First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday May 27, 2018, at Eleven o clock in the Morning

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1 First Sundy fter Pentecost: Trity Sundy My 27, 2018, t Eleven o clock Morng We re gld you re here. No mtter w you re, no mtter where you come from, nd no mtter where you re on journey life you re welcome this church. We vite you to prticipte our worship service, or simp observe, s you wish. We pe you will fd St Pul s to be plce refreshment nd renewl, where you experience presence risen Christ. We hve been servg Christ this loction for over two hundred sixty yers. The monuments our church nd grves our churchyrd reflect conflicts nd complexities our ntion s nd our city s history. While our buildg is old nd beutiful, our mission is contemporry nd forwrd movg. Here you will fd people very much connected with questions nd struggles modern life nd fith nd followg wy Jesus. We re community clled to serve tse need our city, our ntion, nd round world. Here you will fd mistries with nd for children, youth, prents, seniors, sgles, nd fmilies ll configurtions nd stges life. We vite you to shre your contct formtion on visitor s crd, locted ech pew. Hnd it to one our clergy, n usher, or plce it ferg plte.

2 To ll our Visitors & Guests About Worship If liturgy (worship) Episcopl Church is unfmilir, n we pe you will fd this formtion helpful. You re welcome Episcopl Church, nd so first nd best resource we fer re your neighbors pews. Just sy, I m visitg, nd y will gld help. The worship Episcopl Church is rooted prctices ncient Christity. The structure our services, rchitecture our buildg, music, our physicl postures nd prticiptory responses ALL ld rich meng bout our beliefs nd re tentionl expressions our reltionship with God. In this bullet you will fd: Responses spoken by people re prted bold itlics. Directions for people re prted itlics. We encourge fmilies with children to sit t front Nve so tht children cn esi see nd her liturgy. Children s bullets for reders nd prereders re vilble from ushers. Episcopls customri pry eir stndg or kneelg, so plese do wht you fd most comfortble. Notify n usher if you require n ssisted listeng device or ny or ssistnce. Restrooms re locted prish hll. An usher will direct you. About Receivg Ho Communion ALL w come fith re vited to receive Ho Communion t St Pul s. Durg communion, people form two srt les center isle t steps. After receivg bred nd we or blessg t ltr ril, plese exit through door to left ltr nd return to your pew vi side isles. For tse w my prefer not to receive communion t m ltr, communion sttion is provided on m floor to right center isle. If you re unble to receive t eir sttion, clergy will brg bred nd we to your pew. Plese notify n usher before service begs. To receive blessg t ltr ril witut receivg Communion, cross your rms over your chest, plms on your collr, until person on your left hs received both bred nd we. If your children re nursery, you re vited to brg m to receive Ho Communion or blessg.

3 Celebrtion The Ho Euchrist: Rite Two The Word God Orgn Voluntry Music bsed on Nice Mr. Shfer Chrles Cllhn nd Michel Burkhrdt At Procession, Hymn 362 Ho! Nice 1 Ho 2 Ho 3 Ho 4 Ho!!!! Lord All Tugh Lord God sts drk God Al ness Al might dore hide might y! e, e, y! Er cst tugh All g down s works ir ful shll morn gold hu prise g our crowns eye Nme, en mn song round glo erth, shll ry nd rise glss my sky, to y not nd e: se; see, se; Ho cher on Ho u bim tu nd rt ser! phim ;! Mer fll re Mer ci g is ci ful down none ful nd be be nd might fore side might y, e, e, y, God which per God wert, fect three nd three Per rt, power, Per sons, nd sons, bless ev love, bless ed er nd ed Tr more pu Tr i shlt ri i ty. be. ty. ty. The Openg Acclmtion Celebrnt Blessed be God: Fr, Son, nd Ho Spirit. People And blessed be his kgdom, now nd for ever. Amen. The Collect for Purity Celebrnt Almighty God, to you ll herts re open, ll desires known, nd from you no secrets re hid: Clense tughts our herts by spirtion your Ho Spirit, tht we my perfect love you, nd worthi mgnify your Nme; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

