Except the Lord Build the House

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1 Except e LORD build e house, ey labor in vain at build it (Psalm 127:1) The Psalmist David declared: Except e Lo build e house, ey labor in vain at build it (Psalm 27:1). The psalm might well be called e Builder s Psalm. The Hebrew writer said: For every house is built by some man; but he at built all ings is God (Hebrews 3:4). The verse may refer to all sorts of house building, but we want to use e wo house in two senses in is lecture: (1) e house as one s home, or marriage; and (2) as e Lo s church, a congregation of people worshiping God. In our labors, we need to remember if e Lo is not wi us in His approval our labors will prove failures. In e long ago, when some began to build e tower of Babel to reach unto heaven, e Lo stopped it and scattered em abroad from ence upon e face of all e ear: and ey left off e build e city (Genesis 11:8). When Solomon planned to build e beautiful temple for e Lo, wi some of e material at his faer David had saved for is purpose, he was blessed of God in so doing. Even e people who were not Israelites helped him in is great work. But Solomon could not have built e temple wiout e help of e Lo. Some ink at is psalm was written for Solomon. It is possible at David wrote ese wos for his own wise son. It is a beautiful psalm. In e past great houses have been erected by ambitious men, but time has erased eir labors on many of ese material buildings. There is scarce a stone at remains where ey once stood. Today, unless we build accoing to God s designs, we labor in vain. We are here taught at builders of houses (homes) and churches (congregations) all labor in vain unless ey have e Lo s approval. Build Our Homes Stones, bricks and timber may well build a building (house) in which to live as a family, but unless e good hand of God be upon us, we cannot build a home pleasing to God. All marriages at are not under e blessings of God, will, sooner or later, prove to be a public curse. The Lo must build e house. He Himself is e builder of e home. I have lived now for a long time, (93 years), and e longer I live e more convinced I am at God s ways of living are right. What is a lawful marriage? It is one man to one woman, for life. In e beginning God created man in his own image ; male and female created he em (Genesis 2:28). So God created Eve, a woman, to be his suitable, or fit, companion (v.22). Then God gave e law of marriage, saying: Therefore shall a man leave his faer and his moer, and shall cleave unto his wife: and ey shall be one flesh (v.24). God established e home, and marriage is much more an a civil contract recognized by early courts. It is a permanent union established by e auority of God before man. God united e first man and e first woman in holy wedlock. Jesus stated in His ministry: What erefore God ha joined togeer, let not man put asunder: (Matew 19:6). Polygamy is wrong; homosexuality is wrong. God rough Moses Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 1 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

