Crucible. A n d t h e f i r e s h a l l t r y e v e r y m a n s w o r k o f w h a t s o r t it is. No. 12.

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1 i Crucible. T E R M S l 5? N u m b e r s f o r $ 2.BO N u m b e r s f o r ( 24 Newcomb Street, Eoston, Nov. 1, S ingle Copies, 6 Cents V o l. IV. A n d t h e f i r e s h l l t r y e v e r y m n s w o r k o f w h t s o r t it is. No. 12. J X Jsekcfrdf goetnj. T H E P R E S E N T C K ISIS. DT JAM ES RUSSEL LOW ELL. When deed is done for Freedom, Through the brod erth's ching brest, Runs thrill of joy prophetic, Trembling on from Est to West. And the slve, where'er he cowers. Feels the soul within him climb To the wful verge of mnhood, As the energy sublime 0.1 t C iiuiy uuilo ( ill O2<'j0O<ucJ On the thorny stem of Time. Through the wlls of hut nd plce Shoots the instntneous throe; When the trvil of the Ages Wrings erth's systems to nd fro; At the birth of ech new Er, With recognizing strt, Ntion wildly looks t ntion, Stnding with inuie lips prt, And glud Truth s yet mightier mn-child j Leps beneth the Future's hert. For mnkind re one in spirit And n instinct bers long, Round the eurth's electric circle, The swift Hsh of right nd wrong; Whether conscious or unconscious, Yet Humnity s vst frme Through its ocen-sundered fibres Feels the gush of joy or shme; In the gin or loss ot one rce All the rel hve equul clim. Once to every mn nd ntion Comes the moment to decide, In the strile of Truth with Flsehood, For the good or evil side; Some gret cuse, God s new Messih, Offering ech the bloom or blight, Prts the gots upon the left hnd And the sheep upon the right, And the choice goes by forever T wixt tht drkness nd the light. Creless seems the gret venged; History s pges but record One deth-grpple in the drkness 'Twixt old systems nd the word; Tnifh forever on the sctfold, yv rung KMCtci uu mv Yet tht scffold swy The F uture;* ~.-pl And behind the dim unknown " _ Stndeth God within the shdow, Keeping wtch bove his own. We see dimly in the Present Wht ib smll nd wht is gret, Slow of fith, how wek n nn Turns the iron helm of Fte. Bnt the soul is still orculr; Amid the mrkets din, List, the ominous, stern whisper I From the Delphic cve whithin They enslve their children's children Who mke compromise with sin.'* m * * * * * Then to side with truth is noble, When we shre her wretched crust, Ere her cuse bring fme nd profit, And 'tis prosperous to be ju st; Then it is the brve mn chooser While the cowrd stnds side, Doubting in his bject spirit, Till his Lord is crucified, And the multitude mke virtue Of the fith they hd denied.. Connt me o er erth s chosen heroes They were souls tht stood lone (While the men they gonized for, Hurled the contumelious stone) Stood serene, nd down the futnre Sw the golden bem incline To the side of perfect justice, Mstered by their fith divine, By one mn s plin trnth to mnhood And to God's supreme design. For humnity sweeps onwrd; Where to-ny the mrtyr stnds, On the morrow crouches Juds With the silver in his hnds; Fr in front the cross stnds redy And the crckling fgots brn, While the hooting mob of yesterdy. In silent we return To glen np the scttered shes Into history s golden urn. Tkjy hve rights who dre mintin them; We re tritors to our sires, ^nioriwring in their shes Freedom s new-lit ltr fires: Shll we mke their creed our jilor 1 Shll we, in our hste to sly, From the tombs of the old prophets Stel the funerl lmps wy To light np the mrtyr-fgots Round the prophets of to-dy? New occsions tech new duties ;1 Time mkes ncient good uncouth; They must upwrd still, nd onwrd, Who would keep brest of Truth ;J So, before us glem her cmp-fires 1 We ourselves must Pilgrims be, i Lunch our Myflower, nd steer boldly Through the desperte winter se, Nor ttempt the Future s portl. ^ With the Pst s bood-rusted key. ifotemif; The Sexulity of Religion. L e c t u r e D e l i v e r e d B e f o r e t h e N t i o n l A s s o c i t i o n o f S p i r i t u l i s t s t B o s t o n i n , b y D. W. H u l l. Behind life, whether physicl or spiritul lies the sexul nture. The gods of the n tio n s U i u u y - f th o rn hnrt mothers who ttined the office of mternity in the usul wy, though not lwys in hrmony with the monogmic techings of erth. The dignity of Jupiter, Sturn, Thor nd Odin, ws mesured by the excess of their sexul nture. Other gods, whtever their filings were in other respects, were creful to sve their reputtion for excessive m tiveness. Even the Jehovh of the Hebrews mesured his gretness by his sexul dem nds: nd found necessity in his nture which it required thirty-two women to is religious or seculr. History hs given the ccount of no other, becuse there were no others. ' However much the sexul nture my be denounced s being crnl, nd the sexul ct s being immorl, we ll hve sexul ntures not few of us, sexul desires ; nd even those who tremble the most t the mention of the subject engge in the sexul ct. The history of the Beecher scndl hs demonstrted tht even those who clim m ononolv in m orls en hevond the monog mte cutomjuie y jig ji "idly dem iut-ot.,society. IL * ** «p - Before pursuing this subject through th«t feels ttr^rngk Bible, I wish to glnce mom ent t the principles upon which revivls re conducted. The first thing in getting up revivl is to find, if possible, neighborhood where bu t few mgnetic exchnges hve recently been mde. If people hve been mingling with ech other to ny considerble extent, the chnces re, tht they will be surfeited ; nd there will not be th t intense desire for ssocition tht would otherwise obtin. A good time to find people mgneticlly strved, will be in the winter, fter holidys, when the cold wether hs kept them pretty close to their homes 'for few weeks. If they come together t this time of the yer, the exchnges will tke plce rpidly nd render them extremely negtive, nd consequently good, psychologicl subjects. minister will find little difficulty in getting control of their minds, nd he cn mke them believe ny thing he pleses to tell them. The minister should be good mgnetizer my be of either-sex with strong voice. Few re wre of the m ount of religion there is in the voice. It is the hevenly tone, fter ll tht, more thn ny thing else, does the work of slvtion. It] is probble tht there ws not much of John the Bptist left fter his voice ws tken wy, since he declred he ws voice- the voice of one crying in the wilderness. It mtters but little w ht is sid if the voice is not put in right, s th tone of voice hs much to do with fconviction nd conversion To give the voice more effect, the minister should mnge to become slightly horse, it will hve fine effect. W hen the voice is husky the effort to' use the muscles of the throt will strt ters in the eyes; the udience will, some of them, think he is weeping on ccount of their sins >nd will join with him. The contgion will soon spred nd blubbering time is nerly sure to follow. A good story well told will, in connectio should not forget the sexul prt of his scheme. He should fsten his eyes on member of the oposite sex, the more beutiful, nd full of life the better ; then he sho d drw mny of his illustrtions to fit her cse s nerly s possible. This must be done in n s rtless mnner s if the minister ws not? wre of ny personl ppliction of the illustrtion. The minds of ll in the udience being directed to her will render her negetitie~-should the minister cpture her, she probbly hs severl young gentlemen on the string, who will be esily cught. They will probbly be in mgnetic rpport with severl other young ldies, nd glorious revivl hs been estblished. The minister will be still more successful if he visits nd prys in the fmilies mong whom he desires his converts. Prying should be his best forte; there re few bold enough to intrude on its snctity. It is therefore n unnswerble rgument in behlf of his cuse. Above ll he should sprinkle gret rfeel of blood in his remrks. Bloody supply. (See Num. 31: 40.) O ur church bttles nd dying soldiers with Bibles in steeples re copied from the E gyptin pyrmids which were representtive of the phl better to tlk bout-the' hlo6d"of Jesus Sfril their hnds will come in good; but it pys lic worship of the ncients. They index ' Jiis dying gonic rr- TiPSUHrHwlk- never fil mle god while the cross is representtive of totet the dyes roll hevenwrd. If the min the sexul junction of the mle nd femle. Show me gret mind nd I will show you n morous person, whether tht person ister if sufficiently horse nd the ters strt freely, it will hve the effect of trgedy. The minister should not loose sight of th e sexul prt of his scheme. It is good ide to send bnd of young ldies out to pry vfith the young gentlemen nd urge them forwrd. F irst let one young ldy go, then nother, nd still nother: finlly let them go in pltoons until the young men surrender. Some should pry, others cox nd others weep. Under the confusion he will be led to the nxious set, like lmb to the.slughter. It will seem to him tht he is being led to Mohmmedn Prdise. heven filled with these tm? dhftfe Him nd ^^T fiffi^rv rd,~ 1» S My willing sonl would ever sty In Such frme s this. W ho would be such fool s to prefer bchelordbm in hell rther thn heven filled to overflowing with these singing, crying, coxing, tesing, bewitching young ldies? S. Brring Gould, in his work on The Development of Religion, ttributes the success of Ctholicism to its worship of femle God, Mry. A religion, to be successful, m ust m eet the entire demnds of humn nture; nd sexulity, being the foundtion of ll life, must hve lrge plce in religion. B ut relgion with sexless God, is no religion t ll, nd religion with mle God is only dpted to one hlf of the world. The] The gretest need of Protestntism is femle God. Fulty s is their religion, it would become much more populr if -the mle sex hd God which they, s well s femles could worship. The few mles tht re ttrcted to the Protestnt religion r*e more drwn into it by the votries of the opposite sex thn from finding nything in the object of worship, nswering to their spiritul wnts. Tht; mny ppels re mde to the sexul pssions, no one t ll conversnt with religious literture, doubts. Turning to the Song of Solomon we find n morous dilogue, which could only be held between two of opposite sexes. Tke for illustrtion the following: Let him kiss me, with the kisses of his mouth; for thy love is better thn wine. Chp. 1: 2. A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto m e; he shll lie ll night between my brests. Chp. 1 ; 13. Thou rt fir my love ; behold thou rt fir; thou hst doves eyes. Chp. 1: 15ri J However figurtive such lnguge, which bounds in every chpter of Cnticles, my be there cn be no mistking the conclusion tht the writer ppeled to the most common ffections of humn nture. with this weeping, hve fine effect. It should be bout beutiful, ldy fllin ded in bll room. The story should be locted fr enough wy to render its investigtion difficult. ' Menwhile the minister Pssing the pssges nd tropes in the propheies referring to the whoredoms of those who remin inconstnt to the Hebrew or Christin Religion, we turn next to P u l: For I hve espoused you to one^husbnd tht 1 my present you s chste virgin 2 Cor. 1 1 :2. And gin the ngel tells to Christ. John (Rev. 24: 4): For they re virgins. These re they which follow the lmb whithersoever he goeth. Mny of our revivl hymns re so unfortuntely worded tht'the mle sex cn find but little in them dpted to their peculir feelings. But this fult is much more thn compensted by being perfectly dpted to the emotionl ntures of the femle sx For instnce the following: Jesus thy boundless love to me, No thought cn recn, no tonge declre; O knit my thnkful hert to thee, * And reign without rivl there. Thine, wholly thine, lone I m, Be thou lone my constnt flme." No femle could throw herself more unreservedly on her lover, thn does the poet here upon the idol god. Mny of these poems re so written tht Mry or the nme of ny other femle-idol personge could be substituted, nd thus hve religion for both sexes. W ith the substitution of one or two wgrds the following might well be sung by WUTocxc, uud by using the word drling for Jesus it might be sung by both t the sme tim e; How tedious nd tsteles the hours. When Jesus no longer I see, % Sweet prospects, sweet birds nd sweet flowers, Hve ll lost their sweetness to me. Here is stnz tht will not trnspose quite so esily: "Jesus cn mke dying bed As soft s downy pillows re; v. While on his brest 1 len my hed And brethe my life ont sweetly there. Agin, deep, surging grief breks forth s follows: Jens lover of my soul, : Let me to thy bosom fly; While the rging billows roll, While the tempest still is nigh." It is with some difficultv^minf"1 *1 rrt cll 4 usrd to lo iuinu ml ttie.rimorou3 jjytnns -sing itl^kri^oc'bl 'nffwiiigs. so long since I- hve" r c \ c \. X think upon this clss of literture. One w ^ rijiig s follows: Jesus I love thy chrming nme 'Tis music to my er; * Fin wonld I sound it out so lod Tht ll the erth might her." The one fct recognized in ll thii clss of literture, is the ffectionl nture of the devotees; nd the dmission is tcitly mde tht religion mking no ppel to the socil or emotionl feelings would be n bor. tion. Not only this, but ll our revivls re bsed on the sme principle. No one wouid think of putting up sexless minister (if such thing were possible), or minister entirely denuded of sexul pssions, s revivl, minister. On the contrry, the minister cnnot be too mtive for success, nd some who hve hd the most success in re-generting souls hve demonstrted t the time of their revivls tht they were not entirely filure when they ttempted to generte souls.' The fct tht revivlist is necss- _ rilv mn of strong mtive impulses, is so well known now, tht mny fond mothers feel in duty bound to keep fithful wtch over their dughters, until the revivlist is gone, lest their reputtions my die out with the decline of their religion. It is not the religion they fer so much s its djuncts, which re lible to ripen into fruit, before they pss to tht country for which they re prepring. W ere it not, however, tht the Christin religion is somewht sexul, nd dpted to. the wnts of thp femle sex there would yet * be but slender threds upon which' to hng ny hopes of success. It is only by ttrct- - ing the femle element of the udience, tht the revivlist cn hope to rech the mle portion of it. For, unless he cn work through them, he cnnot rech the others. But in order to rech them effectully, the minister, while holding up his idel lover, 1 must ttrct the femles to his person. For imgined mgnetism of n imgined lover is not enough. He must give off his perr sonl mgnetism. In this wy the chin is completely formed. Jesus ws Socilist of the most rdicl stmp. I doubt whether there reny mong S ^ hsts>w.ho could g frther thn he id. I he mrrige lw foisted in Christi- r P ry i f

2 mty never ws recognized by hurt ; or if it ws, his biogrphers hve given u s ' no ccount of it. A fter teching \is to'pry th t the w illlx iod my be done on erth s it is in heven (M tt. 6 :1 0 ), he tells us tht iu heven they neither m ny, nor re given in m rdge (M tt. 22 : 30). T h t he my be put on,record s opposing m rrige, he telh us. Tht publicns nd hrlots re going into the Kingdom of H even (M tt. 21: 36)'. W hen the w om n tken in the ct of dultery w s brought before him, he sw no cuse of ccustion in her, nd set her free. H ow much like our modern P h risicl proceedings ws this event. T he Phrisees were intent on finding out his views on this question, but when he greed tht the guiltless might, stone her, it w s dem onstrted tht ech one of her ccusers hd been guilty of the sm e offence. T he Greek word, nmrleros, signifies not gdilty let him tht is not guilty [of dultery] cst the first stone. They were hit, nd showed it by running out of the room, ju st s I hve seen scores of good Orthodox, nd Conservtive Spiritulists do during lecture. I t seems tht Jesus hd been ccused of dultery. H e nswered the ccustion by turning the crime on his ccusers they were ll guilty, even those who looked upon womn to lust fter her (M tt. 5 : 2 8 ) they m ight just s well culm inte their sexul desires s to stop where they did. Tho lnguge im plies: You hve ll t one tim e or npiher felt peculir ttrction for some " mu m ',lin implil jii t i ri 11 culm inte your desires s to feel them? y m n r r u jnst s guilty s I m His reltions w ith Mrth nd Mry were of such nture tht hd tjje Phrisees of our times been present he would hve been severely criticised. In John 4, is the record of long converstion Jesus held with womn who hd lived with six men, one of whom she never mrried. Th.ere is no ccount th t he offered one word of rebuke to h e r; nd it- is little significnt th t he went home w ith her, himself, nd styed tw o whole dys. Pul ws no less Free Lover thn ws Jesus. In 1 Cor. 7 : 36, he sys : But if ny mn think tht he behveth uncomely'towrd his virgin, nd she pss the flower of her ge, nd need so require, let him do wht *11 u - r~ 1 Ir r '< 11 "T m rirry. * rc / n be no corttpimt"or,imtmgmtye The m n?,behviour must d on the requirem ents of ms virgin, ord gmejtosdn does not men mrry populr sense of th t word. Ordicmens to conjugte, or to enter into conjugl union. It cn lirdiy be supposed tht Pul m ent to tell them there w s no sin in mrrying. A modern m inister need not tke tht trouble with ny of the members of his flock. From ught th t Pul hs sid to the contrry, he my be disbeliever in monogmy or monndry.