4 Glori excelsis Deo S280, by Robert Powell Glo ry to God high est, nd pece to his peo ple on erth. Lord God, he v'n Kg, l might y God nd F r, we wor ship you, we give you thnks, we prise you for your glo ry. Lord Je sus Christ, on Son F r, Lord God, Lmb God, you tke wy s world: hve mer cy on us; you re set ed t right hnd F r: re ceive our pryer. For you lone re Ho One, you lone re Lord, you lone re Most High, Je sus Christ, with Ho Spi rit, glo ry God F r. A men. The Collect Dy Celebrnt The Lord be with you. People And lso with you. Celebrnt Let us pry. Almighty nd everlstg God, you hve given to us your servnts grce, by confession true fith, to cknowledge glory eternl Trity, nd power your dive Mjesty to worship Unity: Keep us stedfst this fith nd worship, nd brg us t lst to see you your one nd eternl glory, O Fr; w with Son nd Ho Spirit live nd reign, one God, for ever nd ever. Amen.

5 The First Lesson Isih 6:18 In yer tht Kg Uzzih died, I sw Lord sittg on throne, high nd lty; nd hem his robe filled temple. Serphs were ttendnce bove him; ech hd six wgs: with two y covered ir fces, nd with two y covered ir feet, nd with two y flew. And one clled to nor nd sid: Ho is Lord sts; wle erth is full his glory. The pivots on threslds sok t voices tse w clled, nd use filled with smoke. And I sid: Woe is me! I m lost, for I m mn unclen lips, nd I live mong people unclen lips; yet my eyes hve seen Kg, Lord sts! Then one serphs flew to me, ldg live col tht hd been tken from ltr with pir tongs. The serph touched my mouth with it nd sid: Now tht this hs touched your lips, your guilt hs deprted nd your s is blotted out. Then I herd voice Lord syg, Wm shll I send, nd w will go for us? And I sid, Here m I; send me! Lector People The Word Lord. Thnks be to God. Pslm 29 Red responsive by wle verse 1 Ascribe to Lord, you gods, * scribe to Lord glory nd strength. 2 Ascribe to Lord glory due his Nme; * worship Lord beuty less. 3 The voice Lord is upon wters; God glory thunders; * Lord is upon mighty wters. 4 The voice Lord is powerful voice; * voice Lord is voice splendor. 5 The voice Lord breks cedr trees; * Lord breks cedrs Lebnon; 6 He mkes Lebnon skip like clf, * nd Mount Hermon like young wild ox. 7 The voice Lord splits flmes fire; voice Lord shkes wilderness; * Lord shkes wilderness Kdesh. 8 The voice Lord mkes ok trees wri * nd strips forests bre. 9 And temple Lord * ll re cryg, Glory! 10 The Lord sits enthroned bove flood; * Lord sits enthroned s Kg for evermore.

6 11 The Lord shll give strength to his people; * Lord shll give his people blessg pece. The Second Lesson Romns 8:1217 So n, brors nd sisters, we re debtors, not to flesh, to live ccordg to flesh for if you live ccordg to flesh, you will die; but if by Spirit you put to deth deeds body, you will live. For ll w re led by Spirit God re children God. For you did not receive spirit slvery to fll bck to fer, but you hve received spirit doption. When we cry, Abb! Fr! it is tht very Spirit berg witness with our spirit tht we re children God, nd if children, n heirs, heirs God nd jot heirs with Christ if, fct, we suffer with him so tht we my lso be glorified with him. Lector People The Word Lord. Thnks be to God. Hymn 366 Ho God, we prise Nme Grosser Gott 1 Ho 2 Hrk, 3 Lo, 4 Ho God loud F we ce po r, prise les sto til lic Nme, hymn tr Son, Lord n jo, Ho gel ll, cirs s Spi we cred rit, bow bove Nme Three be re to we fore e; ris hl nme g; low; e, ll cher pro while on u phets erth bim swell es nd sence scep ser loud on ter re clim, phim, fr, One, ll nd un un di hev'n ces white vid bove g c robed mr ed God rus tyrs we dore pris e; g, fol clim low; e; fill nd, n, fi nite hev'ns from morn dor with vst sweet set till g, bend do c m, cord: sun, knee ev through nd er con lst Church fess g is song mys goes ter reign. Lord! on. y.

