The Great Millennium

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1 Teachings Regarding The Great For e great, of which I have spoken by e mou of my servants, shall come. (D&C 43:30) The is One of Four Stages of Ear s Existence Joseph Fielding Smi( ) President This ear is passing rough four grand degrees or stages: 1. The creation and e condition antedating e fall. 2. The telestial condition which has prevailed since e fall of Adam. 3. The terrestrial condition at will prevail when e Savior comes and ushers in e millennial era. 4. The celestial or final state of e ear when it has obtained its exaltation. There is, also, what e Lord has called a little season, following e millennium when Satan will be loosed and e last great battle will be fought. (Doctrines of Salvation 3 Vols.,[ ]] 1:82) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Will Inaugurate e D&C For I will reveal myself from heaven wi power and great glory, wi all e hosts ereof, and dwell in righteousness wi men on ear a ousand years, and e wicked shall not stand. Enoch Sees e Future The earliest revelation recorded in e Scriptures regarding e Moses 7: And Enoch beheld e Son of Man ascend up unto e Faer; and he called unto e Lord, saying: Wilt ou not come again upon e ear? Forasmuch as ou art God, and I know ee, and ou hast sworn unto me, and commanded me at I should ask in e name of ine Only Begotten; ou hast made me, and given unto me a right to y rone, and not of myself, but rough ine own grace; wherefore, I ask ee if ou wilt not come again on e ear. 60 And e Lord said unto Enoch: As I live, even so will I come in e last days, in e days of wickedness and vengeance, to fulfil e oa which I have made unto you concerning e children of Noah; 61 And e day shall come at e ear shall rest, but before at day e heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover e ear; and e heavens shall shake, and also e ear; and great tribulations shall be among e children of men, but my people will I preserve [i.e, e chosen seed]; 62 And righteousness will I send down out of heaven; and tru will I send for out of e ear, to bear testimony of mine Only Begotten; his resurrection from e dead; yea, and also e resurrection of all men; and righteousness and tru will I cause to sweep e ear as wi a flood, to gaer out mine elect from e four quarters of e ear, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, at my people may gird up eir loins, and be looking for for e time of my coming; for ere shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem. 63 And e Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt ou and all y city meet em ere, and we will receive em into our bosom, and ey shall see us; and we will fall upon eir necks, and ey shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each oer; 64 And ere shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion, which shall come for out of all e creations which I have made; and for e space of a ousand years e ear shall rest. 65 And it came to pass at Enoch saw e day of e coming of e Son of Man, in e last days, to dwell on e ear in righteousness for e space of a ousand years; 66 But before at day he saw great tribulations among e wicked; and he also saw e sea, at it was troubled, and men's hearts failing em, looking for wi fear for e judgments of e Almighty God, which should come upon e wicked. 67 And e Lord showed Enoch all ings, even unto e end of e world; and he saw e day of e righteous, e hour of eir redemption, and received a fulness of joy. First (Celestial) Resurrection At Beginning of D&C For a trump shall sound bo long and loud, even as upon Mount Sinai, and all e ear shall quake, and ey shall come for--yea, even e dead which died in me, to receive a crown of righteousness, and to be cloed upon, even as I am, to be wi me, at we may be one. D&C And en ey shall look for me, and, behold, I will come; and ey shall see me in e clouds of heaven, cloed wi power and great glory; wi all e holy angels; and he at watches not for me shall be cut off. 45 But before e arm of e Lord shall fall, an angel shall sound his trump, and e saints at have slept shall come for to meet me in e cloud. 46 Wherefore, if ye have slept in peace blessed are you; for as you now behold me and know at I am, even so shall ye come unto me and your souls shall live, and your redemption shall be perfected; and e saints shall come for from e four quarters of e ear. Mortal Life Will Continue But Wi A Difference D&C 63:50-51 And he at live when e Lord shall come, and ha kept e fai, blessed is he; nevereless, it is appointed to him to die at e age of man. Wherefore, children shall grow up until ey become old; old men shall die; but ey shall not sleep in e dust, but ey shall be changed in e twinkling of an eye.

