Secular Humanism. Author: Louis Reyneke. It is not the truth you know that will save you, but the truth you are

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1 Secular Humanism Author: Louis Reyneke It is not the truth you know that will save you, but the truth you are

2 Secular humanism Secular Humanist Theology No deity will safe us, we must save ourselves. Humanists consider all forms of supernaturalism as myths, to them God falls in the category of dragons and fairies. This implies that nature and the material is everything. Humanists are behind the move to throw Christianity out of the educational system, under the guise of separating church and state. Education never takes place in a moral or philosophical vacuum. If the larger question about human existence is not asked within the Judeo-Christian framework, they will be addressed with another philosophical or religious framework that is definitely not neutral. Humanism cannot in any fair sense apply to any one who still believes in God as the source and creator of the universe. (Paul Kurtz) Humanists maintain that the idea of a sovereign creator God was a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotism. Despotism: Absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, and depending alone on the will of the prince; as the despotism of a Turkish sultan. The next humanists believe is that man has no eternal soul and that immortality and life after death is a hoax. This atheistic viewpoint is clearly the cest pool out of which immorality and relative values are watered. Humanists must of necessity seek the fulfillment of man in the here and now of this world. This is indeed the ultimate self-serving belief. The humanist believes that man is supreme authority. According to the humanist manifesto there is no first cause, or creator of the universe but the universe is self-existing. To the humanist God is man deified. Instead of God creating the cosmos, the cosmos individualized in the form of human beings giving reign to their imagination, created God. Like cosmic humanism the humanists claims that modern science proofs the fallacy of the Bible. To John Dewey, science and scientific methods have exiled God and the supernatural to the dustbins of history. The shift in anthropology, psychology, science and literary criticism is not the result of new and more accurate scientific evidence, but is clearly the result of an atheistic, naturalistic belief system. To humanists, the Christian notion of lost and saved sheep is spiritual aristocracy and high arrogance. It is important to note that the anti- God theology of the humanist strips him of any purpose for living besides self-gratification. In his effort to deify himself, the humanist in actual fact demoted himself to a slave of his own appetites and desires. Secular humanist philosophy 1

3 Humanism is naturalistic and rejects the supernaturalistic stance with its postulated creator-god and cosmic Ruler. Humanists are hesitant to label their philosophy, since specifically defining the humanist position would imply that they believe that absolute truth exists. Humanists list a variety of philosophies like materialism, naturalism, organicism and other scientific theories that fit their worldview each holding the same tenet: the material world is all there is. Nature may be indeed broader and deeper than we know; any new discoveries, however, will but enlarge our knowledge of the natural whatever exists can be explained by natural causes; the supernatural cannot exist. Materialism denotes the same general attitude towards the universe as Naturalism. Darwinian evolution formed the basis for materialism. Materialism does not believe in anything that goes beyond the five senses and the material universe and that cannot be explained by science and laws. Evolution is the father of determinism witch states that any theory held by any man is the product of certain physical structures of the holderperhaps in the brain and body chemistry. All ideas of true and moral would only be the result of random motions of atoms in the brain. There can be no science of human behavior because human behavior is unpredictable. Evolution is also the father of relativism which state that truth is relative to the person, no ultimate truth exist and what is true for you is not necessarily true for me. Relativism denies the existence of a moral and eternal soul and is Satan s attack on the moralality of man. If everything is relative then society becomes amoral and there can be no such thing as right or wrong. The logical consequence is that every opinion is equally valid and this is praised as broad-mindedness. If materialism is all there is then occultism or any form of spirituality is simply a delusion. Whatever hope is placed in the laws of science on a venture into what is clearly spiritual is nothing but suicidal. Scientism is the exaltation of science that gives it unquestioned and final authority so that it is the religion of the materialist. Scientism is the psychological dominance of a materialistic philosophy into hardened dogma, masquerading as truth and authentic. Rather than admit a personal God science chose mysticism and postulates an impersonal force behind creation. Mysticism is at the root of the new age and is the process by witch a personal God is denied and described as a force only to be later replaced by the angel of light. The Greek mindset is conditioned to accept a scientific explanation and terminology for everything. The respectability of science gives mysticism and the occult the wide acceptance it receives even from the conservatives. The objective of the devil is to emotionalize and mythologize science so that in effect a belief in the demonic will creep in while the scientific mind remains closed to any belief in God or the spirit realm. 2

