The Worship of God Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

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1 Your ultimate self-interest is in loving the other. John Foley, S.J. September 28, 2014 The Worship of God Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 and 10:45 a.m.

2 WELCOME TO THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We are grateful for your presence this morning. Third Church strives to be a faithful, open and inclusive congregation. We are a diverse people united by a common faith in Jesus Christ and by meaningful worship and service. We invite all who are seeking to live a life of Christian faith and discipleship to join us. If you are new to Third Church, the following information may be helpful. Parking On Sunday mornings: Street parking is possible on both sides of East Avenue. On Sundays, the Arnold Park parking lot is available for handicap parking only. Other parking is available in the Meigs Street parking lot and can be found at: Jewish Community Federation (Sibley Place) American Association of University Women Rochester Area Community Foundation Century Club (all on East Avenue) In the event of a medical emergency, please notify an usher or staff member. An AED and first aid supplies are located in the hallway between the sanctuary and elevator. Hearing Assistance: The Chapel and Sanctuary are equipped with induction loop systems. Use the Tswitch of your hearing aid. If you have difficulty hearing during the worship service, please speak with an usher immediately. An Elevator is located at the Parish House- Education Building junction to assist in accessibility. Large Print Bulletins and Bibles are available from the ushers. Hymnals and Bibles are located under the first row pews. Children and Worship: Children s worship bulletins, Bibles and activity clipboards are available from the ushers. Child Care is available in the Education Building for infants and toddlers to age three. Church School is available for children, preschool through sixth grade, during the 10:45am worship service. Coffee Hour follows the worship service. All are invited to this time of fellowship in the Celebration Center. Pastoral Care needs and prayer concerns may be communicated to Martha Langford. More about Membership: If you are interested in joining Third Church, or just want to know more, contact Lynette Sparks. The next Exploring Membership Dinner will be on October 12. Newsletter: The Messenger is published monthly. Copies are available at the back of the Sanctuary, in the literature racks outside Johnston Hall and online. If you are interested in receiving the newsletter, contact Cindy Mark in the Church Office ( or , ext. 100). A WORD ABOUT THIS CHURCH THIRD CHURCH participates in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Commitment to Peacemaking. Our intention is to pursue avenues of peace and justice for ourselves, our families and communities, for all people in the world in which we live. We seek to be agents of reconciliation. THIRD CHURCH has joined with other Presbyterian congregations in declaring ourselves to be a More Light church. We are committed to the full participation of all persons in our church community without regard for sexual orientation, personal background or human condition. Find us on Facebook: Third Presbyterian Church THIRD CHURCH STAFF OFFICE: ; VOIC John Wilkinson, Pastor ext. 105 Martha C. Langford, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care ext. 108 Lynette K. Sparks, Interim Associate Pastor for Outreach and Evangelism ext. 106 Lucinda B. Lamme, Parish Associate Peter A. DuBois, Director of Music/Organist ext. 109 Mary Ann Rutkowski, Associate Director of Music ext. 102 Rebecca D Angelo-Veitch, Coordinator of Children s Ministries and Congregational Life ext. 118 Jane S. Carden, Youth Ministry Coordinator ext. 107 Caroline Robinson, Assistant Organist William W. Young, Pastor Emeritus Roderic P. Frohman, Pastor Emeritus

3 Preparation for Worship We come to worship from a busy and noisy world. As we prepare to offer ourselves in praise and adoration of God, it is important that we step back from our preoccupations and focus our thoughts on God. We ask that you please turn off all cell phones and pagers. As the music begins this morning, please take time to become more aware of the continuing presence of God. Stand as you are able PRELUDE (8:30) Prelude and Fugue in C Johann Ludwig Krebs (10:45) Grand Choeur Dialogue Eugene Gigout BELL PRELUDE Rondo Passacaglia Cynthia Dobrinski (10:45) Third Church Ringers DOXOLOGY PLEASE STAND AS THE ORGAN INTRODUCTION BEGINS OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. CALL to WORSHIP from Psalm 78 We will recount to generations to come The praiseworthy deeds and the power of the Lord, the wonderful works God has done. God worked marvels in the sight of their forebears, God split open the sea and let them pass through; God led them with a cloud by day, and all night through with a glow of fire. God split the hard rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink as from the great deep. God brought streams out of the cliff, and the waters gushed out like rivers. HYMN 489 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty UNSER HERRSCHER PRAYER of CONFESSION Gracious God, in the company of your people, we confess our sins to you. We have been impatient, complaining about the faults of others, and failing to see our own. We have neglected the interests of our neighbor, and in pursuing our own, we have been faithless and unworthy, ignoring the strength you offer and relying upon our own.