7 The Ho Gospel John 3:117 Gospeler People The Ho Gospel our Lord Jesus Christ ccordg to John. Glory to you, Lord Christ. There ws Phrisee nmed Nicodemus, leder Jews. He cme to Jesus by night nd sid to him, Rbbi, we know tht you re techer w hs come from God; for no one cn do se signs tht you do prt from presence God. Jesus nswered him, Very tru I tell you, no one cn see kgdom God witut beg born from bove. Nicodemus sid to him, How cn nyone be born fter hvg grown old? Cn one enter second time to mor s womb nd be born? Jesus nswered, Very tru I tell you, no one cn enter kgdom God witut beg born wter nd Spirit. Wht is born flesh is flesh, nd wht is born Spirit is spirit. Do not be stonished tht I sid to you, You must be born from bove. The wd blows where it coses, nd you her sound it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone w is born Spirit. Nicodemus sid to him, How cn se thgs be? Jesus nswered him, Are you techer Isrel, nd yet you do not understnd se thgs? Very tru I tell you, we spek wht we know nd testify to wht we hve seen; yet you do not receive our testimony. If I hve told you bout erth thgs nd you do not believe, w cn you believe if I tell you bout heven thgs? No one hs scended to heven except one w descended from heven, Son Mn. And just s Moses lifted up serpent wilderness, so must Son Mn be lifted up, tht wever believes him my hve eternl life. For God so loved world tht he gve his on Son, so tht everyone w believes him my not perish but my hve eternl life. Indeed, God did not send Son to world to condemn world, but order tht world might be sved through him. Gospeler People The Gospel Lord. Prise to you, Lord Christ. The Sermon The Reverend George D. Muir

8 The Nicene Creed All Stnd All We believe one God, Fr, Almighty, mker heven nd erth, ll tht is, seen nd unseen. We believe one Lord, Jesus Christ, on Son God, eternl begotten Fr, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not mde, one Beg with Fr. Through him ll thgs were mde. For us nd for our slvtion he cme down from heven: by power Ho Spirit he becme crnte from Virg Mry, nd ws mde mn. For our ske he ws crucified under Pontius Pilte; he suffered deth nd ws buried. On third dy he rose g ccordnce with Scriptures; he scended to heven nd is seted t right hnd Fr. He will come g glory to judge livg nd ded, nd his kgdom will hve no end. We believe Ho Spirit, Lord, giver life, w proceeds from Fr nd Son. With Fr nd Son he is worshiped nd glorified. He hs spoken through Prophets. We believe one ctlic nd postolic Church. We cknowledge one bptism for forgiveness ss. We look for resurrection ded, nd life world to come. Amen. The Pryers People Form VI Kneelg, Leder nd People pry responsive: Celebrnt In pece, we pry to you, Lord God. Leder People For ll people ir di life nd work; For our fmilies, friends, nd neighbors, nd for tse w re lone. For this community, ntion, nd world; especil for Donld our President; for Nthn nd Henry, our governors; for ledership CSRA; For ll w work for justice, freedom, nd pece. For just nd proper use your cretion; For victims hunger, fer, justice, nd oppression. For ll w re dnger, sorrow, or ny kd trouble; For tse w mister to sick, friendless, nd needy. For pece nd unity Church God; especil for our congregtion Kgslnd, Kg Pece, nd our compnion diocese Domicn Republic, congregtion St. Mrth s Church Los Cocos; For ll w proclim Gospel, nd ll w seek Truth. For Michel our Presidg Bisp, nd Scott our Bisp; for our clergy, George, John, nd Bill; nd for ll bisps nd or misters; for Todd nd our cotes, nd for our ushers; For ll w serve God his Church.

