Grade v. Periodic TESt ii Revision question paper. Answer key

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1 Grade v Periodic TESt ii Revision question paper & Answer key

2 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes ENGLISH Marks:25 Section - A - Comprehension I. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: The Diamond Ring Once there lived a rich old man. He wanted to find out which of his sons would do the noblest deed. He divided on his property among his three sons. He kept the diamond ring with himself. He asked his sons to travel for awhile. They had to come back on a certain day The sons travelled for a while and came back as they were told. They told the father what noble deed each had done. The eldest son said, A man gave me all his wealth. I could have kept it. But I returned it to him. "Well done! said his father. "You acted well. But you have only done what all should do. The second son described what he did. "I saw a child drowning in the roaring sea. I saved his life. I risked my life but the child was saved. His father said, "Well done, my son! Saving a life is indeed a noble deed. Then the youngest son said, "I was tending sheep on the hills. Then I saw my bitter enemy sleeping on the edge of the cliff. If he would have moved to the side a bit, he would've fallen into the deep chasm. He would have died. I felt sorry for him. I walked up to him and woke him up. He was surprised to see me. He realised what would have happened. He thanked me for saving his life. There were tears in the old father s eyes. He said, Well done, my son. I am proud of you. You did the noblest deed. You forgave your enemy. You saved your enemy s life. That was a noble act indeed. This act deserves the highest award. I give you the diamond ring. Doing good for evil is the noblest form of virtue. I-A. Answer the following questions: 1.Who did the following? (½ X 3 = 1½) a) saved the child from the roaring sea. b) saved his enemy c) returned the wealth to the man 2. Why did the rich man ask his three sons to travel for a while? (1) 3. Choose from the passage and write the correct antonym for: (½ X 3= 1½)

3 a) vice (meaning bad, evil quality) - b) Ignoble (meaning bad wicked behaviour) - c) saved (meaning to secure) - I-B. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below: The Lamplighter My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky, It's time to take the window to see Leerie going by; For every night at teatime and before you take your seat, With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street. Now Tom would be a driver and Maria go to sea, And my papa is a banker and as rich as he can be; But I, when I am stronger and can choose what I am to do, O Leerie, I'll go round at night and light the lamps with you! For we are very lucky, with a lamp before the door; And Leerie stops to light it as he lights so many more; And oh! Before you hurry with ladder and with light, Oh Leerie, see a little child and nod to him tonight by Robert Louis Stevenson I-B Answer the following questions: 1) Write the pairs of rhyming words that are there in the above poem? (½ X 6pairs = 3) 2) Fill in the blanks with the same or similar meaning groups of words (or phrases) as the poem: (½ X 2 =1) He knows that Tom wants to, and Maria wants to work at sea. Although his father is a rich banker, he would like to job when he grows up. Section B - WRITING (5) Write a message based on the following telephonic conversation. Nancy Hello! This is Nancy aunty. Hi, Meena, is your mother home? Meenai No, Nancy aunty. She has gone out to the supermarket. Nancy Alright, dear. Can you please pass on this important message for her. Tell her that my husband and I will not be able to come for dinner at your place tomorrow. We have to pick our son Peter from the airport. Meena Peter is back? That s wonderful news. I will convey the message to my mother.

4 Section C - Grammar C-l Circle the adverbs in the following sentences: (½ X 6 = 3) 1) Yes my work is almost finished. 2) Don t worry the task is extremely simple. 3) The library opens daily at 10 a.m. 4) Madhu completely denied that she had said such a thing. 5) The dog was sleeping on the sofa quite peacefully. 6) Rita spoke to me on the phone yesterday. C-2. Change the bracketed words into adverbs and use them in the corresponding sentences: 1) She likes her school very much. (true) 2) They left the shop. (immediate) Section D- Literature D-1 Who are the characters mentioned in the lesson Clear Sky? (1½) D-2 But I ll always live here with you. a) Who said this to whom? (1) b) Why was it spoken? (2) D-3 What are any 3 words that are mentioned in connection with the family trade in the lesson Clear Sky? ( ½ x 3 =1½) D-4 List 2 imaginations of the poet from the poem Flower School? (1/2 X 2= 1) ***************************