4 The spiritual is once again explained by evolution to be a highly evolved species that tries to make contact with man. The belief that man has unlimited and untapped human potential or that he can contact higher evolved beings through scientific methods makes him in real terms a Materialistic Magician. Science is still on the throne and tries to keep materialism alive in a non-physical realm where it has no authority; this is a recipe for deception and ultimate disaster. Men are set free from shortsighted materialism only to be caught and swallowed up in the occult. With science as the front devils can bring a whole new perspective on reality and truth to the world. Power to everybody brings greater conflict not peace. In most Eastern thinking gods are purveyors of energy and finally impersonal. The god is the vehicle of its energy and the energy involved determines the character of the god. If there is no God there is consequently no moral obligation towards Him. Everything is relative to the view and experience of the person and there is no right or wrong. If there is no right or wrong then it follows that every body s opinion must be of equal value. This is new age broadmindedness that discriminates only against those with fixed Biblical principals. This is in actual fact the worst kind of narrow mindedness because it eliminates all other points of view. The broadminded desire to refuse nothing and embrace everything denies the very real distinction between opposing views and impolitely refuses to take them seriously. If the devil cant destroy men by giving them each unlimited power to do so, he will encourage them to each have their own way at the cost of everybody else because after all who s to say that we cant gratify ourselves. This is real democracy (demoncracy) that insists on the rights of the immoral. Universalism: The belief that all people will eventually receive eternal life. Many different groups hold to universalism from various perspectives and for diverse (and sometimes opposing) reasons. This doctrine can be found among liberal Protestants and Catholics, the New Age, and most non-monotheistic world religions. Evolution relativism pantheism universalism The new age wants to make everything in the Bible physical laws (Christian science) and not moral law. Physical laws empower men while moral laws demand from men. The gospel of the occult is the promise of power to take charge of one s own life and get out of life what one desires. It cannot solve the moral bankruptcy of man. Science of the mind teaches that God is a supreme, creative universal power and that man controls his destiny by mental processes. Naturalism: all events follow scientifically explicable laws of cause and effect. The belief that there exist scientific procedures for the release of spiritual energy. It is another version of scientism. Christian science: the belief that the Bible holds formulas that are spiritual laws that when applied produce wealth, health and power. 3

5 Positive confession: the charismatic version of Christian Science and naturalism. The belief that faith is a law that activates the Force of faith. New Thought: Similar to Christian Science theology, however, it usually maintains the reality of matter. Rejects Christ as a person by explaining that the Christ is only a principle. New Thought believes the universe is mental, God is energy and prayer is the scientific technique to release God energy by applying laws. God is not part of creation and bound to the laws that He established to govern and maintain it. God is outside of His creation and supernaturally acts and intervenes against the laws that govern the material world. Those who try to pin God down to a set of rules and laws are motivated by a materialistic mindset. A miracle by any definition must violate the laws that govern the physical universe. The God we serve is outside and totally above his creation. That which is now seen and subject to laws will one day be destroyed. Evolution once again gives credibility to naturalism. It says that nature is all there is. The spiritual version of naturalism (faith movement et al.) teaches that God will act on certain spiritual laws if activated by the believer. This version is also known as Christian Science. Shamanism is based on the belief that the spirit world can be manipulated by thoughts in the mind firmly held (positive mental attitude), by words repeatedly spoken (positive confession) and mental pictures of the desired thing. The charismatic faith movement is a combination of naturalism and Christianity that is nothing but Christian Science and that makes the preacher a Shaman with a Gnostic edge (familiar with the secret formulas that brings salvation). Naturalism with its scientific explanation for everything makes its Christian version namely Christian Science nothing but a scientific paganism. Naturalism and scientism in the study of spiritual phenomena is also the father of parapsychology. The prestige of science backing the new paganism has guaranteed its acceptance by the educated world. Christian science is the practical religion that keeps man in control and reduces God to a force that works by laws. By definition everything that can be explained by scientific law, whether physical or spiritual, cannot be a miracle. Mans zeal to explain and control the spiritual led him into legalism and dead religion. The naturalist once again argue that new discoveries in science confirms that God does not exist and that the supernatural is nothing but lack of understanding and insight of natural laws. Naturalist s reason that whatever man cannot explain by natural laws is mistakenly categorized as spiritual or supernatural. Naturalists deny any design in the universe or nature for such a design will of necessity demand a designer. 4