2 said: Thou shalt not lie wi mankind, as wi womankind: it is abomination (Leviticus 18:22); If a man also lie wi mankind, as he lie wi a woman, bo of em have committed an abomination: ey shall surely be put to dea (Leviticus 20:13). Same-sex marriages are wrong. Physical dea breaks e marriage bond and sets e survivor free to remarry. The wife is bound by e law as long as her husband live; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in e Lo (I Corinians 7:39). However, also, if a marriage partner commits fornication, e innocent partner has e right to obtain a divorce and remarry. But is is e only reason given. Jesus stated: Whomsoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry anoer, committe adultery: and whoso marrie her which is put away do commit adultery (Matew 19:9); But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for e cause of fornication, cause her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her at is divorced committe adultery (Matew 5:32; cf. Romans 7:2-3). So e Bible teaches abstinence until marriage and fidelity to one s companion after marriage. Pre-marital and extra-marital sex is wrong. God s law reads, Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14; Romans 13:9). Paul stated to Christians: For is is e will of God, even your sanctification, at ye abstain from fornication: (I Thessalonians 4:3). He also wrote at adultery is a work of e flesh at will keep one who practices such out of heaven, unless he truly repents and if forgiven (cf. I Corinians 6:9-11; Galatians 5:19-21; Revelation 21:8; 22:15). The Lo s marriage law is universal; it applies to all people everywhere. The innocent party may put away e guilty party on e grounds of fornication and may remarry, but e guilty party does not have at right. A divorce on grounds oer an fornication, does not allow eier party to remarry. If ey bo should remarry, at would also begin a state of adultery for all four parties. God does not approve of at kind of home (cf. 1 Corinians 7:10-11), and we cannot change God s law. The wos of e Lo are final; ey will judge us in e last day (John 12:48). Building good homes is one of e greatest works in which people can engage. As e home goes, so goes e nation. However, wiin recent years, divorces and remarriages have been socially acceptable. Our nation has now over one million divorces per year. The increase in divorces has been greatly alarming in e past fifty years. Many are living togeer not married, and abortions are on e increase. Eighty-five percent of teenage marriages now end in divorce. There is a moral crisis in e land. In e minds of some people, ere is noing sacred about marriage and e home. But, usually, when a marriage is broken, a soul is lost. This makes it sad, indeed! A sweet type of heaven is a good Christian home. It is e home at awaits us beyond e grave, a place of eternal bliss (John 14:2-3). O, ink of e home over ere. No sorrows, no tears, no dea (Revelation 21:4-5). Through e rich grace of God and by our obedience to His will, we all will reach at heavenly home (Revelation 22:14). For Home Sweet Home Will Always Be The Dearest Shrine of Memory Truly, Except e Lo build e house, ey labor in vain at build it. How great it is to be a part of a good Christian home, one built upon e teachings of e Lo in His Wo, where love abounds in each heart for one anoer and love dwells in e hearts of every one for e God of Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 2 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

3 heaven; and en to look forwa to all members dwelling togeer in at eternal home of e soul after is early life is over. These are homes at bless e world today. Building New Testament Congregations The Lo promised to build His church upon e great tru at Peter confessed, at He (Christ) was e Son of e living God (Matew 16:18). Christ is e head of e church (Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:23), e body of Christ. There is one body (Ephesians 4:4). However, e New Testament teaches at members of e church, added to it by e Lo (Acts 2:47), met in various groups in different places, such as Corin, Ephesus, e seven churches of Asia, etc., and were called e churches of Christ (Romans 16:16). These congregations were established by e preaching (teaching) of e inspired wo of God, e gospel, and by people obeying e Lo in baptism (Acts 2:36-47; 8:26-39). Today our purpose should be to build churches exactly like e church e Lo built in e beginning and as it is revealed in e Wo of God. By following is divine pattern (2 Timoy 1:13 ASV, NKJV), we can do it. In so doing, e Lo builds e church. As an illustration of is idea, take as an example, e Lo s statement to Moses in e long ago of building e tabernacle in e wilderness as a place of worship. Accoing to all at I show ee, after e pattern of e tabernacle, and e pattern of all e instruments, ereof, even so shall ye make it (Exodus 25:9). Note too, e comment made of in Hebrews 8:5:...as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make e tabernacle: for See, sai he, at ou make all ings accoing to e pattern showed to ee in e mount. Moses had to follow e divine pattern. In like manner, e apostles received, by e divine guidance of e Holy Spirit (John 16:13; Luke 24:49), e plans and specifications for e church of Christ, and in eir inspired writings all of ese ings have been recoed. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine [teaching, ASV], for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; at e man of God may be perfect, oroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timoy 3:16-17). Therefore, Timoy was solemnly urged to always PREACH THE WORD (2 Timoy 4:2). The early disciples continued steadfastly in e apostles doctrine (Acts 2:42). Thus, when we follow e teaching at has been recoed for us in e New Testament, we are building New Testament congregations, or true churches of Christ. This is what e God of heaven intends for us to do. Wherever you find a body of people teaching and practicing ese ings, ere you find a true church after e New Testament pattern. For, what made a Christian in e days of e apostles will make a Christian now; and what made a church of Christ en will make a church of Christ now. Our plea is to follow New Testament teaching and be exactly as were e early Christians. We do not belong to any human, man-made denomination. We are Christians only and belong to e church of Christ which He purchased wi His own precious blood (Acts 20:28). Denominationalism is a mixture of Christianity, Judaism, paganism, etc., in its various forms. Pure, unadulterated Christianity, however, is found in e New Testament, revealed in e teaching of Christ and His apostles. Our plea, erefore, is to go back to e Bible and speak as e oracles Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 3 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

