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1 = PUBLC! BULDNG6 Building Hornellsville PUBLSHED BY THE AMERCAN SABBATH TRACT SOCETY "THE SEVENTH DAY S THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" New \farket N J v DUNHAM JCJNUliAOTER OF OLOTHNG A store to Lt Best in te place Daytona Florida VOL XLNO 3 ALFRD CENTRE N Y FFTHDAY JANUARY as rigt to Join in te sentimentand rele gate teir moters and sisters to a realm of Entered as secondclass mail matter at te post ignorance silence and subjugation; no office at Alfred Cntre N Y moral rigt to misinterpret Scripture and THE LOST BRD foster tis prejudice against tem wic as bee!1 incorp?rated into Pagan religions and Dedicated to te moter of ])<liss Ellen Swinney teir sacred books and into te teoogical M :" missionary to Sangai Oina works of modern Cristian writers wo would rivet te cains originally forged by BY MRS J B CLARKE From my nest one day A bird flew away; A bird wit a gold plumed earl And eyes like te star Tat sims from afar Wen te sunlit day is dead Have you seen! Have yon seen! 1Yypearlmy queen My bird wit a gold plumed ead? As sweet and as gay As a flowr in May )ly bird wit a snowy troat V arbled a song Tbe glad day long Wit never a dissonant note Have you eard! Have you eard! Te laast little word Of my bird wit snowy troat Now in and J+ow out Se flitted about Wit merry twitter and trill Alas; se as flown And sit alone; Te nest is empty and still Have you found! Have you found! Te wide eart round A ouse so empty and still? A! my pleasant dove n my ark of love Will selter seek no more Se ad eard a voicea sweeter tan mine Se at seen a star in te eastward sine And beekoningands on a far off sore Were te eaten wait for te gospel lore Toug grieve and grieve All te lonely eve )[y bird will return no more And te Wintry years of st<llrm and cold May drift teir snows on tat ead of gold Te frets of life its cares and fears }{ay dim tose starbrigt eves wit tears Tat dallcing step may feeble grow And te song tat swelled te troat of &now May cease to waken an angel strain Ere see my darlmg bird again _ OUR CHRSTAN GRLS Teir Position lnd Work BY REV H D CLARKE "pysical superiority" Tis sentiment is wat dooms t11e daugters of Cill a and ndia to a life of degradation and wat makes our work among tcm so arduous Gradually Cristianity is destroying tis prejudice and lifting ulj ts women to be mans true elpmeet and equal But to meet te false claim tat "Paul definitely fixed te status of te Cristian woman by enjoining upon er bot subjugation and silence" we took our pen by te kind permission of te editor Tis can not be done in a quartercolumn article but we will "boil it down" Oristianity can not agree wit te ea ten idea of enforced silence and at te same time elevate and make a power for good its female aderents Doetrines and practices must armonize if tey be Cristian and if Paul be a Ciistian teacer (and we know of no better Crist excepted) is language properly interpreted will armonize wit te Cristian system in its doctrine practice aud general influence t is unfail to takean isolated passage from is writings and antagonize oter sacred writers and is own broad and liberal statements wit reference to womans activity in te curc t is conceded by most scolars ev(n by tosc wo differ as to womans position_and work tat many tings taugt by Paul are to be "interpreteilt in tc ligt of te circumstanccs under wic tey were written" f tat be true 11 14: 34 35; 1 Tim 2: and likc passages will not operate in te least to inder our Cristian girls from studying teology and entering into active zealous work for te admnce ment of te Redecmers lingdom f tcy ave pure and oly impulses wise judgment and We now speak of teir relatiom to te a cultured eart and intellect tey may go public as speakers and preaners not teir fort wit fait in God and proclaim te gosome work wic is conceded to e great pel of Him wo as elevated tem from te and of first importance Times and customs wrongs of sll11erstition and legalized vice ave canged and Cristianity as wrougt Let te passages quoted above be compared te cange t can no longer be said tat wit Joel 2: 28; Acts 2: 16 18; 21: 8 9 " migt makes rigt" or tat any suc doc and oters similar and ten armonize tem tllne is now tebasis of socialand domestic if you can by any eaten law of caste or life te prevalent notion among most Cristians Our girls are no longer to be subordinate Some peoplc are wonderfully afraid a woman because teir broters are pysically superi will "usurp autority over te man" a or Te religion of Jesus Orist as liber ting Paul proibits and so te expression ated tem fromtat bondage t as for " suffer not a woman to teac" is taken te past few: years as never before been dis in an unlimited sense Wat would be te sipating te moral and intellectual darkness result if it became practical? Every female of te world and illuminating our race wit teacer would be excluded from our graded te doctrine of freedom and equality for!lill scools it would destroy t11e system of Sabclasses and bot sexes batscool work ad deny every moter Te inequality and burden tat sin im te sacred rigt of teacing er own cilposed upon woman are being removed by te dren benign and elevating infiuences of Oris Paul gives ill teir order te different offices tianity An abominable eresy wic came in te curc as follows: "First apostles from eatendom as been taugt by te secondarily propets tirdly teacers after curc professing to be Cristian and in tat miracles ten gifts of ealings elps support of it a8 also in support of te serfgovernments diversities of tongues" 1 Oor dom and slavery of te African and oter 12: 28 "Teaceis" is tird in te ranks races tebible as been quoted and its true from wic Paul excludes at least some meaning perverted; Te true gospel princi women but in no case are tey excluded pe is now eliminating tis eresy from te from te second t is supposed tat te worid at least from te Seventday Baptist specific office of apostle and teacer was conworld Were Oristlanity is purest and fined to t primitive curc so tat we moat infiuenti te work of approximating need not concern ourselves about its referte equality of bot sexes is being accom ence to woman now f tere be a question plised about it it does not prove muc against er t is quite surprising tat suc leaders in for se is admitted to te office of propet teological scools as Dr Hovey souldlabor wic is above tat of teacer and te ard and commit teir profouml opinions to office of p1opet embraced te ijlements of book form in order to promulgate tis ere gospel preacing neligibility to te office By tat keeps in te backgrounq our of teacer is no bar to er great service in noble OriStiim girls wose earts burn to public life as a propetess Again being tell te story of Jesus crucified and risen deprived of te office of teacer does not Have tese learned teologians imbibe(l teir proibit er from giving religious instrucnotions from Greek poets and Roman orators tion for Apollosa learned Jew was in wo speak of woman wit contempt and al structed by Priscilla so tat e migt te ways assign er a position of imposed silence more powerfully expound te Scriptures and ignorance? Must tey make te words ;Mariam Debora Hanna Hulda and te of Paul armonize wit te eaten classics wife of saia te propet and Anna were tey stlidied wile in college? Are Valeri propetesses Four daugters of Pillip us Maximus Euripides and Calistratus au te evangelist propesied and even Paul tority on tis question? Says te latter: gves instruction as tq ow tey sall plop "Te ornament of trees is foliage; of seep sy conforming to te customs of te times wool; of orses ane; of women silence" But wat is a propet? f e or ae be a Roman law and Grecian pilosopy may re "seer" ten tey fortell future events; All gard women as inferiors wit no rigts us prop!3ts were not "seers" A "scool of bands are bound to respect; but no Oristian propets" was a cool or college in wic tey were educated for public teacers Robinson good antoriy usually for all lireek students in is Lexicon says a propet is f one wo speaks from a divine infil1ence under inspiration weter as fortelling fut: nre events or as exorting reproving treatening individuals or nation n te New Testament it class of instrnctols or preacers wo were next in rank to te apostles and before teacers" Lidden and Scott: A preacer" Greens New festa ment Lexicon: "t designates it person gifted for tc exposition of divine trut" Ten ou! girls if gifted may preac te trut of God and we ave Pauls autority fol it too in tese words: "Hetbatpropesiet speakd unto men to edification exortation and comfort" 1 Cor 14: 3 Tat is wat Priscilla and otller women did ancl wat our female teologians at Alfred University lllay possibly be called to do But onr article is already too ng and it would take as muc more spae to write of tellimited meaning of Paul to te Corintian women Sufficient now to say tat we only need to know someting of te carac tel of te eaten world te condition of society tere and ten and te abits of ignorant women in teir public assemblies and remember tat Panl was discoursing upon te qnestionof order proper beavior in curc etc Paul was te friend of women encouraged tem wen qualified to work He commended Pebe te deaconess of te Cencrean c111c; told te Romans to greet Priscilla one of is elpers in Cllrist Jesus Hc wo sees in Pauls language an unlimited reference to te subjection and silence of all Cristian women looks troug glasses from te factojy of eatendom Orist first commissiond a woman to tell te glad story of is triump over deat and is resurrection from te grave (Matt 28: 58) and wo Day say e as not also com missioll6l er to tell te story of Getsemane and Calvary? < He tat never watced te sun rise from ave all seen many examples of bot results: te vantage ground of some mountrin top A number of years ago a great revival was can not understand in its fulljless wat Da "got up" in Williams College and te can vid meant wen e l)ropesied of Him wo verts were numbered by scores; but a few sould come to :rule among men "He years afterward ardly a Cristian could be sall be as te ligt of a morning wen te found among tem and it became a proverb snn riset even a morning witout clouds" in te college tat ardness of eart and life fose peaks wic are nearest to eaven are was a sure slgn of a convert of tat revival tc first to perceive and bate in te glory le last state of tose young men was wors6 of te coming Killg;ten tose a little lower tan tc first Tey ad been rused under one by one; till finally e bursts fort over excitement by zealous fanatics into an action all te eart clarkness alldsadows fieeing before tey were ready lor it; and wen te before im until tey are forced to find reaction came tey tougt tey ad been ic1iilg pjaces in te caves of te mol1ntailis deluded tat religion itself was a sam nd and i:i te deepest recesses of te valleys tat tose few of teir comrade wo re 4s we climb te monntain te snow grows mained faitful werc ypocrites Wen dceper tc air more cilling and te trees tey analyzed tei; feelings at te two peri smallel until we come to a region of pcr ods teir conclusion was not strange petual snow barren rocks and desolate A few years ago visited a place were wastes Soon te summit is readied alfd te Winter before a great revival ad been we stand on te" Continental Divide" te eld and one undred and fifty were said to ridge of te backbone of te continent To ave been converted On asking after te te east all watcr flows to te Atlantic and results was told tat only a few eld out to te west it finds its resting place in te tree or four my impression is So could Pacific We are 1858 feet above Je sea mt1ltiply examples but it is not needful and were we permitted to climb to te top On te oter and many wo profess Of te snow sed wic covers us we sould conversion and wo remain or seem to re find one of te grandest landscapes spread main faitful) sow avery perverted idea of out bcfore u wic it often falls to te lot religion Te revival itself was mainly words: of man to eold t does llot fall to our and tears and if tey are kept up all tat is lot because te train will not wait We needful is done Many of our converts ot step out oweyer into te keen tin air and last Winter remained te most turbulent knock a bit of te lava rock loose from its and disobedient students we ad and we 8d icy fetters for a memento Te snow is too some turbulence in getting adjusted to te dry to make a snow ball an;! a sligt exer new regime Tey were as active in prayertion teaces us tat te air is too attenuated meeting as ever and as turbulent and disor for our inexperienced lungs derly out of it as ever sowing a religion of As we go down te mountain on te west talk and feeling but not of principle Now we realize tat we are now cut off as it were religion is eminently a reasonable ting or from te friends at ome muc as one feels ougt to be and te decision to serve God wen e sails out of a arbor for a foreign ougt to be made wit te calmest judgment sore Te landscape as we catc glimpses and te clearest appreension of te meaning of tc valleys below and te ullcompagre of te act All excitement wic beclouds range beyond troug te openings in te te intellect l and Lewilders te judgment snow seds or between tem is one to be must certainly do arm reme)llbered At Cester we come to te 3 Te revival metod often leaves te _ water tank spoken of above A tunnel two impression tat it is an end and not a result miles long would sorten te distance ten and aso a l;lleans to a iger result TO SUNSET LANDSNO S mile;: and reduce te grades aboilt alf man says " was converted fifteen years but it would also d()stroy muc of te ago under te preacing of Rev Mr So arid OVER rhb ROOKEs pleasure an d romance f t e t r1p S" an d t a t 18 a 11 t e re 1" 19lOUS experience fc train wic was to takeus across te Twcntyfoiullnared 1eetbelow and sev you can extract from im He does not re Continental Divide was due at Salida at 44 el1teen miles beyond te summit we stop at alize tat a loving obedience to God and a; in te morning and toug we were up and Sargent for breakfast otr first meal beyond genuine love of is fellowmen a Godlike ready for it we were not sorry tat it was terockies G H B caracter in sort ia salvation; f e tinks nearly an our late because tereby we were _ be needs anyting it is a new revival He is enabled to see te devious winding way by REVVALS like te usband of te old lady wo oped wicwe gainedte more tan tree tousand tat Jon would die in te Winter for e feet elevation between Salida and te sum BY PROF W F PLAOE always got religion in te Winter and 8 of mit course must ave lost it every Suminer Leadville wit its ric mines lies to te etime of te year as come wed: peo Te Ourc often waits for a revival to nort of Salida some eigty miles and a pe begin to ask eac oter wy tey do not rigt all its difficulties BretrElll refuse to branc of te D & R G road runs up to it ave a revival or if it is not time to "get speak to eac oter members are disorderly" and some distance beyond passing over te up?! a revival At tis time wis to trow Ulany tingsare out of joint and everyone igest railroad point in Nort America out a few suggestions in regard to te revival says" We mnst ave a revival to set tings: We were offered free tickets to Leadville and metod of Cristian work not to sock or rigt" And te wrongs make te revival return bnt could not take time for te trip offend anyone but to call ttention to te more difficult until sometimes it does take: n leaving Salida we take leave of te Ar laws of spiritual growt Te revival met a miracle to restore order and peace to te kallsas river and soon after of all te streams od of work seems to me unwse for several Curc Now we are not opposed to re wic run to te Atlantic coast Passing reasons: i vivals as te results of legitimate workbut ;:) Ponca Springs one of te noted ealt re 1 Te revival idea is opped to te laws as a means Te revival sould pome but iti&: sorts of tis wonderful State and te town of growt Tere is no rason to believe sould come fiftytwo weeks in te year:: of Mears from wic a branc runs nort tat te laws of spiritual development are and te spiritual birts ougt to be lik ward to otell ot springs we strike into a essentially different from tj laws of mental natural birts occurrences of all times canyon wit towering mountains on eiter pysical or social growtl No teacer We need ten: and At Grays Siding we stop for water would old for a moment at te revival 1 Steady religious work and growt in From tis water tank to anoter on te ot metod would De wise in scool work He our curces rater tan spasmodic e1!ortl er side of te mountain is but five miles in would never permit a class in Latin Geom 2 More empasis upon religion as a daily:: a straigt line but we ave to go over seven etry or anyting else to spend weeks and life a principle a caracter rater tan a:l teen miles of track to accomplis tat dis even monts in supreme neglect of work gus of words and emotlonalsigris all rigt; tance Muc of te way te grade is over and ten under te strain Of great excie in temselves but meaningless wen tey:: 2 feet to te mile and our train as to be ment to egain all te lost time He knows are all " c divided into two sections wit tree 1como tat steady? patient effort is needfu1for men 3 Mre careful and searcing early trailiing;: tives to draw tem up: As we wind about te tal growt and strengt Te gymnast wo A cild can be trained to corrct tinking]: sides of te mountain making" orsesoesn trains te boat crew or te ball nine de and feeling and so be prepared for a Bpiritf:i "loops" and" Ss" in comparison towicpends upon strenuous daily effort to reac ualufe as well as te reverse te famous orsesoe :bend of te Pennsyl te pysical development desired So r Wit tis course of steady sy8tematfe: vaina Railway dwindles into insignificance t?ink it is in te spiritual growt Te work we sall not be tinking of fgettingup;j tis water tank ai Grays Siding persists in steady daily growt in grace temperance a revivalwe sall never " getuparevivaf keeping itself in vicw popping out first on te eeknebs etc gives te substantial Oris in factbut we sa11 be tbinking of brinllj rigt and ten on te left but sinking sinking tian caracter and not te tempests of emo iug men to God and of training tem into lower and lower beneat us as we rise ig tion sometime called religion Te spilitu is likeness Eac soul so born is revivecf: er and iger into te clear morning airal nature is not a boaconstrictor gorging and if eae Sabblt troug te yea ;V Diving into snow seds ten out into te itsefat onetime and ten lying inactive for :visit te baptimal waters te qore glorilli ligt over tressels and troug rockcl1t weeks to digst te mass of nourisment t Wll be Wt slc a course tere:vlm tings around sarp curves and along te 2 Te excitement of many if not most be nodou?t speolal seasons of refresin : ; d but tey Wn come as naturally as te gllnue:; face of steep cliffs we rattle on watcing levvals unfits one for sober Judgment an sowers on te tirsty :i ld d t n" Li: E f d" f t t e san ere Wl "" te growing ligt in t east as t users in cre u ecslon on questlol1s e mos n? forced and unriaral processes no ii: te coming day n te west te full moon Vtal lmportance Hence as soon as te OUS bullozers drmng pe?ple like se!&p: rolls along te top ofte mountain like a excitement _passes away many of te con lllto te kmgdom alof WC furnib4u great silver ball or a giant weel wile te verts eiter feel tat tey ave made a mis objectons to te rvlvalmetod On te contrary tey Wll come as mybteric?uij snow crowne peaks of Savano and Ouray take and were neer rean converted or ele and as powerfully as streams of living put on a modest b:as tey receive te tey ave very dstorted deas of wat rell from eaven arid will bring only ealing:m mornings first kiss L gion is and wat it demands of tem We teir waves ; " Te

