Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve Svetih Petra i Pavla u Atlanti Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church of Atlanta

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1 February 2007 Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve Svetih Petra i Pavla u Atlanti Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church of Atlanta In This Issue: News from January Upcoming Events This Month In Orthodoxy 2006 Financials Sunday School Novosti iz Januara Nasa Crkva i Srpska Zajednica u Atlanti je proslavila vise znacajnih praznika u Januaru: Badnje Vece, Bozic, Srpsku Novu Godinu i Sv. Savu. Sve proslave su bile dobro posjecene i veoma uspjesne. Ostvaren je glavni cilj da se nasi Srbi okupe, druze i vesele. Mnogi od vas su pohvalili Crkveni Odbor i Kolo Srpskih Sestara za odlicnu organizaciju ovih proslava. Veliko Hvala svima vama na podrsci i pomoci, a posebno onima koji su direktno i znacajno pomogli organizaciju proslava svojim novcanim donacijama, kao i donacijama u hrani, picu, svom trudu i vremenu. Slave u Januaru: Veliki broj nasih parohijana je obiljezio svoju Slavu u Januaru. Nas Svestenik i Crkveni Odbor cestitaju svima i zele sve najbolje. News from January Our Church and Serbian Community in Atlanta celebrated some of the most important holidays during Janaury: Christams Eve, Christams Day, Serbian New Year and St. Sava. All celebrations were very succesfull. Most importantly everybody had great time and commended Church Board and Serbian Sisters Circle for great organization. One Big Thank you to everyone for support, especially those who helped organization of these events donating money, food, skills and time. January Slavas: Many of our parishioners celebrated their Slavas in January. Father Sasa and Church board congratulate and wish all the best to them ST. SAVA PROGRAM Proslava Sv. Save je bila veoma uspjesna! U nedjelju 29. januara djeca nase Crkve su izvela svecani program povodom proslave Svetog Save. Ovaj program je sadrzao recitacije o zivotu Svetog Save i vremenu u kojem je zivio. Atmosfera u Crkvi tokom programa je bila veoma svecana ispunjena iscekivanjem i radoscu djece koja su se trudila da sjednu u prve redove. Djeca izvodjaci priredbe su odlicno odradila svoj posao i trebamo biti veoma ponosni na njih. Svi u crkvi su zajedno sa djecom pjevali Uskliknimo S Ljubavlju Program se zavrsio sa par muzickih tema: Sara Lozo je svirala violinu, Jovan Brockett klavir, a Stefan Brockett je na klaviru izveo Scherzo od Mendelssohn-a. Zahvaljujem se djeci za upornost,ulozen trud i odlicno odradjen posao. Takodje se zahvaljujem i njihovim roditeljima koji su im pomogli da se spreme za ovu priredbu. Imao sam cast i zadovoljstvo da pripremim i vodim ovaj Godisnji Svetosavski program Simo Tesla Direktor Programa 2007 ST. SAVA PROGRAM St. Sava Children s Program a great success! On Sunday January 28 th, children of Sts. Peter & Paul presented the annual St. Sava Children s Program which included recitations of poems about the life and times of St. Sava. The church was filled with anticipation as the children filed in to take their seats at the front. The children did a wonderful job and we should all be very proud of them. The program ended with several musical performances; Sara Lozo on violin, Jovan Brockett on piano and Stefan Brockett also on piano playing the Scherzo by Mendelssohn. Everyone in church joined in to sing Uskliknimo S Ljubavlju with the children. I would like to thank all the children for their hard work and wonderful performances and also their parents for helping them prepare for the annual program. It was a pleasure and an honor to prepare and direct the Annual St Sava Children s Program. Simo Tesla Program Director

2 Page 2 of 8 Page 2 of 4 Congratulations: Lazar Vujic was born on January 5, Congratulations to proud parents Srdjan and Rada, big brother Todor and grandparents Nikola and Vinka. Miljana Martic was born in Januray Congratulations to proud parents Ranko and Suzana Martic. Isabela Jankovic was born on January 23, Congratulations to proud parents Jeff and Sladjana, big brothers Dimitri and Pavle and grandparents Marko and Malina. Family Jankovic was St. Sava kumovi this year. Big Thank you and God Bless You. Nex Thanks t Year St. to our Sava GLAS kumovi Sponsor! will be Family Vujic. Swiss Cleaning and Landscaping FREE ESTIMAES QUALITY SERVICE / LICENSED / INSURED Ljubo & Ljubica Radovanovic Ticket Service USA Молимо наше парохијане да се обрате Зорану Миловановићу за врло повољне цијене авионских карата. Reservations (Toll free): Web: Унапред захвалан: Зоран Миловановић