9 Leder People For ll w re servg our country t me nd brod; especil Joe Wy, Dyln Lur, Joe Mrsh, nd Trey Scott; Tht y my be strengned by dwellg your Ho Spirit. For specil needs nd concerns this congregtion; especil Jen Wright, Hester Bliven, Betty Wlker, Rchel Crroll, Sudie Le O Connor, Ld Werred, Lois Hnd, Alice Snders, Rndy Smith, Dot Aiken, Jimmy Long, Keith Sunders, Leil Hopks, Tmmy Grner, Midgee Hzelriggs, Curtis Johnson, Byron Berd, Wyne Dley, Pige, Sterlg, Kthleen Scott, Chuck Mson, Beth Wilcox Lee, Wynelle Belcher, Brittny, Perl Johnson, nd Swyer Gordon. Silence. The People my dd ir own petitions. Her us, Lord; For your mercy is gret. We thnk you, Lord, for ll blessgs this life. Silence. The People my dd ir own thnksgivgs. We will exlt you, O God our Kg; And prise your Nme for ever nd ever. We pry for ll w hve died, tht y my hve plce your eternl kgdom. Silence. The People my dd ir own petitions. We remember before you, O Lord, ll tse rmed forces our country for wm trumpets hve sounded on or side. We pry tht, beg clensed from ir ss, y my serve you fithful your heven kgdom. My ir scrifices here help to estblish freedom for which y died; nd my ir good exmple be consoltion nd n encourgement to tse w follow. We pry tht your sustg love my ever surround m nd ir fmilies, nd brg us ll to presence him w fought good fight nd won victory, your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord, let your lovg kdness be upon m; W put ir trust you. Celebrnt We pry to you lso for forgiveness our ss. The Confession nd Absolution All Most merciful God, we confess tht we hve sned gst you tught, word, nd deed, by wht we hve done, nd by wht we hve left undone. We hve not loved you with our wle hert; we hve not loved our neighbors s ourselves. We re tru sorry nd we humb repent. For ske your Son Jesus Christ, hve mercy on us nd forgive us; tht we my delight your will, nd wlk your wys, to glory your Nme. Amen. Celebrnt Almighty God hve mercy on you, forgive you ll your ss through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengn you ll goodness, nd by power Ho Spirit keep you eternl life. Amen.

10 The Pece Celebrnt The pece Lord be lwys with you. People And lso with you. All Stnd The Misters nd People greet one nor nme Lord. Prish Greetgs & Announcements The Reverend George D. Muir The Ho Communion: Rite Two The Offertory Sentence The Offertory Music Allelui (from Exultte Jubilte, K ) Meliss Lrk Schultz, Soprno Celebrnt Wolfgng Amdeus Mozrt Presenttion Hymn Prise God, from wm ll blessgs flow Old 100th Prise God, from wm ll bles sgs flow; prise him, ll cre tures here be low; prise him bove, ye hev 'n st: prise F r, Son, nd Ho Gst. The Gret Thnksgivg Euchristic Pryer A Celebrnt The Lord be with you. People And lso with you. Celebrnt Lift up your herts. People We lift m to Lord. Celebrnt Let us give thnks to Lord our God. People It is right to give him thnks nd prise. Celebrnt It is right, nd good nd joyful thg, lwys nd everywhere to give thnks to you, Fr Almighty, Cretor heven nd erth. For with your coeternl Son nd Ho Spirit, you re one God, one Lord, Trity Persons nd Unity Beg; nd we celebrte one nd equl glory you, O Fr, nd Son, nd Ho Spirit. Therefore we prise you, jog our voices with Angels nd Archngels nd with ll compny heven, w for ever sg this hymn to proclim glory your Nme:

11 Snctus nd Benedictus S125, by Richrd Proulx Ho Lord, God pow er nd might, heven nd erth re full your glo ry, Ho sn n high est. Ho sn n high est. Blessed is he w comes nme Lord. Ho sn n high est. Ho sn n high est. Plese kneel s you re ble. Celebrnt Ho nd grcious Fr: In your fite love you mde us for yourself; nd, when we hd fllen to s nd become subject to evil nd deth, you, your mercy, sent Jesus Christ, your on nd eternl Son, to shre our humn nture, to live nd die s one us, to reconcile us to you, God nd Fr ll. He stretched out his rms upon cross, nd fered himself, obedience to your will, perfect scrifice for wle world. On night he ws hnded over to sufferg nd deth, our Lord Jesus Christ took bred; nd when he hd given thnks to you, he broke it, nd gve it to his disciples, nd sid, Tke, et: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for remembrnce me. After supper he took cup we; nd when he hd given thnks, he gve it to m, nd sid, Drk this, ll you: This is my Blood new Covennt, which is shed for you nd for mny for forgiveness ss. Whenever you drk it, do this for remembrnce me. Therefore we proclim mystery fith: All Christ hs died. Christ is risen. Christ will come g. Celebrnt We celebrte memoril our redemption, O Fr, this scrifice prise nd thnksgivg. Recllg his deth, resurrection, nd scension, we fer you se gifts. Snctify m by your Ho Spirit to be for your people Body nd Blood your Son, food nd drk new nd unendg life him. Snctify us lso tht we my fithful receive this Scrment, nd serve you unity, constncy, nd pece; nd t lst dy brg us with ll your sts to joy your eternl kgdom. All this we sk through your Son Jesus Christ. By him, nd with him, nd him, unity Ho Spirit ll nor nd glory is yours, Almighty Fr, now nd for ever. Amen.

12 Celebrnt And now, s our Svior Christ hs tught us, we re bold to sy, The Lord s Pryer All Our Fr, w rt heven, hllowed be Nme, kgdom come, will be done, on erth s it is heven. Give us this dy our di bred. And forgive us our trespsses, s we forgive tse w trespss gst us. And led us not to tempttion, but deliver us from evil. For the is kgdom, nd power, nd glory, for ever nd ever. Amen. The Brekg Bred nd Invittion Celebrnt Allelui. Christ our Pssover is scrificed for us. People Therefore let us keep fest. Allelui. Celebrnt This is tble, not Church, but Lord. It is mde redy for tse w love him nd for tse w wnt to love him more. So, come, you w hve much fith nd you w hve little, you w hve been here ten nd you w hve not been here long, you w hve tried to follow nd you w hve filed. Come, becuse it is Lord w vites you. It is his will tht tse w wnt him suld meet him here. All w come fith re welcome to receive Ho Communion. The Communion Music Ludte Domum (from Solemn Vespers, K.339) Meliss Lrk Schultz, Soprno Sung Lt Mozrt Prise Lord, ll ntions; Prise Him, ll people. For He hs bestowed His mercy upon us, nd truth Lord endures forever. Glory to Fr nd to Son nd to Ho Spirit, s it ws begng, is now, nd forever, nd for genertions genertions. Amen. Pslm 117 Orgn Voluntry Two Preludes on Regent Squre Tim Shewmker nd J. Wyne Kerr

