1 Nephi E and hearken not to the voice of his counsels.[1] 8. And the world, because of their iniquity,

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1 1 Nephi II trmple uner their feet. III Ye, even the very Go of Isrel II o men trmple uner their feet; I sy, trmple uner their feet ut I woul spek in other wors-- I they set him t nught, E n herken not to the voie of his ounsels.[1] 8 F n ehol he ometh, oring to the wors of the ngel, in six hunre yers from the time my fther left Jeruslem. 9 E n the worl, euse of their iniquity, shll juge him to e thing of nught; wherefore they sourge him, n he suffereth it; n they smite him, n he suffereth it. Ye, they spit upon him, n he suffereth it, euse of his loving kinness n his long-suffering towrs the hilren of men. 10 n the Go of our fthers, who were le out of Egypt, out of onge, n lso were preserve in the wilerness y him, ye, the Go of rhm, n of Is, n the Go of Jo, yieleth himself, oring to the wors of the ngel, s mn, into the hns of wike men, to e lifte up, oring to the wors of Zenok, n to e ruifie, oring to the wors of Neum, n to e urie in sepulhre, oring to the wors of Zenos, whih he spke onerning the three ys of rkness, whih shoul e sign given of his eth unto those who shoul inhit the isles of the se, e more espeilly given unto those who re of the house of Isrel. 11 f For thus spke the prophet: The Lor Go surely shll visit e ll the house of Isrel t tht y, f some with g h his voie, euse of their righteousness, unto their gret joy n slvtion,

2 60 1 Nephi 19 f g n others with the thunerings n the lightnings of his power, y tempest, y fire, n y smoke, n vpor of rkness, n y the opening of the erth, n y mountins whih shll e rrie up. 12 The Go of nture suffers.[2] 13 f n ll these things must surely ome, sith the prophet Zenos. g n the roks of the erth must ren; n euse of the gronings of the erth, mny of the kings of the isles of the se shll e wrought upon y the Spirit of Go, to exlim: n s for those who re t Jeruslem, sith the prophet, they shll e sourge y ll people, euse they ruify the Go of Isrel, n turn their herts sie, e rejeting signs n woners, n the power n glory of the Go of Isrel. 14 n euse they turn their herts sie, sith the prophet, n hve espise the Holy One of Isrel, they shll wner in the flesh, n perish, n eome hiss n ywor, n e hte mong ll ntions. 15 Nevertheless, when tht y ometh, sith the prophet, tht they no more turn sie their herts ginst the Holy One of Isrel, then will he rememer the ovennts whih he me to their fthers. 16 Ye, then will he rememer the isles of the se; ye, n ll the people who re of the house of Isrel, will I gther in, sith the Lor, oring to the wors of the prophet Zenos, from the four qurters of the erth. 17 Ye, n ll the erth shll see the slvtion of the Lor, sith the prophet; every ntion, kinre, tongue n people shll e lesse.[3] 18

3 1 Nephi n I, Nephi, hve written these things unto my people, tht perhps I might persue them tht they woul rememer the Lor their Reeemer. 19 Wherefore, I spek unto ll the house of Isrel, if it so e tht they shoul otin these things. 20 For ehol, I hve workings in the spirit, whih oth wery me even tht ll my joints re wek, for those who re t Jeruslem; for h not the Lor een meriful, to show unto me onerning them, even s he h prophets of ol, I shoul hve perishe lso. 21 n he surely i show unto the prophets of ol ll things onerning them; n lso he i show unto mny onerning us; wherefore, it must nees e tht we know onerning them for they re written upon the pltes of rss. 22 Now it me to pss tht I, Nephi, i teh my rethren these things;[4] n it me to pss tht I i re mny things to them, whih were engrven upon the pltes of rss, tht they might know onerning the oings of the Lor in other lns, mong people of ol. 23 n I i re mny things unto them whih were written in the ooks of Moses; ut tht I might more fully persue them to elieve in the Lor their Reeemer I i re unto them tht whih ws written y the prophet Isih; for I i liken ll sriptures unto us, tht it might e for our profit n lerning. 24 Wherefore I spke unto them, sying: Her ye the wors of the prophet, ye who re remnnt of the house of Isrel, rnh who hve een roken off; her ye the wors of the prophet, whih were written unto ll the house of Isrel, n liken them unto yourselves, tht ye my hve hope s well s your rethren from whom ye hve een roken off; for fter this mnner hs the prophet written.[5] 20:1 1 Herken n her this, O house of Jo, 2 who re lle y the nme of Isrel, n re ome forth out of the wters of Juh, or out of the wters of ptism,[6] who swer y the nme of the Lor, n mke mention of the Go of Isrel, yet they swer [ut] not in truth nor in righteousness.[7] 2 e Nevertheless, [for] they ll themselves of the holy ity, ut they o not [n] sty themselves upon[8] the Go of Isrel,

