TRUTH CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4

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1 TRUTH CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4 SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE Objectives for Language Arts By the end of the language arts unit, the student should be able to: Reading - read a variety of literary genres, such as adventure, science fiction, fantasy, mystery and the like. -draw inferences. -recall and build background knowledge. -identify theme and supporting details. -recall details of content. -use KWL, mapping, word pictures and SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, review) techniques to improve reading skills. -name and describe many types of literature including allegories, melodramas, tragedies and the like. -name and describe the basic elements of a story including conflict, tone/mood, plot, rising/falling action, point of view and character analysis (protagonist vs. antagonist). -recognize forms of literature such as drama, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, mythology and the like. Vocabulary -complete weekly spelling tests containing challenging words. -write sentences from dictation with correctly spelled words. -correctly spell and define vocabulary words. -use word recognition skills such as phonics, context clues, word origins and word order clues. -use reference materials. -define and use the most common prefixes, suffixes and roots. -use reading materials as a source of vocabulary building. -use a reading response journal. Writing Skills -practice and improve sentences, narrowing the topic, recognizing first person, second person, and third person. -set up writing folders, rough draft guidelines, a three-point expository paragraph. -recognize story elements and story element outlines. -write a descriptive paragraph in first person; narrative writing in first person. -write a personal narrative in first person. -write tall tales. -write a persuasive paragraph in first person. -write narrative writing with dialogue -write a friendly letter, four kinds of business letters, thank-you notes, invitations. -write a persuasive friendly letter, persuasive business letter. -write a guided research report (14 steps for researching a topic and writing a report, outline guide, skimming, selecting sources, bibliography, taking notes, organizing notes, outlines, rough draft, editing, final report). -take notes from an oral lecture: write an essay from notes. -write and edit an autobiography. -write and publish a fairy tale. -write and publish haiku poetry.

2 Language -recall study skills. -know four kinds of sentences, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, a and an choice. -classify sentences, subject nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, article adjectives, complete subjects and complete predicates. -capitalize and punctuate sentences and paragraphs, proper adjectives, common and proper nouns. -define the difference between fact and opinion. -recognize prepositions, objects of prepositions, prepositional phrases, adverb exceptions. -understand independent and dependent clauses, introducers of dependent clauses, adjective clauses, relative pronouns. -identify adverb clauses, noun clauses, problems in usage. -recognize verbals, participles, gerunds, infinitives, and infinitive phrases. -change verb tense, active voice, passive voice. -name regular and irregular verbs, simple and perfect tenses, finding tenses, verb conjugation. -recognize appositives. -recognize direct and indirect objects. -identify and categorize kinds of pronouns (personal, indefinite, demonstrative, interrogative). -punctuate beginning, split, and end quotations, and dialogue. -use helping verbs, not adverbs, question verbs, interrogative sentences. -make nouns possessive. -write metaphors and similes. -identify conjunctions, interjections, compound subjects and compound verbs, double negatives, and three degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Oral Presentation -summarize orally the main events of book. -construct a formal outline for a presentation. -organize presentations to include an introduction, body and conclusion. -use note cards. -use communication skills in a variety of settings. -use appropriate voice tone such as volume, rate, expression and variety. -use proper delivery techniques such as eye contact, posture, and gestures. SEVENTH GRADE Objectives for Mathematics By the end of the year, the student will be able to: -round whole numbers and decimals with 85% accuracy. -add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals with 90% accuracy. -write variable expressions. -write & solve two-step addition, subtraction multiplication and division equations for a related problem using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers. -estimate sums, differences, products and quotients of whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers. -round measurements. -use mental math strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, decimals,

3 fractions, and mixed numbers. -analyze, interpret, or revise given information to make conclusions and solve problems. -simplify, evaluate, compare, and order exponential expressions. -find the LCM of 2 or 3 numbers with 85% accuracy. -solve related problems by writing linear equations. -evaluate variable expressions and identify equivalent expressions. -interpret remainders. -recognize that the prime factorization of a composite number is unique. -evaluate simple multiplication expressions with decimal replacements. -compare products to determine best buy. -write and multiply numbers in scientific notation. -discover patterns using ratios and number series. -develop problem solving strategies. -interpret line plots and stem & leaf plots. -determine mean, median, mode, range and quartiles for a set of data. -construct and interpret a frequency distribution. -use graphs and statistics to analyze, interpret, and make predictions about data. -compare and order fractions with 90% accuracy. -add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions with like and unlike denominators with 85% accuracy. -solve equations with fractions. -add, subtract, multiply and divide problems with an assortment of mixed numbers, fractions or whole numbers. -identify and write equivalent fractions. -write and use the reciprocals of fractions and whole numbers. -write a fraction or mixed number as a decimal and vise versa. -compute and evaluate expressions using order of operations. -add, subtract, multiply, and divide signed numbers. -identify equivalent forms of signed numbers. -solve one- and two-step equations with signed numbers. -solve and graph inequalities. -understand how signed numbers are used in a realistic situations. -identify and apply properties of signed numbers. -use the scale of a map and make scale drawings. -find the percent of a number with 85% accuracy. -find the percent when the base and percentage are given with 85% accuracy. -find the base when a percent of it is known with 85% accuracy. -find simple interest. -calculate percent of increase or decrease. -find equivalent ratios. -calculate and compare rates. -write and solve proportions with 85% accuracy. -understand percents and write in equivalent forms with 85% accuracy. (as a decimal, fraction and with %) -identify different types of angles and pairs of angles. -understand the need for standard units of measure. -identify and make conclusions about parallel and perpendicular lines.

