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2 SECTION 1. IBE SECOND WORLD WAR 1. THE PROVIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE ON EACH NATION Through the fall, God, Adam and Eve became enemies. Adam and Eve became enemies and Cain and Abel became enemies-father, mother, and children, all became enemies. When the realm of each of these enemies expanded, they produced the same fruit. What eventually happened was that an Adam nation as well as an Eve nation, and an archangelic nation appeared in the satanic world,. In opposition to them were the Adam nation, as well as an Eve nation, and an archangelic nation on God's side. Those two camps fought each other on a world-level conflict during the Second World War as the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers. The Axis powers on the satanic side initiated that war. Japan, who was the satanic Eve nation, occupied the Orient, specifically Korea. The idea of the Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere developed, preceding God's ideal, as a challenge to God's original ideal by the satanic side. Japan's Shinto religion recognizes the "eight million deities," but the founding deity of this Eve nation is Amaterasu-Ominokami, a female deity. On God's side, England was the Eve nation. America was born from England, so America is a child of Eve, and in a position to follow her. But it is not wise for America to follow England all the time. An example was the war in the Falkland Islands. America should not have supported England. In the future she must stand up as the Adam nation centered upon the heavenly standard. In World War II, the restored Eve nation was England and the restored archangelic nation was France. On the satanic side there was the Adam nation of Germany, the Eve nation of Japan, and the archangelic nation of Italy. Together the three of them formed a four-position foundation centered upon Satan's ideal, who put himself in the highest position. While on the heavenly side the Allies formed a four-position foundation centered on God. The Second World War was the decisive battle on the world level. After the heavenly side gained the victory, the satanic world could he returned to the heavenly side. Finally, on the satanic side communism came to exist on the world level. In the Second World War, the Allied nations of United States, England and France were in the position of Adam, Eve and Archangel respectively. On the other band, the Axis nations of Germany, Japan and Italy were in the position of Adam, Eve and Archangel. Why are Japan and Italy Eve nations?

3 130 The Way of Unification Because they are island nations. The island nations are always longing for a subject and thus are in the object position to the continent. England gave birth to the United States. Therefore the United States is in the position of the son to England. This foreshadows that at the Second Coming, the Messiah would come through the body of woman. The mistake of Adam, Eve and Archangel caused the fall. Therefore we have to indemnify the fall by the law of indemnity. The Second World War took place to fulfill the indemnity. 2. THE MISSION OF ENGLAND AS EVE NATION Why has England experienced a Renaissance and received many blessings in recent history? I would like to explain the reason. England had many colonies throughout the world. It is common sense that, occupying many nations is not an acceptable action. However, England did a great service for Christianity. She promoted the teaching of Jesus. She provided a great blessing to each colony nation. It was God's strategy to bring His message through the expansion of England's colonies. How did the western culture develop by going through the peninsula city of Rome to eventually bear fruit in England? Is that mysterious to you? An island nation is longing for the continent. We can regard the continent and the island as a man and a woman respectively. God's providence of restoration is to establish the realm of an ideal bride. In other words, God has been looking for one woman. This is the reason that a Christian nation should be established in God's providence. That nation was to be England. This is the very reason she was blessed. Many people say that the Queens of England governed well in history. Do you know why England was the victorious nation for the First and Second World Wars? England took all the responsibility because of her position as mother. Therefore the mother nation should appear and overcome the satanic world in the final conflict. England is in the position of the mother nation. Germany was the enemy nation through the First and Second World Wars and she will be in the position of enemy in the Third World War too. Communism is Marxism and Germanism. The mission of the mother nation is to expel Satan in the last days. Then the base of heaven can be established. England gave birth to the United States as the elder son. Therefore England must unite with the United States. England should influence the United States. When the son is about to make a mistake, the mother should be able to control him and stop him. Eve, in the position of mother fell first and Cain, the son, committed sin later. In order to restore this, mother and son should unite and overcome Satan. (54-128) England was one of the victorious nations in the First World War. God protected the nation because she had good faith and was righteous. Germany had confidence to defeat the Allied nations and thus attacked them. However

