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1 ~ THE ADVENT REVEW "Here is te patience of te Saints: Here are tey tat keep te Commandments of God, and te ~,aitb of Jesus." Rev. 14 : 12. VOLUME 39. BATTLE CREEK, MCH., THRD-DAY, JUNE 11, 187~. NUMBRR ~6. te correct Sabbat and yet all continue to keep te day. t would be te very S SSUED WEEKLY BY bigt of absurdity to suppose tat all te Te S~vent day Adventist Publising Association, millions of te Jews so far separated sould BATTLE CREEK, MCH. lose just te same number of days, and at te same time, and in te same direction, ELDER JAMES WHTE, PRESDENT. tat is, by adding to, or dropping out, a Q-TERMS: See Last Page. day or more. Address REVEW & HERALD, BATTLE CREEK, MCH. Take a simple illustration: Seven men go out into te wilderness unting. At a WHY WEBPEBT THOU 7 certain point, tey all separate, eac going a different direction. After several weeks, " um poor and needy: yet te Lord tinket upon me. Ps. 40: 17. may be monts, tey all meet again. Now God caret for tee, weeping one, te question arises, Have tey kept te His and is round tee now; days of te week correctly, or ave tey For tee is best is always done: lost te Sunday, so tat tey cannot positively tell wen it does come. Tey begin O! ten, wy weepest tou? God ~oves tee well, tou troubled one, to compare reckonings. A says, To-day is Heaven wonders at suo love: Monday. No, says B, to-day is Tursday. He loves 1ee as e lovet none n angel ranks above. Bot wrong, replies C, to-da.y is Sunday. And you are mistaken, too, exclaims D, for Trougout te eart His earnest eye to-day is Friday. And tus to te end tey Hat careful searced, to see Wat spot it all differ. Tis would prove tat tey certa.inly ad lost te day. No one would was beneat te sky Tat best befitted tee. question tat. But on te contrary, suppose all unanimously agreed on te day Yet t.ou tat cosen oly place Profa.nest now wit tears: And wen ty soul sould sing its praise tat it was Monday, for instance. t would lt weeps its idle fears. be as sure as a matematical dt:monstration tat none ad lost te day. O! werefore, werefore dost tou wrong His eart wo loves tee so, So of te Jews. Teir unanimous agreement on te day sows tat t~y.ave k~pt And rob Him of ty tribute song, To nurse ty tankless woe: it correctly. None wo arenotwtllmglybnd f tou must weep, ten weep for joy, can fail to see tis. We sall, ten, put down Tat God ty Fater is: te five millions of Jews now in te world as Wose grace does all its powers employ so many living witnesses tat Saturday is te To load ty soul wit bliss. true sevent-day Sabbat. ndeed! believe, and it is evident, tat te leadmg ob Yes; weep oer tat forgotten love Tat guards tee every day; ject of te Lord in scattering te Jews Not only crowns ty end above, But blesses all te among all nations and yet preserving tem ~ay. -Sel. a distinct people was to make tem witnesses of te trut of is word, and to preserve te knowledge of is oly Sabbat LOST TME. among all nations. Teir strict and continued observance of te Sabbat in all BY ELD. D. M. CANRGHT, (Concluded.) ages and among all nations, forms an insurmountable argument wic can never BuT as not time been lost since te year be set aside by tose wo assert tat te A. D. 96, peraps during te Dark Ages? Sabbat as been lost. God as preserved Let us see. At te time of Crist, and ever a wole nation of witnesses, and sent tem since, te Jews were and ave been great into all parts of te world to bear testimony sticklers for te Sabbat-very careful in to te existence and correct preservation of observing it. n A. D. 70, about forty years te knowledge of is oly Sabbat day. a.fter te resurrection of Crist, Jerusalem n response to an inquiry on tis point, was destroyed by te Romans, and te Jews addressed to saac M. Wise, prqbably te were led away captive into all nations, tus most learned Jewis Rabbi in tis country, fulfilling Luke 21: 20-24; Dent. 28: 25, e returned me te following communica 37, 64. Toug eigteen undred years tion:- ave passed, te Jews are still a scattered REV. D. ~L CANRGHT, Dear Sir: Faots admit of nation, and yet a distinct people. n every no logical demonstration. Tey are matters of percountry, in every clime, in every n&tion, ception or tradition. Te Jewis Sabbat is, in and in almost every city, to-day may be point of te particular time, a. matter of tradition, found te Jew. During tese eigteen long to wic te wole people of srael from Moses to centuries, under every vicissi,tude, tey ave us testify, witout any demonstration to te constill tenaciously clung to te Sabbat. Ev- trary. ery person of intelligence knows tat te Tere is no century in autentic istory not cov Jews all keep te Sabbat on Saturday. ered by Jewis tradition. Hence, one migt just as Tus Webster, under te word Sabbat, well argue Sunday is not te first day of te week or says: "Te Sabbat of te Jews is on Sat- te tird after te resurrection, or te Hebrew Bible urday." M. A. Berk, in is "History of is not te literature of te ancient Jews, or any oter te Jews," page 335, says: "According to fact or facts, as to maintain tat te Jews forgot te te Jewis computation of time, te day com- order of days, wen te Sabbat was so oly to mences at SUD8et. On Friday evening, and. tem. Anybody arguing a fact of percepa.bout ~n our before sunset on tis evening, t~on, or tradition. (tis is t~e rule), a~ ~o p~ove it, 8.11 busmess transactions and secular occu- v1z., Tat te sa1d perception, or trad1t1oa,,jsfalse. p ations cease, and te twenty-four ours n tis case, e wo maintains it must prove wen following are devoted to te celebration of a.nd were te Jews forgot te order of te days or te oly Sabbat. computation of time. Now tat tey ave not lost te Sabbat Te Jews, aving no names of days, called tem da. but ave kept te da s of te week 1st, 2d~ &c., to Sa.bbat.. f tey ad y, d Y count ld any one loca.ty were tey were dts corr~ct y, S east y emonstrated. Scattere.d persed since soon. o. some would ave done it in B:B Widely apart as tey ave been all t.1s any oter locality, and a dispute among temselves t1me, ad tey lost te correct numbermg about te rigt Sabbat must ave occurred. But of te days. of te week, tey would now be istory cronicles no suc dissension. From Ezra foll!ld to disagree among temselves as to to 70 A. o., te body, called first, "Te Grea.t Syn WiC wa~ te tr~e Sabbat day. Some agogue," and afterwards "Te Sanedrim," existed would clatm tat 1t was Saturday; oters, in Jerusalem; and ten to 300 A. o., a.t Jamania, tat it was Monday; still oters, tat it was Usa, or Tiberias. Tis body announced annually in Tursday, &c., &c. Bnt tere is no suc regular succession, te calendar to all Jews in te disagreement among tem, as every one world. Ten followed in autority te Babyloniau knows. n Asia and in Europe, in Africa academy,!rom 200 to 1000 A. o. again in regular and in America, all agree on te same day, succession. Wen could tey ave forgotten te namely, Saturday. Now, anyone can readily Sabbat? Tose persons maintain an a.bsurdity. see tat t~ Jews, being for eigteen un- Yours, saac M. WisB. dred years so widely scattered, even on Wit tese facts well considered. te opposite sides of te globe, could not lose reader will agree wit te learned Rabbi tat it is an absurdity to claim tat te even one day ad been lost, as te re Sabbat as ever been lost. corded eclipse would not come wen it Some two or tree centuries after Crist, ougt to. Suc calculations ave been Cristians began to regarcl te first day of made, and no suc loss of time appears. te week as a sacred day. n a sort time, ndeed, wen we come to te real matt is practice became almost universal among ter of fact, it is simply impossible to lose Cristians. Cristendom is now divided into te days of te week, even toug we ad tree great brances, viz., Te Greek no almanacs, no records, no istories. Look Curc, numbering 66,000,000, te Oat- at te facts in te case. Take our own naolic Curc, numbering 160,000,000, and tion for example. How could we lose te te Protestant Curces, numbering 88,- days of te week? Suppose one family in 000,000, making a total number of 314, town sould forget and lose te days of te 000,000. week. Sunday comes and tey go to work, All tese ave always been, and are now, plowing, wasing, &c. How long would it unanimous in teacing tat Sunday is te be before teir neigbors would come along first day of te week, te resurrection day, and tell tem teir mistake. Suc instanand tat Saturday is te old, original sev- ces do occur; but never does a person get ent-day Sabbat. No one ever tougt troug te day witout discovering is erof disputing tis fact till of late,.wen it is ror. A (Jain; suppose a wole village sould found tat tere is no proof for first-day make te same mistake at te same time, sacredness. But ere are tree undred wic of course is impossible, and all lose and fourteen million witnesses wo, by teir te day of te week. Sunday tey all go ymns, teir prayers, teir sermons, teir to work as usual; stores are opened, sops books, teir customs, and au teir traditions, run, &c. Soon people from te country teac tat Sunday is te first, and Saturday come in to meeting and find tem all at te sevent, day of te week. work. Te result would be tat tey would Te Moammedans, and long before tem compare reckonings and count back and see te Saracens, adopted te sixt day for teir wat tey ad done on eac of te last six Sabbat. Numbering 160,000,000, tey all days. n tis way te error would be immedistill keep Friday. Gilfillan, in " Te Sab- ately discovered. And so we migt go on bat," p. 359, says: "Before Moammeds wit te illustration. f one family loses time, te Saracens kept teir Sabbat on te day, te wole town is against tem, Friday, and from tem e and is followers and will correct tem; if a wole town adopted te custom." Rev. Robt. Morris, makes te mistake, te rest of te country wo as traveled in Palestine, and written is acjainst tem, and would soon correct so extensively concerning te Holy Land, tem~ n sort, te establised rest day also confirms te same fact. See Te Holy in eac week coming so often and being Land for Jan., Here, again, we ave kept by all te people, it is absolutely imone undred and sixty millions more wit- possible to lose it. No candid person wo nesses tat te days of te week ave been will look at te facts can believe tat te correctly kept. Sabbat day as ever been lost. All te laws of Cristendom recognize We are not arguing tat no time as ever te fact tat Sunday is te first day of te been lost or miscalculated so far as te exweek and Saturday te sevent. Tus te act years and monts are concerned. We Sunday law of owa reads: "f any person do not tink any one can tell te precise be found on te first day of te week, com- number of years since te creation. But monly called Sabbat, engaged in any riot, wile te years, and monts and days of te figting," &c.-statute Law of owa, Re- year may be lost, tis does not affect te vision of 1860, Cap. 175, Art. 2, Sec. 1, Sabbat in te least. Wy not? Because p te Sabbat being kept by a wole nation Te venerable old family Bible in its time and recurring every seven days, it becomes table teaces te same ting. Here is te easy to keep track of it, and even imposway it reads: sible to forget wen it does come, wile te DAYS OF THE WEEK. year being so muc longer a period and 1st day of te week, Sunday. aving noting important to mark its com- 2d " " " " Monday. ing could be muc more readily lost. 3d " " " Tuesday. Furter, we do not claim to know te 4t " " " " Wednesday. exact number of Sabbats from creation 5t " " " " Tursday. any more. tan we do te exact number of 6t " " " " Friday. years. Nor is it at all necessary t.~at we 7t " " " " or Sabbat, Saturday. sould. All tat we need to sow S tat Turn to your large family Bible and see te correct reckoning of te days of te if it does not so read: So far, ten, as we week and te regular recurrence of te can rely upon tis, it corroborates te fact Sabbat day as not been lost. Just ow tat Saturday is te old Sabbat, te orig- many years or Sabbats tere a~e been inal sevent day. Could we ask a better since creation does not concern us. t is witness? important to remember tis fact; for our Websters great dictionary bears its test- opponents try to trow muc dust just imony to te same undoubted fact. Tus : ere, asserting tat if we cannot tell just "Sunday, n. Firat day of te week." ow many years and days tere ave Qeen "M~nday, n. Te second day of te week." since te creation, ten we cannot tell wen "Saturday, n. Te last day of te week. te sevent day does come. Tis is a false.. te Jewis Sabbat." Do all tese issue. For instanc~; can retr~ber some great autors ave no autority fot wat important event w1c.occurred on Sunday, tey say? Have tey"\11 conspired to tell years ago; and toug could not tell te a lie? exact number of days, or even of years, Take up a family almanac and it will wic as elapsed since tat event, yet teac us te same undoubted and universally am certain and could take my oat tat acknowledged trut, tat Saturday is te ave regularly and correctly kept every sevoriginal Sabbat day. Look at your alma- ent day from tat day to tis. Te reader nac and see Sunday marked first day of te cannot fail to see te point. week, and Saturday te sevent or last day. Was not te Sabbat day trown out of But now te 8cience of astronomy comes its order, was not a day lost, wen Josua in and settles tis wole matter beyond te commanded te sun to stand still? No. sadow of a doubt. Every one is familiar Te recqrd says: "Te sun stood still in wit te fact tat eclipses of te sun or te midst of te eaven, and asted not to moon can be so exactly calculated as to tell go down about a wole day." Jos, 10: to a minute just wen tey will occur, long 12-,.:.14.. Tat day was about as long as two beforeand. ndeed, tey can be calcu- ordinary days, but yet it was only one day, lated a tousand years aead as well as one. te sun set only once. Te Lord only reyear. So tey can be calculated backward quires us to keep te sevent ~ay, not te just as easily. Before te Cristian era, sevent part of time. Te day is to be reckand all along at different times since, eclipses oned from sunset to sunset. G~n. 1 : 5 ; ave occurred and ave been recorded. By Lev. 23: 32; Deut. 16: 6 ; Mark 1: 32. calculating back it would soon appear if Hence tis was to be counted only one day, i : i ; i! 1 j 1

2 202 ADVENT REVEV AND HERALD OF THE SABBATH. [Vol. 39, No. 26. and in no manner affects te reckoning te days of te week and te old Sabbat poverty of ideas, but eartlessness and sam, ave climbed ig up-and ten we exclaim of te week. Te same principle olds day correct at te deat of Jesus; often as te natural fruitage; just as te stiff wit Sidney Smit, "He is a miracle of good in te case were te sun returned mentioned in te New Testament till A. D. neckties of te clergyman, constraining te genius! Yea, e is a miracle of genius betones, result in sore-troat and European cause e is a miracle of labor; because is backed ten degrees in te time of Heze- 96; five millions of Jews to-day bear witkia. sa. 38 : 8. t tat tis ness tat it as not been lost; sixty millday also was longer tan usual. Yet it ions 8f Greek Cristians ; one undred and as inspiration. t will not do to old ones work!" travel. Tere must be expiration as well life as been one of incessant and intense was only one day, as in te case of Josua. sixty millions of Catolics; and eigty breat too long. How many of tese quiet workers do we Was not te Sabbat lost in canging eigt millions of Protestants, all agree tat We plead, ten, for freedom in conversa- find in patient, steadfast, low-voiced women. from te Old Style to ten ew Style of rec- Saturday is te old sevent day; one unkoning time? No. t did not affect te dred and sixty millions of Moammedans ure. Our instinct furnises material for te tey plan out te days doings, anticipate. tion. We want simple, untrammeled nat- n te serene air of intellectual calmness Sabbat in te least one way or te oter. agree to te same fact; te laws of te land, most foodful intercourse. ~ey are te and provide for te demands likely to be But wat is Old Style and New Style? Let te old family Bible, Webster, te almaus see nac, and astronomy, all unanimously agree constitute te oracle witin us. Troug to wear away te mountain of toil tat looms Urim and Tummim of our umanity. Tey made upon tem, and set temselves to work Te Julian Calendar, eo called, or tat wic wa.s tat no time as been lost, but tat Saturestablised by Julius C::esar, by wic e-very fourt day is te old Sabbat day. Tere is no reason wy we sould wait for a strengt. Tey waste no nerve tissue in tem we get our best, our divinest ideas. up before tem. n teir calmness is teir year was made to consist of 366 days, and te oter Wat proof do tey bring against all tis vote of te majority before giving utterance unavailing regret, in needless fear, in idle years of 365 days, is called Old Style. By tis mode mass of evidence? None watever. Tey to our own fres