4 -identify, explore, and calculate perimeters of polygons. -understand how and why pi is approximated. -recognize translation, reflection and turn images of figures. -identify the medians and altitudes of triangles. -use transformations to identify congruent line segments and angles given in a figure and its turn image. -identify the scale factor in two similar triangles given their dimensions. -identify perpendicular, parallel, and skew edges of a right rectangular prism. -calculate perimeter, area and volume of various geometric figures. -solve one-step inequalities. -find and graph ordered pairs. -perform translations, reflections and half-turns in the coordinate plane. -make predictions about graphs and compare graphs. -solve basic probability problems and use a random number table. -solve problems related to all of the above in realistic settings. SEVENTH & EIGHTH GRADE PRE-ALGEBRA Objectives for Pre-Algebra By the end of the year, the student will be able to: -write mathematical expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. -substitute numbers for variables and evaluate the resulting expression. -round whole numbers and decimals to any place with 85% accuracy. -estimate sums, products, differences and quotients of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and mixed numbers. -add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers with 85% accuracy. -solve basic algebraic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions and mixed numbers. -use the symmetric property of equality. -use basic problem solving skills to write algebraic equations to solve multi-step word problems. -multiply by multiples of 10, 100, or 1000 with 90% accuracy. -multiply and divide 1-3 digit numbers with 85% accuracy. -read, write, round, and compare decimals with 85% accuracy. -apply the rules for order of operations in simplifying expressions. -recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication. -recognize and use the distributive property of multiplication over addition. -simplify expressions by combining like terms. -solve equations that have the variable in more than one term. -use formulas to solve problems. -use various types of graphs and charts to solve word problems. -read and use blueprints, a sales-tax table, a car-rental ad, a telephone-rate chart, a scorebook, a mileage chart, find information in a display, and use a ruler & map scale.

5 -use exponents to simplify expressions. -test for divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. -write the prime factorization of whole numbers. -write the algebraic factorization of an expression. -find the Greatest Common Factor and the Least Common Multiple of 2 expressions. -find an equivalent fraction. -write fractions in lowest terms with 90% accuracy. -identify the least common denominator of a pair of fractions with 85% accuracy. -compare 2 fractions with 90% accuracy. -use equations with like terms to solve problems. -write whole numbers and mixed numbers as fractions and vise versa with 85% accuracy. -write fractions and mixed numbers in simplest form with 85% accuracy. -write quotients as mixed numbers. -identify reciprocals. -find a fraction of a whole number. -relate fractions to customary units of measure. -find a number when a fraction is known. -order & compare integers. -add, subtract, multiply and divide integers. -write numbers in scientific notation. -solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations involving integers. -solve 2-step equations involving integers. -write a rational number in simplest form. -compare 2 rational numbers. -write a rational number in decimal form and vise versa. -add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. -solve algebraic equations having rational numbers. -simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms. -solve an equation the has several terms on each side of the equation. -give the ratio of two quantities. -change ratios to higher or lower terms. -solve proportions. -solve rate problems using proportions. -change percent to a fraction and vise versa with 85% accuracy. -find the percent of a number and find a number when a percent of the number is known. -solve percent problems by using proportions. -compute percent of increase or decrease. -use a protractor to measure and draw angles. -classify angles as acute, right, or obtuse. -identify parallel and perpendicular lines. -classify polygons. -use and make conversions with metric units of length. -compute the perimeter and area of various polygons. (rectangle, square, rhombus, parallelogram, triangle) -compute the circumference and area of a circle. -use the above mentioned geometry skills to solve realistic word problems. -classify space figures by their faces, vertices, and edges.

6 -compute the surface area and volume of cubes and other rectangular prisms. -use formulas to solve realistic problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms. -compute the volume of a cylinder, pyramid, and cone. -use formulas to solve problems involving volumes of cylinders, pyramids, and cones. -graph the solutions of inequalities on the number line. -solve inequalities. -solve 2-step inequalities. -give the coordinates of a point on a graph. -graph an ordered pair. -write ordered pairs that are solutions of equations with two variables. -graph solutions of linear equations and inequalities. -solve a system of linear equations by graphing. -use systems of linear equations to solve word problems. -use proportion to find the lengths of sides of similar triangles. -use similar right triangles to solve indirect-measurement problems. -find the square root of a perfect square. -use the divide-and-average method to find square roots that are not whole numbers. -use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the lengths of sides of right triangles. -use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve realistic word problems. EIGHTH GRADE Objectives for Algebra I By the end of the year, the student will be able to: -write and solve mathematical expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. -substitute numbers for variables and evaluate the resulting expression. -add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions, and mixed numbers with 90% accuracy. -solve algebraic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations with integers, decimals, fractions and mixed numbers. -use the symmetric property of equality. -use basic problem solving skills to write algebraic equations to solve multi-step word problems. -apply the rules for order of operations in simplifying expressions and evaluating equations. -recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication. -recognize and use the distributive property of multiplication over addition. -simplify difficult algebraic expressions. -use formulas to solve problems. -use various types of graphs and charts to solve word problems. -use the various rules of exponents to simplify expressions. (product, quotient & power rule, negative exponents, zero exponents, etc.) -write the prime factorization of algebraic expressions. -find the Greatest Common Factor and the Least Common Multiple of algebraic expressions. -identify and use reciprocals and the multiplicative inverse.