5 ANSWER KEY FOR REVISION QUESTION PAPER GRADE5 PT2 ENGLISH SECTION A - Comprehension (8) A-1 1) Saved the child - the second son ( ½ X 3 = 1½) Saved his enemy - the youngest son Returned the wealth to the man - the eldest son 2) The rich old father wanted his 3 sons to travel so that he could see whose good deed would be the noblest as he wanted to reward them with a diamond ring. (1) 3) a. Virtue, b. Noble, c. Risked. ( ½ X 3 = 1½) A-2 1) Sky- by, seat-street, sea-be, do-you, door-more, light-tonight (½ x 6 = 3) 2) He knows that Tom wants to become a driver and Maria wants to work at sea. Although his father is a rich banker, he would like to do a different job when he grows up.(½ x 2=1) SECTION B. Message writing- Free response. Criteria: Format=2, Grammatical correctness=2, Content =1 SECTION C- Grammar C-l Circle the adverbs in the following sentences: (½ X 6 = 3) 1. is almost, 2. is extremely, 3. daily, 4. completely, 5. peacefully, 6. yesterday C-2 1) truly, 2) immediately (1 X 2 =2) SECTION-D LITERATURE (7) D.1 Sivagami, grandfather, father, mother, Susai, others in the workshop (¼ x 6 =1½) D.2 chisel, sculpture, statue D-3 1) Sivagami spoke that line to her mother. (1) 2) Sivagami s mother explained to her why her grandfather was always chasing her away from the workshop. She said that girls were not taught how to sculpt because when they grew up and got

6 married they would move away to another family. Then the secrets of their art could be passed on to that family. This is why Sivagami spoke the above line (1½) D-4 The poet imagines that the flowers attend a school underground and thunder clouds clap their giant hands. (1 X 2= 2)

7 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes HINDI Marks:25 ख ड क 1) गद य श पढ़कर प रश न क उत तर ल खखए (5) भ रत क प रथम प रध नम त र श र जव हरल ल न हर न 1928 म अपन ब ट इ ददर क क छ पत र दलख थ I उस समय इ ददर ज 10 वर ष क थ I उन ददन इ ददर ज मस र म और न हर ज इल हब द म रहत थ I आग चलकर न हर ज क अन क दमत र न उनस आग रह दकय दक व इन पत र क छपव ए I उन पत र म स एक ऐस पत र ह दजसम उन न बत य ह दक हम र प थ व क स बन I उन न दलख ह दक प थ व स रज क च र तरफ घ मत ह I यह सब स रज क ग रहकहल त ह I प र क) श र जव हरल ल न हर न कब और दकसक पत र दलख? प र ख) इ ददर ज और न हर ज उन ददन कह रहत थ? प र ग) उनक दमत र न क य आग रह दकय? प र घ) न हर ज क एक पत र म उन न क य बत य ह? प र ङ) गद श क दलए एक उदचत श र षक दलखखए I ख ड ख 1) कर य कर ल यय छय टकर ल खखए (2) (क) उसन दसन म द ख I (ख) स म क त त क ख न खखल त ह I (ग) ज कर ह स त ह I 2) उध द श य ल ध यछय टकर ल खखए- (2) (क) र त र ज़ भ जप र म ग त ग त ह I (ख) ज कर क द खकर बच च ख श ह आ I ख ड ग 1) अर ल खखए - (2) (क) सहस (ख) अध र (ग) चमत क र (घ) झ लत 2) ल नर शब द ल खखए - (2) (क) च न (ख) क दतष (ग) प रसन न (घ) गर ब 3) एक यक य र उत तर ल खखए - (2) (क) ब ब भ रत घ ड़ क ख लकर ब हर क य ल ए? (ख) ह वड़ द ज क क य कह ज त ह?

