h t l k p H-tÎm-_À ]-cn-ip-² P-]-am-e-bp-sS am-kw CHICAGO SYROMALABAR DIOCESAN Issue 13 October 2016

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1 l F Jt D M Y G Ê OD AN a D R l F MY LO h Ê h t l k p CHICAGO SYROMALABAR DIOCESAN l a n r Jou Issue 13 October 2016 H-tÎm-_À ]-cn-ip-² P-]-am-e-bp-sS am-kw Cu-tim-an-in-lm-bn ]qà- n-bm-b a-\p-jy-c- -bp-ss hn-hn-[ c-l-ky- -sf P-]-am-e-bn-ep-sS [ym-\n- v, B c- -bp-ss ^-e- Ä A-\p-`-hn- p-hm-\pw Po-hn- p-hm-\p-ap-å A-\p-{K-lw ]-cn-ip-² A-½-bp-sS am-²y-øw-h-gn ssz-h-t m-sv \-ap- v {]mà- n- mw.

2 FV s iv CHICAGO SYROMALABAR DIOCESAN Journal Patrons Mar Jacob Angadiath Bishop Mar Joy Alappatt Aux. Bishop Advisory Board Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparampil Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal Editorial Board Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vethanath (Editor in Chief) Rev. Fr. Paul Chalissery Rev. Fr. Suni Padinjarekkara Mr. Jose Chennikkara Mr. Joshy Kuncheria Mr. Mohan Sebastian Mr. Lince Joseph tam-i-bpw G-en-bm-bpw _-en-]ot-hpw B-cm-[-\-{I-a- n-se G-en-b-þ-Éo-h-þ-aq-i- m-e- n-sâ A-h-km-\ B-gv-N-I-fn-te-bv- v \mw {]-th-in- p-i-bm-wv. Cu Im-ew A-\p-kv-a-cn- n- p- hy-àn-i-fp-am-bn _-Ô-s -Sp- n ss{i-kv-x-h-hn-izm-k- n-sâ A-Sn-Øm-\-am-b hn-ip-² IpÀ-_m-\ F- a-lm-c-lky-s - p-dn- v Nn- n- p-i A-\p-Nn-X-am-Wv. kà-æ-i-à-\m-b ssz-h- n-sâ k-po-h-km- n-²yw I- p- apä- -SÀ- nâ Xn-cn- dn-ªv B-g-am-b ssz-hm-\p-`-hw kz- -am- n-b-h-\m-wv tam-i. Cu ssz-hm-\p-`-h- n-sâ Pz-en- p- I-\-ep-I-fm-Wv tam-i-sb X-sâ Zu-Xy-\nÀ-h-l-W- nâ, {]-Xn-k-Ôn-IÄ- n- S-bn-epw ap-t m-«p \-bn- -Xv. tam-i t\-cnâ- -ï F-cn-ªp-Nm-¼-em-Im-, I- p- apä- -SÀ- n-sâ A-\p-`-h-am-Wv Hm-tcm hn-ip-² IpÀ-_m-\-bpw. ]-cn-ip-²m-ßm-hm-ip- ssz-hw Hm-tcm IpÀ-_m-\-bn-epw IÀ- m-hn-sâ _-en-]ot-s ssz-h-kv-t\-lm-án-bmâ D-Öz-en- n- p- p. Cu kv-t\-lm-án-bnâ-\n- v ssz-hm-\p-`-hw kz- -am- n-bn-«p-th-ww Hm-tcm hn-izm-kn-bpw X-sâ A-\p-Zn-\ Po-hn-X-bm-{X Xp-S-cp-hm³. IÀ- m-hn-sâ _-en-]ot-s ]p-\à-\nà-½n- m³ Po-hn-Xw k-aà- n- -h-\m-wv G-en-b {]-hm-n-i³. k-xy-ssz-h-am-b bm-lv-th-bp-ss _-en-]ot-s i-àn-s -Sp- m-³-th-ïn G-en-bm sn-bv-x [o-c-ir-xy- -fp-ss t]-cnâ sp-k-t_-en-sâ h-[-`o-j-wn- t\-cn-«{]-hm-n- I³ {]m-w-c- mà- w a-cp-`q-an-bn-te-bv- v Hm-Sn hm-sm-apä-s -Sn-bp-sS X-W-en A-`-bw tx-sp- p. B sn-sn-bp-ss X-W-en B-izm-kw A-\p-`-hn- v, ssz-h- n-sâ am-em-j sim- Sp- A- - n-sâ-bpw sh-å- n-sâ-bpw i-àn-bmâ \mâ- -Xv Zn-\-cm-{X- Ä bm-{x sn-bv-xv G-en-b {]-hm-n-i³ ssz-h- n-sâ hn-ip-² a-e-bm-b tlm-td-_nâ F- n-t -cp- p (1 cm-pm- - mà 19:1-8) a-cp-`q-an-bn-se hm-sm- apä-s -Sn hn-ip-² Éo-hm-bp-sS {]-Xo-I-am-Wv. Éo-h F- kp-dn-bm-\n hm- n-sâ AÀ- w Ip-cn-iv A-sÃ- nâ {Iq-in-X³ F- m-wv. ]n-xm-hm-b ssz-hw X-sâ {]n-b-]p-{x-\m-b Cu-tim-an-in-lm-bn-eq-sS Cu {]-]- - nâ \-«p-h-fà- nbn-cn- p- hm-sm- hr- -am-wv hn-ip-² Ip-cn-iv. Ip-cn-in-sâ X-W-en am-\-h-cm-in- v A-`-bw-tX-Smw. Im-c-Ww Ip-cn-iv c- -bm-wv, k-lm-b-am-wv, A-\p-{K-l-am-Wv; \m-c-io-b i-àn-iä-s -Xn-tc D-d- p-å tim-«-bm-wv. hn-ip-² Ip-cn-in-sâ Np-h-«n Øm-]n- -s - «n-cn- p- _-en-]ot- nâ ]-cn-ià-½w sn- -s -Sp- Cu-tim-bp-sS Xn-cp-i-co-c-c-à- Ä `- n- pw ]m-\w sn-bv-xpw i-àn kw-`-cn- v kzà- -s e- y-am- n-bp-å bm-{x \-ap- v Xp-S-cmw. hn-izm-kn-i-fp-ss Iq-«m-bv-a-bm-b C-S-h-I k-aq-l- n-sâ B-²ym-ßn-I Po-hn-X-tI- {µw C-S-h-I-tZ-hm-e-b- n-sâ AÄ- m-c-bm-h-ww. A-hn-sS AÀ- n- -s -Sp- hn-ip-² IpÀ-_m-\-bnÂ-\n- v i-àn-kw-`-cn- v C-S-h-I-k-aq-lw ap-gp-h-\pw kv-t\-l- n-epw Iq- «m-bv-a-bn-epw h-fà- v ssz-h-p-\-am-bn cq-]-s -S-Ww. C-Xn-\v X-S-Ê-am-b-sXm- pw kw- `-hn- p-iq-sm. C-S-h-I-tZ-hm-e-b- n-sâ AÄ- m-c-sb Im-cy-am-bn ]-cn-k-wn- m-sx, a-än-s- -fnâ Hm-Sn-b-e-bp- -Xv, IÀ- m-hn-sâ AÄ- m-c-sb ZpÀ-_-e-s -Sp- m-\pw C-S-h-I-k-aq-l- n-sâ \n-e-\nâ- n-s\- -s A-]-I-S-s -Sp- m-\pw C-S-bm- pw F- k-xyw \-ap- v a-d- m-xn-cn- mw. bq-tdm- n-epw A-ta-cn- -bn-epw ]-e C-S-h-I tz-hm-e-b- -fpw A-S-ªp-t]m-Im-\p-Å {]-[m-\-im-c-w- -fn-sem- v ssz-h-p-\w C-S-h-I-tZ-hm-e-b- n-sâ AÄ- m-c-sb a-d- v a-äv ]-e-xn-sâ-bpw ]n- m-se t]m-b-xm-wv F- v \-ap- v HmÀ- mw. B-b-Xn-\m B-cm-[-\-{I-a-h-Õ-c- n-sâ ssn-x-\yw DÄ-s m-ïp-sim-ïv, tam-i-bp-ss ss[-cy-hpw G-eo-bm-bp-sS Xo- v-w-x-bpw ssi-ap-x-em- n IÀ- m-hn-sâ _-en-]ot-s i-àn-s -Sp- m³ \-ap- v Po-hn-Xw ]p-\-cà- -Ww sn- mw.

3 sk]v-äw-_à 27þmw Xnb-Xn sa-{xm-`n-tj-i- nsâ cïmw hmà-jn-i-hpw 60þmw P- -Zn-\hpw B-tLm-jn A-`nh-µy amà tpm-bn B-e- m-«v ]n-xm-hn-\v cq-]-xm-²y- ³ amà tp -_v A- m-snb- v ]n-xm-hn-sâbpw ssh-zn-i-cpssbpw k-\y-kv-x-cp-ssbpw ssz-h-p-\- n-sâ-bpw {]mà- -\m-\nà-`-cam-b aw-k-f- fpw B-iw-k-Ifpw lr-z-b-]qà-æw t\-cp p.

4 Greetings... Mar Joseph Srampickal Mar Stephen Chirappanath 2016 H-tÎm_À 9þmw Xnb-Xn Rm-b-dmgv-N {_n-«-\n-se s{]-ì kotdm a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss {]-Y-a sa-{xm-\m-bn A-`n-jn-à-\m-Ip- amà tpmk-^v {km-¼n- Â ]n-xm-hn\pw \-hw-_à H mw Xnb-Xn tdm-anâh- v bq-tdm- n-se ko-tdm-a-e-_mà hn-izm-kn-iä- m-bp-å A- kv-txm-en-iv hn-kn-tä-ä-dm-bn A-`n-jn-à-\m-Ip- amà kv-äo-^³ Nn-d- W- v ]n-xm-hn\pw jn mtkm skâ v-txma-kv kotdm a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss {]mà- -\mà-`-cam-b B-iw-kIÄ 4

5 HtÎm-_À 15, 2016 tem-i an-j³ Rm-bÀ {^m³-kn-kv ]m- m-bp-ss k-tµ-iw t{]- n-x k-`, Im-cp-Wy- n-sâ km- n-wn {]n-b k-tlm-z-co-k-tlm-z-c- m-tc, k-` B-tLm-jn- p- Im-cp-Wy- n-sâ A-km-[m-cW Pq-_n-en 2016þ-se B-tKm-f an-j³ Rm-b-dn-t  k-hn-ti-j {]-Im-iw snm-cn-bp- p. hn-pm-xo-b-sc kw_-ôn- t{]-jn-x-xz-s B-[ym-ßn-I-hpw `u-xn-i-hpam-b X-e- -fnâ a-l- m-b, A-f-h-ä Im-cp-Wy-{]-hÀ -\-am-bn ]-cn-k-wn- m³ A-Xp \-s½ -Wn- p- p. t{]-jn-x-cm-b in-jy-cm-bn "]p-d-t -bv- p t]m-im³' \mw F-Ãm-h-cpw Cu B-tKm-f- an-j³-zn-\- nâ -Wn -s -Sp- p. ap-gp-h³ a-\p-jy-ip-spw-_- n-\pw ssz-h n-sâ hm-õ-ey- n-sâ-bpw k-l-xm-]- n-sâ-bpw k-tµ-iw \Â-Ip- -Xn-\p-th-ïn Hm-tcm hy-àn-bpw X-sâ I-gn-hp-I-fpw kà-km-ß-i-x-bpw Úm-\-hpw A\p-`-h-hpw D-Zm-c-X-tbm-sS k-aà- n- p-sim-ïv A-{]-Imcw sn- p-hm³ -Wn- -s -Sp- p. t{]-jn-x-xz IÂ- \-bp-ss i-àn-bmâ k-` kp-hn-ti-jw A-dn-bm- -h-sc {i-²n- p- p. Im-c-Ww, F-Ãm-h-cpw c- n- -s -S-W-sa pw IÀ- m-hn-sâ kv-t\-lw A-\p-`-hn- -W-sa- pw A-hÄ B-{K-ln- p- p. ""ssz-h- n-sâ Im-cp-Wyw, kphn-ti-j- n-sâ lr-z-b-kv-]-µ-\w'' A-dn-bn- m-\pw (misericordiae Vultus,12) tem-i- n-sâ F-Ãm tim-wp-i-fnepw sn-dn-b-h-cpw h-en-b-h-cp-am-b F-Ãm-h-cn-te-bv- pw F- n-t À- p-sim-ïv Im-cp-Wyw {]-tlm-jn- m-\pw A-hÄ \n-tbm-kn- -s -«n-cn- p- p. Im-cp-Wyw H-cp hy-àn-sb I-ïp-ap-«p-t¼mÄ A-Xv \n-xy-]n-xm-hn-sâ lr-z-b- nâ A-Km-[-am-b k-t m-jw D-f-hm- p- p. F-s - mâ B-cw-`w-ap-X A-hn-S- v G-ä-hpw ZpÀ-_-e-cm-b-h-cn-te-bv- v kv-t\-l-]qà-æw Xn-cnªn-«p-ïv. Im-c-Ww A-hn-S-s a-l-xz-hpw i-àn-bpw Ir-Xy-am-bn sh-fn-hm- -s -Sp- -Xv Ip-«n-I-tfm-Spw ]m À-iz-h-Xv-I-cn- -s -«-h-tcm-spw ]o-un-x-tcm-spw Xm-Zm-ßy5

