Department of Tarbiyat

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1 ب ي ين ه و خات م الن Summary Friday Sermon ك ن ر س ول الل ا أ ب م ا ك ان م ح م د أ ع ل يم ا ح د م ن ر ج ال ك م و ل ل ش ي ء و ك ان الل ه ب ك [33:41] Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all things In Pakistan, from time to time, both politicians and religious scholars speak out against Jama at in order to gain popularity in masses. Whenever facing any trouble or criticism, they use this issue to gain the sympathy of ordinary Muslims. For this purpose, they use the issue of Khatme Nabuwwat or finality of Prophethood. They do this for political gains, however, innocent Ahmadis are the ones who end up paying a heavy price for those propagandas. As far as Jama at is concerned, we aren t working with any foreign or Pakistan s government to change their laws against us. We do not require a certificate from any government or National Assembly to be a Muslim. We are Muslims and believe in all pillars of faith and consider the Holy Prophet (sa) to be Khatam an-nabiyyin. The Promised Messiah (as) has clearly written that whosoever doesn t believe in Khatme-Nabuwwah, I consider him as a faithless person. Therefore, this is a false claim against us that we do not believe in finality of Prophethood or that we do not respect the Holy Quran and consider the revelations of the Promised Messiah (as) to be higher than the Holy Quran, or that we do not perform Hajj, or that our Qibla in prayer is different. Many Arab Ahmadis tell me how they heard such propaganda from Muslim scholars before their conversion to Ahmadiyyat. How can we not believe in the Holy Quran when the Promised Messiah (as) considered it the root of all goodness. His own revelations are subservient to the Holy Quran. One of his revelations points towards the fact that all goodness lies in

2 the Holy Quran. Then he said that whosoever honors the Holy Quran in this life will be honored by Allah in the Afterlife. If we did not honor the Holy Quran, why would we spend so much money in propagation and translation of the Holy Quran in 75 languages? The scholars speaking against Jama at should tell us what services have they provided for the service of Holy Quran. The Promised Messiah (as) has written extensively about the finality of ص ل ع ل ی Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (sa). One of his revelations from Allah is ن م ال نب ی ی خ ات, which means send blessings upon م ح م و د و م ا ل م حم د س ی د و ل د اد Muhammad (sa) and his followers, who was the leader of children of Adam and, کل برکة من محمد صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم Seal of the Prophets. Another revelation of his is which means all blessings are due to the Holy Prophet (sa). Then the Promised Messiah (as) has written that if I was not from the followers of the Holy Prophet (sa) and did not follow his example, I could never have achieved this status even if my actions were as high as mountains. The reason being that all prophethoods have now come to end except the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (sa). The Promised Messiah (as) has said: The allegation charged against me and my followers that we do not believe in the Holy Prophet (sa), as Khataman Nabiyyin, is a scandalous lie. Those, who blame us, do not positively believe in him with even the millionth part of the zeal, conviction, insight and dead certainty with which we believe him to be the Khatamal Anbiya. They do not comprehend the deeper insights of the Holy Prophet (sa) being Khatamal Anbiya and have only heard this term from their forefathers. Regarding the finality of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (sa) and his own status, the Promised Messiah (as) says: The word Mursal or Rasool or Nabi which has been used for me doesn t apply in its real meaning. The reality is that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) is the Khatamal Anbiya after whom no new or old Prophet would come. Our view is that a person who claims to be a Prophet in its

3 actual sense (Law-Bearing Prophethood) or separates himself from the blessings of the Holy Prophet (sa) or seeks to be a Prophet having separated himself from this pure fountain (Prophet Muhammad(sa)), he is a nonbeliever and without faith. Huzoor Anwar (aa) said that according to the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (sa), these people who declare us Kafir, their fatwa returns upon themselves. We should be sympathetic towards these people and explain to them the reality. It s good to see that after a speech was made in the National Assembly of Pakistan against Jama at, a group has stood up and challenged the narrative of these anti- Jama at scholars and politicians. Today, it is Ahmadis in Pakistan who dearly love their country and do not play politics over religion. Ahmadis gave numerous sacrifices for the independence of Pakistan; therefore it is the responsibility of every Ahmadi to pray that may Allah safeguard this country. Ameen ا أ ب م ا ك ان م ح م د أ ك ن ر س ول الل ل ح د م ن ر ج ال ك م و ب ي ين ه و خات م الن ل و ك ان الل ه ب ك ش ي ء ع ل يم ا م اختےہ اوراہللرہزیچاک [33:41] دمحماہمترے )ےسیج( ر مدوںںیمےسیسکاکابپںیہنہکلبوہاہللاکروسلےہاوربسویبنںاک وخب ملع رےنھک واال ےہ اپاتسکن ںیم یسک ہن یسک اہبہن ےس واتق وفاتق املعء اور ایسدتسان امجتع ےک الخف اابل اکنےتل رےتہ ںیہ اور وہ امجتع ےک ہلئسم وک اامعتسل رک ےک اینپ رہشتی ڑباھےن یک وکشش رکےت ںیہ بج یھب وہ اسملئ ںیم رگاتفر وہں وت ولوگں یک م ہدردی احلص رکےن ےئلیک وہ ادمحویں وک ربا الھب انہک رشوع رک دےتی ںیہ اور اس ےئلیک متخ وبنت وک اامعتسل رکےت ںیہ ہی اکم ان ےک ایسیس اقمدص ےئلیک وہات ےہ اور اس بس ےک دوران ادمحی ےلچک اجےت ںیہ اور ملظ اک اشنہن ےتنب ںیہ اہجں کت امجتع اک قلعت ےہ ہن یہ مہ ےن یھبک یسک ریغ یکلم وکحتم ےس اور ہن اپاتسکن یک وکحتم ےس دروخاک یک ےہ ج امجتع ےک الخف نااک وک الال اج