4 Divided Korea and the World 131 Germany was defeated by England. The evil side always attacks first but eventually they are defeated. Whenever you have good faith in God, no power can win over you. In the Second World War, Hitler believed that his nation could defeat all nations and attacked them first. But he was defeated because England had great faith in God. You should know that if you have good faith in God then you can win over all kinds of conflict. Fortunately, England never attacked first. This is the reason that God had to protect her. Even today Germany has the confidence to control the European nations. However, the Russian communist party sees the democratic world as her prey and is attacking it. If Germany and Russia could unite, it would create a big problem for England. What is the situation of England now? Her government will not accept communism. English people based on the conservative party can not unite with communism. In the midst of the cooperation between the United States and China, Goel should protect England. Goel had a great hope for England. The mother should always overcome all kinds of conflict. If she does overcome, England, in the mother position, will not perish. However she should not become a nation that embraces communist thought. Only when she binds with the Christian thought which is God's thought, she will never perish. (54-124) 3. THE UNITED STATES AND THE SECOND WORLD WAR The United States, centered on Christianity was in the position to lead the world to be one nation right after the Second World War. (167-67) The United States has been the key nation to embrace the whole world since the Second World War. The United States had been the key nation to bring the victory in the First and Second World Wars. England was not in the key position at that time. What had to be done by the United.States? The Axis nations of Germany and Japan were in the position of Satan because they killed many Christians and Jews. Under Japan's persecution, many Korean Christians were killed. The United States should have taken control of all the colonies which the Axis nation had controlled. Each and every piece of land should have been controlled by the United States. However, the United.States couldn't fulfill the mission. Nations such as Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Albania, which Germany had controlled, should not have been yielded to Russia. The United States should have led these nations. Why was Germany divided into East and West? Every nation should have been governed by the United.States. At that time The United States should have much more aggressively negotiated these matters with Russia, because Russia became involved in the war in the middle, not from the beginning. The United States didn't fulfill her mission. If the United States had fulfilled her mission at that time, the communists wouldn't find any land to advance on. Many of God's young people were sacrificed for God's provi-

5 132 The Way of Unification dence to expand God's land and find God's people. However it was never realized. The division of Germany and Korea is the big mistake of the United States. The enemy will take all kinds of benefits from the mistake of the United States. The biggest beneficia1y was the communists after the war because of the failure of the United States. Germany and Japan have been growing fast since the war. In previous history, the defeated nations never prospered. The enemy nations are blessed, but the United States is retreating from Europe and Asia. She didn't fulfill her own mission from the perspective of God. Therefore the nation is perishing now. Christianity is perishing because it didn't fulfill its mission. Christianity and the United States should have united and expelled communism. (54-160) What were the mistakes of the United States and England at the time of invasion of Russia into Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia? The free nations couldn't support the nations oppressed by Russia. If they had supported the oppressed nations, they would have strong bonds with Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Rumania against Russia. At that time Yugoslavia was against Russia's policies, and freedom activities occurred in Rumania and Czechoslovakia. Because of the United States' silence, she lost the East European nations. Russia mobilized the army to control the Balkan areas for its future purposes. (54-160) 4. THE UNITED STATE'S RESPONSIBILITY AND THE DIVISION OF GERMANY AND KOREA The Allied nations brought victoty in the First World War because of the key role of the United States. Because of the United States, England and France were the victorious nations too. In the Second World War, Eisenhower's Normandy invasion brought victoty in the war. The United States had responsibility to manage the world which was against the democratic world. The United States had a good chance to manage the nations which Germany and Japan had controlled, including China and Korea. Then the United States could go fo1ward to embrace the whole world. Was that possible or not? "Yes, it was possible." The Allied nations shouldn't have had any negotiations with Russia. They had to stop Russia's expansion to the East European nations. The United States should have exercised its major power to stop Russia's expansion. The failure of the United States caused the division of Germany, Korea and China. Russia didn't do anything to cause the division. The 38th parallel also is the product of the failure of the United States. She had the power to manage the whole situation of the world at that time. The United States had the responsibility to build a strong UN centered on her own authority and stop the advance of Russia's sphere of influence

6 Divided Korea and the World 133 throughout the world. However, the United States lost a great opportunity which God had prepared. Then, Truman should have listened to MacArthur's suggestion which was to attack the mainland of China and then stop Russia's expansion. But he did not and thus lost a good opportunity. The United States could have governed the colonies which were controlled by England and France, China, and even all Asian nations. Two thirds of the whole world could have been governed by the United States. She had a great opportunity in which she could have governed the whole world. This opportunity was the providence of God. (80-249) The division of Korea was the failure of the United States. At the conference of Potsdam, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin brought about the division of Korea. However this division was the result of a big mistake made by the United States because she had the authority which came from the victory of the Second World War. (67-152) The whole world would have had a chance to build one nation. The failure of the United States and Christianity have brought about the division of Korea. In 1948, the two Koreas established their own governments in the positions of Cain and Abel. Consequently, the world was divided into the democratic and communist world. The democratic world, centered on the Christian thought, built the Abel-type individual, family, nation and world. On the other hand, the communist world built their own Cain-type individual, family, nation and the world. In the democratic world, whenever they are in conflict with each other, they divided by the number 12 such as 12 tribes and 12 brothers. This kind of phenomena came from the division and conflict of Christianity. ( ) The United States' failure brought the division of Korea and the fall of the world. This is the reason we have to go the indemnity course. To restore the free world and stop the expansion of the communism, we have to pay the indemnity. ( ) 5. THE MISSION OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE UNITED NATIONS In fact, the United States couldn't recognize her mission and she did whatever she wanted to do. She did many things for her own sake. She thought the world existed for her sake and that democracy existed also for her sake. She didn't act like a God-centered nation. The will of God is to save the United States for the world. The United States was the key founding member for the UN, but she has made the UN a dysfunctional organization now. The Communists nations occupy the UN today. The enemies took all the blessings which God's nation should have taken. God's side lost Asia, Europe,