2 THE SABBATH R] CORDR JANUARY and all witout effect Se remained strong ljjissions and fearless and true to te fait se ad taken as bels and still te Lord asked "Go ye into all te world and preac te gospel "Wat minst tou do for Me?" and se was to every creature" able troug it all to recognize His loving and upolding er and to feel tat toug THE article on "Somebody is Sirking" te cross was eavy He was olding te eavier end and was able to answer: "Wat is valuable and instructive reading And Tou wilt" " Not my will but Tine be we ope tat all our pastors and people wo done" One day er usband left er altogeter and te delicate and iterto care truly desire te prosperity of our curces and te progress of our denominational fully sielded zenana lady was left alone work will give it a tougtful and con sci Hoping to frigten er back to wat e called er senses e ad taken tis extreme $25 per year On tis plan of systematic tis eagerly desired work e awaited is will wit great neatness and skill patc benevolence in wic all sared in a sort time Rising at lengt to te supreme positin in te curc e sent forty mission " wa gated auld claes luik a maist as weels darn and mend like te Scottis ousewife time te contributions from tis same people amounted to over $1 and tey spent additionally upon teir own building etc to eaten England from er instead of drawing it towarder aa ares to declare te good news of redemption te new" n sewing se puses te needle $l5do A cange of pastors caused te Ten as now womans eart was first to is done wit us Se willceerfullywolk all plan to be given up and te contributions at receive and transmit te eavenly message day for one undred "caa" or about ten once fell off to about te old amount By ueen Berta of Kent persuaded er usband; teir daugter was attended by Cris am sure many of te mcoters would wel cents more systematic benevolence te contributions of our curces wit a little effort tian miisters all er bridal journey to er come suc a elper in tis country Peraps could easily be doubled Wat C an uplift nortern realm of Deira; Oeltic missionaries a better ting would be for te little boys and tis would give to all our Cristian activities! by te Romans and soon all te Saxon king from reland visited te provinces unreaced girls to take suc good _ care of teir clotes tat moter would not need onelittle Tere are one 1 two incidental gains by doms in England ad accepted te "un Helper entiolls perusal _ measure Tree miserable days se lived tis plan wic ougt to be noted As all speakable gift" tus cared for as muc as possible by us te members of eac ouseold are expected Nor need our gratitude be less because our SOME YOUNG HEROES N TURKEY T is expected tat about te middle or for Ele srank from leaving er ome Se to ave a sare our curc attendance is Roman faters in te fait could transmit to last of January Eld J T Davis of Welton was able to say tioug it all "Crist is increased Te cildren come more regularly for tey ave a part in te service us only suc trut as tey ad Te" good n a certain scool a knot of boys ad teir precious o most precious " But all tis seed" was already mingled wit tares wic eads togeter disputing about someting owa will go to Soutern Minnesota for six suffering was too muc for tis carefully Teil envelopes are" as big as papas" and growing apace required te flames of te You could never guess wat if you tried t weeks or ome mission work We trust te nurtured plant; a cold developed into a coug must go in promptly Especially are tey Reformation to purify te arvest Still our would all ave seemed strange to youte bretren and sisters tere will prayerfully wic would not yieldto remedies and consumption quickly followed Strange and giving Te importance of tis can not be ; Te furterance of Cristian missions is teir odd dress and odder speec t was in beipg trained early in life in te abit of debt remains scoolroom te teacer and te scolars (looperate wit te missionary and also wit te Board by liberal giving for te difficult all te lessous se ad been taugt empasized too muc n tis way we sall not a question of personal taste or fancy: it far off Asia and te scolars were not orderis a question of common onesty; say rater ly as ours Te boys talked wen tey but te blessing se needed lay beind and elp to correct te prevalent idea among te ause of missions now se found it very sweet and complete young tat tey must wait to be ric in order to give For te last twenty years our inestimable treasure of divine trut as been could scarcely ear mself tmk of divinely imposed responsibility Te pleased and made o mnc dm tat one As te end drew neal ow close He came A RECENT letter from Bretren T G to er filling er wit te Spirits power denomination as been busy building colleges and letting oter denominations gat ligion wic ceases to be progressve soon opened scools and curces to teac te given us not in fee but in trust Te re Missionaries ad come to tis city and Helm and S W Rutledge of Texas county; giving er in te needed our ilis own mes Mo informs us tat tey and a few oters sage to comfort and sustain! All uncer er in te cildren t is time to train wat ceases to be a religion at all people tat tey must worsp God alone f t t communities were te tallltls pased away and s rested abllndlu eac ew antly n HS love Weak n body se was wo are passing away Otis Dodge Witin er life endurable if deprived of te security te l!atlves foun tat ter boys were be we ave saved to tae te places of tose Would one woman in tis presence tink "and t3:t Jesus dwd to sae tem Wen Sabbat doctrme as gamed a footold strong and fearless to tell te love of Crist andmultitudes more ow tey are passmg and onor wit wic Cristianity as in glllp to stray mto Protestant scools tey troug te work of te Outl?ok are now To er usband wo finding it useless to on We sall need cildren trained to give vested er? But are our affections more sad We must start scools of our own" ready for a curc organization and suggest oppos ad come back and was n?w gentle to supply te void wic suc deats make sacred in te eyes of our eavenly Fater and so tey started one but it was too late tat te curc be at Summerville and kld to er; to er eaten f!lends wo s not tis service every Sabbat morning in tan tose of any desolate eart in eaten Some of te boys ad already learned to love _ came to Bee er lovmgly se spoke te word connection wit te public worsip of Gods lands? And ave we a rigt to decide tat Jesus smg sweet ymns and read te Bitat told of glorious ope and gracious comforts so tendersweet and true tat ad come it as reaced our door? Te teacer ts scool was a very blt ouse te best training scool? te" igway of oliness" sa! stop wen ble " _ DUSO OF THE GOSPEL into er sort Cristian life Earnestly did o! it is no dim abstraction tat we reac tel enemy of te new religion so e listened BY MSS GARDNER out longing ands for wen we pray "Ty srply tat day wen e eard a discussion :Missionary at Cawnpore ndia of tlie Womans kingdom come" t is comfort and elp gomgon among te boys t wa not n our Union Missionary Society for te weakearted; oly love and protec language bu t was sometmg like tls: A Leaflet Publised by te soety n a small ouse in te native city of Cawnpore a woman lay dying and toug surrounded by a wole city full of idolatry and sin te ligt of Divine love was in er face and te name of Crist was on er lips Se was approacing te "dark valley" wit a joy and peace noting could disturb n er presence one could almost catc sigt of te glory tat awaited er and Fabers beautiful ymn forced itself upon te mind Onward we go for still we ear tem singing: Come weary souls for Jesus bids you come; Andtroug te dark its ecoes swiftly ringing Te music of te gospel leads us Home" Sall tell you of tis dear cild wom te" music of te gospel" led to te Heavenly ore er Faters House? A igoaste Bengali woman nurtured and brougt up as a native lady nstructed in all tat pertains to eaten life its rites ad superstitions te first and most beloved wife of er usband notwitstanding te fact tat se ad borne im no cildren and according to te Hindu custom e ad fer tis reason taken anoter er life seemed to er 1es8 fortunate sisters a singularly fortunate one From te time of er early marriage no onerous labor ad ever been laid upon er and no more important duty tan te rigt discrge of er obligaton8 to te gods in te offermg of flowers w lo se day by daypresented to er ouseold deityand te care of cr ouseold stuff and jewels But tere was someting in tis womans soul wic tis kind of life could not satify; tere was a crying out amidst er worsip f te seen and Vsible for te unseen but true; a consciousness tat tere was some ting to be ad; a dim groping after God Day by dayow can write it?tis wo man wit all a womans earnestness and in tense longing after oliness knelt down in er blindness to a block of WOd and stone cand tried to find by a conscientious doing of te only ting se knew ow to do te rest wic er soul cmved How of ton se arose from er umble prostration weary in body and mind and ready to cry out "Wy art Tou so far from me?" But te ligt was to come as te alms and prayers of Cornelius came up for im as a memorial before God and more ligt was given im because e ad done te best e could wit wat e ad So Gods mes senger caij:l to tis longing soul and more ligt was to be given tq er One of te :zenana visiting ladies found er out and ked if se migt read to er How eagerly se accepted Someting of wonder :and exaltation came into er mind as se listened to te story of te Cross bscuri ty began to scatter and ligt to dawn on er mind as se grasped te idea of te unutterable love "Tis Fater all er own" Se learned to read tat se migt erself read and study te life of Him wo could do so muc for er Her eart was readyfor te ind welling and He came and took His abode tere never more to depart Now wis migt leave er story ere and say no more about it but alas can not " suffered muc for tee" "Wat canst tou bear for Me?"God often asks tis question of is (Jbildren He aiiked it of tis dear cild and se proved tat se could drink te bitter cup to its dregs Se could no longer worsip idolsof course "t is wrong (Jan not do it" was bel reply to er usbands repeaed command; " must obey God rat er tan you" Ten began a seres of per eecutions sligt at first but increl1sing as te persistence of te woman became more apparent and er quiet undisturbed life was broken Her usbands love was sad ; owed by te terrible fear tat is wife by becoming a Obristian would disgrace im and cause im to be despised among is friends so be persuaded ten treatened : and finally resorted to tat rigt te nati:ve : man claid1s as is and eater but eac se strive to point out te way to tem and surely te contrast as se drew neal te valley of te sadow of deat witout fear re joicing rater tat se was so near te city of :Jly rest gently led tereto by er Saviour must ave struck tose wo ad witnessed so many deatbeds were abject fear made te passing a way of te soul a terrible sigt : no knowledge of te future and only a sinfullife to look back upon Wo could elp srinking from it? But tere was no fear in er; deat ad lost its sting in te certainty ofte life beyond; te:< day was dawning; te darksome nigt was passed; fragments of te Bong above reaced er ear "How sweet te trut tose blessed strains are telling Of tat new life were sin sall be no more" And so se passed away Would tat tere migt be more deat beds like tis in ndia and more wo love te Lord to point out te way Surely te Mastel could ask no greater service of is cildren tan tus to sow te way eavenward to tose wo toug longing after it can not temselves discern it _ SOMEBODY S SHRKNG After givng some estimates and satistics relating to te benevolent societies and benevolent offerings of te Oongregationalists in order to sow tat somebody must be sirking Mr Samuel B Oapen of Boston says in te Congregationalist Wat is te remedy of tis evil? A:J?peals from te pulpit and troug te resious press are good; bnt tey arc not enoug We need te adoption in au our clturckes Of a universal plan of systematic benevolence for eack individual Do our political committees trust to general appeals in teir interests? No" te cildren of tis world are wisel in teir generation tan te cildren of ligt" Every State" county city and town is districted and a canvass of every voter is made Has not te time come for our curc membersip to be canvassed in tis way and every man woman and cild be asked and expected to do someting every week? Help and service at tis point ougt to be a test of disciplesip We ave been too careless not to say siftless about our metods of Oristian benevolence We nave trusted to impulse and feeling t ougt to be made more a matter of conviction and principle "Laying our gifts upon te altar" ougt to be a part of our morning worsip as muc as te prayer As we expect all to join in te one so we sould expect all to sbare in te oter Te system is extremely simple Let te curc select some man wo can keep confidences; let a circular be simt to all in te paris asking for teir pledge for a weekly offering As fast as tese pledges are re tnrned let tem be entered a book (Revells Record for Curc Treasurers is te best) and eac person nnmbej!ed Te little envelopes also prepared and numbered can be provided at a small expense Te amount realized in tbis way from te sum total of tese sums is very great n te curc above referrel! to 169 persons are giving on tis plan in sums from $2 per week to one cent At te end of eac quarter a little circular is is sent sowing te account to date t serves as a receipt and gives an opportunity to correct errors if any ave occurred At te end of te six monts wic closes today ninetynine pel cent as been paid of all te pledges Only one per cent tardj! Tbe result of te plan is tat te majorty of te curc give at least double wat tey did before Te reason of tis is apparent A man on te old plan for instance gave $2 to eac of te larger societies and $1 to te small r ones and tougt e ad done well and is full duty; but at te end of te year is total gifts would be only abont *1 Now e gives $5 a week witout tronble and is really giving 26 per year A curc in a farming community in New England gave in te old way to au onr benevolent societies about How 811a11 we obtain te means to plosecute more earnestly te missionary work of te curces? or wat is its equivalent How sall we make every man do is duty? s tere anyting more important tan tis practical side of our Cristian work? Let teological questions rest for a time wile we try togeter to find some way to fill up te exausted treasuries of our benevolent societies Te subject is worty of te best tougt of our ablest men Let te burden if any regard it a3 suc be distributed and ten it will be easily carried Te battle between good and evil in tis country is to be fierce for te next few years Te lines are formed and tere is no place for any" sirkers" We need a revival in benevolence to counteract te worldliness wic like a miasma fills te air we breate Te illustration of our piety sould not be te sponge but te fountain We live not to absorb but to give "Give give be always giving Te more we give te more we live" OUR DEBT AND OUR DUTY TOWARD FOREGN MSSONS A paper by Miss Taleimer read at te eigteent anniversary of te Womans Union Missienary So ciety Te presence of tis audience is of itself a proof tat evangelical missions ave a warm and sure place in te Oristian eart of our times Neverteless it is true tat a circle or ice surrounds tis eartfi!"e of love and zeal Even in our curces and among Cristian workersstill more in te great community witoutwe ear too often te doubting or sneering inquiries:"are tere not eaten enoug at ome?" "To wat purpose is tis waste of energy and means" * * * * * Has any Cristian a rigt to be indifferent to foreign missions? A backward glance over tirteen centuries will place our question in clearer ligt Be it remembered tat we are not of te race to wom te gospel was originally preaced Rejoicing as we must in a nole Cristian ancestry and in te ig place wic tey won for us among te nations of te world we may easily forget tat it is not of te inevitable nature of tings tat we are Cristian wile te natives of Cina and ndia are born to eatenism But ow and wen did our faters become Oristian? Wen te Syrian air vibrated to te breat of Crist as e uttered tose divine parables wic first made known to men te truts of everlasting life our ancestors were barbarians in te German forests Wen te countries on te Mediterranean were listening to te teacings of te apostleswen Constantine and is Empire declared temselves Oristianstill "all our faters worsiped stocks and stones" first in teir German wilds and afterwards in teir Englis omes A noble race tey were wose eroic souls and gigantic frames comprised all te possibllities of modern culture; but tey were neiter more enligtened nor less fiercely barbarous tan were te Maoris of NewZealand forty years ago Now wat was te duty of primeval Cristendom toward tis great mass of nortern beatenry? Were tere not poverty wretcedness and moral degradation enoug in Rome and Antioc to tax all te resources of te Oristian world for centuries? Scolars tell us tat our modern cities in teir foulest recesses can not matc te orrors of te declining Empire wen as te Roman satirist said H te Orontes flowed into te Tiber" and all te slavis corruption of Asia was poured into te metropolis of te world Surely te Roman clergy and laity ad more tan work enoug at ome! Not so tougt te great bisop Gregory teifirst Attracted by te fair faces and princely bearing of Englis captives in te slavemarket at Rome e ad long ago pledged ims lf to te H ig emprise" of wresting so ric a prey from te grasp of te Prince o! arkness Witeld by tis Roman pars from entering personally upon tion lor woman; safe pur and wolesome One boy sad t was not rlgt to worsip nurture for little cildren peace and onor pctures of samts nor to klss tem and bnrn in omes candles before tem Anoter one said: And wen our ands and purses supple at is ligt its e o:tly true religion" ment our prayer as tey will and must if it 9ters Jomed Wt te first boy and is sincere we are only fulfilling our Masters sald t was wrong and tat we must worown words: "Go ye into all te world and Sp none but God Tpe dspute grw preac te gospel to every creature" "And warmer and tere wer cnes of "Heretc! let im tat earet saycome!"frorn eretc! mean old eretc mean old Protesta Leaflet / te Womans Union Missionary ant" Society Te teacer ad made up is mind tat tis ting must be stopped; tat te boys FEMALE MEDCAL MSSONARES Te importance of sending into te foreign field women wo add to teir oter qnalifications as missionaries a toroug medical training is being discussed wit muc earnestness bo in England and in tis country t is urged and wit muc rea son tat lady pysicians wile minister ing to te pyical ills of eaten women will ave more abun lant opportnnites tan oters to speak to tem of teir souls igest interest under circumstances calcu lated to increase te facilities for making an impression fe subject and is discussion are not by any means new Smgularly peraps it is extensively treated in Godeys Ladys Book a literary and fasionable magazine of1852 A letter from Mrs L A Sigourney indorses te excellent design of te Ladies Medical Missionary Society of Piladelpia An "appeal" was sent abroad and being republised in England caused te subject to be agitated tere Some of te missionaries became interested and wrote letters eartily indorsing te measure and urging its importance Rev T G O Dwigt of te American Board at Constantinople wrote tat e "longed to see it tried" Wy te agitation of te subject tirty years ago was permitted to die out witout producing results is due probably to several causes Tere were no unmarried lady missionaries in tose days Te managers of missionary societies did not ten consider it desirable for tem to labor in eaten lands; and te wives of missionaries ad teir ands full of family cares and tus were not available for medical work And public opinion ad not become enligtened enoug to admit tat women were fitted for te medical profession tougb wme of te more advanced ad succeeded in establising Womens Medieal Oolleges in Piladelpia and Boston Certainly te times were not auspicious for carrying out te measure; llnd te matter dropped But te world as moved bringing progress in all directions Old prejudices ave been wearing away toug all are not yet gone Womens missionary societies ave been organized and te success wic as attended teir work is marvelous Te peculiar adaptation and :value of women missionaries in te evangelization of te eaten ave been discovered Tey carry te gospel to te center of te life of te people Tey reac women and cildren around te earts of teir omes Tey reac tem in te scools to an extent never before known and are training future Oristian wives and m()ters wose influence will extend into future generations n: doing tis work young women ave advantages and facilities not possessed by oters; and Britis Cristians exibit unusual earnestness in teir efforts to introduce tem into ndia American societies are turning teir attention in tis direction; and te idea semb to prevail tat as many as practcable oubose sent out sall be pof) sea sed of sufficient medical training to enable tem to add medical practice to teir oter missionary work tus adding to te value and efficacy of teir laborstke Helping Hand OHNESE OLOTHESMENDERA very popular caracter in some of te provinces of Oina is te traveling clotbes mender Oarrying er stool and workbllbket wit er se must not go any more were tey would eal suc bad doctrine so e said in a loud strong voice: "Boys ;tand up!" Tey all stood up " Now let all te Protestants step out" He did not suppose tat anyone would dare to confess to im tat e wasla Protestant but tose little Oristians must bave remembered te solemn words of te Saviour ow e said: "f any man will confess me before men also will confess im before my fater wic is in eaveu Tere was a moments pause ten seven little fellows stepped onto Te teacer was amazed " Watl" e said "dont you belieye in worsiping te pictures of saluts?" " No sir we dont; and please sir" said te bravest of tem all "if Jesus wanted us to worsip pictures of te saints wouldnt e ave left ns is own toworsip?" Tis was an unanewerable argument bnt te tyrant teacer did not let tem know ow tey ad cornered im He said: " Boys ow sall tese ertics be punised?" and te boy!! decided tey must be "spit upon" So te wole scool formed a procession and marced around tose seven spitting upon tem as tey went "Now sing!"je teacer said and all te sco!ll xcept te seven struck up one of teir patrotc songs "Sing tfll you!" e said to te seven H We will if you will sing te songs of Jesus" was te grand answer of te martyrs "Sing it yourselves!" said te teacer; and wonderful to tell tis sweet Bong came to te ears of te teacer: Must Jesus bear te cross alone And all te world o free? No tares a cross for every one And teres a cross for me WHAT CAN BE DONE BY PASTOR81ND HOW TO DO " T A igly esteemed pastor in Micigan a life long friend of foreign missions as recently tried a simple experiment wit marked success n a letter of November 15t e says: " preaced on a recent Sundayand stirred up te people as best could aving previously called eir attentioll to te fact tat our gt:at offering was Boon to come put envelopes n te pews:otteaddressed to every man woman cild and baby of te congregationand asked tat te audience take tem ome fdr temselves and oters Tose wicb were left put in te post office but not more tan tim were left Te result wastat instead of *68 last Year we raised 166 wic wit $7 contributed in :lune puts s $15 aead of last year Ad te ladles wll do stll bbtter bope ts year so tatwe may expect in au to reac *3 Everyone is deligred at our success t gave great pleasure to te cildren to get an envelope addressed to tbem Te general ef!et of tis pesona1ity is &8good as a pastoral VSt Te cbldren come out to curc in good \lumbers and are entlieiastic f every Congregation wonld make;tis personal appeal you would ave all te money you needed Let me belp you in any way can in tis State" : ; envelopeuseuby o ried bears approprate texts and ts nvtatlon : "n clbe your offering for Foreign liib8ionsi ts euvelo an put it into te Collection on or and t n afterward to tetreaa er Pray for te bleigof Gon ;your gft"1e Ff6lgn MU8lOnarg : THE Board of Educst Graded Scool ave; Stillman to give instr!1 to its pl1pils every Frid Te iollowingqnesl at a recent meetingl gub Oounty (N Y) tion: "Sould teacel1 on age and experiencej< tificate?" Peraps 8 would like to know o Te scribe does not infl

