All Saints Sunday November 4, 2018, at Eleven o clock in the Morning

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1 All Sts Sundy November 4, 2018, t Eleven o clock Morng We gld you here. No mtter you, no mtter where you come from, no mtter where you on journey life you welcome this church. We vite you to prticipte our worship service, or simply observe, s you wish. We hope you will fd St Pul s to be plce refreshment renewl, where you experience presence risen Christ. We hve been servg Christ this loction for over two hundred sixty yers. The monuments our church grves our churchyrd reflect conflicts complexities our ntion s our city s history. While our buildg is old beutiful, our mission is contemporry forwrd movg. Here you will fd people very much connected with questions struggles modern life fith followg wy Jesus. We community clled to serve those need our city, our ntion, round world. Here you will fd mistries with for children, youth, pnts, seniors, sgles, fmilies ll configurtions stges life. We vite you to sh your contct formtion on visitor s crd, locted ech pew. H it to our clergy, n usher, or plce it ferg plte.

2 To ll our Visitors & Guests About Worship If liturgy (worship) Episcopl Church is unfmilir, n we hope you will fd this formtion helpful. You welcome Episcopl Church, so first best resource we fer your neighbors pews. Just sy, I m visitg, y will gldly help. The worship Episcopl Church is rooted prctices ncient Christinity. The structure our services, rchitecture our buildg, music, our physicl postures prticiptory responses ALL hold rich meng bout our beliefs tentionl expressions our reltionship with God. In this bullet you will fd: Responses spoken by people prted bold itlics. Directions for people prted itlics. We encourge fmilies with children to sit t front Nve so tht children cn esily see her liturgy. Children s bullets for reders prereders vilble from ushers. Episcoplins customrily pry eir stg or kneelg, so plese do wht you fd most comfortble. Notify n usher if you require n ssisted listeng device or ny or ssistnce. Restrooms locted prish hll. An usher will direct you. About Receivg Holy Communion ALL come fith vited to receive Holy Communion t St Pul s. Durg communion, people form two short les center isle t steps. After receivg bred we or blessg t ltr ril, plese exit through door to left ltr return to your pew vi side isles. For those my prefer not to receive communion t m ltr, communion sttion is provided on m floor to right center isle. If you unble to receive t eir sttion, clergy will brg bred we to your pew. Plese notify n usher before service begs. To receive blessg t ltr ril without receivg Communion, cross your rms over your chest, plms on your collr, until person on your left hs received both bred we. If your children nursery, you vited to brg m to receive Holy Communion or blessg.

3 Service Confirmtion Celebrtion The Holy Euchrist: Rite Two The Word God Orgn Voluntry Vritions on Se Nome Flor Peeters Denis Bedrd Mr. Shfer At Procession, Hymn 287 For ll sts, from ir lbors rest Se Nome 1 e 2 thou, 3 fight 4 We 5 stels 6 soon, 7 sts 8 gtes 1 For 2 Thou 3 O 4 O 5 And 6 The 7 But 8 From ll wst my blest when gold lo! erth's Lord, s feeb on soon 1 Nme, 2 thou, 3 w, O with 4 ll 5 herts 6 sweet 7 Kg 8 sg is g Al ir thy com en re side by ir ly to tri to sts, rock, sol mun strife eve breks bounds, fith Cp sts strug er fith um perl Je drk m, brve clm glo F be t gle, ful phnt strems ir diers, ion, is ng from from for fith fel fierce, bright yet o ir tress, ful, low ens more cen's fore no y dis bly tnt wr rioirs rise sus, ness ry r, be drer, vic e, g, pr pss Son, l true, ship wr glo fr world well fought glo tri com bright count for tor's for es bors ir di f rious st con fought ry umph eth r less ev crown ll rms dise on Ho rest, might: bold, ve! long, west; dy; cost, fessed, fight: old, she; song, rest; ry; host, er true his ly le lu i, l le lu i! through thy yet blessed. Light. gold. the. strong. blest. wy. Ghost,