7 134 The Way of Unification Af1ica, and South America. When the United States retreated from the Vietnam War, God was very sad. When God looked at this situation, He could not be happy. No one can trust and admire the United States anymore, because she moves only for the sake of herself. No one believes that the United States fulfilled her own mission for the world. If Germany, France and Italy had become communist nations, the people of those nations as well as the people of Asia would blame the failure on the United States. She would be the enemy nation of the world including the communist regime. Eventually she would perish. If the people of the United States do not awaken themselves, the nation will soon perish. Look at the situation of the relationship between the Philippines and the United States and the matter of the Thailand airpo1t. These nations have hostility toward the United States. God trusted the United States and gave her all authority to have dominion over the world. However, she didn't fulfill the mission and may perish. The nation will receive God's judgment through social problems such as broken families, immorality and dmgs. This is the reason that the communists are saying "America is our bait." The people of America should not be proud of themselves. They are in a very shameful position now. (80-251) Within 60 years, from 1917 to 1977, the communist nations have occupied over one-third of the world. As you know the number "6" is the number of Satan. The communist nations will take two-thirds of the world in the last days. The time will come that everyone will say that "the democratic world is perishing now." Today is the time of last days. In the UN, the United States, Korea and Israel are in a lonely situation. Eve1ybody else is on the side of the communists. What is the United States' mission at this point? She must not unite with the satanic world but the spirit world. She must reconstruct the system of the democratic world. God's will for the United States is: get rid of the communist nations in the UN and reorganize the UN. The United States must make that determination right now. If the Christian world unites, the communists can't stand anywhere in the world. Therefore, there should be a Christian UN, centered on the United States. She must understand that Christianity in the nation has a big responsibility to bring the unity of world Christianity. In the Christian UN, they discuss the conflict of the world and God's providence for the world. At the same time they work for world peace. The spirit of a Christian UN would be love and sacrifice for the sake of God and fellow man. It should be the place where the hope of humanity is fulfilled. They would not discuss war, rather they would research the way of humankind's well-being. If the Christian UN had been established earlier, there would be no place the communists could stand in this world. Even though the communists started in Siberia, they would disappear before they could expand their thought to the world. However, the Christian leaders and the United States couldn't

8 Divided Korea and the World 135 fulfill the mission. This is the reason the people of the world have a fear toward the communists in today's world. The unity of the Christian world will save Christianity and the United States which was founded in the spirit of Christianity. When the United States is saved, Rev. Moon will save the world. The United States should be the foundation to save the world. ( ) SECTION 2. GOD'S WILL FOR ASIA 1. JESUS CHRIST CAME TO ACCOMPLISH THE UNIFICATION OF CULTURES Originally, Jesus Christ lived in what are the present Arabian nations which are in the Middle East; specifically, in the area of Israel where the twelve branches of Jacob's family lived. Today, the Arab nations exist where the chosen country, which was a well-trained God-centered country of faith, had waited for the Messiah. The Messiah was born in Israel, a country under Roman conquest. If he had risen to some position threatening independence from Rome, Israel could have become an obstacle to Rome. If so, they would have been persecuted by Rome. Then, the more the Israelite people had been persecuted, the more they would have begun to serve Jesus Christ as the Messiah. If this had happened, the branches of the twelve families who descended from Jacob and lived in the area of today's Arab nations, would have completely unified because they were under Roman oppression. It would have been God's will, which was complete unification. Because Rome was the enemy, and because it was God's will to unite the Israelites and the surrounding nations to stand up against Rome, Jesus Christ who came down as the Messiah would have stood in opposition to Rome by making a unified Arab bloc. If this had taken place, what would have happened? If we look at that time, the world was two countries because the ancient Roman empire was the strongest country. Because the Roman empire had invaded and was effecting Asian countries, all of the oriental countries including the ancient culture of India thought that Rome was up to no good. If we look at it from the political side, if Jesus Christ had tried to oppose Rome the powerful countries of the Far East, which are China and India, would have been the countries that supported Jesus Christ. If so, the Christian Church would have not gone to the West; instead it would have centered on East Asia and Jesus Christ. The way of the Fall is the way of restoration and the way of restoration is the way of recreation. Human beings were divided in mind and body because of the Fall. Then we were divided between the West and the East, heaven and earth, and then broken up into nations. So we can conclude that if we make an internal culture we can then bind together the external culture. We can say that if we make a central religion then we can bind togeth-

