The Singularity of the Church of Christ Richard Massey

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1 The Singularity of e Church of Christ The Singularity of e Church of Christ Denominational churches have existed for centuries. Because of eir long historical backgrou it is likely at many people believe at denominations have been here since e beginning a at God is even responsible for eir existence. It is commonly accepted, by ose in a out of e church, at God is completely satisfied wi denominational divisions. The consensus among most is at it makes no difference what denomination you are a member of, all believers will eventually be saved a live eternally in heaven. Noing could be farer from scriptural tru. Seldom do people stop to ask, Is e concept of denominationalism fou anywhere in e Bible? Or, Does God even sanction em? People need to study eir Bibles much more to fi e answers to ese important a pertinent questions. After all, each person is going to held responsible for what he believes a practices (John 12:48-50; 2 Corinians 5:10). The Bible is capable of settling all disputes; it alone must be e final word on all religious issues. God s word is right a will always be right even when men (at includes very knowledgeable men 2 Timoy 3:7) are wrong (Rom. 3:4). Man must accept e tru of e Bible even if it opposes what he currently believes. So often men open e Bible wi a biased mi, desiring to fi passages at agree wi e denominational doctrine ey already hold. This approach will simply not do since it is e tru of e Bible at will set men free; not so-called tru invented by men (John 8:32; 17:17). All scripture is given by inspiration of God a has been given for e following purposes: 1. to teach man all ings at pertain to life a godliness, 2. to correct man when he is wrong, 3. to reprove him wi e knowledge from above a 4. to instruct him in righteousness behavior (2 Timoy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3). For e scriptures to accomplish is, man must be willing to accept what e Holy Scriptures decree. Where in scripture does e Bible teach at e Lord established many churches divided over doctrine, wearing different names, practicing varied styles of worship, a having dissimilar arrangements in organization? Turn to at passage a point it out. Where in e Bible can we fi at one may believe a obey a denominational creed a get to heaven? Such an inquiry is pertinent since we live in a world wi well over twenty-two hured (2,200) denominations (a e number is still growing). The tru of e matter is, denominations cannot be fou anywhere in e Word of God. If ere can, en please show us e passage. Only one church is set for in e scriptures. Every soul must be in at one church in order to be saved. The prayer of is writer is at you will study a consider e following scriptures wi a ready mi a an open Bible (Acts 17:11). There is only one church because Jesus built only one. Jesus said to His disciples, A I say unto ee, That ou art Peter, a upon is rock I will build my church; a e gates of hell shall Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 1 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

2 The Singularity of e Church of Christ not prevail against it (Matew 16:18). Count e number of churches Jesus promised to build in e passage. Notice e precise a plain singular noun church a e definitive singular pronoun it. The Lord could not have made His intent any more clear. Denominationalism cannot be a reasonable conclusion based upon is passage. As a matter of fact, never did He express a denominational concept in connection wi His church. Only by perverting e scriptures could anyone surmise at Jesus was building a dozen or more denominations divided over doctrines a religious practices. Man must be careful not to put words into e Savior s mou. There is only one church because Jesus bought only one. Paul expressed is in Acts 20:28 as he spoke to e elders of e church in e city of Ephesus (Acts 20:17). Paul expressly said, Take heed erefore unto yourselves, a to all e flock, over e which e Holy Ghost ha made you overseers, to feed e church of God which he ha purchased wi his own blood. He did not purchase numerous churches. No, He purchased only one. The flock means only one flock. The church of God, means only one church. Paul is in perfect harmony wi Jesus. Those at teach denominationalism is acceptable are not in harmony wi Jesus or Paul. The elders were not told to feed a church of God. This could possibly iicate one among many in e city of Ephesus. They were told to feed e church of God which signified only one church was in mi. The Lord did not make a mistake when He inspired each of ese words to be written. Man makes a mistake by trying to alter what God has already said in His holy Word. As we look at is passage we see also at e one church at Jesus bought a built is auorized to have elders appointed to feed a oversee e church. The record shows at Paul ordained elders in every congregation of e Lord s church: A when ey had ordained em elders in every church, a had prayed wi fasting, ey commeed em to e Lord, on whom ey believed (Acts 14:23). Every local congregation in e first century was organized e same, elders were put in place to shepherd e flock. Jesus did not purchase e denominations wi eir popes, reveres, councils, synods, boards, a manmade hierarchies. None of ese are fou in e Bible. If ey are not in e Bible en it must be e case at ey have come from men. Jesus said, Howbeit in vain do ey worship me, teaching for doctrines e commaments of men (Mark 7:7). No true follower wants to worship God in vain. There is only one church because Jesus is e head of only one. The book of Ephesians has much to say about e singularity of e church. In it inspiration says, A ha put all ings uer his feet, a gave him to e head over all ings to e church, which is his body, e fullness of him at fille all in all (Ephesians 1:22-23). Once again e church clearly means one. Also notice from is passage at e e church is also e body. Throughout e book of Ephesians e terms church a body are used interchangeably to refer to e same institution. Body or church is what Jesus is going to save according to Ephesians 5;23, For e husba is e head of e wife, even as Christ is e head of e church: a he is e saviour of e body. Christ is e head a Savior of only one church (Colossians 1:18). In Ephesians 4:4 we are told ere is one body. Notice e seven ones in Ephesians 4:4-6. There is not only one body, but also one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one fai, one baptism a one Faer. Most denominational people will accept ree of e ones in is passage. They will accept one Spirit (Holy Spirit), one Lord (Jesus Christ) a one God a Faer. But at e same time Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 2 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

