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4 ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS j / o.) )1 f THE 1943 TEMULAC I ) ) L.. OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Page 2 Page 3

5 Page 4 PUBLISHED BY THE,, ~ S T U D E N T OF ~.ei II ~ / 1:0-\- CALUMET HIGH SCHOOL IN CHICAGO.:.ix' AUSTIZAclA~ / Page 5

6 OUR schools... have clways been molds in which we have cast the kind of life we wanted. Today. what we all want is victory. and beyond victory a world in which free men may fulfill their aspirations.... We ask that every schoolhouse become a service center for the home front. And we pray that our young people will learn in the schools and in the colleges the wisdom and forbearance and patienece needed by men and women of good will who seek to bring to this earth a lasting peace.-president Franklin D. Roosevelt. A Message to the National Institute on Education and the War. August Page 6 Page 7

7 OUR PRINCIPA L Mr. R. Johnson Mr. Ha nse n Mr. G riffin Mrs. Herms Mr. Fre es trom Mr. Ca sey Mr. Jennings MR. GLE NN C. WO RST DEDICATION Various m embers of Calumet's facul ty ha ve turned their particular talents over to the govern m e nt. These patriotic Americans a re serv - ing in th e anned forces. fig htin g for a fu tu~e of universal peace. ~o you boys and girls who once rushed through the corridors of Calumet High School to sit in our classrooms. a nd to you teachers who presided so ably in these classrooms. I send greetings and best wishes from Calumet. and the assurance that wherever you are. in whatever y ou do your school is solidly bp. hind you. May y o u be successful in your noble effort to preserve Ame rica and all for which she stands. May you be equally successful in the great mission to which you have dedicated yourself-to bring peace and ha p piness to th e enslaved peoples of the world. May God ble ss you a nd keep you. a nd return you safe to your home. your school. and y our community. To them this volume of our Te m u!ac is dedicated. Page 8 Pa ge 9

8 OUR CALUMET FACULTY f:very youth who goes forth clad in armor. the armor provided by the greatest nation on earth. the armor of love provided by those left at home... goes forth to battle with that old dragon. the devil. Sir Galahad. go forth to fight. to conquer. to live. th a t the irresistible surge of man for freedom may be speeded upward. Still those bombastic noises and restore the qlori- ous sound of laughter... the carefree laughter of youth... the tinkling laughter of mothers... the hearty laughter of dads... Sir Galahad. go forth \ and restore God's laughter to His earth. OUR A SSISTA NT PRINCIPAL MR. EGBERT HUNTER Mr. Ahlberg. Mr. Alexander. Mr. Altman. Miss Ashland. Mr. Ashley. Mr. Ault. Mrs. Barlow. Mrs. Battey. Mr. Baumgartner. Mr. Bechtolt. Miss Berleman. Mr. Boyle. Mrs. Burton. Mr. Busch. Miss Carmody. Mrs. Cebatis. Mr. ChurchhilL Miss Coyle. Miss Crowe. Mrs. Curtiss. Mr. Daly. Mrs. Davidge. Mrs. Davies. Mrs. Delehant. Mrs. Deter. Page 11

9 Mrs. Law. Miss Logeman. Mr. Majors. Mr. Morshcdl, Miss McEnroe. Miss Mealiff. Mr. Merwick. Mrs. Mills. Capt. Morris. Miss Morrison. Miss Mulcahy. Miss Murin. Mrs. Musgrave. Miss Kightingale. Miss O 'Keefe. Miss O'Neill, Mr. Palsedge. Miss Parmalee. Mrs. Patterson. Miss E. Pearson. Miss 1. Pearson. Mr. Peterson. Miss Phillips. Miss Presentin. Miss Retherford. Mrs. Donovan. Miss Drolsorn. Miss Duffey. Mr. Dygert. Miss Erhart. Mr. Farnsworth. Miss Fitzgerald. Miss Fletcher. Miss Fremont. Miss Gordon. Miss Haas. Mr. Hackett. Mrs. Hagen. Mrs. Hagstrom. Miss Hale. Mrs. Haley. Miss Harrison. Mrs. Horine. Miss Hyman. Mr. Ivers. Mr. Johnson. Mr. Kinnick. Mr. Knehans. Miss Kuqiin, Miss Kuzin. Page 12 Pag e 13

10 T Mrs. Rummel. Miss Rowe. Mrs. Roberts. Miss Riley. Miss Reilly. Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Spencer. Mr. Solomon. Mr. Smith. Mr. Sietsema. Mr. Schuessler. Miss Sattler. Miss Thomsen. Mr. Thatcher. Miss Swain. Mrs. Stryker. Miss Stenhouse. Miss Stellar. Miss Wyse. Mr. Wilbur. Mr. Whitmon. Miss Walsh. Miss Todd. Miss Tobin. Mr. Bcrvston. Mrs. McGinnis. Mr. Metz. Sgt. Severs. Miss Dalber. Miss Powers. Mr. Booth. Mr. Hoare. Pag e 14 Page 15


12 ALL CALUMET CIVIC LEAGUE FIRST YEAR BACK ROW: Lillybeck. Ta yl o r. Kim. Nichols. Lipke, Poulter. Chapman. En -jq utat. FRONT ROW: Beano. Sobol. Newmeller -, Gabir Pcm es, Entre ss. Mild ner. Zuenlk e. Under the able sponsorship of Mr. Daly, the A.C.C.L. has had a very busy and successful year. The Clean-up Committee organized a Scrap Drive as part of its war work. An A.C.C.L. Yearbook was published for A.C.C.L. members and in- comin g Freshmen. Many socials were held and assemblies with such speakers as a British Merchant Marine and the County Jail Warden. A.C.C.L. CABINET SEC OND ROW: Eu lltt. Mayeske. Hurley. Lord, Schussler. Jaffe. first ROW: Sandin, Demopulos, Goodell. Jenkin s. Re id. CLEANUP COMMITTEE BACK ROW: Mr. Daly. Sponsor; Pakieser. Pis le, Reynolds. Waqqoner. Raaf. Verstrat... Hos e-en, Lind. Fteneeren. THIRD ROW : Wack, Conway. Buckberq, Wilder. Hannan. Norton. W a li tch ec k. Schulze. DeForeat, Marema. Jenkins. SECOND RO W : Po pkin, Kossack. Komar, Becker. Knox. Lord. Chairman; Archdale. Bilek. Sp in k. Jaffe. Filson. Green. Su tz. first ROW: Andersen. N ewb y, Jae g er. We.qma n. Hors ch. MiJler. Cross. Curo y. Ookcs, SECOND YEAR BACK ROW: McC ampbell, cepucnc. Granholm. McGu ire. W esensten, Sandin. O'Connor. Ahern. FRONT ROW: Anderson. Groebe, Mill er, Larson. Motschman, Vese l. Zahrinqer, Thome. A. C. C. L. DELE~ATES.» " I" / J THIRD YEAR BACK ROW: Kinq. Beviq nernt, Popkin, W eb st er. Hcstruc, Holla n d. Ma in. Pecoula s. Ha rmo n. De l G iomo, Wack. FRONT ROW: Kerr. Se if er t. W egman. FeU er man, S'f -aler, Busc h, Nisbe t. Cros s, Kosk e y. FOURTH YEAR BACK RO W : Ka ser, Kom ar, P~ I land. Sherpir o, Larson. Fa user. Brom fi - 'd!:e irl Burbidgf!. Clau son, Eu litt, Hu rb y.!' E~ OND ROW, Waqn ~:, Baql:y, Walker. Jacob. Hesal-sr. Knox. Bonnes. Ba rtsch. Demoplos. Mo- o. first ROW: G r' fli n, I.,ffe. McFadden. Barrow, McCc lla. Rosen. Ba ttis. Pakie ser. Page 18 Page 19


14 A. c. c. L A.C.C.L. officers were: Gra n t Goo dell President: Don - u o V') Hurley. Vic e President: Joanne Jenkins. Se creta ry: Evelyn Dem- opolos, Treasurer: Art De Runtz. Police Chief: Dick Sandin. Fire Chie f: Dick Jaffe. Parliamenta r ~ o zo I ian: Bob Schussler. Ele ctio n Commissioner: Dwight MitchelL Chief Jus tice: Betty Lou W alker. Yea rbook Editor: Bob Ka is er. Attornev-qenerch Hazel Lord. Clean-up Chairman: Jim Reid. Publicity Chairman: a nd Dick Eulitt. Activity Ch a irman. ~ -c Z o I- -c Z JANUARY 1943 RACK ROW: Fremand. Deuqos, Lehman. Ha mmerschmidt, Tangren. Magnuson. Sedlack. Wagner, Sommers, Nelson. SECO ND ROW: Vasilopoulos. Pa lm. Engstrom. Vea tch. Krug. Arnett. Sh ea ly. Klin ke. FRONT ROW: Dedrick. Rob in, Homolka. Novack. Ballin. JUNE 1943 BACK ROW: Julian. Goode ll. Conway. Fla na g an. Mifler, Mellon. Erwin. Webster. Roop. Wood. Johnson. Krau se. Jacobsen. Moehle. A bra mson. Le e. Richar d s. Ne lson. Ma h er. Fo ss l. THIRD ROW : O'Far re ll, Ga uthie r. Baldwin. Grindler. Magnusson. Bose. Burns, Bliss, Gohr. Byers. McLernan. Sternbe rge r, Flanagan, Ne lson. La ndolt. P le qer, De Runtz. Mich a e ls. Ehre ns trom. SEC ON D RO W : Gilm artin. Kumpler. Pa llas. Buc k b e rg. Walker, Gilmore, Wright. Secre tary : Moehle. President : Na ughton. Sponsor: Mrs. Rober ts. Treasurer: Ra af. V ic ~ President: Quoss. Peterson. Gilbert. Brodt. Downey. Cla rk. De nma n. FIRST ROW : Ve rstrate. Mar e na. Ice qe r, Zimm erman. Foody. Ma sterson. Ricke rt, Archdale. Lind. Brillm a n. Holl, Lackey. and a t the end of the semester a complimentcrv :Jhe National Honor Society is the upper 15 per cent of the graduation class. The city meetings are held in the form of teas party is given. The members of this society have gold tassels on their graduation caps and sit on th e stage on graduation night. Page 22 Page 23

15 JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY ~O be eligible for the Junior Honor Society one must have a G - average and three service points each semester, Only IA's throug h 4B's can join. Society. The object J to pre re th e best students for th e National Honor / BACK ROW: Erdmann. F'ebr, Bonnes. Ma nnos. SiebentriU. M oore. Thiele. Leier. McIntyre, Le vitt. Ab e ll. Ne lson. King. Dahlin. Newe ll. Utz. FOU RTd ROW : Rubin. Ba ird. Hammar. An derso n. McDon ald. Tid erman. Mog en s en. Kirsch baum. Klenk. Wacholz. Schmit. Hahisohn. GaJln ey. Kla es i. Nick e lson. Mc Maken. Mlsna. Ros e. MIDDl.E ROW: McConne ll. Stoner. Prendergast. DelGiorno. Koskey. W e in ho ff. Pa nos. Sedla ck. Ha g strom. Gra nt, De moplo s. Pe terson. Wilson. Busch. Granho lm. Lin d q u is t. Lapell. Marks. SEC OND RO W : La Ba rge. Parke r. Barrow, Buckberq. Crim, Hcttman, Se d la c k. Denman. Ke n nedy. Mu rp h y. Me y er. DeR u n tz. Boo dell. Gra b e r. Bitn e r. FRO NT RO W: Kjellberg. Scott. Lindquist. feffennan. Benson. Blee ker. Co ler. Ru sc h. Jandacek. Kapranos, James. Werges. I \ BACK RO W : Judge. Ga rv ey. Ar- \ nold. O Connor. Musse lman. Hennin g. Ha me r. Kennedy. Groe be. Holland. W a lth u s. Leeder. W h it-a. Bandy. And erson. Larson. FIF:TH ROW: o-xsu. Panabaker. Larson, J:rickson. Perry. Thiele. Mulh e ran. Bar tsch. Magnusson. Ste ffe n. Magner. Ah ern. Mc Calla. Hultq uist. Laing. Hc us sr, Hallb erg. FOU RTH RO W :!-1u l lin. Ericson. Andrews. Orahoo d. Crandus. Klin t, Horw itz. Mc Carthy, O ' Con nor. Ineles, Perry. Disteldor!. MacDonald. La w son. Le Becru, March. Re dden. Person. Dowdall. THIRD ROW: Po p kin. LeVentis. Levy. Payne. Nilsen. Mots chm a n. Za h rinq er. Mirsch. Johnson. Ha n sen. Hull. Iorn, Swa nson. Ha rtma n. WeHn. SEC OND ROW: Hed e en. Bilek. De Runtz. Pe te, Cox. Foy. Thom-s Voqe l. Steinme tz. Bilek. Ma ltese. W h ite. Re id y. FRONT RO W : Le ppin. Abra m s. Hu ste r. Hey, Gates. Sla ugh ter. Ma the s. Go r ma n. Ma honey. Yingst. BACK ROW : DeWitt. Deve r, W ood. Pu rc e ll. Enro th. Wa lk e r. Dushkes. Corcoran. Marsha ll. Wahle n. Aiken. Sand in. Wils on. Su b er. FO URTH ROW: Kub a t. Vesel. Fly nn. Pincus. Fa nn inq. Neu me dler, Betn, Coffey. Mill er. Mow er, Pe nney. Feichtinqer. Ellstrom. Gillic e. Gra tis. Pa laci k. MIDDLE ROW: Campa igne. Lore nz. Au e rsch. Vogel. Kappel. man. Fitzli. Ne esen. Andersen. Rickert. Jezbera. Be rnd t. Markstrom. Gawley, Olsen. Berm in q ham. Mas te rs on. SECOND RO W : Latako, Re h m. Clark. Kaiser. Swenso n. Mr. Sie tsema. Secre ta ry: Anderson. Vice Pre s. So u t te e, Bock. Sanders. Johnst on. Johnson. Zieq enhaqe n, Dor'. FRONT ROW: Erickson. Schick. Ph illips. Naughton. Murray. De nes. Reynolds. Rattray. Schulea. Jester. Richards. Chaves. P. T. A. BOARD BACK ROW: Legislation: Mr. Bec htolt. Social: Mrs. Tatman. Hea lth and Safety: Mrs. Ar ne tt. Soc ia l Cha irman: Mrs. McC le lland. Membership : Mr. Hun te r. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Leahy. Stu d ent Aid : Mrs. Burbidge. Social: Mrs. Bowman. Music : Mrs. Kohlman. Publici ty : Mrs. Ander son. FRONT ROW : Correspondinq Se e retary: Mrs. Ha rrison. First Vic e President: Mrs. Hibbits. Pre sident: Mrs. She rma n. Third Vice President: Mrs. Chr is tensen. Treasurer: Mrs. Chavis. PARENT - TEACHER many useful th ing s. ~he generous contributions of the ASSOCIATION P.T.A. have enabled the school to do For example. it has annually contributed to the Student Aid Society. Scholarship Fund and the Juvenile Protective League. The organization meets once every month in the school social room and usually holds a social hour after each meeting. Once every semester the members sponsor a tea for the mothers of freshmen to acquaint them with their good work. Pa ge 24 Page 25

16 THE BAND THE O RCHEST RA VIOLINS Olsen Archdale OBOES TRUMP ETS Faden Fritsch LeVentis Stoner Fitch Jaffe McNally Lenhart BASS Aanerud Johnson Dixon Kohlman Priest Daoust CLARINETS TROMBONES Ne lson Franek Habisohn Becker DeForest White Dushkes Wager Sundstrom VIOLA Dolder Person Bower Redden Schm a lle n TYMP ANI. Crawford Hamer Parros Wcrrd Taylor Bevignani SAX Fritsch FLUTES Ra d a DRUMS MacDonald CELLO O 'N eil Springer Lillybeck DeForest Brey HO RN DIRECTO R Thomas Chirat Peterson Ha ag Mr. Thatcher CLARINET Schmalen Wager McLernan Bowers Burbidge Wingo Ryde Baumgartner Mangner Byers Kaiser Sproat McDonald Mertens Lengerich SAXOPHONE Bliss Jandacek Dudley Becker Leeder Finn Ilg OBOE Lenhart FLUTE Brey Varnes Anderson PICCOLO Burton HORN Foster O'Neil Haag CORNET Fitch Aanerud Passell Lund Benton Ricker Dinsmore Frolin Collier McFarland Rust Lennon Gretsch BARITONE Koranda Jacob TROMBONE Sundstrom Hudson Oschman Nelson BASS Nestor Gohr Crowle y DRUM Springer Ritz Richert Kras Little DRUM MAJOR Hayes Kroening Roach Hanna McManus Bilek DIRECTOR Capt. Morris Page 26 Page 27

17 JUNIO R CLASSICAL LEAGUE :Jh e Junior Clossical League is a national organization. Its purpose is to promote cult ural and cl a ssical in terests. To be eligible, one must be in his fifth semester of Latin. Miss Mealiff is the sponsor. CA LUM ET ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS Calumet Assistant Libraria ns are students who work in th e lib rary during their free periods. They help fellow students to find the books and articles they may need for reference purposes. Miss Randell is the sponsor of this organization. BACK ROW: Holt. Pr ice. Dixo n. Wacholz. Lungre n. Reid. Sc hussl er. Walsh. Lindbury. Lund. Franek. Hector. Pilkis. Lik a s. SECOND ROW: Da vidson. Greasley. McConnell. Co w b urn. Sterly. Burk, Sponsor : Miss Meali lf: Ho strup. Pa llas. Buc kberg. Archdale. McLernan. FRONT ROW: Hies, Fritschel. Becker. Palacik. Johnson. Pe y ton, Corcoran. BACK ROW: Musse lman. Davidson. Bre eta ke, Cerbin. Ic rn, Pri est. Jezbera. Groebe. Kennedy, Walsh. O'Connor, Cunninaham. Balmer. THIRD ROW: Hu ltquist. Sagert. Schneid er. M. Kennedy, He nn ing. Larson Lindg re n. Dowdall. Moriarity. Leibforth. Merwin. SECOND ROW: Nielsen. Boodell. Rusch. Jandacek. Sc unders, Spo n sor: Randall. Larson. Gamau. Tanner. Pancinie. FRONT ROW: Warshaw. Janis. Spink. Payne, Vic e Pre sident: Galloway, Markstrom. President: Lorenz. Treasur er: Pre tschold. Bliss. I GIRLS CHORUS BACK ROW: Sebby. Marec hal. Rusch. Altman. Siegle. Mu l la ney. Abbruzzese. Schofie ld. Ascraft. Orphan, F'ehr, No la n. Coons. Lawson. FOURTH ROW: Marks. Hughes. Sanders. Mc Hroy, Kapranos. Ande rson. Scholten. Mich a le. Pretschold. Capuano. Roach. Krabbenhoft. Thompson. Johnson. MIDDLE ROW: No lan. Gerleman. Ahern. Rottman. Fors ter. Machin. Mus selman. Kubat, And erson. Flynn, Burton. Krummick. Hartman. w-u». Light. Maenza. SEC ON D ROW: Rubey. Jam. Ab rams. Oels ch leg e l. Vog el. Mrs. Cu rtiss. Mlsna. Richards. Anderson. Ba yak. Letako, Young. Busch. Boodell. FRO NT ROW: W ea l, Ma tthie s. Miller. Jensen. Moore. Russell. Entre ss. Dunker. Mo ts chman. We rges. McCambridg e. A CAPPELLA BACK ROW: Cameron. Bra tli e. O Hagan. Wahler. Nisius. Melander. Irwin. Lingburg. Mason., Cr tm, C;t~f~rd, Wa ger. Ieaberc, Dunne tt. MIDDLE ROW: Jacobs. Weber. Scheid. Shanley. J~hnson. Nielson. 1 e ~e, Feichtinqer. Buckbe rg. Ehrenstrom. Mic hae ls. N e~m e n er. foyer. FRONT ROW. Bartsch. Schoh e d. atz. Davidson. Birm ingham. Lance. Li qnell, Bludom. Hita. Po llard. Tatman. GI RLS CHORUS A CAPPELLA CHOIR ~e s e are the two singing groups of Calum et. is the sponsor of both clubs. The only qualification nee ded is a good singing voice. They sing for many of our musical shows. Mrs. Curtiss Page 28 Pa ge ze

18 DRAM A CLUB ~or the students with dramatic interests and... /~~- -:- "-/:... ability the Drama Club offers a chance for experience. The officers are: Phillis Pincus. president: Richard Jaffe. vice presid ent: Gay Yunker. secretary. Mrs. Ruth Burton. sponsor. PAINT AND POWDER CLUB :Jh e members of the Pain t and Pow der Club ha ve learned how to use and apply make-up. Their victims a re the performers who take part in Calumet's plays and Variety Shows. CA LUM ET YARIETY SHOW LINDBLOOM CA NTEEN DRAMA CLUB BACK ROW: Mill er. Jester. Gratis. Blis s. Hu ster. Hedeen. Brandenburg, Lord. Reynolds. Anderson. Rey nold s. Kom a r. FOURTH ROW: Fenn sm c n. Drummond, Mu s s"') ",,"' n. J... V ~n ti s. Fr.lts--:hel, Levitt. Callahan. Montague. Mill er. F'itz h, McFadden. Popki n. Wascholz. Baude. MIDDLE ROW: Pirtle, Conway, Grove, Kamps. Michale. Haase. Le vy. Lee. Ra ttray, Swenson, Dor l, Peterson. Anderson. Lotzko. Corcoran, Bougie. SEC O ND RO W : Wren. Bromfie ld. Eh re n s tr crn, Treasurer: Abrams. Pr e sident: Pincus. v tce -P r vs td e nt : Jaffe. Se cr e tor-y: Yunker, Je nki n s. O Ma lley. Co llier, Fauser. FRONT ROW: Leppln, Springer, Phillips, Horsch. Burke, Def'creat, Andersen, Web b. Horsch, Sm ith. Pakieser. PAINT AND POWDER CLUB BACK ROW: Newton. La ing. McEnroe. Reynolds. Alfers. Chuk. Jenkins. Schulze. Rattray. SEC OND ROW: Hunter. Col eman. Anderson. Swenson, Irwin. Geary, Tebbens. Anderson. Larsen. Gilbertson. front ROW: Sawa llisch. Vice Pr e sident: Peterson, Secretary: Brown. President: Tu rnbloom. Waqner, Kumpfer. DRAMATICS AT CALUME T Page 31

19 BACK ROW: King. Kumpler. Harmon, Reid y, W agner, Heitz. Seifert. Sho gr e n. Kerr. Pe tre y. Allen. Rocco. Ha rmon. Co ffe y. Gavin. Gawle y, Lai ng, Nick el Ion. McMake n. Swenson. Ra t tray. Powell. Ah ern. Gilm a rti n. Latzko. Rehm. Harran. Thrailkill. McDonald. Tre sc h. Christie. West. Strob e l, Christiansen. Hansen. Ehrenstrom. FOURTH RO W : Denman. Ca sey, Tebbens. Anderson. W e d e l. Arch d a le. O'Farrell. Moo re. Lackey. Wolitch ek. Palla. Re ck e r. Wacholz. Mc Laughlin. Kamps. Vogel. Thiele. Green. McCalla. Hagstrom. Hisled. Campaigne. Kingsbury. Popk in. Kle in. Johnson, Marhnsen. Go ld en, Leder, Bc s e n tc rb. Hull. MIDDLE ROW: Angsten. Rowley. Gilmore. Gri nd ler. Cow. burn. Saxler. Pe terson. Sawa l liseh, Re yuolds. Lord. Turn bloom. Larsen. Dorl. Becker. Busch. Kossack. Filson. Kaopelman. Rippel. Montague, Miller. Martell. Ne lso n. Smith. Main. Handley, Bevi~nani. Clan. SEC OND ROW: Sm n k, Meyer. Webb. McGlasson. Wagner. Waqqoner. Kirschstein. MacDon ald. Pa rks. Bayak. Vog el. Ma rks. Auersch. Andersen. All e rs. Murphy. FRO NT ROW: G ra tis. Lind. Tim merman. Jeppesen, Sehnfield. McFadden. Bendt. Gilb e rtson. Andersen. Ne w q uis t. Lilja. Sw a n son. Milicevic. Johnson. Miller. Fritsche}. Bleeker. Knox. Oliv er. Kennedy. " " BACK ROW: Icekson, Chuk, W il son. Brunke. Bresnahan. Duffus, Collier, Pa lacik, Reinschreibe r, West. Yunker. McConnell. Bit ner, Fly nn, Del Giorno, Koske y. Panos. Gilroy. Padore. Feltz. Lundgren. Breault. FOUR7H ROW: Morgan. Hedeen. Raal. Perry. Nisbet. Kasehagen. Nis bet, Burns. Friend. Ros en. Pehr son. Bartsch. Johnson. Dahlin. f effennan. Schmit. Hennind. Berthelsen. Allord. Panabaket. MIDDLE RO W : Edwards, White. Chunia, Ve rstrate. Crim. Hut. q uis t. Berqlurrd. Anderson. Bock., Pincu s. Bilek. Clark. Fatstoul!. Wittstock. Ma re ma. Keyes, O'Neill. Sh a n le y. SECOND RO W : Katz. Markel. Light. Ab b ru zze s e. Yates. Jacob. Parker. Lev itt. Swanson. Magnusson. Bonnes. Anderson. Bliss. Erickson. Jae qer. Newby. FRONT ROW : Paik, Cra w ford, Chaves. Anderson. Benson. Egan. Sedgwick. Horsch. Cross. KIWIETTES AT BACK ROW : Neva k. T'revasscmt i. Mathou se r. Hammers ::hmit. Ne lson. Backus. Kohnke. SECOND ROW: Uto. La rson. Moore. Leahy. Bradbury. McNally. FIRST ROW: Arn ett. Kins e lla. Ne lson. Eliot, Le t-son. CALUMET A Kiwiette must be a Ju ni or or Se nior girl with at le a st a G average. The cl u b sponsors roller skating pur- LINDBLOOM Y ARIETY SHO W ties held a t White City which are. w lth - out a doubt. a tremendous success. both socia lly and financially, Trying to help the war effort as many clubs are. the Kiwiettes nra on q c qe d in CALUMETi Y ARIETY SHOW the following projects: OCD mess en- qers, Nurses Aid es. rollin g ba n dcqes. and helping out at the Ration Board. Page 32 Page 33

20 ~his is what might be known as the "se ein g double" club. Everyone in it is a twin. including the sponsor Mr. Bechtolt, Every pair of twins. BACK RO W: Kresge. Breslin. Dushkes. Baldauf. Sou tte r. Bower. Larson. Preside nt Ga utheir: Secretary Lindburg; Sha piro. Quos. Krause.. Wilson. Magnuson. Rich erda, Naughton. Abramson. Burbidge. Le vi n, THI RD ROW: Ka i ser, Ehrlich. By ers. Le-e, Moehle. Arnold. Fahrn e r. Se ib e r. Jacobsen. Franek. Hug he s. flanaqan. Mellen. Pankratz. Roo p. Seh ussler, Pollard. Conway. Julian. SECO ND RO W : Kom ar. De Runtz. Burns. Koeger. Newb-y, Thiele. McCalla. Brodt. Downey. Bliss. Walker. So ink. Kumpfer. Tebbens. Iurlew, Goodell. Mil le r. FRONT ROW: Ste enbereer, Moehle. ArChdale, Rickert. Jaile. Nea ri. Raaf. We inholl. Grill. Gcdeckl. Bose. or single twin. a t Calumet may join th is social club. The group holds meet ings at the homes of its various members. ~he Junior Red Cross has been organized for the purpose of ma king hospital kits and other articles for our boys in the Service. This semester the members put on a book drive and the books were sent to boy s recovering in hospitals. The club is under the supervision of Mrs.."::.:"... :" " ': :.....:...; ";..~... Davidge. BACK ROW: Lackey. Ah e m. Nel son. Dowdle. Andrews, Hags trom. Greasley, McConnell. Bitner. Hu ll. Campaigne, Lotzke. R-"'m. Clark. Collier. Gilmore. THIRD ROW: Turnbloom. Lianell. Chrons. Meredith. Heller. Bock. Hultquist. Crim. Fly nn. Jones. Pilk is. Schuch. Ehrenstrom. SEC OND ROW: Auersch. Erickson. Demerpfos, Rosen. Peterson, Vo e e l, Parker. Padore. Schick. Sco tt. La rson. Buekberer. Gilbert. ('lark. Master son. FRONT ROW: Becker. R'!'ynolds. Cameron. Anderson. Swenson. Schulze. Bartsch. Ma rema. TW I N CLUB JUNIOR RED SCHOLARSHIP CLUB W ho woul d n' t like to win a scholarship? Well. a ll the members of the Scholarship Club are considered eligible. They are picked TWIN CLUB BACK ROW: Moehle. Moehle. Seb c vonl, Schavoni. Mlsna. Mls na. Kurless, Kurless. FRONT ROW : Dunnett. Dunnell. Marte ll. Marlell. Sponsor: Mr. Beehtolt, O'Conner. O'Ce nnor. from the Senior groups according to scholarship ability and school activ ity. Te sts are given them to determine for what they are best suited. Although this group of outstanding Seniors does not have regular meetings. it d oes ha ve officers. The officers this year are: Bill Gauthier. President. and La rry Lindburg. Secretary. The Club is under the able sponsorship of Mrs. Patterson. JUNIO R RED CROSS BACK ROW: Wacholz. Johnson. Stre ich. Wiltier. Hartman, Se d la ck. Harmon. Colley. D. Hermon, TImmerman. Welin. R. Hariman. SECO ND ROW: Fenne ma n, Smith. Davidson. Callahan. McConnell. Mc Nally, West, Ehrenstrom. Kennedy. Groeb~. Dunta, Me ye r. FRONT ROW: Hamel. Sandstro m. LeVentis. Se e ret ary: M ain. President: Yunker. Sponsor: Mrs. Da vidg e, Vice President: Po pkin, Treasurer: Gates. Fe ffe rman, Erickson. Bein. Pag e 34 Page 35

