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2 This morng s text, Reveltion 14:620, concludes section tht begn Reveltion 12:1 which ws yet nor description hisry world. This time, s we ve seen, vntge pot hs been persecution God s people between sus s first second comgs: unholy trity drgon, best, flse prophet use ll ir powers persecute conquer God s people. But this section lets us know tht y won t get wy with it. Judgment is comg it is cert sure. And tht nnouncement ccomplishment dive judgment through Son Mn, Judge World, is good news, especilly for those who hve trusted him. Evil will be delt with end. Our service this morng focuses on Christ s gret Kg who judges world, but who lso hs mde wy escpe from his wrth through his cross. As we sg pry, her God s Word respond with trust hope, we fd tht sus his cross become ll tht we need prepre st on tht fl judgment dy. Welcome ndependent Presbyterin Church! As fellowship believers, we like know ll who re worshippg with us dy, so plese fill out Friendship Pd pss it down isle. f you re visir, thnk you for jog us. Any questions bout our church? We encourge you sk member on your isle, n usher, or mister for help. They cn nswer your questions or ssist you fdg someone who cn. More opportunities for techg fellowship t PC re listed bck this bullet. Visirs terested jog PC re vited ttend our Pthwy Clss for Prospective Members. For more formtion or register, plese contct Mureen Odim, modim@ipcmemphis.org, or (901) Our Sundy morng Worship Services re shown vi live strem Chpel for fmilies with bbies/young children, ltecomers, or ny or reson you might be more comfortble re. Additionlly, fullystffed nursery is vilble durg ll services. We lso live strem our 8:30 11:00 services t ipcmemphis.org. Plese note: lk will be ctive only on Sundy morng. n ddition, udio recordgs this morng s sermon re vilble booksre immeditely followg 8:30 worship service, or durg followg week on our website. Plese see n usher if you need herg mplifiction device. 1 PLEASE ENJOY YOUR COFFEE OUTSDE OF THE SANCTUARY.

3 The Lord s Dy Worship The Eighth Dy Ocber, Two Thous Seventeen EightThirty Eleven O clock Splendor mjesty re before him; strength glory re his snctury. Ascribe Lord glory strength. Ascribe Lord glory due his nme. Worship Lord splendor his holess. Pslm 96:69 The Welcome Announcements The Medittion The Church s One Foundtion Burkhrdt nnifer Velázquez, Orgnist The Cll Worship bsed on Pslm 75 The Mister: The Congregtion: The Mister: The Congregtion: The Mister Congregtion: We give thnks you, O God; we give thnks, for your nme is ner. We recount your wondrous deeds. We give thnks tht you hve sid, At set time tht ppot will judge world with equity. t is God who executes judgment, puttg down one liftg up nor. n h Lord re is cup with fomg we, well mixed, he pours out from it, ll wicked erth shll dr it down dregs. But we bless you tht for ll those who trusted sus Christ, he drnk tht cup wrth for us on Cross! And so, we declre it ger, We will sg prises God Jcob! Amen! Let us worship God! The Reverend Brd Robson, Assistnt Psr (8:30.m.) The Reverend Smuel Husb, Assistnt Psr (11:00.m.) 2

4 The Processionl Hymn Worship Christ, Risen Kg! No. 286 The Pryer Adortion The Ascription Prise Duke Street Eternl re your mercies, Lord; eternl truth ttends your word. Your prise shll sound from shore shore till suns shll rise set no more. Plese sign pss Friendship Pd t this time. The Pression Fith Jckson Townes Billups (8:30.m.) The Corporte Confession S Almighty merciful Fr, we hve erred stryed from your wys like lost sheep; we hve followed o much devices desires our own herts; we hve fended gst your holy lws; we hve left undone those thgs which we ought hve done, we hve done those thgs which we ought not hve done. But you, O Lord, hve mercy upon us, spre those who confess ir ss, resre those who re penitent, ccordg your promises declred un us Christ sus our Lord; grnt, O most merciful Fr, for his ske, tht we my herefter live godly, righteous, sober life glory your holy Nme, Amen. The Assurnce Prdon Our confession s is rooted confidence onceforll scrifice sus for ll our s sng. God s Word sys, When Christ hd fered for ll time sgle scrifice for ss, he st down t right h God, witg from tht time until his enemies should be mde footsol for his feet. For by sgle ferg he hs perfected for ll time those who re beg snctified. Thnks be God tht Christ hs regrded our helpless estte gve himself for ll our ss! Hebrews 10:1214 3

