P A S T I R. April God be with you SHEPHERD ... A monthly publication of the Serbian Orthodox Church Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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1 2 SHEPHERD Monthly newsletter of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption Fair Oaks, California SHEPHERD A monthly publication of the Serbian Orthodox Church Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7777 Sunset Avenue Fair Oaks, Ca Very Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic Rev. William Weir Church: Fax: Priest: Cell: Shepherd Staff Editor: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic P A S T I R God be with you April 2010 Written contributions are welcome; Editorial discretion reserved. Please Submit articles and ideas to: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic 7777 Sunset Ave Fair Oaks, Ca SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR SHEPHERD YEAR $ 15:00 Monthly $ 1:50 Many Thanks

2 3 4 DEARLY BELOVED Christ is Risen the values associated with a holiday: When we family gatherings, fellowship mention the term and food. "Resurrection Sunday," how does It is possible, indeed commendable, our mind respond? We may be when we are able to prompted to think in such terms as combine the two. Faithful believers Redemption, Saviour, or even make are able to unite both meanings because a mental picture of the Icon of it is the Resurrection of our Christ trampling down death. When Lord which gives deep and real we mention Easter, what mental meaning to the quickened pace of picture do we have? Possibly we activity in the home in preparation think of lilies and other spring for the feast, and also meaning to flowers, colored eggs, new clothing, the customs and traditions we love and even the eating of blessed food. and cherish. They mean nothing, This second term conjures up different however, if the spiritual does not images than the first, and al- prevail over the temporal. Christ though we have always considered and His glorious Resurrection must them synonymous, we see that they be the only theme of this magnificent suggest two different approaches spring feast of feasts. This toward the Great Feast of Pascha. meaning we must teach even our We must all be aware of the youngest children, and allow no dichotomy in the meaning of Resurrection. other to replace it. By His As followers of Christ, we glorious Resurrection, Christ gave emphasize the values of His rising us new life in raising our earthly from the dead. Those who celebrate nature to the heavenly, and we parit as a spring festival think only of ticipate in this new life spiritually, must know and feel and believe if a by being sharers of His eternal life, mere "Easter holiday" is to be and physically by partaking the Paschal foods in anticipation of the day." transformed into a "Pascha holy eternal banquet in the Kingdom of When we make an "Easter God. The Paschal bread, the meats, celebration" subordinate to the and dairy products become special Resurrection of Christ, then we will signs of Christ's presence in our understand the significance of midst. The Paschal bread represents Pascha in our life. Our feeble lives Christ, Who is truly the "Bread of that are so delicate and subject to Life." The meat products recall the external forces need to be nourished by that which is higher than animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant that led to the sacrifice of the human life itself, by that which is Paschal Lamb, Christ Himself, and most sublime. Indeed, every other also our union with our Eternal Father as His prodigal children who the world over pales in compari- purpose and cause and intention celebrate our blessings upon eating son. May the beauty of the Resurrection make your life beautiful! the fattened calf. And the dairy products symbolically point to our May the joy of Pascha encircle you new life in the land of "milk and with joy! May the incomparable honey," our new and eternal life in spiritual splendor of the Holy Resurrection burst forth in your own the union with the Risen Christ. We see that it is only through Christ that spiritual life and be yours this Pascha. the heavenly nature of God is united with the earthly nature of man, and that by the Resurrection of our Lord, salvation and sanctification is brought to all creation. That we. 4

3 5 6 Dragi parohijani! Hristos Vaskrse! Kada izgovorimo re~ Nedelja Vaskrsenja, kako reaguje na{ razum? Mo`da mi u tom trenutku i bez oklevanja pomislimo na Pokajanje, Spasitelja ili ~ak stvorimo sliku ikone Hrista kako pobe uje smrt. Kada pomenemo Vaskrs, kakvu sliku onda stvorimo u glavi? Mogu}e je da mi pomislimo na ljiljane ili neko drugo proletno cve}e, obojena jaja, nova ode}a, ili ~ak u`ivanje u bogatoj blagoslovenoj trpezi. Ova druga varijanta nam otkriva druga~iju sliku od prve, ali smo ih uvek podrazumevali da su istog zna~enja, vidimo ih kao dva razli~ita pristupa slavljenja Velikog Praznika Pashe Mi svi moramo da znamo da razgranicimo zna~enje Vaskrsenja. Kao sledbanici Hristovi, mi vi{e nagla {avamo vrednost Njegovog vaskrsenja iz mrtvi. Oni koji ovo slave kao prole}ni praznik, misle samo o vrednostima koje su vezane za praznik: okupljanje porodice, dru`enje, zajedni~arenje i hrana. Treba znati da ova dva pravca mogu biti spojena i to je vrlo lepo ako je mogu}e. Vernici su u stanju da spoje ova dva zna~enja, jer je to Vaskrsenje Gospoda na{ega koji daje dublji i stvarni zna~aj br`eg ku}nog mira u pripremanju za Praznik, kao i zna~enju obi~aja i tradicije koju `elimo da sa~uvamo. One na zna~e ni{ta, ako duhovno ne preovlada nad privremenim. Hristos i Njegovo svetlo vaskrsenje moraju biti najva`nija tema u ovom slavlju nad slavljima. Zna~aj praznika Hristovog vaskrsenja moramo u~iti ~ak i na{e najmla e, na{u decu, ne dozvoliv{i da Ga i{ta drugo zameni. Svojim Vaskrsenjem Hristos nam je dao novi `ivot u vaskrsenju na {e zemaljske prirode u nebesku i tako smo postali u~esnici novog duhovnog `ivota, postav{i tako u~esnici Njego- 5 vog ve~nog `ivota, a telesnim primanjem Pashalne hrane u iz~ekivanju ve~ne Trepeze u Carstvu Bo`ijem. Pashalni hleb, meso i mle~ni proizvodi postaju posebne oznake Hristovog prisustva me u nama. Pashalni hleb predstavlja Hrista Koji je zaista Meso nas podse}a na `ivotinjske `rtve starog zaveta koje nas uvode u `rtvovanje Jagnjeta, Samoga Hrista, kao i na{e sjedinjenje sa na{im Nebeskim Oce, kao Njegova neposlu{na deca koja slave blagodati uz trpezu ugojenog teleta. Mle~ni proizvodi simboli{u novi `ivot u novoj zemlji gde the~e med i mleko. Na{ novi i ve~ni `ivot u jedinstvu sa Vaskrslim Hristom. Kao {to vidimo da se jedino kroz Hrista, nebeska Bo`anska priroda sjedinjuje sa ljudskom i da kroz Vaskrsenje Hrista, osve}enje je podareno svima. Moramo da znamo, da osetimo i da vreujemo da je upravo takav Vsakr{nji praznik bude pretvoren u PASHALNI Sveti Dan Kada proslavljamo Vaskrs poklonimo se Vaskrslom Hristu i mislimo o Njemu, tek }e mo onda razumeti zna~enje Pashe za na{ `ivot. Na{ nejak `ivot koji je tako delikatan i podlo`an spoljnim pritiscima a treba da bude negovan sa ne~im vi{im nego {to je ljudski `ivot, ne~im {to je najuzvi{enije. Neka lepota Vaskrsenja u~ini va{ `ivot lepim! Neka radost Pashe uve}a va{u radost! Neka duhovna radost svetog Vaskrsenja ispuni va { duhovni `ivot i `ivot vama dragih ove Pashe. 6.