4 of God (1 Peter 4:11), and call Bible ings by Bible names and do Bible ings in Bible ways. In so doing, we believe we are following a course at is infallibly right and safe. We believe at e world today needs plain, simple positive gospel preaching, and is we are endeavoring to do in every right way at is possible. Principles That Are Right If we are going to promote true Christianity and practice ose ings which are Scriptural and right, ere are certain principles at must always be taught. In no oer way can we build, or reproduce, e true church of our Lo Jesus Christ. We must follow e divine pattern, and some of ese important items we now mention. 1. To be e true church, we must follow e Lo s plan of salvation. One must hear e gospel and believe in Christ as e Son of God, repent of all sins, confess e name of Christ and be baptized for e forgiveness of sins (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:36-38; 17:30-31; Romans 10:17; Matew 10:32-33; Romans 10:9-10; 1 Timoy 6:12-13). 2. We must teach at baptism is a burial and a resurrection in water of a penitent believer and baptism is unto remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 8:12, 26-39; Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12; Mark 16:16). 3. We must wear e name of Christ as individuals and as a group of saved people worshiping God: individuals are called Christians (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16), and sometimes disciples (Acts 11:26), saints (Romans 1:7) and breren (James 1:2; 2 Peter 1:10). But to wear a human name is condemned in e Scriptures (1 Corinians 1:10-15; 3:3-5). Local congregations of e saints are called churches of Christ (Romans 16:16) and sometimes just e church (Revelation 2:1). Denominational names are not found in e Scriptures. 4. Christians are called out of e world by e gospel and ey are to assemble and worship e true and living God accoing to e teaching of e Wo of God. They meet upon e first day of e week to eat (observe) e Lo s Supper, to sing praises to God, to pray, to give of eir means, and to study/teach/preach e Wo of e Lo (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinians 16:1-2). Worship must be (a) unto God, (b) in spirit, [reverence (Hebrews 12:28)], and (c)in tru (John 17:17). Jesus said to e woman of Samaria: God is a Spirit: and ey at worship him must worship him in spirit and in tru (John 4:24). Paul said to e Colossians: And whatsoever ye do in wo or deed, do all in e name of e Lo (3:17). 5. Singing is a part of our worship. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to e Lo (Ephesians 5:19). Let e wo of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one anoer in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing wi grace in your hearts to e Lo: (Colossians 3:16). By him erefore let us offer e sacrifice of praise to God continually, at is e fruit of our lips giving anks to his name: (Hebrews 13:15). Mechanical instruments of music are not auorized in New Testament worship. To use em would be going beyond e Wo of God and adding to it (2 John 9; Revelation 22:18). In e Old Testament days when two men, Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 4 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