5 The Hymn Suppliction Abide with Me Melnie Hrrison Howle, Luren Lnce McGee, Qurtet Henry Lyte, 1847 Just Smith ensemble ll ll ll 1. A Hold bide with need fer no thou me; pres ence, foe, cross, fst flls ev ery with e t be fore e pss h clos ven g g tide; hour, bless; eyes; drk ness deep wht but grce, ills hve no weight, she through gloom, ens; cn Lord with foil ters lose ir pot me me temp bit ter's bide. power? ter ness. skies. When Who, Where Hev'n's oth like is morn er g help self, stg breks, ers, deth? Where guide fil grve erth's v com sty vic shd forts cn ows flee, be? ry? flee; help help less, Through cloud sun she, tri umph still, n life, deth, Lord, bide bide bide bide with with with with me. me. me. me. Children (56 yers old) my be dismissed ir worship leder on lst verse. 4

6 The Sttement Fith Westmster Lrger Ctechism Q A 8990 Question Answer 89 The Mister: Wht shll be done wicked t dy judgment? The Congregtion: At dy judgment, wicked shll be set on Christ s left h,, upon cler evidence, full convic ir own consciences, shll hve ferful but just sentence condemntion pronounced gst m; reupon shll be cst out from fvorble presence God, glorious fellowship with Christ, his sts, ll his holy ngels, hell, be punished with unspekble rments, both body soul, with devil his ngels forever. Question Answer 90 The Mister: Wht shll be done righteous t dy judgment? The Congregtion: At dy judgment, righteous, beg cught up Christ clouds, shll be set on his right h, re openly cknowledged cquitted, shll jo with him judgg reprobte ngels men, shll be received heven, where y shll be fully forever freed from ll s misery; filled with conceivble joys, mde perfectly holy hppy both body soul, compny numerble sts holy ngels, but especilly immedite vision fruition God Fr, our Lord sus Christ, Holy Spirit, ll eternity. And this is perfect full communion, which members visible church shll enjoy with Christ glory, t resurrection dy judgment. The Pryer ntercession The Lord s Pryer Our Fr, who rt heven, Hllowed be nme. Thy kgdom come. Thy will be done on erth, s it is heven. Give us this dy our dily bred. And forgive us our debts, s we forgive our debrs. And led us not tempttion, but deliver us from evil: For the is kgdom, power, glory, forever. Amen. 5

7 The Offerry Sg Prise God rr. Pfutsch Hrrison Howle, Direcr Sg prise God who reigns bove, The God ll cretion, The God power, The God love, The God our slvtion. With helg blm soul he fills And every fithless murmur stills. To God ll prise glory. Wht God s lmighty power hth mde his grcious mercy keepeth. By morng glow or eveng shde his wtchful eye never sleepeth. With kgdom his might, Lo, ll is just ll is right. The Lord is never fr wy, But, through ll grief distressg, An ever present help sty, Our pece joy blessg. As with mor s tender h he leds his own, his chosen b. Thus ll ilsome wy long shll sg loud prises, Tht men my her grteful song My unweried voice now rises. Be joyful Lord, O hert; Both soul body ber your prt. The Sermon 1. Announced (613) A. For sners (611) Reveltion 14:620 (pew Bible pges 1036) Judgment's Comg Dr. Sen Michel Lucs Senior Psr Sermon Notes B. For sts (1213) 2. Accomplished (1420) A. Cert B. Seprtion 6

8 The Hymn Response Christ, All My Hopes Ground No. 518 The Benediction The Response Choir Congregtion O grce how gret debr dily m constred be; Let tht grce now, like fetter, bd w rg hert e. Prone wer Lord, feel it prone leve God love: Here s hert, O tke sel it, sel it for courts bove. Nettlen The Postlude Now Thnk We All Our God rr. Behnke 7

9 Eveng Prise The Eighth Dy Ocber, Two Thous Seventeen Six O clock Cll Worship Pslm 95:17 The Mister: The Congregtion: The Mister: The Congregtion: Come, let us sg for joy Lord; let us shout loud Rock our slvtion. Let us come before him with thnksgivg exl him with music song. For Lord is gret God, gret Kg bove ll gods. n his hs re depths erth, mount peks belong him. The se is his, for he mde it, his hs formed dry l. The Mister: The Mister Congregtion: Come, let us bow down worship, let us kneel before Lord our Mker; For he is our God we re people his psture, flock under his cre! nvoction 8