2 D&C 45:57-58 For ey at are wise and have received e tru, and have taken e Holy Spirit for eir guide, and have not been deceived -- verily I say unto you, ey shall not be hewn down and cast into e fire, but shall abide e day. And e ear shall be given unto em for an inheritance; and ey shall multiply and wax strong, and eir children shall grow up wiout sin unto salvation. Isaiah 65:18-23 Be ye glad and rejoice for ever in at which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and e voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor e voice of crying... And ey shall build houses, and inhabit em; and ey shall plant vineyards and eat e fruit of em. They shall not build, and anoer inhabit; ey shall not plant, and anoer eat: for as e days of a tree are e days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy e work of eir hands. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring for for trouble; for ey are e seed of e blessed of e Lord, and eir offspring wi em. Bruce R. McConkie ( ) Quorum of e Twelve Apostles Great and marvelous ough e changes will be incident to life during e millennial era, yet mortality as such will continue. Children will be born, grow up, marry, advance to old age, and pass rough e equivalent of dea. Crops will be planted, harvested, and eaten; industries will be expanded, cities built, and education fostered; men will continue to care for eir own needs, handle eir own affairs, and enjoy e full endowment of free agency. Speaking a pure language (Zeph. 3:9), dwelling in peace, living wiout disease, and progressing as e Holy Spirit will guide, e advancement and perfection of society during e millennium will exceed anying men have supposed or expected. Physical bodies of ose living on ear during e millennium will not be subject to e same ills at attend us in our present sphere of existence. Men in at day will still be mortal; children will be born to em; spirits coming into e physical or natural bodies born in at day will en go rough eir mortal probation as we are now going rough ours. Those born during e millennium will not be immortal, at is, eir bodies and spirits will not be inseparably connected as is e case wi resurrected beings. But eir bodies will be changed from conditions as ey now exist so at disease cannot attack em, and dea as we know it cannot intervene to cause a separation of body and spirit. (Mormon Doctrine, pp ) What Form Will Man Be Found in During? Bruce R. McConkie ( ) Quorum of e Twelve Apostles During e ere will, of course, be two kinds of people on ear. There will be ose who are mortal, and ose who are immortal. There will be ose who have been changed or quickened or transfigured or translated (words fail us to describe eir state), and ose who have gone rough a second change, in e twinkling of an eye, so as to become eternal in nature. There will be ose who are on probation, for whom ear life is a probationary estate, and who are us working out eir own salvation, and ose who have already overcome e world and have entered into a fulness of eternal joy. There will be ose who will yet die in e sense of being changed from eir quickened state to a state of immortality, and ose who, having previously died, are en living in a resurrected state. There will be ose who are subject to e kings and priests who rule forever in e house of Israel, and ose who, as kings and priests, exercise power and dominion in e everlasting kingdom of Him whose we are. There will be ose who, as mortals, provide bodies for e spirit children of e Faer, for e spirits whose right it is to come to ear and gain houses for eir eternal spirits, and ose who, as immortals (Abraham is one), are already begetting spirit children of eir own. There will be ose for whom e fulness of eternal glory is ahead, and ose who, again like Abraham, have already entered into eir exaltation and sit upon eir rones and are not angels but are gods forever and ever. (The Millennial Messiah, pp ) The Kingdom Of Heaven Joins Wi e Kingdom of God (Zion) on Ear During e James E. Talmage ( ) Quorum of e Twelve Apostles From While e expressions Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven are used in e Bible synonymously or interchangeably, later revelation gives to each a distinctive meaning. The Kingdom of God is e Church established by divine auority upon e ear; is institution asserts no claim to temporal rule over nations; its sceptre of power is at of e Holy Priesood, to be used in e preaching of e gospel and in administering its ordinances for e salvation of mankind living and dead. The Kingdom of Heaven is e divinely ordained system of government and dominion in all matters, temporal and spiritual; is will be established on ear only when its rightful Head, e King of kings, Jesus e Christ, comes to reign. His administration will be one of order, operated rough e agency of His commissioned representatives invested wi e Holy Priesood. When Christ appears in His glory, and not before, will be realized a complete fulfilment of e supplication: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in ear, as it is in heaven. The Kingdom of God has been established among men to prepare em for e Kingdom of Heaven which shall come; and in e blessed reign of Christ e King shall e two be made one.