First Blessing: Shield of Abraham

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1 ZICHRON MASHIACH (Full Length) MESSIAH S REMEMBRANCE MEAL (As a special Musaf Amidah, when Zichron Mashiach is celebrated apart from an actual meal) August 2013 The Congregation stands. First Blessing: Shield of Abraham Ba-ruch atah Adonai Elo-hay-nu vay-lo-hay avo-tay-nu Elo-hay Avraham, Elo-hay Yitz-chak, Vay-lo-hay Ya-a-kov Ha-El ha-ga-dol ha-gib-bor ve-ha-no-rah El Elyon Go-mayl cha-sa-dim to-vim ve-ko-neh ha-kol ve-zo-cher chas-day avot u-may-vi Go-ayl liv-nay ve-nay-hem le-ma-an she-mo be-a-ha-vah Me-lech o-zer u-mo-shia u-ma-gen Baruch atah Adonai, Ma-gayn Avraham ï i dÿ ` KExÄ,Epi«zFa ` i dÿl` e Epi«dŸl `,w g v i i dÿl `,m d x a ` i dÿl `.aÿw r i i dÿl` e,ofi l r l `,`xfp d e xfa B d lfc B d l ` d,lÿm d d pfw e,mi afh mi c q g l nfb,zfa ` i c q g x kff e m di p a i p a l l `FB `i a ne :dä d ` A Fn W o r n l :o b ne ri «WFnE x ffr K l«n :m d x a ` o b n,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ Blessed are You, Adonai our God and God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, the God who is great, mighty, and to be feared, God Most High, who shows steadfast love and kindness and possesses all things, who remembers the loyal deeds of our ancestors and in love has brought a Redeemer to their children's children for His Name's sake. As Abraham offered his only son on Mount Moriah, and Isaac gave himself willingly as a pleasing sacrifice, so have You, God of our ancestors,sent Your only beloved Son, who embraced death on our behalf that we might stand living before You. O King, Helper, Savior, and Shield, Blessed are You, Adonai, Shield of Abraham. 1

2 Second Blessing: The One Who Raises the Dead Atah gi-bor le-olam Adonai me-cha-yay may-tim atah rav le-ho-shi-a Me-chal-kayl cha-yim be-che-sed me-cha-yay may-tim be-ra-cha-mim rabim so-maych nof-lim ve-ro-fay cho-lim u-ma-tir a-su-rim u-me-ka-yaym e-mu-na-to li-shay-nay afar mi cha-mo-cha ba-al ge-vu-rot u-mi do-meh lach me-lech may-mit u-me-cha-yeh u-matz-mi-ach ye-shu-a You are mighty forever, O Lord, giving life to the dead and abounding in salvation.,i pÿc ` m lfr l xfa B dÿ `,dÿ«` mi z n d I g n : ri «WFd l a x,c q«g A mi I g l M l k n,mi A x mi n g x A mi z n d I g n,mi lfg ` tfx e,mi l tfp K nfq,mi xeq ` xi Y ne,xẗ r i p Wi l Fz pen ` m I w ne,k N d nf C «i ne zfxea B l r«a LF «n k i n :d rew i gi «n v ne d I g ne zi n n K l«n.mi z n zfi g d l dÿ ` o n ` p e :mi z O d d I g n,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ You sustain the living with steadfast love, and give life to the dead with great compassion. You uphold the falling, heal the sick, free those in bondage, and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Lord of might, and who can be compared with You, O King, who brings death, restores life, and causes salvation to spring forth. By your great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah from the dead. We who were dead in our trespasses are now alive in Messiah and are seated with Him in the heavenly places. You are faithful in giving life to the dead. Blessed are You, Adonai, who gives life to the dead. 2

