prepared to hear almost any calamty. Fve schooners have been lost and became total wrecks. Four m sent crews to watery graves, and so far t s known that nearly a hundred lves have been lost n hunt for seals snce season opened. Ex. Thomas St. Clar, condemned murderer mate bark Hesper, s at present confned n San Jose jal. The Unted States Marshal recently placed two extra guards to watch hm untl hour hs extcuton arrves, as t s feared he wll make an attempt to escape. The executon has been Eet for Frday, September st. For frst tme n hstory world a warshp has been cut n twan, reptched, and successfully launched agan upon seas, says Chcago Herald Chef Naval Constructor Frank M. Fenald, Brooklyn navy yard, has just completed ths unque feat marne surgery upon two gunboats The Machs and Castne. Although satsfactory n r speed, sa Vessels had proved to be unseawortby, and n order to ncrease r dsplacement and metacentrc heght RearAdmr al Walker had prescrbed an addton to steel anatomy each. Uncle Sam has thus ganed not only glory a novel engneerng achevement, but two comparatvely new gunboats. There are but two Catholc chaplans n Unted States Navy, and one s on board cruser Charleston, shortly expected at Honolulu. He comes from Baltmore, and was apponted n S92 by Presdent Harrson. He s a secular prest, and s descrbed as beng a hghly educated and polshed gentleman and a popular fcer n hs shp. The San Francsco tug Vglant left for Eureka wth schooner Dora Bluhm n tow. The latter vessel has qute a hstory. n early part January, 892, she went ashore at Topolobampo and was wrecked. The captan and crew deserted her, and she was allowed to le n her stranded condton untl last November. The frst mate was sent down to get her f and he succeeded n that task. The Vglant went down and towed her to San Francsco. Snce her arrval here she has been lyng n Oakland creek. Her owners concluded to send her to Eureka to be rebult. SAX FKAXCSCO TEMS. Arrvals. July 26, bark J. C. Glade, 27 days from Honolulu. Departures. August, barkentn e S. G. Wlder, for Honolulu; August 3, schooner Sade, for Kahul. Projected Departures. August 6, bark C. D. Bryant, for Honolulu ; August 28, P. M. S. S. Chna, for Yokohama and Hongkong, va Honolulu ; barkentne C. F. Crocker, for Hlo; schooner Allen A, for Mahukona; bark Ceylon, brgantn e W. G. rwn, both for Honolulu. The band concert at Emma Square last nght was a most enjoyable one ; three new peces were played. The band wll furnsh musc ths evenng for battalon drll. m llncnsnueul WATER RGHTS NOTCE. AVXG been made to me by YEXG GUN sland Oalu. for adjudcaton hs rght water for land Keklo, Pnkele, n valley Palolo. Oalm, as provded n Chapter XXV.. LawB SSS; notce Rven to all partes nterested n anwa supplyng f ad land Keklo, ukele, to attend and prove r rght? at fce U. T. Uulck. n Honolulu, on 0th day September, C9, at 0 a 3.. or y wll be adjudcated wthout each atle dance. EMMA M. XAKUXA. Commssoner Prvate Vjf and Water Hghts for Dstrct or Honolulu, sland Oahn. 57b2 Notce to Credtors. Pns TTKBKnSGXBD AV L ng been duly apponted Admnstrator wth wll annexed or Estate LOUSA K. UONKADT. llllo, Hawa, deceased, hereby cteu notce to all persons havng clams ayanet sad etate to present r clams to hm, wthn sx months from date here, or y wll be forever barred; and all persons ndebted to sad estate are hereby notfed to make mmedate payment to W. (JONRADT. Admnstrator wth wll annexed. Estate Lousa t. Conradt, deceased. Hlo. Hawa, July SO v Executors Notce. HAVLNG BKEX Probate Court, Fourh Crcut, txecnlor or last wll and testament J. H. EVANS, deceased. llonokaa, Hawa; notce s hereby gven that all persons havng any clams