21 CmPleting its first year as a club. the Servic e League holds a unique p lace at Calumet. It grew up after the outbreak of war and today carries on more wartime activities than any other Calumet group. Many men who correspond with the girls come to visit the League when on furlough and a re given free lunches. Mrs. Donovan is the sponsor. CAMERA CLUB BAC K ROW: Presid e n t: Sutz: Law son. Lowry, Kenny, Zimmerman. FRONT RO W: Vice Pre sid en t: Re ip ; Secre ta ry : Mar tin ; Treasurer: Leeder; McCarthy, Ma la. G I RLS SERV ICE L EAG U E BACK ROW: Gilmo,q. Gratis. Whit e, Markel, K inqsbury. Lue ta. Bone. Herren. Burns. F'efferman. Anderson, O 'Connor. THIRD ROW: Harmon. Stil es. Coffey, De lgiorno. Koske y, Traer. Ploqer, Fotre, Meyer. Regan. Va n Da m. Nelson. SECO ND RO W : Johnson, Buckberq, Cri m, Tr eas u rer : Davidson. Pre sid en t: Posolopski, Vice -Pre side nt: Clark. Secretary: Denman. Actin q Sec retary: O'Connor. Benson, Casey. FRONT ROW: Pfaff. Iohnson, Breen. Dahlin. Vogel. RADIO CLUB BACK ROW: Abde rha ld e n. FRONT ROW: And erson. Lawson. Nickle. Marshail. De Vore. Burke, Sponsor: Mr. So lomon; Brain a rd. CA M ERA A ND RADIO CLUBS BACK ROW: Kasehagen. Nisbet. I.: Walker. Meyer. Murphy. Cra w ford. Chr is tiansen. Gardner, Se dlack. Reuter. Yates. Slo vey. THI RD RO W : Light. Ang sten Nisbet. E.; Sw anson. Auersch, Kappelman. Po w e ll. Bauske, Abbenga. Gilma rtin. Meyer, He d e e n. Ha rm on. SECOND RO W : MacKenzie. Cha v es, Yates. Jacob. Hansen. Be lrt, Timmennan. Dunte, Bliss. Peterson. FRONT RO W : Hor sch. Erick son. Ka lis. lester. Vog e l. Arch da le. to the members of the Radio Club. Wi th the cooperation of Mr. Solomon. they have mastered the art of wireless communication. and have successfully con- structed a "W alkie Talkie:' which is similar to the type of portable radio com- munication used by the U. S. Army Signal Corps. ~HE members of th e newly orga nized Camera Club started their club because they are a ll interes ted in photography either as a hobby or a s a profession. They compare notes on their pic tures at the club meetings. Some of the members serve on the Te mulac a nd Crier staffs. Crier photogrcpher. Roy Sutz, is president of the club. ~h e Dots and Dashes of the Morse Code are familiar sounds ' :': :'.~. }~ ~: :. ~ :; '.;..:. Page 36 Page 37

22 ROSE SALESG IRLS Ste lla Pallas. Joan Marechal. Luella Gilroy. Virg inia Kumpf er. HOME MANAGEMENT CLUB BACK RO W : Histe d. Kir schb aum. Ne lson. Ch ristie. McDonald. Brad ley. Bowden. Harran. Leigforth. W est. Thompsen. And er son. Berthe lsen. Benson. THIRD ROW: McDonald. Fo y, Moln eran. Sheldon. Eichberge r. Stark. Bull. Cameron. Ba ikie. Tresch. Willi ams. Cleme ns. Sha nl ey. Ab b eduto. Pe yton. Holm e s. SECO ND ROW : McCr ea ry, Meyer, McIn tyr e. Eg an. O ' C on n er. Cunningham. Spo nso r: Mrs. Bar low; Ja co b. Casey, Jo h n so n, Ga d ec ki. Se dgwick. Re insc hre ibe r. Ric h ar dson. FRONT ROW: McGann. Buch ler. Horsch. Gavin. Ga w le y. McFa dde n. And ersen. Erick son, Hansen. He ilmann, Ca rls. Fe ll. O'Co nnor. H O M E M A NAG EM ENT CLUB ~he Home Management Club. sponsored by Mrs. Barlow, meets every Thursday, tenth period. in room 215. Those interested in furthering G A RDEN CLUB GIRL RESERV ES BACK ROW: ';andin. Rowen. _Marcn. Peltycord. Leppin. MID DLE ROW: Lindgern. O'Dormell, Warden. Madden. Bl~ nd enherg. Merw rn, Sn1l'; e r. And erso n. FRON T ROW : Musselman, Magnusson, Haa g, Miss Fremont, Fos te r, Strc nq, Sc h e llk c f, th e ir knowledge in th e p roper management of a home should certainly join this club. HOME MANAGEMENT CLUB INITIATION This year the group is helping out in the war efte r. A Beach Party and a Chris tmas Party are the fort. The club is a ssisting the Red Cross in making kits for our Armed Forces. They study problems co ncern ing food and clothing and movies are show n on re lated subjects. The club gives at least one style show a sernesso cia l activities. GIR L RESERVES BACK ROW: E. Nisbe t. Ka se hagen. Voge l. Oels cble qel, Ra thert. Higgin son. Heitz. He ll ar, We inhou. Burns. Hed een, Er ic k son, Clark. Rose n. Miller. Brunke, Wacholz. Christiane n. Collie r. Duffus. Wi lson. Ch u k. West. Nickelso n. MacDonald. Sexier. Abbenga. Main. FOU RTH ROW : Harra n. Newby. Kings. bury, Thiele. Pet erson. Wa g ner, McGlason. Go ld en. Zuege l. Bockow, Ha nse n. Bresnahan. Chaves. Nels on, Popkin. Hei n sc hreiber, Richardson. Sw c n son. Bowden. Bain, McMaken. Jacob. Ge rls m crn, Mar erna. Mar vis. THIRD ROW: Lemming. Scott, Hcrmele n, Mer o. J. Niwbet. Wittstock. Secre tary : c u. marti n. President: Pow ell. Spo n sor : Mrs. Tho msen. Tre a su rer: Gilroy. Corresponding Se cretory : Denman, Anesten. Sch o fie ld. Pfa ff. Dorl. Rehm. M. Yales. Yetes, Litt le. SECO 'lj) ROW: Archdale. Newquist. Ja e q e r, White. Levitt. Lindquist, McConnell. Bitner. Ga vin. Go w ley, Becker. Yunker. Se d qw ick. Bayak. J. Vog e l. Campaigne. O Fa rre ll. FIRS T ROW: Bock. McLaug hli n. Joh nson. McDonald. CraWford. Oak e s, Filson. Ko s sack. Markel. La tzko. Hu ll. Lind. Bausk e. Ha ndley. Page 38 Page 39

23 FREN CLUBS FRE N C H C L U B ~he Fighting Free French are a very good topic to discuss wi th members of the French Club. The club is as much interested in current news about the Amcan campaign as in studying the French language. The members are Fre nch students and the group is sponsored by Miss Hale. FRENCH CLUB BACK ROW: ZuegaL Johnson. Krej-e. Pe te rson. Dushkes. Wil son, Seeber. Sedlack. Demo plos. Recker. SEC OND ROW: Reyno lds. Anderson. Harmon. Main. Vice President: Nickelson; Pr estd ~n t: Bartsch: Secretary: Laing; Sholield. Grove. FRONT ROW: Marquis. Rattray. Sw e nson. Ch ris lioansen. Lev iu, SP A N I S..--H...-. (',JJ r " CLUB ~his club has been organized for the purpose of promoting neighborliness and Good Will between our South American Neighbors and our United States. The club is under the sponsorship of Mrs. Spencer. GE R M A N CLUB.' SPANISH CLUB BACK ROW: Abrant. Buckberg. Muss elman. Breault. Bunke. Peek er, tvlichate. Da rr o W, Gorman, Dineen. Penney. Koskey. Kcrpoelman, Mcthes. flynn, Larson. SECOND ROW: Weal. Anderson. D2'1 Giorno, Dahlin. Vice-Pres.: Erick son. Pres.: Mrs. Spe nce r, Sponsor: Newel l. Trea s.: Breen. Se c.: Anderson. Larson. M ea. Kubat. FIRST ROW: Campaigne. Ros een, Birm ingham. Mill e r. Swe nson. B. Anderson. Reynolds, Ehr e nstrom. Urstehen Sie Deutsch? If not. you won't have much fun a t a meeting of the German Club. Under the direction of Miss Martin. and composed entirely of German students. the meetings are conducted in German to h el p the students improve their speaking knowledge of the la ng ua ge. GERMAN CLUB BACK ROW: VogeL Aideschek. Auers ch. Wilke. Rusch. Baldauf. Weiss. Chapman, Hamer. Henning. W e lin. O tt. Vesel. Janisch. THIRD ROW: G ra e b n e r. March. Disteldorl. Waltchek. Sternberger. Kugel. Treas.: Feichtinqer : Ste in er. Mohr. Kle in. Ph ilbin. J. Voqe1. Dor 1. Maher. Ostm e y e r. SECO ND ROW: Petereite. Ha rtm a n. For ster. Berg e. Hab isohn. Rehm. Latzko. Bayak. Se c ty. : W ison; Roon. FI RST ROW: Koh lmann. Fritz. Rieder. Enqberg. Pre s.: Groman; Hoseen. W eb ster, Reitz. Malmguist. I..!~ ~~...~...~... FOREIGN Pag e 40 LANGUAGES A T C_A L U MET / C E M E N T INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Pag e 41

24 5 E N o R G R L 5 C 0 U N C L their last semester of hig h school those girls who are outstanding in scholars hip and extra-curricular activities a re rewarded with election to the Se nior G irls Coun cil. The Council isn't lust honorary, but has social a ctivitie s, too. The most prominent is a dance ea ch semester. This year these were the Fall Frolic and the Spring Swing. With profits from the dances, teas are given for the mothers of a ll graduates. These social activities give the girls experienc e in performing tasks requiring dependon a bility and initia tive. Year after year, the Council has provided its worth by remaining e of Calumet's finest clubs. To belong to the Co uncil is not merely an honor: membership mea n s obligation and responsibility. JANUAR Y O FFICERS JUNE O FFICERS SENIOR GIRLS COUNCIL JANUARY 1943 BACK ROW : Willson. Moore. Arnett, Granquist. Anderson. Homolka. Galinske. Molnar. Vasilopoulous. SEC and ROW: Lor se n, Travisanut. Dedrick. Engstrom. Klass. Hammerschmidt. Sedlack, Johnson. Hunter. Cerfson. Nelson. Klinke. Sandin. FRONT ROW: Leahy. Ba llin. Kohnke. Larson. Kruq. Kinsella. Powaska. Zarets k y. Novak. SENIOR GIRLS COUNCIL JUNE 1943 BACK ROW : Sandstrom. Sternberger. Verstrale. Campbe ll. Flanagan. Panos. Moehle. Rickert. Iurtow. Swcmso n, Anqsten. Hedrick. Oakes. Gilroy, Lone. Tuse. Turnbloom. Sexier. THIRD ROW : Sw cmke, Marema. Lacke y, Scholten. Wright. Bose. Downey, Grindler. Mayer. Schub ert. Wedel. Masterson. Bilious. Clar k. Tebbens, Ho lzhauser. Brodt. SECOND ROW: Mero. Buckberq. Friend. Wiltstock. Spink Sawa llisch. Larsen. Pleqer. Walk e r. Gilmartin. Filson. Kumpfer. Pallas. Newby. Iceqer, Raaf. Payne. Schreiber. FRONT ROW: Gilmore. Requla. Mar e-cha t, Pet erson. Denman. Archdale. Katz. Newquis t. Vanderploeg. Becker. Gree n, Ya tes. Link. Kossack. Zicl e rtnc'n. THE SENIOR G I R L S COUNCIL Pa ge 42 Page 43

25 R c.cciec Je:::::1 le m!\~lje:. Pe- t y CA LUM ET CRIER PA LO S P IC N IC PRESS CRIER STAFF BACK ROW: W ingo, Mahood, fre ita g, Thiele, Ty ler, Rattray, Dingwall, Cavanaugh, Tre n ta g e, THIRD ROW: Ca sey. Swe nson, Ah ern. Medema. Koeppen. Bromfie ld, Yingst. Mellon. Hermansen. Coughlin. Reynolds. Murra y. Har tmann. SECOND ROW : Yand el. Eric kso n. Cashier: Siebert. Asst. Circu lation Manaaer : Waqner. Sponsor: M r, Pa lsedge : Circ u la tio n Manager : Clan; Gilroy, Sandin, Tig h e, front ROW: Va llera, fredericks. Gunderson. Carmody. CONFERENCE C RIE R EDITORS FA~L.;he:". B:ll C~ugh!." :c...:ct:on Manage:.:';.: STAFF Edi:... ;.:-1 ch:ef Sh.:.ey Rrch o rd so n pcce O:1e 01,0;5 Sh::-~ey ~: : :1 C id Denise Schultz.:"55.S:0:',: Page O:1f' Edtors JOG:1 Tu rbloorn. Haz e l Lord P:J.::;e 1'... 0 Ed.tor s D-::v e ~A :l:g'j:'1. ;c:1e Prsle r.c5.s:"": Pc g e Tw o Ruth Sternberqer r -rce Three Ed.tors Sh ir lee La... ;.,. Dolores Hcruccn.':'.':5.S:0r.: Pe g e Th re e Ed.tors Irene SpeC1O: G c y Yunkers, Dcris A r ne: Tobv Wise P::~ Fcur Eduo: Frcnz.akc 3-::::1::1 Ho...a-d Bcumcan Asa.sic n t Pcce Four Ed,tOIS Lee Holl-and. Ed Iccobsen?oger ~relso:1 s Ketchpc... SPRING STAFF Ru th S:e:"be:qe: lone P:sle end Gay Yunker ['en Flanagan o ad EC:1S Lopcte r Phyll.s Waggoner end leek As s.stcnts Lol.y Ande rson end Ccrol Hct-rc y -:-.rd?::::ge Ed.tors E.l. Bromr.eId end ~ley Dchhn Ge::y M.!ler :::nd Va.:::. Mo e Bendt i=""'...::::?::::ge Ed.tors tecnne Becker end Jack 'Ju.!l:nan ;'.~s~s:::::1:s ~.. Mcns i.eid end Brll Kresge S cr:s Ed.tor Roger Nelson F c -u-e Vi:.te:s 1,.,0' Bitner -md Boots Eu~. ";:t,:;,r:::::e:s E.:::ne R chrrds Bon Lawson. Phylhs?.r.cus, Fe rn Popkm Betty Lou For srer Jeanne ~.:.:le:, Dick Fcuser Krcuse. M:ld:ed Perno.:.. : :.!c g :1u son Me. t.n Corcorcn..rr. Here, Nor-ric G.~:;,.art:n.:":1cy Dcv.dson Ccrol...:::::5. Phylhs "e:::;on end Joan M.lle:. EC:1C :-0:5 Howe, Ger:y Kno x. Cere, Rcurcv, B.l! :: : es ::; :-:uc;h Trqhe El.z c beth Goodell. Charles Iohnson ~.:c::cn:1"j!...l Hors Donaqhue Bs ny KI: SCrsrern. ~O:1 A n d e rse n Hen-v Brown 31:1 3'romLeld..::: y Lorson. :v1a r cat e: A o -d em c. Dcrctby Shana :-.0:., Kct hr yn Cc d...e~i Ken Lint. Sonny MIller. ~:\...:e '/ w' : :te!s Gle n Russel!. Edno Frcnk, June Simon ;.us.rct.ons M,Ue: Roy Sandstrom, June Simon :cr:on Ed.tor Bob MOIgC:1 Exch ~"qe Mery Ellen Mohrs Phoroqrcphers Rey Re:p, Roy Su tz Ty;:.SIS Jeanne Tra p p. Jeanne Br o tne Crrculcnon Kn,y Thorpe. lim Trecy, Tom Ke lle y Be tty Tcwer, Dola:es Rycn. R:cha:d L:ndberg, G rece Hchn. D1Ck Icffe. Dean Ouoss..:..e..~:.s:ng Ge:1 Medema Clarence Mahoud.:..~S :. Add-son Gerr ity 0.: : n-ch.e: :.:s Pcqe Ed.tors Ass.srcnrs St'::-'::C Prrqe Ed. tor s :.~e~:on P,... c-::cph Ed.tor :. us":c.ons Roy Scndstrom lor:c Roy Su tz Gronholrn -:-~". C!e:ke.? crc cr c phers Roy S14!Z and Ray Help.:'.ev.; Mana~e:s Gene!...-1ederrn Chuck Koe p pe n ;"'ss.s:cn~s Tom CQ:mody. Louella G ilroy, Pat Welly Ya"del. Jecnne Clen Pc: Wegner MRS. HULTSN S: HMJDT MR. PALSEDGE the confined quarters of room 210. the greatest little newspaper in Chicago is created. Its able staff spends long hours working there so that the students of Calumet may be able to keep up on current happenings around this busy school. This Spring semester. the responsibility of Editor-In-Chief rests u pon th e capable shoulders of Ruth Stern b erge r. O ne of the newest a dditio ns to the Crier is a and friends. CRIER EDITORIAL STA FF column for fanne r stu de nts now in the Anned Forces which carries news items re ceived from the men themselves and from their families BACK ROW: Kresge, Mansfield, La ughlin, Turn bl oom, McMaken, Krause, Ying st, Corcoran. Abramson. Fcruaer, Popkin. Davidso n. Lopater. THIRD ROW : Gre en. Sut%. Miller, Thrailkill. Edwards, Richards, McDonald, Ripple, Hu ll, Bitn er, Rattray, Gilmarti n, Wachol., Sandstrom, Re ip. SECOND ROW: Bendt, flanagan, Dahlin, Quillinan, And erson. Bromfi eld. Archdale. Mellon. Yunker. Sternberger. Pis le. Wagoner. Ne lson. Sponsor: Mr s, Hult.nschmidl. front ROW: Nelson, W illis..~ l" Page 44 Page 45

26 J.~ lerar'j Sla!! Belly Lou Welker Dorothy Buckberq Richard Jaffe Julius Ste in Rosemary Travato Janet Nisbet Mrs. Donovan- Adviser TEMULAC FOR 1943 BUSINESS STAFF Left to riqht: Mr. Kinn ick. Le Barge, De lgiorno. Mannos. Seated: Panos. I J - / LITERARY STAFF Left to riqht: Tovato. Nisbet. Mrs. Donovan. laue. Wa lker. Bu ck berq. ART STAFF Left to right: Baxter. Chr is tensen. Miss Gordon. Roy Sutz Irene Holzhauser Ray Reip Dolores Kossack Huqo And erson Roberta Filson Robert Anderson Gerry Knox Glenn Geyer W illiam Binqham Bill Garey Vervon G ra e b ne r Ernest Soutter Edward Kohlman Mr. Knehans-Adviser s.»: Sla!! Winifred Moehle Cornelia Onderwater Gloria Bose Esther Younq Donatta Yates Arlene Stoner Constance Sifrit Shirley James Nola Jorn Miss Berleman-Adviser Fe ss ie Christia ns en Richard Baxter Mis s Gordon-Adviser 0.!J.)"Jlll ej J Adelle Mannes Rosemary Del Giorno Marqaret Panos Millicent La Barqe Mr. Kinn ick-adviser ci!c,'j 0,,1 Ru th Auersch Barba:a Anderson Mrs. Musqrav Ph y llis Sp in k Phyllis Raaf Adviser SENIOR SECTION Standinq : lames. loon. Younq. Ya te s. 5if:it. Se a te d. Moe h le, Miss Beel em em, Ston ar, BOs8. be the last for the duration. {;a ch year the Temulac EtaH spends months sc rambling around so ment and flurry but there was also a touch that the Te m ula c will be out befor e qradualion. This y ea r there was the same old exciteof sadness-for this issue of the Temulac may Printers have an abundance of O.C.D. and war material to print so civilian work must come second. W ith the thought that this may be the last Temulac until after our Victory. the whole staff has endeavored to make this one of the very best ever. PHO TOGRAPHY STA FF Frc nt: Sutz. R'!i p. Back: Anderson, Anderso n. Gey er. Ga re y. Sautter. Ho lzha user. Kossack. fi lso n. Knox. LAY OUT STAFF Left to riqht: Raa L Mrs. Musgrave. Sp ink. An derson. Au e rsch. Pa g e 46 Page 47

27 : -, #.' ~.' POLICE, FmE, AND Am RAID MARSHALS BACK ROW: Conrad, Kennedy. Transier. Byrne s. Hannon. Eis le r, Ch ie f Fire Marshal: Sandin. Tighe, Hurley, Shapiro. Daluga, La rson. Ie h en. Mo u ntford, Kaup. FOURTH ROW: So rensen. laffe. Chuk. Gode lf. Burbidge. Nelson. Ba ttis. Bcrude, Conway, Re id. Wray, Alfa ria. Ma lnmgu ist. De Forr e st. Boqa sh. THIRD ROW: Kyser. Taylor. Pa kie ser. Gu e st. He m in g w a y, Loomis. Me llo n. Geyer. Franek, Fahrner. Flaragan. Pa n kra tz, Mo e h le, Spallin a. Euli tt, Air Ra id Ward en Cap. la in: Ma y eske. SECOND ROW: Wa g er, Bromfie ld. Schmidt. See. ber, Jacobsen. Pu tman. Graeb ner, Chase. f a u s e r. Wren. W oo d, Oz in g a. Bra d is h. FRONT ROW: Lindburg. Komar, Ferre. Ozinqa. Brennan. Knox. De Hu nta, Babcock. Dahleen. Schussler. POLICE FO RCE STUDENT COURT Conway. Ka iser. Lillybeck. May e ake, Graebner. Wack. Za h ringer. Nisbet, Hessler. Murray. STUD ENT COURT ~he Student Court consists of seven Justic"es and is presided over by a Chief Justice who must be in 4A. The Justices prosecute pupils who violate the rules of the school. The Court is in session twice a month in room 215 to try the cases brought in by the Police Force. MOVIE OPERATORS BACK ROW: Lassa, Kennedy. O 'Gorm a n. Koopman. A bra h a m sen, Eck lund. Sevtk, Bernd t. Cuperus. Ka u p, Su th e rla n d. An derson. Nordstrom. THIRD RO W : Balsovich. Hick ey. Fa u se r. w tld fie ld. S w anson. Bromfield. Morrow. Gramberq. Carmody. Kernberos. Corey. Sitzle r. Melander. SECO ND ROW: Pankratz, Lipke, Wedmore. Walters. Fox. Soon sor: Mr. Pe terson. Baldauf. Stre i ee k, Lund. Fre d e ric k. Ha n se n. Kraft. FRONT ROW: O H a rg a n. McMaster. Ek lin. D. Ba lsovich. Corey, Zlabinger. Brown, Dur rant. Kuntze. M'OVIE OPERATORS ~he Movie Operators, under the direction of Mr. Peterson, run movies, loaned to the different school departments by the Board of Education, every period of the day. They are also responsible for the school's projectors and sound equipment, and must keep it in working order. ~h e group responsible for the safety en- SAFETY COUNCIL BACK ROW: Lemming. Gaime r. Trick. Hartw ick. Bromfie ld. Pete r son. Fa u ser. Pankratz. Kcepe e n, Perry. SECOND ROW: King, Ke n. neely, Wager. David so n. Spon sor: Mr. Bayston. Conway. Schofield. Traer. Wack. Pe rson. FRONT ROW: Klank. Holm e s. Newe ll. Scife e t. Higgin son. Pe reeso n. Knox. SAFETY COUNCIL "..'~. ~> ~. ~ \ ' ''' ': ~ on't get any wild ideas about disobey- ing school rules because there is an active police force at Calumet. It's their job to pick up violators of regulations and to bring them before the Student Court, The police force is organized under the A.C.C.L, This year the Chief of Police has been Art De Runtz. forcement at Calumet is the Safety Council. As part of their work, they register the cars and bicycles of pupils as a precaution against theft. They should receive credit for performteacher. ing tasks which are of benefit to ev ery Calumet student and Pcqe 43 Page 49

28 PLACEMENT OFFICE ASSISTANTS STANDING: Bold t. Wagner. Walker. Marechal. SEA TED : Carey. Mr. Chu rc hill. Zicterman. /u rlow. THE S E HELPERS M A K E THE WHEELS GO R 0 U N D BOOK ROOM BACK ROW: Ga llagh er. Eb e r h a rt. Ros e. F'e tq h, Ande rson. Re ynolds. Knize, Ehrens trom. Be tte n, Pe cor. SECOND ROW: La w son. Clasby. Chase. Black. Herbert. Carlson. Isrq~ l. Gre ek. Decker. Payne. front RO W : Re g u la. W ilmsen. Manqner, S po n sor: Mrs. Harrison. Spon ser: Mis s Ro w e. Mu sselman. O n d e rw a ter. Larson. W a age. CALUMET'S COLOR GUARD OFFICE ASSIST ANTS BACK ROW: Abe ll. flynn. Bra nd. Smith. Whit e. Koranda. Sehre lb e r, Mer w in. Poncin ie. THIRD ROW: Corcoran. Webster. David son, Mcsre r son, Mic h e le. Carr. fla nagan. B. Ma s terson. Eg a n. r. Ande rson. SECOND ROW: Penne y. Moore. Shanley. Avery. King. Long. Ro ss. Morris. Verstrcte. Kubat. first ROW: Rie der. Raaf, Klinckman. Mit sch. Po p kin. Abram s, Benso n. R. O. T. C. AT CALUMET Page 50 Page 51

29 R. O. T. C. OFFICERS BACK RO W : Lieut. Moe h le. Lieut. Bradis h. Lieut. Seeber. Lieut. Wren. Lieut. Me llo n. Lieut. Chase. Lieut. He mingw ay, Lieut. Bau de. Lieut. Wood. Lieu t. Kohzmann. Lieut. Sc hmidt. THIRD ROW: Lie ut. Fa user. 1st Lie ut. Loomis. Is t Lieut. Ozinqa. Burbidge. Gue st. 1st Lieut. Pa kie ser. 1st Lieut. Wager. 1st Lie ut. Geyer. SECOND ROW: Pa n kra tz. Capt. Mayeske. Capt. W e s tb e rq. CapL Ne lson. Capt. Spa lli na. Capt. Ta yl or. n RST ROW: Ma jor Pu t nam, Lieut. Fahrner. Lie u t. Comd. Jacobs e n. Ma jor Franek. Capt. Graebner. Major Ba tti s. Lieut. Flanaga n. -- CITY-WIDE CONTEST OF PICKED PLATOONS R. O. T. C. NON-COM MISSIONED OFFICERS BAC K ROW: Komerska. Pe terson. Trauscht. Sorensen. Hill. Ra tig a n. Pro te cru, P e tere tt. H a y te r. Zie ma n. McFerran. Lindburg. Amend. R. Nelson. Hempel. Sm it h. He a ly. W a lthius. THI RD RO W: Do u b ek. Pe rr y. Dahlgren. W in te r. Oo stme y er. Laqoni. Slevertsen. Ab kerha l den. Ja cobs. Pink. Goe tze. Lund. Ba ckman. Morro w. Lcsae, Ev a ns. Davison. O tt. Andrews. SECOND RO W : W a ck. Daoust. W ood worth. Trick. Ha nse n. Med ema. Ped d y co rd, Ricker t. Sieqers. Fassl, Johannsen. Hart. O 'B ri e n, Bramfeld. Ed m a n. Ellis. Rydeen. fi RST RO W : Lawson. Corrig a n. Sorensen. Iutat, Lind. Nestor. Sundstrom. Hug hes. Peqctcw. Wilson. Berqstrom. We iss. Nickl e. Geist. La Beau. Anderson. R. O. T. C. STAFF OFFICERS Jacobsen. Ma jor Putnam. Lie ut. Flanagan. Gu e s t. Burb idge. Lie ut. Fahrner. Capt. G ra eb n er. M a jor Ba ttis. Major Fr a n ek. R. O. T. C. RIFLE TEAM BACK ROW: Pankratz. Capt: 1st Lieut. Loomis: Jacobsen. SEC OND ROW: lst Lieut. Pa kie ser. Le Beau. Daoust. rirst RO W : l st Lieut. Wa g e r, Ne lson. Ozinqa. )/Tv ~ Pag e 52 R. O. T. C. PICKED PLATOON BACK ROW: Anderson. Smith. Dru mmond. Hug h e s. Pa n ico. Pru itt. Se eq t. W a ck. Ca p t. SpaIlina. SECOND ROW: Koh lmann. Le Bea u. Daoust. Rick er. Walker. O Bri e n. Lieut. Moe h le. O tt. rirst ROW: Ne ls o n. Pa nk ra tz. Taylor. Burbidge. Nick le. R. Ande rson. Ba ude. Lawson. Sieqe rs, An drews. Ca pt. Ma y e ske. Pakie se r. Page 53

