Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve Svetih Petra i Pavla u Atlanti Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church of Atlanta

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1 Avgust 2007 Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve Svetih Petra i Pavla u Atlanti Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church of Atlanta In This Issue: Upcoming Events Photos from Church Slava YTD Financial Summary News from Our Parish This Month In Orthodoxy Calendar Sunday School Predstojeca Desavanja Avgust i Septembar 2007 Rucak Kolo Srpskih Sestara Pozivamo vas da nam se pridruzite na ruckovima koje ce Kolo Srpskih sestara organizovati i pripremiti : Nedjelja 12 Avg, 2007 u 12:00 P.M. Nedjelja 9. Sept, 2007 u 12:00 P.M. Kolo Srpskih Sestara poziva sve zene i djevojke nase parohije da im se pridruze. Kolo planira organizovati niz interesantnih aktivnosti u kojem ce svi uzivati i koji ce pomoci nasu Crvku i nasu zajednicu u Atlanti. Nedeljna Skola Za Djecu Upis Obavjestavamo sve roditelje da ce upis novih ucenika u Nedjeljnu skolu za djecu biti u Nedjelju 12. Avgusta Ocekujuci veliko interesovanje planiramo napraviti dvije grupe. Jedna za nove ucenike, a druga za one koji su skolu pohadjali zadnjih 6 mjeseci i vec su savladali cirilicu i osnovno gradivo. Obilazak Manastira Crkveni Odbor organizuje i sponzorise izlet za sve nase parohijane i njihovu djecu. Nedjelja 19. Avgust u 12:30 PM Posjeticemo Grcki Pravoslavni Manastir Resaca na sjeveru Dzordzije, udaljen oko 65 milja od nase crkve. Zavisno od interesovanja, postoji mogucnost da iznajmimo 1 ili vise kombija za organizovani prevoz. Molimo da se javite nasem svesteniku ili bilo kojem clanu odbora sto prije. OBAVJESTENJE: U nedjelju 5. Avgusta nece biti Liturgije u nasoj crkvi jer ce nas svestenik tada biti u Shedeland Pennsylvania na sastanku i programu koji organizuje nasa Srpska Eparhija. Vise Informacija Shedeland kampu za djecu: Upcoming Events August and September 2007 Lunch Serbian Sisters Circle We are inviting you to luncheon that our Serbian Sisters will prepare for you: Sunday Aug 12, 2007 at 12:00 P.M. Sunday Sept 9, 2007 at 12:00 P.M. Serbian Sisters are asking and welcoming all women in our community to join our Serbian Sisters Circle. We will be organizing interesting activities that will fun for everyone and will help our church and community. Sunday School for Kids - Enrollment We are inviting all parents to enroll their kids into Sunday School. Enrollement for Fall Semestar will be: Sunday Aug Expecting big interest, we plan to divide students into 2 levels: one for new students and another for students that attended school last 6 months and already learned Cyrilic and religious basics. Monastery Visit Church Board is organizing and sponsoring a very interesting and fun trip for all kids and adults from our parish. Sunday Aug We plan to visit The Monastery of the Glorious Ascension in Resaca GA, that is about 65 miles from our church. Depending on number of people interested there is a possibility of renting 1 or more big Vans for group transport. If you are interested to go with us please contact Fr. Sasa or any of Board Members. ANNOUNCEMENT: There will not be a Church Service on Sunday August 5, because Fr. Sasa will be at Shadeland Pennsylvania for the Diocese Day program. More info about Shedeland Camp for Kids:

2 Page 2 of 8 A Message from the Church President Draga Braco i Sestre, Dear Brothers and Sisters Page 2 of 4 Proslava nase Crkvene Slave je bila veoma uspjesna. Okupilo se oko 200 nasih parohijana. Vrijeme nam nije bas islo na ruku jer je bas kad smo zavrsili sa sluzbom i bili spremni da izadjemo vani poceo veliki pljusak, tako da smo ostali unutra sto je dalo priliku da komentarisemo potrebu za vecom Crkvenom zgradom. Kako je vrijeme odmicalo kisa je jenjavala i sa prvim zracima sunca raspolozenje je naglo poraslo, tako da se nakon rucka odigralo i tradicionalno kolo i vecina ljudi je otisla zadovoljna organizacijom i provodom. Zelim da se zahvalim svima koji su doprinjeli da organizacija proslave bude sto laksa i na sto vecem nivou. Zadovoljan sam odzivom volontera koji su nam pomogli u subotu da ocistimo i pripremimo nas posjed. Cinjenica je da se formirala jedna grupa volontera koja nam pomaze svaki put kad nesto treba, te u ime Crkvenog Odbora im se veoma zahvaljujem. Na proslavi smo sa prisutnima podijelili veoma dobre i radosne vijesti, te ih evo sada saopstavamo i svima vama. Kao sto znate nas crkveni kredit se proslog mjeseca smanjio na $28,000. Zahvaljujuci novonastaloj situaciji izgelda da cemo moci otplatiti nas kredi u potpunosti za 3-4 sedmice. Naime, drzavna agencija za gradjenje puteva (DOT) ce da nam isplati $23,400 za pravo koristenja jednog dijela naseg