7 -find the fractional part of numbers with 85% accuracy. -find decimal parts of numbers with 85% accuracy. -write numbers in scientific notation and solve algebraic expressions containing them. -add, subtract, multiply and divide integers with 85% accuracy. -add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational expressions. -solve algebraic equations having rational numbers. -solve proportions with 85% accuracy. -solve rate problems using proportions with 85% accuracy. -find the percent of a number and find a number when a percent of the number is known with 85% accuracy. -solve percent problems by using proportions. -classify triangles and name angles as acute, right, or obtuse. -classify polygons and distinguish between concave and convex polygons. -use and make conversions with metric units of length. -compute the perimeter and area of various polygons. (rectangle, square, rhombus, parallelogram, triangle) -compute the circumference and area of a circle. -use the above mentioned geometry skills to solve realistic word problems. -classify geometric solids by their faces, vertices, and edges. -compute the surface area and volume of cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, and cones. -use formulas to solve realistic problems involving volumes of cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, and cones. -solve inequalities. -graph an ordered pair, inequalities, and linear equations. -write ordered pairs that are solutions of equations with two variables. -solve a system of linear equations by graphing and by using algebraic methods. -use systems of linear equations to solve word problems. -use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the lengths of sides of right triangles. -use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve realistic word problems. -find the absolute value and graph absolute value inequalities. -understand the "opposite" role of negative signs. - understand the terms undefined and infinity. -find the roots of numbers. -use functional notation and evaluate functions. -use the Trichotomy axiom to solve expressions. -solve algebraic equations with more than one variable. -find the range, median, mode, and mean. -name polynomials according to the number of terms and state the degree of the polynomial. -add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials. -solve complex fractions. -distinguish between finite and infinite sets. -understand and use the concept of sets and subsets. -describe and state the difference between natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers. -understand and use square roots and higher order roots including the product and

8 quotient rule of square roots. -add, subtract, multiply, and divide radical expressions. -simplify complex radical expressions and equations. -solve probability problems. -factor algebraic expressions. -find and graph the equation of a line. -find the slope and intercept of a line and use these to graph the line. -complete stem & leaf plots. -graph non-linear functions. -use the distance formula to compute the distance between two points. -use algebra to solve uniform motion problems. -understand and write algebraically vertical & horizontal shifts and reflections about the x and y axis. -distinguish between direct variation and inverse variation. -complete the square. -use the quadratic formula to solve algebraic expression and equations. SEVENTH GRADE Objectives for Earth Science By the end of the science unit, the student should be able to: -understand the major points in both evolution and creationism. -relate the scientific and historical arguments supporting biblical creationism. -recognize scientific truths revealed in the bible before they were discovered by scientists. -know God as creator of matter, but He is not matter Himself. He is a spirit. -understand there is more to the universe than simply matter in motion. -recall facts discoveries of scientists such as Kepler, Galileo, Newton and Copernicus. -recognize notable inventions, discoveries, and developments by creationist scientists. -understand the development of modern science. -identify the laws of Thermodynamics, Biogenesis, Mathematics, Logic and Heredity. -define the characteristics of stars and locate three different constellations. -differentiate the major characteristics of the sun, moon, and all of the planets. -understand effects of the sun and moon and the question of life on other planets. -compare comets and meteors. -know past and present events in the exploration of space. -understand instruments used to measure weather, specifically precipitation and the forecasting of violent storms. -understand earth's unique atmospheric qualities, such as electromagnetic waves, spectrum, radio waves, microwaves and radiation. -understand the makeup of air, air pressure, use of a barometer, and air motion. -understand earth and atmospheric water and the water cycle. -understand meteorology, including weather, climate, relation of earth to sun, seasons, effects of latitude, global and local wind currents, clouds, weather fronts and precipitation patterns. -know characteristics of atmospheric and global/local winds and pressure systems. -relate the comparison of the three major earth-age dating methods and their strengths and weaknesses. -use various tests to identify minerals and rocks. -understand volcano formation and effects. -understand earthquake activity and its effect on civilization. -know the movement of the earth's crust in mountain formation and the effects of weathering, ground water, and glaciers. -define the tectonics theory and continental drift with relation to mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes.

9 -plot currents, reefs, and mid-oceanic ridges according to oceanography. -relate the scientific method; its purpose, steps, and use. -read maps; how to read the township system to find locations in Colorado, how to read topographic maps. -locate basic ocean currents, nature of the sea floor, the nature of sea water. EIGHTH GRADE OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTORY LOGIC AND INTERMEDIATE LOGIC By the end of the introductory and intermediate logic unit, the student should be able to: -define logic, distinguishing between the major branches. -define statement, distinguishing between supported and self-supporting. -understand the relationships between statements. -know real, apparent, and verbal disagreements. -define validity. -translate statements into categorical form. -draw and use the square of opposition. -define syllogism, identifying the terms, premises, and conclusion. -determine the mood and figure of a syllogism, identifying the valid forms. -write counter examples. -test syllogisms for validity using the five rules. -determine valid immediate inferences for categorical statements. -test syllogisms for validity using Venn diagrams. -know the existential presupposition. -translate arguments in ordinary language into standard form syllogisms. -understand Modus ponens and modus tollens arguments, and related fallacies. -Informal fallacies. -know five purposes and types of definitions. -know the rules for defining by genus and difference. -organize and judge a formal debate. -know logical operators, their symbols, English equivalents, and define truth tables. -translate arguments into symbolic form. -test for validity of arguments using longer and shorter truth tables. -identify and use the dilemma. -write formal proofs of validity using the nineteen rules of inference. -test for consistency, equivalence, and validity using truth trees. -draw elementary digital logic circuits. Bible Scope and Sequence Outline 7 th and 8 th Grade I. Understand that God speaks today A. Learning to be still