aganst sad estate mast fle r clams properly auntcated wthn sx months or y be barred, and all persons owng sad estate most pay r ndebtedness to undersgned. JAMES DRSCOLL, Executor under last Wll and Testament J. t Evans Electon Ofllcers. AT TFE AXXUAL MEETLNG Stockholders Honorau Sugar Company hwd ths day, followng named persons were elected as fcers Company to serve for ensung year: Mr. Tom May Presdent. Mr. E. F Bshop t. Mr. G.. Robertson Treasurer. Mr. A.C Loekn Secretary. Mr. F. Wundenberg Andlor. Mr. Henry Waterhouse ) Drectors. W.o: Mr. Brash A. U LOVEKN, Secretary Honomo bngar Co. Honolulu. Augusts, HAWAAN OltOW.V Pneapple Plants. Smooth Leaf Cayenne varety for sale aa follows: to 25, 20 cents ech ; 25 to5"), 20 cents each ; 50 to cents eact ; per 00, 2 50; par 0 JO, $00. s Cash, wth order. Hawaan Frut and Pckng Company CaBOrders left wth J. Emmelath & Co, llono.uu, wll receve prompt attenton m Dr. LEBG & CO. MEN Specal Doctors for Chronc, Prvate ad Watng Dsease. Dr. ug r nvlgoralor greatest remedy for Semnal Weakness, Los ol Maubood and Prvate Dsease, uvercumeo Pematureuessasd prepares all for marrage lfes dutes, pleasures and res onsblllles; J trtl bottle gven or sent free to any onx descrbng symptoms; call or ajdrtss 40U Geary SU, prvate entrance 403 Mason 8u, Sn Ftanctco. 576 ly HEALTH MATTERS. Mortuary lteport for Month.luly, 894. The total number deaths reported for month July was 02, dstrbuted as follows: Under year 6 From 30 to From to 5 3 From 40 to CO 6 From5to 0 From 50 to CO From 0 to C From GO to From 20 to Over TO 9 Males.33 Females 24 Hawaans... 3 Great Brtan 2 Chnese.8 Unted States 4 Portuguese Or natonaltes 0 Japanese. 4 Total 02 Unattended 3 ts 0 COMPARATVE MOSTHLY MORTALTY. Julv, S July, S93 5 July, S Julv. S9 02 Joly, CAUSE OF DEATH. Asthma Hvdro,ueumo Apoplexy Thorax llood Poson... nfluenza 2 rgbts Dsease. lnllamaton Convulsons Locomotor Ataxa Consumpton... Malnutrton.. Chldbrth Menngts.... Croup Old age. Cancer Opum Dablty Pneumona.... Dropsy Pertonts Darrhoea Paralyss Kxhauston Sucde Fever Whoopng Cough Heart Dsease... Unknown Hemorrhage... DEATHS BY WARD,. Out5 Wards. 3 sde. Deaths. G 4 G 9 0 Annual death rate per 000 for month Hawaans Asatcs All or natonaltes C. B. Ketkolds. Agent Board Health..Jlortgageos Notce ntenton to Forclose snl ol Sale. ATOTCB JS KREJJY GVEN ll that by vrtue a power sale contaned n a certan mortgage dated st day August, A. D. S55. made by KEKUPU (w). otberulst knpwn as KUPU (w) Lae. Koolaulo a. sland Oahn. to James t. Holt, Jr.. Honolulu, n sad sland Oabu, recorded n fce Regstrar Concyances, n Lber U7, folos H and H, and assgned by sad James t. Holt, Jr. to A. J. Cartwruht as Trustee Estate t. V. Holt, deceased, byassgnment dated March S, SS7. and recorded n fce sad Regstrar n Lber 05, folos 9 aud 92. Brnce t. Trustee Estate l. W. Holt, late sad Honolulu, deceased, ntends to forclose sad mortgage for a breach condtons n sad mortgage contaned, to wt: both prncpal and nterest when due. Notce s also hereby gven, that all and sngular lands, tenements and heredtaments n sad mortgage contaned and descrbed wll be sold at publc aucton at aucton room James r. Morgan, on Queen street. n sad Honolulu, on WEDNESDAY, 29th day August, A. D. 69. at 2 oclock noon or sad day. The property n sad mortgage s thus dcsbrlbevz.: All those two certan peces or parcrl land stuate n Koloan sland Kaua, one sad Hawaan slands, contanng n all an area b acres, rood and 7 perches and beng same premses descrbed n Royal Patent No Land Commsson Award No. 296 to J.. Paehewa. BRUCE CARTWRGHT, Trustee Estate t. V. Holt, deceased Mortgagee. Terms Cash, Deeds at expense purchaser. For