posjeda u svrhu prosirivanja Beaver Ruin ulice. Taj dio koji ce oni iskoristiti svakako nije pripadao nama tako da nas posjed ne gubi nista na kvadraturi. Uz donacije svih vas, kao i donaciju Kola Sestara ($1000) imacemo dovoljno da vrlo brzo otplatimo dug. U januaru nas dug je bio $103,000 i Crkveni Odbor je tada postavio sebi cilj da uradi sve moguce da otpati taj dug za 2 godine. Meni je cast i zadovoljstvo da vam saopstim da smo taj cilj ostvarili za 20 mjeseci, sto je ogroman uspijeh. Crkveni Odbor se zahvaljuje svima vama koji ste pomogli ovu akciju i potudicemo se da ovo specijalno proslavimo u Oktobru, na proslavi 14. godisnjice nase parohije u Atlanti. Grupa zaduzena za planiranje i razvoj Crkvenog posjeda ce tada prezentovati viziju i prijedlog za nasu buducnost. Mitch Milovich Predsjednik Crkvenog Odbora The Church Slava celebration on Sunday July 22 was a great success with approximately 200 people in attendance. The weather was not so good and it started to rain very hard just about the time Church services were over so we were very crowded inside of the Church, but it helped to inspire everyone to discuss the need for a larger Church facility. The weather turned better in the afternoon and the Sun came out and it seemed from all the good comments that everyone had a good time. I want to thank everyone that helped to make our Church Slava program a success, and we had many volunteers on Saturday to help clean up around the Church to get ready for the Sunday services. We have a great group of people that volunteer on a regular basis whenever we need help and on behalf of the Church Board we want to thank all of you. We have very good news that those of you that attended the Slava celebration were informed of. The good news is that we will pay off the mortgage balance of $28,000 in the next 3 to 4 weeks and our building will be entirely debt free. We will receive a check in the amount of $23,400 from the State of Georgia DOT for the rights of an easement on the front of our property for a widening project on Beaver Ruin Road. This money together with the money we have received from many of you we will have enough funds to pay off our mortgage. A very special thanks you to our Church Kolo for donating $1,000 to the mortgage payoff program. In January 2006 our mortgage balance was $103,000 and the Church Board decided to challenge the Church members to pay off this mortgage in 2 years. I am pleased to announce that we will have paid off the entire mortgage in 20 months and this is a tremendous accomplishment. The Church Board wants to thank all of you that contributed and we will have a special celebration in October for the 14-year anniversary celebration. The Church property committee will work on a plan to present to the entire Church membership. Mitch Milovich Church Board President BIG THANK YOU TO: All volontiers that helped organization of Slava Celebration on Saturday before Slava and on Sunday at Slava. Sponsoring food and drinks at our celebrations helps our budget a lot so special thanks to Mihajlo Bilakovic for baked lamb, Nenad Gambiroza for baked lamb, Dragoslav Popovic for baked pig and Mirko Bulovic for baked pig. Mladen Mitrovic donated all drinks for Slava. Big Thank you to our Kolo Sisters who, as always, did a Great job. Big Thank you to Ray and Carol Chatham for being the Kumovi for the Church Slava. Kumovi for Church Slava next year will be Slobodan Mitrovic and his family. Ticket Service USA Молимо наше парохијане да се обрате Зорану Миловановићу за врло повољне цијене авионских карата. Reservations (Toll free): Web: Унапред захвалан: Зоран Миловановић

3 Page 3 of 8 BIG THANK YOU TO: Simo Tesla for music entertainment at Slava Celebration. Special thank you to all our Sunday School kids and teacher Manuela Opacic for great and interesting Slava Celebration program. Kids participated in the program were: Maja Culum, Dejan Tojcic, Aleksandar i Tamara Kapetanovic, Tomislav Surla, Christina Saulnier, Viktorija Bezbradica, Dajana Bozanovic, Tijana Radjenovic, Dalibor i Valentina Radovanovic. PHOTOS FROM SLAVA are suppose to be HERE even they were originally very small (<90 KB) when added to this page they made the entire Glas file huge. I took photos out to be able to the Glas to you. You can see all photos on our website soon. Thanks Finasijski Izvestaj za 2007-u zakljucno sa Junom June 2007 YTD Financial Summary Collections / Prilozi $ 66, Expenses / Troskovi $ 64, Profit $ 2, Mortgage Donations thru June $ 29, Agent za Kupovinu i Prodaju Nekretnina - Realty Associate Zeljko Bjelobrk cell Visit website: Obavjestavaju se parohijani da se mogu obratiti Bjelobrk Zeljku prilikom kupoprodaje kuce ili stana. Budite zasticeni u komplikovanom svijetu kupoprodaje nekretnina.