3 Page 3 of 8 A Message from the Church President Draga Braco i Sestre, Ova 2007 godina je veoma vazna u procesu razvoja i jacanja nase Crkve Svetog Petra i Pavla u Atlanti. Dosta toga smo vec uradili, ali jos mnogo toga moramo uraditi da bi smo utvdrili temelje jake i stabilne Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve cije postojanje i rad bi prvenstveno bili usmjereni ka odrzavanju nase bogate Srpske kulture i tradicije za buduce generacije nase djece i svih Srpskih porodica koji budu zivjeli u Atlanti. Trenutno vecina nasih Srba u Atlanti potice iz nase domovine i nedavno su dosli u Ameriku u potrazi za boljim zivotom. Glavni motiv je bio zelja da se svojoj djeci obezbjedi zivot u slobodnoj sredini sa mogucnoscu da stvore bolje uslove zivota. Amerika je srediste mnogo razlicitih ljudi i kultura. Vecina vase djece ce zbog toga biti u prilici da se ozene/udaju osobama koje nisu Srbi. Tako ce siriti nasu kulturu i tradiciju na mnoge druge, te je zbog toga vazno da dovodite svoju djecu u Crkvu da nauce vise o nasoj kulturi, obicajima i tradiciji nase Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve da bi to zauvijek cuvali u svojim srcima i prenosili na buduca pokoljenja. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva ove godine je da uspostavimo bolju i kvalitetniju Nedeljnu skolu za nasu djecu, kao i da organizujemo vise interesantnih aktivnosti za nase tinejdzere/omladinu. Da bi smo sve ovo uspijesno realizovali bice nam potrebna i podrska i pomoc svih vas. Ako imate nekih ideja ili nam mozete pomoci na bilo koji nacin, molim vas da se javite nasem Svesteniku. Vasa pomoc ce kao i uvijek biti veoma cijenjena. Kao sto ste mogli primjetiti, svake nedjelje broj prisutnih na liturgiji se povecava. Posebno me raduje sto se broj djece stalno povecava. Pozivam i sve ostale da dodju, pridruze nam se i tako upoznaju i stvore nove prijatelje. Crkveni Odbor i ja se zahvaljujemo svima vama na finansijskoj pomoci koju nam dajete svakog mjeseca, kao i dodatnim donacijama za otplatu crkvenog kredita. Siguran sam da znate da je planiranje i odrzavanje Crkvenog budzeta isto kao i vodjenje vasih kucnih finansija jer se sve svodi na placanje obaveznih racuna svakog mjeseca. Kada nema dovoljno novca, situacija je teska. Prosle godine smo uspijeli da pokrijemo sve nase obaveze i troskove zahvaljujuci vasoj jakoj i velikodusnoj pomoci. Nas cilj u 2007-oj je da napravimo bolje rezultate i uspijeh nego prosle godine tj. da uradimo sve moguce da otplatimo Crkveni kredit sto prije, kao i da obezbjedimo dovoljno sredstava da pokrijemo sve obavezne mjesecne izdatke. HVALA SVIMA i BOG BLAGOSLOVIO VAS I VASE PORODICE!!! Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year 2007 is an important year in the growth of our St s Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church in Atlanta, Georgia. We have come a long way and we have a long way to go to establish our Church as a strong viable Serbian Orthodox Church dedicated to preserving our rich culture and heritage for future generations of Serbian children and families that will be establishing their lives in the Atlanta metro area. The majority of our Serbian people in Atlanta have come from our ancestral homes in Europe to establish a new home in America. You want the best for your children so they can grow up in a free country with opportunities to better themselves and provide a good life for their families. America is a melting pot of many different peoples and cultures. Many of your children will marry people other then Serbians and so we spread our culture and strong heritage to many others and it is important that you bring your children to the Serbian Church in Atlanta to learn about the culture and heritage of the Serbian Church so they can keep this forever in their heart and pass this on to future generations. Our goal is to establish improved Sunday school programs for the children and to provide additional activities for the young people. We need additional help to establish and maintain these programs so if you can assist us in any way please contact Fr. Sasa to volunteer and it will be greatly appreciated. It is wonderful to see that we have more and more people each Sunday attending Church and bringing their children. Please come and join us and meet new people and make new friends. The Church Board and I want to thank all of you for your financial support of the Church each month and for your additional contributions to help pay off the Church property mortgage. You know that operating a Church budget is like operating your home finances because you must pay your bills every month, and when you do not have enough money it is very difficult. This past year was the first year we could meet all of our obligations on time because of your strong support. Our goal in 2007 is to do better then last year and do everything possible to pay off the property mortgage and continue to meet all of our financial obligations on time. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!! See you in Church Mitch Milovich Church Board President Vidimo se u Crkvi Mitch Milovich Predjsjednik Crkvenog Odbora Agent za Kupovinu i Prodaju Nekretnina - Realty Associate Zeljko Bjelobrk cell Visit website: Obavjestavaju se parohijani da se mogu obratiti Bjelobrk Zeljku prilikom kupoprodaje kuce ili stana. Cell Budite zasticeni u komplikovanom svijetu kupoprodaje nekretnina.