(jesus e Christ [1973], pp ; emphasis added.) See D&C 65 The Kingdom of God Before and After e Second Coming John Taylor ( ) President In making a brief summary of what we have said before in relation to e means to be employed for e establishment of e Kingdom of God, we find e following: st 1 That it will be not only a spiritual kingdom, but a temporal and literal one also. nd 2 That if it is e Kingdom of Heaven, it must be revealed from e heavens. r 3 That a standard is to be lifted up, by e Lord, to e nations. 4 That an Angel is to come wi e everlasting Gospel, which is to be proclaimed to every nation, kindred, people, and tongue; at it is to be e same as e ancient one, and at e same powers and blessings will attend it. 5 That not only will e Ancient Gospel be preached, but ere will accompany it a declaration of judgment to e nations. 6 That ere will be a literal Zion, or gaering of e Saints to Zion, as well as a gaering of e Jews to Jerusalem. 7 That when is has taken place, e Spirit of God will be widrawn from e nations, and ey will war wi and destroy each oer. 8 That judgments will also overtake em from e Lord; plague, pestilence, famine, etc. 9 That e nations, having lost e Spirit of God, will assemble to fight against e Lord s people, being full of e spirit of unrighteousness, and opposed to e rule and government of God. 10 That when ey do, e Lord will come and fight against em himself; overrow eir armies, assert his own right, rule e nations wi a rod of iron, root e wicked out of e ear, and take possession of his own kingdom. I might here furer state, at when e Lord does come to exercise judgment upon e ungodly, to make an end of sin, and bring in everlasting righteousness, he will establish his own laws, demand universal obedience, and cause wickedness and misuse to cease. He will issue his commands, and ey must be obeyed; and if e nations of e ear observe not his laws, ey will have no rain. And ey will be taught by more

3 forcible means an moral suasion, at ey are dependant upon God; for e Lord will demand obedience, and e Scriptures say, time and again, at e wicked shall be rooted out of e land, and e righteous and e meek shall inherit e ear. The Lord, after trying man s rule for ousands of years, now takes e reins of government into his own hands, and makes use of e only possible means of asserting his rights. For if e wicked never were cut off, e righteous never could rule; and if e Devil was still suffered to bear rule, God could not, at e same time; consequently after long delay, he whose right it is, takes possession of e kingdom; and e kingdom; and e greatness of e kingdom under e rule of e whole heavens, shall be given to e Saints of e Most High God; and e world will assume at position for which it was made. A King shall rule in righteousness, and Princes shall decree judgment. The knowledge of e Lord will spread, and extend under e auspices of is government. Guided by his counsels, and under his direction, all ose purposes designed of Him, from e commencement, in relation to bo living and dead, will be in a fair way for e accomplishment. (The Government of God, Ch.11) Welding e Family of Adam Togeer Joseph Smi ( ) President It may seem to some to be a very bold doctrine at we talk of a power which records or binds on ear and binds in heaven... And now my dearly beloved breren and sisters, let me assure you at ese are principles in relation to e dead and e living at cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For eir salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning e faers--at ey wiout us cannot be made perfect--neier can we wiout our dead be made perfect.... It is sufficient to know, in is case, at e ear will be smitten wi a curse unless ere is a welding link of some kind or oer between e faers and e children, upon some subject or oer--and behold what is at subject? It is e baptism for e Teachings of Presidents of e Church: Brigham Young [1997], p. 333; dead. For we wiout em cannot be made perfect; neier can ey wiout us be made perfect. Neier can ey nor we be made perfect wiout ose who have died in e gospel also; for it is necessary in e ushering in of e dispensation of e fulness of times, which dispensation is now beginning to usher in, at a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding togeer of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories should take place, and be revealed from e days of Adam even to e present