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1 2 SHEPHERD SHEPHERD Monthly newsletter of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption Fair Oaks, California A monthly publication of the Serbian Orthodox Church Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7777 Sunset Avenue Fair Oaks, Ca Very Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic Rev. William Weir Church: Fax: Priest: Cell: SERVICE IN CHRIST'S NAME Christ told us that we are to be committed to service in his name. Why is this? Simply because Christ has no one else on Earth, but those who are committed to God to do God's work. We are chosen. We are appointed. We are responsible. And this will be true for as long as we live. You are called to do for others what others once did for you. Shepherd Staff Editor: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic PASTIR God be with you NOVEMBER 2010 Written contributions are welcome; Editorial discretion reserved. Please Submit articles and ideas to: SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR SHEPHERD YEAR $ 15:00 Monthly $ 1:50 Many Thanks. V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic 7777 Sunset Ave Fair Oaks, Ca

2 3 4 My dear Parishioners Jesus Christ. In addition, the faithful form one fami ly God's and, as members of God's family, we have much in common. We believe in the same Lord, Jesus Christ; have been baptized into His death and resurrection; are all nurtured and renewed spiritually through Holy Communion; love and serve one another because we are a part of one another as we comprise what Saint Paul terms the Mystical Body of Christ; and we will inherit eternal life according to Christ's unfailing promise. In Psalm 122 we read: "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord!' " Yet it seems a great many people are anything but "glad" when confronted with the option of "going to church." The question is why? Why don't some people enjoy going to church? Are they at fault? Is the Church at fault? Is going to church essential for Orthodox Christians? WHAT IS THE CHURCH? The Bible used two images to characterize the Church. * Christ said, "I am the true vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me" (John 15:5). * A second symbol of the Church is the body. Saint Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12,27: "Christ is like a single body, which has many parts...all of you, then, are Christ's Body, and each one is a part of it." According to these passages, the Church is the fellowship of all believers in Christ, with Christ as the head. We believe that the living and the dead are equally a part of the Church. Although we speak of the Christians who are alive as the Church militant while the departed are referred to as the Church triumphant, we nonetheless acknow ledge only one head of the Body, the Church in heaven and on earth BUT IN THE EARLY CHURCH... What can be said about church atten dance in the years immediately follow ing the time of Jesus Christ? The life of the early Church is describ ed in the book of Acts 2:44, 46: "All the believers continued together in close fellowship, and shared their belongings with one another... Every day they con tinued to meet as a group in the temple, and they had their meals together in their homes, eating the food with glad and humble hearts, praising God, and enjoy ing the good will of all the people." Acts 4:32 tells us, "The group of believers was one in mind and heart." One significant sign of their common faith was that "every day they continued to... 3 meet as a group in the temple." This is what going to church is all about: it is the desire of all members of the Chris tian family to come together in prayer and fellowship and to partake of the com mon cup of faith through which their uni ty with Christ and with each other is pro claimed and strengthened. In order to emphasize this oneness, the Orthodox Church continues to administer Holy Communion to the faithful from one chalice and with one spoon. Also, wherever possible, only one Divine Liturgy is celebrated on a given day so as to avoid dividing the parish family in to many smaller groups, thereby destroy ing the visible unity of the Church. EXCUSES, EXCUSES. What are some of the reasons or, to be more precise, excuses which people use to justify avoiding attendance at services? "I'm too tired after working all week. Sunday is my only day to rest." This excuse is a poor one. Most people work only five days a week. They can rest on Saturday and come to church on Sun day. But even if they do work six days a week, they can still attend church and rest during the remainder of the day. I live too far from an Orthodox Church. This may be a legitimate ex cuse in some cases, but more often than not, people I was glad could easily when they drive to church said to in less than half me, "Let an hour. It is us go to not uncom mon the house to travel greater of the distances to Lord..." attend a play or see a movie or eat at a good restaurant! "The services are too long." How long is "too long"? A movie lasts at least two hours. The Divine Liturgy including the sermon doesn't last more than an hour and a half. If one is truly par ticipating in the service, time becomes irrelevant. "The Liturgy is boring, it's the same thing week after week." True, much of the Liturgy follows what might be described as a "standard format," but, then again, every baseball game follows the same "standard format" as well. There is a certain "variety" from week to week. Depending on the various festal or lenten seasons, a number of hymns change, as do the weekly and daily scrip tural lessons. And the sermon is never the same! As far as the repetitive por tions go, we do need to be reminded of the same things time and time again. "The Church is filled with hypocrites and I don't want any part of them." Again, a poor excuse. Certainly there are hypocrites in Church, but there are hypocrites everywhere. Those who use this as an excuse not to attend church prove that they too are hypocrites because they separate themselves from others and thereby imply that they are "better." While there may be some hypocrites in the Church, there are also many faithful and sincere Christians. Anyway, what better place is there to find hypocrites than in the Church, where they just might learn to change! "I can't pray in church. I'd rather pray at home." Those who favor this excuse usually don't pray at all. But let's sup pose they are being truthful. We do need to pray

3 5 U Psalmu 122 ~tamo: Bio sam radostan kada su mi rekli: Hajdemo u Ku} u Gospodnju! Ali sada ljudi su sve ali ne radosni kada im se ka`e hajdemo u crkvu. Postavlja se pitanje za{to? Kako neki ljudi ne u`ivaju odlazak u crkvu? Dali oni gre{e? Dali svkva gre{i? dali je crkva samo za pravoslavne hri{}ane? [TA JE CRKVA? Sveto pismo je upotrebilo dve slike da bi Bio sam okarakterisala crkvu. Isus je radostan rekao, Ja sam istiniti ~okot kada se a vi ste loza. Ko god ovitava mi rekli! u meni, Ja sam u njemu. I Hajde done}emo mnogo ploda; jer mo u vi nemo`ete ni{ta bez mane dom (Jn. 15:5). GoisDrugi symbol crkve podnji je telo. Apostol Pavle pi{e u prvom pismu Korin}anima 12:12-27; Hristos je jedno telo, koje ima mnogo delova...svi vi. Na osnovu ovoga crkva je jedinstvo od svih veruju}ih u Hrista, a Hristos je glava. Mi verujemo da su `ivi I mrtvi potpuno ravni u su kao vojnici crkve a umrli su pobednici ali opet verujemo u jedmu glavu tela crkve na zwemlji I na nebu a to je Hristos. 6 Vernici jedne bo`ije familije clanovi crkve imaju mnogo zajedni~kog, veruju u istog Gospoda Isusa Hrista, I kr {teni su Njegovom smr}u I njegovim vaskrsenjem. Svi su obnovljeni duhovno kroz Sveto Pri~e{}e; volite I slu`ite jedni druge jer smo mi deo jedan drugog jerjer }e o tako kao {to Sveti apostol Pavle re~e naslediti `ivot ve~ni kako je obe}ao Hristos. RANA CRKVA [ta se mo`e re}i o poseti crkve u prvim godinama njenog osnivanja posle Isusa te prve crkve je obja{njen u Delima Apostolskim 2:4446; Svi vernici su bili sakupljeni u zatvorenom I delili su sve me u sobom. Svakog dana su se ok- upljali u crkvama a posle toga imali zajedni~ke obede po ku}ama sa rado{}u u srcima slave}i Boga I u`ivaju}i u dobroj volji ljudi.. Dela Apostolska 4:32 govori Grupa lvernika je bila u jednom jednoumlju I jednom srcu.. Jedno zajedni~ko obele`je vere je bilo da u se oni satajali u crkvi svakog dana. Ovo je razlog za{to idemo u crkvu: to je `elja svih ~lanova hri{}anske familije da se okupe zajedno na molitvu I dru`enje, pristupanju zajedni~koj ~a{i vere kroz koju se sjedinjujeno sa Hristom I jedni s drugima. Da bi nazna~io jedninstvo Pravoslavne crkve nastavlja se pru`anjem svetog Pri~e{}a svim vernicima iz jedne ~a{e i sa jednom ka {i~icom. Tako e kad je to mogu}e slu`iti samo jednu Liturgiju u jednom danu {to spre~ava parohijsku familiju da se deli na manje grupe, {to dovodi do uni {tenja vidljivog jedinstva crkve. ne{e ni osetiti vreme. OPRAVDANJA, OPRAVDANJA. Crkva je puna licemera I ja ne}u da budem deo njih Evo nekoliko razloga, ta~nije re~eno opravdanja koje ljudi koriste za nedolazak na Bogoslu`enje. Ja sam mnogo umoran posle rada cele nedelje Nedelja mi je jedini dan za odmor. Ovo nisu jaki razlozi, ve}ina ljudi radi 5 dana u nedelji, mogu se odmoriti u Subotu I do}i u crkvu u nedelju. ^ak I da rade {est dana u nedelji jo{ uvek mogu do}i u crkvu I odmoriti se u ostatku dana. Ja `ivim daleko od crkve Ovo mo`e biti jedan od opravdanih razloga ali obi~no ne. Ljudi naj~e{}e voze do crkve oko pola sata a kao {to znate vozi se I du`e da se gleda neka prestava, utakmica, film ili da se jede u dobrom restoranu. Slu`be su preduge Koliko je DUG film, obi~no traje najmanje dva sata. Liturgija sa propovedi traje oko sat ipo. Ako osoba zaista u~estvuje u slu`bi Liturgija je dosadna, ponavlja se isto iz nedelje u nedelju Istina je, ve}ina Sv. Liturgije se satoji od ponavljnjajektenija ali isto tako svaka fudbalska utakmica ponavlja isto vi{e puta. Postoje odre ene razlike od nedelje do nedelje, zavosno od raznih praznika ili za vreme posta kada se ve{i broj pesama menja kao I razli~iti Apostoli I Jevan elja. Tako e propovedi nikada nisu iste. [to se ti~e delova koji se ponavljaju to je zato da bih se podsetili tih va`nih delova. Ponovo lo{ izgovor. Ta~no je da ima licemera u crkvi ali ih ima I na drugim mestima. Oni koji koriste ovaj razlog da ne dolaze u crkvu potvr uju da su I sami licemeri jer izbegavaju druge zami {ljaju sebe boljim. Mogu}e je da ima licemera u crkvi ali tako e ima I mnogo vernika koji su iskreni Hri{}ani. U stvari postoji li bolje mesto od crkve za licemere. To je pravo mesto gde mogu da nau~e da se promene. Ja ne mogu da se molim u crkvi radije }u da se molim u ku}i. Oni koji koriste ovaj izgovor se obi~no nigde ne mole. Hajde da poverujemo da je ovo istina, treba da se molimo samostalno I na{im ku}ama ali isto tako treba da se molimo zajedno kao jedinstvena Hri{} anska familija. Crkvene slu`be nam omogu}avaju ovo. Zajedni~ki mo`emo prineti molitve zahvalnosti, ispovesti I