3 The Singularity of e Church of Christ ey will reject e oer four. Instead of one church (body), man says ere are many bodies (churches). He also says at ere are many hopes, many fais a many baptisms. Ephesians 2:16 teaches at men (bo Jew a Gentile) will be reconciled to God in one body. Ephesians 2:20 tells us at ere is only one household of God. This household is, built upon e fouation of e apostles a prophets, Jesus Christ himself being e chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:20). Now e church is being described as a building wi a chief cornerstone. In whom all e building fitly framed togeer growe unto an holy temple in e Lord. In whom ye also are builded togeer for an habitation of God rough e spirit (Ephesians 2:21-22). There is only one spiritual temple in which e Deity abides. There is only one church because Jesus gave only one Gospel. Paul said, For I am not ashamed of e gospel of Christ: for it is e power of God unto salvation to every one at believe; to e Jew first, a also to e Greek (Romans 1:16). One Gospel means at ere is only one message to be taught a hence only one plan of salvation. There are not many ways to be saved only one. The Lord said, I am e way, e tru, a e life: no man come unto e faer, but by me (John 14:6). They only way to heaven is e way Jesus auored (Hebrews 5:8-9). Jesus spoke e words at would save when He said, I said erefore unto you, at ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not at I am he, he shall die in your sins (John 8:24). Salvation requires belief. He also said, I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:3). Salvation requires repentance. Jesus also spoke e following, Whosoever erefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my Faer which is in heaven (Matew 10:32). Salvation includes confessing wi your mou belief in Christ Jesus (Romans 10:9-10). The final act of obedience at brings about e remission of sins is baptism in water. Jesus said, Go ye into all e world, a preach e gospel to every creature. He at believe a is baptized shall be saved; but he at believe not shall be damned (Mark 16:15-16). My frie, is is e way of salvation explained in your Bible. This is e one way to be saved. It is from heaven not men. There are not a dozen deviations of is plan. It is a matter of historical record at man is given to modifying, altering, a changing e unchangeable word of God. Whenever man changes God s word, it is seen as a perverted Gospel, powerless to save. Read what Paul said to e Galatians: I marvel at ye are so soon removed from him at called you into e grace of Christ unto anoer gospel: which is not anoer; but ere be some at trouble you, a would pervert e gospel of Christ. But ough we, or an angel from heaven, preach any oer gospel unto you an at which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any oer gospel unto you an at ye have received, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:6-9). Man is not satisfied wi God s plan so he changes it. Though people still do it, changing e Gospel is forbidden. There is only one church a one Gospel. Obedience to one Gospel is e only ing at will produce e unity for which Jesus prayed (John 17:20-22). Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 3 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

4 The Singularity of e Church of Christ There is only one church because Jesus auorizes only one fai. Ephesians 4:5 plainly says: One Lord, one fai, one baptism. In reading Acts 6:7 you will fi at people were obedient to only one fai, A e word of God increased; a e number of e disciples multiplied greatly; a a great company of e priests were obedient to e fai. The Bible teaches one fai, not many. This is consistent wi all of e oer passages we have already mentioned. The Heavenly intent was to produce unity among believers, not division. Notice e words of Jesus as He prayed to His Faer: Neier pray I for ese alone, but for em also which shall believe on me rough eir word; at ey all may be one as ou, Faer art in me, a I in ee, at ey also may be one in us: at e world may believe at ou has sent me. A e glory which ou gavest me I have given em: at ey may be one, even as we are one (John 17:20-22). Jesus never prayed for division a neier did he coone it. He prayed for all believers in His prayer. It would be unfair to say at all of e denominational bodies represent e unity for which Jesus earnestly prayed. That is totally untrue. There is only one church because ere is only one doctrine we can teach. Anoer very significant passage at helps to destroy e concept of denominationalism is 1 Corinians 1:10. It says, Now I beseech you, breren, by e name of our Lord Jesus Christ, at ye all speak e same ing, a at ere be no divisions among you; but at ye be perfectly joined togeer in e same mi a in e same judgment. Denominationalism violates every facet of is passage. It says, It is not necessary to speak e same ing; we can have divisions among us; we do not have to be perfectly joined togeer eier in e same mi or in e same judgment. 1 Corinians 1:10 is a dea nail to denominationalism. Religious division does not have God s approval. Unity is e only concept taught in e Bible a acceptable to God. Conclusion Let us briefly summarize what we have discussed. How many churches are ere? Let s answer it is way: 1. How many churches did Jesus build?... One (Matew 16:18) 2. How many churches is Jesus e head?... One (Colossians 1:18) 3. How many church is Jesus going to save?... One (Ephesians 5:23) 4. How many churches did Jesus die for?... One (Ephesians 5:25) 5. How many churches did Jesus purchase?... One (Acts 20:28) 6. How many churches in e beginning?... One (Acts 2:47) 7. How many fais in e New Testament?... One (Ephesians 4:5) 8. How many Gospels can we preach?... One (Romans 1:16) 9. How many interpretations are ere?... One (1 Corinians 1:10) 10. How many groups of disciples does God want?... One (John 17:21) 11. How many broerhoods do we fi in scripture?... One (1 Peter 2:17) Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 4 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO

5 The Singularity of e Church of Christ One church is wise. Families are religiously divided because of denominationalism a its conflicting a confusing doctrines. God did not produce e confusion, which results from e teaching of over two ousa denominations. God is not e auor of confusion (1 Corinians 14:33). Issues Facing The Church 22 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 5 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Iepeence, MO


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