4 Page 4 of 8 Novosti iz Maja, Juna i Jula 2007 News from May, June and July 2007 CESTITAMO: Petar i Milka Andjelkovic su se vjencali 19. maja. Cestitamo njihovim porodicama, a mladencima zelimo puno srece, sloge i podmlatka. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Petar and Milka Andjelkovic got married on May 19. Congratulations to their families and all the best. Wishing newelyweds long life, happiness, unity and lot of kids. Anastasija Grba se rodila u junu te cestitamo ponosnim roditeljima Dusku i Dragoj i njihovoj familiji. Michael i Mishell Arsic su se krstili 15. jula i tim povodom cestitamo roditeljima Zoranu i Danieli Lazar Vujic se krstio 28. Juna i tim povodom cestitamo roditeljima Srdjanu i Radi, velikom bratu Todoru i ponosnim djedu Nikoli, babi Vinki i djedu Vladi. Stefan Brockett Veliki Uspijeh Cestitamo Stefanu Brockettu koji je svojim visokim akademskim rezulatatima i velikim talentom zasluzeno uvrsten u Pocasni Program Guvernera nase drzave za godinu. On ove godine pohadja zavrsni razred srednje skole Chamblee High, a tokom ovog ljeta je pohadjao Guvernerov Pocasni Program za intelektualno nadarene i umjetnicki talentovane koji testira i obogacuje znanje i obrazovne mogucnosti. Stefanova specijalnost su Vizuelna umjetnost i Arhitektura. On je sin Douga i Mire Brockett. VELIKO HVALA: Ray i Carol Chatham i Mitar i Lisa Nikolich su u nedjelju 15. jula sponzorisali i pripremili ukusan rucak za sve nase parohijane. Hvala im na njihovoj donaciji, vremenu i trudu. Specijalno hvala Zoranu Stamenkovicu i Momiru Franjicu koji su nedavno ofarbali crkvu iznutra i opravili i sredili djeciju prostoriju. Hvala im na njihovoj donaciji materijala, vremena i truda. Kolo Srpskih Sestara Pomoglo Otplatu Kredita U julu, na proslavi Crkvene Slave, nase Kolo Srpskh Sestara je doniralo hiljadu dolara za akciju otplate Crkvenog kredita. Predsjednik Crkvenog Odbora, Mitch Milovich se srdacno zahvalio sestrama i jos jednom istakao vaznost postojanja Kola Srpskih Sestara i snagu i podrsku koju pruzaju nasoj Crkvi i zajednici. IN MEMORIAM Gospodin Momcilo Milosevic, rodjen 1922, otac nase Mire Brockett, je preminuo 12. jula, 2007, na dan Sv. Petra i Pavla. Ovom prilikom u ime nase Crkvene zajednice izjavljujemo iskreno saucesce Miri, Dougu i njhovim sinovima Jovanu i Stefanu. Neka mu Bog podari Spasenje Duse i vjecni Mir. Vecnaja pamjat! Anastasija Grba was born in June. Congratulations to proud parents Dusko and Draga and their family. Michael and Michelle Arsic were baptized on July Congratualtion to proud parents Zoran and Daniela. Lazar Vujic was baptized on June 28. Congratulations to proud parents Srdjan and Rada, big brother Todor and grandparents Nikola and Vinka Vujic and Vladimir Vukelja. Stefan Brockett Achieves GHP Honor Congratulations to Stefan Brockett on being named to the Governor's Honors Program. Stefan's nomination to this program was based on his scholastic ability and aptitude. He will enter his senior year at Chamblee High School this month.stefan recently attended the Governor's Honors Program at Valdosta State University. The six-week summer instructional program provides intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school students challenging and enriching educational opportunities. These opportunities are not usually available during the regular school year. Stefan majored in Visual Arts and minored in Architectural Design. He is the son of Doug and Mira Brockett. BIG THANK YOU: Ray and Carol Chatham and Mitar and Lisa Nikolich organized and sponsored a delicious lunch for all of us on July 15. Everybody enjoyed. Big Thank You. Special Thank You to Zoran Stamenkovic and Momir Franjic for painting interior of our Church and repairing Sunday School kids room. Thank you for your donation of material, time and skills. Kolo Sisters Contribute Towards Mortgage Pay-Off In July, at the Sts. Peter and Paul Slava, our Kolo Sisters presented a gift in the amount of one thousand dollars towards the church mortgage pay-off. Church President, Mitch Milovich, graciously accepted their offering on behalf of the Church and, acknowledged the Kolo's continued support and dedication to our parish. REST IN PEACE Momcilo Milosevic of Serbia, passed away on July 12, 2007, Sts. Peter and Paul Feast Day. He lived from He is survived by his daughter, Mira Brockett, her husband, Doug, and their sons, Stefan and Jovan. Grant rest eternal in blessed falling asleep, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant, and make his memory eternal! Vecnaja pamjat! Clear Image Painting Interior / Exterios / Faux Dusan Bjelica - Cell: ~

