We'll be right back to, "It's Supernatural."

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1 On "It's Supernatural" a woman looses inches from her waistline instantly in the glory. You don't just walk around the building and all this flesh comes off, it's impossible unless God did it. A ten-inch steel rod in a man's leg disappears miraculously in the glory. And another woman in the glory gets a free car, a free house and two hundred thousand dollars. Do angels exist? Are healing miracles real? Is there life after death? Can people get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth had spent twenty-five years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here, welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural. You know I believe that the supernatural has been stolen from us, I am Jewish and in my Bible I read about chariots of fire going up to heaven, I read about people walking on water as if it is dry land, I read about dead coming back to life, I read about sick being healed, these ancient Jewish secrets have been stolen from us, but my guest is in process of restoring these ancient secrets, lets take a look at David Hertzog. (Man) I had about a ten-inch steel bar in my right thigh to hole my operation, make sure the operation was successful, and I couldn't hit my thigh like this because it hurt. David: Because of the metal. (Man) Feel the metal when I rubbed it, it's gone. It was about that long and about that thick. David: Metal that long and that thick is gone out of your body? (Man) Yeah it's gone, it's not there. David: You're sure? (Man) That used to hurt. David: Folks we have been seeing metal rods and plates disappear through the whole revival, it's happening again tonight folks, but you can operate in the same glory, you can do miracles, you can heal the sick, it is not just me. (Woman) I have had some problems with my knees so I ran for that I believe that is healed, and I got weight loss. David: Look at that. (Woman) Two weeks ago we prayed for weight loss and I lost 15 pounds but it is like I came in between meetings but it wasn't that particular night but tonight it is definitely here. David: Tonight something just hit you harder it wasn't right here, it was tighter right, how tight was it. (Woman) Tight to button it. David: It was tight to button it, can you believe that? She could not hardly button it, it was hard to show it

2 one more time, so that girl right there in the black, she's amazed, that was tight to button it, can you, look how much flesh came off, you don't just walk around the building and all this stuff come off it is impossible unless God did it. So this is for you Lord, I love you, thank you for the gold tooth. David: I said, "Who needs a car?" She stood up first. Then I said, "She's going to get a car." Then I said, "Who here wants to give her a car?" At the moment on one stood up but I just felt a car was going to be given to her. (Woman) Yesterday I am at the office and my friend walks up to my desk to talk to me, oh I want to tell the whole thing, help me tell the whole thing. David: Hold her up, hold her up, you guys hold her up so she can talk, don't let her fall. (Woman) And a woman came up to talk to my friend and they started talking, meanwhile I am answering the phone, answering the phone, and the woman talks about wanting, she said I want to give it to somebody who is going to use it, and then she said at the end of the thing, I want to give you my beloved Saturn, and then we met at like at 3:40 at the center café. David: Car is a Saturn. (Woman) a car, she is giving it to me. David: Today? (Woman) Monday, Monday, Monday. Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here and I want you to meet this young Jewish man that is restoring what has been stolen from us, David Hertzog, David. Sid: You know David I am curious about that young woman that we just saw about getting a car, tell me a little bit about her. David: Well that was about six weeks ago, last week we went back there to the Denver Outpouring, and she got a second car given to her we found out, a house given to her and two hundred thousand dollars given to her. Sid: My goodness can I put my name on that list too? How did, here is what I want how did it happen? David: We were in the meeting the miracles were flowing, there was an offering that was taken and people began to give, and I just said "Lord, if you did it for the physical miracles, do a miracle in people's finances that really need it." And she was taking her bicycle to work like miles every day on a bicycle, and she gave whatever she had, she probably had like the widow's mite you know, and God did a hug miracle in her life, so I found out that when the glory is present it doesn't just touch bodies, it will touch marriages, finances, emotions, it can touch everything. Sid: Okay, we know what the word glory means, what does, for someone perhaps that doesn't know, what does the word glory mean to you, what is the glory? David: Yeah, I mean you can get a Webster's Dictionary,