- Indeed he seems to be disputing some.estblished notion, nd th t notion ws th t the sexes were prohibited from entering into certin reltions with ech other except on prescribed conditions. In opposition to this notion, he sys, L et him do wht he will he sinneth not, there is no wrong in it. He includes ll possible clions nd reltions between the young mn nd his virgin This mening is more pprent in the Greek A fir rendering ol it. would rn bout fter the following style : But if ny one behves nominlly unchste towrd his virgin, she being of mture ge, if she do mud, let him do wht he will he sinneth. not let them conjugte. I boldly ffirm th t this is the true spirit of the originl. Indeed the drift of the ell tire chpter is ginst the ordinry ide of mrrige, nd fvorble to liberty in the sexul reltions. vigimrt (Sommunidition T h e M r r i g e I n s t i t u t i o n. A n Essy red before 1 The South E nd J.yceum,f lloston, in BY A Sl-tXEGENARIAN., Mr. PutiDENr : I hve been invited by one of yi.ur members to red short essy before] this body on the subject ol mrrige s it exists in our Christin civiliztion to-dy. I consented to do so on condition tht he could give me the ssurnce tht the members of this body were cupuhle of treting the reder mi the subject with the sme respect nd considertion thut they re ccustomed to tret spekers upon other subjects. He gve n:e tht ssurnce, nd I m hen- to luiliii my promise. lle n iy Cly -id th t S 'v ery hml been snctiooed mi <u<nctifled by five liundre l yers legisltion.. So it ppers tht monstrous system of injustice nd cruelty s n c t if ie d. The Mrrige Institution hs been HULL S CKUCIBLU. nd - snctified too, by n eqully long period of legisltion, hut I toko tho liberty to ssert tht it cnnot be mde to hrmonize with the principles of nture, or to be mde productive of hppiness to' mnkind, though I freely dmit tht there is some hppiness within it? precincts, but it exists independent nd in spife Of it. I know very well tht persecutions, misrepresenttions nd buse will rge: but this subject will be thoroughly investigted nd discussed herefter in the light of truth mid of science. And if it hve its foundtion in the immutble lws of the Universe, it will be strengthened by the investigtion, ud will stnd ; if not it will fll. But those who dre to gitte the subject will be visited by fierce clumnies, brutl outrges nd, cruel brbrities, s hs been nd is now being visited upon those \jho dre to condemn the system of chttel slvery. And tlfe feson is tht they re both founded upon the sme principle of despotism. Both bsed upon injustice, superstition, prejudice nd selfishness of mnkind. Both rc incomptible with the nturl lws of the Universe, nd nturl humn rights. I frequently meet with persons who seem to tlk 3 though they were sole proprietors of the Mrrige institution, nd who consider tht whomsoever meddles with it re trespssing upon their (\wn privte property. Now I venture to deny this Assumption, nd clim to be s much its owner, nd to hve s much interest in it s ny other person) nd tht therefore I hve right to exmine into nd discuss its merits, nd to express my dispprovl of it, if my convictions led me to ; nt^ in so doing, I clim to be inferior to none, on thqtfic; count, nd ll insinutions, spersions nd deftunnk with scorn'find. defince, nd shll-regrd pcr-btl who mkes them s worse thn i/ssissiyi,ifn d sh ll ll'ulllhliegi ccordingly. The gri t xiom of the dvoctes of democrtic principles is tht tht Government is the bey w &9 SANCTIONED AND gther s hen gtherelh- her brood under her V 1wings. The mternl nture of - womn is quite snctioned'! equl to tlmt of hen, mull she will1not fil to prowide for her offspring if she is justly compensted for luir services, if she does not hve mternity forced upon her when slu: does not desire it1 when, fil other words, she is no longer stve. Besides, men re gllnt, generous nddjeutiful; in their mnnifesttions tewrd ll women, nd children, if they hve nnv. when it is left to- tlie spon- tniety of his mnly nture. Hot wlic' these mnifesttions, (ttentions nd services re officiously thrust upon him s Dcm- his whole nture revolts ginst k, lie becomes inverted nd is often trnsformed into tyrnt nd brute:. Mrrige is the tomb of love-; hut Before mr»- rige if mn nd womn love ech other nd she lives in her own, home- pecunirily independent of him nd he of her, nd he cn only visit her by her invittion, then everything is beutiful ndlgveiyj for she chrms him.' with, th - Inimitble w-rtckery of her hospitlity, nd she is enrptured with.his msculine presence, bis deferentil beluv vior,-quick obedience to.her slig lto ^.-,,,,1 generous llenhbfni^tfr wrns. It she is the mother of children it is still the sme- if the motlier ud the mn love ech other. Ife will bring motlier nd children ll kinds of love offerings, useful nd ornmentl, nd tho children will love him ndl will be guided by him becuse lie, will not ttempt to lord it over them, iior to mke them mind, nor to scold them, nor whip them, nor box their ers-: nd just think of his splitting her door down, should she, for ny reson decline to dmit him to her home or room. Should mn do such thing to free womn when ll women re free, even if he escped the Sltes Prison, no womn would 'ever fter, dmit him to her presence. When mrrige Is outgrown the chivlry of men will protect nd cherish ll wofnert nd children, nd ny mn who shofild drn, to ly his hnd upon womn or her child, 'except in kindness, would be treted s wretch, nd be bnished from society. These re only hints of my nswer to the question, W ht would become of the children without which governs the lest. Now I like the xiom m rrige? And n o w /h v e few questions to of professed democrts, much better thn I do their qsk. I hve sked them before of gentlemen like cts; nd when humn rights nd the principles pf yourselves, nd I will give you their nswer s they freedom re scientificlly understood by mnkind gve them to me : ' ' / generlly, it will be found tht'tht Government ts Question : W ht proportion of the children' born the best which does not interfere t ll with the re brought into being'becuse of the desire for nturl rights of 1mnkind, to the _rights j>f mternity on the prt of the mother? life, liberty, nd the pursuit of hppiness. Ejr- 'Answer: Not one qurter. ery Government on erth is usurption nd despotism, nd despotisms will exist s long s.-ignornce Quest.: Wlmt becomes of the children born now? Ans.: Well relly I hrdly know ; but they exists of wht constitutes the rights of re ll provided for some how, ren t they?,. humn being. "When mnkind become sufficiently Let us see : According to the uthorized sttistics of the Christin Stte of Msschusetts, one-l enlightened they will bolish ll Governments, but dtl the^chiidreii bom ^vithi^ior borders die before rights until such co-opertion is rendered ntmedts)' sry by the prevlence of universl knowledge.nd. everence for the individul sovereignty, nd perr sonl snctity of every humn being. f My objections to the Mrrige institution re founded upon the following, s it ppers to me, self-evident propositions ; 1st. No Government hs ny right to control or meddle with ny individul in the exercise of their nturl rights; but no person cn hve nturl, or ny other right, to violte the rights of others. /: 2nd. The rights which hve their foundtion in constitution of q individul, humn being, re older thn institutions, nd re before nd bove 11 legisltive enctments, creeds customs, or institutions of ny kind. 3rd. All the Governments in the world cnnot confer one right upon ny humn being, nor cn they deprive them of riy ; they cn neither dd to nor diminish them. No rights re : derived ' from Government, nor by orgnizing government. > 4th. No Government on erth cn confer on you the right to love or be beloved. Love is n element in your nture, nd you hve right to love whomsoever to you is loyely, nd wht is more, cn t help it, becuse love is not under the dominion iff the, will, ud ny ttempt to regulte it by lw, is not only monstrous ssumption, but the stupidest of folly. 5th. The rights of pternity nd mternity re nturl nd cn be better regulted by n knowledge of tho physiologicl lws nd the rights of offspring thn they cn be by system of licensing, ns Hwking nd peddling is regulted. In mtrimony, s in slvery, there cn be no division of sovereignty. One must be mster, nd tht one the lw sys must be the husbnd. All ttempts t modifying the reltions incident to either institution will only increse.tho evils of ech, nd mke confusion worse confounded. Tho Mrringe institution strts with the wildnd guilty fntsy two cn be mde one. It presumes to resolve two seprte humn beings into one, nd sys to them, in the lnguge of one of tho Mrrige formuls, I pronounce you no longer twin, but one flesh; nd the worst of it ll istht one is, s I sid before, the husbnd, nd thus is perpetrted the utter subjugtion of the wife. She must obey him! she must depend on him for the food she cts, the clothes she wers, tho house - she And wht power does not ll these things give him over her? I sy it is utterly incomptible with the nture of humn being. But sys one, women like it. Do they? Well, let those who like it hve it. fqr in the "grveyrd We.hve not the definite figures, but in wretched squlid homes: tttered, shoeless, ill-fed, dirty, wrngling; sy one-eighth. In clenly, but -impoverished homes, one-eighth. In comfortble homes, De-eighth. Well-cred for, nd well educted, five-eighths. I f these sttements re not exgerted, less thn one-third of ll the children born in Msschusetts-live nd re well cred for. Now if there re ny more questions to be sked from the pro-mrrige side, I will try gin nd nswer them. Agin, it is sid, tlmt mrrige is convervtor of public morls nd personl purity. Is it? A morl leprosy pervdes this community, nd eyerv civilized community, s every well informed' person knows, tht would be pplling if ll which is hidden should be reveled. This udience could not ber to her the truth told in this regrd. Sensulity of the grossest kind pervdes in civiliztion, nd nowhere more thn within the precincts of the Mrrige institution. There re exceptions in it, nd there re exceptions out of it. But I scribe the cuse of the morl leprosy to the fiftse reltions estblished by custom between the sexes incidentlly through the Mrringe institution, nd directly by the institution itself. Yet the defenders of the institutfou hve the udcity to ccuse those who re. not in fvor of it, with wishing to promote impurity. T H E M IS S IO N O F T H E W E E K L Y OK T h e M y stery o f T h e T e m p le. BY I. T, LLOYD. There re certin propositions relting to the generl question of sexul commerce nd reproduction tht to me seem very plin. The divinity, personl or impersonl, tht guides the constructive process of humn destiny in providing for tho reproduction of its highest type ofbeing, would not order tht coutinul version or bhorrence should be the necessry concommitnt of tht beutiful phenomen. There must be, in the Divine ceremony, mple provision tht the unborn shll be wnted nd welcomed, nd intentionlly begotten by the living, tht ech genertion shll be conceived of the wisdom nd enlightened pur-- poso, nd not of the ignornce nd lmented mis conception of the proceeding. This, to me seems hrdly debtble question. For to dmit the negtive supposition, is direct impechment of the purposes of the Most High. ' It therefore follows tht there must be nturl mens, vilble to ech individul, of deferring the But Buys nother, wht would become of the ' event of conception until such time s is conventchildren without mrrige? Jesus sid to the peo- eut nd desirble. Aud to do honor to the sme pie of Jeruslem, I wuuld hve gthered you tc- Divine purpose, it must not be presumed tht such prudent nnefinecessnry ddny cn posiwy con flirt l with the norm! ex ercise of ny other function or fculty, nor-with ny enlightened physicl or socil enjoym ent w htsoever T his, tfieri, furnishes tho key to O N w of-rw o c o k -c i. rston S : --- FlllST. There must bei-i p ro v isio n no nture, tht my be known mt pplied, fo r the f i l l nd complete enjoym'ent o f sexul communion, in ll its mnifold fruition sve tht o f reproduction, nd! until perfect security ginst the ltter-result whennotdesired; or. S e c o n d. Sexul commerce when- conception IS possible but is not desirble, is Divinely interdicted to the cultured being; nd the production o f offspring should be one, if-not the c iiie i" edged sought in every instnce, '. Of course this, "if true; is hrd sying, for the world to receive, in view- of its impertive pssionl needs. With the mss it is tiling of litter imprcticbility. But tht is not the-question. I rib inquiring-f-. ter the idel life nd the lws tht'define its lim it;. nd expect conformity only from such s cn live in the light of the higher interprettion of the lw.. ivtjliili iiiiji ili-iirr.l^liiiiiffiiiini iyii.«[iii( (fifr p imi. the true-ute, wht mnner of life-shll wc live tow rds, 7 believe it is conceded tht sexul solicittion is-generlly repelled by the- femle of the lower niml except t times nd) under conditions fvorble to reproduction. And' the lterntion of the two foregoing- conclusions will determine whether in indulging in the,sexul ct with, ny" other view thn tht of offspring, we, s enlightened.- beings, re living Love or below the niml plir. But m view ofth-former conclusion when.sxuloorrimerce is dgsirble, nd conception is not desirble- there must be nturl mens by which the mle element my be diverted-from its ccustomed pssge to the ov; or hving reched this- point,' we- must find lw of vitl reversion by which the new life my be- dded to the-old, insted of bein» utilized in the formtion of new nd seperte being/. And this immunity, by whtsoever process ffected, should be t the will of the contrcting prties; ud must be hrmless to the lielth of either, nd entirely innocent nd greeble to the nicest sensibilities of the most refined. But the ltter conclusion implies the- complete bnegtion of those tender ffectionl enderments, nd of the pssion) rhpsodies to which they invite, Which, for their own sweet ske, constitute sd much of humn bliss. Jt demnds the self-denil of the sexul embrce the utter ignoring of the sexul instinct sve for the hlf-dosen occsions in life time, wfien offspring my be desired. Indeed: under this regime of rigid sexul sceticism, to Ij mny of the most genil nd highly gifted ntures, hppiness would become n empty nme; nd life, prolonged seson of consuming wnt nd unrest* But the former conclusion is so widely t vri- cessstp(ortonewrnm BpffTu!?)>owe!?T?rm m c^ over the lws of mtter newly cquired potency of the spiritul over the inerti of the physicl in the nture of mn. Archimides, it is sid, discovered lw by which he could pry the erth from its fstenings, hd he only fulcrum for his lever ' nd plce to stnd upon. But in this other cse, if the lw hd been discovered it hs not yet been nnounced. Yet, in either cse, the only difficulty my consist, not in the wnt of lw to ffect 'the solution, but in our ignornce of the lw. And, whether or not the Weekly shll ccomplish this grndest chievement of which it hs ever dremed' in wkiug hours, it still is question of"trnscendut importnce, how, either to void the contingent result when not desired, or how not to desire the ct tht insures the result. And he or she who - shll revel the Mysteries of the Temple, shll be proclimed one of the gretest of humn benefctors. Mrs,. B linder.-... BY ANNIE E. HIGBY. 1 tla ' Being out in little town in ohio, I ws invited to cll on Mrs.. Bliuder, leding Spiritulist of tho plce, to see wht the Spiritulists were doing, but I ws constrined ginst sying too much bout free love, s she ws rther opposed to it, I ws invited to dinner, nd the ldy, who ws old, mde n odd impression on me s being in crumbling condition.' We hd quite plesnt little cht bout spirit mteriliztion ; they hd circle tht hd been sitting iu the drk some three or four months, I think ; mteriliztion hving been promised them by the spirits, but,«s yet they hd not succeeded in getting ny mnifesttions. I tiiought them very ptient. Presently [ she sid tht the Society of Spiritulists in Clevelnd hd been seriously broken nd divided by those free lovers ; in fct they hd done gret injury to the cuse. I begn to see how mtters stood, ud,.wondering how nny person pretending to be intelligent nd resonble could oppose free love if they understood it, I sked her wht the free lovers tught. She sid they tught licentiousness 'nd prcticed it. I sid, it ws very strnge, body of people^.^-- strting out s reformers should tech uny such doctrine; hud they the prestige of ge, ud hd they been well grounded in the people, hving superstitious holi upon them on ccount o f being customry, if the people were ignornt, doctrine