4 The Openg Acclmtion Celebrnt Blessed be God: Fr, Son, Holy Spirit. And blessed be his kgdom, now for ever. Amen. Celebrnt There is Body Spirit; There is hope God s cll to us. Celebrnt One Lord, Fith, Bptism; One God Fr ll. The Collect Dy Celebrnt The Lord be with you. And lso with you. Celebrnt Let us pry. Almighty God, you hve knit toger your elect communion fellowship mysticl body your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grce so to follow your blessed sts ll virtuous godly livg, tht we my come to those effble joys tht you hve prepd for those truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, with you Holy Spirit lives reigns, God, glory everlstg. Amen. The First Lesson Isih 25:69 On this mount Lord hosts will mke for ll peoples fest rich food, fest wellged wes, rich food filled with mrrow, wellged wes stred cler. And he will destroy on this mount shroud tht is cst over ll peoples, sheet tht is spred over ll ntions; he will swllow up deth forever. Then Lord God will wipe wy ters from ll fces, disgrce his people he will tke wy from ll erth, for Lord hs spoken. It will be sid on tht dy, Lo, this is our God; we hve wited for him, so tht he might sve us. This is Lord for m we hve wited; let us be gld rejoice his slvtion. Lector The Word Lord. Thnks be to God.

5 Hymn 293 I sg song sts God Gr Isle 1 I 2 They 3 They true, strong; still, Lord le love lnes, sg loved lived ir not y ir to do ws ws or t y loved good Je queen, priest, se, song Lord on so ly sts der, toiled fol lowed world is lives sus' knew. long. will. church ws ws or so ges fought right, bright And And You God, der, pst, for with cn re meet lived Je joy p his hund ws ws m shep herd ess on sl trs, by or fierce shops, sus' ous wild or tient love reds brve mde thou died ske, sts doc sol school t green: best: te, for tor, dier, or y for m ss were re's ll not sts n m y sts re God son just God, no, folk not like I men, lest, me, God why help I I g, to shouldn't men to be be be too. too. too. The Second Lesson Reveltion 21:16 I sw new heven new erth; for first heven first erth hd pssed wy, se ws no more. And I sw holy city, new Jeruslem, comg down out heven from God, prepd s bride dorned for her husb. And I herd loud voice from thr syg, See, home God is mong mortls. He will dwell with m s ir God; y will be his peoples, God himself will be with m; he will wipe every ter from ir eyes. Deth will be no more; mourng cryg p will be no more, for first thgs hve pssed wy. And ws seted on thr sid, See, I m mkg ll thgs new. Also he sid, Write this, for se words trustworthy true. Then he sid to me, It is d! I m Alph Omeg, begng end. Lector The Word Lord. Thnks be to God.

6 Hymn 286 Who se like strs pperg Zeuch mich, zeuch mich 1 Who 2 Who 3 These 4 These 5 These, like se se y y priests, like se hve strs dz hve herts wtched p per zlg bright con were tend riv wit g, ness, ed en, ed, se, se for sore be ir with ferg fore God's God's own S woe up vior's to thr truth hon n Christ r or guish ir st? ryed, long, tried, will, 1 Ech 2 cld 3 wres tlg 4 5 soul gold robes on pryer bo en till full dy crown pur life t con is est ws hve se wer white end striv crt g; ness, ed, en ed, robes fol with dy se lowg ll lus not God night this ter y y glo rious b? ne'er shll fde, s ful throng; glo serve ri him fied; still. 1 Al le lu i! 2 ne'er 3 se, be touched well by 4 now, 5 Now ir p God's ful most hrk, time's fight con ho y sg, pris g loud rude h? Whence comes ll sus sted, tri umph by flict ly o'er, plce, God blest hs y bid st ir this m be heven ly Kg. glo rious b? Lmb hve ged. weep no more. fore his fce. The Holy Gospel John 11:3244 Decon The Holy Gospel our Lord Jesus Christ ccordg to John. Glory to you, Lord Christ. When Mry cme where Jesus ws sw him, she knelt t his feet sid to him, Lord, if you hd been here, my bror would not hve died. When Jesus sw her weepg, Jews cme with her lso weepg, he ws gretly disturbed spirit deeply moved. He sid, Where hve you lid him? They sid to him, Lord, come see. Jesus begn to weep. So Jews sid, See how he loved him! But some m sid, Could not he opened eyes bld mn hve kept this mn from dyg?