3 Third Blessing: The Holy King Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tze-va-ot Me-lo chol ha-aretz ke-vo-do.w c Ÿw «i t x U gi «U cfq M,L Wi C w p e L vi x r p :x n ` e d f l ` d f `xẅ e,l«`i a p c i l r aez M M,W c ŸT «A L n W mi Wi C w O d,zf`ä v ï i WFcẅ WFcẅ WFcẅ.FcFa M u x«` d l k `Ÿl n :Ex«n`Ÿi KExÄ m zöªr l,fcfa M mfw n d I `,d f l d f mi l `FW ei z xẅ n,m lfr ` l n FcFa M Baruch ke-vod Adonai mim-ko-mo Hu Elohaynu Hu avinu Hu mal-kaynu Hu moshi-aynu Ve-hu yash-mi-ay-nu be-ra-cha-vav shay-nit le-ay-nay kol chai le-yot la-chem lay-lo-him Ani Adonai Elo-hay-chem Yim-loch Adonai le-olam Elo-ha-yich Tzi-yon le-dor va-dor hale-lu-yah.fnfw O n,ï i cfa M KExÄ,Epi«a ` `Ed,Epi«dŸl ` `Ed,Ep«ri WFn `Ed,Ep«M l n `Ed :i g l M i pi r l zi p W ei n g x A Ep«ri n W i `Ed e -mi dÿl` l m k l zfi d l m ki dÿl ` ï i i p ` :xÿn` l aez M L W cẅ i x a c ae,m lfr l ï i KŸl n i.dïel l d,xÿcë xÿc l ofi v K i«dÿl `,Wi C w p L zẍ ªc w mi g v p g v p le,l«l c B ci B p xfcë xfc l.dÿ«` WFcẅ e lfc B K l«n l ` i M,c rë m lfr l WEnï `Ÿl Epi«R n Epi«dŸl ` L g a W e.wfc T d l ` d,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ We revere and sanctify You according to the heavenly words of holy Seraphim who sanctify Your Name in the holy place as it is written by Your prophet, 'One called to another, saying, Holy, holy, holy is Adonai Tzeva ot, the whole earth is full of His Glory.' His Glory fills the world. His minstering angels ask one another: Where is the place of His Glory? Those facing them say: Blessed be the Glory of Adonai from His place. You have filled the earth with Your glory, sending Your Word to become flesh and tabernacle among us. We have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. He is the ladder that our father Jacob saw upon which the angels of God ascend and descend. 3

4 Through Him we are exalted from earth to heaven to join the Seraphim and Kerubim in their praise. May our eyes behold Your Kingdom according to the word spoken in Your mighty songs through David, Your righteous Anointed One: Adonai shall reign forever, Your God, O Zion, to all generations. Hallelujah! From generation to generation we will magnify Your Greatness; for all eternity we will acknowledge Your Holiness; Your praise, our God, will never depart from our mouths, for You are a great and holy God and King. Blessed are You, Adonai, the Holy God. Fourth Blessing: Remembering Messiah You have chosen us from all the peoples, loving us and showing us your favor. You have raised us up from all the languages, Our King, sanctifying us with your mitzvot and drawing us near to your [priestly] service. Your great and holy Name you have called over us. Atah ve-char-ta-nu mi-kol ha-am-mim a-hav-ta o-ta-nu ve-ra-tzi-ta ba-nu ve-ro-mam-ta-nu mi-kol hal-sho-not ve-ki-dash-ta-nu be-mitz-vo-te-cha ve-kay-rav-ta-nu mal-kay-nu la-a-vo-da-te-cha ve-shim-cha ha-ga-dol ve-ha-ka-dosh a-lay-nu ka-ra-ta,mi O r d l M n Ep«Ÿ x g a dÿ `,Ep«Ä zi«v x e Ep«zF` Ÿ a«d `,zfpfw N d l M n Ep«Ÿ n nfx e,li«zf v n A Ep«Ÿ W C w e,l«z cfa r l Ep«M l n Ep«Ÿ a x w e. z` xẅ «Epi l r WFc T d e lfc B d L n W e. gi WÖ d o A xẅ l x k f,z`ff d ofc ` d z cer q z `,dä d ` A Epi«dŸl ` ï i,ep l o Y Y e x k G i e,c w R i e,r nẍ i e,d vẍ i e,d `ẍ i e, ri«b i e,`ÿaï e d l r i,epi«zfa ` i dÿl` e Epi«dŸl `,Epi«zFa ` ofx k f e,ep«pfc w te Ep«pFx k f FA m b e,l«c a r c e C o A d rew i gi «W n ofx k f,li«pẗ l l ` x U i zi A L O r l M ofx k f e,l«w cẅ xi r m i«lẅex i ofx k f e,mflẅ le mi I g l,mi n g x le c q«g le o g l,däfh l,dḧi l t l.d f d ofc ` d-z cer q-xwfa A.mi I g l Fa Ep«ri WFd e,d k x a l Fa Ep«c wẗe,däfh l FA,Epi«dŸl `,ï i,ep x «k f,z n ` A L c a r l Ep«A l x d h e,xfcë xfc l k A oex ªW i i h a W l o l g ne l ` x U i l o g l q dÿ ` i M.`Ÿ«` ` N ` g«lfq e l gfn K l«n Ep«l oi ` Li«c r l A ne. gi WÖ d o A xẅ x kff,ï i,dÿ ` KExÄ You are the holy God; yet we who were created in Your image and received Your covenant have profaned Your Name and merited Your judgment. 4

