contemporary songs of faith We Belong to You/Somos Tuyos Assembly, Three-part Choir, Keyboard, and Guitar œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Bb F/Bb C

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1 contemporary ngs of faith aculty, Students Alumni of Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, alifornia Be You/So Assemly, Threepart hoir, Keyoard, Guitar glish, Vicria Thomn Spanish tr., Pedro Rualcava Keyoard /E INTRO lowing (q = ca. 100) /E 4 4 Am7 G(no3) Trevor Thomn Acc. y Trevor Thomn Rick Modlin Text 2006, 2013, Vicria Thomn. Music 2006, Trevor Thomn. Pulished y Spirit & Song, a division of OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. / w. w Ó sus4 e So

2 2 % RERAIN % you, O Lord of our ing, e tu, oh Se ñor de nuestro an he lo, /E dai vi ly da, /E Last time liv ing, muer te dy y Am7 e Last time /. ing ris re surrección G(no3) ing.. w e /. sus4.... sus4 e In our tu. /. U. U. U. Verses Verses ine ine Edition Be You/So

3 3 ENGLISH VERSES In wa ters of your mer cy, illed with gifts filled with good ness, When share read you ve ro ken are ced share your word, Lord,. new, few, do..... In When old e Spir it reathing With man say y comes life in / Souls All u who nit seek ed are lessed As our our ney. Gm 1 e. in find moves ir are us mys pur ro on t ry: pose: ken; ward,. /A. e sus4 Be You/So

4 4 SPANISH VERSES las a guas re den ras Lo an ti guo se ha ce El Es pí ri tu nos lle na, on su a lien nos re ompar ti do en pan y vi no, un lo cuerpo u Pa la ra procla ma, Tan en voz co mo en. nue nue ni he... vo. Se re ve la el mis te va, on los do nes nos en ví do, Trans for ma do y en de ci chos. el mun do pe re gri. /. Gm. rio: a: do: nos:. /A. 1 So sus4 Be You/So

5 aculty, Students Alumni of Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, alifornia Be You/So (Guitar/Vocal) glish, Vicria Thomn Spanish tr., Pedro Rualcava 5 Trevor Thomn INTRO lowing (q = ca. 100) (A/ # apo 3: ) /E 4 4 (Kd) (A/ # ) /E % RERAIN (A/ # ) /E tu, you, oh (A/ # ) /E dai ly vi da, O Se liv ing, muer te ( # m7) Am7 (E(no3)) G(no 3) Lord ñor ( # m7) Am7 de dy ing y re su (E(no3)) G(no 3) of our ing, nuestro an he lo, ris rrección ing (D/G) / e sus4 (D/G) / e Melody e So Ó Harmony sus4 In our tu Verses Text 2006, 2013, Vicria Thomn. Music 2006, Trevor Thomn. Pulished y Spirit & Song, a division of OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

6 6 Last time (D/G) / e ENGLISH VERSES sus4 In illed with When are new, few, do. wa gifts share ced ters of filled read share your with you ve your (Em) Gm mer cy, good ness, ro ken word, Lord, (D/G) / e Souls All As 1 e u nit ed who seek are lessed our our ney U. u. ine In in find moves When Spir With it (Bm/A) / old e reath ing man y say comes life in ir are us sus4 mys t ry: pur pose: ro ken; on ward, (D/ # ) /A e Be You/So

7 7 SPANISH VERSES (Bm/A) / El om las Es par Pa a guas pí ri ti do en la ra re tu pan pro nue vo. nue va, ni do, he chos. (Em) Gm den nos y cla lle vi ma 1 ras na, no,, Lo on Tan Se re ve la on los do nes Trans for ma do y el mun do el nos en pe sus4 an su a un en ti lien voz guo lo co se ha nos cuer mo mis en de re te ví ci gri rio: a: do: nos: (D/ # ) /A So ce re po u en Be You/So

8 8 Assemly Edition WE BELONG TO YOU/SOMOS TUYOS WE BELONG TO YOU/SOMOS TUYOS (cont.) 4 Refrain So Trevor Thomn e you, O Lord of our tu, oh Se ñor de nues tro an he ing, lo, e In our dai ly liv ing, dy ing tu vi da, muer te y re su rrec Verses Last time e e e Verses In illed When El om with are wa gifts share ced ters of your mer filled read share with you ve your las a guas re den Es pí ri tu nos lle par ti do en pan y vi Pa la ra pro cla ma ris ing ción. good ro word, In When Spir With Lo on Tan it an su a un en old reath man say ti lien voz e ing y guo lo co comes life se ha nos cuer mo Souls All As Se on Trans in ce re po u en new, few, do. nue nue ni he cy, ness, ken Lord, ras na, no,, u nit ed in mys who seek find ir pur are lessed are ro our our ney moves us on re ve la el mis te los do nes nos en ví for ma do y en de ci el mun do pe re gri 1 e vo. va, do, chos. t ry: pose: ken; ward, rio: a: do: nos: Refrain Text: glish, Vicria Thomn; Spanish tr., Pedro Rualcava, 2006, 2013, Vicria Thomn. Music 2006, Trevor Thomn. Pulished y Spirit & Song, a division of OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. or reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at

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