4 62 1 Nephi 20 who is the Lor of Hosts; ye, the Lor of Hosts is his nme. 3 1 ehol, I hve elre the former things from the eginning; n they went forth out of my mouth, n I showe them. I i show them suenly [n they me to pss].[9] n I i it euse I knew tht thou rt ostinte, n thy nek is n iron sinew, n thy row rss; 5 n I hve even from the eginning elre [it] to thee; efore it me to pss I showe them [it] thee; 2 n I showe them for fer lest thou shoulst sy--mine iol hth one them, n my grven imge, n my molten imge hth ommne them. 6 1 Thou hst seen n her [see] ll this; n will ye not [ye] elre them [it]? n tht I hve showe thee new things from this time, even hien things, n thou ist not know them. 7 2 They re rete now, n not from the eginning, even efore the y when thou herest them not they were elre unto thee, lest thou shoulst sy--ehol I knew them. 8 1 Ye, n thou herest not; ye, thou knewest not; ye, from tht time thine er ws not opene; 2 for I knew tht thou woulst el very treherously, n wst lle trnsgressor from the wom. 9 Nevertheless, for my nme's ske will I efer mine nger, n for my prise will I refrin from thee, tht I ut thee not off. 10 For, ehol, I hve refine thee, [ut not with silver] I hve hosen thee in the furne of fflition.[10] 11 For mine own ske, ye, [even] for mine own ske will I o this, [it] for I will not suffer my nme to e pollute, [how shoul my nme e pollute?] n I will not give my glory unto nother.[11] 12 1 Herken unto me, O Jo, 2 n Isrel my lle,[12] for I m he; I m the first, n I m lso [lso m] the lst. 13 Mine hn hth lso li the fountion of the erth, n my right hn hth spnne the hevens. [When] I ll unto them n they stn up together ll ye, ssemle yourselves, n her; who mong them hth elre these things unto them? 2 The Lor hth love him; ye, n he will fulfill his wor whih he hth elre y them; n he will o his plesure on ylon, n his rm shll ome upon the hlens lso, sith the Lor; I the Lor, 2 ye, I hve spoken; ye, I hve lle him to elre, 3 I hve rought him, 4 n he shll mke his wy prosperous. 16