7 Then Jesus, g gretly disturbed, cme to tomb. It ws cve, st ws lyg gst it. Jesus sid, Tke wy st. Mrth, sister ded mn, sid to him, Lord, lredy re is stench becuse he hs been ded four dys. Jesus sid to her, Did I not tell you tht if you believed, you would see glory God? So y took wy st. And Jesus looked upwrd sid, Fr, I thnk you for hvg herd me. I knew tht you lwys her me, but I hve sid this for ske crowd stg here, so tht y my believe tht you sent me. When he hd sid this, he cried with loud voice, Lzrus, come out! The ded mn cme out, his hs feet bound with strips cloth, his fce wrpped cloth. Jesus sid to m, Unbd him, let him go. Decon The Gospel Lord. Prise to you, Lord Christ. The Sermon The Right Reverend Scott A. Benhse The Presenttion Exmtion Cidtes for Confirmtion The Cidtes will now be presented. Presenters I present se persons for Confirmtion: Noln Dudley Bird III, Tlley Crolyn Cmpbell, Hvilh Abrielle Chler, Kthleen JeeSoon Chler, Addison Grce Cheesborough, Susn Elizbeth Colemn, Atticus Connell Collier, Spencer Sizelove Frmer, Gwenivere Renee Friedmn, Eric Benjm Henson, Julinn Kthryn Ldsey, Molly Grce Ldsey, Mtw Lwrence Price, Robert Willims Rice III, John Joseph Scherer, Ann Mrion Sims, Byron TilAdn White. Presenters I present Mry Lynn Ford, Willim Brin Ford, Bonnie Higgbothm Hodges, Richrd Tyler Vnhook to be received to this Communion. Presenters I present Meliss Joy Friedmn, Jmes Leslie Holder, Crol Joy VenBerg, Susn Lorre Yrborough desire to reffirm ir bptisml vows. Do you reffirm your renuncition evil? Cidte I do. Do you renew your commitment to Jesus Christ? Cidte I do, with God s grce I will follow him s my Svior Lord. After ll hve been presented, ddresses congregtion, syg Will you witness se vows do ll your power to support se persons ir life Christ? We will. Let us jo with those committg mselves to Christ renew our own bptisml covennt.

8 The Bptisml Covennt Do you believe God Fr? I believe God, Fr lmighty, cretor heven erth. Do you believe Jesus Christ, Son God? I believe Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He ws conceived by power Holy Spirit born Virg Mry. He suffered under Pontius Pilte, ws crucified, died, ws buried. He descended to ded. On third dy he rose g. He scended to heven, is seted t right h Fr. He will come g to judge livg ded. Do you believe God Holy Spirit? I believe Holy Spirit, holy ctholic Church, communion sts, forgiveness ss, resurrection body, life everlstg. Will you contue postles techg fellowship, brekg bred, pryers? I will, with God s help. Will you persevere resistg evil,, whenever you fll to s, repent return to Lord? I will, with God s help. Will you proclim by word exmple Good News God Christ? I will, with God s help. Will you seek serve Christ ll persons, lovg your neighbor s yourself? I will, with God s help. Will you strive for justice pece mong ll people, respect dignity every humn beg? I will, with God s help. Pryers for Cidtes Leder Leder Leder Leder Leder Leder Let us now pry for se persons hve renewed ir commitment to Christ. Deliver m, O Lord, from wy s deth. Lord, her our pryer. Open ir herts to your grce truth. Lord, her our pryer. Fill m with your holy lifegivg Spirit. Lord, her our pryer. Keep m fith communion your holy Church. Lord, her our pryer. Tech m to love ors power Spirit. Lord, her our pryer. Send m to world witness to your love. Lord, her our pryer.