5 Page 5 of 8 This Month In Orthodoxy Holy Glorious Prophet Elias (Elijah) (9th c. B.C.). Commemorated on August 2 nd The Holy Prophet Elias (Ilias) (Elijah) one of the greatest of the prophets and the first dedicated to virginity in the Old Testament he was born in Galaadian Thesbia (Tishbe) into the Levite tribe 900 years before the Incarnation of the Word of God. Sainted Epiphanios of Cyprus gives the following account about the birth of the Prophet Elias: "When Elias was born, his father Sobach saw in a vision, that handsome men greeted him, they swaddled him in fire and fed the fiery flame". The name Elias (the Lord's strength) given to the infant defined his whole life. From the years of his youth he dedicated himself to the One God, settled in the wilderness and spent his whole life in strict fasting, Divinemeditation and prayer. Called to prophetic service afront the Israelite king Ahab, the prophet became a fiery zealot of the true faith and piety. During this time the Israelite nation had fallen away from the faith of their fathers, they abandoned the One God and worshipped pagan idols, the worship of which was introduced by the impious king Jereboam. An especial advocate of idol-worship was the wife of king Ahab, the paganess Jezebel. The worship of the idol of Baal led the Israelites towards complete moral decay. Beholding the ruin of his nation, the Prophet Elias began to denounce king Ahab for impiety, and exhorting him to repent and turn to the True God. The king would not listen to him. The Prophet Elias then declared to him, that in punishment there would then be neither rain nor dew upon the ground, and the dryness would cease only through his prayer. And indeed, through the prayer of the prophet the heavens were closed, and there befell drought and famine throughout all the land. The nation suffered from the incessant heat and hunger. The Lord through His mercy, seeing the suffering of the people, was prepared to forgive all and send rain upon the earth, but did not want to annul the words of the Prophet Elias, sorrowed with the desire to turn about the hearts of the Israelites to repentance and return them to the true worship of God. Having saved the Prophet Elias from the hands of Jezebel, the Lord during this time of tribulation sent him into a secret place of the stream Horath. The Lord ordered rapacious ravens to bring food to the prophet, moving him to pity for the suffering nation. When the stream Horath dried up, the Lord sent the Prophet Elias to Sidonian Sarepta to a poor widow, who suffered together with her children in the expectation of death by starvation. At the request of the prophet she prepared him a bread with the last measure of flour and the remainder of the oil. Thereafter through the prayer of the Prophet Elias, flour and oil were not depleted in the home of the widow for all the duration of the famine. By the power of his prayer the prophet did another miracle he resuscitated the dead son of the widow. After the end of three years of drought the Merciful Lord sent the prophet to king Ahab to bring an end to the misfortune. The Prophet Elias gave orders to gather upon Mount Carmel all Israel and the paganpriests of Baal. When the nation had gathered, the Prophet Elias proposed the building of two sacrificial altars: one for the paganpriests of Baal, and the other for the Prophet Elias in the service of the True God. "Upon whichever shalt come down upon it fire from the heavens, that one wilt be shewn to have the True God, said the Prophet Elias, and all shalt be obliged to worship Him, and if not invoking Him shalt be given over to death". The prophets of Baal rushed off first to offer sacrifice: they called out to the idol from morning till evening, but in vain the heavens were silent. Towards evening the holy Prophet Elias built up his sacrificial altar from 12 stones the number of the tribes of Israel; he placed the sacrifice upon the fire-wood, gave orders to dig a ditch around the altar and commanded that the sacrifice and the fire-wood be soaked with water. When the ditch had filled with water, the fiery prophet turned to God with a prayer and asked, that the Lord send down fire from the heavens to teach the wayward and obdurate Israelite people and turn their hearts to Himself. Through the prayer of the prophet there came down fire from the heavens and it fell upon the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and even the water. The people fell down to the ground, crying out: "In truth the Lord is the One God and there is no other besides Him!". Then the Prophet Elias had put to death all the pagan-priests of Baal and he began to pray for the sending down of rain. Through his prayer the heavens opened and there came down an abundant rain, watering the parched earth. King Ahab acknowledged his error and repented his sins, but his wife Jezebel threatened to kill the prophet of God. The Prophet Elias fled into the kingdom of Judea and, grieving over his failure to eradicate idol-worship, he asked of God his death. An Angel of the Lord came before him, strengthened him with food and commanded him to go upon a long journey. The Prophet Elias went for forty days and nights and, having arrived at Mount Horeb, he settled in a cave. Here after a terrible storm, an earthquake and a burst of flame the Lord appeared "in a quiet wind" (3 Kings 19: 12) and revealed to the grieving prophet, that He preserved seven thousand faithful servants who were not worshippers of Baal. The Lord commanded the Prophet Elias to anoint Elisei (Elisha) unto prophetic service. Because of his fiery zeal for the Glory of God the Prophet Elias was taken up alive to Heaven on a fiery chariot. The Prophet Elisei (Elisha) began with the testimony of the ascent of the Prophet Elias to the heavens on a fiery chariot and received together with his fallen-down mantle (cloak) a gift of prophetic spirit twice as great, than the Prophet Elias had possessed. According to the tradition of Holy Church, the Prophet Elias will be a Fore ;Runner of the Terrible Second Coming of Christ upon the earth and during the time of preaching will be a sign of bodily death. The life of the holy Prophet Elias is recorded in the Old Testament books (3 Kings; 4 Kings; Sirach/Ecclesiastes 48: 1-15; 1 Maccabees 2: 58). At the time of the Transfiguration [Preobrazhenie] the Prophet Elias conversed with the Saviour upon Mount Thabor (Tabor) (Mt. 17: 3; Mk. 9: 4; Lk. 9: 30).The iconographic tradition portrays the Prophet Elias rising up on a chariot with fiery wheels, which are encircled on all sides with flames and harnessed to four winged horses. Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalen (1st c.).commemorated on August 4 th The Holy Myrh-Bearer Equal-unto-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. On the banks of Lake Genesareth (Galilee), between the cities of Capharnum and Tiberias, was situated the small city of Magdala, the remains of which have survived to our day. Now at this place stands only the small village of Mejhdel.In Magdala sometime formerly the woman was born and grew up, whose name has entered forever into the Gospel account. The Gospel tells us nothing about the youthful years of Mary, but tradition informs us, that Mary from Magdala was young and pretty, and led a sinful life. It says in the Gospels, that the Lord expelled seven devils from Mary. From the moment of healing Mary led a new life. She became a true disciple of the Saviour. The Gospel relates that Mary followed after the Lord, when He went with the Apostles through the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee preaching about the Kingdom of God. Together with the pious women Joanna, wife of Khuza (steward of Herod), Susanna and others, she served Him from her own possessions (Lk 8, 1-3) and undoubtedly, shared with the Apostles the evangelic tasks, in common with the other women. The Evangelist Luke, evidently, has her in view together with the other women, stating that at the moment of the Procession of Christ onto Golgotha, when after the Scourging He took on Himself the heavy Cross, collapsing under its weight, the women followed after Him weeping and wailing, but He consoled them. 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6 Page 6 of 8 The Gospel relates that Mary Magdalene was present on Golgotha at the moment of the Lord's Crucifixion. While all the disciples of the Saviour ran away, she remained fearlessly at the Cross together with the Mother of God and the Apostle John. The evangelists enumerate among those standing at the Cross moreover also the mother of the Apostle James the Less, and Salome, and other women followers of the Lord from Galilee itself, but all mention first Mary Magdalene; but the Apostle John aside the Mother of God, names only her and Mary Cleopas. This indicates how much she stood out from amidst all the women gathered round the Lord.She was faithful to Him not only in the days of His Glory, but also at the moment of His Extreme Humiliation and Insult. As the Evangelist Matthew relates, she was present at the Burial of the Lord. Before her eyes Joseph and Nikodemos went out to the tomb with His lifeless Body; before her eyes they covered over the entrance to the cave with a large stone, behind which went the Sun of Life...Faithful to the Law in which she was trained, Mary together with the other women stayed all the following day at rest, because it was the great day of the Sabbath, coinciding in that year with the Feast of Passover. But all the rest of the peaceful day the women succeeded in storing up aromatics, to go at dawn Sunday to the Grave of the Lord and Teacher and according to the custom of the Jews to anoint His Body with funereal is necessary to suggest that, having agreed to go on the first day of the week to the Tomb early in the morning, the holy women, having gone separately on Friday evening to their own homes, did not have the possibility to meet together with one another on Saturday, and how only at the break of dawn the following day did they go to the Sepulchre, not all together, but each from their own house.the Evangelist Matthew writes, that the women came to the grave at dawn, or as the Evangelist Mark expresses, extremely early before the rising of the sun; the Evangelist John, as it were elaborating upon these, says that Mary came to the grave so early that it was still dark. Obviously, she waited impatiently for the end of night, but it was not daybreak when round about darkness still ruled she ran there where lay the Body of the Lord Now then, Mary went to the Tomb alone. Seeing the stone pushed away from the cave, she rushed away in fear thither where dwelt the close Apostles of Christ Peter and John. Hearing the strange message that the Lord was gone from the tomb, both Apostles ran to the tomb and, seeing the shroud and winding cloths, they were amazed. The Apostles went and told no one nothing, but Mary stood about the entrance to the gloomy tomb and wept. Here in this dark tomb still so recently lay her lifeless Lord. Wanting proof that the