4 7 This glorious and wonderworking saint was born in Thessalonica of noble and devout parents. Implored of God by childless parents, Demetrius was their only son, and so was raised and educated with great care. Demetrius's father was a commander in Thessalonica. When his father died, Emperor Maximian appointed Demetrius as commander in his place. As he appointed him, Maximian, an opponent of Christ, particularly recommended that he persecute and exterminate the Christians in Thessalonica. Demetrius not only disobeyed the emperor but openly confessed and preached the Lord Jesus Christ in the city of Thessalonica. When the emperor heard of this he became furious with Demetrius. Then, when he was returning from battle against the Sarmatians, Maximian stopped at Thessalonica to investigate the matter. The emperor summoned Demetrius and questioned him about his faith. Demetrius openly acknowledged his Christian Faith to the emperor and also denounced the emperor's idolatry. Maximian cast Demetrius into prison. Knowing what was awaiting him, Demetrius gave all his goods to his faithful servant Lupus to distribute to the poor, and joyfully awaited his imminent suffering for Christ the Lord. An angel of God appeared to him in prison, saying: "Peace be to you, 0 sufferer of Christ; be brave and be 8 strong!" After several days, the emperor sent soldiers to the prison to kill Demetrius. The soldiers found the saint of God at prayer and ran him through with lances. Christians secretly took his body and honorably buried it. Healing myrrh flowed from the body of the martyr of Christ, curing many of the sick. Soon, a small church was built over his relics. An Illyrian nobleman, Leonrius, was afflicted with an incurable illness. He hastened, with prayer, to the relics of St. Demetrius and was completely healed. In thanksgiving, Leonrius erected a much larger church on the site of the old church. The saint appeared to him on two occasions. When Emperor Justinian wanted to transfer the relics of the saint from Thessalonica to Constantinople, flaming sparks sprang from the tomb and a voice was heard:"stop, and do not touch!" And thus, the relics of St. Demetrius have remained for all rime in Thessalonica. As the protector of Thessalonica, St. Demetrius has appeared many times, and on many occasions has saved Thessalonica from great calamity. His miracles are without number. The Russians considered St. Demetrius to be the protector of Siberia, which was conquered and annexed to Russia on October 26, Sin kralja Milutina i otac cara Dusana. Po naredenju neobavestenog oca bio oslapljen a po naredenju lakomislenog sina bio u starosti udavljen. Pri oslepljenju javio mu se sv. Nikola u hramu na Ovcem polju, i pokazao mu njegove o~i rekav{e: "Stefane, ne boj se, evo tvojih o~iju na mome dlanu, u svoje vreme je }u ti ih vratiti". Pet godina proveo u Carigradu kao zato~enik u manastiru Svedr`itelja (Pantokratora). Svojom mudro{}u i podvigom, kroto{}u i blago~es}em, trpljivo{}u i blagodu{nji{}u prevashodio je Stefan ne samo sve monahe u manastiru nego i sav Carigrad. Kada se navr{i 5 godina javi mu se opet Sv. Nikola i re~e mu: "do{ao sam da ispunim svoje obe}anje". I oseni slepoga kralja krsnim znamenjem, i kralj progleda. Iz blagodarnosti Bogu sagradio hram De~anski, jedno od retko divnih dela vizantiske umetnosti i jedan od najznamenitijih spomenika negda{njeg srpskog blago~e{}a. Sv. Kralj Stefan sa sv. Savom i sv. Knezom Lazarom ~ini jednu prekrasnu triadu od svetosti, blagorodstva i samopo`rtvovanja, koje je narod srpski dao. Kao mu~enik pro`iveo svoj zemni vek, i kao mu~enik skon~ao 1336 god. Primiv{i venac besmrtne slave od Svedr`itelja, kome je verno posluzio. Stefan was the son of King Milutin and father of Tsar Dusan. By the command of his ill-informed father, Stefan was blinded, and at the command of his capricious son (Dusan), was strangled in his old age. When he was blinded, St. Nicholas appeared to him in the church at Ovce Polje (Field of the Sheep) and showed him his eyes saying: "Stefan, be not afraid: behold your eyes in my palm. In due time, I will return them to you." Stefan spent five years in Constantinople as a prisoner in the Monastery of the Pamocrator. By his wisdom and asceticism, his meekness and piety, his patience and benevolence, Stefan not only surpassed all the monks in his monastery, but all monks in Constantinople. When five years had passed, St. Nicholas again appeared to him and said: "I came to fulfill my promise." He then traced the sign of the Cross on the blind king, and Stefan received his sight. In thanksgiving to God, Stefan built the Church of Decani, one of the most marvelous works of Byzantine artistic beauty, and one of the most famous monuments of Serbian piety. The holy King Stefan, with St. Sava and the holy Prince Lazar, constitute a most glorious trinity of holiness, nobility and self-sacrifice - the gift of the Serbian people. St. Stefan lived his earthly life as a martyr, and died as a martyr in the year 1336, receiving the wreath of immortal glory from the Almighty God Whom he had faithfully served

5 9 10 CHURCH CIRCLE OF SERBIAN SISTERS CRKVENO KOLO SRPSKIH SESTARA Kosovka Devojka CORDIALLY INVITES ALL TO THEIR KRSNA SLAVA St. Archangel Michael SUNDAY NEDELJA Nov. 21st DIVINE LITURGY AT 10:00 A.M Followed by Pomen for our DECEASED SISTERS and CUTTING OF SLAVSKI KOLAC BANQET 12:30 P.M. Lunch Adults = $ Children from yrs= $ Children under 11 yrs = free Continue form page 4 alone, often in the privacy of our homes, but we also need to pray together as a united Christian family. The Church's services afford us this oppor tunity. Together we offer prayers of thanksgiving, of praise, of confession, and of supplication. Private prayer is im portant, but so is corporate prayer. THE ANSWER Sincere and faithful Christians attend church to worship together and to profess their common faith in Jesus Christ. Going to church is a natural thing for them. They love one another and want to pray and have fellowship. They com prise the Mystical Body of Christ and find joy in being together as a united family. Through the regular reception of Holy Communion, they acknowledge that Christ has been raised from the dead in order to raise them up as well and, through Him, they find peace with God and with each other. Through Holy Com munion, they receive forgiveness of sins and are strengthened to resist evil in their everyday lives. They listen atten tively to the scriptural lessons and are in structed and reminded of their Christian duties and obligations. They never forget Christ's words: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there with them" (Matthew 18:20). And so, "they continue to meet as a group in the tem ple." NO BETTER TIME THAN THE PRESENT! If you don't attend services, especial ly the Divine Liturgy, on a regular basis, the time to start is now. How often? Why not every Sunday? Then you too can join with the psalmist in singing, "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.' nastavak sa strane 6 usrednosti. Privatna molitva je va`na ali je veoma va`na I zajedni~ka. ODGOVOR Iskreni I veruju}i Hri{}ani poha aju crkvu da se mole zajednoi da ispovedaju zajedni~ku veru u Isusa Hrista. Odlazak u crkvu je za njih prirodna svar, oni vole jedni druge, `ele da se zajedni~ki mole I dru`e. Oni se dsjedinjuju u tajanstvenom telu hristovom I nalaze radost u zajednici u jedinstvenoj familiji. Kroz stalno primanje Sv. Pri~e{}a oni potvr uju da je Hristos vaskrsao iz mrtvih da bi I oni vaskrsli kroz Njega, oni nalaze mir u Gospodu I izme u sebe. Kroz Sveto Pri~e{}e dobijaju opro{taj od grehova I snagu da se odupru zlu u svakodnevnom `ivotu. Oni slu{aju pa`ljivo ~itanje svetog pisma I upustva koji ih podse}a na njihove Hri{}anske obaveze. Oni ne zaboravljaju Hristove re~i: Gde su dvoje ili troje sabrani u ime moje, Ja sam sa njima. (Mt. 18:20) I tako oni nastavljaju da se okupljaju grupno u crkvi. NE POSTOJI BOLJE VREME OD SADA{NJEG Ako ne pose}ujete slu`be, posebno Svetu. Liturgiju regularno sada vam je vreme da po~nete. Koliko ~esto? Za{to da ne svake nedelje? Da bi ste I vi mogli da se pridru`ite psalmopiscu u pesmi Bio sam radostan kada se mi rekli! Hajdemo u dom Goispodnji

