daughters to recite Surah Waqiah everyday as the Holy Prophet (sa) said, whoever recites Surah Waqiah every night will never go hungry.

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1 The remembrance of the Badri companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) will continue today. One companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Amara bin Hazm (ra). He was among those 70 companions who were present in Bait Uba Thania in Mecca. He was alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) during all of the battles and was martyred in the battle of Yamama. Once, a companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was bitten by a snake. The Holy Prophet (sa) advised him to go to Hazrat Amara so that he may pray upon the wound. Such prayers were taught to him by none other than the Holy Prophet (sa). During the expedition of Tabuk, a camel of the Holy Prophet (sa) was stolen. A new Muslim, who had previously shown signs of hypocrisy, was with Hazrat Amara. He said that the Holy Prophet (sa) claims to be a Prophet and tells you the news of unseen, yet does not know where his own camel is. When this reached to the Holy Prophet (sa), he said: By God, I only know what Allah teaches me. Soon after, Allah also revealed to him the location of his lost camel to answer the objection of this hypocrite. Thereafter, Hazrat Amara cut off ties with this person. Another companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra) who accepted Islam at its very beginning. He says that I was the sixth person in the world to become a Muslim. He says that after reaching the age of puberty, I was once shepherding some goats when the Holy Prophet (sa) and Hazrat Abu Bakr passed by. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked for some milk, but being an honest person, Hazrat Abdullah replied that I cannot give you milk without the permission of its rightful owner. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked him to bring him a goat, which doesn t give milk. Hazrat Abdullah took a young goat to the Holy Prophet (sa). He says the Holy Prophet (sa) first prayed and then began milking the goat. Seeing this miracle, he asked the Holy Prophet (sa) to teach him something as well. He went on to learn so much Quran that he was the most elite even among the scholars whom the Holy Prophet (sa) termed as the four greatest scholars of the Quran. It is mentioned that Hazrat Abdullah was the first person to openly recite the Quran in Mecca after the Holy Prophet (sa). Once the Muslims planned to openly

2 recite the Quran in front of the people of Mecca. Hazrat Abdullah volunteered. However, considering his weak social status, he was advised not to do so, as he would face severe opposition. He said, God will be my Protector. Therefore, early next morning, he stood near the Kaaba and started reciting the Holy Quran out loud. When the people recognized that he is reciting the same message as the Holy Prophet (sa), they uickly gathered and started slapping him. However, Hazrat Abdullah kept on reciting until he was finished reciting the portion he had planned. When people asked him later, he said that I never found these enemies of Allah more insignificant than as I did while they were hitting me mercilessly. After accepting Islam, he stayed with the Holy Prophet (sa) and served him for a long time. He was with the Holy Prophet (sa) during all of the battles. He was among those fortunate companions who were given the good news of paradise by the Holy Prophet (sa) in this world. He was extremely alike to the Holy Prophet (sa) in his characteristics and morals. Companions such as Hazrat Huzaifa (ra) used to say that the person we found closest to the Holy Prophet (sa) in terms of his character was Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra). Hazrat Umar says that once Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and I were out with the Holy Prophet (sa) during night time when we saw Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood reciting Quran in his prayers. His style of recitation was so beautiful and loving that the Holy Prophet (sa) said that O Abdullah, you will be granted whatever you ask for by Allah. Referring to Hazrat Abdullah, Hazrat Umar once said this person is like a vessel of divine knowledge. Hazrat Umar sent him to Kufa as a Murabbi (i.e. for moral and spiritual training) and in a letter addressed to the people of Kufa that, I think of Hazrat Abdullah (ra) even better than myself, for your education. Before his death, he was visited by Hazrat Usman (ra) who asked him if he had any complaints. In response, he said the only complain I have is about the many sins I have committed in my life. Hazrat Usman respectfully asked him if he needed anything. In response, he said that the only thing he needs is the mercy of Allah. Hazrat Usman asked if any stipend should be fixed for him and his daughters. He replied, do you worry about my daughters? I have told my

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