6 s -Sm-\p-Å A-hn-Sp-s I-gn-hn-em-Wv (cf. \n-b-am 4:31, k- o. 86:15, 103:8, 111:4). A-hn-Sp- v B-h-iy nâ-s -«-h-tcm-sv {]-txy-in- v Z-cn-{Z-tcm-Sv A-Sp p-\nâ- p- Im-cp-Wy-hm-\pw {i-²m-ep-hpw hniz-kv-x-\p-am-b ssz-h-am-wv. am-xm-hpw ]n-xm-hpw a- -fp-ss Po-hn-X- nâ sn- p- -Xp-t]m-se A-hnSp- v am-\p-jn-i bm-ymà- y- nâ ap-zp-e-lr-z-bt m-ss C-S-s]-Sp- p (cf. sp-d. 31:20). ss_-_nä KÀ-`-]m-{X-s - -än ]-d-bp-t¼mä Im-cp-Wyw kq-nn n- p- ]-Z-am-Wv D-]-tbm-Kn- p- -Xv. A-Xp-sImïv A-Xv H-c-½-bv- v Ip-«n-I-tfm-Sp-Å kv-t\-l-s ]-cm-aà-in- p- p. F- p kw-`-hn- p- p-sh- -Xv ]-cn-k-wn- m-sx F-Ãm km-l-n-cy- n-epw A-hÄ F-t m-gpw kv-t\-ln- p- p. Im-c-Ww A-hÀ A-hfp-sS D-Z-c-^-e-am-Wv. ssz-h- n-\v X-sâ F-Ãm a- tfm-sp-ap-å kv-t\-l- n-sâ km-cmw-i-]-c-am-b H-cp h-i-am-wn-xv. F-Ãm a- -tf-bpw A-hn-Sp- v kr-ãn -Xm-Wv. A-h-sc h-fà- m-\pw hn-zym-`ym-kw sn n- m-\pw A-hn-Sp- v B-{K-ln- p- p. A-h-cp-sS ZpÀ-_-e-X-bpw A-hn-iz-kv-X-X-bpw Im-Wp-t¼mÄ A-hn-Sp-s lr-z-bw k-l-xm-]- mâ Io-g-S- -s Sp- p (cf tlm-kn 11:18). F-Ãm-h-tcm-Spw A-hn-Sp- v Im-cp-Wyw Im-Wn- p- p. A-hn-Sp-s kv-t\-lw F-Ãm-h-tc-bpw kw-_-ôn- p-å-xm-wv. A-hn-Sp-s k-l-xm-]w F-Ãm kr-ãn-i-fn-te-bv- pw hym-]n- p p (cf. k- o. 114:89). I-cp-Wm-]qÀ- -am-b kv-t\-l-t m-ss A-hn-Sp- v X-s Xn-c-sª-Sp- p-sh- v A-hÄ A-dn-bp- p. Cu kv-t\-l- n-eq-ss-bm-wv k-` X-\n- p-å IÂ -\ Xn-cn- -dn-bp- -Xpw A-X-\p-k-cn- p Po-hn- p- Xpw; Hm-tcm kw-kv-im-c-hpw a-x-hn-iz-k-hp-am-bp-å B-Z-c-]qÀ-Æ-I-am-b kw-hm-z- n-eq-ss A-Xn-s\ ki-e P-\-X-I-tf-bpw A-dn-bn- p- -Xpw. I-cp-Wm-]qÀ- -am-b Cu kv-t\-l- n-\v, k-`-bpss B-Zn-a-Im-e-s - -Xp-t]m-se F-Ãm {]m-b- nepw Po-hn-Xm-h-Ø-bn-ep-ap-Å kv-{xo-]p-cp-j- mà km- yw \Â-In-bn-«p-ïv. t{]- n-x-tem-i- v ]p -cp-j- m-tcm-ssm- w A-²zm-\n- p- kv-{xo-i-fp-ss km- n-²yw ]-cn-k-w-\o-b-hpw hà-[-am-\-hp-am-wv. A-Xv ssz-h- n-sâ am-xr-xz-]-c-am-b kv-t\-l- nsâ {i-t²-b-am-b A-S-bm-f-am-Wv. AÂ-am-b-cpw k\y-kv-x-cp-am-b kv-{xo-iä-þ-c- v A-t\-Iw Ip-Spw-_ fnâ-t]mepw hy-xy-kv-x co-xn-i-fnâ X- -fps-s t{]-jn-x-xz hn-fn \nà-h-ln- p- p-ïv. kp-hn-tij-{]-tlm-j-ww ap-xâ Po-h-Im-cp-Wy-{]-hÀ- \w-h-sc \-S- p- p-ïv. an-j-w-dn-amà sn- p- kp-hn-ti-j-{]-tlm-j-w-þ-iu-zm-in-i {]-hà- -\ -tfm-ssm- w kv-{xo-iä- pw Ip-Spw-_- Ä- pw an- -t m-gpw P-\- -fp-ss {]-iv-\- Ä Iq-Sp-XÂ ]-cym-]v-x-amw-hn-[w A-dn-bm³ I-gn-bp- -Xp-sIm-ïv A-h-sb F- -s\ k-ap-nn-x-am-b co-xn-bnâ, Nn-et mä \-ho-\-co-xn-bnâ, ssi-im-cyw sn- -W-sa v A-hÀ A-dn-bp- p. hy-h-øn-xn-i-fn-se- -Xnt\- mä P-\- -fnâ {i-² ti-{µo-i-cn- p-sim-ïv Po-h³ kw-c- n- m³ A-hÀ- v km-[n- p- p. \-Ã _-Ô- -fpw k-a-\z-b-hpw k-am-[m-\-hpw, sfiy-zmà-vy-hpw kw-hm-z-hpw k-l-i-c-w-hpw kmtlm-z-cy-hpw kr-ã-n- m³-th-ïn am-\p-jn-i-hpw B-[ym-ßn-I-hp-am-b hn-`-h- Ä hn-x-c-ww-sn m³ A-hÀ- p I-gn-bp- p. hy-àn-i-fp-ss-bn-s-bnepw k-m-aq-ln-i-þkmw-kv-im-cn-i Po-hn-X- n-epw, {]-txy-in- v Z-cn-{Z-sc kw-c- n- p- -Xp-h-gn, A-{]Im-cw sn- m³ I-gn-bp- p. ssz-h-im-cp-wy- n-sâ G-ä-hpw t{i-jvt-hpw ]q À- -hp-am-b {]-Im-i-\w a-\p-jym-h-xm-cw sn-bv-x Zn-hy-h-N-\- n-em-wv D-Å-Xv. I-cp-Wm-k-¼- -\m-b ]n-xm-hn-sâ ap-jw tb-ip-x-s sh-fn-s -Sp- p p. A-hn-Sp- v "Im-cp-Wy-s - -än ]-d-bp-i-bpw Xm-c-X-ay-hpw D-]-a-I-fpw D-]-tbm-Kn- v A-Xn-s\ hn-i-zo-i-cn- p-i-bpw sn-bv-xp. F-Ãm-än-epw D-]-cnbm-bn A-hn-Sp- p A-Xn-sâ A-h-Xm-c-hpw hy-ànxz-hp-am-bn- oà- p' (Dives in Misericordia, 2) kphn-ti-j- -fpw Iq-Zm-i-I-fpw-h-gn \mw tb-ip-hn-s\ kzm-k-xw sn- p-i-bpw A-\p-K-an- p-i-bpw sn- pt¼mä ]-cn-ip-²m-ßm-hn-sâ k-lm-b- mâ, kzà -Ø-\m-b I-cp-Wm-a-b-\m-b ]n-xm-hn-s\-t m-se I-cp-Wm-]qÀ- -cm-bn- o-cp- p. A-hn-Sp- v \-s½ kv-t\-ln- p- -Xp-t]m-se kv-t\-ln- m-\pw \-½psS Po-hn-X-s H-cp ku-p-\y-zm-\-am-bn, A-hn-Sps \- -bp-ss A-S-bm-f-am- n- oà- p-hm-\pw \-ap- p I-gn-bpw (cf misericordiae Vultus, 3). a-\p-jyhw-i- n-sâ a-²y- nâ {In-kv-Xp-hn-sâ Im-cp-Wy mâ Po-hn- p- k-aq-l- -fnâ H- m-a-t -XmWv k-`. k-` A-hn-Sp-s t\m«w Xn-cn- -dn-bp- p. ]-e Ø-e- -fn-epw kp-hn-ti-j-h-xv-i-c-ww XpS- p- -Xv hn-zym-`ym-k-t m-ss-bm-wv. A-Xn-\m-bn an-j-w-dn-amà G-sd k-a-b-hpw A-[zm-\-hpw sn-e-hgn- p- p-ïv. kp-hn-ti-j- nâ Im-Wp- ap- n-cnt m-«- n-sâ D-S-a-sb-t m-se-x-s (cf eq- m 13:79, tbm-l 15:1). A-bmÄ A-t\-I-hÀ-jw km-h-[m-\w Ir-jn-sN-bv-Xn-«v ^-e- n-\m-bn Im- n-cp- -tãm. A- -s\ kp-hn-ti-j-h-xv-i-c-ww \-S- m³ I-gnhp-Å ]p-xn-b P-\-X-sb A-hÀ P-\n- n- p- p. a-äp6

7 hn-[- nâ kp-hn-ti-j-h-xv-i-c-ww km-[y-a-sã- p txm- p- Ø-e- -fn-te-bv- v A-hÀ kp-hn-ti-jw F- n- p-sim-sp- p- p. H-cn-  {In-kv-Xp-hn hniz-kn- m-\n-cn- p- -h-cp-ts-bpw "A-½' F- v k`-sb \nà-h-nn- mw. A-Xp-sIm-ïv ssz-h- n-sâ hn-ip-²-p-\w Im-cp-Wy- n-sâ am-xr-xz-]-c-am-b tk-h-\w Xp-S-c-W-sa- v Rm³ {]-Xym-in- p- p. IÀ- m-hn-s\ I-ïp-ap-«m-\pw kv-t\-ln- m-\pwth-ïn C-t m-fw A-hn-S-s A-dn-bm-Xn-cn- p- -hsc k-lm-bn- p-sa- v {]-Xym-in- p- p. hn-izm-kw ssz-hw \Â-Ip- Zm-\-am-Wv. A-Xv a-x-]-cn-hà- \-{]-{In-b-bp-sS ^-e-a-ã. {In-kv-Xp-hn-\p km- yw h-ln- p- kp-hn-ti-j-{]-tlm-j-i-cp-ss hn-izmk- n-sâ-bpw kv-t\-l- n-sâ-bpw k-lm-b- mâ h-f-cp- p. {In-kv-Xp-hn-sâ in-jy- mà tem-i- nsâ sx-cp-ho-yn-i-fn-eq-ss \-S- p-t¼mä A-Xn-cpI-fn-Ãm- kv-t\-l-ap-å-h-cm-bn-cn- -Ww. F-Ãm P-\-X-I-tfm-Spw \-½p-sS IÀ- m-hn-\p-å kv-t\-l n-sâ A-tX A-f-hn-ep-Å kv-t\-l-ap-å-h-cm-bncn- -Ww. A-hn-S- v \-ap- v \Â-In-b G-ä-hpw kpµ-c-hpw h-ep-xp-am-b k-½m-\- -sf- p-dn- m-wv \mw {]-tlm-jn- p- -Xv A-Xm-I-s«, A-hn-Sp-s Poh-\pw A-hn-Sp-s kv-t\-l-hpw. cp-i-fn-te-bv- v F- n-t -cm³ kz- w kp-j-kui-cy- -fp-ss a-þ-e- nâ-\n- v ap-t m-«p-t]m-im\p-å A-hn-Sp-s hn-fn A-\p-k-cn- m³ \-t½m-sp IÂ- n- -s -«n-cn- p- p''(20). Cu Pq-_n-en hà-jw B-tKm-f an-j³ Zn-\m-N-cW- n-sâ 90þmw hmà-jn-i-am-wv. C-Xv 1926þ ]obq-kv ]-Xn-s\m- m-a³ amà- m- B-Zy-am-bn AwKo-I-cn- p. hn-izm-k-{]-nm-c-w- n-\p-th-ïn-bp-å s]m- n-^n-  kw-lw Øm-]n- p-i-bpw sn-bvxp. A-Xp-sIm-ïv F-sâ ap³-km-an-i-fp-ss _p-²n-]q À-h-I-am-b \nà-t±-i- Ä A-\p-kv-a-cn- p-i k-apnn-x-am-wv. tem-iw ap-gp-h-\n-ep-ap-å cq-]-x-i-fn-epw C-S-h-I-I-fn-epw k-\ym-k-k-aq-l- -fn-epw A-tkmkn-tb-j-\p-I-fn-epw k-`m-ß-i {]-Øm-\- -fn-epw\n- v kw-`m-h-\-iä ti-j-cn- m-\pw A-h-sIm-ïv tem-i- v F-hn-sS-bp-ap-Å B-h-iy- nâ-s -«n-cn p- ss{i-kv-x-h k-aq-l- -sf kw-c- n- m-\pw tem-i- n-sâ A-XnÀ- n-iä-h-sc-bp-å kp-hn-tij-{]-tlm-j-w-s ]n³-xm- m-\pw th-ïn-bp-åxm-bn-cn- -Ww Cu kw-l-sa- v F-sâ ap³-km-aniä IÂ- n- n-«p-ïv. t{]-jn-x-xz-]-c-am-b k-`m-ß-i Iq-«m-bv-a-bp-sS Cu A-S-bm-f- nâ C- pw \mw hn-iz-kn- p- p. \-ap- p \-½p-sS-X-s {]-txy-i Xm-Xv-]-cy- -fnâ lr-z-bw A-S-bv- m-xn-cn- mw. \-½p-sS lr-z-b- -sf ap-gp-h³ a-\p-jy-hw-i- n-\pwth-ïn Xp-d- n-smw. Hm-tcm hy-àn- pw ssz-hw \Â-Ip- Zm-\am-b c- m-k-tµ-iw kzo-i-cn- m³ F-Ãm P-\-XIÄ- pw kw-kv-im-c- Ä- pw A-h-Im-i-ap-ïv. ]-cn-lm-cw Im-tW-ï F-{X-am-{Xw A-\o-Xn-bpw bp²- -fpw am-\p-jn-i hn-j-a-k-ôn-i-fp-ap-sï- v ]-cn-k-wn- p-t¼mä C-Xv Iq-Sp-X A-Xym-h-iy-ambn- o-cp- p. k-t m-j-hpw A-\p-c-Rv-P-\-hpw \oxn-bpw k-am-[m-\-hpw \-S- m- m³ -a-bp-ss-bpw Im-cp-Wy- n-sâ-bpw kp-hn-ti-j- n-\p km-[n- psa- v an-j-w-dn-amà A-\p-`-h- nâ-\n- -dn-bp- p. kp-hn-ti-j- n-se IÂ- -\ C-Xm-Wv: "B-I-bm \n- Ä t]m-bn F-Ãm P-\-X-I-tf-bpw in-jy-s -Sp p-hn³. Rm³ \n- -tfm-sp IÂ- n- -h-sb-ãmw A-\p-k-cn- m³ A-h-sc ]Tn- n- p-hn³' (a- m 28: 19-20). Cu IÂ- -\ Im-e-l-c-W-s -«n-«n-ã. kàæ-sh-ãp-hn-fn-i-tfm-spw Iq-Sn-b C- -s km-l-ncy- nâ \-ho-ir-x-am-b t{]-jn-x-xz "{]-tnm-z-\w' D-ïm-bn-cn- p-hm-\p-å hn-fn \mw {i-hn- m³ B IÂ- -\ \-s½ I-S-s -Sp- p- p. "kp-hn-ti-j- nsâ k-t m-jw' F- A- -kv-txm-en-i B-lzm-\ nâ Rm³ ]-d-ªn-«p-å-xp-t]m-se-x-s. ""Hmtcm ss{i-kv-x-h-\pw Hm-tcm k-aq-l-hpw IÀ- m-hp Nq-ïn- m-wn- p- h-gn Xn-cn- -dn-b-ww. F- mâ kp-hn-ti-j-{]-im-iw B-h-iy-am-bn-cn- p- A-Xn- c- n- -s -«a-\p-jy-hw-i- n-sâ t{i-jvt-x-sb sf- -Wpw k-`-bv- p-å an-j-w-dn-am-cp-ss am-xri-bp-am-b ]-cn-ip-² a-dn-bw D- n-x-\m-b IÀ- mhn-sâ k-öo-h-hpw \n-kq-v-hp-am-b km- n-²yw h-fà- m-\pw kw-c- n- m-\pw k-i-e kv-{xo-þ-]pcp-j- m-sc-bpw Ip-Spw-_- -sf-bpw ]Tn- n- -s«. D n-x-\m-b IÀ- m-hv ssh-b-àn-_-ô- -sf-bpw kw-kv-im-c- -sf-bpw \-ho-i-cn- p-i-bpw k-t mj-i-c-am-b Im-cp-Wyw-sIm-ïv F-Ãm-h-sc-bpw \n-dbv- p-i-bpw sn- p- -h-\m-wv. h- n- m-\nâ-\n- v 15 ta-bv 2016 s]-s -t m-kv-xm X-n-cp-\mÄ {^m³-kn-kv amà]m- 7