3 neatness and skill patc DU3nd like te Scottis ousewife auld claes luik a maist as weel; sewing se puses te needle "T:O"" ot drang it toward er 88 us Se Wll ceerfully work all "cas" or about ten scooll! knot of boys ad teir dlsputmg about someting guess wat if you tried t seemed strange to youte te teacer and te scolars and odder speec t was i and te scolars were not order Te boys talked wen tey made so muc din tat one ear imself tink ad come to tis city and and curces to teac te must worsip God alone died to save tem We tat teir boys were bestray into Protestant scools tey must start scools of our own" one but it was too late boys ad already learned to love ymns and read te Biin tis sco?l was a vry bit ;;"" L_ new relgon so e lstened wen e eard a discussion "" te boys t was not in our was someting like tis: t was not rigt to worsip relallts nor to kiss tem and bum Anoter one said: only true religion" JVUU in wit te first boy and and tat we must wor Te disptfte grew tere were cries of "Hereticl olil eretic! mean old Protest: ad made up is mind tat be stopped; tat te boys any more were tey would doctrine so e said in a loud :"OCHJlU up!" Tey all stood up all te Protestants step out" ot suppose tat anyone would :e1 8S to im tat e wasla Protestlittle Oristians must ave te solemn words of te Saviour : " f any man will confess m also will confess im before is in eaven" a moment " s pause tem seven out Te teacer was e sd "dont you believe in pctures of saints?" we dont; and please sir" said tem all "if Jesus anted pictures of te saints wouldnt us is own to worsip?" an unanswerable argument but teacer did not let tem know ad cornered im He said: sall ese ertics be punised?" decded tey must be "spit c" "lu" scool formed a procession around tose seven spitting tey went; 1" te teacer said and all te seven stuck up one of teir you " e said to te seven if you will sing te songs of lillt"gjran:a answer of te martyrs YPll1selves " said te teacer; and sweet Bong came to fduth:tiou "WSdom is te 6rincipal ting terefore get wisdom; and wit all ty getting get uuderstand ini" ALBON ACAD;EMY opens wit over one undred students THE Board of Education of te Asaway Graded Scool ave employed Dr J M Stillman to give instruction in vocal musc to its pupils every Friday afternoon Te following question was discussed at a recent meeting of te Oattaraugus Oounty (N Y) Teacers Associa: tion: "Sould teacers salaries be based \ TRE SABBATHRECORDERJAN 1J ARy"1:7; "1884:" " filabbat 111 t"lform on age and experience or on grades of certificate?" Peraps some of our readers would like to know ow it was decided Te scribe does not inform us vestry door beind te pulpit; tere e saw a man lying flat wit is face to te floor 1/ m prayer Soon e entered te pulpit and opened service His first prayer deeply af Remember te Sabbat day to keep t oly ;t f t t t H d t Six days salt tou labor and do all ty work: but ec e! e S rnger e seeme ave a te sevent dayis te Sabbat of te Lord ty God! te congregaton before te bar of God and was pleading wit God to ave mercy and bear wit tem a little longer Te stranger OUTLOOK CORRESPONDENCE earer said afterwards e never felt so guilty before in all is life for more of tis WRTNG to te Outlook 3 correspondent power says "f your arguments ave:te same ef feet on oters as tey ave ad on me ten A TEACHEWS ANSWERS te time is coming wen all Protestant President Wayland of Brown University curces will give up unday and observe was a great teacer He ad te rare art of te Sabbat of te fourt commandment" drawing out a pupils mind He did little A CORRESPONDENT from Fayetteville Ga work for im but e did make im work speaking of te" Sabbat and Sunday" and for imself n te recitation room it was clearly un oter books says: " found muc pleasure derstood tat te subject of te lesson was in perusing te last named publication but one in wic students and professors were far more in perusing Sabbat and Sunday equally interested Tey were encouraged wic in style is like a stream wic lately to ask questions and to express teir con scientious dissent from te views of teir flooded calmly and irresistibly moves on teacer bearing down all tat opposes its progress Occasionally a student would abuse tis And wy? Because it speaks te trut and freedom; but a sarp answer suc as sowed magna est velitas et p1evalabit< F W CLARKE in POTlular ScienceMont te folly of te foolis yout prevented te N b D r 1 f t t LNCOLN e" ec" ly on te appointment of Oollege officers rewda e expderlmden " " k d Editor of te Outlook: you cons er ancmg wrong as e fi d after discusslllg tbe qualficatons of tese a student Deal SirYou seem to stand re a mlvarious officers and te modes of appoint "Not muc time for tat sort of ting in rably getting excited neiter before te guns ment concludes tat tey sould be ap tis world my son Next" was te reply of your enemies or under tbe catecising of pointed by te recommendation of te Fac Once wen te su?ject was te trustwrtl friends Allow me to presume so far upon ness of uman testmony and ts efficency t d ulty as te way most satsfactory to secure to cstablis miracles a skeptical student your placidity as to put some ques ons a working armony and efficiency Te Sef asked ominem field Scientific Scool uses tis metod and " Wat would you say V Wayland if take it for granted tat you practice it is said tat no Professor as been called to stated tat as was coming up College wat you teac as to keeping te sevent tat nstitution except upon unanimous rec street saw te lamppost at te corner day and tat you would advise everybody to dance?" d commendation Ot tefaculty Te natural " sould ask you were you aq been do noting wrong on any day; but you a true knowlcdge of te facts of istory THB SRTU!L EFFECTS OF D1UNlENlE88! Wit tese facts set before our young people ii teir true ligt it would be implssible An editorial in "Topics of te Time" n for tem to be convinced by te arguments te December Oentury says: "Tis loss of oters tat te first day of te week is te seurespect te lowering ot ambition andl Sabbat or tat it is as muc entitled to our te fading out of ope are te signs of tlie observance as is te sevent day Te Out progresil of tis disease in te caracter t is a mournful spectacletat of te brave look from mont to mont is presenting tis ingenuous igspirited man sinking steadiistory as no oter pnblcation everm and ly down into te degradation of inebriety; if parents would ave teir sons anddaug but ow many suc spectacles are viible all S bb t t over te land! And it is not in te carc ters remain faitful to te a a ey tel of tose alone wo are notorious drunkmust see tat tey ave te Outlook to read ards tat suc tendenoies appear Tey are Some of our people seem to tink tat t}lis often distinctly seen in te lives of men wo paper is 9n1y for oters to read; but Sabbat are never drunk Sir Henry rompsons keepers are tose wo can te least afford to testimony is empatic to te effect tat t&; do witout te reading of it Your cildren abitual use of fermented liquors to an extent far sort of wat is necessary to produce need to know wy you keep te Sabbat and intoxication injures te body and diminises tey need to know all te reasons wy tey te mentltl power f as e testifies a large sould keep it No parents you can not af proportion of te most painful and 4angerford to do witout every number of te ous maladies of te body are due to te use of fermented liquors taken in te quantity Outlook for more tan ten times te price wic is conventionally deemed moderate/ of te paper You can no more afford to do ten it is certain tat suc use of tem must witout it tl1an you cim do witout te result also in serious injuries to te mental SABBATH RECORDER and no parent wo and moral nature Wo does not know re does not take te SABBATH RECORDER can putable gentlemen pysicians artists cler: gymen even wo were never drunk in tpi reasonably expect is cildren will observe lives and never will be but wo reveal ld te Sabbat long after leaving te ome conversation and in condnct certain melstead ancoly effects of te drinking abit? T 2d Anoter remelv for tis desertion brain is so often inflamed wit alcool ta from te Sabbat is fr parents temselves its functions are imperfectly performed; an tere is a perceptible loss of mental powe to so observe te Sabbat as if tey believe it and of moral tone Te drinker is not con is a day blessed sanctified and made oly scious of tis loss; but tose wo know im by God for usc in is service Tey must best arc painfully aware tat is perceptios keep te day every our and moment of it are less keen is judgments less sound S temper lessserene; is spiritual vision lell8 as tb oug it were oly instead of secular tme clear because lie tarries every day a little f parents do not consider tis time more sa too long at te wine Even tose wo re cred to Gods service tan any oter it will fuse to entertain ascetic teories respecting avail but little to make any pretentions to tese beverages may be able to see tat tere" bb d t are uses of tem tat stopsort of drunken result is aarmonious and efficient body of my SOll" was te effective reply recommend to oters to entirely disregard teacers and an exceptionally strong scool On anoter occasion wile te class was te first day of te week as far as any sanc studying te eviuences of Oristianity a tity is concerned? to treat it as you would brilliant young skeptic tougt e would Monday Tuesday Wednesday &c s tat OOLLEGE LFE ave a tilt wit)l te Doctor " ave nevar" e said "been able to your practice? or do you observe tc sevent Prof Jon Bascom President of te Wis discover any internal evidence tat te Old and partially te first? Wat do you advise consin University recently publised in te Testament was inspired For instance individuals to do in case of isolation were ndependent an article on College discipline Doctor take te book of Proverbs t needed tey can ave no religious eartlife or comwic itmtrantt is well Vt ort ciuefu] reading We no inspiration to write tat ave often munion in worsip wit oters? Sould tougt tat could write as good proverbs give below two brief extracts wic ave myself" one keep is Sabbat at ome and work on Look not tou upon te wine wen it is red wen it givet is color in te cup wen t movet some bearing on te subject ot College life: "Very well my son peraps you can" Sunday as you denominate it? Wat do you itself arigt" "Tere is a field in te intercourse of quietly answered te Doctrr lsuppose tink would be is influence as a Oristian At te last it bitet like a serpent and stinget like an adder" professors and students for most valuable you prepare a few and read tem to te class in is community tat is were tey did moral influence; but in order tat tis in tomorrow Next"Youts Oompanion not agree wit idt? fluence may be exerted te field must be NTEMPERANCE N POLTCS t would give me great satisfaction if you carefully kept open to it must be one of A TRANNG SCHOOL FOR HEAD AND BANDS ave time and inclination to answer te f pure moral forces and not of quasi coercion We clip te followmg rom an exc ange Te moment te voice of autority is eard Te Oicago Manual Training cool as above and will do it wic sows ow te liquor dealers propose tat of persuasion is lost t is because of recently been incorporated te object of ts Very truly yours to control votes in te interests of teirnete ;value we attac to personal influence foundation being instruction and practce E W MERRLL farious business ndeed it sows wat tat we repudiate a college government in te use of tools wit suc instruction as tey ave already done And yet we are keeping it as te Sa at an ey W d t t tll t 1 tful to ld 11 ness an a are s ex rema y ur ave little rigt to expect tell c 1 ren W te mind and te eart as well as te body care muc for te day P 1 Tat conventional idea of moderation to wic Sir Henry Tompson refers is quite elastic; te term is stretced to cover abis tat are steadily despoiling te life of its wic is effective to destroy personal influ may be deemed necessary in matematics ence and cn not replace it wit autority drawing and te Englis brances of a DESERTONS FROM THE SABBATH told by "good temperance" people tat tis Te strong man te earnest man 1e spirit ig scool course Te OCago ndustnal is a moral question well enoug in its way ual man is forced by tis system into te World says tat te following course of Nearly every Sabbatkeeper knows from and place but to be kept out of politics metod of weaklings and pedagogues Te study is proposedsubject to atever can:ges is observation if not from is own expe However true tis migt be as a teory wen great?bflstac1es e mteets evebltylwbere to tpert experience may dictate: Frst yearllt rience tat it requires some sacrifice of liquor dealers temselves force te subject to sona l uence are ose su earners a metic; algebra Englis language story te students ave built up against te in pysiolgy pysical geograpy freeand worldly prosperity to keep te Sabbat and a test at te ballot wat less can oliest men roads of a faculty bent on restraints and and mecanical drawing Sop work : carv few persons ofmature age are likely to ob do tan go to te ballot wit it and vote as marks and points of order So long as large ing wood turning pattern making prop serve te day unless from a sense of duty tey piay for te utter suppression of te motives are not brougt tlj young men in a er care aud use of tools Second year Were it not tat a large number of tose souldestroying business? A ealty moral large free way 1 d tey will turp t te t flank tbl of Algebra plane geometry pysics m e 1 wo nve " been brougt up to obsele te sentment on t e su b Jec t W b e necessary colleges Te first of tese is te extension cluding te management and care of stem causes wic influence tem to do tis are New York City commenting on te recent of elective studies Study tus becomes engine and boilers Latin may be taken ll usually few Wit young ladieb matrimo election and te majorities says: more free and pleasurable; te feeling of per stead of Englis language literature and d t sonal responsibility is increased class associ istory nial alliance is by far te greater an W " Tis will give some idea of te ower ations arebroken up and are more cange Troug te course one our per day or young men business relations But it is exercised by brewers malster an lquor able"and students and professors meet on more will be given to drawing and not less not te question of cause so muc as te dealers in te late contet Wt umted and freer termsand wit a common interest in tan two ours per day to sopwork Te remedy wic needs conceln every Sabbat organized action te part of te a:ntproteir work remainder of te scool day will be devoted keeping parent at te presen t t me H ow bitionists ereafter teicandldates d d m favor of 1 Ooeducation tends to te same result to study and recitation Before graduating a gaglaw can be burle un er an ava anc e Young women remain in a college class in eac pupil will be required to construct a best to prevent tis desertion of te Sabbat of votes" reference to college traditions asmore or macine from drawings and patterns made is wat is most needed f a person feels Te Detroit Public Leader expresses its less tiisintegrated material Tey tem by imself A diploma will be gven on tat e is under no obligation to obey te t d t 1 d t d t Joy in te following manner: se vs a!e un ll lona! an ey o graduaton Word of God but little can be said to perfully assmlate te tradtonal temper WC _ suadeim to keep te Sabbat tere being "Te brewers of New York ave illustratyoung" men find implanted in our fitting ed to te world wat tey are capable of do scool8 and absord at every step upward One CLPPNGS but few wo do keep it unless tey be true ing wen once tey put teir ands to te reason wy te distin:ctiv traits of college On te 18t of December te Hammond Oristians and believe in full obedience to weel n tat State as n many ote!s n toljgjit an!! college lfe are lesb observable Library te uift of 1 Oarles G Ham te Word of God Many profess to be tis country tey ave been codlpeued by at te est tan at t East S te weakness mond to teoicago Teological Seminary Sabbatkeepers wose profession will do reason of te illiberalmterpreatonte Re of tradton among us was dedicated te occasion being marked by tem but little good t mnst owever be publitans ave placed upon ter busness to carry teir political trengt over to te a large attendance and a number of fie!1d acknowledglld tat many sincere Oristians Democrats n selectmg Mr Maynard for MEN OFiPOWER dresses Te appointments of te buldng leave te Sabbat because tey are persuaded Secretary of State tis Fall te Democrats " are quite complete ad te apaclty of te to belev e it probable tat te Sunday was put forward a man particularly obnoxio1;ls to " main and reference bra:t:y S about 35 t d t d t T e apobtle says tat S gospel am;e volumes Te seminary is in a flourising adoptedas a oly day in place of te Sabbat te liquor interes an oug e a e t d 1 b t d t 18 full support of is party te brewers set no wor o y u m pow:er;an 1 condition as te following figures will sow in te time of te apostles or very soon tere temselves down to secure is defeat and by tis power c makes te Smplest Y ords n addition to te unproductive asset ofte after Toug tey can find no cange for so doing set an admirable example to te effectve and te weakest men mgty Seminary/te site) te building tel1bra!y te Sabbat in te Word of God yet tey wole liquor trade wle at te same tme trou God " etc tere are te followng productve t A end ofmr ummerf!eld wo was oft assets" paid in and pledged: Oredited to often onestly tink tat it must someow reproved te Demorapy ll a manner no en :Wt m m S!oom Jnst fjrlor t? en seven professorsip endowments $1981;ave been canged by Divine autority or else soon to be forgotten :" terng te pulpt sad to te wrter: For professorsip fund $8; scolarsp nearly all te world would notbe keeping te At a liqur ealers meetmg te 19t an?nr!ummerfield would wk te room" endowments paid in $35; Patton en Sunday Wile tey earnestly desre soe Assembly DStrct New York recently Jon readmgm an :undertone so:e ofloarles dowment $1 Jones alcove library fund f t d 1 Oavanaug said in regard to te business of esleys most rapturous ymns; en on $5; genral funds available $183 good reason to just! ya c ange ey rea 1 y is kee8j e woufd crave te unction from Total $3374 accept tis as a sufficient reason dependmg liquorselling: < on Hlg n tat frae of mmd e would Wellesley Oollege as graduated i1 stu upon te istorical evidence received from "t is our business and every respectable enter te pulpt and n a fe mmutes Tee dents of wom 72 ave taugt More tan teir Sunc1aykeeping friends to support mans business Let us go about in a recrowtidedtab stemtbtly dwodul be m ttears over 2 oter students ave also obtained posi tem in tis belief To remedy tis evil spectable way and figt in te Law and 1 unc on a a en e S mlllls ry was T t t 53 del Society wit te ballot Tere are 11 powering Wat e said was muc like to!ls as teacers t:e ;:lt pre stu it becomes essential saloons in tis county controlmg over otr mimsters pf S day bt an unusual rdees:i! ::c:sgeotuildings ari13 non 1st Tat tese young people so under 1 votes We must elect Assemblymen power and uncton attended t t was tat d t tudents Te total number ad stand te true istory of te Sabbat and wo will make te laws we want and we can i d nla t te peo resl en s " sow te Police OommissionElrs tat we are w ae m so pop 1 W niitted is 489 Of tese 132 are from Mas Snnday tat tey Wll know for teselves as good as tey are if we go about t a say tere S not money " used by teir Sundaykeepmg }rlends to enoug in New York to defeat Henry_ Clau p1l entleman in England ad eard so sacusetts 214 from N ew Egland and 215 te untrutfulness of muc f te evdence respectable wil:y muc! obepower andexcellene of Josep from oter states ad countres Bensonspieacing tat e was mducedone Muc study 18 sad to affect md ag convince tem tat te Sunday S te Sab Ben for Mayor if we stand togeterana nom Sabbat t ear im He sat in te end gal we kn?w a number bol f catlles w ele 1 wou bat Noting can prevent tis cange but inate im" lery fronting te pulpt Somene opened te affect t very favora y rarest fruits Te drinking abit is ofte defended by reputable gentlemen to wo te very tougt of a debauc would socking but to wom if it were only 111 ful in te tender and just solicitude friendsip suc words as tese migt spoken: t is true tat you are not drun ards and may never be; but if you cou know wat is too evident to tose wo love you best ow your caracter is slowly losing" te firmness of its texture and te fineaess of its outline; ow your art deterior"s ll" te delicacy of its touc; ow te atmospere of your life seems to grow murky and: te sky lowers gloounly above youyou would not tink your daily indulgence arm less in its measure t is in just suc lives _ SALOON SGNS as yours tat drink exibits some of itsmost mournful tragedies" contemptlb e SClP me W con emp e mecanics istory literature geometllca frauds and tricks and antipaties To some and mecanical drawing Sopwork: car Sabbat depart from its observance and order to sustain wise legislation o tis ql1es of tem tis dscipline will become even t pentry forging welding tempering sold walk in te way of a majority of te world tion and tis makes necessary te exercise temptation to vice: ering and brazing 3d yea:rgeometr;y plne te Sabbatkeepers today would number of all te moral influence Oristian temper Two tings are strongly tending to break trigonometry b?kkeeplllgteratl1repot! mny fold more tan tey now do t is a ance people can exert; but wise legislation in on college traditions and college" sulvi cal economy CVgovernment?emlstry" d t to contemplate to see our young d tl t t f valsj" and to put in teir place a disposition macllle and arctectural drawlllg Ma sa pc Ule can never be secure un vo es are cas or more normal to te circumstances and times ciue sopwork suc as fittingturningdrll men and women about as soon as tey leave it and tis is taking it into politics Te tat are falling to young men in American ing planing etc Studyof maonery n te parental roof forsake te Sabbat Te Retailer an organ of te liquor interestin n London we saw a saloon wic w 11amed "Te Beggars Retreat" wile New York tere is anoter named "He gate Saloon" n Oicago tere are seve saloons run by «Hanna and H" ogg H a na usually takes care of te ogs tat sent from te saloon; tere is no surer g to ell nor is tere any retreat so certain be filled wit beggars as te drinking sa loon But one of te most suggestve saloons we ave seen of late was in Columbus Oio On te 11rincipal business street is a monkey drinking from a glass of foaming lager and te ljlonkeys face looks for all te world like te men wo come out of tat place daily wiping teir mouts n Cic tere is a "Oable Saloon" aud as we l te sign we tougt of te text "Woe 11 tem tat draw iniquity as wit corda vanity n"d sin as it were wit a cart rop n <lu wanderings abont Oicago also noted a saloon were one aide was Ocu by a bar and on te oter side te win bore te inscription "Rags taken?ere" wen a poor fellow as dlltnk tl1 e noting but rags te enterprmgs8:1 keeper will take tem m A lttle gr Kentucky reading" Uncle Toms Oab flung down te book and inquired of moter "Mamma did suc tings as ever appen?" Upon receivinger ans se veementlyexclaimed "Well d see ow God ever stood it!" Tis is way te next generation will talk about saloon system of te present day wonde tat a civilized nation sould tolera long an evil wic destroys manood robs elple!ls cilood and womanoo Te Morning and Day of Reform Te temperance movement in tes is quite active and widelipread Te p bitionists in Sout Oarolina Nort Oar Georgia and oter States are makin against te liquorsellers under te option law and aresucces!ful beyon most sanguine expectations Te co people are almost solid in favor of te ancenterocean For every fivo persons wo use tod8e England France and Russia tere are Germanyand Nort America 24 in gium and 28 in Holland Te m fraternity are comparatively un animo condemning itli u in very for!ll and it only second to mtoxtldg lquors a foe to longevity and te promoter sanity / /i

