WEEKLY. PARSHAT SHELACH Stone Chumash Page 798 June 13 - June Sivan - 22 Sivan Synagogue

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1 Boca Raton Synagogue WEEKLY PARSHAT SHELACH Stone Chumash Page 798 June 13 - June Sivan - 22 Sivan 5774 RABBI EFREM GOLDBERG Marah D asrah RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ Assistant Rabbi DAVID WOLGIN, PhD President RABBI JOSH BROIDE Outreach Rabbi RABBI URI PILICHOWSKI Teen Rabbi RABBI MORDECHAI SMOLARCIK Rabbi, BRS West RABBI KENNETH BRANDER Rabbi Emeritus MATTHEW HOCHERMAN Executive Director ALIZA PILICHOWSKI Youth Director ESTHER LUPIN, MSW BRS/JFS Social Worker KERRY PURCELL Editor-in-Chief of the Weekly SPECIAL GRADUATION MONTHLY GALA KIDDUSH THIS WEEK! GET CONNECTED FRIEND FOLLOW SHARE Friend us on Facebook Boca Raton Synagogue FRIDAY NIGHT Plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Earliest Candle Lighting Early Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat SHABBAT DAY Women s Class The Women of the Midbar Rebbetzin Miriam Miller Rabbi s Class What is the Straight Path? Rabbi Dovid Miller Shabbat Mincha Ma ariv/havdalah Follow us @MatthewJHoch 6:30 pm 6:47 pm 7:00 pm 7:56 pm 5:45 pm 6:45 pm 7:45 pm 8:54 pm Check out Jewish Pride Films for our latest videos HAHN JUDAIC CAMPUS 7900 MONTOYA CIRCLE N. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA (561) FAX (561) OFFICE@BRSONLINE.ORG

2 FROM THE RABBI S DESK I was recently having a conversation with someone I know that is an active member of a mega-church with tens of thousands of members and multiple satellite locations. Curious about how they support the tremendous infrastructure, I asked him how much dues cost. He responded that there are no dues because the Church budget is more than supported through people s tithing. Imagine if 98% of Us Tithed C mon, I asked, people really tithe? They really give ten percent of their income away every paycheck they get? I pressed him. You really give the first ten percent to the Church, no questions asked? Yes, he answered. And what percentage of the members at your Church do you think tithe? I asked. He looked at me bewildered and said, at least ninety-eight percent. He must have seen the look of shock on my face and he continued, Rabbi, why are you surprised? It says in the Bible you have to tithe, it s not like it is negotiable. The truth is, while the Torah does mandate giving tzedaka, there is a great debate regarding the source of the obligation to tithe. Some say it is Biblical, others Rabbinic and others as a binding custom that the community has accepted. Regardless, the virtuous practice of giving ma aser, tithing ones income, began with our religion and remains part of the expectation of a practicing Jew today. Observing the laws of ma aser is complicated and includes such questions as how does one calculate ma aser gross or net income? Can one make deductions from ma aser such as the cost associated with earning the money? What can ma aser legitimately be spent on? Is tuition or at least a portion of it considered ma aser? Should those receiving financial help from the community still be tithing? While the answers to these questions are beyond the scope of this article, I raise the subject of ma aser to challenge us to picture a Jewish community that functions financially like my friend s Church. Imagine if everyone gives ten percent of their net income back to the community, no questions asked, no creative accounting, no excuses and no confused priorities. Imagine if almost every member of the Jewish community saw the giving of ma aser as non-negotiable and an obvious and expected part of their lives? Yet, for some reason so many people who generally accept Torah, mitzvos and halacha as binding and obligatory, see giving meaningful tzedaka as a practice they can simply choose to pass on. But helping others, contributing to indigent people, worthy organizations and meaningful causes is no less incumbent on us and expected of us than keeping kosher, observing Shabbos, wearing tefillin or lighting Shabbos candles. The Rambam points out that tzedaka is a peculiar name to describe a person giving their hard earned money that belongs to them to someone else who did nothing for it. Shouldn t such a deed be called chesed, kindness instead of tzedaka meaning just? What is just about mandating that I give what is mine to someone else? He explains that in truth tzedaka is completely just when you recognize that not all that you have is really yours. God assigns us as stewards of what is truthfully His money and while He generously allows us to keep ninety percent of that which we worked hard for, He fully expects us to allocate the remaining ten percent to help care for His other children. When we use that money properly, it is not a benevolent act of kindness, but rather it is an act of justice and righteousness. Many hesitate to give tzedaka appropriately because they feel their own lives are so incredibly expensive that they simply cannot afford to be generous with others. There is legitimacy to such a claim as the Rama (y.d. 251:3) writes, providing for one s livelihood takes priority over all others and one is not obligated to give charity until one s own livelihood is secured. But that is only part of the story. R Yechiel Michel Epstein in his Aruch Ha Shulchan, qualifies the ruling of the Rama: Thus it seems clear to me that one s own livelihood takes priority, is limited to an individual who earns only sparing bread and scarce water However, it is obvious that a person who earns a prosperous living, like an important household who eats bread, meat and other cooked items as befits him and clothes and cloaks himself appropriately is obligated to disburse 10 or 20 percent of his income to charity This formulation must be correct, otherwise there would be no limit on one saying that one s own livelihood takes priority and everyone would claim that they need all of their income for their livelihood, for there is no limit to expenses as we know. Rather, it must be as I have presented that this rule applies only to one who has but a small amount of food to sustain his own life and the lives of his wife and young sons and daughters. For the Aruch Ha Shulchan, the financial priorities of our lives should look like this First, I cover my necessities, then I give my ma aser, and only then can I indulge in luxuries. Imagine what we could accomplish if giving ma aser took priority over lavish simchas, fancy vacations, gratuitous Starbuck stops, latest gadgets, a new car every 3 years, etc. While it should be natural to give tzedaka, the reality of the world is that too often people need to be solicited and then recognized in order to give. But while recognition and honor are effective strategies, we shouldn t have to celebrate the fulfillment of this mitzvah more than we do any other. We don t list all of those who do business honestly, do chesed regularly or put on tefillin consistently. Moreover, those that give large amounts may in fact be giving a smaller percentage of their income than those that give less. It would be most appropriate for us to acknowledge and honor those that give the highest percentage of their income, rather than those that give the largest amounts. But alas, our organizations and underprivileged are in need and so the reality is that we must do all that we can to raise the greatest sum, including honoring specifically those that give the largest donations, particularly because it encourages others to give similarly. Halachik authorities allow and some even encourage using one s name when pledging or naming in order to encourage others to give Page 2 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity

3 as well. With that said, the Rambam in his famous hierarchy of giving lists among the greatest forms of tzedaka one who gives anonymously. In a remarkable effort to fulfill this high level of giving, a trio of philanthropists took great pains to conceal their giving until sadly, a Businessweek article last month entitled The $13 Billion Mystery Angels decided to expose them. The article tells how for more than two decades, the partners at little known hedge fund TGS Management gave more than $13 billion to charity through lawyers who helped them hide their identities. From 1999 to 2005, the law firm established more than a dozen anonymous private foundations with names like Shekel Funding and Matan B Seter Foundation, anonymous gift in Hebrew. Between 2001 and 2012, $137.6 million was given to at least 26 Jewish charities. The three men exposed by the article cherish their privacy and value modesty and therefore simply don t talk about their wealth or extraordinary philanthropy. When Businessweek s reporter introduced himself to one of them at a Jewish conference on philanthropy, he refused to talk and walked away. Another member of this incredible trio reluctantly granted an interview with the Los Angeles Times in 2004 and said, I don t think that if you have a lot of money and you give away a lot of money, you should get a lot of recognition. You shouldn t be able to buy that, he said. Most wealthy people spend their lives trying to make more and more money rather than give it away. They wait too long. They are depriving themselves of a lot of joy. Businessweek may have sold magazines with this fantastic expose, but in my opinion they did something terribly unethical and inappropriate by violating the wishes of these philanthropists to remain anonymous and by bringing their acts of giving down a few levels on the Rambam s hierarchy by revealing the recipients and donors of more than $13 billion worth of giving. The trio may not be able to go back into hiding, but we can draw tremendous inspiration from their story. Even if we can t give away the enormous amounts that they did, we can follow in their footsteps and make sure not to deprive ourselves of the joy of giving without having to be asked or expecting to be honored. Just imagine what the Jewish community would look like if ninety-eight percent of us tithed, no solicitation or pressure necessary. Follow the Rabbi at twitter.com/ rabbigoldberg Friend the Rabbi on facebook Efrem Goldberg Share the Rabbi s blog on Good Shabbos, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg PARSHAT SHELACH SUMMARY The Spies. Twelve leaders were sent by Moshe to explore Israel and report back on its land, inhabitants, and dwellings. The spies returned forty days later with huge clusters of grapes, pomegranates, and figs evidencing the land s fertility; however, except for Calev and Yehoshua, they returned with the pessimistic report that the Jews would be unable to conquer Canaan since its cities were too strongly fortified and its inhabitants too powerful. Calev and Yehoshua disassociated themselves from this report and instead urged the people to march onward towards Israel. The people, however, listened to the majority s report and openly rebelled, calling for a new leader to lead them back to Egypt. Moshe Again Intercedes; The People s Punishment. Angered by the people s lack of faith, Hashem expressed His intention to destroy them and form a nation exclusively from Moshe s descendants. Moshe again successfully interceded on the people s behalf; however, while they were saved from total destruction: (a) they were condemned to wander in the desert for 40 years and (b) the 10 spies who gave the pessimistic report died of a sudden plague. The Jews, belatedly realizing their error, attempted to go to Israel, but were soundly defeated by the tribes of Amalek and Canaan. The Offerings. Hashem told Moshe the following laws: that animal offerings be accompanied by meal-offerings and drink-offerings; that part of the dough called Challah be set aside for Hashem; and that, if they erroneously practiced idolatry, they should atone with sacrifices. Shabbat/Tzitzit. While in the wilderness, a man found violating the Shabbat was ordered by Hashem to be stoned by the congregation. The law of Tzitzit was given to the people to remind them of the need to observe Hashem s commandments at all times. BOCA RATON SYNAGOGUE DERECH ERETZ STATEMENT In the spirit of our mission Valuing Diversity and Celebrating Unity, we believe that a community is built on the collective engagement of individuals representing differing perspectives, whether religious, political, or social. As Boca Raton Synagogue is an environment where all of its members and visitors need to feel valued and welcomed, members are required to comport themselves in a manner which reflects mutual respect and a sense of inclusiveness. In our Synagogue, we value debate about pressing issues. This is consistent with the American democratic tradition. Our sages saw the value of arguments conducted L Shem Shamayim, for the sake of heaven, believing that great minds who engage in respectful debate will arrive at better solutions. They valued and welcomed alternate views, as do we. Derech Eretz, good and proper conduct, and mutually respectful dialogue are core values of the Synagogue community. These create a safe place for inspiration and spiritual growth, the central purpose of the Synagogue. It is a violation of Jewish law and ethics to use harsh language (vitriol) to demonize or to marginalize people with whom one may disagree. Uncivil expression reflects negatively on our Synagogue as well as on the individuals who engage in such behavior. Boca Raton Synagogue expects its members to act and to speak with kindness and sensitivity to others. It is only in this fashion that a strong, vibrant, and harmonious community can be created and maintained. Adherence to this policy is a requirement for membership in good standing at the Boca Raton Synagogue. In line with our recently published Derech Eretz Statement, we mention some examples of how we can be more sensitive towards others and create an even better community. When the shul is crowded, please take private articles off the seat next to you and invite someone to sit down. There is a coatroom in the lobby for hats and outerwear. BRS does not allow members to claim a makom kavuah. If you wish to sit in a specific location, come early. One must never ask another person, whether a member or especially a guest, to get up and move. If you have a Mensch Message you would like us to promote, please us at office@brsonline.org Boca Raton Synagogue Page 3 Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity

4 SHABBAT SCHEDULE FRIDAY NIGHT Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Early Sephardic Mincha () 6:30 pm Plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Berdugo Beit Midrash) 6:30 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:47 pm Early Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Happy Minyan () 7:00 pm Sephardic Mincha () Candle Lighting 7:56 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) SHABBAT DAY Neitz Minyan () 5:45 am Hashkama Minyan () 7:25 am Sephardic Minyan () 9:00 am Ashkenazi Minyan (Rand Sanctuary) 9:00 am Sermon: Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Shtiebel Minyan (Shtiebel Beit Midrash) 9:30 am Teen Minyan (Berdugo Beit Midrash) 9:45 am Sof Zman Kriat Shema 9:54 am Youth Tefillah Groups (Jacobs and Rubin Youth & Senior Center) 10:00 am Early Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 3:00 pm Women s Class 5:45 pm The Women of the Midbar Rebbetzin Miriam Miller Rabbi s Class 6:45 pm What is the Straight Path? Rabbi Dovid Miller Sephardic Mincha () 7:40 pm Ashkenazi Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 7:45 pm Daf Yomi () between Mincha/Ma ariv Sh kiah 8:14 pm Ma ariv/havdalah 8:54 pm SHABBAT LEARNING Sichot of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with Rabbi Levine (Shtiebel Biet Mid) 8:30 am Tefillah Insights summer recess Teachings of the Ba al Shem Tov (Shtiebel Beit Midrash) 9:00 am Parshat HaShavua with Rabbi Dr. Zvi Yehuda (Board Room) 9:15 am Advanced Gemara Chabura 15 minutes after Hashkama Minyan Junior Congregation (Shechet Beit Midrash - Rooms 205 & 206) 10:00 am Youth Groups (Drop-off begins at 10:00 am) 10:30 am Sephardic Roundtable () 11:00 am Father & Son Learning (Senders Library) 5:00 pm PARSHAT KORACH Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Early Sephardic Mincha () 6:30 pm Plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat () 6:35 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:49 pm Early Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Sephardic Mincha () Candle Lighting 7:58 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat () Ma ariv/havdalah 8:56 pm DAILY MINYAN TIMES Sephardic Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Sephardic Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Early Ashkenazi Mincha Sephardic Mincha/Ma ariv Ashkenazi Mincha/Ma ariv Late Ashkenazi Ma ariv MAIN MINYAN GALA KIDDUSH Our final Gala Kiddush of this year will be taking place this Shabbat and it will be an amazing graduation themed Kiddush. We would like to congratulate the following graduates and we thank their families for adding their names and sponsoring the Gala Kiddush. Max Abramovitz Ty Kay Amanda Pransky Keren Bard Jacob Kazinec Netanel Raden Leora Bar-Chaim Eli Kleinworm Sophie Rose Benjamin Begas Akiva Kranzler Atara Rosman Mimi Begas Dr. Jeffrey (Yehuda) Kranzler Gabriella Rosman Noah Bernten Matan Kronfeld Elee Rubin Avigayil Broide Jordan Landes Efrayim Saks Edan Carmel Moshe Levenson Jacob Saks Aaron Cohen Yoni Levenson Yehudah Saks Ari Cohen Tani Loskove Menachem Schandelson Tamar Cohen Yosef Lupin Moshe Schandelson Zachary Cohen Ilana Makover Lauren Schechter Gabi Englander Arden Marin Benjamin P. Scheiner Rebecca Fisher Mollie Markowitz Avi Schneider Atara Goldberg Dovid Chaim Matar Ettie Sharp Rabbi Joshua Grajower Yoni Mayer Matthew Silkin Ayelet Gross Avi Muller Kayla Stein Yehudis Herschberg Sruli Muschel Levi Swart Amanda Krasna Hoffman David Ostrofsky Ari Wax Zehava Houben Ilan Petrover Shira Wax Ari Kaplan Dr. Dov Pickholtz Tova Wax Lilly Katz Tikva Pickholtz Etan Winograd Pearl Katz Sarah Plotkin And to our Simcha Sponsors: Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor in honor of their son David s recent marriage to Malky Weil. Dr. Sid & Rhona Cohen in honor of their daughter Sarah s 25th Birthday Lastly, we are extremely grateful to our Executive Chef and Sous Chef Sponsors who have contributed to the Gala Kiddush program this past year and have allowed us to change the culture and truly have an exceptional Kiddush each and every month! Our Executive Chef sponsors Joseph Bensmihen, Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen, Martin & Ileana Flics, Avi & Dr. Laura Greenbaum, Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter, Michael & Dona Kahn, Daniel & Caroline Katz, Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove, Daniel Miller, Evan & Orly Shapiro, Eric & Loren Stein, Anonymous, Anonymous and Anonymous. Our Sous Chef Sponsors Neil & Rachel Greenbaum, Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser and Dr. David Markowitz & Dr. Sara Levine. BRS WEST (At the Hillel Day School, th Ave. (305) Mincha Candle lighting Shacharit Youth Groups Kiddush follows Davening Mincha (Shabbat) Shabbat Ends/ Maariv FRIDAY NIGHT SHABBAT DAY WEEKDAYS 7:30 pm 7:56 pm 9:30 am 10:30 am 7:50 pm 8:54 pm Sunday Morning Minyan Breakfast is Sponsored by the D Var Torah Club SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 6:00 am 6:25 am 7:15 am 9:00 am 2:00 pm Senders Library Berdugo Beit Midrash Rand Sanctuary 9:30 pm Senders Library 6:00 am 6:15 am 7:00 am 7:45 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:30 am Sociall Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 6:00 am 6:25 am 7:00 am 7:45 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:30 am 6:00 am 6:25 am 7:00 am 7:45 am Rand Sanctuary Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:30 am 6:00 am 6:15 am 7:00 am 7:45 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:30 am WYHS Early Mincha Will Resume At The End Of August 9:30 pm Senders Library 9:30 pm Senders Library 9:30 pm Senders Library 6:00 am 6:25 am 7:00 am 7:45 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:30 am Page 4 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity

5 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS MAZAL TOV Rick & Dr. Penina Dorfman on the birth of their son. AND to his proud big brother Noam. Jason and Nechamah Zangre on the birth of their son. AND to his proud siblings, Shemaya and Kira. Seth & Melissa Wiesel on Atara becoming a Bat Mitzvah. AND to her proud siblings, Dalya and Azi. AND grandparent s, Sheldon & Rozelle Kuperman and Joseph & Ibolya Wiesel. KIDDUSH Main Minyan Gala Kiddush sponsored in honor of all the Graduates listed on page 4, and by our Simcha sponsors, and our Executive Chef and Sous Chef Sponsors. Hashkama Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the Hashkama Minyan Kiddush Fund. Sephardic Minyan Kiddush Sponsored by the Sabag Family with Thanks to Hashem. Teen Minyan Seudah Shlishiet sponsored by the Kays in loving memory of Sharona Kay s father, Arieh Michael ben Chanan and Liese. Seudah Shlishiet sponsored by Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan, Abraham & Barbara Fuchs, Robert & Frances Marx, David & Joyce Muller, Eric & Lisa Pinkis, Ida Wax and Philip & Peggy Zimmerman. Guest Speaker: Rabbi Dovid Miller SOCIAL ORTHODOXY PART 2 On Shabbos Ha Gadol we discussed a recent article that articulated the philosophy of social orthodoxy. I have enjoined hearing many of your thoughts and the valuable feedback and conversations that ensued. This shabbos, I look forward to sharing further reflections and thoughts in an effort to inspire continued productive and positive dialogue on how we can all grow in our Judaism as well as in our relationships both with our fellow man and with Hashem. I will be sharing an abridged version of the sermon at the Hashkoma minyan and the full sermon at the conclusion of the 9:00 am minyan (approximately 10:50 am) in the Rand Sanctuary so that those that wish to join from other minyanim can come as well. Rabbi Efrem Goldberg RABBI GOLDBERG VACATION Rabbi Goldberg will be taking his summer vacation with his family beginning Sunday, June 16. If you need Rabbinic assistance, please contact Rabbi Moskowitz at the Shul or rpm@brsonline.org. For other assistance, please contact Linda at linda@brsonline.org BRS SUMMER KOLLEL - JUNE 30 JULY 30 This summer, Boca Raton Synagogue is thrilled to be once again hosting 8 young men for a Summer Kollel. The Kollel members will be available for Chavrusa learning with community members Sunday through Thursday nights, 7:15 -, 8:40-9:25 pm, 9:30-10:15 pm. To schedule a learning slot, contact Rabbi Simmy Shabtai at simmy.shabtai@gmail.com. BRS WANTS TO WELCOME YOU! Are you moving into our community? Do you know someone moving into our community? Our welcome committee wants to welcome you! Please contact Orlie Cohen orlielevy@hotmail.com or Elana Belizon elana.belizon@gmail.com to be set up with buddy family. IS YOUR STATEMENT UP TO DATE? There is less than a month remaining to our 2013/2014 fiscal year. If you haven t already made financial arrangements with the bookkeeper by either setting up a payment plan, or by filling out a Dues Adjustment Form, we ask that you do so now. You are also able to go online to brsonline.org, login in the top right hand corner, view your account, and make a payment. Please note that seats for the High Holidays cannot be reserved until all past commitments are paid in full or payment arrangements have been made. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If you would like to discuss anything pertaining to membership, please contact Matthew Hocherman at mjh@brsonline.org. IRAN IN FOCUS OVER 650 PEOPLE ALREADY SINGED UP! Join AIPAC on Monday night, June 16 at 6:30 pm for a community wide event at the Signature Grand located at 6900 State Road 84 in Davie. At this critical time, we must continue to expose the danger that a nuclear capable Iran poses to America, Israel, and the world. Your participation is critical to ensure that the public spotlight remains fixed on this issue. The forum will feature Ambassadors Dennis Ross and Brad Gordon. This is a free event open to the public. Please join us and invite your friends and colleagues who care about Israel s safety and security. There will be remarks made by at least nine members of Congress. SHIUR ON YALKUT YOSEF Inspired by the recent visit of the Sephardic Chief Rabbi, BRS Rabbis will continue a new in depth Shiur on Yalkut Yosef on Monday evenings following the Sephardic Arvit, for half an hour. All are invited. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity SHALOM ZACHOR & BRIT INFORMATION The Zangre family invites the entire community to a Shalom Zachor this Friday night, June 13, at 8:45 pm at their home, 7839 San Marcos Place in Montoya Estates (West) AND Announce the Brit of their son on Wednesday, June 18, after the 7:45 am Minyan at the Boca Raton Synagogue with the Seudah following at the Montoya Estates Club House. SHALOM ZACHOR & BRIT INFORMATION The Dorfman family invites the entire community to a Shalom Zachor this Friday night, June 13, at 8:45 pm at the home of the Zangre family, 7839 San Marcos Place in Montoya Estates (West) AND Announce the Brit of their son on Thursday, June 19, after a special Minyan at BRS West, th Ave. SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE - THIS SHABBAT Friday Night Chaburah and Tish for men The Spies and the 14th Principle of Faith with Rabbi Dovid Miller at the home of Moshe & Michal Schochet, 7850 Lago Del Mar Dr. #117 at 9:00 pm. Shabbat Morning Chaburah The Boundaries of Spiritual Altruism Rabbi Dovid Miller Women s Class The Women of the Midbar Rebbetzin Miriam Miller Rabbi s Class What is the Straight Path? Rabbi Dovid Miller Seudah Shlishiet And They Despised the Precious Land Rabbi Dovid Miller Sunday Morning Chaburah Jews, Prepare to Stand Before your God Rabbi Dovid Miller Tuesday Morning Parsha Class (for women only) - 10:30-11:30 am On ben Pelet s Wife with Rebbetzin Miriam Miller Rav Dovid Miller serves as the director of the Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Institute of Yeshiva University in Jerusalem and Rosh Yeshiva of the Gruss Kollel, where he is the inaugural occupant of the Benjamin and Charlotte Gottesfeld Chair in Talmud. For the last two years, he has been the Mashgiach Ruchani (spiritual advisor) of the student body of Yeshiva University s main campus in New York. He was also a senior lecturer in the Israel Defense Force Rabbinate when on reserve army duty, and served as Rabbi of the Kehilat Ateret Nof synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem in Mrs. Miriam Miller received a BA in Tanach and English from Michlalah Jerusalem College, and an MA in Education from Harvard University. She has been a lecturer since 1974, when she worked for Hebrew University (74-78), and taught in seminaries such as Michlalah, Machon Gold, and Midreshet Lindenbaum. RABBI YONIN KALAZAN Please join us this Sunday, June 15 at at BRS for a captivating lecture by Rabbi Yinon Kalazan, a world renowned speaker, on This World and the World to Come. The lecture will be in the and will be given in English. Admission is free. Intended for men and women at all observance levels. Page 5