4 7 8 GREAT AND HOLY THURSDAY - Take! Eat and drink!^ The cross is approaching and Jesus Has His final meal with His disciples, during which He shows His love for His friends by humbling Himself as a servant and washing their feet. He does this as an example for them, saying that men would know that they are His disciples by their love for one another. As He breaks bread and shares His cup with them, He says: "I shall not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in Kingdom." Christ shares His love, His food. His very life with us. He gives Himself totally to us even to death so that we might share in His newness of life. Let no one be ignorant at the Lord's Supper! Let no one, like Judas, approach the banquet with lies! For he received, yet he killed the Bread of Life. He looked like a disciple, but was really a murderer! He rejoiced with the apostles, yet with murderers he made his home! He kissed with hatred, with a kiss he sold our God..." GREAT AID HOLY FRIDAY - The darkest day of the year! Holy Friday is the day in which evil appears to be victorious, for it is by evil that the Son of God is crucified on the cross and buried in the tomb. It is the ultimate sign of defeat. Christ's journey has taken us to the cross, and it is there that Christ dies. How do His followers react? Judas, as we know, was the one who betrayed Him. Peter denies knowing Him. All the disciples scatter out of fear. Who remains? Who continues with the Lord on His final journey to Golgotha? The followers are reduced to few women, to John, the beloved disciple, and to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Few remain to witness the end. Where do we stand among Christ's followers? Are we the first to run if dangers threatens? Do we follow at a distance, but deny our involvement or knowledge of the Lord? Do we pretend sometimes that we do not know Him? Or do we openly betray Him? Friday is day of witness, the day on which strength of our faithfulness to the Lord is tested. Each year on this day we should examine ourselves and our lives to see how we have betrayed Christ, denied Him, and abandoned Him during the past year. Each year on this day, we should repent sincerely and pledge ourselves anew to His Kingdom, renew our hope, and commit ourselves to follow in His steps to the end. NAILS GREAT AND HOLY SATUR- DAY Silence! The Cherubic Hymn for Holy Saturday calls us to silence as we contemplate the tomb of the Lord. What has happened to the glorious journey that began in Jerusalem - to the "Hosannas" - to the King of Glory? The King of Glory lies dead in a tomb. It is only fear and trembling - in silence - that we can behold the source of life held captive by death! But Christ is life! He is the Giver of Life! His tomb is a life-giving tomb, and it is precisely that mystery that we celebrate today - the mystery of Christ's victory over Death itself! In our silence, our waiting, our hope of His promise, we already anticipate the victory. Let us spend this day in that silent waiting and joy, confident in the glorious resurrection which awaits us all in the new blessed Pasha! PASHA - You made it! This is the day which the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Can any other words be uttered? Can any joy be more complete than that which we experience on the Feast of feasts, the Resurrection of the Lord? Now is the time to enter the joy of the Lord! The journey has ended! The bridal chamber is prepared. The feast awaits us all! The nails secured our Lord to the Cross. He didn't need that. The nails caused Him great pain and agony. He didn't need that either. But it was our sins that caused it all. Some say He could have lived without them. But Christ was born that He might die on the Cross for us! Jesus endured the nails because we needed something. We needed His salvation; Our Lord did not need anything because everything is already His. But Christ does know what we all need, even better than we do. Even the painful nails helped Christ provide what we really need: for-giveness of our sins and eternal salvation!. 8

5 9 10 Da niko kao Juda ne pristupi veceri sa la`ima! VELIKI Jer Juda be{e izabran ali ubi Hleb `ivota. ^ETVRTAK - Juda be{e apostol ali i ubica, sa apostolima je Uzmite, Jedite i `iveo ali je sa ubicama ku}u pravio. Juda dade pite! poljubac mr`nje i sa poljupcem prodade Gospoda. Raspe}e se pribli`ava. Hristos ima svoj poslednji obrok sa Svojim u~enicima, gde VELIKI I tako e spu{ta sebe na nivo sluge, pere im SVETI PETAK svima noge i tako pokazuje Svoju ljubav prema Najtu`niji svojim prijateljima. Isus je u~inio ovo da dan u godini! poka`e apostolima Svojim primerom da vole Veliki Petak je dan u koji avo odnese pobedu jer njegvom voljom Sin Gospodnji jedni druge i da }e ih ljudi po tome poznati da su sledbenici Njegvi. Isus je jeo hleba i pio bi raspet na krstu i bi sahranjen u grobu. Ovo vino sa apostolima i potom rekao: "Od sada je dan poraza, Hristos nas dovede do krsta I ne}u piti od ovoga roda ~okotova do onoga tu umre. Kako su Njegovi sledbenici reagovali? dana kada }u ga sa vama piti novog u carstvu Juda, kao {to znamo izdade Hrista. Petar se Oca Mojega." odre~e Hrista govore}i da Ga ne poznaje a ostali apostoli se razbe`a{e u strahu. Ko ostade Isus je delio svoju ljubav, svoju hranu i svoj `ivot sa nama on je sebe potpuno predao za Hristom prateci Ga na Golgoti? Nekoliko umiru}i za nas da bismo imali `ivot ve~ni. `ena, Jovan Isusov Miljenik I Marija mati Isusova. Samo ovih nekoliko behu sledbenici Pazite da niko ne ignori{e ve~eru Gospodnju! i o~evici do kraja. Gde mi stojimo kao Hristovi 9. sledbenici? Da li prvi be`imo kada opasnost nastupi? Pratimo li Isusa sa rastojanja i odri~emo li se Gospoda. Pretvaramo li se ikada da neznamo Isusa? Da li Ga otvoreno izdajemo. Petak je dan svedo~anstva, dan kada se na{a veli~ina vere ispituje. Svake godine na ovaj dan mi treba da preispitamo sebe da li smo izdali Hrista, da li Ga smo se odrekli, jesmo li Ga napustili u pro{loj godini. Ovo je dan kada treba da se iskreno pokajemo i obe} amo sebe carstvu Njegvom, obnovimo nadu i obave`imo se da pratimo Isusa do kraja VELIKA SUBOTA- Ti{ina! Heruvimska Himna na Veliku Subotu nas poziva na tisinu pribli`avajuci se Hristovom grobu. [ta se desilo sa slavnim putovanjem zapo~etim u Jerusalimu sa pesmom i palmama. [ta se desilo sa Osanom Carom Salve? Car slave le`i mrtav u grobu. Samo strah i drhtanje u ti{ini ukazuje na `ivot zarobljen smr}u! Nezaboravite Hristos je `ivot? On je davaoc `ivota, Njegv grob je grob koji `ivot daje, to je tajna koju mi slavimo danas, tajna pobede Isusove nad smrcu. U ti{ini i is~ekivanju i nadi Njegvog obe}anja ose}amo pobedu. Provedimo ovaj dan u ti{ini i radosnom is~ekivanju veruju}i u presvetlo vaskrsenje dato nam u novoj blagoslovenoj Pashi. PASHA- VASKRS- Do~ekasmo ovaj dan! Ovo je dan koji Gospod stvori. Slavimo i radujmo se. Nema ve}eg dana ni praznika. Ovo je praznik nad praznicima Vaskrsenje Gospoda. Sada je vreme za ulazak u radost Gospodnju, putovanje je zavr{eno, svadba pripremljena, gozba za sve nas

6 11 12 mestima jaja se boje crvenom bojom, {to podse}a hri{}ane na krv Hristovu. No, osim crvenom bojom {araju se jaja I drugim bojama,kao `utom, zelenom, ru`i~astom I raznim {arama, prema ukusu Kod nas srba obi~aj je da se doma}ice. za Vaskrs spremaju obojena I {arena Pored navedenog predanja, jaja. Doma}ice se trude da pripreme ~ini nam se da je pravi simbol uskr jaja sa rznim {arama. Na tim kuvanim jajima ispisuju: Hristos vask- {njeg jajeta u slede}em: kao {to pile, bez i~ije pomo}i spolja, kada rse!, Sre}an Vaskrs I drugo. Deca do e vreme, sopstvenim mo}ima najvi{e vole ovaj praznik zbog razbija ljusku I izlazi na svetlost {arenih jaja. Kucaju se jajima, I ~ije dana, tako I Hristos, sopstvenim se razbije, to razbijeno predaje se snagama razbija okove groba pobedniku. smrti, vaskrsava I donosi novi `ivot Po~etak ovoga obi~aja, da se svima koji veruju u Njegovu re~ I za Vaskrs spremaju farbana jaja, bo`ansku mo}. poti~e jo{ iz ranih hri{}anskih vremena. Sledbenica Isusa Hrista, Sa pripremom I {aranjem uskr{ih jaja vezani su razni obredi Marija Magdalina do{la je, posle I verovanja, koja svedo~e o njihovom va`nom zna~enju u re- Hristovog Vaznesenja u Rim radi propovedanja Jevan elja. I kada je ligioznom `ivotu na{eg naroda. izi{la pred cara Tiberija, I devojke {araju jaja obi~no ga je re~ima: Hristos vaskrse! I uo~i Vaskrsa. Ovaj posao smatraju pru`ila mu na dar ofarbano jaje. sve{tenom radnjom, pa se zato Ovakav poklon Svete Marije Magdaline obja{njava se time {to je u Rimu pripremaju molitvom. Da bi {aranje I bojenje ispalo bolje, vodu spremaju na Veliki ~etvrtak, po{to ~uju I kod drugih naroda bio obi~aj darivanja jaja pri nastupanju nove da crkveno zvono odzvoni za bogoslu`enje. U tu vodu dodaju I godine, koja je tada obi~no po~injala u prole}e. Kada su prvi hri{}ani malo osve}ene vodice, koju je sve doznali za ovaj dar Svete Marije {tenik osvetio u toku Vaskr{njeg Magdaline, onda su I oni po~eli da posta. U nekim krajevima, prvo jaje se ugledaju na nju. Od tada, svuda u spu{teno u vodu ~uva se do slede}e dane Vaskrsenja Hristovog pripremaju se uskr{nja jaja kao symbol godine. Vaskrsenja Hristovog. U mnogim When the All-Holy Virgin completed the fourteenth year after her birth and was entering her fifteenth year, after having spent eleven years of living and serving in the Temple of Jerusalem, the priests informed her that, according to the Law, she could not remain in the Temple but was required to be betrothed and enter into marriage. What a great surprise to the priests was the answer of the All-Holy Virgin that she had dedicated her life to God and that she desired to remain a Virgin until death, not wanting to enter into marriage with anyone! Then, according to Divine Providence, Zacharias, the high priest and father of the Forerunner, under the inspiration of God, and in agreement with the other priests, gathered twelve unwed men from the Tribe of David to betroth the Virgin Mary to one of them to preserve her virginity and to care for her. She was betrothed to Joseph of Nazareth who was her kinsman. In the house of Joseph, the All-Holy Virgin continued to live as she did in the Temple of Solomon, occupying her time in the reading of Sacred Scripture, in prayer, in Godly-thoughts, in fasting and in handywork. She rarely went anywhere outside the house nor was she interested in worldly things and events. She spoke very little to anyone, if at all, and never without special need. More frequently she communicated with both of Joseph's daughters. When the fullness of time had come, as prophesized by Daniel the Prophet, and when God was pleased to fulfill His promise to the banished Adam and to the Prophets, the great Archangel Gabriel appeared in the chamber of the All-Holy Virgin and, as some priestly writers wrote, precisely at that same moment when she held open the book of the Prophet Isaiah and was contemplating his great prophecy: "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son!" (Isaiah 7:13). Gabriel appeared in all of his angelic brightness and saluted her: "Rejoice, highly favored one! The Lord is with you" (St. Luke 1:28), and the rest in order as it is written in the Gospel of the saintly Luke. With this angelic annunciation and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Virgin, the salvation of mankind and restoration of all creation began. The history of the New Testament was opened by the words of the Archangel Gabriel: "Rejoice, highly favored one" This is to imply that the New Testament was to signify joy to mankind and to all created things. It is from this that the Annunciation is considered not only a great feast, but a joyful feast as well

