The Canon of the Resurrection - Tone 1

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1 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 203 Lord Lord Hve Mercy (before cnon) hve mer cy, Lord hve mer cy, Lord hve mer cy. Cnon Resurrection de I. Tone 1 pg 203 Tone 5 pg 228 Tone 2 pg 210 Tone 6 pg 234 Tone 3 pg 216 Tone 7 pg 240 Tone 4 pg 222 Tone 8 pg 246 Cnon Resurrection Tone 1 vic ri ous right rm been ) glo ri fied strength! It pow er ful ly crushed en e mies, Im mor tl ne, mde pth for Is r el ites b) depths se! ) b) or strength! se! se! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

2 204 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de III. yet Thou Thou lone know t est pov er ty com ps sion te ly tk en it mn's n (Tone 1) ture, up on self. Gird "Ho glo me with pow er from on high ly is ry, liv g tem Lov so tht ple I er cry out e: pure Mn!" de IV. H bk kuk sw you s mount ov er shd owed by grce, pro climed tht from you shll come Ho ly ne Is r el for our sl v tion res r tion. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

3 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 205 de V. (Tone 1) Thou t en light ened world by com g, Christ, il lu med ends erth by Cross! En with light en light herts those fit tg ly hymn know ledge. e de VI. deep est byss sur round ed us! re is no re deem er. We re count ed s sheep red for y for Thou de VII. rt We slught strength er. Sve fith res ful con peo ple, our, r tion wek! tem plte you s spir it ul fur nce, o kos, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

4 206 Just so s Prised most ex lt ed ne sved re newed me, le mn, most glo ri fied is our Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I three your youths, womb. f rs! (Tone 1) We prise, bless, wor ship Lord, sg ex lt Him through out ll ges. de VIII. Is rel ite youths shone fur nce with beu ty god li ness, bright er thn melt g gold, cry g, "Bless Lord ll works Lord! Sg ex lt Him through out ll ges!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

5 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 207 My With True gen soul spir More more glo out de For My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 1 mg it re hon ri ous be h er For ho ni fies joic es or ble thn file ment you o re yond com gve kos we pre birth mg Lord, thn grd ed mid en. For tions will is might ly is cll y me be done cher ni fy low Sv ior! u bim, ser hold, hench bless gret phim! you! li ness ed. thgs nme! Word; forth ll for REFRAIN me, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

6 208 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I And proud mer cy is tion s ex re shown put on gen strength i down those er with fer rm! mg tion lt ed those rich filled helped sent hun might mem brnce spoke pos our F low y de gry with emp Him tion. ir from gree. good ty wy. ser vnt Is r, ter i ty for Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) mer ev A from gen (Tone 1) er REFRAIN sct tered herts! ir thrones, REFRAIN thgs, r el cy, br hm er!

7 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 209 (Tone 1) More hon or ble thn cher u bim, more glo ri ous be yond com pre thn ser phim! With out de file ment you gve birth Word; True o kos we mg ni fy you! de XI. burn g bush tht ws not con sumed ws n im ge your pure birth giv g. Drive wy fire temp t tions which now r ges gst us, o kos, Holy is Lord ur pg 252 so tht we un ces g ly mg ni fy you. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

8 210 de I. rm b) Cnon Resurrection Tone 2 In ies Word de dys Ph old, ) roh might cr nte, stroyed per been gret y force most glo deep sent se. rious Lord, ni cious s, c) ly glo Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I ri fied! de III. ster ile s sem bly n tion be cme Lord, hert des fds ert ber g flower cme. con And fir m be cuse Thou, e tion. ) b) c) deep se. Word glo ri fied! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

9 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 211 de IV. but t Thou so "Glo de V. wy Thou Not come t I mes self, from sved cry ry sen ger, not me Vir Bet ween Christ from our Ms F drk mn Lord n cr pow, Thou out le n nte, g! mn, er Lord!" wst for er, we ness r, Source ig e: gel Me di r, hve e, found no rnce Light! (Tone 2) Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