8 4) एक शब द र उत तर ल खखए - (2) (क) दकस द खन क च ह खड़गदस ह क ख च ल ई? (ख) ह वड़ द ज क बन न क दलए अ ग र ज क क पन न दकसक अदधक उपय ग दकय? 5) सह ल कल प च नकर ल खखए - (2) (क) खडगदस ह क न थ? एक घ ड एक ड क ब ब भ रत क दमत र (ख) ह वड़ द ज क दनम षण कब ह आ थ? 1924म 1942म 1492म 6) र न श द ध क लजए - (2) (क) अस प थल (ख) रब द रदनथ ठ क र 7) प रश न क उत तर द लजए - (4) प र क) ब ब भ रत ब दल क स थ क स व यवह र करत थ? प र ख) ह वड़ द ज क लक त क दकसस ज ड़त ह? प र ग) इस प ल क द सर न म क य ह? ***************

9 HINDI _ ANSWER KEY ख ड क 1. गद श पढ़कर प रश क उत तर दलखखए (5) उत तर क)श र जव हरल ल न हर न 1928 म अपन ब ट इ ददर क पत र दलख थ I उत तर ख) उन ददन इ ददर ज मस र म और न हर ज इल हब द म रहत थ I उत तर ग) न हर ज क अन क दमत र न उनस आग रह दकय दक व इन पत र क छपव ए I उत तर घ) उनम स एक पत र म उन न बत य ह दक हम र प थ व क स बन Iउन न दलख ह दक प थ व स रज क च र तरफ घ मत ह I यह सब स रज क ग रह कहल त ह I उत तर ङ) A Suitable Title to the passage. ख ड ख 1. कत ष कमष द य छ टकर दलखखए (2) (क) कत ष उसन, कमष दसन म, द य द ख (ख) कत ष स म, कमष क त त,ख न,द य खखल त ह (ग) कत ष ज कर, कमष -, द य ह स त ह 2. उध द श य दवध य छ टकर दलखखए - (2) (क) उध द श य र त, दवध य र ज़ भ जप र म ग त ग त ह I (ख) उध द श य बच च, दवध य ज कर क द खकर ख श ह आ I ख ड ग 1. अथष दलखखए - (2) (क) अच नक (ख) ब च न (ग) अद भ त (घ) हव म ह न 2. दवल म शब द दलखखए - (2) (क) ब च न(ख) अपक दतष (ग) अप रसन न (घ) अम र एक व क य म उत तर दलखखए - (2) 3. ब ब भ रत अपन घ ड़ क और प रश स स नन च हत थ I (ख) ह वड़ द ज क इ ज दनयरर ग क चमत क र कह ज त ह I 4. एक शब द म उत तर दलखखए - (2) (क) ब दल (ख) इस प त 5. सह दवकल प च नकर दलखखए - (2) (क) एक ड क (ख) 1942 म

10 6. वतषन श द ध क दजए - (2) (क) अस पत ल (ख) रब न द रन थ ठ क र 7. प रश क उत तर द दजए - (4) उत तर क) ब ब भ रत अपन घ ड़ ब दल क द न खखल त, म दलश करत और नहल त थ I व ब दल क बह त प य र करत थ I उत तर ख) ह वड़ द ज क लक त क नद क द सर ओर क स थल ह वड़ स ज ड़त ह I उत तर ग) इस प ल क द सर न म रब न द र स त ह I ******************

11 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes MALAYALAM Marks:25 I പ ര ക 1 1/2 1 മലകള ല ക ട കൾ ന... 2 ആള കള ട ദ ര ത ള... ക ല യ യ ട മന ന അസ മ മ യ ര. 3.ക... അ പ ണ പ ലർ മ ള ര II 1 വ ക പ ര ഴ ത ക നമ വ വ ഭ ണവ ഒര ത ര ത പ ഴയ ണ..III വ ക ചർ ഴ ത ക 1 എ വര ക ട ക യ എട. എ ക ല ൽ ക ട. IV ശര യ യ ര പ ചർ എഴ ത ക 1 1 അവന ആ ല ച ത റ ഹര ( ത ക ) 2 ആഹ ര ക ന ത ജന ൾ... ( വലയ ക ) V 1 പദ പ ര ഴ ത ക 1.ക ട കയ ണ 2. തണ യ ര VIപദ ചർ ഴ ത ക 1 1. വ + ത 2.ര + അ VII അർ എഴ ത ക 1½