10 9 Song Prise Come Words: Willim T. Sleeper, 1887 Music: Greg Thompson 1. Out 2. Out 3. Out 4. Out un bond shme rest fer ge, ful sor fil r dred row ure ro gnt night, loss, pride, mb, come; come; come; come; come. come. come. come. n n n n free glor bless joy dom, ious ed will g gld light ness, light cross, bide, home, come come come come e, e. e. e. Out Out Out Out erth's sick sor self depths ness, rows, dwell ru un helth, blm, love, ld, out out out life's des srms wnt pir pece g rp shel tures ter g welth, clm, bove, fold, out up ev out wrd er dis for s tress ev glo er on rious ju wgs fce bi like lnt be self, pslm, dove, hold, come come come come e. e. e. e.

11 Song Prise Wonderful, Merciful Svior Rodgers Wyse 1. Won der 2. Coun se ful, lor, 3. Al might y, mer ci Com fort f ful er, ite Sv Keep F ior, er r Pre Spir fith cious it ful Re we ly dee mer long em lov g your Friend; who brce; you own; here would hve fer our thought tht hope when wek ness our you Lmb herts fd could hve us res hope fll cue less g ly be souls lost fore your men. wy. throne. Oh, Oh, Oh, you we we're res hope fll cue less g ly be souls lost fore your men. wy. throne. You re one tht we prise, you re one we dore. You give helg grce our herts lwys hun ger for, Oh, our herts l wys hun ger for. Pssg Pece The Mister: The Congregtion: The Mister: sus sid, Pece leve with you; pece give you. And so, pece Christ lwys be with you. And lso with you. Let us fer one nor word pece. Plese greet one nor, syg Pece be with you. 10

12 Song Prise My Cross Hve Tken Words: Henry F. Lyte, 1824, 1833 Music: Bill Moore 1. cross 2. Let world de spise 3. Go, n erth ly fme 4. Hste e on from grce hve tk en, leve me, tres ure, glo ry, ll y come, rmed hve dis by leve left s ter, fith fol Sv scorn, wged low ior, by e; o; p; pryer; n hu ked, poor, mn herts de ser vice heven's e ter nl spised, looks p dy's for de is be sk ceive ples fore en, me; ure, e, thou from hence thou rt not like with f vor, God's own h shll ll m loss guide shlt un is e be. true. g. re. Per Oh, Soon ish ev ery while thou dost hve clled e, shll close fond smile "Ab erth m bi tion, up on me, b, F r," ly mis sion, ll 've sought or God wis dom, hve styed soon shll pss hoped or known. love might. hert on e. pil grim dys. Yet Foes Srms Hope how my my shll rich hte howl chnge is friends clouds gld con dis my fru di own gth i tion, me, er, tion, God show ll fith heven fce must work sight re for still ll good pryer is own. bright. me. prise. 11

13 Song Prise The Power Cross Words music by Getty/Townend 1. Oh, 2. Oh, 3. Now 4. Oh, see see dy see dwn p light flees; nme writ now writ drk est ten on your ground be ten dy: fce, neth wounds, Christ on ber g qukes s for through its your rod we M suff some ker 'rg Cl weight bows v ry. s. his hed. m free. Tried Ev' Cur Deth by s ry bit t rn is crushed ful ter men, thought, two, deth; rn ev' ded life bet ry e re rised is me en, vil n deed life; live, niled cross crown g your blood "F ished!" vic won through your self sted wood. brow. t'ry cry. less love! This, This, This, This, pow'r pow'r pow'r pow'r cross: cross: cross: cross: Christ Christ Christ Son be cme be cme be cme God, s s s sl for for for for us; us; us; us; ok ok ok wht blme, blme, blme, love! bore bore bore Wht wrth wrth wrth cost! we st we st we st We st for giv for giv for giv for giv en en en en t t t t cross. cross. cross. cross. Children (K5 th ) my be dismissed Four Corners durg lst verse. 12

14 Grce Moment Mr. Json Dlls Song Preprtion How Deep Fr's Love for Us Sturt Townend 1. How deep 2. Be hold 3. will not F Mn bost r's up love for us, how on cross, n y thg: no vst s gifts, be up no yond ll on his pow r, no mes shoul wis ure ders dom, tht but he shmed should will give her bost his on ly mock sus g Son voice Christ: cll his mke out deth wretch mong res his ur tres sc rec ure. fers. How t tion. Why gret ws should p s g tht from ser held His g Him re loss. re wrd? The un F til cn r it not turns ws give his c n fce com n wy s plished. His swer. But wounds which mr dy g breth this know hs with Cho brought ll sen me One, life. hert: brg his 13 mn know wounds y sons tht it hve pid is glo f rn ry. ished. som.