8 MOTHER TERESA: A BEACON OF HOPE Bishop Joy Alappatt I had the opportunity to go through some write-ups about Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkotta these days. She was a great gift, God had given to the humanity indeed. Some years ago I had visited her tomb in Kolkotta and there I found people coming from various parts of the world paying tribute to her with great devotion and love. As we just remembered St. Teresa of Kolkotta on her Canonization on Spetember 4th I thought of sharing with you some meditations about her in this issue of our Diocesan Journal. One of our powerful mottos that prompted always in her life was the words of Jesus Christ. I thirst. This utterance of Jesus from the Cross had made tremendous changes in her life. Mother Teresa s understanding of the thirst of God was entirely simple, yet deep, powerful and engaging. She learned that God not only accepts us with all our misery, but that he longs for us, thirst for us, with all the intensity of his divine heart, no matter who we are and what we have done says Father Joseph Langford, a member of Missionary priests of her congregation. Some of her words are comforting and smoothening our mind and soul in this present situation of chaos and struggle. She said: People are often unreasonable, irrational and self-centered: Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives, be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies, succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous, Be happy anyway. The Good you do today will often be forgotten, Do good anyway. Give the best you have and it will never be enough give your best anyway. In the final analysis it is between you and God, not between you and them. Only people of genuine integrity would say these words and practice it. Let us fondly remember her these days and try to absorb her spirit of abandonment in the hands of God Almighty. 8

9 NEWS FROM THE CHANCERY 1. Formation of Parish Council and Pastoral Council By December 31, 2016, the term of the present parish council will be completed in our parishes and missions. The new parish council for the period has to be formed in all our parishes and missions in November-December 2016 in accordance with the Procedure Rules of our Diocese. The new parish/mission councils and trustees must take charge by the 1st Sunday of January It is mandatory that the parish/mission council should get the approval of the diocesan Curia before starting its functioning. The term of the present Diocesan Pastoral Council also will be completed by the end of this year. Members of the new Pastoral Council are to be nominated from the parishes/ missions by respective Vicars/Directors. Every parish/mission has to send one to three members to the diocesan Pastoral Council. The number is decided according to the following criteria. Parishes/Missions up to 99 registered families can send I member. Parishes/Missions up to 300 registered families can send 2 members. Parishes/Missions with more than 300 registered families can send 3 members. Rev. Fathers are advised to send the names (mailing address, phone number and address) of the newly selected Trustees (Kaikkarans), parish council members and the pastoral council members to the Diocesan chancery by December 15, Year of the Youth In accordance with the recommendation of the Diocesan Presbyterium and the Pastoral Council, the year of 2017 will be celebrated as the Year of Youth in our diocese. The National Team of our Diocesan Youth Apostolate (DYA) will be taking the lead to make this Year of Youth fruitful. The Year of Youth begins on Sunday January 1, 2017 and ends on Sunday, December 31, Faith Formation and Centralized Semester Examinations With this new academic year of Faith Formation there will be centralized semester examinations in our CCD Program. The Diocesan Faith Formation Office will give proper directives in this regard. 4. End of the Great Jubilee Year of Mercy November 20, 2016 Sunday, the feast of Christ the King, will be the closing day of the Great Jubilee Year of Mercy. 5. New Appopintments Rev. Fr. Thomas Mangatt Mathai: Director, St. Mother Teresa SyroMalabar Mission Las Vegas, NV with effect from September 25, 2016 Rev. Fr. Sunil Paul Chiriyankandath: Director, St. Alphonsa SyroMalabar Mission Richmond VA with effect from September 25, Meeting of the Liturgy Coordinators and Choir Leaders The first Diocesan level meeting of the liturgy Coordinators and Choir Leaders from parishes and missions will be held in Chicago on Saturday October 15, 2016 at Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral, Chicago IL. The meeting starts at 9.30 am and end at 4.30 pm. Rev. Fathers are earnestly requested to send representatives from their parish/mission to this important meeting. Rev. Fr. Sebastian Vethanath Chancellor 9

10 NEWS FROM THE FINANCE OFFICE 1. The Diocesan Annual Appeal 2016 The Diocesan Annual Appeal is one way to respond to the Call of Our Lord to assist in the spiritual, catechetical and pastoral care of our community spread in this vast country of United States of America Diocesan Appeal is intended to have a seminary for our Diocese. Now there are eleven seminarians including four new candidates. Seminary formation expenses are getting high and therefore request you to have a special consideration for Annual Appel You may contribute by signing up for an automatic payment in monthly installments or onetime payment drawn to in favor of St. Thomas SyroMalabar Diocese. Please mail your contribution in the enclosed envelope directly to the Diocesan Office or entrust to your Pastor at the earliest. Your support, whatever the amount is very much appreciated. 2. PRIESTS PROVIDENT FUND (PPF) Thank you so much for your support and encouragement for our Priests Provident Fund ( PPF). PPF Committee kindly reminds you to pay the dues for the year 2015 and encourage you to send the amount for the year As you know, each and every parish/ mission is supposed to send $ 1650 (allowance of one month) as the PPF every year. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. 3. Mission Sunday 2016 We are celebrating October 15 as the Mission Sunday and therefore remind you about the Mission Sunday Special Collection. Please send the amount collected in connection with the Mission Sunday to the finance office as early as possible. News From the Family Apostolate 1. Upcoming Marriage Preparation Program A. Place: Long Island, New York Dates : 2016, November 18, 19 & 20 ( Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Contact : Fr. Ligory Johnson Philip Cell Phone : kattiakaran@yahoo.com Mr. Boban Cell phone : B. Place : Chicago Dates : 2016 November 25, 26 & 27 Contact : Fr. Paul Chalissery Antony Cell Phone : pchalis123@gmail.com Mr. Thomas Moolayil Cell Phone : tmoolayil@gmail.com Fr. Paul Chalissery Antony Diocesan Finance Officer & Family Apostolate Director 10

11 a-dn-b- n-sâ a-ln-a: P-]-am-e c-l-ky- Ä d-h. tum. A-K-kv-än³ ]m-e-bv- -]-d-¼nâ ssz-hm-\p-{k-l- n-sâ kp-k-ô-]p-jv-]- Ä hn-cnbp-, I-t m-en- -cp-ss Hm-W- m-e-am-wv P-]-ame-am-kw. A-\p-{K-lo-X-cm-b km- n-i-fp-ss h³ \n-c-bm-wv P-]-am-e-am-k- n-sâ H-cp {]-txy-i-x. {In-kv-Xp-\m-Y-sâ h-\n-xm-cq-]-am-bn hn-ti-jn- n p- hn. sim- p-t{x-ky-bpw ss\à-½-ey- n-sâ {]-Xo-I- -fm-b Im-hÂ-am-em--J-am-cpw ]- - -X Ä hm- n a-säm-cp {In-kv-Xp-hm-bn am-dn-b {^m³kn-kv A-Êo-kn-bpw Xm-]-kn-I-X-bp-sS t{i-jvt-kaq-l-am-b IÀ- q-ky³ k-\ym-kn-am-cp-ss Kp-cp hn. {_q-twm-bpw P-]-am-e-bp-sS Zn-hy-h-e-b- n-\pånâ G-hÀ- pw kw-c- -Ww \Â-Ip- P-]-am-ecm-Ún F- n-h-cp-ss Xn-cp-\mÄ H-tÎm-_À am-k n-sâ {]-txy-i-x-bm-wv. Xym-K-k- -²-cm-b B-hn-em-bn-se A-½ t{x-kybpw A-t ym-iy-bn-se C-tá-jy-kpw h-\n-x-i-fpss kp-hn-ti-j-i-\m-b hn. eq- m-bpw a-\p-jyà- v A-km-²y-am-b-h F-Ãmw km-²y-am-b ssz-h-i-c fnâ-\n- pw t\-sn- -cp- hn. bq-zm-kv X-tZ-hq-kpw {]-txy-i-am-bn B-Z-cn- -s -Sp- -Xpw sim- -am-k n-em-wv. `m-c-x-k-`-bp-ss A-`n-am-\-am-b, Z-fn-Xv k-tlm-z-c- Ä- n-s-bnâ A-Úm-X-\m-bn, {Inkv-Xp-hn-sâ kv-t\-l- n-sâ ]-cn-a-f-hpw, ssz-hni B-izm-k- n-sâ A- -s -b- -hpw hn-x-c-ww sn-bv-x hm-gv- -s -«tx-hà-]-d-¼nâ Ip-ª- -\pw A- -s\ km- n-i-fp-ss H-cp h-en-b \n-c \-ap- p Np-äpw \nâ- p- p; \mw sim- P-]n- p-t¼mä. \-½p-sS Ip-Spw-_- -sf A-\p-{K-l- nâ D-d- n p-hm-\pw h-fà- p-hm-\pw P-]-am-e i-à-am-wv. {In-kv-Xp-\m-Y-sâ Po-hn-X-c-l-ky- -fm-wv sim- bp-ss C-cp-]-Xp c-l-ky- -fn-epw \mw [ym-\n- p -Xv. "\- -\n-d-ª a-dn-b-ta' F- {]mà- -\-bpss a-ip-sw "Cu-tim A-\p-{K-ln- -s -«-h-\m-ip- p' F- tb-ip-\m-a- n-sâ hm-gv- -em-wv. P-]-am-e, hn-ip-²n-bp-ss k-ar-²-am-b hn-f-sh-sp- n-sâ {]mà -\-bm--sw- v tpm t]mä c-ïm-a³ amà- m-