furr partculars apply to J.M MoNSAntT, Attorney for Mortgagee. Dated Honolulu, August 4tu J 8t Executrxs Notce. EDVTAK C. DAJOX, DEcease d: The undersgned, duly apponted Execntrx nl! Edward Chenery Damon, late Honolulu, sland Oahn, Hawaan slands, deceased, hereby gves notce to all persons havng clams aganst estate sad deceased to present same to her at fce S. M. Damon, Honolulu, aforesad, wthn sx months from ths date, o y wll be forever barred; and all persons ndebted to deceased arc cquestedto make mmedate payment to undersgned. CORNELA H. DAMON. Executrx wll Edward C. Damon, deceased. Dattd at Honolulu, ths 3st day July, SD. 57WW Admnstrators Notce. THE UNDERSGNED been duly apponted Admnstrator and Admnstratrx wth wll annexed, J AM Kb K. KEKAULA, late Kan. sland Hawa notce s hereby gven to all credtors th deceased, to present r clams, wher secured by mortgage or otlewse, duly auntcated and wth proper vouchers, f any exst, to undersgned, w thln sx months from date here, or y wll be forever barred, and all persons ndebted to sad deceased are requested to make mmedate payment to undersgned, er at Law Offce Wllam C. Act, or at Law Offce Cecl Drown..TNO. K KEKAULA, WA.UU KEKAULA. Admnstrator and Admnstratrx wth wll annexed James K. Kekaula. July 24, S w Mortgagees Notce ntenton to Foreclose. TN ACCORDANCE WTH THE X provsons contaned n that certan nden ture mortgage dated 9th day Aprl, A. D. E37. and made by ANTONK ROSA and wfe, Honolulu, sland Oahn, to Cecl Brown same place, and record n fce Regstrar Conveyancesjn Lber U3 on pages 2", 2d and 27. and by sad Cecl Broun only assgned to P. H. Hayselden. Trustee under last wll and testament J. (J. Hayselden. deceased, by document record n Lber 47 on page 29: notce s hereby gven that undersgned ntends to foreclose sad mortgage for condton broken, nonpayment prncpal and nterest reon. Notce t also hereby gven that after expraton three weeks from date ths notce, property n sad mortgage deed descrbed wll be sold at publc aucton n cty Honolulu, sland Oahu. on SATURDAY, tbelttbday August, A.D. 694, at 2 noon that day at anctou rooms Jas. Jr. Morgan. For furr partculars apply to F.. HAYbELDEN. Trustee last wll aud testament J. (. Hayselden, deceased, or to Cecl Brows, The property n sad mortgage ded descrbed s All that certan parcel land stuate at Kalln sad Honolulu, contanng an area acres, and beng a porton premses descrbed n Royal Patent No. 593, and conveyed to sad Antone Kosa by J. P. Mendonca. admnstrator estate Domngo Lopez Ramos by deed dated frst day Aprl. W7, record n Hawaan Regstry Deeds n Book 08, on paces 24 and 25. Dated Honolulu. July 3th M7 4 FTTED UP FOUR NCE HAVNG am prepared to take a few Summer Boarders on reasonable terms. MRS S. E. BAlEY. Kawuapae, lakawao, July 20th, S9t. 570 m Ccfal 5luorrtsrmrnts. TN THE CRCUT COURT, JL Frst Crcut Hawaan slands. n Probate. n matter or tnensrateo uucw GRAY, Honolulu. Oahu, decased. On readng and slng petton and accounts James L. McLean, Execntor wll sad xcceased. wheren he asks to be allowed S5CB.J0, and charges hmself wth $0.(X, and asks that same may be examned and approved, aud that a fnal order maybe made dstrlbnton property remanng n bs h&jdsto person teto enttled, and dschargng hm and hs suretes from all furr responsblty as scch Execnlor: t s ordered that 3O.NDAY. 0th day September. 