4 Page 4 of 8 Upcoming Events Dorucak sa Horom Nedjelja 4. Februar 2007 u 12:00 P.M. Rucak Kolo Obavjestavamo vas da ce Kolo Srpskih sestara organizovati rucak ovog mjeseca Nedjelja 18. Februar u 12:00 P.M. Nadamo se da cete doci i uzivati u nasim narodnim specijalitetima. Proljecna Akcija Ciscenja Subota 24. Februar u 8:00 AM Nas crkveni posjed treba uvijek da je cist i uredjen. Crkvani odbor i kolo sestara organizuju veliku akciju ciscenja i sredjivanja nase crkve i posjeda. Ako nam mozete pomoci, molim vas da se obratite Ocu Sasi ili bilo nekom od clanova crkvenog odbora. Molimo vas da dodjete i pomognete Takodje da znate, Ray Chatman, clan Crkvenog odbora, je zaduzen da brine o odrzavanju i opravkama na nasem posjedu. Ako primjetite neke kvarove ili imate neku ideju/primjedbu molimo da se obratite Rayu ili nekom od clanova odbora. Breakfast with Choir Sunday February 4, 2007 at 12:00 P.M. Lunch Kolo We are inviting you to luncheon that our Serbian Sisters will prepare for you this month. Sunday February 18, 2007 at 12:00 P.M. We hope you will come and enjoy our Serbian specialties. Spring Cleaning Party Saturday February 24, 2007 at 8:00 A.M. Our church property needs a makeover both inside and outside. Church Board and Circle of Sisters are organizing a cleaning part. If you are interested to help please contact Fr. Sasa or any member of our church board. Please come and help. Also, Mr. Ray Chatman, our Memebr at Large, is responsible to coordinate Church and Property Maintenance. If you notice any need for repairs or have ideas/complaints please contact Ray or any other member of our church board. HOR Novosti Hor nase Crkve Svetog Petra i Pavla je clan Srpske Pjevacke Federacije (SSF), koja kroz 75 godina svog postojanja, kroz svoje clanove, ispunjava ulogu Ambasadora Srpske pjesme i melosa na Sjeverno Americkom kontinentu. SSF pruza vodjstvo, putokaz i izvore za promovisanje i neprekidno odrzanje Srpske muzike na ovom kontinentu, posebno organizovanjem raznih muzickih manifestacija. Nas hor nastoji da aktivno podrzi SSF placajuci godinju clanarinu, ucestvujuci na njihovim festivalima kao i pomazuci njihove dobrotvorne aktivnosti. Ove godine, godisnji pjevacki festival ce biti organizovan i odrzan u Crkvi u Milovokiju u periodu Maj Nas hor se nada da ce i ove godine moci otputovati i ucestvovati na festivalu, pjevajuci sa svim drugim mnogobrojnim Srpskim horovima iz US i Kanade. U nastojanju da prikupimo dio sredstava za ovaj put, hor planira da organizuje dorucak palacinke u ovu Nedjelju 4. februara. Nadamo se da cete svi pokazati vasu podrsku i pridruziti nam se ili barem ponijeti par slatkisa kuci. Nas Hor zeli dobrodoslicu novim clanovima: Danijeli Culum i Bojani Misljen. Dolazak novih clanova nas uvijek ispunjava radoscu i srecom. Ako imate obicaj da diskretno pjevusite tokom liturgije, imate dovoljno predispozicija te vas molimo da se pridruzite nasem horu. Sigurni smo da cete uzivati sa nama. CHOIR NEWS The St. Peter & Paul choir is a member of the Serbian Singing Federation (SSF) where for three-quarters of a century the SSF, through its member choirs, has been the Ambassador of Serbian song on the North American continent. The SSF has provided leadership, guidance, resources, and musical events to promote and perpetuate Serbian music on this continent. Our choir endeavors to actively support the SSF by helping with their fundraising events, paying annual dues, and attending their annual Festival. This year the annual singing festival will be hosted by the Milwaukee choir on May 25-26, Our choir is hoping to travel to Milwaukee to perform along with all the other Serbian choirs in the U.S. and Canada. To raise funds for the trip, the choir is busy planning to host a Palacinka breakfast on Sunday February 4, It s been a while since the choir hosted this fund raising event. We hope everyone will show their support and stay for the luncheon or take a few sweets home with them. St. Peter & Paul Choir would like to welcome two new members Danijela Culum and Bojana Misljen. We feel such a sense of joy when our choir family grows. If you find yourself singing along during the church service, please consider joining the choir, you will have fun with singers of all ages At VujicITeam Solutions Inc., our team of consultants is experienced in providing computer, network and web development solutions for small and medium businesses. 