5 But You are rich in mercy, and so loved us that You sent Yeshua Your only Son that He might share fully in our humanity as a descendant of Jacob and pour out His life as a blameless offering for sin. The plate is raised and cup are raised. Baruch atah Adonai Elohaynu melech ha-olam asher ki-de-shanu be-mitz-vo-tav ve-tzi-vanu liz-kor et Me-shi-cho m lfr d K l«n Epi«dŸl ` ii dÿ ` KExÄ,ei zf v n A Ep«Ẅ C w x y `.Fgi W n-z ` xfm f l Ep«Ë v e Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us by His commandments, and commanded us to Remember His Messiah. The plate and cup are returned to the table. Some of the bread is taken from the plate and raised. On the night He was betrayed Yeshua took bread, and when He had recited the blessing He broke it and said, 'This is My body which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.' Baruch atah Adonai Elohaynu melech haolam Ha-motzi le-chem min ha-aretz,m lfr d K l«n Epi«dŸl `,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ.u x«` d o n m g«l `i vf «O d Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth, and has now given us the living bread from heaven. The bread is broken. Then the cup is raised. In the same way also He took the cup after the meal and said, 'This cup is the Renewed Covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.' Baruch atah Adonai Elohaynu melech haolam Boray pe-ri ha-gafen,m lfr d K l«n Epi«dŸl `,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ.o t«b d i x R ` xfa Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, who has created the fruit of the vine, and has now made known to us the holy vine of David. The cup is returned to the table. Our God and God of our ancestors, may the remembrance of Messiah Yeshua ascend and come before You, and may we also be remembered in Him, along with our ancestors, Jerusalem Your holy city, and all Your people, the house of Israel. May we all be accepted in Your presence as You remember Messiah Yeshua, who was delivered over to death because of our transgressions and raised to life that we might be established in righteousness, who ascended to Your right hand, and now makes intercession for us. 5

6 Look upon the face of Your Messiah, and unite us to him by Your Spirit. For His sake grant us forgiveness of sin and deliverance from its power, faith, hope, and love, health, strength, wisdom, and peace, eternal life and a place among the Holy Ones who forever sanctify Your Name. Have mercy on Israel Your people, on the assembly of the nations who were far off and have been drawn near, on Zion the dwelling place of Your glory, and on Your entire creation which yearns to be free from its bondage to decay. Remember us this day, Adonai our God, for well-being, be mindful of us for blessing, and save us for life. May we be filled with Your Spirit, the pledge and first-fruits of the World to Come, and may Messiah return, speedily and soon. Maran atha. Come Lord Yeshua. Let us pray for His coming and the advent of Malchut Shamayim in the words our Lord Yeshua taught us: The following is sung:,l n W W C w z i,m i nẍ A W Epi a `,L pfv x d U r i,l zek l n `ŸaŸ.u x `Ä o M m i nẍ a M,mFI d Ep l-o Y Ep T ªg m g l-z ` Epi `ḧ g-z ` Ep l-g l qe.ep l mi ` hfg l Ep g p `-m B mi g lfq W i t M,oFi Q p i ci l Ep `i a Y-l ` e.rx d-o n Ep v N g-m ` i M dxea B d e d k l n O d L l i M. mi n lfr i n lfr l z x ` t Y d e Avinu she-ba-shamayim, yit-kadesh shim-cha, tavo malchut-cha, yey-aseh re-tzon-cha ke-va-shamayim ken ba-aretz. Et lechem chukaynu ten la-nu hayom u-s b lach-lanu et cha-ta-aynu ke-fi she-sol-chim gam anachnu la-chot im lanu. Ve-al te-vi-aynu li-day ni-sa-yon ki im chal-tzaynu min ha-ra. Ki lecha ha-mam-la-cha ve-ha-ge-vurah ve-ha-tiferet le-olmay ola-mim. The plate and the cup are raised. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Messiah? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Messiah? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. The congregation partakes of the bread and the cup. While this is taking place, the worship team will lead in appropriate music. 6