time. And not only is, but ose ings which never have been revealed from e foundation of e world, but have been kept hid from e wise and prudent, shall be revealed unto babes and sucklings in is, e dispensation of e fulness of times. (D&C 128:9, 15, 18) We are trying to save e living and e dead. The living can have eir choice, e dead have not. Millions of em died wiout e Gospel, wiout e Priesood, and wiout e opportunities at we enjoy. We shall go for in e name of Israel's God and attend to e ordinances for em. And rough e, e ousand years at e people will love and serve God, we will build temples and officiate erein for ose who have slept for hundreds and ousands of years-ose who would have received e tru if ey had had e opportunity; and we will bring em up, and form e chain entire, back to Adam. (Teachings of Presidents of e Church: Brigham Young [1997], p. 311) Seed of Abraham Continue Their Work at Blessing All e World During e There is an opportunity for men who are in e spirit to receive e Gospel. Jesus, while his body lay in e grave two nights and one day, went to e world of spirits to show e breren how ey should build up e kingdom, and bring spirits to e knowledge of e tru in e spirit world; he went to set em e pattern ere, as he had done on is ear. Hence you perceive at ere, spirits have e privilege of embracing e tru. You may ask if ey are baptized ere? No. Can ey have hands laid upon em for e gift of e Holy Ghost? No. None of e outward ordinances at pertain to e flesh are administered ere, but e light, glory, and power of e Holy Ghost are enjoyed just as freely as upon is ear; and ere are laws which govern and control e spirit world, and to which ey are subject. Can we do anying for em? Yes. What are we trying to build a Temple for? And we shall not only build a Temple here, if we are successful, and are blessed and preserved, but we shall probably commence two or ree more, and so on as fast as e work requires, for e express purpose of redeeming our dead. When I get a revelation at some of my progenitors lived and died wiout e blessings of e Gospel, or even hearing it preached, but were as honest as I am, as upright as I am, or as any man or woman could be upon e ear; as righteous, so far as ey knew how, as any Apostle or Prophet at ever lived, I will go and be baptized, confirmed, washed, and anointed, and go rough all e ordinances and endowments for em, at eir way may be opened to e celestial kingdom. As I have frequently told you, at is e work of e. It is e work at has to be performed by e seed of Abraham, e chosen seed, e royal seed, e blessed of e Lord, ose e Lord made covenants wi. They will step for, and save every son and daughter of Adam who will receive salvation here on e ear; and all e spirits in e spirit world will be preached to, conversed wi, and e principles of salvation carried to em, at ey may have e privilege of receiving e Gospel; and ey will have plenty of children here on e ear to officiate for in ose ordinances of e Gospel at pertain to e flesh. (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [ ], 2: also Discourses of Brigham Young [1954], 403; and Teachings of Presidents of e Church: Brigham Young [1997], p. 333; emphasis added) Inequities, Problems, and Relationships of Life Can Eventually Be Adjusted in e Eternities James E. Faust ( ) First Presidency All of us benefit from e transcendent blessings of e Atonement and e Resurrection, rough which e divine healing process can work in our lives. The hurt can be replaced by e joy e Savior promised. To e doubting Thomas, Jesus said, Be not failess, but believing. Through fai and righteousness all of e inequities, injuries, and pains of is life can be fully compensated for and made right. Blessings denied in is life will be fully recompensed in e eternities. Through complete repentance of our sins we can be forgiven and we can enjoy eternal life. Thus our suffering in is life can be as e refining fire, purifying us for a higher purpose. Heartaches can be healed, and we can come to know a soul-satisfying joy and happiness beyond our dreams and expectations. ( Woman, Why Weepest Thou? Ensign, Nov. 1996, p. 52) Dallin H. Oaks Quorum of e Twelve Apostles Some who are listening to is message are probably saying, But what about me? We know at many wory and wonderful Latter-day Saints currently lack e ideal opportunities and essential requirements for eir progress. Singleness, childlessness, dea, and divorce frustrate ideals and postpone e fulfillment of promised blessings. In addition, some women who desire to be full-time moers and homemakers have been literally compelled to enter e full-time work force. But ese frustrations are only temporary. The Lord has promised at in e eternities no blessing will be denied his sons and daughters who keep e commandments, are true to eir covenants, and desire what is right. Many of e most important deprivations of mortality will be set