30 v e s tko. Andrew, Lindberg. co. E BACK ROW : Eva ns. Fa ga n. Collier. Maclean. Pa ppa. Rees. Daoust. Pet er e it. Walker. Tiggelaar. Kamberos. Bramfeld. THIRD ROW : Nelson. Peterso n. All e n. Johnson. McCuJly. Ca rlson. Nectcr, Loasc. Fleischha lser. Kushner. Fleischer. Peterson. SECOND ROW : Pink. Hackel. Enroth. Nicol. Co llins. O'D e ll. De-Bolt. Peterson. Smith. lindberg. And erson. Corey. Fla na ga n. FIRST ROW: Kohlmann, Pakiesen. Nelson. Walthios. Schmidt. co. F BACK ROW: Kummer. Crandus. Israel. Brillman. Demetra!. S s. Weis s. Goe tze. Bovlk Dclstrrr. Agnew. Heif, Minis. March. Geist. THIRD ROW: Porte cru, Hcon, Myers. Gra ve s, Balsavich. D. Pe terson. Dovbek. Lind. Berg strom. Pa n zegrau. Sitka w itz. Kirk. Badger. Johnson. Eich. SECOND ROW : Nickle. Sorense n. Bax ter. Moss. Bryant. Chuman. ":,,ard. Taylor. Peddyccrd. Amend. Mahood. Moore. Bentley. Finn. Herb ert. Trowbridge. McGovern. FIRST RO W: W ren. Spa lh na. Hempel. Wager. co. G BACK ROW: Car mo dy. Bermes. Smith. De koker. Sutherland. Foster. Pe terson. Wegene r. Sherman. Rodke. Desm on~. Kuntze. Giave r. Greek. Liebherr, Bennett. Lied tke. Breslin. THIRD ROW: Lund. Carlson. Le s he tt. R y p ci n s k ~. Latzko,. ~l ndem ann, Fitzgerald, Cunning ham. O ' Do nnell, Sor ensen. Pope. Mountford. Black. Brow n. Ma ley, Roberts. St. PIerre, S m l t z ~n. McRa e. Arnesen. SECOND RO W : Cu peru s, Po lky, Sc hink el. Chapman. Overton. Murra y. Aim. Cooper. Dougharty. Ho w kina, Bolton. Fo rtney. Dorqert, Ba b cock. Beilfu ss. Bor ch a rdt. Ty re y. Sh oe ne ma n. V. Smith. FIRST ROW: Mellon. Gey er. Taylor. Perry. co. A BACK RO W : Ra tig a n. Ken nelly. Bolz. Rezanka. Rub e rry. Elliott. Wi nter. Ott. Umbenhaur. Crawford. Barr. Fassl. THIRD RO W : Sieventsen. Va n Dam. Rourke. O he. Robin son. Kummer. Corrig an, Wilson. Fra usc ht. Boe ttchey. Wahl en. Tucek. Gu rie l. SEC ON D ROW : Hanse n. Oostme ye r. Olsen. Hic ke y, Hugh e s. Arno ld. Me rtes. Morrow. Abderha lde n. Drum mond, Bousk a. Groman. Hochbaum. FI RST ROW: Bcrud e, Fauser. Pa n k ra tz. He m in g w a y. co. B BACK ROW: Hayte r. Tull. Pearce. B ri ~ t o w. McG eog hega n. Willig. Anderso n. Hea ly. Gramberg. Bra uch. Ja cobs. Schoelkopl, Woodworth. THIRD ROW : R. Anderson. Hi ll, Armstrong. Ha ppe r, Ma sse y. Iutai. Komersk a. Ha ehar. Se lv e en, Sirbutz. Lombar do. SECON.D ROW: Ryd ee n. l inburg. Corrigan. Burke. Eisenlohr. Ca rson. Wa hlton. Ed ma n. Terwllhger. Kenny. FIRS T ROW: Moe hle. Loo mls, Ma y e ske. McFerran. See ber. Ma rsha ll. McCorkel. Va n Zel. Turn e r. co. c BAC K RO W : Dahlgren. R? w an. Sorlleet. Roy a l. Wingo. Woznia k. Johannsen. Su n d stro m. Hill. Le nz o Panico. Moore. Pe tte t. Sitzler. L~ Beau. THIRD ROW : Zieman. Sai lor. Wildfie ld. Masse y. Winchester. Heisler. Dow ney, Daviso n. Traer. Kope, Osborne. King. Mills. Bry a nt. SECOND. ROW: Trick. lagon;' Horw itz. Ma ta. Va silo poulos. PoP P. Goodman. Me lman. Wack. Backman. Syde n, Caldwell. Pea r. Zorn. ZiIie n, FIRS T ROW: Wood. Ozing a. Westberg. Me dem a. Bradish. Pa g e 5 4 Pa ge 55

31 ~ he w ar has caused the This year the Picked Platoon successfully de- THE WAR EFFORT A T CA L U M E T United States Anny and Navy to intensify their training programs. The cadets of Calumet's R.O.T.C. have co-operated in this effort with they were classified second in the state. Comtablished last year at Federal Inspection. when ~o aid our own boys in Service we inaugurated the Girls Service remarkable efficiency. They have established posed of the more capable cadets, the Platoon League. Though little more than a year one of the most enviable records of any high school R.O.T.C. in the city, and one that is un- fended the R.O.T.C:s splendid reputation, essurpassed in the history of Calumet units. R. O. T. C. FRESHMEN BACK ROW: Tudor. Murray. Her. mensen. Arthur. Leskeske, Korn. Gla um. Tosseve. Beltz. Koleqcrs, Woehlke. Tucker. THI RD ROW: Clarke. Fcrss l, Strejcek. Koenig. Freiberg. Basel. Lota, Devens. Wolansky. Yount. Andrichik. Tusa. SECOND ROW: Murra y. Kasehaqen. Ba ssford. Seebe r. Ajd eschek. Sta nd a che r. Hcrithwaite. Koldenhoven. Malec. While. Goe b e l. Balsavich. f RONT ROW: Mulholland. Leverenz. Eibeck. Taylor. Brebceh. Russell. Hansen. Hopps. Aldridge. Ke n nedy, Re u snow, He ll w e q. distinguished itself, and the entire school. by winning first place in competition with all other high school R.O.T.C. units in the city. old. it ranks first in importance to the war effort. Members each week send liv ely V-mail to our' boys. At least once a month each boy gets a current copy of the Crier. At Christmas the girls sent gilt boxes to our fighting men. On Valentine's Day and a t Easter th ey remembered the boys with cards. On every Thursday in April they sent gaily decorated boxes of cookies to the various Service Centers in Chicago. R.O.T.C. BAND Every day they sell bonds from the booth on the first Iloor. The Scrap Drive carried on by the Clean-Up Committee and the Victory- Book Drive sponsored by the Red Cross were also important contributions to Ccrlumet's war effort. PRA I SE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION Page 56 Page 57


33 WHEN THE LIGHTS GO ON AGA IN SALUTE TO OUR FLAG THE SCRAP DRIVE IN THE SERVICE NAVAL AVIATION PROJECT Wherever Uncle Sam may send them and whatever the task. former members of Calumet seem to do a fine job and to come out on top. Some of these alumni have been awarded medals. For example: Lieutenant George Formanek received the Distinguished Flying Cross for action in the Battle of Midway. Some are nurses like First Lieutenant Floramund JUNIOR RED CR OSS Fellmeth who served with General MacArthur in the Philippines and is now in Australia. Som e. like Captain William Lundin. have been rescued from lifeboats after harrowing experiences. Many a re heroes at home and many are serving overseas: everyone is do- ing his part for Victory. T HIS I S THE ARM Y, M R. JON E S Page 60 Page 61

34 "_=,:::.-' I LET'S BRING NEW GLORY TO OLD GLORY CRANKY OLD YANK HIP HIP HURRAY Tom Abt T. E. Adams F. A. Ahlgrin A. S. Aldendorf Donald Allison Jack Althuis Merle Anderson Corp. Robert Anderson Harry Anderson Lt. Bill Anderson Lloyd Anderson Gus Angelos Timothy Angland LeRoy Anhock James Arcus George Armstrong John Armstrong Phillip Arnold Alfred Aulurerm Alexander Axell Lt. Robert Bock John Baker Paul Ballin Robert Bandy Corp. William Banske Donald Bein Sgt. C. P. BeIda Carl Bengtsson James Bennett Julian Berg John Berry Robert Berlossa R. C. Bevans B. B. Biggers Gilbert Blackmore Fred Blackmore Sgt. R. A. Block D. B. Block Sgt. Kenneth Blocke James Bloom Marvin Blum Swen Bohlin James Boughner C. 1. Bonnevier Alex Booras Robert Booth Donald Booth Wm. B. Bower Lt. Joseph Bowes Edward Bowman Ellis Bradley Corp. George Bradley Howard Brandel Joseph Breen John Breen Michael Brennen Joseph Breslin James Breslin Sgt. Jack Bresnahan Emmett Broenneke P.F.C. Melvin Brooks Charles Brown Robert Brown Jack Bunch James Burgess Eugene Burkart Lawerence Burns Clifford Burton Gail Butler George Byl Wm. Cain Wm. Chaves Galer Chaves Don Christensen Donald G. Christensen H. M. Clark Howard Classen Lester Cook Thomas Cook Lt. Wm. Cook John Corder Sgt. Bill Corbett Bob Cooney Corp. John Cormann Corp. Thomas Costin John Colter James Clancy Charles Croisant Larry Crawford Sgt. James Cummings LI. Mes Cummings Capt. Robert Cutts Owen Calhoun Frank Campaign Lt. John Campiche John Canning W. E. Carellas Earnest Carlson Norman Carlson R. J. Carrol Sgt. Robert Capman Thomas Cassidy Lt. Frank Caveney Sgt. Charles Cawley Steve Chanda Ralph Chaplin Daniel Cummings Lt. Robert Cummings W. F. Cunningham Corp. Robert Daley Sgt. Albert Dahm John Danem LI. Harold Danenhawer P.F.C. James Darrah James Davidson Ja m es D. Davidson Douglas Davidson O. J. Deal Tom Delanty James Demetral Staff Scrt, Albert De Rosiers Michaele Dewett Robert Dibb!e Thomas Diggins Corp. J. 1. Diggins Russell Doherty John Doherty Kenneth Dorow Robert Dorgan James Dougherty Robert Draftz Thomas Duffey Harry Dumke Norman Dunnett Sgt. Matt Duzakowitcs Robert Dykes G. Eadon Warren Eagan Sgt. David Ellington Herbort Ellgstrom Corp. LeRoy Elwing Lt. Gilbert Erb LeRoy Erickson Andy Eul Joseph Fagan S. F. Falloon Lt. Eugene Farmer Lt. Donald Farrell Charles Fausel Howard Fay Bernard Fefferman Lt. James Fennell Joseph Fennell John Fett Edword Fitzgibbons Sgt. Robert Flint Robert Follis Frank Folsom Lt. George Formanek Corp. Gordon Franke Fred Fredericks Frank Fredericksen Staff Sgt. Anton Froelich Charles Frisbie Sgt. Emory Frillon H. E. Furnifur Norman Galbraith Charles Gansloser Edward Gauthier John Garrett Russel Gass J. M. Gauley Arthur Gaw James Gaw Fred Gawley Cpl. Geerdes Wm. Gellings Robert Gibson Lt. A. E. Gilmore Robert Girten William Gleason Ernest Goldman Robert Goulding Harry Goulding James Grant Jack Graner Joseph Greenberg Donald Greig Walter Grindle Wm. Gritzner Edward Gruehlke Murford Gruelke 1. B. Grunaualt John Gunning Robert Gunn J. Guselman Warren Haag John Hackel Raymond Hackel Kenneth Hall Ray Halverson Lt. Bruce Homil Sgt. Howard Hansen Sgt. Gilbert Hanson George Hanson Leslie Harris Lt. Arthur Hassel George Hattendorf Sgt. Edward Havel Jerry Heagney Lt. Albert Heatter Charles Hebner Milton Hcilbron Raymond Hielmann Robert Heitman T. R. Helmer James Henning Lt. Arthur Henning Gerald Herman Roland Hipsher A. B. Hochgesaug Arthur Hocrer Robert Holbrook Lt. J. E. Halloway Corp. Arthur Holmberg LI. Edward Holtsberg Warren Holtsberg Corp. Victor Holzhauser R.1. Howard.J\rth ur Howard Dick Howell R. T. Huges Martin Humer Clyde Hunt Dick Hurley Paul Hutchinson Richard Hymes Corp. Richard Igle Worren Iffland Bob Irvine Sgt. Seymour Isreal Lt. Fred Jackson Wayne Jackson A. W. Jacobsen Emmett [crmieson Edmund Jantz George Jennings Robert Jensen David Johnson James Johnson Raymond Johnson Robert Johnson R. C. Johnson Vernon Johnson Richard Johnston Ensign Richard Jones Robert Iuroschek Wm. Juraschek Harry Just Matthew Kampf Louis Kamps Robert Kane Corp. Walter Kannischer Edward Kaplau Paul Kaup Sgt. Leonard Keane Arthur Kasehagen Robert Keating William Keating Clinton Kellams Corp. James Kellitt Wm. Kelly Joseph Kelley Eugene Kienan James Kennedy Raymond Kennedy Daniel Kenney Wm. Kennison Jean Ketchpau George Kidd Charles Koselke Robert King Robert Killacky Robert Kinstedt Robert Kirkwood LI. Irving Klang Arthur Klank Alfred Knize Wm. F. Knabe Corp. John Knol Melvin Koehler Wesley Koerner Lt. Jack Kokesch LeRoy Kossack Louis Kostal Sgt. Emil Kralick Sgt. Ralph Kramer Raymond Krehoff Kenneth Kreitzer Wm. Kuhn Sgt. Robert Kuczara Sgt. Arthur Kruse Richard Krug Roy Kross Erich Kroll R. M. Lacey Corp. Arthur Larson Charles Lassa George Leahy Adam Leask Wm. Leddin Lester Leonard Clifford Leichtfuss Ensign S. Levine John Le Ventis Corp. Alvin Lipke Robert Loeber Herbert Loftus Sgt. James Logsdon Anthony Logus M. H. Londahl A. M. Look John Look Sgt. Jules Lordan H. E. Loring Herbert Lukey Norman Lundberg Page 62 Page 63

35 REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR Page 64 Fred Lunden Capt. W m. Lundin James Lynch Joseph Lynch Hank Lyons Robert McCanna Jose ph McCann John McCarthy James W. McClellan Gordon E. McComb Tom McConnell LeRoy McCorry Lowell McCullagh Joseph W. McDonnell Sgt. John McDonough Richard McGhie John McGowan R. D. McHugh Wm. J. MacKenzie Jack McMahon Capt. Edward G. McNamara John Lee McNamara Robert J. Mahir Howard Mager Leonard Mairnzer Cpl. Robert C. Mair Ernest Martig Henry Marvinac Joe Marvinac Peter Matthews Roger Maurice Frank Maybauer George L. Mayer Glenn Mehring Arthur Mertens Ray Meyer James J. Miller Cpl. Earl W. Miller Frank F. Mohrs Lawrence J. Mooney Lt. Col. W. L. Moore Allen L. Morrow John Morrow Charles Mountford E. W. Mulcahy Lt. T. R. Mulcahy Wm. Mulcahy Wm. A. Mulligan Sgt. Howard Murphy James T. Murphy Walter J. Murphy Steven H. Murray Walter Murray William L. Murphy Charles Mussey Lt. Edward Naddy Donald L. Nash Carl Nels on Raymond J. Nelson Raymond C. Nelson Howard G. Nelson Edward Nesnidal Robert Newquist Cpl. Rob ert Nieses Raymond A. Nihill Paul W. Nilsen Warren Nilsen James S. Nimetz Lt. O ra b elle L. Nisbet Charles J. Nisbet Cpl. Gerald S. Noble Sgt. J. H. Nolan Corp. Jerry Nolan Corp. Phillip J. Nolan Charles Norton Tadens Nowicki George O 'Donnell Alfred Oelschlegel James E. O 'Fa rrell Le Roy O 'Leary Walter O 'Leary Lawrence O lsen Don W. Orahood Leonard S. Orr Charles Osterton John O 'Shea Sgt. Raymond E. Pahl Charles Palmquist Cpl. Francis J. Parker Capt. Jacob J. Parke r Raymond K. Parter Lt. Glynn C. Payne Arthur J. Pedgrift Edward J. Peters Sgt. Francis Perkins Bob Perkins Ja m es Perkins King Peylon Edward J. Pickering Arnold E. Poble Harvey A. Pomroy J. A. Preston Jack F. Prindiville Sgt. Andrew Proctor Lt. Proffitt Cpl. George Quan Oscar J. Racina Cpl. Kenneth Rancine Richard Rademacker Eugene Ramsden Richard Hcrtzel Lt. Owen Rea rm e r Sgt. Rob ert J. Reedy Oliver Reese David D. Reich W. Reinschreiber Fred Reinschreiber Lt. W m. Rey nolds G O D BLESS AMER ICA Robert E. Rice Gene Richmond Eleanor Ries Arnold Ringbloom John Roche Sgt. T. L. Roeder Jim Rohan Julian Rosin Cpl. Don Rousseau Earle G. Rowe, Jr. Cpl. Ryan T. J. Ryan Glen Russell Cpl. James Ryan Richard J. Ryan Chester Rybicki Rudolph Rydell Raymond C. Rydeen Carl Sandberg C. L. Sa ndquist Paul J. Santos Lee Sawyer Henry Scarry Robert Scheckner Al Schiller John Schillo Nicholas J. Schmale n, Jr. Sgt. Harry Schneider Lt. Robert A. Schneider Arnold Schnitzer Alfred St. Pierre Edwin K. Schober Cpl. Schoenstedt Henry A. Schureger Lt. Raymond L. Sealy Ted Sedlack Lt. George W. Sermerau Sgt. Raymond J. Senecal Rg. Seyffert Wm. Sheehy Cpl. Shelden Wally Singer L. J. Sherman Wm. Short Sgt. K. D. Sjogren Robert J. Sloan John C. Smit Dean J. Smith Donald G. Smith Sgt. Howard D. Smith H.G.Smit Wm. J. Snow Allen Sorensen Lt. Hubert P. Sp eck Angelos Sp ero Jack Stein John A. Steinfeld Sgt. Thomas J. Ste nsla n d Wm. A. Steinhaue r Sgt. John K. Steinhauer Cpl. Frank Stephan Wm. F. Stephens Wm. Stettler Wm. Stevenson Donald J. Stevens Russell Stitt Tho. J. Stoecker Wm. L. Stone Donald W. Stoops Sgt. Floyd Stranulberry James A. Strain Sgt. Sundstrom Lt. Robt. Suttle Edw a rd L. Swanke Rob ert W. Swanson Roy H. Swanson Carl Swanson C. B. Swanson Arthur J. Talsma Sgt. C. M. Ta masen LI. Marlin Tatar Howa rd M. Tanner John Tebbens Georg e Tebbens Rob ert F. Tha y er Kenny Thieme Lt. Walter J. Themm L. E. Th omas Louis Thomas Sgt. W. J. Thomsen Ray Thome Hal Tongren Bill Tongre n Don Tapler Rob ert Tovey James R. Tow e Jim Tracy Ward B. Traver Capt. G. Tullis Tho mas C. Trowbridge Wm. S. Turner John C. Ulre ich Louis G. Vargo Rich ard Van Dam Jack Ver kler Le Roy Vong W m. J. Voves Cpl. W m. Vreeland Sgt. Richard W aggoner Edw a rd K. Wagner Ca rl Wakefield Cpl. Wm. Walseh Lo. Romaine Waska.Ra lph Warkins A. S. Weber Edwin Weber John J. Webster Ja mes A. Wedmore Fred G. W efare J O H N N Y ZERO SONG OF TH E BO MBARD IERS Page 65

36 Robert W. Welch Roy R. Wendt Ellwood Werer Cpl. Arthur White Charles E. White Donald J. White Bill Wieder Albert J. Wild Paul Wild Harry A. Wilke Alfred T. Wilson Andrew Winchester Henry C. Wink Joseph C. Wise Phillip Wright Fred F. Zakosik Sgt. Robert E. Zeck Charles Ziegenhagen Paul Ziegenhagen Capt. Robert J. Cutts Herbert Exner Allen 1. Morrow Henry E. Pvsen Roy Sandquist Andrew Sebby Jr. Joseph Totter Robert A. Tovey Lt. Lemuel Weir Robt. A. Williams Benjamin C. Zulfer ANGELS OF MERCY THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER Page 66

37 In th e g irls' branch of the g ym department there has bee n a stepped-up development as gym classes have been increased from two days to four days a week. Certain days are devoted to games. dancing. calisthenics. and obstacle cour se training. The girls are getting ~HIS war has caused the boys' gym department to give one of the most complete as well as one of th e toughest obstucle courses in the city. One only needs to step....- : :0: -, into the boys' gym to see m uscu la r he-men climbing ropes. jumping ditches. clearing walls. crawling under fences. walking narrow bridges a nd participatin g in a ll sorts of Army and Navy :alis thenics. All thi s is Dart of the new class wo rk. as Calumet a ssumes wartime standing. But there should be no griping about the toughness of the course: instead every boy should pitch in and do his best. quite a workout and there are some complaints but most of these "comm a nd os" realize that they are the ones to benefit from the extra work. The training th ey receive will make them ca p- able of taking on all the tasks caused by the war. Page 69

38 FOOTBALL A t the Harper game players floundered through mud and rain. Mud held a superior Calumet team to a scoreless tie. At the next game Calumet defeated Parker Hyde Park. Calumet's next foe. scored a tie with us Hirsch defeated Calumet. In the game with South Shore. mud again almost caused defeat. But we managed to win in the last two seconds of play ~. 4S In the last game of the season. Morgan Park beat us But Calumet scored the only touchdown made against Morgan Park all season. It was set up by our valuable player. Icmulis. and scored by Captain Tracy. '. ONE OF OUR MOST POPULAR AMERICAN SPORTS -- l SI Anderson. Thiele DeMay. Janulis Otter. Rosell Tracy. Veatch Gauthier. Schumake McAuliffe. Rydeen Neidle. Corridon O'Connor, DeForrest Soutter. Enqberq Pa ge 70 Page 71

39 SQUAD ENDS Tra cy- Ca pt ai n O'Connor Dingwall Ch uk Swanson TACKLES Gauth ie r De May And e rson Thiele Krause Clan Townley GUARDS McAuliffe Soulier Hu mb le Becker Ne idle Rydeen Quaid Bax ter CENTERS Schu ma ke Oller Po lle y Fosler QUARTERBACKS Vealch Engberg Larson Hughes FULLBACKS Corridon Fah rner Wild e r HA LFBACKS Janulis Rusch Sla ger Hoskins De Forest Rosell Ra tzel Joh ns on Baxter. Becker. Chuk. Clan. Dingwa ll Fahr ner. Foster. Hoskins. Hughes. Humb le Johnson. Krause. La rson. Po lley. Qua id Ratzel. Rusch. Townle y. Sla ge r. W ilder FOOTBALL MANAGERS BASKETBALL 1942 Pa ge 72 LINDE AULBACH KAYSE R KRESGE SANDBERG ) I...I Page 73

40 SENIOR BASKETBALL TEA M J U N o R BASKETBALL TEA M SEN IO R BASKETBALL ~, 11M Captain " George" Da Luga "Bud" Greenan " Dick" Sa ndin. " How ie" Shoen "Ted" Mallder. "Chris" Lessaris " Dick" Burtch " Ed" Mc Namera "Gl enn" Babcock "Dale" Sw a n son "Ralph" Sw a nson " Bob" Ega n " Bob" Mundell " Bob" Smith "Ra y" Pohlm an "Glenn" Malmquist Guard Guard Center Forward Forward Center Forward Guard Forward Forward Forward G uard Guard Center Forward Guard SQUAD Captain " Dutch" Krischbaum "Lou" Luebke "Ja ck" Q uil lina n " Bill" Mansfield "Ernie" Meier "Joe" Lennon "Curly" Richa rdson "Dave" Wunder "Ja ck" McFarland " Bob" North "Ja ck" Sims " Hom er" O'Connor JUNIOR BASKETBALL SCORES Forward CALUMET vs. WE THEY Forward Fenger Center Hirsch Guard Chicago Voca tional Guard Parker Forward Sou th Shore Guard Englewood Center Harper Forward Guard Hyde Park Forward Morgan Park Guard Bowen Page 74 Pag e 75

41 BASEBALL THE SEASON AT CALUMET Scores BASEBALL SCORES AND LINE UP We They Calumet vs. Morgan Park Hyde Park Harper. Fenger Bowen Parker Hyde Park Bow en o Squad and b atting order BACK ROW: Manager: Cutis. Ma h n. Sm ith. Marshall. Coach : Ivers. Kru q. D. Sw a n son. R. Swanso n. De forest. Manager: Pa ppa. SECO ROW : Sm ith. Lubke. Seba stia n. Bu rgess. Da Luga. Melke, Joh nson. " 0", ' OW, 'p } "'"" """'"0, M"o"ooo, Mer tens Dinsmore Johnny Sebastian-S.S. Chuck Mertens-C.F. Red Burgess-l B. George Da Luga- C.- 3 B. of inj uries, a makeshift team was put on th e field. The pitching staff, corn- Calumet'S fine b a seball tea m suffered many hard blows even before th e season opened but as this report goes to press the team is a half game out of firs t place and challenging for the South Section lea d. Because many of the regulars left school for various reasons and because Da le Swanson-3 B. Ralph Swanson- 2 B. Lou Lubke-R.F.-P. Ja ck Dinsmore-L.F. George Melke-P.-R.F. p osed of Oufie lder Lou Lubke, Infielders George Melke and Bill Marshall have turned in many commendable performances thus far. li the remainder of the season turns out as well as the first half has, Calumet may well be proud of its baseball team. With a little more effort on the Squad Curly Richardson-C.-Captain Bill Marshall-P. Dick Johnson- l B. Bill Bingham-C. Harold Krug-P. Don De Forest-O.F. Sam Mangioni-O.F. Team's part. they may even take the South Section championship and end up very high in the city's ranks. Bud Blake-2 B. Bob (Big) Smith-P. Bob (Little) Smith-C. Ed Mahn-C. Ray Krahn-O.F. Bert Hill-2 B. Fred Ccmpbell-s-P. Bill Schumacher-C. Pa ge 76 Pa ge 77

42 WRESTLING I N pounds. Prohaska-l45 pounds. Dahleen- 155 pounds. Garey-165 pounds. George-175 :JHE Wrestling Team at pounds. and Ne idle and Hcckwood-s-hecvv- Calumet this year w a s super composition: Quinn-95 pounds. Mangioni and Carmody- 105 pounds. Hyland-ll5 pounds. Curtin-125 pounds. Captain Don Anderson and De Vore- weig hts. The team lost the city championship game but our Don Anderson re tained his 125 pound city championship. BOWLING CLUB BACK ROW: Sc h us sler. Pr u itt. De Bctt, Caslin. Komar. Bralda.t. Ne lson. Fox. Eld in. Hopps. Wedmore. Ba ldauf. Walters. Rusch. THI RD ROW: Bury. Hill. Fahrner. Kresge. Qu illi na n. McElveen. Hughes. Heerle in. Crandall. Ab ramso n. Nickle. Leeder. Anderson. Hart. Lundgren. SECO ND ROW : Aruelis. Peterson. Klueqer, Hemingway. Taylor. Manmquist. Sw ift. Tu veson. Maher. Lenqertch, Bondy. Re idy. Enroth. FRONT ROW: Pomije, Anderson. Richards. Ne lson. Monday Secretary: Battis : Wednesd ay Secretary : Lindburg : Lieberman. Pirtle. Hickey. Lawson. LeBeau. BOWLING.i: TEAM were two Leagues which consists of 8 tea ms and the Wednesday Lea g ue of 6 teams. The winning team in the Monday League was the Cadets and in the bowling this semester. the Monday League Wednesday League th e Eagles. WRESTLING TEAM BACK ROW: Meyer. Fiala. Rockwood. Gauthier. Sindelar. Ga re y, Mr. Hoare: Coach, Devore, Dahleen, Coughlin. MIDDLE ROW: Gabric. Friend. Lameros, Prohaska: Co-captain. Anderson: Cocaptain. George. Neldte. Holmes. FRONT ROW: Schumacker. Per kin s, Her riman. Mangione. Hy land. Be vignani, Qu in n, Car mo dy, Curtain. GIRLS ' AND BOYS' SWIMMING Page 78 Pag e 79

43 SENI OR SWIM TEA M BACK ROW: Irwin. Reid. Linde. Shanahan, ZuUer. T u v eson. Combs. FRON T ROW: Cu lp. Captain: Lars on. Tighe. Johnson, Sponso r: Mr. Busch. Calumet's senior swimming team started ou t with only four little men. But. led by Lee Larson and Hugh Tighe. the team won several matches. JUNIOR SWIM TEA M BACK ROW: Sponsor : Mr. Busc h : Nie ba u e r. Hie d e nre ich. Canny. FRO NT ROW: Re id. Krumdic k. Willi s Mueller. 2J uring t h is pa st season Wals h. Reid. a nd Hu tchinson qualified in the Juni or City Medley. TRACK TEAM BACK ROW : He inze. Mitche ll. Sor enson. Captain: Crook. Scott. Koopman. Sponsor: Mr. Busch. SECO ND ROW: Cuperus, Norberg. She ppa rd. Funkey. Moran. Fahlstrom. Reesman. FRONT ROW : Crout. Ca rlson. Kres g e. Barr. O 'Doh er ty, V a rg o. Captain Crook. Ree s man. Rupert a n d Crout finis he d high in m ost of the important tra ck meets of the year. Ed Crook a lso won the city high hurdles championship. SWIMMING TEAMS TRACK TEAM Page 80 Page 81

44 ALPHA a nd BETA LETTER G I RLS Pa ge 82 ~he ALPHA BACK ROW: Horsch. Bre s na han Campaigne. Kasehagen. H a rran: Timmennan. Mea. Tebbens. White. Rock. Jester. TH IRD ROW: Chaves. Feil. Bu ckb erg. Bland. Magnusson. Johnson. Pa. nos, Kappelman. Clemens. Rahn. Breault. Schrnif, Panos. SECOND ROW: Erickson. La ing. Bilek. Fefiennan. President: Mescalino, Sponsor: Miss Munn. Vice P"esi. dent: Nickelson. Secretary: Dorl, Hansen, Benson. Jeppes ~n. Bue;_ Ier. FRONT ROW: Gwoad. W il. so n. Long, Auersch. Brodt. Sa. wallisch. Dahlin. Perry. Sm ith. Newquist. Green. Mcfadd e n. BETA BACK ROW: Rubin. Borha u e r. Magnuson. Rei!. Priest. Brodt. BoodelJ. Fitzli. Werges. Ru sch. THIRD ROW: Jandacek. Sh cmnhan. Scrqert. Blodgett, Var nes. Markstrom. Anderson. Schovoni, Do ld er. Dunn. SECOND RO W : Lenhart. Engels. Dunker. King s bury, Sponsor: Miss Munn. Ken nedy, Groh. Hanna. Janis. Cor f son. Stone. FRONT ROW: O ls on. Musselman. Tanner. Sprin g er, Poo le. Moore. Gruetzmacher. Pe d iqo, O Connor. Shanley. White. LETTER GIRLS BACK ROW: Green. Ne wqu is t, Jeppesen. Laing. Oakes. Pano s. Mascolino. Benson. SECOND ROW: Andersen. Bock. Fe Herman. Hull. Stern.berqer, Dor l, Swanson. Scxlee, Magnus so n. FRONT ROW: Brodt. Smith. Treasurer: Bartsch. Presid en t: O 'Forretl. Sponsor: Mrs. Davidge. Vice President: Hanse n. Secretary. Brady. Bilek. Alpha Chapter is a club composed of upperclass G.A.A. delegates. The lower- class G.A.A. delegates are members of th e Bela Chapter. All members of the Letter Girls have ea rn ed their point emblem in athletic activiti es. B Z\ CK ROW : Hanna. Newquis t. Green. Kennedy. Mascolino. Gronholm. Grant. Johnson. Hull. Swanson. C akes. Brodt. SECOND ROW: Smith. Bock. Dor l, Magnusson. Bilek. FeHerman. Marvis. Dahlin. Panos. Scxle r. Groebe. Padore. F. Bilek. FRONT ROW : Lcrtako, Treasurer: Hansen. Vice President: Smith. Sponsor: Munn. Presid ent: Bar tsc h. Secretary: Laing. Nickelsen. Benson. BACK ROW : Galloway. McMaken. Nickelson. Laing. Marvis. Willis. Kerr. Pedcre. Jandacek. Feichtinger. Newmelle r, Thiele. Panabaker. Sm ith. THIRD ROW: Thanos. C. Brodt. Swanson. F. Bilek. Hanna. O'Fcrrell, Grant. J. Brodt. Eggert. Magnusson. Sanders. Werges. SECOND ROW: Andersen. D. A. Sm ith. Treasurer: D. J. Sm ith. Vice President: Green. Sponsor: Kuerlln, President: Bartsch. Secretary: Magnusson. Ic hnson. Boode ll, Rusch. Gro th. Thomas. McKenna. FRONT ROW : Markstrom. Young. West. Gronholm. Mcseetinc. Kenned y. Gro ebe. Schwa mb. Graber. Motschman. Murray. Riser. Mannos. NEREIDES BACK ROW: Sponsor: Mis s Pe arso n. Davidson. Blaha. West. Schofie ld. Loftus. Bertheleson. Hanna. Bilek. 'Fetters. Miller. Beucus. SEC OND ROW: Varnes. ILa mphea r. Grant. Groebe. Kennedy. Bonnes. Reynolds. Ch ira1. Fefferman. Leier. Lundgren. All man. Aitchison. Ryan. Moriarity. FRONT ROW: Scqert. Bcum. gartner. Pedcre. Smith. Laing. Anderson. Benson. Brodt. Green. Bartsch. Carlson. Thanos. LEADERS BOARD OF SPORTS Page 83