6 Naturalist humanism can be defined as rejection of all forms of supernaturalism, pantheism, and metaphysical idealism, and considers man s supreme aim as working for the welfare and progress of all humanity in this one and only life, according to the methods of reason, science and democracy. The humanist cosmology states that there is no first cause and the universe happened by chance. No creator, no responsibility. Epistemology refers to ones theory of knowledge. Naturalism answers that everything in the universe is knowable, and science is the proper means of knowing it. Science has no means of obtaining knowledge about the supernatural and therefore the supernatural cannot exist. Faith in the methods and findings of science, it is said, is just as much faith as faith in the methods and findings of religion. Science has become the religion of the modern man. Humanistic psychology is the evangelist of Darwinism, trying to convince its hearers that man is simply the result of external stimulus and response and body chemistry and that soul is mind. This gospel is called Behaviorism. Behaviorism (Stimulus and response) states that the soul has conditioned response to stimuli and therefore can be controlled, programmed and studied as a law of science. Behavior modification is preached as science. To the behaviorist thoughts originate in the brain as the result of chemical and electrical processes. The truth however is that thoughts are the product of the soul which is outside of the brain and eternal. The laws of physics and chemistry applied to the brain cannot explain human personality. Instead of producing thought, brain activity is the result of thought. It thought is produced outside of and independently of the brain and therefore must be outside the physical dimension. It may be to the interest of science to turn a blind eye to the fact that thought is produced outside the brain, but it is not in the interest of truth. The human soul and spirit does the thinking and use the brain to communicate these thoughts to the body and physical dimension. Monism- the view that the universe and mind is strictly a physical phenomenon. Dualism- the belief that mind is more than a conglomeration of matter and that mind is outside the body. The monistic view of materialism, naturalism and humanism can only imply that the human consciousness, with its memory and awareness of self-identity will die with the body and cannot survive the disintegration of death. Evolution and natural selection created the human mind and is still at work to improve that mind. Secular humanist ethics 5

7 The fundamental question is: who makes the rules, man or God? To the humanist the answer is simply man!!! The atheistic theology of humanism makes it difficult to subscribe to any ethics. The simple word ethics- has the implication that there must be a right and wrong which leaves the humanist with the dilemma of discrimination against immoral minorities. The solution to this is relativism that leaves a society that is uncontrollable. The moral, Biblical commandments are seen as repressive of natural human needs. The Biblical commandments are said to suppress vital human inclinations. Humanists differ on basic values and principles because they do not have a foundation for these principles. If there is no ultimate basis for conduct then it follows that there is no ultimate right and wrong. Morals and conduct are believed to be sets of social conventions devised by humans to satisfy their needs. Humanists are forced to believe that morals and conduct are subjective and should be applied differently to every situation. Absolute moral code cannot exist without God to the humanist there is no God and no absolute. The golden rule of ethics of the humanist states: there is no God and man makes his own rules The cosmology of the humanist states that the universe happened by chance and man is left to his own devises and rules to survive and gratify himself. Humanists call for reason and experience as a guide for ethics. If they would only truly reason their conclusions would tell them that society can only be in harmony and at peace if there is ultimate truth and right and wrong on which everybody agrees. If what is right for you is wrong for me you have a problem and we have conflict. The ethics of the humanist are relative to his situation and motivated by self-gratification. Ultimately it is about self-gratification at the expense of others under the excuse of relativism and values clarification. The humanist s evolution base of the struggle for existence is nothing but a struggle for self-actualization. Moral: Relating to the practice, manners or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, and with reference to right and wrong. The word moral is applicable to actions that are good or evil, virtuous or vicious, and has reference to the law of God as the standard by which their character is to be determined. The word however may be applied to actions that affect only, or primarily and principally, a person's own happiness. By definition the word moral cannot exist in the humanist vocabulary because it is directly linked to the law of God as ultimate standard of right and wrong. When you propagate an ethic of freedom and relativism, you have no basis for moral responsibility. The dilemma of the humanist ethic is that on the one hand it promotes relativism as a standard of conduct for individual self-gratification (the feeding of self-life), and on the other hand it demands social moral 6

