PAUL: It was an audible voice, which said, "Surrender to the dark forces within."

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1 1 Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It s Supernatural. SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. You know, sometimes I kid with people and they say, I watch you on TV almost everyday. And I say, well, I'll tell you a trade secret. I'm watching you through your television. They don't know what to make. I'm just kidding, you know. However, my guest has spent 30 years studying the Mark of the Beast, and he says our computers and our television sets have the capability for anyone from the government on down, at will, whether they're turned on or not to watch what we're doing right in our office, right in our home. This technology is getting out of control. I'm with my guest Paul McGuire. You might have seen him on Fox News, O'Reilly, History Channel on one of the top viewing shows. But as a young man, he had quite a background. You were raised to hate Christians. You thought the answer was in science and new age. So you go out to the University of Missouri where you're really debating Christians and you're going to put them in their place. Guess what his major was? You'll never guess. I shouldn't have said guess. His major was altered states of consciousness. That's a major? And he's in class one day, and he hears a voice. What does the voice say to you? PAUL: It was an audible voice, which said, "Surrender to the dark forces within." SID: And what did you do about that? PAUL: I freaked out. I never heard an audible voice before, and I looked around to see if anybody had heard it. SID: Okay. So he's tearing these Christians apart, but their love is kind of contagious. So he goes to a retreat meeting and he decides, oh no, they're all hypocrites. I'm leaving this place. But he doesn't have a car. So he hitchhikes. Tell me about your adventure. PAUL: Well right after the religious retreat, which confirmed my worst suspicions about Christianity being a country club religion, the place looks like the "Field of Dreams," the movie with cornfields in the middle of nowhere. I stick out my thumb on my road. A Pentecostal preacher and his wife pick me up in their car. And being from New York City, I said, okay, great, we're in the cornfields, and there's probably a lot of Pentecostal preachers nearby. They share with me the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then they let me out on the road again. I stick out my thumb again. Within seconds, a station wagon pulls up. It's a guy in a dark three-piece suit like an undertaker. He's a Bible salesman. SID: Does he have any Bibles in his car? PAUL: Yes. He has, I don't know, a hundred King James Bibles. You know, the big thick ones. SID: Oh, I know.

2 2 PAUL: So he's driving down the back roads of Missouri. He lets go of the steering wheel. It looked like a 65-pound King James Bible. He's looking at me, not the freeway, and he's preaching, and he gets right down to it. He says, "Did you know that you're a sinner and that if you don't accept Jesus Christ into your life you're going to go to Hell, and you need to be born again." And that basically was it. I'm from New York. I didn't even believe in the word "sin". That was an archaic concept. And he says, "You want to pull off the road and say a sinner s prayer?" And I said, yeah. But inside my mind, I'm going, great. He's a religious ax murderer pervert. He's going to chop my head off before he does whatever and bury me in the bushes and say a couple of prayers over me. So I prayed with him. It was a real short prayer, Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sins. I asked him to come into my life and make me born again. So I forgot about it. SID: So then a few days later, he's in New York. He's at a place called The Lamb's Club. Briefly, what occurred? PAUL: What happened was I was discussing my experience with people who had been witnessing to me. And as I was sharing this hitchhiking experience, a girl who we had never met before came over to me and said, "I couldn't help but overhearing your conversation." She said, "I'm a minster's daughter. I was wrestling with these same questions, Is Jesus Lord? " And for some reason she looks right at me, and she says, "Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?" And I had never said this before, but the words blurted out of me: "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." At that moment, the sky cracked open and I saw God, not in the physical sense, but a spiritual sense. And I knew instantaneously that all the cosmic consciousness, astral projection, altered states of consciousness, all that stuff was illusions and false, and I knew that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, instantaneously. SID: That is God. Now what happens next is so amazing because he then devotes his life to studying prophecy and studying what's going on in the world. And then God starts giving him supernatural dreams to direct his research. Tell me a few things you found out about the one world currency. PAUL: Well first of all, I do a tremendous amount of research from mainstream sources. It has to be documented. It has to be credible. Number two, is I studied Bible prophecy, and the Old Testament and the New Testament. But the third component is I do research where the Holy Spirit leads me and guides me into specific areas of research. So as I'm researching this I notice that in the Old Testament the Tower of Babel or Babylon is the world's first one-world government, one-world religion, one-world economic system. That's clue one. Then I get into Revelation 13 and I read about the one-world government, the one-world economic system, oneworld religion, a false prophet, the religious false prophet and the Antichrist. And then I see that in Revelation it talks about a global government and a global economic system, and you can't buy or sell without getting the Mark of the Beast. And then I realize that everything that was predicted 2000 years ago is coming to life in this world now even as we speak. SID: Give me one fact that will knock me out.