3 kind might succeed it it ws not opposed or ws not permitted to be opposed, but for new beginners, who 'hve nothing but contumely to gin, even in & mtter of reform, it ws incredible. It ws well known there were mny evils 'in mrrige, nd in our, enlightened ge something c e r tinly ought to be done to remedy them. Wht did she propose ns remedy for the terrible evils o f monogmie mrrige. She sid they ought to -be remedied by the prties" themselves. I replied tht they certinly ought, nd t uv (cost. I tho t monogmic mrrige bore hrder even on womn "thn polygmic, nd tht polygmic hd better prestgeon ccount of being upheld by the exmple of the ]iible, which, in no wy tught monogmic mnge. She rose nd whisked cross the room : svimr, monogmie mrrige ws instituted long go'bv God, in the grden of Eden. It sprng -to my tongue to sy I did not think it ws ; nd lso tht- mouogmk: mrrige Ws not t ll creditble, s such, to.tiy of the prties concerned in it. since by nd through it the world hd been sunk in sin ever since, nd lwys would he so long p.s it obtined swy, monogmic or ny other mr-.... rige tht pid so m ue ullcuuuu to, nd ws so utterly disregrdful of the lws of nture.^pertining to sex. But I sw I ws getting into hot wter, she would llow no further rgument on the question. Ilory nd respectble ein must he hndled gingerly nd crefully, its shortcomings must be rther hinted t thn spoken of plinly, nd yon must pologiz for the hinting; it knows it hs its fingers well npon the throts of the people nd wht it thinks is firm foothold npon their ignornce nd superstition, nd you must not tke off your gloves to it, though it keeps hitting you witli iron knuckles. I sw this, nd fering I would mke things unplesnt t dinner to no purpose, I chnged the subject, but I prophesied, you will sit in the drk, mdm, nd gin nothing until j ou cn come up high enough to ly side your prejudices nd del firly in rgument, to sy the lest. I lso thought tht I might ccount for the impression she mde on me of being in crumbling condition. I then went fo nother little town, nd while I ws there, in some wy, the impression tht I ws socil1reformer must hve been mde. A womn cme to me, nd such tle of suffering from her mrrige reltion s she told me, I might well wish never to her gin ; the horrible detils of which I cnnot repet here. To the truth of her story her streming eyes nd clenched hnds testified, while she trembled like u spen lef lest ny word of mine should betry her udience with me, nd subject her to persecution from her people beside which to kill her outright would be merciful. She begged me to go on, nd for humnity s ske JW from 60 terrible & bondge. F ur iierseif there ws no help, no hope lier broken helth nd shttered nerves uotited her to mke uy effort to sve herself, or fce the world in her own behlf. She lso sid she hd been repetedly thretened with the lw for mking ny ttempt to sve herself. I will dd tht they were church going people, nd if she dies, she will be buried with ll its respectble ceremonies. I herd of cse where mn forced his wife, she sued him, nd the Judge cquitted him, deciding tht tht ws his mritl v privelige. I hve not the judge s nme, hut I ;think. I cn get it through Mr, D. M. Allen,,. whom I would urge to get the prticulrs of the cse, tht the people my lern wht the mrrige institution is. Mrs. Blinder sys free love teches rind prctices licentiousness, but she lis the -shoe on the ) wrong toot, for, whtever some free lovers my do, they do not tech licentiousness, but- chstity rid virtue, mutul nil beutiful ction, which mrri- - ge, by its own showiug, does not tech. It is - : mrrige tht not only teches lmt prctices nd enforces licentiousness till its victims fll by tlion ',8 snds, nd iis blight spreds throughout world. Oh, tht I could sy witli Grrison, I will be herd.- M icl F lin s O p in io n o f N o th in g L ik e I t.. M is t it e r : W non : Bein idtl minnit it ws mesell tht tuck up sthry pper, nd seem sunfbin in it uv buck wt sum un hd ritten, wt it ws yerself tht sed wun might fll down nd wur-. ship. Thinks I to meself, it must be houly buck,.sure; nd I lucked till I found it, nd now I sy Misther Wholythet yer blslemer; for it is wuu. wful buck, it is. But were it meself wot rit it, ] : riiud jest sk yees if m--n, spelt wood? Sy, duz it? In the buck it is Rock ru, nd yees, hs it. Bock-wood, in yer wonderful tok ov it. Yees sez the sthory ov beste with mn s lied, or mn with best s hed fth, nd I m so bodered wid yer nonsense, I forgot which well ye sez of the *tory tht tlie bouly buck duz not rede so. Well Micl FUn is not edicted s be ort to be in the gude buck ; for bd luck to It, tlie inglisti lnguge f is so twistified tht it ws meself, tht hed to s p e n t! - so mutch lliime over it, so tht I cud rite hom U the ould counthry nd spell correckt, tht I bd tn neglect tlie liouly buck. Blst the bd lnguge. when it is the liouly s, s, wt is it? I mene the Kristyin yung men who hve etirge ov the souls nd bodies ov the peeple. Why dont tliy suppress the inglish lnguge, nd so giv enuf tliinu to stliudy the holy buck? And shure, its n inven- ebun ov evu! wun, this sim lngge to ruin por I soivls. ~ ' But bowt the buck tht yees toks ov wursliip pin, its Micl Fliu vuit liops tht every won will rede it nd find how bd it is, nd then Misther AViliol yeel wish yecs 'hdn't tokd so, yees wifi.fur the peepol will no tht its yorsolf wtsbd, to rce- -Ptifig H U L L S C K U C I B U E 8 omr.iond it. J I S t u r d y, S e p t. 2St i i. M o u s in g S e s s io n. ETopin, if veer donut confess to the pruste nd.conference. Mr. Sheprd gve bis experience s bee* won guile Ctholic, the devil will fly wy wid yees, Its meself tht's M F m t, S«, Misther TVhol, bees ye shore the beste witli the mn s hd isn t in the liouly bock? or did ye 6 puepel think yees hd red the gude buek M ic l. it to Kiik nd 1141 wt ws in it? jpttfing N ew. J3itiii»hirp S tn te A s s o c i tio n o f S p iritu lis ts. The New Hmpshire Stte Assocition of Spiritulists met in ccordnce with the cll of die Ex ecutive Committee t Stoddrd, Sept. 21th, 25th nd 20tli. The first session ws clled to order t 1 20 r. w.. Fridv, Sept 24th by the President, Justus Fisher. Xiie.beei! l i.i!.yy being nle-ent, Geo. A. Fuller, of Sherborn,.M3S., ws chosen Secretry pro fem. The President, in his opening remrks, sid tht the pltform ws free to every one, whether Spiritulist, Jnficlel, Socilist, or ny other belief. The truth is wht we wnt, nd gittion nd discussion re our only mens of rriving t the truth. lie then declred conference of one hour. Mr. Jmes Sheprd, of Alsted, sid, I belieyri in conscious existence of our friends in the spiritworld ; I know tht they return nd bring us mesr sges of love... George A. Fuller sid tht we nturlly look to the religious enthusist s the reformer of the woriij! We know tht there re grievous wrongs which mus be redressed nd in hours of severest ffliotion we gin religion for consoltion. - Spiritulism is the only religion in Which we cn fiod both consoltion nd the spirit of true, reformtion. Over qurter of century of ngel ministrtion' is sufficient to convince the world of spirit-return 1 nd now we turn to the ngels nd sk, W ht messge hve you brought us which will llevite humn suffering? And they nswer, The old institutions of society must fll ; out from the ruins of the old must spring the new. - Let the world hve the truth!... Moses Hull follriwectwith very interesting re-1 m rks.' Spiritulism ws offered, in the first plce,; to the churches; they rejected it. Then it poured out its inspirtion upon the whole world, proving tht mn exists in world beyond the grve? nd tht he cn return nd hold communion with those of this world,1 If wri reject the Ides which it pro-. o-mo ^ 1 I'tliUi UliHV/s Jlw<- M.liioiieventully will.completely revolutionise th?.efltifri" world we shll become sounding brss: -The time hs come when we must throw off cste, nd bid.tke Motheri Grundy fmily frewell! Society is the cuse of ll the crimes in existence.1 business ws tlie choice of officers, nd the following nmed persons were elected for the ensuing Mrs. Mttie Swyer, of Boston, spoke of her ex -; perience during the pst yer. Mny of the Spiritulists yepr : President,, Justus., Fisher, of Petereoro re just s much crystlized s Christins. Vice President, Mrs: Mry A. Reed, o f Stoddrd ; A t the door of Rdicl Spirilulisr everything Tresurer, Mrs. Elect Sheprdson, of Mrlow men lis been lid. Sociology is the gret question which now demnds bur ttention. -Under the hed of Sociology re embrced ll reforms whioli Secretry, George A. Fuller, of Sherborn, Mss. Business Committee/' W right Wood, of A shelot; Dr, Sjdvester :Woody of Wshington,1 nd Mrs. hve tendency to better the pr.esent condition of Mry A. Reed. The resolutions were tken up; humnity, In conclusion she referred to the deprture froni this life during the pst yer of E d wrd Reed, of Stoddrd one who for yer.*? his been noble worker in the cusd-of humn 'rlglitk; one who hs lwys been redy- to meet the frowning tempest of scorn nd contempt; one who hps ever been respected s' n honest, truthful nd coni scientious lborer in the fields Of reform1. \ The President-then ' ppointed' the following nmed person s Committee on Resolutions: Moses Hull, Mrs. Elect Sbeprdson nd George A,. Fuller,. Adjourned. Smith, George A.: Fuller, M r. Robb, nd Wright Wood. Gret truths were brought out in the discussion, nd seed ws sown, which will yet bring forth bountiful hrvest. 'E very thought u.ttered during the evening ought to be printed rid circulted throughout the whole world. The resolution ws dopted Adjourned.. S u n d y M o r n in g, SurT. 26th. After j n looms up just before us. Society is out of joint J- hour's conference Mrs. Mttie Swyer spoke on the rich growing richer, nd tlie poor growinf1 Society ris* it is, wl, s it should be. Tlie gret poorer every dj\ We will tke cre of the Sunf pronto nisi of society were discussed, inny fise mer-lnd when we get there, but we hve got f ides exploded, tlie old overthrown/ nd the foundtion ws well lid for the new order of thiugs. del with the Winter-Lnd now. Let us, ttien, ti to solve the problems of this M l. Moses Hull delivered the second lecture of the Mrs. Mttie Swyer sng selection from Mil morning upon Spiritulism dpted to tlie need; tie s Offering, entitled There is Light Ahed* of humnity. Adjourned. -, After which Jmes Sheprd delivered the first ddress of the evening. He spoke of the spirit-world ler delivered 'the first ddress of the, S u n d y A f t e r n o o n S e s s io n. Geo. A. Ful fternoon. E v e n in g S e s s io n. In conference, Mr. Sheonrd.-on mde few remrks,, followed by Moses Hull, who sid tht we hve positive knowledge of future existence; we hve knowledge of the Sum-! mor-lnd, but we ce not in the Summer-Ltur yet ; we re in the Winter-Lnd the lnd of povj ertynd destitution ; nd hrd, cold, long winter its beulilul scenery, nd the hppiness of its inhbitnts. Tlie second ddress ws delivered b) George A. Fuller, who spoke of The Needs o ilie Hour. When Spiritulism mde its ppel nce t Rochester, it cme to bring messge t- mn. The cry of Spirits hs ever been Reform Reform 1 And those who hve listened to tlie voicof the ngels Lve been denounced nd derided The world never needed reforming more thn to dy. Society is corrupt. Everywhere crime is or Os bd s Christinity. Our only liopo lies in'rdjcl Spiritulism. Tho lecturer closed by defending Rudiel Spiritulism from the ssults of its <dpposers. Adjourned. n investigtor of Spiritulism. I Moses Hull, Cliirm.ii of Committee ou Resolutions, presented the following : Resolved, Tht s.spiritulism 1ms demonstrted life beyond the grve, it is now time tht it should render itself prcticl iri helping us to tlie wisdom time cn cicvto tlie world out of its present politicl, finncil, socil nd religious chos. R e so lct'd. Tht eighteen hundred yers of filure to sve the world Irom sin, sickness, insnity, idiocy nd misery, demonstrtes tht so-clled Christinity is cither so wicked tht it should lie shunned, or so wek tht it should no longer lie trusted to sve humnity. Rtsolced, Tht society is responsible for every crime com- tviitted in its midst, nd tht the sinner should he treted s i;s unfortunte vietiui rttier thn s n offender,,ginst society. Jtcso.ccd, Tht our present system,of mrrige is slvery, nd tht considering tht idiocy, insnity, prostitution, dultery, rpes, drunkenness nd murders re it? legitimte fruits, it is the duty of every lover of humnity to protest ginst, if. Tht the system of gmbling ltnown ns specultion, hs filled the world with trumps, nd tht the tendency to speculte must, unless speedily checked, terminte ill bloody revolution, compred witli which, our lte rebclidn ples into insignificnce. Mr. Hull sid tht the object of presenting resolutions t Convention ws to set tbo people to thinking. To bring out discussion for f the gittion of thought is the beginning of wisdom. It ws voted tht the resolutions be red, discussed, nd cted upon seritim. The reminder of the Conference ws tken up with the discussion of the resolutions, prticipted in by Moses Hull, Jmes Sneprd, nd W right' Wood, of Ashuelot, Avhieh resulted in the doptiou of the first nd sec- oud resolutions s red. Further discussion of tho resolutions deferred until the fternbon session.; The first discourse of the morning ws delivered by!,geo A. Fuller, on.christins nd Christinity, Heretics nd Heresies., Mr. Fuller s discourse ws historiclresume of the bloody mrch of Christinity, showing tht the heretics who re denounced in one ge become revered nd honored iu the next. Hereticl doctrines lone cn reform the w orld; Christinity cnnot: it hs experimented long enough, nd its every ttempt hs consucnted in grnd filure. W e must look elsewhere, th e n,' for slvtion. ' It comes in 'the1 form of hereticl doctrines of rriodern Science; An bstrct cnnot do justice to the discourse. : t Mrs. Mttie Swyer followed with very interesting discourse on Tilings s I see them, or the Coining Revolution., She described, ccurtely buri present socil tld politicl institutions, showing tht they re so corrupt tht it will not py to /zvegt'try to ineud them. ; But,'insted, let ns build i j u i o P...l.... C -. conflict, ' Mrs. Swyer discoursed, Toi;,,rt (.lipiit*1 ufion" the' subject, showing up the shms of society. The meriting djourned. "1 'S t u r d y A f t e r n o o n S e s s io n. The first After spirited discussion,. tho. thjrd resolution ws dopted. ' -.' Moses H ull delitcrrid' the'ddfess* of the' fternoon upon 'the fourth resolution.' The discourse ws replete on sense,. sound.'rgument nd logic,,throughout.^ No prtil report cn do it justice, therefore I will not,tteniptt jt. A.t tho olbse of tlie lecture, the fourth resolution ws dppted. Meeting djourned. ' (S t u r d y E v e n in g S e s s i o n The fifth reso Iution- wns. 1discussed by Moses Hull, Stephen 14 verse : For they re tho spirits of dovi)», working mircles, which go forth unto the kings of the whole world, to gther them to the bttle of tht gret dy of God Almighty. He trced the history of tho devil bck to ncient hethenism. Every roligous dogm originted in the vlley of the INile. lie showed tho foolishness of the Clii'intin s rguments ginst Spiritulism. Everything which would hve tendency to reform tlie world hs been clled tho work of devils. Tito lecture ws the grndest defence of Spiritulism ever uttered in New Hmpshire. At the close, Mrs. Swyer red two poems upon the subjects which tlie udience hd presented, fler which she begn to ply upon the melodeoti, nd improvised tune, nd sng the one entitled Oh God, mke room for little child. Both the Words nd the music were excellent. At the close of Mrs. Swyer s singing, the Convention djourned sine die. During the entire Convention, front tlie very first dy to tlie lst, tlie udiences were quite lrge. Order previled nd hrmony reigned. The officers of the pst yer dischrged ll their duties well, nd their rrngements for this Convention re deserving of gret credit. Greter victories were chieved t this Convention for Spiritulism thn ever before in this Stte. Much seed hs been sown, which, if it does not tke root immeditely, will in sifter yers produce bountiful hrvest J ustus F isher, P m. G e'o. A. F u l l e r, Secy. A N T E D, in every town in this S t te,: nd iu every tow n in the E stern, Southern, or Western Sttes nd Territories, AGENTS for/thc GOL DEN DAWN, pper devoted to tlie B est I nterests op Wombs.. Tl\<slrgest csh commission ever pid to. I ents will be given to first-clss cnvssers. Apply to DORA DARMOOKli Frncisco, Cliforni. Editor GOLDEN DAW N/ Sn S H E E T M U S I C. M A TTIE SAWYER hs just issued with PIANO AC- COMPANIEMENT, the MUSIC to her sweet little 'song entitled ff T W O L IT T L E S H O E S. This song, nd music is everywhere pronounced ONE OF TH E FIN EST PRODUC HONS OF THE AGE. It is much the sme style s Little Mud; or the Golden Stir/* It will plese lovers of poetry nd music. Ah! these shoes their evory wrinkle Precious seem I know them ll; ''.. 1 With toy own hnd did I guide them In the grden nd the hull. But the ugnish of the rooming,.. When hu toys were ll refused^.:. 'y And he sid in lisping prttle, Pnt jry my little shoes.1 * \ Price: 25 cts. Sent post-pid-on receipt of price. $1.75 per dozen* For sle t this office. Send in your orders. ' * 1 t' T*nfiW^Tsi[]»». -r gu;:, t h e d w n i n g l i g : This beutiful nd impressive picture representing 'The Birth Plce of Modem Spiritulisi, I N H Y D E S V IL L E, FT. Y., ws crefully nd correctly drwn nd pinted by our eminent Americn Artist, J oseph J ohn*.. Angelic messengers descending through rifted clouds, bthed'in celestil light, re most successfully linked' nd blepdeclwith this noted house.nd. its surroundings, of rod,' yrd, the well nd its oken bucket, shde trees, orchrd,-the blcksmith shop with its -blzing forge,' nd the Hyde mnsion resting ginst the hill in the distnce. Twilight pervdes the foreground in mystic grdes typicl of Spiritul conditions in the eventful dys ot 1S48. ' A light fen* tho M'ndering pilgrim shines from the -windows of tht room where spiritul telegrphy begn to electrify the world wit 1 its gld tidings of gret jo y / Luminous- floods of morning light strem up from' the cloudunntlcd horizon, ilinriniuing the floting clouds in gorgeous tints, nd tlrcn flling over the ngel bnd nd tlie drk clouds beyondi. > -y» Siillthe ugds bridge deth s river i With gld tidings s of yore, H rk! their song cf triumph swelling,, Kcl^oes bck from shore to shre,. v : i We shll dive forever mre. Price, (post-pid) For sle by i dtusoeved, Tlint the Convention hereby tenders its thnks ts shown to be THE' LAW OF THE KINGDOM jo tbe ldies of Stoddrd nd the snrrottpiling towns Jor WRITTEN UPON THE HEARTS OF T H E VEO-.the entertinment we hve received t their hnds. PLE. It is shown tht the increse. Suicide*, murders, divorce trils m. * Resolved, T h t w-e reeommond to the friends everywhere si'ijt rr-ma t x r i tits T iotr rpes re filling the whole country with sorrow of the pln of instituting communl lion: Even our courts of justice re corrupt. The Go t ll our Conventions. sftri^^rilf - 7 or0 B now-»ow i ; * «> iti-so»*«cl» much - tht of Justice hs left our court rooms ; liberty lis tt- K H w B S 5 D 0 functions of person* in the fleh. Moses Hull then spoke on the following subje c t: Spirits of Devils. lie sid his text wi'l ken its flight from the lnd ; Christinity is s ecru pt s society ; nd Conservtive Spirlulism is/ l*i.could be found- in the 16th chpter of Reveltions dress e sthis ^!office, ^ C0,),U8 15cli- T in *!-<» Ad- t v v.. I $.200. MOSES H U U* & CO./ 24 Newcomb Street, Boston. SOMETHING N E W! MOSES HULL & CO., hve just published pmphlet by D. W. H U L L, entitled THE N EW D ISPEN SATIO N: OK THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM,. This pmphlet is n oii-iutil scripturl rgument show iug tjit tho word..., ;.jf _-0,, Christ mens Mediumship; bnd tht tho ncient disciples were no more nor less thn Believers in, nd prctieers of MEDIUMSHIP. T H E K IN G D O M O F H E A V E N, ' He begn by reding poem entitled, I Wish it pokenof so frequently in the Bible, is investigted, Christ s shown to hve come, mid the Kingdom been estblished, were. Respectble.! Ho took for his subject n MODERN SPIRITUALISM. The doctrine of 'JJbe Gret. Lw of Growth, showing tht eveiywhere in nture we see growth nd nowhere IN D IV ID U A L SO V EREIG N TY cretion. H e spoke lso of tlie growth of Spiritulism. Mrs. Mttie Swyer presented the fol-j now t iron v b t *' jj lowing resolutions : * R A D IC A L S P IR IT U A L IS T S,