6 BOCA RATON COMMUNITY ERUV The Boca Raton Community Eruv is in need of funds. Yearly membership remains at $100 per family. It is now possible to sponsor the Eruv for a particular Shabbat for $360. Donations can now also be made through our website or by contacting Chani Salamon at (561) for more information. Please help, as we ALL benefit from the Eruv. The Eruv is something we all rely on and often take for granted. If you have not yet contributed, please consider doing so in order to ensure that the Eruv can be checked and maintained. WOMEN S MIKVAH The hours for the Women s Mikvah are Sunday through Thursday, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm (last appointment is at 9:00 pm). For Friday and Yom Tov appointments, please call three days in advance. On Saturday and Fast Days, open an hour after Havadalah, for only 1 hour thereafter. In order to better assist you every day, appointments are strongly advised. Please call (561) Page 8 WEEK AT A GLANCE DAILY DAF YOMI (Sunday - Friday) with Rabbi Ben Sugerman at 7:00 am in Rooms MISHNA BERURA YOMI (Sunday - Thursday) 15 minutes before Mincha NIGHT BEIT MIDRASH (Sunday - Thursday) community learning in the Senders Library at NIGHTTIME DAF YOMI (Sunday - Thursday) with BRS Rabbinate at 8:40 pm in the Board Room TUESDAY HAFTORAH CLASS with Rabbi Philip Moskowitz at 9:30 am in the PARSHAT HA SHAVUA - ON BEN PELET S WIFE with Rebbetzin Miriam Miller at 10:30 am in the WEDNESDAY CUP OF JOE & KNOW with Rabbi Philip Moskowitz after 7:45 am Minyan in the IN-DEPTH STUDY OF BOOK OF SAMUEL I (NEW CLASS) with Malka Morris at 9:30 am in the Senders Library KABBALAH & SPIRITUALITY: THE SOUL OF THE TORAH will not take place this week THURSDAY SATELLITE LECTURES with Rabbi Yissocher Frand at 9:00 pm in the Board Room WEEKLY SHMOOZE will take place at 9:45 pm in the Senders Library BRS AUXILIARIES, ETC. BRS CHEVRAS The BRS Chevras program was created to enable us to Grow Larger and Smaller at the Same Time. We are proud to have the following Chevras meeting regularly: Empty Nesters, Maimonides Society, Men s Walking Group, Mommy & Me, Music, Sunrise Minyan at the Beach, and the Thursday Night Shmooze. If you are interested in starting a new Chevra with like minded individuals to pursue a hobby, interest or activity, please contact us at office@brsonline.org. BIKUR CHOLIM Congratulations to the following winners of the Dunkin Donut Gift Certificate contest--moshe Levenson and Marilyn Wanderer. The answer to the question is The Jewish Hospitality Suite and Shabbos Room is open 24/7 and never closes. JEWISH SINGLES OF SOUTH FLORIDA (30 S - 50 S) Pop-up Shabbaton in Hollywood Parshash Korach June What is it? Did you ever invite a friend for Shabbat? Well our members of the Young Israel of Hollywood Community are doing just that, they are preparing gourmet meals in their homes, including a sumptuous Shabbat Dinner, Deluxe Kiddush before Lunch, Davening at Young Israel of Hollywood- Ft. Lauderdale. Mingling, Funning and Relaxing, Shiur Between Mincha and Maariv. Shabbat accommodations available in the Young Israel Community. Only 5 places are left. $36 per person. Any questions Gershon Schwadron chefgersh@aol.com. Rabbi Shmuel Jarashow Shmuel Tzvi ben Shayna Merv Jacobs Meir ben Sarah Moshe Applebaum Moshe Zvi ben Rachel Leah Yosef Chaim ben Faiga Bob Silver Reuvan Lieb ben Miriam Stuart Silverman Yeshaya Moshe ben Nacha Sarah Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Zvi Aryeh ben Devorah Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity LIFE CYCLE WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Mr. Richard & Dr. Penina Dorfman Rabbi Yossi & Mrs. Devorah Kahan Chaim & Raizy Hackner Dr. Lawrence & Judith Rosman WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY Rabbi Dovid & Rebbetzin Miriam Miller Sheldon & Rozelle Kuperman Joseph & Ibolya Wiesel Vivian Greenwald Mitchell Wiesel Deborah, Jessica and Daniel Mann Family & Friends here in honor of the Wiesel Simcha Alex Guttman Bonnie Ginzberg Avi & Brenda Zangre ANNIVERSARIES Shimmie & Beth Kaminetsky Stephen & Linda Melcer David & Joyce Muller BIRTHDAYS Sarah Cohen Yosef Golish Rashel Maikhor Avi Muller Mark Fisher APPRECIATION Warmest thanks to Carol Kahn, Carol Hordish, Rebecca and Liora Elkoby, Rachel and Tamar EIkin, Carolyn Jarashow, Joan Kadish, Ida Wax, Gloria Wolff who made the floral arrangements and decorated the Shul for Shavous. REFUAH SHLAYMAH For members of BRS Community. For all other Refuah Shlaymah needs, please call Linda at (561) Helen Ijac Alta Haita bat Devorah Joan Noven Rochel Tova bat Malka Ariella Berman Ariella Sarah bat Elisheva Malka Beverly Kassirer Briendle bat Pessel Chana Guta bat Rochel Ruth Malinowitz Rivka bat Freyda Noa Maya Carmel Noa Maya bat Devora Rachel Jean Cohen Ita Chaya bat Yocheved Rachel YAHRZEITS Dani Hiller in memory of his son Jonah Hiller, 15 Sivan Shayndee Hiller in memory of her son Jonah Hiller, 15 Sivan Tova Kotzker in memory of her brother Jonah Hiller, 15 Sivan Eric Pinkis in memory of his mother Barbara Pinkis, 15 Sivan Ruth Stuart in memory of her grandfather Jack Steinberg, 16 Sivan Philip Zimmerman in memory of his mother Rose Zimmerman, 16 sivan Ida Wax in memory of her mother Mollie Malinowitz, 16 Sivan Isaac Jacob in memory of his mother Sophie Jacob, 17 Sivan Alden Mamann in memory of his sister Michelle Gozlan, 17 Sivan Maish Girnun in memory of his grandmother Rebecca Premselaar, 17 Sivan Joyce Muller in memory of her sister Linda Siegel, 18 Sivan Barbara Fuchs in memory of her father Max Zwiebel, 18 Sivan Janet Zwiebel in memory of her husband Max Zwiebel, 18 Sivan Shaynee Miller in memory of her father David Becker, 18 Sivan Rita Rubin in memory of her father Saul Kupietzky, 19 Sivan Howard Noven in memory of his father Jack Noven, 19 Sivan Marissa Levenson in memory of her grandfather Milton Goldberg, 19 Sivan Dr. Benjamin Tripp in memory of his aunt Beila Sochatzewsky, 19 Sivan Dr. Jackie Tripp in memory of his aunt Beila Sochatzewsky, 19 Sivan Samuel Bloom in memory of his 1st wife Lian Sae Bloom, 19 Sivan Evelyn Sauer in memory of her mother Mary Horn, 20 Sivan Shayndee Hiller in memory of her father Jack Laufer, 20 Sivan Avi Orlan in memory of his father Daniel Orlan, 20 Sivan Libby Lieberman in memory of her father Herman Brand, 20 Sivan Sue Lowenkron in memory of her father Philip Kuller, 21 Sivan Shimon Peres in memory of his brother Avraham Peres, 21 Sivan Samuel Bloom in memory of his mother Myrtle Whitelaw, 21 Sivan Ruth Stuart in memory of her mother Doris Turze, 22 Sivan Robert Marx in memory of his father Max Marx, 22 Sivan

