Catechist Formation Session Objectives

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1 Cat 103: Life of Christ Catechist Formation Session Objectives Session 8 The History of the Church Background Material Dr. Alan Schreck, The Compact History of the Catholic Church. Session Goal This session will examine the major periods of the history of the Church, giving a brief overview of the major events and people in the life of the Church. It will note the role of the Spirit as the soul of the Church in spite of the weaknesses of human beings. This session will not be an apologetical overview of Church history and specific events in the life of the Church, but will be meant to help the individual understand the major periods of the life of the Church. We will see in these stages that, through the Church, the Kingdom of God has continued to grow on earth through the activity of the Holy Spirit. In particular, we will look at 10 major periods of the Church, briefly mentioning in each period: 1. The Date 2. Primary Political Power/Philosophy 3. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church 4. Struggles Facing Church, both from within and without 5. Form of Liturgy 6. Key Developments in Church 7. Notable Saints those who exhibited the holiness God intended Three questions adults might have about this topic. What life-issues do I need to connect with in the people at my session? 1. How can we see the role of the Spirit by looking at the history of the Church? 2. Who are the great saints of the history of the Church? 3. Why has the Church survived for this long? Essential Points for the Teaching. Add in sub-points as needed. What points need to be made explicit and cannot be left to chance? A. Recap of the previous session. Cat 103 Session 8 1 The History of the Church

2 1. After Jesus ascended, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost. 2. Though he was the fiercest opponent of the Church, Saul is converted and becomes the Apostle to the Gentiles. 3. St. Paul brings the Word of God to the Gentiles, who are now admitted to the Church as full members. B. Highlights of the History of the Church: 1. Apostolic Times AD The Church is born in 33AD at Pentecost: At Pentecost (which originally was a Jewish Festival celebrating the Receiving of the Law/Harvest), God sent the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ to begin the ministry of making disciples of all the nations. Here the Church is revealed to the world. We see at this time that the life of the Church was centered on the ministry of St. Peter (see Acts 11, 15), who made the key decisions in the life of the early Church. It is from St. Peter that follows the succession of popes, who can be traced all the way to our present pope, Benedict XVI. a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: Roman Empire Map of Roman lands Provided the foundation for the spread of Christianity through roads, sea routes, language, Pax Romana 200 year time of peace, Roman Empire not attacked. Roman occupation of Israel - Herod King of Galilee, appointed by Romans, non-jewish lineage - Pilate Governor of Judea, Roman b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Judaism This was a natural tension because Jesus went squarely against the Jewish religious leaders. This is not anti-semitism!!! c. Struggles Facing Church, both from within and without: Admission of Gentiles Acts 15 - Circumcision Cat 103 Session 8 2 The History of the Church

3 d. Form of Liturgy: House Agape meal See 1 Corinthians 11: Direct adaptation from Jewish ceremonies/scripture Homes e. Key Developments in Church: Hierarchy This allows the Church to be governed. It begins with Matthew 28, then adds: - Deacons Acts 6 - Presbyters elders 1 Timothy 5; James 5; 1 Peter 5 - Bishops/Overseers 1 Timothy 3 As the church grew, so did the need for delegation and hierarchy. f. Notable Saints those who exhibited the holiness God intended: Peter and Paul Peter: First Pope, died in Rome 64 AD, Crucified upside down, importance at council of Jerusalem, Acts 15 Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles, 67 AD, Beheaded in Rome, missionary maps 2. Age of the Martyrs, AD Christian Persecution: AD. Christianity was illegal, underground, like it is in many places today. Tertullian said that the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. Often Christians were accused of Cannibalism. a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy Roman Empire Map of empire by 313 AD b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Gnosticism They taught: - Jesus only appeared to be man He was really only divine. - The God of the OT (angry) is different than NT God (happy). Cat 103 Session 8 3 The History of the Church