9 136 The Way of Unification er external religions. Because God has to prepare for the binding together centering on East Asia, God sent Confucius to the Chinese empire and created a religious foundation and sent Buddha to India and built the way of Buddhism, and sent Socrates who was a philosopher to the West and prepared the foundation of thought. Because Rome was the problem, if the oriental Empires and Arabian region had united, mind and body, internal culture and external culture would have been bound together. Because of that, centering on the Christian Church, the internal religion which is the center of Asian thought, and the external religion, namely the oriental religions, which is like God's body would have brought about the unified culture. Then there would have been total unity. This is the historical view in God' providence. God prepared everything so that it could be like that. So God put Israel under the strongest Roman empire. Binding together everything, God had some strategy to set up a higher main thought centering on the powerful Messianic thought in history. 2. WESTERN CULTURE SHOULD COME TO AsIA IN THE LAST DAYS Jesus Christ's death has the same meaning as mind and body division. That is to say, the spirit and flesh are divided. Because the Arabian sphere is internal, it corresponds to the mind, and because the Asian sphere is external, it corresponds to the body. The mind is in the Abel position and the body is in Cain's position. Unity of Abel and Cain is to accomplish God's will. This is the Principle. Originally, God's will should have been accomplished by centering on Asia, then going into the world of the enemy, and here going around the world establishing the spiritual foundation, then returning again to Asia which corresponds to the body. You have to know it. Rome could not do it. In the last days, this is the reason that Western culture had to come to Asia. It is the spiritual. It is not enough with only spirit. The Western culture is representative of the spiritual world. You should know it. This is also restoration. If Europe and Asia were united into eeone at Jesus Christ's time, the body and mind, spirit and flesh would have united into one. But, because Europe and Asia did not unite into one, taking the position of the spiritual culture, there has to be a providence that looks again at the Asian culture, which is the culture of the body. With the corruption of Western culture in the last days humanity has some expectation from Asia. Look, although the culture of Asia is the physical, it is mainly based on the spiritual, and although the western culture is the spiritual, it is mainly based on physical culture. This is really an ironic problem. So, if both are identical, we say twins. Twins. Then, when God created man, which one was first, body or spirit? Asia represents the physical side of God. Look at mankind. Asia has the way of thinking for the whole or the public purpose. The Western culture, which has

10 Divided Korea and the World 137 taken Christian thought, is in the position not for the whole purpose but for the individual. Both of them are on totally opposite sides. For example, The four position foundation comes about by Origin Division-Union action. This is division. One is on this side, another is on the opposite side. Both have some give-and-take action to unite as one. On one side, the Western individualizes centering on the material rather than the spirit. And oriental culture, which is the internal side, lost everything on the physical side. This side looks for everything centering on the material, and the other side lost everything. So both of them need each other. That is to say, this is the same as finding Jesus Christ's body, which is divided. Because of that, the Western culture should find out how not to make the same mistake again. It should not fail to unite with the Asian culture centering on the Arabian sphere. It is God's providence that God tries to make one culture like the ideal man, one who has fully realized the ideal of creation. This is very important. In here, we can see the historical answer centering on God's providence. This is the historical view. Then, where is the Western culture going to turn to' The United States? Is it true? No. Where is it going to turn to? The Western culture has to go to Asia. The Christian culture that has taken the spiritual culture of Jesus Christ has to totally unite into one with the Asian empires that could have taken the physical culture of Jesus. And they should have become the ideal unified world before Jesus Christ's death. You should know that this is the purpose of culture that has been developed by God. (80-25) 3. THE UNITED STATES IS THE FRUIT OF WESTERN CULTURE The United States, embodiment of the Western spiritual culture has spread it's culture worldwide. So because of that, you should realize that the United States is the central nation of the second Israel. Then, where is America going, the country of Christian culture? Going beyond America, in what direction are we going' The American people say that America should be by itself. Today the American congress says that America should be by itself. But God's will is to make one between the Western culture and Asian culture. Then if the Western spiritual culture, namely the Christian culture, a culture based on the mind, bears fruit what is next? It should find a body. It should seek out Jesus Christ's body. Shouldn't it? Yes. Where are we looking for it? Originally, if the Arab sphere became one I said that the Asian cultural sphere is like the body. So, where does the Western culture go? We come to the conclusion that the Western culture should be looking for Jesus Christ's body, which is Asian culture. Because the Western culture is corrupt, Dr. Toynbee came to the conclusion that there will come the time that Asian culture can control the world. Asia must be interested in the Western culture. Because of that, we should have a strategy to make one culture. The time has come. We can't survive as humanity only. We know that we have no where to go in the world. There is