4 H U LL S CRUCIBLE. C O N D U C T E D B Y j M O S E S H U L L & CO. X>0 TV* JTU XZ/j A ssgo( te JZditor. K o w o o m b - S t. B o s t o n, N o v. 1, S A S ts S W IT H N A U G H T Y G IR L S. ( concluded.), T'lie tlk winch we shll next introduce is brought in t tliis plce simply becuse of ils contrst with the lst. A good looking light complexioood ldy, cme nd sid : Mr. Hull, I ws relly plesed with your lecture it is not often I go to meeting hut I wish Hrry Hill would hire you by the yer, you prech light long nd rniud your owu business ; tht fellow tht preched before you wsn t smrt nd then he clled ns so mny hrd nmes we didn t like him. We think you re just splendid." Are you not flttering little ws our reply. It is not becuse I pprove of wht is going on here tht I hve not denounced you. but it is becuse I m serching for the cuse tht leds you to live such lives. If I cn remove the cuse you will ll quit it without being clled hrd nmes. Do you suppose if I go to these girls nnd sk them to give me their history, they will tell me the tru th? Some of them will, but the most of them will lie to you like the devil ; they won t one of them tell you their rel, nme, ws the, reply. Well, would you tell the truth? I don t know, it is owing to how I ws sked hnd wht for. Well, s philosoher, I wnt to know, simply becuse I wut to study every kind of life, wht its enjoyments nd sorrows re nd wht leds to HULL S CRUCIBLE. Yes, business enough, but, oh, this life, nd such ssocites. But, we remrked, the life is your own choice, nd s for the ssocites, wo cnnot lwys hve wht wo wnt nywhere. But you rc mistken, sid she, ** this kind of life is not n choice, I in not so bd s you think me to be.. I do not choose this life, it is forced upon me. I do not think you rc hd. ws our reply. F r from it. A t most you re only mistken, but how dobs it Iippeu tht you re compelled td led the life you do?* Well, sir, I loved well, but not wisely nd my love drove me here. Tht is strnge ; how does it hppen tht love could here?... * It occurred in tliis wise : few months go I liyed in my own fther s house, hppy girl member of------church. I believed in religion s I do now, nd I would not hve believed ny power could compel mu to live s I do. I w foolish, my lover decieve me. My fther, when I told him, drove me from homo. I got money snough from my lover to bring, hut when I got here tiie only doors open for me were the doors of these bd houses I m here nd I m sorry, but I cnnot get bck.. I m doing the only thing tht there is under the hevens for me. One thing : I hope I shn t live long! I shll welcome the dy when I m done with this world. This girl my, nd she my not hve told the truth ; we hd no mens of knowing. If she told the' truth her story ws sd indeed. If she did not,, she told wht would be truth in hundreds of other cses. It ws proof to us tht society nd roligion drive people into sin. Other cses.were investigted. Mny of the poor cretures-were too ignornt to hold stright forwrd converstion. One ldy declred tht her worthless husbnd compelled her to sell herself to support h im ; nd lerning tht she ws compelled to live by such mens, she fled from her husbnd, who does not now know where she it, we sid. Now be so kind s to give me your history? Hve you home, if so, why did you leve it? Where is your home? nd re your prents living? Do they know you re here Do they wnt you to pursue this kind of life! Well, you re good t qrestions, some of them is, nd supports herself s she ws formerly com. I 11 nswer, some I won t. I shut te you no pelled to support him. Another sid her husbnd lies. Questions tht I 1 don t wnt you to know.., ws men tyrnt nd she hd fled to this plce bout I won t nswer. I hve prents, they live s refuge from one whom the lw mde her mster. Out of mrrige no mn hd the.right to in the country. I won t tell you where nor wht their nmes re. They know I m in the city but bse her ; in it she ws helpless in the/^huds -of «l y T h p fhiuk I ried. I go home to visit sometimes nd lwys i rm ^ jw mke them believe my husbnd is in Europe or on We,eft off these converstious more tlmn ev6r the se. - convinced tht the prostitutes re uot ll out of I ws rised in the country : I lwys hd fs. mrrige, nd tht mjority of sueh s we met cintion for city life nd cme here to work. The re> greter sinners thn mrried^ prostitutes, fellers soon wnted to tke me to the thetre nd driven to sin, rther thn from it, by so-clled to ride, nd I like the fellers, I like the thetres, I j virtuous church nd society, like to ride in hcks, I like wine nd cigrs, nd I don t like hrd work. I cn get living without I 'W ill Y o u H e lp? it nd I m going to do it. I ve hd good offers of W e re in the lmost dily receipt of letters mrrige but I wouldn t mrry the best mn under -ndicting tht the writers re highly plesed with the sun. No mrried mn trets his wife s well t^e Crucible ; mny of them go so fr s to ins the fellers tret me. When I get older nd my form ug tft we print the best pper in the world, beuty gone I ll do like some of the rest of em others tht they could hrdly keep house without does, I'll mrry some old rich feller nd by nd by r, etc. Nerly ll these letter writers,' nd mucome out blooming, rich, young widow. jority of those who spek to its on the subject, re- We found tht in this cse desire for dventure gret tht the Crucible cnnot be published rs nd love for the gold nd tinsel of fst life ws often s once week. The need of weekly pthe propelling cnse ; she hd chosen her life for per devoted to the live issues which the Crucible the sme reson tht others hd mrrried. She keeps before the people is universlly felt. Indeed, wnted to go to the thetre, to ride behind fst we> (the editors of the Crucible,) re burdened horses by the side of well dressed men. She did!wjth mtter importnt mtter tht we cnnot find not like hrd work nd found it nice to be sup" room to print. W ht is to be done in such ported. Beside ll this, we scertined tht when cse y W e cnnot mke ny further scrifices, the dily mrket to which she crried her sexul I We re willing to spend our lst dollr nd work functions got dull, she would do s millions of sixteen hours out of twenty-four, but when tht others hd done mrry some rich old feller for whl 0t keep the much-needed Crucible np, his money, nd in nticiption of the time when I wht more cn be required? In ny cse we Shll she would be welthy nd blooming widow, continue to.publish the Crucible, we hope s Wht series of shms nd lies her -life is, yet often s once fortnight; more thn tht we cnnot more so thn is lived by two thirds of the legl not d0. prostitutes in the country. We were gld when Now we wu1 pro?ositio, first nski.g one of the fellers beckoned for her to come to I t])p reders, do you love these truths? Do you him s it gve us chnce to converse w ith l t the world enlightened? Will you he'lfl? one whose history we hd herd from nother We wiu publ;6h the Crccible once week during source, nd we wnted to her her storv T V..,...,.... w.,,,. J the yer 18/6 if our friends will py the eitr S extended our hnd to this ldv nd sid ill.,».,,..,,,., d 1csh expense, leving us to do the extr lbor for 1you must be hppy, I hve noticed ll the even-1 nothing. Figuring the extr expense on the btsis ing tht you hve seemed especilly to enjoy yourself. I of our present list of subscribers, the extr motey needed would be,. I did enjoy the lecture, ws the reply, but I For pper. $520.0(1 don t you know tht hevy herts re sometimes I Press work, I80.0<; hid in the bosoms of thoso who wer smiling fces? 1 Expressge, Sir, we often smile when we feel more like weep-1 Wrpping pper, 1 5.0). ing. Mking totl of $783.0i Wht hve you to weep over? re yon not This is the ctul cost of the items mcntidied treted well? AH seem to notice you, indeed you only, leving us to set the type, write the wrfl/s, seem more full of business thn mny others. I mil the ppers, py for our extr lights, rent dc. If persons do not see fit to send in by dontions, hve received loiter from jll\ Wi the totl mount nmed bove ; if they will send tht Society in, which he sys :! ny prt of it wo will do our proportionte prt of I the work nd thus print the Cru cible tht much oftoner. W e do not urgo this becuse, the Cru g ible is our pjii^but'tteeuse the world needs is perishing for the truths it. hs lo toch. Now tht we hve uido this propcilion we hve done our d u ty Anything received for the.purpose mentioned uhovo will he cknowledged in the C r u c ib le.. By the wy, cnnot our friends be induced to mke n extr effort to got the C r u c ib le before the world? W e know these re hrd limes ; this should ho n dditionl reson for extr efforts in.behlf of the pper w hich befriends the people s ginst the ristocrtic church, socil nbobs nd cpitlists who re in Lite nme of TSw nd order ruining this country. S p iritu lis m in H o t W te r T h e-n new f eibfflw WW^npirmii^m ns got into iiot wter my frighten few wek-kneed, fint-herted Spiritulists; it is nevertheless true. This climx hs not been reched, s some supposed it would be, by the exposure of the Eddy's or ny other mediums, nor yet by. Col. Olcott s new discoveries.(?) Even the New Deprture of Victori C. Woodhull could not hve given Spiritulism such hot scld. I t ws done in this wise. - The thought occured to Willim Deuton, tht if spirits could form mteril hnds nd hold them together so tht they could be seen nd hndled, tht csts could be tken of the hnds. H e obtined permission of Mr. nd Mrs. Hrdy, nd the ruling spirits of No. 4 Concord Squre, nd mde the ttem pt which ws so perfectly successful tht it is destined to inugerte new er in Spiritulism. On the 20th of October we were invited to Mrs. Hrdy s to witness the process. W e hd, in the presence of Mrs. Hrdy nd others, so often witnessed mteriliztions, tht we needed nothing more in tht line. The mking of moulds in which to mke plster of Pris hnd, ws wht we desired to see. The following ws, s ner s we cn remember the process : A wooden pil ws filled two thirds full of hot wter, then two or, (three lbs. of perihd dissolved or melted the periphene, the temperture of the wter ws brought s low s the periphene would ber. W e thrust our own hnd into the liquid nd found on bringing it out tht we hd on nice perphine glove ; the trouble ws we could not get it off only s we tore it off. This liquid ws put under the tble nd we ll st round it with ll the hnds on the top ; the light ws turned.down but not so low but tht ll could distinctly see ll tht ws going on round the tble. Mnifesttions such s we hve before de_ scribed soon commenced. After little while we herd wht purported to be mterilized hnds in the wter. After few moments, the spirits rpped for some one to rech under the tble nd get the perphine hnds, when two s nice moulds s ever were seen, were hnded us. One ws hnd prtly closed, so tht if hnd could be drwn out of such moulds t ll, it could not hve been drwn out of tht, in fct there ws no wy for the hnd to get out of tht mould hut by dissolution, s Jesus got out of the room where the doors were shut for fer of the Jews. The other ws the hnd of the excentric P. B. Rndolph. I t ws n exct representtion of the hnd he crried on his right rm in erth life, the missing finger nd ll. These mnifesttions re the most convincing it not the most stounding tht Spiritulism hs yet produced. No flse fces, rubber hnds, or trickery cn explin them. There were severl representtives of the press present on this occsion, ll of whom expressed themselves s convinced tht this ws indeed the work of spirits. An effort hs been mde with prtil success to get the cst of foot ; they premise yet to ccomplish tht. In such cse the spirits will put their foot into it. Every one should vil themselves of the opportunity to witness these new phses of the phenomenl prt of our religion. N o t so B d! W e very much dislike to mke mistkes, but when we publish such prgrph ns we did in the lst number of the Cru cible bout the mu- gers of the New York Assocition of Spiritulists, we re gld to lern tht it is mistke. Wo E. Htch of The C rucible hs never been suppressed in the Assocition either by myself or ny officer of the Society... I never got the Postmster to order it stopped; not- hve 1 ever intimted such tiling to ny clerk or employee of the Post Office. Why the C r u c i b l e d'd not rech me I do not know. Perhps you did not ddress the pckge correctly ; orfperhps n emissry of the 1. M. C. A. hs cused them to be withheld. Those tht I did receive cme in very hud condition, the pckge broken nd upon two occsions but three copies were received. Here follows some strictures on our remrks tht Mr. Lnt s pper, the Sun, ws suppressed, not for its views, but for personl resons. The mtter now lies between Mr. Htch, or rther the New York Society, nd Postmster Jmes who wrote to us to stop sending bundle of Crucibles to Win. E. Htch s they were refused. "We immeditely wrote Lo Mr. Htch, nd u uju w u m i! ' p w nm ii!' my ^W grphto go into the C r u c i b l e, We never herd from our letter; it probbly went to hunt the lost pckges of the C r u c ib l e. ITowTong w i.l such officiousness in Postmsters be tolerted? A W o r d to O u r F rie n d s. The next No. tkes us hlf through Volume IV, of the Cru cible, when mny subscriptions will become due. Will those who know, or hve reson to suppose themselves indebted to us, Send us wht they cn, or write to us nd tell us wht their circumstnces re, nd thus sve us the trouble nd expense of sending bills to them? In this connectiou we wnt to sy word or two in with reference to our pper. So fr, we hve been in the bttle lmost lone, with ll the welth nd tlent in the world united ginst us. It. hs been very uneven fight. Besides writing editorils, prepring MSS., etc., we (the Proprietors nd n pprentice) done ll the mechnicl work on our pper. Our receipts on it scrcely cover the cost of pper nd press work, to sy nothing of rents> food nd clothing. W hile we hve suffered ll this, lboring on severl occsions till two o clock in the morning to get the pper out, ud even horrowing money to py the postge on it to subscribers who red it without knowing wht it hs cost us, there re persons who profess te be interested in the is- needed it. Now we do not wnt you lo scrifice; but we do wnt those who cn spre us $500, $100, $25, $10, or even $5 s esy s we cn spre 25 ' cents to help us just tht much. W e think we hve been tried'pretty well. There is no need to fer tht the Crucible will cese; for nothing short of the deth of its editors would bring bont such n event. We shll publish it, s we hve done, whether you help or not. F or Moses nd Mttie cn work in the lecture field, s they hve done in the pst, for mens to keep up the expenses with, while we remin nd do the office work. B ut when we sink beneth our weighty cross, if some Cyrenin would only so much s touch it with one of his fingers it would fford us some relief. W e wnt our reders to feel tht whether they help us or not, the Cr u c ib le will be published. Then if they do help us, it will be done ot their own good, free will, nd not from compulsion. j D. TV. H. A C u re f o r H r d T im e s. Mr. Rice ttributes the jipresent hrd times to over-production by the increse of lbor-sving mchinery.. Tht is, there is too much clothing produced; therefore people hve to go nked ; - too much produce so much tht people cn t get get ny; so they hve to strve : too mny houses to live in; so people must go houseless nd turn trmps. It is sort of simiii similibits curnter. cure big dog bite by letting litte dog bite you. It goes upon the prinoiple, the less y:u hve the more you hve, nd ll tht is necessry is to mke generl derth, nd there will be gret plenty I It is llopthic, if not orthodox. It would mke mn strong by letting his blood, skinning him with blisters, nd disemboweling him with mercury. Our hrd money men operte on the sme principle : If you wnt to see good times, nd everything move briskly, reduce our money so tht nobody cn get ny! The remedy is pprent! Reduce our currency, reduce trde, reduce commerce, reduce lbor, let our mchinery nd lborers ly idle nd our very wnt will be our fullness I In some countries they hve institutions where idiot9nre cred for. Wo try to mke Governors of them. If somebody will just furnish Mr. Rio with bull-pup, we will inko President of him, The Government will furnish the cigrs nd whiskey.». vr. h.

