SID: Do you think it could be serious for a believer that the repercussion, in fact, you call something the demonic trio.

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1 1 Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It s Supernatural. SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it s naturally supernatural. Most believers do not know this, but the recent presidential election was designed by the evil one to destroy many of your destinies. You don't know this, but you see the devil wasn't concerned. You think the devil was concerned about voting? No. He was concerned about your heart. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural. Most of you think the very first transgression in the Bible was Eve eating that forbidden fruit, but Kynan, you said no. KYNAN: No. SID: What was it? KYNAN: The first transgression in the Bible was slander. SID: Slander? KYNAN: Yes. Because the Bible says that Satan or the serpent came to Eve and he began to question God's reputation. You see, slander is defined as a damaging statement about someone's character or reputation. When Eve was presented with the opportunity to eat the fruit, the enemy told her that you will not surely die. In other words, God is not telling you the truth. He said one thing, but he means something else and it was her doubt and her suspicion that caused her to disobey commands. You see, the word "Satan" actually is the Hebrew "Shatan" and it means an adversary, but it also means one who breaks faith. In other words, when there is slander operating, our faith and trust in the character of the person slandered is damaged, is broken so that we no longer see them the same way again. And that's exactly what happened to Eve in the garden. SID: But look at the repercussion. KYNAN: Yes. SID: Do you think it could be serious for a believer that the repercussion, in fact, you call something the demonic trio. KYNAN: Yes. SID: Explain that. KYNAN: Well I believe that slander and gossip, and offense is what I call the demonic trio, in other words, slander, gossip and offense. And I want us to think about it this way. Imagine somebody had a debilitating virus like bacterial meningitis, for example. You can carry bacterial meningitis and not even know you have it. Guess where you carry it? In your mouth. So when

2 2 somebody releases the virus or the bacteria it can infect another person and get pass their blood brain barrier into their brain and kill them. So I believe that what Satan has done has attempted to infect the church with offense and his means of doing that is through slander and gossip. SID: You know, I have never seen a time in my entire that it's almost okay to slander and gossip when let's say, take the most recent presidential election. I mean, families are being divided. I've never seen such division and it's like we watch the news, and you put it in and it comes out, and we're saying the same negative things. It's hateful. How does a Christian fall into such a trap? KYNAN: Well it's very simple. Why would Eve risk everything because of a conversation? SID: She wouldn't. KYNAN: Watch this. When we talk about the serpent and how he spoke to Eve, the word "serpent" actually means divination, which means that what was happening to Eve while she was listening to the accuser, she was being brought under a spell. And Sid, there are millions of Christians who are spellbound. They are literally under a satanic influence. You see, people don't recognize that slander is actually a form of witchcraft and I'll tell you why. The definition of witchcraft in the New Testament is the word, "pharmakeia." It means where we get the word "pharmacy" from, illicit drugs, drugs that put people in an altered state of consciousness, drugs that manipulate and control. Well guess what Sid, we have many pharmacists in the church and in the schools, and in the families. These are people who with their words poison other people and bring those people into a spell, bring them into an altered state of consciousness so that they don't even realize what they're doing anymore. They don't realize what they're saying. And I always ask people this question: Who's in your ear? Who are you listening to? SID: But what someone hears doesn't really affect them. Most people think it's nothing. KYNAN: Oh no, no, no, absolutely. What we hear affects every aspect. First of all, the first thing that we hear, it affects what we see. You see, when Eve heard the conversation she saw the tree differently. When I hear something it affects everything that I see. It affects my ability to perceive, my ability to see, my ability to see things clearly. SID: How would that affect our destiny? KYNAN: Well that has a power to stagnate your destiny. I'll give you an example. The Lord gave me a vision and I saw two believers, they were outside of a church and they were talking. And as they were talking to each other there were two demons on each of their shoulders, and the demons would whisper lies into their ears. Now Sid, they never even questioned whether or not these were true statements. Now watch this. As they begin to hear these whispers in their ear, they begin to look at each other differently. Their countenance has changed. Then the most dramatic thing happened. You want to know what happened in my vision? The demons began to vomit on each of the believers and it was like this slime. It was this filthy slime. And I asked God, I said, "God, what is that?" He said. "That's slander, gossip and offense." He said, "It is a substance from the underworld." What if I told people that slander and offense was a satanic