11 138 The Way of Unification only Asia. Asian people are waiting for the Western physical culture. East and West both hope for that. It is strange. Why has the Western culture centering on Christian culture received so much material blessing? It is looking for Jesus Christ's body. In seeking something like Jesus Christ's body, where should it go to? Originally, it has to go to Asia, and go to some place to unite into one the West and the East. Because of that, America should aid Asia. America should know that America should help Asia more than Europe. Until now America has not done that. (80-313) 4. AMERICA SHOULD BRING ABOUT WORLD UNIFICATION THROUGH AsIA Originally, God's will was to unify the world centering on Asia. In order to advance, God's providence came to Rome, and then went around the world and should return to Asia again. Why? It is because Rome got all of the blessing. Rome got the blessing, which was supposed to go to Israel. It is going to Asia, from centering on Rome on the Italian peninsula, it is going to Asia. The Christian Church should try to make unity with the will which is trying to accomplish God's will centering on Jesus Christ. And then, the Lord of the Second Advent comes to the earth, and connects with physical, and does a liberation campaign throughout the world. Where is the central nation in East Asia and Asia? It is not Japan, not China and not East Asia. You should know that it is Korea. So, Korea is divided into two like a sacrificial offering. Korea is divided into God's side and Satan's side. Abraham also divided the sacrificial offering. South Korea and North Korea are fighting with each other centering on Panmunjoum, which is on the line to divide North and South Korea. There is only one place, which is Panmunjoum, in the world that God's side and Satan's side hold as their own land. It is like the court where God and Satan fight each other. South and North become one, and if they come back to God's side, the communist world is going to fall down. America should connect with Asia. Because Jesus Christ died, the Christian Church which is in Asia receives the victory in order to solve the resentment of Jesus Christ. If Korea doesn't get victory, the Christian Church in Asia will become totally corrupt. God will kick it out of Asia. Who has responsibility for that? It is America. All of the Christian Churches in Asia will come under Satanic dominion at the moment that America gives up Korea. Next, God will be kicked out of Asia also. If so, America will totally perish. Before Korea perishes America will perish first. Do you know what I say? You should know that God will punish America first. You should know this. Because the political situation came to this point, God sent Rev. Moon to the earth. Because Asia should be stronger, Rev. Moon came to America and created a movement to make a foundation for Asia, binding together America young people. The America government ignored that Rev. Moon was prepar-

12 Divided Korea and the World 139 ing to connect to Asia and they were opposed to Rev. Moon. Is your mind in Asia? Yes. You should establish some condition to fulfill the responsibility that the American government did not. If Asia yields to Communism, we should restore Asia again by binding together young members of the Unification Church. (92-176) SECTION 3. TIIE PROVIDENCE FOR KOREAN CHRllSTIANI1Y 1. JAPANESE COLONIAL RULE OF KOREA The history of the restoration providence is the history to restore through indemnity by repeating the same conditions and the same circumstances. It is God's providence to set up indemnity conditions by repeating missions not accomplished through history of two thousand years since Jesus Christ died. The Second Advent could not come to an independent nation. It is because Israel did not meet Jesus Christ as the rulers of Israel. The Israelites had lost their own nation, and many tribes had been scattered. So, Jesus Christ had started in the lonely position without a nation and Church. In the days of the Second Advent, God has to prepare to connect with one country in that position. The nation that is in a position like that is Korea. Korea, externally and internally, is very similar to the Israelite people. If we see Korea from the Asian side, Korean is very similar to the Israelite people. If we look at Korean history, Korean history has been the history to restore Abel and Cain. Korea has been in the position to be invaded. Internally, Korea has had a very complicated history until today. In recent history, Korea was a Japanese colony for 40 years. It corresponds to the Roman persecution for 400 years of Christianity. It also corresponds to the 400 years in Egypt by the Israelites. Because it corresponded to such times the Koreans had to go through so much suffering. As you know, the country of Japan worships the Shinto gods. Japan took approximately 120 years to reach the top of modern civilization. Japan externally developed their own country. Korea has internally developed for 120 years centering on Christianity. Already 80 years have passed. Unless we bring about worldwide reconstruction within 40 years, we have no way to bring victory. 2. GoD'S PROVIDENCE FOR KOREA If Japan corresponds as the country to substitute for Britain what do you think about Korea? Because the Korean peninsula is the same as the culture of Italy, Korea is divided into North Korea and South Korea just as Christianity has been divided in the spirit and the flesh. So we have to unify. How can we unify Korea? The Korean people should accept the spiritual Christian culture.