10 212 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de VI. Wl low g depths s, (Tone 2) I en tret un f thom ble depth com ps sion. Led me from cor rup tion,! de VII. un god ly com m cruel ty rnt k dled flmes. But Christ sent dew Spir it god ly youths. is bless ed most glo rious! We prise, bless, wor ship Lord; sg ex lt Him through out ll ges. de VIII. fi ery fur nce B by lon burned Chl de ns by com m, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

11 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 213 (Tone 2) but "Bless re freshed fith ful sng, Lord, ll works Lord!" And REFRAIN With True My more For gen spir More glo out de soul h er My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 2 it re hon mg ri ous be joice ni fies es or ble thn file ment you o re yond com gve kos we pre thn birth mg ni fy grd ed mid en. For tions will cll me be bless Lord, Sv cher ior! u bim, ser low hold, hence ed. phim! you! li ness Word; forth ll REFRAIN Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

12 214 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Him For ho ly is from proud good gen shown is er put ex lt ed those thgs, might nme! strength i helped y And tion with done mer cy is gen er rm! gret on mg tion ir down rich mer f his pos low ser de might gree; sent vnt Is cy, s rs, ter i ty for y from emp ir filled thgs those tion. herts! r el Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ev A for sct thrones hun ty wy. spoke re me, fer (Tone 2) REFRAIN tered REFRAIN gry with REFRAIN mem brnce br hm er! our

13 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 215 REFRAIN (Tone 2) More hon or ble thn cher u bim, more glo ri ous be yond com pre thn ser phim! With out de file ment you gve birth Word; True o kos we mg ni fy you! de IX. Son e ter nl F r, cr nte Lord, p pered us from Vir g! En light 'ng those drk ness, g r g those hd gone stry! Holy is Lord ur pg 252 re fore we mg ni fy you, o kos! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

14 216 Cnon Resurrection Tone 3 de I. be Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I g ng, gth ered w ters one plce. But di vid ed Red Se for Is r el, peo ple, so tht y could cross on foot. is our, is glo rious! To Him on ly will we sg, for is glo rious! de III. From no thg, ll thgs cme be, cre t ed by Word, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

15 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 217 per fect ed by Spir it! (Tone 3) Con firm me love, l might y Most High! de IV. Thou didst show us gret love, Lord, by giv g up on ly be got ten Son deth for us. So we cll out thnks giv g, "Glo ry pow er, Lord!" de V. For e I keep vig il, Cre r ll, Pece which pss es un der st g! com ms re light for me; m, es tb lish me! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

16 218 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de VI. But sve de VII. send Chl sur deep round ed me! stretch di We sg Il out me, est My h lu me us v i dew de n flmes! prise, ex lt our bless, spir byss it is me with ty, s Him f Bless god s ed rt fil fire Pe s g me! Guide! ter old ly youths Thou, wor through ship out ll Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) rs! Lord; Thou (Tone 3) didst Lord ges.

17 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 219 de VIII. while "Bless REFRAIN With god ex My true more St ly youths lt sg soul spir More Lord, g were g him ll through di not un ber ble fire, uched ve works out ll by My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 3 mg it re hon ni fies Lord, joic es flmes hymn: Lord, ges!" or ble thn glo rious be yond com pre thn out de file ment you gve o kos we birth mg cher ser Sv ior! u bim, (Tone 3) phim! ni fy you. Word; Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

18 220 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I For h ll fer gen er For ho mid ly is Him proud those from low re grd ed en. For tions will is gen er shown put rich down cll me might y nme! strength i And tion with low be done li ness bless gen er rm! mg tion de gree; might sent y from filled emp hold, hence gret ed. mer cy is ir hun Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ir thrones thgs tion. herts! gry with ty wy. on for (Tone 3) forth REFRAIN those me, REFRAIN sct tered REFRAIN ex lt ed good thgs, REFRAIN

19 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 221 his de XI. but helped our pos f mer ser vnt Is cy, s rs, ter i ty for A womb womb N s we ked new, Lord prise en most Vir pss won ev r el A re (Tone 3) mem brnce spoke br hm er! der ful won Vir es through g tered her, her flesh. s mo g is stys but Though it; lost r cme REFRAIN der! seled; for seled! out words, Holy is Lord ur pg 252! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