impressions. Wit an fretting against te bars tat em tem in. of computation, te years were made to average want it so, tey ope it is so, and ence assometing over eleven minutes too muc ; so tat in sert tat it is so. Time is lost. Wy? Be say? " s it because tere is not a God in losses wit a smile, bear disappointments oracle witin, wy ask te crowd wat to Tey oppose to disaster a brave spirit, meet te course of a few centuries tere would be a per- cause. How do you know? Because it srael tat ye go to inquire of Beelzebub, wit equanimity, and preserve sweetness of ceptible disarrangement of te equinoxes; i. e., te as been lost. Tis is te evidence, and te god of Ekron?" temper in every emergency. eun would actually arrive at an equinoctial point te only evidence, ever eard. A mans Tere sould be te abit of open, unaf- Tis quietness of spirit aids one as muc several days, peraps, before te time indicated by mere assertion against te evidence of te fected expression, witout bias from received in te minor affairs of life as in great understandards. Let cildren be encouraged to takings. Severe sickness, deat, overwelm te day of te mont on wic it sould annually re- world!! cur. t will be seen tat if suc a mode of compu n conclusion, reader, are you weekly vitation were to be continued, a complete displace- olating Gods oly Sabbat under te vain tell frankly teir own opinions. Accord to ing calamity, force upon us an unnatural teir tougts teir full value, and -draw calmness by te very magnitude of te a:ffiictem out by frequent courteous intercourse. tion tey bring. But in common life "te :::!;~t~e seasons of te yea.r would eventua.lly be plea tat you cannot tell wen it does come? Pope Gregory X, A. D. 1582, in order to correct s not tis a mere excuse adopted to evade Te abandon of te family is te best arena little foxes spoil te grapes." Petty accifor cultivating true eloquence. Te sym- dents move to impatience, sligt annoyances te equinoxes at tat time, or to bring back te -vqr- te cross? Are you willing to risk your nal equinox to te same day as at te Council of soul upon suc a sandy foundation? Are pa.ty, carity, and freedom of ome atmos- destroy equanimity of temper, trifling op- Nice, A. D. 325, found it necessary to retrenc ten not te preceding evidences overwelming p.ere are adapted to elicit te best powers position excites anger. Te sewing-mada.ys. He accordingly retrenced tat number of tat Saturday is te original sevent day?. of expression. Let tem ave full glory. cine "cuts up," and-instead of seeking out days in October, A. D. 1582, wic was done by Even granting, wic, owever, we do not t is ruinous to friendly conversation to te cause and removing it, te operator dedemand large ground for reserve. ndivid- termines to make it work anyow, and gets simply calling te fift day of te mont te fif- believe is te case, tat it is not positive teent. proof beyond any doubt, yet you must ad- ual views must be set side by side, allowing erself into a perfect fret, wile te rnaonest dissent. Tere will be no invention, cine remains cool and obstinate as before. Tis reformation of te Julian Calendar by Pope mit tat so far as tere is any evidence, it Gregory was adopted in Great Britain by act of par- all goes to sow tat Saturday is te origlia.ment, A. D. 1751, at wic time it was necessary inal Sabbat day. Sall we reject all tis must not fear brow-beating, nor eretical troug te wringer, and is jerked troug, no advance, witout it. Sincere conviction A knot gets in a garment as it passes to retrenc eleven days. Accordingly eleven days mass of testimony and retain a day for doubts dread ostracism from g~od-fellow- bending te cylinders, wrencing te cogs, were retrenced in te mont Qf September in te wic tere is not a particle of evidence? sip. t is sometimes necessary to talk and trowing it quite out of order. Te following yea.r, simply by reckoning te tird day as Will suc a course stand te test of te abo-ut persons as well as tings, for justice cildren fret, and are rudely used. No te fourteent. Tis metod (by wic every year -Judgment? n all worldly matters were to one is often kindness to oters. " Go cure for tese little ills is so potent as divisible by 4, unless it be divisible by 100, wit- tere is any doubt, we decide in favor of and tell tat fox," said our Saviour, in patienc.e-"not mandragora nor all te out being divisible by 400, as 366 days, and te strongest evidence. Do so in tis case speaking of te crafty Herod; and it was no drowsy sirups of te East will medicine all oter years 365 days) is wat is called New Style. and you will certainly ave to decide reckoning according to tis ingenious mode, tere uncommon ting to ear im address id te fretting soul to peace. "Terein te can never oocur any perceptible disarrangement of Saturday is te old original Sabbat day. auditors as ypocrites and fools. Plainness patient must minister to imself. t is te equinoxes, as would continually occur under te of caracterization is not necessarily cal- very ard to rein in te restive temper, to former Calendar, or Old Style. See Tompson a Higer A Plea for Con"!ersation. umny. t is rater a sign of untrutfulness, repress te stinging epitet, to work steadily.aritmetic, p and not necessarily an advance in culture, in te arness of daily toil witout "kick- t may be readily seen tat tis did not in OuR type of civilization, according to Mr. wen te sly inuendo takes te place of ing," or "balking," or lying down in te te least affect te reckoning of te days of Mill, tends to te suppression of individual- open condemnation! Popularity and trut- furrow ; but to te learning of tese ard te week. October 5 was simply called ity; and nowere is it more evident tan in telling can ardly be expected to go togeter lessons does all te discipline cf life point, October 15. Suppose tat before te cange tat day was Friday ; wat day of te week would it be after te cange? Would it not be Friday still? Most certainly. Te regular succession of te days of te week and of te Sabbat continues to come just te same watever cange may be made in te reckoning of te year or mont. But wy talk about lost time on tat occasion. How was it lost? Do we not know just wen it occurred? Yes. Do we not know just ow it appened? Yes. Do we not know just ow many days were dropped? Yes. s tere not an autentic record of te wole ting? Yea. ri te name of common sense ten ow was any time lost? Suppose ave just one undred dollars in my pocket. go into my bedroom, carefully count out ten dollars and put it into te drawer. Ten come out and tell my family tat ave lost some money. Tey ask wen? say, To-day. Were? n te bureau drawer in te bedroom. How muc? Just ten dollars;. Would tey not say was jesting or insane? Just EO about lost time at te cange from Old Style to New Style. Wen was it lost? October 5,.1582~ How muc.was lost? Ten days. Strange loss tis! But furter ; Russia as never adopted te New Style, but still reckons by te Old Style. Does er reckoning of te days of te week, or er Saturday, correspond to ours? Yes, exactly. Her Saturday is our Satlllday and er Sunday our Sunday. Te Jews in. Russia keep te same Saturday tat te Jews in England and America keep. f men would n:ot offer teir ignorance for argument we souid never ear any more about te groundless objection of lost time. To sum Q.p te evidence : Te Sabbat was given to te ead of te uman family at creation ; evidence of its observance by te patriarcs, tree of wose lives cover te period from Eden to Abraams old age; and ence te knowledge of te Sabbat was easily anded from fater to son ; te Sabbat again miraculously pointed out by God, in te falling of te manna at t e exode ; strictly ~uarde~ by law!lnd kept by te wole JeWS nat1on for e1gt undred years ; best of evidence tat it was not lost in Babylon; ag(iin strictly kept for five undred t~ Crist ; e gave no inti matio:n. of any loss up to is time ; ta~$t tat 1t w,. te corre~t Sabbat; postttve statement of inspiration t-at te Jews ad conversation. Wat Defoe said of te En- till te millennium ; but geniality is te and appiest tey wo soonest accept te glis-" Generally, wateer tey know daysman tat lays is and upon tem bot. situation and bend teir necks to te yoke. tey speak"-is true neiter oftemnor of Our Saviour promulgated is gospel in -N.Y. Tribune. us. Menjostle one anoter in te cars, and conversations. He talked wit trut and J ( make no sign. Tey elbow eac oter in sympaty on all subjects. He taugt us te!i" ote 1 a an d a 11 s, an d 1 oo k t eir d ssatis action. Wit ears and eyes perpetually on common-places of life. A request for drink THE tolerant spirit manifested by te sublime art of reac1ng souls troug te "A. Cained Tiger, a Tiger Stlll." te alert, and minds intensely wide-awake, of a woman at Jacobs well became a text to Roman Catolics in tis country, until a few monosyllables suffice for expression. preac salvation to er soul. Te evening lately, as been supposed by many to sow Tis abit of reticence follows men to teir conversation wit Nicodemus revealed te a cange of principle ; and wen it as omes, and becomes contagious tere.- unutterable love of God to tat timid spirit. been suggested by tose wo knew more of Family conversation is apt to confine itselt So, everywere and always, domestic istoto te narrow circuit. of domestic incident ries, questiods of government, national cus cained tiger was a tiger still," te ffeply te intolerant spirit of te system t:tt " a a.nd te barest prose of daily life, wit only toms or ecclesiastical traditions, mens eman occasional flas of genial wit or earty. ployments and festivals, sins and sorrows, tions and our system of gove1 nment~;rere as been made tat te spirit of our in~titu fun. opes and fears, were te emblems of eternal suc tat even Roman Catolicism ~uld n promiscuous society it is not muc trut. By conversation, Jesus cose to not elp but be molded by it. Tis is possibly true, so far as te more intelligent better. Count Smalltork figures promi- preac is gospel to te world. nently in te drawing-rooms of te beau Let our conversation be as becomet te classes are concerned. Teir well-known monde; and fasionable society displays its gospel of Crist.-ndependent. treatment, owever, of te Orangemen in rows ofpollards, instead of Natures" grand New York City demonstrated tat te sysdemocracy of forest-trees." A narrow etiquette excludes te more robust temes and of Catolics, wic te ierarcy educates Qniet workers. tern is uncanged, and tat te lower classes witers te originality of intercourse. We ALL te. great agencies are silent. Wit and governs, are ready, wenever it can miss te glorious talk tat wakes te soul noiseless footstep, Sleep and is twin broter safely be done, for te darkest deeds of te and inspires te face wen minds scintillate Deat walk te eart folding in teir soft Spanis nquisition. n proof of tis, we on te earnest temes. of life and work. And so we pacify ourselves wit unceasing but strong embrace te cildren of men, need only refer to te scenes wic were some to wake wit te returning ligt of enacted a few weeks ago in Centralia, Col newspapers. We rus to te artificial stimulus of vivacious writing to supply te lack of sp~~trkling talk. Te result is a treefold loss. Men fall below temselves in personal influence. Men tat are giants in enterprise are pigmies at ome. Tey " write like angels, and talk like poor Poll." Good conversationists are as rare as poets. But talk is te ground form of all good spee~. Webster said te secret of oratory was talk. Te reciprocity elps to clear tougt, and makes te first element of a good style, perspicuity-and so an increase of power. We lose by our abit of reticence a vast amount of rational enjoyment. We a nation of omnivorous readers, and pay our millions freely for te gratification ; but it is as true ere as elsewere tat it is more blessed to give tan to receive. Genial conversation is te ca.ra.cteristic enjoyment of te species. t is te appy play of te varied powers of te mind and eart witout ~onscioua effort. But, worst of all, te abit of repressing tougt is demoralizing. Every idea is a soul tat wants to make itself perfect in a body. Te e:ffect of suppression is to dwarf te eart as well as te brain, for te spring is in te eart. Tere follows not only morning, and oters to wake only on te umbia County, Pa., and fully described in morning of te resurrection. No blare or HarperB Weekly, April 13, and in oter clamor eralds te advent of te day-spring; Eastern papers. Te followinfaccount we silently te morning star angs out is bla- clip from te Cristian nstructor, of Pilzoned banner in te darkness, and Aurora adelpia, April 27. On reading it, we on soundless pinion opes te gates of day.. could not refrain asking ourselves te ques Te wondrous agencies tat emanate from tion, s it possible tat suc scenes can be te sun, giving life to plant and animal, work enacted in tis nineteent century, in te in utter silence. We see te results of teir United States of America? Are we not action iif te wealt of foliage flung lavisly nursing a system tat will yet rob us of our out to te breeze, in te verdant carpet tat liberties? covers te ground, so sort a time since Te uncanged spirit of te Romis sysbrown and bare, and in te ric promise of tem as manifested itself in a most startling a.rvest; but tey speak not. n solemn form by positive acts of persecution in our silen~e all te stars move round tis dark own State. n Centralia, a pleasant town terrestrial ball, raining down upon us celes- in Columbia County, in te midst of a coal tial influences, yet no voice nor sound among mining district, te mass of te population te radiant orbs is found. are Roman Catolics, many of wom are of Great workers are silent. Wile little te lowest class. For some time past tey men fume and fret, and make a migty fuss ave sown a. spirit of increasing ostility wit teir petty doings, te man of gia.nt to all wo were not witin te pale of teir powers works quietly. Steadily, wit delib- Curc; but no serious outbreak or vioeration and foresigt, e lays is plans ; lence was attempted until witin te last witout aste and witout rest e moves along few monts. Near te first of last mont, down is programme, gradually conq~erin_g a. band of tem.. came to te sc?ol-ouse te area e as marked around, carrymg is were. te pubc scool was bemg eld, points, overcoming difficulties, flanking oppo- seized te teacer, wo was a Protestant, sitions, until at last e ata.nda master of is tat a.d in some way offended tem, cut off fate. We seldom ear of tese men until is ears_, and nailed tem to is desk, and teir work is well-nig done-until tey ten, tlioug e was removed to is ouse,,