5 AV A T S ID E P E N CTLLTX G s. Since our reders lst herd from us, we, (Moses ud myself) hve visited the Institution on Deer Islnd, lso the Workhouse t Bridgwter of this Slte. Ik e prison on Deer Islnd holds t the present seventeen hundred persons! the mjority of U'hom were sentenced there for drunkenness, night- HULL S CRUCIBLE. wlking, etc. We were informed tht their mini Tho prison dieipline, every reformer must feel hers were incresing 3 never before, it being lmost impossible to provide plces for them t night1 to be fulty. We cn never reform hd girls nd hoys by shutting them up witli *j hrdened sinners. The nturlly refined ud delicte, while grouped The grounds surrounding the buildings rc w ith the corse nd vulgr cn never progress. beutifully rrnged ; the interior ot tho estblishment is scrupulously clen, the sleeping cells nd senses stultify uuder the preching of totl deprv There re no inducements for improvement; their open dormitories light nd well ventilted. Tho ity. It reformtory system of tretment could he workshops, schoolrooms, hospitl nd puper d e inugurted, whereby crime could bo treted s prtment, present comfortble npperuce.. Undoubtedly mny of the prisoners re treted to sified mi promoted s they improve, if their indus the effects of disese, if the convicts could be cls better homes thn they hve ever hd before, while, try could he rewrded by certin mount per perhps, mjority of the hoys who re in the week or month, there certinly would be u incentive to mke the prisoners reform. A greter prt rb It, M jj running t lrge, he houseless nd foodlcss in this or- some other cityr. The work hotiso" t Bridgewter contins upwrds of four hundred inmtes. We visited every deprtment, including work-rooms, hospitls, dormitories nd chpel. They re ll clen nd comfortble. A dy's visit to these nd similr insti- -tutions, wited upon by genil officers, hurried from one room to nother, with no opportunity for conversing with the prisoners, one cn get but fint ide of convict's life. But to the student of humn nture, one thing is pprent; tht is, the whole system ot prison discipline needs reforming. In the woi k-rooms we sw,to be sure, some evidence tht Sir Chrles Drwin could not hve been gretly out of the wy in selecting s the long-sought connecting link, so nerly did they resemble ferocious bests. But by the side of these poor cretures worked others, with well developed form nd hed, intelligent fce nd grcefulness of motion- Could we hve conversed with them, undoubtedly we would hve lerned they hd been unfortunte nd were not s bd s mny persons who re held up s leders of society. The hospitls were iry, well ventilted nd seemed comfortble in every respect, but wht spectcle we beheld in the deprtment set prt for veneril disese. I refer now to the femle hospitl. Young girls, some of them not more thn sixteen, with bndged heds nd fces, covering the sores tht were (he effects oi vne uisgruers Probbly when they re removed, others will tke their plces, yet woe to the 'one who dvoctes the importnce of instructing the girls concerning the lws of sexnl helth nd the uses of their bodies. Fther love nd mother hert my gron in nguish 1 thousnds of grves be filled with victims ; better hve it thus thn thn to tell the young the cuses tht led to self bse nd debuchery, with the consequences thereof, lest mock-modesty shll be overcome, nd they lern the mening of every function of the body. Refuse to grnt them wise techers nd you put them under the power of vile ssocites who led them to destruction to hell. I noticed in the lying-in-hospitl young girl, sitting with her bck to the dcor, nursing n infnt Curiosity, in prt, prompted the ldy who ws with me nd myself to pproch her. I knew by the look of enderment she bestowed on tht bbyfce, it must be her own. How old is your bby? my compnion sked Four weeks old next Mondy, ws the nswer. On conversing with the mtron, we lerned she hd been sent there on ccount of her prospec1 tive motherhood; tht her mother hd written them she would llow her to come home but not to brin the child. Ws not the love in tht girl-mother s hert, s sweet nd pure for her child s though she hd pnt gold ring on her third finger previous to its conception? If it ws sin for her to bring n immortl soul into life, without the snction of priest, why ws nture llowed tojjrow nd develop life under such conditions? I would like to sk the society will dmn her more thn ever, while her mother thnks God tht she hs dono her duty. Hd I time, I would morlize few moments on tho white curtin tht seprtes the sexes in the chpel when the prisoners go up to worship. Suffice it to sy, the curtins nd dividing lines tht re drwn between the sexes from childhood to m tu rity, do m orn towrd nursing secret vice mt stimulting unchste love, thn n free, socil interchnge could possibly do. of the world hs yet to lern tht the prison hqlds (011,, thlfs" tin* liioigm* ones re t lrge; running our government our society. Tho convicts re not brutes, but victims of flse customs nd despotic lws. Prison Reform will yet commnd the ttention of our workers in humnity s wel. It wo cn t prech to those who re in prison, we cn mke n effort to help those who come out of prison nd to keep them in good conditions. On the 17th ult. I lectured in Providence, 11.1,, before the Rdicl Society. This body of thinkers, ssume no prticulr nme, but meet from Sundy to Sundy for the discussion of every Side of ll questions. My spce is full. Au lievoir. M t t ie. T H E G O D S. [CONTINUED.) G re e k M y th o lo g y Most of the reders of the C r u c ib l e re somewht cquinted with the Greek Mythology, s next to the Hebrew, it hs been more studied thn ny other, it will not be necessry for us to dwell very long on this deprtment, though we re much better cquinted with it thn ny ^ of the other mythologies. KRONOSfOR SATURN. In contemplting the chrcteristics of this deity one is constntly reminded of our Jehovh. He ws the Mker nd Preserver of ll things ; yet he ws constntly destroying his children, s did Jehovh UDon severl occsions. To him there ws no Pst, Present, or Future he lived uke iu ll his hed nd hirs were white s snow: he divided time into sevens, nd ttched peculir scredness to the seventh dy or Sturdy, nd the seventh yer, nd other institutions fterwrd incoported in the Hebrew Mythology. The seventh yer ws clled The Yer of Jubilee. Every bondmn nd cptive ws set t liberty, old debts were cnceled, etc., t this time. It hd been greed between Sturn nd his eldest son Titn, tht there were to be no more children born to Sturn, in which cse the Government of the world would eventully pss into Titn1 hnds. When Jupiter ws born, however, his mother succeeded in hiding him until he ws grown up. Titn now mde the discovery tht the Government would pss into other hnds, nd he immeditely instituted rebellion in heven, nd he drew off such n immense number of gods tht Jupiter ws clled in defense. A terrible wr ensued, which Titn nd his evil host were cst down Trtrus, region s fr beneth the erth, if we my believe Homer, s Heven is high bove Other writers, however, mke it deep byss, pit in the erth, into which the Titns were cst. Gret mountins were heped upon the mouth the pit, nd s the gints roll over or ttempt to escbe they cuse Vesuvius nd AStn to belch forth fire, smoke, nd Lv. If the reder will just turn to Rev. 12, it will be seen how fithfully the scred writer hs copied this myth nd mde it prt of our Gospel. Peter r fers to it in 2nd Pet. 2 : 4. Another reference lso found in Jude 6. Not to be outdone by the Christin mother if God wsn t little wrong scred writers, we find John Milton in his Prdise when he gve tht girl child, before the Stte Lost, ppropriting this story for the benefit of his bd given her husbnd? For ugbt we know, Christin Devil, s follows : tht child my prove to be more legitimte thn its mother or grndmother. But wht will tht young mother do 1 crush the mternl instincts nd bndon her child for the cke of being reinstted in her old home? nd ll this to grtify the shm clled society 1 If her love refuses to do this there is but one lterntive for her ; she trust go from the prison to the street! Who iu respectb e society would tkemoiher with n illegitimte chilno mtter wht, her cpbilities re? Sh uill probbly mke merchndise of her sc-xhoo.l 11 By whose id spiring To set him in glory hove his peers, H s trusted to hve equted tho Most High, If he opposed; nd with mbitious im Aginst the throne nd monrchy of God, liised impious wr in Hcv n, nd bttle proud W ith vin ttempt. Ilim the Almighty Power Hurled hedlong flming from th ctheril sky. W ith hideous ruin nd combustion, down T o bottomless perdition; there to dwell lu dmntine chins nd penl lire. ZEUS, OR J.U PITER. The Wrd Zeus is only nother pronuncition Tlieos. From this we esily pss to the Jo, Jo, Jove, Jeve, Jeue, Jew, Leu, Dei, etc. The out to fight the hor, nd he becme so terrified t word Ptros signifies fther. Jo-Pter, or Jeue- the sight of the monster tht he conceled himself Pitros signifies God-Fther. in brzen butt. He next cught the fleet-footed The.legend of Pndor s box looks somewht Btg of Din, fter chsing it whole yer, nnd like Eye s pple of tempttion. In cohsequence brought it live to Euristheus. His fifth lbor consisted in tiie destruction of the Stymphlides, ter of the crimes of men the wrth of Jupiter ws visited upon Prometheus. The vultures ceselessly rible kind of birds, furnished with clws nd bills fed is vitls, which growing in the night continued to bo tho mens of his torment. Jupiter nrmed with drts which they flung t their dver of brss, enbling them to pierce ny rmor, nnd finlly hei:me reconciled by the sufferin s of Pro- sries. He drove them from their wild morss metheus, when Hercules ws permitted to kill the with rttle of brss nd disptched them in the ir with his rrows. Ilis sixth lbor consisted in vulture. clensing the Augin stbles. Augis hd kept Under Jupiter Prometheus creted tho first mn three thousnd oxen in his stbles for thirty yers, out of cly. When the erth hd become well during which time they hd never been once clened. stocked with people, Jupiter designed to destroy Hercules did the work in one dy by turning the course of the river Alpheus through them. His the brzen rce of men on ccount of their impiety. seventh lbor consisted in subduing the Cretn Deuclion, by tho dvice of his fther, mde n Hull sent by Neptune, lie next destroyed the rk, nd putting provisions in it, entered it with cnnibl-like, fire-vomiting horses of Diomedes. his wife Pyrrh. For nine dys ud nights Jupiter continued to pour riu down from heven until by the queen of the Amzons. Ilis tenth lbor ws Ilis ninth lbor ws the cpture of the girdle worn greter prt of Greece ws inundted, nd only the destruction of the tri-bodied monster Geryou. In his eleventh lbor Hercules killed the Drgon few who siicccedefl'in climbing to the tops of the tht wtched t the gtes or IIesperide3, nd brought loftiest mouirntlrtb, escped,-** Deuclion- ws, ct- the tipples in triumph to Euristheus. Ilis twelfth ried to Mount Prnssus where, the rin hving cesed, he ws permitted to leve the rk, nd offer scrifice to Jupiter. By the direction of Jupiter, he nd his wife threw stones behind them, nd those which Deuclion threw becme men nd those thrown by Pyrrh becme women. The history the wr with Titn hs been lredy told. Every ntion seems to hve hd its Jupiter. The Lybins hd their Jupiter-Ammon, the Egyptins their Jupiter-Serrpis, the Asyrins their Jupiter- Belus, the Etheopins their Jupiter-Assbinus, the Guls their Jupiter-Trnus, the inhbitnts of the lower Nile their Jupiter Apis, nd the Romns their Jftpiter-Tnns (Thunderer), Jupiter-Fulmi nns (Scterer of Lightning), nd Jupiter-Cpifolinus (from his temple on Cpitoline Hill). The Council of Jupiter ws composed of six gods nd six goddesses, who probbly preside over the twelve months of the yer. In ll this ccount of the Pgn gods, it should be remembered tht they often represent the sme god by vrious nmes, nd wht we mistke for nother, god my be, nd often is, the sme god with nother ume. Pope thus refers to him in his 'Universl Pryer : it, t Fther of ll! in every ge, l In every clime dored,, By sint, by svge, nd by sge, > Jehovh. Jove or L ord!. Zeus, or Jupiter ws only KMtMM he Wits tlie All, the One, nd the Unity of the God-hed. In one of their poems it is sid: Zeus, the mighty Thunderer, is first, Zeus is lst Zeus is the hed, Zeus the middle of ll things. From Zens were ll things produced. He is both mn nd womn. Zeus is the depth of the erth, nd the height of the strry hevens; He is the bredth of ll things, the force of untmed fire; The bottom of the se; s u b, moon nd strs; Origin of ll; king of ll;. One Power, one God, one Gret Ruler. In nother poem, we find these lines : " There is one royl body, in which ll things re enclose! Fire nd Wter, Erth, Ether, Nqght nd Dy And Counsel, the first producer, nd delightful Love, For ll there re contined in the gret body of Zens. HERACLES, OR HERCULES. This god ws noted for his prodigious strength. When he ws but few hours old he jumped out of his crdle, seized the two serpents sent by Juno to destroy him, nd strngled them- He resisted the tempttions of Luxury nd chose the privtions of Virtue, nd thus becme immortl. He conquered monsters, subdued tyrnts, nd finlly succeeded in delivering Prometheus from the torments of the vulture who continully te wy his vitls. He then ccomplished twelve lbors which -gve him gret renown. His first lbor ws the destruction of the Nemoen Lion, which he ccomplished by throwing his sinewy rms round his neck nd strngling him. He ever fterwrds wore the lion s skin on his bck s mrk of his strength nd courge. Ilis second lbor ws the destruction of the mny heded Hydr of Lernte. He ttcked this monster with his sickle shped sword. But s soon s he hd severed one hed from the trunk nother grew out. He then commnded Iolus the son of Iphicles to bum the root of n hed with hot iron before new one could spring up. Juno then sent crb to gnw t the heels of Hercules while he ws struggling with the monster. ' Hercules soon disptched this new enemy nd ftdr long struggle drove the lst hed of the Hydr, into the ground, nd covered it with u immense nd lst lbor ws the rescue of Theseus from the lnd of Terrors. In order to do this, tie ws compelled to seize the tripple-heded dog Cerberus nd crry him wy to Eurystheus. IVe could give thorough strologicl interprettion, but it would occupy too much spce here! In this he is not unlike Jehovh of the Jews, for prticulrs of which see Astrologicl Origin o f Jehovh- God, by the writer. d. w. h. ( to b e c o n t in u e d.) M iles G r n t n d E. G e rry B ro w n. Very few persons hve more trouble over humn deprvity thn our over-much righteous neigbor of the Scientist. Between this pper nd the World?* Crisis we ctch the dikk here, nd the devil herefter. These editors must he right, for they re both holy men tking their word for it, nd on good, terms with God nd other importnt personge unknown to someof us poor reckless cusses. These two men hve hevy burden on their shoulders One hs undertken to reform the Lke Plesnt Cmp Meeting, nd the other hs tken ll the blnce of the world on his hnds. Of course we, with few of our kith re left out, so tht while we re between dikk nd devils, ll the rest of humnity re between E. Gerry Brown nd Eld. Miles Grnt. Bro. Brown being little green nd inexperienced mde the mistke of supposing tht those who took such pins to lbel themselves vir tuous. - ment iust wht he thought the word implied. So he went to thgl ke Plesnt Cmp- Meeting where he could feeihwfbe pure hevenly mnn of truth, unmixed with error; but lo! he found himself right in the cess-pool of vice! Nesthiding nd nest-hunting ws prt of the progrmme of the occsion n when the uncovering cme, pir of unsophisticted, confiding eyes might hve been seen so fr in dvnce of confused editor s fce s to hve prohibited the djustment of his eye-glsses. He fults Prof. Morse for clling the Scientist, Your little contemporry the little pper, etc. Now we don t believe Bro. Morse tnent to sy tht the Scientist ws little in size, for it is lmost lrge enough to wer pnts, nd it hs lwys spoke its piece well; it cn sy dikk now like prrot It is only little in the sense of intelligence. It is vigilnt s soldier-nt in trcking dp sinners, nd frisks bout like fretful humble-bee in bottle, but the time hsn t, come for it to mnifest much stbility of chrcter. For while it will swllow ny lollipop its nurse my see fit to give it, s its mentl gullet is so lubricted by its credulity nd its expnding cpcity so djusted tht mstiction is entirely unnecessry. It never discusses its theories; it tkes them down t one gulp, s pickerel does his dinner. It believes in Dvis Dikk with fith s unquestioning s ny little tow-hsd ever believed in Snt-Clus. Ltely it hs been wreking vengence on the Bnner o f Light, nd Prof. J. J. Morse, nd s- Bro. Morse strikes bck; it tlks dikk nd women to him. This will probbly scre him in. Gerryr knows they re terrible cretures, for he hs herd wful stories bout them. So he often prys to be hielded from them. Here is one of his pryers : We pry God tht they, (the dikk,) my never be permitted to drg us into the rrs of ny prominent femle free-lover. Keep cool brother: you will not be hurt; these little dikk never suffer their ttention to be mopolized by such trivil ffirs, nd s to bein irgged into the rms of prominent femle freelovers, why, bless you, your ppernce is suffi stone. Ilis third lbor ws the killing of the monster Bor of the Erymnthen mountins, which hd been in the hbit of lying wste the country cient protection, if you hve no other. Femle of Arcdi. He crriod him live to Euristheus. e-lovers wiil not he likely to1wste more pqyywho, in order to hve Hercules slin, hd sent him der thn the gme is worth. D. * L \