4 م ںیمہ یسک ایلبمس ای وکحتم ےس املسمن وہےن یک رس ٹی فی کی ٹ یک رضورت ےہ مہ املسمن ںیہ اور امتم اراکن االسم رپ اامین رےتھک ںیہاور ارضحنتیلصاہللہیلعوملسوکاخمتانییبنلامےتنںیہ رضحتحیسموعددہیلعامالمےن فف ہاھےہجش خصمتخ وبنت وک ںیہن اماتن ںیم اےس ےب دنی اور االسم ےس اخرج اتھجمس وہں سپ ہی ازلام ج مہ متخ وبنت وک ںیہن امےتن اہنتی وھجاٹ ازلام ےہ رھپ ہی ازلام یھب اگلای اجات ےہ ج ادمحی وت رق ان وک یھب ںیہن امےتن اور رمزا بح ےک ااہلامت وک رق ان ےس ڑبھ رک امےتن ںیہ ہی جح ںیہن رکےت اور ان اک ہلبق اور ےہ تہب ےس رعب بج ادمحی وہےت ںیہ وت وہ اتبےت ںیہ ج سک رطح ہی وھجٹ اور رپوڈنگیپا امجتع ےک الخف ایک اجات ےہ ہی سک رطح نکمم ےہ ج مہ رق ان وک ہن امںین بج رضحت حیسم وع دد ہیلعا مالم امتم الھبیئ یک ڑج رق ان وک ےتھجمس ںیہ رضحت حیسم وعددہیلعامالمےکااہلمرق انرکمیےک اخدمںیہ ااکپاکیااہلمہییھبےہجام ل خ ی ر ک ل ه ف ا ل ق ر ان ایسرطحرفامایجشول رق ان وک زعت دںی ےگ وہ اامسن رپ زعت اپںیئ ےگ ارگ مہ رق انےک اخمفل وہےت وت ویکں ےسیپ رخچ ےک رک ۷۵ زابونں ںیم رتامج رک ےک اںیھن اشعئ رکےت ںیہ وہ ول ش امجتع رپ ازلام اگلےت ںیہ ان ےس وپانھچ اچےئہ ج اوھنں ےن ایک دخامت یک ںیہ ایس رطح ارضحنت یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس ےک اخمت انییبنل وہےن ےک قلعتم رضحت حیسم وع دد ہیلع ا مالم ےن ابراہ ایبن رفامای ےہ ااکپ اکی ااہلمیھبےہج : ص ل ع ل ن نب ی ی م ال م و خ ات د اد ی م ح م د و ال م حم د س ی د و ل ینعیدمحمروسل اہللیلصاہللہیلعوملس اور ایکپ ال رپ درود وجیھب ش ادم یک اوالد اک رسدار اور اخمت انییبنل ےھت ایس رطح ااکپ اکی ااہلم ےہ ج کل برکة من محمد صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم ینعی امتم رباکت و ویفض رضحت دمحم یفطصم یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس ےک یہ ابثع ںیہ رھپ اپ ےن اینپ اتکب ایلجتت اہیہل ںیم رفامای ج ارگ ںیم ارضحنت یلص اہلل یک اتم ہن وہات اور ایکپ ریپوی ہن رکات وت کشیب ریمے اامعل اہپڑ ےک ربارب وہےت ںیم ہی رمہبت رہزگ ہن اپات ویکہکن اب زجب دمحمی وبنت ےک امتم وبنںیت دنب ںیہ