12 ]Tn- n- p- p. A-Sn-Øm-\-]-c-am-bn P-]-am-e {Inkv-Xp-tI-{µo-Ir-X {]mà- -\-bm-wv. ]qà- -am-bpw A-½-bp-tS-Xm-bn-s m-ïm-wv ]-cn-ip-² ]n-xm-hv X-sâ t{i-jvt C-S-b-Øm-\w \nà-æ-ln- -Xv. {In-kv- Xp-\m-Y-sâ Xn-cp-ap-J-am-Wv Hm-tcm c-l-ky- -fn-epw sh-fn-hm-bn h-cp- -Xv. 1. k-t m-j- n-sâ c-l-ky- Ä P-]-am-e k-t m-j- n-sâ c-l-ky- Ä [ym-\n- p-sim-ïv B-cw-`n- p- p. Cu A- p-c-l-ky- -fnepw k- m-c-hpw k-µà-i-\-hpw ap-jy-{]-ta-b- -fm- Wv. k-t m-j- n-sâ A- v c-l-ky- -fp-ts-bpw c-l-kyw A-h Zpx-J-c-l-ky- -fm-wv F- -X-t{X. {In-kv-Xo-b Po-hn-X-c-l-ky-hpw C-Xm-Wv: k-t m-j- n-sâ D-Ån a-d-ªn-cn- p- Ip-cn-iv "{In-kv-Xp-hn kz- -am-bn- o-cp- -hà {In-kv-Xphn-sâ Po-hn-Xw ap-gp-h-\pw Po-hn- -Ww. A-h³ {Inkv-Xp-hn-t\m-Sp-Iq-Sn K-Zv-sk-ta-\n-bn-epw Ip-cn-in-sâ h-gn-bn-epw Km-KpÂ- m-bn-epw k- -cn- -Ww... Ipcn-ipw-h-ln- p-sim-ïv A-h³ ImÂ-h-cn I-b-d-Ww... B-ßm-hn-sâ C-cp-ï cm-{xn-bp-ss th-z-\ ap-gp-h-\pw k-ln- -Ww. F- p-sim-ïv?... A-Xn-\v H-cp D- c-ta-bp-åp. ssz-h- n-sâ c-l-ky-am-w-xv. A-Xv C-Xp-h-tc-bpw B-cpw I-ïp-]n-Sn- n-«n-ã, A-\p-`-hn- n-t«-bp-åp. B-²ym-ßn-I Po-hn-Xw \-bn- p- G- sxm-cp-h-\pw C-Xv A-\p-`-hn-t a-xn-bm-iq...' (hn. Pq-Un- v- sì-bn³). Zpx-J- n-sâ k-t m-j-hpw k-t m-j- n-sâ Zpx-J-hp-am-Wv P-]-am-e-bp-sS c-lky- Ä [ym-\-hn-j-b-am- p- -Xv. A-\p-Zn-\ Po-hn-X A-\p-`-h- Ä k-½m-\n- p- th-z-\-i-fpw Ip-cn-ip-I-fpw G-sä-Sp- p- -Xn P-]- am-e-[ym-\w \-s½ {]m-]v-x-cm- p- p. k-t m-j-c-lky- -fp-ss D-Ån-se Ip-cn-in-sâ tim-` hy-à-ambn t\m- p-i: ssz-h-zq-x³ aw-k-f-hmà- -bp-am-bn F- n-b-t mä a-dn-bw ]-cn-{`-an- p. Zq-X-sâ hm- pti-«v "h-f-sc hn-j-an- p'(eq- m 1:29). F-en-k-_- n-sâ ho-sv au-\-zpx-j- n-sâ `-h-\-am-wv. Cu aq-i-x-bn-te-bv- m-wv a-dn-bw F- p- -Xv. ]n-d-hnbp-ss A-\p-`-h- -fpw th-z-\-bp-ts-xm-wv. {]-k-hth-z-\-bnâ I-c-bp- bp-h-xn, X- Ä- v F-Xntc A-S-bv- -s -Sp- - hm-xnâ; ssz-hm-e-b- n-se k-aà- -W-hpw c-à-k-ô-ap-å-xm-wv. A-½-bv- p e-`n- p- k-tµ-i-am-i-s«, lr-z-b- n-eq-ss hmä I-S- pw F- p-å-xpw. k-t m-j- n-sâ A- mw c-l-ky- nâ Xn-cp- m-fn-sâ B-tLm-j- Ä- p-at²y "h-en-b D-Xv-I-WvT-tbm-sS ]p-{x-s\ Xn-c-bp- A-½-bp-sS ]-cn-[n-bn-ãm- Zpx-Jw Iq-cn-cp-«v krãn- p- p. Ip-cn-in-sâ AÀ- w-tx-sn, Ip-cn-in-sâ h-gn-bn-eq-ss-tb A-½-tbm-sSm- w k- -cn- p-hm³ I-gn-bq... Po-hn-X-bm-{X-bn Zpx-J-an-Ãm- -hà B-cpan-Ã. A-Xn-\m F-Ãm-h-cpw A-½-tbm-Sp tnà- pbm-{x sn- -Ww, A-t mä ssz-hm-e-b- nâ ]p- {X-s\ I-ïp-ap-«p- -Xn-\pw A-h-t\m-sSm- w `-h-\- -fn-te-bv- p a-s- p- -Xn-\pw km-[n- pw. ssz-hme-b- nâ-\n- pw tb-ip-hn-s\ Iq-sS sim-ïp-t]m- Ip-hm³ \mw {i-²n- p-t¼mä \-½p-sS _-en-th- Zn-bpw ]-Ån- -cn-k-c-hpw Ip-Spw-_- -fpw ssz-hn-i km- n-²y- n-sâ k-am-izm-kw \n-d-ª Ø-e- - fm-ipw. 2 {]-Im-i c-l-ky- Ä Cu-tim-bp-sS ]-c-ky-po-hn-x- n-sâ \nà- mb-i L-«- -sf-bm-wv {]-Im-i c-l-ky- Ä B-hnjv-I-cn- p- -Xv. A-\p-Zn-\ t -i- -fp-ss C-cp-«n {]-Im-iw \Â-Im³ ]-cn-ip-² A-½-bv- p I-gn-bpw. ]-cn-ip-²m-ßm-hn-sâ k-hn-ti-j km- n-²y-hpw ]n- Xm-hn-sâ h-en-b km- y-hpw Cu-tim-bp-sS Úm- \-kv-\m-\- nâ {Xn-tXzm- p-j AÀ- -hym-]v-xn-iä \Â-Ip- p. \-{k-ênâ A-½-bv- pw bu-tk- n-\pw hn-t[-b-\m-bn Po-hn- n-cp- \m-y³ c-l-ky-po-hn-x- n-sâ a-d \o- n, ]-c-ky-po-hn-xw B-cw-`n- p- p. ]m-]-tam-n-\- n-sâ-bpw ]p-xn-b P-\-\- n-sâ-bpw B-ßm-`n-tj-I- n-sâ-bpw, Z- p-]p-{x-øm-\- nsâ-bpw A-\p-{K-lo-X k-aà- -W-hpw ssz-h-ip-spw-_- n-te-bv- p-å I-S- p-h-c-hp-am-wv Úm-\-kv-\m- \w. B-ßm-hn-sâ A-`n-tj-I-an-Ãm- Po-hn-X-hpw {]-hà- n-i-fpw {]-kw-k- -fpw i-àn-bn-ãm- -Xpw C-X-cÀ Xn-c-kv-I-cn- p- -Xp-am-Wv. B-ßm-hn-sâ A-án cq-]m- -c-s -Sp- n-b-hà k-i-eà- pw kzo- Im-cy-cm-Ipw. Cu-tim-bp-sS Úm-\-kv-\m-\w am-\- km- -c- n-te-bv- pw ]p-xp-po-hn-x- n-te-bv- pw \-ap- v e-`n- p- - -W-am-Wv. in-jy-cp-ss lr-z-b- n-te-bv- v hn-izm-k- nsâ B-Zy-sh-fn- w I-b-dp- -Xv Im-\m-bn h- m-wv. Im-\m-bn-se hn-hm-l- nâ Cu-tim-bpw A-½-bpw in-jy- m-cpw k- n-l-x-cm-bn-cp- p. A-hÀ F-Ãm-hcpw k- n-ln-x-cm-bn-cp- n-«pw ho-ªv XoÀ- p-t]mb-tãm? ssz-h-km- n-²y-s \-ap- v A-\p-{K-lw e-`n- p- -Xm- n \mw am-ä-ww. A-sÃ- nâ Zn-hykm- n-²yw \-s½ c- n- n-ã. I-S-en h-å- nâ Cu-tim k- n-ln-x-\m-bn-cp- p. h-å- n-\p-ånâ {]-iv-\- Ä B-b-Xn-\mÂ, \mw h-å- nâ-\n- v ]p-d-t -bv- p Nm-S-cp-Xv. \n-e-bn-ãm- I-b- nte-bv- m-bn-cn- pw ]-Xn- p-i. k-`-bn-se, k-aq-l- -fn-se, Ip-Spw-_- -fn-se {]-iv-\- -fp-ss t]-cnâ \mw A-hn-sS-\n- v ]p-d-t -bv- p Nm-S-cp-Xv. A-Xv 12

13 ]-cn-lm-c-a-ã, a-säm-cp {]-iv-\w kr-ãn-  am-{x-amw-xv. ]m-d-bnâ ]-Wn-bp- ho-sn-\v {]-iv-\- -fpw `o-j-wn-bpw D-ïm-hn-à F- v \m-y³ ]-d-ªn-«n-ã. a-g s]- pw, Im-äq-Xpw, sh-å-s m- -ap-ïm-ipw. ]md-bnâ ]-Wn-X ho-sv X-I-cn-Ã. a- nâ ]-Wn-X ho-sv ho-gpw. C-Xm-Wv hy-xym-kw. Cu hy-xym-kw Xo-sc sn-dp-xp-a-ã. Cu-tim-bp-sS Im-\m-bn-se km- n-²yw {i-t²b-am-b a-säm-cp D- -c-hm-zn-xz-s - p-dn- v \-s½ t_m-²y-s -Sp- p- p. Im-\m-bn hn-hm-l- n-\på F-Ãm {I-ao-I-c-W- -fpw \-S- n-cp- p. F- mâ am-\p-jn-i I-W- p-iq-«-ep-i-fp-ss ]-cn-an-xn th-kw {]-I-S-am-Ip- p. ho-ªp XoÀ- p, hn-cp- p-imà _m- n \nâ- p- p. Po-hn-X- n-se- km-[m-c-w A\p-`-h-am-Wv Im-\m-bn D-ïm-b-Xv. \mw F-{X H-cp n-bm-epw Im-h-en-cp- m-epw, A-²zm-\n- m-epw IW- p-iq-«-ep-iä \-S- n-bm-epw IÀ- m-hv `-h-\w ]-Wn-bp- n-sã- nâ ]-Wn- m-cp-ss A-²zm-\w hyà w. ssz-h- nâ B-{i-bn- p-t¼mä B-Zy-t Xn-epw cp-nn-c-i-c-am-b ho-ªv-þ Du-jv-a-f kv-t\-lw, \-hy-hm-õ-eyw, t{i-jvt-hn-iz-kv-x-x, D- -X-XymKw, Hu-Zm-cy-]qÀ- -am-b ]- p-h-bv- Â, I-cp-WmÀ{Z- -a-þ-\-½p-ss k-`-bn-epw Ip-Spw-_- -fn-epw e-`n pw. A-Xn-`m-j-Ww A-ti-jw C-Ãm- H-cp {]mà -\-bm-wv A-½ \-S- p- -Xv. "A-h-cp-sS ho-ªv XoÀ- p-t]m-bn'. lr-z-b- nâ \n-c- -cw Pz-en- p-\n Â- p- {]mà- -\-bp-ss H-cp Xo-s m-cn am-{x-amwo e-lp-{]mà- -\. lr-z-bw k-zm ssz-h-k- n[n-bnâ {]mà- -\-bnâ e-bn- n-cn- p- -h-cp-ss 13 e-lp-hm- p-iä- pw ssz-h-k- n-[n-bnâ F-{X -iàn-bp-ïv! ssz-h-cm-py Øm-]-\-am-bn-cp- p Cu-tim-bp-sS e- yw. ssz-h-cm-pyw F- -Xv ssz-h- n-sâ \n-b{ -W- n-epw i-àn-bn-epw Po-hn- -em-wv. ssz-h n-sâ kv-t\-lw F-s \nà-_-ôn- p- p F- v hn. ]u-tem-kv ]-d-bp- -Xv A-t±-lw ssz-h-cm-py n-sâ \n-b-{ -W- n-em-bn-cp- -Xn-\m-em-Wv. hy-àn-i-sf \n-b-{ n- p- -Xpw \-bn- p- -Xpw hn-hn-[ L-S-I- -fm-wv: `-bw, tim-]w, {]-Xn-Imc-Zm-lw, {]-i-kv-xn-tam-lw, A-[n-Im-c-{`-aw, Zp-c-`nam-\w, a-zyw, [-\w C- -s\ \n-c-h-[n i-àn-iä. C-h-bm \-bn- -s -Sp- -hà \-c-i-cm-py- n-sâ kzm-[o-\- n-em-wv. A-hÀ Po-hn- p- n-sw A-hÀ \-c-i-am- pw. kv-t\-lw, k-am-[m-\w, \n-kzmà- X, tk-h-\w, `-àn, k-xyw, -a, im- -X, \o-xn, hn-\-bw, ssz-h-`-bw, hn-iz-kv-x-x, \-, kzm-x{ yw, Z-b, k-t m-jw, km-tlm-z-cyw Xp-S- n-b \- -I-fm Po-hn-Xw \n-b-{ n- -s -Sp- -h-cp-ïv. C-h-cm-Wv ssz-h- mâ \n-b-{ n- -s -Sp- -h-cpw ssz-h-cm-py- n-se Aw-K- -fpw. \-½p-sS \n-b-{ Ww ]qà- -am-bpw ssz-h- n-\p hn-«p-sim-sp- p-i. h-en-b kzm-x-{ yw \-ap- v A-\p-`-h-s -Spw. sszh-s am-än-\nà- p- -Xp-sIm-ïm-Wv k-aq-l-pohn-x- n-epw hy-àn-po-hn-x- n-epw G-sd A-cm-PI-Xz- Ä \n-e-\nâ- p- -Xv. ssz-h-s Iq-Sm-sX ]-Ån-bpw, {]mà- -\-bn-ãm- A-\p-jvTm-\- -fpw, Úm-\-an-Ãm- I-em-e-b- -fpw, kv-t\-l-an-ãm- Zm-¼-Xy-hpw, k-aà- -W-an-Ãm- k-\ym-k-hpw lr-zb-an-ãm- kw-`m-j-w-hpw, Po-hn-X-an-Ãm- {]-kw-

