Early American Civilizations (1)

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1 Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. Chuck wrote this letter to the principal about what he learned in his reading class. Read Chuck's letter and look for the corrections and improvements he should make. When you finish reading, answer the questions that follow. Early American Civilizations (1) (1) november 16, 2003 (2) Dear Principal Smith, (3) As people began to grow their own.food, they also began to live in one place. (4) They did not have to follow herds of animals in order to survive. (5) As a result villages were formed. (6) As farming methods improved, agriculture became a large part of the culture of many people. (7) People learned better ways to grow plants and produce more food from those plants. (8) More food meant that more people could live together in a group. (9) Thus, villages grew larger. (10) Diferent villages were formed with large groups of people. (11) People started to become more. independent. (12) Thousands of Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 89

2 different culture's developed. (13) Eachculture created its own language and lifestyle. (14) Large cities developed from the smaller villages. (15) Powerful, organized central governments were formed. (16) Eventual, armies were created for conquest and defense. (17) Civilizations of thousands of people developed. (18) They lived in many cities and villages. (19) They were ruled by one person or small groups of people. (20) The Mayas, aztecs, and Incas were some of the earliest people to form large, organized civilizations on the new continent. (21) Today, we have large civilizations all around the world. (22) The Mayan civilization reached its highest development from A.D. (23) The Mayas lived in a region that today is eastern and southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and western Honduras. (24) They had a central government and made their own laws. (25) They built large, stone pyramids and temples. (26) Sincerely yours, (27) Chuck I Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C

3 What change, if any, should be.made in sentence 1? A B C D Change november to November Insert a period after 2003 Insert a period after 16 No change is needed in sentence 1ÿ. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5? A Change villages to vilages B Add a comma after result C Change formedto form 3 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 10? A Delete the period after people B Change of to from C Change Diferent to Different D No change is needed in sentence 10. Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page cj1

4 I i.4 STAAR Grade 4 Writing What change, if any, should be made in sentence 16? A Change Eventualto Eventually B Delete the comma C Change was to were 5 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 20? A Change aztecs to Aztecs B Change earliest toearlier C Change civilizations to civilizasions 6 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 25? A Delete the comma after large F B Insert a comma after pyramids C Change built to build D No change is needed in sentence 25 L Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 92

5 Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. Chuck wrote this letter to the principal about what he learned in his reading class. Read Chuck's letter and look for the corrections and improvements he should make. When you finish reading, answer the questions that follow. -Early American Civilizations (2) (1) November 16, 2003 (2) Dear Principal Smith (3) The Mayas had great achievements in math and astronomy. (4) One of their greatest achievements was a 365-day calendar based on the sun. (5) Mayan astronomers could calculate the day of the week of a particular calendar date many years in the past or future. (6) Also, they were able to calculate corectly that it takes the planet Venus 584 days to revolve around the sun. (7) The Mayas had their own form of writing, which involved Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 3

6 ! STAAR Grade 4 Writing using symbols to represent objects and ideas. (8) They used this kind of writing to record information about astronomy, calendars, history, and family trees. (9) This writing was carved intostone, altars, and roof beams. (10) These symbols were also painted onto ceramic vessels and in books made of bark paper. (11) The Aztecs also developed an elaborate social, political, and religious empire consisting of large cityes, and conquered villages. (12) The largest city was their capital, Tenochtitlan, which was founded in 1325 and today is Mexico City. (13) Tenochtitlan featured a huge temple I, complex, a royal palace, and many canals. (14) The aztec empire ruled from 1428 until 1521 in most of modern-day Mexico. (15) Most of the Aztecs were farmers. (16) With an increased demand for food, these farmers developed irrigation systems, formed ii:iÿ '!!i: terraces on hillsides, and used fertilizers to enrich the soil. (17) The farmers also created artificial islands or chinampas on swampy lands to create more land to grow food. (18) This "floating gardens" were used to grow corn, squash, beans, chili peppers, avocadoes, tomatoes, and flowers. (19) In the Andes Mountains of South America, the Incas had a large farming empire in the 1400s. (20) The crops they grew more Iÿ i, 'i ':Ii often were corn and potatoes. (21) They also grew squash, beans, peppers, and peanuts. 'i'i, I (22) Your student (23) Chuck ::! ii L! i!., Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 94