5 ھجم رضحت حیسم وع دد ہیلع ا مالم رفامےت ںیہ: رپ اور ریمی امجتع رپ ش ہی ازلام اگلای اجات ےہ ج مہ روسل اہللﷺ وک اخمت ﷺ وکاخمتاالایبنءنیقی لی ب یبن ںیہنامےتنہیمہرپارتفا میظعےہ مہسج وقت نیقی رعمتفاورریصبتےس ارضحنت ا رکےتںیہاساکالوھکاںہصحیھب دورسےول ںیہنامےتناوراناکااسیفرفیھبںیہنےہ وہاستقیقاور رازوکشاخمت االایبنءیکمتخ وبنتںیمےہےتھجمسیہںیہنںیہ اوہنںےنرصفابپ داداےساکیظفلانسوہاےہرگماسیکتقیقےسےبربخ ںیہ ایسرطحمتخوبنتاوراےنپاقممےکقلعتمرضحتحیسموعددہیلعامالمےنرفامایج:شظفلرملسایروسلاییبناکریمیتبسن اایےہ وہاےنپیقیقحونعمںرپلمعتسمںیہنےہ اورالصتقیقسجیکںیمیلع رؤساالاہشدوگایہداتیوہںیہیےہش امہرے یبنیلصاہللہیلعوملساخمتاالایبنءںیہ اور اپےکدعبوکیئیبنںیہن ا اگہنوکیئرپااناورہنوکیئاین رغضامہراذمبہیہی ےہجش خصیقیقحوطررپوبنتاکد دی رکےاور ارضحنتیلصاہللہیلعوملسےک دانمویفضےساےنپںیئتاگلرکےکاور اساپکرسہمشچےسدجاوہرک اپیہرباہراکیبناہللاننباچاتہےہوتوہدحلمےبدنیےہ وضحر اونرےنرفامایجسپہیول شںیمہاکرفےتہکںیہتقیقںیم ارضحنتیلصاہللہیلعوملسیکدحثیےکدم رظنہیرفکاںیھن رپولاتٹےہ سپںیمہانولوگںےس م ہدردیرکےتوہ اںیھنتقیقاھجمسیناچےئہ اورہیوخش انیئابتےہجاپاتسکنیک ایلبمسںیمامجتعےکالخفرقتریےکدعبواہںےکرشافءےناینپ اوازااھٹیئےہاوراکیہقبطاناناہنمداملعءےکاقملبرپڑھکا وہراہےہ اجاپاتسکنںیمادمحییہںیہشبحاولنطںیہاوراسےکاطمقبلمعرکےتںیہ مہذمبہےکانمرپایسکرکےن واےلںیہنںیہ رہادمحیاکرفضاتنبےہجداعرکےترںیہجاسکلموکسجوکاپےنےئلیکادمحویںےنیھبتہبرقاباینںیکںیہ اہللاعت یلہشیمہالستمرےھک انیم

6 *** All Khateebs (Imams) are requested to motivate and encourage Jama'at members to attend the following two important events *** A N N O U N C E M E N T All FRIDAY PRAYER CENTRES RE: 2 nd Waqf Nau Annual National Ijtima` Assalāmu 'Alaikum Wa Raḥmatullāh! By Grace of Allah Almighty, Waqf Nau 2 nd Annual National Ijtima` is being organized on Saturday, October 28, 2017 for all Waqifaat Nau and Waqifeen Nau boys under the age of 7 and on Sunday, October 29, 2017 for all Waqifeen Nau age 7 years and over at Baitul Islam Mosque, Maple Ontario Insh Allah. All Waqifeen Nau are requested to attend this event. Similarly parents are requested to ensure all Waqifeen Nau are encouraged to attend these blessed event. The program will start 10:30 AM. Special session for mothers on Saturday and for fathers on Sunday are arranged. All Waqifeen Nau are requested to confirm their participation online at Member of the Jama at are also request for the success for the event. Please contact your Sec Waqf Nau or Sadr Jama at for more information. JazakAllah! Zahid Masud National Sec Waqf Nau Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama at Canada

7 Announcement For National Ijtima Majlis Ansarullah Canada By the Grace of Allah the Almighty, Insha Allah Majlis Ansarullah Canada Majlis e Shura will be held on Fri Oct 20 and National Ijtima on Saturday and Sunday October 21 st and 22 nd, 2017 at Aiwan e Tahir in Peace Village. Highlights of some of the new programs are 3 Interactive workshops on Namaz, Moral training of children age 13 to 19 and health matters Suhbat e Saliheen session and faith inspiring incidents of Ansar brothers Special poetry session with Mubarak Siddiqui sahib of London UKAll Ansar brothers are requested to participate and pray for the success of this blessed event Asim Mahmood Bhalli Nazim e Ala Ijtima

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