'Chapter 12' 'There is eternity'

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1 'Chapter 12' 'There is eternity' 'Presuppositions: Man is a result of the creative act of an Eternal God, who made him in His own image, therefore endowed with eternal life.' When our basic presumption is the existence of God as Creator of all we lay a foundation for all of life. Knowing He exists as an eternal Being and He created us in His image causes us to understand we are eternal beings also. His existence brings us to the conclusion He reveals Himself to mankind. The Word of God is seen as the self-revelation of God. In addition it is a revelation of the nature of human beings. God formed the first human from the dust of the ground. He then breathed into him the breath of life. Created in His image we have His breathe or spirit within. We did not pre-exist but came into being by the divine act of creation. Having created us He made us eternal creatures. This truth forms part of our prepositional system. Job asked if one dies will he live again? (Job 14:14) The age old question has troubled human beings through the centuries. Underling the question is the hope and perhaps innate knowledge that death is not the end. Life continues on. There are indications the Old Testament saints believed in immortality. We have the case of Enoch who walked with God then disappeared because God took him, (Gen.5:24). Hebrews tells us he did not see death because God translated him, (11:5). The same chapter refers to the patriarchs as looking for a heavenly rather than an earthly country, (11:13-16). It is very evident the people of the Old Testament believed they lived beyond the grave. The hope of the resurrection further indicates their belief in life after death. Jesus informs us, when God told Moses He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob He had the resurrection in view. God is the God of the living not the dead so He is the God of immortality, (Mt.22:31,32). Job looked forward to the resurrection which would take place even after his body had decayed (Job 19:23-27). David in his prophecies of the resurrection of Christ affirmed a belief in life after death, (Psa.16:9-11;17:15). It is evident the godly people of the Old Testament time had a view of immortality and resurrection. It may have been unclear and not expressed very often but the thread of faith is woven into the lives and stories of the Old Testament. The teaching of resurrection and immortality is much clearer in the New Testament. Jesus came to a people who believed in immortality. He came to liquidate death and bring life and immortality to light through the gospel, (2 Tim.1:10). He taught directly there was life after death. He spoke of those who could kill the body but not the soul, (Mt.10:28). He speaks of those who attain that world as being unable to die, (Lk.20:36) and told the thief on the cross he would be with Him that day in paradise, (Lk.23:43). His teaching regarding everlasting life further emphasized the teaching of immortality. The resurrection of Christ is further evidence for the truth of immortality. He was the first to go through the veil of death and return never more to die. If we believe He is alive we must believe in immortality. Paul in 1 Cor. 15 uses the argument if the is no resurrection Christ did not rise from the dead and our faith is useless. The same principle can be used in regard to immortality. If there is no immortality then Christ is dead and we have a vain faith. The truth is, Christ is alive, and the saints who have crossed 127

2 over into that world, are living with Him. It reassures us of the expectation of the resurrection which is yet to come. The story (some say parable) of the rich man and Lazarus, paints a graphic picture of immortality. Whether it is a parable or astory makes little difference in the purpose and out come of the event. Both the righteous Lazarus and the wicked rich man had existence after death. They could exercise their senses and be aware of their surroundings. Their states were fixed but they had existence. It certainly shows Jesus believed in immortality and was bring a warning to the wicked of His day. The thought we are eternal creatures brings us to the conclusion the next live is related to the present one. We see currently we are on probation, experiencing a training to prepare us for the world to come. The implication is we will one day answer for the activities of the present life. Our outlook is totally changed. The skeptics and atheists who deny a life after death do so to avoid thinking about the consequences of their present life. Having denied or at least questioned the existence of God they would like to think the end of this life is the end of everything for the individual. Therefore they suppress and are antagonistic toward any belief in life after death. It is better to deny it than be forced to deal with it. The problem is it is extremely difficult to suppress that which we instinctively know to be true. We now have many reports of out of body or after death experiences. The phenomenon has become so wide spread it is difficult if not impossible to deny. Many of these are deceptions but it nevertheless shows a deep instinctive knowledge there is more to life than the present existence. The belief in immortality and resurrection leads us to conclude there is an accounting yet to be held for activities in this present life. The reason so many would like to ignore or deny life after death, is that to believe in eternity, is to believe in answering before a higher court. It is very clear there is to be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust, (Jn.5:28,29; Acts 24:15). Those who have passed into death will one day rise again, at the culmination of all things. Those who are ready anticipate that great day. Those who are unprepared ignore or look for it with great dread. The Bible tells us we are appointed to die then comes the judgment, (Heb 9:27). Jesus tells us there is coming a time when all will hear His voice and come forth. Some will come for blessing some for condemnation, (Jn.5:28,29). God has appointed a day when He will bring every work into judgment. Every activity will be judged whether it is good or evil, (Ecc.12:14; Acts 17:31). Paul tells us we will appear before the judgment seat of Christ, (2 Cor.5:10). The appearance before a judge is expected to bring a verdict. There is a consequence when we are called upon to answer for our actions. The charges can be dropped or we can experience consequences. When we appear before the Great Judge of all the earth a verdict will be rendered. We will reap the result of that verdict. The results of this the final judgment will have eternal consequences. The discussion of final judgment leads logically to one of eternal abode. If we are eternal creations from the hand of an eternal Creator then we must have some place that will be called our eternal home. It would be illogical to believe in immortality, resurrection and final judgment and not have with that belief a belief in eternal dwelling. If of course we die like animals then no belief in eternal dwelling place is necessary. However we have seen our basic presuppositions lead us to a belief in these things. 128