12 1.കത ര ൻ 2. ക രണ 3 ന ര VIII 1 വ പര ത എഴ ത ക 1.സ നഹ 2. ഉയര IX 2 പര യ എഴ ത ക 1.പ 2. ക ത Xവ ഗഹ ഴ ത ക 2 1.ക ര 2 ഇഷ ടവ ഷയ XI ചര പട ചർ ക 2 ട ൾ യ - ഉമ കരള ഉ ർ - നദ ഇട ര - കവ ത മണൽ കൾ - ഭഗ രഥൻ അഴ ച ൽ XIIപ ഠപ സ തക ലത പ ല പ ര ക ( 4 വര കൾ ) 4 ക കരള റവ ര ടൻ. XIIIഉഉ ര എഴ ത ക 1.എ ക ണ ക ൻ ഓട യത? 2 2.ആര യ ര ല യ ട ൾ യ? 2 3 ഭ രൻ എ നയ ണ മണ ന വ ഴ യത? 2

13 മലയ ള Answer Key I പ ര ക 1 1/2 1മലകള ല ക ട കൾ ന തണ ണ 2 ആള കള ട ദ ര ത ള വദനകള ക ല യ യ ട മന ന അസ മ മ യ ര. 3.ക കരള മ ര അ പ ണ പ ലർ മ ള ര II വ ക പ ര ഴ ത ക 1 നമ വ വ ഭ ണവ ഒര ത ര ത പ ഴയ ണ. നമ വ ഒര ത ര ത പ ഴയ ണ. നമ ഭ ണ ഒര ത ര ത പ ഴയ ണ..III വ ക ചർ ഴ ത ക 1 എ വര ക ട ക യ എട. എ ക ല ൽ ക ട. എ വര ക ട ക യ എട ക ല ൽ ക ട IV ശര യ യ ര പ ചർ എഴ ത ക 1 1 അവന ആ ല ച ത റ ഹര ത ( ത ക ) 2 ആഹ ര ക ന ത ജന ൾ വല ( വലയ ക ) V പദ പ ര ഴ ത ക 1 1. ക ട കയ ണ ക ട ക +ആണ 2. തണ യ ര തണ +ആയ ര VI പദ ചർ ഴ ത ക 1 1. വ + ത - വ 2.ര + അ -ര VII അർ എഴ ത ക 1½ 1. കത ര ൻ -സ ര ൻ 2. ക രണ രശ മ 3 ന ര വഴ VIIIവ പര ത എഴ ത ക 1 1. സ നഹ വറ ഉയര - ത ഴ ച IXപര യ എഴ ത ക 2 1. പ - പറവ,ഖഗ

14 2. 2. ക ത ചവ, കർ X വ ഗഹ ഴ ത ക 2 1 ക ര ക ന റ അര 2 ഇഷ ടവ ഷയ ഇഷ ടമ യ വ ഷയ XI ചര പട ചർ ക 2 ട ൾ യ - ഉമ കരള 2 ഉ ർ - നദ 4 ഇട ര - കവ ത 1 മണൽ കൾ - ഭഗ രഥൻ - അഴ ച ൽ 3 XII പ ഠപ സ തക ലത പ ല പ ര ക ( അവസ ന ന ല വര കൾ ) 4 ക കരള റവ ര ടൻ. XIII ഉ ര എഴ ത ക 1. എ ക ണ ക ൻ ഓട യത? 2 2. ആര യ ര ല യ ട ൾ യ? 2 3. ഭ രൻ എ നയ ണ മണ ന വ ഴ യത? 2

15 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes SANSKRIT Marks:25 1. अर थ ल खत 2 a. ल त रक र: b. ल बलत c. र यलस d. क र डक 2. लनम नल लखतशब द न म बह व नर ल क ष ठक त ल त व ल खत 2 a. स (त,त :,त लन) b. म म (आव म, वयम, अस म न ) c. तम (त,त न,त लन) d. एष (एत :,एत,त :) 3. ररक तस र थ न लन रयत 2 a.... क क : b. त व... य यम c. स:... त d.... त त लन 4. र ख लककत कत दस य र ष वदत 2 a. वयम ख द लम b. एष वदलत c. त वम तरलस d. एत : ल घ रलतत 5. र ख लककतस ज ञ दस य स र थ न उल त सव न म द ल खत 4 a. स तकम ठलत

