Worship Contemporary or Traditional?

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1 Toney L. Smi Worship Contemporary or Traditional? Toney L. Smi Introduction We are commaed to worship God. It is God who created us a it is Him who sustains our very lives. He has given blessings for all of manki to enjoy. Everyone has access to e physical blessings which declare His majesty a power over e ear a e entire universe (Psalm 19:1; 97:6; Romans 1:20). Since is is e case He reserved a deserves e right to be worshiped by His creation (Genesis 2:7). The 148 Psalm devotes itself to calling upon His creation to reserve eir entire worship a adoration to Him. Not one ing or person has e right to be worshiped a is e exclusive right of God. Not only are we commaed to worship God, we are instructed to worship Him in spirit a in tru (John 4:21-24). In e Old Testament God instructed His people how ey were to worship a whenever e how was violated God was displeased. In Leviticus 10:1-7 Nadab a Abihu offered strange fire before e LORD, which he commaed em not. A ere went out fire from e LORD, a devoured em, a ey died before e Lord (Leviticus 10:1-2). Notice, it was not at ey did noing. Yet it was not pleasing to God because ey offered at which was not divinely auorized. This principle did not last only during e dispensation of e Old Testament. In e New Testament dispensation, in which we live today, e obedience to worship commaments are still in force. The consequence of disobedience may not be as evident as in e days of Nadab a Abihu, yet if we do not worship according to spirit a tru our worship will be in vain a we will lose our souls eternally. In our modern world we fi many who are not satisfied wi e same old worship services. We fi many who are still offering strange fire before e Lord. Remember we serve e same God as did ose of olden times. Even ough His law has changed from e Old Testament to e New (Colossians 2:14) e requirement for Bible auority a obedience to at auority is still e same. Our assigned topic will be dealing wi what is known as conventional a traditional worship. The lesson will show e difference in e two a establish at which God desires. Conventional Worship Conventional means different ings to different people. However e word conventional means occurring in e modern or of e day. Webster s Seven New Collegiate Dictionary defines e word as coming into being during e same period of time, marked by characteristics of e present period: modern (pg. 180). Thus, conventional worship is by definition at which is marked by e characteristics of e present time or derived from modern concerns. Some will try to justify changes in worship by saying we must be aware of e needs in a modern society. In fact, change agents are busy trying to destroy e structure of worship in e church by applying is idea. Keep in mi we are not opposed to varying e order of worship but is not e intent of ese dangerous change agents. They do not relish e simple worship which is auorized in God s word. Many of ese look upon is ki of worship as legalistic a out dated. Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 1 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