3 We must then deal with the subject of heaven and hell. These neglected subjects are important for our eternal value system. Jesus speaks of those who go into everlasting punishment and those who go into everlasting life, (Mt.25:46). He told His disciples He was going to prepare a place for them, (Jn.14:3). The Book of Revelation shows it as a place where pain, sorrow, suffering and crying are no more, (Rev.21:4). Paul comforts the saints with the truth that even though this present body is destroyed we have an eternal one in the heavens, (2 Cor.5:1). Heaven is seen as a place of fullness of joy, (Psa.16:11; Mt.25:21,23). It is a place of both rest and unceasing service. There is perfect knowledge and beauty. There will be a reunion of loved ones. The most important thing is we will be like Jesus for we shall see Him as He is and be changed into His likeness, (1 The.4:13-18; 1 Jn.3:2). It is ironic when you think of it. The atheists, denying God, seek to build an earthly Utopia, and fail miserably. Each attempt is met with a colossal failure, bring greater disappointment and heartache to mankind. God has prepared a place for His people that is of indescribable glory. It is a "Utopia" that far exceeds anything the human mind or ingenuity could dream up. It is prepared for those who, accepting His existence commit their lives to Him through Christ. The other side of the picture is also true. The righteous are invited eternally into the presence of God. Those who refuse to bow before Him in repentance and acceptance will suffer a totally different fate. They will be told to depart into everlasting torment, (Jude 1:7; Mt.18:8; 25:41). Our world does not like to hear about judgment, fire and hell. Nevertheless it is part of the gospel. It is the consequence those who reject Christ will suffer. This place of eternal judgment is called hell fire, (Mt.5:22) eternal damnation (Mk.3:29); the second death, (Rev.2:11) and among other things the lake of fire, (Rev.19:20). The objective of this pictorial and sometimes symbolic language is to impress upon us the awfulness of eternal damnation. It is a place to avoid at all costs. It is a place of unending torment. There will be nothing good, and no friends in hell. All the restraining force of the Holy Spirit will be removed. While it is not certain if the fire is a literal fire, but there is certainty in the fact it is a place of unmentionable, unfathomable pain and torment. The common grace of God and restraining work of the Holy Spirit will no longer be active. There will be an absence of all that is good. All that is evil will be present. In this world, what the theologians call God's common grace, works to restrain evil. In hell there will be nothing to restrain evil. Those who have chosen to reject Christ and to follow the devil will find themselves in the total presence of evil for all eternity. The atheistic denial of such places as heaven or hell does not change the facts. A blind man may deny the existence of the sun. He may reason it does not exist because he cannot see it. His "presupposition" is wrong and therefore his conclusion is wrong. The sun exists whether anyone believes it does or not. Denial does not change the truth. It will be too late when they discover they were wrong. We began with basic presuppositions about God. If we base our lives on the wrong presupposition we can reason well but end up lost in the final analysis. The atheist who denies God exists reaches logical conclusion but in the light of eternity, ends up tragically wrong. His error affects his eternal destiny. Heaven and hell do not disappear because one does not believe in their existence. When the foundation is inadequate or weak the whole structure will collapse. 129