6 6 H ULL S CRUCIBLE. u v ^ y c c u n t. C jn d u c te d b y M ttie S w y e r. O C T O B E R D A Y S.. Very reluctntly we tke our pen from its resting plce this glorious fternoon. There is wrmth nd beuty pervding the outer world tht woos us from lbor. Never ws the ir more bewitching, or the sun more delightful. Bcking in its bems on dy like this, one forgets tht we hve nerly pssed the golden glories of utum n nd re on the verge of cold winter. W ere it not. for the brown leves nd crimson folige we could hrdly relize th t Jck Frost hd mde his nnul visit. We pprecite this chrm ing wether ll the more for the long chilling rins th t hve visited ns during the utum nl dysi W e.ieel inspired with new emotions, we gther strength while our whole soul goes out in worshipful dortion s we bow before the shrine of Nture. L et us ctch ll the sunshine there is; m y the genil tmosphere wken corresponding element within us, until we tke up new life; fertile w ith cheerfulness nd courge. The poorest of us my drink in the. luxurint ir ot these chrming, October dys. The most destitute mong us cn fest on the glories of wood nd sky. j How tenderly ll this outwrd beuty ppels to us. One cnnot help communing j with nture on dy like this. W e seem. crried wy from the hertlessness of former life, nd dropped t the feet of gret mgnificent mother, in whom we move nd - hve our being. Yes, we get nerer to N tu re; m y we lern new lessons, nd ' bove ll be tught in our silent worship how to cquire strength by which we my brvely endure the hrd bttles nd drery storms tht w it us in the future. T H E BOSTON LYCEUM. Oct. 10th..T h e Lyceum ws clled to order t the usul hour, Conductor Htch presiding. The literry exercises were prticipted in by H. B. Johnson, Esther Jmes, Mbel Edson, Mster BufFom, Helen M. Dill, Miss Clifton nd Juli M. Sundy, Oct. 17th., The Lyceum held its usul nterestiug session, with redings nd recittions, by the following scholrs : My Potter,' Jonny Blch, Ell Crr, Nellie Porter, Mbel Edson, Rndolph Burtleson, Alven Smith, Helen M. Dill nd Mrs. Jckson. Short ddress by Ilttie Wilson, referring to the Plymouth Lyceum, nd compring it to the Lyceum in Boston to the credit of the former. Address by I. P. Greenlief. WORK W HILE IT IS CALLED TO-DAY. U p! there s no time for rebt to-dy!. There s stubborn work to do * For every willing hert nd hnd The blessed dylight through. Nor must we loiter, slck, or sleep. Sve in the friendly night, Which hides beneth its grteful shdes The lbors of the light! _, r, U p! there s no chnce fos rest to-dy 1 Brothers of humn kind I d mny drk nd sterile spot Are groping hlt nd blind. And there re burdens to be borne, And fetters to be broke, And trees of evil to hew down With mny toilsome stroke I Up 1 for the world is full of strife, The erth is sown with sin, Quick springing, like the noxious tres, A noble field within. And, though t first but tiny bldes, Of shower nd sunshine born, The lborer needs MS rest, nd stright They overtop his corn. Then up 1 nor drem of rest to-dy I The toes re ll round ; And some conceled in mbush He,. And some dispute the ground. Then let us gird the hrness on To wrestle or to toil ; The lborer reps the golden grin, -... The conqueror wins the.spoil l ' Independent. (From Gleson s Pictoril.] TH EYO UNG PHILOSOPHER. A S K E T C H F O R P A R E N T S. BY SYLVANUS COBB, Jr. Me. S olomon Wintiihop ws plin old frmer u ustere, preei-e mn, who dicleverythihg by estblished rules, nd who could sec no reson why people should ever grsp t things beyond wht hd been reched by their gret gret, grndfthers. He hd three children two boys nd girl. There ws Jeremih, seventeen yers old, Smuel, fifteen, nd Fnnie, thirteen. It ws cohl winter s dy. Smuel ws in the kitchen reding book, nd so interested ws he tht he did not notice the entrnce of his lther. Jeremih ws in n opposite corner engged in ciphering out sum which ho hd tound in his rithmetic. Sm, sid, the frmer to his youngest son, hve you worked out.tht sum y et? No, sir, returned the boy, in hesitting mnner., Didn t I tell you to stick to your rithmetic till you lmd done it? utte ed Mr. Winthrop, in severe tone. Smuel hung down his hed nd looked troubled. TVliy hven't you done it? continued the fther. I cn,t do it, sir, tremblingly returned the boy. Cn t do it? nd why not? Look t Jerry, there, with his slte nd rithmetic. He hd cyphered further thn you hve long before he ws s old s you re. ' Jerry ws lwys fond of mthemticl problems, s ir; hut I cn t fsten my mind on them. They hve no interest for me. Tht's becuse you don t try to feel ny interest in your studies. Wht book is tht you re red! m g?, I e H.. It s, ivork on philosophy', sir. j " A work Qti fiddle-stick.! juo' put it wy this instnt, nd then 'gef youi' slte, nd don,t let me see you wy from your rithmetic- gin until you cn work out these roots. Do you understnd me?.. Smuel mde no nswer, hnt silently he put wy bis philosophy-, nd then got his slte, pd st down gin in the chimney corner.. His netlif lip trembled, nd his eyes were moistened, for he ws imhppy. His fther hd been hrsh towrds him, nd he felt thtrit ws without just cuse. Sm, sid Jerry, s soon s; the old mn hd gone, I ll-do tht sum for. you.. No, Jerry, returned the. younger brother, but yet with grteful look ; tht would be de Crter. Mr. nd Mrs. Hrdy were introduced nd mde few remrks. Short ddress by Prof. ligent for one of his ge. Crpenter. ' Beding by Mr. Willims. those pieces of wood. He hd hits of wire, little scrps of tin plte, pieces of twine, nd some dozen smll wheels tht he hd mde himself, nd lie seemed to lie working to get them together fter some peculir fshion of his own. Hlf the fternoon hd pssed wy when his sister,.entered his chmber: She hd her pron -gthered up in her hnd, nd fter closing tho door softly behind her, she pproched the spot where her brother st. Here, Smmy see, I hve brought you up something to et. I know you must be hungry. As she.spoke, she opened her pron nd took out four ckes, nd piece of pie nd cheese. The hoy ws hungry, uud he hesitted not to vil himself of his sister's kind offer. He kissed her s he took the cltes nd thnked her. 0, wht pretty thing you re mking' uttered Fnny, s she gzed upon the result of her brother s lbors. Wont you give it to me fter it s done? Not this one, sister, returned the hoy, with smile ; hut s soon s I get time I will mke you something erjully s pretty. Finix The boy uttered quick cry nd sprng egerly, forewrd, but he ws too lte. The curious construction ws crushed to toms the lbor of long weeks ws utterly gone 1 The ld gzed for ceiving our lther. 1 will try nd do the sum myself, moment upon the mss of ruins, nd then covering though I fer I shll not succeed. Smuel worked nd studied, hut, nil, to no mirhis fce with his hnds,he burst, into ters. A iift vo Kir little hit sucl him. The roots nd snufljsf the btfe, liypothfe-j clp-trps, nd then cry bout it becuse I choose nuses nd peffftpjceffkv though.comprtively tht you should ttend :to your studied? Now go simple in themselves, were t6 him riiingled mss of incomprehensible things, nd the more he studied the more did he become perplexed nd both: ered. The truth ws, his fther did not understnd him. Smuel ws bright hoy, nd uticomonly intel Mr. AVinfhrop ws thorough mthemticin he.hd never, yet cme cross problem he could not solve, nd he desired tht his children should,be like him, for-he con-, ceived tht the very cme of eductionl perfection ly in the power of conquering Euclid,."nd he often exprssed the opinion tht, were Euolid living then, lie could give the-old geometricin -hrd tussle. He never, comprehend tht different.minds were mde with different cpcities, nd tht wht'one' mind could ' grsp with ese, nother, of equl power, would fil to comprehend. Hence, becuse Jeremih progressed rpidly, in his mthemticl studies, nd,could lredy survey ir piece of.lnd of 'mny ngles, he imgined thnt, becuse Smuel -mde no progress n ll in the sme brnch;- he ws idle nd creless, nd he treted him ccordingly. He never cndidly conversed with his younger son, with view to scertin the true bent of his mind, nd thus enble himself to open proper field for the scope of tht mind, but he lmd his own stndrd of tho power. Of ll mind, nd he pertinciously.dhered to it. There ws nother thing Mr. Winthrop could not see, nd tht ws, tht Smuel ws continully studying rid pondering upon such profitble mtters ns interested him, nd tht lie ws scrcely ever idle, nor did the fther see, either, tht if ho ever wished his hoy to become mthemticin, he ws pursuing the very course to prevent such result.' Insted of endevoring to mke tiie study interesting to the child,- he ws mking it relly. obnoxious. The dinner hour cme, nd Smuel hd not yet worked out the sum. His fther ws ngry, nd obliged the boy to go without his dinner, t the sme time telling him tht he ws n idle, lzy child. Poor Smuel left the kitchen nd went u[) to his chmber, find tliero lie st down nd cried. At length his mind seemed to pss from tho wrong he hd suftered t the hnds of his pront nd took nother turn, nd the grief-mrks left his fce. There ws lrge fire in the room below his chmber, so bo wus not very cold ; uud getting.up from bis set he went to smll closet, nd li'o>u beneth lot of old clothes he drgged forth some long strips of wood nd comnqenced whittling- ws not for mere pstime tht he thus whittled, for he ws fshiouing some curious ffir from file room, nd the hoy resum ed his work. A t the end of the week the vrious mterils tht hd been subjected to Smuel's jck-knife nd pincers hd ssumed form nd comeliness, nd they were jointed nd grooved together in curious combintion. The embrio philosopher set the mchine for it- looked like mchine upon the floor, nd then he stood off nd gzed upon it. His bright eye glenmed with peculir glow of stisfction, nd he looked proud nd hppy. While yet he stood nd gzed upon the child of his lbor, the door of his chmber opened nd his fther entered. Wht re you not studying? exclimed Mr. Winthrop, s he noticed his boy stnding idle in the middle of the room. Smuel trembled s he herd his fther s voice, nd lie turned ple with fer. ' H, wht is this? continued Mr. Winthrop. s he cught sight of the curious construction on the floor. This, then, is the secret of your idleness, Now I see how it is tht you cnnot mster'youf studies. Y ou spend your time in mking ply-houses nd fly-pens. I ll see whether you ll lern, lessons or not. There! As the*fther uttered tht simple interjection, he plced his foot jupon the object of his displesure, o u tdjthe brii nd help Jerry shell corn. The boy ws too full of grief to mke ny explntion, nd without word he left his chmber; butlot long dys fterwrds he ws sd nd downherted. Smuel, sid Mr. Winthrop, one dy fter the spring hd Opened, I hve seen Mr. Young, nd he is willing to tke you s n pprentice) Jerry nd I cn get long on the frm, nd I think the best thing you cn do is to lern the blcksmith s tryde.. I.hve given up ll hopes-of, mking surveyor of. you.; nd if you hd frm, you wouldn t know how to mesure it nd ly it out. i JetryV now, will soon be ble to tke my plce s' surveyor nd I hve lredy mde errngements for;'hving him sworn, nd obtining his commission., But your trde will be good one, however, nd I, hve no doubt you will mke living t it Mr. Young ws blcksmith in neighboring town nd crried on quite n extensive business, nd, moreover, he hd the reputtion of being fine mn. Smuel ws delighted with his fther s proposl, nd When he lerned tht Mr. Young lso crried on quite lrge mchine shop he ws in'vcstcics. Ilis trunk ws pcked, good supply of clothes.hving been provided : nd fter kissing his mother nd sister nd shking hnds with his fther nd brother, he mounted the stge nd set off for his new destintion. He found Mr. Yotirg ll tht he could wish, nd he went into his bu.-iness with u ssiduity tlmt surprised his mster.. One evening, fter Smuel Winthrop lmd been with his new mster six months, the ltter cme into the shop fter the journeymen hd quit work nd gone home, nd tound tiie youth busily engged in filing piece of iron. There were quite - number of pieces lying upon the bench by his side, some of which were curiously riveted together nd fixed with springs nd slides, while others ppered not yet redy tor their destined use. Mr. Young scertined wht tiie young workmn ws up to, nd not only encourged him in his undertking, hut stood for hlf n honr nd wtohed him t his work. Tiie next dny Smuel Wii>tlm>» ws removed from the blcksmith s shop to tiie mchine shop. Smuel often visited his prents, nd t tiie end of two'yers his fther ws not little surprised when Mr. Yonng informed him thnt Smuel ws tiie most useful hnd lie hd. Time flew by fst. ^Sm uel ws livonty-one. Jeremih* hd been free two yers nd ws one of die most ccurte nd trustworthy surveyors in tiie country. Air. Winthrop looked upon his eldest son with prido, nd often expressed tho wish tht the other son could hve been like him. Smuel hd come to visit, Ms Young hd come with him. Mr. Young," sid Mr. Winthrop. things hd been clered wy, * tht fctory they hve erected in your town. home, mi Mr. her the lef line lrgo Yes, returned Mr. Young, there re lree of them nd they re doing hevy business^. I understnd they hve n extensive mchine shop connected with the fctories. Now i( rj boy Sm is s good workmn s you sy he is perhps he might get first rte sitution there." ' Mr. Young looked t X umiel nd smiled. By the wy, continued the old frmer, wht is ll this noise I hei nd see in the newsppers / bout these ptent Winthrop Looms? They tell' me they go hed of nything tht hs been got up before. You'must sk your son bout tht, returned Mr. Young. Tht is some of Smuel s business. Eh? AVht? My son? Some of Sm_ The old mn stopped short nd gzed t his hoy. Ho ws bewildered. It could not be tht his son liis idle son ws the inventor of the gret ' puw r loom thkbci tken. i) liiiq»«nimttii»timom W lit do you men. he t length sid. It simply mens, fther, tht tht loom is mine, returned Smuel, with look of conscious pride. I invented it nd hve tken out ptent right, nd I hve lredy been offered ten thousnd dollrs for the right of ptent in two d joining Sttes. : Don t you remember tht clp-trp tht you crushed with your foot six yers go? Yes, nswered the old mn, whose eyes were I bent to the floor, nd over whose mind new light. seemed breking. Well, continued Smuel, tht ws lmost pttern of the very loom I hve set up in the fctories, though, of course, I hve mde much ltertion nd improvement, nd there is room for improvement yet And tht ws wlit you were studying bout when you used to stnd nd see me weve, nd when you used to fumble bout my loom so much, sid Mrs. Winthrop. -. «Yon re right, mother. Even then I hd conceived the ide I hve since crried out. And tht is why you couldn t study my mthemticl problems, uttered Mr. Winthrop, s he strted from his chir nd took the youth by the hnd. Smuel, my son, forgive me for the hrshness I hve used cowrds you. I hve been blind, foolishly so, ud I now see how I misunderstood you. While I thought you were idle nd creless you were solving philosophicl problem tht^i* never could hve comprehended. Forgive me, Smuel I ment well enough, but I lcked in judgment nd discrimintion. Of course the old mn hd long before been for-_. new this; Different minds hve different cpcities, nd no mind cn be driven to love tht for which it hs do tste.. First, seek to understnd the nturl bilities nd dispositions of children, nd then, in your mngement of their eduction for fter life, govern yourselves ccordingly. The sme soil tht will give life nd vigor to the beutiful, the useful nd sttely pine, will not ber the sturdy ok.. George,Combe, the gretest morl philosopher of his dy, could hrdly reckon in simple ddition, nd Colbutn, the mthemticin, could not write out commonplce ddress. A DISCUSSION. ABOUT JESUS AND RELIGION ItE T W E E X FEE. S. It. n r.t T T.iy - A n d W. F. J m ie s o n, AH who hve red Prof. Brittn s* ^Pcmocfocy Christinity should peruse this nlyticl rcpijvj Pper, 56 pges, 25 cents; flexible doth covers 50 cents For sle by MOSES HULL &-CO. - «24 Newcorb-Su, Boston B O A R D IN G -H O U S E I hre tken tho LARGE MANSION HOUSE, 48 Fourth Street, nd fitted for first clss Bording'-House. Prties com* ing to ihc city on business or plesure will find tho A T.G F 1 R H O T J S F A C H E A P P L A C E TO S T O P or dy or month, nd convenient to ny prt of Bos- (0n. ' L. F. THOMPSON. N o w Redy! MATTIE S OFFERING A COLLECTION OF O R IG IN A L S O N G S AS SUNG B y M A T T IE S A W Y E R. Together with Selections from the B E S T A U T H O R S. Aud hth put, new sons in m ' mouth Pd A. XL, s B O S T O N : 1 M OSES H U LL A N D COMPANY, 24 Nri/Co-vd Street, WAfiirsoios. nw b P rice : Pper covers, 25c Cloth, 35o.