8 responsibility and unselfishness. They teach selfishness and demand selflessness. Humanists believe that intelligent people are capable of making the correct moral choices and consequently they must become the moral guides for the rest of society. Humanists believe that the importance given to marital faithfulness and unfaithfulness was the previous lack of reliable birth-control techniques. Evolution *The merging of the theological mind and the theory of evolution leads to the denial of a personal, intelligent creator God. (Gas + force + time = humans.) * Evolution can be seen as one of the cornerstones of the occult and new age gospel At the core of the theory of evolution is the devilish lie that man is responsible for his own complexity and intellect and is on an evolutionary path ever upward to godhood. (Man came this far by himself) The mystical goal of evolution as understood through Eastern mystics is to become God and become part of the eternal universe. The serpents lie to Eve to become as god continues to dominate the ambitions of modern men. Evolution is nothing but the Eastern belief in reincarnation of the soul and body to a higher state of Karma or godhood. The theory of evolution once again championed by the academic prophets of the new age is now generally accepted by the church and the word of God slandered to be full of error when it comes to scientific facts. Science is preached as factual gospel and the Bible must take second place as an historical book. Theologians are told to keep informed about results of modern science. Because of mans pride and Greek mindset that seeks knowledge he would rather follow the way of science than the way of God. To those who do not want to deny God or evolution the theory of theistic evolution developed which says that God used the proses of evolution to develop man. To deny the specific creation of Adam makes the Bible a mythical book that can no longer contain a consistent theology. Evolution allows atheists to justify their unbelief in a personal God, it allows Eastern mystics to justify reincarnation, it allows Newagers to justify their path toward godhood and cosmic unity and allows occultists to justify their belief in an impersonal force. If evolution is accepted to be true that means that death preceded man and is not the product of Adams sin. If sin is fiction we have no need of a savior. If evolution were true there would be literally billions of fossil records filling the evolutionary gaps of all creatures. Evolution fails to explain the diversity and complexity of live and is utterly silent when it comes to the complexity of life on a biochemical 7

9 level. It also fails to explain why some primitive single cell life forms still remain and failed to evolve into humans. Believing in evolution leads another group of false prophets, the psychologists, to take their patients into regression of their past evolutionary lives. This opens the door to the spirit world and is nothing but shamanism. Secular humanist biology Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process. He was not planned. He is a state of matter, a form of life, a sort of animal, and a species of primate, akin indeed to all that is material. Without the theory of evolution, the atheistic humanist would have to acknowledge a first cause, an intelligent creator who planned everything. Worldviews must be believed in totality because the one discipline supports the other. If one becomes unraveled the whole card-house collapse. Humanism relies on science as its source of knowledge. Science cannot observe or measure the supernatural and therefore is incapable of obtaining any knowledge about it. By the above statement science cannot render judgment on the theory of evolution. One time historical events fall outside scientific parameters because it cannot be repeated, observed, tested, or falsified. Macroevolution can only be embraced by those who have enough faith to deny the living God. The first assumption of evolution is spontaneous generation or the idea that life arose spontaneously from non-living matter, by spontaneous proses. The second assumption of evolution is natural selection. Natural selection is the mechanism that, through competition and others factors such as mutation, predators, geography, and time, naturally and randomly allows only those life forms best suited to survive to live and reproduce. Inherent in natural selection is the notion that life forms best equipped for survival will win the struggle for existence. Thus the only moral good becomes survival and the only value is existence itself. Survival is bloodthirsty; it cares not for the weak or poor. Adaptation is another direct result of evolution. Adaptation helps explain why life forms seem to have evolved specialized abilities that allow them to survive better in their particular niches in the environment. In accepting adaptation the humanist must, of necessity, overlook all the apparently meaningless adaptations existing in our world. Humanists become absurd and outright foolish when they try to explain for example schizophrenia as a useful adaptation. 8

10 There was as is no fossil evidence that any major division of nature had been crossed gradually gas to man records do not exist. To overcome the lack of evidence in fossil records the monkeys came up with the theory of punctuated equilibrium. Punctuated equilibrium claims that evolutionary change occurs when a segment of the population becomes isolated from the rest. This change then happens so rapidly, from one species to another, that science cannot discover accurate fossil documentation. This theory is however in direct opposition with Darwin himself who said: if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. It seems like the theory evolved itself into cannibalism and is eating itself from the tail end upwards. Secular humanist biology rests its case for evolution on six specific planks: spontaneous generation, natural selection, struggle for existence, beneficial mutation, adaptation and observable fossil records. The THEORY is clearly just what it says it is, a theory. There is no real science behind evolution and the theory belongs in the graveyard with its creator or it will drag everybody who believes it beyond the grave and into hell. Secular humanist psychology Humanists do not believe that man is supremely selfish and that this selfishness enables him to do anything vile or violent to preserve his own interest. In essence humanist psychology should focus only on material things: the brain, environmental stimuli, and human response to that stimuli. To the humanist, psychology is the science of human behavior. They believe man has no soul, behavior is only stimuli and response and that human behavior is predictable and scientifically observable. Personality is seen as Physical, chemical interactions of the brain. Thoughts are spontaneous chemical reactions in the brain. Humanist psychology allows only for behaviorism (stimuli, response) and leaves no room for human freedom, because ultimate personal freedom must be grounded in the will, soul or mind and cannot be a chemical automatic response. Humanist psychology proclaims the innate goodness of man. Humanists outrightly attack the Christian faith because it provides an explanation for the existence of man caused evil in the world. And the guilt of sin is apparently too much for the human psyche. Humanists blame the influence of culture as the sole cause of negative influence in good human impulses and consequent man-caused evils. This leaves humanists with a problem, society and culture becomes the enemy but this same society is made up of individuals. Indeed culture or society cannot become evil unless there is a personal and individual tendency towards selfishness and evil. 9