7 -BRS YOUTH NEWS- WEEKLY AND COMING EVENTS * Shabbat Morning Youth Chabura after Hashkama minyan in room 103 with Rabbi Eisenberger. * Shabbat Morning Groups for children ages Groups take place in the classrooms every Shabbat and start at 10:00 AM *Shabbat Morning Teen Minyan each Shabbat in room , starts at 9:45 AM. * Once a month Shabbat in the Park, in the park adjacent to the Shul on Shabbat afternoons. Check the Weekly if SITP is on this week. * Nursing Home Visits for girls in 4 th -5 th grade. Every Shabbat afternoon leaving from the Pilichowski home. Check with Aliza or Gila Pilichowski for the exact time the group is leaving this Shabbat. * Once a month 5 th Grade Girls Seudat Shlishit at various homes. Stay tuned for the next great Seudat Shlishit. * Teen Seduat Shlishit, each Shabbat in the BRS board room after Mincha. Listen to various speakers and enjoy great food. * Teen Mincha takeover. Once a month teenagers take over the main BRS Ashkenaz Mincha. *Pro-Israel Advocacy classes for teens. Each Friday at 3 PM in the BRS Board room. The next BRS Teen Israel advocates meeting will be this Friday. The Last Teen Minyan of the season is Next Shabbat, June 21 Sedrat Korach The Amazing BRS Teen Minyan is so impressive because it is teen led. Our teen Gabbiem choose the chazzanim and baalei kriah. Our teen Chazzanim and Baalie Kirah lead the tefilot and read the Torah. Our teen shamashim set up and make the kiddushim. Please make sure to join us for the last teen minyan of the year! Betchya Can t Guess the Event! Can You Guess What Amazing BRS Youth & Teen Event is in the Pictures below? Answer below Answer: The BRS Teen minyan great attendance BBQ and the Chanukah at the Hospital youth event.