4 Alfred Centre N Y Fiftday January REV L A PLATTS Editor and Business Agent TERMS: $2 per year in advance; 5c additional may be cargeel were payment is delayed beyond te mddle of te year All communications weter on budnesr or for publication except tose intended for te }fis sionary Department sould be addressed to te SABBATHRECORDER Alfred Centre Allegany Co" N Y Communications for te Missionarv Department sould be addressed to Rev A E M>tN As away R 1 AN excange well sas "How te world as progressed witin (a century! George Wasington te first President of te United tates never saw a railroad Andrew jackwn te sevent President knew noting about te telegrap Abraam Lincoln te sixteent President never dreamed of sllcb a ting as te telepone" Wat wonders te twenty fift President will beold unknown and undreamed of by tose wo live today _ it is impossible even to imagine MENTON as been several times made of Houston and Summerville Texas county Mo in wic places some inerest in te Sabbatquestion as recently sprung up By request of te Board of Managers of te Missiol1{try Society Elds W ardne of Milton Junction and }fclearn of Walwort Wis set out Jun 1st to visit tat field and do wat tey conld to promote te interests tere n a brief letter in anoter column Bro Wardner gives an acconnt of teir progress wic seems rater to ave been a series of detentions in trying to reac te field named _ THE Sevent day Baptist Publising House as been te scene of unusual activity and confusion for te past few days te occason of wic is te putting in and setting up of a new large press We are glad to announce tat order is again restored and te press is ready for use Altoug not strictly a new one it comes to us from te Westerly sops of O B Oottrell & Sons were it as undergone a complete renovation receiving te modern attacments and improvements making it "as good as new" Tis muc needed addition to te press facilities of te office is te generous gift of te enterprising firm from wic it comes To tem on bealf of te Board of tetract Society and on our own account as well we _make our most grateful acknowledgments iln tis connection also we acknowledge (te receipt of $25 from a friend wic as elped us not a little in making te necessary canges in order to put in te new press Tese substantial evidences of te interest our bretren ave in te work of our Publsing Department are appreciated We ope to prove our appreciation by te _amount and quality of work we do _ CTY OR COUNTRY / THE SAB:BATH R] CORDRJANUARY wo must refrain from business on wat is to most oter people te busiest day o all te week and ten be forced into comparative idleness in a blliness point of view 11 te first day of te veek But even tese difficulties are not insuperable; wit a resolute pmpose wit fait\l m te trut we old and teac and in God te autar of all trut tey can be overcome Let us look at some opportunities wic city missionwork affords 1 n te city are always to be found te destitute te ungry and te perising TeMasters instruction was "Go to tbe lost seep of te ouse of srael" f we are to follow tat instruction surely t city work will afford te sortest road to te greatest number True tese masses are often ignorant and degraded; if it were oterwise tey wonld not so muc need te ministries of te gospel at Ollr bands 2 Experience te little we ave ad in tis kind of work as taugllt us tat abundant opportunities are given us to extend te knowledge of te Sabbat trut in connection wit oter doctrines wic we teac People flom all parts of te country visit om great cities on business or for pleasure and are not infrequently attracted by te novelty of religious ervices on te Sabbat (te sevent day of te week) and so get teir first impressions of us ald our work At te same timc te missionary and is coadjutors ave frequent and nbundallt opportunities to make te trut felt teir relations to oter missionaries and oter religious work 3 Te comparative idleness ic is enforced upon our people on te first day of te week affords a most excellent opportunity for evangelical work We can old our regular Sabbat services and ten on First day gater oter congregations or counsel togeter for better and larger work so tat not only our ministers or missionaries but our laymen as well may engage in Uris work of te Master Of course if we go to te cities for business simply wit te one ambition to make money we sall findte keeping of te Sabbat a indrance and sall be in danger of doing wat 8 many oters ave done viz conclude tat te sacrifice is too great and make te greater sacrifice of principle and conviction to convenience and te lust of te world But if we go in te Spirit of Orist wit our first aim to teac men te way of life and trut we sall find five days for business enoug and two days for evangelical work a migty advantage: Now wat are we doing in tis direction and wat opportunities ave we? n te city of Newport R we still ave a curc property in a very desirable location and are doing noting n New York valuable property is eld in te name of te Seventday Baptist Ourc in tat city and anominal curc l!fe is maintained but as a peo pe we are doing noting to extend te Re Memers kingdom in tis great city around tis valuable nuclues n Oicago a good work is begun wic promises well for te future n te large towns of Hornellsville Norwic Elmira and taca N Y oter No one wo as studied te reports of our nuclei ave been formed around wic we Tract and Missionary Societies for te past ougt to be rallying wit increasing sense of our growing opportunities fol tis work year or two and wo as kept pace from Tere is also in London England still a mont to mont wit te work tey are do property for Ourc purposes wic Bro ing can ave any reasonable doubt as to JOnes is using to te best of is abilty as a Wat our work is as a Oristian denominacenter from wica to send out te ligt of :tion f we ave regard only to our own trut Ougt we not as a denomination to irituall ealt and domestic prosperity make a bold strike n tis great city? tese enlarged and forward moyements are Troug Broter Veltuysen and te little a prime necessity But wen we consider curc in Haarlem wc are doing someting te demands wic our divine Master lays in Holland; and in Sangai is our only upon all tose wo are temselves blessed in mission i1l a eaten land Have we not te acceptance of and in obedience to is already seen euong to encourage us wit "trilt to make known te glad tidings to te start we already ave in te cities men oters; and wen we realize ow many tere tioned to pus our work vigorously in te areeven in our own land wo?unger for great cities of our own and oter countries? ie gospdl messages te necessty becomes b B u t w a t say our marc mg or d?" ers G an mperative duty and oug t to e our ye m t 11 t ld" A O N a e wor re ago ew supremest JOY We must be an aggressve y or k st L ; L d & t f t OUlS on on ou e mssonary people or ot mg world? We commend tese tougts to all We began ts article owever not so t d 1 :t muc for te purpose of enlarging upon tis wlolm may (llloncern an Slldcere y ope W concern a W may rea tougt as of calng attenton to te 1m ===== =========== portance of suc work: in cities Have e not been too muc inclined to confine our labors to rural diptricts and in some respects to outofteway places? We ave ave not done too muc work in te coun try; ave we doue as muc as we sould ave done in cities and large towns? We read in te account of te lbors of te great apostle tat ewent from city to city and from village to village At Antioc at Oorint at Atens besides at almost in numerable smaller cities and towns e preaced te good news until is great soul \ was stirred witin im "to preac te gospel to tem wic were at Rome also" Of course tere are diffioulties in city work and eepecil\11y to us wo aresabatkeepere g[mmtjjlitatiol "But let your communication be Yea yea; Nay nar: for watsoever is more tan tese comet of evil" carrier failed to secure a conveyance tat ful suc a letter must be to all concerned Winter scene of evergreen forest snow would take us so we were compelled to re and teu yourself may go an!! do likewise axe and log all covered wit snow in main over Sabbat ftndfilstday On in G M OOTTRELL te orcestra and te J)resents displayed quiry we found tere was a small Advent LETTER 11 te pulpit platrorm A good time Ourc eref1fteen members On te Dear BrotJlerYour card received Am was enjoyed and everyone said tat te Sabbat attended teir uarterly Meet appy to see tere is some desire to know of Winter scene was beautiful Miss Mary F ing (Bro McLearn being unwell) and was my spiritual standing am still detel Bailey ad carge of te decorations " invited to join in teir worsip n te mined to place my affections on tings New Yearsevemug te young people of above First to live for te life to come evemng we vislted one of teir princijal and to allow te affairs of tis life only a te Juncton 111 rcll Onne tle OanLata of 1 b families secondary consideration; wit Gods elp so "David te seperd boy! wic was well lis as proved to be te culdest day ever to conquer te natural man desire to rendered and well received and afterwards known in tis place Te termometer grow in grace; and it is my earnest prayer repeated to a full ouse Dr Post as "Dasank to from 24 to 3 below zero and it and longing for a nearer walk wit God for vid: Anna S Goodric as "Abigail" riving a perfect fait tat admits no doubts or as continued tediously cold until to day fears and my daily struggle is to be wole lark as "Saul" Oarles M Post as "Jes On Firstday we went to te Baptist souled in my Oristian walk SC" O G Bennett as "Samuel" and Clara curc in ope of quietly listening to a Wen te sense?f my unwortiness nea "T Clark as "Mical" were especially sermon; but we got tere too early alid te Jy overcomes me Wt dscouragement as 1S supcessful Te caracters were well pastor mistrusted and inquired us out and often te ease ry to contmplate tre represented by costumes Te cildrens goodness of God lls lovmg kmdness S "impressed" us into service Bro McLearn mercies is gifts is promises and te con corus was greatly enjoyed preacing in te forenoon and in te even solation tat e as a care for me ana as Sunday January 6t te MHon Sevent mg At te close of te evening service promised tat e would never leave nor for day Baptist Societyeld teir annual meette pastor gave us a cordial invitation to sake me even me it fills my soul wit cour and dinner A jolly social time was enpreac on our return age to cat away all doul5ts ad fears and Joyed at te dinner and after; Te youn beeve Wit all my understandmg tat my g Here av ) found a gentleman from Redeemer livet and tat e leadet me lales mvlted te young men to take a leap Friendsip N Y (Mr Scott) wo was a Wit great plasure renew my covenant years sleig ride in te afternoonand made fellowstudent at Alfred 42 years ago not wit te people of God to strive for a nearer up two or tree dense loads in wic te aving met since till now alk wit God to try to be more and ore boys were kindly allo\ved to sit on te box of We arranged to go on onr Jonrney yester lke Jesus and to put myself full subjec te sleig Te propets wo ave fir tion to te divine will And o! tat we my day but were persuaded to postpone because all would strive to tis end; ivat migty propesed an open Wmter on account of it was rapidly growing cold wit in9ications power it would give te gospel tat now is te smallness of te maskrat ouses are of a regular bliezard anr1 te old ack would clogged wit dying an:l dead lukewarm pro now very meek Friday niglit Jan 4t be anyting but a suitable protection from fessors Your m Orst Jesus? te mercury marked 38 in Milton suc a storm Tis morning wo got read v Toug tere is no special religious inter iotf(t 8twest te attendance and interest in te meet paid our bills and went to te station to find tat te ack did not return yesterday ings is quite good: An extra prayer meetand ence tere was no possibility of geting New York illgis now being eld Sabbat afternoon off; we ave te promise owever tat we ALFRED CENTRE Sabbat morning January 5t President sall proceed in te morning A Missiollary Concert was given January W O WllitfOld occupied Elder Dunns pul Tis is an incorporated city of about 14 "t t d f t t pit t ms ea e regu ar prayermee mg inabi tants wit a :Mineral Oollelle 1 By an oversig t we failed to note te new upon te Stl bject " illa" Te pro Scool of Mines Te inabitants are large firm of May E and George R BossTwo gramme was" Geograpy and pysical fea V Nortern people; tle countty is rolling or more monts ago tey bougt out Hertures of Oina;" J J :Merrill; "Population timbered and ealty Two Union man Millardand ave since been doing a and ndustries" O Eugene Moore; "Reliencampments of reserve troops were kept lively business groceries in furnising goods gious Oondition" Miss Leona Burdick; ere during te war etc Milton people rejoice at teir success "Moral Oondition of te People" Miss \ We ave ad individual discussions on te for as stuoents ere bot ave become favor Emma Green; "Social Oondition" Miss Sabbat and kindred subjects and distrib P errle R an d " t 11 t a1 dt "ably kuown p; n e ec u on lon uted sometract8 so tat we ope our delay Prof A B Kenyon; "Te Seventday Bap llinois as not been a total loss to te cause _ tist Mission" Mrs O M Lewis WEST HALLOCK Te attendance at te Sabbatscool last TO ABSENT CHURCRmEBERS President W O Witford of Milton 1 Sabbat was te largest known being 251 lege spent te last Sabbat of te old year t is doubtles true tat many isolated and all te teacers present J wit us preacing an excellent sermon upon curcmembers separated from te curc HORNELLSVLLE te teme: "Te nearness of Gods presence es to wic tey belong find it more diffi At te re organization of our Sabbatcult and work" " ting to stem te tide of worldliness scool wic occurred te first Sabbat in Te pastor recently gave a lecture in te and irreligion tan wen tey were living te year te following officers and teacers neigboring town of Alta upon te subject: in te eart of te curc Some of tese were cosen: Mrs O G Stillman Superswept "Anoter Luter needed; a relic of Roman from teir moorings unable or too intendent; Mr Elias Ayers Assistant Snper" ism not reformed by te Reformation" in irresolute to resist te tide drift away and intendent; and vie J Palmer Secretary wic e sowed tat Sunday as a Sabbat are lost in te current of a worldly umanity and Treasurer; Mrs J E B Santee teacand as no sanction in Scripture; came into te among suc as forget God Teseer of te Bibleclass; and Mrs Elias 4yers cure (autoritatively) troug Romanism; absent members are to be found in nearly teacer of te infant class Two new sould ave been included in alld swept every calling; among farmers professionals classes were also formed From te Secrescoolteacers; students; in te city fn te talys report we see tat dring te year coul!try; in te East in te West To all tere were in attendance fortyscolals wile suc Sabbatkeeping nonresident curc te previous year tere were but twentymembers ave in tis article just one seven Te amount of money raised by te recommendation viz: correspond wit te scool was about $18 Our officers and curc to wic you belong at least once teacers ve taken old of te work wit a eac year; or better still on eyery covenant will and te year promises to be one full cf meeting occasion know of one curc encouragement for tose interested in te only onetl\t requircs tis of its apsent scool members; and upon a specified Sabbat eac Our Sabbat service is well attended year letters from suc are to be read Would Te excellent preacing of Elder Williams tat all of our curces were as watcful is listened to attentively by all;! every ser over te absent ones! b9lieve some plan mon being replete wit instrution and of tis kind to be igly beneficial: wital perfectly practical Our bour of 1st To te pastor t is most encouraging meeting as been canged from 2P: M to to im to know tat tose w ave gone 1 A M and 8 far as know all f\re pleased away ave taken Orist wit tem and are wit te cange p striving to old im up to te world; tat tey are still interested in te welfare of te West Virginia curc and te promotion of te Masters NEW MLTON" cause At least tree feet of snow as fallen ere 2d To te cmc t becomes a new in in te last tree weeks Te weater isuncentive to te members at ome to better usually cold away by te Reformation and is waiting te coming reforme:r; o do tis work Te leoture was well received by a good audienoo and sveral undred page of our literature taken i More work of te kind we believe will be for our good Ourc work moves Oli smootly Te weater 1l been cold33 below zero Sleiging good On te wolewe tank God for our prol perity and would seek iger Oristian at tainments o Wiseonlin ALBON ;Notwitstanding te numerous predictions of te weater propets promising us a mild and open Winter mercury for near ly a week past as ranged from zero to 3 " below Sleiging is fine Healt good Te outlook fpr te curc is more ope ful toug tere is still a great lack of en tire consecration to te work pf te Lord Arrangements ave been made forte con tinuation of te present pastorate for anot er year May muc good result improve teir curc privileges wen tus Eld S D Davis is conducting a protractreminded tat some are deprived of tem ed meeting ere and expects Eld L R Teir interest tus aroused for te absent Swinney to join im soon Te interest is S H B will quicken teir sympaties; and drawing increasing slowly Te scool elps to en ::;::=============== tem outside of temselves will temd to de large te attendance especially at te day Nontttf St4 tw velope te missionary spirit and zeal session 15 e f: 3d To te aosent memoer ltimselj most of Our Sabbatscool as not closed yet all His letter is a fres reminder of is tis Winter altoug te attendance is not covenant obligations t binds im in a as large as in Summ stronger sympaty and interest to te brot Oio erood of Orist t will be a warning for JACKSON CENTRE te future if in te monts for wic e re TeJ acksonoentresab15atscool reorganports e as become negligent forgetful of ized Sabbat Dec 29t L D Seager supers vows and is?rist will at last intendent Our scool numbers sixty: fiftygle a m?ment for mtlospecto" confesson four scolars six teacers We ad a pu blic At Oolorado Springs 1 te Denver and Rio Grande railroad ad filed a mort gag in te county clej;ks office bonding all ts nes rolling stock and land to te Union Trust company of New York fod5ooo to run tirty years at five percent "_ Te saiaries of employees in te New York postoffice" exclusive of letter carriers is sown oy te pay roll to be*sosoo per annnm a sumgrester by *1 tan te aggregate annual salaries:ofemployeesin te postoffice department and Wasington post: office exortaton and strngten S ands and review of te lessons for te past qul:trter FROM BtD N WARDNER eart for future dutes Te programme consisted of essays biogra Ources tlook afte your absent mem pies two class exercises and music Te ROLLA Mo" Jan bels Absen members weter requested session was intel;esting and we ope profit Te widow of William Davie as secured We left Oicago a week ago tonigt ex or not send a letter to your curc moter able Our Sabbatscool is interesting verdict for *11 against te "ltnajifepecting to reac St Louis at 63 te next For our covenant and commumon season Te average attendance is good Lou lllsurance company DlLvie was inlured f morning but in consequence of snow block in te West Hallock Ourc te first Sab *1! ad e companyrefosedto pay t ades we did not get tere till 5 P M bat of te new year sent requests for Wisconsin policy clalmmg tat DaVes cleat "lbu) from drunkenness _ Leaving tere at 8 oclock we reaced tis ltters to five 1 six of te absent ones LTON t is expected tat bot teseillte place about 23 A M intending to start am sorry to say received only one reply; Oristmas eve; te Milton Seventday for Houston at " A M but te mail wagon but tat was so good and earnest wis to Baptist SabbatScool ad a Oristmas oue coinittees W;ill report favot:ably te mmedlate appro})nation of 1OOOf broke down te day before and te mail ere subjoin it tat you may lee ow elp tree or rater tey ad a beautiful improvement on te Mis i