10 1. Know that there is order in being still: Prov. 46:10 2. Know that praying God s word stills the mind 3. Quietness promotes peaceful attitudes 4. When the mind is still, we enter God s presence 5. Meditation on God s will helps the mind to be still 6. Develop a deeper communion with God B. Why do we seek God s voice 1. Matt. 4: 4 2. Learn that hearing brings blessings C. Sharpen spiritual hearing by keeping a Rhema journal and recording what is heard D. Confirmation of God s voice 1. Ask people of God such as parents, teachers, pastors 2. God s voice agrees with His written word 3. God s voice brings order and peace 4. God s voice points to God s wisdom and not man s 5. God s voice brings correction and love 6. Comes through the writings of wise scholars 7. Comes through special speakers 8. Confirmed in the mouth of two or three mature witnesses E. Ways of hearing God 1. God expressing Himself through His word 2. Through Christ the Word incarnate 3. Through the Holy Spirit 4. Through a still, small voice 5. Through an audible voice 6. Visions and dreams 7. Prophetic utterances 8. Through circumstances F. Practicing hearing God s voice builds confidence and faith 1. Consistency builds confidence and faith: set a time daily to hear from God 2. Ask God how to live a life filled with righteousness, peace, and joy G. Recording God s word helps us to listen because it quiets the mind H. God s direction is spiritual first, then the natural II. Understand God s word consists of the spoken and written word A. Full Gospel of Jesus Christ is all God says, both rhema and logos 1. Rhema is the spoken word of God 2. Logos is the written word 3. Logos was rhema and becomes rhema again when it s alive in us 4. God s standards vs. man s understanding of what the word word means B. Practice using the double-edged sword of rhema and logos 1. The sword cuts away the flesh in order for the spirit to grow in maturity. 2. One edge cuts and the other heals 3. Emphasize how the flesh and spirit are being separated: Heb. 4:12 4. Learn about spiritual warfare

11 C. Washing of the water of the word makes the Bride of Christ to be without spot, wrinkle or blemish: Eph. 5:27 D. History of written word 1. Truths given to the world for profit 2. Christ the Word incarnate 3. God s word written by eyewitnesses E. Understand the authenticity and purpose of the Holy Scriptures 1. The word is divinely inspired 2. The words of Jesus are spirit and life: John 6:63 3. The written word is for our learning to give hope: Rom. 15:4 4. The word of God is living and powerful to help us live a consecrated life F. Situations change but Jesus Christ, the Word, is the same yesterday, today and forever III. IV. Joyfully praise the Lord on a consistent basis A. Objects of praise 1. God Himself Father, Son, Holy Spirit 2. His name: 1 Chron. 29:13 3. His power: Ps. 21:13 4. His wonders: Ps. 89:5 5. Loving kindness: Ps. 138:2 B. Why praise the Lord 1. The Lord inhabits the praises of His people: Ps. 22:3 2. To rise in the spirit 3. The joy of the Lord is our strength: Neh. 8:10 4. To defeat the enemy 5. Celebrate God 6. Give God glory C. What to sing 1. Hymns 2. Rhema songs 3. Praise songs 4. Use of recordings 5. High praise D. Where and when do we praise the Lord 1. Chapel, classrooms, performances 2. Prayer and praise closets 3. While we live: Ps. 146:2 E. How to praise joyfully 1. With reverence and respect 2. Tribe of Judah/ Holy Spirit led 3. Acappella 4. With instruments 5. With clapping/raising hands 6. With dancing Learn God s standard of living and behaving in this world A. God s standard is His Son, Christ, the Word

12 B. Being yoked with Christ 1. Physical yoking 2. Spiritual yoking 3. His meekness 4. Gives rest for your souls 5. Christ is your burden-bearer 6. Holiness 7. Living, moving, and having your being in Him 8. Don t count the cost C. Honesty 1. With God 2. With self 3. With others D. Love 1. Agape love is unconditional 2. Phileo love is brotherly love 3. Unforgiveness blocks forgiveness from God 4. Love yourself as God does 5. He who is forgiven much, loves much E. God-centered living 1. Stand for the truth 2. Modesty in dress and conduct 3. Morality and ethical conduct 4. Purity in thought, word and deed F. Eyegate/Eargate: Phil. 4:8 1. Media 2. Conversation 3. Literature 4. Entertainment G. In the world but not of it 1. Right relationships 2. God s law/man s law 3. Test all things 4. Abstain from evil H. Growth in Christ 1. Fruit of the Spirit 2. Add to your faith: 2 Pet. 1: More than a conqueror: Rom. 8:37 V. Understand the spiritual concept of prayer without ceasing and giving thanks in everything A. Our spirits can be engaged in prayer while the body and mind are involved in other things 1. Our spirits always acknowledge the presence of God 2. Our spirits pray for all people and all things at all times B. Our hearts should always be in an attitude of prayer C. Praying in and by the Holy Spirit, to include tongues: Jude 20 D. Pray the word by meditating in it day and night