3 3 substance that can contaminate their spiritual life and keep them from fulfilling their destiny, literally keep you from realizing God's purpose for your life and abort your destiny prematurely. SID: That's pretty serious stuff. That's as serious as what happened to Eve as far as I'm concerned. KYNAN: That's right. SID: What about sickness? Can it affect our health? KYNAN: I was ministering to people and I was trying to figure out why people weren't getting healed. And God told me, he said, "You're not dealing with the right thing. You need to address the elephant in the room. So I began to pray for people who had been lied on, people who had been offended, who had been hurt. And I called an altar call. One woman came down who had been devastated. I mean her body was wracked with rheumatoid arthritis. Now with further investigation we realized that this woman had been through a nasty divorce, her husband had said awful things about her. She was bitter toward him and as a result it was affecting her health. When I led her through a prayer of release she was instantly healed. Woman: God, set me free of bitterness in Jesus' name. I'm healed! I'm healed! KYNAN: She went to the doctor and they couldn't even find any rheumatoid in her body anymore. So we see that what we accept into our heart has tremendous ramifications even for our health. SID: I believe that man of you, you're out of control. I even see myself doing it when I watch the news and I hear these things. My temper, my anger goes up. But you know what, there is a vaccine and when you take this vaccine you will have it under control, and when you have it under control you will walk in the promises of God. When we come back we'll hear about this vaccine. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [commercial] We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: Kynan, you have an analogy that really spells out how offense operates on us. It has to do with the dark alley. KYNAN: Okay. So imagine people walking down a dark alley. It's pitch black. You can't see anything in front of you. And I remember being in an experience when I went to Africa one time. I couldn't see anything. There were no generators, no nothing, no light. And so you're walking down this dark path. You can't see what you're stumbling. In fact in this particular instance there was a black viper right by my foot. I didn't even see it. The person behind me happened to step on it. And I believe that many people are stumbling in the dark. That's what offense is like. The Bible calls it a snare. It's actually a stumbling block. That's what the word "offense" means. It

4 4 means something that causes us to get trapped or stuck. So there are millions of believers, they don't know why they are stumbling. They don't know why, why am I not healed. Why can't I have any joy? Why have I yet to fulfill my purpose? They've been saved 20 years and yet they've never fulfilled their calling. They are literally walking in the dark and they know what they're stumbling at. The Bible tells us, it says, "He that hates his brother stumbles in darkness," and he can't see where he's going. And so this is what the enemy wants. He wants us in darkness so that we can't see our purpose. We can't see where we're going. SID: We literally have an assassin that's coming out to kill us, but we're actually being used by that assassin and we don't even realize it. KYNAN: God gave me this analogy. Satan moved out of the church a long time ago and he hired hit men to do his bidding. Now who are his hit men? This is going to be very scary for some people. Believers, people who love God, people who are sincere in their walk, but are unknowingly assassinating others in the church, unknowingly assassinating others in their family, on their job, they don't realize that they're working for the enemy. But I believe, if I can do this, Sid, I want to release you from that contract. You're fired. You're not going to work for the enemy anymore. You're going to work for the King of King and the Lord of Lords, not the accuser of the brethren, but the healer of the nations. SID: Is there a vaccine, if you will, because I'll take it. Now I don't take a lot of vaccines for other reasons, but this vaccine I want for this virus. Is there? KYNAN: There is a vaccine. You know, here's what we have to do. First of all, we have to forgive. You see, God forgave us. The Bible says God, for Christ's sake, forgave us. None of us deserve forgiveness. That's why it's called forgiveness. And we're required to forgive people who don't even acknowledge they're wrong. And this is why, Sid. Forgiveness is not for them, it's for you. It's for you because you're the one that is going to experience freedom. You're the one that's going to have peace. SID: And not gossiping. It isn't for them, it's for you, but it destroys people. You know what, it works both ways. KYNAN: It works both ways. And then we have to repent. This is the vaccine. We have to change our thinking. What if people understood that every time you said something about someone a dagger went into that person's heart or a dagger went into someone's heart. Many people would be convicted of mass murder because our words are like swords. This is what the scripture says. It says, "The talebearer, their words are like wounds going into the inward parts." See, I want people to have a visual of this, Sid, and recognize what's happening. Satan is the only one who gains from accusation. We gain nothing from it. SID: Give me one other clue on this vaccine. KYNAN: You have to avoid. SID: Avoid?

5 5 KYNAN: Avoid SID: Avoid what? KYNAN: Avoid conversations that are demonic, conversations that don't glorify God, conversations that don't redeem. The Bible says in Romans 16, "Mark those which cause offense and avoid them." Now what this means is I'm not saying cut off all your friends and all this kind of stuff, but what I'm saying is taking a stand. Now if you realize it's your destiny depending on what you heard and what you said, you will be very protective of the words coming out of your mouth. SID: That's a mouthful. Your destiny. When we come back I'm going to have Kynan tell a true story about a young man that tried to kill a woman, went to prison and what happened. Unbelievable. We'll be right back. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [commercial] We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: A young African-American boy tried to kill an elderly white woman, hurt her, I mean, horribly. Tell me that story, Kynan. KYNAN: It's a very powerful story, Sid. This young man is sort of a menace and doesn't have a father figure in his life, and so he resorts to a life of crime, violence, robbing, stealing, etc. And he happens to victimize this woman and he hurt her really bad, and of course, he want to prison. He was convicted and went to prison. But the amazing part of the story is the response of the woman. She forgave him, not only that, but she began to correspond with him in prison and to bless him and tell him, you know what, you can start over again, you can have a better life. I mean, isn't that amazing. When he gets out of prison they meet for the first person since the event and they embrace one another. And he says, "You know what, you changed my life because when you forgave me I realized that that wasn't who I am. That wasn't who I was created to be. God had a bigger purpose for me in life." And now this man is reintroduced back into society and he's going to do great things. But what would have happened if she didn't forgive him? Now I'm not saying it's easy to forgive. SID: If she hadn't, I bet he would have gone into society and done even worse. KYNAN: Yes because he was in the prison of her unforgiveness. That's what happens. When we hold on to offenses we hold people hostage, and guess what, we have to be the prison guard. So we're right there with them while they're in prison. Neither one of us is going anywhere. SID: We're both in prison.