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5 Page 5 of 8 This Month In Orthodoxy Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom (February 12) This feast was instituted during the reign of Alexis I Comnenus ( ). A dispute arose in Constantinople among various prominent citizens and clergy, about which of the three Fathers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, or St John Chrysostom was the greatest. In typically Byzantine fashion, the people of the City joined into the dispute, which became more animated, dividing the populace into three hostile factions styling themselves Basilians, Gregorians and Joannites. At last, desiring to restore peace to the City and the Church, the three holy hierarchs themselves appeared to the monk John Mauropus; they revealed to him that they stand together in harmony and in equal glory before the heavenly throne, and instructed him to compose a common service for the three of them. Saint John (Mauropus) obeyed, and chose January 30 as the date of the commemoration, since each of the three hierarchs is commemorated separately in January. Martyr Tryphon of Campsada near Apamea in Syria (250)(February 14) He was the son of humble, pious parents in Phrygia, and as supported himself keeping geese. At a very early age he was granted the gift of healing illnesses of man and animals, and driving out unclean spirits. The daughter of the Emperor Gordian ( ) was possessed by a demon, which no physician or pagan sorcerer had been able to drive away. One day the demon shouted, 'Only Tryphon is able to drive me out!' Gordian sent servants to scour the Empire in search of the unknown healer; eventually their inquiries led them to the teen- aged goose-keeper, and they brought him to Rome, where his prayers immediately drove out the demon. The Emperor showered Tryphon with gifts, which he gave away to the poor on his journey homeward. When the persecution of Christians under Decius (250) broke out, Tryphon, was denounced to the regional government as a dangerous promoter of Christianity (though he had continued to live as a humble peasant, his miracles and healings had made him known). His former service to the Emperor was either forgotten or of no account to the governor, who had him viciously tortured, then sent to Nicaea for further interrogation. There, when no torment would persuade him to deny Christ or worship the idols, he was beheaded outside the city gates. His relics were returned to Lampsacus, near his home, where he continued to work; Saint Tryphon is especially invoked for the protection of gardens and farmland against locusts, reptiles (what reptile hurts gardens?) and all small pests. The Meeting of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ (February 15)This feast commemorates the bringing of Jesus Christ to the temple by the Most Holy Mary, after the fulfillment of the days of purification ( Lk. 2:22-39), established in the law of Moses (Lev. 12:2-8; Ex. 13:2, 13; Num. 3:13, 8:16-18) with an offering for redemption consisting of 5 shekels (1 rubles 70 kopeks to 2 rubles ( grains US Avoirdupois)). Although the Immaculate Virgin had no need of purification, she nonetheless came to the temple to fulfill the law. In the temple the Child was met by the righteous Simeon (see Feb. 3). In sacred joy the holy elder sings praise and thanksgiving to God, having fulfilled the expectation of his heart, and, inspired with the feeling of unearthly blessing, takes the Child in his embrace and in the decline of his days utters the wonderful words, which the Holy Church repeats daily in the Vespers hymn at sunset: Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Thy people Israel (Lk. 2:29-32). Hearing these words, Joseph and Mary marveled at them for these words clearly witnessed that the mystery of God was already revealed to the righteous Simeon. Continuing then his divinely inspired prophesy, the righteous elder turned to Mary and pointing to the Child, said: "Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword will pierce through Thine own soul also), that the thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed (Lk. 2:34-35) 1). While the holy elder uttered his prophetic speech about the Divine Child, the Righteous Anna was in the temple (see Feb. 3). She also added her inspired voice to the voice of Simeon, giving glory to God and, as a prophetess, probably, prophesying about the Child in a prophetic sense. Having fulfilled in the temple all that was required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary returned to Nazareth with the Divine Child.From the event of the meeting of the Divine Child by the righteous Simeon the feast received its name in the Orthodox Church. The Event of the Meeting is celebrated on February 2 because this day is 40 days after December 25. The origin of the feast goes back to deep antiquity. Undoubtedly, this feast was known in the 4th Century in the Church of Jerusalem 2); from Jerusalem it passed to other churches in the 5th - 6th centuries. Actually the solemn commemoration in the Western Church