8, at 0 oclock a.m., at Chambers, n Cour. House, at Alllolanl Hale. Honolulu, be and same hereby s apponted as lme aad place for hearng sad petton and accounts, and that all persons nterested may n and re appearand show cause, f any y have, why same should not be granted, and may present evdence as to who are enttled to satd propertv. Dated at Honolulu, ths 9th day August, SS4. By Court: 375 HENRY SMTH. Clerk. N THE CRCUT COURT, Crcut Hawaan slands. n matter Bankruptcy G. W. LN COLN (lonolulu. Order on petton Bankrupt for dscharge. Upon readng and flng petton U. W. Lncoln Honolulu, Oahu, allegng that more than sx months have elapsed snce he was adjudcated a bankrupt, and prayng for a dscbarge from all hs debts. t U ordered tnat MONDAY, 20th day Angnst, A. V. 89. n Alllolanl Hale, Honolulu, at 0 a. x. that day. at Chambers, be. and same s hereby apponted for hearng sad petton, at whch lme and place all credtors who hate proved r clams aganst sad bankrupt may appear and show cause, f any y have, why prayer sad Bankrupt should not be granted. By Court: GEO. LUCAS. Clerk. Dated July AQw COURT OF THE CRCUT Hawaan slands n Probate. n matter or Estate EMLY E. BERRY, late Honolulu, deceased. On readng and flng petton and accounts Alce Macntosh and J. W. e, Executrx and Executor wll Emly E. Berry, late Honolulu, Oahn. deceased, wheren y asktt be allowed $b 0 and charges mselves wth XJ.!A and ask that same may be examned and approved, and that a fnal order may be made dstrbuton property remanng n r hands to persons reto enttled, and dschargng m aud r suretes from all furr responsblty as such Executrx and "Executor. lls ordered, that FRDAY, Tn day September, A. D. 89, at 0 a.., at tt nbers, n Court House, at Honolulu, be and same hereby s apponted us lme and place for bearng sad petton and accounts, and tbat all persons nterested may n and re appear and show cause. f any y have, why same should not be granted. Dated at Honolulu,.., ths 3Ut day July, A. D. 89. By Court: 5733w GEO. LUCAS, Clek. COURT OF THE Frs. Crcut Hawaan sland. n robate. n tlerratteretateo f SAMUEL GARDNER WLDER, late or Honolulu, Oahu, deceased. On readng and flng petton and accounts Wm. K. Allen and A. P. Judd, Admnstrators wth wll annexed Estate bamnel (. Wlder, late Honolulu, Oahu. deceased, wheren tbey ask to be allowed $50,7.42, and charge mselves wth $50,80.38, and ask that tbesams maybe examned and approved, and tha a fnal order maybe made dstrbuton property remanng n r bands to persons reto enttled, and dschargng tbem and r suretes from all furr responsblty as such Admnstrators. t s ordered, that FRDAY, 3st day Angust, A. D. 894, at 0 oclock, a. x at Chambers, n Court House, at Honolulu, be and same hereby s apponted as tme and place for bearng sad petton and accounts, and that all persona nterested may n and re appear and show cause, f any y have, why same should not be granted. Dated at Honolulu,.., ths 25th day July, A.D.8. By Court: 57 GEO. LUCAS. Clerk. TN THE CRCUT COURT,. Frst Crcut or Hawaan slands. n Probate. n matter or estate JONA THAN AUSTN, lato Honolulu, Oahu, deceased. On readng and flng petton and accounts cf E. ). Whte, Admnstrator or tbe estate Jonathan Austn, late or Honolulu, Oahu. deceased, w heren he asks to be allowed $, and charges hmself wth $7, and asks that tbe same may be examned and approved, and that a fnal order may be made dstrbuton or property remanng n bs hands to persons hereto enttled, and dschargng hm and bs suretes from all furr responsblty as such admnstrator. t!s ordered, that FRDAY, 7th day Angnst, A. D. :S94, at ten oclock x. m., at Chambers, n tbe Court House, at Honolulu, be and tbe same hereby s apponted as tme and place for hearng sad petton and accounts, and that all persons nterested may n and re appear and show cause, f any y have, why tbe same should not be granted, and may preseut evdence as to who are enttled to sad property. Dated Honolulu,.., ths 3th day July, A. D By Court: CHARLES F. PETERSON, Clerk. 