Some of the companions mentioned by Huzoor Anwar (aa) today are as follows:

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1 The lives of the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) that I will mention toay have not been recore extensively in the books of history. Nevertheless, to mention them an remember them is important an a source of blessings for us. These were the people who never wavere in their support of Islam an the Holy Prophet (sa). They sacrifice everything they ha for the sake of Islam. This is why Allah has sai, Allah is well please with them an gave them the gla tiings of paraise. Some of the companions mentione by Huzoor Anwar (aa) toay are as follows: - Hazrat Salman bin Thabit : He participate in the battle of Bar an Uhu. Various other members of his family were also part of the battle of Uhu. - Hazrat Sanan bin Safi: He accepte Islam in the 12th year of prophethoo an participate in the battle of Bar an Uhu. He was martyre in the battle of the Ditch. - Hazrat Muriz bin Aamir: He passe away on the morning of the battle of Uhu. Because of his intention to participate, he is still counte among those who passe away uring the battle of Uhu. - Hazrat Aaiz bin Maaes: He participate in all of the expeitions alongsie the Holy Prophet (sa). He was martyre in the battle of Yamama uring the era of the first Khilafat. - Hazrat Zai bin Aslam: He was part of the battle of Bar an Uhu. He was martyre uring a battle in the time of the first caliphate. - Hazrat Umar bin Salba: He participate in the battle of Bar an Uhu. When he accepte Islam, the Holy Prophet (sa) ran his han over the hea of Hazrat Umar bin Salba. His son narrates that the hair on the part of his father s hea that was touche by the Holy Prophet (sa), i not turn white; even at the age of 100 years.

2 - Hazrat Abu Khali: He participate in all of the expeitions alongsie the Holy Prophet (sa). He was injure in the battle of Yamama in the first caliphate. After remaining injure for some time, he passe away uring the era of Hazrat Umar (ra) uring the secon caliphate. - Hazrat Mutib bin Qushair: He was present uring the Bait of Aqba in Mecca. He participate in the battle of Bar an Uhu. - Hazrat Mutib bin Auf: He participate in all of the expeitions alongsie the Holy Prophet (sa). He passe away in the 57th year of Hijrah. - Hazrat Sabit bin Hazal: He participate in all of the expeitions alongsie the Holy Prophet (sa). He was martyre in the battle of Yamama. - Hazrat Khabab: He was a free slave. He participate in all of the expeitions alongsie the Holy Prophet (sa). He passe away in 19 Hijra at an age of 50 years. - Hazrat Tamim: He was a free slave who participate in the battle of Bar an Uhu. - Hazrat Ayas bin Buqair: He migrate to Meina with his brothers who all participate in the battle of Bar. Accoring to one narration, he was part of the expeition of Egypt, while another narration says he was martyre in the battle of Yamama. He was one of the early Muslims. He was also a poet. Accoring to a narration, his sons came to the Holy Prophet (sa) an suggeste a person for marriage of their sister. The Holy Prophet (sa) sai, what o you think of Hazrat Bilal? They returne to think over it. They returne twice an each time suggeste a ifferent name. The Holy Prophet (sa) sai every time, what o you think of Bilal, who has been given the goo news of paraise by Allah. They accepte this proposal for their sister. - Hazrat Saqaf bin Amr: He participate in the battle of Bar with his two brothers. He was martyre in the battle of Khaibar.

3 ا و ر F و ر ى H I و ہ K گ N M د O ں Q 4 ا 8 R ا و ر T S ا U م C X W ن + د ى ا EY ا ن ^ C ر ے % _ ` a b H ا [ Z \ ا ن 4 ر ا : c ا و ر ا i h g f e ى د ى H [ و ہt r آ پ t و ہ u ر ا و ر ا R x w % v آ پ ^ y z ا ن ^ ا و ر ا { ص {r ى رW آ پ ) œ ر ا ن ' ( % N H 5 ا س ~ % w M R x آ پ ر ل ا rÿ ^ Z ا و ر R Huzoor Anwar (aa) announce 2 funeral prayers in absentia. The first one is of Mukarram Ankhu Anan Ismail sahib, former presient of Jama at Malaysia. His father was one of first people to become Ahmai in Ankhu sahib worke for Malaysia s government at high levels. He was appointe as presient of the Jama at in 1986 by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh). The Jama at progresse significantly uner his leaership. He was a Musi an a very humble person. He also treate everyone with kinness. Secon funeral is of Fehmeea sahiba, wife of Khalil sahib of Rabwah. She love the Holy Quran early. When the laies use to atten Jumma prayers in Rabwah, she woul always try to be the first woman to enter the mosque. She woul help the poor. May Allah elevate her station in paraise! آ ج % & ' ( ) ذ + + و - ا ن ) ر 1 ر ڈ ر % 6 د ر ج : 9 8 < ا ن ) ذ + = > ر ے اB [ Z \ D C B q p o n ا k ' j ~ا % xw % آ پ ] ا U م ˆ ل 9 ا و ر t و ہ u ر ا و ر ا % j R آ پ ١٢ ن ƒ o Œ % ق Š ل ا Z ] ا س د ن ^ د ن آ پ g ض o r د ن t و ہ ا و ت >آپC^šg ا و \ % م ں % w x ž ` o Œ % ~

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