7 1 STAAR Grade 4 Writing What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2? A Change Principalto principal B Insert a comma after Smith C Change Smith to smith D No change is needed in sentence 2 2 r What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6? A Change that to than B Change Venus to venus C Change corectlyto correctly 3 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 11? A Change cityes to cities B Insert a Comma after elaborate C Change conquered to conquer D No change is needed in sentence 11 Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 95'

8 4 STAAR Grade 4 Writing.What change, if any, should be made in sentence 14? A Change untilto untill B Change aztec empire to Aztec empire C Change most to more D No change is needed in sentence What change, if any, should be made in sentence 18? A Delete the comma after tomatoes, B Change were to are C Change This to These 6 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 22? A B C D Insert a period after student insert a comma after student Change Your to your No change is needed in sentence Forde-Ferrier, L.L,C Page 96

9 .I,/ STAAR Grade 4 Writing Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. Sophia wrote a beautiful story that her grandmother told her. She wants you to help her revise and edit the story. Read Sophia's story and think about the changes you would make. Then, answer the questions that follow. The Bell Tower Birds (1) (1) There was once a village hiden deep inside a valley full of trees. (2) The village was famous for its bell tower. (3) Every day at noon, the bell tower rang. (4) The sound of its big bells filled the valley. (5) The villagers thought the bells sounded beauty. (6) They were very proud of their bell tower. (7) Travelers from far away seldom came to the village just to hear the big bells ring. (8) Since the villagers loved the bell tower so much, they took good care of it. (9) Every Sunday, the bell ringer polished the bells. (10) If a stone fell from the bell towers walls, the villagers put a new one in its place. (11) They wanted the bell tower to Forde-Ferrier0 L.L.C Page 97'

10 stay standing for many years to come. (12) They hoped that someday, their children's children would be able to hear the bells ring. (13) Not nobody in the village loved the sound of the bells, though. (14) All of the people loved the bells, but the birds did not. (15) The birds lived on top of the bell tower, where cats and foxes could not steal their eggs. (16) Every time the big bells rang, the birds had to fly away from the tower. (17) It was just too noisy for them to stay on top of their nests. (18) One day, the birds spoke to the bell ringer. (19) They said "Please sir, don't ring the bells anymore! (20) Our nests are up here. (21) Every time those bells ring, we have to leave. (22) How will we get our eggs to hatch if we can't stay to keep them warm?" (23) The bell ringer felt sorry for the birds, but he didn't know how to help them. (24) "Im sorry," he said. (25) "I have to ring the bells. (26) The villagers love them. (27) If I don't ring the bells, I will be sent out of the village. (28) I will have to live alone in the valley. (29) Then, someone else will take my place. (30) The bells will always ring." i; i!, i i < I - ' Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 98

11 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1? A Change deep to deap B Change hiden to hidden C; Insert a comma after full D. No change is needed in sentence 1. 2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5? A Change beautyto beautifully B Change the period to an exclamation mark C Change thought to though. 3 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 10? A Change itsto it's B Change fellto fill C Change towers walls to tower's-walls D No change is needed in sentence 10. Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 99

12 i il 7,4 STAAR Grade 4 Writing What change,.if any, should be made in sentence 13? A Delete the comma B Change Iovedto love C Change nobodyto everyone 5 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 19?,i A Change don't to Don't B Insert a comma after said C Change anymore to no more D No change is needed in sentence 19. "]I 7,i 6 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 24? A Change Im to Z'm B Delete the comma after sorry C Change saidto exclaimed i:i,i / i Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 100 ii:ÿ!

13 Read the selection andchoose the best answer to each question. Sophia wrote a beautiful story that her grandmother told her. She wants you to help her revise and edit the story. Read Sophia's story and think about the changes you would make. Then, answer the questions that follow. The Bell Tower Birds (2) (1) The birds said, "there must be something we can do. (2) Maybe we can stuff the bells full of feathers. (3) That will keep the bells quiet." (4) They sang in excitement. (5) They were sure the plan would work. (6) "No, no," said the bell ringer. (7) "The villagers will just climb the stairs and clear the feathers away. (8) I have another idea." (9) The birds sang in excitement again. (10) "What is it? (11) What's your idea?" (12) The bell ringer said, "Whenever you get excited, you sing. (13) Your songs are beautiful. (14) Sing for the villagers!" (15) The birds did not understand why they should sing Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 101'