45 :". CHEER LEADERS ROOTE RS C heerlea ders help bring home athle tic victories for Calumet. At all games they are on hand to lea d the cheers. In fa ir or foul weather. w hen th e good Calites get together at games. the lust y Cheerleaders are there doing their stuff../. ) ROOTERS CLUB OFFICERS BACK ROW: Fauser. Dir. 01 Act.: Swenson. Se e.r Jalle. Treas.: Wagner. Treas. Fall Seme ste r. FRONT ROW: Kinsella. Ylce-Pres.r Conway. Social Chairman. Ma g la sson, Pres.,.. ),. BACK ROW : Dahlin. Poncinie. Merwin, Miller. Smith. Chaves. Jester. Koskey, Mill er. Montague, Nisius. Johnson. Richards. Ziegenhagen. Gorman. FOURTH RO W : Reesman. Latzko. Cam!'aigne. Bleeker. Pa nos. Slaughter. Gat es. John son. Deforest. O'Mal le y, Del Giorno. Strong. Gustafson. Storey, Mathes. Fenneman. MIDDLE ROW: Aulback. Rock. Swanson. Weber. Simmons. Rocco. Blodgett. Grove. Drummond. Sanders. Feichtinger. Linqren, Dowdall. Coler. Fr itsche l. Se dla ck. Vargo. SECOND ROW: Roy al. Stile s. Kub ick. Maseo lino. Johnson. Buc kberq. Br.. e ul t, Perkins. Erickson. Voge!. Pet er son. Filson. Leppin. FRONT ROW: Sp ringer. Phil lips. R.. y nol ds. Bilek. Fo y, Weomak. Bendt. Waggoner. Webb. Horsch. Denes. BACK ROW: Yates. Tomkin s. Wagner. Hanssens. O 'N etl. White. Gronholm. Re ynold s. Anderson. Zahringer. Shanley. Thome. Moore. Panos. Rattray. Bow es. Hansen. FOURTH ROW: Go ld en. Kossack. Tumbloom. McFadden. Pirtle. Lindburg, Bromfie ld, Zieman. Fauser. Pet erson. Alleria. Eu litt. BO'1Qsh. Hull, Johnson. MIDDLE ROW: Liv enick. Busch. Finn. Conway. Goode ll. Burbridge. Komar. Koeppen. Yande!. Schulze. SEC OND ROW : Nis b et, Mus selman. LeV entis. Treasurer: Ja ffe. President: McGlasson. Mr. Bayston. Sponsor: Se c re ta ry : Swe nsen. Vice Presid ent : Kinse lla. Clan. Jenki ns, Knox. FRONT ROW : Kirschstein. Utz, Wack. Cross. Lars en. Gilbertson, Seifer t, David son. CHEERLEADERS BACK ROW: Bilek. Bae dt. W a qqoner. Davidson, Larson, Kirschstein. Gilb e rtson. MID. DLE ROW: MacGla s son. Ha n so n. Wack. Mr. Bays ton, Cro ss. Foy. FRONT ROW: Utz. Kin se lla. Weqma n. Sei fer t. RO O TERS CLUB school needs a good. strong. loud cheering section to give the teams the encouragement necessary for a victory. To provide this Calumet has a Rooters Club. The members of the club appear regularly at all school games and fonn the major part of the cheering section behind the cheerleaders. Page 84 Pag e 85

46 HALLGUARD CAPTAINS BACK ROW: Ott. Dist aldcrf, Rickert. Fle ischer. FRONT ROW: Trick. Ty ler. Richards. Conway. BOND SALES GIRLS BACK ROW. INSIDE BO OTH : Wlodarski. Traer. Hedeen. Buckberg. FR ONT ROW. IN SID E BO OTH : Davidson. Clark. Mr s. Da v ie s. Gilbert. OUTSID E: Ha rm on. Denman. Jaco b s. Erickson. Kalis. Nisbet. And erson. Ca se y. Donahue. BOND SALES GIRLS HALL GUARD CAPTAINS vote of thanks goes to ~h e r e is one Captain in the Bond Sales Girls. They've done a grand charge of hall guards for every period of the job in their first floor booth. From February 8 to May 14. total sale s amount e d to day. Their job is to m aintain a well organized force on guard in the halls. Page 86 Pa ge 87

47 OUTSTANDING SENIORS JANUARY 1943 /. BJ/ JOll fjrell. president of his class. will always be remembered for his ability to define words without the aid of the dictionary. 2. ~rall=ijka Baf(;Il' valedictorian. who inspired us with her cleverly written editorials in the Calumet Crier. 3. Claill e :J)eJrick. salutatorian. who charmed us by her beauty. her lovely smile, and her willingness to cooperate in all matters pertaining to the weuare of Calumet. 4. /~ul/'...j(,'u g. president of the Senior Girls Council, and winner of the D.A.R. award J(ellll el/'...j(o'll!er. major of the R.O.T.C. who will doubtless soon lead a battalion to Victory somewhere Overseas. 6. /{!ogelle l1'7c17a fly. vice president of the class. and champion whirler of the baton that led the band in its glorious marches. 7. :J)ialla Backa J. president of the Red Cross. a noble young woman whose unselfish attitude endeared her to her classmates. 8. '!},'elle Sell,Ji".. secretary of the Junior Red Cross. a dainty little Miss of unquestioned ability. 9. Sop/' ie 170l'a k, secretary of the senior class. a colorful young lady who flitted about corridors and campus like the Spirit of Spring. /0.!~obe,.1 SOllllll erj. president of the Drama Club. who was outstanding not only in dramatics, but also in art and oratory. He was chosen class orator. 1/. :J)lIfig/'1 11'lilc/'('ft an outstanding citizen of Calumet. and a leader in all civic activities. 12. J o/, II Se,g e r; financial editor of the A.C.C.L. Yearbook and outstanding member of that organization. 13. j:jaul Vealc/,. president of the National Honor Society. whose high scholarship brought renown to Calumet. 14. g eorge!{!ill ck. captain of the Hall Guards, firm disciplinarian and all around substantial citizen. /5. :J)oriJ Arll ell, treasurer of the class. a student of outstanding ability. and a young woman of great personal charm. JUNE 1943 /. 1/(J,-ffialll gaul/'ier, valedictorian, winner of the Noble Kizer football award. chcdrmcm Prom Committee. and president of the Scholarship Club. 2. Jack Quif~ all. president of the senior class. distinguished athlete. exceptional student. and a young man of rare personal charm. 3. ofee ofarjoil, vice president of the senior class. and King, every inch of him. of the Clean-up Parade. Also outstanding in swimming and football '7ar:J 117(ul ers 011, secretary of the senior class. A lovely and lovable young woman. 5. :J)01l -lj'ii.!e:j' treasurer of the senior class. and vice president of the A.C.C.L. An amiable redhead whom we all love. 6. gralll goojeft president of the A.C.C.L. and of the Junior Honor Society. A dynamic personality who will go far or we miss our guess '7(II':J AIlIl g,-fberl. president and co-founder of the Girls Service League. She has beauty. brains. character, and charm. 8. Jeall Clark, vice president and co-founder of the Girls Service League. A charming and capable young woman who has what it takes. 9. J ealllle Becker,third hiqhest in the class and prominent in the band. and distinguished by her work on the Crier. 10. CJ Ja cobjoll. lieutenant-colonel of the R.O.T.C.. an outstanding citizen of the school, and a wow with the ladies. II. JOIII 17aug/'101l, president of Calumet's National Honor Society. and crll-oround good citizen. 12. Bell:J ofou 1/Ua n.: president of the Senior Girls Council, literary staff of the Temulac 1942 and also of the A.C.C.L. yearbook. and winner of a scholarship at De Pauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. /3. /~ul/' Slerllbergt'l", editor-in-chief of the Calumet Crier. A lovely girl of outstanding ability. 14. BJt 1770e/'!e, Chicago president of the National Honor Society. and another outstanding citizen of Calumet. /5. /~ic/'{//.j Jaffe, athletic features of the Temulac parliamentarian of the A.C.C.L.. and head of the Ways a nd Means Committee. Page 88 Page 89

48 CL ASS O FF ICERS William Tongren President Doris Arnett Treasurer THE SENIOR CLASS JANUARY 1943 Roieanne McNally V ice President Sophie Novak Secretar y ~he January class of though a small ing it. boasted th irty-six members in the National Honor Society. This fact is significant. Data collected about future achievement group as compared with graduating groups immediately precedof high school graduates indicates that the high school record points to the path students will follow in after life. Under present conditions society desperately needs leadership. The January class is to be congratulated on having so many po - te ntia l leaders in its membership. Sure ly in the constructive program for global reconstruction that must inevitably follow the close of W orld W a r II. it is not presumptuous to believe that many January graduates will make outstanding contributions to this great W or ld Movement. Page 90 Page 91

49 FRANK ABBOTT-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Non-Corn. missioned Officers Club: Pan-American Club: A Cappella Choir; R.O.T.C.; Drama Club; Red Cross Club. CLYDE ANDERSEN -Junior Honor Society; band ; track team: inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. ROBERT ANDERSON-A.C.C.L.: Non -Commissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C. sergeant; bowling. RICHARD BURTCH-Heavyweight basketball team; inter-class basket. ba ll; inter-class baseball; A.C.C.L.; hall guard. RUTH BURTON-Home Ma na ge me nt Club; A Cappella Choir; Girls Chorus; band; orchestra; G.A.A. Board ; Variety Show. BETTY A. CARLSON-Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Le Cercle Francais ; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; bowling; Westcott Student Government; A.C. C.L.; G.A.A. SYLVIA ANDERSON-Junior Honor Society: Senior Girls Council; Home Management Club; Rooters Club; Pan-American Club; Cr ier staff: Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; band; Alpha Chapter; Nereides. DORIS ARNETT-National Honor Soc iety; Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; G~rl Reserves vi es, president and secretary: Executive Council; Girls Service League: Cner staff; Kiwiettes; orchestra; Alpha Chapter; G.A.A. Board; G.A.A. secretary, Westcott; Student Council president and secretary. Westcott; Schola rship Club; treasurer of senior class; hall guard: Westcott Choir; all-star gym team. captain; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. DIANA BACKAS-Junior Honor Society; A. C.C.L. delegate; Temulac representative; Girl Reserves; Executive Council; Temulac staff; Kiwiettes; Red Cross Club; G.A.A. ; Red Cr oss representative; Executive Council secretary; class day chairman; ossistant treasurer of A.C.C.L. BETTY BAKER-A.C.C.L. deleg a te; Temulac representative; Root ers Club; G.A.A. delegate; Girls Chorus. HAROLD BAKER-A.C.C.L.: inter-clcas basketball; interclass baseball: inter-class swimming; inter-clcss wrestling. FRANZISKA BALLIN-National Hon or Society; Junior Honer Soc iety; A.C.C.L. delega te; Seni?r Gir ls Council; Executive Council; Junior Classical League; Girls Service League; Cn er -chief ; Kiwiettes; Debate Club secretory: deba te team: Drama Club; G.A.A. Board ; valedictorian; class-day committee. HOWARD BAUMAN -National Honor Society vice-president: Junior Honor Society; Pan-American Club; Cr ier editor; inter-ckrss basketba ll; inte r-cla ss baseball. HELEN BEAN-Westcott Chorus; Roeters Club : G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JAMES BERRY-A.C.C.L. delegate; Root ers Club; A Cappella Choir; Air Corps; Drama Club: wrestling team. DORIS BLODGETT-Girls Service League; French Club; G.A.A. delegate. BONNIE BLUNT-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Executive Council; A Cappella Choir; Crescendo Club; C.A.L.; Leaders Club: Garden Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; Nereides; games; office assistant; Variety Shew: hall guard: library oss.stont: Junior Swimming Club. GEORGE BOAL-Safety Council; Equestrian Club; Rooters Club: Drama Club; erchestra; bowling; inte r-clo ss bcsketball; inter-class baseball. HERBERT BODIE-National Honor Soc iety; Science Club president; Debate Club; bowling; inter-class baseball. ROSE BOGHOSIAN-A.C.C.L_; Le Cercle Francais ; C.A.L.: Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A.; bowling. ROBERT BOHNE-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; bond; orchestra : inte r-clc ss baseball; inter-closs bnsketball. ROBERT BONITZER-A.C.C.L.; BAA. DO RIS BOYLE-Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative: Hom e Ma na gemen t Club; Rooters Club; Kiwiettes; Drama Club: G _A.A.; A.C.C.L. PAT RICIA BRADBURY- Junior Honer Soci ety; A.C.C.L. delegate; Girl Reserves; Pe n-american Club; Kiwiettes; Alp ha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G. A.A. Board ; hall guard. BETTY JANE CARLSON-A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Rooters Club; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; G.A.A. delegate. GEORGE CARLSON-Rooters Club; band: orchestra; in. ter-cla ss basketball: inte r-cla ss baseball; hall guard. FRANK CERBIN-A.C.C.L. delegate. BERNADETTE COGOZZO-Home Management Club; Rooters Club ; Kiwiettes. SHIRLEY COLER-Home Management Club; Rooters Club: Pa int /; Powder Club: Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L. BETTY LOU CORTHELL-Senior Girls Council; Junior Classical League; teacher's assistant. JAMES COTTER-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Air Corps: inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming: interclass wrestling. HELEN COWAN-Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Kiwiettes; Dra ma Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; Variety Show; A.C.C.L. JOHN CUNNINGHAM-Wrestling team; inte r-cla ss basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball: inter-class swimming; interclass wrestling ; inter-class foetball; B.A.A.; A.C.C.L. ELAINE DEDRICK-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C. C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Pon-Arnartcrm Club; Girls Service Lea g ue ; Crier circulation staff: Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Debate Club; Red Cro ss Club; Alpha Chap. te r; Beta Chapter; G. A.A.; commencement day committee: Frolic chairman: Crier cashier: office assistant: Scholarship Club; salutatorian. RITA DE GUIDE-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delega te; Crescendo Club; Science Club; Biology Club; Drama Club; Re d Cross Club; orchestra; G.A.A. Board; Nereides... WINNEFRED DE VRIES--A.C.C.L. delegate; Cner representallve; Temulac representative : Roote rs Club; Girl Se rvice League; orchestra: Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. Boa rd ; teach. er's assistant. BERNARD DORNBOS-Safety Council; Equestrian Club; Cal Cutters; Mixed Chorus; football team: bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. ROBERT EISNER- Crier staff; Science Club; Drama Club; A.C.C.L. delegate; Westcott Chorus; Calette staff; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-cla ss baseball; B.A.A. LAVERNE ELLIOTT- J unior Honor Society:.Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; G.A.A. Boa rd ; A.C.C.L.; hall guard: office assistant. JO SEPHINE ENGERM ANN - German Club; band; orchestra; Ba ton Twirlers Club; ho ll guard; Cleon-up committee; Variety Show ; gomes. I CH": RLEEN ENGSTROM- Na tiona l Honor Society; A.C.C. L. delegate; Se mor Gir ls Council; Girl Res erv es ; J un ior Classical League; Kiw iettes; Red Cr oss Club; G.A.A. Board ; Frolic committee: pos ter commi:tee chairman; hall g ua rd; Clean-up committee. FLORENCE ENSIGN-Senior Girls Council; Alpha Chapter; Beta Cha pte r; G.A.A. Board; Thanksgi ving coll ection; Red Cr oss del eg a te; G.A.A. del ega te ; basketball; volleyball; A.C_C.!.. Page 92 Page 93

50 HERBE.RT t:xner-lnter class basketball; inter-clcss baseball; B.A.A.; A.C.CL. RAY F1SCHELLA-A.C.C.L. delegate; Re:i Cross Club; A.C.C.L. JOHN FLAVIN -A.C.C.L.; R.O.T.C.: Non Commissioned Officers Club: in ter-class basketball: inter-class wrestling. MARGARET FREISCHLAG-A.C.C.L.: office assistant; crchestra; G.A. A. Board. VIOLA FRIMAND - National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Temulac represe'ltative: Gi rl Reserves; Le Cercle Francais; Kiwiettes; G.A.A.; Scholars~llp Club. JACK FYFFE -A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier rep' resentative; Radio Club: Camera Club; A.C.C.L. RUTH GALIN SKI-A.C.C.L. delegate; Se nior Girls Council; E~uestrian Club: Alpha Chapter : session secretary. EDWA RD GAUGER-Temu]ac representative: bowling; inter-class basketball; in ter-class baseball; commencement day cornmittee: B.A.A.: inter class football. EVALYN GRANQUIST- Junior Honor Soci - ety: Se nior Girls Council; Executive Council; Junior Classical League: C.A.L. vice.president: Leaders Club; Drama Club; Garden Club; Alpha Chapter; BptCI Chapter: Pan-American Club; Council on World Citizen ship; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. LORRAINE GRANT-Home Managemp.nt Club; Girl Res<;!Tves: Rooters Club: Le Cercle Francois; Kiwiettes: G.A.A. Boord: A.C.C.L. JEAN GUTMANN-Notional Honor Socie ty : Junicr Honor Society: Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Executive Council: C.A.L. vice.president and trec sure r; German Club; Alpha ChCIpter; Beta Chapter; ereides; games: ha ll guard: office assistant: Scholarship Club; J unior Swim Club: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.: library assistant. GRACE HAH N- A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative: Crier stoff: Kiwiettes; G. A.A. Boor d : Mask and Foil: Crier circulation and advertising manager. CON STANCE HOG AN -- Home Management Club' Girl R. R ers Club: Girls Se rvice Leo. A C II.' eserves, oot Club: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. gue, appe a Choir: Kiwiettes: Spa nish JAMES HOLMES- A.C.C.L. delegate: swimming team. Juni H. ALICE HOMOLKA -National Honor Societ. mer onor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate: Senior Girls Council' Temul y, ~p~e~entatlve : Sofety Council; hall guard: Home Manage~ent Clu~~ S~im Ceslebr~esf:f ' C.A.L.: Alpha Chapter: G.A.A.: Junior and Senio~ u 0 Ice assistant. ARTHUR HOOD-Ice.skating team. THOMA S HUMBLE-Football team ' bowlin.. basketball: inter-clcss baseball: in te r-class wr~stling' i'ai~t~r~n~:s class football: inter-clcss volleyball: hall guard: A.C.C'.L.... r- T SUZA NE HUNTER- -Senior Girls Council' C~:~I~~ ~~presentative: Girl Reserves: Rooters Club: Kiwiettes: Red u, G.A.A. Board; Girls Chorus: Science Club: A.C.C.L. KAY J ANUSH-A.C.C.L.. FRANCES JOHNSON-Home Management Club: Girl Heserves. Rooters Club: Le Cercle Francais: A Cappello Choir' G d Club: Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter: A.C.C.L. ' ar en HARRIET JOHNSON-Orchestra: tardy office assistant: A.C.C.t.: G.A.A. OLIVE JOHNSON-Handicraft Club: locker guard: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. RUTH JOHNSON - Senior Girls Council: Girl Reserves' G. A. A. Board: ofhce cssistcnt: A.C.C.L. '.. WILLIAM KEATING -- A.C.C.L. delegate' g~l~. ~epresentatlve: Sofety Council; Temula c representqlive: R a d i ~ u, amera Club: Cal Cutters: s wimming tea m: bo wling: inter-clo ss basketball: inter-clcss baseball: inter-class swimming' inter-clnss wres thng. " I E. JOHN HAMEL-Pa n America n Club: R.O.T.C.; orc he stra. VIRGINI A HAM MERSCHMIDT- Not iona l Honor Society ; Junior Hc nor Society: Se nior Gi rls C~u.,cil: Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter; Schola rship Club; A.C.C.L. CH ARLES HAYES-Rooter s Club; inter-class basketball; inter-closs baseball; B.A.A.: A.C.C.L. JAMES HENNES SY-Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate: Crier representative: inter class basketball: inter-closs baseball: inter class wrestling. WILLIAM HIBBITTS-Inter-class basketball: inter-class beseball. JOHN HILL- A.C.C.L. delegate: Crier re presentative: Sofety Council: Temulac representative: Root ers Club: Radio Club; Camera Club: Cal Cu tter s ; bo wli ng : inter-class basketball; interclass baseball: inter-cless swimming: inter-class wrestling. DON ALD HILLER- Junior Honor Society; Student Court; Sofety Council: Clean-up committee; director of activities committee: hall guard captain: R.O.T.C. captain-odjutant: Commission ed Off icers Club secretary: Non_Commissioned Officer s Club; police force: fire marshal; air raid wo rden ; military police : A.C.C.L. ye arbook cc mmittee: movie opera tor: Root e rs Club; Executive Council treasur e r; Tem ulac repre senta tive: ticket seller : in te r-cla ss baske tball: in te r-cla ss ba seball. ROLA ND HIPSHER-A.C.C.L. delegate: Sof et y Council presid en t: Non.Commissioned Office rs Clu b : A Cappella Choir: Crier reporter: R.O.T.C.: ba nd ; orchestra: football team: swimm ing team. city champion: base ba ll team: track team; inter-clc ss ba sket ball: inter -cla ss ba seball: inter-cl ass swimming, timing official. WAR NER HOFMANN - A.C.C.L. delegat e : Cr ier representative ; Sof et y Council: Tem ulac rapresentotive : Root ers Club: Ra dio Club; Camera Club: Cal Cutters: bond : bowling: inte r-clo ss basketball: inte r-cla ss baseball: inter-cla ss wrestling. Page 94 THOMAS KEL~Y-:- Na tiona l Honor Society: Junior Honor Society: Crier repres~ntatlve, Crier s taff : inter-class basketball: inter-class baseball: B.A.A.. Stude nt Council : prcm committee: Schola rship Club.. JOHN KEREAZES-National Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate. football team: bowling: track team; inter-class basketball: intercloss baseball; Westcott A.C.C.L. vice president: Westcott Choir: editor of Calette: Sch olarship Club: B.A.A... J EAN KINSELLA - Junior Honor Society: Senior Girls Council treasurer: Kiwiettes. A CY KLAA Senior Girls Council: Crier representative: Girl Reserves: ~ oo t e r s Club : Kiw iettes; bo wli ng: Alpha Ch a pte r: Beta Chapter: A.C.C.L.. G.A.A.: ofhce a ssis ta nt. ELSIE KLINKE-National Honor Society: Se nior Girls Council; German Club: A.C.C.L.: Scholarship Club; G.A. A.... N!'OMI KOHNKE - J unior Honor Society: A.C C.L., Senior Girls Council: Hom e Management Club: Root ers Club: Krwiettes: G.A.A. Boord : office assista nt: bookroom assistant. RA YMOND KOLLATH-Scie nc e Club : Ra dio Club ; ba seball tea m: bowling: inter-cla ss ba ske tball: in ter-cla ss baseball.. KENNETH KOUDER-A.C.C.L. delega te: Crier repres entc nve. Tem.u la ~ representative : Commiss ione d Of ticers Clu b vice pres i dent: Ma jor in R.O.T.C.: color bea re r: picked platoon : commanding othcer, R.O.T.C. unit: bowli ng: ba nd. G.A.A. JEANNE KRAFT-Westcott Choir: A.C.C.L.: Page 95

51 RUTH KRUG-National Honor Society: Junior Honor Society; string ensemble; office assistant: Biolog y Club: orchestra; Scholarship Club; G.A.A.; Se nior Girls Council president: Temulac representative: Heme Management Club: Rooters Club: Executive Council; Pcn-Arnertccn Club treasurer: Girls Service League. ARTHUR LARSON- Bowling: inter-closs basketball: in ter-class baseball; orchestra. GERTRUDE LARSON - Kiw iettes: G.A.A.; Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L. VALERIE LARSO N- A.C.C. L. del ega te: Senior Girls Council; Rooters Club: C.A.L.: Kiwiettes. VIVIAN LARSON-Senior G irls Council secretary: Crier representative: Girl Reserves president: Executive Council: Le Ce-c1e Francais: Kiwiettes: Leaders Club: Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter: hall guard: Junior Swim Club; gym office assistant: A.C.C.L.: games. JOANNE LEAHY-Junior Honor Society; A. C.C.L. delegate: Senier Girls Council: C.A.L.: Home Management Club vice-president: Girl Reserves: Rooters Club; Pon-Americon Club secretary: A Cappella Choir: Girls Chorus secretory-treosurer: Kiwiettes: Leaders Club: Temulac stoff secretory: bowling: Alpha Chapter vicepresident; hall guard captain; closs day committee: games. HERBERT LEBOVITZ-Inter class basketball: mter-closs baseball: A.C. C.L. NOREEN LEDDIN-Giris Service League: Alpha Chopter: Beta Chapter: hall guard. CHARLENE LEHMAN -Notional Honor se. ciety: Junior Honor Society: Home Management Club: C.A.L.; G.A.A. Board: Nereides. ROBERT METCALF-A.C.C.L. deleg a te: Crier representative: Biolog y Club; band: orchestra: inte r-cla ss basketball: inter-class baseball: inter-cla ss wrestling; A.C.C.L. alternate. A NNE MINEHAN- Heme Management Club; Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter: World Citizen Club: W estcott Choir: Colette stoff: tardy off ice. DWIGHT MITCHELL- Junior Honor Society : A.C.C.L. delegate: Commissioned O fficers Club; Non-Commiss-oned Officers Club: R.O.T.C.: Debate Club. vice-president: Drama Club; track team; inter-class basketball: inter-class baseball; football team: Cr ier reporter: two school plays. DOROTHY MOLNAR-Junior He nor Soci ety : Senior G irls Council; Kiwiettes: Bet a Chapter; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L.: bookroom helper. BEVERLY MOO RE- Senior Girls Council: Te mula c rep-esentative: Girl Rese rves: Kiwiettes: Red Cross Club; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.; hall guard. RICHARD MORELLO - A.C.C.L.; bowling: track team. BETTY MUELLER- Junior Honor Society : Senior Girls Council; Crier representative: Home Ma nagement Club : Drama Club: G.A.A. JUNE NELSON-A.C.C.L. alternate; Se nior Girls Counc'I vice president: Kiw iettes: commencement committee. LAVERNE NELSON -Notional Honor Society: Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate; Se nior Girls Council: Temulac representative: G irl Rese rves; Girls Service Lea g ue : Rooters Club: Kiwiette s ; orchestra: Scholarship Club: regist ra tion a ssistant. LORRAINE LIDBERG-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Hom e Management Club: Rooters Club. HENRY LILLYBECK-Sofety Council; Radio Club: orchestra; A.C.C.L. Crier representative. ROBERT LINDAHL - A.C.C.L. delegate; LENAYA NELSON-A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. ROBERT NEWGREN- Band: orchestra; inter-class bcsketball: A.C.C.L.: inter-class bcseball. EDITH NIELSEN-Girl Reserves ; Roo ters Club: Kiwiettes ; bo wling; flower gi rl: A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. RICHARD LINDBERG-Junior Honor Society: swirnrninq-teorn: intercloss basketball: inter-closs baseball: inter-class swimming: Crier circulation manager. JOHN LUBBEN-R.O.T.C.: inter-cla ss basketball: intercloss baseball: A.C.C.L. ; B.A.A.: hall guard. VERA LUNDGREN - Home Mcncqernent Club: Rooters Club; Girls Service League: German Club: Alpha Chopter: bo wling: A.C.C.L. ROSEMARION LYNN-Girl Reserves: Rooters Club; Kiwiettes: G.A.A.: A.C.C.L.: Clecm-up committee; adjustment office assistant. DONALD MAGNUSON -Notional Hono r Society; Junior Honer Society: A.C.C.L. delegate: Crier representative; Fxecutive Council. president: orchestra; swimming team: Scholarship Cl ub : ticket seller: Stude nt Court. bond. FLORENCE MAYHEW - Westcott Choir: WILLIAM McGRATH-Temulac representative: inter-class basketball: inter-class baseball: games ; ticket seller: football. ROJ EANNE McNA LLY- No tiona l Hono r Society: Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate: Se nior Girls Council. chairman: Root ers Club; Executive Council: Po int & Powder Club; Biolog y Club: Kiw iett es, sec retary: Lea ders Club: Drama Club: Red Cross Club: bond, drum-majorette: Alp ha Ch a p ter: Beta Ch a p te r: G.A.A. Boord; Life-sovinq Club. Nereid es : senior closs vice-pr es ident: election cornmission: G.A.A. delegate: ga mes: Variety Show; Clecn-up committee ; office a ssistant: registration office: hall gua rd. SHIRLE Y MEIER-Hom e Ma nagement Club; Roo ters Club : Girls Service League ; A Cappello Choir. RUSSELL NILSEN-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate: Drama Club: junior and senior swirnrninq team: Westcott Drerna Club p resident: Westcott Stude nt Council vice-president: movie operator: B.A.A. SOPHIE NOV AK-Notional Honor Society; Junior Honor Society: Se nior G irls Council. party chairman: Temula c re p rese nta tive : Westcott A.C.C.L. president: Equest rian Club; Roo te rs Club pr esid e nt : Executive Co uncil: Le Cercl e Fr c nccds secretory: Po int and Powde r Club: A Cappello Choir: Crier stoff: Kiwiettes roller skatin g ch airman: Col Cullers: Red Cross Club: Alpha Chapter; Bet a Chapter: intercla ss basketball; cheer-leoder co-captain: Schola rship Club: senior clo ss secretory: games: bowling. EDW ARD O 'CONNO R - Football teo m : wrestling team captain: inter-closs basketball; in ter-class baseb::l1l; inte r-clc ss w re stling; city wrestling cha mpion: A Cappello Choir. PAUL OLSEN-!nter class bcseball: A.C.C.L. baseball. HAR O LD O LSON - Inter-clcss basketball; in ter-class ROBERT O 'MEARA-A.C.C.L. KEITH PALM-Junior Honor Society: Tw in Club: bowling: in ter-closs basketball; inter-class ba seball; vice -pr esident B.A.A. KENNETH PAL M- Na tiona l Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate: Tw in Club ; bo wling; secretor y and treasurer of B.A.A. In te r-closs basketball: interclo ss bcseball. LOUIS PARIS- Pag e 96 Pa ge 97

