Occultism, Satanism, and the Left

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1 Occultism, Satanism, and the Left To begin with, I want to set the context in which the Occult, Satanism and the Left need to be seen, for the meanings of words and other things are only correctly understood in their context. They things present themselves as proposals that respond to the human question. So, first of all, what is the human question? and second of all, what are other kinds of proposals. The human question: The first thing is that I experience myself as a limited being. The second thing is that I have a desire for the infinite, and not just a desire, but an irrepressible drive for the infinite, the absolute, the eternal, i.e. God, however you want to call it. From now on I will use this term, God, for the infinite, absolute and eternal. This is not a matter of faith, but of fact that is observable in the behavior of men, all men, whether religious or not. It is a spiritual orientation that does not derive from DNA. DNA is a finite string of deterministic atoms with a finite number of finite properties. No matter how much it evolves or how complex it becomes, it remains finite and can produce only finite effects. In terms of intelligence, it can only produce of finite intelligence, i.e. a finite state machine. A finite state machine, no matter how complex it is, can have nothing to do with the infinite, the absolute, or the eternal. It cannot have any idea or have any question regarding them. It cannot even ask what infinity is or what it could be, or whether it could exist. Not only has man always recognized his orientation toward God, but also that he is free. He is free to choose whether and how to move in this orientation. His freedom is real even if it is finite, i.e. within limits. This freedom cannot be the result of any evolutionary process. No matter how much it evolves or how complex it becomes, a deterministic world cannot produce a being that is free, not even the idea of freedom. The very fact that I am concerned with freedom is proof that I am free. Randomness, i.e. unpredictability, is not freedom. DNA and evolution, even an evolution directed by God, could produce neither an orientation toward the God, nor freedom. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. Even the first human beings were conscious of being free and oriented toward something beyond the limited nature of this world. Human beings have evolved in many ways since their first appearance, but the essential nature of being human has not changed. The essential challenges of living together has not changed. It is necessary to say a word about gender. Desiring, following a desire, and judging based upon desire is according to the feminine. Recognizing proportionality, and correspondence with a reference or law is according to the masculine. How I want to live is feminine, while how I ought to live is masculine. A full human life is the marriage of the two. Possible responses to the human question: The first question for a man is how to live this orientation to God. How does he conceive it? How does he plan to realize it? His choice sets the essential logic of his life. It forms the foundation of every subsequent choice. It determines the structure of his life. It determines what he calls natural. It is his standard of logic and morality. There are two fundamental possibilities: (A). with God who exists, or (B). without God whose position will be filled by man. A.) That of the so-called traditional religious man who recognizes that the world can neither be the source of his freedom nor orientation, nor the goal of his orientation since the world is finite in his experience. He recognized that he cannot obtain his goal by his own capacities, neither individually nor in coordination with others, nor with the aid of any kind of technology. There must be, and in fact he has experience that there is, an infinite being beyond the world who created the world, including man himself, and he calls this being God. He recognizes that he is made in this

2 world, but not for this world. This world is the place for making a free choice, and that choice is not determined by any worldly or bodily conditions. That choice is either to follow God, or not follow God. Since God is infinite, He is invisible. He is not hiding. He simply cannot be seen by finite senses or conceived by a finite mind. But, the world is full of signs. God, the artisan, has left signs in the world that point to Himself, that indicate the path to follow, at least in a general way. The senses are made for living in this world. They cannot lead to God. So, the religious man is always on the lookout for signs. It is the mind that recognizes the sign content of what the senses perceive. Man is looking for a law for how to live. With his reason, he recognizes the signs, and he acts to correspond with them. This is the law of nature that forms the basis of the moral law. Being is the foundation for acting. It is inconceivable that God has created us and the world in which we live for any other motive than love. There is trust in God and trust in the way He has made us and the world. God responds to the yearning of men to know Him, and so, He reveals Himself the such men in different ways and times. These messengers of God revealed to different peoples more precise ways of living. Men organize their lives, individually and socially, for following the indications of God in nature and revelation according to reason. The state, being of this world, has no authority on how he lives in correspondence with God. The state expects that a man organize his life toward God as his first responsibility, though it cannot define that orientation. That is the responsibility of the citizen, not the state. Thus, man hopes to realize a relationship with God who shares his infinity, absoluteness and eternity. It is a life centered upon relationship. It is based upon love and trust, not power and position. The state is referenced to God, i.e. is under God, and so, the citizen can criticize the state in relation to God. The citizens can propose different ideas of how the state should be and act. Thus, under God, the state is relative. There is freedom of political parties and of religion, and these are guaranteed by freedom of speech. This religious way is called (I call) iconism. The world has the nature of a finite, relative, temporal reality that points to and participates in an infinite, absolute, and eternal reality. Hence, it is an icon. Finite, relative human relationships are an icon for the infinite, absolute relationship with God. It is centered on a loving relationship with God, and this involves loving relationships with other men as its icon. The religious way, following the desire for God in correspondence with the law of God, is both feminine and masculine Without God B.) The other fundamental possibility is that an infinite, absolute eternal being either does not exist, or else, its existence is irrelevant to how a man lives. This works out in one of three ways: B.1.) We do not have to account for our orientation to God because it is not real. This sense of being oriented to God is an illusion. Neither, then are we free. We are simply like all the rest of the world, finite and deterministic. There is no essential difference between an ameaba, a monkey and a man. There is only relative differences in complexity and intelligence. The world is all there is. No God and no afterlife. Thus religion consists of suppressing the urge to the infinite. It stands suspended between the opposites of extremes. The golden mean is the motto, everything measured, nothing in excess. Everything is relative but not relative to anything because there is no ultimate reference, no God. The state is relative, with various political parties. There is freedom of speech. Religion and politics are centered on the life of this world. Its central preoccupation is is to prevent