13 Hymn 368 Ho Fr, gret Cretor Regent Squre 1 Ho 2 Ho 3 Ho 4 God F Je Spi r, sus, rit, Lord, through gret Lord Snc ev Cre ti ery glo fi n tor, ry, er, tion source wm come let n with mer gel unc won cy, ic tion drous love, sts from mer nd pro cies pece, clim, bove, she. look while touch In up we our on her herts song with Me won s di drous cred sl sto fire, v tor, ry, tion clo meet fill ev us nd m ery with wor with tongue his ship nd right S rce eous vior's com ness; Nme, love. be. hev'n der Source Gret F Re Je deem com r, er, fort, vh, hev'n der Source Gret F Re Je deem com r, er, fort, vh, through cheer form our us our S herts with herts vior nd her pece S mke nd pro vior's m bless. clim. love. the. The PostCommunion Pryer Sid by ll, kneelg Eternl God, heven Fr, you hve grcious ccepted us s livg members your Son our Svior Jesus Christ, nd you hve fed us with spiritul food Scrment his Body nd Blood. Send us now to world pece, nd grnt us strength nd courge to love nd serve you with gldness nd sgleness hert; through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Blessg Celebrnt

14 Hymn 423 Immortl, visible St. Denio 1 Im 2 Un 3 To 4 Tu mor rest ll reign tl, g, life est un tu vis hst giv glo i g, est, ry, ble, God nd to tu si both rul on lent gret est s nd wise, light, smll; light, nor the light wnt ll n g, life gels c nor tu ces wst liv dore si g, est, e, ble, tu ll hid rul true veil from est life g our ir eyes, might; ll; sight; most we ll bless jus blos lud ed, tice som we most like nd would glo moun flour ren rious, ts ish, der: high like O An sor leves help cient g on us to Dys, bove tree, see l n 'tis might clouds, with on y, which er vic re nd tor foun per splen ious, ts ish; dor but gret good nought light Nme ness chn hid we nd geth eth prise. love. e. e. The Dismissl Celebrnt Go pece to love nd serve Lord. People Thnks be to God. Orgn Voluntry Tub Tune on Nice Christopher Tmblg Keith Shfer Flowers on Altr this Sundy The flowers on ltr re given to glory God nd lovg memory her mor, Helen L. Smith. Given by Mr. nd Mrs. Oren Trefz nd rrnged by Flower Guild.

15 Prish Announcements 5:30 pm Celtic Eveng Pryer & Communion with Pryers for Helg. Kthleen Chndler nd Keith Shfer re our musics. No EYC tonight. EYC (Episcopl Youth Community, grdes 612) will meet Sundy, June 10. Contct Rnie for detils. The Prish Office will be closed tomorrow, Mondy, My 28, observnce Memoril Dy. Unwd by River, Fridy, June 1, begng t 5 pm This event, gered towrds younger members our prish w re tered by children or work schedules, is chnce to come unwd by river, build new reltionships, nd tke dvntge childcre! Light bites provided long with beer nd we. St Pul s Nursery will be open 59 pm for children 6 weeks 4yrsold, nd childcre with ge pproprite ctivities for children K5th grde will be provided. Enjoy n ur or two time on River Room Terrce nd n hed out for dte downtown, or settle nd wtch sun go down right where you re! A reservtion is required for child cre. Plese RSVP with nmes nd ges children to by Wednesdy, My 30. You re vited to spiritul morng quiet solitude Sturdy, June 2, 9:30 m 12 noon with Dughters Kg. Brg pryer tools such s your bible, journl, or nythg used for medittion, nd Fr. Muir will led us quiet contempltion on Pentecost: God with us. All re welcome. Plese RSVP for this event to Suznne PursleyCrotteu t or before Fridy, June 1. EYC, re you lookg for chnce to rech out nd serve ors both locl nd terntionl? Then come to Hometown Missions, June 13! This Diocesn event will be held August this yer. The event will fer t lest eight volunteer urs, nd possib more, for tse students w need volunteer urs for scol. Detils Fridy s Week Postgs. Emil Rnie t for more formtion. Donte summer music memory or thnksgivg. The cirs beg this yer s vction My 27. Plese spek with Keith Shfer, Director Music,, for more complete formtion. New to St Pul s community? Get your questions nswered nd meet some our stff nd prish leders n forml grg prlor Sundy, June 10, 10 m. RSVP to Elisbeth t Adult Christ Formtion resumes followg Memoril Dy weekend, Sundys, 9:30 m Berl Room. The Book Common Pryer is bold expression w Episcopls envision God nd mens for shpg nd renewg our Christ lives. We will discuss full rnge resources BCP nd w to use m. Brg your curiosity nd your questions bout BCP, our pryers, nd our liturgy. Third qurter open Sundys for ltr flowers: Ju 1, 15, & 22 nd August 19 & 26. If nyone would kd like to sponsor one se Sundys nor or memory someone or mny someones, plese contct prish fice t The norml chrge is mimum $100. Wht love wy to remember or nor someone nd contribute to Flower Guild t sme time. Jo us for our month fellowship dner, Wednesdy, June 20, ctered by Jnet Ferguson, owner It s Officil Events Unlimited. On menu: chicken & rice csserole, green bens, rolls nd dessert. $5 per person; $15 mx per fmi. A reservtion is not required; wever, if you know you pln to ttend, plese RSVP to Todd Shfer t so tht we cn be best sts. St Pul s Church communictes by week Enewsletter. Jo our emil list by contctg prish dmistrtor, Elisbeth Price, or scn QR on bck this bullet.