11 The humanist emphasis is on self-reliance, even self-centeredness. They believe the secret to mental health lies in getting in touch with the unspoiled inner self. The humanist credo is: trust thyself to stand alone, learn from others, lean not on a single saviour. Humanists categorize this drive to get in touch with our inherent goodness as a need that can only be attended to after the individual has satisfied his lower needs namely physiological, safety, social and ego needs. (This sounds much rather like: give me what I want or I will take what I need, and when I am satisfied I will behave and be nice to everybody, for as long as I am unhappy you will have to deal with my temper tantrums.) Man is constantly becoming, his personality is not static and consequently his understanding of right and wrong is not static and based on traditional Christian values of right and wrong. Values are made relative to man s experience of his current situation and his interpretation thereof. The humanist need not worry about helping others; he needs only to focus on creating a good, happy self. Self-centeredness, instead of creating a better world and society, will result in constant conflict of interest and chaos as men strife to please themselves. The three major assumptions of humanist psychology are: man is good by nature and therefore perfectible, society and its institutions are responsible for mans evil acts, and mental health can be restored to everyone who gets in touch with their inner good self. Scientism is the exaltation of science that gives it unquestioned and final authority so that it is the religion of the materialist. Scientism is the psychological dominance of a materialistic philosophy into hardened dogma, masquerading as truth and authentic. Rather than admit a personal God science chose mysticism and postulates an impersonal force behind creation In a further attempt to deny the spirit realm and God the academics and psychologists came up with the theory of the sub conscious mind to explain paranormal activity. Astral projection, automatic writing and devil manifestations are explained as the manifestations of the unconscious or collective unconscious of the mind. The focus is placed on the untapped human potential. Man is deified unto godhood and the devil, which is denied, claims his prey. The Greek mindset is conditioned to accept a scientific explanation and terminology for everything. The respectability of science gives mysticism and the occult the wide acceptance it receives even from the conservatives. *In mans effort to understand and control everything by scientific laws the study of the spiritual or non-physical dimension and occult is named parapsychology or transpersonal psychology. The objective of the devil is to emotionalize and mythologize science so that in effect a belief in the demonic will creep in while the scientific mind remains closed to any belief in God or the spirit realm. The spiritual is once again explained by evolution to be a highly evolved species that tries to make contact with man. 10

12 The belief that man has unlimited and untapped human potential or that he can contact higher evolved beings through scientific methods makes him in real terms a Materialistic Magician. An altered state of consciousness achieved through scientific methods allows devils to take over the brain and create a universe of illusion. Science is still on the throne and tries to keep materialism alive in a non-physical realm where it has no authority; this is a recipe for deception and ultimate disaster. The human spirit operates the brain. If the connection between the human spirit and the brain could be temporarily disconnected it would allow another spirit to operate the brain and subject the person to occult bondage and delusion. Men are set free from shortsighted materialism only to be caught and swallowed up in the occult. The purpose of devils deception is to convince the deceived that the world of illusion is a greater reality than the material world. The introduction into the spirit realm through scientific experiments now opens credible men to mislead the masses with new information received from ET s. With science as the front devils can bring a whole new perspective on reality and truth to the world. Parapsychology now attacks the credibility of the Bible by claiming that God did not inspire it but it s writers and prophets were only primitive remote viewers. Psychics, channelers, remote viewers, necromancers, and clairvoyance these are all those who through different techniques make contact and are led by devils. Shamanism - Spiritual world view of Native American and other early Cultures that believe witch doctors or spiritual leaders can provide healing, guidance, or wisdom through the Occult, Spiritism, or altered states. The shaman s soul is sometimes believed to leave the body during a trance at which time the shaman will speak with beings from the other worlds or assume animal forms. Shamanism is based on the belief that the spirit world can be manipulated by thoughts in the mind firmly held(positive mental attitude), by words repeatedly spoken(positive confession) and mental pictures of the desired thing. The devil establish the credibility of remote viewing by detailing certain actual events and places and then he uses this credibility to destroy faith in the Bible and set up a counter religion. Through scientific remote viewing (shamanism) men are misled to believe in UFO s and alien life. When the time is right devils will invade the earth for the final battle and the deceived will receive them as aliens. Secular humanist Sociology Man is internally motivated towards positive personal and social ends; the extend to which he is not motivated results from a process of 11