8 ISRAEL UPDATE SOCIAL ACTION Campuses and academic associations have become an epicenter of anti-israel activity in the U.S., but the movement was just handed a resounding defeat. On June 4th, the membership of the Modern Language Association (MLA) voted not to ratify Resolution , which condemns Israel for denying academics of Palestinian ethnicity entry into the West Bank. Like other anti-israel resolutions, the MLA resolution erased all context to manipulate voters... It had only one purpose: to defame Israel. This resolution was discriminatory, singling out Israel for unfair and dishonest attacks, said Peggy Shapiro, MLA member and StandWithUs-Midwest Director, in a statement. Adding insult to injury, in Ramallah, activists belonging to the anti-israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement are being seen by the Palestinian Authority (PA) as trouble-makers and law-breakers. They say that the actions of those promoting BDS make the Palestinians appear as if they are not interested in peace and coexistence with Israel. The social action committee will meet next Wednesday, June 18 at 7:30 pm in the Boardroom. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS WRITE TO ALAN GROSS Alan Gross has been in prison for over 1400 days. Now you are able to write to him via his website Aba Chonah ben Hava Chana - Alan Gross American Jew Alan Gross has been wrongly held in a Cuban prison since December Since that time, Alan s physical and emotional state has deteriorated. He has lost over one hundred pounds and has suffered partial paralysis. Join us to call upon the Cuban government and the international community for the immediate release of Alan on humanitarian grounds. For more information and to get involved, visit WRITE TO JONATHAN POLLARD Your letters - the only ray of light in Jonathan s dreary cell. Write to him today: Jonathan Pollard # , c/o FCI Butner, P.O. Box 1000, Butner, North Carolina, U.S.A Yehonatan ben Malka - Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan Pollard has been imprisoned in the United States since While working as an American civilian intelligence analyst, Pollard has admitted to passing classified information to Israel. Although even his most ardent supporters agree that he was in the wrong and guilty, the nature and length of his imprisonment is disproportionate and unparalleled. Join a multitude of prominent politicians, officials from the national intelligence world, and the legal world who have called for Pollard s sentence to be commuted. For more information and to sign a petition, visit WARREN WEINSTEIN The 72-year-old Weinstein, Yisrael Yitzchak ben Hannah Faygel, was a consultant for the US Agency for International Development in Pakistan when terrorists broke into his home in 2011 and dragged him away. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-zawahiri has since claimed to be holding him. Weinstein made news in a justreleased video in which he pleads for President Obama to help. No Jew should ever feel abandoned or forgotten. Please add him to your prayers. ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES (IDF) PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS OF IDF SOLDIERS The Emek Learning Center in Baka has a program that offers support to IDF Soldiers without families in Israel. If your child or grandchild is in the IDF and would like the center to reach out to them, please send Linda their name and contact information and it will be forwarded to the center. If you want to learn more about the center, the website is emeklearningcenter.com. Linda can be reached at linda@brsonline.org or by calling (561) Please have in mind children and grandchildren of members of our community currently serving in the IDF: Amiel Abir, Ben Weiss, Asher Kaplan, Adam Barel, Daniella Borenstein, Yosef Brander, Stav Gare, Menachem Kaplan, Shabtai Kaplan, Jeremy Siegman, Daniel Louis, Arie Hizkiya, Daniel Makover, Charlie Pollack, Yakov Simcha ben Moshe Yisroel, Yehuda Strauss, Elad Shachar, Liel Reinfeld, Ron Hirschhorn, Yehoshua Strauss, Amichai Berman, Matt Firestone, Dov Lieber, Chanan Wolfson, Isaac Marco Romano, Yuchiel Shlomo Lowenstern, Amir Tsarfati, Reuben Gladstone, and Mordechai Wolfson. If you have children or grandchildren currently serving in the IDF, please let us know their names so we can include them. Please have in mind our missing in action Israeli Soldiers Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity Celebrating Unity Page 9