3 ~.1 June 11, 1872.].ADVENT REVEW AND HERALD OF THE SABBATH. 203 : ~~ : i ~ it : J~..!;. ~~ 1\~( J /~-.., <. \ tey surrounded it wit te avowed determination to burn it, and declared tey would take is life even sould e escape tem at tat time. n tis case tey were dispersed at te time by two of teir priests coming on te ground wit wips, and literally driving tem away. A few nigts afterward tey came at tree oclock in te morning to te ouse of a widow, wo ad formerly been a Roman Catolic, but, aving abjured tat fait some monts ago, was confirmed in te Prote3tant Episcopal Curc, and ad er cildren attend its Sabbat-Scool. Se was waited on by various Roman Catolic parties, and urged to return to te Roman Catolic Curc. Te Roman priest sent for er to come to is capel, and word was taken er tat if se did not immediately leave Protestantism, and renew er connection wit te Curc of Rome, se would go to perdition, were er usband and all wo died out of te Roman Catolic Curc are in t~rment. Se refused to return, or to take er cildren from te Protestant scool. On te above nigt, te nigt of 26t ult., some of te men came to er ouse, were se and er four cildren were. Her broter-in-law, an aged man wit only one leg, was boarding wit er, as e ad long been. Tese men attacked tis defenseless ouseold, beat bot te woman and te crippled man, until teir lives were despaired of, and did as muc damage as possible to te furniture and ouseold good~. Te next day te beaten and suffering family were removed wit difficulty to te railway trains, a"q.d were forced, under te severest treats, to ~part from te place, leaving all teir effects beind tem. During te time of tis terrible persecution, no less tan fourteen Protestant families ave been compelled, as is reported to u~, to remove from te town, and treats are tickly abroad tat no Protestant sall ave an abiding in te place. Wen we asked of some of te sufferers wo ave been wit us, Wy was not te protection of law invoked? te reply was, Te police and oter officers of te place are all Roman Catolics or are dependent upon Roman Catolic votes, and would do noting. Cries of suffering and murder in te fearful time of danger were uneard. Six dwelling :ouses and te scool-ouse were burned down, and not a public and was lifted, we are told, eiter to put out te fire or save te property. Te bloody and devastating cries of St. Bartolomews day, "Down wit t4& Protestants!" were practically eard in. tis town ; and boasted as is our cartere~ rigt to toleration, protection, and personal security, not a and was raised by te offi<lers of law to see tat te innocent and defenseless were elped in teir our of terrible need. is tis state of tings to be allowed? f it may be in Centralia, wy may it not be in any oter place were te Romis Curc as te power, as in tis case se sows se still as te will, t9 persecute and destroy? n te statements wic we ave ere made, we ave simply drawn on te facts tat were declared to us by some of te immediate sufferers wo were residents in Centralia, but aving been forced to flee, are now wit friends, or in places of employ Wy, a few will be tere unless te weater and ten obeys-no matter ow great te is positively forbidding, and sit and wait cross. Wy so? Because e seeks to please and look for oters tat ougt to be tere God more tan men. Ten te only safe till te time for meeting passes, and ten ground for us is to watc and be ready, and ave a little prayer-meeting and go ome see to it tat we obey God in all of is comfeeling not very muc encouraged surely. mands; if we do tis, we sall never fall. am glad to know tat tere are some For wnat God requires of us, you will find wo can be depended upon. Tey are like in is word; for tat is given for our te temple on wic you may lean struction, to make us perfect in every good for support, and are wort teir weigt in work. gold in te cause of God. t is good to ope to meet you all in te kingdom know wen te Sabbat morning comes tat of God soon. feel very sure we are not somebody will be at meeting. And it is not far off. He will come and will not tarry. difficult to tell wo, beforeand. f tere But woe! woe!! to tem wo put far off are signa of rain, or te traveling is bad; te te day of te Lord; for it will come as a very ones wo would go twice tat distance destruction from te Almigty. My cilon business under te same circumstances, dren, be wise ; if you scorn.te warning God will remain at ome, and try to tink tey as in mercy given us of is near approac ave a reasonable excuse. you alone must bear it, yet am persuaded, do not like to ear any one pray for te better tings of you, toug tus speak. Lord to bless suc ones at ome. t is ask- Let us ear from you. ing an impossibility. Tey ougt indeed to (Speaking of is little grandc-ildren be prayed for, tat te Lord would make launcing out in uman life.) But if tey tem feel so keenly tat tey are out of te must go, am truly glad tat tey are unpat of duty tat tere will never be a repe- conscious of te future. Protect tem, 0 tition of te same fault. my God, in te voyage of life, and deliver Men engaged in a worldly enterprise put tem from ungodly, wicked, and unreasonfort all te energy te case requires. able men. Tey expend time and means, and, if need. must close, for must start for Bristol, be, burn te midnigt oil, sacrificing ealt Vt., tis afternoon. My love to all wo and appiness, all to gain some worldly love te Lord Jesus Crist. And may te object. God of peace sanctify you to is glory. We need men wo will act as energetic- Write often and tell us ow your ope is. ally in te cause of present trut, steady to fear Satan may deceive you into a love te one purpose, and tat, te advancement for te world. f e wants to destroy your of te cause of God. soul any ceaper way, e will tempt you s it true tat te last message of mercy wit rices or te onors of tis world. is now going fort to bring out a people and Remember rices are but for a moment of fit tem up for translation? s it also true time, and onor is a bubble. tat a dark cloud, like a eavy pall angs. remain yours as ever looking for Crist. over te destiny of te wicked? Te Bible - Wm. Miller. teaces tese great truts, and we cannot am permitted to offer tis for publicaavoid te conclusion tat evtry one wo tion by a son of Wm. Miller. sincerely believes te tird angels message, JAMES SAWYER. will be alive and interested. f we ave trials and discouragements, let us go to te ouse of prayer, and sare Precious and Practical. tem wit our bretren and sisters. A OuR Lords coming is not te mere teobroter wo as not a eart in im to elp. retical, speculative, and useless subject tat anoter up instead of down, even if e as many suppose. t is in all our creeds and erred, is not worty of te name we bear.. confessions and ymn books, and yet ow t is safe trusting ourselves in te ands of general te impression tat it is not prac Gods dear people. MARY STRATTON tieal. Bretren, believe tis gre~t doctrine to be, next to te atonement, te most Ext1 act from a Letter from Wm. Miller awakening and sanctifying in te Sacred to is Son., Volume. People say, ".Wat difference does Low Hampton, N. Y., Sept. s, DEAR SoN :-Having an opportunity to it make weter Crist comes soon or not? if am only ready, tat is te great ting." write to you, sall employ a few moments in so doing Wick- grant tat to be ready-to be in Crist by living fait-is te great ting. But is it edness increases four-fold, and no refor- not important to te Cristian to feel as mation in te country for more tan a year. Crist would ave im feel? f Jesus im Everybody is intensely engaged to lay up self says," Watc," and calls tat man "an treasures on eart: none apparently seek- evil servant" wo says, My Lord delayet ing an interest in te new eavens and eart. is coming" -puts it away off in te future f te virgins were ever slumbering, surely -if te strongest exortations of te apostey are now. Few, very few a~ewatcing ties t~rn ~pon tis te~e; if te attitu~e of for te noblemans return, and if te dear watcmg S te true attitude, can we entzrely Saviour sould now come, e would most please Jesus, and leave te element of is certainly come as a snare on all tat dwell coming out of te question? ave counted on te eart. Ten, now is te time e may. nearly one undred and forty places in te come and te Scriptures be fulfilled.. New Testament, alone, were reference is would not say but tere may be a few un- made to tis great event, and were it is dred second Aventists wo are watcing; used as a motive to repentance, oliness, pabut one ting do know, te wicked and tience, devotedness, or activity in te divine te nominal curces feel temselves per- life. ment in tis city and vicinity. s tere not fectly secure as to any expectation tat No, dear earers, tis teme is not only a call in it all for te people of tis country Crist can or will come tis long time if te greatest, but, wen properly considered, to realize ow truly te curc of Rome is ever. Remember, my cildren, Blessed are one of te most blessed, in te wole ~ible~ uncanged, and tat if it is ever in er te servants wo are found watcing; you Oters, as well as te great poet \~lton, power se will curse wit er intolerance migt better watc and be disappointed wen contemplating tis blessed subject, and ate tt: very land tat, by its free institutions and its open arms for all, fostered again and again tan to ave tat day come ave been led to exclaim, " Come fort out on you as a tief and you be suddenly de- of ty royal camber, 0 Prince of all te and warmed er into new life and growt? stroyed. God as commanded us to watc kings of te eart! Put on te visible robes Never sould te warning cry of te over and over again, and we must depend of ty imperial majesty. Take up tat unupon it. God will not be mocked : e as limited scepter wic ty Almigty Fater devoted Lafayette be forgotten in tis land, "T~t if tese United States ever lose teir told us te consequence of tat day coming at bequeated to tee. For now te civil liberty and teir free institutions, it on us unawares, and wo can say e will voice of ty bride calls tee, and all creatures will be by te ands of te Jesuits."-Oristian Press. jot or tittle can fail ; ten wat a. dreadful inexpressibly blessed one. All our fondest not ex cute is word? He says, Not one sig to be renewed." O! tis ~ope is an case must it be to tose wo do not watc. opes center in it. "Wen He wo is our But you say you watc. Wat must we life sall appear, ten sall we appear wit Not Forsaking t;o=t:.~ling of Ourselves do to watc? Look for and expect. Wo im in glory." Everyting is now disorexpects Crist every day? Tat man wo dered and sickly. "We are surrounded wit SoME of te Lords servants go into a anxiously desires im to come and knows no funerals, graves, diseases, crime, and tears.". new. place, give a course of lectures, bring good reason wy e may not day, Tere is no ome so appy, and no eart so r out a few on te trut, organize a curc, and is constantly saying in is eart, Come, joyous, but it as in it te deep undertones a~d pass on to oter places, leaving te Lord Jesus, come quickly. of sorrow and trouble. precious cause of God in te ands of te But, say you, Will nobody be saved only "Tere is no flock, owever watced and tended, curc to carry it forward or let it go down tose wo are watcing? How readest But one dead lamb is tere; just as tey coose. A portion of te re- tou te Scriptures? Matt. 24 : ; Tere is no fireside, owsoer defended, sponsibility ougt to rest on every member. Mark 13: 33-37; Luke 12 : 35-46; also But at one vacant cair; And ow pleasant and easy te burden would 20: 34-36; 1 Tess. 5: 3; sa. 13: 6-11; T:n~r~~!;~~~f~~~wJ.~ :!a~:e dying, be if e!e~y one woul~ bear is ~r er part, 2 Peter 3: 10-13; Rev. 3 : 3; 16; 15; 22: Te eart of Racel, for er cildren crying, But S 1t so? T&t18 te question. Every 14. AU tat do.gods commandments will. Will not be comforted." lover of te trut can promptly answer, No. be safe. A ypocrite will always be very But wen te expected Saviour com., Our Sabbat alid prayer-meetings are ap- tenacious to do all te command,ments and tese woes and griefs sall ave an e~d. po~~d ~very week., WeD; it is fair weater, customs of men. Wy? Because tey do "Ten sall te buried babe, and te sluma majorlt1 of te curc will be tere. But works to be seen of men. But te Cristian bearing boy of promise, awake from tt1 cold, wbatifitlscloudy,orcold,ortewindblows? first inquires of te Lord wat e must do, dark,nomoretowriteunder fierce diseases or to be torn from parental love. Ten sall tose loved forms, on wic te clods are pressing, and over wose damp resting-pices many a winters snow as lain, and many a summers flower bloomed-come fort to ligt and life, never again to fall under te power of corrupt_ion. Ten sall te broken and scattered ouseold be re-gatered, to separate no more. Ten sall be te coronation day for tem tat ave labored and suffered for Jesus. Ten sall te martyr receive is crown, and te saint is ineffable portion. Ten sall tears cease to flow, and sadness to depress. Ten sall te exile reac is appy ome, and te toiling pilgrim find is everlasting rest. Ten sall te worsiper look upon te face of is God, and te faitful servant receive te transport~ng commendation and welcome of is Lord. Ten sall earts long predicted Sabbat come, and te eternal jubilee of te redeemed begin. Ten sall te mystery of divine compassion be consummated, and tis prodigal orb of ours, restored once more to er Faters smiles, take er place in te sisterood of unfallen worlds, reflecting in ricer luster and celebrating in grander songs te praises of Him wo made it, and te mercies of Him tat redeemed it wit is blood." Dear impenitent sinner, pray you submit at once to te gracious offers of tis great Saviopr-King-te Lord Jesus Crist! O! beseec you as one wo loves your souls, embrace your Saviour now! f you only knew ow precious e is, and realized te grandeur and preciousness of tat redemption wrougt out wit is earts blood and flowing tears, it seems to me you would come. f you refuse, tere is no ope. f unsaved, wen e comes, you must meet an angry Judge. O! e is coming, and coming soon! Now, take sanctuary in is precious blood. Te day of mercy is rapidly passing away. Te sades of evening are gatering. Wat you do must be done quickly. nexpressibly sad will it be to die Cristless and unblest, and go up to te Jud gment a condemned and lost soul to all eternity. nexpressibly sad will it be to take up tat bitter lamentation, wen it will be too late to remedy it, " Te arvest is past, te summer is ended, and am not saved.-rev. J. Wites Lectures on Crists Ooming and Kingdom. Finger Marks. A GENTLEMAN employed:a mason to do some work for im, and among oter tings to "tin-witen" te walls of one of is cambers. Tis tin-witening is almost colorless until dried. Te gentleman was muc surprised on te morning after te camber was finised to find on te drawer of is bureau, standing in te room, wite finger marks. Opening te drawer e found te same on te articles in it, and also on a pocket-book. An examination revealed te same marks on te contents of a bag. Tis proved clearly tat te mason, wit is wet ands, ad opened te drawer, and searced te bag, wic contained no money, and ad ten closed te drawer witout once tinking tat any one would ever know it. Tis "tin-witening" wic appened to be on is ands did not sow at first, and e probably ad no idea tat twelve ours drying would reveal is wickedness. Cildren, beware of evil tougts and deeds ; tey all leave teir finger marks, wic will one day be revealed. f you disobey your parents, or tell a falseood, or take wat is not your own, you make sad stains on your caracter. And so it is wit all sin. t defiles te soul. t betrays tose wo engage in it, by te marks it makes on tem. Tese m8.rks may be almost, if not quite, invisible at first. But even if tey sould not be seen during any of your days on eart (wic is not at all likely), yet tere is a day coming in wic every sin will be manifest. LooK U PW ARD.-A young man once picked up a gold coin tat was lying in te road. Arays afterward, as e walked along, e. kept is ~yes on :~e ground, oping to nod anote~. And. in te course of ajong.lire e did pick ~,> at different times,, a goo8ly number of coms; bot gold and silver. But alltese years tat e was looking ft>r tem e saw not tiat te eavens J i~ were btigt above im. He nem.let is ey8f!t1lrn. awt~ojwbi~l Ule filt ~ mu d.~,l~! wic e soua]li. 8 treaeur~;.gqm :w ~~ j\:. J ~=:1:;";::~~-:: ~; P money...- ~i:,~iif ; J:! 4;

4 204 ADVENT REVEW AND HERALD OF T-E SABBATH. [Vol. 39, No. 26. firstborn wic are written in Heaven." Tat as a full know]~;!dge of te Cristian system, rect tey also must so write tem. So of oter is, we ave now come to te time wen believers wo is justified and saved by Crist Jesus; and words wic are invariably capitalized. "Sanotlf7 tem troug l:y trut; l;v word ia trut." of watever nationality, wose names are re- rm!.etgjpevot are te adult Oristtans, wo are Again writers frequently misspell some of te opposed to te vr;r.tot, or babes in know led~. e d b t d t t corded in te Lambs book of life in Heaven, " most common wor s, ecause ey o no no ce BATTLE CREEK, MCH., THRD-DAY, JUNE 11, and grace. See Cap. 5: 12-14; 8: 11; Gal. ffi t 1 constitute a general assembly, or compose one 4: 1-3. Te spirits of just men rnade perfect, wit su ctent care ow ey a ways appear n ELD. lames WHTE, } curc. We do not now look to Jewis geneal- or te rlgteous perfect, are te full-grown standard print. Tus, no one eve-r saw trut " 1. N.ANDREWS,. EDTORS. ogies to find te people of God, but we look to Cristians; tose wo are justified by te blood, spelled wit te letter i in it, yet we ave known " J, H. WAGGONER, URAH SMTH, RESDENT EDTOR. te record in Heaven. And God now takes is and sanctified by te Spirit, of Crist. Being some to write it, truit; no one ever sa.w te come to suc, implies tat spiritual union wic d b d b" " People into covenant relation wit imself as inte disciples of Crist ave w1t. eac ot er, an d wor een prmte m, t oug t 1s correct Y ~Te last page being occupied tis week dividuals, and not as a nation. Tus we are wic tey possess ow far soever.separate; for represents its pronounciation; but we ave known by te index, business matters and appointments come in tis dispensation, to te general assem- tey are all joined in one Spirit, Epb. 2: 18; tey it to be frequently so written. One would supbly, te curc of te firstborn. are in te unity of te Spirit, Ep. 4 : 3, 4; pose tat te very looks of te word in tis will be found on te sevent page. "And to God te JudoO"e of all." Directly, and of one soul, Acts 4:32. Tis is a unity form would suggest to te writer tat someting wic. was never possessed even by te Jews b t d t ld Te Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect. troug te m"diation " of ts Son, we draw near t erose 1 ves, m. t eir b est state ; it S. pecu 1 ar. to was wrong a ou t; an at a person cou G d P l " BuT ye are come," says Paul, " unto Mount to o. ass10g over 10r a t1me t e expression rea 1 C C ardly pass over it witout tinking, " Tat 1 ristlamty; as to nominal nst1amty, d d. f Zion, and unto te city of te living God, te un er scussion, d wars and desolations between man and is fel- looks odd; do not remember tat ave ever t e spmts o JUSt men ma e lows are quite consistent wit its spirit." seen it so written ; peraps it is wrong." And Heavenly J erus~~olem, and to an innumerable com- perfect, we read on :- d f Te reader is also referred to Dr. C.s note ten, if e ad no oter means of information Pany of angels, to te general assembly and "And to Jesus te me iator o te new cove- J d. at te end of te capter to satisfy bia doubt, e could scarcely take up a curc of te firstborn wic are written in nant." We now come to esus, t e rca me a- d f 1 d f paper tat did not contain te word iu ulmost Heaven, and to God te Judge of all, and to te tor, instea o te typ10a priestoo o t e Te S. D.!, Scool.. every paragrap; and so e could easily set spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus former dispensation. /, "A d t t bl d f kl t t k f THS scool commenced in Battle Creek at te" imself rigt in te matter.. te mediator of te new covenant, and to te n e 00 0 spnn mg a spea Western people ave frequent occasion to use blood ofsprinkling, tat speaket better tings et better tings tan tat of Abel." Tat is, time appointed, June 3, wit twelve scolars,.. i Bro. G. H. BefT""" tea""er. wo ave snce. te word prame; JOr 1t enters mto t e names tan tat of Abel." Heb. 12: tere is now ministered for us, te blood of u, " f D ll p a T"., -,;:.. t d of very many o t eu t.owns, as, e ram-e, Wit a great sow of confidence, eiter pre- J csus te better sacrifice, wic takes away JOme S S a oe er uegmnmg an we a. G d p p D C t d to t t f b. f t,., Little Prairie, ran rame, rame u en, tended or real, te advocates of mans immortal- from us sin in fact, instead of te blood of beasts, ven ure an cipa e, m Vew o t e ne mv... & W f t k t t t d t ~<r Pramo Grove, c. e presume no one o it" bringing forward tis text in proof of teir wic took it away only in figure. a en o commence e en erpr1se, an e s orlf d..,. d. t J t t t l Q t & t em ever saw t e wor, m any goo prm, osition. Tat portion of te foregoing quota- t can readily be seen ow we come to all no tee a was necessari y given. U e a num1 ll d p... P b b tt tat t b T t t tt. spe e, araria ; yet t sometimes comes to t S tion upon wic tey ang teir teory is tese tings under tis dispensation; ow tese er ave wri en s mg e1r ma y o a en Offi. N.. b d d t b t t t 1.. ce so written. ow 1t 1s to e presume te expression, "te spirits of Just men made are all privileges and blessings under te gospel, urmg e summer, u expressmg eir m en, t to t 11 d t ~ t at any one mng on or near a prame, mee t s perfect," wic tey take to be bot a declara- beyond wat was enjoyed in te former dispen- on come m e a ;. an. ere s gool wit tis word sufficiently often to enable im t ion and proof tereof, tat te spirits of men sation. But now, if te spirits of just men prospect of a very encouragmg mcrease of stu{. d t b t Wit a. s 1 g t amount o f o b servat10n,. to 1orevcr L are released by deat, and tereupon are -made made perfect means disembooied spirits in te e;~ ygano er t~~). d t t fix in is mind te correct metod of spelling it. perfect or glorified in te presence of God in popular sense, ow do we come to tese as a e ramm:rt ass S f ar~ang~. ~ co;e a We bring up tese instances to illustrate te Heaven. A little furter examination of te gospel blessing? Tis is wat we would like to sue an our t a many o t. e o ce a.n s can point before us: tat many persons live along language will, we tink, sow tat suc an as- ave our friends tell us. n wat respect is our attend, wo are appy to ava1l temselves of te. t d. 1. f..t. d.... m e ai y commission o errors m wn mg an sertion is not made in te text and tat even relation to our dead friends, te supposed spirits privilege. Tis adds strengt and mterest to k " }"ttl b t" t. f spea mg, w C a i 1 e o serva wn, no more, suc an inference cannot Justly be drawn. of te_ departed, canged by te gospel? f t s mportant 1 eature 0 t sc 00 1 wou ld seem, t an every one oug t t o exercise, Tat Paul is ere contrastin Ab b 0" 0 te blessings tere is any sense in wio we may be said to ove a, t ere seems to e an exce ent ld sr t 11 t. f wou euec ua y correc. and privileges enjoyed by believers under te ave come to tese, we would like to know it. spmt?f zeal and earty?ood-wlll on te part. 0 t will pay to be to a little mental effort in gospel dispensation wit tose possessed by te But again, wen do we come into closest con- to~e m atte~~ance, ww goes far toward _m- tis matter. Wen you ear or read, do bot Jews under te former dispensation, will probably tact wit a mans spirit? s it wen tat spirit surm? te uty and suc?ess_of te ent~rp~tse. wit attention. Let noting slip by witout not be questioned on eiter side. Ye are not is disembodied, and as gone far away to dwell (Tis ma! s~em to some ke a sm~ll begmn_m!f. being carefully observed. Keep te avenues of come to te mount tat migt be touced [Mount in te presence of God, and is to ave no mora But~ begmmng, owever s:nall, 18 som~t~ng; te eyes and ears wide open, and tey will be Sinai] and te sound of a trumpet, &c., tat is, to do forever wit anyting tat is done under and t was expected tat tis would begm m a_ te cannels of a constant stream of informatior;t to tat system of types and ceremonies instituted te sun? Eccl. 9 : 6...s it not rater wen small and umble way, and come up to its truej to te mind. We purpose to speak of oter troug Moses at Sinai, of wic an outward te spirit of a man troug te eyes of tat position by a steady and ealty growt.) Andl points ereafter. priestood were te ministers, and Old J erusa- man looks upon us, troug is mout speaks to we can never be discouraged at te smallbess o~ lem te representative city; but ye are come to us, and troug is ands andles us? Outside any beginning, so long as we ave te Saviours~ Questions and Answers. Mount Zion, to te New Jerusalem, to Jesus, te ell-doomed osts of spiritualists, will any parable of te mustard seed, wic is te small-! B... 1 QuESTON. A few days ago, a apltst mmisand to is better sacrifice. Tese tings to one say tat we enj oy.more intimate relations est of all seeds, but final Y becomes te greatest!_. t er, t rymg t o es tab]" S t e mmor t a ]"t 1 y o f m a n, wic we are come are te superior blessings wit a spirit wen it is out of te body, tan we of all erbs. As te mustard seed amon~ said, "Te original words from wic soul and of te gospel, over wat was enjoyed under te do wile it is in te body? A consideration of plants,." we expect tis scool will come up to oci spirit in te New Testament are translated are former dispensation. But were or ow does tis point must convince any one tat te_ idea cupy an important place among te agencies irf used intercangeably in a great many inf?tances." te fact come in, as one of tese blessings, tat of coming to te spirits of just men made per- operation for te advancement of te trut.l would like to know te trut of te n,uj.tter. man as a spirit wic is conscious in deat, feet cannot possibly be applied to spirits out of (Friends of te cause, you ave now anoter ANSWER. 1. Tere is not an insta~e~ i:tbe and is made perfect by te dissolution of te te body. institution to remember in your prayers. Dont New. Testament in wic te word for soul, body? t will be seen tat if tis be a fact, it t will be noticed furter tat te text does forget te scool) psuce, is translated Etpirit. 2. Tere is not an is brougt in, at best, only incidentally. Tere not speak of spirits made perfect, but of men instance in wic te word for spirit, pncttma is no proof of it in te expression, spirits of just made perfect. Te Greek (Kat 1rvEi f1arrt otkafijv Hints to Writers. is translated soul. 3. Tere is not ll.n instanoo men made perfect," in itself considered; for rml.etgjpevruv) sows tat te participle, "made THERE is one grand means of education witin in wic tese words are applied indiscrimitey could be made perfect at some future time, perfect," agrees wit" te just)" or" just men," te reac of all, weter tey ave access to te nately to te same object, in te same connection. witout supposing tem conscious from deat to and not wit "spirits." Wen, ten, we in- text books of te scools, or te instructions of But 4. Tey ave some definitions in common ; te resurrection. Te only proof tat can ere be quire, are men made perfect? Tere is a certain te living teacer, or not; and tat is observa- as for instance, psuce in Matt. 10: 28, explained found, ten, lies in te fact tat we are said to sense in wic tey are made perfect in tis life tion. t is presumed tat every one as te priv- by verse 39, undoubtedly means life; and in ave come to tese spirits. Tis is suppos~d to troug te justification of te blood of Crist, ilege, to a greater or less extent, of listening to Acts 7: 59, pneuma means substantially te same prove tat tey must be spirits out of te body, and sanctification of is Spirit; and tey are tose wo speak te Englis language correctly, ting. and tat tey must also be conscious. Ten we made perfect in an absolute sense, as in He b. and of reading books and papers of some sort, in QuESTON. How many times otter was te inquire, How do we come to te spirits of Just 11 :40, wen tey experience te final glorifica- furnace eated tan it was wont to be, at te wic it is correctly written. tiine Sadracb, Mesac, and.abed-nego, were men made perfect, and wat is meant by te ex- tion, and t.eir vile bodies are made like unto By observing carefully ow te best of tese cast into it? t reads One seven times." pression? Crists most glorious body. Pil. 3; 21. speakers and writers use language, wat terms l\1. A. G. t is not difficult to determine ow we come H it is said tat te text refers to tis latter tey employ, ow tey pronounce tem, ow tey ANSWER. None of te commentaries to to all te oter objects mentioned by Paul in te perfection, ten it is placed beyond te resur- construct and arrange teir sentences, and wen wic we ave access, rectard tis expression as tree verses quoted; but ow we come to te rection, and affords no proof of a conscious dis- reading tb.e printed page, noticing ow tey referring to any particula; number ~f degrees of spirits of just men made perfect, according to embodie.d spirit. f it refers to te former, ten use capital letters, punctuate teir sentences, and eat, but only as signifying tat te furnace was te popular view of tat expression, is not so it applies to persons!!till in tis state, and not spell teir words, a person may acquire te abit raised to te igest degree of eat possible. clear. f we mistake not, te common view will in deat. To one or te oter it must refer; of imself speaking and writing te Englis an- t would be inconsistent to understand it as ave to be modified, or te explanation remain and apply it wic way we may, it does not bring guage wit a tolerable degree of accuracy, toug meaning seven fold; tat is, if te ordinary temungiven. to view a spirit conscious in deat. Terefore is interviews wit te written grammar, te perature of te furnace was 350, tat it was Let us see: Y e are come [or, putting it in te it fails entirely to prove te point in favor of spelling book or te dictionary, may ave been raiset to seven times tat, or 2450 And it first person, since Paul brings tese to view as wic our friends produce it. few and far between. would ardly seem worty of record to understand it as adding only one sevent to te eat ; present blessings all troug te gospel dispen- n armony wit te context, we apply it to, But tis power of observation seems to be em tat is, if te ordinary temperature was 350, sation, we are come] unto Mount Zion, and unto te present state, to men in tis life, to a bless- ployed by very many in te least possible de- tat one-sevent or 50 more were added, bringte city of te living God, te Heavenly J erusa- ing peculiar to te gospel, to te justification gree. For instance, no one ever saw in any ing it up to 400. t seems terefore most na.tlem." Tat is, we in tis dispensation no longer and sanctification wic te believer now enjoys piece of print tat could lay claim to any degree ural to understand it to mean simply tat te look to Old J ~rusalem as te center of our wor troug Crist. And in tis sense we see ow of respectability, te word Crist, referring to eat was raised to te greatest intensity possible. sip, but we look above to te New Jerusalem- we come to it, as to all te oter tings men- te Saviour, printed wit a small c (crist), or d P w ere t e sanctuary an riest of tis dispensa- tioned by Paul. We come to te enjoyment of te word God, referring to te Creator, wit a Forgiveness of Sin Conditional. tion are. n tis sense we are come to tem. tis blessing ourselves, and to communion and small g (god), or te personal pronoun wit a OF te correctness of te position tat for "And to an innumerable company of angels., fellowsip wit tose wo are also in possession small i; yet many persons, wen tey come to giveness is conditional wile we are yet on pro Angels are te assistants of our Lord in is work of it. put tese words into manuscript, will write tem bation, tere seems no room for doubt. T9 wo now mediates for is people individuall/ Finally, to sow tat tis is not a view devised witout a capital letter. Wy do tey do tis? scriptures wic sow tis are evident in teir Dan Tey are sent fort to minister to meet any exigency of our position, we will Tey ave never seen tem so written or printed bearing on te point. Yet first impressions are to tose wo sall be eirs of salvation. Reb. bring to its support a name wic wit all will in any ordinary composition. t is simply sometimes so strong tat it is ard to give full 1 : 14. Tey are terefore more intimately con- ave great weigt, and wit many will be final because tey ave not used t-eir powers of ob- c~edit to full proof if it conflicts wit establised cerned in te believers welfare in tis dispensa- autority Dr. Adam Cl&rke, on tis passage, servation suffi.cently to know tat tese words views. Some ave even expressed tq me te tion tan in te old. We ave tus come to teir says:- never appear witout te initial capital, and ope tat if tey were so unfortunate as to fall presence and ministration... "n several parts of tis epistle [to te ence tat tere must be a rule for it, weter away, tete would be some mitigation in teir "To te general assembly and curc of tb~}ebrews], rem:w,, te just man, signifies one wo tey know te rule or not, and tat to be uor- ease because of teir fait in Crist and en-

5 June 11, 1872.] ADVENT RE.VEV AND HERALD OF THE SA.BBATH ~~===================;============================= gagement in is servic~ for a part of teir lives. teir pledges freely. You need ave no fears of Suc are, tink, under a great deception, and te pledges being too many; for te Conference if tey analyze teir feelings, tey will doubtvoted tat all money raised in excess of wat was necessary to pay for te tent sould go toless find some idea of merit connected wit teir ward elping to pay te expense of running it; profession of Cristianity. Te Scriptures do and tis is just as necessary as it is to buy it. not justify te opinion tey old. None so well do not know of any field were tere is a. as te believer in Crist knows is Masters more flattering prospeut of increase of strengt immediately tan in tis Conference, if ~ur will; and, of course, none will be beaten Wit friends will but take old of te matter wit t!o "many stripes" if e fails to do it.. Paul vigor. We know tat times are very ard, but writes tus: you are not required to. pay down. f te pledges "For it is impossible for tose wo were once from reliable men can be obtained, to pay by next enligtened, and ave tasted of t~e eavenly fall tere is little doubt te present means neegifts, and were made partakers of te Holy ess~ry can be obtained to purcase te tent, if Gost and ave tasted te good word of God, your pledges are sent in immediately, so tat in and te powers of te world to come, if tey a mont two tents may be running in your Consall fall away, to renew tem again unto re ference. pentance; seeing tey ave crucified to tem- Bretren, tis is te golden opportunity. selves te Son of God afres, and put im to an Do not esitate and let it slip, but send in open same." Heb. 6 : 4-6. your pledges or means fijr te tent, of five, ten t would be singular indeed if a person could or more dollars at once to Eld. H. C. Blancard, Avilla, Jasper Co., Mo. wo is treasurer of te plead in is own bealf is former interest in committee appointed by te Conference to take Crist as an offset to suc a cange as tis! carge of tis tent fund. n tis way, lay up Tat interest is te ground of te dept and treasures in Heaven. Five dollars now in your infamy of is crime. All suc are really in a Conference will be felt more and accomplis worse condition tan tey wo ave never ex- more tan a muc larger some, if te treasury was full. And send in your Systemat c Benevo- perienced teir privileges. lcnce to te Conference Treasurerr :Sl,9 "J,:",lJ.. Peter speaks in even stronger terms tan HogersL4llilYjsta!J!:!w..