5 1 Nephi ome ye ner unto me; I hve not spoken in seret; from the eginning, from the time tht it ws elre hve I spoken; [there m I] n [now] the Lor Go, n his Spirit, hth sent me n thus sith the Lor, thy Reeemer, the Holy One of Isrel; 2 I hve sent him,[13] 3 [I m] the Lor thy Go who teheth thee to profit, who leeth thee y the wy thou shoulst go, hth one it O tht thou hst herkene to my ommnments--then h thy pee een s river, n thy righteousness s the wves of the se. 19 Thy see lso h een s the sn; the offspring of thy owels like the grvel thereof; his nme shoul not hve een ut off nor estroye from efore me. 20 Go ye forth of ylon, flee ye from the hlens, 1 with voie of singing elre ye, tell this, utter to the en of the erth; sy ye: 2 The Lor hth reeeme his servnt Jo. 21 n they thirste not; [when] he le them through the eserts; he use the wters to flow out of the rok for them; he lve the rok lso n the wters gushe out. 22 n notwithstning he hth one ll this, n greter lso, there is no pee, sith the Lor, unto the wike. 21:1 n gin: Herken, O ye house of Isrel, ll ye tht re roken off n re riven out euse of the wikeness of the pstors of my people; ye, ll ye tht re roken off, tht re sttere ro, who re of my people, O house of Isrel. Listen, O isles, unto me, n herken ye people from fr; 1 the Lor hth lle me from the wom; from the owels of my mother hth he me mention of my nme. 2 2 n he hth me my mouth like shrp swor; in the show of his hn hth he hi me, n me me polishe shft; in his quiver hth he hi me; 3 n si unto me: Thou rt my servnt, O Isrel, in whom I will e glorifie. 4 Then I si, I hve lore in vin, I hve spent my strength for nught n in vin; surely my jugment is with the Lor, n my work with my Go. 5 1 n now, sith the Lor--tht forme me from the wom

6 64 1 Nephi 21 2 tht I shoul e his servnt, to ring Jo gin to him-- though Isrel e not gthere, yet shll I e glorious in the eyes of the Lor, n my Go shll e my strength. 6 n he si: It is light thing tht thou shoulst e my servnt to rise up the tries of Jo, n to restore the preserve of Isrel. I will lso give thee for light to the Gentiles, tht thou myest e my slvtion unto the ens of the erth. 7 Thus sith the Lor, the Reeemer of Isrel, his Holy One, to him whom mn espiseth, to him whom the ntion horreth, to servnt of rulers: Kings shll see n rise, prines lso shll worship, euse of the Lor tht is fithful. [n the Holy One of Isrel, n he shll hoose thee] 8 Thus sith the Lor: In n eptle time hve I her thee, O isles of the se, n in y of slvtion hve I helpe thee; n I will preserve thee, n give thee my servnt for ovennt of the people,[14] to estlish the erth, to use to inherit the esolte heritges; 9 Tht thou myest sy to the prisoners: Go forth; to them tht sit in rkness: Show yourselves. They shll fee in the wys, n their pstures shll e in ll high ples.[15] 10 They shll not hunger nor thirst, neither shll the het nor the sun smite them; for he tht hth mery on them shll le them, even y the springs of wter shll he guie them. 11 n I will mke ll my mountins wy,[16] n my highwys shll e exlte. 12 n then, O house of Isrel, ehol, these shll ome from fr; n lo, these from the north n from the west; n these from the ln of Sinim. 13

7 1 Nephi E Sing, O hevens; n e joyful, O erth; for the feet of those who re in the est shll e estlishe; n rek forth into singing, O mountins; for they shll e smitten no more; F for the Lor hth omforte his people, n will hve mery upon his fflite. 14 G 1 ut, ehol, Zion hth si: The Lor hth forsken me, n my Lor hth forgotten me-- G 2 ut he will show tht he hth not. 15 G 1 For n womn forget her suking hil, tht she shoul not hve ompssion on the son of her wom? G 2 Ye, they my forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Isrel. 16 F ehol, I hve grven thee upon the plms of my hns;[17] thy wlls re ontinully efore me. 17 E Thy hilren shll mke hste ginst thy estroyers; n they tht me thee wste shll go forth of thee.[18] 18 Lift up thine eyes roun out n ehol; ll these gther themselves together, n they shll ome to thee. n s I live, sith the Lor, thou shlt surely lothe thee with them ll, s with n ornment, n in them on even s rie.[19] 19 For thy wste n thy esolte ples, n the ln of thy estrution, shll even now e too nrrow y reson of the inhitnts; n they tht swllowe thee up shll e fr wy. 20 The hilren whom thou shlt hve, fter thou hst lost the first, shll gin in thine ers sy: The ple is too strit for me; give ple to me tht I my well. 21 Then shlt thou sy in thine hert: Who hth egotten me these, seeing I hve lost my hilren, n m esolte, ptive, n removing to n fro? n who hth rought up these? ehol, I ws left lone; these, where hve they een?[20] 22