13 E. Continual praise in our hearts is an active link with God F. Giving thanks in everything includes test, trials, and persecutions G. Develop a daily practice of prayer 1. Prayer should be out loud 2. Honesty is the core of true prayer 3. Priority in prayer must be for others 4. Prayer is most effective if it is revelatory 5. Christ s example of daily prayer (The Lord s Prayer) H. Types of prayer as learned by degree of maturity 1. Supplication - specific petitions: Phil. 4:6 2. Prevailing: Col. 4:2 3. Travailing: Luke 22:44 4. Intercession - taking the place of another: 2 Chron. 7: Agreement - agreeing tripartitely with God s Spirit: Mt. 18:19 6. Faith of God - different from the faith of men: James 5:15-16 I. Asking, seeking, knocking in prayer 1. Asking is making a request known 2. Seeking is to persist in the request 3. Knocking is not giving up until the answer is received VI. VII. Understand that God s leadership is necessary over their lives A. Understanding God s leadership 1. Subjection principle - being under God s full control 2. Submission principle - humble obedience 3. Christ and the Holy Spirit are in subjection to the Father 4. Seek to be led by God s voice 5. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit are called the sons of God B. God s thoughts are higher than man s thoughts 1. God should order man s steps: Prov. 16:9 2. God s best versus man s good 3. A man cannot understand his own way: Prov. 20:24; Prov. 16:2 4. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned: 1 Cor. 2:14 C. Lean not to your own understanding: Prov. 3: Obey God rather than man 2. Man s ways lead to destruction: Prov. 14:12 3. Proving the acceptable and perfect will of God: Rom. 12:2 Understand grace versus works, faith working through love, and contrast godly wisdom versus human wisdom A. Grace versus works 1. Grace is God s unmerited, merciful favor that is given to those who believe in Christ: 1 Cor. 15:10 2. God bestows His love nature of grace on those who even have a glimmer of truth 3. By grace you have been saved: Eph. 2:8 4. Salvation is not by works: Rom. 11:6 5. Grace enables you to do all things: 2 Cor. 9:8; Eph. 2:9 6. You can grow in grace: 2 Pet. 3:18 7. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds

14 B. Faith works through love 1. Faith is perfected by agape love 2. Love covers all sin 3. Faith toward God is believing that it s a possibility and probability He will do it 4. Faith of God is believing with certainty He will do it C. Godly wisdom versus human wisdom 1. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: Prov. 9:10 2. Wisdom of the world is foolishness to God: 1 Cor. 3:19 VIII. Identify the development of the spirit, including spirit attitudes, spirit conduct, spirit visions, spirit perspectives, and spirit principles A. That which is born of Spirit is spirit, and a spirit nature must include the heart and spirit B. Growth and maturity involves growing from lambs to sheep and then evolving into spiritual lambs (Lambing Principle) 1. Lambs are immature believers who need the oversight of mature believers (sheep) 2. Lambs should be actively pursuing spiritual growth 3. Sheep become spiritual lambs when they take on the meekness and humility of Christ 4. Spiritual lambs only say and do what the Father tells them C. Man s emotions should evolve into spirit attitudes (fruit of the Spirit) 1. Attitudes of satan are formed in the mind; those of Christ are birthed in the believer s heart 2. The bad attitudes come from the carnal part of man (the unrenewed mind); the good attitudes come from the spiritual part of man 3. Evil attitudes are formed in the mind-body complex; good attitudes are formed in the soul-heart complex D. How to have healthy, godly attitudes 1. Being born from above and baptized in the Holy Spirit 2. Renouncing the former adamic nature 3. Confessing God s word 4. Repenting and confessing sin 5. Study to show yourself approved 6. Crucifying the flesh 7. Becoming spiritually minded 8. Putting on the mind of Christ: God-inclination; keeping your mind on God; being fully persuaded that it is finished; keeping our eyes above (spiritual reality) 9. Being monistic in thought, word, and deed 10. Getting our minds transformed 11. Getting our souls saved (perfected) 12. Living by every rhema that comes out of God s mouth 13. Putting on the nature of Christ 14. Loving our brother and sister like Christ 15. Fervent prayer 16. Not taking action without getting a thus saith the Lord E. Spirit conduct is being circumspect in thought, word, and deed F. Spirit visions are God-birthed, God-directed, and are revelatory G. Spirit perspectives means to view everything in right relationship to God H. Spirit principles are God s guidelines for our lives