5 Nadab and Abihu, offered to God at which He had not commanded, God destroyed em by fire (Leviticus 10:1-2; cf. Romans 15:4; Hebrews 2:1-4). 6. The first day of e week, e resurrection day of Christ, is also called e Lo s day in e Scriptures (Revelation 1:10). The early Christians continued steadfastly in e apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42). The Lo s Supper is to be observed every Lo s Day. They were urged not to forsake e assembling of emselves togeer (Hebrews 10:25). Worship is very important. 7. The organization of each local congregation is very simple. When men were spiritually qualified, ey were selected and appointed as elders, bishops, overseers, pastors, shephes and presbyters. These names apply to e same men as e overseers of e welfare of e church. After Paul and Barnabas had been on eir first missionary journey as far as Lystra and Derbe, ey turned around and started back to Antioch, eir home base. But it is recoed: And when ey had oained em elders in every church, and had prayed wi fasting, ey commended em to e Lo, on whom ey believed (Acts 14:23). There were elders (plural) in each church (singular), not one elder over several churches. Each congregation was a local, independent unit (church). 8. When Paul was on his journey to Jerusalem, from Miletus, he called for e elders of e church at Ephesus to come and meet him. When ey came, he said to em: Take heed erefore unto yourselves, and to all e flock, over e which e Holy Ghost ha made you overseers (e ASV uses e wo bishops ), to feed e church of God (Acts 20:28). 9. In writing to e young evangelist Titus, Paul said he had left him in Crete, at ou shouldest set in oer e ings at are wanting, and oain elders in every city (Titus 1:5). Then he gave e qualifications of an elder (vs.6-9), but here he used e term bishop. 10. Peter, in his first general epistle, wrote: The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of e sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of e glory at shall be revealed; feed e flock of God which is among you, taking e oversight ereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for fily lucre, but of a ready mind; neier as being los over God s heritage, but being ensamples to e flock. And when e chief shephe shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory at fade not away (1 Peter 5:1-4). 11. Paul also wrote to e young evangelist, Timoy, and gave to him e qualifications of an elder in 1 Timoy 3:1-7, but here he used e wo bishop. Also Paul mentioned e deacons of e church. They were e special helpers in material matters to e members of e church. Their qualifications are given in 1 Timoy 3:8-13. In e Jerusalem church seven men were selected by e church to wait on tables in e daily ministration (Acts 6:1-6), e giving of food. 12. The church, when following e New Testament pattern, will have evangelists, preachers, whose main duty is to faifully preach e wo, and to visit and teach from house to house (2 Timoy 4; Acts 20:20, 26-27, 31). Preachers were not called e Pastor of e church. Jesus said, Teach all nations...preach e gospel to every creature (Matew 28:19-20; Mark Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 5 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

6 16:15). There is a great need today to proclaim e gospel tru to e utmost parts of e ear (Acts 1:8), and much good work is being done. To God be e glory! Not only should sinners be taught how to obey e gospel and urged to do so, but members of e church need to be taught how to grow spiritually. Christians can fall from grace and be eternally lost but Christians need to be taught how to grow spiritually by adding to eir lives e Christian graces (2 Peter 1:3-11; cf. 3:18; 1 Peter 2:2; Revelation 2:10), and to hold on to e Lo to e end of life s journey. 13. The true church will teach at e Bible is e perfect and complete Wo of God and fully sufficient to furnish us unto all good works (2 Timoy 3:16-17). The Holy Spirit guided e apostles into all tru, and we must earnestly contend for e fai which was once delivered unto e saints (Jude 3). There are no additional trus being given by e Holy Spirit to any one today, and none has been given since e apostle John closed e Book of Revelation in about A.D. 96. When all e tru was given, miraculous gifts of e Spirit ceased (1 Corinians 13:8-13). No one can perform miracles today. They have ceased. Once divine power caused some to speak in tongues ey did not know, heal e sick instantly, raise e dead and do oer miracles, but no one has at power today (cf. Mark 16:17-20). The complete Wo of God has been given and confirmed and recoed. Let no one be deceived by false prophets (cf. Matew 7:15, 21-27; Revelation 22:14). Conclusion Oer characteristics of e Lo s church could be given, but ese should be sufficient for one to find and identify e true New Testament church today in any community or nation. Whenever you find a religious body of people practicing ese ings we have outlined, you will find a church after e New Testament oer or pattern. Except e Lo build e house, ey labor in vain at build it (Psalm 127:1). You can be just a Christian wiout joining any denomination. You can be a non-denominational Christian by just simply following e teaching of Christ as revealed in e New Testament, and noing else. We ask you to obey e Lo today. Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 6 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

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