4 SILENT PRAYER KYRIE God of mercy, you have promised to forgive those who truly repent. Help us to accept your forgiveness and dwell in us by your spirit; though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ASSURANCE OF PARDON RESPONSE: Friends, believe the good news. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. ANTHEM Sing! Shout! Allelluia! Joseph M. Martin (10:45) Junior Choir Beth Fischer, accompanist Sing! Shout! Alleluia! Shout to God in one accord. Sing! Shout! Bring a new song. Come and make a joyful noise to the Lord. Sing! Shout! Alleluia! Praise the Lord in everything. Sing! Shout!... Come before the Lord with a jubilant shout! Come and make a joyful noise to the Lord. Glory, Hallelujah! Let the praises resound! Come and make a joyful noise to the Lord. Sing! Shout! Alleluia! Shout to God in one accord. Sing! Shout!... He is our hope for each tomorrow. He is our everlasting God. He is the star that lights the way. He is our strength to face the day. Praise God! Alleluia! Come sing an alleluia! Sing to the Lord. Come and sing! Shout! Alleluia! Shout to God in one accord. Sing! Shout!... Alleluia! Praise the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!

5 CHILDREN S MESSAGE DISMISSAL of CHILDREN Following the children s message, children are invited to proceed to the (10:45) education building for Sunday school. The nursery on the middle level (10:45) of the education building is available for children to age three. WORDS of WELCOME FOCUS on MISSION We ask that you sign the Friendship Pad and pass it to the person next to you in the pew. Please greet those worshipping with you at the close of the service. Tutoring EPISTLE LESSON Philippians 2:1-13 (Pew Bible, NT page 197) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SOLO Qui Sedes Antonio Vivaldi (8:30) (from Gloria ) Riki Connaughton, mezzo-soprano Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, Miserere nobis. Thou who sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy on us ANTHEM Salmo 150 Ernani Aguiar (10:45) Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius. Praise the Lord! Praise God in the Laudate eum in firmamento virtutis holy temple; give praise in the eius. Laudate eum secundum firmament of heaven. Praise God multitudinem magnitudinis eius. who is mighty in deed; give praise Laudate eum in sono tubae. for God s excellent greatness. Praise Laudate eum in psalterio et cithara. God with the blast of the ram s-horn; Laudate eum in timpano et choro. give praise with lyre and harp. Praise Laudate eum in chordis et organo. God with timbrel and dance; give Laudate eum in cymbalis praise with strings and pipe. Praise benesonantibus. Laudate eum in God with resounding cymbals; give cymbalis jubilationis. Omnis praise with loud-clanging cymbals. spiritus laudet Dominum, Laudate Let everything that has breath praise Dominum, Alleluia! the Lord. Hallelujah! Psalm 150 GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 21:23-32 (Pew Bible, NT page 23) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

6 SERMON Expectations Transformed: Intention John Wilkinson HYMN 389 O Jesus, I Have Promised NYLAND (10:45) AFFIRMATION of FAITH Belonging to God: A First Catechism Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Who are you? I am a child of God. What does it mean to be a child of God? That I belong to God, who loves me. What makes you a child of God? Grace God s free gift of love that I do not deserve and cannot earn. What is the gospel? The gospel is the good news about Jesus. It promises us the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life because of him. Forgiveness and eternal life with God are what we mean by salvation. What comfort does the good news give you? That I belong to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for my sake, so that nothing will ever separate me from God s love. Amen. PRAYERS of the PEOPLE (Prayer Request cards are available in pew pockets and can be placed and THE LORD S PRAYER in the offering plate.) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. PRESENTATION of OFFERINGS SOLO (8:30) But the Lord is Mindful of His Own Felix Mendelsohn ANTHEM Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Bruce Saylor (10:45) Paige Kiefner, soprano Jesu, thou Joy of loving hearts, Thou Fount of life, thou Light of all. From the best bliss that earth imparts We turn unfilled to thee again. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood; Thou savest those that on thee call; To them that seek thee, thou art good, To them that find thee all