9 Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur 2014 It s a High Holiday Service unlike any you have attended before you can even sing along! These interactive services, in which the prayers and customs are fully explained, are designed to provide a meaningful experience to everyone who attends. Your High Holidays will never be the same. This Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, approximately 2 million American Jews will attend High Holiday Services. Unfortunately, you may not be one of them. Why? Is it because: You do not understand the prayers Although highly educated and sophisticated you feel inadequate and illiterate in a synagogue setting The sermons do not speak to you The rituals make you feel awkward Frequently, you leave the synagogue feeling guiltier than before you came so, it s no wonder why you rarely come in, let alone come back!! With this in mind, the Boca Raton Jewish Experience (BRJE) and the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) has designed special High Holiday Beginners Services for you! Registration is open right now - for more information, please visit our website MARCH OF THE LIVING 2015 April 12 - April 26, 2015 Adults & Families with students in 11th & 12th Grades in the School Year Student Fee: $5, cost for Domestic Airfare ADULT 5-Star-Bus: Please call Generous Financial Assistance Available No student is refused because of financial challenges Space is Limited For applications go to our web site at www. molsouth.org

10 Support BRS Pillar Society Six years ago, Boca Raton Synagogue launched the Pillar Society for those members that wish to help our synagogue continue to offer the highest possible level of educational, religious, and social programming to our community. The Pillar Society provides a backbone to our community, and your commitment enables the Shul to provide for the needs of all our members, regardless of their ability to pay. Boca Raton Synagogue would like to thank the families that have already committed to the 2014/2015 Pillar Society. We appeal to you and others to become members of The Pillar Society to be the leaders of Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chasadim in our community. Emerald Pillar $25,000 Diamond Pillar $18,000 Platinum Pillar $12,000 Gold Pillar $6,000 Silver Pillar $3,600 (for Families age 36 and under) General Membership Single Membership: $1,150 Family Membership: $1,900 EMERALD Daniel & Caroline Katz Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser PLATINUM Leo & Heni Ehrlich Stanley & Ana Haar Martin & Ileana Flics Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Lothar & Carlyn Mayer Michael & Jill Rose Larry & Deborah Silver Harry & Marilyn Wanderer q PILLAR SOCIETY q Thank you to our Pillars who helped make this past year such a success GOLD Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas Steven & Dr. Rebecca Stern Berkeley Howard & Bonnie Block Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen Drs. Eli & Orlie Cohen Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen Nachman & Jamie Feig Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman Michael & Barbara Frenkel Hensha Gansbourg Murray & Basheva Goldberg Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg Glen & Rosa Golish Drs. Charles & Simone Griff Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow Ben & Hanna Henschel Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs Dr. David & Sharona Kay Gary & Judi Krasna Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove Stephen & Linda Melcer Bob & Penny Pearlman Joe Persky Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky Mike Senders Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor Teddy & Linda Struhl Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd Michael & Risa Zimmerman Anonymous Anonymous SILVER Dr. Avraham & Elana Belizon Rabbi Philip & Arielle Moskowitz Evan & Orly Shapiro Anonymous For more information about joining the Pillar Society, general membership, or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Matthew Hocherman, Synagogue Administrator, at mjh@brsonline.org or (561)

11 Michael J. Bock Senior Vice President Wealth Management Senior Financial Advisor (877) Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. AD ARJ241F PM-07/2013 BRS MEMBER SINCE YEARS EXPERIENCE ALLCPA.NET - ALLCPA@AOL.COM Tax Prep & Planning Corporate, Partnership, Individual & Trust Returns (All States) Financial Statements Business Start-up, Consulting & Incorporation QuickBooks & Payroll Services Healthcare Accounting Outsourced CFO services Complimentary Initial Consultation LANDSCAPER AVAILABLE Lawn Maintenance Landscaping Clean-Up Tree Service Hurricane Prep Sprinkler Repair Sod Installation Mulch Walks & Patios Flower Beds Shrub Designs And so much more! Many recommendations available from people living on the Circle CALL VAZQUEZ & SONS (561)

12 BRS MEN S CLUB 5TH ANNUAL NBA FINALS BBQ GAME 5: SUNDAY, JUNE 15 8:00 PM IN THE BRS SOCIAL HALL ONLY $10 PER PERSON We will be serving our famous wings (based on the rave reviews), fresh burgers and delicious hot dogs! Mincha before the game and Dvar Torah and Maariv at Halftime. 50/50 Raffle Too! OPEN TO EVERYONE! Co-Sponsored by our beloved Men s Club, and Kosher Marketplace Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle N. Boca Raton, Florida (561)

PARSHAT TAZRIA SHABBAT HA CHODESH. Stone Chumash Page 608 March 28 - April 4 26 Adar II - 4 Nisan 5774

PARSHAT TAZRIA SHABBAT HA CHODESH. Stone Chumash Page 608 March 28 - April 4 26 Adar II - 4 Nisan 5774 Boca Raton Synagogue WEEKLY PARSHAT TAZRIA SHABBAT HA CHODESH Stone Chumash Page 608 March 28 - April 4 26 Adar II - 4 Nisan 5774 Generously sponsored by David & Maxine Wolgin in honor of their grandson,

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