15 Scripture Redg Song Songs 2:83:5 (pew Bible pge 561) Homily Frustrtions Dr. Sen Michel Lucs Senior Psr 14

16 15 CCL # The Benediction Song Prise The Ss Time re Skg Anne R. Cous, 1857 Music: Philip Plmertree 2. O 4. O 1. The 3. The Christ, bride ss he eyes m time is not re her be foun sk gr lov g, t, ment, ed's, but her deep, dwn sweet der be hev well bride loved groom's en is love. fce. me! breks, The He sum will strems brgs mer on not gze poor, erth morn 've 've t vile tst glo s sighed for, ed ry, ner more but fir, on deep sweet 'll his morn drk Kg house wkes. bove. Grce. we. Not Drk, There drk t st hd n up been o crown on cen he his mid full giv mer night, ness eth, it, but his but on dy mer know sprg cy his no is oth doth pierc t ex ed er st. h. p. h. And And Not The glo glo e'en Lmb ry, ry, where is ll glo glo glo ry ry ry dwell dwell dwell glo eth eth eth ry Em Em Em Em mn mn mn mn u u u u el's el's el's el's l. l. l. l.

17 The Flowers The flowers Snctury re given glory God memory ff Simpson, beloved husb Mry Simpson. New Members We welcome our newest members: Mr. Mrs. Hrry Beverly Adms Mr. Mrs. Andrew Kim Dfferner Mr. Todd Doyle Mr. Mrs. Andrew Keely Forsdick Mr. Rick Smith Mr. Mrs. Rusty Cyndee Vollmer Deths Our symp Angie Burnett Pige Griff on deth ir mor, Crolyn Richrdson, on Ocber 3, Our Church Tody Ocber 8 8:30.m.... Worship Service 8:30.m.... Children's Church (Kdergrten) 9:45.m.... Sundy School 11:00.m.... Worship Service 11:00.m.... Children's Church (Kdergrten) 4:00 p.m.... Sundy Eveng Prise Rehersl 5:00 p.m.... Sr. High Choir Rehersl 6:00 p.m....sundy Eveng Prise Snctury 6:30 p.m.... Children migrte Four Corners from Sundy Eveng Prise 7:00 p.m...food Trucks Courtyrd by plyground TONGHT: SUNDAY EVENNG PRASE FOOD TRUCKS Jo us Snctury night t 6:00 p.m., for our Sundy Eveng Prise service. Afterwrd, we will gr courtyrd next outdoor plyground for fellowship food! Enjoy tcos corn from El Mero Tco Truck, s well s ice crem from The Drem Mche. (Food prices rnge from pproximtely $3.00$5.00) n cse r, we will gr lobby. 16

18 Sundy School 9:4510:45 Nursery & Preschool First floor, rooms divided by ge Kdergrten Room st grde Room 216 2nd grde Room 215 3rd grde Room 217 4th grde Room 201 5th grde Room 204 Junior High Room 155 Senior High Room s Community Smuel Husb Room s Community Prker Tenent Fellowship Hll South 40s Community re Jones Fellowship Hll North 50s Community Ed Norn Chpel 60s+ Community Mike Mlone Room 237 The Westmster Clss Jurey Howrd Ry Wilson Room 233 Le by Le Clss Rnk Fowlkes Room 132 Our Church Wednesdy Ocber 11 5:30 p.m.... Dner, Fellowship Hll 5:30 p.m.... Jr. High Choir Rehersl (Grdes 68) 6:00 p.m.... Divorce Cre (Room 233) 6:30 p.m.... On Beg Presbyterin, Fellowship Hll Dr. Sen Lucs 6:30 p.m.... Grce Groups Smll Groups 6:30 p.m.... Preschool Children s Choirs Rehersls 6:30 p.m.... Christ Action (C..A.) Romper Room 6:30 p.m....jr. High Youth Group 7:15 p.m....sr. High Youth Group 7:30 p.m....adult Choir Rehersl WEDNESDAY NGHTS N THE FALL Dr. Sen Lucs is techg from his widelyused book, On Beg Presbyterin: Our Beliefs, Prctices, Sries. You cn jo lrger group t 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hll where Sen is spekg, or follow study with smll group. Come t 5:30 for dner. This Wednesdy s menu: Metlof with red suce, Blckeyed pes, Turnip greens, Cornbred, Homemde pple crisp with ice crem, Sugr cookies Kid s box: Chicken slider 17