6 11 12 Message from the Board Sunday school year started last week, and it was such a joy to see all the kids return and start the new school year. They have grown so much, and all parent that stay to help with clean up and organization. Welcome back kids and thank you parents. Food festival was a success. There were many volunteers and the craft show help to attract the new visitors. We had a lot of neighbors that announced them self, this was a great opportunity to socialize, and share the local news, welcome neighbors. Saturday concert went in to overtime, sign of good time. The band played all night no breaks. We had many compliments on our presentation, and quality of food, kitchen volunteers did a great job. As always I m very thankful for all contributors and volunteers, with out whom this event would not be special. The board is still overwhelmed by the responsibilities, lack of willing volunteers, and I have concerns that we may louse a few by next year. Special events need new volunteers, with experience, and we have two coming up, Bozic/Uskrs, don t wait on us to call and volunteer. A number of repairs have been completed, that you, job well done. Many Stewarts have ask if I new or could help with some though subject confronting us in today world. I would like to start an informative speaker program and have professional quest speakers on any subject (insurance, health care, assisted living, financial issues, handy man, car maintains, phone service, banking and so on) if you are in the business and like to be a speaker or like to recommend someone, please contact me and I will schedule. This will be on Sunday during social hour. I like to have someone in mortgage, modification, refinance, or just legal advice for this economy as our 1st informative quest Every year at the end of November we in the United States celebrate a day of "thanksgiving", replete with images of Pilgrims and Indians feasting together and giving thanks to God for their deliverance from the rigors of the first months in the hostile climate of the New World. The tradition of a day of national thanksgiving has become firmly rooted in our American culture, as a way of saying "Thank You" to God for all of the blessings that we enjoy. Yet, as Orthodox Christians, the idea of "thanksgiving" must have a far greater meaning in our life than a simple "thank you" to God. We say "thank you" perhaps many times in the course of the day and to many different people; to some we wish to show genuine gratitude, to others we are simply being polite. The thanksgiving that we offer to the Lord must transcend simple gratitude or polite manners. A study of thanksgiving in the Bible, the cornerstone of our Orthodox Tradition, makes this abundantly clear to us. We assume that the Scriptures teach us to give thanks to the Lord and rightly so; however, we must recognize that neither the Hebrew.of the Old Testament nor its sister, the Aramaic language spoken by Jesus and the Apostles, have any word at all for thanksgiving! Does this mean that the Hebrew people and the followers of the Lord never gave thanks? Of course not, but their idea of thanksgiving was one that was expressed not in polite words to God but rather in actions; thanksgiving was to be found in responding to the love and mercy of God revealed to His people. In the Hebrew of the Old Testament and in the Aramaic of Jesus' time and the early Church, there are several words that are used to express "thanks". Confessing Christ For example, Psalm 136 verse 1 reads in our English Revised Standard Version, "0 give thanks to the Lord for He is good..." But in the original Hebrew, the verse reads literally "Confess or acknowledge the Lord, for He is good..." (This is reflected in the Slavonic text of the Psalm, which was translated from the Greek translation and which itself literally rendered the verse, "Ispovidajtesja Hospodevi jako blah...") One of the ways then of expressing thanksgiving to God among the Hebrew people and the first Christians was in confessing Him, in acknowledging completely that He is the source of our blessings and salvation. How little do we do this! We prefer to give ourselves the credit for our blessing, ascribe it to our own "hard work", without acknowledging to the Lord or to others that He made it possible. "Confessing the Lord" also means being a witness to Him, being ready and able to share our Orthodox faith with others when opportunity presents itself for through this we show our thanksgiving to the Saviour

7 13 Loving the Lord Another word that is often used to express the idea of thanksgiving is "love". For instance, recall the narrative in the Gospel of St. Luke of Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7:3650). In this event a sinful woman comes and anoints the feet of Jesus, washing them with her tears and drying them with her hair as a sign of repentance. Simon the Pharisee thought to himself that Jesus was no prophet, for if He were He would have known what kind of woman this was and would have stopped her. Jesus asks Simon which of two debtors will love their creditor more for forgiving a debt, the one who owed fifty denarii or the one who owed five hundred. Simon answered the one who owed more. Jesus then points out that because this sinful woman loved much and showed it in her actions towards Him, that "her sins which are many are forgiven, for she loved much, but he who is forgiven little loves little" (Luke 7:47). In other words, "God must have forgiven her much, otherwise she could not show such great thanksgiving (love) in anointing Me, in washing My feet with her tears and drying them with her hair." The woman's repentant actions are motivated by thanksgiving for the forgiveness of her sins, which Jesus confirms in verse 48. If we are to show thanks to the Lord, then like this woman we must "love much" because each of us has been forgiven much through the Cross of Christ We must be concerned, if we are to show true thanks to the Lord, with showing charity to the Lord's people, a charity of the soul and of the body as well. Our thankfulness must be a thankfulness that motivates us to action whenever we see someone hurting, either physically or 14 spiritually, to do what we can. In this does our thanksgiving to the Lord consist. Praising God Another term that is used to describe the concept of thanksgiving in the Hebrew Old Testament and in Aramaic is "praise". Chapter 11, verse 25 of the Gospel of St. Matthew reads in the Revised Standard Version, "I thank Thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes." The Greek of the New Testament here does not use the Greek word for thanksgiving but translates the original Aramiac of Jesus, "I praise (or confess) Thee, Father..." (The Slavonic, again translated from the Greek, does the same "Ispovidajutisja, Otce...") In praising God we are offering Him thanks for the blessings of forgiveness and salvation. Yet this praise must not simply be an empty lip service, but a praise that stems from the heart. How eager are we to praise God? Do we attend the services of the Church as often as we can? Not only the Divine Liturgy but also the Vespers before feast days, the services celebrated during Lent and at other times in the year. Do we receive the Holy Eucharist as often as we can? The term "Eucharist" itself means "thanksgiving" a thanksgiving for the gift of salvation offered to us in the Cross and Resurrection of the Lord. Fr. Lawrence Channels Is you life a channel of blessing? Is it daily telling for Him? Have you spoken the word of salvation To those who are dying in sin? ВАЛЕРИЈ ДУХАЊИН NASTAVAK. Оци Петог Васељенског Сабора потврдили су 553. године осуду Оригена. Једанаести анатемизам гласи буквално овако: "Ако неко не анатемише Арија, Евномија, Македонија, Аполинарија, Несторија, Евтихија и Оригена са њиховим злим делима; и све остале јеретике који су били осуђени и анатемисани од стране Свете, Саборне и Апостолске Цркве и поменута Четири Света Сабора; и оне који су мудровали или мудрују слично горепоменутим јеретицима и који су остали у свом зловерју до смрти, нека буде анатема." Другим речима, Црква анатемише оне који сами не анатемишу Оригена, који не признају да његово учење противречи Православљу. У наведеном анатемизму сам Ориген се поставља у низу других познатих јеретика. Многе "купује" Оригенова ученост и његове мисионарске заслуге. Када су преподобном Симеону Јуродивом (6. век) дошла два монаха са сличним питањем, Свети их је ослободио сумње следећим речима: "Ориген...је ушао у море, али није могао изићи из њега и утопио се у дубини" (види Житије светог Симеона Јуродивог, 21 јул/ 3 август). Дубина учености није у стању само да утоли жеђ, већ и да утопи. Оригенова трагедија се састојала у томе што је његов лични геније привукао превише пожртвованих следбеника. Они су поред научних достигнућа прихватили и Оригенове догматске грешке и још више их развили. То се најизраженије показало у првој половини шестог века и завршило се црквеном осудом оригенизма. Што се тиче самог по себи мисионарства или аскетизма познато је да су талентовани проповедници и подвижници били не само Светитељи, већ и јеретици - например Арије и Несторије. Уопште, под именом "оригенизам" се разуме целокупност заблуда, које је Ориген износио и развио. Учење о ограничености Божије силе; претпостојање душа, које су послане у тела због греховног пада; постојање многих светова, од којих су неки претходили, а други ће постојати након нашег; мишљење о одушевљености и разумности небеских светила; учење о сферичности првостворених разумних бића, итд. Нама се, међутим, чини да је у наше време најактуелнији оригенизам са његове есхатолошке стране, то јест, у вези са последњих дешавањима у свету и коначном човековом уделу. У наше дане есхатолошки оригенизам се јавља у тој истој идеји - да загробне муке нису бесконачне. У сличним представама есхатологија се своди на две етапе постојања након смрти. У првој етапи душа добија плату по сопственим заслугама. Следи да неки иду у рај, други у пакао. У другој етапи, са наступањем благодатног вечног Христовог Царства након Другог доласка, грешници који су прошли очишћење у паклу, узимају се из

8 15 огња и тако ће Бог бити све у свему (1 Кор. 15:28). Треба рећи да у идеја апокатастазе (свеопштег васпостављања) није сасвим неразумна. Као што знамо, почетак света је у доброти Божијој. Постојање света такође треба да се заврши Божијом добротом - коначном победом над злом, вечним тријумфом Царства Божијег. Ако за доброг и свемогућег Бога нема неизлечивих болести, зашто створени свет мора да уђе у вечност несавршен? Исходећи из доброте Божије, следбеници апокатастазе доносе пребрз закључак. Све треба да постане исто онако добро, као и некад. Међутим, ствар је у томе да доброта Божија није цинично изједначавање добра и зла. Благост и доброта Божија не замењују нашу одговорност за лични животни избор, не меље личну слободну одлуку Свог створења - човека. Вечно спасење јесте духовна тачка у којој се сусрећу и пресецају два међусобно усмерена вектора - Божија милост према човеку и човеково усрдно стремљење ка Богу. Недовољне су само људске силе, јер нико од људи сам од себе неће узићи на Небо. Међутим, и Божија милост сама по себи неће спасти човека ако он сам не буде стремио томе. Када говоримо о земним стварима, признајемо баналну истину: истинска љубав уважава слободу другог. Зато онај ко истински воли неће владати предметом своје љубави мимо његове жеље. Зашто онда мислимо да у свету духовном треба игнорисати тај најважнији закон, када је један од знакова образа Божијег у човеку управо његова слобода, која се остварује кроз лични избор. "Изнесох данас преда те живот и смрт, добро и зло" (5 Мојс. 30:15) - објавио је пророк Мојсеј од лица Божијег. Пред човеком је живот и смрти, и шта пожели то ће му се и дати (Сир. 15:17). Бог није створио робота, који по аутоматизму испуњава команде мајстора, већ 16 живо, разумно биће, које је у стању да у дубинама свог срца доноси слободне, личне, ни од кога зависне (између осталог и од Бога) одлуке. У томе се и састојао ризик, јер слободни избор претпоставља могућност два супротна односа према Богу. Сагласно са тим и два супротна стања у вечности. Свевишњи је створио, како је речено у познатом парадоксу, "камен који Сам не може да подигне" - ако, наравно, "камен" то не жели. Окамењеност грешника у свом личном избору не дозвољава (употребићемо категорички израз) Богу да загреје и одухотвори његову душу љубављу, иако га та љубав окружује као што ваздух окружује онога ко је престао да дише. У Оригеновом систему има много логичких грешака, непромишљености, на шта су указивали многи истраживачи. Рецимо, безусловно очишћење сваког грешника не гарантује његову даљу добровољну праведност. Ориген је тако и сматрао, да ће очишћене душе затим опет и опет поново падати и опет бити послане у тела. Опет се јавља исти овакав свет и све креће изнова. Смисао материјалног света се губи у кружењима услед падова разумних бића. Овде је, међутим, важно разумети да ствар уопште није у одсуству систематичне логичности. Јер ако прилазимо само са рационалне тачке гледишта, може се замерити и систему православне догматике. Присетимо се, међутим, да се Свети Оци и велики хришћански богослови, чије мисли испуњују систем православне догматике, нису ослањали само на људску логику и промишљеност богословског система са позиције земаљских наука. Ослањали су се пре свега на Божанско Откровење. А тамо ми потпуно јасно читамо: "И ови ће отићи у муку вјечну, а праведници у живот вјечни" (Мт. 25:46) - као што ће блаженство праведника бити вечно, на исти начин ће бити и муке непокајаних грешника The following are in the evening, and that $4 some thoughts of an elderly Serbian Orthodox would buy milk, eggs, and bread for a week. woman living alone in a low income housing "One lady here has a total income of unit in our local area: $243 a month. She pays $127 of that for Blue Loneliness is the worst disease in the Cross. She isn't 65 yet, and is not eligible for world!" Medicare. A movie, or entertainment, or "It sneaks up on a person, especially anything else that costs money would be out the elderly, and invades every muscle, joint, of the question. and organ and the brain. The only cure is love. "Many of us have kids who live "It Is so easy to love, but many people nearby, but they have never been in the today just don't have the time to care. Such a apartments. They don't have time. pity. Our grandchildren, our kids, and yes, we "Some of us get so depressed that we drink ourselves are the losers. Our lives could be so to block out the loneliness. Some of us get enriched and not cost a penny, if we only had physically ill... Many of us are on 3 or 4 the time. medications, and go without food to pay for In our building that is mostly what we the medications. have. Time. If only our kids or grandchildren "BUT MOST OF ALL WE MISS had 15 minutes for a cup of coffee...we need OUR SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH. them now, not at our funeral,. OUR CHURCH AS WE REMEMBER "Many women live in this building HER WAS LOVELY WITH A BEAUTIthat was built for low income, elderly people. FUL LITURGY AND WORSHIP. BUT, There are a few couples and some handicapped, OUR CHURCH HAS FORGOTTEN US. but mostly who live alone in one-room apartwe HOPE GOD HASN'T... ments. "If only the priest, or a parishioner "I cannot list ail the heartache and would REACH OUT and call or visit, then agonies. Some of us are widows, some divorced, we would believe that God has not forgotten and some separated from husbands. One thing us. And I know there are many other Orthowe have in common - we are poor. dox people of the Serbian Orthodox Church "Most of us spent our lives giving in similar cases: in mental hospitals, in priswhat we had to raising our children and in ons, in geriatric centers, in nursing homes... helping them financially after they were mar"we hope someone hears. How ried. We never thought that one day we would about "adopting " us. We don't have any be old, alone and broke. money, but we do have a lot of love to share. "Our rent is subsidized by the governcan't we be a part of the Serbian Orthodox ment. We could not afford to live otherwise. Church too?" "Sometimes the kids call and get irritated that we are not more active. They say, -an elderly Serbian Orihodox woman 'Get out, go to a movie.1 Well, a movie costs $