and in the East did not begin at one and the same time. Western writers attribute the establishment of the solemn commemoration of this feast (actually the Litya) to one Pope Gelasius (in the year 496), and others to St. Gregory the Great (in the year 600), and they believe, that in this way the named Popes meant to destroy the pagan feast of Lupercalia which fell in February and during that period was still strong among the Romans. The solemn commemoration of the Meeting began in the Eastern Church in the time of Justinian (to ). At the end of 541 in Constantinople and its surroundings appeared a strong plague continuing for 3 months and by the end of each day from 5 up to 10 thousand people died. This affliction was soon joined by a new one - an earthquake in Antioch that destroyed many buildings and destroyed a lot of people. During these afflictions on the feast of the Meeting in Constantinople an all national solemn prayer, or Litya, was done for deliverance from evil, and the afflictions stopped. In grateful commemoration of the deliverance from afflictions the church prescribed the Litya on this feast before the liturgy in the monasteries (outside the dwellings) 3). Celebrating the Meeting of the Lord, the Holy Church, confessing and asserting that "Christ revealed Himself to the world not as an opinion, a phantom, but in truth", accuses those ancient false teachers who rejected the human nature in Jesus Christ, considering this to be unworthy and untrue of God. Together with this example of the Savior and His Immaculate Mother, who all that was required by the law, inspires us to fulfill the rules and rites of the Holy Church and reminds us of our churching in the Church of Christ, about our consecration to God, to Whom we also should bring our souls and bodies as a living sacrifice, pure and full of grace. Besides this the Holy Church, singing of Sts. Simeon and Anna on this feast, inspires us to find according to the example of the Righteous Simeon, graceful comfort and salvation in Christ, entrusting to Him a beneficial meditation on his life and death, and by the example of the Prophetess Anna, as often as possible, to visit the temple of God and thank the Lord with prayers and fasting. Finally, the feast of the Meeting teaches us, in the afflictions that overtake us, to turn to the Lord God, the ever quick Helper and Protector of all who call on Him with faith and true repentance. 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6 Page 6 of 8 Kolo Sestara priprema interesantnu Knjigu kulinarskh recepata Kolo Sestara vas sa ponosom i radoscu obavjestava da su prirpeme za novu i korisnu Knjigu recepata vec u toku. Ako zelite da podijelite vas omoljeni recept i budete vitalni dio ovog uzbudljivog projekta, molimo vas da nam prilozite jedan ili vise recepata bilo kojoj od clanica Kola Srpskih Sestara u nasoj Crkvi. Kolo Sestara ce dizajnirati unikatnu knjigu recepata koja ce ukljucivati mnoge i raznovrsne kategorije za sve prilike. Neke od najbitnijih kategorija ce biti pripremanje Posnih jela, Slavski meni i jela, omiljena muska jela, omiljena Djecija jela, kao i tekstovi sa savjetima i detaljnim informacijama o nutricionim sastojcima svih jela. Ove specijalne sekcije kombinovane sa standardnim receptima za predjela, peciva, dorucak, rucak, supe, salate, veceru, dezert i pica ce sigurno oduseviti sve vas. Za sve vase recepte cete dobiti autorska prava. Svi recepti moraju biti prilozeni do 3. Juna Svaki recept ce biti testiran za preciznost i lakocu pripreme. Ako zelite da se pridruzite grupi koja ce praviti i testirati ove recepte, molimo da se javite bilo kojoj od clanica Kola Sestara. Formular koji trebate ispuniti da bi prijavili vas recpet ce se nalaziti u Crkvi. Svi ste dobrodosli! 2006 FINANCIAL SUMMARY GENERAL /OPERATING FUND Income/Prihod: $107, Expenses/Troskovi: $107, Loss/Gubitak: $ Platinum Donors = Average more than $50/week Mitch Milovich Ranko & Martha Pudar Mirka Shundich Milica Stanjevich Gary & Veda Burns Gold Donors = Average $30-$50/week Ray Stanjevic Mike & Lisa Nikolich David Simic Joe Radakovich Silver Donors = Average $20-$30/week Jovan Marjanovic Steve & Fima Marinkovic Father Sasa & Popadija Turkic Ljubo Radovanovic Russell & Benedetta Johnson Goran Jovanovic Milan Surla Olivera Ninkovic Milisav & Maja Radovic Jeff & Sladjana Jankovic Bronze Donors = Average $10-$20/week Simo & Catherine Tesla Slavko Bratic Marjorie Ann Rath Stana Banic Srdjan & Rada Vujic Michael Basarich Zoran Stamenkovic Nick Drazich Zoran & Tatiana Milovanovic Lori Stanjevich Ljubica & Vanja Bratic Milorad Dragic Vladimir Vujic Michael Pancic Dragan & Jasmina Kornicer David Dinschel Nenad Gambiroza Mihajlo Bilakovic Branka Popovic Kent Brooks Thomas & Milana