14 K-hpw C- v b-ty-ãw e-`y-am-wv. \-c-i-cm-py- nsâ kzm-[o-\- -fm-wv A-h. Cu-tim {]-kw-kn- ssz-h-cm-pyw kv-t\-l- n-sâ `-c-w-am-wv. A-hn-sS {]-kw-k-ap-ïv; F- mâ hm- p-i-fn-ã. {]-hà- -\- ap-ïv; ]-c-ky- -fn-ã. ip-{iq-j-bp-ïv; {]-Xn-^-te- Ñ-bn-Ã. aq-ey- -fp-ïv;hn-e-t]-i-en-ã. b-ymà- kvt\-l- n-sâ kà-æ kp-k-ô-hpw A-hn-sS D-ïv. IÀ- m-hn-sâ cm-py- n-te- v \-ap- v h-cmw. "{]mà- n- p-sim-ïn-cp- -t mä A-h-sâ ap-jw am-dn' Cu-tim-bp-sS Po-hn-X- n-se A-Xn-{]-[m-\ ap-lqà- -am-wv cq-]-m- -co-i-c-ww. {]mà- -\-bm- Wv Cu-tim-bp-sS Po-hn-X- n-sâ ssz-h-xzw a-d-\o- p- k-a-bw. Po-hn-X- nâ \- -bn-te-bv- p-å h-fà- -bpw am-ä-hpw kw-`-hn- -W-sa- nâ {]mà- -\ D-ïmh-Ww. \-½p-sS Po-hn-X- nâ G-ä-hpw hn-e-]n-sn- p-å-xv k-a-b-am-wv. {]mà- n- p-t¼mä k-a-bw ssz-h- n-\v \Â-Ip- p. ssz-h- n-\v \Â-Im³ k-a-b-an-ãm- -h-cp-ss Po-hn-X- nâ H- mw Øm- \w ssz-h- n-\-ã. ssz-h- n-\v H- mw-øm-\w \Â-Ip-I, F-Ãmw hy-xy-kv-x-am-ipw. Cu-tim-bpsS Xm-t_mÀ A-\p-`-hw Hm-tcm ss{i-kv-x-h-\pw kz- -am-t -ï B-ßo-b-e- y-am-wv. \-s½ cq-]m- -c-s -Sp- p- ssz-h-kv-t\-l- n-sâ Du-jv-a-f h-e-b- nâ P-]-am-e-bn-eq-sS \-ap- v \-s½ k-aà- n- mw. Cu-tim-bp-sS Cu-tem-I Po-hn-X- n-sâ ]-c-aap-lqà- -am-wv A- y A- m-gw. hn. IpÀ-_m-\ Cu-tim-X-s -bm-wv. \mw B-cm-[n- p-i-bpw kz- -am- p-i-bpw A-\p-I-cn- p-i-bpw sn-t -ï \m- Y³. hn. IpÀ-_m-\ ti-{µo-ir-x-am-b Po-hn-X-am-Wv \mw \-bn-t -ï-xv. kzà- o-b k-am-[m-\-am-wv hn. IpÀ-_m-\. Cu-tim-am-{Xw a-xn F- Nn- -bn-te-bv- v \mw h-f-c-ww. hn. hn³-skâ v ]-tåm-«n sszhw am-{xw F- Nn- -sim-ïv Po-hn-X-s \n-d- -Xv t\m- q... "F-sâ ssz-h-sa! _p-²n-b-ã, ssz-hw am-{xw. a-\-ê-ã, ssz-hw am-{xw. lr-z-b-a-ã, ssz-hw am-{xw. cp-nn-tbm, K-Ô-tam, Im-gv-N-tbm, tiä-hn-tbm A-Ã, ssz-hw am-{xw a-xn. izm-k-a-ã, ssz-h-s a-xn. hn-im-cm-\p-`-h-a-ã, ssz-hw am-{xw a-xn. i-co-c-a-ã, ssz-h-s a-xn. [-\-a-ã, eu-io-i-h-kv-xp- -f-ã, _-lp-a-xn-b-ã, Aw-Ko-Im-c-a-Ã, Øm-\- -b-ä-a-ã, ssz-h-s a-xn F-\n- v.' C-Xp-t]m-se H-cp kv-t\-l- n-te-bv- m-wv hn. IpÀ-_m-\ \-s½ F- n-t -ï-xv. P-]-am-e-bn hn. IpÀ-_m-\-bm-Ip- kv-t\-l-c-l-kyw \mw [ym- \n- p-t¼mä kv-t\-l- n-sâ Iq-Zm-i-bnÂ-\n- pw kv-t\-lw ]m-\w-sn- p-hm³ \-½p-sS a-\-ên-s\ H-cp- p-i-bm-wv. 3. Zpx-J c-l-ky- Ä P-]-am-e-bn Zpx-J- n-sâ c-l-ky- Ä, \m- Y-sâ Ip-cn-ip-bm-{X-bp-sS [ym-\- -fm-wv. th-kw \-ã- Ä h-cp- p- -Xpw \-ã-s -Sp- -Xp-am-b Cu tem-i-t m-sv H-«n-\nÂ- m-xn-cn- p- -Xn-\m-Wv hnip-²à Ip-cn-ip-IÄ kzo-i-cn- -Xv. A-Xm-h-s«{Inkv-Xp-\m-Y-sâ Ip-cn-in-sâ th-j- -IÀ- -I-fp-am-bncp- p. skâ v A-K-Ìn³ Ip-cn- -inâ a-t\m-l-c-am-b H-cÀ- w I-sï- n. Po-hn-X-Zpx-J- Ä, \m-am-ip- hr- - n-sâ Np-h-«n-en-Sp- t]m-j-i-k-ar-²-am-b h-f-am-wv. h-fw A-XnÂ- -s kp-k-ô-ap-å-x-ã, lr-zy-hp-a-ã. F- mâ k-t m-j-t m-ss A-Xp kzo-i-cn- mâ, Po-hn-X-hr- w \- -bp-ss ^-ew-nq-sn \nâ- pw. F- n-epw th-z-\ h-en-b H-cp ssz-hn-i \n-kq-v-x-bm-wv. Zn-h-k- n-sâ {I-ao-I-c-Ww-t]m-se-bm-Wv sszhw F-Ãmw kr-ãn- n-cn- p- -Xv. ]-Ip-Xn- ]-I-epw ]-Ip-Xn cm-{xn-bpw. ]-Ip-Xn a-d-ªpw ]-Ip-Xn sxfn-ªpw am-{x-sa a-\p-jy-\p Im-cy- Ä {K-ln- phm-\m-iq. "F- m-wv F-\n- v A-dn-ªp-Iq-Sm- -Xv F- p-t]m-epw F-\n- -dn-ªp-iq-sm' F- v sk-â v A-K-kv-än³ ]-d-ª-xp-x-s -bm-wv Ip-cn-in-sâ ap- nâ \-½p-sS A-h-Ø. F- n-epw \-ap- -dn-bmw ]n-xm-hv ]p-{x-s\ A-b- -Xv kv-t\-l-]m-c-ay- n-emsw- pw, ]p-{x³ \-s½ "kv-t\-ln-xà' F- p hnfn- p-hm³ am-{xw kz- -am- p- p F- pw. hn. ]m-t{zm ]n-tbm kz- w ap-dn-bp-ss hm-xnâ-  F-gp-Xn-h- n-cp- p: "`q-an-bn-se a-l-xz- n-sâ Iq- «p-im-c³ Zpx-J-am-Wv' F- v. c-àw hn-bà- p {]m À- n- p- Cu-tim \-½p-sS B-cm-[-\m-tI-{µ-am- Wv. Po-hn-X- n-sâ B-ß-kw-LÀ-j- Ä- pw, Poh- -c-w t -i- Ä- pw a-t²y \mw \-S- p- {]m À- -\-bm-wv c-à-þ-{]mà- -\. \m-y³ c-à-þ-{]mà- -\-bn-eq-ss (prayer & blood) B-ß-_-en-bm-hp- I-bm-bn-cp- p; kz- w C-ã-s txmâ- n- p-ibm-bn-cp- p. F-Ãmw ssz-h-s GÂ- n- p-i: \-½p-sS Po-hn-X-hpw, Po-h-\pw, ]-²-Xn-I-fpw, XmÂ- ]-cy- -fpw, C-ã- -fpw, X-IÀ- -I-fpw, ho-gv-n-i-fpw, Zpx-J- -fpw kà-tæm-]-cn \-½p-sS _-e-lo-\-x-ifpw I-gn-hp-tI-Sp-I-fpw. ssz-hw \-s½, k-ôy-bv- v F- n-epw -Wn- m-xn-cn- n-ã. "ssh-ip-t -cw Cutim A-h-tcm-Sp ]-d-ªp: \-ap- v A- -c-bv- p 14

15 t]m-imw' (aà-t m. 4:35). F-Ãm-h-cpw Xn-c-kv-I-cn- m-epw \m-y³ Xn-c-kv-I-cn- p-i-bn-ã. H-cp Zn-h-kw \m-y³ \-t½m-sp ]-d-bpw ""h-cq \-ap- v a-dp-i-c-bnte-bv- p t]m-imw'' A-Xv \-ap- v B-Zyw Iq-en X-cp- -Xn-\m-Wv. A-Xn-\m Po-hn-X- n-se AÀ-²-cm-{Xn A-\p-`-h- -sf \mw `-b-s -ts-ï. \-ap- v {]-Xn-Iqew F- p \mw I-cp-Xp- Im-cy- -fn-eq-ss \-ap- v \- e-`n- p- -Xv A-Ûp-X-I-c-am-b h-kv-xp-x-bm-wv. \-ap- v ap-dn-thâ- p- kw-k-xn-i-fn-eq-ss ssz-hw \-ap- v A-\p-{K-lw \Â-Ip- p F- -Xm-Wv sszhn-i \-S- n- n-sâ co-xn. \-½p-sS Po-hn-X-am-Ip- am-dm-bn-se I-bv-]p-X-Sm-I- n-te-bv- p ssz-hw C-«p- X-cp- X-Sn- -jv-w-am-wv Ip-cn-iv. A-Xv I-bv- n-s\ a-[p-c-am- n am-äpw. am-dm-bn-se X-Sm-I-s a-[p-c-pe-kw-`-c-wn-bm- n-b hn-[w (]p-d.15:24-25) 4. a-ln-a-bp-ss c-l-ky- Ä a-ln-a-bp-ts-xv a-l-xzo-i-c-w-c-l-ky- -fm-wv. k-t m-j-hpw hn-p-b-hpw a-l-xz-hpw A-\p-{K-l- - fpw {In-kv-Xo-b Po-hn-X- n-sâ ]mà-iz-^-e- -f-ã, lr-z-b-hpw I-n-co-S-hp-am-Wv. IÀ- m-hn-sâ D- m-\w a-c-w- n-sâ Ip-gn-sb Po-h-sâ D-d-h-bm- n, C-cp- «-d-sb {]-Im-i- n-sâ D-d-hn-S-am- n. a-ln-a-bp-ss A- p c-l-ky- -fpw hn-p-b-k-t m-j- -fp-ss k-zzmà- -bm-wv, {]-Xym-i-bp-sS Zq-Xp-I-fm-Wv A-h Hm-tcm- pw. C- n-sâ kp-j-t`m-k- -fnâ A-t\- IÀ ap-gp-in e-bn- p- -Xp-I-ïv A-h-cp-sS h-gn-i-fm- Wv i-cn F- pw \mw Nn- n- -cp-xv. BÄ- p-«-a-ã {]-[m-\w, hn-ip-²-cm-wv kp-{]-[m-\w, kw-jy-b-ã {]-[m-\w F- pw, ]-Xn-\m-bn-cw tcm-kw _m-[n- B-Sp-I-tf- mä B-tcm-Ky-ap-Å H-cm-Sm-Wv \-Ã-Xv F- p {In-tkm-kv-tXmw ]Tn- n- p- p. C- v Xn- hà-²n- p- p F- -Xn-t\- mä `-bm-\-iw, Xn- Po-hn-X-N-cy-bm-bpw Po-h-k-Ôm-c-W-amÀ- -am-bpw A-t\-IÀ- p XoÀ- n-cn- p- p F- -Xm-Wv. \- Po-hn-X-N-cy-bm-bpw D-]-Po-h-\-amÀ- -am-bpw kzo-i-cnt -ï-h-cm-wv {In-kv-Xym-\n-IÄ. k-t m-jw F- - Xv F- m-sw- -Xn-s\- p-dn- v [m-c-w-bn-ãm- -h-cm- Wv Zp-ãÀ, k-t m-j-hm- mà F- p ]-d-bp- -Xv. P-]-am-e F- e-fn-x-{]mà- -\ {In-kv-Xo-b Po-hn-X- n-\v Xm-fm-ß-I-X-bpw {I-a-_-²-X-bpw \Â-Ip- p. a-\p-jy-po-hn-x- n-sâ ssz-ho-i-\n-kp- V-X-I-fpw P-]-am-e-bn [ym-\-hn-j-b-am-ip- p. Po-h-sâ ]-hn-{x-x, Ip-Spw-_-_-Ô- -fp-ss ]-cn-]mh-\-x, kzà- -cm-py- n-te-bv- p-å kp-k-a-amà- w, k-l-\- n-sâ c- m-i-c-aq-eyw, a-\p-jy-po-hn-x- nsâ ]-c-tam- -X e- yw Xp-S- n-b-h P-]-am-e- -{]m- -\-bn-eq-ss \-ap- p sh-fn-s -«p-in-«pw. skâ v A- K-Ìn-sâ {]mà- -\ \-½p-tS-Xp-am- mw: ""]-cn-ip-² a-dn-b-ta, I-ã-X-bn I-gn-bp- -h-sc k-lm-bn-t - W-sa. \n-sâ P-\- n-\p-th-ïn {]mà- n- -W-sa. ssh-zn-ià- p-th-ïn hm-zn- -W-sa. ssz-h- n-\p k-aà- n-x-cm-b F-Ãm h-\n-x-iä- pw-th-ïn am-²y- Øw h-ln- -W-sa. A- -sb h-w- p- F-ÃmhÀ- pw C-t mä- -s A-t k-lm-b-hpw kw-c- -W-hpw A-\p-`-h-s -Sp- -W-sa'' 15

16 HOLY ROSARY Tison Thomas, Baltimore MD We celebrate October as the month of Rosary. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lies the awesome story of our salvation. The Rosary centered on the events of Christ s life. There are four sets of Mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious and added by Pope John II in 2002 the Luminous. The Rosary reaffirms our Catholic faith and develops a deeper relationship with God. Rosary teaches us, that God came down from heaven and dwells among us, lived like 16 one of us. All of these mysteries together indicate Jesus is God, Jesus is one of us, and He loves us deeply. Why we pray Rosary? It's a simple prayer, humble so much like Mary. It's a prayer we can all say together with Her, the Mother of God. With the Hail Mary we invite Mary to pray for us. Mary always grants our request. Mary joins her prayer to ours. Therefore it becomes ever

17 more useful, because what Mary asks she always receives, Jesus can never say no to whatever His Mother asks for. According to Tradition, praying Rosary may have started in 1214 when the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Dominic. The Rosary is a Bible-based prayer. It begins with the Apostles Creed, which summarizes the Catholic faith, then Our Father, which introduces each mystery, which is our Lord s Prayer. Why we pray Hail Mary? The Hail Mary is the angel s words announcing Christ s birth and Elizabeth s greeting to Mary. The Angel who sees God the Father face to face, announced Hail, Full of Grace the Lord is with thee, - is a prayer that God the Father gave us. When Elizabeth filled with Holy Spirit announced, Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, it is the Holy Spirt that gave us these words. The Church added Jesus at the end of the prayer, which shows Mary, was pregnant with Jesus at that time. We can unequivocally say, the prayer Hail Mary brings us closer to the Holy Trinity. The prayer brings heaven to earth. The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and thoughtful prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ s spirit dwells. Any prayer is vain, however, if said mechanically without devotion. Why the mysteries? The rosary is a prayer where heaven and earth join together. Rosary also asks us to meditate about the divine and human nature of Jesus. The Sorrowful mysteries shows the human nature of Jesus, where we pray and remember the sufferings of Jesus, when Jesus felt the real pain, and died a painful death and he did this to save us from sin and show us how much God loves the human race. The Glorious mysteries shows the divine nature (nature of God or things only God can do), 17 which include rising from dead and ascending into heaven. The Joyful mysteries show how Jesus is both a human person and God - born of a woman, the role of Holy Spirit and divine interventions. The Luminous mystery (Jesus is the light of the word) shows the relationship between God and his Church and invites us all to the Eucharist. Meaning of mysteries Rosary is both a prayer and a meditation. For example, when we meditate on the scourging at the pillar we remember why Jesus was scourged. Jesus was ordered to be scourged by Pontius Pilate, who very well know Jesus did not do anything wrong. Pontius Pilate was scared of people and was afraid to lose his standing among the Romans and Caesar. Instead of letting Jesus go, he asked Jesus to be scourged. Every time we pray this mystery, we too remember, how often we did not stand up for our faith, truth and when innocent lives are lost through abortion. Similarly, when we meditate about crowning with thorns, we remember how Jesus was crowned with a vine of thorns around His head, and soldiers put a cloak around his body and then kneeled and mocked Him by saying Hail, King of Jews, and how they spit at Jesus. These soldiers were mocking and gossiping about Jesus. We too do this often; when we gossip about others, talk badly about our Church, our priests (Jesus is the High Priest) and others. When we pray and meditate these mysteries, we should be not only praising God for His merciful ways to save us, but also asking for forgiveness. Each time we pray the rosary, we are asking God for his forgiveness and mercy through Mary, who leads us to Jesus. No wonder Satan do not want us to say the rosary. It is something he fears most. Let us all pray the rosary with the fervor that it asks us.