13 140 The Way of Unification This government has accepted the Christian culture. What about the Unification church? Rev. Moon is the man who makes the history of restoration like the body of Jesus Christ centering on a new dimension, and pays the indemnity for the failure of the substantial salvation. Because of that, where does the Lord of the Second Advent appear? As it has been received that the spiritual Vatican conquers the world centering on the Roman Vatican, the Second Advent should come to the Korean peninsula in Asia, which is the Roman Vatican in Asia. Because it is related with the history of God's providence, Korea is the place that life and death should be decided. Because the history of restoration through indemnity is restored in the same way we lost it, we should know what is happening in Korea now. You should know that we are connected to three countries. And these three countries come into a situation of confrontation again. At the time of confrontation we saw Britain, America, and France confronting Japan, Italy, and Germany. If it had finished then everything would have been over. But because it was not over, Communism and Democracy are fighting with each other on a higher level in Korea. With the division of South and North, we should unite the Communist side and the Democratic side. Therefore, God's side should unify three countries, and Satan's side should unify three countries. 3. THE THREE YEARS FROM LIBERATION TO , the day that Korea met the restoration of independence is the day that Japan perished. That day is the new starting point in Korea. The chosen Koreans which met the day connected the national fortune to the world nations to fulfill the responsibility of historical destiny. There is the man who has hope for the family, tribe, nation. It is the day of hope for the nation that Jesus Christ could not establish. At that time, Korea did also not establish that type of nation. It is in the same way Jesus Christ did not establish that type of nation because of his crucifixion. In the same way, the Christians were more of a problem for Rev. Moon than the rest of the nation of Korea. Korea was established under the protection of Christian nations of the democratic world. At that time, Rev. Moon had expected to start in the highest position with the famous leaders who founded a country in order to fulfill it's destiny of the new Providence. Then, because the ministers who were representative of the Christian Church were opposed to Rev. Moon, God's will was blocked everywhere. All this has not been explained until now. The content I am talking about is totally new. Korea was a nation formed on God's side centering on the Christian Church. Because a few ministers who represented Christianity were opposed to Rev. Moon, a way opened that nationwide the Christian churches could oppose Rev. Moon. Rev. Moon had prepared everything for this for three years from 1945 to In this period, Rev Moon worked individually. But nobody knew that he had a historical mission. Because I was in that position the

14 Divided Korea and the World 141 Christian Church could oppose Rev. Moon. I knew that God prepared a lot of spiritual groups. Even though God prepared internally, if the Christian Church opposes with the rest of the nation, it is in the position of Judaism and Israel which opposed Jesus Christ. During the three years from , Rev. Moon was not welcomed by the Christian Churches and nation. They were frantically opposed to me with the national power and foundation. That was the reason it was necessary to pay restoration by indemnity of Jesus Christ's position. Because the people who led the Christian Church divided with Rev. Moon, it became the motivation to separate as South and Nmth. North Korea established their own government in Therefore, there is fighting in two ways. One should nationally fight with the government centering on Christianity, another should externally fight with Communism, which is Satan on the national level. Because Christianity was in the position to oppose Goel, we have to meet a destiny of collapse for twenty years to pay 2000 years indemnity. This is the principle view point. SECTION 4. THE PROVIDENTIAL MEANING OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH DIVISION 1. KOREA IS THE WORIDWIDE SACRIFICIAL NATION 1) KOREA B EARING THE MISSl01'i OF WORLD H ISTORICAL I NDEMNITY Now we should recognize the stark law of cause and effect that we call the Restoration of Indemnity as the undeniable principle of the Process of the Providence of History. In the final days, when we ask who will take on the mission of the Indemnity of World History, we must realize the country is none other than Korea. Through the Korean war, the world's left and right situation became centered on the confrontation line of the 38th parallel. Because of these ideologies that had no relationship and had no affinity with the people, they became sacrifices by shedding their blood. We cannot see this reality as sorrowful. Today after nearly twenty years from that time, we see Korea is on the world level and again standing in the position of having to represent a sorrowful destiny. From this we see why Korea had to be driven to this kind of fate. Hence, when we look into the History of Restoration through Indemnity, we can know the reality that God has been pursuing world historical and heavenly responsibility through Korea. North and South Korea is bordered to the west by Reel China and to the North by the Soviet Union. To the east and south we have Japan who, together with Red China, have complicated the direction of Asia. As you all know, the problem with the Vietnamese President's course of action was discussed not by his own will but rather at a national government arena after a bargaining offering was presented.