9 17 By Olga Theier Sacharov John of Damascus was the foremost defender of the veneration of icons during one of the most tur bulent periods in the history of the Church. "He lived in the first part of the eighth century in Syria, which at that time was under the rule of the Arabian Caliphate." St. John was born into a distin guished Christian family and received his education from a learned monk whom his father had purchased at a slave market. "Everything favored John, including his distinguished background, his personal charm and brilliance, and his excellent educa tion." Outspokenness Earns Enmity His qualifications were so outstand ing that he, a Christian, served at the court of the Moslem caliph. Pro fessionally, he occupied a position of great responsibility and trust at court and was deeply respected by the po tentate and the populace generally. As a layman, he was equally dedicat ed in his personal battle against the iconoclasts (disbelievers in the vene ration of icons) both through his ora tory and through his extensive and powerful writings. His outspokenness earned St. John the enmity of Byzantine Emperor Leo the Isaurian, the iconoclast. The cruel emperor vowed to destroy St. John (whom he considered his most articulate adversary. The king sent a letter in the forged handwriting of St. John to the caliph. Its contents were of a treasonable nature. The caliph unfortunately believed St. John was the real author of the denunciations and acted in true auto cratic fashion. For his act, he earned himself. The caliph decreed that the hand which he believed had written the treasonable letter be 18 severed and then hung in the public square for all to see and take heed. His order was carried out. The personal fortunes of John seemed to change from a meteoric rise to a disastrous and devastating fall. But the change was to earn him an unquestionable place in eternity. In the evening of the day the mutilation was committed, John sent the caliph a prayerful plea, delivered by his friends, in which he declared that he was in a state of increasing pain; he would have no comfort until the hand which hung in public disgrace was returned to him. The caliph sympathized with the martyr and granted the request. When night came, John closeted himself in his chapel, fell upon his knees before the icon of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child; he placed his severed right hand to his wrist joint. From the depths of his heart, filled with love and faith, he tearfully implored the Mother of God to heal his hand that he might employ it in the defense of Christianity and do battle against iconoclasm. Sees Blessed Virgin in Dream After praying a long while, John began to doze. In his dream he saw the Blessed Virgin with bright eyes looking mercifully upon him. "Your hand is well again," She said to John, "grieve no more but accomplish what you promised in your prayer." John slept the rest of the night without pain. He awakened to find that his hand was rejoined to his arm as before, but, as a reminder of this event, there remained a scar resembling a stream of blood. In memory of his miraculous recovery, John made a silver cast of his hand and attached it to the icon of His Benefactress. He placed it at the lower left in a horizontal position, so that a third hand appears to be extended from the folds of Her cape. From that day, this icon became known as the Icon of Our Lady of the Three Hands (Troyeruchitsa). Well Continue Parish Statistics BAPITISMS: No WEDDING: No FUNERAL : October 1, Michael Radan from Sacramento October 22, Jeromy R. Mitchell from Stockton PARASTOS: September 25, Bozidar Robert Golovich Memory be eternal! - Vecni pomen! KRSNA SLAVA; October 19, St. Thomas Sv. Toma George Saraba Family Happy Krsna Slava Sretna Slava! When your are making a donation to our Church, please note on the check (under the memo field) what it is for. This is because we have no way of knowing your intent for the donation. Otherwise, if there is no such notation, and if you are already a steward, the donation will automatically apply towards your stewardship. If you are not a steward, it will be applied as a church donation. Kada dajete prilog crkvi, molimo vas napi{ite na ceku ili koferti za{ta je namenjen. Jer druga~ije neznamo za{ta je taj novac namenjen onda novac ida za starateljstvo ako ste Staratelj crkve ako niste oda ide u generalni fond kao prilog. Hvala CHARGES FOR RELIGIOUS RITES - TREBE Steward Non-Steward Wedding $50 $500 Baptism Donation Donation Church Funeral Donation $300 Chapel $50 $300 Parastos Panihida $25 $100 Pomen $15 $ 50 Thanks to all those who help to assembling Shepherd for October Robert Miller, Protinica Milica Popovic, Luba Karnaookh, Paula Kordic, Mara Miljkovic, Margaret Chernay, Rada Knutson, ANXIETY Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its trials it simply emptiness today of its joy. Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of it sorrow-it emptiness today of its strength

10 19 STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM 2011 Stewardship is our financial response to God and His Church. Through our financial commitment our Parish will be able to carry on its programs for all its members. Please fill your stewardship card and mail it to the Church office. God has given us everything we have. He expects from us a generous portion of our blessings for the needs of His Church. Starateljstvo je ne{ finansiski odgovor prema Bogu i Njegovoj crkvi. Kroz na {a nov~ano obavezivanje na{a parohija bi}e u mogu}nosti di ispuni sve njene programe prema svim parohijanima. Molimo vas popunite KARTU STARATELJSTVA i po{aljite je u crkvenu kancelariju. Bog nam je dao sve {to imamo. On i o~ekuje od nas dobar deo od blagoslov nam dati za potrebe Njegove crkve. We are grateful to the following Stewards of our parish family for their pledge of support to the Church and her ministries for 2011 Anne Cippa Horia & Joanna Groza Wladimir & Helene Korbe Steve & Gail Kosach 20 Anna Lisnich Boris & Draginja Petrovich Proto & Protinica Popovic Milanka Radosavljevic Dave Sokitch Connie Ziacan MANAGERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD According to Webster, a steward is "one employed in a household or estate to manage domestic concerns; one who actively directs affairs; a manager or a supervisor." At first, these things may seem to have little to do with the Church. During the Divine Liturgy, the priest elevates our offerings of bread and wine before God while exclaiming "Thine own of Thine own, we offer unto Thee in behalf of all and for all." Herein lies the very essence of stewardship. Everything we possess has been given to us by God: "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell in it" (Psalms 24:1). Consequently, since we possess nothing apart from God, we can only offer Him that which He first offered us. The gifts which God shares with us are His; we, as members of His household, the Church, are responsible for the proper use and management of His gifts, thereby enabling the Church to experience "bodily growth and upbuild itself in love." As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace; whoever speaks, as one who utters oracles of God; whoever renders service, as one who renders it by the strength which God supplies; in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ... I Peter 4:10,11 This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. I Corinthians 4:1. N O V E M B E R 2010 Sunday Nedelja Monday Ponedeljak Tuesday Wednesday Utorak 1 Th Sreda 2 ^ 3 DIVINE 7 24th Sunday after Pentecost Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. 24-ta Nedelja po Duhovima Gospel. Lk. 8:41-56; Epistle: Eph. 2:14-22; 14 25th Sunday after Pentecost Sts. Cosmas & Damian Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. 25-ta Nedelja po Duhovima 8 St. Demitrious MITROVDAN Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am Nov. 14, 2010 Stewardship Sunday 15 Gospel. Lk. 10: 25-37; Epistle: Eph. 4:1-6; 21 26th Sunday after Pentecost Archangel Michael 9 AKATIST at 6:00pm Bible Study at 6:30pm 16 St. George \ur ic Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. 26-ta Nedelja po Duhovima Gospel. Lk. 12:16-21; Lk. 10:16-21; Epistle: Eph. 5:9-19; Heb. 2:2-10; 28 27th Sunday after Pentecost Nativity Fast beg AKATIST at 6:00pm Bible Study at 6:30pm 24 St. Stephen of Decani MRATINDAN Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. 27-ma Nedelja po Duhovima Gospel. Lk. 13:10-17; Epistle: Eph.6:10-17; MEMORIAL SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 DAN MRTVIH - ZADU[NICE DIVINE LITURGY at 9:00a.m. Follow with PARASTOS If you r Ako `