tomb really was empty, she went down to it and here a strange light suddenly prevailed upon her. She saw two angels in white garments, the one sitting at the head, the other at the foot, where the Body of Jesus had been placed. She heard the question: "Woman, why weepest thou?" she answered them with the words which she had said to the Apostles: "They have taken my Lord, and I do not know, where they have put Him". Having said this, she turned around, and at this moment saw the Risen Jesus standing about the grave, but she did not recognise Him. He asked Mary: "Woman, why weepest thou? Whom dost thou seek?" She answered thinking that she was seeing the gardener: "Sir, if thou hast taken him, tell where thou hast put Him, and I will reclaim Him". But at this moment she recognised the Lord's voice, a voice which was known from the day He healed her. This was the voice in those days and years, when together with the other pious women she followed the Lord through all the cities and places where His preaching was heard. Holy Great-martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305). Commemorated on August 9 The GreatMartyr and Healer Panteleimon was born in the city of Nikomedia into the family of the illustrious pagan Eustorgias, and he was named Pantoleon. His mother Ebbula was a christian. She wanted to raise her son in the Christian faith, but she died when the future greatmartyr was still a young lad. His father sent Pantoleon to a fine pagan school, at the completion of which the youth began to study the medical art at Nikomedia under the reknown physician Euphrosynos, and he came to the attention of the emperor Maximian ( ), who wished to see him at court. During this time there dwelt secretly at Nikomedia the Priest- Martyr presbyters Hermolaos, Hermippos and Hermocrates survivors in the Nikomedia Church after the burning of 20,000 Christians in the year 303. Saint Hermolaos saw Pantoleon time and again, when he came to their hideout. One time the presbyter summoned the youth to the hideout and spoke about the Christian faith. After this Pantoleon visited every day with the priestmartyr Hermolaos. One time the youth saw upon a street a dead child, bitten by a viper, which was still alongside. Pantoleon began to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for the resuscitation of the dead child and for the death of the venomous reptile. He firmly resolved, that if his prayer were fulfilled, he would become a follower of Christ and accept Baptism. The child revived, and the viper shattered into pieces before the eyes of Pantoleon. After this miracle Pantoleon was baptised by Saint Hermolaos with the name Panteleimon (meaning "allmerciful"). Conversing with Eustorgias, Saint Panteleimon prepared him for the acceptance of Christianity, and when the father beheld, how his son healed a blind man by invoking the Name of Jesus Christ, he then believed in Christ and was baptised together with the blind man restored to sight.after the death of his father, Saint Panteleimon dedicated his life to the suffering, the sick, the misfortunate and the needy. He treated without charge all those who turned to him, healing them in the Name of Jesus Christ. He visited those held captive in prison being usually christians, who filled all the prisons, and he healed them of their wounds. In a short while accounts about the charitable physician spread throughout all the city. And forsaking the other doctors, the inhabitants began to turn only to Saint Panteleimon. The envious doctors made a denunciation to the emperor, that Saint Panteleimon was healing Christian prisoners. Maximian urged the saint to disprove the denunciation and offer sacrifice to idols, but Saint Panteleimon confessed himself a Christian and right in front of the eyes of the emperor he healed a paralytic in the Name of Jesus Christ. The ferocious Maximian executed the healed man who was glorifying Jesus Christ, and gave Saint Panteleimon over to fierce torture. The Lord appeared to the saint and strengthened him before his sufferings. They suspended the GreatMartyr Panteleimon from a tree and tore at him with iron hooks, burned him with fire and then stretched him on the rack, threw him in boiling oil, and cast him into the sea with a stone about his neck. Throughout all these tortures the greatmartyr remained unhurt and with conviction he denounced the emperor. During this time there was brought before the court of the pagans the Presbyters Hermolaos, Hermippos and Hermocrates. All three firmly confessed their faith in the Saviour and were beheaded (the account about them is located under 26 July). The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Second "Feast of the Saviour" in August). Commemorated on August 19 The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Swiss Cleaning and Landscaping FREE ESTIMAES QUALITY SERVICE / LICENSED / INSURED Ljubo & Ljubica Radovanovic