564 COURT OF THE CRCUT Hawaan sland n Probate. n matter or tbe Estate or MARANO CAMACHO, late or Honolulu, Oahu. deceased. On readng and flng tho petton and accounts J, A. Magoon, Admnstrator tbe estate Marano Camacho, late Honolulu, Oahn, deceased, wheren be asks to be allowed $96 30, and charges bmself wth $ and asks that same may be examned and approved, and tbat a fnal order may be made dstrbuton property remanng n bs bands to tbe persons reto enttled, and dschargng hm and hs suretes from all furr responsblty as such admnstrator. t s ordered, that MONDAY, Cth day August, A. D. b94, at ten oclock a. m., at Chambers, n court house, at Honolulu, be and same hereby s apponted as tme and place tor hearng sad petton and acconnts, and that all persons nterested may n and re appear and show cause, t any y have, why same should not be granted. Dated at Honolulu,.., hls 5th day July, A.D By Court: GEORGE LUCAS, Clerk. TN THE CRCUT COURT X Frst Crcut tbe Hawaan slands. n Probate n tbe matter tbe Estate nf PETER PORTER KAUHEMA.late Honolulu, Oahu, deceased, testate. On readng and flng tbe petton and accounts C. P. lankea. Admnstrator wth wll annexed tbe estate sad deceased, wheren be asks to be allowed J3W.4J, and charges bmself wth $ , and asks that same may be examned and approved, and that a fnal order may be made dstrbuton or property remanng n bs hands to lbs persona reto enttled, and dschargng hm and bs suretes from all furr responsblty as such admnstrator. t s ordered, that FRDAY, 0th day August, 694, at Chambers, n Court House, at Alllolanl Hale, Honolulu, be anu same hereby s apponted as tme and place for bearng sad petton ard accounts, and tbat all persona nterested may n and re appearand show cause, f any tbey hare, why same should not be granted. Dated at Honolulu, ths 6th day July, 89!. By Court: 5633 HENRY SMTH. Clerk. Admnstrators Notce. THE UNDERSGNED HAT. been duly apponted Admnstrator wth wll annexed, JOSEPH HUBERTS, orwse known as Jose Furtado Roberts and as Jose Fantado Robertes late County Alameda, State UlllforMa. deceased, notce s hereby gven to all credtors deceased, to present r clams, wher secured by mortgage or orwse, duly auntcated and wth proper vouchers f any exst, to undersgned, wthn sx months from date here, or tbey wll be forever barred; and all persons ndebted to sad deceased, are requested to make mmedate pajment to undersgned at hs fce, Cartwrgbt Block. Merchant street. RUCE CARTWRGHT. Admnstrator wth wll annexed Joseph Roberts. Honolulu. July 0th The Daly Advertser, 75 cents a month Delvered by Carrer Specal JTotrca. WTLDERS STEAMSHP CO.S TME TABLE SUB. KMU, CLARKE. Commander. Wll leave Honolulu nt 2 oclock P. Al touchng at Lahnnn, Manlnea Bar anu Makena same day ; Mahnkona, Kawnt bae and Lanpaboeboe tbe followng dan arrvng at Hlo nt mdnght. LZATXS HONOLULU. Frday Ang. 3 nesuay ang.4 Frday Ahr. 2 lnesuay s$ept 4 r ruay..... copt 4 Tuesday Sept. 25 r rgay....oct. 5 TnerHy Oct. B Ff v Oct. 25 J tc.j y Not. C rrdv Nov. G Tuesday NoT.2r Frday Dec. 7 Tuesday Dec. 3 Returnng leaves Hlo, touchng at Lau pahoehoe same day; Kawabae A. m., Mahukona 0 A. m.j Makena 4 p. s.;.mnalaea Bay G p. at.;.lahnnn 8r.t. followng day, nrrvng at Honolulu C a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. AB.BTE8 AT HONOLOLU. Saturday. An Wednesday...AD?. l Sjtnnlay, tb&pt Wednesday...Sept. 2 Saturday.....Sott.! Wednesday. Oct. 3 Saturday Wednesday Oct. 4 Satnrday OT. 3 Wednesday m..asot. 4 Satnrday "... Not. 24 Wednesday Dec. 5 Sturday Dec. 5 Wednesday Dec. 2u S?" No Freght wll be receved nfer 2 noon day salng. STMf. CLAUDNE, CAMERON. Commander. Wll leave Honolulu every Tuesday at ft oclock P. M., touchng at Kahnln, Hnolo,. Hana, Hamoa and Kpahulu, lnu, aud Hawa. tetnrnng wll arrve at Honolulu every Sunday mornng. 