6 6 KYNAN: We're both in prison. SID: I mean, it's time to be free. When you understand the repercussions of what happened, when you lend yourself to do these unbiblical things, you said every believer, every church needs an ICU unit. KYNAN: That's right, intensive care unit. Every believer, every hospital, every good hospital has an intensive care unit, and this is where the worse cases go. This is where the most traumatized, the most debilitated, the most wounded people go and they have specialists that can administer care to these people. It's usually a separate part from the other part of the hospital. Every church, every family, every believer needs an ICU. In other words, we need to understand that many times when people hurt or offend us it's because they're wounded. When you're wounded you're prone to attack. When you're hurt you're prone to hurt and that's why we need an ICU, a place where people can heal. You know, there are people watching even right now, Sid, that believe, I don't belong in the church. I don't belong in this family. I'm too damaged. There is nothing that can be done for me. But I want people to understand that the Holy Spirit is the chief of the ICU and he can heal the most wounded person. He can restore the most broken. He can literally rehabilitate the fallen if we will allow him to. SID: You have a term you use: grace space. Explain. KYNAN: We have to have a grace space as believers. Don't automatically come to a conclusion about someone. Don't automatically accept a narrative. Don't automatically. SID: The truth is we don't have all of the facts. There's only person that has all the facts, that's God. KYNAN: That's right. SID: Tell me that story, very poignant, about that wise grandfather. KYNAN: The wise grandfather, you know, it's so funny. I love this story. Two little girls are playing and they have the crayons and everything. And one of the little girls, the granddaughter, breaks the crayon in half. And so she goes to the grandfather and says, "Granddad, I broke my crayon. I'm so upset." And he takes the crayon. He's a wise grandfather. He takes the crayon and takes a piece of paper and he begins to draw with the crayon and he shows her and says, "Listen sweetie, broken crayons still color". And there are people, if I can just speak to the audience, there are some people, you have been broken, you have been wounded by the church, you have been wounded by your family, you've been wounded by those in authority and you need to know that you are not damaged goods. Broken crayons still color. We forget the fact that he is the potter and cannot the potter heal the clay. Cannot he restore the clay? Cannot he make you the way he wants you to be? Receive him even now. SID: Jesus said a very penetrating question, "Will you be made whole?" KYNAN: That's right.

7 7 SID: Comment on that. KYNAN: You know, a lot of people are broken. I counsel and it's so funny because sometimes we can be so engulfed in our brokenness that we don't understand that that's not what God wants us to be. And when Jesus went to the pool of Bethesda, a place of healing, everybody was waiting to get in the water. This man had been there for 38 years and Jesus asked him, he said, "Will you be made whole today?" Then his next words were very powerful. He said, "Rise. Take up your bed and walk." I believe it's time for people to rise up out of their pain, rise up out of their offense, take up their bed and walk in their purpose. This is what God is calling us to do in this hour. SID: I want you to charge people to do that right now. KYNAN: You know, you're listening to me right now, you say, I hear what you're saying, I know it's scriptural, but I can't. I'm too hurt, I'm too wounded. Do you know that I was wounded, too? I was broken, too, even as a pastor. One day in my room I'm sitting there and the Lord Jesus walked into my room and he laid his hands on my heart, and he gave me a new heart. He gave me a new compassion for people and I believe he wants to do the same for you right now. As you stretch your hands, Father, in Jesus' name, I declare that everyone watching me and listening to my voice will receive the healing that you desire for them to experience. I charge you now to rise up, take up your bed and walk. You will not stay in a bed of offense. You will not stay in a bed of affliction. You will not stay in a place of stagnation, but you will rise up today and fulfill your purpose once and for all in Jesus' name. SID: Now you know the truth and I say to you the truth has made you free. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [commercial] SID: Next week on It s Supernatural. When my guest plays the violin, miracles happen. But she told me just before the show started, and she was weeping, and said "I remember when I was dying in a hospital and the presence of God came into my room and I was miraculously healed, and that same presence of God is in this studio today. I can't wait to find out what's going to happen when she plays her violin.

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