9 Leder Brg m to fullness your pece glory. Lord, her our pryer. Silence Almighty God, we thnk you tht by deth resurrection your Son Jesus Christ you hve overcome s brought us to yourself, tht by selg your Holy Spirit you hve bound us to your service. Renew se your servnts covennt you mde with m t ir Bptism. Send m forth power tht Spirit to perform service you set before m; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, lives reigns with you Holy Spirit, God, now for ever. Amen. The Confirmtion The cidtes come forwrd to receive lyg on hs by. The Congregtion my be seted. Almighty everlivg God, let your frly h ever be over se your servnts; let your Holy Spirit ever be with m; so led m knowledge obedience your Word, tht y my serve you this life, dwell with you life to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Pece Celebrnt The pece Lord be lwys with you. And lso with you. All St The Misters greet nor nme Lord. Prish Greetgs & Announcements The Reverend George D. Muir The Holy Communion The Offertory Sentence The Offertory Anm The sts God The St Pul s Choir Celebrnt Jmes Bssi The sts God! Their conflict pst, life s long bttle won t lst, no more y need shield or sword, y cst m down before ir Lord: O hppy sts! Forever blest, t Jesus feet how sfe you rest. The sts God! Their wergs d, no more ir wery course y run, no more y ft, no more y fll, no foes oppress, no fers ppll: O hppy sts! Forever blest, tht der home how sweet your rest. The sts God! Life s voyge o er, sfe led on tht blissful shore, no stormy tempests now y dred, no rorg billows lift ir hed: O hppy sts! Forever blest, tht clm hven your rest! The sts God ir vigil keep, while yet ir mortl bodies sleep, till from dust y too shll rise sor triumphnt to skies: O hppy sts! Rejoice sg; He quickly comes, your Lord Kg!

10 Presenttion Hymn Prise God, from m ll blessgs flow Old 100th Prise God, from m ll bles sgs flow; prise him, ll cre tures here be low; prise him bove, ye hev 'nly host: prise F r, Son, Ho ly Ghost. The Gret Thnksgivg Euchristic Pryer D Celebrnt The Lord be with you. And lso with you. Celebrnt Lift up your herts. We lift m to Lord. Celebrnt Let us give thnks to Lord our God. It is right to give God thnks prise. Celebrnt It is truly right to glorify you, Fr, to give you thnks; for you l God, livg true, dwellg light ccessible from before time for ever. Fount life source ll goodness, you mde ll thgs fill m with your blessg; you creted m to rejoice splendor your rdince. Countless throngs ngels st before you to serve you night dy;, beholdg glory your presence, y fer you uncesg prise. Jog with m, givg voice to every creture under heven, we cclim you, glorify your Nme, s we sg, Snctus Benedictus qui venit S125, by Richrd Proulx Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly Lord, God pow er might, heven erth full your glo ry, Ho sn n high est. Ho sn n high est. Blessed is he comes nme Lord. Ho sn n high est. Ho sn n high est.

11 Plese kneel s you ble. Celebrnt We cclim you, holy Lord, glorious power. Your mighty works revel your wisdom love. You formed us your own imge, givg le world to our c, so tht, obedience to you, our Cretor, we might rule serve ll your cretures. When our disobedience took us fr from you, you did not bon us to power deth. In your mercy you cme to our help, so tht seekg you we might fd you. Ag g you clled us to covennt with you, through prophets you tught us to hope for slvtion. Fr, you loved world so much tht fullness time you sent your only Son to be our Svior. Incrnte by Holy Spirit, born Virg Mry, he lived s us, yet without s. To poor he proclimed good news slvtion; to prisrs, freedom; to sorrowful, joy. To fulfill your purpose he gve himself up to deth;, risg from grve, destroyed deth, mde le cretion new. And, tht we might live no longer for ourselves, but for him died rose for us, he sent Holy Spirit, his own first gift for those believe, to complete his work world, to brg to fulfillment snctifiction ll. When hour hd come for him to be glorified by you, his hevenly Fr, hvg loved his own were world, he loved m to end; t supper with m he took bred, when he hd given thnks to you, he broke it, gve it to his disciples, sid, Tke, et: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for remembrnce me. After supper he took cup we; when he hd given thnks, he gve it to m, sid, Drk this, ll you: This is my Blood new Covennt, which is shed for you for mny for forgiveness ss. Whenever you drk it, do this for remembrnce me. Fr, we now celebrte this memoril our redemption. Recllg Christ s deth his descent mong ded, proclimg his resurrection scension to your right h, witg his comg glory; ferg to you, from gifts you hve given us, this bred this cup, we prise you we bless you. All We prise you, we bless you, we give thnks to you, we pry to you, Lord our God. Celebrnt Lord, we pry tht your goodness mercy your Holy Spirit my descend upon us, upon se gifts, snctifyg m showg m to be holy gifts for your holy people, bred life cup slvtion, Body Blood your Son Jesus Christ. Grnt tht ll sh this bred cup my become body spirit, livg scrifice Christ, to prise your Nme. Remember, Lord, your holy ctholic postolic Church, redeemed by blood your Christ. Revel its unity, gurd its fith, preserve it pece. Remember ll those our prish fmilies hve died this pst yer, especilly Cree Kilptrick, Vce Shivers, Michel McElmurry, Frnk Pride, Frnk Fulk Jr., Al Richrdson, Crole Hyes, Lynn Cdle, Ry Fney, Brbr Nuessle, Crl Benhse, Vnce Logn Jr., Willim Mitchell, Cnte Js Jr., Mry Jo Cercy, Willim Toole, Lou Ldsey, Gus Bchmn, Tom Allshouse, Willim Buxton, George Vn Giesen, Sudie Le O Connor, Robert Reert, Beth Wilcox Lee, Ld Gowdy, Willie Bell Roberts, Byron Berd, Bruce Hncock, Belv Smith, John McDonld, Wytt Brczk, Susn Brown, Lester Helmich, Thoms Goodw, Leil Hopks, Roger Giles, Christin Witszky, Frnk Prosser.