16 b. सररत : वहलतत c. लखक ल खलत d. छ त र ध वत: 6. यर थ य ग यम य यत 4 a. स - भ रमलतत b. य यम - वदलत c. एत : - गच छ लम d. अहम - ल खर थ 7. क ष ठक त उल त क रक रय द लन ल त व ररक तस र थ न लन रयत 4 a. आव म... (क र ड व:, क र ड म:) b. एष:... ( रलतत, रलत ) c. त... (ल खत, ल खत ) d. त वम... ( ठलस, ठर थ) 8. न मर ल ल खत 3 a. अक र तत ल कग: नर: शब द: अर थव b. आक र तत स त र ल कग: ब शब द: 9. ध त र ल ल खत 2 a. ध त : ट क र: अर थव b. वद ध त : ट क र: *************

17 SANSKRIT ANSWER KEY MARKS: अर थ ल खत 2 a. PAINTER b. DRINKING c. YOU ARE DROWING d. TWO PLAYERS 2. लनम नल लखतशब द न म बह व नर ल क ष ठक त ल त व ल खत 2 a. त : b. अस म न c. त न d. एत : 3. ररक तस र थ न लन रयत 2 a. क b. य व म c. त d. तत 4. र ख लककत कत दस य र ष वदत 2 a. उत तम र ष: b. प रर थम र ष: c. मध यम र ष: d. प रर थम र ष: 5. र ख लककतस ज ञ दस य स र थ न उल त सव न म द ल खत 4 a. तत ठलत

18 b. त : वहलतत c. स ल खलत d. त ध वत: 6. यर थ य ग यम य यत 4 a. स - वदलत b. य यम - ल खर थ c. एत : - भ रमलतत d. अहम - गच छ लम 7. क ष ठक त उल त क रक रय द लन ल त व ररक तस र थ न लन रयत 4 a. क र ड व: b. रलत c. ल खत d. ठलस 8. न मर ल ल खत (WRITE ANY NOUN FORM TABLE) 3 a. अक र तत ल कग: नर: शब द: अर थव b. आक र तत स त र ल कग: ब शब द: 9. ध त र ल ल खत (WRITE ANY VERB FORM TABLE) 2 a. ध त : ट क र: अर थव b. वद ध त : ट क र:

19 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes SCIENCE Marks:25 I. Fill in the blanks:- (1 x 5 = 5) 1. Objects that give out light are called. 2. Clear glass cannot form a. 3. Ozone layer is found in. 4. is added to the soil by means of fertilizers. 5. is needed for burning. II. Name the following:- (1 x 5 = 5) 1. The process that removes the soluble impurities from water. 2. The process by which the oxygen content of the water is increased. 3. A dark region formed by an opaque object when it blocks the path of the light. 4. A process of removing germs and other harmful substances from water. 5. The amount of water present in air. III. Answer the following questions in ONE sentence: - ( 1 x 5 = 5) 1. How does the ozone layer protect the earth? 2. State TWO factors on which the size of a shadow depends on. 3. Define filtration. 4. State the properties of air. 5. Write any TWO uses of distilled water. IV. Answer the following questions briefly:- (2 x 5 = 10) 1. Write any TWO application of filtration method in our daily life. 2. What is the difference between troposphere and stratosphere? 3. List any FOUR ways to save water. 1

20 4. Label the parts of the distillation apparatus given. 5. What are the major components of gases in air and write the percentages? ************* 2

21 SCIENCE ANSWER KEY I. Fill in the blanks:- (1 x 5 = 5) 1. Luminous Objects 2. Shadow 3. Stratosphere 4. Nitrogen 5. Oxygen II. Name the following:- (1 x 5 = 5) 1. Distillation 2. Aeration 3. Shadow 4. Chlorination 5. Humidity III. Answer the following questions in ONE sentence: - ( 1 x 5 = 5) 1. How does the ozone layer protect the earth? Ozone layer absorbs harmful radiations from the sun and stops them from reaching Earth's surface. 2. State TWO factors on which the size of a shadow depends on. Distance of the object from the light source and distance of the object from the screen. 3. Define filtration. The process of separating solid particles from a liquid using a filter paper. 4. State the properties of air. Air has weight and it occupies space. 5. Write any TWO uses of distilled water. For medicines, laboratories and car batteries. IV. Answer the following questions briefly:- (2 x 5 = 10) 1. Write any TWO application of filtration method in our daily life. Vacuum cleaners have filters to trap the dust particles. Water taps usually have filters to purify water. 2. What is the difference between troposphere and stratosphere? Troposphere: this is the 1st layer of atmosphere just above the ground. it is where we live 3