4 We must begin with a proper foundation. We may deviate and reason incorrectly, but if the foundation is correct, we can come back to reality and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can come back to the truth. Certainly our presuppositions affect our world view and our eternal destiny. We need to carefully evaluate our thinking, actions, and viewpoints, to assure ourselves, we are consistent with our theistic base. We cause ourselves and others confusion, when we work from a theistic base, but have the views of those of an atheistic base. The tragedy is that many Christians have accepted things from the humanistic society. They have drawn conclusions that are incompatible with a Christian monotheistic view. The wrong viewpoints do not effect their eternal destiny. Their effectiveness as people of God, is hindered because the message is unclear. Unfortunately some Christians have felt all they need was some spiritual experience and there was no need to reason their faith. The Scripture makes it clear that Paul reasoned from the Scriptures. God deals with the intellect as well as the spirit. We need consistency in both areas. Denial of the operation of the Holy Spirit is ridiculous. Any Biblical monotheist recognizes we come to revelation of God and His word through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We also come to a growing relationship, through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. All truth ultimately must come through and from God. He by His Spirit gives to us wisdom and knowledge through Christ. Therefore we are to highly value the Holy Spirit and His working today. God has enlightened our minds. The result is we can use our God given reasoning ability to substantiate that which has been given by revelation. We can also use our reason to discover truth as the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. The enlightened reasoning powers can help prevent us from moving off our theistic presuppositions. Therefore we must also highly value the logical process. We began by stating ideas control. How we look at the facts depends upon our presuppositions. Our philosophy of life, political and economic outlook is determined by the foundation of our thinking. Our view of life, the future and eternity also tie into our presuppositions. Therefore it is mandatory we take time to carefully consider our foundations and make adjustments as necessary. It is a constant process. We discover as we gain more knowledge and experience our fallacies and must return to the proper understanding to produce the right godly world view. Index of Presuppositions Presupposition: There is no absolute standard of right or wrong. The time, place and circumstances determine the morality of the deed. 20 Presupposition: The people are represented by their government must maintain ownership and control of the means of production, for the good of the country. 21 Presupposition: Ownership of property and the means of production are the responsibility of the owner, but must be used in accordance with public policy and the good of the country and be available for public use. 22 Presupposition: Public ownership of property and the means of production will produce universal wealth. The government must be controlled by the proletariat and there is to be an equality of all citizens, socially, economically and politically. 23 Presupposition: Public control of productive resources is essential in order that these resources can be re-distributed for the welfare of the citizens as determined by the government through its agencies

5 Presupposition: The universe consists of fixed laws which are continuously at work and cannot be changed nor suspended. These laws are a result of natural processes rather than of supernatural origin. 24 Presupposition: Existence precedes essence. It is reality rather than theory. Human experience is beyond rationality and since each has different experiences truth is different for each individual. 25 Presupposition: There is only the material world, and all existence and experience must be interpreted on the basis of that material world. The spiritual world is not a real world. 26 Presupposition: All knowledge comes from experience, everything is knowable by the five senses. Nothing can have meaning outside of experience. 27 Presupposition: The highest good for the individual and society is the greatest good or happiness for the greatest numbers. 29 Presupposition: Reason alone is the basis for certainty of knowledge and is the guide in all matters including the spiritual. 30 Presupposition: God exists but He acts upon the world from a distance and His concern with it is general rather than special, perpetual and universal. 32 Presupposition: All finite things are in some manner part of the one eternal, self-existing being. All material substances are derived from the one infinite substance. 34 Presupposition: There are many gods to who rule this world and to whom man is responsible. 36 Presupposition: God exists, He is a Personal Being, living and acting eternally, existing as the one and only God. 43 Presupposition: God exists. 43 Presupposition: Man is the master of his own destiny, the measure of all things the final authority in all matters and capable of achieving his own utopian conditions. 51 Presupposition: God exists, is the Creator of all things and is therefore the sovereign Ruler of all creation.'(fig.w) 60 Presupposition: God exists and is sovereign therefore He is the owner of everything. 62 Presupposition: A God who is Sovereign has both the ability and will to answer prayer. 66 Presupposition: A sovereign God who is owner of all, is a God of the absolute. 67 Presupposition: God the Creator exists, He has revealed Himself to us as One, indivisible Being. 68 Presupposition: The Creator God, who is One and indivisible is perfectly balanced in His nature.'(fig. E1) 68 Presupposition: God exists with a personality and has an interest in the human race, and therefore reveals Himself to human kind. 69 Presupposition: The human species emerged from natural evolutionary forces. 77 Presupposition: God created man, from the dust of the ground, in His own image and breathed the breath of life into Him. 88 Presupposition: Man as a production of evolutionary forces progresses upward and is therefore capable of self-improvement and because of his innate goodness can solve all his problems. 101 Presupposition: Man, who was created in original righteousness has willfully and deliberately turned to his own way. He is a fallen creature who has corrupted himself. 106 Presupposition: Fallen man is redeemable, but Divine intervention is required to accomplish it. 109 Presupposition: God exists and reveals Himself to the human race. Therefore, He communicated to us by means of the authoritative written Word contained in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. Their teachings are intended to be a guide for behaviour in all areas of life. They are valid for all time as a standard for morality, faith and provide principles for every activity of life and are God's revelation of absolute truth

6 Presupposition: The Bible, which is God's revelation to humanity, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It teaches us Christ is the only way to God. 120 Presuppositions: Man is a result of the creative act of an Eternal God, who made him in His own image, therefore endowed with eternal life


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