3 but to me it is the closest you can get of being in heaven while being on the earth. Sid: It is breathing the rarefied air of heaven. David: Yes, exactly. Sid: I like that. David: Glory. Sid: Well you have just written a new book and the book is called "The Ancient Portals of Heaven." What is a portal? David: Well a portal is an "open heaven" some kind of gateway between heaven and earth and we all want to experience that heaven is the glory of God, but in the book I talk about certain things you can do and certain patterns that God is revealing on how to tap back into his ancient portals that open up the heavens. Sid: So like the miracles we were just watching, you tapped in to those ancient portals so that God's life could come in and okay, we saw it covering finances, we saw it covering health, does it cover other areas? David: Deliverance to demonic powers, I have seen people set free and the difference between the glory and maybe the anointing is that when the glory comes and the heavens are open you don't always have to lay hands on people to see the miracle, they are already under an open heaven, it is like Acts chapter four, "Stretch out your hands now to heal." So like in Denver a man came up in the back and he walks in the flyer, he hasn't even come in the building yet, and he has second degree burns all over his body, instantly healed, the burns were just gone as he walked in to the building, so that is the difference between an open heaven, now we can pray by faith, "Lord please heal him," and that is a different way but when you are already in it is like Lord let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, so if you walked into heaven right now how long would it take to get a healing? Sid: Instant. David: Yeah, so that is what we are talking about, that kind of glory where it is accelerated, it is already done, you are walking into the "It is Finished" realm. Sid: Could it be what the Messiah said, "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven?" David: Exactly. Sid: So we figure out what is going on in heaven and that is what is supposed to be happening in earth? David: Exactly, you got it, you can preach this. Sid: Okay, well I, I'll tell you what, talk is cheap, I want to see it happen, I want to be able to walk in that rarefied air of heaven and better than just me walking in it, God is not a respecter of persons, he wants you to walk in it, take a deep breath and we will be right back after this word. We'll be right back to, "It's Supernatural." When David Hertzog ministers the sick receive healing, limbs miraculously grow back, people experience supernatural weight loss, gold teeth and

4 even supernatural prosperity. Did you know that there are ancient gateways, supernatural portals that allow you to access heaven on earth? Call now to get your copy of this brand new book by David Herzog, "The Ancient Portals of Heaven." This book is the result of extensive Biblical research to access the connection the ancients, Israel, and the supernatural. God is calling you to the next level of his glory. Don't miss out on getting your copy of David Herzog's brand new book, "The Ancient Portals of Heaven." We now return to, "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here with David Herzog and David, we were talking about portals, so the rarefied air of heaven can come in our lives, breathe in our situations, and if God is in our situations you don't have to worry about anything. Now these portals are used for good obviously, but evil uses portals too, in fact you went into a New Age health food store and tell me about your experience there. David: Sure, well actually it was just a health food store but in my town you know, everything is Sid: Sedona. David: Yeah, so that explains it. And so I went to get a sandwich you know, and I go ever there and the girl goes, "Oh you haven't been here in a while, where have you been?" So I tell her about Peru and our outreaches and the miracles and then I said to her, "How was your week?" And she tells me, "Oh it was quite interesting, I gravitated yesterday a couple of feet off the ground," she tells me. Now normal reaction would be what, so I reacted this way, "How high did you get, three feet?" She goes yeah. I go how did you do that. Se goes well I invited ten thousand Buddha's to come inside me. I said it took ten thousand Buddha's and you only got three feet? I said that is some low level power. And she said well what do you mean and I said it took ten thousand just to come a couple of feet off the ground, that's too bad, you had to have, I said you know what, they are not real Buddha's, they were deceiving you. Those were demons. She goes really, I go do they have little bellies? Did they have little bellies like Buddha bellies, and she goes no, and she goes maybe you are right maybe they were tricking me, she said I felt very uncomfortable during the whole thing. I said well if you have ten thousand demons come in your body you are not going to fee too good that day. And then, but you know talking in love to her and then I

5 said to her, "But you know Jesus, he's great." She goes oh I love Jesus he is always my friend and, you know they love Jesus and Buddha and whatever. And I said, "That's great but he died for you and rose from the dead." She goes oh I can relate I rose form the dead too. I said really, so this is my town you know, and I said you really she goes yes I was clinically dead in the hospital, Jesus appeared to me and I rose from the dead in the hospital. Sid: Really? David: but she didn't have a believer to explain to her the salvation experience so she is studying to be a psychic because she wants to help people, so then she said but during the Buddha experience, the fake Buddha's when she was levitating, after she came beck down Jesus appeared to her which he often does and took her to a place called the Kingdom of Heaven. And she said for some reason I could not get in. And the voice came and said, "No man comes to the father but through me." And I said you know I can tell you what that dream meant. He is jealous, he has been following since he rose you from the dead, he has been visiting you off and on even though you have been having demonic encounters and he is so jealous he want to be the only God, the only Lover, he is jealous because you have all these other lovers, Buddha and all the other, He is the only God and he loves you and he has saved you, and she starts to weep and to cry, she says yes I know he has always been there for me, he always shows up in my and so I get to pray with her right there, so God appeared to this woman in a New Age place, seeking God, there are a lot of people in the occult or the New Age just, they don't know. They are just looking for something that satisfies. Sid: they have a hunger for God. David: Yeah. Sid: They are literally desperate for God. David: Oh yes and wide open. Sid: and you know what, the counterfeits looks really good until you see the authentic. David: Exactly. Sid: That's what you were doing you were presenting the authentic. Now what intrigues is your book says there are certain places or certain dates that there is just free passage from heaven to earth, tell me about that. David: Yeah on the earth there are geographical portals that are already opened, that if you go there you are already under an open heaven, like for instance the obvious, Jerusalem, Israel, Bethel, you go to places in Israel where you walk in and instantly you are in like the presence of God, because something is open, like Bethel, it says in the Bible this is the gate of heaven. So it talks about a gate that is already open. Sid: Well you know what that must be why there is such a struggle over Jerusalem.