2 Toney L. Smi Emotionalism a e age of change is eir main ought a if it feels right a produces numbers, it cannot be wrong. The modern mied are putting catchy phrases to all programs wiin e church a seek to power a jazz up worship services. In eir modern mis, change is a must if e church is to survive e changing times! Those who are enralled wi up-to-date worship are always looking for changes to fulfill eir own concept of progressive worship. In e book The Seco Incarnation, which was co-auored by Rubel Shelly a Raall Harris, ey make clear e intent of ese change agents. Notice eir bold declaration; The tired, uninspiring event called worship in our churches must give way to an exhilarating experience of God at simultaneously exhibits a nurtures life in e worshippers (pg. 13) We have no interest in building a first-century church or a 16 or 19 or even 20 century st church in e 21 century (pg. 20). Mr. Shelly preached a sermon at e Missouri Street Church of Christ, West Memphis, Arkansas in April 1990 in which he stated; My children will not stay wi e church I grew up in. They will not be a part of irrelevance. Please take note e mi-set to move e church into modern day relevance. That is what we mean by contemporary. Trying to fit e church into e modern times raer an staying wi worship at identifies a sets e church apart from e world (1 John 2:15-17). Paul said; A be not conformed to is world (Romans 12:2). The gospel is to be preached to e world so as to change it raer an e world changing e church (Mark 16:15-16). The bottom line for people who are seeking contemporary worship is at ey are only looking for what pleases em raer an what is pleasing to God. In an article one man said; I ink e contemporary worships helps e people it reaches to worship better an ey would in traditional worship. It is true of me. I worship better wi contemporary music an I do wi traditional music because I am not fighting against my own senses. Whom do men ink ey are when ey put emselves before e worship which pleases God. If what I feel a what I want in worship is e paramount consideration why did Abraham not protest at e comma of God in Genesis 22:2. God said; Take now ey son, ine only son Isaac, whom ou lovest, a get ee into e la of Moriah; a offer him for a burnt offering upon one of e mountains which I will tell ee of. Notice at Abraham said; I a e lad will go yoer a worship... Did Abraham say at he would do at which would not cause him to fight against his own senses? Abraham was faiful in his worship to God (Hebrews 11:17). How feeble men are when ey put self desires before at which God commas. There are several innovations in worship which fit into e category of contemporary worship. However, each one follows e same disposition of mi at we noticed in e statement from Shelly a Harris; The tired, uninspiring event Many congregations have adopted e idea of changing worship to keep pace wi e baby boomers a ose who are tired of e tried a true. We will notice some of ese innovations which are part of is change movement. 1. CONTEMPORARY SERVICES. a. In a move to accommodate e various styles or desires for worship some congregations are adding an additional service. This worship time is designed to give e younger miset a chance to involve emselves wi eir progressive music a style of preaching at is relevant to em. Some made an excuse at e onset of is movement by saying it would be better for e unchurched. It was supposedly for e purpose of making em Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 2 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

3 Toney L. Smi feel more comfortable. Lynn Aerson, in his book Navigating e Wis of Change, said at modern culture has coitioned people to experience music as watchers a listeners, but not participators (pg. 136). What is means is at people come to be entertained raer an to be a participant in worship to God. Tru is - God is to be e focal point of worship a not men (Exodus 20:1-6; 23:24; Leviticus 26:1). b. Among oer ings, is additional worship service is to provide an outlet for e newer music, e ki at appeals to e modern culture. Let me say first at we are not opposed to new songs if ey are scriptural. The new music to which I refer is at of solos, choirs, a praise teams. There is no auority whatsoever for any special group singing. These special groups are sinful because ey violate e comma to sing to one anoer (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19). This ki of new music is entertainment focusing upon e performers raer an upon God. c. Recently ere has been a tre toward what is called praise teams. A praise team is a group made up usually of four or more singers who lead singing as a group as opposed to e traditional song leader. Their proposed purpose is to give a better ble a fuller leadership in singing. It is to make e singing sou better. The only problem wi is idea is at ere is no auority for em. Where do we fi at God is listening for or looking for pretty singing? From my personal point of view, I am ankful at God does not accept my singing on e basis of it being pleasant to e ears! The instruction is to sing (Ephesians 5:19) not to sing pretty. In fact, we are told to make a joyful noise unto e Lord (Psalm 95:1-2; 100:1) which does not require a good voice. We are simply commaed to sing wi all of our heart. 2. DIVIDED ASSEMBLIES. a. Many are dividing e assemblies so as to accommodate e children. Some call is practice Children s Bible Hour, Children s Worship a even some are so bold as to call it Children s church. It does not matter what it might be called it is still a divided assembly a a divided assembly is contrary to Bible auority. We are not discussing e Bible class situation. This division of e church is taking place during e general assembling of e saints. God has demaed e assembling of ourselves togeer (1 Corinians 11:18, 20, 33-34; 14:23-26). There is no auority for any to willfully absent emselves from is assembly (Hebrews 10:24-26). The word togeer in Hebrews 10:25 means; a gaering togeer in one place; e religious assembly of e saints (Thayer). It is en e coming togeer of e church in one place at e same time. Where could we fi any auority to dismiss some adults to be absent from ese assemblies? b. House churches are anoer innovation of e modern mi. In is setting members of a congregation are to meet in cell groups in various homes. Again we fi is sinful because e church is not assembled togeer. How could an eldership oversee each of ese house churches? Some try in vain to argue at is is e same as e churches in e New Testament which met in houses. Those mentioned in scripture were congregations of e Lord s people a not divided cell groups of a congregation. Those cited in e New Testament were complete, autonomous congregations a not several different groups from e same congregation (Philemon 1:1-2; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinians 16:19). Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 3 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