3?" No Freght wll be receved after 4 P. M. on day salng. Consgnees must be nt tbe landngs to receve r freght, as we wll not hold ourselves responsble after such freght baa been landed. Whle Company wll use due dlgence n handlng lve stock, we declne to assume any responsblty n case loss same, and wll not bo responsble for money or Jewelry unless placed u care Pursers. W. O. WLDER, Presdent. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. Capt. j. A. KNO, Port Supt Mortgagees Notce ntenton to Foreclose. Tr Accon)A?;cE wth JL provsons contaned n that certan ndenture or mortgago dated 29th day or July. m aud made by A.SA JOJONA opo, ANA A makua, and NAKHEf. her husband, all Ewa, sland or Oahn to a. Roth or Honolulu, sland or Oabu, and or record n fce Regstrar Conveyances n Lber 7 on pages 92 and 93, and nnder snndry mesne conveyances now owned by Slug Chong Co. Honolulu, Oahu, and also n accordance wth provsons contaned n tbat certan ndenture mortgage dated st day Aprl. SS6. and made by Ncholas Anna and Ana Jlonona Jr. Honolulu. sland Oahu. to Wllam c. or same place, and or record n fce Regstrar Conveyances n Lber 93, on pages 74 and 75. and under sundry mesne conveyances now owned by Sng Choug Jfc Co. Honolulu, sland Oahu. Notce s hereby gven tbat tbe undersgned ntends to foreclose sad mortgages for condtons broken, t: prncpal and nterest secured by sad mortgages. Notce s also hereby glen that after expraton three weeks from tho date ths notce, proptrty n sad mortgage deeds descrbed wll be sold at publc aucton n cty Honolulu, slander Oahn, on SATURDAY, tho th day August, lb!l. at 2 noon or that day, at aucton 00ms or Jas. K. Morgan. For furr partculars apply to S.NGtJHONGACO., Assgnees ol sad mortgages, or to Cecl Bnows, Atturney at Law. Dated Honolulu, 3th, ljl. Tbe property n sad mortgage deeds descrbed arc st. All those premses stuate lyng and beng at W alau n Ewa, Oahu, and more partcularly descrbed n deed nf Kabalepo to Ana.Momona, dated July Bth, 867. recorded n Lber 22,.,!,"K"42,U 43 and contanng an area 85 acres. 2nd. AH those premses stuate at KaumakaF!.;. u wme Partcularly descrbed n deed orw.c. Acbl to Ncholas Anua and Ana deled Aprl st, S46, recored n L. e. t,,ares 73aad, contanng an area, fathoms "?, " "e undvded h sad Jjlcholas Anna n those premses Stuated at Waau. Ewa, Oahu, beng same premses conveyed to Antono Phllllpa by need Salem F. Hancbett, recorded n Lber 4, page 23. contanng an area 2 acres. W fathoms and2 recta and by sad Antono bllllps devsed 0 sad Ncholas Anna et al by wll duly admtted to robate. T,? ErPer,r nate;at Walau,Ea, contann g 33,. acres s under lease at a Vearlv rental ls0 aud wll be sold subject to sad ese Admnstrators Notce. rnt3 UNDKtSJGJXE) AVJ L lug been dnly apponted Admnstrator wth wll annexed FREDERCK LKCHARDT, orwse known as URCHARDT ASTON, late Br.sSflel d. Blscester, England, formerly Kohala, Hawa,.., deceased notce s hereby gven to all credtors tbe sad deceased, to present r clams, wher secured by mortgage or orwse, duly auntcated and wth proper vouchers. f any exst, to tbe undersgned, at bs fce on Kaahumaun street. Honolulu, w thn sx months from date here, or y wll be forever barred; and all persons ndebted to sad deceased, are requested to make mmedate payment to ntuerslgned. Admnstrator wth wll annexed EsUte Frederck Burchardt deceased. Honololn, July 25th, S Notce. TLE ANNUAL MEETNG OF THE. VAWAAX Gazkttk OMPJNT wll on THUKSDAY, August 6 at 3 p f S W"St. t tj M 4 n V

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