6 David: Exactly because it is the biggest portal I believe in the whole world, you have the religious spirit thing going on, but when you pray in Jerusalem and you break through into the glory, the glory is even stronger than anything that you can imagine, I get visited by God so much more when I go to Israel than anywhere else on the earth. Sid: Well besides places, you have found that there are specific dates. David: Oh yeah, I call them seasonal portals, there are seasons in time where the portals open up and God gives a clue in the Bible, he said I will visit my people during these specific times, they call them feasts, or I call them divine rendezvous with God. One of them is the Feast of Tabernacles, Pentecost, Passover, people miss it because they don't realize, they think oh that is legalism, or that's just the old days, but God never changes. Sid: So here is the deal, these are portals, in which God promises to show up. Now you have had some experiences with these portals, in Israel, in the Upper Room, on what was it, Shavuot? David: Yeah. Sid: On Pentecost, I want to find out about that and I also want to find out about some of the end time thing that David has found out that are just mind blowing, don't go away because I also believe you are about ready to have an encounter with the presence of God and in his presence all things are possible, all. We'll be right back to, "It's Supernatural." For he himself is our peace Who has made both Jew And Gentile into one And broke down the barrier of the dividing wall His purpose was to create in Himself To created in Himself His purpose was to create one new man One new man Sid Roth has found the key to worldwide revival This is God's time to reach the Jewish people with his love Messiah Jesus has torn down the wall dividing Jew and Gentile, the two together form one new man to reach the world God's method to reach the Jewish people is through signs and wonders This is why our website sidroth.org is jam-packed with tools to equip you to move in signs and wonders, understand Israel and the Jewish roots of the church. Log on to sidroth.org today. We now return to, "It's supernatural." Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here with David Herzog and we are finding out there are certain times and certain places that there are literally portals of free passage of angels and God's spirit and God's presence pouring into a place.

7 Now David, you mentioned Israel is a special place, and there are many other special places and you talk about in your book when you were in Israel at a Jewish feast because those are dates that are special times that God show up, tell me about one of those experiences. David: When you go to Israel during a feast you actually hit a geographical portal and a seasonal portal at the same time, so you get a double whammy open heaven experience, most people go to Israel outside the feasts, it is cheaper, less people, but we found wait, if all the Jews in the world are going to Israel during that time I am not going to miss that either, I am going to go. So we go over there and one of the times, many experiences during those feasts, but one of the times was in Sukkoth during the Feast of Tabernacles at Bethel, Bethel they call it. And we were looking for this place, we couldn't find it, we finally found this place that we believed is the spot where it happened according to the local people there, and we get over there and begin to worship the Lord and I tell everybody just lay down and just kind of relax and see if God gives you a vision or an experience or something because this is a portal right here. So we were experimenting, not your average tour to Israel. And so we go over there and we have to have a bullet proof bus to get there, we passed through Ramallah, everybody waves at Ramallah, and we get over there and we are laying there and I get suddenly taken to this experience where I can see the people laying down here but I look back and suddenly I see like a sea of glass, in the, it was like a vision I think, and I am just laying down and I think what is this. So I go into this and suddenly I see the Throne, I see Jesus, Yeshua, and I get taken right to Him and He looks at me and He says to me two things, he says, "Thank you for coming and touching Isaac my people," the Jewish people, he says, "Now I am going to also send you to Ishmael, you are going to touch Ishmael." Sid: The Arab people? David: The Arab people, and He tells me two things, and then He tells me this also, "Would you do, would you hold a conference for me," this is crazy, Jesus looks at me and says, "Would you host a conference for me in Jerusalem?" And I am thinking what; I don't live there right now. And the second thing was Ishmael, the Muslims, the Arabs, so three days later I get a phone call, hey David we are going to do an outreach in Israel in this other city, would you host one in Jerusalem? We are going to bring the same speakers. I said you know I would normally say no because I am not from there, who am I to host something but I just had a visitation with Yeshua, Jesus that told me to host a conference in Jerusalem. The second thing was the Muslim nations opening up, within a month I was in Dubai, Qatar, ministering to a guy named Mohammed something, he is one of the nine most powerful guys in OPEC, he is a sheik, I got to pray with