11 21 ALL ALTAR BOYS ARE ASKED TO SERVE WHEN ATTENDING CHURCH NOVEMBAR sday Friday rtak Saturday Petak Subota 5 4 MORIAL SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6 6 DAN MRTVIH - ZADU[NICE URGY at 9:00 a.m. Follow with PARASTOS Reader Schedule 12 Memorial Saturday ZADUSNICE Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. 13 Vespers- VE^ERNJE 6:00 p.m. Confession Ispovest- Vespers- Ve~ernje 6:00 p.m. Confession Ispovest- 25 nksgiving day n Zahvalnosti Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am 26 St. John Chrisostom Sv. Jovan Zlatousti Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am November Novembar 7 Reader: Jovan Tica Gospel. Lk. 8:41-56; Epistle: Eph. 2:14-22; November Novembar 14 Reader: Dimitri Karnaookh Gospel. Lk. 10: 25-37; Epistle: Eph. 4:1-6; Message to all readers: Please make note of the days you are to read and make plans to come to church before 10:00 a.m. November Novembar 21 Reader: Mirjana Susa Gospel. Lk. 12:16-21; Lk. 10:16-21; Epistle: Eph. 5:9-19; Heb. 2:2-10; November Novembar 28 Reader: Rade Radulovich Gospel. Lk. 13:10-17; Epistle: Eph.6:10-17; 27 Vespers- Ve~ernje 6:00 p.m. Confession Ispovest- December Decembar 5 Reader: Nenad Popovic Gospel. Lk. 17:12-19; Epistle: Col. 1:12-18; INFORMATION FOR DECEMBER SHEPHERD If anyone has anything they would like to add to the Shepherd, the last day to send information is November 15th. CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? - MENJATE ADRESU nning to move, please let us know before changing your address. a se preselite na drugu adresu obavestite nas pre nego se preselite. ite to Pi{ite nam na Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7777 Sunset Ave. Fair Oaks, Ca INFORMACIJE ZA DECEMBARSKI PASTIR Ako imate ne{to da bi `eleli da date za mese~ni Pastir, zadnji dan za to je 15 Novembar Nazovite Protu Dana ili po{aljite po{tom.. 22 DONATION FOR September 2010 Brcic Triplets Donation missing from lost month's report Vladimir Otasevic Family $ Branko & Asima Rajak $ Zarko, Nedeljka & Jovana Petrovic...$ Anonymous $ Premil & Ana Gojkovic family.... $ Proto & Protinica Popovic....$ John & Nevenka Kordic.... $ Ilija & Anna Bradaric $ Stanley & Vesna Mojsich......$ Mirjana Markovic $ Nada Kosanovic $ Milanka Radosavljevic.... $ Ljubisa Ristic......$ George & Mary Mileusnic.... $ Nikola & Zorka Tica Family..... $ Milena Stanisic.....$ Jovana Cubrilo Familia...$ Dusanka Medic $ Anonymous.....$ Obren & Vinka Petrovic.....$ Milan Tica Family... $ Arkadije & Dragana Djukic $ Family Crnobrnja......$ Anonymous.... $ Pavle Paunovic.... $ Zeljko Janjic.... $ Ivica & Brankica Markovic.... $ Andja Cvjetkovic $ Ivanka Stefanovic $ Tanja Balaban..... $ Slavko & Milica Turjacanin....$ Bogdanka Babocaic.... $ Paula Kordic $ Frances Havens $ David Sokitch..... $ Zagorka Radulovich.... $ Ilija & Sharon Cvetich $ Melita Zivkovic...$ 50.0 Radomir & Branka Cubrilo Familia... $ 50.0 Lazar & Milojka Saraba......$ 50.0 Konstatin & Barbara Lobodovsky.....$ 50.0 Anonymous.....$ 40.0 Mladen Bozanovic...$ 40.0 Anonymous.....$ 40.0 Janjic $ 40.0 Dragan Cvjetkovic $ 40.0 Anonymous..$ 40.0 Savo, Bosa, Teodora & Maria Petrovic...$ 40.0 Todor & Milena Rajak.... $ 30.0 Mara Miljkovic... $ 30.0 Mirjana Cvjetkovic......$ 30.0 Pava Djordjevich.....$ 30.0 Donald & Nada Halkovic....$ 25.0 Velika Pejovich $ 25.0 Robert & Zorka Gojkovich..... $ 25.0 Anonymous. $ 20.0 Branko & Anica Radisic..... $ 20.0 Desanka Mojsich.....$ 20.0 Anonymous..... $ 18.0 Marija Krapcevich $ 15.0 Anonymous... $ 5.0 Brkic Triplets Donations - checks made out to SOC Djoko & Mirjana Micanovic..... $ Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary....$ Nada Micanovic.$ In memory of Dragoljub Markovic Mirjana Markovic..$ 30.0 In memory of Petar Kentera Elia & Milena Kentera...$

12 23 24 FINANCIAL REPORT for September 2010 Plate.$ Candles.$ Stewardship...$ In Memory & other donations.$ Hall Rental...$ Church Fees. $ Interest Income...$ Slava Luncheon/Camp..$ Other..$ Apartment Rental $ Brkic Triplets.$ Wash Account..00 Total Income for September $ EXPENSES Diocese Fees.$ Priest s Salary....$ Payroll Taxes... $ Administration.$ Priest s Benefits...$ Charitable Giving.$ Education..$ Socials/Banquets..$ Church Worship...$ Building & Grounds. $ Miscellaneous. $ Brkic Triplets..$ Total for September $ Excess of Income over Expenses $ Wash Account $ Other Church Donations Margaret Chernay - Altar Vestments donations $ Natalie Fitzpatrick Altar Vestments donations $ Father & Popadija Weir For Belgrade Choir members... $ Camp T-shirts donation. $ Fr. James & Jacqueline Barfield... $ Brian & Maria Popovac for Belgrad theological choir students.$ Kim Glazzard...$ Nadezhda Kirilova Koseva..$ Thanks to Konstatin & Barbara Lobodovsky for donating speakers and electronic equipment for our hall sound system. OUR THANKS TO Branko Rajak for donating his labor to repair the electrical circuits for our sign out front and repairing the numbers It has been often said not to judge a book by its cover. We have heard this many times and understand it to mean that oftentimes what we read between the covers is not necessarily what we perceive on the outside. There might be an outlandish call to buy the book - a promise of interesting and exciting reading. But the proof of a book's worth to us is to read it; we need to go beyond the outside and get to the core of the matter - the printed pages within' Another caution given us many times is never to accept things at face value. The Stoics were masters of deceit. It could rarely be understood what they were thinking and feeling with their expressionless faces. But the countenance of a person many times DOES tell a story. It radiates joy, sadness, inner peace and suppressed anger. It tells a story of what burns in the heart. The face of the Orthodox Christian whose heart is anchored in the love of God cannot help but express this love in his countenance. For the picture of what lives in his heart cannot be hidden by any masked features. His face will glow and defy any attempt to cloak it. We can, perhaps, act happy when indeed we are sad but it is most difficult to do the opposite. We find it extremely difficult to act happy when indeed we are sad within. But there is no deceit in the face of the genuine Orthodox Christian, one who lives according to the precepts of Christ's teachings. He cannot diminish the intensity of the Light of the Holy Spirit. He cannot suppress the love of God bursting forth from his soul. The saints had it. We can aspire to it. Let's take a look at what the Scriptures teach us about this. In Exodus 34: 29 "WHEN MOSES CAME DOWN FROM MT. SINAI, HIS FACE HOWN BRIGHTLY." Matthew 17:2 "AND HE WAS TRANSFIGURED BEFORE THEM AND HIS FACE DID SHINE AS THE SUN AND HIS RAIMENT WAS WHITE AS THE LIGHT," Luke 9:29 "AND AS HE PRAYED IN GETHSEMANE, THE FASHION OF HIS COUNTENANCE WAS ALTERED AND HIS RAIMENT WAS WHITE AND GLISTENING." Ecclesiastes: 8:1 "WISDOM MAKETH THE FACE TO SHINE " On the other hand, we all know the opposite facial expression. It is one of dissatisfaction, turmoil, envy and even hate. What this face projects is unhappiness within, emptiness, depression and purposelessness. It indicates oftentimes a soul who is murmuring against God. It js a soul v^ho, somewhere along the line, has lost contact with the Spirit, As Holy Lent approaches we are warned by Christ in Matthew 6:16 "MOREOVER WHEN YOU FAST, BE NOT AS THE HYPOCRITES, OF A SAD COUNTENANCE (FACE), FOR THEY DISFIGURE THEIR FACES," It is interesting to note the purity and innocence of children in their tender years. We answer the knock on the door ami are greet on Halloween by the most fearsome looking creatures - but under each mask is the glowing, smiling face of the tender-hearted. Children cannot mask their joy as they go about receiving their little treats. The face of a person, more than not, tells a story i The aged cannot hide the lines and deep indentations of a long life, of widsom, of pain and sorrow. Only the smile changes all that - the face is then transformed into something quite different. The bereaved family, with the loss of a loved one, cannot mask what they feel in their hearts. The pain of the hospital patient is found in his countenance. So too the happiness expressed by the newlymarried, the victor, the one who accomplishes a great feat - all express faces of joy. The radiance and glow of the face of the devout Orthodox Christian who experience the joy of the Lord indicates a closeness with God which is but a foretaste of the Promise - meeting God face to face. In 1 Cor: 13:12 we learn "FOR NOW WE SEE THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY, BUT THEN FACE TO FACE." No one has seen God but we pray someday to do just that. With prayer we can all put on a happy face. And what is that? It is a face the glow of which is generated from the fires of the heart