3 men from looking beyond. It suppresses the desire for the infinite. In fact, it suppresses desire in general. It is a pure rational, calculated adherence to law and order. It creates a society well ordered by dry, sterile. It stifles the soul. This is rationalism. It is pure masculine. It excludes and suppresses the feminine. The religion of Rationalism creates ideal categories. It identifies reason with the male which must be purified by exclusion of the feminine in the male. It identifies sentiment with the female which must be purified of reason. The masculine man dominates over the female nature, and the male over the female. Freud's Oedipus complex applies to him: He kills his father, God, to rape his mother, nature. It is a relationship of power, not love. B.2) We don't have to account for how a finite being can be oriented to the infinite because our experience of being finite is an illusion. What we feel as an orientation toward the infinite as a goal is really just a nostalgia for something we have forgotten. The goal of life is to wake up. What keeps us sleeping is our insistence on treating the world and its limits as real. There is nothing we have to do to arrive. We do not have to break through the limits of the world which would be to presume their reality. We are already at the goal. We just need to dispel the illusion that we are not. Religion consists of detaching ourselves from the world, including the body, with its sentiments, passions, feelings, desires and aversions. Politics is to prevent taking the world, with its ambitions, injustice, joys, suffering, etc. as real. Total detachment brings peace. This is Monism. Is it masculine or feminine? It seems to be neither. It certainly takes no position for or against either. B.3) The last possibility is that of the gnostic of which the occult belongs. There is a tension between our being finite and our orientation to God. Man must conquer the position of God by acting absolutely in the world, by transgressing every limit imposed by the world. His identity has no reference to anything outside himself. He acts out of pure desire, pure will. He does not act for a reason. There is no reference by which his actions may be judged, because he is himself the reference. He may be outwardly theistic, but effectively he is atheistic. He is God in the world. He is the god-man.. How can he hope to arrive at his goal of Godhead, seeing that there is no God who can give it to him, and deterministic matter cannot produce it? Since it is imperative, there must be a way. The solution is the assumption that matter contains hidden, i.e. occult properties or qualities that are spiritual. Man can access these occult qualities through occult practices. One can thus produce effects that are not proportional to the causes, i.e. magically. Historically, the occult world is full of spirits, and the occultist, using appropriate rituals and incantations, can invoke and manipulate them. There is no question of loving or trusting these spirits. They love the power that they hope to obtain from manipulating them. Some claim to do this for the benefit of others, the so-called white witches and others do this to increase their own power and harm others, the so-called black witches. But both the white and black are about the pursuit of power for themselves without limit. It is all about attaining the position of God. Now, when I say the objective of the occultist is to become God, that does not mean that he believes that he can wiggle his nose and make happen whatever he wants to happen, or to actually be infinite, or to be absolute in an Aristotelian, metaphysical sense. It is an imitation of God, like a counterfeit. Being in the position of God means that a man has no reference outside himself. He takes his own desires and reasonings as absolute, and so he believes he has an absolute right that they be fulfilled without limit.