12 Celebrnt And grnt tht we my fd our heritnce with ll sts hve found fvor with you ges pst. We prise you union with m give you glory through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. The Lord s Pryer Through Christ, with Christ, Christ, ll honor glory yours, Almighty God Fr, unity Holy Spirit, for ever ever. Amen. Celebrnt And now, s our Svior Christ hs tught us, we bold to sy, All Our Fr, rt heven, hllowed be thy Nme, thy kgdom come, thy will be d, on erth s it is heven. Give us this dy our dily bred. And forgive us our trespsses, s we forgive those trespss gst us. And led us not to tempttion, but deliver us from evil. For the is kgdom, power, glory, for ever ever. Amen. The Brekg Bred Invittion Celebrnt Allelui. Christ our Pssover is scrificed for us. Therefore let us keep fest. Allelui. Celebrnt The Gifts God for God. Frction Anm The Refrs sung by ll S169, by Ry W. Urw Cntor My flesh is food deed, my blood is drk deed, sys Lord. All My flesh is food deed, my blood is drk deed, sys Lord. Cntor Those et my flesh drk my blood dwell me I m. All My flesh is food deed, my blood is drk deed, sys Lord.

13 The Communion Music Orgn Voluntry I Sg Song Sts God Michel Burkhrdt Srh Pritchrd, Music Associte Emerit Hymn (from O sg Christ by Stephen Strke) Sts, see cloud witnesses Wojtkiewiecz 1 Sts, 2 These 3 They 4 Come, 5 Lord, 6 You, see sts cll let give Je to us us sus, cloud old us, fix fith You re "Your our to wit ceived tim sight wlk l ness God's id on where de es com foot Christ You serve sur men steps ll round d length suf send glo us; tion; en; fered, g, ry! 1 Their 2 They 3 Throw 4 He 5 On 6 Our lives lived f fced pths lives s s's un un fith pil weight, cross, mrked, fold, en cour grim your heirs hlt His eyes s bld em brced ge g less s with His wek life to s sl ness He ir Your tound v strength end sto us. tion. en. fered; g; ry; Her Through We He Not Pst, how fith kept scorned know pres y g ent, 1 Ms ter prised 2 con quered flme 3 fith, 4 shme, 5 where we He we shed died, go, 6 fu ture You, ir our our but fith sword blood, deth tht sme so were en You for fer gl mr dur led ev vent: lows, tyred; g, us er "Well d, God's nme Our lives Our hope With grce You fil My to we se pre us ser hl br cur cede nev vnt!" low. tered." g. us. er! Solo Pie Jesu (Requiem) Tlley Cmpbell, Soprno Sung Lt Merciful Lord Jesus, grnt m rest, grnt m everlstg rest. Gbriel Fure Anm Gbriel Fure In Prdisum The Cnterbury Choir Sung Lt My ngels led you to prdise; my mrtyrs receive you t your rrivl led you to holy city Jeruslem. My choirs ngels receive you with Lzrus, once poor mn, my you hve eternl rest.