4 Toney L. Smi 3. WOMEN LEADING IN WORSHIP. a. In many places women are being moved into roles which are not auorized by scripture. In fact, e positions now being filled by women in some places are against e clear teachings of Bible. God has prohibited a woman to teach, nor to usurp auority over e man, but to be in silence (2 Timoy 2:12). Some are telling e church to get wi e times a are allowing women to lead prayers, wait on e Lord s Table. These changes are not auorized by God s word but are e inventions of presumptuous men a women. 4. HANDCLAPPING. a. Worship to God is not a sporting event nor is it an entertainment venue. Haclapping is not anoer way to say amen, as some lamely claim! I am amazed at ose who try a make is eir point for auority. We are to do ings in an orderly fashion (1 Corinians 14:40) a we must demonstrate a reverent a respectful attitude for e worship of God (Ecclesiastes 5:1-2). Applause is giving praise to men raer an to God! 5. DRAMA, PUPPETS, AND OTHER KINDS OF ENTERTAINMENT. a. God s word is to be preached in its entirety (2 Timoy 4:2; Romans 1:16-17) a men are to be drawn to salvation rough is means (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 10:17; 1 Corinians 1:21). The use of activities such as drama, puppets, etc. are only flimsy excuses for some to want to be entertained a ese activities are promoted a carried out by ose who want to be entertainers. Can you imagine at one man has started a Clowning For Jesus ministry! He may be a clown, but he is not doing it for Jesus. b. There is a misconception among some who have e notion at our primary reason for atteing worship is to get someing from e services we atte. This reasoning is motivated by misuerstaing a selfishness. It is a prime reason at today many are not being satisfied wi e same old tired uninspiring worship at has been taking place since e First century. In is new day of worship e tre is toward e emotional a innovative. Men want to do ings ey like raer an what God has designated (Proverbs 12:15; Galatians 10). c. The preaching of e gospel is not for e purpose of entertainment, but for teaching a saving e souls of ose who are lost. If entertainment is used it must be changed from time to time or it becomes boring a ineffective. The gospel does not a must not be changed. Just remember, What draws em keeps em. If it be fun a games, en ese ings must be continually changed in order to keep on entertaining. When people love tru a have a desire to please God, Bible preaching will more an suffice! Traditional Worship The word traditional means e haing down of information, beliefs, a customs from one generation to anoer; e beliefs of ose opposed to modernism, liberalism, or radicalism. In simple terms it is e opposite of contemporary. When we speak of traditional worship we uersta it to mean at which is given a haed down from divine auority a from Biblical examples. Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 4 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