14 for the villagers. "(16) After all the villagers never did anything for the birds. (17) "That won't help us get rid of the bells," said the birds. (18) "Trust me," said the bell ringer. (19) The birds flew down to the low ledge of the bell tower and began to sing. (20) Their songs were so beautiful that villagers stopped in the street to listen. (21) When the birds finished their songs, the villagers claped and cheered. (22) From that day forward, the village was famous for it's beautiful bird songs. (23) Every day at noon, the birds sang from the top of the bell tower. (24) The songs filled the valley full of trees. (25) People traveled from far away to hear the birds. (26) The bell's in the tower never rang again. i J,,! 'r :i Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C

15 1 STAAR Grade 4 Writing What change, if any, shou d be made in sentence 1? A Change we to you B Change there to There C Delete the comma after said D No change is needed in sentence 1. 2 T I What change, if any, should be made in sentence 16? A B C D Change never to always Insert a comma after all Delete the word the Make no change 3 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 19? A Change low to lowest. B change flewto flown C Change began to begin D No change is needed in sentence 19. Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 1{33

16 T STAAR Grade 4 Writing 4. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 21? A Change their to there B Change claped to clapped C Change when to while 5 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 22? A Change it's to its B Delete the comma after forward C: Change beautifulto beauty D No change is needed in sentence What change, if any, should be made in sentence 26? A Insert the word a after always? B Change bell's to bells C Change traveled to travel i' i,i II Forde-Ferrier, L.LIC Page 104

17 Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. Alex loves sharks, so he decided to write about them. Read Alex's report and look for the corrections and improvements he should make. When you finish reading, answer the questions that foflow. Sharks (:t) (1) Sharks have been around for about 400 million years. (2) Even before the first dinosaurs, sharks swam through the oceans. (3) Today, the number of sharks is faling. (4) People hunt sharks. (5) The number of sharks is also shrinking because of pollution. (6) We need to learn as much as we can about sharks so we can help them live into the future. (7) Many people think of sharks as man-eating monsters. (8) Sharks is fierce ocean hunters, but they are not man-eaters. (9) In fact, most sharks are afraid of people. (10) Some of the biggest sharks are also the most gentle ones. (11) There are only about four shark attacks on humans each year. (12) Attacks happen because swimmers look like sea lions to the sharks: (13) The sharks do not Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 105

18 know better. (14)The myth that sharks are man-eating monsters isnt fair to sharks. (15) To other sea animals, however, sharks are something to fear. (16) Sharks are famous for their sharp teeth that can tear prey into pieces. (17) Sharks often lose teeth when they bite into animals they eat. (18) A shark can go through 30,000 teath in its lifetime. (19) Some shark teeth fall out about every eight days. (20) Sharks have many rows of teeth that replace the teeth that fall out. (21) Sharks are also well known for their jaws. (22) Shark jaws are big but that's not the only thing that makes them special. (23) Shark jaws don'twork like our jaws. (24) When you open your mouth, only your bottom jaw moves. (25) For sharks, the top and bottom jaw both move. (26) This lets sharks open wide and take big bites. (27) When a shark takes a big bite of its prey, it doesn't take long for other sharks to smell food. (28) Sharks can smell blood in the water from miles away. (29) That's because 67% of a sharks brain is used for its sense of smell! Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 106

19 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3? A. Change faling to falling B Delete the comma after today C Change sharks to shark D No change is needed in sentence 3. 2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8? i A Change the period to an exclamation mark B C. Change is to are Change yet to moreover 3 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 14? A Change myth.to mith B Change that to than C Change isnt to isn't D No change is needed in sentence 14. Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page :[07

20 ,, II"!il. J I,4 STAAR Grade 4 Writing What change, if any, should be made in sentence 18? A Change its to it's B Change shark to sharks C Change teath to teeth 5 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 22? A Change but to moreover B Insert a comma after big C Change that's to thats D No change is needed in sentence 22. i,i,,!,, 6 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 29? A Change sharksto shark's B Change Lhe exclamation mark to a period J I,. ÿ!!',' "i,ÿ ] C Change its to it's Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C Page 108

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