7 IJS H E R S PRICES. SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY. A Scientific nd Populr Exposition of the H U L L S CRUCIBLE. y CO & Fundmentl Problems in Sociology/ f* R. T. TRALL, M. D. p cr» i J ( I C C \ C / S w c» O W w H m w 17 i BY o o o C O P I E S j n l * 0 0 * y.t S'- ; «*y> * \ y i- r irr w. m u m S B *s m UwV/> tefe J llp s JSSk S O L D. The gret interest now being felt in ll subjects relting to Humn Dovolopm^nt, Will nriko tho book op xx«- > : v v on?:, TV$!t!es the informtion obtined by its perusl, tho prcticl bering of the vrious sub* jeets ;;oitud, in improving uu*i.hj- v IpuBRl u v ilnc to humn life, cn xot ur over estimted, %i This work contiuns tho ltest nd most importnt discoveries in tho.\r.::u'uiy n l riiy - ii>lo?y of tho Sosps ; r.xnlins tho Origin of Humn Life; HoW nd whon Menstrution, Improgn-ition nd Conception occur; giving 1 ho V.W3 by wmeh the number nd ses of offspring ro controlled, nd vlublo informtion in regrd, to the hogotting. nd rering of beutiful nd helthy children, ft. u high-toned, nd should bo red by every fmily. It oont.m oighty lice engrvings. Agents wnted. SYNOPSIS OF CON Tho Origin cf Lifo. Tho PIiycio!o< ]'j of Menstrution. Pregnncy. Prturition1. Tho Lr.y c f : ;pu!ticn. LLr.u.iry g j Rights of Offspring. Coed Children. Monstrosities. Tempermentl Adpttion* Tho Conjugl Reltion. " Courtship. Choosing Husbnd. Mrrying nd Giving In Mrrige* lnfhsi r n f m v «i «S S l KM m m m A NTS. Sexul Genertion, impregntion. Embryology. Lcttion. Regultion or tho Mo. of onsprlng. Tho Lw of Sexul Intorcourso. Beutiful Children., Womn s Dress. Intermrrige; Miscegention. Union for Lifo, * f. Choosing Wife. Womn s Superiority, Tho Mrrigeble Age* Old Age This work hs rpidly pssed through Twenty editions, nd the demnd is constntly incresing. Ho snch o.>. j j TuhnW.irerlt hs ever before boon issued from tbo press. P ric e ly m ull. *. ^ 7 0 S I t s i _ u W w k ^ f N B3 & I 5 I.n is lit S tre e t, K c w V orfe. FARM W A N TED IN E X C H A N G E F O R A Business now Pying W ell IN ANOTHER STATE. GOOD FOR MASS., N. H., OR MAINE. Address Editor of Crucible or DR. CLARK,. * 32 Russell Street, Chrlestown, Mss. D. W. H U LL S BOOKS. TOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BT MHTJIjXj b r o t h e r s. T M Herefter: A Scientific, Phenomenl nd Biblicl Demonstrtion o f h uturo L ife. In this book Mr. H. discusses tho question of the Origin of the Physicl nd Spiritul Mn, mking concise nd conclusive scientific rgument in furor of the development theory. Oo chpter is devoted to the demonstrtion of future life by the Occult Sciences. Then follow rguments bsed on Phenomenl Spiritulism, Clirvoynce, Mesmerism, Somnmbulism nd the Bible. Cloth * 7* Postge 10 cents. Pper Postge 0 cents. Christinity: I ts Origin, Future, nd Tendency} considered in the light o f Astro-Theology, In this work re no less thn six different Incrntions nd world s Sviours brought to light,»u of them similr to tht f the Christin dispenstion. Price * - 26 Postge 2 cents. Astrologicl Origin o f tho Jchovuh-God, o f the Old send hew Testments/ Being n rgument ginst the recognition of God in the united Sttes Constitution. Price «i i Postge 2 cents. BpiritsiUsm m Toot o f Christinity. By D. W. Hull. An ttempt to prove tht Spiritulism to Christinity in its brodest sense Postge 2 cents. H U L L S CRUCIBLe T A >ldf wke journl, devoted to the mom rdlcl reforms. Confined to no sect or prty, nd owing fidelity to nothing bui truth nd honor. HULL'S CRUCIBLE wql ignore no thought on ccount of its unpopulrity, its object being to enlighten nd not to fltter the world. The CsvciBLt U owned nd conducted by Moses Hull t t t D. W. Hull. The firm is known os tht of the HULL BROTH ERS, The Crucibl* *, vui will iwy. lwys It try to sy wht It thinks, nd muik wht it ys, renunue.,» of ' consequeoes; ech write! beuik reipo&blble for ms own 1 rticles. mr Good writers, who bre no (br of nything except the doom of the cow%rd who dres not tell the truth under ll oiromstces, hve been secured to write for the Cbv cu u l TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One subscriber, *2 numbers,. ftfitt M «* 1 *... 1JS 1* M.. 6ft Specimen numbers miled to ny ddress on receipt of two tjhree-cent postge stmps for ech number. Agents wnted to solicit subscriptions nd dvertising im eveir town in the United Sttes. Liberl inducements of- Advertising 15 cents per line for first insertion. 10 egnte peg tone for ech subse net insertion. T O WO frms for sle chep, nd on very esy terms or exchnge. One in 'N. T., the other in Tenn. Cll on or ddress Dr. B. Frnklin Clrk,. 32 Russell St. Chrlestown, Mss. PROGRESSIVE SONGSTER, Bx T O H, W ESCOTT, Comprises s coirection of some of the best nd most populr selections of the dy, (over 200 pges,) rrnged foe the use of Spiritulists for the Lecture Circle or Lyceum. These Gems re dpted to lmilir melodies, nd is intended to tke the plce of more ponderous mrie books for generl use. S E E E 0 T I0 2 T 3. SW EET BY-AND-BY. Stbivixg tor the R ight. (Air, R*Jtj7 -M d the Hg.) B ectifcl R iv e r. Mother K issed Mb ih sre R est for th e W e s t. B o K ^stv o to N ig h t. H ome A bove. (Air, *T* t u /l *in.) H ome o r th e A ngei s. (Air, Str*; the Evening.) L ove t H ome. 1 Nture's n Clls..... _ Home Sweet Home. (Air, Nelly Lee. Something S w eet to T h in s of. By Ordwsy W iting bt the River. Nerer mt God to T h e e. E rkob s T bcixgs shll Moulder in the Gbte. (Air, John Brown.) Sw e e t Sister Sp ir it, Come. (Air, Americ.) Do thb Spir its o r th e L oved Ones. R ound us. (Air, Do they Mis* me t Home;) Messenger. Angels. (Air, S tr Spngled Bnner.) I Her the Ansels Singing. (Air, Ever of ThM. JBeutuf In Cloth A Bord Coo.r.t Bor Single Copy, SO.m thi IThelendo,4.0 0 per do*. - B u t by Mil, Postge pid, n receipt of Pric* Addrws, MOSES HULL 4 CO. r" <.., - TO THE AFFLIOTED1 D A N I E L W. H U L L W il l give clirvoynt exmintions nd tret nw llrki lly or mgneticlly ll form of disese. Hs hd th* b t of mooes, in treting RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS; NEURALGIA, CONSUMPTION, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, CANCER, LIVER COMPLAINT, SALT RHEUM, CHRONIC DI- ARRHCEA, DIA BETES, Ac. T e r m s : Prescription, $1.0O. Mgnetic tretment $2.M I F Pereen writing from distnce should send p ie togrph with nme nd ge. Bo. ton, Ms W O U LD T O U R EAD n Able, Absorbing Appel Bold, Blithesome Book * of Curious, Convincing Chp-,,',/ters,! o f Delightfully Drwn Dcscripi tions, nd Elegnt, Electric Epistles Ferless, Fultless Fiction, Grnd, Grphic Glxy, -* Hopeful, Helthful.History, n Intrepid, Instructive Iconoclst, Just, Judicious Judgment, Kidly, Knowing Keepske of Lorely, Liberl Lessons, Msterly, Mgnetic Mnul) T M E F New, Notble Novel,, of Opportnne, Outspoken Opinions, Peerless, Powerful Publics-. tion,] Of Quint, Quickening, Questions,] *b * j - Rich, Rdicl Romnce,1 Strnge Strtling Story, Truthful, Thrilling Tle, n; Urbno Uniquo Unmskcr, Vlorous, Vivid Volume. [ 1 Wonderful, Witching Work' n Xcellent/Xciting Xhiblt, o f Youthful, Yerning Yeomm given with Zelous, Zetetic Zest, B E A U T H E H E A T H E N S OF T H E H E A TH, decidedly :..; The Gretest Book o f the Times, which Every. Body should R e d \ B t W ILLIAM M cd O N E L L,E sq.,\., Author of B x et er H ll, etc., etc. ^,, A l2iuo. of 00 pges, on tinted pper..\.,,. F r ig e: Pper covers,... $1.00. Cloth, W H (netly bound) 1.50r' F o r sle by M O SES H U L L, & CO». " r Bosten Mul Ldies* Grment. I m p o r t n t t o t h e L d i e s! Not since tho flood hs there been n invention so much needed s the L. G. Suspender; ptented Aug. 19,1873. Two- thirds of the ldies of this country re invlids, nd it is sfe j bo sy tht one-hlf of the femle ill9 re cused by wering skirts suspended bout the wist, drgging the bdominl or*, fns out of their plce, thus dernging the whole humn mchinery. The L. G. Suspender ttches to every skirt, bek - j c MOSES H U L L S BOOKS FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY r, H U L L BROTHERS. W fr-c w fltiw i ettleds A Creful Comprison o f Bin bliol nd Modern Spiritulism Tho uthor s im. fithfully to oompre (ho Bible with mod* er phenomen nd philosophy, hs been bly ccoimdibhed# Tho Adpttion of bplritulism to the Wnts of Hlflnunity; Its Morl,Tendency; the Bible Docferino of Angel Ministry; the Spiritul Nturo of Mn, nd tho Objections offered t* Spiritulism, re ll considered in tho light ot nture, hls»' tory. reson nd common sonso, nd expressed clerly nd forcibly. Cloth, beveled bords l^ t l'obtugo 10 cents., Tho Contrsts Evngeliclism nd BpiritulUmt Come pred. This new Work bv Mr. n u ll tho well-known lecturer elk Sp r.tuii8m--l8 designed s oompnion to tho ' Question Settled. It Is roost ble production, nd is perfect stor^ house of fcts for those who wish to defend Spiritulism, ot find rguments ginst the ssumptions of Orthodoxy. The following re some of the subjects treted: Wht is Splr* itu&lisr? Comprtive evidence of the Bible Bibl* nd - - Spiritul* ~....* ism; 1 cching? ef the Bible nd Spiritulism; The Mission of Spiritulism; The Cui Bono of Spiritulism; Minor Questions ; Acts 6me; " of the Apostles nd WktlsBvngelictism? Spiritulism; Beveled.. More oi tho bords lm Postge 16 cents. HTWcA: Spiritu lism or C hristinity f I A friendly Correspondence between Moses Hull, Spiritul* 1st, nd W. F. Prker, Christin. Rev. Mr. Prker is one of tbo most eloquent prechers nd debters in the West, nd hs presented his Bide of the question t issue with more thn ordinry cumen: thub enbling Mr. Hull to meet theoppo* Bition to Spiritulism in its strongest form. The letters xe friendlv, logicl, witty nd custic. They will not only instruct but thuroughly muse these who red them. Cloth....., 7S Postge 12 cents. * Ppsi Postge 6 cents. > Tht Terrible Question This rdicl little work on love nd mrrige is well otcik* ltcd to provoke thought on these importnt subjects. See* erl thousnd copies hve lredy been sold. Pper it Postge 2 cents. Letters to E lder M iles Grnt. 'j A scthing review of hie pmphlet gehist Spiritixllnu Cloth - * - 9 Postge 6 cents. ;.., Pper - u > { * "Y'-fc-.-.iJw Postge 2 cents* J / t u. B eth Sides; Or Gtod*s nd the D eriv W ffp K ets. Postge 2 cents. W olf in Bheeprs Clothing. An ingenious interprettion of the symbols of the Book <k Dniel nd the Apoclypse, together with on rgument gidt recognising God,1 Christinity nd the Sbbth in the Cost** tutiu I Postge 2 cents. Ldhogrphde JAhones* o f Moses I ntu. i*-, Srm e IfiKlfi hmhes squre. Price - Postge 3 cents* T H E HOLLOW G L O B S ~ - O R - The World s Agittor nd Reconciler. A tretise on the PHYSICAL CONFORMATION TH E EARTH, given through the orgnism of M. L, S H E R M A N. M. D-, And written by P rof. Wm. F. LYON. C O N T E X T S : : Chp. 1st, Scrps of History. ; - j 2d, The Open Polr Sen 3d, The Igneus Theory...} '* 4th, Volcnoes. ' ip i - 5th, Erthqukes;'' > *,] A*1-'- $ 6U1, Mteril ud Spiritul Foruc*. W V " 7th Grvittion: -,- i '; ". 8th, The Son nd its influence. 9 th, Inherent Powers. - 10th, Who re the World Builders. :1 1th, The Moon. " 12th, Dissoiution nd Reconstruction ir " 13th, The Vision.. The bove, with the contents of the different chp ter nd n introduction: by Wm. F. Lyon, form*- OM of the most interesting books of the ge. This book1ws given through the inedintship m I Dr. Shermn, bt other prties re beginning to stndf ' this sbject from scientific stndpoint, nd re coming W the sme conclusion, to wit: Tht the world is hollow, * nd front, securing them ovor the shoulders, tnns relieving tho wist of burden which hs lredy crried hundreds or femles to prem ture grves. Young ldy, if you wish to retin glow of helth, nd be ble to stnd, wlk, rnn nd jum p, wer your skirts loose nd suspended over the shoulders. the following, tken from n exchnge, will show: The price of Ldies Suspenders is 50 cts. per pir; Misses' Did you know nything bout Sjmmes or his theeiy do. 40"cts. per pir. Sent to ny ddress, poet-pid, on re- \. L * H H j 9 «" H W.PW BBBBfff ceipt of price. Or sent in connection w th I)r. O Lery s new. when.on your won* ttention nttontion ws irc first tircf ttrcted ottrootorf to trt this llllfl mitlfftfcfir tter.? book. The Lecturer, on receipt of n dditionl 10 et. to py And the reply: postge. Milliners, dressmkers or cnvssers supplied on resonble terms. Ldies out of employment cn mke more money winter of the thought of the globe being hollo* I hd vgue ide of some such mn, out bout the soiling these goods thn in ny other wy. Address, begn to press itself upon my mind, nd I find tht nother mn out'vrest begn to dwell upon the sme subject _MOSES HULL & CO.,.. Boston. E O S m e j l s s h H T DB. S. WOOD hs been clled by the ngels to renounce every other husinoss nd give kis entiro ttention to heling the sick. Ho is locted in Wshington, N. II., where he ws born, rised nd developed s n intuitionl Doctor. He describes disese nd hels or dministers remedies by power delegted from on high. Cncers n d other diseses tht doctors pronounce In-' rble, re with Dr. Wood specilty. His terms iyl the tretment of cncers re, No cure, no py. As he hs never filed in curing cncer, ho feels justified in nnouncing kis willingness to risk his reputtion on his success in coses of tht kind which my bo brought to him. A ddress,. DR. 3. WOOD, Wshington, N. EL A N 22W B O O S! THE GENERAL JUDGMENT; Or, The Gret Overturning. BY MOSES HULL. This pmphlet is written to show tht old things ro pssing wy, nd oil things re to be mde new. Tht Spiritulism hs come for the inugurtion of New Dispenstion. Its object is not only to ouse people to shest, On, deth whore Is thy sting; oh, grve where is thy yl'.tory? but to suplnt ll the old things which belonged C the dispenstion of S th nd give us A N e w H e v e n s n d N e w E r t h i A Tht in the new order of things the lw is to be written, not on tblet of stone, but the hert. This pmphlet rgues tht the time hs now come when everyone shll sit under his own vine nd fig tree. The Dispenstion clled the Kingdom of Heven is now upon us. In Itit Dispenstion they boll NEITHER MARRY NOB BE GIYEN IN MARRIAGE, But shll be s the ngels in Heven. This little work is sequel to former publiction, entitled' 4Tht Terrible Question, s The Contrst is the sequel to (< Ouestion Settled. Price cents; postge 2 cents. Ten of these pmphlets Will be sent to ny ddress, post-pid, on receipt of $1.10.' Address* MOSES HULL A CO., r - Boston, Mss. AN IMPORTANT WORK. LECTURER ON PHYSIOLOGY, HEALTH AND DISEASE, by A. O Lery, M. D. Illustrted by thirteen engrvings. This is one of the most importnt nd populr helth documents in tho world. Especilly should every ldy purchse nd red il Eighty.pges of well printed mtter. Price 25 For sle wholesle nd retil by 4 in tht yer. The result in his cse ws n interesting book clled The Hollow Globe. This volume; ern* into my hnds in June, He clims tht the, urilt thoughts he hd on the subject cme from trnce m*. dium. My views were not th result of ny sudriinspr rtion. Yet, his method is mnch like mine, insmuch * he works oift the conclusion nlogiclly. We both J *" tin the doctrine tht the erth must resemble mn in t internl structure. - _ The mn " et west" is Prof. Lyon. The Trne* J * ' Jium " is Dr. Shermn. The gentlemn o f whom question i sked, is Mr. Brewster, Spiritnlut of New York City. The Hollow Globe ws published the ve«tht Mr. Brewster sys his ttention ws first turned t» the subject, but-written tho yer before., We hve this remrkble book for sle, 447 pges, goo* pper nd well bound. Price *2.00, sent postpid on r* of the prica M nsb g H m L & CQ ( J - Boto*. APPROACHING CONFLICT.» T JOHN WILCOX. The United Sttes Government to be overthrown by to conflict of rms, nd to be superseded by militry Die!* j torship. Within five yers the first blow will bo struck by the Republicn Prty tht will end in complete defet ol their ssumptions, nd finl overthrow of the Americn Republic. Politics, Religion nd the spirtions of the in* dustril clsses, womn s rights nd Socilism to form the issues. Industry nd Liberlism will in the end be victorious, nd the ccumulted welth stolen from the toiling millions, will be confiscted to meet the current expense of tht wr The ntion ts slumbering upon the brink of ruin $ unconsciously s it ws the hour when the first gun t Sumpter nounced the pproching downfll of Africn slvery The most strtling prelude to the destiny of Ntion, ever issued from the Press. A complete illuddtion of the reltions oucpit&l nd lbor, written especilly for th Ptrons of Husbndry. * A secret chpter, or brief history of Omro Wis h. m *