5 ne of vergreenfor est snow bg all covered wit snow in tr and te plesents disl;lyed Ulplt platform A good time ed and everyone said tat te be was beantifnl kliss Mary F carge of te decorations l) evenmg te young people of ")D Ourc gae te Cantata of seperd boy" wic was well dwen received and afterwards :a full ouse Dr Post as "Da S Goodric as "Abigail" riving Saul" Carles M Post as "Jes Bennett as "Samuel" and Clara as "!ical" were especially Te caracters were well l by costumes Te cildrens greatly enjoyed tanuary 6t te MiHan Sevent t Sociey eld teir nnnal meet l A JOUy SOCal trme was enle dinner and after Te young ped te young men to take a leap ( ride in te afternoonand made tree dense loads in wic te dndly allowed to sit on te box of : Te propets wo ave firmly l an open Winter on account of less of te muskrat ouses are 1?eek Friday nigt Jan 4t ry marked 38 in Milton tere is no special religious interl tendance and interest in te meette good: An extra prayer meet being eld Sabbat afternoon orning January 5t President tfor occupied;elcler Dunns pul versigt we failed to note te new y E and George R Boss Two onts ago tey bougt out Her rd and ave since been doing a tness groceriesin furnising goods on people rejoice at teir success ts ere bot ave become favr llinois WEST HALLOCK nt W O Witford of Milton 1 t te ast Sabbat of te old year preacng an excellent sermon upon "Te nearness of Gods presence " r recently gave a lecture in te town of Alta upon te subject: ueeded; a relic of Roinanllfl)lnud by te Reformation" in ldt)weld tt Sunday as a Sabbat tion in Scripture; came into te utjlloritaltivtlly) troug Romanism been included in a:qd swept Reformation and is waiting te fnlmjl o do tis work Te leoreceived by a good audience u"uujrcu page of our literature work of te kind we believe good moves on smootly &lter aa been cold33 below iglling good DOle_ we tank God for onr prosdwn nltf seek igeroristian ato S 11 Erry saloon in te city of Wicita Kansas over tirty in number closed by concerted action Te keepers ave gone ont of te business permanently Te Central Pltcific milroad as declarecl a semiannual dividend of tree per cent \luyable February 1st Fifty million roubles of te public debt of Rnssitl was paid last week A FASHONABLE SUFFERER or capters from Lifes Comedy by Augustus Hoppin Tis is one of te great lterary events of te day it is already in its tird tousand On opening te book tis brief preface greets our eyes " dedicate tis work to te uman infiuence wic as caused me te sarpest pain and te keenest pleasure" Te principal caracters introducted are as follows: THE SABBATH _ RECORDER JANUARY :17?884 Tis book as become very popular!lid its autor as prepated a volume wit te practicafidea in view Te receipts are suc tat tey can be used by small families te general fault of most cook books is tat tey require suc expensive materials tat many can not afford to use tem but suc is not te case wit tis one Andrew F Graves Boston }\fass Price; clot $1 25 After! more tan 1l year ago and is steps for montbs ave been a16ng te borders of te grave; but is mind as been serene and is ope 9f eternal life un dimmed He was a devoted Cristian He was born in Brookfield Madison Co N Y were e reo sided excepting a sort residence at De Ruyer N Y until e came wit S family to tis Strite twenty eigt years ago He Was baptized by Eld Eli S Baley and united wit te Sevent day Bap tist Curc in eahy life in wic fait e continned bemg a muc beloved member of te Curc at A bion Wis at te time o i is deat His funeral was attended on te 1inst by a large congregation of sympatizing friends and neie;bors n te ab sence of te pastor Eld S H Babcock on account of illness te services were conducted by Elder L C Rogers of Edlrerton WS Te text of te discourse was taken from 1 Cor 15: 5557 Among te ymns beautifully rendered was" Jesus Lover of my Soul" being a favorite ymn wit te deceased Te departed leaves a widow andfour cildren two of tem residing west of te Mississippi Tus like a sock of corn fully ripe in its season deat as gatered in is abundant arvest anoter of earts loved ones wose beautiful life will linger a pre cious memory wit te friends wo survive im L c R York State Welc butter soldat 2c 3 firkins Deia ware dairies at 2ic and 2 odd firkms at 28c and October New YorlO State Creamery butter ranged from 25@31c Finest Fall dairy butter is ready sale wile early makes still drag slowly Te market closes firm We quote: Fancy Creamery fres 38@4 " Summer make@25 Home dairy early entire 25@26 mitation creainery 25@26 Factory butter 18@21 Fine 3@35 23@24 23@26 2@24 2@24 2@23 14@16 Faulty 2@28 16@22 15@22 15@2 15@2 15@18 9@11 CREEsEReceipts for t week were box es; exports : boxes Tere is not as muc wit ceese as c61red and finest wite Septemliers ave n advantage altoug fine solid boring 6ep temer ceese eiter wite or colored are veryllrm Holders of blocks of fine eese ave been so stiff tat exporters ave ter been forced to pick up odds and ends werever obtainable:te export trade ardly keeping pace wit te advanced pre tensions ere We quote: r PATENTS obtamed and all business in te U S Patent Office; or in te Courts attended Jo for Modcrate fees We are opposite te U S Patent Office engaged in patent business exclusively and call obtain patents in less til;ne tan toseremotefrottl Wasington Wen model or drawing is sent we advise as to patentability free of carge; and we make no carge unless we obtain patent We refer ere to tc Post MS ter tle Supt : te Money Order Viv and to officials of te U S Patent Office For circular advice terms and reference fo actual clients in your own State or county addre5sc A SNOW &Co Opposite Patent Office Wasington D C TRADE COpy: :MARKS PATENTS RGHTS PRNlS DE8GNS RE LABELS SSUES /3end descriptwn of your nllention L BNGHAM Patent Lawyer and Solicitor Was ington D C "Te Beautiful N E" a nervous exaustionist and modern invalid n tis caracter te writer affords 11 splendid burlesque upon tose people wo are sufficiently ric to" play" sick and spend teir time in consuming novela:and quinine wicll as to be taken before eating and tis invalid is capable of eating te most incongruous luxuries for an in valid Se is well enoug to attend te opera but too sick to attend cuf(; Lady Angela a nearsicrted dy and intimate friend of te above men ti;ned Cynicl\B Douce a pessimist and a gentle man wo as some very queer ideas in regard to tlfe fair sex and desires to remain a bacelor but un der te influence of te Beautiful N E e canges is yiews and ecomes te usband of said N E Act " is a scene in a large city Act a scene in Paradise " were tese people togeter wit oters lnispending te Summer days Te Strangers MSS" or prtions_of te diary of an un known gentleman wo siged lmself to deat in te fourt story of No Walnut St Pila delpia is intensely interesting and as read by Cyn icus aloud to te ladies on te lawn affords food for contemplation and conversation "Our Dual ndi viduality" ir te subject of a lecture by Mr Douce wo on account of a asty promise" made under te genial influence of ospitality" was obliged to deliver it before te people of "Paradise" "Sun day morning in Paradise wit a sermon wic did not please te inabitants" is a capter partly de voted to a sermon preacel by a young minister wo was on trial A queer sermon but as Mr Douce remarks: Tere is one good ting aboul im: e said in so many words wat ave eard lots of parsons infer but didnt dare speak out" Te book is all in all a deligtful one and deserves a larger circulation?!r Hoppin te autor fur nises te illustrations for te book Publised by Houltton Miffiin & Co Boston Mass Price dot $15 Now tat te Holiday excitement is over we wis to draw your attention to a few solid facts: We are getting ready for inventory and prefer to record as muc cas and as little mercandise on and as pos Bble Hence we ave just marked down a complete line of Colored Silk Velvets to $1 12t per yard formerly sold for muc more money and a positive bargain at tis price; all grades Black Velvets are reo duced We ave tem from 9 cents upwards Colored Silk Pluses Seal: Cloaking Pluses etc all marked down Our good wearing Dress Silks can still be bougt at low prices eretofore quoted W c ave made te prices to move te goods Dont miss te ol?portunity J HARRS; 125 Main St Hornellsville: Cloaks Our entire line of Cloaks at cost J HAnRS Hornellsville n Albion Dane Co Wis Tan in te 18t year of er age FLOHENE A wife of De Florence Witford and daugter of Lee and Mary F Coon Te deceased ad been in feeble and de clming ealt for some monts but often expressed resignation to te will of Him wo doet all tings well Tus early in life as passed away te beautiful and lovely daugter of fond and doting parents and te affectionate and devoted wife of an appreciative and tender usband Her amiable dis position and winnipg ways attaced to er a large circle of young people wo evinced teir sorrow at er early deat Her funeral Was attended on te 9t inst by a great concourse of people n te abo sence of te pastor Eld S H Babcock by reason of illness te religious exercises were conducted Eld L C Rogers of Edgerton: Words of comfort were spoken from te text (Psa 16: 11) "Tou wilt sow me te pat of life: in ty presence is fullness of joy; at ty rgt and tere are pleils uree fnrevermore" Te coir rendered te follow ing eautiful and appropriate ymns "Come to me" " Jesus te Hock of Ages" and "Rest By Fa71ClJ Fine Factor) full cream 13@1Sf Skimmed 8 Faulty 8@11 O@ 1\ EGGsReceipts for te week were 2268 bbls and 222 boxes Te eavy storms tis week stop ped receipts and prices adaanced 1@2c wit prices a little easier at te close Receipts of Soutern eggs will soon ave an impo;tant bearing upon te supply and lower prices will rule wenever tey come freely We quote: H STORY OF CONFERENCEREV JAMES BALEY as left a few copies of te HistorY pf te Sevent day Baptist General Conference at te RECORDER officc for sale a\ $1 5 Sent by mail postage paid on receipt of price Address SABBATH RECORDER AlfredPeutre N Y Moss Agates Tese " Gems of te Rockies" are found in te mountains of Wyommg Territory Every lover of te beautiful al1d wonderful in nature admires:tese souvenirs o;>f te far West As pocket pieces carms jewelry settings and specimens :for cabinets &c tey are nnsurpassed Curious sprays of moss are plainly seen radiating in all directions trougout te solid transparent stone Samples sent plepaid for fifty cents Wolesale price for large quantities given on application RVlliG SAUNDERS expects to be at is Friendsip Studio from Jan 24t to 31st THE attention of our readers is respectfully called to te advertisement in anoter column of D M Ferry &; Co Detroit Miq te celebrated seeds men Tey do te largest business in teir line in te Unirecl State; raise te bulk of teir seed on teir own farms by te most approved metods and avc obtaned a worldwide reputation for tbe quality ami variety of te seed tey put upon te market and teir integrity in filling all orders en trusted to tem Teir beautiful Seed Annual for 1884 sent free to all wo apply for it will e found of practical value to all wo desire to purcase seeds true to name GOOD PAY for Agents $1 to $2 per mont made selling our fine Books and Bibles Write to J C MCCURDY & Co Piladelpia Pa SPECAL NOTCES CruCAGO MlssONMission Bible scool at te Pacific Garden Mission Rooms corner of Van Buren St and 4t Avenue every Sabbat afternoon at 2 oclock Preacing at 3 oclock All Sal>bat keepers in tecity over te Sabbat are cordially l1lvited to attend PLEASE NOTCETe Editor of te Outlook is anxious to find a copy of Bucannans " Cristian Researces in Asia" of one or bot of te following editions: London 1849 by Ward & Co; and Lon don 1858 by Rutledge Any reader of te REcOliDE aving a copy of eiter or bot of tese Mi tions will confer a great favor by communicating wit te undersigned A H LEWS PLANFELD N J and By L C R Troy (N Y) papers please cpy LETTERS Hiram Blaisllcll H H Wickes Stepen Babcock S R Weeler Mrs M A Brown :lhary Lang worty O D Green Ester Fenner J O Babcock J L lull L Babcock L Lyman J\rs L F Saunders T T Green S S Clarke O D Sbernian 2 9 W Weeden Jennie Langworty G W Stillman Harriet Sweet D K Davis C S B Culver Geo H Babcock 2 J B Somers Oscar Babcock R G S Rogers Lurana Stillman D E Titswort W E Palmer sara Burdick P T Douglass Adelia Saunders J G Swinney J G Hummel C Potter Jr & Co W C Witford T A Petty Mrs J H Houston J K Crandall Sara Prosser N W Crosley G H Rogers A E Main 2 J E Moser Jennie Holland Mary Fifield K S Hall Wm Putman H P Burdick R M Kirkam D T Rogers RECEPTS Near by fres laid eggs Canada and Western Llmed egg per dol! : BEANsmports for te week 1876 bags We quote: Marrows per busel 62 lbs $2 65@2 75 Mediums " $2 25@2 5 DRED FRUTSWe quote: Apples evaporated cloice to fan y: " " poor to good " Soutern slicoo coi& to fancy 8 " poor to good 6 " coarse cut : 6 Peaces peeled evaporatea : "unpeeled " " peeled sun 9ried coice to fancy " " " poor to good unpeeled alves 5!@ 6 " " quarters 5! Huckleberries perlb Blckberries e" 9 r Raspberries black per lb APLEBWe quote: Baldwin and Greening coice per bbl$8 5@$4 H fair to good $2 75@$3 State Winter mixed lots _ 8 12@$3 5 CRANBERREsWe quote: Cape Cod fancy per bbl Pa:vsto Vol No " good to coice 1 oo@ 11 Mrs E P Larkin Alfred Centre $ Jersey per crate 3 OO@ 3 5 Alex B Burdick" P W t Mrs Hanna Clndall " OULTRY e quo e: W C Ttswort" Turkeys coice per lb ; J A Camplin" poor to far per lb H G Witter Alfred 2 O 4 52 Ducks coice per lb Welcome B Burdick Andover "poor to good per lb D M Clarke " Cickens and fowls coice per lb Benr areen " " H poor t> good per lb Mrs Ester Fenner Cuba Bl1lDB CBuo; BBus ETa OlL Witter Nile i"ad"" fd Em d Oomm Mrs M A Brown Little Genesee _ r Of ZUm Mrs Hanna B Saunders Belmont CBS advances will be made on receipt of property Eusebias Stillman Stannards Corners Were needed and account of sales and remittancel Flora V Roe Preston for te same sent promptly as BOOD as goods are sold Harriet S Rogers Oxford We ave no Agen1l mike o purcases watever for Geo H Rogers " :nwn accolld\ and Olici\ colllipmenta of prim Mrs H E Purdy Smitville 2 4f 7 q ty property KADESH BARNEA by H Clay Trumbull D D editorof T68undag &1WOlTi Tis voliiille is atreatise on te importance of te Biblical spot and its probable site wit te account of a unt for it including studies of te route of te E;t:odus and te soutern boundatly of te Holy Land Un der te section concerning "ts Manifold mportance" teautor says: 17KadesBarneail!ia manifold importance in tesacred story:aatudy of Kades Barnes in its varied Biblical associations involved a study of Gods peculiar people from te days of teir great progeriitor Abraam to te still vague and sadowy days of unfulfilled propecy ooncernidg teirregatering and re establising Tis place comes into View ls a strategic strongold in te earliest military campaign of istory t loms up as te objective point of te sraelites in A D Crandall Halsey Valley 1 4 3DAVJD W LnD" Co Nn You MARRlED Adelia Saundef!! Alden Tbfa ibffftcientbot for goods ud letten At Leonardsville N Y Jan by Rev Mrs Daniel T Burick Hornellsville teir movement from Sinai to te Promised Land t is te place of teir testing of teil failure of teir judgmg and of teir dispersion t is teir rallying center for forty years of teir wandering" Tis quotation is sufllcienctoglvli;iniy;lnt Of te many interests wic cluster around tis spot T4e account of a unt for it is very interesting and instructive Tis volume will prove a great aid to scolars of te Bible trowing as it does muc ligt upon a subject wic bas been under discussion amoug Jewis and Cristian scolars A very im portant feature of te book are te maps and indexes wic accompauy it espeeially te latter Suc complete indexes one does not often find!ere are lists of autorities cited at first and second and; an Stepen Burdick Mr CLARENCE E FTCH of Plain R J S Rogers GUlford fiold N; Y and Miss LZZE B KNG of Leonards Dr S S Clarke De Ruyter ville Mrs A C Potter West Edmeston Att d f t bd f t W H H J S Coon " eresl ence e n e s a er LeRoy Maxson COO1 Utica Dane Co Wis by Rev V Hull Mr F E Dresser ADELA STLLMAN and lss?li CLARNE COON all Mrs Emma J Worden Utica of UtlCa Mrs R D Lamb Seds Corners Attbe residence of te brides fater Mr W F Tomas B Cardner Westerly R Satterlee in Farma ll by_r:ev W H Ernst Mr Geo W: Weeden Jamestown DANEL P CRANDALL and lss BELLE E SATTER Mrs L F Saunders Niantic LEE all of FARNA Tos S Greenman Mystic Bridge Ct At te residence of te brides uncle Esquire Wm R Lewis New London Hawlew of Akron ll Jan : by Rev G Mrs Susan Stillman Plainfield N J M Cottrell LOREN N GALLUP son of Hon Jp O C Green Gallup of Peoria county and WNNE L HAWLEY Mrs S M Stillman Hebron Pa S index of persols named; an index of foreign words S t5 li NY N M n ou DO var ov" rs cited; an index of Bible texts and finally a topical CAROLNE KLMER wife of Myron Kilmer and index Publised by Carles Scribners Sons New daugter of Paris Moreouse of Amity aged 31 Y k P 1 t t t 478 o years Six cildren and a large circle of friends or nce co gl op pp J mourn er (larly and sudden deat H P B THE PULPT TREASURY J Sanderson Managing n Little Genesee N Y Dec VARNUM Editor E B Treat Publiser 757 Broadway New MAxSON in te 76t year of is age n 1834 e York Price $2 5 a year clergymen $2 single WS married to Miss Lura Ann Maxson n 16 e and is wife were baptized on te same day and copy 25 eents united wit te First Genesee Curc of wic e THE principal articles of Te Englis llustrated remained a member until deat Toug e resid Magazine for January are a sketc by Henry James ed in te vicinity of te Portville Curc Bro Max son was so ard of earing tat e could not enjoy of Mattew Arnold accompanied by a frontispiece; curc privileges like oters Te llsttime spoke "Darimoor and te Wi11kam" b:y F Pollock well wit im e said "1 would like to go to meeting illustrated; A J HipkinspiLperon "Te Piano and but caa not ear" H P B its PrecursorS;" "Te Emperor and is Marsal" n Seio N Y Jan of scarlet fever by Arcibald Forbes; a scientific article on Rivers CHARLES GARFELD son of Carles and Addie and River GOrges of te Old World and te New" Youngs aged 1 year and 6 monts Tis was a cild of promise but by Arcliibald Geikie and tree capters of Miss " Eer pain or grief ad wrougt decay Yongs serial "Te Armourers Apprentice" Our babe is cllldled in te tomb MacMillan & Co 112 Fourt Avenue New YorliLike some fair blossom torn awa:y *1 a year Before its perfect bloom" P n Hopkinton near Asaway R 1 Monday even 1iE HUNDRllD CHOCE SELECTONS for reading mg Dec after a long period of failing and recitations No 22 P rrett & Go 78 Cest ealt Mrs OLVE B CHESTER widow of te late nut St Pila delpia 3 cents Elder Cristoper Cester aged 88 years 6 monts and 15 days Sister Cester was baptized and A HST9RY OF THE AMElWAlf PEOPLE by Artur JOned te First Hopkinton Curc in te year 181 Gilman M A is an interesting volume written in Wen er usband became pastor of te Curc in a pleasing and entertaining style t commences Verona N Y se removed er membersip to tat b Curc Se was always very conscientiou and was away ack wit atos story of Atlantis and fol troug life a strict observer of te Sabbat and a lows down troug te discoveries of Cristoper woman of unobtrusive piety Se was te moter Columbus Cabot Hudson and te ost of ters to of ten cildren eigt of wom survive er Seven te admlnistrationo{ President Artur Tat ele of tese wit numerous grandcildren and several ment wic is so prevalent in istories te descrip greatgrandcildren were permtted to be present Laroy Lyman Roulette O D Green Scranton Mrs A F Stelle Crossingville Mrs Miner T Jones Jones lfic Serrilla Saunders Middle Grove ll V Hull Utica Wis Mrs E Calkins Pardee Kan Mrs A A F Randolp " Mrs: James K Crandall Reno Centre E K Burdick Nortonville Mrs Kate Emerson Dubuque a Mrs Sara Hurley Maqnoketa LuranaStillmanNewRicbland Minnl 4 26 Mrs Harriet A Sweet Alden :t 4 52 Jon T Greene LittleRock ?lrs Mary Langworty Dodge Centre A L Clarke Nort Loup Neb Josep L Hull DeWitt Ark P P Livermore Downey Cal 2 41 S FOR LESSON LEAVES N W Crosley Farina ll $7 2 Jennie L Langworty Dodge Centre Minn 3 68 J O Babcock Welton a 4 74 TRAUT SOCETY Receipts by Treasurer for te mont of December 1883: Bettie Woods Black Jack Grove Texas $ 2 Womans Auxiliary Tract Society Plainfield N J 241 Mr and Mrs S H Babcock Albion Wis 5 Womans Auxiliary Tract Society Second Alfred N Y Ladies Benevolent Soeiety Walwort Wis 5 Mrs E D Babcock Albion 2 5 Miss Hattie Hibbard Utica 5 PLANFELD N J Jan WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET at er funeral Te text of te funeral sermon was tion of carnage and bloodsed of battles is almost from 2 Cor 6: 9 1 "As dying and; beold we entirely left out Teautorassucccssfullysolved live as castened and not killed; as sorrowful yet te problem "Wat sall be omitted" and wat alwyb rejoicing" For a number of years wile sall be written Mr Gilman ls a appy wa v of enjoyingealt and strengt tis affectionate mot J er was unwearied in te care of an invalid daugter telling is story"and Dakesuse of many local tradi wo wit improved ealt as beel\ te cief" care tions A full appendix and numerous illustrations take of te moter in er last sitlkness Of tis complete te v:olume D Lotrop & Co "Boston moter it may bt truly said "Her cildren arise up Review of te New YorK market for butter ceese etc for te week ending Jan 12t reported for te RECORDER by David W Lewis & Co Pro duce Commission Mercants No 85 and 87 Broad Street New York Marking plates furnised and call cr blessed" J W 111 ss Price "Olot 1 5 D C W" J 8 18A H n Albion ane S an = ENRY Tn Appledare Cobk 1!ook by Miss M Parlna Co BABCOCK in te 79t year of is age: Te de Contains practical receipts for plain and ric cooking ceased was prostrated by a stroke of pa;alysis a little wen desired BUTTERReceipts for te week were 14887pack ages; exports 1277 Te markt is witout material cange Tere ave been ligt arriv!lls of State butter During te week a parcel of 2 tubs New \ \ \ 4Kltl " POWDER Absolutely Pure Tis powder: never varies A marveleof purity strengt and wolesomnnesa More economical tan te ordinary kinds and caunot besold in competition wit te multitude of low test sort weigt alum or pospate powders Sold/only in cans ROY AL BAKNG POWDER Cp 16 Wall st N Y Te FLaRAL World A superb illustraed $1 montly free ne year to al at enclose ts ad to us now Wt 12 for postage FLO>AL WORLD HigblandPark ill l F!RDA l1ustratedci;!t) r sizecor:oltf:d views filler! ill:r:i: O FDrida Scenes ::mp:c J!l"Owinp; and differ(mtsection of te tntt Te :Lnd:lo!lt w(1rk of te kmd flubsl( l Per mail _jwst:lcc trpf> n T(cl!ipto[ ll pu: n! now Address At; U1E\D HRO Jwksonnlle J la Wide Awake Agent8 Wanted Everywere NOT E W MEN by James Parton te greatest biograper of te age An elegant volume f 65 pages 24 fullpage illustrations Price only $2 5 Descnbes 5 caracters A book for every woman PHENX PUB CO Hartford Conn BOOKS Minions of Volumes a year Te coicest literature of te world Catalogue free Lowest prices ever known Not sold by dealers Sent for examination before payment on evidence of good fait OHN B ALDEN Publiser READER READER Are You Sick Or ave you a FREND affiicted wit any disease? nve$tigate COPOUNU OXYGEN Natures Life Renewer A SURE CURE * CONSUMPTON; Astma Broncitis Catarr Dyspepsia Reumatism Scrofula and All Cronio Diseases and cases of Nervous Exaustion Debility Sterility &c Send for circular on a postal card and learn of tis WONDERFUL SCENTFC treatment Office and Hone treatment as may be desired and carges moderate Address COi}POUND OXYGEN DSPENSARY 147 Troop St Cicago ll PENSONS for any disability; a18 to Hein Send stamps for New Laws Col L BNGHAM Attorney Wasington D C M c SHANE BEL L FOUNDRY Mainifacture tose celebrated Belli and Cimes for Curces Tower ClocD &c &c l>rices and catalogues sentfree Address H McSane Co BaltimoreMd E3L:{NlYER MF"G CO BELLS Cumb Bebool Plrealarm FlMtoDe41owprloedt warnat ed Cilwocue wi\ 15tattDl11altpriOetC ejltree Blmyer Manufacturing &; CloalnneUo FARS on James River Va in a Nortern Bet :::::;::; tlement llustrated circular free J 1 MANCHA Claremount Va GENTS wanted for te History of Cristianity A by Abbott A grand cance A $4 book te popular price of $1 75 Liberal terms Te ligious papers mention it ls one of tefew grnjt religious works of the world Greater success nenr kiiown by agents Terms free Stinson & Co Publisers Portland l{aiue SO PATENT lfo PAY patents OBTANED FOR HECHANCa! devices medical or oter compounds omr tal dclligns trade rks and labels Caveats Aip ments nterferences nfringements and all maueni relatin to Patents promptlyattended We mab prelimlllllly examinations and furnis opinions u & patentability free of carge and all wo are inter ested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for a copy of our Guide for Obtaining Patents" wic is sent free to any address and codtam complete instr!lctions ow to obtain Patents add oter valuable matter During tqe past five yean we ave obtained nearly tree tousand Patenta tr American and Foreign inventors and can give tt factory references in almost eve y county in cbe Union Address LOUS BAGGER & CO Solicitors of Patents and Attorneys ltlaw Le Dral Bmlding Wasington D C B OGRAPHCAL KETCHE8 AD PtJB LSHED WRTNGS OF ELD EL sbal LEY for sale at tis offiee Price One Dollar st _ to any ad postprud on receipt of vrice CARD COLLEOTORS HEADUARTERS Oromo GardA &rap Pictures am Art NoMtiu Te latest styles embrace LLUMNATED GLT EMBOSSED & ntpobted CARDJ Six sample sets comprising 3 elegant cards (no two alike) sent for teu 2c stamps Catalogues free Address J W TAYLOR & SON Publisers P O Box 5 Rocester N Y Out tis out $2 A ;n)ar (OR MORE) AND A PERMAT STUA TON Are ereby offered to at lellst one person in eac tow to act as our local agent and corresponden a; come first served otner tings being equal Re ences required Full particulars given on receipt" return postage Address at once mentionbui Ud paper NATONAL NTELLGENCER PUB LSHNG CO 116W&;8ingtoalSt; Cicago Dl