4 - And wrote other books of the bible not canonized by Church (4 th century) - Salvation comes through obtaining secret knowledge, not through grace. c. Struggles Facing Church, both from within and without: Persecution Beginning with Nero in 64 AD, blaming fire of Rome on Christians Christians were called atheists because they refused to worship the Roman Gods/Emperor. Tertullian: The Blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church. ½ million Christians by the end of the first century in the Roman Empire. Second century the persecution was sporadic. - 2 million Christians by end of this century AD Relative peace for Christians in the Roman Empire AD Persecution of Decius AD Persecution of Diocletian, ended by Galerius - 5 Million Christians by 300 AD d. Form of Liturgy: Catacombs Ignatius of Antioch importance of bishop, 110 AD - Called Church Catholic Cult (def.) of martyrs in early Church was strong. Celebration on altars with relic (bone) of saint. Gatherings were small and quick due to persecution. Romans understood the Mass as a cannibalistic ceremony. e. Key Developments in Church: Edict of Milan 312 AD Constantine becomes Emperor, captures Rome. - Chi-Ro symbol of Christ was the symbol that helped him win the battle of the Milvian Bridge in Rome and become emperor. Cat 103 Session 8 4 The History of the Church

5 313 AD Edict of Milan, Constantine makes Christianity legal in empire. This began the alliance of Church and state (divine right of kings), which lasted until secular democracy would come forward almost 1500 years later. Constantine founded Constantinople (Istanbul) in the East. f. Notable Saints: Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus of Lyons Ignatius of Antioch - Church described as Catholic: Christianity is first described as Catholic, or universal; this was first coined by Ignatius of Antioch, who died in 110 AD. Ignatius was bishop of Antioch, was fed to lions. Irenaeus of Lyons - Bishop of Lyon, France. Disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of St. John - Fought the Gnostics. With the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, the Church is accepted as legal under the emperor Constantine, becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire 3. Age of the Fathers, AD What is a Father of the Church? a. Primary Political Shift: East/West Empire This separation of Rome/Constantinople began after the death of Constantine. West under control of barbarian tribes by 476 AD - Rome Sacked in 410 AD - Attila the Hun Eastern Byzantine Empire b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Arianism Arius, priest of Alexandria, focused on Christ as a man/creature, not God. Constantine, as Emperor of the West, called an ecumenical council. The state begins to determine affairs of the Church. Cat 103 Session 8 5 The History of the Church

6 Pro-Arius bishops continue to have influence on Constantine and subsequent emperors. c. Struggles Facing Church: Doctrine Martyrdom is no longer the primary issue doctrine is. Remember the importance of doctrine it is relational All the major, foundational doctrines of the Church were determined at this time, including: - The Trinity - Christ - Most Marian doctrines. d. Form of Liturgy: Regional Christian Centers: - East: Antioch (Greek), Alexandria (Coptic/Egyptian), Constantinople, - Jerusalem - Rome - Gaul Gallican Locate on Map Basilicas, elaborate liturgy, different languages People go to Mass because of cultural reasons. e. Key Developments in Church: Councils/Creeds Nicene Creed Athanasian Creed List of Ecumenical Councils f. Notable Saints: Athanasius/Augustine Cat 103 Session 8 6 The History of the Church

7 Athanasius - Bishop of Alexandria 4 th Century. - Fought Arianism, exiled 5 times by Arian emperors for defending Council of Nicaea. If the Arians could discredit Athanasius, they would win over Constantine. Council of Nicaea, 324 AD, was a key council of the early church because it defined Christ as homoousios, that Christ is of one being with the Father. It took the Church her first 500 years to come to a full understanding of who Christ is, that He is fully God, fully man, that Mary is His mother, and that He is one person with two natures (human and divine). Augustine - Bishop of Hippo, famous convert, mother is St. Monica, teacher of Christian philosophy and catechetics. 4. The Rise of Christendom, AD Def: Christendom: The alliance of Church and state a. Emerging Political Power: Islam In 8 th century, especially in the East/Byzantium - Saracens, Moors - The rise of Islam would eventually lead to the Crusades. Map Rise of Islam 9 th century Feudalism - Feudalism dispersed political power in a system of king, prince, nobleman, etc. From Encarta: medieval social system: the legal and social system that existed in medieval Europe, in which vassals held land from lords in exchange for military service 1800 years of French monarchs Charlemagne Cat 103 Session 8 7 The History of the Church