8 66 1 Nephi 21 Thus sith the Lor Go: ehol, I will lift up mine hn to the Gentiles, n set up my stnr to the people; n they shll ring thy sons in their rms, n thy ughters shll e rrie upon their shoulers. 23 n kings shll e thy nursing fthers, n their queens thy nursing mothers; they shll ow own to thee with their fe towrs the erth, n lik up the ust of thy feet; n thou shlt know tht I m the Lor; for they shll not e shme tht wit for me. 24 For shll the prey e tken from the mighty, or the lwful ptives elivere? 25 ut thus sith the Lor, even the ptives of the mighty shll e tken wy, n the prey of the terrile shll e elivere; for I will onten with him tht onteneth with thee, n I will sve thy hilren. 26 n I will fee them tht oppress thee with their own flesh; they shll e runken with their own loo s with sweet wine; n ll flesh shll know tht I, the Lor, m thy Svior n thy Reeemer, the Mighty One of Jo. 22:1[21] n now it me to pss tht fter I, Nephi, h re these things whih were engrven upon the pltes of rss, my rethren me unto me n si unto me: Wht meneth these things whih ye hve re? ehol, re they to e unerstoo oring to things whih re spiritul, whih shll ome to pss oring to the spirit n not the flesh? 2 n I, Nephi, si unto them: ehol they were mnifest unto the prophet y the voie of the Spirit; for y the Spirit re ll things me known unto the prophets, whih shll ome upon the hilren of men oring to the flesh. 3 Wherefore, the things of whih I hve re re things pertining to things oth temporl n spiritul; for it ppers tht the house of Isrel, sooner or lter, will e sttere upon ll the fe of the erth, n lso mong ll ntions. 4 n ehol, there re mny who re lrey lost from the knowlege of those who re t Jeruslem.

9 1 Nephi E Ye, the more prt of ll the tries hve een le wy; F n they re sttere to n fro upon the isles of the se; n whither they re none of us knoweth, E sve tht we know tht they hve een le wy. 5 n sine they hve een le wy, these things hve een prophesie onerning them, n lso onerning ll those who shll herefter e sttere n e onfoune, euse of the Holy One of Isrel; for ginst him will they hren their herts; wherefore, they shll e sttere mong ll ntions n shll e hte of ll men. 6 Nevertheless, fter they shll e nurse y the Gentiles, n the Lor hs lifte up his hn upon the Gentiles n set them up for stnr, n their hilren hve een rrie in their rms, n their ughters hve een rrie upon their shoulers, ehol these things of whih re spoken re temporl; for thus re the ovennts of the Lor with our fthers; n it meneth us in the ys to ome, n lso ll our rethren who re of the house of Isrel. 7 n it meneth tht the time ometh tht fter ll the house of Isrel hve een sttere n onfoune, tht the Lor Go will rise up mighty ntion mong the Gentiles, ye, even upon the fe of this ln; n y them shll our see e sttere. 8 n fter our see is sttere the Lor Go will proee to o mrvelous work mong the Gentiles, whih shll e of gret worth unto our see; wherefore, it is likene unto their eing nourishe y the Gentiles n eing rrie in their rms n upon their shoulers. 9 n it shll lso e of worth unto the Gentiles; n not only unto the Gentiles ut unto ll the house of Isrel, unto the mking known of the ovennts of the Fther of heven unto rhm, sying: In thy see shll ll the kinres of the erth e lesse. 10 n I woul, my rethren, tht ye shoul know tht ll the kinres of the erth nnot e lesse unless he shll mke re his rm in the eyes of the ntions. 11 Wherefore, the Lor Go will proee to mke re his rm in the eyes of ll the ntions, in ringing out his ovennts n his gospel unto those who re of the house of Isrel. 12 Wherefore, he will ring them gin out of ptivity, n they shll e gthere together to the lns of their inheritne;[22] n they shll e rought out of osurity n out of rkness; n they shll know tht the Lor is their Svior n their Reeemer, the Mighty One of Isrel. 13