7 Fifth Blessing: The One Who Accepts Our Worship Fifth Blessing Accept, Adonai our God, Your people Israel and their prayer, through the atoning sacrifice of our eternal High Priest, who intercedes for us at Your right hand. For His sake receive with favor and love Israel s sacrifices and prayers, and may the continual worship of Your people Israel be pleasing in Your sight. May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, Adonai, who restores His Shekhinah to Zion.,m z N t z ae l ` x U i L O r A,Epi«dŸl ` ï i,d v x,ofvx A l A w z dä d ` A m z N t ze l ` x U i i X ` e.l O r l ` x U i z cfa r ci nÿ ofvẍ l i d ze.mi n g x A ofi v l L aew A Epi«pi r d pi«f g z e.ofi v l Fz pi k W xi f g O d,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ Sixth Blessing: The One Worthy of Thanks We give thanks to You, for You are Adonai our God and God of our ancestors for all eternity. We thank You and recount Your praise, for our lives which are entrusted to Your care, for our souls which are in Your charge, for Your miracles which are daily with us, for Your continual wonders and favors, evening, morning, and noon, for reconciliation through the blood of Yeshua, and for the gift of eternal life in Him. Blessed are You, Adonai, the Good One to whom it is fitting to give thanks. Amen. Seventh Blessing: The Giver of Peace As the sons of Aaron blessed our ancestors in the courts of the sanctuary after laying the daily offering upon the altar as a pleasing aroma, so may the eternal Priest according to the order of Melchizedek who has presented himself once for all as a blameless offering before God bless us from the sanctuary on high, saying: 7

8 .ofvx i d i o M.oFvx i d i o M.L x «n W i e ï i L k xä i.ofvx i d i o M Kayn ye-hi ra-tzon.. «P ªgi e Li«l ` ei p R ï i x `ï Kayn ye-hi ra-tzon..mflẅ L l m Uï e Li«l ` ei p R ï i `Ü i Kayn ye-hi ra-tzon. May Adonai bless you and keep you; May Adonai make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May Adonai lift up His face to you and give you peace. Seventh Blessing May such be His will.,epi«a `,Ep«k xä.l«o r l ` x U i l M l r e Epi«l r,mi n g x e c q«gë o g,d k x ae däfh mflẅ mi U,c q«g z a d«` e mi I g z xfy,epi«dÿl ` ï i,ep«n Ÿ«z p Li«p R xf`a i M,Li«p R xf` A c g ` M Ep«NªM l k ae z r l k A l ` x U i L O r z ` K xä l Li«pi r A afh e,mflẅ e mi I g e mi n g x e d k x ae dẅ c ve.l«nfl W A d rẅ.mflẍ A l ` x U i FO r z ` K xä n d,ï i dÿ ` KExÄ Grant peace, well-being, and blessing, grace, steadfast love, and compassion to us and to all Israel Your people. Our Father, bless all of us as one with the light of Your face. For by the light of Your face You gave us, Adonai our God, the Torah of life, lovingkindness, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. May it be good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel at all times with peace. Blessed are You, Adonai, who blesses His people Israel with peace. Concluding Songs 8

Student A begins after Cantor sings Barchu. (Use A CD starting at track 24, or listen to the whole prayer on track 48) SLOW LOUD CLEAR

Student A begins after Cantor sings Barchu. (Use A CD starting at track 24, or listen to the whole prayer on track 48) SLOW LOUD CLEAR Student A begins after Cantor sings Barchu. (Use A CD starting at track 24, or listen to the whole prayer on track 48) SLOW LOUD CLEAR Say: Please join me in, if you are comfortable with the Hebrew.,m

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