14 The PostCommunion Pryer Sid by ll, kneelg Eternl God, hevenly Fr, you hve grciously ccepted us s livg members your Son our Svior Jesus Christ, you hve fed us with spiritul food Scrment his Body Blood. Send us now to world pece, grnt us strength courge to love serve you with gldness sgleness hert; through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Blessg Celebrnt Hymn 618 Ye wtchers ye holy s Lsst uns erfreuen 1 Ye 2 O 3 Re 4 O ser glo p per lu lu lu lu wtch ers high er spond, ye friends, phs, rious tri nl i! i! i! i! cher thn rchs n tues, rch n gr cious, mg sts tri um God Spi lu u ms Cry Thou Ye To thn souls gld ye ness bim, thrs, ser phim, pro phets blest, ech o g, out, ber ho God gels, n ni fy phnt rise rit, Three do er ly gels' ho cher end let rise led Al Al ir le le m ions, 'e twelve, ye F r, ly u less us gld pris lu lu s, bright bim, more rest, ye sg, su str, es, i, i, prce doms, ter mr God nl tyrs Al Al l l powers, Word, strong, Son, le le le le vir most ll choirs, Al le lu i, l le Lord, song, One, i, l le lu i, l le lu i, l le lu i! The Dismissl Decon Go pece to love serve Lord. Thnks be to God. Orgn Voluntry Fnf on Se Nome Mr. Shfer John West

15 Pryers Requested: In our diocesn cycle pryer, for our congregtion on Tybee Isl, All Sts, our compnion diocese Domicn Republic, for Church Dive Providence Guerr. For ll those servg our country; especilly, Joe Wy, Dyln Lur, Joe Mrsh, Trey Scott, Grhm Smith. For specil needs concerns this congregtion; especilly Chris Cmpbell, Fred Cdle, Isbell Mxwell, Bob Rordm, Mry Speir, Ktie DeLigle, Sid Shields, Bob Hill, Ld Werred, Ry Smith, Kish Sels, Pige, Norm Hglund, Rob, Drrell Kennedy, Virgi Rhodes, Lynn McMhon, Dvid McPherson, Ptsy Mcomson, Jnet Hyes, Chrles Moye, Wyne Peloqu, Hermn Hmilton, Kthleen Hmilton, Sherri Hobbs, Bill Hml, Mry Fulk, Mon Clyton, Hester Bliven, Lois H, Alice Sers, Dot Aiken, Jimmy Long, Keith Sunders, Curtis Johnson, Leo Bugenske. For ll blessgs this life, especilly for mrrige Crter Burdell Bordmn Eugene Dewey Foxworth IV. Servg Tody The Right Reverend Scott A. Benhse The Reverend George D. Muir The Reverend John W. A. Jenks The Reverend Dr. Willim K. Dolen The Reverend Decon Sy Turner Todd Shfer, John Robertson Ted Hussey, Nncy Hussey, Stn Price Crolyn Dolen Johnny Cook, Adrinne Mssie, Crson Towler, Willim Scherer, Sen Henson, Kennedy Horton, Mdelyn Heckthorn, Ntlie Heckthorn, Timothy Price Sy Hskell, Chrlie Enicks, Bill Clrk, Bobby Wright Jenie Myson, Kthleen Ficklg, C Stuckey, Jen Wright Bob Rolls, Wright Montgomery Pm Uros Celebrnt Precher Assistg Priest Assistg Priest Assistg Priest Archdecon Vergers Lectors Euchristic Mister Acolytes Ushers Altr Guild Audio/Visul Tem Vestry Person Dy Altr Arrngements this Sundy The plmetto fronds on ltr this Sundy given to glory God memory Eugene Dewey Foxworth III.

16 Sundy Schedule 8:00 8:45 m Holy Euchrist Rite I 8:45 9:30 m Contentl Brekfst Tyler Hll 9:30 10:30 m Christin Formtion for ALL Ages 10:30 10:45 m Cfee & