The Feast of the Epiphany January 7, 2018, at Eleven o clock in the Morning

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1 The Fest Epiphny Jnury 7, 2018, t Eleven o clock Morng We re gld you re he. No mtt who you re, no mtt whe you come from, no mtt whe you re on jney life you re welcome this church. We vite you prticipte worship svice, or simp obsve, s you wish. We hope you will fd St Pul s be plce refreshment renewl, whe you expience presence risen Christ. We hve been svg Christ this loction for ov two hundred sixty ys. The monuments church grves churchyrd reflect conflicts complexities ntion s city s hisry. While buildg is old beutiful, mission is contemporry forwrd movg. He you will fd people vy much connected questions struggles modn life fith followg wy Jesus. We re community clled sve those need city, ntion, round world. He you will fd mistries for children, youth, prents, seniors, sgles, fmilies ll configurtions stges life. We vite you shre y contct formtion on visir s crd, locted ech pew. H it one clgy, n ush, or plce it fg plte.

2 To ll Visirs & Guests About Worship If liturgy (worship) Episcopl Church is unfmilir, n we hope you will fd this formtion helpful. You re welcome Episcopl Church, so first best resce we f re y neighbors pews. Just sy, I m visitg, y will gld help. The worship Episcopl Church is rooted prctices ncient Christity. The structure svices, rchitecture buildg, music, physicl postures prticipry responses ALL hold rich meng bout beliefs re tentionl expressions reltionship God. In this bullet you will fd: Responses spoken by people re prted bold itlics. Directions for people re prted itlics. We encge fmilies children sit t front Nve so tht children cn esi see h liturgy. Children s bullets for reds preds re vilble from ushs. Episcopls cusmri pry eir stg or kneelg, so plese do wht you fd most comfortble. Notify n ush if you require n ssisted listeng device or ny or ssistnce. Restrooms re locted prish hll. An ush will direct you. About Receivg Ho Communion ALL who come fith re vited receive Ho Communion t St Pul s. Durg communion, people form two short les cent isle t steps. Aft receivg bred we or blessg t ltr ril, plese exit through door left ltr return y pew vi side isles. For those who my pref not receive communion t m ltr, communion sttion is provided on m floor right cent isle. If you re unble receive t eir sttion, clgy will brg bred we y pew. Plese notify n ush before svice begs. To receive blessg t ltr ril out receivg Communion, cross y rms ov y chest, plms on y collr, until pson on y left hs received both bred we. If y children re nursy, you re vited brg m receive Ho Communion or blessg.

3 Celebrtion The Ho Euchrist: Rite Two The Word God Orgn Voluntry Kgs Orient by Noel Rwsthorne Mrch Three Kgs by Andrew Gnt Keith Shf At Procession, Hymn 128 We three kgs Orient re Three Kgs Orient Tom Robtson, John Robtson, Willim Dolen, Mgi 1 We 2 Born 3 Frnk 4 Myrrh 5 Glo gifts brg owns life God three is rious we kgs Kg cense me; now Stnzs 1 5 ll refrs re sung by ll moor ces gld bleed lu g g, i: on its be tr vse crown De him i g Sc r moun nev ris dy l ty g ri t, g, g, le O Beth bit hold Refr O ri le f t him fr, g, nigh; gloom; fice; fol o wor seled lu low v ship i ent hem's hve p re, pl, I: fume rise, field Kg pry sor heven g us him, yon ll God sne th for rowg, sgs d Most cold re b gold bres Kg foun ev pris sigh l str. reign. High. mb. plies. str won d, str night, g I cense t,, g, g, le str roy l beu ty bright; west wrd led g, still pro ceed g, guide us thy p fect light!

4 The Openg Acclmtion Offict People Blessed be God: Fr, Son, Ho Spirit. And blessed be his kgdom, now for ev. Amen. The Collect for Purity Offict Almighty God, you ll hts re open, ll desires known, from you no secrets re hid: Clense thoughts hts by spirtion y Ho Spirit, tht we my pfect love you, worthi mgnify y ho Nme; through Christ Lord. Amen. Glori excelsis Deo Frnz Schubt

5 The Collect Dy Offict People Offict The Lord be you. And lso you. Let us pry. O God, by ledg str you mnifested y on Son peoples th: Led us, who know you now by fith, y presence, whe we my see y glory fce fce; through Jesus Christ Lord, who lives reigns you Ho Spirit, one God, now for ev. Amen. The First Redg Isih 60:16 Arise, she; for y light hs come, glory Lord hs risen upon you. For drkness shll cov th, thick drkness peoples; but Lord will rise upon you, his glory will pp ov you. Ntions shll come y light, kgs brightness y dwn. Lift up y eyes look round; y ll gr g, y come you; y sons shll come from fr wy, y dughts shll be crried on ir nurses rms. Then you shll see be rdt; y ht shll thrill rejoice, becuse bundnce se shll be brought you, welth ntions shll come you. A multitude cmels shll cov you, young cmels Mid Ephh; ll those from Sheb shll come. They shll brg gold frnkcense, shll proclim prise Lord. Lecr People The Word Lord. Thnks be God. Hymn 119 As gldness men old Dix 1 As 2 As 3 As 4 Ho 5 In hold; bed; bre; wy; light; bright; dore; loy, lst down: y s re so, thou so, so ll whe re gld joy Je hev'n my when its most my y for gr we cost need ev ness ful fed sus! joy bend we th light, cious liest no men steps gifts ev coun y its Lord, will tre str my y most y try hiled knee ho thgs joy, my g sures we old sped rre dy bright, its be re its we feet brg, guide, sg light, fore joy, pst, crown, ev ev Christ! whe l did t keep need led him pure brg thou no le tht tht us y guid low mn no g g cre g on wrd, whom hev'n free from rn somed its sun which more seek e, clouds lu be thy is led m hev'n glo cy ry str mn rude nr be g row ted bem th s's souls goes e. set. Kg. hide. Kg. g l t not

6 The Second Redg Ephess 3:112 This is reson tht I Pul m prison for Christ Jesus for ske you Gentiles for sure you hve lredy hd commission God s grce tht ws given me for you, how mysty ws mde known me by reveltion, s I wrote bove few words, redg which will enble you pceive my undstg mysty Christ. In form gentions this mysty ws not mde known humnkd, s it hs now been reveled his ho postles prophets by Spirit: tht is, Gentiles hve become fellow heirs, membs sme body, shrs promise Christ Jesus through gospel. Of this gospel I hve become svnt ccordg gift God s grce tht ws given me by workg his pow. Although I m vy lest ll sts, this grce ws given me brg Gentiles news boundless riches Christ, mke evyone see wht is pln mysty hidden for ges God who creted ll thgs; so tht through church wisdom God its rich vriety might now be mde known ruls uthorities heven plces. This ws ccordnce etnl purpose tht he hs crried out Christ Jesus Lord, whom we hve ccess God boldness confidence through fith him. Lecr People The Word Lord. Thnks be God. Hymn 127 Erth hs mny noble city Stuttgrt 1 Erth hs 2 Fir 3 Est n 4 S 5 Je cred sus, mn thn s gifts whom y ges no sun t mys Gen ble t his tic tiles ci morn cr men wor ty; g dle g: shiped Beth ws mke t lehem ob cense thy thou str l doth gld dost tht tions ir e ll ld rich God piph ex his dis cel: birth, rre; close, ny, 1 out 2 3 see 4 gold 5 un m e world give, Kg e, its Lord God deep kgs God from he ven n nounc g de vo tion, pro clim eth, F r cme seen gold myrrh his rule flesh frnk sep Spi his ul rit, Is form cense ch glo r on fore ry el. th. myrrh. shows. be.

7 The Ho Gospel Mtw 2:112 Gospel People The Ho Gospel Lord Jesus Christ ccordg Mtw. Glory you, Lord Christ. In time Kg Hod, ft Jesus ws born Bethlehem Jude, wise men from Est cme Juslem, skg, Whe is child who hs been born kg Jews? For we obsved his str t its risg, hve come py him homge. When Kg Hod hd this, he ws frightened, ll Juslem him; cllg g ll chief priests scribes people, he quired m whe Messih ws be born. They ld him, In Bethlehem Jude; for so it hs been written by prophet: And you, Bethlehem, l Judh, re by no mens lest mong ruls Judh; for from you shll come rul who is shephd my people Isrel. Then Hod secret clled for wise men lned from m exct time when str hd pped. Then he sent m Bethlehem, syg, Go sch diligent for child; when you hve found him, brg me word so tht I my lso go py him homge. When y hd hd kg, y set out; re, hed m, went str tht y hd seen t its risg, until it spped ov plce whe child ws. When y sw tht str hd spped, y we ovwhelmed joy. On entg house, y sw child Mry his mor; y knelt down pid him homge. Then, openg ir tresure chests, y fed him gifts gold, frnkcense, myrrh. And hvg been wrned drem not return Hod, y left for ir own country by nor rod. Gospel People The Gospel Lord. Prise you, Lord Christ. Smon The Nicene Creed The Revend Dr. Willim K. Dolen All St All We believe one God, Fr, Almighty, mk heven th, ll tht is, seen unseen. We believe one Lord, Jesus Christ, on Son God, etnl begotten Fr, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not mde, one Beg Fr. Through him ll thgs we mde. For us for slvtion he cme down from heven: by pow Ho Spirit he becme crnte from Virg Mry, ws mde mn. For ske he ws crucified und Pontius Pilte; he suffed deth ws buried. On third dy he rose g ccordnce Scriptures; he scended heven is seted t right h Fr. He will come g glory judge livg ded, his kgdom will hve no end. We believe Ho Spirit, Lord, giv life, who proceeds from Fr Son. With Fr Son he is worshiped glorified. He hs spoken through Prophets. We believe one ho ctholic poslic Church. We cknowledge one bptism for forgiveness ss. We look for resurrection ded, life world come. Amen.

8 The Prys People Kneelg, Led People pry responsive: Fr, we pry for y ho Ctholic Church; Tht we ll my be one. Grnt tht evy memb Church my tru humb sve you; Tht y Nme my be glorified by ll people. We pry for Michel Presidg Bishop, for Scott own Bishop, for clgy, George, John, Bill, for ll bishops, priests, decons; Tht y my be fithful mists y Word Scrments. We pry for Donld President, Nthn Henry govnors, ledship CSRA, ll who govn hold uthority ntions world; Tht re my be justice pece on th. Give us grce do y will ll tht we undtke; Tht works my fd fvor y sight. Hve compssion on those who suff from ny grief or trouble; Tht y my be delived from ir distress. We pry for ll those who re svg country, t home brod, especil Mrty Sullivn, Joe Wy, Dyln Lur, Joe Mrsh; Tht y my be strengned by dwellg y Ho Spirit. We pry for welfre congregtions Albny: St. John & St. Mrk s; St. Ptrick s; St. Pul s; compnion diocese Domicn Republic, we pry for St. Jmes Apostle Angel. We pry for specil needs concns this congregtion; especil for Ld Wred, Ed Fusselle, John Mrks, Vce Lmb, JoBe Sullivn, Cnte Jones, Lois H, Lynn Cdle, Alice Ss, Ry Smith, Dot Aiken, Jimmy Long, Keith Sunds, Leo Bugenske, Frnk De Pross, Denn Kitchens, Leil Hopks, Tmmy Grn, John Childress, Michelle Sullivn, Midgee Hzelriggs, Norm Hglund, Rog Wilmot, Henry Louttit, Lou Ldsey, Ptty Mill, Pige, Pul Brnn, Avy Neill, Curtis Johnson, Pul Brew, Jmes Yrborough, for ll those we rememb hts. The People f ir own prys, eir silent or loud. Give deprted etnl rest; Let light ppetul she upon m. We prise you for y sts who hve ented joy; My we lso come shre y heven kgdom. Offict Heven Fr, you hve promised h wht we sk Nme y Son: Accept fulfill petitions, we pry, not s we sk ignornce, nor s we desve sfulness, but s you know love us y Son Jesus Christ Lord. Amen.

9 The Confession Absolution Offict All Offict Let us confess ss gst God neighbor. Most mciful God, we confess tht we hve sned gst you thought, word, deed, by wht we hve done, by wht we hve left undone. We hve not loved you whole ht; we hve not loved neighbors s selves. We re tru sorry we humb repent. For ske y Son Jesus Christ, hve mcy on us forgive us; tht we my delight y will, wlk y wys, glory y Nme. Amen. Almighty God hve mcy on you, forgive you ll y ss through Lord Jesus Christ, strengn you ll goodness, by pow Ho Spirit keep you etnl life. Amen. The Pece Offict People The pece Lord be lwys you. And lso you. The Mists People greet one nor nme Lord. All St Prish Greetgs & Announcements The Revend John Jenks The Ho Communion The Offry Sentence Celebrnt The Offry Music In Vnle Tempore, from Pie Cntiones (1582) Arrnged by Anny Bldw O hill o vle Bob Hood, Soloist The St Pul s Choir O hill o vle come three kgs g, crg nought for snow hil, cold wd w; Now on Psi s sy pls, now whe Tigris swells rs, y ir cmels t: Now through Syr ls y go, now through Mob, ft slow, now o Edom s h. O hill o vle ech kg bs present: Wise men go child hil, monrchs seek pesnt: And str front proceeds, ov rocks rivs leds, shes bems cessnt: Thefore onwrd, onwrd, still! Ford strem climb hill: Love mkes ll thgs plesnt. He is God ye go meet: Thefore cense prf: He is kg ye go greet: gold is y cf: Also Mn, He comes shre evy woe tht mn cn b tempt, ril, scf: Thefore now, gst dy grve when Him y myrrh ye lso f. J. M. Nele Presenttion Hymn Prise God from whom ll blessgs flow Old 100th Prise God, from whom ll bles sgs flow; prise him, ll cre tures he be low; prise him bove, ye hev 'n host: prise F r, Son, Ho Ghost.

10 The Gret Thnksgivg Euchristic Pry B Celebrnt The Lord be you. People And lso you. Celebrnt Lift up y hts. People We lift m Lord. Celebrnt Let us give thnks Lord God. People It is right give him thnks prise. Celebrnt It is right, good joyful thg, lwys evywhe give thnks you, Fr Almighty, Cr heven th. Becuse mysty Word mde flesh, you hve cused new light she hts, give knowledge y glory fce y Son Jesus Christ Lord. Thefore we prise you, jog voices Angels Archngels ll compny heven, who for ev sg this hymn proclim glory y Nme: Snctus Benedictus S130 by Frnz Schubt Ho, ho, ho Lord, God pow might, Ho, ho, ho Lord, God pow might. he sn ven th re full, full y glo ry. Ho n high est, Ho sn n high est. Bles sn sed is he who comes nme Lord. Ho n high est. Ho sn n high est. Plese kneel s you re ble. Celebrnt We give thnks you, O God, for goodness love which you hve mde known us cretion; cllg Isrel be y people; y Word spoken through prophets; bove ll Word mde flesh, Jesus, y Son. For se lst dys you sent him be crnte from Virg Mry, be Svior Redeem world. In him, you hve delived us from evil, mde us worthy st before you. In him, you hve brought us out ror truth, out s righteousness, out deth life.

11 On night before he died for us, Lord Jesus Christ ok bred; when he hd given thnks you, he broke it, gve it his disciples, sid, Tke, et: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for remembrnce me. Aft supp he ok cup we; when he hd given thnks, he gve it m, sid, Drk this, ll you: This is my Blood new Covennt, which is shed for you for mny for forgiveness ss. Whenev you drk it, do this for remembrnce me. Thefore, ccordg his comm, O Fr, All We rememb his deth, We proclim his resurrection, We wit his comg glory; Celebrnt And we f scrifice prise thnksgivg you, O Lord ll; presentg you, from y cretion, this bred this we. We pry you, grcious God, send y Ho Spirit upon se gifts tht y my be Scrment Body Christ his Blood new Covennt. Unite us y Son his scrifice, tht we my be cceptble through him, beg snctified by Ho Spirit. In fullness time, put ll thgs subjection und y Christ, brg us tht heven country whe, St Pul ll y sts, we my ent evlstg hitge y sons dughts; through Jesus Christ Lord, firstborn ll cretion, hed Church, uthor slvtion. By him, him, him, unity Ho Spirit ll honor glory is ys, Almighty Fr, now for ev. Amen. Celebrnt And now, s Svior Christ hs tught us, we re bold sy, The Lord s Pry All Our Fr, who rt heven, hllowed be thy Nme, thy kgdom come, thy will be done, on th s it is heven. Give us this dy di bred. And forgive us trespsses, s we forgive those who trespss gst us. And led us not tempttion, but deliv us from evil. For the is kgdom, pow, glory, for ev ev. Amen. The Brekg Bred Invittion Celebrnt Allelui. Christ Pssov is scrificed for us; People Thefore let us keep fest. Allelui. Celebrnt This is tble, not Church, but Lord. It is mde redy for those who love him for those who wnt love him more. So, come, you who hve much fith you who hve little, you who hve been he ten you who hve not been he long, you who hve tried follow you who hve filed. Come, becuse it is Lord who vites you. It is his will tht those who wnt him should meet him he. Frction Anm S164 by Frnz Schubt Je sus, Lmb God: hve m cy on us. Je sus, b ss: hve m cy on us. Je sus, re deem, re deem world: give us y pece, give us y pece.

12 All who come fith re welcome receive Ho Communion. The Communion Music Orgn Voluntry Prelude on Pu nobis Pul O. Mnz, Jr. Srh Pritchrd, Music Associte Emit Hymn 124 Wht str is this, bems so bright Pu nobis 1 Wht str 2 True spke 3 The guid 4 O Je 5 To God 1 thn 2 rise 3 shes 4 on 5 veled 1 forth 2 3 pow'r 4 hts 5 Ghost is g sus, this, pro str while F noon J cl seek th phet r, dy cob's thy bems from bove str hev'n light? str; light, fce, night, so is It let bright, fr bright; grce Light, shes est leds not God more who im n m beu ld pels Christ, h s on sloth Ho be re we Kg, mze nign fuse rise up Gen on seek guid e tiles nce qul won Giv his drous thy un crib light ces ken g brg. gze. sign. use. prise. teous m us re ld ges ful Anm Old Scottish Crol, rrnged by Richrd Purvis Wht strngs re se? The Cntbury Choir Wht strngs re se tht w through wn? Hush, 'tis Joseph wy Mry. And wht does he seek so hopeless v? He is seekg shelt for Mry. For she is blest chosen Lord, who will b men good Kg. And who is this Kg whom ye proud sg? Know ye not Christ, Jesus Svior? Wht wee birn is this, tht mng lies? Hush, 'tis Jesus Christ, Son Mry. Sy, wht fir mid is this whose joy is mixed we? Oh, 'tis Mry, Ho Mor Jesus. Oh, se re shephds se Mgi Kgs who hve brought Him ir gifts gold myrrh. But why kneel y homge he before bbe? They dore ir Kg, Jesus, Svior. Who re se tht mrch from deth un life? These re y who love Jesus, Christ Child. And how do y triumph o gtes Hell? Through grce Him, Jesus Svior. He is born redeem sons God men, brg Pece, Joy, Love, Brorhood. Oh, whe shll I fd Him? Whe shll I seek? He is he now, Jesus, y Svior. The PostCommunion Pry Sid by ll, kneelg Etnl God, heven Fr, you hve grcious ccepted us s livg membs y Son Svior Jesus Christ, you hve fed us spiritul food Scrment his Body Blood. Send us now world pece, grnt us strength cge love sve you gldness sgleness ht; through Christ Lord. Amen.

13 The Blessg Celebrnt Hymn 117 Brightest best strs morng Morng Str 1 Bright 2 Cold 3 Shll 4 V 5 Bright dwn low o v dwn str n gems rich str est on we est on lies dors on gels his n we his by best cr yield best drk hed E gifts drk est, dore moun fr est, dle him, f ech ness, dom, would ness him t, is hor hor strs dew cost m strs his lend bests f lend i slum pls ht's i drops ple zon b zon re de o us fgs vor us morn sh vo bl morn re dor the di se the dorn cl o dorn g, g, tion, tion, g, id; stll; ve, cure, id; g, g, cen, tion, g, guide M myrrh d guide whe k from whe Mon for God fnt rch est, re fnt Re Re deem S gold prys deem vior from is is lid. ll. me? poor. lid. The Dismissl Celebrnt Go pece love sve Lord. People Thnks be God. Orgn Voluntry Tocct on We three Kgs Orient re Frnkl D. Ashdown Mr. Shf Flows on Altr The flows on ltr re given Glory God celebrtion 7th birthdy ir grdught, Abby Krist McQueen, by Mr. Mrs. Oren Trefz. They we rrnged by Flow Guild.

14 Prish Announcements 5:30 pm This Eveng Celtic Eveng Pry & Communion prys for Helg. Rob Fost is guest music. 1st SUNDAY OFFERING Y genous nonpledged fgs (csh designted checks) on first Sundy ech month support clgy s Discretionry Account. Frs. Muir Jenks use se funds meet urgent needs community, furr mistries church when or funds re not vilble, support community progrms stitutions tht sve those need. Let Good Times Roll! Pln come Mrdi Grs, Februry 10, 2018, 6:30 pm. Tickets, $50 p pson, will be for sle Nrx dy ft 11 m svice evy Sundy until event, church fice durg week, onle t Plese emil Kthy Enicks t or cll h t (484) ny uction items or ides. Due College Footbll Ntionl Chmpionship Pub Theology will not meet Jnury. Mrk y clendrs for Februry 12, 7 pm t Pizz Jot downwn August! Jo vried group young(ish) dults explore some big questions round meng, purpose, God. We hope grow undstg selves God s we gr g ov drks (wh coke or le). We welcome ll fiths, but especil focus on Christ pspective formed by Episcopl trdition. For more formtion plese emil Rnie t Tuesdy s Music Live, 30th seson contues Tuesdy, Jnury 9, free conct by The Chrlesnes t 12 noon. Lunch, cted by It s Officil, is vilble ft conct by dvnce resvtion. The cost is $12 p pson. The full schedule cludg lunch menus is vilble t Jo us for month fellowship dn, Wednesdy, Jnury 10, 67 pm, Tyl Hll. On menu: vegetble beef soup, pot soup, cornbred, green sld, desst. $5 p pson; $15 mx p fmi. A resvtion is not required; howev, if you know you pln ttend, plese RSVP Todd Shf t Confirmtion for 9th 10th grds begs next Sundy, Jnury 14, 9:30 m Confence Room. Best b fst Bojngles hs f! Plese emil Rnie confirm prticiption receive schedule for semest t Formtion for 6th8th Grdes will resume Youth Room Jnury 14. Brekfst like lwys! For more formtion, plese emil Rnie t Next Sundy is Birthdy Sundy. Jo us durg Cfee Convstion (10:30 10:45 m) Tyl Hll. ALL re vited brief but joyful celebrtion for ll whose birthdys fll Jnury. EYC (Episcopl Youth Community, grdes 612) resumes Jnury 14, Dn Movie out on wn. Emil Rnie for more formtion on EYC 2018 sprg schedule t St Pul s YP Month Grg, Jnury 21, 7 pm Cllg ll 2030somethg young pressionls, grd students, wywrd souls for month grg t Bee s Knees for drks convstion followg Celtic Svice. (Celtic Svice ttendnce is not qulifi!) For more formtion, emil Rnie t The 268th nnul prish meetg brunch will be held Sundy, Jnury 28, followg 11 m svice. Detils will follow. Plese mrk y clendrs.

15 Sundy, Februry 11 is n open Sundy for ltr flows. This is on open Sundy prior Est. If nyone would kd like sponsor this Sundy honor or memory someone or mny someones plese contct prish fice. The norml chrge is mimum $100. Wht love wy rememb or honor someone contribute Flow Guild t sme time. For more formtion or quire bout nor dte 2018, plese contct prish fice t From time time we will be plcg pictures prish events on website, Week Postgs emil, on socil medi. We will not identify ny pson or psons picture out ir pmission. If you would pref tht we not use y picture or those y fmi, plese contct prish fice t (706) or The St Pul s Choir needs bsses. Could this be y contribution worship? Plese contct Direcr Music, Keith Shf, let him know y test. Rehsls re Wednesdy evengs from 78:30 PM Sundy morngs t 10 AM. Need nme tg? Nme tgs llow us get know ech or be welcomg community ll. If you need nme tg or hve just misplced ys, emil prish fice or sk n ush for yellow form request nme tg. St Pul s Church communictes by week Enewslett. Jo emil list by contctg prish dmistrr, Elisbeth Price, t or scn QR on bck this bullet. Svg Tody The Revend John W. A. Jenks The Revend Dr. Willim K. Dolen Todd Shf Mry Pt, Ken Smith, Cmon Nixon Ann Ewell, John Clemens, Cobbs Nixon John Joseph Sch, Cmpbell Hrison, Kennedy Horn, Willim Sch Sen Henson, Mden Heckthorn, Sumn Dniel, Timothy Price, Dvis Rtcliffe Sy Hskell, Chrlie Enicks, Bill Clrk, Bobby Wright Jenie Myson, Kthleen Ficklg, Cre Stuckey, Jen Wright Wright Montgomy Pm Uros Celebrnt Offict & Prech Vg Lecrs Euchristic Mists Acotes Ushs Altr Guild Audio/Visul Tem Vestry Pson Dy

16 Sundy Schedule 8:00 8:45 m Ho Euchrist Rite I 8:45 9:30 m Contentl Brekfst Tyl Hll 9:30 10:30 m Christ Formtion Clsses for ALL Ages 10:30 10:45 m Cfee & Convstion Tyl Hll 11:00 m 12:00 pm Ho Euchrist Rite II Followg 11:00 m Svice Lemonde on Lwn 5:00 6:30 pm EYC (Episcopl Youth Community, Grdes 612) 5:30 6:15 pm Celtic Eveng Pry & Communion prys for helg Nursy cre fed Children s Mistry Cent (CMC) 9:00 m 12:30 pm. The 11 m svice is brodcst on WGAC 580 AM Rdio 95.1 FM Rdio. Listen live onle t Vestry & Offics Brd Sbch, Sr. Wrden Leslie Lmbt, Jr. Wrden Ann Ewell, Tresur Tm Expires 2018 Tm Expires 2019 Tm Expires 2020 Bryn Hwks Cre Bordmn Nncy Ccy Cliborne Porubsky Chrlie Enicks Allen Hrison Wright Montgomy John Robtson Pmel Uros Committee Chirs Altr Guild Cre Stuckey Acotes Todd Shf Birthdy Sundys Peggy Bk & Nncy Trefz Buildgs Grounds Dick Mnng Children, Youth, Fmilies Todd Shf Cretion Cre Bryn Hltmnn Endowment & Fnce Monty Osteen Evngelism trnsition Fcebook Ldsey Pt Flow Guild Pmel DormeyUros & Clt Crroll Hisry Susn Yrborough Hospitlity Anit Tnn Intior Ovsight Mt Nixon Len Guild Mt Nixon Lecrs & Euchristic Mists Cron Dolen Nursy Guild Lur Robtson Outrech Anit Tnn & Mr Gru Prish Life trnsition Ushs Rex Teeslk Clgy Stff The Revend George Muir, Recr ext. 211 The Revend John Jenks, Assistnt Recr ext. 205 Keith Shf, Direcr Music ext. 215 Rnie Neislr, Coordr Youth Mistries ext. 206 Mry Jckson, Fcility Mng ext. 203 Medith Bech, Prish Accountnt ext. 204 Elisbeth Price, Prish Admistrr ext. 225 Vicri Hmmond Nikki Wickwre, St. Nichols Choir Srh Pritchrd, Music Associte Emit Hillry Brynt, Greg Mxie, Trl Edge, Sexns Howrd Lovett, Direcr Audio Visul Svices Visit website St Pul's Church is prish Episcopl Diocese Georgi. The Church is open for pry di 9 m 3 pm, Mondy Thursdy, & 9 m 12 pm, Fridy. The Church Office Prish House re closed Sturdys s well s Sundy ftnoons. Tel: Jo Our Emil List



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