20 222 de I. crossed by y Am de III. de IV. up Cnon Resurrection Tone 4 When de cross depths old wise stretch fet lek cried re out: Church fuge Up "Thou on see Is Red g forth ed re lift ed up wil joiced rt con g e, r el Se for with Mos dry steps, es' hs, ces der ness! e, strength, fir m tion!" Sun Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) on Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Right Christ, Lord, eous ness, Cross,

21 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 223 "Glo de V. Church ry As ho those de VI. ly light "I will light which with Thou turns fith right pow t ly cried come from sg sc ri fice e er, pris drk with world, ness es voice out: Lord!" ig prise, (Tone 4) Lord, no rnce e! Lord," Church cries out e, hv by de VII. g been blood clensed which mer child ren from blood ci ful ly flowed A br hm from de Per s fur side! mons nce Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

22 224 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 4) were burn g with love god li ness sted flme! y cried, "Bless ed rt Thou tem ple glo ry, Lord!" We sg de VIII. prise, ex lt Him Dn bless, through iel stretched wor out ll out his hs ship Lord; closed ges. jws li on den; young lov ers god li ness quenched force fire by gird g m selves with vir tue cry g out, "Bless Lord, ll you works Lord!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

23 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 225 My My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 4 soul mg ni fies Lord, spir it re joic es Sv ior! More hon or ble thn cher u bim, more glo rious be yond com pre thn ser phim! With out de file ment you gve birth Word, True o kos we mg ni fy you! For re grd ed low li ness h mid en. For be hold, hence forth ll gen er tions will cll me bless ed. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

24 226 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I fer For ho ly is Him proud those his re our pos low from rich put is gen er shown i down might Nme! strength y And tion with done gret mer cy is gen er mg tion de gree; helped might y from sent mem brnce f filled emp ser rs, ter i ty for mer ir hun rm! ir thgs herts! thrones, on tion. gry with ty vnt Is Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ev A wy. cy, s for those me, (Tone 4) scttered ex lt ed good r el br hm er! thgs, spoke

25 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 227 With True more More glo out de hon rious be or ble thn file ment you o yond com gve pre thn birth kos we cher u bim, ser mg ni fy phim! you! Word, (Tone 4) de XI. from re A n un Vir joed sne, cut hewn moun g, e fore n joy tures tht we with t, ws ven Christ mg o hd been ni fy out hs cor di cut from ner vid ed. you, sne, you, Holy is Lord ur pg 252 kos! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

26 228 de I. Cnon Resurrection Tone 5 Christ Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de stroyed r mies with might y h! thrown horse rid er se, but sved Is r el, sng song vic ry! de III. cre tg com m es tb lished sus ts erth emp ty spce! Es tb lish Church, Christ, on rock com m ments, on ly gr cious Lov er Mn! de IV. H bk kuk sw di ve hu mil i tion Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

27 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 229 pro (Tone 5) phet i c'lly, Christ. With gret fer cried un e, "Thou t come sve not ed peo ple!" de V. For e I wit! To e I cry! Il lu me drk ened soul, Thou re clod with light s with gr ment, com ps sion te Christ! de VI. Ms ter, clm se ps sion, for it is srm g with tem pest which de stroys soul. Led me from cor rup tion, com ps sion te Christ! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

28 230 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de VII. (Tone 5) Lord, m f rs ex lt ed, quenched flme fire. put dew on young men sng, "Bless ed rt Thou, Lord!" We prise, bless wor ship Lord; sg ex lt Him through out ll ges. de VIII. young men fur nce sng song ll cre tion e, Cre r ll. "Bless Lord, ll works! sg ex lt Him through out ll ges!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

29 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 231 My With True My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 5 soul More more For ll glo out de gen For spir hon mg rious be ni fies it re Sv Lord, or ble thn file ment you yond com o kos we h re mid gve mg joic es pre thn birth grd ed er tions will is might en. For, cll y me cher ior! u bim, ser phim! ni fy you! bless done be low li ness hold, hence ed. gret thgs for Word; forth me, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

30 232 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Him ho ly is from proud those s his Nme! And gen er tion low rich re shown put strength with mer cy is on gen er tion. rm! i mg tion down ir might y from ir de gree; filled hun sent helped emp ty ser mem brnce spoke his pos our f herts! thrones, those gry with good wy. vnt Is rs, ter i ty for Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) mer r el A fer (Tone 5) sct tered ex lt ed ev er! cy, thgs, br hm