7 Page 7 of 8 Pravoslavlje GOSPODE, ISUSE HRISTE, SINE BOZIJI POMILUJ ME GRESNOGA! ili u kracem obliku: Gospode, Isuse Hriste, pomiluj me! Isusova molitva je najvaznija molitva svakog hriscanina. Ona po crkvenim pravilima moze da zameni sve druge. Buduci osvecena samim imenom Hrista Boga, ona u nase srce nizvodi bozansku blagodat i unosi neiskazani dusevni mir kada se ucestalo ponavlja. Najveca sila ove molitve lezi u samome imenu Isusa Hrista, koje izgoni iz nasega srca svaku smetnju i nemir i unosi bozanski mir. Pored Isusove molitve uobicajeno je da se hriscani mole i Presvetoj Bogorodici i svetiteljima i to na sledeci nacin: Presveta Bogorodice, spasi me gresnoga! Sveti (ime svetitelja), moli Boga za mene gresnoga! Kada smo sami najbolje je da izaberemo neko tiho mesto i da reci molitvegovorimo saptom. Hriscani se najcesce mole stojeci pred ikonama i upaljenim kandilom, ali mogu da se mole i sedeci ili lezeci kada smo telesno iscrpljeni ili bolesni. Korisno je da se posle svake izgovorene molitve prekrstimo. Na taj nacin se nasa paznja lakse veze za reci molitve. Medjutim, molitva na brojanice moze da se praktikuje u svakoj situaciji: u autobusu, vozu, cekaonici, prilikom setnje ili cak razgovora u kome ne ucestvujemo. Apostol Pavle uci nas da se "molimo neprestano". Svakako, kada smo u drustvu ne mozemo se moliti na isti nacin kao kada smo sami. U tom slucaju ne treba privlaciti paznju nikakvim "cudnovatim" ponasanjem, bec naprosto cuteci, u sebi izgovarati molitvu prateci je neprimetno okretanjem brojanice. Ukratko, mozemo se moliti uvek i svugde,a da to niko drugi ne zna osim Boga kome se molimo i nas samih. Svako namerno privlacenje paznje drugih ljudi strano je duhu istinske molitve koju vrsimo u pokajanju i smirenju, skromno i tiho u "tajnoj odaju srca svoga". Brojanica se moze u trenucima kada je ne koristimo drzati u dzepu ili oko ruke. Ipak, nije lepo privlaciti paznju svojim brojanicama, a pogotovo igrati se njima prstima u trenucima dokolice. One sluze iskljucivo za molitvu, a ne za igru ili ukras. Prema brojanicama smo duzni da imamo dolicno postovanje. Molitva u bolesti Presveta Vladicice Djevo Bogorodice, pomozi meni, rabu tvojemu. Nepobediva i preuzvisena i bozestvena silo casnoga i zivotvornoga krsta, ne prezri moljenja raba tvojega.sveti slavni i svehvalni arhandjeli i andjeli, neprestano molite se Bogu za raba Njegova. Sveti slavni apostoli Petre i Pavle, milostivo i usrdno posetite raba svojega.sveti slavni velikomucenici Stefane, Georgije i Dimitrije i ostali sveti mucenici, molite se Hristu Bogu za raba Bozja. Sveti besrebrenici i cudotvorci, Kozmo i Damjane, molite Boga za bolnoga raba Bozja. Šta su Blaženstva? Hristos je u svojoj Besedi na Gori izrekao devet blaženstava. Blaženstva su blaga i radosna vest o novom životu. Beseda na Gori je najuzvišeniji proglas u istoriji roda ljudskog. Patrijarh Jakov je video u Starom zavetu Lestvicu kojom silaze i uzlaze Angeli. Zapovesti Blaženstava su te lestvice kojima se covek uzdiže do Boga i postaje, kao svetitelji, nebeski covek i zemaljski angeo. Blaženstva su put u božansko savršenstvo. U ovih devet božanskih vrlina, data su coveku nova pravila života, nova pravila mišljenja, nova pravila osecanja i delanja. Taj novi život u Hristu pocinje siromaštvom duha, tj. smirenjem i završava se stradanjem radi Imena Hristova i vecnom radošcu i blaženstvom u Raju. Svakom stecenom novom vrlinom stice se i novo blaženstvo i novi dar od Boga. Devet blaženstava glase 1.Blaženi su siromašni duhom, jer je njihovo Carstvo nebesko. 2.Blaženi su tužni, jer ce se oni utešiti. 3.Blaženi su krotki, jer ce oni naslediti zemlji. 4.Blaženi su milostivi, jer ce oni biti pomilovani. 5.Blaženi su milostivi, jer ce oni biti pomilovani. 6.Blaženi su cisti srcem, jer ce oni Boga videti. 7.Blaženi su mirotvorci, jer ce se oni sinovi Božiji nazvati. 8.Blaženi su prognani pravde radi, jer je njihovo Carstvo nebesko. 9.Blaženi ste kad vas, Mene radi, ruže n progone i, lažuci, nabede svakim zlom. Radujte se i veselite se, jer je nagrada vaša velika na nebesima; jer su tako progonili proroke koji su bili pre vas." Kome je Gospod Hristos rekao: "Vi ste so zemlji... Vi ste svetlost svetu"? Hristos je ove reci uputio svojim prvim ucenicima, Apostolima, a posle njih i preko njih i svim hrišcanima svih vremena. Koje su dve najvece zapovesti? Hristos je sažeo sve zapovesti Starog zaveta u dve najvece zapovesti: 1. Ljubi Gospoda Boga svoga svim srcem svojim i svom dušom svojom i svim umom svojim i svom snagom svojom. 2. Ljubi bližnjega svoga kao samoga sebe. Novi zavet je savršeniji od Staroga u poimanju ljubavi i prema Bogu i prema bližnjem. To nije nikako cudo, jer se u Novom zavetu i Bog savršenije otkrio, i savršenijeg coveka pokazao i stvorio. Bog se javio kao Ljubav: Otac i Sin i Duh Sveti. Postavši Bogocovek, Sin Božiji je pokazao i otkrio da je i covek stvoren da bude nešto savršenije od coveka - bogocovek. A za poimanje i stvaranje toga je neophodna dublja i šira vera i beskrajnija ljubav. Novi zavet je savršeniji od Staroga, jer su Jevreji za bližnjega svoga smatrali samo sunarodnike Jevreje i obracenike. Vernici Novog zaveta za bližnje svoje smatraju sve ljude bez obzira na njihovu boju kože, veru ili narodnost. Novi zavet je savršeniji od Staroga zaveta ne samo po širini ljubavi prema svima ljudima nego i po jacini ljubavi: Hrišcanin voli svoga bližnjega ne samo kao samoga sebe nego i više od sebe samoga. On voli bližnjega kao što je Isus Hristos voleo nas, a Hristos je žrtvovao Samoga Sebe radi nas i za naše spasenje. Gospod je rekao