Department of Tarbiyat

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1 C a n a d a Department of Tarbiyat Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and promote Love for all, Hatred for none Summary of Friday Sermon June 1 st, 2018 The following summary is not a replacement for the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul- Masih (aa). It only covers selective points. Kindly, take the time to listen to the Friday Sermon to fully benefit from the blessed guidance of Huzoor Anwar (aa). One of the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was Hazrat Ukasha (ra). He is considered among the senior companions of the Holy Prophet (sa). He was awarded with a sword by the Holy Prophet (sa) in the battle of Badr. He was also among the Companions who had been informed by the Holy Prophet (sa) that they will enter Paradise directly, without being questioned about their accounts; the Holy Prophet (sa) once said that, in my Ummat [community], there shall be 70,000 such people who would be entered into Paradise without even being questioned about their accounts and their faces shall be radiant. Hearing this statement, Hazrat Ukasha (ra) requested the Holy Prophet (sa) to pray that he may also be included among these 70,000. So, the Holy Prophet (sa) prayed for him. Seeing this, another person also made a similar request, upon which the Holy Prophet (sa) responded, Ukasha has already excelled you in this regard. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) has written that this hadith contains several points. First of all, it shows us the sheer Quwwat-e-Qudsi [spiritual power] of the Holy Prophet (sa), because of which 70,000 people will entire paradise directly without any questioning. Then, it also illustrates the astonishing ways in which God accepted prayers of the Holy Prophet (sa), as a result of which he was able to give this glad tiding to Hazrat Ukasha (ra). Another important point in this hadith is that the reason the Holy Prophet (sa) did not pray for the other person who made the same request as Hazrat Ukasha (ra) was to teach His Ummat that every person needs to render good works and make efforts to attain this salvation. Another great companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Khawaja bin Zaid (ra), whose daughter was the wife of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra). He is also considered among the senior Companions and accepted Islam in Uqba in Makkah. He participated in the battle of Badr and embraced martyrdom in the battle of Uhud, fighting valiantly. On the day of Uhud, he would announce that, if the Holy Prophet (sa) sustains even a single wound, we shall have no excuse in the court of God the Almighty. Another great companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Ziyaad bin Labeed (ra), who also accepted Islam in Uqba in Makkah, and migrated to Madinah shortly after the migration of the Holy Prophet (sa). He participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) appointed him as Zakat Collector. He continued to render this service right up to the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar (ra) Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2 phone: fax:

2 آ 8 7 ر 9 ر - : ; < = > آ B ر 5; ت/ اورآGآ"ت%ا')و* Hا, IارNMLKJC آپان-:; 5P FSRQ د ى [ \ آ پ ] ; ^ _ ب د ا < a ں c آ " ت % ا ' ( و * H ا, d X\ f M L e ى اg ا ر l گ ] ; ^ _ ب د ا < a ں c ا و ر ا ن + n ے ر و < p ں c ا س / r ت k1 0 ں آ " ت %> ا رk آ پ P د ر s ا \ u t آ پ % ا ' ( و * g ے v د C ; \ y x w ا نH آ پ z د N M L w ا س + { ا, ا و ر H C د u w د ر s ا } N M L t آ پ % ا ' ( و * H Hf M L ا س ر و ا P ˆ P K ط Œ آ\ ت/ ت ل دu ا ر l گ ^ _ ب ] ; د ا < a ں c آ " ت % ا k' د C a n a d a Department of Tarbiyat Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and promote Love for all, Hatred for none All of these companions indeed possess a high status before God, the Almighty. The Promised Messiah (as) has said: Many thanks to the Benevolent God who removes all distresses! And peace be upon His Holy Messenger (sa), who pulls people towards Paradise! And peace be upon his Companions (ra) who ran towards this fountain of faith in their thirst and were granted enlightenment through the excellence of knowledge and conduct in that dark age! At another instance, the Promised Messiah (as) said regarding the Companions: They were lions in the battlefields by the day and worshippers by the night! May Allah also enable us to enhance ourselves in knowledge and conduct! And may He also enable us to become worshippers by the night! Huzoor Anwar (aa) then announced the funeral prayer in absentia of Ismail Malagala Sahib who was a Missionary in Uganda. He passed away on May 25 because of a heart attack. He accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat in 1978 and then dedicated his life. He graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah in 1988 and served as a Missionary in Uganda. He was very fond of Tabligh and would undertake long journeys for this purpose on his bicycle. He also had a profound relationship with Khilafat. May Allah grant him forgiveness and elevate his station in Paradise! Amin! T WآVU "ت 0 ر 1 3 ا ' 4 آ " ت % ا ' و) * ا+, -. <EDC ا% ' و) * H ٧٠P ; h E D ; ٧٠ ا ' و) * \ 0 ~ 1 r Ž } آ\ " ت > H4 ' ا ر 3 ا ƒ ز ا d ا ازہ>=<\ ٧٠ ا% ' و) *u آH " ت% ا' و آ پ PH w و) * Ÿ ' ح ا œ \ > š w و) * u Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2 phone: fax:

3 آ پ % ا ' ( و * H د و ے z د ª u w آ پ «ں \ د ى ا, ا و ر X ت/ آ 8 7 ر 9 C ر - : ; ز ت/ ت ا/ آ پ ا 'F ا و ر ; À آ پ [ u Á H آ B ر ; C F < E D ا و ر ا Ã ; Â ى Ä د ر ى >Å P F ر ا ہu رÏ دنآپ+ زN Ñ ت ز f د Ò ر 3 ا ' 4 5 آ پ u Á ; À ; Ó C H ا و ر آ " ت % ا ' ( و * /+ م د ± 5 \ ² ا ³ ت x µ z ڑ ے { Ö Ôu Ø N F آH ت/ á رà دورçæåä رى+ ا س â ا ò ñ > ð ï F ں \ مê ا و ر ا س + ا - ب õ r م ô ú ñ ں< ا و ر ر ا } ں + ر ا & Ž ' ( د ت H x و ا Ž % ا و ر ر ا } ں ( د ت H x و ا F - ó èرh ا 2 ل د ل u 9 u و P و : ت Ž " ö آ پ H زہ ا 5 نfML 4ñ ا و ر 1 2 ا ; C ر u 0 ا و ر ا õ م z h â u ا ³ ز > و? u آ ç H ر ¼ ہ A P C a n a d a Department of Tarbiyat Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and promote Love for all, Hatred for none > 1 0 ¼ ر½ 3 ا ' 4 اu ¾ ¹ ر 3 ا ' 4» º 5 s ا ا, ا و ر -. < = < Ÿ ' ا{ Ì C Ë و) * 5É Â ا ہ Çو ا\ Êآ"ت % ا ' < Æ ; Ÿ < Ð + ںÍ Î ر ے N v ا, ا و ر -. < E D Ü + * و ا ت ; آ پ آ " ت % ا ' و) Ç م Û ف Ú ت M L hâ fml ß ۃÝزG آ"ت%ا' و) * ãر 3 ا' 4 ر Ö > / ت ì ë دí ( ا î م f M L H + رè é ا ن Û م - : ا ' Ÿ د و ر H x و ا > ó ا و ر ا س + ر ô ل õ r م ö ñ ل ا و ر u ø ف ù و ا ó ح ا س u û u ف د و ڑ ے ا و ر ü ا + Ö ز ý ; Ð M ا و ر ÿ þ ل P ر و! p " ا, ا و ر \ f M L r # ì ہوہ دن + ا$ ں + ا رH ا. / M ó Ñ ó 0 ا ' Ÿ ) اC * وý þ ر+, x ١٩٧٨ ا; õما K 8 ٢٥ ز 3 1 B ; ١٩٨٨ 5 å ä آ پ J ا á K P م آ پ D E ˆ ق á ا و ر G x I H r Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2 phone: fax:

4 مسباہللارلن محارلمیح Friday Announcements Friday, June 1, 2018 From Local Amir Sahib Peace Village Jama`at (for GTA Jama`ats): "Peace Village and Vaughan Jama`ats are going to hold Canada Day celebrations at Baitul Islam mosque on Sunday, July 1, It will be a full day event where we are expecting around 7000 guests and community members to join us. You are requested to reach out to the interested members or business entrepreneurs in your Jama`at, who would like to set up a stall on Canada Day celebrations event. Interested candidates should contact Rana Suleman or latest by June 15, 2018 to register. The Event flyer is attached for reference:

5 Note for Speaker (Imam): National Secretary Sahib Mal requests you to please explain the importance and precedence of Compulsory Donations (Chanda Am, Chanda Wasiyyat and Chanda Jalsa salana) and advice members to pay in full on their true income as per prescribed rates, before June The following are for your reference: The Promised Messiah as says: I strongly emphasis that every one of you, present or otherwise, should inform your brothers regarding Chanda donation and include every brother, weak in this matter, in the system of Chanda. This opportunity will not come again. How blessed is this time! The Promised Messiah as says in regards to paying of the Obligatory Donations (Chanda Wasiyyat, Chanda Am and Chanda Jalsa Salana): Offer (the Obligatory Donations) on a monthly basis, yourself, with a sense of concern, considering it an important obligation and mandatory loan This is such an expense that is in reality a means of earning your income! Therefore, be sincere and forthright in your dealings with God Almighty, the One Who bestows and is the Provider. Your sacrifices will benefit you and because of them, you will inherit many more blessings. Why are you afraid of spending in the way of God? This is such an expense that is in reality a means of earning your income! This is such an expense that is a source of blessings! (Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IV rh ) The Financial year of Jama at Ahmadiyya Canada Is ending on June 30, Let Us Evaluate Ourselves Are we paying our Obligatory donations (Chanda Aam/Chanda Wasiyyat and Chanda Jalsa Salana) on our true income? And if we are in arrears, let us clear all our arrears as early as possible. Department of Finance Jama at Ahmadiyya Canada

6 ونٹرباےئرقمرنی : رکمملنشینرکیسرٹیاصبحاملدروخاتسرکےتںیہہکآپاےنپاافلظںیما با ج تعا الزیمدنچہاجتیکاتیمہےکابرہںیماتبںیئاورالزیمدنچہاجتیکالصآدماوررشحےکاطمقب 30 وجنےسےلہپلمکم ادایگیئیکومرثرحتکیرکںی آپیکدمدےکےئلھچکوحاہلاجتدرجذلیںیہ : رضحتحیسمجوموعد رفامےتںیہ : متںیمےسرہاکی وجاحرضایاغبئےہاتدیکرکاتوہںہکاےنپاھبویئں دنچہےسابربخرکواوررہاکیزمکوراھبیئ دنچہ ںیماشلمرکو ہیومعقاہھتںیہنآےئاگاسیکہیزامہنربتکاکےہ اکی اور ہگج رضحت حیسمج وموعد الزیم دنچوں (دنچہ وتیص دنچہ اعم دنچہ ہسلج اسالہن)یک اموہار ادایگیئ ےک ابرہ ںیم رفامےتںیہ قحجوابجاوردنیجالزمیکرطحھجمسرکوخدوخبداموہاراینپرکفےسادارکے رضحتۃفیلخاحیسملارلاعبرہمحاہللاعت یلہبطخہعمج 23 وجالیئ 1982 ںیمرفامےتںیہ : ت سپاہللاعت یلوجدےنیواالےہوجرازقےہ اس ےک اسھتدصقودساداکاعمہلم رکو مھاری رقاباینں یھباکم آںیئیگ اور ان رقابوینں ےکہجیتن ںیم مت زمدی ولضفں ےک وارث انبےئ اجؤ ےگ دخا یک راہ ںیم رخچ رکےن ےس مت ویکں وخفاھکےت ت وہ یہیوتوہرخچےہوج مھاریآدماکذرہعیےہاوریہیوتوہرخچےہوجربوتکںاکومبجےہ تعا ادمحہیڈینیکا اکامیلاسل 30 وجن متخوہراہےہ آےیئمہبس اجزئہںیلہکایکمہاےنپالزیمدنچہاجت (دنچہوتیص دنچہاعم دنچہہسلجاسالہن)اینپالصآدمےکاطمقبادارکرےہںیہ اورارگمہاقبایدارںیہ وتمہاانپاقبایاجتدلجازدلجادارکدںی ہبعشاملتعا ادمحہیڈینیکا

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