7 RESPONSE in all. Our restless spirits yearn for thee, Where er our changeful lot is cast; Glad, when thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold thee fast. O Jesu, ever with us stay, Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o er the world thy holy light. Amen th century Latin, tr. Ray Palmer ALL: The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Grant, O merciful God, that your church, being gathered by your Holy Spirit into one, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your name; though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. HYMN 148 At the Name of Jesus KING S WESTON CHARGE and BENEDICTION CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE God be with you till we meet again; (8:30) Loving counsels guide, uphold you, With a shepherd s care enfold you, God be with you till we meet again. CHORAL RESPONSE (10:45) GREETING POSTLUDE Prelude and Fugue in G Major J.S. Bach

8 Persons wishing to listen to the postlude at 10:45 are encouraged to move to the front of the sanctuary; those wishing to visit are invited to coffee hour. The flowers this morning are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Helen F. Krier, mother of Carol McDonald. The Memorial Prayer Candle is lit today to remember those affected by warfare in Syria and Iraq and lifts up prayers for peace. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/ORGANIST: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: ASSISTANT ORGANIST: PARTICIPANTS IN THIS MORNING S SERVICE: PREACHER: John Wilkinson LITURGISTS: Martha Langford, Lynette Sparks, Randy Carlson (10:45) ACOLYTES: Sarah Dickinson, Bizzy Merz Peter A. DuBois Mary Ann Rutkowski Caroline Robinson GREETERS: Bonnie DeHollander, Alice Fishbeck, Ann Haag, Carl Wheeler, Jean Whitney USHERS: Sue Danielson, Miriam Gale, Tom Gillett, Jack Mould, Ann McMican, Janet Stewart, David Tennant, Paul Zeh Tutors: #3, #35, YMIHA; The Corner Place Sue Maddock, Ike Neilson COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: Living Waters Wednesdays Begin October 8, 6:00pm You are invited you to join us in the Third Church Chapel on Wednesday evenings beginning October 8 for a new worship opportunity. A worship service at a perfect time for: Individuals or families who may be away on a Sunday morning People who are seeking a mid-week respite from the busy-ness of life Chancel Choir members seeking a new experience prior to Wednesday rehearsal Qabats families not volunteering on a particular Wednesday Youth searching for an alternative worship opportunity Whether you attend regularly on a Sunday morning or not, we invite you to give Living Waters Wednesdays a try. It will be good for your soul and good for the life of this community of faith. Please invite a friend to join us as well. Exploring Membership Dinner October 12 Have you found your way to Third Church and want to know more? Are you interested in becoming a member, but have questions? Reserve your place for the Exploring Membership dinner by contacting Lynette Sparks ( , ext. 106 or

9 September 28, 2014 MINISTRY, SERVICE, AND FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Invitation to Prayer Each Sunday the Chapel is open for prayer at 10:00am. Spend time in silent prayer, light a candle, or request intercessory prayer with one of the Deacons. To add names to the weekly congregational prayer list, please contact Martha Langford at , ext. 108 or Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday Seminar: Johnston Hall Today: A Conversation on Privilege after Ferguson, Missouri The Christian blog-space filled with conversations about race and white privilege after the shooting death of Michael Brown. This privilege has been described as insidious when it keeps people of faith from responding to the suffering of others. So how do we respond? Come explore the boundaries of privilege and our call to do justice with Martha Langford. October 5: Constantine to Constance: Killing a Pagan for Christ 750 to 1000AD Charlemagne takes back Europe from the barbarians. Global warming and the severe evangelism of the Vikings, led by Roderic Frohman. Growing in the Word: Parlor Today: Philippians 2:1-13: Christ s Humility with Paul Gongloff October 5: Matthew 21:33-46: Parable of Rejection with Darryl Powell. Kenya Informational Meeting Today 12:00pm in Johnston Hall Another trip to Kenya to visit our partner church is in the planning stages! In early 2015, a group of Third Church folk will travel to the outskirts of Nairobi to share life experiences, participate in worship services, and become acquainted with the culture, environment and spiritual practices of our friends in the Kihumo Parish. The purpose of this meeting is to answer any questions you may have about our partnership, learn what to expect when one travels there, and how being one of the 2015 Third Church Kenya travelers will further our partnership. Please consider traveling with John Wilkinson and Becky D Angelo-Veitch and others. If you are unable to attend this meeting and have questions, contact Lynette Sparks ( Help Spread the Word about the Grocery Run! We need your help to get the word out to the community about the Grocery Run on November 1! Stop at the Grocery Run table at Coffee Hour to pick up posters to hang at gyms, coffee shops, in the office, wherever you think runners will see it! Register now to get your commemorative edition race shirt! Wear your shirt around town and talk up the race whenever you can. More runners mean more help fighting hunger in Rochester! Volunteers Needed for Corner Place Move Today The Corner Place is moving locations from 969 Monroe Avenue to New Life Presbyterian Church. Our lease on 969 Monroe runs out on September 30. We are looking for volunteers to help move the final items (mostly furniture) today at 2:00pm. Many hands make light work, so if you are able, we would appreciate your help.