15 IX. Identify the major prophets, priests, and kings of the Old Testament, and why they were approved by God A. Prophets 1. Moses meekest man on earth 2. Samuel God let not one word of his fall to the ground 3. Elijah restored the hearts of the people to God 4. Elisha received a double portion of God s spirit 5. Isaiah prophesied about Christ s coming more than any other prophet 6. Jeremiah persevered through persecution and rejection by all 7. Ezekiel a man of revelation 8. Daniel a visionary with an excellent spirit B. Priests 1. Melchizedek type of the priesthood of Christ 2. Aaron Moses helper and spokesman 3. Eleazar faithfully administered the Levitical priesthood 4. Zadok loyal to God s anointed 5. Ezra a scribe who documented the faithfulness of God. C. Kings 1. David a man after God s own heart 2. Solomon had a heart that searched for wisdom 3. Hezekiah humbly followed God s direction through the prophet 4. Nebuchadnezzar the king who was grafted into the kingdom X. Learn to hear, enjoy, and obey the voice of God, including the development of prayer and Rhema journals 1. Regularly record what God says 2. Ask God to show you how to apply spiritual principles to your life XI. XII. Verbalize that those who keep their minds on God will have perfect peace A. How to keep your mind on God 1. Prayer and meditation 2. Being in His presence 3. Learn how to be separated from the world 4. Study the word B. The mind is satan s battleground 1. The mind is most unruly 2. The mind on the world equals unrest and the D words (despair, doubt, discouragement, depression, defeat) 3. The mind must be renewed D. Perfect peace comes from Christ 1. It passes all understanding 2. It is found in His Spirit, presence, and anointing 3. This is a place of habitation, not of visitation Understand the spiritual principle of seeking first the kingdom of God because God is absolutely essential for life

16 A. Seeking first is the first principle of all principles B. Christ, the King, our example C. Building a solid kingdom within D. Emphasizing the kingdom as a spiritual kingdom E. The kingdom as a reality in everyday life F. Seeking the kingdom is a heart of flesh, a willing spirit, and a repentant attitude G. Too many of God s people are thinking about all these things, and not enough about seeking first the kingdom H. Essentials of a person in the kingdom of God 1. Praying 2. Praising 3. Reading His word 4. Witnessing 5. Loving others 6. Seeking God s kingdom 7. Resisting sin 8. Meditating in the word of God I. Understanding how to seek 1. Praise, prayer, and meditation 2. Denial of self 3. Don t look back J. All these things to be added include the spiritual riches of the kingdom first 1. Above all else, God desires us to prosper and be in health 2. God desires that we fulfill our calling in Him 3. God is not opposed to material wealth when we have been proven faithful in spiritual matters K. God is essential for life 1. He gives us life and breath: Job 33:4 2. We are created for God 3. Nothing else matters, compares, or satisfies: Ps. 63:1; 73:25; 84:2 4. He provides us with a fulfilled, purposeful life 5. He s the strength of our life 6. He s the source of joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit 7. Spiritual life versus carnal life 8. He gives us direction in a chaotic world 9. Only the Holy Spirit can bring a personal revelation of the essential life in God 10. Spiritual pleasure is when God reveals Himself to the human spirit 11. Being fascinated is having a wondrous spirit; without this you are vulnerable to the flesh and the enemy XIII. Identify the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit A. Speaking gifts 1. Prophecy a divine utterance through men that speaks edification, exhortation, and comfort: 1Cor. 14:3 2. Diverse tongues tongues of men and tongues of angels 3. Interpretation of tongues our spirit speaking mysteries to God: 1Cor. 14:2, 15 B. Knowing gifts

17 1. Word of wisdom a revelation from God about a future situation 2. Word of knowledge a revelation from God about a present situation 3. Discerning of spirits recognition of God s Spirit and antichrist spirits C. Doing gifts 1. Faith supernaturally given by the Spirit 2. Gifts of healing those who operate this gift do so on a consistent basis 3. Working of miracles any supernatural event E. Other gifts 1. Ministry serving other believers 2. Teaching by the spirit with a heart of flesh; rightly dividing the word 3. Exhortation an urgent appeal of admonishment 4. Giving with liberality as led by the Spirit 5. Leadership with diligence by the Spirit 6. Mercy compassion with cheerfulness F. Fruit of the Spirit: Gal. 5:22-23 G. Diverse gifts given to each one by the Spirit as He chooses H. The gifts are the ministry of Christ and the fruit is the nature of Christ XIV. Understand the principle of taking up the cross daily and dying to self A. Needs a convicted commitment B. Requires separation from the world 1. Leave all behind 2. Don t look back 3. Count it all dung C. Choose God-inclination over self-inclination 1. Deny imaginations, presumptions and speculations 2. Let God birth His desires in you 3. Say no to temptation D. Crucify the self-nature 1. Put your own desires down 2. Put on the new man 3. Take up the cross at all times E. Taking up the cross is a daily endeavor 1. Progressive 2. Takes confession F. Put yourself on the cross XV. Explain that God calls His people to be perfect (complete maturity) as He is: Matt. 5:48 A. What is perfection 2. Spiritual maturity 3. Attaining God s faith 4. Full, accurate knowledge of the Son of God through the rhema and logos 5. Having the full stature of Christ B. Perfection is attainable in this present walk 1. Seek holiness the presence of the Lord in every decision, thought and deed 2. Seek perfection in the tripartite nature 3. Progressive