5 Toney L. Smi Some have said at traditional worship means no changes at all. That certainly is not what we mean in is material. We would not object to changes which do not violate e word of God. Can we observe e Lord s Supper before e sermon or must it be following e lesson? Is it proper to have two songs, a prayer, a en anoer song before e preaching? All of ese ings are of no consequence as long as ey are done according to tru a decently a in order (John 4:24; 1 Corinians 14:40). These all fall wiin e realm of expediency. However, ere are some ings which cannot be changed or updated. God has given commaments concerning worship wiin e church a ese must never be changed. The Lord s Supper is to be observed on e first day of e week (Acts 20:7); e support for e church is to be collected on e Lord s Day (1 Corinians 16:1-2); only e gospel is to be taught (2 Timoy 4:2-4; Romans 1:16-17); prayer is to be offered to God e Faer by faiful men of a congregation (Matew 6:9-13; 1 Timoy 2:8; Isaiah 59:1-2; Psalm 34:15-16; John 9:31; 1 Peter 3:12); a we are to sing songs of praise unto Him (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). To ese no changes can ever be made (Revelation 22:18-19). Worshiping in Spirit a in Tru The Bible contains at which is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That e man of God may be perfect, oroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timoy 3:16-17) It contains e pattern for godly living. God gave a pattern to Noah concerning e building of e ark (Genesis 6:14-22); a pattern to Moses a e building of e tabernacle (Exodus 25 a 26); a a pattern was given to Solomon for building e temple (1 Chronicles 28 a 29). He inteed for ese patterns to be followed in every detail. The same is true pertaining to our worship to God. In Isaiah 29 we read of e vain worship of Israel. They went rough e motion of honoring Him, yet eir hearts were not in it. God fou no pleasure in e false worship which ey offered. Jesus taught at worship is to be bo in spirit a in tru (John 4:24). To worship in spirit involves worshiping God wi e right disposition. This true worship is to come from e heart wi love for e object of at worship. God seeks our love, honor a adoration (John 4:23).The Jews worshipped, yet wi no concern for God a His desire for at worship. In eir worship ey exalted emselves a sought e praise of men (Matew 6:1-5; 23:5). Many innovations would never come into being if ere was not e need for some to fi approval wi men a a desire to have numbers at any cost. When men truly seek to please a honor God in worship ey will have e correct disposition of heart. Worship is also to be done in tru, meaning at it is to contain e proper actions a be carried out in e manner prescribed by God. The tru is e only auority by which men can acceptably worship God (John 8:32; 17:17). In Matew 15:7-9 we fi e Jews offering unacceptable worship because it was not auorized of God. In vain do ey worship me - That is, eir attempts to worship are vain, or having no purpose ey are merely going rough e motions. They were teaching for doctrines e commaments of men. The word doctrines, here, means e instructions a requirements of religion. It was ose ings to be believed a practiced in religion. Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 5 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

6 Toney L. Smi As sincere as anyone might be in eir worship, if tru is not present a auority is not given, at worship is rejected by God. He alone has e right to declare what shall be done in his service. In 1 Kings 13:15-24 e young prophet died, not because he was insincere, but because he believed a followed someing contrary to God s commament. The same is true wi us today. If our worship is not in spirit a in tru it does not matter what our motive might be or how sincere we are. Believing a practicing ings which are not auorized will cause men to be lost, wheer it be in e initial obedience to e gospel, our daily Christian lives or in our worship. Conclusion What are e reasons for unauorized worship? Many a varied can be our answers. It may be due to man s desire to do what he feels is right. However, God has spoken against is ki of mentality; O Lord, I know at e way of man is not in himself: it is not in man at walke to direct his steps (Jeremiah 10:23). Sometimes ere is no godly leadership a men do as ey please; In ose days ere was no king in Israel, but every man did at which was right in his own eyes (Judges 17:6). I am also convinced at ere are many who have come from denominationalism wiout ever being converted to e fai. As time goes by ese men are put into leadership roles a ey revert back to eir former days a bring in eir former practices (Ephesians 4:22-24; 1 Peter 1:14). The very bottom line in answering why many are getting involved in unscriptural worship practices is because ey do not love e Lord! Love is an emotion which causes us to go out of our way to please e object of our affection. Jesus said e proof of our love for Him is to be obedient; If ye love me, keep my commaments (John 14:15). The demonstration of our lack of love is not being obedient. It is doing what we want a rejecting e instruction of our Lord; He at love me not keepe not my sayings: a e word which ye hear is not mine, but e Faer's which sent me (John 14:24). Worship is a woerful privilege given to e children of God. May we seek to always please Him a not ourselves (Galatians 1:10). Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 6 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

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