Saulnier Ray Chatham Martha & Mike McJilton PLEDGE / STEWARDSHIP IN 2006: 41 pledges totalling $32,290. Tijuana Flats Buritto Co. (Very good food) 2 Locations: 3465 Braselton Hwy. Dacula Scenic Hwy. Snellville Owner: Rade(Ray)Stanjevic Kolo Sisters are preparing an exciting new Church Cookbook Kolo Sisters are pleased to announce that preparations are underway for creating a beautiful Church Cookbook. If you wish to share your favorite family recipes and be a vital part of this exciting project, submit your recipe entries to any Kolo Sister, or place your recipe(s) in the Cookbook Recipe drop box located in the Church kitchen. Submit as many recipes you desire. The Kolo Sisters are designing a unique cookbook format which will include numerous categories for every occasion. Of particular interest will be recipes dedicated for Lenten foods, Slavas, a special Men's Favorite Meals category, a Kids Favorites section, plus Helpful Hints and Nutritional Facts chapters. These special features, combined with standard recipe selections for Appetizers, Breads, Breakfast, Lunch, Soups & Salads, Dinner, Desserts, and Beverages will WOW every cook's table. And you take the credit for creating beautiful and delicious foods. All recipes must be submitted by June 3rd. Each recipe will be tested for accuracy and ease of preparation. If you would like to join our Test Kitchen Group, contact any member of the Kolo Sisters. Blank recipe cards are available at the Church. All cooks welcome! MORTGAGE PAYOFF PROGRAM 2006 Total Collected: $30,734 Current Principle Balance approx. $65,000 List of Mortgage Payoff Donators from 2006: Donation more than $5000 Stamenkovic Zoran Donation more than $2000 Ljubo & Ljubica Radovanovic Donations more than $1000 Goran Jovanovic Ray & Carol Chatman Milica Stanjevic Simo & Cathy Tesla Srdjan & Rada Vujic Mitch Milovich Slavojka & Sinisa Ninkovic Gary & Veda Burns Ranko & Martha Pudar Ray Stanjevic Ranko & Draginja Karac Donations more than $500 Ilija & Olivera Ninkovic Milan & Carmen Andrin Mike & Lisa Nikolich Dara Drmanic Boro Grba Donations $500 and less Douglas & Mirjana Brockett Martha & Mike McJilton Nenad Gambiroza Slavko Bratic Slavko & Daliborka Kapetanovic Gojko & Dragica Erak Russell & Benedetta Johnson Milisav & Maja Radovic Father Sasa & Popadija Turkic Mladen Mitrovic Ljubo Galic Iva Hrnjak Ljubica Nincic Milan & Pera Surla Ruzica Todorovic Lajos & Mira Bencik Petar Draca Branka Popovic Stevo Ivanisevic Jelka Stanjevic Borislav Avramovic Vesna Bratic Milorad Dragic MaryJo & Robert Lund Mileta Manuela Milorad Radosevic Radenko Tosic Nikola & Vinka Vujic Marina Vukelja Ann Torbica Jeff & Sladjana Jankovich Gerogije & Jovanka Vujic Paul & Janet McGraw Mirka Shundic Thomas & Milana Saulnier Sandra Balmer Zarko Milic Jovan Mlinar Branislav Vidakovic Zarko Vukasinovic Bane & Ozrenka Stojanovic Zeljko Bjelobrk Miodrag Brankovic Dafina Caribrodska Rada Semijalac Branislav Subotic THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!

7 Page 7 of 8 Lazna Duhovnost Sadasnjice Vracanje, gatanje, magija, astrologija I izici ce mnogi lazni proroci i prevarice mnoge (Mt. 24,11). Jer ce se pojaviti lazni hristosi i lazni proroci, i pokazace znake velike i cudesa da bi prevarili, ako bude moguce, i izabrane (Mt. 24,24). Ljubljeni, ne verujte svakome duhu, nego ispitujte duhove jesu li od Boga; jer su mnogi lazni proroci izisli u svet (Jn. 4,1). Nad svakodnevicom ljudskih zivota spustila se gusta magla. Magla neznanja i nepoznavanja pravih vrednosti. Izgubljena stada, prepustena sama sebi, skoro slepo tumaraju po njoj. Pravih pastira je jako malo, a u svakom grmu i na svakoj raskrsnici vrebaju prerusene grabljivice u odeci pastira. Malo je onih koji svojim trazenjem nalaze pravi put koji u zivot vodi, a mnogo vise onih sto u zamkama prividne duhovnosti srljaju stranputicama. Prezasiceni opstom beznadeznoscu materijalne stvarnosti, svoju duhovnu glad utoljavaju onim sto im servira obezbozeno drustvo, gde je covek zaista sveden na meru stvari koje ga okruzuju, i gde se ocituje teska moralna kriza, gubitak same porodice i njenog znacaja (i kao institucije i kao faktora vaspitanja), gubitak drustvenog vaspitanja, bezosecajnost, narocito prema okolini, nesposobnost podnosenja odgovornosti i nesposobnost razlikovanja opstih pozitivnih inegativnih vrednosti u sebi i svom okruzenju. Sloboda Bogom dana coveku usmerava se ka bogootpadnistvu, a time i ka unistenju i osiromasenju covekovog bica, dok se utisnuta stvaralacka sposobnost odvodi ka stvaranju dela bez trajnije vrednosti i skoro bez ikakvog duhovnog sadrzaja u sebi. Dva su osnovna razloga ovakvog stanja: opste neznanje o istinskim vrednostima kojima covek treba da tezi, i sistematsko "proganjanje" Boga iz zivota