18 Im-tb³ (I-hn-X) a-rv-pp tpm-jn, lq-kv-ä, ss-iv-km-kv I-ïp Rm³ Im-tb-s\, Im-e- n³ Xp-S- - nâ ssz-hw i-]n-t m-cm-z- n³ k- -Xn-sb... A- -an-ãm-xq-gn-bnâ A-e-ª-h³ Im-tb³! ap-åpw sr-cn-ªn-epw hn-bà- n³ hn-e-bm-bn e-`n- -h³! a-\p-jy-kw-kv-ir-xn-x³ D-bnÀ- pw hn-\m-i-hpw I-ï-h³ a-lm-{]-f-b- n-\pw km- n-bm-b-x-h³ an-gn-i-sf- n-ep-þ Im-Wp-hm³ h- o sim-spw-]m-]n-sb, tkm-z-c-lm-x-i-s\ C-dp- n-b-s- p Rm-s\³ I- p-i-sfm-cp ]m-gv-in-\m-sh- -t]m-se s]m-«n- n-cn- -h³ ]n-s sa-sã-tbm-xn, \nà-hn-im-cw... G-sd ]-cn-nn-x-ao sh-dp- pw \n-µ-bp-sa³ \mä-h-gn-i-fnâ ssz-hw -an- -h-s\- n-epw a-\p-jy³ sh-dp- -h³ s\-än-bnâ ssz-h- n³ ap-{z-bp-å-h³ Rm³ Im-tb³! 18

19 \o-xn-bpw \n³ k-aq-l-hpw \n- Ä X³ \o-xn-im-kv-{x- -fpw B-«n- p-d- m- n-b-h-tc-sd-bp-ïo I-cp-W-X³ ]m-x-bnâ F-t m I-S- p-t]m-bn B ]-g-b \n-b-a kw-ln-x, ssh-cn-sb I-sÃ-dn-ª Pq-X-hw-i tn-x-\! HmÀ- p-i \o, ]m-]n-sb, th-iy-sb, Ip-jvT-tcm-Kn-sb-þ Pm-Xn-t\m- m-sx am-\-h-s\, am-dn-e-w- -h³ \n- n-s-b³... G-sg-gp-]-Xp -an- -h³ Rm-s\- p- - n-tem-xn A-]-c-sâ tim-]w ho-ïpw Pz-en- -hà \n- Ä ]mtw ]Tn- n- m³ I-gn-bm- ssh-cn-sbm-cp-\mä \-c-i- o-bn-se-cn-bp-sa-t mà- p Nn-cn- -hà \n- Ä... BÀ- n aq- -Ô-cm-bn \n-d- n-spw `m-þ- Ä `m-c-ta-dn X-f-cp-t¼m-sf-dn-ªp-I-f-bpw \o \m-w-b- p-«p-i-f- - -j-w- -tfm h-gn-b-cp-inâ ]n-s e-ö-bn-ãm-xmà- p hn-fn- pw Rm³ [À-½n-ã-t\-äw Zm-\-io-e³!! B-h-c-W- -tf-sd-bp-ïp \n- Ä X³ lr- n-\p-þ ssh-ir-x- -sf-ãmw a-d-bv- pw `-àn X³ kzà- -hn-cn- n-\mâ \n- Ä I-gp-a-cw NmÀ- n-b-h-c-\-h-[n-bp-ïn-\n HmÀ- p-i... ]-cn-nn-x-a-ã \n- -fnâ ]-eà- pw ]m-]n-sb kr-ãn- pw sim-spw Np-S-e- m-sp-iä th-z-\n- n- m-\-h-sc ]Tn- n- -sxm-s -bpw th-z-\-am-{xw sim-sp- Po-hn-X-]m-X-IÄ!! A-dn-bn-Ão `q-hn-emà- pw F-t - mä Xo-{h-am-bn... Xn-c-kv-Im-cw G-ä-h-sâ sim-sn-b th-z-\ ]m-x-in-bm-ipw ap³-t] ]-e-hp-cp a-\-ênâ a-cn- -h³ X- p-cp-ip- tn-x-\... I-sÃ-dn-bpw ap³-t]-sbm-cp am-{x-tbmà- p-i D-d-h-I-sfm-gp-Ip-ta-Xp I-cn- Â {]-X-e- n-epw kv-t\-l- n³ ]p-xp-a-g [m-c-bm-bn s]-bv-xmâ!! Rm³ Im-tb³! ]m-x-in-sb- n-epw ssz-hw -an- -h³ I-cp-W X³ ap-{z s\-än-bnâ NmÀ- n-b-h³! G-tXm hn-{`-a-kz-]v-\-tam, F- p- m-z-nn- -IÄ X³ kr-ãn-tbm a-d-ªp-t]m-bm {]m-ir-x-cq-]³ s]m-sp- -s\... F- n-ep-sa- n-cp-ï lr-z-b- n-em hm- p-iä A-án-kv-^p-enw-Kw XoÀ- p ]p-i-b-th... I-ïp Rm³ ap-{z-iä... Np-äp-ap-tÅm-cn-se-Ãmw... ssz-h-kv-t\-l- n³ Xn-f- p- ]-X- - Ä!! 19

20 C-S-h-I-[ym-\- -fp-ss B-[ym-ßn-I-X Nn-e ]p-\à hn-nn- -\- Ä d-h. tum. tpm-k-^v ]mw-¹m-\n-bnâ sk-{i-«-dn, Xn-tbm-f-Pn- Â I-½o-j³, CBCI I-t m-en- m B-[ym-ßn-I-X kz-`m-h- mâx-s Iu-Zm-in-I B-[ym-ßn-I-X-sb e- y-am n-bp-å-xm-wv. \-½p-sS- IÀ- m-hn-sâ Ip-cnip-a-c-W- n-eq-ss-bpw D- m-\- n-eq-ss-bpw a-\p-jy-ip-e- n-\p I-c-K-X-am-b c- -sb tz-iim-e- Ä- -Xo-X-am-bn kw-e-`y-am- p- -Xn-\mbn IÀ- m-hp-x-s Øm-]n- -Xm-Wv k-`-bn-se 20 G-gp Iq-Zm-i-IÄ. a-sä-ãm {]mà- -\-I-fpw ip{iq-j-i-fpw Iq-Zm-im-\p-I-c-W- -fpw B-Xy- ni-am-bn hn-izm-kn-sb k-`-bp-ss Iu-Zm-in-I B-[ym-ß-I-X-bn-te-bv- p \-bn-t -ï-h-bm-wv. X- q-ew Iu-Zm-in-I B-[ym-ßn-I-X-sb \n-êm-châ- -cn- p- -Xpw A-Xn-t\- mä t{i-jvt-sa v A-h-Im-i-s -Sp- -Xp-am-b ip-{iq-j-iä- v

21 k-`-bp-ss B-[ym-ßn-I-X-bn Øm-\-an-Ã. hn. IpÀ-ºm-\-sb- mä {]m-[m-\y-ap-å `-à-ir-xy -tfm hn. Ip-¼-km-c-t - mä {]-k-à-am-b _-Ô-\-ip-{iq-j-I-tfm _-Ô-\-{]mÀ- -\-I-tfm k-`-bp-ss B-[ym-ßn-I-X-bn C-Ã. XmÂ- men-im-ià-j-w-hpw ssh-im-cn-i kw-xr-]v-xn-bpw e- y-am- n \-S- p- C- -c- n-ep-å {]-hw-x-iä k-`-bp-ss A-Sn-Øm-\ B-[ym-ßn-I-Xbn B-g-am-b ap-dn-hv GÂ- n- p-sa- v \mw a\-ên-em- -Ww. Iu-Zm-in-I B-[ym-ßn-I-X-bp-sS ti-{µw C-S-h-I- -Ån-bp-sS AÄ- m-c-bm-wv. \-½p-sS hn-ip-² IpÀ-ºm-\-sb-bpw hn-izm-k-]mc-¼-cy- -sf-bpw B-g- n-epw B-[n-Im-cn-I-Xbn-epw ]Tn- p-t¼m-gm-wv-þ-b-[ym-ßn-i-x-bp-ss A-Sn- -d _-e-h- m-ip- -Xv. C-S-h-I- -Ånbp-sS AÄ- m-c-sb ti-{µ-am- n-bm-wv H-cp I-t m-en- m-hn-izm-kn-bp-ss B-[ym-ßn-I-X hf-tc-ï-xv. C-S-h-I-]-Ån-bp-sS AÄ- m-c-sb A{]-[m-\-am-bn I-cp-Xm-\pw kzm-`o-ã- -sf t{]m -Õm-ln- n- p- [ym-\-{kq- p-i-fn-epw {]mà -\m-{kq- p-i-fn-epw A-an-X XmÂ- -cyw ]p-eà m-\pw Nn-e hn-izm-kn-i-sf- n-epw {]-tem-`n-xcm-ip- p-ïv. C-Xv Xn-cp- -s -ts-ï Xn- -bm-wv. C-S-h-I-tI-{µo-Ir-X-am-b B-[ym-ßn-I-X-sb- p-dn v c-ïmw h- n- m³ Iu -knâ \-S- p- ]T-\w {i-t²-b-am-wv: tem-i-am-k-i-ew hym-]n p-in-s- p- Zr-iy-k-`-sb {]-Xn-\n-[m-\w sn- p -Xv C-S-h-I-bm-Wv (SC42). C-S-h-I- -Ån-bp-sS AÄ- m-c-bnâ sa-{xm-sâ {]-Xn-\n-[n-bm-b hnim-cn-tbm-ssm- v C-S-h-I-P-\w H- m-si ssz-h n-\p _-en-bà- n- p-t¼m-gm-wv k-`-bp-ss Iq«m-bv-a A-Xn-sâ ]qà- -X-bn {]-I-S-am-Ip- -Xv. C-S-h-I k-aq-l- Ä- v X- Ä, cq-]-x-bp-ss-bpw kmà-æ-{xn-i-k-`-bp-ss-bpw Aw-K- -fm-sw- icn-bm-b A-h-t_m-[w e-`n- p- -Xv (CD30) C- cw k-µà-`- -fn-em-wv. B-Zn-a-k-`m-k-aq-l- Ä H-cp a-\-êpw H-cm-ßm-hp-am-bn Iq-«m-bv-a-bn cq-]-s -«-Xv IÀ- m-hn-sâ ta-i-bv- p Np-äpw A- w ap-dn-  ip-{iq-j-bnâ ]- p-tnà- -XpsIm-ïm-Wv F- k-xyw \mw HmÀ-½n- -Ww (A- 4:32). k-`-bp-ss kmà-æ-{xn-i a-x-t_m-[-\ {K-Ùw \Â-Ip- ]T-\-hpw {i-t²-b-am-wv. "hnizm-kn-i-sf ssz-hm-cm-[-\-bn-te-bv- p \-bn p- -Xpw H-cp-an- p-iq-«p- -Xpw {In-kv-Xp-hn-sâ c- m-i-c-c-l-ky- -sf- p-dn- v ]Tn- n- p- -Xpw k-tlm-z-c-kv-t\-l- n-sâ {In-kv-Xo-b D-]-hn A`y-kn- m³ {]m-]v-x-cm- p- -Xpw C-S-h-I- q-«m-bv- 21 a-bn-em-wv' (CCC2179). C-S-h-I-ssZ-hm-e-bw ti-{µam- n-bp-å B-[ym-ßn-I-X-sb- p-dn- v k-`m-]nxm-hm-b hn. {In-tkm-kv-tXm-an-sâ {]-t_m-[-\w G-sd {i-t²-b-am-wv. "C-S-h-I-tZ-hm-e-b- n-texp-t]m-se G-sX- n-epw `-h-\- -fnâ \n- Ä p H-cp-an- p-iq-sn {]mà- n- m-\m-hn-ã. Im-c-Ww hn-izm-kn-i-sf H-tc B-ßm-hn-epw H-tc kv-t\-l n-epw _-Ôn- p- Iq-«m-bv-a-bp-sS Ir-]m-h-chpw ]p-tcm-ln-x ip-{iq-j-bp-ss A-\p-{K-l-hpw tz-hm-e-b- n-em-wp-å-xv.' Cu k-`m-{]-t_m-[-\ -fp-ss sh-fn- - nâ C-S-h-I-tZ-hm-e-b- n-sâ AÄ- m-c-sb ti-{µ-am- n-bp-å B-[ym-ßn-I-X h-fà- m³ A-P-]m-e-IÀ {i-²n- -Ww. ssz-h-h-n-\- n-\m-bp-å Zm-lw ssz-h-p-\ Ä- n-s-bnâ hà-²n- p-h-cp- -Xv Cu Im-e-L«- n-sâ A-\p-{K-l-am-Wv. X- -sf `-c-taâ- n- ssz-h-p-\- n-\m-h-iy-am-b h-n-\w k-`m-ß-iam-bn hym-jym-\n- p \Â-Ip-I F- -Xv C-S-h-Ibp-sS B-²ym-ßn-I ]n-xm-hm-b hn-im-cn-b- -sâ D- -c-hm-zn- -am-wv. Rm-b-dm-gv-N-I-fn-se Znhy-_-en-a-t²y-bp-Å kp-hn-ti-j-{]-tlm-j-w n-eq-ss-bpw C-X-c -t_m-[-h-xv-i-c-w-amà- - fn-eq-ss-bpw Cu e- yw km- m-xv-i-cn- m³ hn-im-cn-b- - mà {i-²n- -Ww. C-t m-gp-å {]-txy-i km-l-n-cy- nâ C-S-h-I-[ym-\- Ä ap-xnà- -h-cp-ss hn-izm-k-]-cn-io-e-\- n-\pw h-n-\-]t-\- n-\p-ap-å G-ä-hpw ^-e-{]-z-amà -am-wv. Cu [ym-\- Ä Im-cy- -a-am-bn \-S m³ hn-im-cn-b- - mà {i-²n- -Ww. h-n-\w k-`m-ß-i-x-bn-epw Iu-Zm-in-I-_-Ô- n-epw hym-jym-\n- p- h-n-\-{]-tlm-j-i-sc-bm-wv CXn-\m-bn I-sï-t -ï-xv. C-S-h-I-[ym-\- -fpw [ym-\-i -sh³-j-\p-i-fpw hn-im-cn-b- - m-cpss taâ-t\m-«- n-epw D- -c-hm-zn-xz- n-epw am-{x-ta \-S- p-hm³ ]m-sp-åq. C-S-h-I Iq-«m-bva-sb h-fà- p-i F- -Xm-Wv C-S-h-I [ym-\- fp-ss e- yw. C-S-h-I Iq-«m-bv-a-bv- p `w-k-w h-cp p- co-xn-bnâ hn-hn-[ [ym-\-so-ap-i-fp-ts-bpw [ym-\-ti-{µ- -fp-ts-bpw B-`n-ap-Jy- n-ep-å {Kq p-iä C-S-h-I-k-aq-l- nâ cq-]-s -Sp- p- Xv A-`n-e-j-Wo-b-a-Ã. G-sX- n-epw [ym-\-ti-{µt -tbm {]-tlm-j-i-sc-tbm B-[m-c-am- n-b-ã, {]-Xyp-X, C-S-h-I- -Ån-bp-sS AÄ- m-c-sb B[m-c-am- n hn-izm-kn-i-sf h-fà- m³ A-P-]me-IÀ {i-²n- -Ww. \-½p-sS cq-]-x-bp-ss {]-txy-i ]-Ým- -ew