8 8 v i s u l? o r t n j. F A M IL Y M E E T IN G. BT MATTIE SAWYER. TFWffcm on the occsion o f the f m ily re-union o f S A M V E Z C O F E L jlxd, w hich took plce in Stoddrd, X. -BT., Sept. 9th, 1875.) Mid the hills of old New Hmpshire, In the lnd where lived the fnners Stnds fir, time-honored mnsion, Bounded by the wving cornfields, Rustic grdens nd green medows, While fr the sttely forests, Green in summer, white in winter, Chnt their melncholy music To the wood-birds nd the squirrels. In this spot wy from city And the din of worldly bustle, Lives n g d sire with his dughter f t Lives mn they christened Smuel Of the goodly tribe of Copelnd. In life s erly, sweetest spring-time, _ To his home he took miden Took helpmeet nd compnion ^ One to love nd lbor with him And they dwelt for yers together In the frm-house, ech contented, And they multiplied'nd prospered, Till round the herth of Smuel There hd plyed, nd there hd prttled w Hppy children ten in number. -Deth with ple nd icy fingers To the home of Smuel beckoned, * " Till the flock ws well divided. Five loved children with their mother Followed o er the silent wters To the lnd ol the Herefter. 1 Five live to toil in erth-life r Five to love nd bless their fther. Time sped on while other chnges Cme to Smuel, nd the homested. f-j. Olden ties were torn sunder il- W hil the home-spot ws forsken " And he journeyed to the frm-house Home of Huldh S-, his dughter. And she blesses him with kindness, GivJng'unto him her right rm Ministers in joy nd sorrow. - Smuel s children hd been scttered Some gone estwrd, nd some westwrd Lived in homes of their own mking! But their herts bet wrm nd tender Towrd the one who gve them being: So they met in kindly council, Sying one-unto the other, Insmuch s he, our fther Soon will count nother birth-dy. I* v t Meet in fmily re-union. Let his children bring their children. Cme they with their gret-grnd-children, Mking gld his hert with welcome Mking the old frm-house merry With the lugh nd ply of children, As ws his home in the old time. Oj the ninth of fir September When the fields were in their glory, When the shdows of the forest, And the sunshine in the medow Were bewitching in their softness, When in pths long the woodlnd Hung the lusclons ripened berries, And the country lnes were chrming With the tufts of gryish mosses, Then the guests in love ssembled; Busy bnds with boughs of greenwood Twined bower of rustic beuty, - Tht the time might pss more gyly, And the young folks be contented. Plesnt ws the dy of festing, Hppy ws the celebrtion, And the hert of fther Smuel - Dnced in joy t love s sweet mesure; Children flitted through the doorwy While the voices of grnd-children, Prttling of the gret-grnd-children, Fell in mirthful tones bout him Revived visions of the old time. Deft nd nimble were the fingers Tht spred out the bord for festing; Smuel st down to it smiling, There mid bis own ssembled, While bove, his hed some der hnd Hung beutiful inscription.. Honoring him, the ged fther. When the dy of mirth ws over Eve stole on, with quiet coolness, Then the guests from town nd villge Spoke, methinks, something on this wise: We re going now our fther " To the homes tht doth wit us, To the duties tht my meet us; We must leve you here, behind us, But our love shll linger with you. My no fer ever molest you, My no hrm ever come to you, s - And no wnt of food or shelter In the home of your lov d dughter, And we hope nother twelve month My bring more s sweet re-unions. In the mentime, my the ngels Bless you nd the pure, Gret spirits Keep you; frewell now our fther, We will ech now homewrd journey, All to meet in the Herefter. H U LL S CRUCIBLE. D nger Signls : n Address on the uses nd buses'of Modem Spiritulism. By Mry F.-Dvis* "Prove ll things ; hold fst tht which is good. Hew York : A. J. Dvis & Co., Progressive Publishing House, No. 24 Est Forth Street. 1S75. Dnger Signls is wordy, well written, well printed pmphlet of 31 pges. Mrs. Dvis ides of the uses nd buses of Spiritulism re generlly, we think, very nerly correct. She regrds Spiritulism s being only prt smll prt of shrply. the Hrmonil Philosophy. Of the Hrmonil written. Philosophy the tree on which Spiritulism grows she sys: The shdow of its extended wing overreches every reform, including tempernce, nti-slvery, the elevtion of womn, nd conjugl redemptions' It wilt-serve to hrmonize ll religions, nd politicl prties, by unfolding problems hitherto unsolved ; bring into ction the lws of love nd wisdom; ud tech mu the rod to personl nd socil hrmony. We re gld to lerh from such good uthority, tht conjugl redemption, nd Socil hrmony, if not mong the fruits of Spiritulism re to come s itstw in sisters, both growjng on the sme tree the Hrmonil Philosophy. - * In speking of the Vlue of Institutions, Mrs.-Dvis sys: But it must be remembered tht orgniztions should lwys be kept subordinte to mn. While used- only s helps to mutul development they cnnot fil to be beneficil, but if llowed to gin the mstery, they re the veriest persecutors of reformtory -men nd liberl principles. We hveseen this pinfully exemplified from John Huss, the Bohemin mrtyr, to Victor Hugo, so ltely the French exile ; from the good Servetus to John' M urry; nd from Jesus of Nzrnth to Theodore Prker of Americ. These, nd mny thousnds more, hve been the victims of proscription. B e cuse they outgrew n institution, it beheded them. Becuse they becme superior to u orgniztion, it destroyed life or reputtion, or both, in its demonic vengence. How true this is, nd yet it strikes us tht she could, if she were living in the present insted of the ded pst, hve found some living victims of persecution, which would hve fitted her cse better.. One very good illustrtion of the work of Or- -ifl T - W from using. Here it is : ----itirf" Nturlly, orgniztions re like the chirs nd tbles tht the little child clings to while lerning to wlk, nd like them cn be cst side when the center of grvity is scertined. Like the scffolding of building, they cn be dropped off when the temple of selfhood is complete. A wek dhernce to formuls nd conventionlitjesjwill forever keep the mind in leding-strings ; nd ll hero-worship is detrimentl to personl growth. One of the nses of Spiritulism, she finds, is to rrest the mterilistic nd mercenry tendencies of the ge. Another use of Spiritulism is to introduce Frternizing spirit. She informs her reders tht, A Thoms Pine is trduced nd belied, outrged nd nthemtized from the pulpit of Christin churches, nd Frnces Wright is crushed under the ponderous wheels of this theologicl Juggernut. This is ll true, but how much hs Spiritulism improved mtters? it is true tht they do not.trduce nd belie Thoms Pine, nor crush Frncis Wright under their Juggernut, but let n individul cll s loudly for reform in the bed chmber s these persons demnded it in the Sente chmber nd the pulpit, nd every number of the R. P. Journl will prove tht there is yet gret work for this frternizing spirit to do. My Spiritulism live long enongh to become tolernt I Tht it hs not yet done so, will be proved by reference to the uthor's unjust thrust t Socil Reformers on pge 28. Mrs. Dvis enumertes severl of the dngers which threten Spiritulism; the gret dnger, however, we pprehend she hs not discovered ; tht is, the dnger of becoming fflicted with tht worse thn ftl contgion dry ret. As n illustrtion of wht it is, nd its ftl tendencies we hve fint remembrnoe of certin Mry F. Love, who ws so much of free lover, tht like certin cptin she could sy : with gret sum I obtined this freedom. So determined ws she to he free from the one she did not love nd to live with the one she did love, tht she went to nother stte nd bought her freedom, nd then took her lover, obtined corner on his ffections nd went into close, communion. Since tht time the world hs seen but little' of Mry TV Love or Andrew Jckson Dvis. They hve for- tken tlie wdrld, except t<5 Come out occsionlly with such n ttck t reformers s this brochure contins. The price of this pmphlet, we believe is 10 cts. per copy. It cn be hd of the nuthor. E conomic Science : or the Lw of Blnce in the Sphere of Welth. By Joel Densmore, with introduction -by Lois Wisbrooker. Boston : Colby nd Rich, Publishers, 9 Montgomery Plce This is Mr. Densmore s first ttempt t uthor ship, nd therefore should criticized too Tho prefce by Lois Wishroker is well The uthor hs some good ides but they re generlly hid in such superfluity of verbige, tht the generl reder will hrdly he ble to see them. The gist of this pnmplet is, tht the welth of the country should ho owned nd controlled by the Government, tht the peoplo through the Government should not only issue the money to Abe. people, thus putting "fbose Specultors clled Bulls nd Bers, where they cn no longer grind the fces of the poor. All corportions should be owned directly by the Government ud mnged "by its gents in the interest of the people not in interest of clique of privte specultors. This would enble the profits of hnking, insurnce, express ud rilrod business, to go directly towrd sustining the Government. The Government could become n employment bureu nd furuish work nd py to ll. Under these circumstnces ll would necessrily be interested in supporting the government, nd the welth of the world could be properly divided. The lst pges of. the pmplet re devoted to the necessities of new politicl prty which shll mke n effort to put the cpitl of the country into the hnds of the Government, nd thus led cpitlists to rebel, s did the slve holders when they felt they were in dnger of loosing their drling institution. If this pmplet cn set some one who wields the pen of redy writer, to thinking nd writing on this subject, the uthor will, probbly hove ccomplished ll he desires. The price of the pmphlet is 25 cts. T he P opulr Science Monthly commences its eighth volume with the Nov. No., which is no less interesting thn the proceeding numbers. We hve been deeply interested in the rticle The Reltions of Wo- Science. We were next chined to the subject of Hydroids. which ws dvntgeously illustrted. This ws followed by Origin nd Development of Engineering; Insectivorous Plnts, illustrted ; Induced Disese from the Influence of the Pssions; The Properties of Protoplsm, which is fll of good informtion for every student or Nture; A Curious Indin Relic; Meteorology of the Sun nd Erth; Suicide in Lrge Cities; A Home-mde Microscope; Is Alcohol Food? A Sketch of Dr. H. C. Bstitt; besides the usul mount of iutereting subjects treted under the Editoril hed nd Miscellny Deprtment. Price 50 cents, or S5 yer. Address D. A ppleton, & Co., 549 & 551 Brodwy, New York. T he Science of H elth for November comes promptly to hnd s usul. We notice mny good rticles in it, prominent mong which is the Vitl Phenomen of Cells, nicely illustrted; Appernce vs. Relity; Wht I I Know of Doctoring. Vichy, Srtog, nd Se-Slt, is written in Dr. Trils best humor, nd lone is worth the price of this number. Now is the time to subscribe for 1876, s the lst three months' numbers for 1875 re offered free. Only $2.00 yer. Single numbers 20 cents. Address S. R. ~Wkll8 & Co 737 Brodwy New York! Moses Hull 19 writing thorough review of Mrs. Woodhull s ** New Deprture, which wo shll publish soon probbly pnt of it in onr next. x>.w» h. Mrs; Crlisle I relnd, 94 Cmden street, is good test medium. Seldom hve we witnessed better tests thn hve come through her mediumship. She holds circles t hor residence every Sundy night. T he,n ew Englnd Lbor Reform Legue willmeet in Cotton Hll, corner of Essex nd Chuncy streets, Boston, on the 14th nd 15th inst. Col Wm. B. Greene of this city will preside. Severl very interesting spekers re expected. Col. Greene hs written some red-hot resolutions to be discussed t this meeting. W e re prepred to spek on the live issues of the dy, such s Lbor nd Cpitl, The Money Question, The Socil Question, Development Theory, Sprituol* ism, etc., nywhere within two hundred miles of Boston, during this fll nd winter. Wo nro lso hving good succss in our tretment of.tho sick. Terms, esy.». w. h T h e indictions re tht, we shll not strve ; we cn t lest do wht the feminine pddio told her young hopeful when sked wht shll I uto with the perties? Ate the big one with tho little ono ye blckgurd, nd thnk God ye r not sthrvin. Tbrco brrels of porttoes nd sck of bens hve been shipped to us. Ono bbl; of splendid pottoes comes, from Dectur Knpp, **wy down in Mine, the others from Bro. nd Sr. Berry, Bro. nd Fr hush Bro. nd Sr. Goodrich, nd Bro. Jen- H3SSof Rochester, N. H., freight pnid. Mny thnks to tho donors ; we shll et inrcmembrnco of them. T h e T est circles t L urline Hll re lrgely ttended every Sundy morning. Not only re the sets full, but the Hull is crowded to Its utmost cpcity. Mrs. Stnwood, Mrs. Robinson, nd other good mediums render very generl stisfction to those seeking tests. J f those in our debt, knew our feelings upon receiving letters from our dughters in Vinelnd, informing us of their lmost destitute condition, thoy would put us in condition to relieve them. It is true, no ono owes us much, but put thonsnnd littles together, nd the sum totl would go long wy towrd shoeing bre feet nd filling hungry mouths. As news item wo will sy we trveled four dys tojcolleot moneyjnd.wo got the tremendous mount of $2.65. D. M. Bennett, Editor nd Proprieter of the Truth Seeker, of New York, hs gone into new enterprise; tht is, hu is issueing trcts by tho hundreds of thousnds nd scttering them like utumn leves. Trct No. 33 " V ht hs Christinity done? nd No. 34 Tribute to Thoms Pine, both by S. H. Preston, re on our to. hie- Iftho thirty-two trcu-tht we JhwwWWfflBf llflp'si- *"* ^JtTtBnJTsfflcfw^lcwr^isjthcymustscrvo s eje-openors to multitudes. I f ny of our reders wnt to investigte, or wnt their neighbors to investigte Evolution, or Drwinism, they should hve some lectures on tho subject from W. S. Bell, of New Bedford, Mss. His lectures on Christinity opposed to Civiliztion, nd the Antgonism to Science re regulr eye-openers nd should be repeted ill everybody s crs. If these or other subjects re treted in his eloquent nd convincing style they will not fil to wken n interest in those who her him. His ddress 35 Foster 6trcet, New Bedford, Mss. Annie E. H igby, writes: ** D er M r. H ull : There ere couple of mistkes of omission in my lst rticle The Resurrection tht lters the sense. I sy, But wheu mn becme Jiving soul, there ws chnge in his orgnic structure : it becme possible for him to live eternlly by the proper use of the new functions with which he ws endowed. The word, *' eternlly is left out. This is in the first prgrph of the second column of the rticle. In the lst prgrph I sy, But this closest of scrment tht must be prtken of in conjunction with the highest nd holiest of our soul-cpcities, s lso in conjunction with the lws tht rule in the domin of sex, else it defets its own purposes. Nerly hlf of it is left out. T here is eveiy indiction tht we re to hve religious revivl. Our people yield to epidemics without reference to reson. Now is good time for ny kind of pnic, os the people re strving nd freezing. If revivj of Religion would mke Bnk Swindlers, Rilrod Monop. olist n Mill Corportions honest, if it would mke our President disgorge hlf his stolen slry, turn rogues out of office, or mke honest men of_thcm, we should MCPI P"* uitmij, hypocrisy becomes populrized in proportion s the sentiment of religion becomes generl tht the Church is dmnble ring for the protection of thieves nd scoundrels tht it populrizes vice, snctifies crime, cnon izes error^ crushes truth, nd stnds opposed to ll reforms. We, therefore look upon revivl of religion os ntions* clmity, to be verted, if possible. E. P. Miller, of Miller s Bth Hotel, New York hits become Spiritulist; nd is so thoroughly con vinccd tht the Eddys nd Mrs. Huntoon re genuine me* diums, tht he hs offered to put up $5,000 ginst n equl sum for ny one who would detect trickery in their mui-^ festtions, or who would, by tricks, successfully imitte them. It would seem tht with so mny opposers of Spiritulism s there re, in the world, nd with their bosted bility to detect fruds, they would consider tho mount of good thoy might do in these pnic times, with $5,000, nd tke the doctor s money. Thus they would ccomplish tho double object of exploding hnmbug, nd hving th privilege of plcing smll fbrtnne where it will do the most good. One month hs elpsed since the offer ws published in the leding journls of New York, nd no ono comes to the front th signify his" bility to tke the money. 'J T he Seventh Dy Adventists, who hve been so untiring in their denuncitions of Spiritulism on ccount of its infidelity, begin to fiud out how it is, themselves* Eld. Urih Smith, the Editor of tho Review nd Herld _ sys: J A friondjonce told us tht our books would mke more j infidels thntom Pine s Age of Reson, nd the Review ws not long since returned Irom the Y. M C. A. reding. room, on tho ground tht they did not think it proper to hrbor infidel publictions. ^ We re in tho sme bot. Not only hve Christins of other schools troted onr books nd ppers in this wy* but Seventh Dy Advontists of the City of Bttle Creek the homo of tin. Review hove clndestinely tken our ppers ddressed to nother prty, nd returned them with ** Your nfidel sheet is not wnted. Tht *'Golden Rule is L pretty thing to tlk bout. Most Christins live brss. T h e ppointment of Zch. Chndler to the office of Secretry of the Interior is nother instnce of the liberlity of our institutions. It hs ever been our bost tht tho lowest nd most ordinry persons my, by persistent effort, be elevted to tho highest positions tht own our Presidents hve been roil splitters tilors, tnners, etc.; nd wc would dd tht some hve been rised to the digity offices within tho gift of tho President, merely from, tho ccident of being reltive of his. But when wo tell our foreign neighbors this, wo hve not told ll: No drunkrd ;S so debuched, no roguo so deprved, nd lost to ll sense of honor but tht he my be elevted to offices of trust nd without even tho exction of chnging his vilo or thievish be sure, in this ono instnco, roguo ws moved to givo plco to him, but then tho Civil Service Reform contempltes rottion of rogues iu tho sumo office,] ' Zcheus, come up!

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