coveka. Sustinski gledano, ovo prati ljude kroz citavu istoriju postojanja ljudskog roda, i rezultira razlicitim oblicima sujeverja, izopacavanjem svesti o Bogu Jednom i Licnosnom, zatim projekcijom Boga ili bogova po meri covekove psihe i prirodnog i drustvenog okruzenja, magijskim odnosom prema stvarnosti, kao i otvorenim bogootpadnistvom i ateizmom. A iza svega stoji lukavo nastojanje Satanino da coveka odvoji i okrene protiv Boga, nastojanje "covekoubice od iskoni", vestog iskusavaca ljudske slobodne volje i vestog zloupotrebljivaca ljudskih slabosti. Sve ovo, naravno, pod vidom svakodnevnih ili skoro svakodnevnih ovozemaljskih problema, iza kojih se tesko naslucuju postavljene zamke, i vrlo cesto cak i nesvesno postajemo robovi greha i Satane. Nije zato previse cudno, ali je jako zabrinjavajuce (da ne kazem alarmantno) kakvim nas sve sredstvima danas zavode se puta Istine, cime nas sve bombarduju ne bi li ostetili onu klicu religioznosti koja lezi duboko usadena u nama kao bicima od Boga stvorenim. Na prvom mestu, najveci broj dece jos u ranom detinjstvu dobija nepotpune ili neispravne informacije o Bogu i religiji, tako da njihova prirodna religiozna znatizelja ostaje uskracena za vazna obavestenja koja mogu da odigraju i te kako znacajnu ulogu u razvoju i formiranju buduce licnosti. Zatim, skolsko vaspitanje ne nudi nista znacajno na tom polju, naprotiv; veronauka je prognana iz skola, a nastavnici (vecim delom) religiozno neobrazovani ne samo da ne upucuju decu da na pravi nacin zadovoljavaju svoje religiozne potrebe, vec ih direktno obmanjuju nepotvrdenim ateistickim hipotezama (pod velom naucnih cinjenica) koje su vazile kao opsteobavezne jos u vreme njihovog skolovanja. Ovo se, uglavnom, proteze kroz citav dalji sistem skolstva, samo sto se propaganda pomera sa prirodnih nauka na teoretisanje filozofije i drustvenih nauka[1]. Vidimo, dakle, da porodica nedovoljno, a skola skoro uopste ne usmerava mlade ljude na Crkvu i crkveni zivot. Samo drustvo to cini jos manje. Duboka moralna kriza, odsustvo elementarne kulture iz zivota velikog broja gradana, nedostatak drustvene i politicke svesti, drustvo kao popriste prljavih politickih sukoba i razmirica, mediji koji izjednacavaju veru drzavotvornog naroda sa raznoraznim sektama koje rade na stetu iste, a time i na stetu samog naroda, umesto vere u prognanog Boga vera u idole novac, moc, nacionalne kvazi-junake, politicare, folk zvezde, vracare, gatare, astrologe, razne "duhovne" pokrete, i dr. samo su deo zivotnog albuma koji nam se nudi i namece kao neophodan za ocuvanje "identiteta naseg nacionalnog bica". Posebnu ulogu igraju stampa i radio, gde postoji cenzura samo politickih informacija i informacija iz oblasti delovanja Crkve, dok se siroki medijum zasipa mnogim neukusom, vulgarnoscu, neproverenim vestima i svesno smisljenim lazima, gde se blati sve i svasta, a narocito, opet, ono sto bi trebalo da nam je najsvetije nasa pravoslavna vera. Vrhunac svega je televizija, gde se izgubio ukus i za reklame, i za filmove, obrazovne i informativne emisije, a narocito je u poslednje vreme postalo popularno da se na kanalima i drzavne i privatnih televizija posvecuju specijalne emisije klasicnim obmanjivacima lakovernog naroda dusepogubiteljnim vracarima, gatarima, osobama koje se bave raznim vidovima magije, i astrolozima. Ovo je cesto sa vidljivom politickom podlogom, ali, sto je najstrasnije, sve je vise i vise zaklanjanja iza Crkve i Pravoslavlja, tako da smo dobili "pravoslavne" vracare, "pravoslavne" gatare, "pravoslavne" astrologe, cemu nas "pravoslavni" narod i te kako naseda, iako je sve ovo u direktnoj suprotnosti sa ucenjem Crkve, na cemu cemo se dalje i zadrzati. Sta nam nudi magija? U toku svog postojanja covek je razvio dve vrste odnosa prema nevidljivom: misticki i magijski. Mistika je zajednica sa bogom, a magija zajednica sa prirodom.[2] Obicno se desava da ljudi poistovecuju ova dva odnosa, sto je neispravno. Magija se zasniva na verovanju u postojanje natprirodnih sila na koje covek moze uticati kako bi pomocu njih izveo odredene zeljene promene koje prirodnim sredstvima ne moze ostvariti.