The Responsibility of Elders In Facing Issues Bill Goring

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1 The Responsibility of Elders In Facing Issues Bill was born in Higginsville, MO in 1944 a raised in e greater Kansas City, MO area. He was baptized in 1968 at e Winner Road congregation a atteed e Kansas City School of Preaching from He has also atteed at Freed Hardeman College, Oklahoma Christian College a Ozark Bible College. While in Oklahoma he was an instructor at e 8 a Lee School of Biblical Studies in Lawton, Oklahoma. He has served as an instructor at e Midwest School of Biblical Studies here at 39 Street. Bill has spoken at various lectureships a gospel meetings roughout e Midwest a e Souern United States. He contributes articles for various broerhood papers as well as tracts for e International Bible Studies series published by 39 Street. a also participates in e International Bible Studies lectures. Bill has preached for 35 years, 23 of which have been spent wi e Chipman Road Church of Christ in Lee's Summit, Missouri where he currently preaches a serves as an elder. He a his wife, Nancy, have 4 children, 9 grachildren. It is very evident at ere is a widespread misconception of e work of elders. To be an elder in e biblical sense of e term, is much more an wearing a title. It is a function, a work to be done. When one ceases to function en one has ceased to be an elder a should no longer claim to be. In Acts 20:28-30, Paul notes some of e primary duties of elders. As "overseers," ey were to "take heed" unto emselves. This would involve serious attention to eir responsibilities in is great work, making certain at ey were conforming to God's will in e matter. They were also told to "feed e flock." Just as a literal flock will weaken a die wiout food, so will e spiritual flock; a congregation of God's people. One of e qualifications of an elder is to be "apt to teach" (1 Timoy 3:2). As applied to an elder, it means to be "skilled in teaching" (Vines 619). This involves e knowledge necessary to teach. One can hardly teach at which he doesn't know. Closely related to is qualification is Paul's statement to Titus, "Holding fast e faiful word as he has been taught, at he may be able by sou doctrine bo to exhort a to convince e gainsayers " (Titus 1:9). This is highly important. To serve as "overseers" effectively it is essential at elders be knowledgeable a able to teach. Not only is is necessary in order to "feed e flock," but to be able to wista e "gainsayers" a so protect e flock against is danger. Peter points out at e elders are to "Feed e flock of God... taking e oversight ereof." He also says at it is not to be done by "constraint, but willingly..." Raer an being "lords over God's heritage" ey are to be "ensamples to e flock" (1 Peter 5:2-3). It cannot be expected at e flock will rise above e example set for by e elders. As rulers of e congregation, e elders "watch for your souls as ey at must give account..." (Hebrews 13:17). It goes wiout saying at if elders are to "watch" for e souls of e flock, ey must know ose who make up e flock. It is also true at ere must be a deep concern for everyone. If signs of spiritual sickness occur, attention should be given as quickly as possible, in order to bring about a cure a prevent a worsening of e coition, which could result in spiritual dea. Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page This material may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged a proper credit is given for source. It is not be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