16 Servg Tody The Reverend George D. Muir Ldsey Vnok Ken Smith, Erick Montgomery, Cmeron Nixon Cron Dolen, Ann Ewell, Mtw Price Juln Ldsey, Mol Ldsey, Owen Ldsey, Sen Henson, Tms Widemn Art Bryn, John Lur, Steve Ruby, Peter Vgovic Ann Ewell, Lurie Montgomery, Vicki Dle Sndy Hskell Donld Horton Celebrnt nd Precher Verger Lectors Euchristic Misters Acotes Ushers Altr Guild Audio/Visul Tem Vestry Person Dy Vestry & Officers Bil Bdger, Sr. Wrden Leslie Lmbert, Jr. Wrden Ann Ewell, Tresurer Brett Montroy, Chncellor Vestry Term Expires 2019 Vestry Term Expires 2020 Vestry Term Expires 2021 Cre Bordmn Nncy Cercy Crol Cook Chrlie Enicks Allen Hrison Christe Flngn John Robertson Pmel Uros Donld Horton Committee Chirs Altr Guild Cre Stuckey Acotes Todd Shfer Birthdy Sundys Peggy Bker & Nncy Trefz Buildgs nd Grounds Dick Mnng Children, Youth, nd Fmilies Todd Shfer Cretion Cre Bryn Hltermnn Endowment & Fnce Monty Osteen Evngelism Brbr Colemn Fcebook Stcy Nuessle & Lil Huber Flower Guild Pmel DormeyUros & Clt Crroll History Susn Yrborough Hospitlity Anit Tnner Interior Oversight Mt Nixon Len Guild Mt Nixon Lectors & Euchristic Misters Cron Dolen Nursery Guild Lur Robertson Outrech Anit Tnner & Mr Gru Prish Life trnsition Ushers Rex Teeslk Clergy nd Stff The Reverend George Muir, Clergy ext. 211 The Reverend John Jenks, Clergy ext. 205 Keith Shfer, Music ext. 215 Rnie Neislr, Youth & Young Adults ext. 206 Mry Jckson, Fcilities ext. 203 Meredith Bech, Accountg ext. 204 Elisbeth Price, Prish Office ext. 225 Victori Hmmond nd Nikki Wickwre, St. Nicls Cir Srh Pritchrd, Music Associte Emerit Hillry Brynt, Greg Mxie, Dwson Crver, Sextons Howrd Lovett, Audio Visul Visit our website St Pul's Church is prish Episcopl Diocese Georgi. The Church is open for pryer di 9 m 3 pm, Mondy Thursdy, & 9 m 12 pm, Fridy. The Church Office nd Prish House re closed Sturdys s well s Sundy fternoons. Tel: Reynolds Street, August Jo Our Emil List


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