10 Camp Cory Evening Prayer this Evening, 7:30pm Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Fairport The children and youth of the area churches who participated in the August Camp Cory choir retreat will join together to present a beautiful service of Evening Prayer. Liturgy, psalms, readings, anthems and prayers will be led by the children s and youth choirs. All are welcome. Yoga Monday, September 29, 6:45pm Johnston Hall Join us for the last yoga class before beloved yogi, Lynn Lambert, departs for a new position with the Surgeon General and the Department of Defense in Washington, DC. Supporting Rochester School Children This morning as we hear about our tutoring programs, consider attending this Tuesday's event on the Raleigh schools (see below). We are also encouraged to continue to make donations to support Rochester school children. Thus far, $2405 has been received in monetary contributions. Distributions to date: School #3: one classroom worth of pencils, boxes of markers, and boxes of crayons and pocket folders, plus a promise to fund several field trips; School #35: one classroom worth of pencils, boxes of markers, and boxes of crayons and pocket folders, plus a promise to fund a field trip; Cameron Community Ministries: four bags of men's clothing, crayons, folders, markers; Friday Nights at Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church: crayons, markers, notebooks, loose leaf paper, pocket folders; Young Mothers Interim Health Academy: nine boys backpacks, 15 composition books, notebooks, pencils, pocket folders; Corner Place: boxes of markers and crayons. Thank you for your generous support. Learning from Raleigh September 30 Great Schools for All, 30, 7:00pm, Johnston Hall This past Spring, eleven people (convened by UPT) traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina to learn about their public education successes and see what lessons might be applied to Rochester. Come learn about the trip, and more so, help us consider next directions in what we are calling the Great Schools for All conversation. Thursday Voices October 2, 12noon,Johnston Hall Reflecting on Caring for Creation: Valuing the Goodness of the Earth by Jame Shaefer led by John Wilkinson. Gathering Tea at Cloverwood, October 2, 3:00pm Third Presbyterian Church Deacons will host this gathering. These teas maintain contact with church members residing in senior living centers with our Deacons and pastoral staff. Sisters in Spirit, October 3, 9:30am, Parlor Our selection to read and discuss is A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth, and the Human Soul by Phillip Newell. Visit for more information. Meals with a Meaning October 4 This is a wonderful opportunity to visit and get to know the people you see on Sundays. Our hosts and hostesses are expecting you, so please let Maryjane Link know you would like to attend ( or World Communion Sunday October 5 We will celebrate Communion with many other congregations as part of World Communion Sunday. To honor this, members of Third Church are invited to bake a loaf of bread to be used as the element for communion. Breads of international origin are welcome! Freshly baked bread will need to be delivered to the church kitchen Saturday morning, October 4 no later than noon. Contact Susan Fox ( if you are interested in baking. Children Participate in World Communion, October 5 Children will join their families for Communion at the 10:45am service on October 5. All Children should report directly to their Sunday School class by 10:40am. Children in Kindergarten and older will come into worship during the hymn following the sermon to