31 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 233 More (Tone 5) hon or ble thn cher u bim, more glo rious be yond com pre thn ser phim! With out de file ment you gve birth Word; True o kos we mg ni fy you! de XI. Re joice, I si h Vir g is with child shll ber Son, Em mn u el, both mn; r i ent is we cll nme; Vir Whom mg ni fy g Holy is Lord ur pg 252 g bless ed. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

32 234 de I. When Cnon Resurrection Tone 6 Is r el crossed se Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I s dry l, y sw ir pur su er Ph roh drowned, so y cried, "Let us sg song vic ry!" de III. re is none so ho ly s Thou, Lord, us up t Bless ex on lt ed ed ne, rock con power fes fith ful, t es tb lished sion. de IV. Christ is pow er, Lord! with ven er ble Church sgs, be fit pure un der st g, fest g tg, Lord! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

33 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 235 de V. (Tone 6) Il lu me with di ve light, Good ne, souls those keep vig il love, so tht y know e, Word, s true re clls m from drk ness s! de VI. Be hold g se life surg g with srm temp t tions, tk g ref uge clm hv en I cry un e: Rise up life from cor rup tion, gret ly Mer ci ful ne. de VII. An n gel mde fur nce cool with dew for Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

34 236 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 6) god ly youths, 's com m burn Chl de ns mde ty rnt cry, "Bless ed rt Thou, Lord our f rs!" We prise, bless, wor ship Lord; sg ex lt Him through out ll ges. de VIII. Thou didst mke dew flow from flme for god ly youths, sc ri fice right eous mn Thou didst con sume with w ter! Thou didst mke ll thgs, Christ, s Thou dost de sire! We ex lt e though out ll ges! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

35 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 237 My With True h gen spir More more glo out de For My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 6 soul mg it re joic es hon rious be o mid ni fies or ble thn yond com file ment you kos we re er tions will For ho ly is mg Sv pre thn gve grd ed en. For is nme! cll might And y birth ni fy be me low cher Lord, ior! u bim ser phim! Word; you. li ness hold, hence done bless gret mer cy is on ed. thgs those forth ll for me, fer Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

36 238 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Him i from gen er tion shown sct strength gen er tered mg tion but s ex re rich put down lt ed those filled helped sent hun em might ir proud tion. with y from low gry with ser mem brnce spoke pos our f pty vnt Is rs, ter i ty for Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) herts! mer de good wy. ir r el A ev (Tone 6) rm! thrones, gree; thgs, cy, br hm er!

37 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 239 With True more More glo out de hon rious be o or ble thn yond com file ment you kos we mg pre thn gve birth ni fy cher u bim ser (Tone 6) phim! Word; you. de XI. up But It on m through is you, not rnks pos si ble for All n pure men gels dre ne see, not gze. ws Word cr nte re veled un men: Whom mg ni fy g geth er with Holy is Lord ur pg 252 hev en ly hosts, we cll you Bless ed. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

38 240 de I. those crossed sg de III. on Cnon Resurrection Tone 7 o w erth, g In ter chnged ver with e be ) its Lord, n out song g ng Thou ture by get glnce t Is r el tg wet, vic didst Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I es ry! tb lish through hev ens l might y Word ll ir pow ers per fect g Spir it! Es tb lish me on st ble rock con fes sion, Lord Sv ior! ) song vic ry! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

39 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 241 de IV. Thou I de V. but herd I didst for With de out lev scend s glo ri fied night g erth, te ry is e, drk fith ful re is re fore I keep Sick de VI. I "Like m m Jo sk vig with for light il for e, be g thrown nh I ss g cry e, on un dis F (Tone 7) r's bo som, Christ pen s ly Lov be liev pris gs Led soul de light g me from erth! er ers, div i cor rupt ded own tion Mn! Christ, words! ty! ly cres, ss g best! ly depths!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

40 242 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de VII. full one glo sg We de VIII. re sved Ex f dew, old sg now ri ous is prise, ex vel g young lt bush slow y lt young sng, Him men flmes, showed g, "Most bless, Him burned men "Prise through through on Mo speech! wor our f fur pris ex out ll Si ni, yet nce g lt ed ship ws ses, fur Lord, out ll 's Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) not ws zel nce from ll con rs!" ges. Lord; suf (Tone 7) most sumed fer g l so flmes, works! ges!"