22 ]-cn-k-wn- p-t¼mä AÂ-am-b Iq-«m-bv-a-I-fp-sS {]m-[m-\yw G-sd {]-k-à-am-wv. \n-kzmà- am-b k-`m-kv-t\-l- mâ t{]-cn-x-am-b A-t\-Iw B-ßo-b-cp-tS-bpw ssh-zn-i-cp-ts-bpw B-ßmÀ -am-b Xym-K- n-sâ ^-e-am-wv \-½p-sS cq-]-xbp-ss cq-]o-i-c-w-hpw h-fà- -bpw. AÂ-am-b {]-Øm-\- -fp-ss {]-hà- -\w k-`-sb ]-Sp- p-bà- p- co-xn-bn-em- m³ cïmw hà- n- m³ Iu -knâ \Â-Ip- \n À-t±-iw G-sd {i-²mà-l-am-wv: k-`-bm-ip- G-I i-co-c- n-se Aw-K- -fm-bn Iq-«m-bv-a-bn {]-hà- n- p- AÂ-am-bÀ k-`-bp-ss l-b-cmà n-bp-ss \nà-t±-i- -fpw \n-_-ô-\-i-fpw A-\pk-cn- p {]-hà- n- p- p-sh- nâ am-{x-sa {]-kvxp-x {]-hà- -\w k-`-sb ]-Sp- p-bà- m³ k-lm-bn- p-i-bp-åq (AA20). hn-izm-kn-iä hyàn-]-c-am-tbm Iq-«m-bv-a-bn-tem sn- p- {]-hà -\- Ä k-` ap-gp-h-sâ-bpw t{]-jn-x-{]-hà- \-t m-sp i-cn-bm-b co-xn-bnâ DÄ-tN-cp- -Xn-\v k-`-sb \-bn- m³ ]-cn-ip-²m-ßm-hp \n-tbmkn- (A-. 20:28) sa-{xm-t\m-spw A-t±-l- nsâ {]-Xn-\n-[n-bm-b hn-im-cn-b- -t\m-sp-ap-å hn-t[-b-xzw A-\n-hm-cy-am-Wv (AA 23). cq-]-xm-[y -sâ-tbm A-t±-lw \n-tbm-kn- hn-im-cn-bpts-tbm \n-b-a-]-c-am-b Aw-Ko-Im-cw e-`n- m- {]-Øm-\- Ä-s m- pw "I-t m-en- ' F- hn-ti-j-w- n-\v AÀ-l-X-bp-ïm-hn-à F- cïmw h- n- m³ kq-\-l-tzm-kn-sâ \n-co- Ww G-sd {]-[m-\-s -«-Xm-Wv (AA24). X- q-ew 22 I-t m-en- m-k-`-sb ]-Sp- p-bà- m³ B{K-ln- p- F-Ãm {]-Øm-\- -fpw C-{]-Im-cw k-`m-t\-xr-xz-t m-sp tnà- p {]-hà- n- m³ {i-²n- -Ww. ssz-h-h-n-\w k-`m-ß-i-am-bn hym-jym-\n- p -Xn-\p-]-I-cw hy-àn-]-c-am-b sh-fn-]m-sp-i-fpss A-Sn-Øm-\- nâ hym-jym-\n- p- ssi-en Nn-e h-n-\ {]-tlm-j-cp-ss C-S-bn cq-]w-simïp Xp-S- n-b-xpw A-\m-tcm-Ky-I-c-am-b {]-h-wx-bm-wv. hn. {K-Ùw cq-]w-sim-ï-xv k-`-bn-em-wv. ssz-h- n-sâ c- m-i-c-]-²-xn-sb ssz-h-p-\w F-{]-Im-cw kzo-i-cn- -p-i-bpw Po-hn- p-i-bpw km- y-s -Sp- p-i-bpw sn-bv-xp F- -Xn-sâ B-Jym-\w-Iq-Sn-bm-Wv hn-ip-² {K-Ùw. X- qew h-n-\-hym-jym-\w AÀ- -]qà- -am-ip- Xv k-`-bn-epw k-`-tbm-sp tnà- p-am-wv. k-`m {]-t_m-[-\- Ä- pw hn-izm-k-k-xy- Ä- pw hn-cp-²-am-b Im-cy- Ä "]-cn-ip-²m-ßm-hp sh-fns -Sp- n' F- hym-tp-\ {]-N-cn- n- m³ Nn-e A-_-² {]-t_m-[-ià {i-an- p- p-ïv. F- mâ ]-cn-ip-²m-ßm-hv k-öo-h-am-bn k- n-ln-x-am-bncn- p- Xn-cp-Ê-`-bp-sS hn-izm-k-{]-t_m-[-\- fnâ-\n- pw hy-xy-kv-x-am-b-h ]Tn- n- p- -h-sc \-bn- p- -Xv ssz-hm-ßm-h-ã F- -Xv k-xy-am-wv. hy-àn-]-c-am-b- sh-fn-]m-sp-iä A-XnÂ- -s sx-ä-sã- n-epw A-h ss_-_n-fn-sâ k-a-{k-am-b k-tµ-i-t m-spw k-`-bp-ss ]m-c-¼-cy-t m-spw tnà- p-t]m-ip- -X-sÃ- nâ {]-kv-xp-x sh-fn-]msp-i-sf B-[m-c-am- n-bp-å hym-jym-\w ssz-h-

23 h-n-\- n-sâ b-ymà- c-n-bn-xm-hm-b ]-cn-ip²m-ßm-hn-sâ ln-x- n-\p hn-cp-²-hpw k-`-bp-ss h-fà- -bv- p-]-i-cn- m- -Xp-am-Ip- p. a-c-wm-\ -c-po-hn-x-s - p-dn- pw B-ßm- -fp-ss A-hØ-sb- p-dn- pw c- -sb- p-dn- pw kz- -am-b {]-t_m-[-\- Ä \-S- p- A-\-h-[n hn-l-sn-x{kq- p-iä C- p \n-e-hn-e-ïv. ]m-]-s _m-ly-h-xv-i-cn- m-\p-å {i-a-hpw C- m-e- v i-àn-s -Sp- p-ïv. ]m-]- n-sâ hyàn-]-c-am-b D- -c-hm-zn-xzw Aw-Ko-I-cn- v "Fsâ ]n-g, F-sâ ]n-g, F-sâ h-en-b ]n-g...' F- A-\p-Xm-]-{]-I-c-Ww snm-ãm-\m-wv Xn-cp-Ê-` ] Tn- n- p- -Xv. "am-\-km- -c-s -Sp-hn³' F- ]pxn-b \n-b-a B-lzm-\- n-\p ]n- n-epw hy-àn-]c-hpw B- -cn-i-hp-am-b ]-cn-hà- -\- n-\m-wv Iq-Sp-X {]m-[m-\yw \Â-Ip- -Xv. F- mâ ]m-] n-sâ D- -c-hm-zn-xzw ]qà-æn-i-cp-ss B-ßm- fp-ss Zpx-kzm-[o-\w aq-e-am-sw- p ]Tn- n- p- hn-l-sn-x-{]-øm-\- -fp-ïv. Iq-Sm-sX, ]m-]-s G-sX- n-ep-sam-s _m-ly-h-kv-xp- -fnâ Btcm-]n- p- {]-h-w-x-bpw I-ïp-h-cp- p-ïv. \n-e-hn-f- v, B- q-dn-bw ]q- Ä... Xp-S- n-b hkv-xp- -fnâ Xn- -bm-tcm-]n- v hn-izm-kn-iä- ns-bnâ A-_-² {]-Nm-c-Ww \-S- p- -h-cp-ap-ïv. ]m-]-im-c-ww A-]-c-\n B-tcm-]n- v B-ß-\oXo-I-c-Ww \-S- p- -Xv sx-äm-b {]-h-w-x-bm-wv. ]m-]-s _m-ly-h-xv-i-cn- p- -Xv kz-bw \o-xoi-c-w- n-te-bv- pw A-Xp-h-gn am-\-km- -c- nsâ A-\m-h-iy-I-X-bn-te-bv- pw \-bn- m-\n-s-hcp- pw F- p a-d- m-xn-cn- mw. B-²ym-ßn-I-X-bp-sS `u-xo-i-hâ- -c-w-amwv a-säm-cp sx-äm-b {]-h-w-x. Cu tem-i-po-hnx- n-se kp-j-k-t m-j- Ä hà-²n- n- p-i, `m-hn-im-cy- Ä A-dn-bp-I (hn-hm-lw \-S- p k-a-bw, I- -h-sw A-`n-hr-²n-s -Sp- Im-ew, I-S-_m-²y-X Xo-cp- -Im-ew ap-x-em-b-h) Xp-S n-b Im-cy- Ä B-ßo-b-X-bp-sS B-Xy- n-i e- y- -fm-bn A-h-X-cn- n- -s -Sp- p F- -Xv Zpx-J-I-c-am-Wv. kzà- -hpw B-ßm-hpw B-[ymßn-I ta-j-e-bnâ ]-e-t m-gpw Nn- m-hn-j-bta B-Ip- n-ã. ssz-hn-i-hpw kzà-t m- p-j-hpam-b am-\- Ä \-ã-s -«tem-i- v B-ßo-b-X `u-xo-i-h-xv-i-cn- -s -Sm-\p-Å km-²y-x h-f-scb-[n-i-am-wv. kzà- w, \-c-iw, ip-²o-i-c-w-øew, a-c-ww, a-c-wm-\- -c-po-hn-xw Xp-S- n-b A-Sn-Øm-\ k-xy- Ä I-t m-en- m [ym-\- 23 fnâ Ku-c-h-am-b [ym-\-hn-j-b- Ä B-I-Ww. kzà- -t - mä tem-i-t -bpw, B-ßm-hnt\- mä i-co-c-t -bpw B-ß-c- -tb- mä `u-xo-i sf-iz-cy- -tf-bpw B-{K-ln- m³ ] Tn- n- p- B-[ym-ßn-I-X Xn-I- pw A-]-I-SI-c-am-Wv. ]-e sk-î-dp-i-fpw X- -tfm-ssm- w tnà- p-\n- mâ tcm-k-tam I-ã-X-I-tfm ]n- ossm-cn- -epw D-ïm-In-sÃ- pw km-¼- n-im-`nhr-²n-bpw `u-xo-i sf-iz-cy- -fpw hà-²n- psa- pw hm-kv-zm-\w sn- p- p-ïv. {In-kv-Xo-b k-l-\- n-sâ c- m-i-c-aq-ey-s X-a-kv-I-cn p- -Xpw Po-hn-X- n-sâ {]-Xn-k-Ôn-I-sf sszh-ln-x- n-sâ I- n-eq-ss t\m- n- m-wm³ ] Tn- n- m- -Xp-am-b B-[ym-ßn-I-X ti-h-ew D-]cn-¹-h-am-Wv. Nn-e {]m-tbm-kn-i \nà-t±-i- Ä 1. C-S-h-I-bn-se hn-izm-kn-iä- m-h-iy-am-b [ym-\- Ä kw-l-sn- n- p- -Xpw ^-e-{]-z-ambn \-S-t -ï-xpw {]-Y-a-am-bn hn-im-cn-b- - mcp-ss D- -c-hm-zn-xz- n-em-wv. hn-im-cn-b- - mà X- -fp-ss ]m-co-jv-iu -kn-ep-am-bn Iq-Sn-bmtem-Nn- v Cu D- -c-hm-zn-xzw Im-cy- -a-am-bn \-S- n-em- -Ww. k-`m-t\-xr-xz- n-sâ A-dn-thm A-\p-hm-Z-tam C-Ãm- [ym-\- Ä t{]m-õm-ln n- -s -S-cp-Xv. 2. [ym-\- -sf- p-sà- v [ym-\-{kq- p-i-fp-tstbm [ym-\-ti-{µ- -fp-ts-tbm t]-cnâ hy-xykv-x {Kq- p-iä C-S-h-I-bn Øm-]n- -cp-xv. C- -cw {Kq- p-iä C-S-h-I-bp-sS Iq-«m-bv-a-sb tzm-j-i-c-am-bn _m-[n- m-\n-s-bp-ïv. C-S-h-I-bnse {]mà- -\m-{kq- p-iä- v hn-im-cn-b- - mà -s B-[ym-ßn-I t\-xr-xzw \Â-I-Ww. 3. {]mà- -\m-{kq- p-i-fn-se Z-imw-i ]n-cn-hp-ifpw km-¼- n-i C-S-]m-Sp-I-fpw k-`m-[n-im-cn-ifp-ss A-dn-thm-Spw A-\p-hm-Z-t m-spw-iq-ss am{x-ta \-S- m-hq. 4. I-t m-en- m hn-izm-kn-i-fm-b \-ap- v kz -am-b B-cm-[-\m-{I-aw A-\p-jvTn- m³ ssz-hw X- A-\p-{K-lo-X-am-b A-h-k-c-am-Wv \-½p-sS cq-]-x-bn-se tz-hm-e-b- -fpw B-cm-[-\m-tI-{µ -fpw. Rm-b-dm-gv-N-I-fn-se IpÀ-ºm-\-I-fn-se n-epw kz- w cq-]-x-bp-ss C-S-h-I- -Ån-bp-sS AÄ- m-c-bnâ AÀ- n- p- Zn-hy-_-en-bn ]- p-tn-cm³ \mw {i-²n- -Ww.