8 - Son of Pepin - King, wanted control of Church and say on filioque against Eastern Church - Military conquests of Europe, conversion of barbarians AD, Christmas Day, crowned Emperor of West by Pope Leo III, the only pope to kneel before a king. - Supported the Pope as a military and state leader, with papal states and a military. Holy Roman Empire - Dates: b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Political Power The Church s politicization led to corruption in the Church and a loss of holiness. c. Struggles Facing Church: Schism State tension between East and West led to Church tension in East/West 1054 AD: East/West Schism - Catholic Church vs. Orthodox Church - Primary Issues: Papacy, filioque - Mutual excommunications, lifted in East/West Schism (split): Catholicism is the only Christian Faith for 1,500 years, but not without corruption. The eastern and western halves of the Church split at this time (East - Orthodox Church, West - Catholic Church), around 1054 AD d. Form of Liturgy: Centralized/Codified Writing of Sacramentaries, Missals, liturgical books e. Key Developments in Church: Monasticism 10 th Century Cluny Abbey/France led to renewal in holiness Already the Benedictines (500 s) were well established Cat 103 Session 8 8 The History of the Church

9 f. Notable Saints: Pope Gregory VII Stood up to Holy Roman Emperor, Henry IV, defended papacy s role in governing Church (opposing lay investiture), reinforced celibacy and rejected simony (buying/selling of spiritual goods). 5. The Fall of Christendom, AD a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: England/France b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Albigensian Heresy Albigensians Cathars Humiliati Waldensians 13 th century Inquisition - Goal was to root out heresy through conversion. Most priests and bishops wanted peaceful solutions to heresy, often going against the mobs. - Got out of hand with state Church failed to stop it and at times justified it. Albigensians - Region in Southern France - Terrible beliefs and practices See Triumph p They were seen as a greater threat than advancing Islam. Pope launches crusade against them in 1208 (???????????????????). - St. Dominic Conversion through preaching/rosary. - Pope lost control of these crusaders, who turned crusade against albigensians into massacres AD Process of Inquisition outlined Triumph p. 176 Cat 103 Session 8 9 The History of the Church

10 AD Church forbids vernacular mistranslation of Bible because of misuse by Albigensians. The Bible would be heard in latin in Church. They could claim no bible-alone new revelation AD Torture begins to happen, tolerated by Church officials. Numbers were small, but abuses happened. Spanish Inquisition - 15 th Century coming after 700 year of Moorish/Muslim rule years long, run primarily by state Triumph p ,000 trials 4000 deaths. (Must be put into context of other numbers, such as American Civil War, Protestant vs. Catholic wars in rest of Europe). - Between AD 4 deaths/years - Jews/Muslims expelled early on Roman Inquisition/Holy Office - Established in 1542 by Paul III in response to Reformation - Becomes Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith in 1965 c. Struggles Facing Church: Papal Corruption Crusades: Liberation of Holy Land again Muslims, starting in 1095 AD - 8 Crusades in all - Ordered by pope to reclaim Holy Land sites that were being pillaged. - Loose alliance of nobles and men-at-arms - 4 th crusade, 1202 AD, got out of hand, Crusader plundered Constantinople. Pope lost control of crusaders. - Common Problem: Many see Church endorsing unprovoked aggression. Avignon Papacy: AD - Catherine of Siena Cat 103 Session 8 10 The History of the Church