4 right in e, which is e time for fulfilling all at is incomplete in e great plan of happiness for all of our Faer s wory children. We know at will be true of temple ordinances. I believe it will also be true of family relationships and experiences. ( The Great Plan of Happiness, Ensign, Nov. 1993, p. 75) Anoer idea at is powerful to lift us from discouragement is at e work of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to bring to pass e eternal life of man (Moses 1:39), is an eternal work. Not all problems are overcome and not all needed relationships are fixed in mortality. The work of salvation goes on beyond e veil of dea, and we should not be too apprehensive about incompleteness wiin e limits of mortality. ( Powerful Ideas, Ensign, Nov. 1995, p. 26) Joseph Fielding Smi( ) President We have people coming to us all e time just as fearful as ey can be at a child of eirs who has died will lose e blessings of e kingdom of God unless at child is sealed to someone who is dead, They do not know e wishes of eir child who died too young to ink of marriage, but ey want to go straight to e temple and have a sealing performed. Such a ing as is is unnecessary and in my judgment wrong. The Lord has said rough his servants at during e millennium ose who have passed beyond and have attained e resurrection will reveal in person to ose who are still in mortality all e information which is required to complete e work of ese who have passed from is life. Then e dead will have e privilege of making known e ings ey desire and are entitled to receive. In is way no soul will be neglected and e work of e Lord will be perfected. It is e duty of parents who have children who have died and who were old enough to be endowed, to go to e temple and perform is endowment for em. When you have done is, you may let e matter of furer work rest, except e sealing of ese children to eir parents, until e proper time comes. (Doctrines of Salvation, 3 vols. [ ], 3:65) Zion Will Become One Wi Jesus Christ D&C 29:13 13 For a trump shall sound bo long and loud, even as upon Mount Sinai, and all e ear shall quake, and ey shall come for yea, even e dead which died in me, to receive a crown of righteousness, and to be cloed upon, even as I am, to be wi me, at we may be one. The consists in is every heart in e Church and Kingdom of God being united in one; e Kingdom increasing to e overcoming of everying opposed to e economy of heaven, and Satan being bound, and having a seal set upon him. All ings else will be as ey are now, we shall eat, drink, and wear cloing. (Teachings of Presidents of e Church: Brigham Young [1997], p. 333) Kingdom of God Perfected During e Bruce R. McConkie ( ) Quorum of e Twelve Apostles The ree phases of is great latter-day work are as follows: Phase I From e First Vision, e setting up of e kingdom on April 6, 1830, and e coming of Moses on April 3, 1836, to e secure establishment of e Church in e United States and Canada, a period of about 125 years. Phase II From e creation of stakes of Zion in overseas areas, beginning in e 1950s, to e second coming of e Son of Man, a period of unknown duration. Phase III From our Lord s second coming until e kingdom is perfected and e knowledge of God covers e ear as e waters cover e sea, and from en until e end of e, a period of 1,000 years... As is clear from e inspired account, Zion shall be built up she shall obtain at perfection and glory which is hers when e Lord appears in his glory. She shall en become as she once was. This will be during e when e restoration of all ings is completed. Zion shall be perfected after e second coming of Christ.( Come: Let Israel Build Zion, Ensign, May 1977, ) All Work For e Dead Will Be Completed In e, when e Kingdom of God is established on e ear in power, glory and perfection, and e reign of wickedness at has so long prevailed is subdued, e Saints of God will have e privilege of building eir temples, and of entering into em, becoming, as it were, pillars in e temples of God [see Revelation 3:12], and ey will officiate for eir dead. Then we will see our friends come up, and perhaps some at we have been acquainted wi here. ï ½ And we will have revelations to know our forefaers clear back to Faer Adam and Moer Eve, and we will enter into e temples of God and officiate for em. Then [children] will be sealed to [parents] until e chain is made perfect back to Adam, so at ere will be a perfect chain of Priesood from Adam to e winding-up scene. This will be e work of e Latter-day Saints in e. (Teachings Of Presidents Of The Church: Brigham Young [1997], p.333-4) Knowledge of e Lord to Cover e Ear D&C 101: Yea, verily I say unto you, in at day when e Lord shall come, he shall reveal all ings 33 Things which have passed, and hidden ings which no man knew, ings of e