19 Upcomg Events Pthwy Clss for Prospective Members Sundy, Ocber 22, 29, November 5, :45.m. Reformtion Second Presbyterin Church Sundy, Ocber 29 6:00 p.m. Reformtion Dy Luncheon Tuesdy, Ocber 31 11:45.m. PC Fellowship Hll Outrech & Mistries PASTOR S LETTER ENEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS Do you receive weekly letter from Dr. Sen Lucs? Or our PC Enews? Every Thursdy, Dr. Lucs emils letter congregtion encourgg us s followers sus shrg his sights on rnge pics. Ech Tuesdy, we send out PC Enews with importnt nnouncements. f you would like receive se, plese contct Cdy Howell, chowell@ipcmemphis.org. PATHWAY CLASS FOR PROSPECTVE MEMBERS f you re terested becomg member PC wnt know more bout wht we believe, jo us this fll for our next Pthwy Clss. Dr. Sen Lucs will tech clss durg Sundy school, Ocber 22 29, November 5, Cll or emil Mureen Odim register: (901) or modim@ipcmemphis.org. You my wnt purchse book On Beg Presbyterin by Dr. Sen Lucs, vilble t our booksre, but book is not mry for clss. DVORCECARE f you know someone who is experiencg crisis divorce, plese recommend PC's DivorceCre support group. DivorceCre is n outrech mistry providg Christin resources for helg, recovery, support, wrm encourgg environment. PC's DivorceCre meets on Wednesdy evengs Room 233 t 6:00 p.m. PRAYER MNSTRY Men's Pryer Brekfst Fellowship Hll Tuesdys 6:30.m. Come jo group men who meet fithfully for time pryer Fellowship Hll. Enjoy good, hot brekfst for $3.00. Women's Pryer Time Room 237 Tuesdys 9:00.m. 18

20 PASTORAL STAFF Dr. Sen Michel Lucs Senior Psr Rev. Edwrd Norn Associte Psr Rev. Smuel Husb Assistnt Psr Rev. re Jones Assistnt Psr Rev. Mike Mlone Assistnt Psr Rev. Brd Robson Psr Student Mistries Rev. Prker Tenent Assistnt Psr Rev. Ford S. Willims, Jr. Psrl Associte Rev. Bill Hogn Psr Emeritus MNSTRY STAFF Jmes A. Brown, Jr. Direcr Music Worship Pm Brown Direcr Children s Choirs Hnnh Cllwy Assistnt Direcr Junior High Mistry Gwen Crpenter Food Services Mnger Ben Erv Audio Visul Coordr Mry Virgi Felker Assistnt Direcr Senior High Mistry Stephen Felker nterim Direcr Student Mistries Leigh Fox Hospitlity Consultnt Lucy Green Direcr Children s Mistry Rob Howrd Direcr Recretion Mistries Debbie McCllen Covennters Corner Booksre Lis Turner Direcr Women s Mistry nnifer Velázquez Music Mistry Associte Orgnist Suellen Wrren Busess Admistrr Rchel Wuksch Assistnt Direcr Children s Mistry PC OFFCE HOURS MondyThursdy 8:30.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:30.m. 4:00 p.m. Fridy Church s M Office Music Office Recretion Office COVENANTERS CORNER BOOKSTORE HOURS Mondy, Tuesdy, Thursdy: 9:00.m. 5:00 p.m. Wednesdy: 9:00.m. 6:30 p.m. Fridy: 9:00.m. 4:00 p.m. Sundy: 9:30.m. 11:00.m MSSON STATEMENT The mission ndependent Presbyterin Church is mke disciples sus by grg for worship, growg community, gog out Wlnut Grove Rod Memphis, Tennessee


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