~ Goto work Paul: ~;olcca~a not.. glve all your strengt to "For if, after tey ave escaped te poilu- tis world. May God bless tis noble enterprise; tions of te world troug te knowledge of and e will, if we feel te intere3t in it wic tt Lord and Saviour Jesus Crist, tey are its immense value entitles it to expect. again entangled ~erein, and overcome, t? la~ter GEo.. BuTLER, Pres. of Gen. Oo11f end is worse w1t tem tan te begmnmg. Lawrence Kansas, May 29, For it ltad been better for tltem not to ave _,... lmozrn te way of rigteousness, tan, after tey ave known it, to turn from te oly commandment delivered nnto tem." 2 Peter 2 : 20, 21. T is a serious fact tat tere as been muc Camp-Meeting Hygiene. Let none be deceived by te enemy. Te needless sickness at tese yearly gaterings, and fate of te backslider is awful to contemplate. muc valuable time and knowledge been consequently lost. n tese sudden paroxysms muc t is a terrible tougt, ta.t our privileges and excitement prevails wic distract3 te mind~ joys in te gospel will be, not a palliation, but of ministers and people and w >Jy unfits tem an aggravation of our guilt if we turn from te for te duties of te meeting. Lord, and will all rise up against us to sink us to deeper woe and perdition. J. H. w. At suc seasons tere is not nearly te amount of fijod needed as wile we are at work in manual labor, neiter sould it be as concentrated as wen at ard labor. Te food sould be properly cooked. Cold food sould be avoided as muc as possible, as it will not easily digest under 100, and if muc cold food is taken, te blood is drawn from te capillaries to te stomac, tus turning our stomacs into warming pans, te blood being called upon to act as fuel to eat our food, wile outer parts are left witout power to resist te canges of te weater. n tis condition we are liable to colds, catarr, colera morbus, diarrea, and oter diseases of greater or le~ser magnitude. f, as some pysiologists say, it is a sin to be sick, it is doubly so upon te camp-grounds (all contingencies set aside). Of all places were we need clear eads and sound judgments, it is wen we come before te Autor of our being. But ow can we do tis wile our stomacs are clogged wit unsuitable food, and our minds befogged by fits of indigestion? All sould know tat in febrile diseases, weter gastric or synocal, tere is little or no gastric juice secreted; ence te importance of witolding food from te stomac in tese complaints until nature makes a call, bu~ give in place plenty of cold water, and patiently wait until nature makes a demand for food. As in diet, so in regard to cloting. l\fuc care is needed. Wile at rest, te body needs more tan wen in motion; and at ni~t, tan during te day; and wile asleep, t~n wen awake. Terefore at evening meetings te linen coat of te day sould be excanged even for te OVE rcoat, if need be, to protect te body from dew::j and te cilling air of evening wic induce cramps, colics, agues, &c., &c. trow out. tt:t<c few practical ints, oping tat due caution may be used by tose for wom tey are intended, and tey tus prevent sickness and obtain te great~st amount of spiritual good possible, wile at tese yearly ~aterings. DR. GNLEY. Healt nstttute, B. 0., Mi.c. Jiiving Bees upon te Sabbat. THERE are many questions constantly arising in wic our business is liable to conflict wit te claims of te Sabbat of te Lord. Tis is one of tem and tere is some diversity of opinion and pra~tice upon it. t must be desirable to every conscientious Sabbat-keeper to ave a proper course plainly set before im so tat e can see wat e ougt to do. [t is wit te intention of assisting in tis desirable conclusion tat tis article is written. Te design of te Sabbat commandment is to secure a day of rest every week as a memorial of Gods creative work, in wic te mind may contemplate sacr~d. tings and engage in te worsip of te d1vlne Autor. of our ~eing, and te body may res~ from pys1callabor m consistent wit suc des1gn. Te sevent day of t.e week e selected and appointed for tis purpose, and no oter day; works of religion.and mercy are exceptions, and. are permitted by te law and by our Saviours teacing. But works merely involving pecuniary advantage to ourselves are not only not permitted, but are expressly forbidden. Were te life or suffering of man or beast is involved, we are to lubor even on te Sabbat, to alleviate te one, and save te oter. But tere are certainly no exceptions made in te Bible in favor of laboring merely for pecuniary advantage. Our orses and cattle sould be fed and watered. Tey will suffer witout. Our teams may be arnessed and we may drive tem to meeti?g. We c~ul.d not well meet to worsip God w1tout. T1s S not " our work" iu te sense of te commandment. But we may not itc up our tea.m and aul in a load of ay lest a sower commg up would spoil it.... We claim tat tese prmciplcs are mcontrovertible and are acknowledged by Sabbatkeepers generally, and we believe tey sould apply to te bee~, ~s well as ~ter tings..rr tere is any allevmt10n of suffermg, or any pnnciple of worsip involved in te iving of a swarm of bees on te Sabbat, we ave no objection to our bretren. doing it on ~e Sabbat. f it is merely a pecumary transaction, te case seems clear tat it sould be avoided. But wen persons stay at ome, or ave a portion of teir families stay at ome from meeting on te Sabbat, week after week, and drum on tin pans and go troug suc oter performances a~ are customary in iving bees, v:e Tere are no valid reasons wy people sould be sick wile in camp for a single week, more Cain and Abel, tan wile at ome, providing te proper sanitary -OR, 1HE FRST AND LAST TRAGEDY,- regulations are carried out. d Ab 1 To te Friends of te Cause in Kansas : and Missouri. n locating te camp-ground, care sould be ToE difficulty between Cain an e w 1c taken to ave te grounds ig and dry as may finally culminated in te murder of rigteous HAYNG just ad te privilege of attending l Abel arose from te disregard wic Cain manbe wit a soutern slope if possib e, contiguous tpested to te order of God in offering te blood your State Conference at Avilb recently, wis to a running stream.or spring of water. 1 ~ tink for te good of te cause and for teu to say a word to tose wom ave not ad te Sould no soft water be obtainable, te ard of beasts in sacrifice. Cain eld it a small ting own ~od, tey sould realize ta~ tis is ~ot privilege of seeing at any of our meet.ings tus water sould be boiled before u~ing for drinking to devlate from te letter of t" " command, and consistent wit our fait. Wat rigt ave m fitr, and know of no oter way to do it tan or cooking, as by boiling, te lime and oter im- ence e eld tat te fruits of te ground were dividuals to coose any vocation tat will involve a necessity for breaking te law of 9"od_? troug te REVEW. b d as acceptable as te blood of beasts; and as am appy to f::ly a &pecial effort is beir g purities are precipitated to t e ottom or S es tese were te fruits of is toil e scorned to ofof te kettles. Tis precaution sould be taken; f keening bees did involve suc a necessity, t made tis year, in te bounds of you -Conference, to advance te interests of te cause we sickness by closing up te pores of te skin. To offered te blood of beasts (see Gen. 4: 3, 4), consistent wit our fait to keep tem. But for ard water alone may cause muc of camp fer te blood of beasts. Abel, on te contrary, would go very far to prove to me tat it is in love. One fifty-feet tent_is bougt and paid for make te water quite soft, boil a quart of weat and was accepted, wile Cain was r(jected. do not believe tere is any great difficulty in and will soon lie run riing in te nortern part of bran, tied in a rag, wit two pails of water for To many superficial obilervert~, te position of keepino bees and not swarming tem on te tis field!!!iu(q,,.l.1!!"-rreec~ ~~.~l_t., J.:.:B:u:tler an our or more, and set it away to cool until Cain was reasonable and fair; and no doubt Sabbat. But, says one, migt. lose man.y to _l:y,~n it; and at te Avilla meetmg a subscription was started, and $ was pledged in a n selecting te grounds for teams, tey was rigt in is position ; and from tis delu needed. Cain reasoned imself into te belief tat e swarms, amounting to a large sum 1n a year, 1f did not sta.y at ome on te Sabbat and attend to tem. So you migt lose a large amount very sort time by te comparatively few bretren present to buy anoter to use in te soutern prevent in a measure te waste from decomposi- te blood of Abel, wo doubtless often plead sould slope if possible to te nort, wic will sian e never awoke until is and ad sed of ay or grain by a coming storm if you did p!trt of t.e Conference. Tis sould be raised to tion for a longer time, and tese grounds sould wit and reasoned wit, Cain on tis subject, not itc up and get H in on te Sabbat; and at least ~? by oters sending in teir pledges be located so tat te winds will not blow to wid so exasperated Cain tat in a moment of you migt apparently ear~ a good d~al of money and means wo were not tere, especially from any extent toward te camping grounds. frenzy e struck te fatal blow wic as re by laboring Sabbats, w10 you will not get by te soutern part of te field. Te men can be.a. common yet repreensible practice is to sounded troug te lapse of six tousand years resting.. :found in te Conference to run it, feel sure. trow out large quantities of moldy and refuse to te present moment. t will ardly do to go to reckomng ow Bro. Blancard, Bro. Santee, Bro. Cook, or oters, food wit oter wastes just in te rear of te So ends te first fatal dispute in te family muc we migt lose or gain pecuniarily by know feel anxiour to see te enterprise move tents, wic soon causes a disgusting sigt and of Adam, or wat Cain was pleased to call a Sabbat labor. We find men ere and tere forward, and some of tem stand ready to man smell, and is a fruitful source of disease at nigt! non-essential ; a very small and trifling affair in wit mills and gangs of men under t~ir employ, te tent as soon as bougt. wo would suffer a loes far exceedmg many f we add to tis a company of from 30 to 60 is esteem. Wose affair is it, e reasoned, Openings for labor in all directions multiply, sleepers in te tent, exaling barrels of carbonic wat offer? if offer te value of te sacriacid nigt after nigt, it will be a miracle indeed fice, wose business is it wat offer? s not swarms of bees by closing up on te Sabbat, and scores of places ave sent in teir most earnest pleas for some one to come to teir elp. do so. Wat business ave we wit Gods and yet we tink it a solemn duty for tem to if some are not stricken down wit disease before te produce of te :field as sacred as te flock or And in many of tese places tere are bretren te week is over. Tis can all be prevented by erd? time or wat rigt ave we to be considering able to contribute to elp forward tis enterprise. ow muc we sall lose or gain by appropriating tat time wic e claims to our ow~ pur burning, burying, or oterwise disposing of te Te second and te last dispute in te fumwastes trown out; and a small quantity of car- ily of Adam, on 1t similar topic, is likely to end Tere. are many scattered Sabbat. keepers all troug tis Conference, many of wom are doing noting at all toward elping te cause in claims as ts own, tan t S to steal from oters? bolic acid in vessels set in various parts of te in a similar manner. poses? ~y is it bett~r. to steal tat wtc e tents, is one of te best disinfectants known. Cain disputed te rigt of proper order in te Conference, altoug tere never was a time We. sould ardly tink it safe to set down to Great mistakes are made in preparing for sacrificial offerings. He eld tat tere was a wen teir elp was more needed. Probably reckoning ow muc we migt gain to occasionally violate te ei"b.t commandment because tese meetings by over-crowding work, increas- proper substitute for te blood; and, accordingly, full one-alf of tese are not in any curc organization in tese States, and so pay no Sys we ad a good ca~ce to mak~ well pe?uaiarily ing eac day up to te our of departure. n e offered tis substitute; tat is, te produce tis condition te nervous system is strung up of te ground. So, at te p:.-esent day, tere tematic Benevolence.; and, in sort, contribute by so doing. Wat God cla1ms as is let us to its igest tension, and on reacing te camp- are many wo old tat tere is a substitute for noting to te cause any way. render to im. He does claim te wole sevent day of te week, and only~cxc~pts labors of. grounds persons feel exausted. A com para- te true Sabbat; tat is, te first day of te t seems strange tat our bretren sould tively inactive state of te muscles induces a week, and tey practice accordingly. come from owa and oter States were tey mercy and religion.... lowering of te vital forces. Te mind becomes And regret to say tat too often te advodull and several days elapse before te mind can cates of te substitute Sabbat manifest te dis ave always felt it duty to elp wit teir means, Te influence of t1s practice upon unbeevers must be to make tem doubt our conscien and come to te place were teir elp is more be fully aroused to te importance of te time b d needed tan ever, and give noting. Tese bretren, many of tem, want preacing in teir own and place. for teir consideration. f tey do not cut a and neo-!ect of religious duty. Worldlings are position of Cain wen te su ject is presente tiousness, wen carried on as it is wit noise localities; and some of tem are crying loudly Tis is wy so many are found dull and club from te forest, tey procure a club equally watcbi;o us and it will be bad indeed to do anyting wic will make us stumbling blocks in for it. Were tey ave ability, tey sould feel sleepy at Sabbat meetings. Bot mind nnd dangerous in teir influence upon popular asbody are wrougt up during te week, even to semblies and legislative bodies. Tey openly teir way. _. te importance of contributing of teir means to sustain preacing and to raise tents. n tis te very commencement of te Sabbat; and proclaim teir intention to upold teir substite sudden dropping off from labor induces stiff- tute Sabbat by te strong arm of law. And, will be to lead tem to tink we value money Te influence al~o upon our own ctldren way tey would sow real sincerity. can see no good reason wy Sabbat-keepers wo live ness of te body and dullness of intellect. ask did Cain use a more powerful instrument igber tan sacred tings. And it is very alone are not under obligations to elp fojward All sould ave teir ardest work done by in te murder of Abel tan is wielded by te doubtful to my mind if te apparent necessity of. te cause of God as muc as tose wo live in noon of te sixt day of te week, ending wit officers of te law? Are clubs as e:trective as doing it or suffering great pecuniary loss i~ ~~t companies. Te Lord as te same claim upon te ligter work. Tis would afford compara- revolvers 7 And wen religionists appeal to te imaginary. Many ave learned te art of dlv~aing teir. swarms and tus avoid te n ecess1ty te one us te oter. Tere is,no difference in tive rest, and enable us to ave clear minds to secular arm, do tey not invoke swords, and all grasp and compreend more clearly spiritual te modern destructive implements of warfare, tis respect. t would seem tat some are forg~tting teir duty and are in danger of being of losing tem wen tey swarm. t can generally be told wen tey are about ~o leave te tings, and te object for wic we were created. to put down teir opponents? Was not tis te Our abits of eating in camp is a source of swallowed up in te world. evil. From a life of excessive activity and principle on wic Cain acted? parent ive, and in tis way all difficulty may Te present time wile tese tings are being earty eating, we suddenly drop to a life of bod- For te autority of propecy on tis point, be. obviated. At any rate it is sa.fe to obe! God, stirred up is just te one to take old. A good ily inactivity, making little or no cange in our. read Revelation 12: 17, and 13: and is work sould be done w1t. carefulness. prospect lies before te cause ere, if our bretren can be made to realize it and take old as fevers, digestive disordelf!, and nervous parox- upon order in te wors~ip of God sould be food or eating. Tis tends to induce gastric s it not a striking coincidence tat.~ dispute t will be seen in te end tat it is wisest and safest. GEo.. BUTLER. ~e tey sould. Te Lord is raising up men wo ysms. Tese periodical disorders frigten many first to rend te family of Adam, and a ke Big Springs, Kan., May 30, are ready to move out and give teir strengt into sickness of various grades, wo oterwise dispute upon a similar topic s~ould close te to te work, if teir families are not left to suffer would ave remained well. Tese mental al- istory of te race? One substitutes for blood, ~Bro. Lougboroug writes from Wood ; and if te tent can be bougt. We ope our lueinations run from tent to tent at te cry of te oter substitutes for oly time. land Cal., tat te tent is full every nigt, aud 1 s~attered friends will realize tis and. send in friends in searc of doctors A, B, or C. Jos, CLARK. - te interest increasing.