13 25 26 By Ann landers If Jesus came to your home to spend a day or two If He came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do. Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored Guest, And all the food you'd serve Him would be the very best, And you would keep assuring Him you're glad to have Him there - That serving Him in your home is a joy beyond compare. But, when you saw Him coming would you meet Him at the door. With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly Visitor? Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in, Or hide some magazines, and put the Bible where they'd been? Would you turn off the radio and hope He hadn't heard, And wish you hadn't uttered that last, loud, hasty word? Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out? Could you let Jesus walk right in, or would you rush about? And I wonder if the Saviour spent a day or two with you, Would you go right on doing the things you always do? Would you go right on saying the things you always say? Would life for you continue as it does from day to day? Would your family conversation keep its usual pace, And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace? Would you sing the songs you always sing and read the books you read, And let Him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed? Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you'd planned to go, Or would you, maybe, change your plans for just a day or so? Would you be glad to have Him see your very closest friends, Or would you hope they'd stay away until His visit ends? Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on, Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone? It might be interesting to know the things that you would do, If Jesus came in person to spend some time with you. Friendship You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you DEAR ANN: We have only one son. He was an outstanding student won a scholarship to an Ivy League school and while studying there, he married. His wife's family is wealthy but took the position that it's a husband's responsibility to support his wife. WE supported them both generously until he passed his bar examination. Today he is a prominent lawyer. His wife never cared for us, was always unfriendly, antagonistic and sarcastic. They have two children. We continue to be generous. We never missed an occasion to present them with a lovely gift for example, a new car for a birthday and we airconditioned their home for their anniversary. They are always happy to accept anything we give them. We have expected very little in return except love and thoughtfulness. Yesterday was my birthday and they plumb forgot it. We are considering changing our wills, leaving a substantial amount to charity or medical research, and would like to know what you think about this. Should we tell them how we feel, especially since nothing can be done about it anyway? Should we announce that we intend to divert some of the inheritance (which they un doubtedly expect to get)? It may ruin our relationship and hurt us more than them. Or should we just shut up and carry on as before? -FORGOTTEN BUT NOT GONE YET DEAR FORGOTTEN: I see no reason to make any an nouncements. Parents don't owe their children gifts or inheritances. The next time one of their birthdays or anniversaries rolls around, just skip it. And keep skipping it. If any questions are asked simply say, "We decided to cut out the giftgiving since it was a one-way street." If they don't shape up, I see nothing wrong in leaving the money to charity, church or medical research. The kids can have the heirlooms the house, the car and the family Bible. You Are Light If we should hide our shining light And not reflect God's Son, Then how will people in sin's night Be guided, helped and won? Some minds are concrete...all mixed up and permanently set If absence makes the heart grow fonder, some people must really love the church. Let our gifts be according to our prosperity, lest the Lord become displeased and make our prosperity according to our gifts

14 27 28 WHY WORSHIP INCREASES WEALTH acorns. He uses them for his good, but he never looks higher than the ground on which he finds them. FARMER BROWN'S PIG ENJOYS EATING... IN FACT, THAT IS THE ONE THING THAT HE REALLY SPENDS A LOT OF TIME DOING. He can usually be found Farmer Brown's pig spends his time enjoying his "blessings" without ever looking up. He never thinks about where all of those good things he likes come from. We often laugh at him because he is a pig, but when we fail to realize that God is the source of the many good and perfect gifts that come from on high, we are much like the pig. under the large oak tree in the corner of Farmer Brown's pig pen. He especially likes it there because that part of the pig pen has everything that he needs. In the hot summer time, Farmer Brown's pig enjoys the shade of that large oak. He can spend hours there in the coolness of the shade of that tree. Although he enjoys that shady spot a great deal, he never bothers to look up to see what makes the ground such a good place to be. Under that same tree is a big mud hole that Farmer Brown's pig wades around in and lays down in several times a day. The rain that falls from the sky keeps it filled, but the pig never bothers to look up and see where the water comes from. He just enjoys the mud hole. In the fall of the year, he eats bushels of acorns that fall from the tree. He finds them on the ground and gobbles them up without ever looking up to see where they came from. He likes the Don't be guilty of only looking at your blessings, without also looking up to see where they have come from. As God blesses us with all the things we have, we should be will ing to return some of these blessings. Returning to God a fair portion of our blessings shows that we know where our blessings come from and shows that we are thankful to God for what we have been given. 27 This question in a recent issue of Money magazine got my attention: Can going to church make you rich? According to the magazine, the answer is "yes." The article went on to say that "doubling church attendance raises income by 10%." Believe me, that got my attention. The author, David Futrelle, says that the claim is made by Dr. Jonathan Gruber. an economist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Gruber studied the relationship between a person's faithfulness at worship and their income. In trying to understand why income increased for steady worshippers, he concluded that there were at least three reasons: 1.Schmoozing (i.e., relating to other worshippers in fellowship), which helped establish bonds and trust. 2. Support for one another during critical times such as illness, grief, losses, etc. 3. The fact that worship helps relieve and/or prevents serious worries, thus enabling bread-winners to focus more steadfastly on their jobs or investments. The central point seems to be that fellowship with God and others enables worshipers to be more productive and creative in their work, strengthens the stewardship of their possessions, and improves the way they invest time, talent, and financial resources. My personal testimony is that worship clears my mind and soul of the unnecessary and unimportant, thus enabling me to focus on using my God-given gifts to be creative, which in turn increases income. Furthermore, worship has taught me to treat my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and thus not abuse it with alcohol, tobacco, over-eating, or being physically lazy. Nor will I deplete my resources by gambling. I do not mean to boast, but each year, even in retirement, I have a higher income than the year before. It has been so for many years. It amazes me. Therefore I can affirm what Dr. Gruber found in his research: worship can indeed increase your income and your stewardship in every way. REMEMBER TO SAY "THANK YOU" TO GOD We call God "Father," and like children, we expect God to provide for us. Of course, he does. God's generosity is greater than our ability to appreciate. Perhaps that's why when we pray, we thank God less than we should. We expect that the sun will rise every morning, and we pray for cloudless skies (if we have a picnic planned) or for rain (if our crops need it). Yet even when we get what we've asked for, how often do we really say "Thank you" for it? Or do something in return? Again, like children, we just expect good things to be provided. That's how things are supposed to be. So how special is it to a parent to receive a hug and a whispered, "You're the best, Dad" from a daughter, or an "I cleaned up my room without being asked, Mom." So why not try, "I made sandwiches at a soup kitchen, Lord," or "I joined the choir?" ST. AUGUSTINE "Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remain der which you do not require is needed by others. The super fluities of the rich are the necessities of the poor. Those who retain

15 29 what is super fluous possess the goods of others," Dear Editor My wife and I had often discussed tithing and we knew that someday we would join the crowd, but first we had three teenagers to see through high school and college. Our daughter need ed extensive ortho dontist work and our little retirement cabin needed plumbing and electricity to make it more pleasant. Every time my wife pressured me about starting to tithe, I solemnly promised her that just as soon as we had everything under control we would start to tithe. Then one night a few weeks after her 40th birthday, she complained of numbness in her left arm. Within two hours she was dead. Oxygen, heart massage, nothing changed the fact that she was dead. The following Sunday when I was preparing the church envelope, I remembered all my glib promises to her. She had been willing to tithe three or four years before. I was the one who had to have everything squared away first...and now I had nothing. The graces of God and time have softened my bitter memories. Now I live each day for today and I make no more glib promises about the future. I tithe on each paycheck today because only God knows if there will be a tomorrow. W.W. Cassel, California 30 WHAT IS YOUR LIFE SAYING? The Bible says not to worry about what we will eat or drink or how we will clothe ourselves. (Mt.6:31) But this verse is not just about worry. It's about focus. You see, when we're focused on what we believe we don't have, we wrongly believe we have nothing to give. Our focus is on ourselves. Matthew 6:33 goes on to say, "But seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be yours as well." God wants to bless us. God also wants to use us to bless others. When we focus on ourselves, we don't feel joy in giving, nor do we even feel inclined to give. When our focus is on God, we trust that God will meet our every need, which frees us up to give our time, abilities and money in service to others. If you're finding yourself being stingy with what God has given you, ask yourself where your focus has been. When you're caught up in the things that matter most to God, such as loving others, showing mercy, praying for your enemies, and being a blessing to others, you don't even have to ask the question. Your life will say it all. TAKING CARE OF OUR RESOURCES The stewardship of this world is our responsibility. Christians have to be concerned with what goes on at home as well as abroad. We cannot sit back and watch the squandering of resources, human or natural. The final resolution of the question rests not with what churches do, but with what individuals do to face the problems of the world in which we live Parishioners hospitalized, sick at home or in nursing homes Proto Miladin Garic Nikola Dragovic Dusko Pesevic Persa Dragovic Dorothy Gojkovich Ana Mileusnich Olga & Irina Butin Boris Petrovic Zorica Popovic Ana Bozinovic Darinka Mitrovich Dejan Trailovi Nada Kosanovic Daisy Freeman Ana Lisnich Radovan Theodorovich Alexandra Fitzpatrick Milli Matacic George Melnikov Sandy Tobe Milos Kovac Belko Yovanovich Danica Ryder Dear Brothers and Sisters, please remember these people in your daily prayers. If you know anyone who is sick please let Father Dane know. He would like to visit them and pray for them. His telephone number is or We pray for your return to health and well-being. SHEPHERD SPONSOR for SHEPHERD SPONSOR for 2010 GOLD SPNOSORSHIP In Memory of my Father Josip Kadic & Grandmother Maria Jaksic 2010 GOLD SPNOSORSHIP In memory of my Parents Joseph Kadich Mane & Yeka Evasovich by Mike Evasovic BECOME A SHEPHERD SPONSOR FOR 2011 SHEPHERD SPONSOR for 2010 Se}anje na dragu majku Vlaisavljevicv Ljubica-Mal~a Sa neizmernom ljubavlju I du`nim po{tovanjem hvala ti, mama Dragan I Branka Can you be a Sponsor? Thanksgiving Lunch Donations We are collecting Donation for preparing Dinner on Thanksgiving Day for Homeless