8 him, his arm got healed, in Dubai a thousand people showed up the first night, in Qatar all these Iranians came in getting healed, getting saved, so God began opening up both doors. Sid: What is going to happen David when these radical Muslims turn to Yeshua and develop a love for the Jew and a love for Israel and a love for those portals on the Jewish Feasts? David: It will, when it says the Gentiles will make the Jews jealous I can think of no better Gentile people than the Arab people to make the Israelites jealous, if their enemies, supposed enemies, are experiencing the glory, healing signs and wonders, but there is one more thing that would get them really jealous, it would be like in Zachariah, it says during the feasts when the Messiah returns in the end time even Egypt will have to come up to the feast in Jerusalem, if they don't I will not pour rain on that land, so you are going to start seeing even Arab people, Arab nations, starting to celebrate the seasonal portals, having God visit them, and the Jewish people will finally say wow, why is God visiting them during our feasts, but they have been grafted in through the blood. So God is going to start bringing this, the Jews will make the Arabs jealous, the Arabs will make the Jews jealous, I think it will go back and forth. Sid: David, the presence of God is so strong, I just heard that people are being healed in the studio audience as well as on the television right now and if you have a pain in your neck if you would move your head you would see the pain is gone, if you have a pain in your back if you would move you would see the pain is gone, David is God showing you anything? David: Yeah there is somebody watching you have got cancer in your body and God is healing you of cancer right now, everyone that has got cancer just touch your body by faith and receive healing, I see someone blind on the left eye I command the cornea to open up and the eye to be recreated right now in Yeshua's mighty name, I see someone that is missing a knee or you need a knee surgery or you are missing a knee, I command knees to be recreated now, I see others with weight loss, miracles right now, you saw the video and faith come in your heart and in Yeshua's name right now stand up and just run in place for two minutes by faith and I believe God is going to accelerate that, and I command weight loss to happen now in Jesus Name. In fact any creative miracle that you need, a body part to be recreated, or uncreated, in the Name of Yeshua, in the Name of Jesus, I command those body parts right now to be recreated and uncreated in Jesus Name, lay hands on your body because we don't have time to give all the words of knowledge but there are probably thousands of you already getting healed just by the atmosphere, there is a shoulder being recreated, a shoulder blade, I see a rotator cuff popping back into place and medal plates are dissolving over somebody watching right now, you watched that video and you said that's me,

9 I've got metal plates, I command them to go right now i n Jesus Name, and others that are watching just move your body by faith and do something you couldn't do before, I believe many of you are being healed even if you did not get a word of knowledge. Sid: You know David, I believe that there is something even greater than a metal plate disappearing in your body, that there is something greater than a gold tooth, you see these are signs of the Kingdom of Heaven invading the planet earth, and now it is time for you to know the King, it is just that simple, and it is not a Messiah for the Gentiles, a Messiah for the Jews, a Messiah for the Muslims, one God one Messiah, the Jew Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah. The choice is yours, he has already made a choice, he has chosen you, you are chosen, whether you are Jewish or Gentile or Muslim, it doesn't matter, what matters is intimacy with God what matters is knowing God, tell God you are sorry for the things you have done that have offended him, and you believe the blood of Messiah washes away all of your sins and you are clean, the Bible says you're righteous, you're as clean as the Messiah and now that you are clean you say Jesus come inside of me, take over my life, I make you Lord over every area of my life and if you forgot my exact words there is a two word prayer, "Jesus help." Jesus help. Help. When David Hertzog ministers the sick receive healing, limbs miraculously grow back, people experience supernatural weight loss, gold teeth and even supernatural prosperity. Did you know that there are ancient gateways, supernatural portals that allow you to access heaven on earth? Call now to get your copy of this brand new book by David Herzog, "The Ancient Portals of Heaven." This book is the result of extensive Biblical research to access the connection the ancients, Israel, and the supernatural. God is calling you to the next level of his glory. Don't miss out on getting your copy of David Herzog's brand new book, "The Ancient Portals of Heaven." When Jesus prayed that they all may be one there were only two people groups, Jews and Gentiles: God's purpose from the beginning was for all nations to become one in Yeshua, Messiah Jesus, to break down the middle wall of separation dividing Jew and Gentile so that the world may believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and Lord over all. When Jewish spiritual DNA merges with the New Covenant Christian DNA there will be what Paul calls:

10 That's why Sid Roth's website is loaded with cutting edge articles and teaching about the One New Man. Log on to: If you are encouraged or helped by these television programs please consider assisting us with future productions. Send your tax deductible gifts to:

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