18 4. A high mark 5. Must have the faith to believe we can be perfect C. Be perfect as the Father is perfect XVI. Acknowledge that meditation in the word is a foundation to growth in Christ A. Meditation is multifaceted: 1. Confessing God s promises out loud 2. Praying rapidly in the Holy Spirit 3. Expressing that your need is God 4. Rising in your spirit 5. Waiting on God until He appears 6. Entering in to God s presence 7. Receiving revelation knowledge 8. Emptying self (gnosis) and filling with God 9. One morsel at a time 10. Acknowledge to God that He s the only One to say anything 11. True test hearing God s voice B. Prerequisites for meditation 1. Must have a willing spirit; men don t meditate because their spirit is not willing 2. Eliminate distractions 3. Find a quiet place alone 4. Body must be absolutely still 5. Mind must be emptied 6. Comes from long periods of time in the rhema the word alive in you C. How does meditation cause you to grow 1. Puts you into direct contact with God so you know Him intimately 2. Intimacy with God builds the kingdom of God and character of Christ in you 3. You become singularly set upon God 4. Getting revelation from God amplifies your understanding of His word deep calls unto deep: Psalm 42:7 XVII. Identify the fundamentals of true conversion and true repentance A. Process of conversion 1. Emptiness with or without recognition 2. Need for God 3. Conviction by the Holy Spirit 4. Faith of a mustard seed 5. Repentance 6. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord 7. The spirit is born from above 8. Not an emotional experience or mental assent B. The converted life 1. Turning from a life of sin 2. Newness of a complete life change 3. Perseverance 4. Growing in the fruit of the Holy Spirit 5. A heart that loves God more than life

19 C. True repentance 1. Must have a revelation of a rocky heart: Psalm Must become ashamed at what you ve done 3. Weeping from the heart, not the emotions 4. Need a willing spirit and a heart of flesh a. Results in changes in the thoughts and attitudes of the mind b. Causes a man to walk by the will of God 5. Produces a 180 turn 6. Yields a desire to fast to reach repentance 7. Remorse versus repentance XVIII. actions Relate that there is an age of accountability when they are accountable to God for their A. When they know the difference between right and wrong by the Spirit s leading B. There is a recognition of the true God, but not necessarily a belief C. God judges the heart XIX. Recognize and explain the Matthew 4:4 Principle that man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God A. Must live by rhema and logos which equals the total word B. Cannot pick and choose from God s living word live by every word C. Proceeds is present tense: Heb. 13:8 XX. Recognize that the ways of man lead to death, and that the world is deadly but they are safe in God A. The ways of man 1. There s a way that seems right to man but its end is death: Prov. 16:25 2. Self-inclination versus God-inclination 3. Intellect that is not directed by God 4. Flesh profits nothing B. What is death: Prov. 8:36; 21:16 1. Absence of God from any facet of life 2. Refers to spiritual death, but doesn t exclude physical death 3. Death can be in our thoughts, emotions, circumstances, relationships, etc. C. The world is deadly 1. All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life 2. The world is alienation from, and opposition to God: James 4:4 3. The world is passing away and the lust thereof 4. Satan holds sway over the whole world; therefore the world lies in deception 5. The world calls truth a lie and a lie the truth, light darkness and darkness light, and good evil and evil good D. Safety in God 1. Being in the world, but not of it 2. Be not unequally yoked 3. We never have to unlearn sin 4. Liberty is freedom from sin 5. Nothing can separate you from the love of God

20 6. Safe in the center of His will 7. They can kill the body but not the soul: Matt. 10:28 8. The secret place of the Most High: Ps. 91 XXI. Verbalize that if God be for them, who can be against them: Rom. 8:31 A. God s part 1. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent 2. God is for those who are for Him B. Our part is to abide in His word 1. We will be under the shadow of His protection: Ps. 91:1,7 2. Our enemies will be at peace with us: Prov. 16:7 3. No tongue formed against us shall prosper: Is. 54:17 4. We will never stumble: Ps. 119:165 XXII. Understand that abiding in the truth of God will set them free: Jn. 8:32 A. Abiding in the truth 1. Continuing in the word makes us disciples 2. Causes us to know the truth in a deep way 3. His word is truth: Jn. 17:17 4. Meditating day and night 5. Is a spiritual process, not mental assent 6. Conforming your life and actions to the truth B. Freedom in the abiding 1. Sets us free from worldly ways, wrong doctrines, and traditions of men 2. We are free to be who God wants us to be 3. Breaks the yoke of bondage to sin 4. We have freedom of access to the Spirit of God to live the spirit life 5. Freedom from condemnation and guilt 6. Freedom from cares, worries, and fear 7. True freedom is doing God s will rather than the world s will XXIII. Identify that they are tripartite beings with a spirit, soul, and body, and understand that God desires their tripartite nature to be preserved blameless: 1Thess. 5:23 A. We are spirits who have a soul and live in a body 1. Spirit: that part of us created in God s image and is the essence of God 2. Soul: a separate entity from the spirit which is intertwined with the heart and includes the personality and attitudes 3. Body-Mind complex: outer man which includes the will B. The spirit receives, the soul agrees, and the body follows C. Being preserved blameless means we are perfected and sanctified in our tripartite nature 1. Perfection means completion in Greek 2. We must persevere to be preserved 3. Sanctification is being made holy through separating the clean from the unclean 4. Blameless is to be without a spot, wrinkle, or blemish D. Perfection of our tripartite nature