3 3 PAUL: Well one fact is that the international banking elite have planned for there to be a world currency by Now that doesn't mean they'll hit the date. The target date is 2018, and they intend to bring in a one-world currency called the Phoenix, which just happens to be the bird on the back of the dollar bill. That bird on the back of the dollar bill is not an eagle. It's a phoenix. SID: And what is a phoenix symbolic of? PAUL: It's an occult, ancient occult symbol that goes back to Phoenicia. SID: So what is going to happen to our currency when there's a new currency? I want to find out. How about you? We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [commercial] We now return to It s Supernatural. SID: Okay. So we're headed towards this one-world currency system. And my natural question is, what's going to happen to the U.S. dollar? I have a personal need to know. PAUL: The personal dollar is bye-bye. And the proof of that would be the super billionaire, George Soros, that most people are aware of. I was watching him on the BBC speak to 25 million Europeans, live, and he quite openly spoke about the fact that the plan is to devalue the dollar. And the purpose for devaluing the dollar is you can't bring in a world currency if you have a strong dollar. So you have to lower the dollar to equalize the playing field. That way you can merge the currencies into one, a one-world currency. And he came out and basically said that on the BBC. He was very open. So he said, the goal is to devalue the dollar and then he said, we're going to bring in a one-world currency. But then he also said that part of the goal is to transfer the wealth out of the American middle class and middle class from other nations, transfer the wealth out of the middle class into third world nations, which some people may think is Christian, but it's going to go into the hands of dictators. So it's going to reduce the dollar, but also it's going to destroy the middle class. You'll have an elite upper class and you'll have a giant lower class or worker class. SID: Now lots of things are going on simultaneously. I don't think I've ever seen a time in history where so many, so much Bible prophecy is happening. PAUL: Well you're absolutely right. There has never been more prophetic signs coming true in one generation to this extent ever before in the history of mankind. So we're not just talking about economically and politically, and spiritually. We're talking about scientifically and in every realm of society. We are moving at lightning speed to the tribulation period and we're moving at lightning speed to the return of the Messiah. The number prophetic time clock is Israel, God's prophetic super sign, which began as a nation in 1948.

4 4 SID: Okay. You have, through your dreams and visions, and Bible prophecy, and research predicted things that would happen. Tell me a few. PAUL: A number of years ago, I was doing research and the Lord began to supernaturally tell me to write about and investigate people. And this was before 9/11. This is before the Trade Centers went down. The Lord told me to investigate Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Twin Trade Towers, weapons of mass destruction, EMPs, Iraq, Iran, and all of those geopolitical leaders and events that became popular language after 9/11. But I was researching and talking about it before 9/11, prophetically, because I was opened to the supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit. And I just want to say this one thing. That supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit, before today's program is over, there is going to be a very strong move of the supernatural force. And if people will be open to it, and they don't have to be religious to be open to it, by the time today's program is over they are going to experience firsthand perhaps one of the most powerful experiences supernaturally that they ever had in their lives. SID: Let me explain something. God did not leave us defenseless. God is going to do this for you because He knows what the future holds, and He wants you to not be under. He wants you to be ahead. Now you have been studying the Mark of the Beast and technology. Tell me some of the things you're finding. PAUL: Well one of the most important things that I found, and this again was the Holy Spirit supernaturally leading me into these fields of study, is that I began to understand that the modern science of mind control is a science, and it's about 200 years into the future, almost like science fiction than most people realize. But here's the thing about the science of mind control. Everybody knows biotechnology has gone through the roof. Everybody knows that computer technology has gone through the roof. But the average American does not know that the science of mind control has just as much a technology and it's about 200 to 300 years in the future. So to put this in very clear terms, there are huge masses of people on Planet Earth, especially in America. That would include politicians, the highest politicians, cultural leaders, leaders in all kinds of fields that are in a sense Manchurian candidates. They've been programmed and they're unaware of it. But the most frightening and disturbing thing of all that I found is that there is a mass mind control experiment going on now. And the easiest way to say it, it's a mass Manchurian candidate mind control operation where you can program scientifically an entire population. SID: Wow. Did you understand what he was saying? Electronically, an entire population. You know, tell me if there's a good analogy. When Adolf Hitler would speak, the people were like mesmerized. So you're saying when, say, a politician speaks, this technology will cause them to be mesmerized to do whatever? PAUL: Yeah. You're absolutely right, Sid. One of the areas that the Lord prophetically and supernaturally told me to research was Adolf Hitler, about 20 years ago. I had no interest in researching Adolf Hitler. I spent 20 years researching him. And I began to realize that his ability to speak so powerfully and persuasively was supernatural. But it was more than that. It was advanced scientific mind control wedded with the occult. So when you look at Hitler's life, he