7 13 14 Kada se Presvetoj Devi navr{i jedanaest godina prebivanja i slu`enja pri hramu Jerusalimskom, i ~etrnaest godina od ro enja kada, dakle, stupi u 15-tu godinu nemo`e vi{e ostati pri hramu, nego treba da se obru~i i stupi u brak. No kako veliko iznena enje za sve sve{tenike bi odgovor Presvete Deve, da je se ona posvetila Bogu i da `eli ostati devojkom do smrti ne stupaju}i ni s kim u brak! Tada po Promislu i vnu{enju Bo`jem prvosve{tenik Zaharija, otac Prete~ev, dogovorno sa ostalim sve{tenicima, sabra 12 bez`enih ljudi iz plemena Davidova, da bi jednome od njih uru~ili Devu Mariju na ~uvanje devoja{tva njenog i staranja o njoj. I bi uru~ena starome Josifu iz Nazareta, koji joj be{e i srodnik. U domu Josifovom Presveta Deva produ`i `iveti isto kao i u hramu Solomonovom, provode}i vreme u ~itanju Sv. Pisma, u molitvama, bogorazmi {ljanju, postu i ru~nom radu. Gotovo nikada iz ku}e ne izlaza{e, niti se interesova{e svetskim stvarima i doga ajima. Malo je s kim u op{te govorila, i nikad bez naro~ite potrebe. Naj~e{}e je u ku}i op{tila sa dvema k}erima Josifovim. No kada se navr{i vreme prore~eno Danilom prorokom, i kada Bog blagovoli ispuniti obe}anje Svoje izgnanom Adamu i prorocima, javi se veliki archangel Gavril u odaji Presvete Deve, I to, kako neki sve{teni pisci pi{u, u trenutku ba{ kada je ona dr`ala otvorenog proroka Isajiju i razmi{ljala o njegovom velikom proro~anstvu: gle, devojka }e za~eti i rodi}e sina! Javi joj se Gavril u svetlosti arhangelskoj i re~e joj: raduj se, blagodatna! Gospod je s tobom! I ostalo sve redom kako pi{e u Jevan elju bo`anstvenog Luke. Sa ovom arhangelskom blagove{} u, i sa silaskom Duha Svetoga na Devu Pre~istu, otpo~inje spasenje ljudi i onavljanje tvari. Istoriju Novog Zaveta otvorio je archangel Gavrilo re~ju: Raduj se! da o znamenuje time, da Novi Zavet ima da zna~i radost za ljude i za svu stvorenu tvar. Otuda I Blagovest se smatra koliko velikim toliko i radosnim praznikom. 13. Every once in a while an opportunity to share in an experience presents itself to us. It has been brought to my attention on more than one occasion that there are a number of people in our midst who pray with us, share our Church life with us and yet are not totally ONE of us. These quiet pious people have not been Baptized into the Orthodox Faith. As your Shepherd, this pains my heart. My life is devoted to leading, shepherding and bringing lost lambs to Christ. The salvation of each person s soul within our midst is my ultimate goal. If you or someone you know is in the position of not yet being Baptized, please invite them to consider participating in our first ever group Baptism. This is tentatively being planned for the month of July. We will go to the American River where the Catechumens will enter the water as worldly people and will emerge from the water as newlyillumined Christians. Just as John the Baptist placed his hand on Jesus head, I will place my hand on the heads of those being Baptized. My hand is only the representative of what is happening. God is the unseen Presence that participates. You will hear the words, so and so is Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As each person emerges from the water, they leave behind their old life. All their sins fall away. As each person emerges from the water, they begin life anew. To those watching, we can only marvel that all that is truly happening is inside the person s heart! Each person will emerge as a son of God. This is the true miracle of Baptism. God accepts us totally as we were and changes us to as we are. After the Baptisms have been completed, it would be wonderful to have a group picnic on the banks of the river. This will be an open event for anyone who would like to come and take part in this wonderful mystery God has revealed to us. Please plan to attend. More details will be forthcoming. Planirano je GRUPNO KR[TENJE Svi Oni koji nisu iz bilo kog razloga krsteni u Pravoslavnoj veri a `ele da se krste, sada je jedinstvena prilika. Nevezano na godine starosti nikad nije kasno da se krstite. Kr{tenje }e biti na reci u Julu. Za jos informacija nozovite Protu Popovica na

8 15 16 A group Marriage Ceremony will be tentatively held during the month on August. If you have never been married in Church, please let me know if you would like to participate. If you know someone who has not been married in Church, please let them know this ceremony will be for them. Marriage is one of our 7 Sacraments in the Orthodox Faith. To be married in a civil ceremony is not recognized by the Church as a legal marriage. Consider your souls and eternity. The Church offers a new beginning for your marriage when you are crowned as a new king and queen of your own household. Do not allow yourself to be lulled by the passing of years into a sense that being married by society is just as valid as being married in Church. It is not so in the eyes of God. Jesus Christ performed His first miracle when he changed the water into wine at the Marriage of Cana. This in itself should tell us that marriage is held in the highest regard by God. This ceremony will be open to anyone who would like to attend. It will be a glorious and happy occasion to witness the newness of the closest relationship God has bestowed upon us, that of husband and wife. The Love of two people dedicated to each other for this earthly life and for all eternity. It would be wonderful if all the newlyweds and those who witness the multiple weddings would share in a celebratory party in our Church hall at the conclusion of the ceremony. Are there any volunteers to help? Please plan to attend. More details will be forthcoming. PLANIRANO JE GRUPNO VENCANJE U NA[OJ CRKVI Svi oni koji nisu ven~ani I crkvi a zive u civilnom braku bilo bi po`eljno da se ven~aju u crkvi da im brag bude Bogom blagosloven. Evo lepe prilike da se to obavi u Avgustu. Za jo{ informacija u vezi grupnog ven~anja nazovite Protu Popovica na THE BLESSING OF THE HOMES The homes of thousands of Orthodox Christian have been blessed during the Epiphany seasons. Let your homes be blessed as they are like small churches. Prepare a candle, bowl of water, and a list of your living family members. Call Father Dane to bless your home with the sanctified water of Epiphany starting on this day. OSVE]ENJE DOMOVA Hiljade Pravoslavnih domova se osve}uju u vreme Bogojavljenja I posle. Osvetite svoje domove jer domovi su va{e male crkve. Pripremite sve}u, ~iniju sa vodom I spisak `ivih ~lanova porodice. Nazovite Protu Dana da unese krst u va{ dom I blagoslovi sa Bogojavljenskom vodicom. Osve}enje domova po~inje na dan Bogojavljenja. SHEPHERD SPONSOR for 2010 GOLD SPNOSORSHIP In memory of my Parents Mane & Yeka Evasovich by Mike Evasovic Can you be a Sponsor? BECOME A SHEPHERD SPONSOR FOR 2010 Please consider becoming a Shepherd Sponsor. For$ 25 you will become a bronze Sponsor, for $ 50 a Silver Sponsor an for $ a gold Sponsor. Your name or the name of a loved one will be listed. You could advertise your business thru our SHEPHERD. 16