11 Great Schism AD multiple popes Council of Constance ( ) rectifies it Simony of Popes, - Selling of church offices, - Breaking of vows of celibacy - Selling of Indulgences d. Form of Liturgy: Centralized Predominance of Latin Unworthiness in receiving communion, plagues/black Death 1348ff. wiping out 1/3 of Europe s population, lack of participation at Mass Romanesque architecture soaring spires Increase in development of personal devotion, such as devotion to Mary e. Key Developments in Church: Mendicant Orders Source of Renewal, living a life of poverty and humility of Christ, 13 th century. Also Development of Christian Universities (theology and philosophy) and culture f. Notable Saints: Francis (1209), Clare, Dominic (1215), Thomas Aquinas (1274), Joan of Arc, Reformation and Revolution, AD Protestant Reformation, 1517 AD takes place. The Church had sold spiritual goods such as indulgences and became very focused on money. Many in the Church were also focused on external superstitions, rather than internal devotions. Martin Luther saw this, and concluded that one is saved by faith alone under the authority of the Bible alone. (Note: neither of these premeses are from the Bible). After many struggles within the Church, Luther decided to take matters into his own hands and left the Church in order to seek reform. Counter-Reformation: 1545 AD Church fights the Reformation with Council of Trent. This was a key council against the Protestant Reformation, where the Church clarified her practices (disciplines) and doctrine (teachings). Practices change, doctrine does not. Cat 103 Session 8 11 The History of the Church

12 a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: England/France/Germany b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Protestantism Luther eventually came to bible alone view of authority, going against Church Authority. Kept many Catholic practices AD 95 Theses posted on chapel door, University of Wittenberg Other Protestants included: - John Calvin rejection of all not in Bible - John Knox from Calvin, starts Presbyterian Church in Scotland - Henry VIII 1534, declares himself head of church of England Renaissance Nominalism c. Struggles Facing Church: Division The problems immediately preceding the Protestant Reformation were widespread: - Simony - Secular rulers who were bishops - Selling of indulgences - Superstitious devotions d. Form of Liturgy: Tridentine Mass Devotion to Mary purified and renewed. Frequent Holy Communion and Confession e. Key Developments in Church: Council of Trent Council of Trent, Clarified Devotion, Discipline, Doctrine, especially Sacraments, Faith and works Bible and Apostolic Tradition The nature of the Mass No more selling indulgences Cat 103 Session 8 12 The History of the Church

13 Proper devotion to Mary/Saints Seminaries developed Well supported by following popes St. Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine New Religious Orders: - Jesuits: Ignatius of Loyola 1539 This was a time of purification in the Church, redefining doctrine and discipline but at the expense of unity. - OL Guadalupe vs. reformation numbers f. Notable Saints: Thomas More Teresa of Avila 7. Missionary Expansion to the New World, Church missionaries accompanied explorers from Catholic countries. a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: Spain/Portugal b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Persecution of Natives Governments/states wanted to have slaves Church fought them c. Struggles Facing Church: Martyrdom Which often happens when Church enters new land. Many died for the Church d. Form of Liturgy: Revision of Texts e. Key Developments in Church: Missionary Renewal Dominicans/Jesuits South America Jesuits/Franciscans Canada/North America Franciscans Mexico, California, New Mexico f. Notable Saints: Blessed Fr. Junipero Serra California Missions Cat 103 Session 8 13 The History of the Church

14 Fr. Eusiebio Kino New Mexico Isaac Jogues, Jesuit priest, Martyred by Iroquois, 1646 John de Brebeuf Converted 10,000 Heron Indians 8. The age of Enlightenment, AD a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: Democracy b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Atheism c. Struggles Facing Church: Relevancy Galileo Opposition of Faith and science - Church condemned heliocentric astronomy - Galileo used heliocentric astronomy against Scripture - Subject to house arrest no torture - Church has now recognized they did not need to do this - The Church is not against science d. Form of Liturgy: Stability e. Key Developments in Church: Vatican I, AD Vatican I, 1869, the Church answered questions about the relationship between Church and science. It also declared the norms of papal infallibility. It was halted by outbreak of war. f. Notable Saints: Therese, Leo XIII, Bld. Chaminade From Second-youngest of fifteen children of Blaise Chaminade and Catherine Bethon; a deeply religious family, three of his brothers were also priests. Took the name Joseph as his Confirmation name, and preferred it to William. At age ten he went to the College of Mussidan where one of his brothers was a professor, and as student, teacher, steward, and chaplain, he remained there for 20 years. Priest during the persecutions and violence against the Church of the French Revolution. He refused to swear allegiance to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy in 1791, and was forced to minister to his flock in secret. Beginning in 1795, he Cat 103 Session 8 14 The History of the Church