6 " " :; tke/ttl ljisetllang+ GODS OWN TREE No wind tat blows can ever kill Te tree God plants t blowet east it blowct west Te tender leaves ave little rest But every wind tat blows is best Te tree God plants Strikes deeper root grows iger still Spreads wider bougs for Gods goodwill Meets all its wants Tere is no frost at power to bligt Te tree God sields ts roots are warm beneat soft snows And wen Spring comes it surely 4nows And every bad to" blossom grows Te tree God sields Grows on apace by day and nigt Till sweet to taste and fair to sigt ts fruit it yields Tere is no storm at power to blast Te tree God knows No tunderbolt nor beating rain No ligtning fias nor urricane Wen tey are spent it dot remain Te tree God knows T;roug every tempest standet fast And from its first day to its last Still fairer grows f in te souls still garden place A seed God 8WS A little seedit soon will grow And far and near all men sall know For eavenly lands e bids it blow A seed God sows And up it springs byday and nigt Aud far and Dear all men sall know For eaven(r lands e bids it blow A seed God sows And up it springs by day and nigt Troug life troug deat it growet rigt Forever grows "Sout Weste1n Presbyterian _ now GOD ANSWERS PRAYER BY THE LATE MSS JULA P HE:tfDERSON OF NATCEEZ MSS Robert Huntington sat wit is fingers marking is place in is book and is face wearing an expression of mingled perplexity and discontent "Wat is te matter Robert?" asked is moter on coming ij;lto te room "Moter dont want to learn )is ymn tat Mr Underwood gave us for next Sab bat" "Wy my son?" inqnired :Ms Huntington in some surprise; for Robert was not often unwilling to study is Sabbatscool lesson "Because moter dont tink te first verse is true" " Let me see it Robert" Mrs Hnntingtons snrprise was greatly increasetf as se read te beautiful words: THE SABBATH RECORDER JANUAY 17i ert do you remember anoter day wile you wre sick tbat left your room for a little wile and wen same back and found you fatiguing yourself wit your playtings tat Sara ad given you took tem all away?" " Yes maam" "You did not want to gve tem up tink" " No moter was very sorry at first and almost angry; but wen you sat down by me and took my and in yours and stroked my ail" didnt care so muc; arid afterwards wen you talked to me about tings loved to ear forgot my toys for a good wile; and wen did tink of tem!lgain felt tat would rater look at your fac4 and listen to your voice tan ave te prettiest playtings in te world;" a;nd wit a sudden emotion of tenderness Robert trew is arms about is moters neck and kissed er again and again His caresses were fondly returned; ten Wt a glad smile upon er face toug er eyes were full of tears rs Huntington Tecalled te promise "As one wom is moter comfortet so will comfort you and ye sall be comforted; " and pus c ing back te air from te fair brow of er boy se said: "Do you not know my dear cild tat wen our eavenly Fater takes from us onr treasures e comes near to us imself and teaces us tat is presence is better tan te coicest eartly blessings?" Roberts eyes told is moter ow well e understoop te lesson se ad been trying to teac im H will go and learn my ymn now moter? e said " am sure now tat it is true "SOUtll Western Plesbyterian HOW GAMBLNG BEGNS A Plain Talk Wit J"onng Men BY :!HE9DORE L CULYER D D How gambling often ends is illustrated by te recent suicide of i young man of ig social standing wo was well known in te " sporting" circles of New York Tampering wit cards and te roulettetable ad aroused in im te same insane ju11 wic tampering wit te botte arouses in te victims of strong drink: Weare told tat tis wretced young man married; but "even marriage dd not cure m of wat ad become a positive disease Little gaming parties in is rooms at te otel and reckless plunging at te public tables soon ran away wit all is winnings and wit te greater part of is fortune besides At last a few monts agj) e found imself ruined His former friends fougt sy of im; and in a pitiably " Come my soul ty suitpreparej depreesed frame of mind e said: ll go Jesus loves to answer prayer j He imself as bid tee pray toplladelpia and eiter make or break Terefore will not say tee nay" myself To Piladelpia e went wit a revolver in is trunk He played nearly "Not trne Robert Wat makes you te wole time tat e was tere Te tink tat is not true?" record was monotonous His old luck ad "Because moter ave often prayed deserted im; and one nigt e went to is for tings and God did not give tem: to room at te otel and put a bullet troug me" is brain" " Peraps yon did not really believe tat Suc is one of te latest tragedies perpe God would answer your prayer God loves bated under te insane infatuation of te to ave us trust im" gamingtable But teir number is legion tink} did moter until e disap Many of te mysterious suicides wic fill pomted me "te records of te morgues or aunt te ":Wat did you ask for t!"t you did not depts of te rivers around our cities recelve?" sad Mrs Huntmgton after a would teltte same story Gambling is sort pause prevalent toa degree wic sobel quiet never touces an intoxicant can never become a drunkard and lie wo never plays a game of aza1d can never become a:ga1!bler My own personal practice; at sco"ol college etc was one of entire abstinence from cards as well as from te winecups; and 1 ave never repented of it eiter All games of cance wen played in earnest ave a dangerous fascination As Canon Farrar well says " Tere is a gambling element in uman nature" and we ave got to watc against it just as we must watc against in;born sensual appetites Wit te excitement of a game of azai:d comes te strong temptation to risk a stake on te game; as soon as te first stake is laid down conscience goes wit it and literally te devh as a and wit you in te game So strong is te fascination of tis spell of sorcery tat ave seenin te public Oonversazionalle" of Baden Baienwell dressed ladies watc te rolilettetable until tey became so bewitced wit te play tat tey would furtively toss a gold Napoleon over on te table from beind te crowd; te gambling element" in tem ad taken fire Now just ere lies te peril wit you my young friend; te excitement of games of azard sets you in a flame; ten comes a small stake; ten a larger f you win you play to winmore; i you lose you play on to make up your loses Before lyou know it you are a gambler reonly safe and sure way is to slop before 1fOU begin But it is not only from cardtables and farobks tat miscief is to be appreended Many young men are tempted to "take a small risk " in miningstocks 1 oter volatile stocks tat were playing up and down in te market ave known a alf dozim mere lads to "pool" teir earnings 1 teir pocket money in a venture on a sare or two of stock Tis rage for dabbling in stocks turns undreds of respectable young men into actul gamblers altoug tey would be socked if te ugly name was applied to tem Tey are not socked at te ting itself "nstead of feeling tat only te money l}onesly ea1"ned is onestly got tey are seducd mto azardous ventures wic in Gods sigt are as genuine gambling as any tat is perpetrated beind te locked doors of one of t8e "ells" tat defy te laws Te dangers to young men are increasing from tree causes 1st Tere is a growing passion for getting ric suddenly and easily 2d Te gambling element is insinuating itself more and more into te trade of te country; te immense suuden gains 1 losses by "corners" "pools"etc are evidences of tis Oldfasioned slow and sure metods of bu13iness are sniffed at; and e is ac counted te smartest man wo by a sarp "operation: wins in a mont wat solid sensible men ustld to earn in a lifetime 3d Te rapid increase of selfindulgent and luxurious living breeds and inflames tis gambling spirit Tat word luck is a dangerous word Dont trust it A life ordered 3:ccOlding to Gods laws is not a game of cance Every dollar got by any oter metod tan ineritance or onest industry makes you poorer Let it alone; or it may eat into your soul like fire Te awful tragedy described at te opeiling of tis article began wit te first dime laid down in a game of azardlndependent SHARNG GODS GFTS BY HELEN PEARSON BARNARD "O a great manytings moter" people never dream of t is practiced " Cant you tell me t))e ting Robert?" oftenindeed ii a small way and for moder Once upon a time tere was a poor family M:otr prayed 1m so ard to make ate s!;akesby tousands of young men in Tey ad six cildren too; but teir fater sister Mary well" replied te little : boy all our cities; practiced in te privacy of was not kind like yours Very often e sadly teir rooms at teir lodgingouses as well would not work tlien te moter ad to go A teal gatered in te moters eye" and as in ouses fdr "professional" play :Em into te mill Se got tired and cross; te Ell lip quivered as se folded er!!orma ployers little suspectalas! faters and ome was out of order and te cildren arounmr remaining c_ildapd drew im moters little suspectwa1i devilis mis ragged to er breast Forafe;w:minutes s1!e was cllief is going on un<wr te cover of secrecv Bub te olest ad only one arm Eyerysilent; butwei se spoke it was wit a Many of te larcenies commitd in stores body knew" lttle onearmed Bub Smt" steady voice countingrooms and banks (some of wic but rarely spoke kindly to im He was sel "Robert do you remember one day last are" used up " in order to save repreta dom seen at 8cool or curc or playing Wilter wen you were so ill ow wpile tions) Jlre committed in ordertocovel up te wit oter boys Sometimes tey met im bu:rningwit fever and racked wit pain; losses at te cardtable On tlie oter and in berry pastures or setting snares in te you tossed fromside to side said Tell te illegitimate winning at te same tables woods but e was as sy as some wild anime wat you want my son no matter wat will ccount forte fine equipage or sowy mal f e passed tem on is way to te it isand if can will give it tq you?" turnouts of certain fast film woe legiti store e went quickly as if afraid Tere "Yes moter remember" mate income is tooslender toniaintain suc was no fun at te Smits on Oristmas "And wat did you ask me for?" extravagance Gambling is a moral pesti Fater Sniit did not tell te little folks " asked for abanana" lence tat "walket in da:ne8s:and tere about God gift to te world of is only " Did 1 give it to you?" fore its terrible prevalence escapes public ob Son and tat we all give presents to rernem "No maam" servittion t is not decreasing; bel it O n! tey bad oqly cross words "Did you feel tat ad breen my" wor9 Tis perilous practi9 Wic so often and sometmes blows wen refused to let you ave t?" becomes fatal to caracter and to te soul Bub was sent to te store for moal On "O no moter you said you would bgins juilt as drunkenness begijls wit te way all e eard about was Cristmas ive me wat wanted if you could; an<l playing wit fire At te bottom of te Everybody seemed to be appy except imyo could not because asked for some first glass of wine wic te tippledampered self Even te men about te stove in te t\ng tat would ave made me aeat deal wit 18Y an adder Underneat te first stole were telllng wat tey got or gave worse" dime tat is ever trown down in a game of And te grocer said: And yet Robert was able to give you a cance is concealed a "Serpent" Wen a "Merry Cristmas Bubl Watd yon banana for ad several in te ouse at young man makes is first bat qr puts up is get?" tat very time" first wltgel on a matc or a race orw en e "Sames ever did " " dont mean tat you could not give risks is first penny at a cardtable e put t was a little joke of Bubs but is lip me one in tat way moter; but only tat a coal of fire nto is bosom wic is not trembled you could nt because yo loved me too easily exti?guisd; t may kindle into a "Reconyour pa dont believe in angin well to let me ave anytlimg tat would conflagraton WC m te tremendous lan up stockmsl " urt me sall neve:r: forget ow de guage of Scripture "will burn into te row Bub was too sad to reply He urried licious te orange tasted tt you brougt est ell" Te step tat costs is te first ome me instead and wen te juioe ad cooled step Gambling for a pen ny is as eseential "Now want some wood" said is motmy mout and troat told you tat you ly a sin as gambling for a tousand pounds er knew wat wanted beter tpn ilid my No sin is a trifle My young friend te Be spry tool " added is ars fater self" moment tat your conscience excuses te "Go out all on ye dont ye come back till A very seet smile ligted Mrs Hunting sligtest departure from absolut rigt as a ye bring sutin fur te fire " ton"s face as se said: "Cant you see now "mere trfle" tat moment you ave let te Tey ad often been sent out into te my dear ow our eavenly Fater may all: enemy slip in is little finger t will not cold but Bub never before felt so sorry for ewer our prayers by giving us not just te b long before you a:oe in is grasp Wen s alfclad sisters He tougt of te i?g we ask fr; peraps but someing you lay down your first stake even i!= it is only little girls ad just seen warmly dressed mts stead wc S a great deal better for "m fun" you are actually gamblmg R13 carrymg ter new dolls He coaxed te us?" member tat tere isaways a first inc at cbilren to stay n an old sned by te paper "Yes moter" sad obert; "but te:topofeverypreclplce mll telng temto cover temselves wit dont see wat God gave us m place of dear do not affirm tpat everyone wo ever empty bags sister Mary" plays a game of cards is a gambler anymore "Yon can play tent" e said " wilst Again a sade stole over te moters taneyry one wo drinks a glass of wine is get te wood" features but!e said very clmly: "Rob s tippler But it is equally true tat e wo Bub was very kind to tem au; day He tried to mae Susy a clot(!siin doll aad frointe adeing uskscrippled te strengt task for isne ad and even cecked te increase of te ne "Seant no Cristmasye know marml" groes; b?t in te years just preceding te e sad to Mrs Smt RevolutOn ts task came to be performed " Twant meant for suc as us!" se re wit mills driven by te force of te inplied coming and outgoing tides or turned by Toward lllgt Bub went )Ut of doors He orses or oxen A bunred and forty wanted to be alone wt S sad tougts tousand barrels of rce of four or five He walked along scarcely knowing were undred weigt apiece were annually ex u?til a sudden ligt across is pat made ported befort te war of independence m look UP" Troug te example of a Governor of Geor He was close to te ministers ouse; tey gia te culture of rice spread into tat colowere bringing ligts into te sitting room ny and completed te ruin of te silk busi Bub stood still and looked in 1e minis ness" ters cildren too were appy Bub saw it ================== in teir smiling faces How could tey elp! L F RED U N V E R ST Y being so? everybody was kind teir gifts A ALFRED N Y were on te table and strewn over te carpet Tey were sowing tem to eac ot EUAL PRVLEGES FOR LADES AND er cattering as fast as blackbirds Bnb GENTLEMEN looked in a long time Te minister saw Academic Collegiate and Teological Departments Classical Scientific Normal Mecanical im from te study window so did te girl in te kitcen Musical and;paintmg and Drawing courses of study: Bub tougt of is ome and tis; is Better advantages tan ever can be promised for uncaredfor sisters and tese little girls and te coming year brused away te tears tat would gater in CALENDAR is eyes He went a few steps nearer te Fall Term commences ug window Winter Term Dec Out of te kitcen went te girl ten Spring Term Marc " saw ye angin onto our fence" se Annual Meeting of Stockplders and Trustees June said " Next ting yell e goin troug Commencement June te winder Wat under te sun do ye Expenses $1 to $21) per year For furter par want ere? Ye cant expect tem cildrenll ticulars address want JOur compnyye lazy goodfurnotillg Smit! ts tijir Cristmas! " " Lookin ant stealinj" said te boy " lmowed it was teirn Marm said twant mean t for suc as us! " He started to go bnt te minister ad now come out" and said: " Dont go my boy come in and see te cildrens presents" " aint fittey dont want me!" Bub sal d "Teyll treat you very kindly" replied te minister; "besides ve someting to say to yon Do yon know tat our eavenly Fater as sent a gift for yon?" "Forme? Cant be!" Bub sook is ead "Wy mister never ad a present " Te minister gently drew im into te ouseand told is son to take im into is own room and elp im was and dress in some warm clotes Bub eard im say: "t is saring Gods gift my son We wo ave plenty are indebted to God for it He expects us to sare wit te needy to be eyes for te blind feet for te lame; you ave two arms you must elp tis poor lad wo as but one!" So te ministers son found a suit tat fitted Bub quite well brougt im down and g!tve im someting to eat tep sowed teir toys: As e looked upon tese gifts wonderingly te minister told im all about Oristmas tat Jesus was born ten and was Gods gift to te world " Not alone for me and tese cildren" said te minister "but for you my lad" Again te one and wiped pool Bubs eyes and e said as grave as a man: "Tinlr suc as me could get im for my Cristmas mister?" Wile te minister told: im more; te cildren made up a little package from teir presents for Bub and te sisters t was a appy boy wo carried tem ome Already is young eart longed for te great gift tat te minister said was for all So in te ministars family te lesson of saring Gods gift ad beei lived; and into te oter family "one of te little ones" ad borne a message tat we ope will yet lead tem to say: " We believe tat troug te grace of te Lord JSUS Orist we sall be saved even as teyl" ** * * * Te minister was our fater and we were te cildren wo sared our gifts wit onearmed BUD Smit HOW CAROLNA BECAME A RCE STAT! Dr EgglestOJ1"s illustrated paper in te January Oentury on "Husbandry inoolony Times" is one of te most important and interesting of is series of istorical sketces Of rice cultue e says: "Te destiny of Sout Oarolna was canged by a single lucky experiment n 1696wen te colony was more tan tliirty years old te pioneers were still engaged in buying furs from te ndians extracting rosin: tar and turpn; tine from te pines cutting timber for sipment and growing slender arvests of grain on te ligt soil along te coast Atmpts ad already been made to grow indigo ginger and cotton; but tese ad not answered expectation A small and unprofitable kind of rice ad also beeu tried i* 1688 Bnt one Tomas Smit to:ugt tat a patc of wet land at te pack of is garden in Clarleston resembled te soil e ad seen bearing rice inmadagascar t canced in 1696 tat a brigantine from tat island ancored neal Sulli vans sland and te Captaian old ftiendof tis enterprising Tomas Smit was ableio furnis im a bag of Madagascar ricesuit able for seed t grew luxuriantly in te wet cornel of te garden and te seed from tis little arvest was widely distributed; n tree or four years te art of usking te rice was learned African slaves W6le easily pr9ured in te West ndies and te face of sciety ii te young State was presently canged : SOlt Oarolina became a land of great planters and a multitude of toiling negroes Smit was raised to te rank of landgrave and made governor of te colony tree years after te success of is rice patc Te n ew grain was at first grown on uplands; bnt te planters afterwari discovered tat te neglected swamps were more congenial andless exaustible Te cruelly ard labor of separating te grains J ALLEN President LANK CERTFCATES OF MEMBERSHP B wit return notice of te certificates aving been used suitable for any curc for sale at tis office Price by mail postage Wd per dozen 2Ct cents; per qwre 815 cents; per undred 1 iii Curc Clerlia will aid aem bo&b ClOlYeilieD& add ecollomcal N MEMORAMTHE MANY :FRENDS \ of te late REV N V HULL D D will be pieased to know tat an account of lis "FUNERAL SERVCES" and te memorial sermon delivered Oft tat occasion by President J Allen of Alfred University ave been publised in an appropriate form by t American Sabbat Tract Society and is furnised by mail at 1 cents a copy Address SABBATH RECORDER Alfred Centre N Y " S!J!( two!; Old and Young Selected grain all cockle ann impurities roo moved CRUSHED ST1tAJ AND D SCCAT Patentea Prepared as wall ted for te table in tell \ ing minutes Saving money Sow fuel Saving time Saving waste Savin eata A merman 8 COOKED reakfast C ereals Easy to digest fil"r 1 ady tlujrougluy "Dkiil A B C WHTE OATS A B C WHTB WHE A B C BARLEY FOOD A B C lluze Ask for AD C only (Registered TradeMark) For sale by 11 Grocers THE CEREALS ]4FG CO»end forcircmn S BllRRAY 8TlfBWy1tE L E S SON LE AVES CONTANNG THE NlERNATONAL LES8N8 Prepared by lle SA1!BATHSOHOOL Bo of te General Conference _ and publised at; te SABBATH RECORDER OFFCE> AT 6 CENTS A HUNDD PER MONTH FR1!:EOFlOSTAGE Adaress S4BBATH RECOiroER Alfred Centre Allegany Co N Y TE LATEST inventionj be a combinat!on of gas and curved rod ot platinum is fixe and supplied wit a current Means are provided to prvej ing of te rod t is lan paratively ligt current rill: four 1 five times greater t6 at a tird of te cost foal A LANSNGBURG N Y experimental paper powdet: government t is expected supersede wod barrels : manufacturmg paper carrla1 A NEW PROCESS N RON ess in te manufacture of 1< mer steel as been Commel works of Homestead Paw ful will completely revolut of puddling doing away w altogetber: A liumer ofp rious ll1l1s are watcmg te great interest "" THE removal bf BctewfJ often difficult wen tey: liil plooe sometimes necessitati of a door igeor te splitt woodwork in order to accon sired All difficulty may} plying to te 4ead of t mlutes"te endof an 11 redness Screws tat ave place are pretty sur to nia removed COURT PLASTER Soak i warm watr for seventyf evaporaw nearly au tewab 9issolve te residue in a!itt andstrain te wol"e trouj linen Te strained mass jelly wim cold N ow stre or sarenet Oi a woodenfl tigt wit tacks or pack t jelly and apply it to te:sil1 ly wit a badger air brusd ingmust be applied went Wlien bot are dry apr} surface two ortreecoti Peru Plaster tus mad and never breaks<scie1lf