10 68 1 Nephi 22 n the loo of tht gret n ominle hurh, whih is the whore of ll the erth, shll turn upon their own hes; for they shll wr mong themselves, n the swor of their own hns shll fll upon their own hes, n they shll e runken with their own loo. 14 n every ntion whih shll wr ginst thee, O house of Isrel, shll e turne one ginst nother, n they shll fll into the pit whih they igge to ensnre the people of the Lor. n ll tht fight ginst Zion shll e estroye, n tht gret whore, who hth perverte the right wys of the Lor, ye, tht gret n ominle hurh, shll tumle to the ust n gret shll e the fll of it. 15 E For ehol, sith the prophet, the time ometh speeily tht Stn shll hve no more power over the herts of the hilren of men; F for the y soon ometh tht ll the prou n they who o wikely shll e s stule; n the y ometh tht they must e urne For the time soon ometh tht the fulness of the wrth of Go shll e poure out upon ll the hilren of men; 2 for he will not suffer tht the wike shll estroy the righteous. 17 Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous e y his power, even if it so e tht the fulness of his wrth must ome, n the righteous e preserve, 1 even unto the estrution of their enemies y fire. 2 Wherefore, the righteous nee not fer; for thus sith the prophet, they shll e sve, even if it so e s y fire. 18 G ehol, my rethren, I sy unto you, tht these things must shortly ome; ye, even loo, n fire, n vpor of smoke must ome; n it must nees e upon the fe of this erth; n it ometh unto men oring to the flesh if it so e tht they will hren their herts ginst the Holy One of Isrel. 19 H For ehol, the righteous shll not perish; for the time surely must ome tht ll they who fight ginst Zion shll e ut off. 20

11 1 Nephi I n the Lor will surely prepre wy for his people, unto the fulfilling of the wors of Moses, whih he spke, sying: prophet shll the Lor your Go rise up unto you, like unto me; him shll ye her in ll things whtsoever he shll sy unto you. H n it shll ome to pss tht ll those who will not her tht prophet shll e ut off from mong the people. 21 G n now I, Nephi, elre unto you, tht this prophet of whom Moses spke ws the Holy One of Isrel; wherefore, he shll exeute jugment in righteousness. 22 F n the righteous nee not fer, for they re those who shll not e onfoune.[23] E ut it is the kingom of the evil, whih shll e uilt up mong the hilren of men, whih kingom is estlishe mong them whih re in the flesh--23 For the time speeily shll ome tht ll hurhes whih re uilt up to get gin, n ll those who re uilt up to get power over the flesh, n those who re uilt up to eome populr in the eyes of the worl, n those who seek the lusts of the flesh n the things of the worl, n to o ll mnner of iniquity; ye, in fine, ll those who elong to the kingom of the evil re they who nee fer, n tremle, n quke; they re those who must e rought low in the ust; they re those who must e onsume s stule; n this is oring to the wors of the prophet. 24 n the time ometh speeily tht the righteous must e le up s lves of the stll, n the Holy One of Isrel must reign in ominion, n might, n power, n gret glory. 25 n he gthereth his hilren from the four qurters of the erth; n he numereth his sheep, n they know him; n there shll e one fol n one shepher; n he shll fee his sheep, n in him they shll fin psture. 26 n euse of the righteousness of his people, Stn hs no power; wherefore, he nnot e loose for the spe of mny yers; for he hth no power over the herts of the people, for they well in righteousness, n the Holy One of Isrel reigneth. 27 n now ehol, I, Nephi, sy unto you tht ll these things must ome oring to the flesh. 28 ut, ehol, ll ntions, kinres, tongues, n people shll well sfely in the Holy One of Isrel