15 had the job of receiving the returning priests who had taken the Civil oath, but later saw their error; he helped about 50 reconcile with the Church, and return to work in the diocese. Exiled to Zaragoza, Spain in during the French Directorate, the only time he lived anywhere outside his native Bordeaux. Near the Shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar, Chaminade received a message, telling him to be Mary's missionary, to found a society of religious to work with her to restore the Faith in France. On his return to Bordeaux in November 1800, he founded the Sodalities of Our Lady. 9. Modernism, AD a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: Communism/Nazism b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Marxism/Modernism Modernism tries to say church teachings are outdated/relative, connected to subjectivism. - There is no objective revelation. c. Struggles Facing Church: War, death, Martyrdom 20 th century: Greatest number of martyrs Pius XII helping Jews d. Form of Liturgy: Seeds of Renewal e. Key Developments in Church: Papal Teachings Writing on Philosophy, work, the Church all set the groundwork for renewal and Vatican II. f. Notable Saints: Maximilian Kolbe, Gianna Molla They gave their lives and have inspired many! From Tenth of thirteen children born to Alberto and Maria Beretta, she was a pious girl raised in a pious family; two brothers became priests, a sister became a nun. While in college, she worked with the poor and elderly, and joined the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Physician and surgeon, graduating from the University of Pavia in 1949, she started a clinic in Mero, Italy in She returned to school and studied pediatrics, and after finishing in 1952 she worked especially with mothers, babies, the elderly, and the poor. Active in Catholic Action, and a Cat 103 Session 8 15 The History of the Church

16 avid skier. She considered a call to religious life, but was married to Pietro Molla on 24 September 1955 at Magenta. Mother of three, she continued her medical career, treating it as a mission and gift from God. During her pregnancy with her fourth child, she was diagnosed with a large ovarian cyst. Her surgeon recommended an abortion in order to save Gianna's life; she refused and died a week after childbirth, caring more for doing right by her unborn child than for her own life. Today that child is a physician herself, and involved in the pro-life movement. 10. The New Evangelization 1963 to Present a. Primary Political Power/Philosophy: Capitalism b. Major Opposing Philosophy to the Church: Consumerism Distortion of Freedom c. Struggles Facing Church: Participation People were going through the motions. They must be missionaries, bringing Christ into their daily lives. d. Form of Liturgy: Novus Ordo e. Key Developments in Church: Vatican II Started by John XXIII in 1963, ended in 1965 by Paul VI Vatican II, mid-1960 s, was a time of update and renewal in the Church. Since then, the Church has been in a stage of flux and change. Many wonder what the Church stands for, and which camp they are in. Key to the renewal has been JPII and the Building of the Civilization of Love/the new Evangelization of the West f. Notable Saints: Mother Teresa, John Paul II Questions for Discussion. A. Divide the participants into small groups. 1. Give the 10 periods of Church history, how have you seen the Holy Spirit s presence in the life of the Church throughout these periods? 2. How has the Church continued to establish the Kingdom of God in the world? Closing Prayer Cat 103 Session 8 16 The History of the Church

17 After gathering everyone for prayer, quietly proclaim or have them meditate on the following themselves: Revelation 22: "Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each according to his deeds. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." 14 Blessed are they who wash their robes so as to have the right to the tree of life and enter the city through its gates. 15 Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the unchaste, the murderers, the idol-worshipers, and all who love and practice deceit. 16 "I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star." 17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." Let the hearer say, "Come." Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water. Have each participant silently reflect on Jesus love for the Church and how He will be present to the Church until He returns in glory. Invite each participant to pray for the grace to trust Jesus, even when times are difficult. End with some time for intercessions and the Hail Mary. Cat 103 Session 8 17 The History of the Church

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