41 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 243 My With True spir More more For h gen glo out de My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 7 soul mg ni fies it re joic es hon ri ous be o file or ble thn yond com ment you kos we re mid en. For er tions will For ho ly is mg pre thn gve grd ed is cll be me might y nme! And birth ni fy low cher hold, hence bless done gret Sv Lord, ior! u bim, ser phim! li ness mer cy is ed. you! Word; forth ll thgs on those for me, fer Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

42 244 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Him from gen er proud s ex re shown put tion strength with gen er rm! i mg tion down lt ed those filled rich helped hun might ir y from low gry with sent mem brnce spoke pos our f ser emp ty vnt Is ter i ty for mer rs, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) tion. herts! de good ir wy. sct gree; r el A cy, (Tone 7) tered thrones, thgs, br hm ev er!

43 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 245 more More glo hon ri ous be or ble thn yond com pre thn cher u bim, ser phim! (Tone 7) With out de file ment you gve birth Word; True o kos we mg ni fy you! de IX. You gve birth with out cor rup tion Word, o kos! You gve flesh Au thor, un wed ded Moth er! Ves sel Un con t ble, A bode In fi nite! We mg ni fy you, Vir Holy is Lord ur pg 252 g! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

44 246 de I. strik Cnon Resurrection Tone 8 stff g like Mo cross ses per di formed vid Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I mir g cles, se, drown g Ph roh his chr i ots but sv g Is r el sng song ir flight, vic ry! de III. with Thou Now for Thou didst wis set didst es tb dom es tb lish me none is ho erth on ly but e, rock lish up be hev ens g ng, on com m on ly Lov Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) w ments, er ters! Mn! Christ,

45 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 247 de IV. With Thou re "Glo de V. cov But Thou pow out lev t vis fore with ry Why t rt er, strength, g, it ed our pow Thou proph nev er set tg ered me, turn com cst me m ments, et H er, Light? I guide me F r's bos wretch bk kuk I Lov Why pry wretch Lord, joy! om, ed ness! cry er wy this me from Mn!" dis ml drk ed one? light e! e, fce, (Tone 8) ness Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

46 248 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de VI. Clense me, Sv ior, (Tone 8) mn y re trns gres sions! Led from byss e vils, I pry e! For I hve cried e Thou t herd me. sl v tion! de VII. flmes B by lon were quenched by 's con de scen sion! So youths fur nce re joiced dnced sng ex ul t tion, "Bless ed re Thou, our f rs!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

47 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 249 We prise, bless, wor ship Lord; (Tone 8) sg ex ult Him though out ll ges. de VIII. Ch de n ty rnt or dered fur nce be het ed se ven fold; but see g god ly youths be g sved by gret er might, he sng Re deem er Cre r: "Bless Him, you child ren! Prise Him, you priests! Ex lt Him through out ll ges, peo ple!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

48 250 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I My Soul Mgnifies Lord Tone 8 My Spir soul it re joice mg es ni fies Sv Lord, ior! More hon or ble thn cher u bim, more glo rious be yond com pre thn ser phim! With True out de file ment you gve o kos we birth mg ni fy you! Word; For he re grd ed low li ness h mid en. For be hold, hence forth ll ge ner tions will cll me bless ed. For is might y done gret thgs for me, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

49 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 251 Him those ho ly is from proud s re low gen rich shown put de er down nme! strength i And tion with mer cy is rm! gen mg tion gree; helped might sent y from filled emp ser mem brnce spoke pos our F ir on er ir thrones hun gry with ty those herts! wy. vnt Is ter i ty for rs, ev mer er! A ex good (Tone 8) fer tion. sct tered r el cy, lt ed thgs, br hm, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

50 252 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I de IX. hev ens were frid (Tone 8) ends erth were wed! For p pered men bod i ly, your womb be cme more sp cious thn hev ens! re fore mg or ders ni fy you, men n o kos! gels Holy is Lord ur Ho ly is Lord our! Ho ly is Lord our! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

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