21 1. God s part: He forgives, cleanses, restores, renews and recreates 2. Our part: crucify our flesh, die to self, obey and surrender 3. Perfection is progressive in degrees 4. God wants our whole being perfected: spirit/spirit, spirit/soul, spirit/body 5. There must be simultaneous growth in all 3 facets of our tripartite nature; don t neglect one for the other E. Perfection is a continuous preservation of the believer which God sees as a single complete act XXIV. Understand the principles that lie behind rebellion, the flesh nature, and self-inclination and the principle of sowing and reaping A. Principles behind rebellion 1. Doing what you want to do rather than what God wants you to do 2. It is the work of the unholy spirit and is equal to committing witchcraft 3. It is denying God s authority and rejecting His word 4. Comes from an unwillingness to be submissive and meek in nature 5. If you fail to receive God s commandments with joy, you become resistant in your spirit 6. Doubt and apathy are related and they lead to resistance, and unchecked resistance leads to rebellion 7. Rebellion is broken down with love B. The flesh nature 1. It wars against the spirit and is enmity against God 2. It is the carnal mind, the unrenewed mind, and the unperfected body 3. It is riddled with sin and cannot please God C. Self-inclination 1. Predominates over God s truth 2. Disguises itself as God-inclination 3. No one who is self-inclined can influenced to go God s way 4. God wants it exposed in order to perfect it and make it a God-inclination D. Sowing and reaping 1. Sow in the flesh, you will reap corruption: Job 4:8 2. Sow in the spirit, you will reap eternal life 3. What you reap is of greater magnitude than what you sow: Hos. 8:7 4. We deceive ourselves if we think we can do wrong and not incur consequences 5. Reaping is consequences for wrong-doing rather than punishment XXV. Verbalize that being led by God s Spirit is very important to their growth and maturity in Christ A. Spirit leads us into a crucified life 1. Pleasing God, not man 2. Waiting on God before making a decision 3. He will lead us into all truth 4. Upon waking, ask, What do you want me to do today, Lord? 5. God may direct you to being, rather than doing B. Must be Spirit-filled before being Spirit led 1. You receive a downpayment of the infilling at salvation: Acts 19:2

22 2. Being spirit-filled is to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit 3. At salvation, you have the Holy Spirit; after this baptism the Holy Spirit has you 4. The usual manifestation of spirit baptism is speaking in tongues 5. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is progressive, in degrees 6. The full baptism is receiving the Spirit without measure 7. You can grieve the Holy Spirit and He may depart C. Being Spirit led produces growth and maturity in Christ 1. Sheep hear His voice and always submit 2. Being mature is to consistently follow His voice 3. Those who are always led are God s full grown sons: Rom. 8:14 4. Being led by God into maturity may not always seem logical and rational XXVI. Discuss God-esteem versus self-esteem and peer-esteem: 2 Cor. 10:12 A. God-esteem 1. Perceiving ourselves and others as God does 2. Created in His image 3. God sees the finished product 4. God looks on the heart and the inner man 5. Loving ourselves and others unconditionally as God loves us 6. God does not measure us by the natural realm 7. God is no respecter of persons 8. God understands our circumstances and struggles 9. Walking in God s forgiveness B. Self-esteem 1. Perceiving ourselves through our own eyes and standards 2. Comparing ourselves with others and the world 3. Can be high or low 4. Enemy causes conceit, pride, false humility, etc. 5. Leads to the downward glance 6. Is the cornerstone of humanistic teaching, such as positive thinking and relativism C. Peer-esteem 1. Perceiving ourselves through other people s eyes 2. Sets us up to follow the crowd 3. Holding other opinions higher than God 4. Letting others call the shots 5. Satan lays traps for us to be brought under bondage 6. Brings us under the control of others which is witchcraft 7. Peer-esteem and self-esteem corrupt God-esteem XXVII. Understand that God s blessings and promises are contingent upon growth and obedience A. The fulfillment of any promise of God is a blessing B. God blesses in the spiritual realm first, then in the natural C. God gives us general conditions for every promise and blessing which are: fear the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, love and cling to Him, obey His voice, serve Him with all your heart and soul, and keep His commandments: Deut. chapters 10 and 30 D. The more you love God, the more you want to obey Him

23 E. Obedience is better than sacrifice (religiosity) F. Thirty, Sixty, Hundredfold Principle: Mt. 12:8; Mk. 4:8,23 G. God s greatest joy is for His children to walk in truth H. The ultimate blessing is to grow into a huios son of God, the full stature of Christ XXVIII. Verbalize an understanding of the Rise Up Principle as the principle of being set free in the spirit A. Rising up is rising in the spirit, up out of the flesh and carnality 1. It is a way of escape God provides for us 2. Be set free in spirit first, then body and mind will follow 3. Say no to carnal influences and temptations 4. Gain spiritual faculties such as discernment, visions, and hearing God s voice 5. Enter into the presence of God B. Hear, see, taste, and rise up 1. Have done with lesser things 2. Seek God first 3. Let be and be still 4. Flee distractions 5. Rise in your most holy faith C. Holding fast in the risen state 1. Abiding in the word 2. God conscious at all times 3. Focused on God s promises and word continually 4. Meditating on His word day and night XXIX. Identify God s standards in relationships in the natural family, the spiritual family, among peers and members of the opposite sex. A. God s standards in any relationship 1. Measure every relationship by the word of God 2. Bring the truth in love to every relationship 3. Come with a God purpose 4. Bring the fruit of the Spirit 5. Do not let the Holy Spirit be hindered in you 6. Do not allow compromise 7. Do not give or receive evil reports (anything that refutes what God says) B. Natural family 1. Consists of immediate and extended family 2. Strive to maintain a bridge of communication and love 3. Find a way to honor each member in love 4. Sometimes agree not to disagree 5. Separate yourself from evil influences C. Spiritual family 1. Those born from above and walking in the fruit of the Spirit 2. Will believe in God s purpose for you 3. Will not hinder the Holy Spirit in you 4. Will not turn from you, but will love you

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