ucenicima svojim ne samo da vole svoje bližnje kao same sebe nego da ih vole, kao što je On zavoleo nas (Evandelje po Jovanu, glava 13, stih 34). Gospod Hristos je, dakle, voleo nas više nego Samoga Sebe. On je radi nas ponizio Sebe do smrti na krstu. Tu božanski nesebicnu, samožrtvenu ljubav Gospoda Hrista mi znamo po tome "što je On za nas dušu svoju položio ". Zbog toga, po Njegovoj zapovesti, i mi smo "dužni polagati dušu svoju za bracu" (Prva poslanica Jovanova, glava 3, stih 16). Tek je to prava savršena ljubav: ljubav koja ne traži svoje. Ko je opisao Hristov zemaljski život? Opisali su ga cetiri Evangelista: Matej, Marko, Luka i Jovan. Zašto Crkva može biti samo jedna? Jedinstvo Crkve neminovno sledi iz jedinstva Licnosti Bogocoveka Hrista, kao njene Glave. Crkva je Telo Hristovo a ono može biti samo jedno i nedeljivo. Svi njeni clanovi, obuhvaceni jednom istom blagodacu Svetoga Duha kroz Svete Tajne i svete vrline u organsko jedinstvo, sacinjavaju jedno Telo, i ispovedaju jednu veru, koja ih zbližava medusobno i sa Presvetom Trojicom. Otuda je razdeljenje Crkve stvar nemoguca. Razdeljenja Crkve nikada nije bilo, niti ga može biti, a bivala su i bivace odvajanja od Crkve. Od jedne jedine nerazdeljive Crkve Hristove u razna vremena odvojili su se i otpali razni jeretici i raskolnici, i time su prestali da budu clanovi Crkve. Tako su najpre otpali gnostici, pa sledbenici jeretika Arija, pa duhoborci, pa monofiziti, pa ikonoborci, pa varlamiti, mesalianci i mnogi drugi. Prudential Georgia Realty Sladjana Jankovic REALTOR Bus: Cell: Haynes Bridge Rd, #200, Alpharetta, GA

8 Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church 421 Beaver Ruin Road, Lawrenceville, GA Mailing Address: P.O. Box Lawrenceville, GA Father Saša Turkić Church Calendar for August 2007 AUGUST 5 10th Sunday after Pentecost - CHURCH CLOSED AUGUST 9 DIVINE LITURGY 9AM Holy Great-martyr and Healer Panteleimon AUGUST 12 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM 11th Sunday after Pentecost - KOLO LUNCH AUGUST 14 Beginning of the Dormition Fast. Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord (1164) (First of the three "Feasts of the Saviour" in August). AUGUST 19 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM 12th Sunday after Pentecost The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Second "Feast of the Saviour" in August). FIELD TRIP TO RESACA MONASTERY AUGUST 26 DIVINE LITURGY 10AM 13th Sunday after Pentecost AUGUST 28 DIVINE LITURGY 9AM The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Vespers Services on Saturdays at 6pm - Vecernje Molitve svake Subote pocinju u 6 PM Fasting Rules August 14,16,21,23 Food without Oil August 15,17,20,22,24,27 Strict Fast (Bread, Vegetables, Fruits) August 18,25,26 Food with Oil August 19 Fish Allowed NEDJELJNA SKOLA ZA DJECU SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR KIDS We re on the Web! See us at: Send GLAS articles to: 2007 Church Board President: Mitch Milovic VicePresident: Ljubo Radovanovic Fin. Secretary: Mitar Nikolich Treasurer: Olivera Ninkovic Secretary: Marijana Surla Members at Large: Ray Chatham Carol Chatham Zoran Milovanovic Borislav Avramovic Boro Grba Slavko Bratic Milisav Radovic Simo Tesla Momir Mrsic Bane Stojanovic Djuro Vujic Zoran Stamenkovic Casovi pocinju u 10:00 ujututro i traju do zavrsetka Svete Litugrije. Raspored casova vjeronauke i srpskog jezika: 12. Avg & 26. Avg Sept & 23.Sept Okt & 21.Okt Nov & 18.Nov Ucenici koji redovno dolaze na casove i koji su pohadjali skolu tokom juna i jula su: Maja Culum, Dejan Tojcic, Aleksandar i Tamara Kapetanovic, Tomislav Surla,Viktorija Bezbradica, Dajana Bozanovic, Tijana i Ivana Radjenovic, Jovan Brocket, Sara Lozo i Dalibor i Valentina Radovanovic. Ovom prilikom zelim da se zahvalim svim roditeljima koji dovode svoju djecu na casove vjeronauke. Nadam se da ce se i ostali uskoro prikljuciti jer je ovo jedinstvana prilika, za svu nasu djecu da nauce mnogo vise o nasoj religiji, kulturi, istoriji, obicajima, jeziku i pismu, kao i da se medjusobno upoznaju i druze. Predavac na Srpskom i Engleskom jeziku je Manuela Mileta - Opacic. Predavac na Engleskom jeziku je Martha McJilton. S postovanjem, Manuela Mileta Opacic Classes start at 10:00 AM till end of the Liturgy. Schedule of classes in Fall: Aug & Aug Sept & Sept Oct & Oct Nov & Nov Students that persistently attend all classes and that were very active and attended school in June and July are: Maja Culum, Dejan Tojcic, Aleksandar i Tamara Kapetanovic, Tomislav Surla, Viktorija Bezbradica, Dajana Bozanovic, Tijana i Ivana Radjenovic, Jovan Brocket, Sara Lozo i Dalibor i Valentina Radovanovic. I would like to commend and thank all parents twho are brining their kids to Sunday School classes. I hope that other will realize this great oportunity for their kids to learn more about our religion, culture, habits, heritage, language, as well as meet and play with kids from our Parish. Teacher in Serbian and English is Manuela Mileta - Opacic. Teacher in Eneglish is Martha McJilton Sincerely, Manuela Mileta Opacic SAINTS PETER AND PAUL SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF ATLANTA P.O. Box Lawrenceville, GA


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