2 If elders are to accomplish eir highly important a God-given task, it is necessary for e flock to "obey" a "submit" to eir oversight (Hebrews 13:17). When we examine e various words a terms used wi regard to elders, it is clear ere are high staards at ey must reach, a eir work can be readily seen. If we will be honest wi God a wi ourselves, we must admit at ere is a most serious problem wiin e church today due to e lack of qualified elders. The nature of e problem is such at it can be rightfully called... THE ELDERSHIP CRISIS The lack of qualified elders is not someing new, but e failure to carry out God's plan for elders in e church has become much more serious in e past two or ree decades. The statement at "Elders are e greatest problem wiin e church today," is being heard much more often now. I agree wi is statement a will point out some of e reasons why I do so. Those churches, which have true, God-approved elders who are doing e work which God inteed, are fortunate a blessed wi one of e greatest of blessings. On e oer ha, congregations which are not so blessed, a do not have competent leadership among e men, are in a very precarious state. It would be most interesting to know just how many scriptural elderships would be fou if a hured congregations were surveyed. I would not attempt a guess as to e exact number, but I fear it would be a frightening few. Many of our breren would agree wi is assessment. We are seeing e tragic results of is coition, in at congregations are leaving "e old pas" as never before in our lives. It is so sad at many have become denominational in so many ways a yet claim to be Christ's church. Elders, if ey function as God inteed, will take eir work seriously, always striving to e utmost to fulfill eir duties. When is occurs, congregations will prosper in spiritual grow a maturity, a numerical grow will result. When is is lacking; when e elders do not function properly, e devil will be successful in bringing great hurt a lack of progress wiin e congregation. We shall note a few ings, which are happening today due to e eldership crisis. This is not to say at all ese ings are true in every congregation, but some are in many. In some instances a number of problems are evident in a single congregation. Lack of proper teaching: A primary duty of elders is to see at e flock is properly fed, but in general we are no longer "People of e Book," as we once were. Had e elders in Ephesus heeded Paul s warning a admonitions to em, e church would no doubt still be meeting ere today! They were told to feed e church of God (Acts 20:28). They were warned of grievous wolves at would enter. They were cautioned of departures from e fai at would creep into e eldership. They were told to watch. But did ey? They apparently eier ignored such warnings or later forgot em. It is evident at people are not studying as ey should a much of what is being learned is not in harmony wi God's Word. Not only is proper feeding not being provided, in some instances elders (?) are actually bringing in false teachers. This is happening right here in e Kansas City area wi sister congregations, as well as e rest of our country. In Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page This material may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged a proper credit is given for source. It is not be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

3 some cases elders do not know what is being taught in classes. Teaching material is not examined closely. Unreliable versions of e Bible are being used more widely. Meetings wi teachers, by e elders, in some cases never take place. Sometimes elders are not capable emselves of teaching. Church discipline is not practiced: We are in a crisis when elders do not lead e church in e discipline of disorderly members. Most of our leadership even seems hesitant to publicly combat moral wickedness. (James 4:7.) Sin is vaguely referred to in abstract terms. Sinners are knowingly tolerated in numerous congregations (I Corinians 5:2.) Discipline is sadly neglected in many congregations. This situation has led to much confusion in e public mi toward e church. They do not see e uniqueness of e Lord s church. This is such a common problem at when discipline is exercised, it is certainly e exception a not e rule. Members can be involved in all sorts of sinful practices a elders often never do a ing about it. Elders should take e lead in discipline, a see at e members participate. Lost sheep are not sought: It is not uncommon for members to drift away a elders put for no effort to fi em a bring em back to a state of faifulness (Acts 20:28). All members have a responsibility in is area, but elders are to take e lead; to set an example. Fellowship wi error is allowed: If e New Testament teaches anying (a it certainly does), it teaches at faiful Christians cannot fellowship error ( Ephesians 5:11 ). Yet members may have fellowship wi very liberal congregations a have no rebuke from eir elders who are supposed to "watch" for eir souls. Announcements of activities of liberal congregations are sometimes made by ose claiming to be sou. If e elders allow is to happen a do not warn ose of eir flock, ey are guilty of neglect. False teaching is allowed: Some elders will not take issue wi false teachers, seemingly inking at if noing is said, e false teaching will simply go away. In e last 30 years, preachers, elders a congregations decided it was not best to debate false teachers, to deal specifically wi false religions, or even to deal openly wi false doctrines. To em, false doctrine just does not seem to be bad (II Timoy 2:16-17). The teaching of error by preachers, teachers, or any member should not be tolerated (Titus 1:10-11) "not for an hour " (Galatians 2:5). Input from e congregation is not desired: The church is not a democracy, but people cannot be led effectively when ey do not express eir oughts, concerns a goals. In close relation to is is e failure to keep members informed. In some instances ere is never an opportunity given for members to be informed about e work of e church a various ings related to it. The work of elders is to lead, not to drive. There is a big difference. Elders staing for error: Not only is error sometimes tolerated, e number of elders who blatantly uphold a teach error is increasing. Some of our most vocal false teachers are allowed Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page This material may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged a proper credit is given for source. It is not be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