13 demotivation generated by his relationships or environment. (In other words man s social actions are outwardly directed by others and his environment) Humanist sociology focuses on the external stimulus that works in on the individual that determines his social responses. Humanists make themselves believe that social sciences have made rapid strides in becoming natural sciences and that most former supernatural mysteries have become matters of rapidly developing scientific knowledge. Humanists are uncertain of the scientific methods they employ for attaining knowledge and consequently rely on activism to enforce and validate the meaning of their work. E.g. gay activism determines what researchers say about gay people. Although humanists claim to be scientific and students of social behavior they constantly try to enforce their ideas on society through activism, to supposedly change it for the better. Humanists view man as inherently good and therefore must pin the blame for man s evil somewhere outside of man. This blame falls on society and in particular traditional institutions. Humanists believe that today s society is insane and is therefore corrupting the individual. (The comment must once again be made that society is nothing but a collective group of individuals). Activism is the humanist effort to restructure society, do away with old social order and traditional values, and create a new social order based on humanist values. The old tradition culture inhibits mans tendency to be a better human being. Since the humanists are god haters, everything in society and social order that is founded on the word of God is rejected as inhibiters to the inherent goodness of man. The Christian marriage is often cited as a prime example of the failure of Christian culture to provide freedom for the individual to grow. Heterosexual monogamy epitomizes social slavery to the humanist. Humanists fan the flames of activism against the traditional family, with the fuel of lies that it is used only for men to dominate women. The Bible is seen as a book written by men in the interest of men. Humanism is the spawning ground for most minority activist groups, since they believe that these warped individuals are actually right and the rest of society must change. Humanism will eventually lead to mob rule of society. (At this point One must mention that humanistic activism also coincides with Marxist believes that revolution is the only way to bring about social change. Put these worldviews together and social violence and socialist dictatorship is inevitable) Humanists reject sexual purity and alternatively suggest: cooperatives, collectives, extended intimates, swinging, group marriage and genital association. All this is called FORNICATION AND ADULTERY. To accommodate their promiscuous lifestyle the humanists insist that institutions must take responsibility for childrearing. The family is seen as a traditional institution that suppressed women and individual development and was used to raise children. The new society will be free to conceive children without the burden and responsibility to care for and raise them. 12

14 The classroom is used as the pulpit from which this humanist poison is preached to unsuspecting minds. Humanists describe a sane society as that which corresponds to the needs of man. The society that creates self-actualized individuals is the ideal society. All humanist sociologists favor socialism as the economic order for a self-actualized society and endorse Marxist approach to economics. Secular Humanist Law As with laws so with morals: human beings seem quite capable of making sensitive and sensible decisions affecting conduct. Humanist law is based on the theory that God does not exist and that human beings are perfectable. Every evil manifested in man is the direct result of a less than perfect environment. If the environment could be perfected, mankind could consistently choose what is morally correct. Law is seen as a tool to manipulate society to get in touch with their evolving inner goodness. Humanists deny an absolute moral code. The moral law of God is seen as absolutely repressive to human needs and therefore to be rejected. The law of God is seen as immoral in so far as it foster illusions about human destiny and suppress vital inclinations. Man is capable to devise his own code, with regards to morals and law. Ethics is to be discovered in man s relation with man. This mancentered morality evolves right along with the evolutionary development of man. The source of morality is seen as biological rather that theological. Humanist s refer to natural law and natural rights. This implies that there is a universal natural law to which everyone must adhere. This leaves them with the dilemma to explain the origin of this universal natural law within man. Natural law is explained as a result of mans evolution as a social animal. If natural law is based on evolution, what is understood and practiced as law today will evolve right out of existence and consequently humanist law cannot provide a stable basis to govern society. To the humanist natural law is watered down as relative guide and not a clear set of rules. As soon as this argument comes into play natural law cannot be placed as a stable foundation for morality. 13

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