[3] Magijski postupak je postupak prinudivanja; tu ne postoje ni moralni obziri, ni postovanje tude slobodne volje, trazi se samo korist u ovom svetu ma i po cenu nanosenja najvece stete drugima. Dok se u religiji priznaje zavisnost od nekog viseg bica, dotle se u magiji zapoveda odredenim silama; covek se ne oseca ni kao sin ni kao sluga Boziji, vec kao suvereni, makar i uobrazeni gospodar sveta. Magija ne priznaje da postoji Bog koji upravlja svetom; ona se zasniva na verovanju u postojanje nepoznatih, nevidljivih, okultnih sila, bez neke licne svesti, ali ako se tim silama i pripisuje svest, onda su to demoni koje madionicar svojom tajnom vestinom izaziva da cine njegovu volju. Najcesca podela magije je podela na belu magiju, kojom se tezi ostvarenju nekog povoljnog, pozitivnog efekta (npr. necijeg ozdravljenja, uspesnog lova, i dr.), i na crnu magiju, kojom se tezi naneti neko zlo (uroci, caranje, cini). Medutim, ovo je samo formalna podela, jer je sustina u mnogo cemu ista. Postoje izvesni oblici religije u kojima se magija legalno koristi, kao sto su fetisizam, taoizam, samanizam, i dr. Medutim, magija je uspela da pusti korene kod pojedinih ljudi cak i u onim religijama koje su izricito protivne koriscenju magije, tako da ima sledbenike, na zalost, i u hriscanstvu, kako u istocno-pravoslavnom, tako i u zapadnom, rimokatolickom. I sami smo cesto u prilici da vidimo ili cujemo da postoje izvesne osobe koje pale svece naopako, vezuju krpice po granama drveca u blizini neke crkve, nose razne amajlije protiv uroka, male potkovice za srecu, i mnogo sta drugo. Sve ovo nema nikakve veze sa Pravoslavljem. Prudential Georgia Realty Sladjana Jankovic REALTOR Bus: Cell: Haynes Bridge Rd, #200, Alpharetta, GA

8 Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church 421 Beaver Ruin Road, Lawrenceville, GA Mailing Address: P.O. Box Lawrenceville, GA Father Saša Turkić We re on the Web! See us at: GLAS articles: 2007 Church Board President: Mitch Milovic VicePresident: Ljubo Radovanovic Fin. Secretary: Mitar Nikolich Treasurer: Olivera Ninkovic Secretary: Marijana Surla Members at Large: Ray Chatman Carol Chatman Zoran Milovanovic Borislav Avramovic Boro Grba Doug Brockett Milisav Radovic Simo Tesla Momir Mrsic Bane Stojanovic Djuro Vujic Zoran Stamenkovic Church Calendar for February 2007 February 4 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM (Sunday of the Prodigal Son) - Breakfast with Choir February 10 - Saturday - Vesper Service 6:00 PM February 11 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM (Sunday of the Last Judgment) February 12 Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom February 15 The Meeting of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ February 18 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM (The Sunday of Forgiveness) - Kolo Lunch February 24 - Saturday - Vesper Service 6:00 PM - Church Cleaning Project 8:00 AM February 25 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM (First Sunday of the Great Lent: Triumph of Orthodoxy) Nedeljna Skola za Djecu Na prvom casu Nedjeljne skole imali smo 12 ucenika. Posto su oni razlicitog uzrasta pokusavam da napravimo programe koji bi bili interesantni i korisni za sve njih. II cas na Srpskom Nedjelja 4. Februar II cas na Engleksom Nedjelja 11. Februar III cas na Srpskom Nedjelja 18. Februar III cas na Engleksom Nedjelja 25. Februar Jedna izmjena: Nedeljna skola ce se od sada odrzavati tokom liturgije znaci od 10:00 do 11:00 ujutro Ako zelite upisati vase djete(cu), trebate vise informacija ili mozete pomoci, molimo da se obratite Ocu Sasi ili uciteljicama. Ove godine nas Crkveni Odbor planira da obezbjedi nove, bolje prostorije za ovu i sve druge aktivnosti. Moguca solucija je prosirenje i dogradnja naseg postojeceg crkvenog objekta. Vise o ovome uskoro. OD NASEG SVESTENIKA Draga Braco i Sestre, Poceo sam blagosiljanje vodice po kucama i nastavicu to do Vaskrsa. Ako zelite da dodjem kod vas, molim da me kontaktirate na dole navedene telefone. Hvala vam unaprijed na pozivu u vas dom. Svestenik Saša Turkić (cell.) , (home) Sunday School for Kids There was 12 children at our first Sunday school class. Since kids are not same age, we are trying to create different interesting and useful programs to fit all ages. II class in Serbian Sunday February 4. II class in English Sunday February 11. III class in Serbian Sunday February 18. III class in English Sunday February 25. Change from last Glas: Sunday school will take place during liturgy from 10:00 11:00 AM To enroll your kid(s) and if you need additional info or have good ideas and can help us with Sunday school, please contact Fr. Sasa or teachers. This year Our Church Board wil try to ensure new, better space for this and other activites at Church. Possible solution is expansion of our current building. More about this plan soon. FROM FATHER SASA Dear Brothers and Sisters, I started blessing homes and will continue until Easter. If you want me to come to your home, please feel free to contact me at numbers below. It will be very helpful if we can work around each other s schedules. Thank you in advance for welcoming me into your home. Father Saša Turkić (cell.) , (home) SAINTS PETER AND PAUL SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF ATLANTA P.O. Box Lawrenceville, GA

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