12 70 1 Nephi 22 if it so e tht they will repent. 29 n now I, Nephi, mke n en; for I urst not spek further s yet onerning these things. 30 Wherefore, my rethren, I woul tht ye shoul onsier tht the things whih hve een written upon the pltes of rss re true; E n they testify tht mn must e oeient to the ommnments of Go. 31 Wherefore, ye nee not suppose tht I n my fther re the only ones tht hve testifie, n lso tught them. Wherefore, if ye shll e oeient to the ommnments, n enure to the en, ye shll e sve t the lst y. n thus it is. men.

13 71 Notes 1. We fin overlpping strutures in 1 Nephi 19:7, eh of whih emphsizes n spet of the text. The hevron mrke y Romn numerls is s follows: I For the things whih some men esteem to e of gret worth, oth to the oy n soul, others set t nught n II trmple uner their feet. III Ye, even the very Go of Isrel II o men trmple uner their feet; I sy, trmple uner their feet ut I woul spek in other wors-- I they set him t nught, n herken not to the voie of his ounsels. We n lso fin point of emphsis for the oule ehelon in the seon II. Ye, even the very Go of Isrel o men trmple uner their feet; I sy, trmple uner their feet ut I woul spek in other wors-- they set him t nught, n herken not to the voie of his ounsels. 2. The min struture of 1 Nephi 19:10-12 is moifie quruple hevron of the form (ut inite y inenttion only), with omplex struturl itions. 3. The seon is highly imlne with respet to the first. It goes from 10 through 17. It elortes on the theme. 4. hpter 6 of the 1830 eition egins with this verse. 5. The in 1 Nephi 19:24 is lso oule ehelon with point of emphsis,, eing n. 6. Insertions in the ook of Mormon text re given in itlis. eletions from the KJ re enlose in rkets, [ ]. Puntution n spelling ifferenes re ignore. 7. The in 1 Nephi 20:1 is lso oule ehelon with point of emphsis. who swer y the nme of the Lor, n mke mention of the Go of Isrel, yet they swer not in truth nor in righteousness. 8. The negtive is neee to mke the s onsistent with eh other. 9. i show is 16 th entury syntx tht isppere efore the KJ ws proue. See The Implitions of Pst-Tense Syntx in the ook of Mormon, Stnfor rmk, Mormon Interpreter, Volume 14, 2015, Pges

14 Verse 10 in the KJ is oule ehelon. ehol, I hve refine thee, ut not with silver; I hve hosen thee in the furne of fflition. 11. The prllelism, lthough somewht irregulr, works etter in the ook of Mormon version. There re four for my (mine) n three will I sttements. I like the refine/not pollute n hosen/not give prllels. 12. lthough lle is foun in oth 2 s it hs ifferent menings, first referring to the house of Jo s nme, the seon her position with the Lor. 13. The first 1 n the seon 2 on t pper in the KJ, nother exmple of etter struture in the ook of Mormon version. 14. The ook of Mormon insertion rilly lters the mening of this phrse. 15. The esolte heritges re the high ples. The elements lerly refer to virious temple work, n I suspet the elements refer to the restortion of the temple n temple work. 16. The elements lso proly refer to the temple, the mountin of the Lor s house (Isih 2:2) 17. This hs referene to the ruifixion. The tonement provies the omfort n mery note in the first F. 18. Wht ifferene ginst mkes. This is tive, while the ile version is pssive. The NIV sys Your hilren hsten k, n those who li you wste eprt from you. 19. The s hve to o with the gthering of Isrel. 20. The s refer to the restortion of the ovennt n the spre of the restore gospel. 21. hpter 7 in the 1830 eition. 22. Notie the relte themes of the three elements ovennts, mrvelous work, gthering. 23. The seon F summrizes the first.

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