5 5 was surrounded by occult teachers and the Brill Society, the Tooley Society who taught him the dynamics of body language, how to use his vocabulary to persuade the masses, and they trained him systematically, step by step. The very fact that he was called "The Father" and other things, he was using mind control on the German masses. All the symbols of the Third Reich are not accidental. Number one, they're occult symbols. But number two, they were scientific mind control and action. And the lesson we need to learn is, look how far and how dangerous mind control can be. SID: Listen, everything he is saying is telling me one thing. Jesus is coming back soon. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural [commercial] We now return to It s Supernatural. SID: You know, with all these advances and technology, and Daniel spoke about it, that there would be an increase of knowledge in the last days. And I was thinking an increase of knowledge of God's Word, which there is. But there's also an increase in the devil's information, mind control and things like that. Many people are really concerned. What would you say to them, because this is pretty dark stuff you've been talking about. PAUL: It's very dark stuff. And you know, I cried out to the Lord for an answer, and the Lord spoke to me, and He said that in the last days as these problems accelerate, that God was going to pour out this supernatural power in an unprecedented force and manner. And as I'm joining you now, I just want to share with you very briefly that, no matter what situation you're facing, whether you're religious or not, that right now as you're watching this TV program, the supernatural power of God is flowing through this studio into your bedroom or living room, or wherever you are, and you can feel it. It's like a tangible force. It's like electricity is filling your room and you can sense the overwhelming power of God. I just want to encourage you, that's going to give you the power you need to live triumphantly in the days to come. But no matter what you're facing, the Lord simply wants you to just receive His force as He extends it to you now. So whatever you're facing, whatever challenge or problem you have, at this moment the Lord delights in proving His reality, not with talk, but with power. SID: And you know what? I can feel this in the presence in the name of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit is going to tangibly come into you right now. PAUL: Absolutely right. So what I want to share with you is as you feel this incredible power and supernatural force flood into your room, and you can feel it, I just want to ask you to make the choice to receive it. So you're feeling the supernatural force of God with an overwhelming sense that Jesus Christ is touching you now. And we're not talking about words or hypnosis. We're talking about the power of God moving through the airwaves through this studio, and it's

6 6 flooding your bedroom and your office. And all you have to do is respond to it and God is going to do something absolutely incredible for you. SID: Pray right now. PAUL: Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus that whatever problem a person is facing, whether you're an influential leader or an ordinary person, whatever your need is, whatever you're struggling with is, I ask in the name of Jesus that power of the Holy Spirit that is flooding this studio would move into your life right now. And in Jesus' name I say to you that you are experiencing a supernatural miracle. Simply receive it and you will see just how powerful God is. SID: Have you seen the third great awakening? PAUL: Yes. I was doing research on the subject and saying, God, is there any hope for America? Because a lot of people are blinded by a dark supernatural force where they think everything has to get worse, and I'm just a victim. And I just want to say to those people, that idea that everything has to get worse and you're just a victim is a demonic attack. It's an attack from principalities of powers. And the Lord wants you to rise up. It's not God's will for America to be destroyed. But God said, if the repentance is real and my people will truly seek my face, He will send His power upon this nation with such great force it will transform it. SID: Last word: Hopelessness. It's a spirit. You get out in Jesus' name because there is hope in the Messiah. [commercial] SID: Next week on It's Supernatural. My guest was a teenager and was mentored by some of the great healing evangelists of the '40s and '50s. And I can tell you he wants to mentor you so you can do anything these great miracle ministries did. How would you like to be able to do that? Well you're going to be equipped.

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