6 206 ADVENT REVEW AND -JERALD OF THE S.r\BBATH. [Vol. 39, No. 26. THE USEFUL LFE, Go labor on; spend, and be spent, Ty joy to do te Faters will; t is te way te Master went, Sould not te servant tread it still? Go labor on ; tis not for nougt., Ty eartly loss is eavenly gain ; Men eed tee, love tee, praise tee not; Te Master praises-wat are men? Go labor on; enoug wile ere, f e sall praise tee, if e deign Ty willing eart to mark and ceer; No toil for im sall be in vain. Go labor on ; your ands are weak, Your knees are faint, your soul cast down, Yet falter not; te prize you seek s near-a kingdom and a crown! Go labor on; wile His day, Te worlds dark nigt is astening on; Speed, speed ty work, cast slot away: t is not tus tat souls are won. Men die in darkness at your side, Witout a ope to ceer te tomb; Take up te torc and wave it wide, Te torc tat ligts Times tickest gloom. sout felt tat tey desired to ave a part in te good work also; and wen te matter was properly set before tem, $ were pledged in about fifteen minutes. More pledges will be needed. But it is tougt from te interest manifested by te comparatively few wo were present in tis good work tat tere could be no doubt tat oters scattered all over te Conference, many of wom are earnestly pleading for elp in teir various localities, will take old of tis work ning te same. And as te treasury needs means very muc, tis will be just as important a part of te work as te purcase of te tent. All pledges and money sould be sent to Eld. H. C. Blancard, Avilla, Jasper Co., 1\o. bretren from Kansas brougt our company, consisting of Bro. Lawrence, T. J. Butler, and myself, troug to F~. Scott in teir wagon, and saved us muc expense, for wic tey ave our gratitude. Traveling in te far sout-west under suc circums~ances, as sometimes rater an exilarating effect, and breaks up monotony very effectually. We are all well and in good spirits. GEo.. BuTLER. Kansas Oity Depot, Ma:y 29, eartily and swell te subscription list to at Report of te Missouri and Kansast Conference. least $ Tere is no danger at all of its being too large ; for by a vote of te Conference AccoRDNG to previous appointment, te all te money raised in excess of wat is required to pay for te tent is to be put into te vened at Avilla, Mo., Sunday, May 26, 1872, ~jrd ij!pm ee.e~iqll of tis Conference con conference treasury to pay te expense of run at 4 P. M. t was called to order by te presi We expect tis tent will be purcased, and tat tis comparatively weak, but very large, Conference will ave two tents running tis season. Tere will be if scattered bretren ave as muc interest as tose present at te meeting Toil on, faint not, keep watc, and pray, Be wise te erring soul to win ; ad. Laborers will be fortcoming to run it as Go fort into te worlds igway, soon as it can be obtained. Te means can be Compel te wanderer to come in. raised at once if pledges from respon sible men in te Conference to pay by next fall are sent in Toil on, and in ty toil rejoice; promptly. We feel muc pleased to see a prospect of tis young Conference aving two tents For toil comes rest, for exile ome ; Soon salt tou ear te Bridegrooms voice, Te midnigt peal: "Beold, come!" of its own, raised witin itself, wit wic to -H. Bonar. prosecute te work of God. t looks like doing someting. On te wole, te result of te Conference was encouraging. Yet tere is an evident lack Hetatgoetfortandweepet,bearingpreclonsseed,salldoub~ on te part ofvery many to take old of S. B. as less come again, wit rejoicing, bringing ldsesves wit im. duty requires. And te work being in it.s infancy makes tis absolutely necessary if te Avilla, Ho. cause sall prosper. Tere is muc need.of tis being set before te curces forcibly to make OuR meeting at tis place closed Monday te tem see it in its proper ligt. 27t inst., in wic was included te K~nsas Under existing circumstances it was not and Missouri Conference. We trust it was in- tougt advisable to organize a Conference strumental for good to tose present. f it Tract Society. Te curces are so few and so could ave been continued several days longer very scattered tat it seemed useless to underit migt ave accomplised far more good. take it at present. But te curces were reo- Avilla is situated in te extreme sout-west- ommended to form local societies. ern part of te State of Missouri, almost down can ardly close tis report witout alluding to te Arkansas line, and bnt a few miles from to some of our traveling experiences on tis te ndian Territory, and is an trip. Avilla is upwards of forty miles from an o t e ore e ere. an ~.Eit anp m~~~ill& ;~a~ n;~r Columbus, te nearest point on te Missouri enommatwn. A few 1ami- River, Ft. Scott, and Gulf R. R., were we took es o our people move m t at part of te stage to reac our destination. t is sixty-five country from llinois, some tree or four years miles from Ft. Scott were we reaced te railsince, among tem, Bro. H. C. Blancard of te road on our return. Tese distances were muc llinois Conference. Tey soon began to old greater tan we expected before going tere. meetings and present our views to te people, We ad to start on our return trip to meet our and now tere is a curc in Avilla of upwards next appointment, :Monday afternoon. Tere of fifty; and more tan tis, in oter points ad been very eavy rains te nigt before, and near by, so tat we ave now quite a representa- it as been very wet for weeks. Many tougt tion of our people in tis community; and tere it preposterous to start, tinking te streams is a general interest to ear in all directions would stop us ; but we tougt it better to go around. Te population is quite largely com- as far we could. posed of nortern elements, and te country is We ad no serious trouble till Tuesday mornrapidly becoming improved, and is one of te ing wen we came to a stream several rods wide finest fruit countries in te world. wic looked rater dubious; and wen we Our meetings were eld in te ouse of wor- drove some cows troug wic stood on te sip erected by te Avilla curc. We did not bank, to test its dept, we found tey ad to swi take te tent tere on aocount of te distance After debating quite a wile, we took our bagga e and expense, and te probability tat we could across a log farter up, and one of our numbers d not get it back in season for te Kansas meet- up in te wagon and swam team, wagon, and ll, ing. safe to te oter sore. t was not danger us, Our meetings commenced Friday nigt. as tere was no current. Tere was quite a fair representation of bret- We congratulated ourselves on our canc to ren from abroad, even more tan expected to once more pursue our journey toward our - see, considering te bad state of te roads and pointments, and oped for no furter troubl. te distance tey ad to. come. Some came over We knew tere was quite a large stream a mile a undred miles. Te meetings were not as or two aead, but we learned it was bridged and spiritual at teir commencement as ad oped oped:for no difficulty. But wen we got witin to see. tougt could discern tat in te alf a mile of it, we saw te people astening to urry of se~tling up new farms and oter busi- see te unusually ig water, and tey comness, te spuit of te world ad gotten far too me;oced telling us it was no use to try to cross. st~onga~old,andtatterewasgreatneedofte As we got nearer, we could see te emigr~nt mmd bemg aroused to sense more fully te im- wagons stopped, and teams off, concluding to portance of te ete~nal world. Tis point was wait for te water to go down ; but as te water kept. befo~e te mmds of t~e pe~ple, and our was rapidly rising, tat did not seem very enmeetmgs 1m.proved all te time till te close, couraging, and tere seemed quite a prospect and could we ave ad a day or two more, be- tat te bridge would soon go off. Our situalieve a ~ood and tor?ug work migt ave been tion was not pleasant. As far as we could see, accomplised. As t was, all expressed muc it was an unbroken waste of water running over gladness for te privilege tey ad enjoyed, and te road. Te bridge itself was idden from seemed to realize teir obligations to te cause view by te trees. Tere was no way to get muc more. tan before. Bro. Lawrence round it witout going forty miles furter. f preace.d twtce: gave five discourses. Our we staid, we were sure to miss our appointment. last soc1al meetmg was an excellent one, carao. We judged from some circumstances tat te terized by c?nfessions and brokenness of spirit. water over te road could not be dangerously Two sess1ons of te State Conference were deep; but te difficulty was to keep te grade eld, of wic a full report is erewit sent to of te road bed, no telling ow deep it was te REVEW. All te curces belonging to eiter side. Under tese circumstances two of t~e Conference wic still maintain an organiza- our number concluded to wade troug and test t10n were represented by delegates. Two newly te practicability of getting to te bridge, and organized curces, viz., Nasville and Big over it. So tey waded full one undred rods Springs, wer? admitted to te Conference wit as near as we could judge, and found te wate; weak condition of te curces; but it was recommended tat local societies be organized in proper localities. Bro. J. H. Cook of Ft. Scott, Kansas, and Bro. Wm. Evans of Hamilton, Mo., were appjinted by te Conference to correspond wit delinquent subscribers for te REVEW, Reformer, and lttstructor. Te amount of s. B. pledged by te curces composing te Conference for te coming year is not far from $ Te following resolutions were adopted by te Conference: Resolved, Tat we express our gratitude to te General Conference for te interest tey ave manifested in our bealf, and for te laborers tat ave been sent among us, and we desire tem to still remember us and exercise a watc- dent, Eld. R. J. Lawrence and Bro. Geo.. care over us. Butler opened it by prayer. Credentials of del- Resolved, tat we express our unabated interagates being called for, te following curces est and confidence in all te doctrines eld by and delegates responded: Avilla, Mo., Eli Wick, te Sevent day Adventists, and our determina Jon Hoff, D. M. Wood; Mound City, Kan., tion to aid in teir dissemination by our means J. H. Cook, J. Lamont; Civil Bend, Mo., T. J. and influence; and we desire to express our en Butler; Centerville, Kan., Smit Sarp. couragement at te prospect of a forward move- Te secretary being absent, Smit Sarp was ment of te cause in tis Conference, and our elected secretary, pro tem. earnest desire tat all te scattered bretren.moved, Tat Eld. Geo.. Butler be invited witin its bounds sould come forward at tis to participate wit us. Carried. important time and assist to bear its pecuniary.moved, Tat all persons present in good burdens. standing in allf of our curces be invited to Resolved, Tat under te existing circumparticipate wit us in our deliberations. Carried. stances, and considering te wants of te cause A call was made for any organized curces in regard to means, wile it is comparatively witin te bounds of tis Conference, wic weak, all te s. B. raised witin te bounds of ad not been admitted, to present temselves; te Conference sall be llppropriated to te Conwereupon te curces of Nasville, Barton ference treasury, for te support of lab:>r and to Co., and te curc of Big Springs. Douglass. pay necessary expenses. Co., Kansas, were voted into te Conference. Resolved, Tat all money tat is raised by Te former was represented by Bro. Jos. G. subscription for te purcase of te two tents, Wood, as delegate. in excess of te amount necessary to pay for Te cairman, after being properly autor- tem, sall be paid into te Conference treasury ized, appointed te following committees : for te purpose of meeting te expenses neces- On Nominations: Geo.. Butler, Eli Wick, sary for running te same. Smit Sarp. Resolved, Tat it is te judgment of tis Auditing Committee: Eli Wick, J. Racket, Conference tat Bro. T. J. Butler sould labor J. Lamont,Smit Sarp, J. Hoff, D. 1.\L Wood. wit te tent in te nortern part of te Con On Resolutions: Geo.. Butler, T. J. Butler, ference, te coming season, in connection wit H. C. Blancard. Bro. Lawrence. and Kansas Conference, and in abou~ fifteen minutes $ were pledged for tis purpose. Adjourned to te call of te Cair. Second session, Monday, lot.a.. M. Prayer by T. J. Butler. Te committee on nominations reported as follows: Presidentj"ft:-J:fJ"awrence; ~eereta:ry,,..f, J. Butler. Half Rock, Mercer Co., 1\o.; Treasurer, J.. H. Rogers, Alta Vista, Daviess Co.; Mo. Executive committee: R. J.Lawrence, H. C. Blancard, Avilla, Jasper Co., Mo.; J. H. Cook, Ft. Scott, Kans. Te report was accepted, and tese bretren elected to tese several offices. Te auditing committee reported tat te bretren wo ad labored in te Conference desired to giv-e teir past labor gratuitously, and tat tere were no carges against te Conference for past labor. Treasurers report was as follows: Systematic Benevolen-ce on and as reported at last Conference, $68.85 Heceived during te year, Total, $ Paid out ~ioce May 28, 1871, $73.70 Amount on and, J. H. RoGERS, Treasurer. Recd for Kan. and Mo. tent, $ Paid out on te tent, Balance on and, $10.85 J. H. RoGERS, } Tent J. H. 1\.A.LLORY, Com. Te above reports were accepted. Moved, and carried, Tat a committee of tree be elected to raise means and purcase te new tent for te Conference, wereupon H. C. Blancard, Eli Wick, and J. G. Wqod, were elected to constitute said committee, and Eld. H. C. Blancard was selected as te person to wom all pledges and money sould be sent designed to apply for te purcase of te tent. Te subject of credentials and licences being introduced, te credentials of Eld. H. C. Blanc Wen te question of openings for labor came Resolved, Tat it is te judgment of tis up, interesting statements were made by Brn. body tat Bro. L. D. Santee sould labor wit Blancard, Cook, Lawrence, and T. J. Butler, te tent te coming season, in te soutern part embracing many places in te Conference, be- of tis Conference, in connection wit Bro. aides calls in te ndian nation from people, Blancard.. many of wom are civilized and respectable. Resolved, Tat we tender our tanks to te Te most earnest and pressing invitations are curc of Avilla for teir kind ospitality sown being received, embracing probably ten times to te memb(lrs and visitors of tis meeting. te places wic te present available labor can Resolved, Tat te proceedings to tis Conferfill. ence be publised in te REVEW. Adjourned Eld. Geo.. Butler ten made some remarks sine die. R. J. LAWRENCE, Pres. in reference to raising anoter tent for tis Con- SMTH SHARP, Sec., pro tem. ference. t seemed proper tat te new tent just purcased sould operate in te nortern California. limits of tis Conference, and tat anoter sould be bougt for te Conference, to run at MY last report was made May 10. Sabbat present in te soutern part. Tese remarks and first-day, te 11t and 12t, spent at were eartily seconded by Bro. Blancard; Santa Rosa were one more was baptized and wereupon it was unanimously voted to raise united wit te curc. At te same time Bro. means to purcase a second tent for te Missouri Cornell was aving a very interesting time, meeting opposition, at Bloomfield. Spent te week preparing to go out wit te tent. Sabbat, te 18t, was again in Santa Rosa, and Bro. Cornell in San Francisco. Two more were oted into te Santa Rosa curc at te Sabbat eating. Sunday evening, left Santa Rosa and came Woodland, Yolo Co., ninety miles from Santa osa, were we arrived on Tuesday evening, te 21st. Tis is a triving town of about two tousand inabitants, te county seat of Yolo County. Our first meeting in te tent ero was last even ing, and was attended by over one undred and fifty candid, attentive listeners. Tere is muc talking around town, to-day, concerning te meetings, and te people predict tat we sall ave a good earing. May te Lord grant tat it may be so, and tat great good may be done ere. Pray for us. J. N. LouGHBOROUGH, [Since te forgoing was in type, we ave received te following additional report. En.] OuR tent-meeting is progressing finely in tis place. We ave good audiences wo give te best of attention. We ave given only five discourses but are encouraged wit te prospects before us. We first introduced te books to-day. About $20.00 wort were taken, wic evinces an anxiety on te part of te people to know wat tese tings mean. People are very friendly and treat us kindly, toug strangers. We tink te Lord was in our coming ere. Wit is blessing to follow and set ome te trut, our labors will not be in vain. J. N. L. Wisconsin. H.A. VE juet closed an excellent quarterly s. B. amountmg t:o $ o~ upwards. in places bre~t ig, wit quite a strong cur- meeting at Avon. t was te first curc tat Wen te subject of openings for labor came rent. Te bndge was all rigt te main curup, it seemed distressing to tink of te calls in rent running up to te bridge, but not over it. onged to it in all about 125 members. A very was organized in te State. Tere ave be all directions, apparently good ones too, and te Tese ten returned and walked one in front of ar ere renewed, and te following persons reeived licenses to improve teir gifts te coming t ut. Svme ave died, and many ave moved all porportion of tose ave given up te utter inability on te part of te Conference to eac orse to 3p te track, and all got meet tat demand. However, tere was a laud- troug in safety wit no loss watever. T conferm6g jgar. L. D. San6ee, T. J. Butler, J. to oter parts of te country. t still numers about 25 members. Sometimes tings ave able interest manifested to do someting in tis water in te deepest place wa.s witin tr H. Cook, J. H. Rogers, T. E. Morey, J. G. direction. Te subject of purcasing anoter inces of te top of te wagon box. Te ba - Wood, J.Lamont, Cas. H. Caffee, and Jam looked discouraging as to its future prosperity, tent for te Conference came up. Wile it was gage was piled up on te seats and was no~ sertto~t best tat te ~ew one bougt tis ously damaged. We all felt very grateful to tive committee. down; but e as utterly failed; and te pros Racket. All oters were referred to te ex cu- as te evil one as tried so ard to break it sprtng, te means for wtc mostly came from God for our safe arrival on te oter sore, and Te subject of organizing a Conference Tract pect for te f11ture prosperity of te tird angels bretren in te nortern part of te Conference, we did not fail to express it. Society was introduced, and after some remarks message in te vicinity of tis curc looks aould be run by Brn. Lawrence and T. J. But- We ad no furter difficulty, and reaced te it was deemed inexpedient to undertake te formation of one, because of te scattered and We ad good congregations and te very prom~ing. Jer, in te nortern field, te bretren furter railroad communications. safely. Two of our Lord r l i~ ;.