24 CCD TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM I. Seminars in Progress 2016 Sept 10 Sat : Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral, Chicago Rev. Dr. James Joseph SDB 2016 Sept 30 Fri : St. Joseph s Knanaya Church, Houston Rev. Dr. Siby Pulickal, Prof. St. Joseph s Pontifical Seminary, Alwaye 2016 Oct. 1&2 Sat & Sun : St. Joseph s Church, Tampa, Florida Rev. Dr. Jimmy Poochakatt, Director SyroMalabar Catechetical Centre, Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanadu Oct 7,8, 9 Fri-Sat-Sun : Holy family Church, Phoenix Rev. Dr. Jimmy Poochakatt 2016 Oct 13 &14 Thu & Fri : Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral, Chicago Rev. Dr. Siby Pulickal 2016 Oct 14&15 Fri & Sat : St. Thomas Forane church, Philadelphia Rev. Dr. Jimmy Poochakatt 2016 Oct 16 Sun : St. Alphonsa Church, Baltimore Rev. Dr. Jimmy Poochakatt II. Upcoming Seminars The following resources persons will be available to our diocese during this academic year for teachers training program. a. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Koottiyanical, POC, Cochin b. Rev. Dr. George Danavelil, Toronto, Canada c. Rev. Dr. James Joseph SDB, Chicago d. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vethanath, Chicago e. Rev. Dr. Jimmy Poochakatt, Mount St. Thomas f. Rev. Dr. Siby Pulickal, Alwaye g. Rev. Fr. Mathew Panthalanical, Chicago By the end of this academic year we want all our CCD Teachers to have one certificate given by the diocese. Fr. Augustine Palackaprampil CCD Diocesan Director 24

25 DRE DIOCESAN CONFERENCE 2016 The Diocesan Conference of the DREs was held at Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral on 24th September DREs from thirty-two parishes/missions attended the conference. Total participants were 52 including the CCD Administrative body of the Cathedral. We need to share the joy of the Gospel to our children. Every CCD teacher should be an anointed person. This anointing one receives through a life of prayer and witnessing. Liturgy and Catechesis are the two centers around which our parishes live and grow. Mar Jacob Angadiyath, our Bishop and Mar Joy Alapatt, the Auxiliary Bishop attended the meeting. The meeting started at 10 am and concluded at 4.30 pm. Fr. S. Vethanath explained the importance of Holy Qurbana in catechesis. Holy Qurbana itself is the most important form of catechesis. Where the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is neglected, there our catechesis becomes a very powerless job. Our Holy Qurbana is modelled after Lord s Prayer. Its beauty and depth are unsurpassable. The first part of the Holy Qurbana is catechesis itself. The ignorance of the inner meanings of our Holy Qurbana makes a CCD teacher ineffective. The topics discussed in the meeting are: Catechesis: Sharing the Joy of Faith; Catechism Teacher: The Evangelized; Eucharist and Liturgy Centered Catechesis; Family Oriented Catechesis; Faith Formation in the American Context; Contemporary Challenges to Faith Formation in USA; Safe Environment issues; and the Sharing of Concerns and Planning for the future. The resource persons include Rev. Dr. James Joseph SDB, Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vethanath, Rev. Fr. Paul Chaliserry, Dr. Paul Cheriyan and Sri Thomas Moolayil. Bishop Jacob in his inaugural address invited all the DREs to become the Role Models for our children. He insisted that our teaching must always go beyond the class rooms and the text books. The primary text books in the class room is the teacher himself/herself. Parents role in catechesis is irreplaceable, therefore the Bishop asked the DREs to develop a family oriented catechesis for our parishes. Mar Joy Alapatt spoke about the inner principles of catechesis. Most important point is to convert our knowledge into experience. 25 Our parishes are clusters of families, Fr. Paul Chaliserry, expatiated at length upon this topic. In our catechesis, families have the important role to play. Our first CCD school is our homes. If there is active catholic life in our homes, that gives the children the basis of our faith. Fr. James Joseph invited the attention of the DREs to the many and varied challenges we have to face in our class rooms. Anticatechetical forces are very strong in this nation. Our children are forced to live in two worlds. There is strong cultural crisis in the minds of our children. Therefore, we need new tools and new methods for our catechesis. There were two interactive sessions and they were led by Fr. Augustine Palackaparampil, the DREs suggested that there should be a diocesan level exam for

26 all the 12 grades. Fr. Augustine informed DREs that the end of this academic year, the Diocese wants all our CCD teachers to be certified by attending Orientation Programs organized in different parishes. The meeting concluded with remarks and answers and clarifications given by the Diocesan Curia. One Important part of the conference was the discussion on Safe Environment Issues. Dr. Paul and Sri Thomas Moolayil answered all the questions raised by the DREs. Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparampil CCD Diocesan Director jn- m-tkm ko-tdm-a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss U-b-d-Î-dn {]-Im-i-\w sn-bv-xp. jn- m-tkm ko-tdm a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss "U-b-d-Î-dn 2016' sk-]v-äw-_à 13þmw Xn-b-Xn snm-æm-gv-n ko-tdm a-e-_mà k-`-bp-ss tapà BÀ- v _n-j- v amà tpmà-pv ImÀ-Un-\ B-e-t -cn ]n-xm-hv {]-Im-i-\w sn-bv-xp. cq-]x-bnâ ip-{iq-j-sn- p- ssh-zn-i-cp-ss k-t½-f-\- nâ-h- m-wv {]-Im-i-\ IÀ-½w \-S- -Xv. U-b-d-Î-dn-bp-sS B-Zy-tIm- n t{_m v-kv skâ v txm-a-kv s^m-tdm-\ ]-Ån hn-im-cn tpm-kv I-ï- nâ- p-sn A- ³ tapà BÀ- v _n-j- nâ-\n- v G-äp-hm- n amà- v 13þmw Xn-b-Xn Øm-]n-X-am-b jn- mtkm ko-tdm a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss B-Zy-s Cu U-b-d-Î-dn-bn cq-]-x-bp-ss \m-fn-xp-h- 26 sc-bp-å h-fà- -bp-ss hy-xy-kv-x X-e- -sf p-dn- p-å hn-h-c- Ä DÄ-s m-ån- n-«pïv. cq-]-x-bp-ss Io-gn-ep-Å s^m-tdm-\-iä, C-S-h-I an-j-\p-iä, cq-]-x-bnâ tk-h-\w sn p- ssh-zn-ià, sk-an-\m-cn- mà, k-\ymkn-þ-k-\ym-kn-\n k-aq-l- Ä, hn-hn-[- fm-b A- -kv-sxm-te-äp-iä, kmà-æ-{xn-i k-`, A-ta-cn- -bn-se I-t m-en- m-k-`, ko-tdm-a-e-_mà l-b-cmà- n Xp-S- n-b-h-sb p-dn- p-å hn-h-c- Ä U-b-d-Î-dn-bn-ep-ïv. cq-]-x-bp-ss L-S-\-bpw cq-]-hpw \nà- -bn p- -Xn U-b-d-Î-dn kp-{]-[m-\ ]- p-h-ln p-sa- v cq-]-xm Nm³-kn-eÀ tum. sk-_mkv-äy³ th- m-\- v A-dn-bn- p.

27 amà tpm-bn B-e- m-«v ]n-xm-hn-sâ sa-{xm-`n-tj-i hmà-jn-i-hpw 60þmw P- -Zn-\-hpw jn- m-tkm skâ v txm-a-kv ko-tdm a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss k-lm-b-sa{xm³ amà tpm-bn B-e- m-«v ]n-xm-hn-sâ sa-{xm-`n-tj-i- n-sâ c-ïmw hmà-jn-i-hpw 60þmw P- -Zn-\-hpw sk-]v-äw-_à 27þmw Xn-b-Xn B-tLmjn- p. I- o-{uâ tz-hm-e-b- nâ A-`n-h-µy amà tpm-bn B-e- m-«v ]n-xmhn-sâ ImÀ-½n-I-Xz- nâ \-S- k-aq-l-_-en-bnâ cq-]-xm-²y- ³ amà tp- -_v A- m-sn-b- v ]n-xm-hv P- -Zn-\m-iw-k-I-fpw sa-{xm-`n-tj-i n-sâ aw-k-f- -fpw t\-à- p. I- o-{uâ C-S-h-I-bn-se hn-izm-kn-iä p-]p-d-sa, cq-]-x-bn-se hn-hn-[ C-S-h-I-I-fnÂ-\n-s - n-b a-x-t_m-[-\ {]n³-kn- Â-am-cpw Ir-X-Ú-Xm-_-en-bn ]- p-tnà- p. ssz-h- nâ\n- v \mw A-\p-Zn-\w kzo-i-cn- p- A-\p-{K-l- Ä- v \mw F-t mgpw \-µn-bp-å-h-cpw D- -c-hm-zn-xz-t_m-[-ap-å-h-cpw B-bn-cn- -W-sa- v A-`n-h-µy tpm-bn ]n-xm-hv X-sâ k-tµ-i- nâ HmÀ-½n- n- p. \-½p-sS Po-hn-X- n-se B-tLm-j-th-f-IÄ H-cn- -epw BÀ-`m-S-]qÀ-Æw B-bncn- -cp-sx- pw, a-dn- v em-fn-xy- nâ A-Sn-bp-d- -Xm-bn-cn- -W-sa- pw A-`n-h-µy ]n-xm-hv HmÀ-½-s -Sp- n. 27

28 2016 sk-]v-äw-_à 12 ap-xâ 15 h-sc Xn-b-Xn-I-fn tu-cn-b³ ImÀ-½-sse-äv kv-]n-cn-nzâ skâ-dnâ h- p-\-s- ssh-zn-i k-t½-f-\- nâ ]-s -Sp- -hà. jn- m-tkm ko-tdm-a-e-_mà cq-]-x-bp-ss h-fà- a-l- -cw: -amà tpmà-pv ImÀ-Un-\ B-e-t -cn 2001 amà- v 13þmw Xn-b-Xn Øm-]n-X-am-b jn- m-tkm ko-tdm-a-e-_mà cq-]-x I-gn-ª 16 hà-j- Ä-s m-ïv t\-sn-bn-cn- p- h-fà- a-l- -c-am-sw- v ko-tdm a-e-_mà k-`-bp-ss ta-pà BÀ- v _n-j- v amà tpmà-pv ImÀ-Un\ B-e-t -cn ]n-xm-hv {]-kv-xm-hn- p. sk-]v-äw-_à 12 ap-xâ 15 h-sc Xo-b-XnI-fn tu-dnb³, ImÀ-½-te-äv kv-]n-cn-nzâ skâ-dnâ h- v \-S- ssh-zn-i-cp-ss k-t½-f\w 2016 D-Zv-Lm-S-\w sn-bv-xv kw-km-cn- p-i-bmbn-cp- p ta-pà BÀ- v _n-j- v. cq-]-x-bp-ss C-S-h-I-I-fn-epw an-j-\p-i-fn-epw Iq-«m-bv-a-bp-sS A-\p-`-hw i-àn-s -Sp- -Xm-bn ta-pà BÀ- v _n-j- v A-`n-{]m-b-s -«p. A-ta-cn- -bnâ cq]-x-bv v ]pxn-b am-{sn-tam-wn-bâ sskäv 28 P-\n- p-h-fà- ]-Xn-s\m- p-t]à cq-]-x-bv- pth-ïn sk-an-\m-cn ]-cn-io-e-\w \-S- p- psh- -Xv G-sd k-t m-j-i-c-hpw {]-Xym-i \Â-Ip- -Xp-am-sW- v ]n-xm-hv kq-nn- n- p. 2001þ sh-dpw c-ïv C-S-h-I-I-fpw B-dp an-j³ ti-{µ- -fp-am-bn B-cw-`w Ip-dn- cq-]x-bv- v C- v A-ta-cn- -bn-ep-s-\o-fw 39 C-Sh-I-I-fpw an-j³ ti-{µ- -fp-ap-ïv. cq-]-x-bpss hn-hn-[ C-S-h-I-I-fn-epw an-j-\p-i-fn-epw ]- o-cm-bn-c-t m-fw Ip-Spw-_- Ä c-pn-kv-äà sn-bv-xn-«p-ïv. H³-]-Xn-\m-bn-c-t m-fw Ip-«nIÄ hn-izm-k-]-cn-io-e-\w \-S- p- p. F-gp]- n-c-ïp ssh-zn-ià cq-]-x-bnâ tk-h-\w sn- p- p-ïv.

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