16 31 32 Calendar of Events We are publishing a calendar of events so that you and your family can join us for these events. All are welcome and we hope to see you at Church, as well as these events. More details will follow. November 13, Dinner of appreciation November 14, Stewardship Sunday November 21, KSS Slava November 25, Feeding Homeless THANKSGIVING November 27, Dancing Vece zabave November 28 Christmas fast begins December 19. St Nicolas Day December 26 Serbian Mothers Day Your Church Board Welcomes you The Eastern Orthodox Church Continue... Jesus Orthodox Christians believe that " Jesus is the human way God chose to get close to us, to pull us up beside Him, to put His arms around us and say, "I love you." The bedrock of Orthodox Christianity is that Jesus is in a unique sense "the image of the invisible God" (Col. 1:15). The Holy Trinity The Orthodox Church accepts the teachings of the Holy Trinity because it preserves God in His fullness. To Or thodox Christians "God" means the Father who loves us, the Son Who saves, the Holy Spirit who abides within us. In the words of St. Paul, the fullness of God consists of "the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit" (2 Cor. 13:14). We believe that no one created by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and born again by the Holy Spirit should consider himself unimportant. Dr. Otto Nail, former Methodist Bishop of Minnesota, said once, "Orthodoxy stresses love... if Roman Catholic Christianity is the religion of the 'law', and Protestant Christianity is the religion of 'faith', then Orthodox Christianity is the religion of love. That shines through all its life." "So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love" (1 Cor. 13:13). by Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ On Saturday, November 13th, Fr. Bill and I will be hosting an appreciation spaghetti feed dinner. Vespers will be held at 5:00 PM and dinner will begin at 6:00 PM. This is an open event with no charges that we are sponsoring as a Thank you to those who organized and supported our recent Serbian Festival last month. It is open to anyone who worked to support this event or who are willing to work in support of the event next year. Our youth and their families are also invited for an evening of fellowship, dining and dancing and preparation for next year. We intend for this event to be an appreciation dinner for our festival supporters and those interested in working with us next year as well as a family supported youth gathering for fun and fellowship together in our common purposes. No charge, no reservation, nothing requested except your presence

17 33 Питање: ДА ЛИ НАМ ГОСПОД ОПРОСТИ ГРЕХЕ ЗА КОЈЕ СМО СЕ ИСКРЕНО КАЈАЛИ, А НИСМО ИСПОВЕДИЛИ? Уколико се присетим неког свог греха из ранијих дана и помолим се Богу и покајем се најискреније, из свег срца, а није време поста или је средина недеље, а те недеље нисам постила... Јер човек је грешно биће, тако и сама, свесно или несвесно згрешим и често се присетим својих ранијих грехова за које се покајем али, временом, заборавим да исповедим, јер на исповести, све и да хоћу, не могу се свих својих грехова сетити у том тренутку, већ оних који ме највише тиште. Надам се да сте ме схватили, разумели, шта сам хтела рећи... Сваки дан се Богу молим да опрости како моје грехе, тако и грехе мојих ближњих и са великом вером и љубављу се надам да ће моје молитве бити услишене. С великим поштовањем Одговор: Ја не знам да ли Бог опрашта грехе онима који се нису исповедали, јер ја не знам Његове онтолошке покрете кроз неко условљено правило које би могла Црква да определи као неки образац. Али сигурно знам да нема покајања приватног, тог организованог у неким личним нормама па да се тиче Цркве која за њега и не зна. Исповест је покрет Цркве у нама, када са испуњава и та Тајна Божија, када се молитвама заједнице у љубави нама опрашта грех, а пре свега грех против ближњег. Треба се сетити борбе Цркве за човека, т.ј. оног момента када Господ говори својим ученицима како да исправљају грешника; да то чине насамо, па затим пред неколико сведока, па пред Црквом и тек онда да се предају у тој борби за брата свог (Мт, 18, 15-17) - ако и тада? Црква у свом учењу ипак класификује наше погрешке на личне, т.ј. оне против нас, и на оне озбиљније и много горе које су рушилачке у односу на нашег ближњег, а самим тим и против Цркве. Грех против ближњег је разграђивање Цркве у нама, и он је много озбиљан, јер ако се у нашем брату не нађе Бог онда у таквом личном стању нама се не открива ни Црква. То је природна реалност односа према суштини о којој говоримо. То можемо да видимо у молитви коју презвитер узноси приликом вршења ове свете Тајне, када се за покајника моли: "и причисли га Цркви Твојој". Свако рушење "образа" (иконе) Божијег у нашем ближњем јесте и рушење Цркве у нама. Стање греха члана Цркве је и реалан однос према њој у којем се она негира и он је путем њега губи. Како да то објасним? Видите, у отсуству богопознања скоро се све у Цркви апстрахује као да она уопште није овде са нама, т.ј као да нема реалних људи у њој и тог њиховог реалног односа у њој. Многи предлажу неку "цркву" која је далеко од људи, као да она спасава неког другог негде у апстрахованим доменима а не овог јадног човека поред нас. Сав проблем се открива у једноставном питању: а да ли ми њу чинимо као "соработники Христови" (како то једна стихира каже)? Да ли ми тим реалним путем њу остварујемо у нама, и нас у њој? Знате, човека треба спасавати а не да правимо умске акробације у одрицању ближњег поред нас, и овом здравом учењу узимати стварност и претварати га у идеологију - у нестварност! Хришћанство није идеја, нити сад пак нека наука о њој - идеологија! Управо у реченом разни теолошки покрети не разумеју суштинске ствари, па и те свете Тајне, и због тога их волшебно исповедају, и то са неким очекивањем магичног исхода без "сарадништва" Христу (соработники). Дакле, без рада, т.ј. без христоуподобљења. Једино у отсуству овог суштинског може да се развије бесмислена полемика "достојног или недостојног причешћа", са свим тим њеним погрешним постулатима на којима се она "научно" гради. И како год да се ова тема покрене она се не суочава са суштинском проблематиком, јер у отсуству реалне богопотражње предлаже се фиктивно богопознање, у том јаком процесу апологије пале људске природе, а не борбе, или у крајњем случају неслагања са њом. Дакле, не смемо да апстрахујемо Тело Христово (идеолошки представимо); нити у њему Цркву; нити начине тог животворног односа људи у њој који се показују у њему, и дакако то поистовећење са њим. Ми не можемо да се исповедамо само ради нас, посебно тада када одбацујемо замисао, или систем нашег спасења, у којем централно место заузима човек поред нас ближњи. Таква исповест о којој ви говорите неће да одржи свој смисао, а у крајње толерантном реченом она је највише половична, јер је пред Црквом неостварена. Ако се ми искрено покајемо ми ћемо искрено и да затражимо опроштај, или од ближњег или од Цркве као целог. И зато присуство свештеника није оно "латинско" - као се то неколико векова разумело - да сад он читањем молитвене формуле "опрашта" наше грехе, него је он ту као човек, као сведок у име Цркве, да чује ваша унутрашња ломљења, па и она срамна (тајна, или "персонална"... као се то најчешће каже), да вас као човек поред вас наведе на стид. Суштина је у томе да се суочити са негодовањем Цркве на вас, и да у ломљењу своје гордости њега и прихватите, и да у том правом кајању (због стида) одређене грехе и непонављате. А ако сте слаби и њих понављате то ће да говори о духовном ступњу и вашим духовним вредностима, јер нажалост и поред наше греховности ми поведеним сујетом чак тражимо и нека наша висока котирања у Цркви. А то бива када ми опредељеујемо наше вредности (неким самопокајањем), и зато се данас многи грешници налазе на местима на којима морално и етички уопште немају права да буду. 34 Наш је проблем што ми увек међу људима желимо да покажемо себе више од оног колико ми вредимо; сликамо слику о себи коју нашим тајним гресима уопште незаслужујемо. Исповест је ту и да нас она сачува од тог лицемеија и тшчеславија, да се барем постидимо сазнања нашег ближњег за оно што ми у својој слабости радимо. Тај стид, та последица одговроности и искрености и јесте реално кајање, а тамо неко "самокајање" најбрже ће да се претвори у форму која ће да нас само психолошки ослобаћа од погрешног живота али не и суштински, т.ј. литургички. Тај лични грех не може да се једноставно сагледа, јер и он носи ту своју различитост, када га један од њих одваја од Цркве, јер неки греси директно руше благодат у нама. Дакле, сва та проблематика је тешка, јер по Светим Оцима који нас уче ми видимо да нам се греси често допуштају и као средство које треба да нас одржи у смирењу да се неби изродила гордост. Гордост је царица свих грехова, и она је покретач свих њих. Лични или "тајни" греси су мање деструктиивни у односу на Цркву, али ону могу индивидуално да определе нашу везу са њом, када ми "рушимо тај храм Божији у нама" и тако губимо благодат. Они јесу лакши стим што не носе јавну саблазан и духовно не убијају друге људе око нас, али могу итекако да руше нашу духовну личност и опасно подмукло да нас одвоје од Цркве. Наравно, тај начин преслишавања наших грехова о којима ви говрите јесте добар, али не сме да се они сагледавају као неки духовни елементи који не играју директну улогу у нама, и који се врло конкретно не остварују у односну на нешто или неког. Покајање није баш лака ствар, и често нам је потребна помоћ у њему са циљем да се оно не формализује и сваки грех олакао чини поведени тиме сазнањем да ћемо лако да га окајемо. Нека арбитража је овде потребна а ви сами себи не можете да будете судија. Зато...