7 June 11, 1872.] ADVENT REVEW AND HERALD OF THE SABBATH. 207 ; ;. gave muc liberty in speaking te word. On te Sabbat, tree were baptized and five were added to te curc. And several oters we tink will soon come into te good work. ave no doubt but many will yet unite wit tat curc, if te curc lets er ligt properly sine, wic ope and pray tat tey may and tat te Lord may yet add to teir numbers suc as sall be saved.. SANBORN. Avon, Rock Oo., Wis.,.~.lfay 26, Oio. MAY 7, left for Van Wert Co., Oio, to give a course ot lectures in Bro. Vanenams neigborood. Commenced meetings on ts 9t. Gave twelve discourses, wen was obliged to stop on account of sickness. Te most prejudice tat ave ever met wit, believe found tere. But very few tere manifest a disposition to bear and investigate. gsve away some tracts, and sall commence again wen a~le. WM. CoTTRELL. From Eld. D. T. Bourdeau. WE reaced ome from Kentucky in safety yesterday, aving ad a prosperous journey of tree days. Our primary object in going to Kentucky was to follow up an interest started tere by Bro. J. B. Brown, of California, and to enjoy a milder climate during te winter season. Upon te wole tat my stay in Kentucky was a bfnefit to me ealt wise, ao avoided a long cold winter. Yet te world affords no better climate tan our Vermont climate in summer; and tis morning we enjoy te bracing air of old Vermont wit unusual pleasure, as we find ourselves pleasantly situated among our old friends again, wo do all tey can to make us comfortable. As we look over te past we can say, Truly goodness and mercy ave followed us all our days. Praise te Lord for all is benefits. We tink our going to Kentucky was timely to elp some wo were giving up te trut troug discouragement and for want of toroug effort, to elp te few wo ad started out to meet unexpected trials, and to exert a furter influence in favor of te trut. We labored some at tree different points, giving sixty-five lectures, selling $34.64 wort of books and tracts, and giving away $19.00 wort, and forming many pleasant acquaintances. Wit te few wo ave embraced te Sabbat at Locust Grove, tere are now eleven in all keeping te Sabbat. One as gone to ndiana. We sall remember Kentucky and pray tat te Sabbat-keepers in Hardin Uounty may remain faitful, and serve as a nucleus for a good company of believers in teir part of te State..May none of tem samefully tum away from e trut for oters to be ligt- bearers in teir stead, and wear te crowns tey migt ave worn. On our way ome, we stopped at Colesburg, at Dr. Horace Coombs,son(lfDr. W. F. Coombs. Wile tere, te following sad accident occurred. At midnigt te Doctor was called up to attend o te case of a nigt operator, son of te sixt auditor of te Treausury Department at Wasington, wo got run over by a freigt car. Tis accident proved fatal. Te man lived tree ours, suffering intensely, and requesting te bystanders to soot im troug te ead. He died witout ope, cursing and swearing. As e was taken into te depot, is blood flowed on one of our trunks, leaving stains tat made strong impressions on our minds. Truly deat was near, and Go.d in mercy ad spared us, a.nd tere was ope m our case. How many like tis man tink only of tis life and do not realize te sad fate tat awaits t~m at last, unless ey repent. May God elp us to faitfully warn our fellow-men of te solemn scenes tat are coming on te eart, wen tere will not be a ray of ope to te sinner. We expect to commence tent operations witin two weeks. D. T. BouRDEAU. Bordoville, Vt., May 31, REJOCE ill THE LORD ALWAYS, THER brows sould wear a. oly ligt, Wo front te eavens serenely brigt, And gladness sould teir steps attend, Wo walk wit Crist, teir cosen friend. For every footfall of teir way But brings tem nearer to te day Tat knows no nigt, and to te joy No grief can mar nor sin alloy. Fixed in te pat tat He at trod, Teir lives are id wit Crist in God, And dwell secure from every arm, Encircled by te Faters arm. Beind te clouds, above te storm, His sunligt lingers soft and warm ; And een troug midnigts gloomiest pall, Some beams of mercy gently fall. However dark te frown of fate, God will is promise vindica.te, And in is own good time and wa.y, Bring in te full and perfect day, n wose glad ligt sa.ll disappear, All tat perplexed and troubled ere; And sow te weary pat tey trod As te one pa.t wose end is-god! Anatema. -Sel. N te Dictionary of te Bible for general use by te American Tract Society we ave te following definitions of te word Anatema:- "A curse, a ban; it signifies properly someting set apart, separated, devoted. t is understood principally to denote te absolute, irrevocable, and entire separation of a person from te communion of te faitful, or from te number of te living, or from te privileges of society; or te devoting of any man, animal, city, or tirig, to be extirpated, destroyed, consumed, and, as it were, anniilated,.. ev. 27. Tus Jerico, Jos. 6:17-21, and Acan were accursed, Jos. 7. " Anoter kind of Anatema very peculiarly expressed occurs in 1 Cor. 16:22, f any man love not te Lord Jesus Crist, let im be Anatema, Maranata. Tis last worrl is made up of two Syriac words signifying, Te Lord comet, tat is, te Lord will surely come and execute tis curse, by condemning tose wo love im not. At te same time te opposite is also implied, tat is, te Lord comet also to reward tose wo love im." According to te above definitions and remarks, 1 Cor. 16:22 would read someting like tis : Te Lord comet, to curse, or to make an absolute, irrevocable~ and entire separation from te number of te living, and to extirpate, destroy, consume, and anniilate tose wo love not te Lord Jesus Crist, and to reward tose wo love im." St. Carles,.11fic. nfidel Demands. H. S. GuiLFORD. THOSE wo suppose tat nfidelity is a nega tive system, and ready to fold its ands and live at peace if it can only persuade Cristians to cease teir effiorts to bring te world under te influence of Gods law, possibly may ave teir eyes opened by te following from te ndex, a paper condb.cted wit no mean ability in te interests of nfidelity, and publised in Toledo, Oio: " We assume no defensive attitude. We are for carrying te war into Africa. We sould spurn te proposal to leave tings as tey are, on condition tat tis Cristian Amendment agitation sould cease. No! We ave demands to make. " Te agitation tey depend on as a means of preserving te "Cristian observances" wic still deface te practical administration of tis non Cristian government, will ultimately lead to teir total abolition. Let tem agitate. Te struggle between Cristianity and secular freedom for te control of tis country is inevitable, and will only be astened by agitation. Wile tese revolutionists are urging teir demands, te liberals will more vigorously urge teir own. Wat are tey Y "1. We demand tat curces and oter eccle- Convineed by Reading.. siastical property sall no longer be exempted BRo. J. BoND writ;"" from Van Buren Co~, from just taxation. ~wa: Te ~EVEW comes to me weekly, laden "2. We demand tat te employment of cap W!~ good.tmgs, wic feast upon. t is my lains in Congress, in State Legislatures, in te spmtual fe; and 1 bless God tat it was sent army, navy, an~ m~liti~, and in prisons, asylums, to me, troug te kindness of a broter. oter~ and all oter mst1tubons supported by public wise sould ave ad no knowledge ~f your money, sall be discontinued. fait. "3. We demand tat all public appropriations for sectarian, educational, and caritable institutions sall cease. SSTER Emma Hand writes from te Sierra "4. we demand tat all religious services now VallP.y, California: Eigteen monts since, sustained by te government sall be abolised; embraced te trut, under te labors of Bro. and especially tat te use of te Bible in te Lougboroug. My usband and myself are public scools,. weter ostensibly as a text-book te only Sabbat-ktepers in tis place. We or avowedly as a book of religious worsip, sall feel very lonely, but are looking forward wit be proibited. strong ope to te time wen a minister can 5. We siemand tat te appointment, by te come ere. Te REVEW finds its way to us President of te United States, or by te govenors of te various States, of all religious festi every week. t is ceering to us lonely ones. We.desire to overcome and be prepared for te vals and fasts sall wolly cease. c~mmg of Jesus. O wat can we not readily " 6. We demand tat te judicial oat in te g~v~ up, for te sake of eternal life? feel courts and in all oter departments of te government sall be abolised, and tat simple af. determined to live eac day nearer te Lord. firmation, under te pains and penalties of perjury, sall be establised in its stead. As T is te caracteristic of great wits "7. We demand tat all te laws directly or to. say muc in few words, so it is of small indirectly enforcing te observance of Sunday as Wlts, to talk muc and say noting. te Sabbat sall be repealed. cr\~ Hf!:.. " 8. We demand tat all laws looking to te enforcement of "Cristian morality" sall be abrogated, and tat all laws sall be conformed to te requirements of natural morality, equal rigts, and impartial liberty. " 9. n sort, we demand tat not only in te Constitutions of te United States and of te several States, but also in te practical administration of te same, no privilege or advantage sall be conceded to Cristianity, or any oter special religion ; tat our entire political system sall be founded and administered on a purely secular basis; and tat watever canges sall prove necessary to tis end, sall be consistently, unflincingly, and promptly, made." Will tey succeed in teir efforts? We ope not; and yet suc is te apaty of te great body of Cristian people on tis subject, tat we are not witout our fears. Not only is tere apaty among tose wo ougt to be foremost in standing up for te autority of Gods law, but tere is opposition to doing so on te ground tat it provokes opposition. Suc persons do not believe in te Saviours principle : " came not to send peace on eart, but a sword;" i. e., My principles are positive, and will excite opposition, but tey must be proclaimed. Te result of all tis is tat nfidelity is making wondeful progress in molding te caracter of our people and canging our customs. As an example, we ave in many cities, our own city of Cincinnati included, public libraries, and reading rooms, open on te Sabbat, and te next annual exibition of te National Academy of Design in New York City is to be open to visitors on Sabbat, at te reduced rate of fifty cents. And if fine pictures are to be exibited on Sabbat for te gratification of te lovers of art, on te same principle we will ave te teaters open to gratify te lovers of te drama. And as anoter example of progress in tat line, we may add tat tere is now a bill before te Legislature of Oio, remodeling te system of our common scools, in wic te question of reading te Bible is purposely excluded. During its consideration an amendment to te effect tat teacers migt read te Bible if tey cose at te opening of te scools was voted down. Te effect of tis is to leave te matter entirely in te ands of te local Boards of Education, and our experience is, tat te friends of te Bible not being on tbe alert, as are its enemies, te Bible will, wit te adoption of tis bill, cease to be read as a book of devotion in all our scools.-olistian Press..\.l: ~bituary llleesed are te <lead wic die n te Lord from encefort n~;~: ;t s ~ t~ j3;i;i~; N: -y:; i\i~;:- 4~ is72; after an illness of nearly tree weeks, Bro. Jon Parmalee, aged fifty-six years. His disease was typoid pneumonia. Bro. P. embraced te Sabbat about tirty years ago, and was for some time a member of te Sevent-day Baptist cruc. He as been a believer in te Advent doctrine for twenty years, and fully accepted all te truts of te tird angels message. His example and influence were suc tat is loss will be deeply felt, especially by te curc wit wic e was connected. P. z. KNNE. DED, in Spencer, nd., May 25, 1872, Jon E. Weat, son of Mary E. Weat, aged fifteen years and eleven monts. He was an observer of te Sabbat, and an interested student of te word of God. He expressed a belief before e died, tat e sould meet te Saviour in te first resurrection. ~ARY E. WHEAT. ~ppoiutmtut~. And as ye go, prerc, saying, Te kingdom of Heaven is at baud. A TWO-nAYs meeting in Greenwood Co., Kansas five miles sout of Eureka at Bro. Jesse Tomlinsons: Sabbat and first-day, June 29 and 30. We invite te bretren a.nd sisters of Howard and Butler Counties, and all oters wo can, to come. Can some minister meet wit us. JACOB YATES. QuARTERLY meeting of te S. D. Adventists at Hundred Mile Grove, Wis~, July 6 and 7, We ope for a general attendance. N. M. JORDON. -- pecially let every curc send delegates, as we expect to organize a missionary society for tis Conference. Bring all your interested friends, and let all bring tents ta.t can, and plenty of bedding, wit empty ticks. Come to stay till te rnreting is closed. Tere will be provision and orse feed on te ground for a.ll wo wis it, at reasonable rates. Bro. and Sr. Wite are expected at tis meeting. Will Bro. Downer see ta.t te curces at Wautoma and Plainfield are organized, so tat tey may be properly represented at te Conference. P. S. THURSTON, } Wis. R. BAKER, Conf.. SANBORN, CoT,. Wisconsin State Conference. PROVDENCE permitting, tis Conference will be eld in connection wit te Camp-meeting at Lodi, Columbia Co., Wis., commencing Wednesday evening, June 26, and continuing till te morning of July 1. We do ope all will try to be on te ground at te commencement of te meeting o.nd st&y till it is closed. Bring all your interested friends wit you. We ope a.ll te curces will represent temselves by delegate or by lettter, eac giving te number of its members, and te amount of Systematic Benevolence tat tey wis to pledge to te Conference te coming year. Bro. and sister Wite are earnestly invited to attend our Camp meeting and Conference. Lapeer, Holly, Mic. " P. S. THURSTON, } Wis. RUFUS BAKER, Oonf... SANBORN, Com. June 22, " 29, " H. s. GURNEY. QuARTERLY meeting of te 8. D. Adventists at Ulysses, Potter Co., Pa., June 22 and 23. We ope for a general attend&nce of te bretren and sisters; for te1e will be important business to attend to upon first-day morning. Cannot some messenger be sent to elp on te occasion, for suc elp is muc needed. A. D. GALUTA. HuNDRED Mile Gran, Sabbat, June 22, expect to meet Brn. Turston and Ba.ker at tis meeting to elp fit up te camp-ground immediately a.fter. ope tey will not fail to come.. SANBORN. Minnesota State Conference. THE Minnesota State Conference will old its next annual session in connection wit te camp-meeting to be eld at Medford, Steel Co., commencing Wednesday June 19 anti continuing to June 24. Let all te curces at once in tis Conference take te necessary steps to represent temselves fully at tis meeting by delegates. We ope tat all te friends of te cause will make an extra. effort to be at tis meeting. Bro. and Sr. Wite are expected to be wit us. Bring your families and interested neigbors wit you. Be on te ground at te com mencement of te meeting and stay until te close. HARRSON GRANT, } Minn. D. McALPNE, Conf..J. B. EDWARDS, Com. Not slotful in Jlnslness. Rom.12 : 11. RECEPTS For Bll11iew and Herald. Annexed to eac receipt n te following list, is te Volume a.nd Number of te REviEW & HERALD TO wic te money receipted pays-wic sould correspond wit te Numbers on te Pasters f money to te paper is not in due time acknowledged, immediate notice of te omission sould ten be &iven. $1.00 BACH. Lewis Ra.y 40-16, J G Wood 41-1, Eli Wick 41-1, Hanna Goodric 39-1, Wm F Crous 41-1, Lewis Martin 4!-1, Josep Eaton 41-9, B H Melendy 42-1, Abraam Foster $2.00 EACH. Alvinsa Searls 40-21, L W VanMeter 42-13, Sara Ross 41-26, Amos Va.nSyoc 41-12, Sil venus Keeler 41-1, Jon Hoff 40-14, H S Gidding 40-13, Jon Ta.ylor 41-18, J La.mont 42-11, H C Bla.noard 41-1, DC Jones 42-1, Bruce Gro.o.m 41-13, Caroline Butler 41-1, Orris Ka.sson 41-1, James Potter 41-26, J Luddington 40-9, F Squire 41-18, Harriett Anway 41-26, S Rumery 42-17, A C Hudson 41-17, M J Capman 42-1, Ricard Good 41"1, J F,Frauen felder 37-1, N H Scooley 40-8, Josep Yates 42-1, H C Miller 41-14, Sara!Ra.tburn 41-9, J P Capma.n 41-14, S 111 Stockwell 41-1, Hiram Towle 41-20, J Mouseunt 41-9, Mrs N Denison 42-1, G P Cusman MisCELLANEous. C H T StClair $ , F d Cappell 25o 40-9, P W VanHouten $ , E Sedgwick 75c 41-5, Mrs L Austin $ , SA Walen $ , W W Crandall $ , M Williams Sfic W H Jonson 50o Mrs Geo Veder $ Boob Bent Ply Man. Nellie Cick 10c, Wm L Jaycox $5.00, A W Smit 3.25, J N Lougboroug 6.05, J F Fra.uenfelder 25c, Tomas Alverson 20c, J Jonston 50c, Sara Ricmond 2.05, M H Bates 50c, Samuel H Haskell 1.00, D l\1 Ca.nrigt 50c, C H Plea.sants 25c, A B Burton. 83c, J V Himes 1.80, J B Goodric 4.66, Mrs FE Reading 25c, R J Foster 20c, A Guinand QUARTERLY meeting a.t Alaiedon June 29 and 30. Bcoks Senl by &press We want all te bretren and sisters belonging. James Wite, Knoxville, owa, $133.95, H SLay, to te curc to be present. We also inlite te bret- Allegan, Mic., 20.00, Eld. E B Saunders, Locke, ren and sisters at Locke and oter curces to meet Cayuga Co., N. Y., Via Auburn., wit us. Dtm.aUM.B to Healt. LmMtute. We nry muc desire some one of te preac- Lewis Dysert $5.00, Sara Dysert ing bretren to be wit us at te meeting. D. V. WNNE, Oler!e. Safoe6,.,.. Ptflllw.tng:~.usoclatio.,.., Lewis Dysert $ MSSONARY and Tra.ct Meeting for District No. 7 at Wrigt, Mic., June 22 and 23, Let every mem?er tak~ special pains to be prepared to report at t1s meetmg. Also for District No. 8, a.t Greenville, Mic., June 29, at wic time a. report from all te members in tat District will be expected. E. H. RooT. Pres. Mic.!1. and M. Societv. Wisconsin Camp-meeting. Tnis meeting will be eld a.t Lodi, Columbia Co., Wis., commencing June 26t, and continuing to July 1. Tose coming from te west by railroad from Prairie du Cien will cange a.t Madison for Lodi; from te east, at Madison for Lodi; from te nort at Watertown for Ma.dison, a.nd at Madison for Lodi: We ope a.ll our bretren will a. general ra.lly and come to tis meeting to work for te Lord. Es-.JCio1ll{/an Conference.Fund. Curc at Allegan $90.00, Genoa 21.64, Blendon DonatwN CO B. D, A, P.A.BBociaffon. Mrs F E Reading $1.00. Oas BeoMtlell on.a.ocount. Tract Society of :Mound city, Ka.n., $5.00, Tract Society of Centerlille, Kan., 1.6U, C H Bliss ltu lntltw aud ltrald. TBBHS: t paid n advance,... """"""".OOa year. f not paid in tree montll,... $1.60 a JeR Wen ordered b7 otbelll for te poor,.-... ft.o a year. Wen ordered btftlendij, fortefrtrlelldl on trial, tl.&o Jeal Acldrell UVDW & BDALD BA!il OuR llloa. t~iit1l11"1: ~:!.