9 17 18 То је било време гоњења наше цркве, и то нико не пориче, али као што се Питање: осетила потреба после гоњења Васељенске Цркве да се сазове Први Молим вас да ми лепо појасните како и када васељеннски сабор и на њему искорене треба да се крсна слава преноси (слави). Према нека погрешна учења, исто тако се и сада Пројекту Растко (Православни Мисионар подлистак Гласника СПЦ) «док је отац жив, друга јавља потреба да се после турака и се свећа неће палити. Ако отац да благослов и комунизма преуреди црквени живот и пренесе славу на сина, онда и он славску свећу у одвоје народни обичаји од своме дому може палити и славу слaвити». Ипак, свештенорадњи. Тако би се стало на пут на Светосављу се истиче да је овако веровање разним контрадикторним па чак и погрешно син може славу да слави чим се осамостали. И свештеници са којима смо саблажњивим народним тумачењима као разговарали дају опречна мишљења. Врло је и опречним мишљењима свештеника. тешко пренети традицију кад су учења и Погрешне су твдње и савети који тумачења нејасна и индивидуална. Унапред очекују (траже) домаћинову смрт да би хвала. тек онда најстарији син почео да слави, Одговор: Nastavak.. т.ј. наследио славу као неку АМАЈЛУ која Наша црква мора да се одлучније је само ЈЕДНА и «његова». Ако ми изјасни и да не уступа народним обичајима евхаристијски сваког момента примамо који су често сујеверни и саблажњиви. Ми Христа и то на било којем делу овог не смемо да се бојимо изазова пред правом поднебесија где се узноси бескрвна жртва, и истинитом духовном обновом и почнемо и ако узмемо да је сама слава продужетак народ да учимо, понекад ако затреба и да те Литургије, онда нико не може да нам подигнемо глас, а не да због очекиване објасни због чега једна нова породица не награде за наша свештенодејства ћутимо. може да узноси молитве благодарности Ако данас теолошки изазивамо неке светоме, који треба да буде заштитник те извитоперености (девијације) које су се у «почетничке» породице домаће цркве; последњих неколико векова поткрале која живи далеко од свог вековног утицајем јуридичког богословља огњишта (рецимо 5000 километара (латинског), онда утолико је лакше и мање даљине). Ево једног истинитог и ризично, да се правилно утврди како се прилично сличног проблема којег ја лично једна слава слави, а што је најважније, да се сусрећем у средини у којој живим. Знам објасни и због чега. Нема сумње да је под једну породицу која овде живи у САД, притиском турског ропства створена једна који због «српских обичаја» још увек нису изолованост неких наших локалних крстили своје дете. Девојчица већ има заједница па су у тој отуђености од матице шест година, а родитељи чекају кума који која једва да је постојала (ако је уопште је у Србији и не може да добије визу постојала?), формрали неке своје обичаје (вероватно је неће ни добити), а они сами који су често замењивали и свештенике, још увек немају папире да путују и тамо којих је у то време било тешко да се нађу. обаве крштење. NASTAVI}E SE Parish Statistics BAPITISMS: NONE FUNERAL: NONE Grant rest eternal and make heir memory to be eternal. PARASTOS: March 6, 2010, Miodrag Georgevich March 7, 2010 Georgina Stevenson March 13,2010 Aleksandar Mirkovich Vjecnaja Pamjat Memory eternal! CHARGES FOR RELIGIOUS RITES - TREBE Steward Non-Steward Wedding $50 $500 Baptism Donation Donation Church Funeral Donation $300 Chapel $50 $300 Parastos Panihida $25 $100 Pomen $15 $ 50 Certificates $10 $ 20 Thanks to all those who help to assembling Shepherd for March Kordic Paula, Mara Smiljic, Tanja Susa, Bora Petrovic, Ljuba Karnaookh, Ana & Ilija Bradarich, Margaret Chernay, Biserka Delich, Elsie Mrvos. Dear Readers of the Shepherd Pastir. If you have enjoyed reading the Shepherd please help us to continue our work. In order to keep the cost of publication and distribution to a minimum please help with your donation or Subscriptions for year $15:00. If you would like to receive by , send us an address with your name and we will sand you that way. If you are not interested to receive no more let us know. Thank you! Da bi mogli I dalje da printamo Pastir I da ga {aljemo svima vama potrebna nam je va{a pomo}. Godi{nja pretplata je $15.00 dolara. Ako `elite da primate putem E-meila dostavite nam va{u imail adresu. Ako ne `elite da primate Pastir recite I skinucemo vas sa nase Meling Liste. Hvala

10 19 STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM Stewardship is our financial response to God and His Church. Through our financial commitment our Parish will be able to carry on its programs for all its members. Please fill your stewardship card and mail it to the Church office. God has given us everything we have. He expects from us a generous portion of our blessings for the needs of His Church. Starateljstvo je ne{ finansiski odgovor prema Bogu i Njegovoj crkvi. Kroz na {a nov~ano obavezivanje na{a parohija bi}e u mogu}nosti di ispuni sve njene programe prema svim parohijanima. Molimo vas popunite KARTU STARATELJSTVA i po{aljite je u crkvenu kancelariju. Bog nam je dao sve {to imamo. On i o~ekuje od nas dobar deo od blagoslov nam dati za potrebe Njegove crkve. We are grateful to the following Stewards of our parish family for their pledge of support to the Church and her ministries for 2010 Radomir Antovich, Agnes Atkinson, Ilija & Ana Bradaric, Ljubinko & Nevenka Churchin, Anne Cippa, Biserka Delich, Pava Djordjevich, Peter Djukanovich, Daisy Freeman, Kim Glazzard, John Gojkovich, Rob & Zorka Gojkovich, Horia & Joanna Groza, Donald & Nada Halkovic, Chris & Yuliya Johnson, Danica & Cliff Jones, Dimitri & Luba Karnaookh, Eve M. Katich, Gladys Katsikis, Paula Kordic, Steven R. Kosach, Milos Kovac, Mihail & Ljuba Kruska, Anna Lisnich, Bosko & Greta Ljubisavljevich, Borka Malkovic, Bill & Martha Mamika, Mile Marjanovich Jr, Mirjana Markovic, Jagoda Mastilovic & Milorad Slavnic, Carolyn Metzka, Daragan & Katarina Mirkovic, Dragan & Martha Mihailjcic, Savka Mileusnich, Robert Miller, Slobo & Tanya Mitic, Elsie Mrvos, Vladimir & Ljiljana Otasevic, Aco & Zorana Petrovic, Boris & Draginja Petrovich, Savo & Bosiljka Petrovic, Gene Plecas, Kevin Pokrajac, Fr. Dane & Protinica Milica Popovic, Milivoje & Cveta Radovanovich, Milanka Radosavljevic, Milena & Todor Rajak, Danica Ryder, Savo Simic, Michail Slavkov, Inna Telford, Zlatko & Kim Theodorovich, Jovo Tica, Milan & Betty Tica, Nikola & Zorka Tica, Slavko & Milica Turjacanin, Dragan Michelle Vidovich. Fr. Bill Weir & Mary Anne Plefka-Weir, Connie Ziacan. Is your name missing from here? Please let us know- Dali vase ime nedostaje ovde? 19 Molimo vas obavestite nas.. 20 Sunday Nedelja 4 BRIGHT SUNDAY PASCHA Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. VASKRS Gospel Jn. 1:1-17; Epistle: Acts. 1:1-8; 11 Sunday of St. Thomas Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Tomina Nedelja Gospel. John 20:19-31; Epistle: Acts 5:12-20; 18 Sunday of Myrrhbearers Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Nedelja Mironosica Gospel. Mk.15:43-47; 16:1-8; Epistle: Acts.6:1-7; 25 Sunday of the Paralytic Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Nedelja Raslabljenoga Gospel. Jn. 5:1-15; Epistle: Acts. 9:32-42; A P R I L 2010 KIDS EGG HUNTING!! FOLLOWING WITH SERBIAN TRADITIONAL EASTER DINNER Monday Ponedeljak 5 Resurrection Monday Vaskrsnji Ponedeljak Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. Board Meeting Tuesday Utorak 6 Resurrection Tuesday Vaskr{nji Utorak Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Sreda 7 The Annunciation BLAGOVESTI Liturgy at 9:00 a.m AKATIST6:00 p.m. Bible Study 6:30 p.m AKATIST at 6:00 p.m. Bible Study at 6:30 p.m AKATIST at 6:00 p.m. Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? - MENJATE ADRESU If you re planning to move, please let us know before changing your address. Ako `elite da se preselite na drugu adresu obavestite nas pre nego se preselite. Write to Pi{ite nam na Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7777 Sunset Ave. Fair Oaks, Ca Thur ^etv Great T Liturgy a Grea at 6:0 VELIKI ^ No fast W I b 6