15 142 The Way of Unification When we see this reality, we realize we cannot simply conclude that this fate should not have happened to our Korea. Under these circumstances, the more we think about how Korea will be hereafter, the position Korean stands in can only be one of sorrow. Hence, we have to realize that Korea's present situation cannot be distinguished through the strength of the people alone. In other words, Korea is faced with choosing a path on which the people will survive. With the Korean people's strength alone this would be an impossible situation. We know well that we have no requisite for hope to break through the scars and regrettable environment into an independent sovereignty. When we see the history of restoration through indemnity, in this position the one hope these people can live with is that there is no other path other than that of offering the people up to Heaven. We can draw the same conclusion from principle. 2) THE NATIO!\ THAT CAN ACCOMPLISH THE FINAL SUBSTANTIAL I NDEMNITY It is not simply to go the historical course of indemnity. You have to make the four thousand years of vertical history of restoration from Adam to Jesus reemerge and horizontally restore them through indemnity. We have to horizontally restore today what is left from the two thousand year indemnity course after Jesus. That is what was left undone during that time when the Christian church was teaching the gospel to many races and nations. In what kind of environment can restoration through indemnity occur? It can only occur where God and Satan are confronting each other. That is why whether you look at Cain and Abel's time, Noah's time, Abraham's time, Moses' time, or Jesus time there is always a God and Satan confrontation centering on individuals, families and races. An offering for an offering, a person for a person, a family for a family, etc. Placing a central figure who bore a certain mission and carried certain conditions, God and Satan have been confronting and choosing whether they were to win or to be defeated. If we view the expanded history of restoration, from the Old Testament Age to the New Completed Testament Age, we see that it is symbolic. From period of indemnity to period of indemnity, indemnity was possible through setting up certain conditions. However, in the final clays, because we are in the substantial indemnity period, indemnity must come on a one on one basis, a nation if it's a nation, one person if it's a people. To do this is God's historical hope. Without determining victory against Satan at these levels, nation against nation, the people against people, they will never completely be established in front of God. 3) NATIONAL CENTRAL POINT OF HISTORICAL CAIN ABEL CONFLICT In Adam's family the person born into the position of elder brother was Cain. The person born into the position of younger brother was Abel. But as you know, clue to the fall, this did not happen. In order to restore this God

16 Divided Korea and the World 143 has to choose the second born and raise him to the position of elder brother. Doing this is the course of historical Cain-Abel conflict followed until today. This reason expanded from the individual to the family, tribe, society, nation, and world. If we view today's democratic world and communist world from Gods position, the communist world was first to dream of possession of world sovereignty. What was to be done by the coming Lord was first taken by the Satanic side, externally equipped, as in the case of the first-borns. Later the Unification Church emerged from a position where it could restore this through indemnity. Without seeking the elder brother's position, world unification is impossible. This is the same whether you center on the individual, family, tribe, race, or nation. Everything is divided into Cain and Abel positions. We have to restore the elder sonship. Therefore, if a divided nation does not arise, the foundation for God's Will cannot be accomplished. It cannot be done without a division in the position, just like that of an offering. Accordingly, the problem is to be exposed centering on a nation that is divided into a democratic camp and a communist camp. Worldwide today we have Korea, China, Vietnam, and Germany in this situation. There can be no world peace if the democratic world cannot unite and force the communist surrender centering on the nations that stand divided. The Peoples Republic of Korea is divided into North and South Korea. If we view this from God's Will, the North is the Cain nation and the Peoples Republic of Korea is the Abel nation. In order for an Abel nation to exist, there has to be a Cain nation in front of the Abel nation. The Cain nation appears and takes the elder brother's role, already taking on a structure. And now an Abel nation is being born. When this happens, we see the people take on the mission to restore. When North and South Korea make contact and fight, they are not fighting centering on Korea but rather it is a fight centering on the world. If the nation is to be restored, the Cain and Abel nations have to collide and the Cain nation has to surrender to the Abel nation's position. It is a principled law that without this there can be no national restoration. 4) Tm: PATH THE ABEL NATION MusT WALK Until now we have been working through tribes centering on Korea. However, it doesn't end here. We have been fighting until now, receiving persecution from the existing churches. Now, with the Unification Church as the Abel religious body the only remaining question is; how to win the Cain-type existing churches. The day existing churches and we unite, we can show this race the process and create one nation centering on God. This is not impossible. It is possible. The day this is determined, South Korea will become the Abel nation. The Abel nation cannot just be an Abel nation. It needs to find