52 GIL BERT PEA RSON -A.C.C.L.: R.O.T.C.; hall g uard; inter-class baseball; inter-class wrestling. ELSIE POWASKA- J unior Honor Scciety; Senior Girls Council; German Club; A.C.C.L.; G. A.A.; Colette representative: teacher's assistant: Choir; assistant librarian. CLA RENC E PRECIN - A.C.C.L. delegate; Rooters Club; swimm ing team; inter-class basketball; in ter-class baseball; cheerleaders; A.C.C.L. NORMA SEDLACK-National Honor Society; J unior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Home Management Club: Girl Reserves; Le Cercle Francais ; Kiw iettes; Leaders Club; hall guard; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. JA MES SERVIES-Junior Hono r Society; A.C.C.L.. delegate; J unior Classical League; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. WILLI AM SHEALY- Na tiona l Hono r Society: Temulac representative; Executive Council; Garden Club; Out door Club president; rose da y committee. WARREN RAHN-Crier representative; Pan-American Club; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. VIRGINIA REED- Rooters Club; Executive Council; G irls Chorus; G.A.A.; G.A.A. Board ; A.C.C.L.; flower girl. FRED REINSCHREIBER - Crier representative; stage hand; in ter -class basketball; inter-class baseball. RHEA REYNO LDS-Rooters Club; G.A.A. Board : A_C.C.L.; G.A.A. ROBERT RICHARDS- R.O.T.C.; B.A.A.; inte r-cla s s loot ba ll: inter-clcss ba seball; inte r-cla ss basketball. Girl Reserves. MAXINE RICHARDSO N- A.C_C.L.; G.A.A.: KENNET H RINGBLOOM-Air Corps; inter-clcss basketball; inter-class baseball; A.C.C.L. BURTON ROBIN-Notic no I Honor Society; J un ior Hon or Society; A.C.C.L. delega te; Pcn-Americnn Club treasurer; Executive Club vice-president; A.C.C.L.; A Cappella Ch oir : inter-closs baseball; Scholarship Club; College Day committee. DOLO RES ROGERS - A.C.C.L. d elega te: G irl Reserves; Rooters Club: Girls Service League; G irls Chorus; Lea ders Club ; bowling: Crescendo Club. JACK ROSELL-Temulac representative: Solety Council; loot ball team; inte r-cla ss football; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball; bowling ; A.C.C.L. JOHN SAGER-Jun ior Honor Soc iety ; A.C.C.L. delegate; Cr ier representative; Temula c representative; Roo ters Cl ub; Executive Council; Science Club; Garden Club vice-presi dent: rose sale; Cleanup parade chairman ; Outdoor Club vice-president; Student Court ba iliff: A.C.C.L. yearbook, eff iciency committee, publicity com mittee, night social committee, ways and means committee. RUBY SAMUELS-Naticnal Honor Society; J unior Hon or Society; Senior Gir ls Council; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L. BARBARA SHOLL-Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Rooters Club: A Cappella Choir vice-p resrdent: Kiw i ettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter. WILLIAM SHOR T-Football team: bowling; inter-class basketball: inter-cla ss baseball; inter-class wrestling; inter-class lootba ll; inter-class volley ba ll: hall guard ; B.A.A. representative; A.C.C.L_ EMILIA SIRBUTZ-Temulac representative; Girl Reserves; Gir ls Se rvice League; Red Cross Club ; orchestra; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter: games: A.C.C.L. CALVIN SLAG ER- A.C.C.L. d elega te ; Crier representative; Cr ier staff; band; lootball team: inter-class basketball; inter-cla ss baseball. JACK SMITH- J unior Hon or Society; Pan-American Club; bowling: inter-cla ss basketball: inter-class baseball. ROBERT SOME RVILLE-Temulac representative; A.C.C.L. del ega te : wrestling team; inter-cla ss basketball; interclass baseball; inte r-cl a ss s wimming: inte r-cla ss wrestling: Cr ier runner. ROBERT SOMMER-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Soc iety; Executive Council: A Cappella Cho ir; German Club; Debate Club; Drama Club. GILBERT SO RBER-Junior Honor Society ; inte r-cla ss bas ket ball; inter-class baseball. IRENE SPECTO R- Na tiona l Honor Scciety : Junior Honor Society: Girl Reserves; Le Cercle Francais vice-president; Crier assistant ed itor ; Kiw iettes; G.A.A.; Leaders Club; Drama Club; orchestra ; Scholarship Club; Westcott ch cir ; A.C.C.L. JUDITH STONE-National Honor Society; Junior Hon or Soc iet y ; A.C. C.L. del ega te; Senior Girls Council: A Cappella Ch oir ; Alpha Chapter; Co lette re presenta tive ; Westcott Chorus president; hall guard; G.A.A. FRANK STO UT- A.C.C.L. delega te ; baseba ll team; interclass basketball: inte r-cla ss baseball: inter-class swimming ; inte r class wrestling. WARREN THIELE-A Cappella Choir ; Germa n Club: Garden Club ; wrestling team; inter-cla ss basketball: interclass baseball; inte r-class wrestling; lootba ll team; Cr ier circ ulation staff: class da y committee: A.C.C.L. IRENE SANDIN-Junior Honor Soci et y treasurer; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Gir ls Council; Cri er representative ; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Paint <'; Powder president and tre asure r: Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; Leaders Club; Red Cross Club president: G.A.A. Board: school Red Cress delega te ; w inner popular Ity contest I ; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. SAM SANTANGELO-Band ; bowling; inter-cla ss basketba ll; movie ope ra tor. JEANNETTE SCH AAF- A.C.C.L. JEAN THOMSON-Junior Hon or Soc iet y: Seni or Gi rls Council; Rooters Clu b; A Cappella Ch oir ; Kiw iettes; Scholarship Club. WILLIAM TONGREN-National Hon or Society; Junior Hon or Soc iet y: A.C.C.L. del eg a te : Temulac representative; lootball team; inte r-cla ss fcotball; senior class president; Scholarship Club ; B.A.A. pr esident; inte r-clc ss baseball; inter-cla ss basketball chcrnpions. J IM TRACY -National Hon or Soc iet y: J un ior Honor Soc iety; Pan-American Club; Cr ier staff; wrestling team; track team; inter-class basketboll; inter-class baseball; inte r-clc ss wrestling; captain ci football team; A.C.C.L.; d irector of activit ies; Crier circulation manager; prom committee; Quill and Scroll. EDWIN SCHO BER- A.C.C.L. delega te: Equestrian Club; Drama Club; inter-cla ss basketball: inter-class baseball: inter-class lootball; B.A.A. representative. ROY SCHUBERT-R.O.T.C.: bowling. ANDREW SEBBY-A.C.C.L. delegate ; Crier represen tative; Comm iss ioned Office rs Club ; Non -Commissioned O W cers Clu b; Cr ier staff; Biology Club ; R.O.T.C.; Ga rde n Club ; band; or che stra; bc wling. Page 98 MARY TREVISA NUT- Senior Girls Council; A Cappella Ch oir : Kiw i ettes; Red Cress Club; World Citi zens; G.A.A. LOIS UTZ-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Crier re pr esenta tive ; vice -president 01 Rooter s Club; Girls Chorus; Kiwiettes; Lea de rs Club; vice-president of Beta Chapter; Nereides; captain of the cheerleaders; prom cc mmittee. LOUIS VARGO-Jun ior Honor Societ y ; A.C. C.L. delega te ; Ger ma n Club; Cal Cu tte rs ; Bowling Club; track team; in ter-class basketball; in ter -class baseball; Scholarship Club. Page 99

53 PAUL VEATCH-National Honor Society president; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. d elega te ; Rooters Club; Drama Club; track team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; prom chairman; foctball team; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L.; inter-cla ss football. JOHANNA WAGENAAR-National Honor Society; Ju n ior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delega te; Junior Classical League; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. RICHARD WALKER - Commiss ioned Of ficers Club; Pan-American Clu b ; R.O.T.C. TH E SEN l O R / ( LAS S CLASS /. OFF ~ J U N E ( E R S WILLIAM WHITEHILL -A.C.C.L.; Rooters Club; Crier stall; Tem ulac stall; Red Cross Club; swimming team; inter-class wrestling. ROBERT WHITLEY-A.C.C.L.; movie operator. HARRY WILKE-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Commissioned Off i cers Club; R.O.T.C.; rille team; inter-class basketball; inter-class base ball; inter-class swimming; inter-clcss wrestling. Jack Quillina n President Don Hurley Treasurer JUNE WILLSON -Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Gi rls Council; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Le Cercle Francais; Kiwiettes; Lea ders Club secretary; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; Nereides. DOROTHY WITTMAN-Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Girls Chorus; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. Board ; libra ry assistant; A.C.C.L. MILDRED ZARETSKY- Senior Girls Ccuncil; Alpha Chapter secretary; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; offic e clerk. Leroy Larson Vice President w Mary Masterson Secretary e are going out into a world that for four years has been at war. We face an horizon entirely new to us. Many of our number will enter the Service; all will be ADDITIONAL JANUARY EDWARD EARL ZESCH-R.O.T.C.; bowling; inter-cla ss basketball ; inter-class baseball; inte r-cla ss football; inter-class vo lleyball; A.C. C.L.; B.A.A. GRADUATES PHILLIP AHLGRIM RAYMOND JAKUBOWSKI LLOYD ROBINSON VERNON ALBRECHT MARVIN LEBOVITZ CONNIE SCAVONE JO HN BAKER WILLIAM BERNHJELM JOANNE BURGSTON WILLIAM BUTTERWORTH ALPHONSE COGOZZO ANNABELLE DE WENDT GWENDOLYN DOERING THEODORE DRUGAS LENORE FENNESSY BURTON GIBSON WILLIAM HEFFERMAN W ALTER LIEBL JOY SPEROS FRANCIS LONG WALTER LORMER JOHN MAGEE W ALTER MARTIN FRANCES MATHAUSER JOHN McAULIFFE EUGENE Mc:ALLUM W ALTER McCRACKEN FRANK McNAMARA DAVID NEUHAUS ROBERT ORR SHIRLEY SPETZ EVELYN STRICKER GEORGE TACOMA LARRY THELEN F. JACK TOWNLEY MERCEDES URCHEL DORIS VASILOPOULOS CLARA VISSER GLENN WILSON LOIS WURTZ WAYNE HOLBROOK W ALTER OSTERLOH HARLAN YOUNT connected in some way with America's war effort; all will actually participate in the Fight for Freedom. When Peace comes we must be ready to emphasize the ideals of all freedom-loving Americans. We who have lived in the land of the free will be expected to show the rest of the world the value of this freedom and to urge them by example, as well as precept, to accept it, and strive for its preservation. We shall not only be a senior class graduated in the midst of the world's most appalling war, but also a generation which must help to build a world in which universal Pe ace will be the grea t objective of all peoples. BETTY JEAN HOLLINGSHEAD GEORGE RINCK LA VERNE ZELENKO Page 100 Page 101

54 MARGARET AARDEMA-Crier stoff: Choir: Student Council: hall guard. LILA ABBE GA-Jun ior Honor Society: Gi rl Reserves : Gi rls Service League: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. HAROLD ABRAHAMSE -Crie r represento tive : Temulac representa tive: mevie operators cl ub. ROBERT ABRAMSON-Notional Hon or Society: A.C.C.L. delega te : Temulac representative: Air Corps: bowling: inter-clcss basketball: inter-class beseball. ARLENE ACKLIN -Home Management Club: A Cappello Ch oir: lib rary assistant : hall guard : A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. DOLORES AHERN -Junior Hon or Society : G irl Reserves: G irls Service Leag ue : Crescendo Clu b: Kiw iel\es: Alpha Chapter: Scholarship Club : hall guard : A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. PETER ALLARIA-Sofety Council: Rooters Club vice-president: German Club: lig h tw eig h t basketball squad: in te r-c lc ss basketball: intercloss baseball: inte r-clc ss track: A.C.C.L. delegate. alternate. ways and means committee, clecn-up do nee commil\ee. scrap committee, freshman assembly ccmmil\ee. lire marshal. d irec to r of activities corn mitlee. police force : ticket seller: hall guard. LOIS ANDER BERG-A.C.C.L. de lega te : Rooters Club: G irls Service League: Co l Cutlers: Red Cr oss Club: Beta Chapter: G.A.A.: games: Junior Girls Swim Club. CLIFFORD ANDERSON-Crier representctive: mter-clcss ba ske tbell: inter-class baseball: inter-cla ss swimming. COLEMAN ANDERSON-Crier stoff: Air Corps: German Club: wrestlin g team: inter-closs basketball: inter-cla ss baseball : inte r-clo ss wrestling: football team. DONALD ANDERSON-Crier stoff : wrestling team: intercloss baseball : inter-class wrestling. DOROTHY ANDER SON-Junior Honor Society: Pen-American Clu b : Girls Choru s : Kiwiel\es: Scholarship Club: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. GRANT ANDERSON-A Cappello Choir : inter-class besketbell : int ercloss baseball : st udent government: hall g uard : A.C.C.L.: B.A.A. MARSHALL ANDERSON-Junior Hon or Society: A.C.C.L. d e lega te: inter-clcss besketball: in te r-cla ss baseball: in te r-cla ss swimming o ROS EMAR Y ANG STEN-Senior Girls Council : Crier representative: G irl Rese rves : Girls Se rvice League: Crier stoff: Kiwietles: Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter: Colette: hall guard : A.C.C.L. JUNE ARCHDALE-Notional Honor Soc iety: Junior Honor Soc iety: Senior G irls Council: Cr ier representative: Girl Reserves: Executive Council: Junior Classical League: Crier stoff: Kiwietles: orchestra: G irls Service League: clecn-up chairman: Scholarship Club: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. EDWIN ARVESEN-Inter-class basketbell: inter-cla ss baseball: A.C.C.L. CH RIS ARV ETI5-A.C.C. L. delegate: bowling tea m capta in : mter-clcss basketball: in te r-clcrss baseball: Drrrmo Club president: B.A.A. HARRIET BAGBY- A.C.C. L. del eg a te : Girls Se rvice League: Scie nce Club: Alpha Chapter: Be ta Chapter: French Club: A.C.C.L. yearbook : G.A.A. LA VERNE BAIKIE-A.C.C.L. delegate: Home Mcnnqement Club: Rooters Club : Crescendo Club: Alpha Chapter: Beta Cha p te r: games: bowling: tardy office assistant. MARILYN BALDWIN-Notional Honor se. ciety : Girl Reserves: A Cappello Choir: Alpha Chapter: A.C.C.L. ROY BATTIS-Junior Honor Society : A.C.C.L. delegate: Commiss ioned Officers Club vice-president and treasurer: Non-Commissioned O ffice rs Club secretory: Executive Council: Air Corps: R.O.T.C. cadet major : bo wli ng lea g ue secretory: inte r-cla ss besebell: clecn-up commitlee: hall g uard captain: air ra id worden: mov ie operators vice-president: Va riety Show: teacher's assistant: A.C.C.L. G.A.A. NO RMA BAUCH -Choir: hall guard captain : A.C.C.L.: WALTER BAUDE-Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. de lega te: Crier representative: Commissioned Officers Club secre to ry: Non-Commissioned O ffice rs Club president: Executive Council: Pc n -A mer tcc n Club: Crescendo Club: R.O.T.C.: Co l Cutlers: inter closs basketbell: inter-ckrss baseball: inter-class w restling : bo wling: hall guard : air raid warden: Variety Show: ush er : picked platoon: A.C.C.L. EVELYN BAUSKE-A.C.C.L. delegate: ~rl/ Reserves: Rooters Club: Po int s Powder Club: Science ctfb) s6;;1 Cutlers: Red Cross Club: g a me s : bo wling., I JEAI'j.NE BECK Na tie na l H~or Society: Junior Honor Society : Senior Glfls Counlil. chairman 0,.spring Swing : Girl Rese rves: Executive eouacil: Junior Classical eague: Girls Service League: Crier edito and ass i~ant editor: wiettes vice-president: bond: or cheslr a :~!leta Chapter: Nereid. ecretary and vice-president: Cleonup c'onh"f;itlee: 6ctivl\ies committee: Scholarship Club: Variety Show. 0,;; ~. Q ),, JACK BECKMAN- A.C.C.L. JJ MARY JANE BEHEN-A.C.C.L. del ega te: Crier representative: Girl Reserves: Rooters Club: Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter: year book stoff: G.A.A. delegate. RA Y BENE German C lub treasurer: inter-closs bcsketboll : inte r-clc ss besebell. DAV!D BE JAMIN-Inter-class basketball: inte r-cla ss baseball : A.C.C.L. JOHN BENSON -Inter class besketball: inte r-cla ss baseball : hall g ua rd : A.C.C. L. ROBERT BERGSTROM -Non Commissioned Officers Club: Ra dio Club: R.O.T.C.: tennis team: A.C.C.L. A.C.C.L. DORI S MAE BERNATZ- G.A.A. Boord: ELEANOR BERTA-Jun ior Hono r Society: A.C.C.L.: Pcn-Arnertccn Club : G irls Se rvice League: G.A.A.: office assistant. CH ARLES BIEGEL-A.C.C.L. delegate: A Coppella Choir: Crier steff: Drama Club: inter-clcrss basketbell: inter-closs baseball: football team. HENRY BLACK-A.C.C.L. alternate: Crier representative: Camero Club: inter-clcss basketball: inte r-cla ss boseboll: hall guard: bookrocm assistant. EUNIC E ASZMAN-A.C.C.L. delegate: Point & Po wde r Club: A Ccppella Choir: G irls Chorus: Biology Club: Germa n Club: G.A.A. DOROTHY AVeRY-Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. d elegate: Home Management Club : Girl Rese rves: Roo te rs Club: Crescendo Club: Kiwietles: Alpha Ch apter : Be ta Chapter: bowling: games: main office and ta rdy office a ssistant: hall guard. A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. BETTY J ANE BAA CKE-Ca l Cutlers: JOHN BLAKE- Baseball team. JOYC E BLAND-A.C.C.L. d el ega te: G irls Se rvice League: Science Club: Biolog y Club: Leaders Club: bo wling: G.A.A. MARTIN BLEEKER- Crier representative: Col Cutlers: bend: inter-cla ss basketball: inte r-cla ss baseball: intercloss wrestling : R.O.T.C.: Non-Cornmisstoned O fficers Club : picked platoon: A.C.C.L. Page 102 Page 103

55 LAURX BLISS-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Crier representative; Rooters Club; Girls Service League; Girls Chorus; Crier staff; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; German Club; Drama Club; band; Scholarship Club. HOWARD BOGASH-A.C.C.L. delegate; Temulac representative; Safety Council; Rooters Club; A Cappella Choir; German Club; baseball team; track team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming ; police force; fire marshal. BEN BOLZ-R.O.T.C.; Drama Club; bowling: inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. JOHN BONDY-Junior Honor Saciety; Crescendo Club; German Club; bowling; A.C.C.L. clterncte. WILLIAM BORLING-Junior Honor Society; orchestra; inter-class baseball; French Club. GLORIA BOSE-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Temulac representative; Girls Service League; Temulac staff; C.A.L.; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; Senior Girls Council. MARY BOYDA-Crier representative; Le Cercle Francais; Girls Service League; Crier staff; A.C.C.L.; G.A _A. HUGH BRADISH-A.C.C.L. delegate; Commissioned Officers Club; A Cappella Choir; R.O.T.C.; inter-closs basketball; interclass baseball; movie operator. BOYD BRADLY- Dre ma Club; football team; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball. JOAN BRAMFELD-Rooters Club; Pcn-Amertccn Club; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Debate Club; Clecn-up committee; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; book room assistant; hall guard; office assistant. HELEN BRASHINGER-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; Board of Sports secretary; Girls Chorus. WILLIAM BREEN-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Safety Council; Non-Commissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; hall guard; police force ; bawling. IDYLLES BREITNER-Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. alternate. MAGDALENE BRENNAN-Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; C.A.L.; bowling; Red Cross; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; police force. MARY BRESINGHAM-A.C.C.L. delegate; A Cappella Choir; G.A.A. Board. CORMICK BRESLIN-Inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; A.C.C.L.: Scholarship Club. EVELYN BRILLMAN-National Honor Society; Junior Hon er Society; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. JACQUELINE BRODT- National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Executive Council; A Cappella Choir; Leaders Club president; Alpha Chapter president; G.A.A. Board president, vice -president: Nereides; Board of Sports; Letter Girls Club; hall guard; teacher's a id; Variety Show; A.C.C.L. WILLIAM BROMFIELD-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Safety Council; Commissioned Officers Club; Non Cemmissioned Officers Club; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Crier editor ; R.O.T.C.; Drama Club; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming; air raid warden; hall guard; student lunchroom manager. LEATRICE BROWN -Junior Honor Society; Paint s Powder Club secretary; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; Clean-up com. mittee; election commission; G.A.A. MARIE BUCHLER - Home Management Club; A Cappella Choir; Girls Chorus; Leaders Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. Board; Nereides; gomes; bowling; A.C.C.L.; Letter Girl ; Junior Swim Club; inter-class volley ball team, Page 104 DOROTHY BUCKBERG-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Junior Classical League; Girls Service League; A Cappella Choir; Temulac staff; Alpha Chapter; A.C.C.L. yearbook committee; bond booth; Scholarship Club; Clecn-up commillee; bookroom assistant; teacher's aid; Variety Show; hall guard; G.A.A.; Spanish Club; registration office. JOSEPHINE BULL-Heme Management Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ROBERT BURBIDGE - A.C.C.L. del ega te; Cr ier representative; Temulac representative; Commissioned Officers Club; Non -Comm issioned Off icers Club; Rooters Club; Junior Classical League; Crescendo Club; R.O.T.C.; band; orchestra; inter-class basket. ball; inter-class baseball; Scholarship Club; hall guard; Variety Show; Clecn-up committee; scrap committee; ways and means committee. DONALD BURNETT-Inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. SHIRLEY BURNS-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Crier representative; Girl Reserves; Pan-American Club; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; G.A.A. delegate. RALPH BYERS-National Honor Society; band; inter-clcss basketball; inter-class baseball; Scholarship Club. WILLIAM BYRNES-A.C.C.L. delegate; inter-class basketball; inter. class baseball; police force. FRED CAMPBELL-Baseball team; inter-class basketboll; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming; hall guard; A.C.C.L. MARYAN CAREY-Crier representative; Rooters Club; Pon-Amartcon Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L.; office assistant; G.A.A. THERESE CARLS-Home Management Club; Pcn-Arnericcn Club; Girls Service League; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. ETHEL CARLSON-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; Spanish Club. AGNELLA CARR -Junior Honor Society; bowling; office assistant; Kiwiettes; Home Management Club; Crescendo Club; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L.; library assistant; tardy office assistant; hall guard. FRANCES CASEY - A.C.C.L. delegote; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Home Management Club treasurer; Executive Council; Girls Service League; Crescendo Club; Crier staff; Kiwiettes; hall guard; bond booth; G.A.A. MARTIN CAVANAUGH-A.C.C.L.; Crier representative; Crier staff; Cal Cutters vice-president; Red Cross Club; lightweight basketball team; tennis team; inter-closs baskeball; inter-cla ss base. ball; inter-class swmming; inter-class wrestling. JOHN CHAPMAN-Crier representative; chief fire marshal; Science Club; German Club; inter-cla ss baseball; inter-class basketball; A.C.C.L.; B.A.A. ROSCOE CHASE-Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Cornmisaionad Off icers Club; R.O.T.C.; A.C.C.L.; bookroom assistant. BETTY CHESHIRE-Home Management Club; Reoters Cl ub; C.A.L.; Red Cross Club; bowling; hall guard; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. GLORIA CHIAPETTI-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Safety Council; Rooters Club; Equestrian Club; Pon-Americon Club; Girls Chorus; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. Board; games; office assistant; police force. DORIS CHRISTENSEN-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. BETTY LOU CHRISTINE-A.C.C.L. delegate; Lea ders Club; G.A _A. Board secretory; bowling. FRANCES CHUNIS - Home Management Club; Girl Reserves; Kiwiettes; C.A.L. Page 105-

56 JEANNE MARYON CLAN -Crier circulation manager; A.C.C.L.: G A A. Kiwiettes; French Cl ub ; Roo te rs Club; cheerleader; hall guard. T~m'u l~c delega te; C.A.L.; Alpha Chapter; Cleon-up commlttee. ROBERT CLANCY-Inter-class basketball; in ter -clnss ba seba ll; inter-clcss swimming. JEAN CLARK-National Honor Soc iet y; J unior Honor Soc iety; Senior Girls Council; Roo ters Club: G irls Serv ice League vice -president: Kiwiettes; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. KENNETH CLAUSON-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crescendo Club; swimming team' inte r-cla ss basketball; inte r-class baseball; A.C.C.L.. SHIRLEY CLEGG-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier. representa: tive ; Temulac representative; Rooters Club ; Gi rls Service League. Beta Chapter; G.A.A. So PAT RICIA COLEMAN-Junior Honor - ciety; Temulac representctive: Girl Reserves; Hoot~rs Club; Point & Powder Club: Girls Chorus; Crier staff ; Kiwiettas: Alpha Chapter. TOM CONWAY- A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Temulac rep res enta tiv e; Pan American Club; baseball team; golf team; track team; inte r-clc ss bask etball; inte r-cla ss baseball. WILLIAM CONWAY-National Honor Socie ty ; Junior Honor Socie ty; Sofety Council vice-president: Roote rs Club soc,';i. D Cl b - inter-class baseball; inter-clcss basketball. a man. ra mo uo:. Iib ge' Scho uard captain ; pelice force; Clean-up committee; I rary po. : gl ti Cl b : A C C L. Stu dent Ceurt bailiff; ticket seller; scrap warden. as Ie u.... ". bowli ng. DOUGLAS COOK _ A.C.C.L.; imer-clc ss ba sk etball; inter-class baseball. ROBERT DOHERTY- J unior Henor Society; Mixed Chorus; inte r-cla ss ba s ketball; inte r-cla ss baseball; inter-class wrestling; A.C.C.L.; B.A.A. tory. GE RTRUDE DONAHUE- Junior Classical League secre- MARY DOWNEY-National Honor Society; J uni or Honor Soc iet y; Senior Girls Council; Girl Res erves; Roo te rs Club; Girls Ser vice League; Science Club; Biolog y Club; Kiwiettes; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. DO ROTHY DREXEL-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; A Cappella Ch oir; Garden Cl ub ; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; hail guard; A.C.C.L. MARY DUNNE-A.C.C.L. delegate orne Management Cl ub ; Girls Se rvice Leag~ ;,G. A. A. Boa rd; A C.t.L. IR4>BERT EGAN- A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; heav wj'i'1hi\ sketball tecrm: inter-class basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball. 1'1'.... LEtt EHREN~ROM-;-N ticnol Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C..L. Q~l g ate ; Pan- me nto n Club; A Cappella Choir; Girls C s.,. Kiwiett&s; DrClfIl Club; Red Cross Club; Scholarship Club; bo 'oom assistant: ha ll guard. W ILU AM EISLER-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. dele ga te ; Re dio Club; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-cla ss baseball; intercla ss SWimm ing; inter-class wrestling; Cr ier runner; police forc e ; ra nger. ELSIE ERICKSON-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ROBERT CRAWFORD-Junior Ho nor Society; Pan. Am~rican Clu~ : Biology Club; orchestra; wrestling team manager; bowling. track tea. inter-cla ss swimm ing; Outdoor Club; mov ie ope ra tors ; A.C.C.L. EDWARD CROOK-Junior Honor Society; track team c:aptain; inte r-cl nss basket ball; inte r-cla ss baseball; inte r-cla ss swimrnmq: A.C.C.L. NEAL CROWLEY -A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; A Cappella Choir; Biclogy Club : bowling; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swlmmmg: mt er-c ass wrestling; A.C.C.L. BETTY CUNNINGHAM-Home Management Club p~esi dent; ~a n : American Club; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes: C.A.L.. Alpha C a p ter ; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L.; hall guard. AUD REY CURTIN -Junior Honor Society; Home Menagement Club; Gir l Reserves ; Rooters Club; Le Cercle Francais ; Tem ulac staff: Kiw iettes; A.C.C.L.; hall quord: G.A.A.; games. GEORGE DALUGA - A.C.C.L. del ega te : R t s Club' Air Corps' heavyweight basketball captain; baseball te~om~r bowlin~ ; inter-clas~ ba sketball : inter-class baseball; inter-cla ss swimming; in ter -class w restling. VIRGINIA DAVIDSON-Junior Honor Society: Senior Girls Council: Executive Council; Junior Classical League; Girls. Service Leagu ~ treasurer; A Cappella Choir president. vice -president.. treasure r. Crescendo Club; Debate Club; Drama Club; G.A.A. Board. Nereides treasurer.. bow linq:. Red Cross delegate for Calumet; A.C.C.L. DONALD DE FO REST- A.C.C.L. delegate; Dr~ma Club; band; orchestra; football team; baseball team; track team; inter-clo ss ba s ketball; inter-class baseball; inter-cla ss swirnrmnq. ROBERT DE FOREST-A.C.C.L. deleq a te, ba seba ll team; inter-class basketball; inter-closs baseball; orchestra. MARY DENMAN- Junior Honor Societ y ; A.C.C.L. deleqnte: Sen.ior Girls Council; Girl Res e rves corresp~nding secretary;? I~ l s S~: I C ~ League secret a ry ; Science. Club; Kiw iettes:.drama Club. eta a p ter ; hall guard; office cssistcnt: bend sales. G.A.A.. ARTHUR DE RUNTZ- Na tiona l Honor.Soc iety; JUni or Honor So ere. t y,. A. C. C.. L delegate; Temula c represe ntative and inter-closs photogrcpher, Ca mer a Club president; swimm ing tea m ma na g er; I d 1 basketball: inter-class w re stling; Crier ph oto g rapher ; R e~ ~r ~ls s e.~. gate; clean-up photographer; poli ce chi ef; ticket sa lesm a n, a guar. W ILLIAM DINGW ALL-Crier staff; footba ll team; inter-class basketball; int er -clcss baseball; inter-class swimming; inter-class wrestling; A.C.C.L. RUTH ERICKSON--A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. RICHARD EULITT- Rooters Club; Cr ier staff; golf team; inte r-cla ss basketball senior champions; inter-class baseball; A.C.C.L. de lega te, alternate. director of activities. scrap committee, fre shman a ssembl y comm ittee, Clean-up dance committee and parade chairman; Westcott A.C.C.L. vice-president ; Colette editor and assistant ci rculo tion manager; police force; fire marshal; civilian defense morale show; P.T.A. father's night; Westcott Science Club vice.president; minute ma n; hall guard; B.A.A. LESTER FAHRNE R-Junior Honor Soc ietv; A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Commissioned Officers Club; Non.Commiss ion";d Off icers Club; Junior Classical League; Crescendo Club; football tea m; bo w ling; inter-cl a ss basketball senior champions; in ter -clcss baseball. JULIUS FASSL -National Honor Society; Non -Commissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; po lice force; hall guard; A.C.C.L. RICHARD FAU SER-A.C.C.L. delega te; Crier representotive ; Safety Council; Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Commissioned Officers Club; Root ers Club social chairman; Crier staff; R.O.T.C.; Drama Club; bowling; inter-clcss basketball; inter-class baseball; a ir ra id warden; salvage committee. IRENE FEILEN-Crier representative; Tern u la c representative; Le Cercle Francais; Garden Club; Beta Chapter. CHARLES FETTERS rier representa tive; movie operator; hall guard. ROBERTA FILSO N- A.C.C.L. delegate ; Senior Girls Council reas rer; Crier representative; Girl Reser s : Roo te rs Club; Pa n Ame rican Club; Temulac staff; Kiwiette s SOCial hairman; C.A.L.; Red Cross Olub; Beta Chapter secretary; hall guard; A.C.C.L. yearbook. Cleo n-up parade chairman. and fre shman assembly chairman. LEIG HTON FIN N-Ba nd ; orchestra; A.C.C.L. EUG ENE FITCH- Ban d ; orchestra ; tra ck team; inter-class basl(etball; inte r-cla ss baseba.ll; Variety Shew. DAN FLANAGA N- Na tio 01 Honor Societ y ; J unior Honor Society; Crier representa tive; Commiss ioned Offi cers Club; Non-Corn. missioned Off icers Club; Le Ce rcle Franca is; Crie r s ta ff; R.O.T.C. MARY FLANAGAN- Na tiona l Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Se nior G irls Council; G irls Service Lea g ue ; Scholarship Club; office assistant. Page 106 Pa ge 107