11 ursday etvrtak 21 A P R I L at Thursday rgy at 9:00 a.m Great Vihil at 6:00 p.m. I ^ETVRTAK 1 Friday Petak VELIKI PETAK 2 GOOD FRIDAY Hours at 9:00 a.m. Taking down from the Cross at 3:00 p.m. LEMENTATIONS & PROSASION at 6:30 p.m. Saturday Subota GREAT SATURDAY Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. RESURRECTION MATINES at 11:45 p.m. Velika Subota t Wednesday 7, & Friday 9, April 2010 ALL ALTAR BOYS ARE ASKED TO SERVE WHEN ATTENDING CHURCH Reader Schedule Message to all readers: Please make note of the days you are to read and make plans to come to church before 10:00 a.m. April April 4 Reader: Jovan Tica Gospel. Jn. 1:1-17; Epistle: Acts.1:1-8; April April 11 Reader: Dimitri Karnaookh Gospel Jn. 20:19-31; Epistle: Acts 5:12-20; April April 17 Reader: Mirjana Susa Gospel. Mk.15:43-47; 16:1-8; Epistle: Acts. 6:1-7; April April 24 Reader: Rade Radulovich Gospel. Jn. 5:1-15; Epistle: Acts. 9:32-42; May Maj 1 Reader: Rade Radulovich Gospel. Jn. 4:5-42; Epistle: Acts 11:19-26 & 29-30; INFORMATION FOR MAY SHEPHERD If anyone has anything they would like to add to the Shepherd, the last day to send information is April 15th. INFORMACIJE ZA MAJSKI PASTIR Ako imate ne{to da bi `eleli da date za mese~ni Pastir, zadnji dan za to je 15 April. Nazovite Protu Dana ili po{aljite po{tom.. 3 Vespers- VE^ERNJE 6:00 p.m. Confession Ispovest Vespers- Ve~ernje Vespers- Ve~ernje 6:00 p.m. Confession Ispovest Lazarus Saturday LZAREVA SUBOTA Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. Vespers- Ve~ernje 5:00 p.m BLESSING OF HOMES If you would like your home to be blessed call Fr. Dane at or DONATION FOR February 2010 Christmas (Bozic) Donation Daniel Visnich.$ Savin Dan (St. Sava) Donation Daniel & Victoria Stojanovich.$ Dragan & Katarina Mirkovic.$ Helene & Wladimir Korbe.$ Robert Miller..$ Savo & Bosiljka Petrovic.$ Velika Pejovich.. $ Ivanka Stefanovic..$ Pavo & Bosiljka Cvjetkovic. $ Rade & Adriana Radulovich.$ Zaga Radulovich. $ Anonymous. $ Borka Malkovich. $ Desa Mojsich.$ Elsie & Peter Mrvos...$ Michaela Badea-Mic... $ Nada Kosanovic.$ Nina Sadovnikov. $ Proto & Protinica Popovic... $ Slavko & Milica Turjacanin... $ Stevana Ausban.$ Anonymous. $ Prilog..$ Betty Moomey. $ Charlie & Angie Bradaric... $ Chris & Yuliya Johnson...$ Danica Gojkovich Ryder... $ Danica Gojkovich Ryder-Savin Dan In Memory of Ken Kinnaman. $ Danica Gojkovich Ryder-Savin Dan In Memory of Mirko Porovich...$ Danica Gojkovich Ryder-Savin Dan In Memory of Stephen Ryder..$ Danica Gojkovich Ryder-Savin Dan In Memory of Zorka Ficovich..$ Dushanka Medic.. $ Helen Vukasovich...$ Jovo Tica.$ Lila Lukic.$ Aleksandar & Ruzica Crnogorac...$ Ankica Jaksic..$ Elia & Milena Kentera. $ Fr Dane & Pr Milica Popovic.$ John & Nevenka Kordic. $ Kent & Dawn Foster. $ Nikola & Zorka Tica..$ Pava Djordjevich..$ Stanley & Vesna Mojsich. $ Vladimir Otashevich.$ Zorka Stijakovic..$ Ilija & Anna Bradaric.$ Marsha Ivetic Stefanovich.$ Robert & Zorka Gojkovich-Savin Dan In Memory of Stephen Ryder..$ Protonitsa Djorjevic.. $ Boris & Rada Drca.. $ Carmen Bowen.. $ Dragan & Michelle Vidovich $ Dragoljub & Andje Cvjetkovic $ George & Judy Doane... $ Gladys Katsikis.$ Ivan & Tatjana Maksimovich...$ Martha McGrath.$ Milan & Betty Tica Family...$ Milos & Mileva Radmanovich... $ Nada Micanovic.$ Nikolai & Inna Kaliakin... $ Vuk & Verica Nastic... $ Biserka Delich.$ Ljubo Churchin..$

12 FINANCIAL REPORT for FEBRUARY 2010 Plate.$ Candles.$ Stewardship...$ In Memory & other donations.$ Hall Rental...$ Church Fees. $ Christmas Donations.. $ Diocese Fees.$ Priest s Salary....$ Payroll Taxes... $ Administration.$ Priest s Benefits...$ Charitable Giving.$ Education..$ Socials/Banquets..$ Interest Income...$ 1.76 Banquets Event.$.00 Other...$ Apartment Rental $ EXPENSES Total Income for February $ General Account Balances: Church Worship...$ Building & Grounds. $ Miscellaneous. $ Total for February $ Excess of Income over Expenses ( $ ) Balance as of January 31, 2010 $ 49, Deposits in February $ Expenditures in February $ Balance as of February $ 43, Wash Account..$ Mico Stefanovic $ Mirjana Markovic... $ Miroslav & Marie Milovanovich.$ Premil & Ana Gojkovich. $ Zoran, Veliborka & David Cvjetkovic...$ Anonymous.. $ Anonymous.. $ Nikola Saraba..$ Radmila Krapcevich.. $ Anonymous..$ 5.00 Slava & Leanna..$ 5.00 Shepherd Donations Mike Evasovic-Shephard Gold Sponsor - In Memory of my parents Mane & Yeka Evasovich... $ Margaret Chernay-Shepherd In Honor of Margaret Chernay, Natalie Fitzpatrick & Andre Chernay..$ Andjelka Bojic Raicevic.$ Andjelka Raicevic..$ Fred Cooley..$ Olga "Bunnie" Swartz.$ Milica Jovanovic..$ Miroslav & Marie Milovanovich...$ Pavo & Bosiljka Cvjetkovic.$ In memory of Protinica Nina Garic Ilija & Sharon Cvetich. $ Peter & Dara Kosich.$ Daisy Freeman... $ In Memory of my Father Nikola Kordic John & Nevenka Kordic. $ In Memory of Dr. Alexander Janushkowsky Gregory & Anastasia Mandrussow $ In Memory of my Father Tihomir Danila Lukic on the 10 year anniversary of his death Lila & Ljubica (mom) Lukic $ In Memory of Zeljko Slobodan & Tanja Mitic..$ In Memory of Stevo Begovich Eli & Anna Bradaric $ In Memory of Georgina Stevenson Serbian Senior Citizens Club..$ Libertyville Seminary donation Cash donations...$ Slobodan & Tanja Mitic.. $ Stevana Ausban...$ Borka Malkovich... $ Ilija & Sharon Cvetich. $ John & Nevenka Kordic. $ Proto & Protinica Popovic.. $ Robert Miller...$ Lila Lukic.$ Martha McGrath...$ Other Donations Levi & Tanya Ax.. $ Patricia Culjak..$ Milica Jovanovic..$ Timothy & Melissa Culjak.$

13 25 26 Peter & Jelena Tiemann Auto, Motorcycle & Drunk driving Accidents Big Rig, Bicycle & Boating Accidents, Falls & Construction Accidents, Dog & Animal Attacks, Accidental Death Free consultation, 24 hours/day No Fee until we win ( English, Serbian Advokati Peter & Jelena Tiemann Besplatna consultacija, 24/7, ne napla}ujemo dok ne pobedimo Konsultacije na Engleskom i Srpskom Jeziku. I BELIEVE I Believe in the goodness of God, in the joy of the Lord which strengthens me. I BELIVE that God guides me and feavors my ways. I BELIEVE that God is acting through me as beauty, love, peace, abundance and security. I BELIEVE that God attends all my ways and works miracles in my life. I BELIEVE that I am the son of the living God and that I was born to win, to succeed and walk in the beautiful way of life. IBELIEVE that I am here for only one purpose; that is, to Glorify God and be delighted in him for eternity Please help us decorate the Church and Christ s Tomb for the Easter Holidays. Easter is upon us! We are now beginning to take donations for flowers to decorate Christ s Tomb and for the Church on Easter. You may wish to give a donation in memory, or for the good health, of a Loved One. Please specify that your donation is for Easter Flowers. Thank you! Traditional Easter Dinner, Sunday April 4, :00 am Divine Liturgy Followed by Easter Banquet Bring your family and friends! Dobro nam do{li!