8 208 ADVENT REVE"WT AD iera.jd OF THE SABBATH. [Vol. 39, No. 26. l.~~ t"... NDEX TO VOL. 39. PAGB. AN nteresticg Experience,... 6 Anger,... ~ An Englis Paper. on America, A Tankless Service, Adornments, A Gradual Cange, A Zeal not according to Knowledge,.. 29 A String of Pearls, Amendment to Constitution, A Silly Misrepresentation,... : 37 A Singular Conversion, A Jew on te Sabbat, Almost Saved; A Prayer-meeting Recipe, Agitation of te Sunday Question, Advent Tidende, A Vision of Deat, A Parallel Found, All tat te Lord Hat Said, A Good Example, An ncident, A Wide-spread Error, Acceptable Prayer, A Fearful Picture, A Wifes Power, Advertisement of an onest Rumseller 91 Autority, An Actual Conversation,... : A New Argument against te Sabbat, 100 Above te Clouds, An Acknowledged Failure, A Point llustrated,... lll A Plea for te ten Commandments, Adventism-an Anecdote, Astonising Stolidity,... ; An Adroit Reproof, A Warning to Metodists, An HoursTalk, Advent Tougts, A Good Step in Backsliding, Are Angels Spirits, A False Plea, A Veteran F_allen, A Scool in Battle Creek, , 168 A Prosperous Condition, A 1\orning Lesson, A Jealous God, Avoiding Responsibility, A Word to Ministers, A Most Alarming Evil, Among te Danes, Angel Equality, A Difficulty Settled, At Her Old Tricks, A Modern Curc, A Plea for Conversation, A Cained Tiger, a Tiger Still, Anatema., Be Sort, Beold Come as a Tief, B&lief, Beware, Beware of te Spare Bed,... 2!3 Be Ye terefore Ready, Beauties of Bible Language, Biblical Preacing,..., 42 Beware of One Sin, Be Gentle wit Tem, Blindness of Prejudice, Be of Good Courage, Beind Time, Beware of Leakage, Brave Words, He Kindly Affeetioned, Be in Earnest, Beautiful Allegory, Beecer on Sunday-keeping, Building for Eternity, Bible Record not Disproved, California, 6, 46, 70, 94, 102: 168, ; , 206 Covetous Men, Crist te First Fruits, Caracter of Popery, Come, Curc Ventilation, Conquer Your Troubles, Cristia.n Union, Crist and Comedy, Conflict and Conquest, Cristmas Queries, Complaining Cristians, Catolicism and Protestantism, Calls for Help, Consecrated CulturE), Canada,.....: Cristian P~rents Conformity to te \Vorld, Can it be Profitable, Curc Ventilation, Come Unto Me, Complete in Jesus, Carelessness of Healt Companionsip of Cildren, Caracteristics of True Religion, Come Unto Me, Common Sense in Cristian Work, Cristian Liberty, Come Quickly, Crists Love llustrated, Consistency in nterpretation, Colorado, Curc Ga.mbling, Camp meeting Hygiene, and Abel, Convinced by Reading, Dress, Digestion and Religion,... 1!) Day of Fasting,... ; Digging for Water, Deut.21 : 26, Dallying wit Temptation, Departing to Crist, Dont be Afraid, Disciples not Campbellites, Do and Know, Domestic Life, Dress Reform Convention,... ~ 93 Discipline in M. E. Curc, Deat of Sister Andrews, Dried up Cristians, Did e ever Command t, Day of te Lord, Did e.lole God, Examination of Prebles First~day Sabbat;... 1, 65, 81 ExcuEes,..., Enduring to te End, Eld. Prebles New Ligt, Errata, European Opinion of American Morality, European Statistics, Escape for ty Life, Effects of Novel Reading,... l15 Educational Progress, Economizing Time, Excuses, Every Bit of t., Experience, Extract from a Letter from W m. ~liller to is Son, 203 Funerals, Following Crist,... 7 From Bro. Gallemore, Faitfulness, Fruit and Disease, Fridays and Sabbats, Fasion in te Curc, Fitting Names,..., Forks, Formation of te Caracter,....47, 181 Family \Vorsip, Foggy Lawyers, Fasionable Life,... lll. Fait~ vs. ~~":, Famtly Dnlslons, Fait before and after Repenta.noe, Facts for te Times, Freemasonary, Finally Be of one 1\lind,... 16Q Funeral Sermons, Formation of te Spirit, Forgiveness of Sin Conditional, Finger marks, Gods Word... :... 3 Gatering wit Crist, God first, Gods Hand is Everywere, Gratuities and Willa, Ground to Powder, Godliness makes Beautiful, Gettilig Rid of Bad Habit!!, Guarding te Milk, Gideons Army, G~od Language,... l07 Great Discussion in Rome, God Sees. to Me, Good Autority, Get Out of Debt, Giving and Receiving, Gods Word a Lamp, Gods Providence, Home Courtesies, How to Repay, Heaven and J<.:art Sall Pass, &c., He is Converted, H1g Time to Awake, Have we a Message, Hospitals and Asylums, Home Hint.s, Hints on Hearing,... un How to St.. rt a Prayer-Meeting, Homeward Bound, How tey Love One Anoter, Home Politeness, Homesteads, How Became nterested in Review,... l99 Hiving Bees on te Sabbat, Hints to Writers,... ;..., tems,... 4, 31, 141 llinois, 6, 14, 30, 86, 95, 127, 135, owa, 14, 22, 30, 46, 62, 78, 86, 94, , 127, 142, 150, 158, 166, 182 Know ty Works, ntimacy wit Crist, ! Cant Make You Mind, s te 4t Com. Recognized inn. T., Come as Went, n te Side of te Ark, mprovements in te Spirit World, ntemperance, am not Eloquent, mmortal and mmortality,... l32 s it not a Little On, ncidents in Life of Wm. Miller, s it Answered, saia 66t Capter, ll :Manners :Ministers, ncrease of Wealt, ndiana, Call for Htlp s te Propt-cy Fultilled, Will Never Leave Tee,... l87 nfidel Demand8, Jonatbaa,Edwards, Judge not Unkindly, Jurisprudence inn. Y., Jesus our Burden-bearer, Jeova.s Swift Wings,... l95 Keep te Sabba.t, Kentucky, 54, 55, 78, 94, 110, 134, , 191, 1.()9 Kansas,... 54, 86, 102, 111, 191 Known by its Fruits, Knowing te Time, Ligt and Heat,... 4 Learn to Wait, Lame Offerings,... 16, 55 Ligt, Life Troug Crist, Late Hours, Lead into te Trut, Love witout Dissimulation,... l23 Let us Run wit Pa.tienoe, Live as you Pray, Late at Curc, Lending to te Lord, Lest Time,... ltl3 Look Upward, Men and Tings, 5, 13, 21, , , 109, 133, 189 :Mormon Evidenoe for Sunday,... 5, 188 Micigan, 6, 14, 22, 30, 46, 48, 54, 62 70, 78, 79, 94, 9&, 1oa, no , 126, 135, 150, 174, 198 Manners and Morals, Meeting in Battle Creek, Jan. 6t, Mutual Obligation,... 88, 100 Men Wante4, Missionary tnt! Tract Society, \lisapplied Wit, \fa.ine,... M, 118, 127, 159 Te Wisconsin Fires,... 3 Minnesota.,... 54, 86, 127, 198 Tey also Serve, wo only, &c.,... 3 Massacbuset.Ls,... 54, 62. Te United States in Propecy, 4, 12, 28 1\eat. and Fles, , oo, 68 l\looren Society, Te Prospects of te World, Miciga.n Tract Society, Te two Evenings, \fisr.ouri,... 86, 135, 150, 198, 206 Tne United States and Russia, Mans Original Dress, Te General Conference,... 20, 28, 46 l\oter8, Speak Kindly, Tis Generation, l\foney Lost, Te Bible, More of Crist, Te Sunday Sevent-day Teory, Men Love Da.rkness,... ll6 Te Touc of Sin, Ma.ns Destiny, Te Grace Pinces, Meditate on te Promises, Te Curc a Vnit,.../ 26 None Livet to Himself, Te Prospect~ Mortality of Evergreens, Te True srael,... 33, 41 More Consecration, Te Cause in ndiana, Not Done Away, New York, 22, 30, 54, 70, 95, 102, , 126, 134, 142, 159, 174, 198 Nebraska,... 22, 9.>, 191 No Cross, no Crown, No Lie s of te Trut, New Ligts,... u7 No Gift. in Prayer, New England,... 70, 79, 86, 102, 188 New York in Anarcy, Non-Resurrection,... 7o New Y!ars Calls, Nigt Visits, Not Forsaking te Assembling, &c., Our Conversation, Oio,... 22, 94, 102, 103, 126, 17 4, 191 Our Time must Collle, Our Sure Support, Obedience, Oratory in Pra.yer, Our Periodicals, Open Doors,..., Our Platform, Occupation, Out of te Abundance, &c, One Taken, te Oter Left, Open Your Eyes, Our Growt and Prosperity, Oldest nabitants-were From, Observance of Sunday, Obedience., Our Scool at Ba.ttle Creek, Prayer Meeting, Pilates Question, People Get wat tey Go for, Present Help, Persecutions and Blessings, Pra.ctical Tougts, Pennsylvania, Progre~s of te Cause, Prevailing Prayer, Preacing and Teacing, Prejudice, or Little Pus, Power of Cristian Testimony, Papal nfallibility, Preble on Rom. 7, Poisonous Ceese, Primary Questions, Peculiarities of Sabbat,..., Puting a. Coopers Pipe Out,... l27 Pylacteries, Present Condition of te World, Prayer, Pleasure Seeking at Camp-meeting, Power of Tracts, Precious and Practical, Question Answered,...,... 37, 197 Questiol)s on mmortality, Questions a.r.d Answers, , 189 Question wit only One Answer, Quiet Workers, Reward of te Overcomer, Relig. Lib. under Amendment,... 61, 83 Rebellion, Reports from Field, Railroads of te U. S., Repentance and,... loii Read te Text,... l16 Reform Dress, Revelation 21st, Reprove te Swearer, Rigt s Migt, Reflections on Hearing te Gospel Train Sung,... 18!) Remarkable Events of 1871, Sunset,... Sall Naturalization Laws be Amended 7 Spiritualism a Counterfeit., Switzerla.nd,... 14, 29, 54, 102, 142, , Signs of te Times, Sut ty Door, Suggestions on Distributing Tracte, Swines Fles, D. A. ~ublising Association, Significant tems,... 27, 141, 200 Success in Life, Strictures on te Sufferings of Crist, 29 Studying a Profession, Saying and Doing, Sin, Save te Little Ones, Sabbat Piety, Special Providence, Sabbat vs. Sunday, Some Workings of :u. & T. Society of New England, Special Pleadings for Carity, Suspended Tougt, Se Sleeps in Jesus, S"bbat Memorial,... 8!! Spiritualism in Beecers Curc, Spiritualism, Sentimentalism, Self denial, Suffering from Rascality, Satan Outflanked, Sectarian Pilfering, Sunday Law, Society as it, Selfisness, Satisfied Witout Evidence, Suppose it Was So, Small Deceits,...: Stepen Allen Pocket Piece S~~~~w W aterli Easily Muddled,. 179 Te lugteous, Te Date of te Crucifixion,... &7 Te Old Year and te New, Te Praying Teacer, Te Heavenly Home, Te Danis Montly, Te One Talent, Te lrue Union and te False, Te State of te Cause Te Subatance of te T., u Covenants,.. 44 Te Lord Comet, Te Two Pairs of Fetters, Te Review vs. Tobacco, Te Publising Association, Te Love of te Trut, Time, its Value, Te Curc Militant,... :. 55 Two mportant Works, Te National Reform Convention,... 61, Trust, Te Password, Te Dress Question, , 141 To Correspondents,... 69, 80, 88 Te Reformed Mormons, Te Reform Dress, Te Heaten Waking, Te Call for Laborers,... 7(i Te ce-bound Walemen, Tract Soeieties, Te Fast Days in Burlingt9n, Mic, Te Days of Fasting, Te Popes of te tent Century, Te 1\ovin~ Fever, e Nort lvind, Te Danger of Seeming, Te Sickness of Sister Andrews, Te Toll Gate, Trut Commends tself, Testimony of Eminent Autors,... 97, , 121, 129 Te Saviours Personal Appearance, Te Humble Prayer-meeting, Te Blessings Qf Hygiene, Te Beauty of Winter,... " Te Books were Opened, Te Ancient Order, Te Military of France and Germany,106 Te Concealed Spa.rk, Tobacco, Training Cbildreu, Te nternational Communism,... llti Two Extremes, Te End at Hand, Two Will Cases, , Temper and Healt, Te Progress of Spiritualism, Te Warning Cries in Mammot Cave,.123 Te Voice of Conscience, Turning te Tables,,... 1/lO Take Courage, Te Sin of Presumption, Te Pope and Europe, Te Fools of Fasion, Te mage of God, Te Life Struggle, Te Object of Creation, , 153 Te :Missionville Benevolent Society, Te Breat of Life, Te Lords Work Peculiar, Te Bible its own nterpreter, Trust in God, Te Scriptures, Te Pure in Heart, Trusting, Te Pen of Heaven,... l:i5 Te Flaw Hunter, Te LiTing Soul, Te Sevent and First Days, Te Call for Laborers; To my Former Friends, Te Sufferings of Crist, Te Last Dance,....., 166 Te Godly Moter, Te Darkly Lowering Heavens, Te Sea of Galilee, Te Sower, Trip Around te World, Te New Heavens and Eart, Te Spirit Returns to God,..., Te Ct~.lifornia. Discussion, Te Portland Discussion, Take te Back Track, Te Weater of 1871, Te Lost Opportunity, i Try it at Home, Te Approacing Camp-meetings, 188 Te nfidel and Work of God, Te Bible Talks to You, Te Sincere Man, Te Restitution, Te Liberty of Crist, Te End at Hand Te Relapse of Fait.,...,... l95 Tree Reasons for Bible Reading, Troug Nature to God, Te Flies and Spiders, Te Religious Sooffer, Te Anti Sunday Movemtmi., Te Scool, Te Spirit of Just Men Made Perfect, To te Bretren in Kansas and Missouri, Usee and Abuses of Gifts, Unity in te Work, Unbelief, Usefulness and Fullness of 0. r Uselel!s Adornments, Ve~tila.tion,... Vermont, 14, 30, 78, 110, 118, 126, 142 Sp1ntlsm, , 190 Secret of Happiness,..., Veauvius,... ~. )...;178 Searc te Scriptnre~~,;.." Soul-Sleepers Conferenee, Sp.eak""" ~ to Anoter,... 1!>9 THE LBRARY ~D~. Tbeolocical Seminlry o Wat Sall be Done, Wat Happened to te Carpenter, Words of Explanation, Wisconsin, 46, 54, 95, 103, to, 118, , 150, 166, 182, 198, 200 Wm.. Kinkade, Wic is Rigt,... &3 Worldliness, Wat Oters Tink of Sabbat, Wat Sall do to be &ved, Walk in Wisdom, &c Walk in te Ligt, Wat sall we Tink, Wanted-Persecution, Wat is Needed, Wen to be Happy, Wat is Revealed Religion,... l16 Worty of Nolice,... llu Wy do not our Opponents Unite, Wat is te! Prospect,... l41 Werein do we Rob God, Werefore Come Ye Out,... l43 Wy not Known Before, lva.t profit Writing for Newspa.pers, Wat is Needed, Wat is Soul and Spirit, Wat Spiritualism is Doing, Wounded Birds will Flutter, Wite Robes,... 18J Waiting for Crists Comiug, Vo K!!c.wet, j_)qetry. A Present Tense Version of Old Hymn, 9 Advent,...,... 57, 65 A Prayer, A Hymn, All tis f lr Me, A Quiet 1\find, A Word of Kindness, Bilter-Sweet, Carity Covers Sins, Conflict and Conquest,.. ; Conformity to te World, Follow Tle, Gold,... 1 Go and Tell Jesus, Going Home, Gods T!lugts not Ours, Give l\e Work,... 1i4 He Comet to Judge te Eart,... 5D Heavenly Glimpse~, Hold up ty Ligt., Hymn, s your Lamp Burning, f God Sila\1 Bless Me,... l66 f We Would, Jesus Knows,... 2!i Jesus Lives, Keep l\fe near Tee Keep,... 7\l Let Me be Tine, Let God Direct; Littl!1 by Little, \fen Wanted, My Old-fasioned Moter, None but Crist,... 12rl No Step Backward,... lu1 Pray for te Erring, Prayer for Help, Questionings, Reflections,....41, 49, 100 Remember not Sins of Yout, Ric and Poor, Rejoice in te Lord Always,.... 2D7 Sonnet, Sinai and Calvary,... 8\) Sustain te Gospel, Su.ving Fait,.: Sabbat Hymn,... 1l9 Te Prayer and te Life, Te Brigt Side, Te Better World, Te Years Record, Te Great Wonder, Trust in Jesus, Te New Eart,... ~ 43 Te Lords Prayer,...,... 1il Te Nigt Comet, Tink no Evil, Tlie Hands tat Hang Down, True Heroism, Te Nigt fa.r Spent,... """""""" Te Temple, Te Harvest is Past, Trusting in Jeeus, Te Meeting Place, Trust, Te Cruse tat Failet Not.,... 14l> Trut and Freedom, Te Voice of Jesus,... Te Hardest Time of All,... l69 Te Clouds, Te New Jerus11lem,... ; Tou Art Mine,..., } Te Bread of St. Jodokus,... l90 Te Fire by te Sea,... l91 Te Day, Te Useful Life, Unkindn.ess, Work,... :... 6 Well Trust in Tee, Work wile Day Lasts, WatTen, Vatc and Pray,...,... l13 Waiting,... :. 14:l Wat Are you going to Do,... lli8 Watc and Pray (1\.lusie), Wat Ten,... 19t> Wy Weepest T~~~.. ~. ~ Y e Did it. not to -%~~ ~~-~,... 3 Words tat do not Wear Out,... 5 Watc and Pray,... : Zion,... ; ; ;;;.;.; J... ~... UH

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