4 The absolute is not related to anything else, while everything is related to it. There cannot be two absolutes. In the case of God, He is absolute by nature. He does not forbid other absolutes. There simply cannot be. more than one. But, one pretender to the absolute cannot tolerate the existence of another because it is to deny his own pretensions to absoluteness. The other must submit or be destroyed. The gnositc man does not begin being absolute (like the monist) He has to achieve it. He submits himself to another who promises to make him absolute over some realm, even if it is only over his own body. He submits to being the slave of one for the sake of being made absolute master over others. The slave master only cares for the slave insofar as the slave is useful. Ultimately, the gnositc aspires to become the top slave master in a pyramidal hierarchy of masts and slaves. The slave master is about creating a utopia for himself and the slaves follow him hoping to be participators in his utopia, imagining themselves being masters over slaves Satanism The gnostic accepts no limitations placed upon his activities. He must be free to transgress any limit. That which limits him most profoundly are not limits imposed from without, but from within, i.e. his own conscience. For where did his conscience come from? It was instilled in him by others. Arriving at full divinity requires the elimination of any sense of conscience. This is the proper realm of Satanism. One progresses through the Satanic order by following a gradual, systematic program of violating his conscience as his worst enemy. It beings with small things like stealing, or lying, and it graduates to torturing little animals, to the ultimate which is the ritual rape, torture, and murder and cannibalism of children. The more innocent the victim and the more terror and suffering inflicted upon him, the more effectively the conscience is destroyed. As with all religions, the majority are not willing to follow it to its logical conclusion. Men prefer an easy life to a life of sacrifice. They are satisfied with compromise and half-measures. Thus only the elite progress to pedophilia and child sacrifice, but it is obligatory for those at the top of the gnostic-occult society's hierarchy. The absolute man requires an absolute state. Establishing the absolute state is required to complete the absolute man. Only the gnostic proposes an absolute state. It is a logical necessity. The absolute state, the absolute man, occultism, magic and Satanism all go hand in hand. They are logically, philosophically, morally and spiritually inseparable like water and wetness. Where you find one, the find the others. There is no room for love in a gnostic society. It is dedicated to power, position and pleasure for oneself, not the other The Left Gnosticism is the world of the Left. There can be no separation of church and state. The state is the church. There can be no freedom of religion. The political program of the state is the religion that must penetrate every detail of life. There can be no freedom of religion in an absolute state, any more than there can be freedom of religion in any church. Freedom of religion consists in choosing one's religion, choosing one's church. You cannot be a Buddhist in a Catholic church. A Buddhist may be welcome to participate in the Catholic community, but that does not make him Catholic. Either you are Catholic in the Catholic church or you are out. You are in another church. But, in an absolute state, there is no out. There is only flight to another state.

5 Before going further, I want to make it clear what is meant by the Left. Many people think of politics as a spectrum between the extremes of Right and Left meaning Fascism and Communism with everything else somewhere in the middle. The Right absolutizes state identity against the Left's internationalism which nullifies state identity. It is the Right's closed borders as opposed to the Left's open borders. State identity is either all or nothing. Both of these ideas of Right and Left are those of Hegelian absolute government. The government is the ultimate reference for the citizen, not God. The government is in the place of God and the god-man is at the head of the government. The Left portrays the current battle as between which idea of absolute government will prevail. Rather, the battle is between the idea of absolute government in the place of God verses the idea of relative government under God. The Left falsely claims that the Right of today is Fascist. The truth is that the Right is for relative government and vehemently opposes both the Communists and the Fascists as well as any other form of absolute government. It neither absolutizes nor nullifies state identity. The political program of the absolute state is absolute, there can be no other. There can be no question of the program needing to correspond to "reality" or "truth", for that would deny the programs absoluteness. The program is the definition of "reality" and "truth" is that which furthers it. There is only one political party. Attempting to form another political party or criticizing the states program is both treason and heresy. The political program must be followed with religious fervor. the ultimate reference for the citizen must be the state and its political program. The citizen is not permitted to have a conscience that could resist that program. The gnostic Left is purely feminine. The masculine is excluded and suppressed. Behavior is dictated by internal feelings to the exclusion of having to conform to external norms such as scripture, nature or reason. But, in fact, the absolutization of the feminine, i.e. the pursuit of what one wants without any reference to how one ought to live, is reserved for the one absolute god-man. All others must suppress how they want to live and live in absolute correspondence of how the one absolute man dictates to them. The gnostic god-man intends to enslave everyone else, but he presents himself as their benefactor. He offers them what they want and they do not care to know what the true cost is because they want what they want. The absolute god-man seeks absolute control through the absolute state. He needs to control everything. Control requires knowledge and manipulation. knowledge comes from observation. The absolute god-man needs to know everything, see everything. He needs to know what everyone is thinking and what everyone is doing. The absolute state is a surveillance state. It runs on distrust and suspicion. This distrust and suspicion passes from high to low. The government is suspicious of its citizens who are in turn suspicious of their government and also of each other. Every citizen spies on his neighbor and reports any independent activity, i.e. unauthorized activity. All citizens are under the state. Only the one god-man, the dictator, the Furher, is above the state, and he knows that behind all the feigned allegiance of a citizen there is a plot, a conspiracy to take his place. For self preservation, every citizen hides himself within himself, never daring to act or think independently lest he be accused of subversion, even unconsciously. No one seeks power just to posses it. What is the point of having power if there is no one over whom one can exercise it? "In order to live absolutely the way I want, you have to live absolutely the way I want, the way I tell you", says the god-man. There is no one more dangerous than the counterfeit god-man. He knows this and so he keeps his nefarious plans and actions hidden. He operates in an occult way, manipulating things from behind the scenes. He relies on manipulation. He offers men what they think they want while he undermines their capacity to judge what is really to their benefit. He weens them away from their reference and weakens their masculine judgment.

6 Gnosticism is the world destroying spirit. It promises to make you into God, but it delivers you to slavery and death. And this is the Left.

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