14 27 28 Orthodox Church The Church of the Seven Councils by Bishop Kallistos Ware CONTINUED... The twentieth century, Western Orthodoxy Besides these Asian Orthodox Churches, there is now an exceedingly lively African Orthodox Church in Uganda and Kenya. Entirely indigenous from the start, African Orthodoxy did not arise through the preaching of missionaries from the traditional Orthodox lands, but was a spontaneous movement among Africans themselves. The founders of the African Orthodox movement were two native Ugandans, Rauben Sebanja Mukasa Spartas (born 1899, bishop 1972, died 1982) and his friend Obadiah Kabanda Basajjakitalo. Originally brought up as Anglicans, they were converted to Orthodoxy in the 1920s, not as a result of personal contact with other Orthodox, but through their own reading and study. Over the past forty years Rauben and Obadiah have energetically preached their new-found faith to their fellow Africans, building up a community which, according to some reports, numbers more than 100,000, mostly in Kenya. In 1982, after the death of Bishop Rauben, there were two African bishops. At first the canonical position of Ugandan Orthodoxy was in some doubt, as originally Rauben and Obadiah established contact with an organization emanating from the United States, the "African Orthodox Church," which, though using the title "Orthodox," has in fact no connection with the true and historical Orthodox communion. In 1932 they were both ordained by a certain Archbishop Alexander of this Church, but towards the end of that same year they became aware of the dubious status of the "African Orthodox Church," whereupon they severed all relations with it and approached the Patriarchate of Alexandria. But only in 1946, when Rauben visited Alexandria in person, did the Patriarch formally recognize the African Orthodox community in Uganda, and definitely take it under his care. In recent years the bond with Alexandria has been considerably strengthened, and since 1959 one of the Metropolitans of the Patriarchate a Greek has been charged with special responsibility for missionary work in Central Africa. African Orthodox have been sent to study theology in Greece, and since 1960 more than eighty Africans have been y ordained as deacons and priests (until that year, the only.priests were the two founders themselves). In 1982 a seminary for training priests was opened at Nairobi. Many African Orthodox have high ambitions, 27. and are anxious to cast their net still wider. In the words of Father Spartas: "And, methinks, that in no time this Church is going to embrace all the Africans at large and thereby become one of the leading Churches in Africa" (Quoted in F. B. Welbourn, East African Rebels, London, 1961, p. 83; this book gives a critical but not unsympathetic account of Orthodoxy in Uganda). The rise of Orthodoxy in Uganda has of course to be seen against the background of African nationalism: one of the obvious attractions of Orthodox Christianity in Ugandan eyes is the fact that it is entirely unconnected with the colonial regimes of the past hundred years. Yet, despite certain political undertones, Orthodoxy in Central Africa is a genuinely religious movement. The enthusiasm with which these Africans have embraced Orthodoxy has caught the imagination of the Orthodox world at large, and has helped to arouse missionary interest in many places. Paradoxically, in Africa hitherto it has been the Africans who have taken the initiative and converted themselves to Orthodoxy. Perhaps the Orthodox, encouraged by the Ugandan precedent, will now establish missions elsewhere on their own initiative, instead of waiting for the Africans to come to them. The "missionary" situation of the diaspora has made Orthodox better aware of the meaning of their own tradition: may not a closer involvement in the task of evangelizing non-christian countries have the same effect? Every Christian body is today confronted by grave problems, but the Orthodox have perhaps greater difficulties to face than most. In contemporary Orthodoxy it is not always easy "to recognize victory beneath the outward appearance of failure, to discern the power of God fulfilling itself in weakness, the true Church within the historic reality" (V. Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, p. 246). But if there are obvious weaknesses, there are also many signs of life. Whatever the doubts and ambiguities of Church-State relations in communist countries, today as in the past Orthodoxy has its martyrs and confessors. The decline of Orthodox monasticism, unmistakable in many areas, is not by any means universal; and there are centers which may prove the source of a future monastic resurrection. The spiritual treasures of Orthodoxy for example, the Philokalia and the Jesus Prayer so far from being forgotten, are used and appreciated more and more. Orthodox theologians are few in number, but some of them often under the stimulus of western learning are rediscovering vital elements in their theological inheritance. A shortsighted nationalism is hindering the Church in its work, but there are growing attempts at cooperation. Missions are still on a very small scale, but Orthodoxy is showing a greater awareness of their importance. No Orthodox who is realistic and honest with himself can feel complacent about the present state of his Church; yet despite its many problems and manifest human shortcomings, Orthodoxy can at the same time look to the future with confidence and hope. END. 28

15 29 30 Питање: Када и како је настала прва молитва, да ли за вереме Мојсија или још пре? Мада бих волио да знам и за прву хришћанску молитву како и када је настала. Свако вам добро од Господа Бога. Одговор: Молитва је стара колико и свет. У невидљивом свету анђели Божји непрестано славе Господа, а то је и молитва, а створени човек од праха земаљског, у кога је Бог удахнуо дух живи, ступа одмах у контакт са Богом кроз разговор. Ми и данас кажемо да је молитва разговор са Богом. Значи, молитва је настала стварањем човека као боголиког бића. На првим страницама Библије имамо опис жртава које су приносили синови Адама и Еве Каин и Авељ, што је била једне врсте молитва Богу. Касније читамо о молитвама патријараха, Ноја, Јова, судија, пророка и царева, а најлепше молитве је исписао цар Давид у псалмима. Хришћанска молитва потиче од Христа, који се врло често молио свом небеском Оцу, а када су и апостоли пожелели да их научи како да се моле ("Господе, научи нас да се молимо" Лука 11, 1), Христос је пред њима изговорио Молитву Господњу, Оче наш... "Господе научи нас да се молимо", обратио се Христу један ученик, чије нам име није познато, и та молба је произвела највећу реку молитве у свету, Молитву Господњу. Добро је што не знамо ништа о том ученику, јер он на тај начин редставља све нас. Сви смо ми представљени у њему и он у име нас говори: Господе, научи нас да се молимо. Апостоли су се, свакако, молили и молитвама старозаветним, али су врло брзо почели и сами да изговарају, по надахнућу, молитве при ломљењу хлеба, при Евхаристији и тиме почели формирање хришћанског богослужења, које је проткано молитвама мољења, захваљивања и прослављања. Parishioners hospitalized, sick at home or in nursing homes Mihajlo Kruska Zorica Popovic Rade Popovic Nikola Dragovic Ana Bozinovic Milli Maticic Dusko Pesevic Horia Ion Groza Danica Ryder Persa Dragovic Dejan Trailovi Sandy Tobe Dorothy Gojkovich Nada Kosanovic Milos Kovac Ana Mileusnich Daisy Freeman Belko Yovanovich Olga & Irina Butin Ivan Popazivanov George Melnikov Alexandra Fitzpatrick Darinka Mitrovich Dear Brothers and Sisters, please remember these people in your daily prayers. If you know anyone who is sick please let Father Dane know. He would like to visit them and pray for them. His telephone number is or When your are making a donation to our Church, please note on the check (under the memo field) what it is for. This is because we have no way of knowing your intent for the donation. Otherwise, if there is no such notation, and if you are already a steward, the donation will automatically apply towards your stewardship. If you are not a steward, it will be applied as a church donation. Kada dajete prilog crkvi, molimo vas napi{ite na ceku ili koferti za{ta je namenjen. Jer druga~ije neznamo za{ta je taj novac namenjen onda novac ida za starateljstvo ako ste Staratelj crkve ako niste oda ide u generalni fond kao prilog. Hvala To get important updates regarding our Church community OR to review old issues of The Shepherd OR to send s to the Church, please visit our NEW, IMPROVED website at:

16 31 32 Calendar of Events We are publishing a calendar of events so that you and your family can join us for these events. All are welcome and we hope to see you at Church, as well as these events. More details will follow. March 27, Lazarus Saturday, - Cleaning of Church April 4, Easter Vaskrs June 27 Vidovdan Celebration July 18 Drazin dan August 1 Children s Camp August 28, Church Slava Your Church Board Welcomes you. 31. Јереј Србољуб Милетић NASTAVAK... О "НАРОДНОМ СВЕШТЕНИКУ" Ако на прво место у једном тренутку ставимо "народ", као уопштени, световни скуп, ми чинимо пропуст који ће нам се једноставно "осветити". Не говорим о томе да не треба водити бриго о народу, него о томе да та брига код пастира не сме никада да буде на првом месту, а нарочито не у организовању парохијског живота, јер ће на тај начин Парохија узети "световни курс" а не Црквени, постаће сличнија неком клубу или организацији него Цркви. Уосталом, ко је нас поставио одговорнима за читав народ? Данас, велики број чланова наших парохија на прво место ставља обичаје а не Веру. Код многих се схватање Цркве и Православља, на жалост, своди на неку врсту "фолклора" и обичаја. Из тог разлога, на жалост, поједнини парохијани и од свештеника очекују да се поистовећује са светским токовима и модерним начином живота. Поједини пастири су у искушењу да то прихвате, како би били "приступачнији народу" или "да би преживели". У додиру са својим парохијанима често пута свештеници су просто "приморани" да много више времена потроше у разговорима о политици, аутомобилима, становима, спорту и разним светским пословима - о свему за шта нису надлежни, уместо о духовним стварима, за које једино јесу надлежни. Ако и покушају да започну неку духовну тему, врло брзо се открива непријатан и "непремостив" јаз између духовног, хришћанског виђења света и његових свакодневних парохијана који често не само да нису заинтересовани, већ су и одбојни према сувише "црквеним" темама: "Знате оче, ја не идем сваке недеље у цркву! Нисам ја од оних "црквењака", али, ја волим своју Цркву и поштујем своју Веру; само, не знам ти ја баш све те наше обичаје"! - слуша свештеник сувише често од својих парохијана. Деси се такође, да и сам свештеник приликом славског обреда, или венчања, па чак и за Божић или Ђурђевдан, непажњом говори о "нашим лепим обичајима" а не о Светим Тајнама и животу у Цркви. На 32.

17 овакву, све учесталију појаву у Цркви готово нико не указује, а многи је и сами прихватају како не би "заостали" за временом. Ради оправдања, неки цитирају Апостола Павла који каже: "Свима сам био све, само да кога придобијем за Јеванђеље". Једно је извесно: апостол сигурно није мислио на банкете и пријеме, на састанке са бизнисменима, министрима и дипломатијом, на шармирање или причање вицева потенцијалним Христовим следбеницима, на испијање здравица по клубовима и кафанама или на одласке на голф и коњске трке. Апостол Павле се састајао са гувернерима, министрима, судијама и државним представницима - али само тада, када је пред њих био доведен у оковима и у ланцима. Тада је и одржао своју чувену беседу пред царем Агрипом која се завршава: "Молио бих Бога да би не само ти, него и сви који ме данас слушају били такви као ја што сам, осим ових окова!" (Дјел. 26,29.) Он дакле, није желео да постане сличан цару и његовим великодостојницима, већ је својим судијама отворено, иако ухапшен, рекао да жели да се они угледају на њега. То је циљ и прави разлог који никада не треба крити: залуталим овцама можемо једино поручити да бисмо желели да и они буду у Христовој Цркви као и ми. Ако то нисмо у стању, онда уопште немамо 33 шта да тражимо у њиховом друштву. Колико је мени познато, у Православној Цркви не постоје преседани када је "дозвољено" оно што је иначе забрањено. Врлине су увек и у свакој прилици врлине, а греси су увек греси, без обзира ко, када и ради којег циља их чинио. Према томе, оно за шта би богослов био избачен из богословије, или пак верник одлучен од Причешћа, не сме да буде прихватљиво или што је још горе "врлина", "сналажљивост" или "способност" за свештеника. Грешке и греси се стално дешавају, јер "нема човека који би живео а да не сагреши". Црква је и основана управо због наших грехова. Али, потребно је разликовати грешку и грех од читавих токова којима се крећемо. никаква корист није ако се бринемо о гресима, а следимо светске токове. Свештеник треба да сузбија грешке и грехове, али много више од тога, он треба да се противи неправославним токовима и секуларистичким тенденцијама које постају устаљена пракса у нашим парохијама и Црквеним општинама. Који пастир није у стању да направи ову разлику, него се "бори противу греха" а узима активног учешћа у посветовњачивању Цркве - нека је њему и нама Бог на помоћи! Таквима је Христос рекао: "Вођи слијепи који оцјеђујете комарца а камилу прождирете"! NASTAVICE SE S TEWARDSHIP STARATEL- JSTVO Lord's offering..." (Exodus 35, 21). There was no compulsion in connection with this offering. It was all based on the voluntary action of the giver. Note the stress placed on the attitude of the giver in both the above quotations, "whoever is of a generous hear," and, "everyone whose heart stirred him." This shows us clearly that the impulse to give came from within. These ancient men of Israel wanted to help construct, furnish and operate the Tabernacle as an expression of their worship and service to God. Isn't that exactly what we want today? When one contributes because he must (taxes) or because of the pressure from his friends and members of his group, and not because his own "willing heart" has "stirred him," his gift may have beneficial results but he, himself, will miss the greater part of the spiritual uplift that comes from giving generously and enthusiastically from an eager heart. If we find ourselves giving grudgingly to the work of the Church and to the spreading of the Gospel, we need a mountain-top experience, a renewed vision of our place in God's plan, and a renewal of our consecration to his service. The cheerfulness with which we give to advance his Kingdom is a good A generoushearted old man, looking back on his life, once remarked: "I have loved more than I have been loved; I have trusted more than I have been trusted; I have given more than I have received, but the balance remains with me." The reward of generosity is the generous heart which rejoices in giving and seeks nothing in return. But the law of returns remains, regardless of your feelings, and you reap what you sow. "He who sows" sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (II Corinthians 9, 6-7). "Take an offering to the Lord; whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the Lord's offering (Exodus 35, 5). "And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose heart moved him, and brought the.

18 35 36 measure of the spiritual life within us. If we dislike to give, it is a danger signal flashing its warning across the path of life. It should send us to our knees in renewed searching for that which is most significant, most worthwhile and most closely attuned to God's plan for our highest fulfillment and greatest satisfaction. Once a man has found pleasure and cheer in giving, he must make up his mind that the most effective giving is: INTELLIGENT, CONSCIENTIOUS, AND DELIBERATE, for the sake of the giver as well as the receiver. This is the kind of giving which sustains the income of the Church and the philanthropic institutions. INTELLIGENT GIVING means that the giver has intelligently arrived at the conclusion that he must give so that his Church may be able to live and progress. He is convinced that the Church must look to a regular income in order to make effective plans to serve all the parishioners to the fullest. Just as a man figures that he needs so much money a week for shelter food clothing, etc., and goes out to get it, so does the Church need a certain amount of money to meet her multitudinous needs each week. No sensible man says to himself: "I know I need money to support my family, but l won t worry about it. It wi11 come one way or another." He goes after it and no Church can afford to say the same. She must go after it. And the only source of its income is the voluntary contributions of the parishioners and friends who have intelligently discovered that the Church cannot operate on a hit or miss system of deriving an income, but a methodical and systematic way of giving on their part. This is the only source of income that the Church must look forward to for support, and not the various gimmicks and games currently employed. CONSCIENTIOUS GIVING means one's fair share. Once you have intelligently decided that you want to give, you now have to decide how much to give and how often. This must be done conscientiously. No spur of the moment decision. You do not decide at random that you need seventy five or one hundred and fifty dollars a week for groceries. You figure it out. Likewise, you figure out all your other weekly needs: rent, clothing, insurance, transportation, recreation, etc. Now, let me ask you this question: How many of you, reading this ar-. ticle, have also included your Church and parish in this list of necessities every week? Have you ever thought that a certain amount of your expenses each week should be directed for the work of your Church? For God's work? Or do you, on the spur of the moment, put a dollar in the envelope and drop it in the tray? And what do you do when you do not go to Church? Do you forget even that little amount? It is hard to believe that to many Orthodox Christians -- far too many. I regret to say their Church means no more than a pack of cigarettes or a mediocre cigar per week! Then we hear complaints that the parish is dragging its feet on some desired projects, or does not respond as she should to the charity and philanthropic needs of the parishioners and the community. Since most people persist on some guidelines on giving, here is a minimal and fair and truly affordable amount that you can start with in order to introduce yourself into the joy of generous giving: ONE HOUR'S PAY PER WEEK! That is, for you and your spouse and every member of the family to give to their Church every week what they make in an hour? Or, if you are salaried, to give $5.00 per week for every 51,000 gross income you make per year. What a beautiful way to start! And next year, when you discover how painless and how rewarding it is to give, you can increase it to two hours per week or even more. DELIBERATE GIVING means that once you have made up your mind to give, and decided how much to give, you will give REGULARLY, week in and week out. Just as you have your payday and you know how much to expect, so must your Church have her "payday" every Sunday whether that money comes in by the person himself, his agent, or the mail. There was a time when the Church demanded and got the very life of her Martyrs in order to survive. Today all we are asked to give is part of our TIME, TALENT and TREASURE! Anyone who gives willingly, cheerfully and generously in faith and out of love for the Lord, to the limit of his/her ability, has truly responded to the call of the Lord: Whosoever wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me" (Matthew 16, 24). And the Lord will respond to him/ her in the Great Beyond with the greeting: "Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your Master" (Matthew 25, 23). Let everything you do for your Church, especially your giving of the three T's be Cheerful, Generous, Intelligent, Conscientious and Deliberate. Fr. Evagoras Constantinides.