57 DO ROTHY FOTRE-Home Management Club; Girl Rese rves; Rooters Club; Girls Service League; Girls Chorus; Crescendo Club; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; bond bcoth: police force. JOHN FRANEK-Commissioned Ollicers Club; Non-Commissioned Ollicers Club; Biology Club; Radio Club president; R.O.T.C.; Scholarship Club. FRANK FREDERICK - A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative ; inter-class basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball; A.C.C.L. VICTOR FREEZE-Crier representative; inte r-cla ss basketball: inte r class baseball; inter-class swimming; hall guard; A.C.C.L. DOROTHY FRIEND-Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Girls Chorus; Crescendo Club; Kiwiettes; Red Cross Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. CLOTILDE GADECKI -Junior Honor se. ciety; Home Management Club; Girls Service League; Girl s Chorus; Crescendo Club; C.A.L.; G.A.A. : A.C.C.L.; Scholarship Club. RENEE GA RDEN-Crier sta ll; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; hall guard. TOM GARIKES-Ba nd. JUNE GA SS-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; hall guard. BETTY JAN E GOLDEN-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Ternula c representative; Home Management Club: Girl Reserves; Equestrian Club: Rooters Club; Crier stall: Tem ulac stall; Kiwiettes: C.A.L.; Garden Club ; band: Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter: bowling; dru rn -rncjoretta. DORIS GOOD-Junior Honor Society; Biology Club; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.. GRANT GOODELL-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Soc iety president; A.C.C.L. delegate; Sofety Coun cil: Rooters Club: Executive Council; Cr ier reporter; Ra dio Club; swimming team: inter-cla ss basketball; inter-cla ss baseball; inte r-cla ss swimming ; A.C.C.L. president; po lice force; Red Cross delega te; fire ~arsha l ;. Sch olarship Club; Clean-up comm ittee co-chairman: Fr ida y mght social comm ittee.. ~ MARGERY GREEN -Senior Girls Council; Executive Council; Girls Se rvice League: Leaders Club vice -president: Alpha Chapter; G.A.A. Board; Nereides secretary; games; bowling: Letter Girls treasurer: G.A.A. president and vice -president. ARTHUR GREENAN -A.C.C.L.; Cr ier representative ; Air Corps: heavyweight basketball team; inter-class basketball: inter. class baseball; inter-class swimming. JACK GREENFIELD - A.C.C.L. delegate; Sofety Council; A Cappella Choi r: Cal Cutters ; bowling ; inte r-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming ; hall guard captain. DONALD GATE A.C.C.L.; swimming team; inte r-clc ss basketball. WILLIAM GAUTHIER-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society: Executive Council; football team: wrestling team: interclass basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class wrestling; president of the Scholarship Club: Noble Kizer football award: ollice assistant. LORRAYNE GAVIN-Crier represe nta tive; Home Management Club; Rooters Club: Girls Service League: A Coppella Choir: Girls Chorus; Gir l Reserves; Biology Club; Kiw iettes; Gcrden Club; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.; freshman assembly committee; Rese Da y committee. JOHN G RI FFIN-A.~.C.L. delegate; Germa n Club vice-president; inter-cla ss baseball; inter-cla ss basketball. CAT HERINE GRILL-A.C.C.L. delegate; Tem ulac representative : G.A.A. ; A.C.C.L.: Scholarship Club. ADELE G RINDLER-National Honor S0 ciety: J un ior Honor Soc iety; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club ; Pcn-Americcn Club; Girls Se rvice League; Science Club; Biolog y Club; Kiw iettes; Leaders Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter: G.A.A. MARILYN GEARY- A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Girl Reserves; Roo te rs Club; Paint 0. Powder Club; Biology Club. GLEN GEYE R-Commissioned Ollicers Club- Non-Commissioned Ollicers Club: R.O.T.C.: Garden Club; Variety Show : verious entertainments; air raid warden; Temulac photograpkic stall; A.C.C.L(" ) I / ' Hon0Y'S ::, ciety; Junior. ; Ei ;vi, qbun cil; Girls Serv c Club A) j{j Chapter ; Beta ead f 110 d se llers. SHIRLEE GILBERTSO - J unior Honor Soc iety; A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Home Management Club; Equestrian Club; Rooters Club treasurer; Le Cercle Francais ; Paint 0. Powder Club: Gir ls Chorus: Science Club: Biology Club; Camera Club; Kiw iett es ; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter ; games; cheerleader; G.A.A.; Clean-up committee. ARNOLD GILLARD-A.C.C.L. delegate. NORMA GILMARTIN-National Honor se. ciety- J unior Honor Society; Se nior Girls Council vice -president; Girl Reserves secretary: Girls Service League: Crescendo Club; Crier stall; Kiwiettes: Drama Club: A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.; hall guard. MARIE GILMO RE-National Honor Society; Junior Honer Society ; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Cr ier representative; Temulac representative: Girls Service League treasurer ; A Cappella Choir ; Gi rls Chorus; Kiwiettes; Variety Show : Scholarship Club: G.A.A. delegate; ticket seller; ollice assistant: bo wling. LUELLA GILROY-Senior Girls Counc.l: Girl Rese rves treasurer; Crier stall; Kiwiettes; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. Ch orus. Page 108 ELSIE GODSTED- A.C.C.L. : G.A.A.; Gir ls JAMES GUEST-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier alternate: Commissioned Officers Club; Non -Commissioned Ollicers Club: R.O.T.C. MARSHALL GUSTAFSON-Wrestling team; bowling: inter-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming; inte r-cla ss w res tling. CHARL ES HA BISOHN-A.C.C.L. delegate: orchestra; in ter-c la ss basketball; inter-class baseball; Variety Show : school swing band: movie operator. WINIFRED HAG EMAN- Nationa l Honor Society ; Junior Honor Socie ty: A.C.C.L.; Senior Girls Council; Temulac rep resantc tive: Rooters Club; Pan-American Club; G.A.A.; bookroom helper; session assistant. LORRAINE HAG ENAUER- A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.; election committee. ELDRI HALSTEN-Junier Hon or Society: Pcn-Americcm Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. LA VERNE HANDLEY-Girl Rese rves; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter: A.C.C.L. JOHN HANSEN-A.C.C.L. delegate; Non-Comm issioned Ollicers Club: A Cappella Choir; R.O.T.C.: hall guard ; track team: inter-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball. PAULA TOM HARMON -Police office r. HANSEN-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A GLADYS HARRA N- J unior Honor Society; Home Menagement Club: Girl Rese rve s; Rooters Club; Girls Se rvice League ; Biology Club; Kiwiettes: bowling; Alpha Chapter; ollice assistant: A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. REGINA HEDRICK- J unior Honor Society ; A.C.C.L. deleg ate; Senior Girls Council; Temulac re pre sentative ; Girl Res erves; hall guard; Cr ier runner; G.A.A. Page 109

58 KATHLEEN HEILMANN- Home Management Club; Girls Ch orus; Alpha Cha pte r; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. HO W ARD HEMINGWAY-Commissioned Officers Club : Non -Cornmisaioned Officers Club; bowling; R.O.T.C. A.C.C.L. SHI RLEY HENSE-Rooters Club; G.A. A.; KENNETH HO LMES-A.C.C.L. delega te; mov ie operator; hall guard; Radio Club; Camera Club; lightweight basketball team; baseball team; inter-class basketball captain; in ter -class baseball. LORRA INE HO LT- Nationa l Honor Soci et y ; J unior Honor Society; Calette representative; Junior Cla ssical League secretary: Westcott Choir; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. IRENE HOLZHAUSER-Junior Honor Society; Se nior Girls Council; Home Ma nagement Club; Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; Crescendo Club; C.A.L.; hall guard ; G.A.A. ; A.C.C.L.; teacher's assistant. JO ANN JENKINS-Junior Honor Society; Crier representative; Roo ters Club; Pa int and Powder Club secretary: Kiwielle s ; A.C.C.L. secreta ry; G.A.A.; Clecn-up commillee. PHOEBE JENSEN-Girls Choru s : A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. / BETTY JE P~ES EN - Ki wiettes ; A.C.C.L.; AI. pha Chopter, Leller Gi s ; swimming team; G.A.A../,. / WI LLIAM J OHN~Crier representative; Air Corps; A.C.C.L.; band; lootba ll learn: swimming team; bo wling; inter-class baseball: interclass basketball; inter-closs swirnminq. DELORIS JOHNSON - Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delega te; Temula c repr esenta tive ; Home Management Club- Girls Se rvice Lea g ue ; Crescendo Club secretary; A.C.C.L.: G. A.A.; Scholarship Club. J AMES JOHNSO N- Na tiona l Honor Society ; J unior Honor Society : Camera Club; Ra d io Club president. inter. class basketball; inter-class w restling ; Scholarship Club: A.C.C:L. EDW ARD HO ULIHA N- A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier re prese nta tive ; inte r class basketball; inter-class baseball. ROBERT HUGHE Drama Club; football team; inte r- class basketball: inter-class baseball. RUTH HUGH ES-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. HERBERT HULLINGER-A.C.C.L.; inter-clcss basketball; inter-clcss baseball. HELEN HUNTER- Na tiona l Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delegate; Reote rs Club; Le Ce rcle Francais; Pa int 6- Powde r Club; A Cappella Choir; ticket seller; G.A.A.; Red Cross Club; Drama Cl ub: Kiwiettes; Biolog y Club; Alpha Chapter ; bo wling. DONALD HURLEY-Junior Hon or Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Temulac representative; Air Corps ; band ; int er class baseball; inter-clcss basketball; inter-clcss swimming; inter-class wrestling; police force; lire marshal; A.C.C.L. vice-p resident: scrap committee. WILLIAM ILG-A.C.C.L. delega te; band ; orchestra; inter-class ba sketball; inter-class baseball. G EORG E IRWIN-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Crier representative; Temulac representative; A Cappella Choir; Science Club; German Club; B.A.A.; A.C.C.L. NELLES IRWIN - Paint and Powder Cl ub ; Kiw iettes; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. DOROTHY JACOB-Junior Honor Soc iety; A.C.C.L. delegate ; Cr ier representative; Temula c representative; Home Management Clu b; Girl Reserves treasurer; Rooter s Club; Executive Council: Girls Se rvice League; Crescendo Club; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Mixe d Chorus; Beta Ch a p ter ; G.A.A.: hall guard. FLORENCE JACOBS-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. EDWARD JACOBSEN-National Hon or Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Commissioned Office rs Club president: Non -Commissioned Officers Club president; Executive Council; Crier staff; R.O.T.C.. lieutenant colonel. commanding offic er ; rille team; German Club; bowling captain; track team; inter-clo se base ba ll; Scholarship Club; Stude nt Court. CA ROLYN JAEGER-National Honor Society; J un ior Hon or Soci et y; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves ; Pcn-Amerlccn Club; Girls Service League; Biolog y Club; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; Cleon-up committee; Schola rship Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. RICH ARD JAFFE-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. del e gate; Rooters Club trea surer; Executive Council; Crier staff; Temulac staff; Camera Club; Debate Club vice-president: orchestra; bowling: inter-cla ss baseball; inter-closs basketball; inter-class swimming ; Schola rship Club; hall guard; fire ma rshal; po lice force; Cleon-up committee dance cha irman ; publicity committee ; election commission: activities committee ; Va riety Shows; A.C.C.L. ca b inet ; yea rbook staff. W ILLIAM JANUSHEK-A.C.C.L. delegate; Temulac re presenta tive: lig htw eight bask etball team; baseball team; inter-clo ss ba sk etball; mte r-clcss baseball. KENNETH JOHNSON-Golf team; Colette reporter a nd ci rculation manager; A.C.C.L. PAU L JOHNSON -Inter-class baseball: inter-closs basketba ll; A.C.C.L. RAYMOND JOHNSO N-A.C.C.L. delegate; inter-cla ss basketball: inter-class baseball; bowling. ROBERT JOHNSO N- J unior swimming team; in ter -cla ss basketball; inter-cla ss baseball: A.C.C.L. BETTY JONES-Junior Honor Socie ty; A.C.C.L. alternate: Dra ma Club: Scholarship Club: Variety Sh ow : G.A.A. WI LMA JONES- A.C.C.L. delegate; Girl Reserves; orchestra: G.A.A. Board; bowling. JAMES JULIAN-National Honor Societ y; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Temulac representative; Root ers Club; A Cappella ChOIr; Temulac staff; Biolog y Club; Ca l Cu lle rs; Mixed Chorus; foot. ba ll team: swimming team: baseball team; inter-class basketball; interclass baseball; inter-class swimming; inter-class wrestling.. MA RJORIE J URLO W- J unior Ho nor Society; Senior G irls Council; Garden Club; hall guard; office assistant; tea ch er's assistant. G.A.A.; Schola rship Club; A.C.C.L. '.. GROVE R JU TZl-A.C.C.L. delegate; Non - Commiss ionod Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; inter-class basketball: intercla ss baseball; inter-closs swimrninq. ANNABEL LE KAMPS-Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. DONALD KARL-Inter-class basketball; inter-cla ss baseball; inter-clcss swimming; A.C.C.L... ELAINE KASEHAGEN- A.C.C.L. delegate; GIrl Reserves ; GIrls Se rvice League; Kiwiettes; Drama Club: Alpha Cha pter; Nereides; G.A.A. BETTY KATZ-Junior Honor Society; Sen ior Girls Council; Roote rs Club; Le Cercle Fra nca is; Girls Serv ice Lea g ue ; A Cappella Choir : GIrls Chorus ; Kiwiettes ; Drama Club; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L... NATALIE KATZ- Roo ters Club : Girls Service League: Kiw ie ttes: orc hestra; bowling ; G.A.A. delegate a nd alternate; A.C.C.L. MARY JO KAUZ-Junior Classical Leag ue: Girls Service League ; Alpha Chapte r: G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. Page 110 Pa ge 111

59 JAMES KEANE-Inter-class basketball; A.C.C.L. WILLIAM KENNEDY-A.C.C.L. delegate; Temulac representative; Safety Council; Executive Council; Science Club; Biology Club- inter-class basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball; captain of hall guards; ticket se ller; fire marshal. ALICE KEYES - Temulac representative; Home Management Club; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; A Cappella Choir; Crescendo Club; Kiwiettes; G.A.A,; A.C.C.L. BETTY KIMBALL-G.A.A.; A.C.C.L..) ROBERT KINCAID-Jun ior Honor Soc iety; registration assistant. ADELINE KINGSWRY- G i r I Re.serv~s ; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; G.A-A.; A.C.C.-L..\ DELLA KIPP-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Girls Sw im Club. ELEANOR KIPP-Junior Honor Society; Pan-American Club; Girls Service League; Cal Cutters; office assistant; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. BETTY KIRSCHSTEIN -Junior Honor Soci ety; A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Equestrian Club; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Le Cercle Francais; Crier staff; Science Club; Biology Club; Camera Club; Kiwiettes; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; cheerleader; Clean-up committee; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. secretary; games. HEDY KLEIN-A.C.C.L.; Red Cross Club; G.A.A. JOSEPH KLiMSON-A.C.C.L. GERALDINE KNOX-Junior l\onor iety; A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Cr ier representative; Gir l Reserlles/Pan-A'merican Club; Cr ier staff; Temulac staff; Rooters Club; Kiwi~ ; bate Club; Red Cress Club; bowling; A.C.C.L. soc ia l chairman' <:1 an- s rnbly. chairman; yearbook committee; art committee. mcij\ asse bly committee. MARVIN KOMAR-Junior Honor Society; Camera Club; Cal Cutters; Drama Club; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-cla ss swimming; police force; Crier advertising staff; Crier runner; fire marshal; Scholarship Club; hall guard captain; ways and means committee; publicity committee; art chairman of Clecm-up com mittee; A.C.C.L.. alternate. WARREN KOOPMAN-Track team; inter-class baseball; inter-closs basketball; inter-class wrestling; A.C.C.L. ANDREW KOPAN -Junior Honor Scciety; Science Club; Biology Club; R.O.T.C.; inter-class basketball; interclass baseball; in te r-clc ss wrestling; A.C.C.L.; B.A.A.; minute man. COLLETTA KORANDA-erier representative; Rooters Club; Kiw iettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; bowling; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. DONALD KORANDA -Air Corps; band; orchestra; golf team; inte r-cla ss baseball; inter-class basketball; Variety Shows; stud e nt director of ba nd ; da nce board for A.C.C.L. social ; A.C.C.L. ; hall guard. DOLORES KOSSACK-A.C.C.L. delegate ; Senior Girls Cou ncil; Cr ier representative; Gi rl Reserves; Rocters Club; Pcn-Americcn Club; Temulac staff; Kiwiettes secretary; C.A.L.; Red Cross Club; A.C.C.L. yearbook ; Clecn-up porade chairman. WALTER KRAUSE--National Honor Soc iety; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delega te ; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Crescendo Club; Cr ier staff; Biology Club; band; footba ll team; bowling team captain; track team; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-cla ss baseball; interclass swimming; inte r-cla ss wrestling. WILLIAM KRESGE-Junior Honor Soc iety; A Cappella Choir; Crier page editor; German Club; bowling; inter-class bcsketball; inter-class baseball; Scholarship Club; football manager; A.C.C.L. RALPH KRICHBAUM-Lightweight basketball team; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-closs baseball; A.C.C.L. Page 1/2 ~ VIRGINIA KUMPFER-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Temulac representative ; Equestrian Club; Rooters Club; Paint & Powder Club; Girls Chorus; Kiwiettes; German Club; Garden Club; Beta Chapter president; G.A.A. Board; games; office assistant; A.C.C.L. JUNE LACKEY-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Kiwiettes; Scholarship Club. ~ ) TTY LANDOLT-National Hono r Soc ie ty ; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.&-- / e:'::;:~1'" L RSENunc. Cri president; E b t~su r : ; rrpha C I guard ; G.A. i. del eg at e ; Senior & Powder Red Cross committee; LE gate; Temulac r presentative; Safety Council; ming team; inter-class basketball; inter-class swimming; inte r-cla ss wrestling; Scholarship Clecn-up committee. MARY LARSON-Crier staff; Twir l ing Club; band. NILLA LAURORA-Home Management Club; Le Cercle Francais; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. NORMAN LEE-National Honor Society; Scholarship Club. IRENE LEIBFORTH - Home Management Club; A Cappella Choir; C.A.L.; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ROBERT LENGERICH-Red Cross Club; bowling captain; inter-class basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball; inter-cla ss swimming ; hall gua rd captain. LAWRENCE LIEBERMAN-Wrestling team; bowling ; A.C.C.L.; B.A.A. CHARLOTTE LlND-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. GEORGIA LIND-National Honor Society; A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Sen ior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Pcn-Amerrccn Club; Girls Service League; Cr ier staff; Kiw iettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; Clean-up corn mittee; Scholarship Club; dance committee of Senior Girls Council. KENNETH LIND-erier representative; Non-Comrnis sioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; inte r-cla ss basketball; inter-class boseball; A.C.C.L. LAWRENCE LINDBURG - National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. alternate; Executive Council; Junior Classical League; R.O.T.C.; bowling secretary; inte r-cla ss bas. ketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class wrestling; Scholarship Club secretary; ways and means committee; election committee; Crier run. ner; R.O.T.C. color guard. VIOLET LlNDlSH-Senior Girls Council; G.A.A.; hall guard; boo k. room ; A.C.C.L. BETTY LlVINGSTON'E-Equestrian Club; Rooters Club; Leaders Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; Swim Club; Letter Girls ; office assistant; student police. JEAN LONG-Junior Honor Societ y; Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club ; Crier staff; Kiwiettes; bowling secretary; Alpha Chapter; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L.; hall guard; office assistant. MARY LONG -Home Management Club; Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; Science Club; Biology Club; Kiwiettes; Beta Chapter; bowling. KINGMAN LOOMIS-A.C.C.L. delegate; Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Commissioned Officers Club secretary and treesurer; R.O.T.C.; rifle team captain; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; air raid warden. HAZEL LORD-Quill & Scroll; Junior Honor Soc iety; A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Executive Council; Le Cercle Francais; A Cappella Choir; Crier staff; Kiwiettes vice-president: salvage committee chairman; drama production; February flower girl; Friday night social committee; ha ll guard; A.C.C.L. cabinet; G.A.A.; Drama Club; Red Cross Club; Cleanup committee chairman. Page / 13

60 LOUIS LUBKE- Ra dio Club; lightweight basketball team; baseball team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball: hall guard; A.C.C.L. RODGER LYNCH-Bowling; inter-cluss basketball; int erclass baseball; inter-clo ss wrestling; hall guard; A.C.C.L. BETTY MacDONALD-A.C.C.L. HELEN MacKENZIE-Girl Reserves: G irls Service League; Kiw iettes : G.A.A. delegate; A.C.C.L. delegate. alternate. SIDNEY MacLEAN-lnter class basketball; inter-clcss baseball; B.A.A. delegate; war bond salesman. ALBERT MAGNUSON-Crier sta ff; interclass basketball; inte r-clc ss baseball; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L.; scrap drive committee: hall qucrji,...- LUCILLE MAGNUSSON-National Honor Society: Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Kiwiettes; Leaders Club secretary; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. Board; games; Lett e r Girls: bookroom assistant; hall guard. ROBERT MAHER -National Honor Soci ety ; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Science Club; Biolog y Club; German Club social chairman; Red Cross Club: bowling; in ter-clcss baseball; interclass basketball; B.A.A.: inter-class football; hall guard. TED MALLDER-Junior Honor Society; German Club: heavyweight basketball team; inter-class basketball ; inter-cl a ss baseball; inter-class swimming: bowling; A.C.C.L. GLENN MALMQUIST-Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. alternate. delegate; Cr ier representative; Temulac representative: Crescendo Club; Science Club; Biology Club; Red Cross Club; heavyweight basketball team; lightweight basketball team; baseball team;.bowling; mter-closs baseball; inter-class basketball; inter-class wrestling: yearbo~k staff; police force; hall guard; ring delegate; German Club SOCIal com mittee. CATHERINE MANHATTON- Rooters Club; Drama Club: A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. alternate. delega te. WILLIAM MANSFIELD-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Crier staff; lightweight basketball team: manager football team; trcck teem: in te r-cla ss baseball; inter-class basketball; hall guard. JOAN MA RECHAL- Senior G irls Council; Rocters Club: Girls Chorus; C.A.L.; Red Cross Club; election committee; Rose Day chairman. DOROTHTY MAREMA-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Se nior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Equestrian Club; Pnn-Arnericcn Club; Girls Se rv ice League; Crescendo Club; Kiwiettes: C.A.L.; office assistant; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; Clean-up committee: library assistant. HELEN MARKEL-Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; Kiwielles; German Club; Alpha Chapter: Be ta Chapter ; hall guard. THOMAS MASSEY-Le Cercle Francais; R.O.T.C.; inter-class bcsketball; inter-class baseball. MARY MASTERSON-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society: A.C.C_L. delegate; Senior Girls Council: Temulac staff; Be ta Chapter; G.A.A.: Scholarship Club; office assistant; A.C.C.L. yearbook staff. ROBERT MATTHEW S- R.O.T.C. BEATRICE MAYE R- Junior Honor Society; Senior G irls Council; Executive Council ; G irls Se rvice League: Girls Chorus; C.A.L. prasident; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. RO Y MAYESKE-Commissioned O fficers Club; Non Commissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C. ca pta in; hall guard; Chie f Justice of Student Court: picked platoon; air raid warden; A _C.C.L. Cabine t; head usher. EDW ARD McARDLE- C rie r re p rese nta tive : orchestra; inter-class basketball; interclass baseball. MARY McCREA RY-Home Management Club; Girl Reserves ; Girls Service League: A.C_C_L_; G.A.A. NORMA McDONALD-A_C.C.L. delegate; Girl Reserves: Home Management Club president: Rooters Club: Girls Se rv ice League; A Cappella Choir: C.A.L.: Leaders Club; Red Cross Club; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L.; games; hall guard. IRENE McENR OE-Junior Honor Society; Paint (, Powder Club; Kiwielle s. EVALYN McF ADDEN- A.C.C. L. delegate; Crier representative; Temula c representative; Home Management Club; Girl Rese rves: Equestrian Club; Rooters Club: Le Cercle Francais; Girls Se rv ice League; Crier staff; Science Club: Kiwiette s, C.A.L.; Cal Cullers; Drama Club; Garden Club; bawling; Alpha Chapter; freshman assembly committee; hall guard captain; games; G.A.A.; basketball; Biolog y Club; Camera Club. SHIRLEY McGLA SSON-Junior Honor Society: A.C.C.L. delega te; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Rooters Club secretary. president: Executive Council; Pa n-ame rica n Club; A Cappella Choir: Camera Club; Kiwielles; Leaders Club; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter: Beta Chapter; cheerleader; yearbook commillee. HELEN McGLlNN-erier rep resenta tive ; A Cappella Choir; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter. JOHN McGR ATH-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier re pres enta tive ; Sofety Council; Temulac staff; Air Corps; bowling; inter-class basketball: inte r-cla ss baseball; inter-class swimming; in ter-class wrestling. GERALDINE MclNTYRE-A.C.C.L. delegate: Home Management Club: Rooters Club: A Cappella Choir; C.A.L.: Leaders Club: Red Cross Club: G.A.A.; games; hall guard; bo wling. GENEVIEVE McKEON-A.C.C.L. alternate; Drama Club. MARY McLERNAN-National Honor Society: Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Cr ier representative; Rooters Club: Junior Classical League; Cal Cullers; band; orchestra; tardy office assistant; Schola r sh ip Club; G.A.A. alternate. THREASA MEDEMA -Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. delega te. JACK MELLON-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Commiss ioned Officers Club; Non -Commissioned Officers Club; Le Cercle Francais: office assistant; Crier staff. runner, reporter. second page editor : Clean-up commillee; Schola rship Club; ticket seller; election commissioner; air raid warden: Camera Club; R.O.T.C.; Debate Club; Garden Club; Mask and Foil. DICK MELNIK-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative: Safety Council ; bowling; inte r-cla ss baseball: inter-clcss wrestling; hall guard captain; police force. VIRGINIA MERO-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate: Senio r Girls Council; Girl Reserves; G.A.A. LA VERNE MEYER-Home Management Club; Root ers Club; Girls Service League: Garden Club; bowling; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.: hall guard. LORRAINE MEYER-Junior Honor Society: Home Management Club; Girl Rese rves ; G irls Service League; Crescendo Club; C.A.L.; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A.: hall guard. JEAN E MIC HAELS-National Honor Soc iety; Junior Honor Society; Junior Classical Leag ue : A Cappella Choir director of activities; hall guard : G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. ELSIE MILICE VIC-A.C.C.L. delegate; Girl Reserves; Eques trian Club; Root e rs Club; Kiwielles; Drama Club; Alpha Chapter; A.C.C.L.: G.A.A. GEO RGE RICHARD MILLER-Nation al Honor Socie ty : Junior Honor Society ; Temulac representative: Air Co rp s; tra ck team; in te r-class basketball; interclass baseball; Sc holarship Club; A.C.C_L. MARY MILLER-Junior Hono r Society; Girl Reserves ; Scholarship Club. WILFRED MOE HLE-National Honor Society. president Chicago Council; J unior Honor Soc iet y ; A.C.C.L. dele. gale : Crier re presenta tiv e: Te mula c representa tive : Commissioned Offi cers Club vice- p re sid ent: Executive Council: R.O.T.C. Lieutena nt; Tw in Club pre sident; hall guard ca ptain: picked platoon; Scholarship Club; usher: a ir ra id w a rden. Pag e IH Page 115