4 access to congregations because e elders emselves are false teachers ( Acts 20:29). The members who allow is to be are not guiltless. Untaught elders: Some elders do not hold fast e faiful Word " because ey have never been taught. They are not able to "convince" anyone by "sou doctrine." The ability to recognize tru from error is sometimes lacking. In my estimation, is has contributed greatly to e spread of error. Uninformed elders: Wi all e error at is floating arou in our broerhood today, elders who are not informed as to what is going on are running a great risk. A false doctrine can be brought into a congregation a take root wiout it being known by e elders until it is too late to deal wi it effectively. Elders who are too busy to keep informed, are just too busy! "Lord's over God's heritage:" God has given elders auority to "rule" over e flock (Acts 20:28). About is ere should be no doubt. But is auority is not as a dictator. Most members of e church resent being "bossed" in eir congregational relationship. Whereas it is not difficult to "submit" to elders who serve as exemplary leaders, submitting to ose who rule wi an "iron ha" is a different matter. If e awesomeness of e responsibilities in serving as an elder was given serious ought, e desire for assuming unauorized power might be curbed. Failure to support preachers: If a preacher is preaching a teaching e tru wi e right motive, it is for e good of e congregation at e elders let it be known at ey sta behi e preacher. A preacher should never be left out on a limb when e tru he presents is not accepted by some members. The elders should sta by him. I've known is to happen. If e preacher is not preaching e "whole counsel of God " (Acts 20:27), he should be stopped immediately. Error is never deserving of any more time! Special interest influence: In some cases e elders may listen to certain iividuals or groups while closing eir ears to oers. Perhaps a very liberal contributor may carry more weight an one who is not able to give as much. Sometimes just one or two members have enough influence at ey can make a big difference in e decisions made by elders. "Kin folks" can often influence decisions. This should never be e case. Lack of trustworiness: Every member of e church should be trustwory, but wi ose serving as elders it is a must. It is a sad day when elders do not keep promises or even state ings, which are not true. This should never happen, but unfortunately, sometimes it does. The Solution To Problems Wi The Eldership We have noted a great many problems a oers could be mentioned. But ese problems could be solved by submitting completely to God's Word in e matter. If men were selected to serve as elders in accordance wi God's qualifications, problems, for e most part, would be solved. It is Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page This material may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged a proper credit is given for source. It is not be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

5 at simple. Problems arise when men take e matter into eir own has a select, or allow men to assume e position of an elder when ey are clearly not what God has demaed to serve in at all-important capacity. If ever ere was a time when ose who love e Lord a His church should do everying wiin eir power to improve e elderships wiin e church, it is NOW! It is already too late for many eternity-bou souls who have been led away from e way of righteousness. No doubt ere are many men who could become qualified elders if only eir love for God was strong enough at ey would be willing to make at eir goal. True spiritual grow a maturity is desperately needed. CONCLUDING THOUGHTS The foregoing has not been written to discourage men from serving as qualified elders, but raer to encourage such, a to call attention to e great need for more elders. I am convinced at godly elders constitute one of e greatest ings which can be done to contribute to e well-being of e church. Men who are qualified to serve, or who could qualify emselves, should ink seriously of eir duty. Works Cited Vine, W. E. (no date). Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Thomas Nelson Publishers Davis, M.M. (1912). The Eldership. Cincinnati, OH: Staard Publishing Company Duncan, Bobby (2000). The Elders Which Are Among You. Huntsville, AL: Publishing Designs J. W. McGarvey (1982). The Eldership. Murfreesburo, TN: Dehoff Publications Strauch, Alexaer ( 1988). Biblical Eldership. Lewis a Ro Publications Taylor, Robert Jr. (1988). The Elder a His Work. Shreveport, LA: Lambert Publishing Company Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page This material may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged a proper credit is given for source. It is not be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

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