19 37 38 Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assump Katarina Miletijev and her husband, Joe Horton, married in They started thinking about choosing a Saint so they might celebrate a family Slava. This January, after pondering for 5 years, they made a decision. Their son, Nicolas, had been born on January 27, St. Sava s Day, 3 ½ years ago. Their prayer was answered St. Sava was to be their family s Slava! Katarina talked with her Mother and got her Mother s Zhito recipe. Then she went to the internet and did her own research. In the end, she developed her OWN recipe. I loved it! But then I love Zhito. They invited their American friends to a dinner. Katarina wanted them to know the significance of the event, so she included online information for them to read in advance of the dinner. Both Katarina and Joe are forward thinkers. For next year, Katarina has already decided that she wants the Priest to come to their home. She wants her children, 3 ½ year old Nicolas and 19 month old Lili, to learn some Serbian songs and prayers. Joe wants to invite the children s Godparents to the dinner so the children realize how important they are in their religious life. Both of them are thankful they have had their prayers answered and have the protection of St. Sava for their family. May God Bless His Servants, Katarina, Joe, Nicolas and Lili - Many Years George and Mara Mileusnic celebrated their 57 th Wedding Anniversary on February 28, We offer our Congratulations to them. May God Grant George and Mara Many Years Teodora Toshich continues onward in her studies having more accolades handed to her for her hard work. Dora is a senior at Lower Lake High School in Clearlake. Her school team took the top Honors at the Academic Decathlon held for Lake County. She and her teammate received the highest score for Lower Lake High School. They will be representing Lake County at the state finals which will be held March 12 to 15. May God Bless His Servant, Teodora Many Years Augustin Deteres left for Ft. Benning, Georgia, for military training on March 15 th. Please keep him close to your hearts in prayer as he prepares to defend our Nation. When we pray for the military during our Services, raise his name to Our Lord so He protects one of our own loved ones. May God Bless His Servant, Augustin Many Years Mirko Petrovich heard from a friend of a friend of two fairly new ice making machines that were available for free. He immediately thought of our hall kitchen and bar. When serving food and drinks for our large gatherings, ice is always in high demand. Mirko followed up on the slight information. The result? We now have two working ice making machines! Now he is considering upgrading our bar. He and our President are beginning the process of looking for volunteers to donate items needed and helpers with installation. We offer our Thanks to Mirko for his endeavors. May God Bless His Servant, Mirko Many Years. and joined in the singing. How wonderful to worship surrounded by people of all backgrounds and all Our congregation hosted this year s Triumph of Orthodoxy - Orthodox Sunday Vespers Service on February 21 st. Even though the service was worshipping Our God colors singing and to begin at 7 together. The service seemed to end p.m., people began arriving too soon. How fitting shortly after 6 that the final prayer p.m. By the for this Sunday service is our beautiful time the doors of the Sanctuary were We were blessed with the presence of 15 prayer How Great Is Our God. opened, the Church was full. Latecomers spilled Priests. Our own Fr. Dane Popovic led the beautiful service as the host priest. With him were: into the side aisles and stood in the Vestibule! All had come to witness the Triumph of Orthodoxy Fr. Miladin Garic - our retired Priest, now at St. Sava s in Jackson the right to possess and venerate our beloved Fr. Dimitrius Dogias - retired Priest from Annunciation Greek icons. Many worshippers came clutching their own Church Sacramento beloved icons to their breasts. Fr. Dino Pappademos St. Katherine Greek Church -Elk Grove The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Fr. Andrew Jacobs St. Suzanna Sonora Orthodox Church of Sacramento was the guest Fr. Timothy Robinson Annunciation Greek Church Sacramento choir. With the singing of their first evening prayer, Fr. Stephen Tumbas St. Sava Serbian Church Jackson all the worshippers were transfixed! We were truly Fr. Paul Volmensky Ascension Russian Church Sacramento in a place where God was in our midst and we all Fr. James Retelas Annunciation Greek Church Sacramento felt His presence. The choir chose to sing the responses and prayers in three languages Greek, Fr. Polycarp Whitcomb Antiochian Church Sacramento Fr. Thomas Zell St. James Antiochian Church Modesto Church Slavonic and English. They rotated amongst Fr. Ian Mackinnon Holy Cross American Church Sacramento the three. It Fr. Christopher Flesoras St. Anna Greek Church Roseville Fr. Stephen Howell only took the Fr. George Gulin Holy Myrrhbearers Church West Sacramento worshippers one cycle of Fr. William Weir our Church languages Our President, Miroslav Milovanovich became before they the love of the evening with his wonderful Lenten minestrone soup. The wafting smells that emanated from the discovered the pattern kitchen made everyone want to eat! Our beloved Sisters.

20 39 baked and offered delicious Lenten desserts. The love felt during the service continued until after 10 p.m. as people sat and visited with each other. What a wonderful way to visit with our Brothers and Sisters from the other Orthodox Churches in the area. This is an opportunity we get too infrequently and many wanted to savor the experience. Many thanks to the MORE THAN 50 PEOPLE who offered their helpful hands in preparing for this great event. Our Primary Thanks to Fr. Dane and Fr. William who guided us throughout all the preparations for the evening. Their prayers and guidance are our beacon to eternity. Thank you to those who cooked and baked; Thank you to those who cleaned the Church and the hall in preparation for the evening; Thank you to those who prepared the flower arrangements in the Church and in the hall; Thank you to those who fixed the lights outside; Thank you to those who set up the tables and chairs; Thank you to those who set the tables; Thank you to those who served the food; Thank you to those who cleaned up the kitchen and the hall till midnight; Thank you to those who attended and prayed; Thank you to those who could not be with us but thought of us as we prayed. Thanks be to God for giving us such a wonderful evening as we begin our Second Week of Lent How Great A God Is Our God Excerpts from Sermon offered by Fr. Timothy Robinson Orthodox Sunday Vesper Service Tonight we are celebrating the triumph of the Orthodox over threatening heresy. Some statistics about Orthodoxy in the United States today: Less that 1% of U.S. citizens are Orthodox Christians same as Muslims We are living in the most religiously diverse country in the world Our community has been the target of Jehovah Witnesses One can see the diversity of beliefs at Barnes & Nobles: witchcraft, magic spells, etc. Islam claims to be the fastest growing religion in the U.S. One of our Orthodox brethren decided to leave and went to a Baptist Church where he was told he needed to be rebaptized. (NOT PER- MITTED IN THE ORTHODOX CHURCH) Only 1 in every 1,000 immigrants to the U.S. is Orthodox. The American culture tells us everything and anything is okay to believe. More than 50% (1/2) of children who go to a university do NOT attend Church after they graduate. How do Orthodox Christians respond to the confusing pluralism of America? We need to educate ourselves AND our young people. We will not make progress if we do not discipline ourselves to follow our religious tradition. We need to take our religious practices seriously: fasting, praying, and repenting of our sins. We need to dedicate ourselves to preaching the Gospel. We need to take the Medicine of Orthodoxy and share it with others. Notes graciously taken by Elizabeth Denisova. Subscriptions for Shepherd Year $15:00 Monthly $ 1: If you would like to be the sponsor of the next issue of the Shepherd Please let us know 7777 Sunset Avenue Fair Oaks, California NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 576 FAIR OAKS, CA

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