61 WINIFRED MOEHLE-National Honor Society secretary; Junior Honor Soci ety; A.C.C.L.; Senior Girls Council; Executive Council; Le Cercle Francais; Temulac staff; Twin Club president; Scholarship Club; office worker; G.A.A.; lock er guard; election committee; bookroom worker. MARY MOHRS-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Home Management Club ; Roo ters Club; C.A.L.; A.C.C.L. alternate; Crier staff; G.A.A. alternate; Cal Cutters. inter-cla ss baseball. RAY MONTAGUE -Inter class basketball; SHIRLEE NEWT ON-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. deleg a te; Sen ior Girls Council; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Le Cercle Francais; Pa int & Powder Club; Biolog y Club; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Drama Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; games. RITA MAE EYLON-A.C.C.L. delegate; Girls Service League; A Cappella Choir; Leaders Club; C.A.L. ELIZABETH NISBET- A.C.C.L. delega te; Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; Leaders Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; G.A.A. Board; Ner eides ; games; bowling; Westcott Choir; hall guard. JOANNE MOORE-Junior Honor Society; Girl Reserves; Kiw iettes; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. LA VERNE MORFOOT -Home Management Club; Girls Service League; Kiwielles; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter. MABEL MOWRY- A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. MARION MULHERAN - Home Management Club; Girl Reserves; Roo t ers Club; Pc n -A rnericc n Club; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; Red Cross Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. BETTY MURRAY-Junior Honor Society ; Gir ls Service League; Kiwiettes; Cal Cutters; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JAMES MURRAY-Crie r staff; golf team; track team; cross country team captain. THOMAS NAUGHTON-National Honor Society president; Executive Council; German Club president; inter-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball; Scholarship Club. JULIA NEGRI-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; games; Scholarship Club; G.A.A.; hall guard. hall guard. VIRGINIA NEIL-A.C.C.L. del ega te; G.A.A.; AUDREY NELSO N- Pa n America n Club; Girls Chor us ; G.A.A.; A.C. C.L.; hall guard. DORIS NELSON-Junior Honor Societ y; A.C.C.L. del e gate; Crier representative; Rooters Club; Beta Chapter; bowling; Outdoo r Cl ub. ROGER NELSON-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. del ega te; Crier representative; Cornmiss ioned Officers Club secretary; Non-Commissioned O ffice rs Club; Crier staff, sports editor; Ra dio Club secretary; R.O.T.C. captain; picked platoon commander; rifle team; bowling team secretary; track team; inter-clo ss ba sketball; inter-class baseball; Justice of Student Court. VIRGINIA NELSO N- Na tional Honor Society; J un ior Honor Society; Girls Service League; Beta Chapter; A.C.C.L. EDW ARD NETTELS-Football; inte r-cla ss basketball; in te r-cla ss baseball; A.C.C.L. OLIVE NEW ALL-Girls Chorus ; Drama Club; band ; bowling; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. LOIS NEWBERRY- Junior Honor Society; Girl Reserves; Equestrian Club; Roote rs Club; J unior Cla ssica l League; A Cappella Choir; Crier staff; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Drama Club; Garden Club; office assistant; G.A.A.; bowling; Cr ier runner. BETTY NEW BY- Senior Girls Council; Girl Rese rves; Girls Se rvice League; Kiw iettes; C.A.L.; Alpha Chapter; Schola rship Club; Spanish Club; A.C.C.L. ANITA NEW QUI ST- A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves ; Roo te rs Club; Girls Service League; Crescendo Club; Kiwi ettes; Leaders Club; Co l Cutters; Alpha Chapter; G.A.A. Board; Letter Girls. Page 116 BETTY NOLAN-A.C.C.L.; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; G.A.A. WILLIAM NOLAN-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representotive; A Cappella Choir; inter-cla ss basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball; publicity committee; hall guard. DO ROTHY NOO R-Equestrian Cl ub ; Pen American Cl ub; Girls Service League; C.A.L.; Cal Cutters; Drama Club ; Red Cross Cl ub; Alpha Chapter; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ROBERT NORTH-Crier representative ; A Cappella Choir; Crier staff; Ge rma n Club; lightweight basketball team; bowling; track team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; A.C.C.L. BETTE NORTON- Junior Honor Society ; Pc n-ame ricc n Club; Crier staff; G.A.A. alternate; A.C.C.L.; office assistant; Cleonup committee. FRANCES OAKES-J unior Honor Societ y; Senior Girls Council; Temulac represe nta tive; Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; C.A.L.; Lea ders Club; Alpha Chapter; G.A.A. Boar d; Letter Girls; hall guard; Clecn-up committee; G.A.A. treasurer; A.C.C.L. MARY CLAI RE O'CONNOR-Home Management Club; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Girls Ser vice League secretary; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. IRENE OTARRELL-National Honor Soc iety; Junior Honor Society; Girl Rese rves; Roo te rs Club; Kiwiettes; Lea ders Club; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter ; G.A.A. Board; games; bowling; Letter Girls president; G.A.A. treasurer; Inte r-cla ss volleyball. PHILIP O'NEIL-Junior Honor Soc iety; orchestra; inter-cla ss ba ske tball; A.C.C.L. MARGARET MARY O 'NEILL-Jun ior Honor Societ y; Home Mcncqeme nt Club; Rooters Clu b ; Crescendo Club ; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; ha ll g ua rd ; tardy olfice assistant. RUTH OTT-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ARLENE OTTEN-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ROBERT OTTER-A.C.C.L. delegate; football team; wrestling team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-closs w restling. NO RMAN OZING A- A.C.C.L. delegate; Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Commissioned O fficers Club; Crier staff; R.O.T.C.; rifle team; German Club; inter-clc ss basketball; inter-class ba seball; hall guard ; a ir raid warden. LOUIS PAKIESER-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. del ega te ; Temulac representative; Commissioned Officers Club; Non -Commissioned Off icers Club; Executive Council; Camera Club; R.O.T.C. first lie utena nt, picked platoon, di nne r da nce cornmittee; rifle team; German Club; Cal Cutters; Drama Club; movie operators secretary ; a ir ra id warden; student po lice force ; Clecn-up da nce commillee; Ra dio Club. STELLA PALLA National Honor Society; J unior Honor Society ; A.C.C.L. delega te ; Sen ior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Executive Council; Junior Classical League president a nd secretary; Camera Club; Kiwiettes; Alpha Ch apter; Beta Cha pter; bowling; office cssistant; Cleon-up campaign; G.A.A. alternate; hall guard. WARD PANK RATZ-Junior Honor Society; Crier representative ; So fety Council; Commissioned O ffice rs Club; Non-Com missioned O fficers Club; R.O.T.C. captain, picked platoon; rifle team; in ter-class baseball; Schola rship Club; movie operator; A.C.C.L.; usher; air ra id warden; hall guard; Cr ier stalf. BESSIE PA NOS-J unior Honor Soc iety; Senior Girls Council; Le Cercle Fra nca is; Crescendo Club; Garden Club; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; bowling; G.A.A.; games ; minute man; hall gu ard. Pa ge 117

62 ROM AYNE PAOLICCHI-Le Cercle Francais; Girls Service League; G irls Chorus; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; Red Cross Club; bowling; G.A.A.; games; A.C.C.L.; Variety Show; ticket seller; hall guard. DOROTHY PARKER-Junior Henor Society; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Le Cercle Francais ; Girls Service League ; Kiwiettes; bowling; G.A.A.; games; Crier staff; A.C.C.L. ; Cleon-up c:mmittee; ticket seller; hall guard. GENE PARKER-A.C.C.L. delegate; Salety Council; Commiss ioned Officers Club; Debate Club; Drama Club ; Garden Club. JOAN PAYNE-Senior Gi rls Council; Drama Club vice-preside nt; Alpha Chapter; Calette editor ; Westcott A.C.C.L. president; Westcott G.A.A. president; Scholarship Club; gym leader; office assistant; hall guard captain. CLIF PEGALOW - A.C.C.L. de lega te; Non -Commissioned Off icers Club; R.O.T.C.; inter-class baseball; hall guard. LAVERNE PETERSON-National Honor S ::>ciety; Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Paint & Powder Club vic e president; Crier staff; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; German Club president; A.C.C.L.; Clean-up committee; G.A.A.; Girls Chorus; A Cappella Ch oir. BETTE PICKERING-A.C.C.L. delegate; Home Management Club ; Gi rl Reserves; Le Cercle Francais; Calette editor; Drama Club secretary; G.A.A. Board; Westcott G.A.A. vice-president; games; West. cott Ch erus; Westcott A.C.C.L. committees. LOUISE PIRTLE-A.C.C.L. delegate; Cr ier representative ; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Kiw iettes; cheerleader; Junior Swim Club; G.A.A. delega te ; basketball; hall guard. JANE PISLE-Junior Honor Society; A.C. C.L. de leg a te; Crier runner; Temulac representative; Safety Council po lice; Rooters Club; Crier stalf. editor; Temulac staff; Kiwiettes; Leaders Club; bowling; senior class election committee; Clean-up da nce committee; G.A.A.; Girl Reserves, DOLORES PLEGER-National Honer Society; Senior Girls Council secretary; Rooters Club; Kiwiettes; bowling; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. MARGE PLOGER-Home Management treasurer; Rooters Club; Executive Council; Girls Service League; Cr ier staff, cashier and runner; Cal Cutters; bond booth; G.A.A. loc ke r guard; A.C.C.L. JOHN POLLARD-Junior Honor Soc iet y; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Camera Club; German Club; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inte r-clc ss swimming; inter-class wrestling; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L. delegate. JOSEPH PONDELICEK-Inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; hall guard; A.C.C.L. BETTY POWELL-A.C.C.L. delegate; Cr ier representa tive; Girl Reserves president; Roeters Club; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes secretary; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; games. EDW ARD PROHASKA-Junior Honor Society; wrestling team; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming ; inter-clcss wrestling. ROBERT PUTNAM-A.C.C.L. delegate; Salety Council; Commissioned Officers Club; Non -Comm issioned Officers Club; major in R.O.T.C.. first battalion commander; movie operator; hall guard; rifle team; Drama Club. JOHN QUILLIN AN-National Honer Society; Junior Honor Society; Temulac representative; Crier staff; lightweight basket ball team; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-clcss baseball; interclass swimming; Scholarship Club. DEAN QUOSS-National Honor Society: Junior Honor Society; Crier staff; Temulac staff; wrestling team; inter-class basketball; inter-class wrestling; Scholarship Club. PHYLLIS RAAF-National Honor Society; Junier Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club ; A Cappella Choir; Girls- Chorus; Temulac staff; Biology Club; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; Mixed Chorus; bowling team; games; Clean-up committee and year-book committee; library and registration a s sistant; hall guard; G.A.A.; Scholarship Club. JUNE RANGE-Le Cercle Francais; Girls Service League ; Crescendo Club; Garden Club; bowling; hall guard captain; A.C.C.L.: ticket seller; G.A.A. JOYCE RECKER-Le Cercle Francais vic e president; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; hall guard; G.A.A.;.\ C.C.L. PEGGY REGAN-Junior Honor Society; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Le Cercle Francais; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; bowling; games; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JAMES REID-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Executive Council; Crier staff; Cal Cutters; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-clcss baseball; Calette staff; A.C.C.L. cabinet, publicity chcnrrncn: fire marshal; police force ; Friday night social committee; B.A_A. RAY REIP-Crier photographer; Temulac photographer; Clean-up committee photographer; Camera Club vicepresident. ELLEN RETTENBACHER-Guidance reom assistant; G.A.A. ; A.C.C.L. RICHARD REZANKA-A.C.C.L. delegate; Biology Club; R.O.T.C.; Red Cr~ss Club; bowling; inter-clnss basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class lootball. KENNETH RICE-Junior and senior swimming team; track team; inter-closs basketball; inter-class baseball; football; A.C.C.L. DONALD RICHARDS-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Air Corps; bewling; inter-class basketball; mtsr-clcss baseball; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L. LORRAINE RICKERT-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Leaders Club; Beta Chapter; Scholarship Club; basketball; bookroom assistant; office assistant; G.A.A. ANNA RIEDER-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Pcn-Arnertccn Club; Girls Service League; A Ccppella Choir; C.A.L.; assistant libra ria n; office clerk; G _A.A. RUTH RIEDER-Temulac representative; German Club; hall guard; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JOHN RITZ-A.C.C.L. delegate; band; orchestra; interclass basketball; inter-class baseball; hall guard. ARTHUR ROOP-National Honor Society; inte r-cla ss basketball; inter-class baseball; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L. WARREN ROSE-Bowling; A.C.C.L. LAWRENCE ROSEN -A.C.C.L. delegate; German Club; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming. ANTHONY RUSCH-A.C.C.L. delegate; German Club; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; Ioot ball learn; B.A.A. delegate. LORETTA RYAN-Le Cercle Francais; Nereides; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. DONALD SALOMON-Inter-class basketball. RICHARD SANDQUIST-A.C.C.L. deleg a te; Salety Council; orchestra; track team; inter-class basketball; interclass baseball. ALICE SANDSTROM-Senior Girls Council; G.A.A. Board. NATALIE SAW ALLISCH-Junior Henor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Le Cercle Francais secretary; Paint & Powder Club, director 01 activities; A Cappella Choir; Crier staff; Temulac staff; Science Club; Biology Club; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; Garden Club- Red Cross Club; Mixed Chorus; bowling; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter. SHIRLEY SAXLER-A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Rooters Club; Girls Service League; Crescendo Club; Kiwiettes; Leaders Club; Cal Cutters; G.A.A. Board secretary; Nereides; games; Letter Girls. Pcge 118 Page 119

63 WINNIFRED SCHAFER-A.C.C.L.; bowling; G.A.A.; election committee. EDW ARD SCHALLER -A.C.C.L.; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. NORMAN SCHMIDT-Commissioned Offic ers Club; Non-Commisaioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C. WILMA DOROTHY SCHOLTEN-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Home Management Club; Rooters Club; A Cappella Choir; Girls Chorus; Alpha Chapter; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. VIOLET SCHREIBER - Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Drama Club; hall guard; A.C.C.L.; Beta Chapter. SELMITA SCHUBERT-Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Girls Chorus; Crescendo Club; German Club secretary; bowling; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. JUNE SCHULTZ-A.C.C.L. delegate; Equestrian Club; Rooters Club; Girls Chorus; Garden Club; hall guard; G.A.A. ROBERT SCHUSSLER-Junior Honor Society; Junior Classical League treasurer: bowling; inter-class basketball; Scholersh ip Club; election commissioner; publicity committee; police force; A.C.C.L. alternate; social committee. BETTY SCHWAB-Junior Honor Society; Rooters Club; Girls Service League; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; hall guard; teacher's assistant. MARION SEIBERT-Crier staff; bowling; hall guard; office assistant; teacher's assistant; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. JAMES SEVIK-Air Corps; Radio Club; Drama Club; heavyweight basketball team; football team; inter-class basketball; inter-cla ss baseball. MARY SHANLEY-Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Home Management Club; Kiw iettes; office cssistant. SEYMOUR SHAPIRO-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Le Cercle Francais; tennis team captain; inter. class basketball; inter-class baseball; Scholarship Club; registration office; hall guard; police force; ways and means committee; election commiss ion ; publicity committee; fire marshal; ticket salesman. ROBERT SHERMAN-Temulac representative; Non -Cornmissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. CONSTANCE SIFRIT -Temulac representa tive; Girl Reserves; Le Cercle Francais; Temulac staff; Drama Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; Swimming Club; Crier runner; hall guard captain. RUTH STERNBERGER-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society secretary; Senior Girls Council; Executive Council; C.A.L.; German Club; G.A.A. Board; Letter Girls; Scholarship Club; Co lette staff; Crier editor-in-chtef Student Council; hall guard. MARY ELLEN STONE-Home Management Club; Boot ers Club; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; hall guard; Colette staff. MARGARET SULLIVAN-G.A.A.: A.C.C.L. ROY SUTZ-A.C.C.L. delegate; Executive Council; Pcn-Americon Club; Temulac staff photographer; Camera Club president; wrestling team; inter-class baseball; movie operator; Clecn-up committee photographer and executive officer. LILLIAN SW ANKE-A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. ; hall guard. ROSAMOND SWANKE-National Honor se. ciety; Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Scholarship Club; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L.; hall guard. JEAN SWANSON-Senior Girls Council; Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A. JEAN C. SW ANSON-A.C.C.L. delegate; Rooters Club; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; Cal Cutters; Westcott Choir; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. ROBERT TAYLOR-Commiss ioned Officers Club; Non-Commissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; band; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. HAZEL TEBBENS-Junor Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Girl Heserves; Le Cercle Francais treasurer; Paint & Powder Club secretary; Crier staff; Temulac staff; Science Club; Biology Club; Kiwiettes; Drama Club; Garden Club; Red Cross Club; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; bowling; Scholarship Club; A Cappella Choir. EDGAR TERWILLIGER-R.O.T.C. JEANNE THOMPSEN-Home Management Club; Girls Chorus; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JEAN THOMPSON-A.C.C.L. delegate; Rooters Club ; Girls Service League; Gir ls Chorus; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. HUGH TIGHE-Crier representative; Rooters Club; Cr ier staff: junior swimming team captain; inter-class basketball; inter-cla ss baseball; football team. SARA TINERVIA-G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. ELIZABETH SIMONSON-Girls Chorus; A.C.C.L.; G.A.A.; hall guard. ROBERT SORENSEN-Non-Commissioned Officers Club; R.O.T.C.; track team; police force. ELROY SPALLINA-A.C.C.L. delegate; Com. missioned Officers Club; Non -Commlssionad Officers Club; Crescendo Club; R.O.T.C. captain; inter-class basketball; inter-closs baseball; hall guard; air raid warden; Ushers Club. PHYLLIS SPINK -Junior Honor Society; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Temulac representative; Rooters Club; Le Cercle Francais president; Crier staff, runner, cashier; Science Club; Biology Club; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Drama Club; Garden Club; bowling; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; Scholarship Club; Clecn-up committee assistant chairman. EDWARD STEFFEN-A Cappella Choir vice-president; inter-cla ss baseball; inter-class basketball; A.C.C.L.; Variety Show; in ter-clc ss swimming; inter-class wrestling; Crescendo Club; Debate Club. JULIUS STEIN -Temulac staff; Camera Club; German Club; band; wrestling team; inter-class wrestling. Page 120 JEAN TURNBLOOM-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Soc ie ty ; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Root. ers Club; Executive Council secretary; Paint & Powder Club president; Crier editor; Kiwiettes treasurer; Leaders Club; Beta Chapter; Cleon-up committee; locker guard; library assistant. LAURETTA TURNER-Temulac representative; A.C.C.L. yearbook; G.A.A. ANTONETTE TUSA -Senior Girls Co uncil; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. PHYLLIS VANDERPLOEG-Senior Girls Council; Girls Service League; Crescendo Club; A.C.C.L. CHARLOTTE VAUGHAN-G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. EVELYN VEDDER-A.C.C.L. delegate; Cr ier representative; Temulac representative; Home Management Club; Rooters Club; Pon-Amenccn Club; A Cappella Choir- Gills Chorus; Crier staff; Kiwiettes; C.A.L. ; Garden Club; Mixed Chorus; games; bowling; G.A.A. Page 121

64 DONNA VERSTRATE-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Crier representative; Rooters Club; Le Cercle Francais; Kiwiettes; C.A.L. social chairman. secretary; Drama Club; office assistant; library assistant; A.C.C.L.; Clean-up committee; G.A.A. PHILIP VOCK-A.C.C.L. A.A. delegate; A.C.C.L. LA VERNE VOLKMAN-Girls Chorus; G. ROGER WAGER-Junior Honor Society; Temulac representative; Saiety Council secretary; Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Cornmis. sioned Officers Club; Sofety Ceuncil secretary; Executive Council; A Cappella Choir; Crescendo Club; R.O.T.C. picked platoon; rifle team; band; orchestra; inter-class baseball; air raid warden; A.C.C_L. a lternate; usher; Variety Show. PATRICIA W AGNER-A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representative; Rooters Club treasurer; Paint is Powder Club treasurer; Crier assistant circulation m::nager; Kiwiettss: Leaders Club; Drama Club; Clean-up committee; freshman assembly committee. BETTY LOU WALKER-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Scciety; A.C.C.L. delegate; Senior Girls Council oresident; Executive Council; Junior Classical League; Girls Service League; Temulac staff. literary editor; Drama Club; Nereides; Westcott hall guard captain; Scholarship Club; A.C.C.L. yearbook editor; G.A.A. SUE WRA Y-Junior Honor Society; Crier representative; Girl Reserves; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter; games; Outdoor Club; minute man; hall guard. WILLIAM WRA Y- A.C.C.L. delegate; Crier representctive; Sofety Council; Biology Club; Drama Club; inter-class bcsketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming; police force; A.C.C.L. LAWRENCE WRENN - A.C.C.L. delegate; Crie r representative; Safety Council; Rooters Club; Temulac staff; Air Corps; Debate Club; Mixed Chorus; bowling; inter-class basketball; inte r-cla ss baseball; inter-class swimming; inter-class wrestling. DO NATTA YATF.:S--Junior Honor Society; Senior Girls Council; Le Cercle Francais secretary; Temulac staff; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. MARION YATES-Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. EVANGELINE ZERVAS-Hall guard; games; DOLORES W ALITCHEK-Junior Honor Society; Girl Reserves; Girls Service League; Kiwiettes; C.A.L.; Germ::m Club; games; A.C.C.L. Clean-up committee; hall guard; G.A.A. MELVIN WALSH -German Club; inte r-clo ss basketball; inter-clcss baseball. PATRICIA WALSH-Junior Classical League; Scholarship Club; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. KENNETH ZETTERBERG-National Honor Society; Junior Honor Scciety; orchestra; Scholarship Club. SHIRLEY ZICTERMAN -Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Home Management Club; Rooters Club; Pan-American Club; Crier reporter; C.A.L. social chairman and publicity chairman; Beta Chapter social chairman; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. MARILY ZIPPMANN - Gir ls Service League; band; bowling; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JULETTE W ARD-G.A.A _; A.C.C.L. JEANNE WEDEL-Junior Honer Society; Senior Girls Council; Temulac representative; Pan-American Club; Kiwiettes; Alpha Chapter; Beta Chapter. VINCENT WEISS-Non-Commissioned orn. cers Club; Biology Club; R.O.T.C.; inter-class baseball; hall guard. LUCILLE ZIVALICH-G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. NORMAN ZLABINGER-National Honer Society; German Club ; movie operator. JOHN WELCH -Rooters Club; Air Corps; football team; bowling; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball. SHIRLEY WEST-G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JACK WESTBERG-A.C.C.L. delegate; Cr ier representative; Commissioned Officers Club; Non-Commissioned Officers Club; Rocters Club; R.O.T.C. company commander; rifle team; track team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; air raid worden; police force. RICHARD WILDER-Rooters Club; Cal Cutters; band; swimming team; inter-class basketball; inter-class baseball; inter-class swimming; football team; Clean-up committee. J u N E CAROL WILLI5--Junior Honor Society; Crier staff; Lecders Club; games; hall guard; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. Inter-class basketball: inter-clcss baseball. CHARLES WINTERS MARION WITTSTOCK-Junior Honor Society; Girl Reserves vicepresident and secretary; Rooters Club; Girls Chorus; Kiwiettes; German Club; library assistant; office assistant. LORETTA WLODARSKI-Le Cercle Francais; Girls Service League; Crescendo Club; bond booth sales clerk; hall guard; G.A.A.; A.C.C.L. JACK WOODWORTH - Non -Commissioned Office,s Club; A Cappella Choir; R.O.T.C.; Drama Club; orchestra; A.C.C.L. Page 122 Page 123

65 ." CLASS CHRONICLE 1943 ADDITIONAL By.u:«clore! Ours was a wonderful class! In spite of the war. or b e- J U N E GRADUATES cause of it, we have wrung the last full measure from our four years at Calumet and will go out into the world ready and willing to fight for the victory and work towards the peace that must be ours! ANTOINETTE ABBRUZZESE PATRICIA HUTCHCRAfT JACK PETERSON I remember the first time we met as a class. That was in September, JEAN GEORGE ALfERS RICH ARD HUTCHCRAfT BEVERLY PILGRIM Mr. Hunter and Mrs. Hagen gave us our first complicated instructions. We ALBERT BALDAUf VIOLET JACQUES MARGARET PIPER PHILLIP BERLING ROBERT KLUGER ROBERT PRIOR RICHARD BODDY WILMA KNOEBEL ELEANOR PURTELL DOROTHY BRUCKS ROBERT KRAUS ROBERT RATIGAN WILLIAM BURGESS JAMES LOfTUS GIZELLA REGULA RITA CAREY JULIUS MAOLA WILLIAM RICHARDSON LEONARD CONRAD JULIEN MATHIS francis ROACH MICHAEL CORRIGAN ANNE McDONALD MATTHEW RUBERRY EDWARD CROTTY ANN McGEOGHEGAN BOB SCOTT JAY DORN LORRAINE MILDNER ROBERT SEELEY were proud of ourselves. shy of one another, and awed by the thought of the four long years we must spend in this new and larger world. Definitely a frightening world confused by locker combinations, time schedules, restrictions, rules, homework, and books... The principal. Mr. Downey, left and Mr. Worst took his place: a new report book system was instituted. These changes made little impression on us. We were looking, wondering, digging our own little niches into that four year wall. Along about May we began to feel at home in Calumet-We belonged- WILLIAM DUNNETT JAMES MITCHELL ROBERT SMITH The swimming pool the lunchroom the Crier... the A.C.C.L. JAMES DURRANT RAY MONTAGUE ROBERT SOLENEK EDWARD EDGE DONALD MOORE HERBERT SORENSEN MARVIN faden JOHN NEESON DOROTHY STOCKOVER ANNE fahey HOWARD NELSON frank TORNABENI THERESE foody JOHN ORTELL EDW ARD TRANSIER RICHARD GOHR GEORGE OW ENS BRUCE WEBSTER MARJORIE HAUGH MILDRED PERNO DONALD WOOD LUCILLE HESSLER EARLE PERRY CLARE WRIGHT ROSEMARY HUMECKE LaVERNE ZIMMERMAN were ours now. They belonged to us as much as to the seniors, whose cold superiority and careless ease both chilled and fascinated us. This was a year of page boy bobs. charm bracelets-of two W orlds Fairs, 01 a King and Queen who ate hot dogs. It was a wonderful year... Our Year. It was the year World War II began. But the war was not then ours. We didn't think it ever would be. In 1941 Mr. Sietsema became our Counselor and guide. As a whole we didn't see much 01 him... we were "good" that year. Vaguely we heard Page 124 Page 125

66 reports of the Swastica that flew over Denmark. Norway. The Netherlands: filling every corner of Calumet's halls. usually teeming with activity. We had France. our Ally in spirit. fell that year too. our paper days and cake days and the A.C.C.L. donated a service flag of But the war didn't interest us much... It was oceans away... we turned which we were proud. Most of the boys that graduated that June registered our attention to school affairs... A member of our class. a sophomore. won the same month at the local draft boards. We began to see that the war the Popularity contest. It was the first time in years that a sophomore had WAS ours! won. It was news. And the Temulac that year was bound in white leather. This was the year sloppy Joe's and Sue's fought for supremacy in the fashion The summer was filled with rumors and flag raisings. OCD activities for some. and fun for most of us. When in September we returned to school many spotlight. Babushkas were born and jalopies galore careened around school of us had service flags shining in our home windows. Eagerly we joined in corners. During the summer someone in Europe started something they called the new war activities. Two girls in our class organized the Girls Service a "V for Victory campaign." League. We collected two hundred and eight thousand. five hundred pounds We became Juniors in September With shortened programs and more of scrap metal. Many a beloved jalopy was willingly donated to reach that freedom many of us joined the clubs of our choice. Additions from Westcotl goal! Then. of course. new conditioning classes were instituted. It took only swelled our numbers... More friends to make. The class divided went into shop courses. others into commercial or college prep... Some One day. a few sore muscles and a slight stretch of the imagination to rename them. by popular consent. Commando Classes. Calumet had changed. The portables Monday. December eighth. we laughed together over a comedy production were gone. leaving large holes in our beautiful campus: there was a new in the Auditorium-and sobered later to listen to the President declare. "a freshman class of seven hundred and one underfoot: and all Westcott came state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire: ' over to Cal because Westcott had become government property. Pearl Harbor! Why that was hundreds of miles away! And yet as close as the nearest radio dial. We were soon to know that our lives were dated. The size of our class diminished because of the boys who joined the services and the girls who married. or left to work in war plants. In school there was Before Pearl Harbor and after Pearl Harbor. Yet. the war was not of our making. What could we do? Our answer was slow in coming. Meanwhile the first excitement soon died: war stamp sales slipped: we forgot the war. Our first Air Raid Drill reminded many a girl with a twinkle in her eye that matched the sparkle on the third finger of her left hand. Many more proudly wore service insignia. At Christmas there were thirteen gold stars on the service flag. three of them from members of our class. Substitutes filled in for faculty members us momentarily. The timing and cooperation impressed us not so much as. who answered the call to the Colors. the silence that fell over four thousand students. teachers. and staff members 1943 saw the end of the formal Proms. Night socials came back... A Page 126 Page 127