11 sit with their families. Please be sure to talk with your child so (s)he knows where you will be sitting. Have questions about children in communion? Contact Becky D Angelo-Veitch. Visit the children s page of the website to download an informational brochure on children and communion. Lunch and Learn October 5, 12:15pm Caring Transitions Johnston Hall As life changes, it can become necessary to relocate--to a smaller home, the home of a friend or relative, a retirement community, or nursing home. Where do you start, and how does a family handle these events in ways that reduce stress and make for the best possible transition? Our speaker, Karen Menachof of Caring Transitions, will address the elements of a good move for senior adults. A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP to the church office to reserve your place. A $5.00 donation is suggested to offset the cost of the meal. For more information, contact Martha Langford , ext. 108, Youth Program Activities Youth Sunday activities all begin on October 5. Jr. High Bells (grades 7 & 8) and Covenant Ringers (grades 9-12) rehearse at 4:15pm; Covenant Singers (grades 7-12) rehearse at 5:15pm. Dinner and fellowship follows at 6:00pm. CRCDS Fall Lecture October 7, 7:00pm Christian Faith and the LGBT Experience will be held at Downtown United Presbyterian Church. Ray Bagnolo, Minister Evangelist for That All May Freely Serve, will present the lecture It is more than what it is. The lecture series is underwritten by a collaborative group of Rochester congregations and institutions, including Third Church. Admission is free and a reception will follow the lecture. Helen Barrett Montgomery Conference October 8, 9 The annual conference on Women in Church and Society presents: Exploitation of Women Wednesday and Thursday, October 8, 9 at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, 1100 S. Goodman Street. Edwina Gateley, keynote speaker, is a nationally known retreat leader and writer who began a home for prostitutes Genesis House. A liturgical drama by Women of the Well kicks off the conference at 4:00pm on Wednesday, followed by dinner (reservation required) and lecture by Ms. Gateley. Thursday morning begins with worship at 9:00am, lecture, lunch (reservation required), and panel discussion at 1:15pm. The conference ends with another liturgical drama by Women of the Well. Additional Information and reservations may be made through Series on Nonviolent Communication Oct. 9-Nov. 13 6:45-9:00pm, Johnston Hall Join Gandhi Institute director Kit Millet for six weeks of exploring the philosophy of nonviolence in our thoughts, speech and action using the lens of Nonviolent Communication. Register with or call Do You Tweet? If you use twitter, we encourage you to We will be increasing our Twitter presence this fall, so join us! HUNGER SUNDAY Food Cupboard has a desperate need for Peanut Butter (18 oz.)

12 CALENDAR for September 28 October 5 Sunday at Third Church 8:30 am Child Care CE 8:30 am Worship Chapel 9:30 am Junior Choir Rehearsal Moot Arts Room 9:30 am Sunday Seminar Johnston Hall 9:30 am Growing in the Word Parlor 9:30 am Junior High Church School CE 201 9:30 am Stewardship Training Parker Room 10:00 am Intercessory Prayer Chapel 10:45 am Worship Sanctuary 11:00 am Church School Education Building 11:45 am Coffee Hour Celebration Center 12:00 pm Kenya Informational Meeting Johnston Hall 12:15 pm Living Waters Ensemble Rehearsal Choir Room 4:45 pm Covenant Singers Rehearsal Choir Room 7:30 pm Camp Cory Evening Prayer Off Site Monday, September 29 9:30 am Food Cupboard CC 1:00 pm UPT Great Schools for All JH 6:00 pm Boy Scouts CC 6:30 pm Membership & Evangelism Whitney Room 6:45 pm Yoga JH Tuesday, September 30 9:15 am Morning Prayer Chapel 9:45 am Staff Meeting Parker Room 7:00 pm UPT Education Night JH 7:00 pm Hymnal Meeting Whitney Room Wednesday, October 1 5:30 pm Junior Choir Rehearsal Moot Arts Room 6:00 pm Choir Stewardship Gathering JH 7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Choir Room Thursday, October 2 9:30 am Food Cupboard CC 10:45 am Celebration Ringers Moot Room 12:00 pm Thursday Voices JH 3:00 pm Gathering Tea Cloverwood 4:30 pm UPT Core Team CC 5:45 pm Third Church Ringers Moot Room 7:00 pm Outreach Steering Committee Parker Room Friday, October 3 9:30 am Sisters in Spirit Parlor Saturday, October 4 10:00 am Dining Room Ministry CC Meals with a Meaning Dinners Off Site Sunday, October 5 8:30 am Child Care CE 8:30 am Worship/Communion Chapel 9:15 am Intercessory Prayer Chapel 9:30 am Jr. Choir Rehearsal Moot Arts Room 9:30 am Junior High Church School CE 201 9:30 am Sunday Seminar JH 9:30 am Growing in the Word Parlor 9:30 am Commissioning Class Info Mtg CE, Youth Lounge 10:40 am Church School CE 10:45 am Worship/Communion Sanctuary 12:00 pm Coffee Hour CC 12:00 pm Stewardship Training Parker Room 12:00 pm Lunch and Learn JH 4:30 pm Junior High Bells Sanctuary 4:30 pm Covenant Ringers Moot Choir Room 5:15 pm Covenant Singers Choir Room 6:00 pm Youth Dinner/Fellowship CC/Youth Lounge Printed on recycled paper 4 Meigs Street, Rochester, NY (585) FAX (585) WEBSITE:

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