7 " 1;l1 aderina uskscrippled te strej;l te mcrease of te n ill te years just preceding te ln1;ion t] task came to be performed drven by t?e force of te in and outgomg tdes or turned by " or oxen A unred and forty illmd barrels?f lce of four or five lred wegt apece were annually ex befort te war of independence ug te example of a Governor of Geor teculture of rice spread lnto tat colo dcompleted te ruin of te silk busi FRED UNVERSTY ALFRED N Y AL _PRVLEGES FOR LAJES AND GENTLEMEN ilemic Collegiate and Teologial Depart Classical Scientific Normal Mecanica} at and!painting and Drawing courses of study er advantages tan ever can be promised fa; mmgyear CALENnAll erm commences ug rterm"dec Term larc ; 1:!eting of Stockglders and Trustees JuDe encement June;l euses $1 to $2 per year For furter par address J ALLEN President CERTFCATES OF MEMBERSHP rolwlre81rllenotic8 of te certificates avii:tj for any curc for sale at trli postage Aid per dozen at :!4l8lts; per undred 1 tbem bcm CGDYeDilt and loular Jcitntt THE LATEST invention in ligt is said to be a combination of gas and eiectricity A curved rod of platinum ls fixed ip a gas :lame and supplied wit a current of electricity Means are provided to prevent an overeating of te rod t is claimed tat a comparatively ligt current Yill tus give a ligt four or five times greater _ tau te gas alone at a tird of te cost for an equal ligt B A LANSNGBURG N Y fix:m is making experimental paper powder barrels for te government t is expected tat tese will snpersede wood barrels Te same firm is manufacturing paper carriage tops A NEW PROCESS N RoNTe new process in te manufacture of low carbon Besse mer steel as been commenced at te steel works of Homestead Pa wic if Bucces!Sful will completely revolutionlze te work of puddling uoing away wit tat process altogeter A numer of puddles from yarious mills are waclllg te experment Wt great interest THE removal of screws from woodwork is often difficult wen tey ave een long in place sametimes necessitating te breaking of a doar inge or te splitting of a piece of woad work in order to accomplis te end desired All difficulty may be avoided by applying to te ead of te screw for a few minutes te end of an iron rod eated to q redness Screws tat ave been driven into place are pretty sur to make trouble wen removed COURT PLASTER Soak isinglass in a little warm water for seventyfour ours; ten evaporate nearly all te water by gentle eat; dissolve te residue in a little dilute alcool and strain te wole troug a piece of open linen Te strained mass sould be a stiff jelly weu cold Now stretc a piece ofsilk or sarseuet on a wooden frame and fix it tigt it tacks or pack tread Melt te jelly and apply it to te silk tinly and evenly wit a badger air brus A second coating must be applied wen tlie first as dried Wen bot are dry apply over te wole suriace two 1 tree coatings of balsam of Peru Plaster tus made is very pliable and never breaksscientific American WE M GASTON TROUVE te wellkjlown electrician of Paris as lately designed a series of ornaments for ladies wear consisting of glass colored and cut to imitate rubies diamonds etc fitted in an envelope surrounding a small incandeseent lamp of low resistance Te 11gt sines troug te piece of glass only and gives tem all te appearance of te stone tey are inteuded t imi tate Te lamp is fed from a small battery wic is carried about te person t is come posed of treepairs of zinc carbon plates (two carbons to eac zinc) 1 a larger num bel according to te current required Tese plates dip in a saturated solution of bicromate of potas wic is contained in an ebonite cell wit tree compartments Te plates are fitted into a cover wic is kept securely down on te top of te cell by two bands of ndia rubber passed around te wole Finally te battery is incased in two seets of gutta percaflo as to prevent any leakage A miniature s"itc is carried in te pocket or elsewere witin reac to wic te battery and lamp wires are connected Te pressure of a finger on te arll of tis switc makes or breaks communication wit te lamp Te battery weigs (wit six plates) 3 grammes and will work about tirty minutes wit a lamp of from two to tree volts A larger battery to work a 4 or 8 volt lamp;weiglis 8 grammebcientjif American THE SABBATH REOORDER J4NUARY :PARLOR ORGANS ONLY S5DO ncludin2 Stool Book anfl }[umn providing order is given and remittance made Witin seven day! from date of tis ncwg paopr REGULAR PR()E 1\16GOO witout Stool Book d MUlde Te PARS LONDON and NEW YORK ORGAN is built exnressly to sut)nly even ouseold troucout Civilization wit Organs at popular pdces t is andsomely built for te Parlor Lodge Cure or Sabbat Scool and ts an ornament for " te pnror of te m11uonaire workingman or te farawny V(stern fnrt!1cr &:c BREDESCBPTON: New Style No 7 Hf!igt 69 inces; Lengt U inces; Dept 23 inces ; Weigt bod about 325 pounds FFTEEN (15) USEFUL STOPS NAMELY: ( Powerful BOX SUBBASS; 5 DAPASON 2 Double OCT AVE COUPLER l?r:aj)octaes new andorignaj wic d(lublps te "power of te Organ i U Couple; Octaves Rigt and Lert i 6 D LCANA 3 VOX CE1ESTE Powerful Five Oct!ves Golden Reeds ar 9 trown open by tis Stop ; tone "London Opens set Tree Octavo Reeds giving very Style carming sweet melodlous tone; 1 VOX HU 4 FRENCH RN 8 HENS LAY (jer re abso CUndltiOnpowMAKE lutely pure ann mmensely val <!able Not _ on eart or sent mail for ei let J R JOHNSON & G!EE!ND!!R!!!t!g!J! ing witin its scope tbe fouowing snbjects: Popular Bulbs and teir CultureWindow Gardening aria Care of Plants in RoomsPropagat!onof Plants Rose Growing iu WinterGreenbouse Struc tures and Modes of BentingFormntion and Renovation ot LnwnsOnion GrowtngBow to Raise Cabbage and CauliflowerOn be Groing nnd Preserving ot CelervStrawberry CultureRoot Crops tor Farm StockCulture of Alfalta or Lucerne!!onurl?s ana teir :Mode of A pplicntion :Market Gardening around New YorkTbe Use 1 te Feet in Sowing and Planting Druinin etc Mailed on peeeillt of 15 anrl Wltwlc Wll be ent witout eollrc our bandomely lus trated MANUAL of EVElYTlNG FUR le GUlDEN" (132 PBaea) contalnln" colored plnte or te new Rose SUDCt" SEEDSMEN J FLORS1"S PETER HENDERSON & CO J 35& 37 CortlaodtSt NEW YORK FARMS on James River Va in Nortern set ::: tlement llustrated aircular froe J F MANCHA laremount Va WANT 1 BOOK AGENTS For Gen DODGES & Gen SHERMANS Bran NEW BOOl[ THRTYTHREE YEARS AMONG OUR WLD NDANS lc fastcsl sellinguew book out ndorsed by Pr! Artur Gen" Grant Sennan Seridan Hancock nnd tousands of Eminent Judges Bsops Clergymen Edltors Etc as H te best book on ndian L@ ever wiitten a71d te fr!)estl11wttrated work eter ud " Tis famous bool tltkes like wildfire and Agents ee1l1 to 2 a day ElEr1 Jfore :Agent! Wanted Te best cllnce to make monev ever offered Send _lor OirculCUs cimen Plate Extra Trms etc to A D WORTlllNliTON /1{; CO lartfo ConD OTCE TO CREDTORSN PURSUANCE N ofan order of C A Farnum Surrogate of te County of Allegany notice is ereby given to all personsaving claims against PETER BURDCK; late of te town of Alfred deceased tat tey are required to exibit te samewit te vouc4ers tereof to te subscriber Executor of te last will and testament of te said deceased at is residence in Al fred on or before te 7t day of April next J W SMTH Executor Dated September PATENTS MUNN & co of te SCEN1FC AMERCAN continue to act us Solictors for Patents Caveats Trade Marks Copyrigts for te United States Canada England Fiarice any etc Hand Book about Patents sent free TlrtY seven years experience Patentsobtalned troua MUNN" &; co arenotlced ri te SCENTFO AMERCAN tbe largest best Jld most wdely!lrculated;sctentiftc pa f32 a year Weekly Splendid engravings aod nteresting n formaton Speelmen cop)" of te ScleutUic Ame lean ent free Address MUNN & CO"" SCJlNTJ AMJmlcANOmCe261Broadway NtlW Oor\l; PROSPECTUS f a sfficient number of subscribers Can be sc cured THE AMERCAN SABBATH TBACT SOCETY will issue early in te year te first number of te SEVENTHDAY BAPTST UARTERLY te object of wic sall be to gater and preserve A CASE OF TOBACCO POSONNGA case suc papers and facts of denominational interest as wic very grapically illustrates te poison may be wo!ty ofa permanent p1!lce lnistory Eac number will conam 128 octavo pages printed on ous properties of te noxious weed wic o eavy book paper; from new type Te volume for ma ny tousands roll beneat teir tongues as te year will form a book of over 5 pages wic will grow in value as te years go by f te supa delicate morsel and prononnce perfectly port will justify te outlay eac number willcontain armless is reportedy Dr Mussey as fol one or more potograpic portraits of aged or de lows: "A doctor in New Ramp sire a few ceasedsevent day Baptist ministers or suc oter illustrations as will add to its istorical value years ago was consulted bi te moter of a lhb SEVENTHDAY BAPTST UARTERLY will be girl four years old wo was; afflicted wit a under te editrial management of President WA severe eruption on te face T moter C WHTFORD af Milton College Milton Wis Te was anxious from \ aving eard stories of first number will contain a Biograpical Sketc of t ffi t t k l te late Rev N V :full D D togeter wit is 1 S e cacy n er calles ma e an app 1 portrait cation of tobacco; te pysician owever Eac number of tbe SEVENTHDAY BAPTST UARadvisedo te contrary and left er to visit TERLY will contain among oter tings te fol er sick neigbor Wile prescribing for fowing: te latter e was called back in aste to te (a) HWgrOtPll of deceased and aged ministers (b) Ft8trYr1f mainly depominational cil: wom e found senlleless and motion (c) Serrnom by Seventday Baptists one or more less on te floor Te moter informed im in eag number tat being still persuaded tobacco would be (d) MiscellaneoWJ papers on subj;cts o! denominao beneficial se ad after retired; taken ponal interest some from a bowl of a pipe and rubbed it tr:::t!t iswrg over te cilds face; and te cild set 1lt to Te TERMS will be $2 per annum in advance walk across te room immediately after te or *2 5 at te end of six monts Subsmptionsate application but liad not gone alf way be 8olicited AddreSs / fore it fell in te condition ii wic e SEVENTHDAY BAPTST UARTERLY T " k : Alfred Centre N Y found t e p YSlclan wor ed over an Dec our resorting to vrious means for resus _c: citating te cild te pulse occsionally re POCKETBOOK FaEE; O ALLO CUT viring and ten dying away again till finally tis out and mail to us t 1 cents; silver for d F f a sample box of goods tt wil! enable you to earn 8mmatlOn w;as restore or yea!s a ter plentyof money An article as staple as flour; used ward te cild was subject to alarmmg nerv by everybody Tis libe:;al offer is made simpb: to ous symptoms and is now puny and feeble ad:ertise our goods Vf ; SZER 7 and9 War ts constitution previous t te experiment ren Street New York City was good ut te sliock np6nte nervous systeni was so severe tat it as never recovered and probably never will" 12 r:;t![:j C ristmas carcteall 1 uolon l int on receipt (lt5 eta: by SLeD Ob N ODf:ob&lf libet will eost elhwere LD8Uli " lip till» S"lG THE SAB_BA TH RECORDER LST OF LOCAL AGENTS NEW YORK AdamsA B Prentice BrookfieldC V Hibbard BerlinEdgar R Green CeresR A Barber DeRuyterBarton G Stillman Gene8eeE R Crandall ndependenceserman G Crandall Leonads1JilleAsa M West LinckZaenBenjamin H Stillman New LondonH W Palmiter NileEzekiel R Clarke P(fftlJilleA K Crandall RicburgEdwin S Bliss State BridgeJosep West ScottByron L Barber WatsonBenj F Stillman We8t EdmeBtonJ _B Clarke CONNECTCUT Mystic BridgeGeorge Greenman WaterfordOliver Maxson RHODE SLAND 1st Hopkintonra Lee Cottrell 2d Hopldnt<mGeo H Spit;er RocklJilleU M Babcock WesterlySanford P Stillman; Wood1JilleHorace Stillman NEW JERSEY MOlboroJ C Bowen New MarketA S Titswort Ptainjie7ilrJ Elias Moser SMlorW S Bonam PENNBYLV A HebronGeo W Stillman MomrtownJ Greene New EnterpriseD C Long lwuueleroylyman Unum DaleA W Coon WEST VRGNA BereacD N Meredit_ Lost Cre;kL B Davis New MlwnFranklin F Randolp New SalemPteston F Randolp uiet Del7rD H Davis HO Jackson CentreJacob H Babcock WSCONSN AlbiOnE L Burdick Berlt"nJon Gilbert!J(Jf1"tllJ1igfs MillD W Cartwrigllt EdgertonHenry W Stillman MiltonPaul M Green Milion JunctionL T RogerS; UficaL Coon WalwortN J Read LLNOi! Farinasaac Clawson JiZlla RidgeM B Kelly West HaUcckE B Saunders OWA WeltonL A L(oofboro Tole<loMaxson Babcock MNNESOTA AldenL C Sweet Dodge CentreGeo W Hills FreedomJ L Saw N6UJ RictaR D Burdick 2ranmtJon M Ricey TrentonCalles C 4yers KANSAS FlorenceW E M Oursler Norton1Jil1eOsman W Babcock PardeeSam)lel R Weeler 1SSOUR B11lingsL F Skaggs NEBRASKA HarJatdElmore C Hibbard Long BrancJosua G Babcock N(fft LmpOscar Babcock OTleansH E Babcock KENTUCKY (JaN"8Dt1lec W Trelkeld AGENTS Wanted ::imn ltu4 works of caracter; great variety: Books & Bibles low in price: selling fast; needed everywere LJJenil tesm Bradlq UureoOn" Co Ci6 N Foun St Piladclpbla 11 c A T BOOKS AND o TRAOT8 P1l1Tl8BBD BY TBJ AMEROAN SABBATH TRAOT society AlFRED CBNTBB; l\t Y NATURES GOD AND HS MEMORAL A 8eres of Four Sermons on te subject of te &bbat By Natan Wardner late missionary a Sangai Cina subsequently engaged in Sabbat Reform labors in Scotland 112 pp Paper 1/J centl Tmi: SABBATH AND me SUlDAY By Rev A H Lewis A M Part First Arenta Part f3eo ond History 16mo 268 pp Fine Clot $1 25 Tis volume is an earnest and able presentation ot te Sabbat question argumentatively and istorical ly and sould be in te an of every one desiring ligt on te subject THOUGHTS SUGGESTED BY THE PERUSAL 11 GLFL LAN AND OTHER AUTHORS ON THE SABBATH :By Rev Tos B Brown Pastor of te Seventdty Baptist Curcb at Little Genesee N Y Secona Edition 125 pp Fine Clot 5 cents Paper 1 cents Tis is in many respects te most able argumen" yet publised Te autor was educated in te observance of Sunday 8l;d was for several years!j ig ly esteemed minister in te Baptist denomination Te book is a careful review of te arguments in favor o:(sunday and especially of te work of Jamel Gilfillan of Scotland wic as been widely circu lated among te clergymen of America Mr BroWn as torougly sifted te popular notions relative to Sunday wit great candor kindness and ability We especially commend it to tose wo like Mr Brown ave been taugt to lcvere Sunday as te Sabbat A DEFENSE OF THE SABBATH in reply to Ward 11 te Fourt Co=andment By Geo Carlow Tird EditionRevised 168 pp 25 cents " ij / N Y LAKE ERE & WESTERN R Pullman Best Drawing Room nnd Sleep Coaces combii:tii:tg all Moaern mprovements an run beeen New York Buffalo Niagara Falls Supension Brid Cleveland Cincinnati St Louis Detroit and Cicag witout cange Abstract of Time Table futopfdl NOfl EASTW ARDt STATONS NoG 11 1 LeaDe Dunkirk 15 PM _ 96AJl Little Valley 252 " Salamanca 825AM 35PM 1iOPM 145l]1 Carrqllton 835 " 46 " ; 119 Olean 9aO " 433 "112 " 1143 " Cuba 925 " 458 " 12141>1l Wellsville 124 " 55 " 1223AM 17" Andover 147 " 127 " Alfred 114 " 145 " ::1\11 LeaJe Hornellsville 12tM t7pm 115All 2;5 Arrive at Elmira 135PM 857" 247 "445 Bingamton 315 " 158 " 427" 745 Port Jervis 728 " 328AM 825 " New York 12PM 71AM1125All ADDTONAL LOCAL TRANS EASTW AlD 5A M except Sundays from Salamanca stopping at Great Valley 57 Carrollton 535 V g dalia 6 Allegany 65 Olean 75 Hinsdale 8ts Cuba 927 Friendsip 14 Belvidere 1132 mont 121 PMScio 1227 Wellsville 145 Andover 232 Alfred 332 Almond 41 and arriving at Hmnellsville at 435 P M 96 A M daily" from Dunkirk stopping at Sberidan 915 FarestV1lle 922 Smits Mills 93 Perrysburg 944 Dayton 952 Cattaraugus HU1 Little Valley 126 Salamanca 142Great Valley 148 Carrollton 119 Vandalia 112 Allegany 118 Olean 1143 Hinsdale 1158 A M Cuba 1214 Friendsip 1233 B!llvidere 1241 Belmont 1248" Scio 1258 Wellsville 17 Andover 127AJfred 145 Almond 154 arriving at Hornellsville at i6 PM No8 will not run on Monday Train 4 will stop at Cuba for New York passengers or let off passen gers from west of Salamanca STATONS Leatoe New York Port Jervis Hornellsville Andover Wellsville Cuba Olean Carrollton Great Valley Arri!l8 at Salamanca Lea!oe Little Valley ArriJe at Dunkirk WESTWARD No1 No 5* No3* No 9AM 6PM 8PM 815Pi1 1213Plt 95 " 114 " 1255 " t855pm 425AM 8 1 A)( 1225t 935PM " 517AM 913AM " 62 " 11 " " 625 " 1_29 " 25 to 114 " 648 " 119 " aso " 3AO 115 " t658 " 112 " 34l5 12S2AM P11 3 " : 13PM 6 ADDTONAL LOCAL TRANS WESTW!RD 435 A M except Sundays from Hornellsville stopping at Almond 5 Alfred 5 2 Andaver 6 1 Wellsville 725 Scio749 Belmont 815 Belvidere 835 Friendsip_95 Cuba 137 Hinsdale 1111 Olean 1155 A M Allny 122 Vandalia 1241 Carrollton 14 Great Yalley 2 Salamanca 21 Little Valley 325 Cattaraugus 45 Dayton 52 Perrysburg 558 Smits Mills 631 Forestville 654 Seriden 71 and arriving at Dunkirk at 711 P M 54 P M daily from Hornellsville stops a stations arrivin$: at Salamanca 112 P 11 No 9 runs day over Western Division BRADFORD BRANON WESTWARD STATONS 15 5* 9* 3* 21* 37 \ Tlllii work was first publised m London in 1724 Leatoe A M A M P M A H P l A t isvaluable as owing te state of te Ssbbl}t ar Carrollton ta Arri1Je at P M gument at t tlllle Bradford VNDCATON OF HE TRUE SABBATH in 2 parts Lea!oe Part First Narrative of Recent Event!! PartSee Bi"adford one Divine Appointment of te Sevent Day by CuSter City Rev J W lorton late Missionary af te He Arriu a formed Prespyterian Curc 66 pp Papelj 16 Buttsville cents :cc::=:::==: 114 A M Titusville Express daily except Bim Tis work isone of decided value not only as rtl days from Carrollton stops at Limestone 11 gards te argument adduced but as sowing te ex Kendall 1181 and SHives at Bradford 1185 A; 1L f "rali d f c c te 1145 P M from Carrollton stops at all stations treme want libe tyan arrness w arac r except rving arriving at Bradford 12 A 1l ized te trial and excommunication of Mr MOrtoD o EASTWARD :from te Presbyterian Curc THE ROYAL LAw CONTENDED FOR By Edwaro STATONS 6* 2* 32* 12* Stennet First printed in London in 161)8 64 pp Paper 1 cents Leaoo P M A M A M P l P l P Buttsville 615 8;45 LFE lld DEATH By te late Rev Alexander Custer City Bl/J Gl Campbell of Betany Va Reprinted from to ArriJe at "Millennial Harbinger Extra" 5 pp Price Bradford Bti 6 cents LM!D6 COMMUNON OR LORDs SupPliB A Sermon deliv Bradford :55 " ered at Milton Tl1ctiaD Wis June 15t 1878 A7iM at Carrollton By Rev N Wardner D D 2 p_p B9 4M ; 725 A M daily frpmbradfrd stol1s!lt Kendap Te Society a!o publises te following tracts 73 Babcock 74 Lunestone 8:5 amvmg at oar bic will be ld t t Jar 11 nanti rollton at 82 A M ; W so a cos: m ge or q " 88 P M daily except Sundays frombradf!jlcl ties to any wo may deslle! tem SpeclDlenpl\Ck stops at Kendall884 LiiDestone 844 addamv;d ages sent free to my wo may wi8b to eximine UUi Carrollton 41 P M " : Sabbat question Twentyper cent disco\mt made Passengers can leave Tifusville at 8 A il to clergymen on any of te above:iwned books an4 arrive at Bord 11 A M ve :aradfo 1 li dis to t trade Ot": to P M and amve at Titusville 78 P 1t a ber co e ll wor soon " be publised i*dally t Dining Station TRACTS ur Troug Tickets to all pointll at te wrr low No9Molal NatUre and BcrlpturalOb&emmo 1 est ra for e attecoml!fulysofficb : " te Sabbat 52 pp Baggage will be cecked odly on Tickets urcme No 1Te True Sabbat Embnoed add Obllened at te CompanYs aftice JOHN N ABBOlT 16 pp General Passenger nt New Yart; No 11! Religious Liberty Ene1angered by Legislative Enactments 16 pp No 15An Appeal for te Restoratioll t4 Ule Bible Sabbat 4 pp No 16TeSabbat and its Lord 28 pp No 23Te Bible Doctrine of te Weeldy Babbat1 TOPCAL SEREsby Rev James BaileyNo1 "My Holy Day" 28 pp i No2 "Te Moral Law 28 pp i No3 "Te Sabbat under Crist" 16 Pl> ; No 4 "Te Sabbat under te Apostles" 12 pp; No5 "Time of Commencing te Sabbatl1" 4: pp; Not) "Te Sanctification of te Sabbat:" 2 pp *** Rev N Wardners eigt tracts are also publised in German Orders for te So:eietys Publications accompanied wit remittances for te use of its Agents; orfor TON COLLEGE gratituitous distribution sould be addressed to REv LA PLATTS Alfred Centre N Y Two Departments: PreParatolf andc1lelda1e e Tree CoUrses ofswdy: C1""!ca1 Bcientilc EVERYBODY send a2 centstaftlp wit your name Teacers " : and a4dress (in full) and receiye by Ene fr<! 12 to &2_ per year retnrndliw our Cat81ogueof fast selling articles FafiTerm8Aug29t; WintirTermopelliDlil _ No Hlirilbu& FRENCH SUPPLY CO 21 Part ; SpnngTerm opens Marc ai Row New York ldedc8medt exercises June 23 1 "