17 144 The Way of Unification the Cain nation. If you look from this point of view, we can conclude that the reason the north and the south divided is because of God's love. It was because of Gods love. What would have happened if the Cain nation was Japan or Russia? If that was the case, the restoration of Cain would be impossible. You have to know that because they are divided within one race we can restore Cain, on the foundation of the same history and the root. This is the best situation to restore Cain. So, on the day when the North and the South unite, the Republic of Korea, as a whole nation, will completely take the Abel position, take the world wide mission, and will enter as representative of the all the countries in the world. Then which way should this Abel nation go? It must go the way which can win the Cain nation. When winning the Cain nation, you don't win over just one nation, but you must win over three nations. When you see from the Principle point of view, the day when three Cain nations come under an Abel nation, every nation in the world will automatically come to submit to Abel. This is the way the Unification Church must go, but all must go this way, not only the Unification Church. Then where is the problem? The problem is the enemy. 2. FACE-OFF BETWEEN GoD AND SATAN There is no place like Korea's Panmunjom. This is the place where Satan and God slander each other at the same time. These things happen because otherwise there can be no restoration. So they enter into an intense situation. One universal distinction in Korea is that there is Panmunjom. This is the only place on earth where Satan and God slander each other centering on the world. This represents the place in spirit world where God and Satan slander on earth. The only place that emerged on earth where God and Satan slander centering on human beings. Panmunjom is a guard post where Satan and God slander each other. It could not be called Kum Mun Jorn, golden gate, so it became Pan Mun Jorn, plank gate. This is temporary. Satan and God are in the same situation. Ladies and gentlemen, visit Panmunjom once. It is the same as children fighting. Like a chicken fight. There is only one such place on the earth. It is a camp where Satan and God slander each other. It is the same as a Holy Place. Just like Cain always attacks first, we have to go through the first, second and third attack. The Second attack happened, right? Now, with the third attack, we have to choose the destiny of the nation. The time where we can fight to determine the world's destiny. The boundary of North and South Korea is at Panmunjom, which has no owner. It is neither the South's nor the North's. It is written Panmunjom which

18 Divided Korea and the World 145 means "door made out of planks." It cannot be a metal door nor golden door. If there was an owner, it could probably change. Since there isn't one, it cannot happen. So, that is why at this place, Satan and God can slander each other centering on all the nations in the world, centering on the races, and centering on an individual. When they slander Korea, even if one person does wrong, the whole nation could be struck. Even if a family does wrong, the whole nation will be hit. Also if an individual or family of North Korea does wrong, the North Korean sovereignty could be slandered. If an individual, family, or organization does wrong, it could affect the nation and the North Korean sovereignty could be slandered. That is, even if an individual does wrong the whole nation is struck, even if a family does wrong the whole nation is struck, and even if an organization does wrong the whole nation is struck. If a family or an organization commits a wrong doing, the whole nation is effected by it. 3. WE MUST OVERCOME THE 38TH PARALLEL The way the Unification Church is going today is also the same. We were born for God and for the world. We have to have this kind of heart. In other words, we must think, "I was born for sake of the world, to solve this crucial situation." We have to overcome the 38th parallel. We have to cross it, even if there is another bigger 38th parallel. We have to think the problem is not the Korean people's problem of the 38th parallel. What will happen when we destroy it and have become one nation? There are more 38th parallels remaining; for instance, the boundaries between Korea and China and the Soviet Union. Having a 38th parallel separating the North and the South is not a big case. This 38th parallel was centering on our people, but after that, there are more extreme and stronger boundaries we have to cross. In order to establish the foundation for a peace to solve our people's problems, we must also establish a stronger base to victoriously solve even bigger 38th parallels. When we see from this point of view, Korea's 38th parallel is not a problem. If our Korea people can resolve our 38th parallel and become people who can defeat the worldwide 38th parallels of China and the Soviet Union, the Korean people can only become people who will place new sovereignty in the world and guide with new direction. Do you have the faith to do that? From now on, the Unification Church will overcome the 38th parallel and become a peace bearer of the world. We need to go straight forward, not round about.

19 146 The Way of Unification It's simple what I prayed going over the 38th parallel. "Heavenly Father, don't worry. I'll even unite North Korea." My prayer was very short. Even though I spent my life time putting it into action, it has not happened yet. But, you must return to your hometown. Otherwise, God's Will cannot be accomplished.

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