67 Bond Booth appeared in the foyer.. Food and. gas were rationed and sessighed our relief. The Prom. the Tern. Class Day. All were ours. And Gradua- sian bulletin announcements were filled with news of new Army and Navy programs. But history must repeat itself. Freshies wondered. as we had not so long ago. at our careless ease. our cold. casual way of looking at life. We didn't notice anything much. we were wrapped up in our history classes. fighting the Civil war as it had never been fought before. We got into a mess over Senior elections and when they were over we tion too. We won't talk about that... We'll only remember. Yes. our class will contribute it's share of tomorrow's business men. scien- lists. engineers. and doctors. But first they will put aside their own future careers to take their lives and the life of their country into their own hands. to fight for the right to make that future secure. * * * NAME JUNE SENIOR DIRECTORY ADDRESS 60l Altman Ahern. Dolores 7839 So. Ada St. Casey. Frances 8610 So. Sangamon Godecki. Clotilde 8331 So. Seeley Ave. Golden. Betty 8200 So. Wolcott St. Grill. Catherine 9946 So. Green St. Holzhauser. Irene 8318 So. Carpenter St. Jacob. Dorothy 8411 So. May 51. Johnson. Deloris 7528 So. Aberdeen 51. Landolt. Betty 8458 So. May 51. Laurora. Nilla 8226 So. May St. Mcf'cdden. Evelyn 3342 So. Lowe Ave. Meyer. Lorraine 8350 So. Sangamon 51. Newquist. Anita 7724 So. Marshfield Ott. Ruth 7853 So. Aberdeen 51. Ploqer. Marge 8559 So. Morgan St. Seeder. Shirley 7341 So. Green St. Schultz. June 8244 So. 51. Lawrence Ave. Breslin. Cormick 7619 So. Aberdeen St. Crowlv. Neal 8727 So. Laflin 51. Faden. Marvin 8040 So. Langley Ave. Frederick. Frank 1344 W. 89th St. Greenfield. Jack 7550 So. Michigan Ave. Lieberman. Larry 439 W. 75th 51. Lynch. Roger 7924 So. Ashland Ave. Melnick. Richard 7634 So. Winchester Mitchell. James 7358 So. May St. Murray. James 7417 So. Racine Ave. Ozinga. Norman 3316 W. 97th St. Reid. James 7704 So. Emerald Ave. Rusch. Anthony 358 W. 74th St. 604-Fletcher Al!ers. Jean George 7618 So. Bishop 51. Bergstrom. Robert 5641 So. Aberdeen 51. Beard. Joyce 3552 W. 97th. Evergreen Park Brillmcm, Evelyn 1324 W. 88th 51. Christine. Betty 9621 Kedzie Donahue. Gertrude 8052 So. Elizabeth St. Downey. Mary 7816 So. Morgan 51. Edge. Edward 1615 W. 81st 51. Grindler, Adele 8305 So. Throop St. Guest. James 8537 So. Aberdeen St. Hunicke. Rosemary 8518 So. Loomis Blvd. Lind. Kenneth 9118 So. Aberdeen St. Murray. Betty 7310 So. Morgan 51. Negri. [ulls 8631 So. Marshfield Ave. Nelson. Howard 7520 So. Morgan St. Oakes. Frances 1376 W. 79th St. NAME Ortell, John Parkratz. Ward Pisle. Jane Pleger. Dolores Purtell. Eleanor Quillinan. Jack Rickert. Lorraine Schafer. Winnifred Schwab. Betty Smith. Bob Sternberger. Ruth M. Stockover. Dorothy Stone. Mary Ellen Swanke. Rosamond Swanson. Jean Tinirvia. Sara Walsh. Patricia ADDRESS 7724 Loomis 8241 So. Campbell 8205 Laflin St So. Marshfield Ave. 529 W. 78th St Carpenter 1704 W. 89th St Meade Ave.. Oak Lawn 8761 So. Winchester Ave So. Union Ave LaFayette Ave Elizabeth St So. Lowe Ave So. Justine St W entworth Ave So. Bishop St So. Bishop St. 609-Whitman Aardema. Margaret 6723 So. May St. Anderson. Donald 348 W. 77th St. Angsten. Rosemary 7249 So. Michigan Ave. Baldauf. Albert 8822 So. Wallace 51. Bauch. Norma 8743 So. Wallace St. Biegel. Chuck 9436 So. Trumbull Ave. Barling. William 7830 So. Prairie Ave. Bradish. Hugh 9301 So. 51. Louis Ave. Brashinger; Helen 7950 So. Parnell Ave. Burgess. William 7024 So. May St. CampbelL Fred 8015 So. Perry Ave. De Forest. Robert 7808 Peoria Ave. De Forest. Donald 7808 So. Peoria Ave. Erickson. Elsie 356 E. 90th St. Herren, Gladys 8005 So. Laflin St. Julian. Jim 8224 So. Indiana Ave. Kraus. Robert 8149 So. Princeton Ave. Krichbaum. Ralph 8440 So. Carpenter St. MacLean. Sidney 7724 So. Green St. Massey. Thomas 7900 So. Hermitage St. Mowry. Mabel 8143 So. Emerald Ave. Pcolicchi, Romayne 719 W. 80th St. Parker. Dorothy 7824 So. Loomis Blvd. Payne. Joan 7349 So. Yale Ave. Schreiber. Violet 517 W. 80th St. Seeley. Robert L. 454 W. 79th 51. Simmonson, Elizabeth 8031 So. Parnell Ave. Turner. Lauretta 427 W. 79th Place Walker. Betty Lou 451 E. 89th St. Winters. Charles 8820 So. Lowe Ave. Page 128 Page 129

68 NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS 611-Cebatis Abbenga. Lila 7646 So. Seeley Ave. Abrahamsen. Harold 8417 So. Throop SI. Abramson. Robert 7645 So. Lowe Ave. Anderson. Coleman 1407 W. 81st SI. Beckman. Jack 8052 So. Bishop SI. Benson. John 8509 So. Marshfield Ave. Black. Henry 8216 So. Morgan St. Carey. Maryan 7631 So. Hermitage Ave. Chase. Roscoe 7700 So. Laflin St. Cook. Douglas 7817 Sangamon St. DingwalL Bill 7610 So. Sangamon St. Egan. Robert 8204 So. Morgan St. Filson. Roberta 8451 So. Paulina SI. Finn. Leighton 7636 So. Sangamon SI. Green. Margery 8035 So. Bishop SI. Gustafson. Marshall 8732 So. Laflin SI. Holt. Lorraine 8927 So. Emerald Ave. Jensen. Phoebe 8828 So. Hermitage Ave. Johnson. Paul 8541 So. Aberdeen St. Kamps. Annabelle 8440 So. Honore St. Kingsbury. Adeline 7709 So. Fielding Ave. Kosscck, Dolores 1616 W. 80th St. Lind. Georgia 8226 So. Aberdeen SI. MarkeL Helen 1553 W. 81st SI. Mathis. Julien 7929 So. Bishop SI. Peterson. Jack 8811 So. Wood SI. Pondelicek. Joseph 8515 So. Marshfield Ave. Ruberrv. Matt 8821 So. Carpenter SI. Sherman. Robert 8440 So. Indiana Ave. Thompson. Jean B So. Throop St. Ward. Julette 7741 So. Fie lding Ave. 612-Deter Baldwin. Marilyn 8210 Justine St. Boddy. Richard 9822 So. Meade Ave.. Oak Lawn Breman. Magdalene 7825 Bishop St. Byrnes. William 7819 Hermitage Conrad. Leanord 9410 Richmond De Huntz, Art rd Ave.. Oak Lawn Eisler. William 7710 Bishop St. Fotre. Dorothy 8339 Green SI. Garikes. Thomas 7909 S. May SI. Gehrig. Ralph 9358 S. Ada SI. Gilmartin. Norma 1318 W. 79th SI. Harmon. Thomas 1316 W. 98th St. Heilmann. Kathleen 7231 May St. Johnson. Jim 9019 Paulina St. Jones. Betty 1717 W. 77th St. KarL Donald 8720 Vincennes KimbalL Betty 9615 Marion Ave.. Oak Lawn Kipp. Della 9709 Ridgeland Ave.. Oak Lawn Mac Kenzie. Helen 8335 Lafayette Ave. Millcevic. Elsie 1625 W. 83rd St. Noor, Dorothy Pckieser, Louis Pickering. Bette Pilgrim. Beverly Prohaska. Edward Roseen. Lawrence Ryan. Loretta Seibert. Marion Stein. Julius Wagner. Patricia Webster. Bruce WedeL Jeanne Wood. John Wray. Bill Zivalich. Lucille Zlabinger. Norman Bagby. Harriet Berta. Eleanor Bresingham. Mary BulL Josephine Burns. Shirley Christensen. Doris Gilmore. Marie Hagenauer. Lorraine Hansen. Paula Hough. Marjorie Hutchcraft. Richard Johnson. Ken Johnson. Ray Kirschstein. Betty KnoebeL Wilma Koranda. Colletta Lind. Charlotte Matthews. Robert Montague. Ray Otten. Arlene Panas. Bessie Perry. Earle Range. June Rieder. Ruth Sorensen. Robert Vaughan. Charlotte Vedder. Evelyn Wilder. Richard Woodworth. Jack 8038 S. Campbell Ave W. 73rd SI LaFayette Ave S. Lowe Ave W. 73rd SI Calumet Ave S. Green SI Emerald Ave S. Emerald Ave S. Maplewood Ave Indiana Ave S. Hermitage Ave S. Vernon 8746 S. Wood St W. 89th Place 7657 S. Lowe Ave. 613-Booth 8042 So. Langley Ave So. Ashland Ave W. 92nd Place 8851 So. Aberdeen SI So. Laflin St So. Laflin St W. 81st St So. McVickers St. 54 E. 80th St So. Yale Ave So. Emerald Ave So. Michigan Ave So. Wabash Ave So. Loomis Blvd Kerfoot Ave So. Loomis Blvd Lafayette Av e So. Fielding Ave So. Harvard Ave So. 55 Court. Oak Lawn 3201 W. 95th St.. Evergreen Park 7250 Wentworth Ave So. Eberhart Ave So. Carpenter St So. Parnell St. 92nd PL & Melvina Ave So. Throop SI. 219 E. 79th St Wentworth Ave. 614-Drolsom Anderson. Marshall 7717 So. Honore Avery. Dorothy 7242 So. Sangamon Baiki. Laverne 9722 So. Cook Ave.. Oak Lawn Burnett. Don 9108 So. May St. Carr. Agnella 7709 So. Emerald Ave. Coleman. Pat 9721 So. Springfield. Evergreen Park Ehrenstrom. Lucille Marie Hessler. Lucille Marie Holmes. Kenneth Janushek. William Jones. Wilma Larson. Mary Jean Lengerich.Robert Livingstone. Betty Maher. Robert Wm. Maola Julius McCullough. Violet Mansfield. Bill Nolan. Betty O 'NeilL Margaret Owens. George Rose. Warren Salamon. Donald Scholten. W ilma Scott. Robert George Sevik. Jim Shanley. Mary Thompson. Jeanne Sifrit. Constance Vock. Philip Wray. Sue Archdale. June Becker. Jeanne Bose. Gloria Gauthier. William Irwin. Nellis Jaffe. Dick Jenkins. [o Ann Ieppeson. Betty Kincaid. Robert Komar. Marvin Lackey. June Larson. Le Roy Lindburg. Lawrence McEnroe. Irene Michaels. Jeanne Mildner, Lorraine Moore. Joanne Newberry. Lois Pallas. Stella Peterson. La Verne Quoss. Dean Raaf. Phyllis Schmidt. Norman Schulessler. Robert Solenek. Robert Terwilliger. Edgar Toody. Threase So. Green SI So. Sangamon 8156 So Laflin 1747 W. 87th St So. Peoria 7138 So. Morgan 918 W. 87th St Ave.. Oak Lawn 8039 Michigan Ave Princeton 8334 Sangamon 7518 So. Peoria 8026 Honore SI So. Sangamon 6041 So. Morgan SI So. May 2644 W. 90th Place 1280 W. 73rd Place 5543 So. Honore 7714 So. Ada SI So. May 7606 So. Laflin 7619 Perry Ave Wallace SI So. Wood 616-Hogan 9626 S. Oakley Ave S. Elizabeth St S. Hale Ave S. Carpenter St S. Racine Ave S. Marshfield Ave S. Wood St S. Eberhart Ave S. Elizabeth SI S. Marshfield Ave S. Morgan St S. Aberdeen St S. Marshfield Ave S. Cornell Ave Aberdeen SI S. May St S. Carpenter St S. Bishop St W. 77th St S. Justine SI S. Peoria St S. Peoria SI S. Hermitage Ave W. 96th s-, Oak Lawn 8021 S. Perry Ave S. Eberhart Ave S. Throop St. Willis. Carol 8110 S. W olcott Ave. Wright. Clare 7744 S. May SI. Zetterberg. Kenneth 8348 S. Elizabeth St. Zimmerman. La Verne 7726 S. Throop St. 617-Hyman Arvenson. Edwin Bovdcr. Mary Alice Crotty. Edward Durrant. James Feilen. Irene Gates. Donald Fitzpatrick. James Hense. Shirley Hughes. Ruth Hcbisholm, Chas. Hullinger. Herbert Keyes. Alice Klein. Hedwig Koopman. Warren Kerpen. Andrew Krause. Walter Loftus. James Lord. Hazel Manhattan. Catherine McGlasson. Shirley Medima. Theresa Mere. Virginia Nelson. Virginia O'Connor, Mary Claire Rezanka. Richard Rittenbucker. Ellen Sorensen. Herbert Spooner. Mildred Steffen. Edward Transier. Edward Torneheni. Frank Wood. Donald Anderberg. Lois Baacke. Betty Jane Bondy. John Joseph Burbidge. Robert Drews Chapman. John Davidson. Virginia Denman. Mary Doherty. Robert DrexeL Dorothy Eulitt. Dick Fahrner. Lester Friend. Dorothy Gavin. Lorraine Hclsten, Eldri Huges. Robert 8821 Emerald 8820 So. RockweH 7353 So. Sangamon 8359 So. Sangamon 7616 So. Marshfield 8635 Bishop 7933 S. Campbell Ave S. Central Park 8527 So. Wood St Carpenter 1219 W. 72nd PI Albany Ave Vincennes 6917 Green St W. 97th PI Parnell 8052 Bishop 7647 Aberdeen 8002 Hermitage 1300 W. 73rd PI Aberdeen 9027 Elizabeth 8520 Sangamon 8127 S. Michigan 7733 S. Halsted 9305 Central Park 2720 W. 96th PL 7933 So. Ada St So. Sangamon 8457 So. Wood SI So. Laflin 619-Walsh 1122 W. 91st St S. Paulina 8139 S. Bishop St S. Carpenter St Princeton Ave S. Paulina St S. Lowe Ave Coles Ave S. May St S. Michigan Ave W. 74th SI S. Hermitage Ave S. Paulina 9425 Menard Ave.. Oak Lawn 9614 Vanderpool Page 130 Page 131

69 Hunter. Helen Irwin. George Kipp, Eleanor Kluger. Robert Lubke. Louis Malingquist. Glenn Mayeske. Roy McGeoghegan. Terese McLernan. Mary Mohrs. Mary Ellen Nelson. Doris Neylon. Rita Mae O'Fcrrell. Irene os-u. Philip Perno. Mildred Roach. Francis Spallina. Elroy Weiss. Vincent S. Maplewood 7817 Michigan Ave S. Kedzie Ave S. Loomis St S. Carpenter St S. Sangamon 9934 S. Claremont Ave S. Green 6644 S. May St S. Racine St S. Aberdeen St S. Sangamon St. 718 W. 76th St S. Bishop St S. Sangamon St Aberdeen St W. 79th St W. 73rd Place 621-Spencer Acklin. Arline 3545 W. 99th St.. Evergreen Park Anderson. Dorothy 9408 So. Bishop St. Arvetis. Christy 7420 Harvard Ave. Battis. Roy James 6315 Yale Ave. Benjamin. David 7654 So. Carpenter St. Berling. Philip 7349 So. Aberdeen St. Bernatz. Doris Mae 1709 W. 80th St. Bolz. Bernard 7645 Perry St. Bradley. Boyd 7050 Normal Ave. Brown. Leatrice 8306 So. Carpenter St. Carls. Therese 6546 S. Sangamon St. Clancy. Robert 8756 S. Morgan St. Conway. William Patrick 7729 Halsted St. Cunningham. Belly 8627 So. Racine Ave. Fahey. Anne Marye 8843 So. Carpenter St. Flanagan. Mary 8743 So. Sangamon St. Geary. Marilyn 7504 So. Emerald Ave. Houlihan. Ed 7551 So. Sangamon St. Keane. James 8459 So. May 51. Kennedy. William 8441 So. Drexel Ave. Koranda. Donald 8607 Loomis St. McCreary. Mary 1350 W. 78th St. Moehle. Wilfred 80 II So. Marshfield Ave. Mulheran. Marion 8137 So. Ada St. Ness. Betty 7725 So. Hermitage St. Nettels, Ed 6421 So. Morgan St. Ratigan. Robert 8811 So. Aberdeen St. Richardson. William 5652 So. Green St. Ritz. John 8619 So. Marshfield Ave. Sandstrom. Alice 7844 So. Aberdeen St. Taylor. Robert 8219 So. Eberhart Ave. Yates. Marion 8144 So. Michigan Ave. Zippman. Marilyn 8516 So. Throop St. 602-H. S. Bechtolt Baude. Walter 8019 S. La Salle Bieker. Martin 8641 S. Paulina Brodt. Jacqueline Buckberq, Dorothy Byers. Donald Clan. Jeanne Clark. Jean Clauson. Kenneth Crawford. Robert Fetters. Charles Geyer. Glenn Gilbert. Mary Ann Gilroy. Luella Goodell. Grant Hemingway. Howard ne. William Jaeger. Carolyn Jurkewicz Klimson. Joseph Larsen. Eleanor MacDonald. Belly Mallder. Ted Marema. Dorothy Moore. Donald Neeson. Lester Oller. Robert Piper. Margaret Reip. Ray Sandquist. Richard Sutz, Ray Tighe. Hugh Vanderploegh. Phyllis V1ager. Roger West. Shirley Bauske. Evelyn Bromfield. Bill Cavanough. Martin Chiapetti. Gloria Dorn. Jay Da Luga. George Fassl. Julius Fauser. Richard Franek. Jack Garden. Renee Gillard. Arnold Gohr. Richard Hageman. Winnifred Handley. La Verne Hurley. Donald Lee. Norman Lindish. Violet Long. Jean McGrath. Jack Long. Mary Mayer. La Verne Morfoot. La Verne Neil. Virginia 9018 S. Laflin 7959 S. Aberdee n 8727 S. Wabash 1205 W. Eiqhtv-third 880 I S. Bishop 7617 S. Honore 7812 S. Carpenter 941 ~/2 W. Eiqhtv-seven th 8329 S. Ada 9135 S. Laflin 7708 S. Un ion 9337 S. Ad a 8141 S. Marshfield 8726 S. May 7821 S. Sangamon 7605 S. Tully Ave.. Oak Lawn 456 W. Seventy-ninth 9017 S. Bishop 9534 Melvina Ave.. Oak Lawn 1301 W. Seventv-ninth 7817 S. Honore 7907 S. Laflin 8840 S. Ada 7307 S..Emerald 8457 S. Green 9223, S. Ada 5915 S. Morgan 80 II S. Throop 445 E. Eighty ninth St S. Vernon 9210 S. Aberdeen 9148 S. May 608- Wernicke 8607 So. Paulina St W. 85th St So. Paulina St W. 95th si. Oak Lawn 6416 So. Carpenter St So. Peoria St So. Bishop St So. Stony Island Ave So. Spaulding Ave So. Aberdeen St So. Green St So. Morgan St. 80 II So. Carpenter St So. Carpenter St So. Morgan St W. 79th St W. 89th Pl.. Oak Lawn 8211 So. Hermitage Ave So. Honore W. 81st St So. Honore St So. Parnell St So. May St. Ne lson. Audrey Norton. Belly Pirtle. Louise Powell. Belly Regula. Gizella Rieder. Anna Schalle r. Ed Schubert. Selmita Wrenn. La wrence Anderson. Grant Blake. John Cheshire. Betty Clegg. Shirley Conway. Thomas Corrigan. Michael Crook. Edward Curtin. Au~ey Fitch. Eugene Flanagan. Daniel Hu tchcraft. Patricia Johnson. Robert [urlow. Marjorie 6612 So. Fairfield Blvd So. Aberdeen St W. 78th St W. 90th St. 913 W. 86th St So. Laflin St So. Marshfield St So. Honore St. 610-Alexander Behen. Jaynie 9545 Fairfield Ave.. Evergreen Park Bramfeld. [orm 7629 S. Hermitage Ave. Breen. Bill 7543 S. May St. Carlson. Ethel 9305 Utica Ave.. Evergreen Park Dunnell. William 8053 S. Carpenter St. Erickson. Ruth 2655 W. 97th PI.. Evergreen Park Freeze. Victor 8113 Vincennes Goss. June 7950 Harvard Ave. Good. Doris 6519 Yale Ave. Greenan. Ar thur 7714 Lowe Ave. He drick. Regina 8731 S. Wood St. Jacques. Violet 9106 Spaulding. Evergreen Park [ohne. Bill 8214 May St. [utzl. Grover 5065 W inchester Kasehagen. Elaine 7757 Norman Ave. Magnuson. Al 7828 Carpenter St. Masterson. Mary 8622 S. Wood St. Ma y er. Beatrice 1144 W. 83rd St. Mellon. Jack 8612 S. Elizabeth St. Miller. Dick 8044 S. Hermitage McArdle. Edward 9330 S. 53rd Ct.. Oak Lawn McGlinn. Helen 9152 S. Ada St. McKean. Genevieve 8815 Union Ave. Ne lson. Roger 8151 S. Bishop St. Pollard. Jack 7713 S. Wood St. Putnam. Robert 9209 Ada St. Richards. Dou 9107 Aberdeen St. Turnbloom. Joan 8044 S. Laflin St. Tuso, Antonette 1142 W. 78th St. Zicterman. Shirley 1403 W. 82nd St. 603-Delehant 7839 So. Michigan Ave So. May St So. Ada St So. Elizabeth St So. Wood St So. Marshfield 8956 So. Elizabeth St So. Wood St So. Throop St So. Elizabeth St Emerald 7534 So. Carpenter 9305 So. Melwina Ave. Katz. Belly 8122 So. Morgan St. Loomis. Kingman 9037 So. May sc Marechal. Joan 7649 So. Paulina McDonald. Anne 7620 Emerald Ave. McDonald. Norma 8845 So. May St. McIntyre. Gerry 5712 So. May St. Moehle. Winifred So. Marshfield Ave. Newby. Betty 527 W. 44th Place Newton. Shirlee 8229 So. Ashland Ave. Nisbet. Elizabeth 455 W. 81st St. NOlan. William 1219 W. 78th Place Recker. Joyce 7838 Sangamon 5 1. Regan. Peggy 6719 So. May St. Rice. Kenneth 5534 So. Aberdeen St. Sawallisch. Natalie 8636 So. Marshfield Shapiro. Saymour 8830 Loomis St. Spink. Phyllis 8225 So. Laflin Swenson. Jean 71 E. 79th St. Tebbens. Hazel 8227 So. Ada Welch. Jack 9226 So. Ada Yates. Donata 8029 So. Emera ld 620-Pearson Allaria. Peter 8134 So. Throop St. Anderson. Clifford 7547 So. Peoria St. Aszman. Eunice 9117 So. Laflin St. Bever. Ray 9344 So. Ada St. Bliss. Laura 8006 So. Carpente r St. Boqcsh. Howard 8333 So. Hermitage Ave. Brietner. Idvlles 7241 So. Yale Ave. Buckler. Marie 820 I So. Paulina St. Carey. Rita 7912 So. Parnell Ave. Chunis. Frances 8129 So. Vincennes Ave. Dunne. Mary 7617 So. Hermitage Ave. Griffin. Jack 8228 So. Ada St. Hansen. John 7640 So. Throop St. Jacobsen. Edward 6840 So. Throop St. Katz. Natalie 9643 Marion Ave.. Oak Lawn Kcuz. Mary [o 8800 So. Bishop St. Kresge. Bill 7628 So. Loomis Blvd. Kumpler. Virginia 1347 W. Garfield Blvd. Leibforth, Irene 8837 So. He rmitage Av e. Miller. Mary 7340 So. Artesian Ave. Naughton. Tom 8126 So. Sangamon 51. Newell. Olive 8240 So. Artesian Ave North. Bob 7602 So. Eberhart Ave. Pegalow. Cill 1624 W. 79th St. Hoop, Arthur 7628 So. Honore St. Verstrate. Donna 735 W. 60th St. Walsh. Melvin 8223 So. Wolcott St. Westberg. Jack 8237 So. Ada St. Willstock. Marion 8206 So. Artesian Ave. Wlodarski. Lorella 938 W. 53rd St. Wyma. Margaret 7410 So. Peoria St. Zervas. Evangeline 7753 So. Calumet Ave. Pag e 132 Pag e 133

70 ~ K : ST. SABINA COMMUNITY CENTER RACINE AVE. AT 78th ST. OFFERS SUNDAY NITE DA NCES FOR HI GH SCHOOL STUDENTS EVERY SUNDAY 8:30 Compliments of DEL'S BARBER SHOPS 1610 W. 79th ST Y2 S. ASHLAND Phone Triangle 0564 Estcbllshed 1871 PAUL H. WUSSOW, FLORIST 8016 Y2 S. HALSTED Flowers for All O cca sions Phone: Ste MURRY'S SMARTER CLOTHES plus A Sma rt Way to Buy WE Me mber Flo ris t Tel egra ph De liv e ry As sociatio n THE SHO E HO SPITAL 202 Y2 E. 79th Street COME IN APPRECIATE YOUR PA TRONAGE 7857 S. Hals ted St. Vincennes 9594 Victor Cata nzard-prop. P H o T o G R A P H E R S R ob ert Le V ern JValker Studios LIFE AT CALUMET CONGRATULATlONS-Calumet Graduates: Capitol Theatre Build ing 7947 S. Halsted Stre et Chica go. llli nois Phone Radcliffe 9200 Again. it is w ith sincere ple a sure w e commend you upon com pleti on of your High School st udies. As this issue of the Temulac goes to press. great Victor ies are repeating themselves in North Africa. and we are ever clo ser to ultimate Victory in Europe. Your assistance in the war effort has been greatly responsib le for the showing of our boys at the various fronts. and we know your determination to help will continue, and in no small way hurry the re turn of your Brothers and Da ds, yes and also those sisters and mothers who didn't hesitate to d on un iforms. Good Luck and Happy Landings to each and everyone of you. Walker Studios. ROBT. L. W ALKER Page 134 Pag e 135

71 TEL. STEWART 6040 Best Wi shes to the G rad uates of 1943 : MIRRORS : 5 Glass Furniture Tops B. & F. 5 5 NORMAL GLASS co. MEN'S SHOP 5 a 7532 S. HALSTED ST. CHICAGO c. BROOKS Calumet's Leading Store for Model High School Aeroolc ne ' Vfechanical' Drawing~ : SUPPLIES 7900 S. Halsted on the comer SPO RT SHIRTS SPORT JACKETS SPORT SLACKS 8144 S. Racine Tel. Triangle A Store for Men and Young Men KOLINS BROS. Grocery and Market Fancy Fruits and Vegetables Phone Ste wart W. 79th SI.. Cor. Ab erdeen SI. ORDERS PROMPn Y DELIVERED CO:T!P iments of "1iden's Ba ke rie s GOOD TASTE eraves GO OD THINGS WIDEN'S 1449 W. 79th St. Phone Triangle S. Halsted St. Phone Triangle 7604 David C. Nelson JEWELER AND OPTOMETRI ST 7744 S. Halsted Stre et SKATING PRO MOTES PEP AND PERSONALITY THE NEW PLANET ROLLER RINK Fred E. Leiser a nd Frank Moser. Pro ps Racin e Avenue. Ch icago Vinc e nn es 2517 De ily 7:30 ' e. lctinee Sundcy 2 to 5. 25e LOOK FOR THE BIG CLOCK Children-e-Sc ur dey l'!or"bc;.. 1Dc plus defense lex Established 1905 W e Cat er to Schoo l and Chur ch Groups Pa ge 136 Page 137

72 ..-/ -- ~. W...R.-xJ.- ' ) I '. (. I Page 138 Page 139.

73 jn Pitoto-t~ IT'S QUALITY THAT COUNTS We make quality photo-engravings. late copy - difficult copy - and the Funny thing about our business. Years ever-present deadline-plate quality ago a camera or two, a few bottles of is always maintained at Wallaceacid and assorted pieces of metal Miller. You will find your proofs are might have been called an engraving shop. But times have changed! Modof exact reproductionsof yourcopy--and with tone value matching tone value. ern, up-to-the-minute reproductive We present this yearbook (which we processes make more exacting de- helped design), as a sample of our the difficulties encountered with mands upon the engraver. Regardless craftsmanship in the art of photoengraving. Open day and night. WALLACE-MILLER CO. F OUR S I XTY S I X WEST SUPER IOR STREET CH ICAGO I A Cctnplete I i PRINTING SERVICE i : Jlll ll lla~ /~)ll b tca /ioil J r/j,:oajjijej : : Ca/a /~n J Bootfe/J /~OJ /el'j : d : JlII /ypej 0/ :JJil'ecl JlJuel'/iJillfj i : pl /J ~ll ll ej allj pl'ill/ej : i Neely Printing Compnnv i : 871 North Frank lin Stree t : : CHICAGO : :. Page 140 Page 141

74 INDEX A Capella Choir 28 Junior Red Cross 35 Administration 9 Kiwiettes 33 All Calumet Civic League 18 Leaders 83 Alpha 82 Letter Girls 82 Band 26 Movie Operators 49 Baseball 76 National Honor Society 23 Basketball 73 Nereides 83 Beta 82 Office Assistants 50 Board of Sports 83 Orchestra 27 Bond Salesgirls 86 Pan-American Club 40 Bookroom Assistants 50 Parent-Teacher Association 25 Bowling 79 Physical Education Department 68 Calumet Asistant Librarians 29 Placement Office Assistants 50 Camera Club 37 Police Force 49 Cheerleaders 84 Radio Club 37 Crier 44 Rooters Club 85 Dedication 8 R.O.T.C. 51 Dramatics 30 Safety Council 49 Faculty 11 Scholarship Club 34 Forward 6 Seniors-January 90 French Club 40 Seniors-June 101 Football 70 Senior Directory 129 Garden Club 39 Senior Girls Council 43 German Club 40 Service Men 61 Girls Chorus 28 Student Court 49 Girl Reserves 39 Swimming Tearns 80 Girls Service League 36 Temulac 46 Hall Guard Captains 86 Track Team 80 Home Management Club 38 Twin Club 35 Junior Classical League 29 War Effort 57 Junior Honor Society. 24 Wrestling 78 Page 142 Page 143

75 r bj -<f(,j/. /'. f)p ~~f/v ~ ;t?~ ~ ~~ ~ ~wl-~~y-~ -=r~ I~



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