18 35 апостол Јаков јасно тражи од нас "да се исповедамо једни другима", јер он каже да заједничка молитва исцељује, и да она има велику силу у Цркви (Јаков 5, 16). Исповест у савременим условима живота је добро питање за разговор. Покајање које изабирамо као "лично" - да, оно треба да се покрене раније, а сигурно је да је за то потребно размишљање о нашем духовном човеку којег најчешће заборављамо у нама, јер по слабости наше личности као хедонизму у овом животу руководимо се само телесним. По Богом даној словесности обавеза сваког човека је да свакодневно размишља о свом односу и вези са Богом ("религио"), о тој животвороној нити, а посебно онда када оне постају тање и и тање са огромном опасношћу да се и прекину. Дакле, то све је неопходно за процес покајања који ће касније да се у отсуству гордости и јавно покаже пред Црквом. Човек све своје грехе свршава у гордости или у преузношењу изнад животворних, или боље речено животоодржавајућих закона Божијих. И зато је потребно то лечити смирењем, т.ј. унижењем себе пред истином у каквом се стању налазимо. Црква не одбацује грешнике, али одбацује "лаж"о нашим гресима, јер је сам ђаво лаж (диаволос= клеветник, лажов). Због тога је она установила свету Тајну исповести која се даје као механизам да се наша гордост сломи и пред људима покаже да ми ништа нисмо бољи од других него само гори. Зар се не каже "грешник од којих сам први ја", а неки заиста имају проблем да то признају а посебно људи од власти у Цркви. У светој Тајни исповести вама се јасно каже да је свештенолице "сведок пред Богом за оно што све кажеш пред њим", и зато он засигурно не "опрашта грехе", него то само Бог чини, јер је то једино у Његовој власти. Свешетник је човек, који је приустан у том тренутку, и као човек слуша ваше грехе - човек који по природи односа, или општења људи, треба да покрене истинито покајање. А оно је стид за учињено, у зависности од тежине греха. Издеклемовати Богу наше грехе и одмах затим деклартивно објавити покајање, у удобности вела тајне а све у заштити своје праве личности, дакле у гордости да покажемо и какви смо, јесте лажно покајање. А то је "нормално" - у норми грехом корумптираних наших духовних покрета, јер се у Заједници увек тражи наше препознавање од нашег ближњег, и оно нас "храни" да би се "ми осећали добро". То што се ми "осећамо добро" није права духовна слика о нама, него је пристрасна зато што је ми сликамо а не наш ближњи. Дакле, самопокајање као неко духовно ослобађање које носи психолошку природу а не духовну може да нас заведе, да се ми "осећамо добро" а у самој ствари да смо у свему деструктивни. И то се класично зове прелест! У жељи да вас ничим не збуним желим да вам кажем да ви можете у себи да зачнете покрете покајања али треба да знате да без Цркве не можете њега да остварите, а посебно тада када се оно тиче наших грешака против ближњег (а они су најчешћа препрека заједничарењу Тела, што је св. причешће). Добро је што размишљате о својим гресима, и то што се кајете, али то није довољно ако се на тој "лествици" остане (св. Јован Лествичник). У томе може да се створи систем "самозаштите" (сладуњаве уљуљканости), и у њему ће најчешће да градите сигурност ваше непостојеће личности, оне коју само ви опажате и те норме опажања су ваш суд а не Цркве. Добра је пракса да се на Литургији исповедате стим што би је у потунисти у себи испунили по примеру првих хришћана, али кроз исксутво Цркве како то она нама данас предлаже. Кроз послушање! Дакле, добро је да ви пред свако причешће присуствујете на Литургији дана - а то значи СВИМ богослужењима једне литургијске пуноће дана (дакле не само "Литургији" како то данас неки покушавају да "прогурају" и легализују), и по канону који не трпи "кашњење" на све те службе ви можете и да приђете светој чаши. Ако се деси супротно ви сте једноставно "каснили"! У том пуном богослужбеном дану ви се едукујете о нашој вери, и ви такође имате много времена за самопреслишавање ваше духовне личности, и у зависности од вашег унутрашњег мира и савести да светим причешћем потврдите ту животворну везу са Телом, остварујући га и вашим животом. Дакле, нашим сарадништвом Господу Исусу Христу, оваплоћеном Логосу, у Његовом домостроју нашег спасења. Кажем сарадништву зато што постоји наша слободна воља да то и не чинимо. А грех и наша смрт је злоуоптреба наше слободне воље. Све је просто и једноставно у нашој вери. А једино је тешко да ми смртни живимо по Богу Живом, по законим живота, јер наша смрт чини да то буде "тешко". Strength 36 worry of life that robs us of strength and breaks down our faith. If your day is hemmed with prayer, it is less likely to unravel. The good man, like a bouncing ball, springs ever upward from a fall. Knowing the Scripture is one thing; knowing the Author is another. When a pessimist thinks he is taking a chance, the optimist feels he is grasping a great opportunity. You lose a lot of battles in the process of winning the war. God, grant me the strength of heart, God tends to use the one nearest Of motive, and of will, To do my part Him. and falter not Your purpose to fulfill. Christians should give so much time to the improvement of self that they God does not love you because you have no time left to criticize others. are important, you are important because God loves you. Men occasionally stumble over the Without faith, we are as stained glass windows in the dark. truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened. It is not the work of life, but the.

19 37 We are planning to use the January Issue of the Shepherd as a means of extending Christmas greetings to each other. If you are planning to send greetings for Christmas, do so in the Shepherd 1/4page=$15.00; 1/2page=$30:00; Full page = $50:00; You may design your own message or we can help you. Some examples and ideas are shown below. Please pick your card by number. Svojoj rodbini, kumovima i prijateljima ~estita nastupaju}e praznike uz radosni pozdrav, #1 MIR BO@JI HRISTOS SE RODI! May you have a joyous Christmas and may our Father above grant many New Year s blessings to you and those you love MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR #2 If you want to have your greeting in the January edition, you must deliver your greeting and payment to Fr. Dane before Dec. 18th BO@I]NE ^ESTITKE Wishing you a beautiful Christmas and New Year of peace and happiness #3 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all SRETAN BO@I] I NOWA GODINA Planiramo da i ove godine u Januarskom Pastiru objavimo va{e Bo`i}ne ~estitke upu} #4 ene vama i va{im dragim prijateljima i rodbini preko crkvenih novena. Ako `elite da po{aljete ~estitku u~inite to preko PASTIRA. 1/4 Strane=$15:00; 1/2 Strane=$30:00; Cela Strane = $50:00;. Jerry L. Cook III was Baptized on August 7, Jerry is the son of Anca and Ken DeBrul. Jerry s Kuma is Tonya Jankovich. Jerry s path to God and Orthodoxy started at an early age. His parents always planned to Baptize him, but time moved on and Jerry grew to be a man. Then Jerry met a 93 year old man in Auburn, CA. The man talked about God. He taught Jerry to trust in God. He taught Jerry to put your life in God s hands and believe He will protect you. Jerry decided to find God. He began to read the Bible. After reading 2/3s of the Bible ( something I always wanted to do ), Jerry knew the time had come to be Baptized. I wanted to solidify my life with God. I truly appreciate what is now going on in my life. Baptism is one of the best things I ve ever done. My life improved once I started reading the Bible. Since my Baptism, I am a different person. I am willing to share my faith and talk about God. Anything that I am and have is all from God. I make sure I thank Him every day. May God Grant His Newly Baptized Servant, Jerry, and Kuma, Tonya, Many Years Georgine Andeline Deniro was Baptized on August 22, The daughter of Georgio Deniro and Monica Popa, 6 month old Georgine cried before, during and after the ser vice was concluded. Monica stated that there were so many people that Georgine was frightened. Godparents Traianand Mariana Georgescu took the crying in stride they kept smiling. Even though there were no other family members present, Monica admitted that the day was special in my heart. The Church and all that happened during the service was beautiful. May God Grant His NewlyBaptized Servant, Georgine and Godparents, Traian and Mariana Many Years Petar Dmitrovic is recovering from a stay in the hospital. Please keep him close to your hearts in prayer so he may recover and return to Church fully restored in good health. May God Grant His Servant, Petar, Health and Many Years Father Dane is now taking names of those of us who would like to share a portion of their Thanksgiving Day with those who are in need. Once again, we will be helping serve meals to homeless people. This is a good time to encourage our children to participate in this community outreach program. Please watch the weekly bulletin and weekly s for details as we enter this season of Thankfulness. Please Father_Dane@yahoo.com or call Only by helping others do we help ourselves..

20 39 ings. They are not intentional or NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 576 FAIR OAKS, CA Marie Milovanovich and our Sunday School Staff and our Sunday School Students will be collecting food donations and cash donations starting October 15, 2010 (the first day of Sunday School classes) and continuing during the entire school year. As Marie stated, During this challenging time, we need to teach our children to help take care of others who are in need. All of us are struggling now. There will be a LARGE box on the table in our entrance hall starting on Oct. 15th. Each week in from our Village. I ask you to forgive all mistakes, misunderstandings and misspell- If you would like to be the sponsor of the next issue of the SHEPHERD please let us know willing to assist, we need volunteers to help in the Kitchen, set up and clean up the hall. Please notify, Miroslav Milovanovich ( ) OR Paula Kordic ( ) OR Protinica Mary Anne ( ).... May God Grant Connie Many Years CRAFTY TREASURES NOTE: For those who are all donations of food will be taken by a volunteer from our Sunday School and delivered to the Sunrise Christian Food Ministry. Our Church is one of the 29 local churches who participate in providing emergency food to families who are hungry. Approximately 550 families in the Fair Oaks, Citrus Heights and Carmichael area are fed EVERY MONTH! That represents a LOT of hungry children, Mothers and Fathers. All of us are being asked to contribute food not just the Sunday School staff and students. Food items that are needed are canned goods (ex. Tuna, canned meats, corn, green beans, etc.), boxed items (ex. Macaroni and cheese, cereals, crackers), peanut butter (18 oz. preferred) and jelly, dry beans, rice, instant potatoes. They also accept food supplies, paper or plastic grocery bags. It would be wonderful if each family decided to offer one bag of food per month. We could easily help feed families each month if we each offered a bag of groceries. Volunteers are also welcome at the Food Ministry. If you would like to donate time, food items or cash on your own, please call or visit Advent Lutheran Church at 5901 San Juan Avenue in Citrus Heights any day between 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Please give cash donations to Marie Milovanovich, If you give a Check donation, please identify the Sunrise Food Ministry in the memo section. If you would like to know more about the Food Ministry, please contact Luba Karnaookh. Please bring your bags of food starting Sunday, Oct. 15th. Please contact Protinica Mary Anne if you know someone who should be included Subscriptions for Shepherd Year $15:00 Monthly $ 1:50 group will be holding their 2nd Annual craft and gift show at our Cultural Hall on Thursday, Nov. 4, Friday, Nov.5 and Saturday, Nov. 6. For those who attended the show last year, you will remember the quality of goods available is quite unique. They have increased the number of crafters for 2010 as well as the type of goods available. The overall theme will be Christmas ALL are invited to come and do some early Christmas shopping while also helping our Church in a money making event. Each crafter pays to participate. This payment is then passed on to us. We are assisted in our financial needs and the crafters are assisted in their livelihood. A partial listing of offered goods includes: lotions, creams, soaps made by our own wellknown Connie Z.; ceramic tea pots made by Bonnie, a well-known crafter; homemade jams and jellies; toys; lovely woven table linens, blankets, table runners, head scarves, hats; a wellknown potter who has designed a special African violet container will be offering her unique pots; Christmas ornaments, Christmas wreaths and lots of free holiday cheer. Food will be available and is being catered by our own Miro s Catering. Please watch the weekly bulletin and s for updates on times Sunset Avenue Fair Oaks, California Connie Ziacan s Crafty Treasures fine crafters 40...

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