22 in. It is where most aeroplanes fly. The weather changes takes place in this layer. Stratosphere: This is the 2nd layer of atmosphere. The ozone layer is a part of this layer. It absorbs harmful radiations from the sun and stops them from reaching Earth's surface. Jet planes fly in this layer. 3. List any FOUR ways to save water. Prevent the leaks in taps; sprinkle or drip irrigation, recycling of water, rain water harvest etc. 4. Label the parts of the distillation apparatus given. A - Cold water out B - Condenser C - Cold water in D- Round bottom flask 5. What are the major components of gases in air and write the percentages? Nitrogen - 78% Oxygen - 21% CO2 & other gases - 1% ****** 4

23 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes SOCIAL STUDIES Marks:25 I. FILL IN THE BLANKS 5 ½=2½ is a self governing province of Denmark. 2. The main natural resource of Saudi Arabia is Vegetation consisting of grasslands with short trees is known as a DRC has the world s largest deposits of The Frigid Zone in which most of Greenland is situated is also called the region. II. NAME THE FOLLOWING 5 ½=2½ 1. The original inhabitants of Green land. 2. Capital of Saudi Arabia. 3. The major industry in Greenland. 4. The official religion of Saudi Arabia. 5. The most well-known tribe of the DRC. III. STATE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE OR FALSE 5 ½=2½ 1. In some parts of DRC, especially in the south it does not rain so much. 2. Saudi Arabia has a very modern society. 3. Pygmies used to live in temporary houses made of blocks of ice. 4. DRC exports most of its minerals. 5. Nights in Saudi Arabia are hot. IV. MATCH THE FOLLOWING 5 ½=2½ 1. Nuuk -- Eric, the Red 2. Tropic of Cancer -- Inuit 3. Greenland -- DRC 4. Tropical rainforests -- Saudi Arabia 5. Eskimo -- Godthab

24 V. GIVE REASON 2 2=4 1. Why is Saudi Arabia such a rich country? 2. Why is most of the DRC covered with tropical rainforests? VI. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 3 1=3 1. Tribe 2. Kayak 3. Sand Dune VII. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN TWO OR THREE SENTENCES EACH 2 3=6 1. Describe the climate of Saudi Arabia. 2. What kind of clothes do most people in Greenland wear? 3. In what ways Icebergs are dangerous? VIII. IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE GIVEN BELOW AND WRITE ANY TWO SENTENCES ABOUT THEM 1 2=2 *******************

25 SOCIAL ANSWER KEY I. FILL IN THE BLANKS 5 ½=2½ 1. Greenland 2. Petroleum 3. Savanna 4. Cobalt 5. Tundra II. NAME THE FOLLOWING 5 ½=2½ 1. Eskimo/Inuit 2. Riyadh 3. Fish Processing 4. Islam 5. Pygmies III. STATE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE OR FALSE 5 ½=2½ 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False IV. MATCH THE FOLLOWING 5 ½=2½ 1. Nuuk -- Godthab 2. Tropic of Cancer -- Saudi Arabia 3. Greenland -- Eric, the Red 4. Tropical rainforests -- DRC 5. Eskimo -- Inuit V. GIVE REASON 2 2=4 1. Saudi Arabia is a very rich country. This is because of the vast deposits of Petroleum in the country. 2. Being near the equator, the climate in most parts of DRC is very hot throughout the year.