8 8 THE SABBATH RECORDER JANUARY 17 lb84 BY: ALL ODDS wiieitisonlypossible for one mind to love one t Jabbat Jtool object supremely 6iteod or te world Being 1: O divided in purpose to serve Godsupremely isequiva HE EST EnUPPED "Searc te Scriptures; for in te ye ti?k ye lent to a refusa1 to serve im Be affiicted and ave eternal life; and tey are tey WiC testify of mourn True and earnest repentance is necessary me " to tis cleansing of te ands and purifying of te Let it be forever remembered tat te RALROAD N THE WORLD eart itisnot accomplisedby simply making Cicago & NortWestern N T ERN A T 14 A1 L E S SON S 188 L profession f a man is not conscious of a deep and RALWAY FRST UARTER Jan le Confernce at Jerusal :m Acts 15: 111 Jan 12 eariu and Doing James 1: 1627 Jan 19 Tbe Power of to Tongue James 3: 118 Jan 26 Livng as n Gods Sigt James 4: 717 Pab2 Pauls Second ]Ussionary Journey Acts 15: 3541; Jli: 11 Peb9 Te COnversion of Lydia Acts 16: 1124 Peb16 fe Converilion of te Jailer Acts 16: 2;4 Feb 23 Tessalonians and llereans Acts 17: 114 c :Marc 1 Paul at Atens Acts 17 : 2231 )larc 8 Panl at Corintb Acts S: 117 Marc 15 Te Coming of te Jord 1 Tess 4: 1318; 5: 18 llarc 2"2 CristianDiligence Tess 3: 118 llarc 29 Heview LESSON VLVNG AS N GODS SGHT For Sabbatday Janua?y 26 UR SABBATH VSTOR s Publised Weekly by THE AMERCAN SABBATHTRAO:r SOOlEl Y ALFRED CENTRE N Y H Adams Centre; N Y ANDY PACKAGE DYE COMPANY Best and Oeapest fm Domestic Use Send for Vircilar TERMS Hornellsville N J SNGLE COPES per year _ 6 cents TEN COPES AND UPWARDSper copy 5 cents unfeigned sorrow for is sins e can not possibly is te best anrl sortest route to and from Cicago be rigt before God Te prevalent dsposition to and Council Bluffs (Omaa) and tat it is preferred bridge over sorrow and repentance foi sin com by all well posted travelers wen passing to or from CORRESPONDENCE CALFORNA and COLORADO mitted is a dangerous deception Humility v 1 Humble your t also operates te best route and te sort line be selves in tc sigt or tlie Lord Pride and tween Cica[o and 81 Panl and MinllBanolis on tis condition God will exalt fmm deep peni All communications relating to bsincss must be addressed to te Society as above All communications for te Editor sould be addressed to FLORA A RANDOLPH Alfred Cen tre N Y LAS AYARS ARCHTECT E PRVATE AND PUBLO BULJJNGlS Citizens National Bank Building Hornelsville H New Darket N J V DUNHAM: MANUFAOTURER OF OLOTHNG A store to Let Best in te place Daytona Florida DAVD D ROGERS CVL ENGNEER _ U S Deputy Surveyor for te Dist of Fla DAYTONA Valusia Fla self exaltation is te direct opposite of umility and it is te productofis own carnal desires and will lilwaukee La Crosse Sparta Madison Fort Howe imself must break itdown and umble imself ard (Green Bay) Wis WilJona Owatonna Mankato before e can repent and reform And e sball :Minn Cedar Raplds Des :Moneis Webster City lift }"u U) Tis l!elfumiliation is te very pre Algona Clinton ]Har8balltown owa Freeport condition of exaltation Te promise is based up Elgin Rockford ll are amongst its 8 local stations on its lincs Westerly R Among a few of t1le numerous points of superiority tences to joyour forgiveness from alienation to ac enjoyed by te patrons of tis road are its Dli Y L T CLAWSON TALOR ceptance COACHES wic are te finest tat lmman art CLOTHS CLOAKNGS AND TRMMNGS and mgenuity can crcate; its PALATAL Alfred Centre N Y Samples sent by mail V 4Jal"ity v 11 Speak 11t ev onc SLEEP!NG CARS wic aie models of com _ of anotm Tlslefers to circulating injurious fort and elegance; ils PALACE odra"\vng UNVERSTY BANK ALFRED C;;NRE N Y A L BARBOUR &; CO t is desired tp make tis as complete a directory as possible so tat it ll\ay become a DENOMNATONAL DRECl TORY Price of Cards (3 lines) per alllud $3 SCRPTURE LESSONJA>!Es 4 : ;17 rello1t8 tbat is talking aiainst ters; tbeir actions ROOM CARS wic are unsurpassed by any; DRUGGSTS AND PHARilACSTS 7 Submit yourselves terefore to God Resist tbe devil tllel r motl ves No nblt = ls more at variance wit and its widely celebrated E WHo S BLSS President N 1 Bd ge Bl oc k " LL ORANDALL; Vice President and e willllee from you te true spirit of tlie Cristian religion t is a dis NORTHVSTERN DNNG CARl S A E CRANDALL Casier 8 Draw ni to God and e will draw mg to yon E B CLARKE Cleanse your ands ye sinners; and purify your earts ye positon to give ourselves credit and apparent ex te like of vic are not run by any ot or roar any DEALER N FUNTDnE Olf ALL KNDS doubleminded 9 Be afflicted and monrn and weep : lt your laugbter be f T were n sort it is asserted tat T S THE TS nstitution offers to te pubiic absolute secur Ordcrs by mail promptly filled altation by defaming te caracter ot ers erc BEST EUPPED )toad N TH ity is prepared to do a general banking business turned to mourniug and ymr jo) to eavmess 1 Humble yourseles in te sigt of te Lord and e is no clearer evidence;tat a man is conscious of be WORLD and invites accounts from all desiring suc accommo J F STLLMAN & SON sall lift you up ing corrupt and base bimself tan tat seeming All points of interest Nort Nortwest and West dations New York correspondent letropolitan 1 l\fanllfacturers OF FNE CARRAGES 11 Speak not evil one of anoter bretren le tat speaket evil of is broter and Judget ns pleasure some take in recounting te fauits of of Cicago business centers Summer resorts and National J3ank Orders for Sipment8olicited boter speaket evil of te law and judget te law: bu f tot noted unting and fistng grounds are accessible by ::::==::= judge te law tou art ot a doerof te law but a Judge oters and again noting disturbs proud and selfi te various brances of tis road M BOURDON COTTRELL N DENSON 12 Tbere is one Jawgrler wo S able to save and to destroy: wo art tou tat jndgest anoter? RELABLE GOODS AT FAm PRCES fis minds so muc as to be told bf teir conscious t owns and controls over 5 miles of road and DENTST & CO JEWELERS E 13 Go to now ye tbat say To day or to morrow we errors Tis does not proibit just crilicism ad bas over four undred passenger conductors on: FRENDSHP AND ALFRED CENTREN Y will Finest Repairing Solicited Plea3e try U8 go into suc a city and continue tere a year and buy and ministcred in te spirit of love and forbearance stantly caring for its millions of patrons At Friendsip 1st to 7t and 15t to 22d of eac 8611 and get gain Ask your ticket agent for tickets via tis route montsolely for te good of te person and te cause of AND T AE NONE THER All leading HE SEVENTHDAY BAPTST!fSSON 14 Wereas ye know not wat sall be on te morrow T For wat is your life? t is even a vapor tbat appearet ARY SOCETY for a little time and ten vaniset away trut He tluit speaket" cvil judg ticket agents sell tem t costs no more to travel SLAS C BURDCK GEORGE GREENMAN President Mystic Bri«ge Ot 15 For tat ye ougl to sa)" f te Lord will we sallltve etl lis broter No man can read te eart of on tis route tat gives nrstclass accommodations Books StatioMlY lilu[fl Gloteries eu; W L CLARKE Recording Secretary Asaway Rl and do tis or tat 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings : all suc rejolcing is evil For maps descriptive circulars and Summer resort A SHA W R GEO B UTTER Agent for Bequests andpermanent anoter man for e can not know te motives te t an 1 t d oes t go b y t e poor y equlppe d roa d s Oanned :MAPLE SYRUP a Specialty A E MAN Cor Secy and Treas Asaway R 17 Terefore to im tbolt knowet to do good and peculiar influences te oncst misconceptions or papers or oter information not obtainable at yourl:l JEWELE d6et it not to im it is sin Funds WestE\rly R 1 te unfortunate education of tat eart t is not local ticket office write to te W 1 TOHES SLWRDWlR:zcJEWELRY & CENTRAL TRUTH" Draw ligto God impossible even for good men to unite in condemn GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT C & NW RY Asaway R and e will draw nig to you"james 4 : H ing some (:ild of sorrow tried and tetnpt"ed wom HCAGO LL URDCK AND GREEN :Manufacturers of te Lord knows to qe making muc greater efforts B Tinwltre and Dealers in Stoves Agricultural LANGWORTHY & CO GENERAL STORR to do rigt tan any of tem ever made SllcakeU evil ortllc law andjudget tlc law LECTURE COURSE mplements and Hardware O DALY READnms Books Haldware and Gla88Ware a Specialty 1 Jan1es 4: Gal 6: 118 Send for Catalogue of Garden Seeds 2 Rom 7: 1225 S Ep5 : 116 S Gal 5: 1226 G Ep USNESS DEPARTMENT ALRED UNVER 5: EpO : 118 Reference is made ere probably to te great commandment Tou salt love ty neigbor as ty_ and Gentlemen For circular address T :M DAVS B STY A toroug Business Course for Ladies Hopkinton H UNDER THE AUSPCES OF THE GOLDEN TEXT "Humble yourselves in EO H SPCER CARRAGE MANUFACTURBB te sigt ot" te Lord and be sall self" so often reaffirmed by Crist Suc evil 11ft you EVENTHDAY BAPTST EDUCATON SOup"James 4: 1 speakers violate te law and condemn it as un LTERARY SOCETES G Jilirst Class Work_ Low Prices S CETY ; Addregs by letter; Hopkinton R 1 worty of teir own obedience Tey are not OF E P LARKN President Alfred Centre N Y TMBA D 6 usual cbronology bnt sume say A D 45 D E MAXSON Corresponding Secretary Alfred PLACEt was written at Jerusalem Cicago ll Centre N Y " To w:s:o){" To til e twelve tribes" i e T ewis Cristians do::snce v 1216 Tme is but A L F RED U N V E R ST Y AMOS C LEWS Recording Secretary Alfred Cen tre N Y W C BUWCK Treasurer Alfred Centre N Y qutlne one lawgivcr One only; te Lord Jesus r Sublnisslon Y7 Crist te founder of te Curc No man or body PrltJ v; S D of men can ave any autority to judge or impugn Humility v 1 is law Vito is able to salc and to destroy He knows te condition of every soul and ly Carity v11 Y Dependence Y1211; Y Good vorks 1 17 is able to administer te law in justice and to save aud to destroy "Vito art tou tatjudgcst UESTONS anotcr? Wat a searcing question Tou ntloduction Gie te titles of te tree last lessons wo art tou? Only feeble man tyself to be State te object of tis epistle How many oter persons in Scripture bear tsname of James? Wic one was tc judged insteld of being autorized to judge oters probable autor of tis lesson Go to nolv A prase used simly to an est atten Submission v 7 Vbat is submission to God? tion Ye tllat say HaVng rebuked tose wo Wat is te significance of tol/ojc in verse? n wat set tcmselvcs as judges of te law e proceeds t6 way can te deil be resisted? Can we resist im successfully ii Our uwn strengt? sow te folly of tose wo despisc t1le Providence Purity v 81 Wat is meant by" drawing nig Of God T()t1a or _ tolnorrolv Just as if unto God?" Wat benefit will ceme to us from suc near sure ofbot wile sure of noting Tey promise ness to God? How are te ands to be cleansed and te tis or tat today: or nelc t year witout remember beart to be purified? Define doubleminded Will God " draw nig n to us if we are impnre? ing teir i ves are te most frail and uncertain of au Humility v1 Wen we tink of oulsinfulness tings: Tose little arrogant WC lvi trust ow can we be oterwise tan umble? Wat are te es im out of te arena of events in our active livcs sential caracteristics of umility Does tis verse give a Ye knoll not wllat ye sall c Scarcely positive promise of promotion to te nmble? Can real promotion come in any oter way? do Vy know wat we now are and te future is V Carity 111 Witb te preceding traits of carac utterly unknown to tem Life itself is even a ter men will not be wanting in carity Wat is te state of vapor Not simply life but ye yourselves and eart in tose addicted to evil speaking? Wy do so many all belongings to you Wat a trutful image of te seem to deligt in speaking evil of oters? Wat law is _ violated in evil speaking? Tou salt love ty neigbor brevity and uncertainty of uman life and of te as tyself" Are tose wo are ars censorious uncar vanity of builaing upon te future days in tis itable likely to be any betertan tose wom tey con world Ougt to say H te Lord lvill demn? Not tat we sould always ave tese words on our V Dependellce v12j6 Wo is tis Lawgivcr? Wbat f d d ld aw S re f ete d to? T or S tb e L egs 1 a t or f or t e c nrc? lips but tat ts t oug t our epen ence s ou Has te curc te rigbt to cange any law of God? Has always be Wt us n our plans But now ye re any individual any suc rigt? Does not tis entire depend jo"ice in your boastings But ow rliiierent euce necessitate entire obedience? is your spirit from tat of dependence upon te will Y Good ork v 17 Can a person e! passesson and pleasure of God Ye rejoice or glory in of te foregomg trats of caracter and not be gven to _ good works? Mention some of te good work expected of your selfconndence as to te future te genuine Cristian re suc good woiks te came or :V Good works v 17 Knowet to te roldenceof acceptance wit God? H 9 ; do good Tis was addressed to suc as certainly HE LESSON NOTES Submission v 7 Submi\ yourselves ererore to God le previous verse sows te connection Sice God resistet te proud but givet grace untote umble we sould submit to is will Tis is te very essence of true piety Te same antitesis is seen ere as in verse 4 _proud and umble submis;lion to God and resjstance to te devil Resist te devil We see in tis ow submissioi nd resistance may be consistent in te same spiritual act; or in oter worqs te same act is double We can not submit to God witout resisting te devil at te same time Tll more umble te submission to God te more dete}mined te rc$istajice to every folm of evil and ungodliness; ence te sure result He willtlec from yon Temptations repelled disappear; and kept at a distance cease to exst Satan is utterly powerless against a person wo adores God Purity_ v 89 Draw nig to God n fait and prayer Noting conduces more to tis nearness tan meditation on te divine caracter and te gracious dealings of God towards us Draw nig to you Tat iswe sall realize is near ness to us t is a fearful fact tat sinful ll}an is able and often disposed to put imself far away from God and sut im out of is eart On te oter band e can open isbeart to God wo is ready at any moment to comein and dwell wit im by is Holy Spirit teacing and guiding in all te ways oftrutlt and peace eanse your ands i e your doings and works; ands te instruments of action Tey are t((be cleans"\d not simply by tears but by restitution Wile te eat is te seat of all te motves te ands represent te will executing te beetsof te eart motives puriry yonr earts Nor is external reformation suffi cientor real unless te eart be purified te motives cleansed Te affections are so liable to be divided between God and ite world tat men are repre se;jlted as double minded Tis is only a seeming knew teir dependence upon God and teir utter akness witout is elp And doet it not Did not acknowledge teir ependence wit meek ness and submisibn t is si!! Sin consists in not living up to our knowledge PRACTCAL THO(JGTS Wat fait requires 1st Submission to te will of God; and 2d Sepation from wat is opposed to God Wliat fait as: te promise of victory Wat it brings: us near to God and God near to us Wat it demands: purity of life and carity towards our fellow men t requires not only knowing but doing T R W TOWTollC "VULAcll k co Nos 24 and 26 West Baltimore Sreet Baltimore No 112 Fift Ave:w" N y STATE OF NEW YORK } ALLEGANY COUNTY S8 CLERKS OFFCE Notice is ereby given tat on te 26t day of January A D1884 at 11 oclocka M a panel of Trial Jurors will be drawn at tis Office to serve at a County Court and Court of Sessions to be eld at te Court House in te village of Belmont in and for te County of Allegany"commencing on Mon day te 11t day of February A D 1884 W E S?!TH Olmk ANTEDOne Lady or Gentleman in every town W$25 a week and expenses Address AMERCAN PUBLSHNG CO 17 Nort Tentlr St Piladelpia Pa HandBOOk FREE PATENTS Patent AWya WaliDgton D C R S & A P LACEY!:tj " l3 ; t:"l j:j i! i\? W m fpo l=tj ::l ij rjl P" "Z p 1JJ P" :"Z 1JJ ; rjl o ;N y <j Z ttj Z l3 Y i;\l fjj jo :J) " ::l ri P" t CD : (Jq P" rirjl { j t:"l ; H ; Z to l=tj ;cd "J! Z t;tj l tj CD 5 l l io OJ l l3 P" CD m ri S P" CD F ri w [: (Jq " ld S ABBATHSCHOOL BOARD OF GENERAL CONFERENCE H C COON President Alfred Centre N Y: T R WLL4MS Cor Sec Alfred Cl!ntre N Y E S BLSS Treasurer Ricburg N Y J Alfred N y C BURDCK WATCHMAKER and ENGRA VER U;CK TRAN WATCHES A SPECALlY LFRED luohne WORKS A Mac/tine Repairing Models Emmy Gnnde1s &e Also Hemlock Lumber for sale G V SHERMAN = E Berlin N Y R GREEN &: SON DEALERS N GENERAL llerchandse Drugs and Paints :==" R GREEN E lanufacturer of Wite Sirts THE" BERLN CHAlPON SHRTS" TO ORDER Leonardsvil N RMSTRONG HEATER LME EXTRACTOR and A CONDENSER for Steam Engines ARMSTRONG HEATERCo Leonardsville N Y New York City THE BABOOCK & WLCOX co Patent Watertube Steam Boilers GEO H BAECOCK Pes 3 Cortlandt St THE N Y SAFETY STEAM POWER CO Ve/ tical and Horizontal Steam EngiTUJJ & Boilers GEO H BAECOCK Pres 3 Cortlandt St HOMAS B STLL?!lAN & CO CHE:M:STS T Analyses of Ores MineralB Waters &C 4 42 Broadway R 111 TTSWORTH MANUFACTURER OF FNE OLOTHNG Ou8tom WTka6pooiaUy A L TTSWORTH 63 Lispenard St O / F RDWAY & CO MEROHANT TALORS 25 West Madison St RED D ROGERS M D; PHYSCAN AND PHARMACST Ofl!ce 2334 Prairie avo Store 246 Cottage Grove avo C B COTTRELL & SONS CYLNDER PRNTNG 1 PRESSES for Hand and Steam Power Factory at Westerly R 112 Monroe St " Big Foot Prairtl; ll LARKSON HERTAGE C E BREEDER OF PURE BRED POULTRY Fowls and Eggsfor 8ale W1itefor ca2a A WALTERS PATENT HAY ELEVATORS AND CARRER! Best in use Agents wanted W milton Wis W CLARKE DEALER N BOOKS Stationery JewelnY Musical nst11j7tumu FANCY AND HOLDAY GOODS Milton Wis c W P CLARKE REGSTERED PHARMAOST PostOffice Building Milto Wis USCAL DEPARTMENT OF MLTON COLLEGE M Pian? t:laying Voice Culture Organ Harmon; Teory VOln &c N W WLLlUS Director 1 L Milton nnctioi Wis T ROGERS Notattl PubUc GonlJe1janur and TOflJn Olerk Office at residence; Milton Junction Wis Minnesota LLS AYRES PHOTOGRAPffiC ARTST E COPYNG N man NK OL CRAYON &C Dodge Centre Minn POTTER JR & CO C PRNTNG PRESSES "Z 12 & 14 Sprnce St RFFN & SON " G C POTTER JR H W FSH JOB M ltsworth DEALERS N DRUGS AND GROCERES Nortonville KUll!&8 ORTONS HOUSEHEATNG STEAM GENERATOR GCeapest ane! best Send for Circular to CHAPEL HALL GORTON BOiLER MFG CO 11 Center St e Jabbat Jtl[rdt Course Tickets $2 Doors open at 7 Ticket of Plainfield N J fice closes and Lecture begins at 8 PUBLSHED WEEKLY MERlCAN SABBATH TRACT SOCETY l:l EXECUTVE BOARD BY THE C POTTER JR Pres J; F HUBBARD Treas; AMERCAN SBATH TRACT SOCE1Y COUNTY OF ALLEGANY 88 E P SAUNDERS Sec G H BABcocKCor Sec" "; AT By virtue of an Execution issued out of te u New Market N J Plainneld N; J preme Court of tis State against te goods cattels Regular meeting of te Board at Plainneld N ALFRED CENT ALEGANY CO N Y lands and tenements of Frank Ward ave seized J te second First day of eac mont at 2 P M j all te rigt and title wic te said Flank Ward THE SEVENTHDAY BAPTST MEMORAL ad on te twenty second day of September 1883 in TERMS OF BUBSCRPTON and to te following described land and premises BOARD" Per year in advance " $2 wic sall expose for sale as te law directs; at CHAs POTTER JR President Plainfield N J Papers to foreign countries will be carged io cent te front steps of Greens Hotel in te town and R POPE Treasurer Plainfield N J additional on l\ccount of postage villoge of Almond in te aforesaid county on te J F HUBBARD Secretary Plainfield N J or f payment is delayed beyond six monts 5 eigt day of February next A D 1884; at two Gifts for all Denominational nterests solicited cents additional will be cilrged " oclock P :M of tat day to wit: All tat certain Prompt payment ofau obligations requested No paper discontinued until arrea18geb are paid piece or parcel of land situate in te town of Bird CLOTHNG MADE TO ORDER OR READY except atte option of te publiser all in te county of Allegany and State of New York t being in townsip number five in te nrst MADE from Samples Agent for W ANA ADVERT&JNG DEPARTMENT range of townsips in said county and being a part MAKER & BROWN Pbiladelpia Rubber Goods a of great lot number seven (7) and bounded and de Specialty 1 per ct discount to Clergymen scribed as follows: Commencing at te center of 41 W Front St ALEX TTSWORTH te valley road on te west line of said lot number pottejt PRESSWOS: seven and running tence nort forty six cains and Buildels of Printing Presses eigty links to te nort line of said lot number C POTTER JR _ Proprietor seven tenc;e east along te said nort line fortytree cains and eigtytwo links tence sout M DUNHAJli MEROHANT TALOR AlD tirty one cains and fifty links tence sout forty Dealer in Gene8 FUrnising GOOa8 eigt degrees west one cain and eigtytwo links Next to LaingS Hotel 44 W Front St tence sout ten cains and tirtyeigt links to te pope BROTHERS DELERS N center of te valley road tence westerly along te Dry Goods Notions Hosiery Gwves Oallpets center of said valley road to te place of beginning { Ol Olo Mi ts &c and containing one undred and eigtynine acres tm a and twenty undredts qf an acre of land be te Bame more or less and being te same premises and lands now occupied by te said Frank Ward in te town of Birdsall aforesaid L J ELLOTT Seriff By J W MOLAND Deputy Seriff Dated December S PCER & HUBBARD PLANNG MLL Sa8 Blinds Doors Moulding8 &e M STLLMAN ATTORNEY AT LA W Supreme Court Commissioner etc J TranSient adveliisements Will be inserted for 5 cents an inc for te iirstinsertion and 25 cents an inc f{)r eac subseqent insertion Special contracts made Wlt parties advertising extensively or for long terms " l Legal dvertisements inserted atlgalrates Yearly advertisers may ave ter advertisementj canged qurterly Wltout e Carge _ No avertisement8of objectionable calacter will be admtted : JOl! 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