ear, by which it was made, and e purpose and e end ereof 34 Things most precious, ings at are above, and ings at are benea, ings at are in e ear, and upon e ear, and in heaven. Bruce R. McConkie ( ) Quorum of e Twelve Apostles We have e fulness of e everlasting gospel, meaning at we have all at is needed to gain e fulness of salvation. We have every tru, doctrine, and principle, every rite, power, and ordinance all at is needed to gain exaltation in e highest heaven of e celestial world. But we do not know all ings; ere are doctrines in endless array of which we know next to noing; indeed, ere are more ings in e darkness of e unknown an ere are in e light of e known. We do not even know what e faiful knew in Enoch s Zion, nor among e Nephites when ey dwelt in righteousness for generations. We do not know what is on e sealed portion of e plates from which e Book of Mormon came. Ours is a day for drinking milk; e day when we, as a people at least, can partake of e meat of e word is in e future. That future is millennial. In at day, all ings shall become new, sai e Lord, at my knowledge and glory may dwell upon all e ear... Yea, verily I say unto you, in at day when e Lord shall come, he shall reveal all ings Things which have passed, and hidden ings which no man knew, ings of e ear, by which it was made, and e purpose and e end ereof Things most precious, ings at are above, and ings at are benea, ings at are in e ear, and upon e ear, and in heaven. (D&C 101:25, ) As we ponder ese heaven-sent words, we are led to exclaim: Thanks be to him who is e Way, e Tru, and e Life, who knows all ings and who seeks to pour out his revelations, and all e knowledge of eternity, upon all who will receive em. Ere long e dark veil of ignorance and unbelief at covers e ear and

5 blinds e minds of men shall be pierced. Light and tru will fall from heaven as does rain from e clouds above. The knowledge of God, e knowledge of ose Gods whom it is life eternal to know, shall be in every heart. No longer will eologians suppose at God is a spirit essence at fills immensity while he dwells in e human heart. No longer will philosophers pontificate about some great first cause at inexplicably brought order into a chaotic universe. No longer will Babylonish churches place crucifixes in e hands, or e images of Diana of e Ephesians, as it were, and no longer will ey worship e works of eir own hands in e great caedrals of Christendom. The knowledge of God, e tru about God, e fact at he is a Holy Man, will come by revelation into every human heart. The knowledge of God will cover e ear. All ings are to be revealed in e millennial day. The sealed part of e Book of Mormon will come for; e brass plates will be translated; e writings of Adam and Enoch and Noah and Abraham and prophets wiout number will be revealed. We shall learn a ousand times more about e early ministry of e Lord Jesus an we now know. We shall learn great mysteries of e kingdom at were not even known to ose of old who walked and talked wi e Eternal One. We shall learn e details of e creation and e origin of man and what fools mortals are to follow e fads of e evolving evolutionary nonsense at litters e textbooks of academia. Noing in or on or over e ear will be wiheld from human ken, for eventually man, if he is to be as his Maker, must know all ings. Hear in is connection ese words of Nephi: In at day, e ear shall be full of e knowledge of e Lord as e waters cover e sea. Wherefore, e ings of all nations shall be made known; yea, all ings shall be made known unto e children of men. There is noing which is secret save it shall be revealed; ere is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in e light; and ere is noing which is sealed upon e ear save it shall be loosed. Wherefore, all ings which have been revealed unto e children of men shall at at day be revealed. (2 Ne. 30:15-18.) Surely man could not ask for more an is in e way of light and tru and knowledge, and yet expect to remain in e flesh as a mortal and be in process of working out his salvation. Surely is is e day in which e Lord shall fulfill e promise of holy writ at says: God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by e unspeakable gift of e Holy Ghost, [knowledge] at has not been revealed since e world was until now; which our forefaers have awaited wi anxious expectation to be revealed in e last times, which eir minds were pointed to by e angels, as held in reserve for e fulness of eir glory; a time to come in e which noing shall be wiheld, wheer ere be one God or many gods, ey shall be manifest. (D&C 121:26-28.) That is outpouring of divine goodness has already commenced is not open to question. That it will continue, in far greater measure, after our Lord comes again, who can doubt? (The Millennial Messiah [1982], pp )

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