26 The hot and humid climate of the DRC is ideal for the growth of dense forests called tropical rainforests. VI. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 3 1=3 VII. VIII. 1. A large group of people who live in the same area and share a common language, Religion and customs. 2. A narrow boat that is moved with a single paddle, flat at both ends. 3. Small hills of sand that keep shifting due to strong winds. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN TWO OR THREE SENTENCES EACH 2 3=6 4. The climate of Saudi Arabia is hot and dry. The country gets very little rainfall, the humidity is very low, and the sun shines bright and hot throughout the year. 5. The people wear clothes made of animal skin and fur. Men, women and children wear jackets with hoods lined with fur, called parkas. Long boots made of seal skin keep their feet warm in the snow. 6. Huge pieces of ice frequently break off and float in the sea. They are called icebergs. They pose great danger to ships in the sea. IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE GIVEN BELOW AND WRITE ANY TWO SENTENCES ABOUT THEM 1 2=2 Inuit/Eskimo They were the original inhabitants of Greenland They are mainly hunters They used to live in temporary hoses made of blocks of ice called igloos. (any other relevant point)

27 THE CHOICE SCHOOL TEST II REVISION QUESTION PAPER Time: 45 minutes MATHEMATICS Marks:25 Question 1 carries ½ mark. 1. Fill in the blanks: a. In < XYZ, the vertex is. b. The numbers which are multiples of 2 are called numbers. c. L C M of 8 and 16 is. d. Write an English letter that has a right angle. (1 x 2=2) (½ x4=2) 2. A cup is full of milk.what part of the cup is still to be filled by milk to make it full. 3. Write the first two common multiples of 5 and 6. Questions 4 to 9 carry 2 marks each (2x6=12) 4. Check whether the following fractions are equivalent or not? a. b. 5. Find the LCM of 8, 12 and Reduce the following fractions in the lowest term. 7. Solve the following fractions a. 8. State True or False. a. Every ray has a definite lengthb. 3 anglec. is an acute angled. A line segment has two end points- 9. Subtract 1 from 5 and express the answer in mixed fraction.

28 Questions 10 to 12 carry 3 marks each (3x3=9) 10. i) Arrange the fractions in ascending order. ii) Solve 11. On Monday,John spent 1 ¾ hours studying and on Tuesday he spent another hours for studying. What fraction did he spend studying on Monday and Tuesday? 12. i )Construct an angle ABC of mea 1. ii) Measure the angles given below and identify the types of angles. ***********************

29 Maths Answer Key Question 1 carries ½ mark. 1. Fill in the blanks: (½ x4=2) e. In angle XYZ, the vertex is -Y f. The numbers which are multiples of 2 are called -Even numbers. g. L C M of 8 and 16 is- 16. h. Write an English letter that has a right angle L or E or F (1 x 2=2) 2. A cup is full of milk.what part of the cup is still to be filled by milk to make it full. Ans- (1 mark) 3. Multiples of 5-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,55,60. Multiples of 6-6, 12,18, 24, 30,36,42,48, 54,60. Common multiples are 30 and 60. (½ +½) Questions 4 to 9 carry 2 marks each (2x6=12) 4. a = 77, 5 13 = 65 (1) Cross products are not equal, so the fractions are not equivalent. b =36, 9 4 =36 (1) Cross products equal,so the fractions are equivalent. 5. LCM of 8, 12 and ,12,16 2 4, 6,8 (1 ) 2 2, 3,4 2 1,3,2 LCM = =48 3 1,3,1 (1) 1,1,1 6. a) = HCF = 2 (1) b) HCF = 14 (1) 7. LCM=10, = (1) b) LCM=24,,,

30 = = (1) 8. State True or False. e. Every ray has a definite length- F (½ 4) f. 3 - T g. h. A line segment has two end points- T 9. Subtract 1 from 5 and express the answer in mixed fraction. - F 5-1 (½) (½) = LCM=7 ( ) = = (½) Questions 10 to 12 carry 3 marks each (3x3=9) 10. i) Arrange the fractions in ascending order. LCM of 3,4,2,6 =12 =,,, (1) (½) (½) ii ) solve = = = (1) 11. Time spent on Monday = 1 hours Time spent on Tuesday = 1 hours (1) Total fraction = = = (1) Total fraction of time spent = = hours (1) 12. )C BC f 1. (D ately using protractor and mark the points A,B,C ) (1)

31 ii) Measure the angles given below and identify the types of angles. 12 -Obtuse angle (1) -Acute angle (1) ***********************

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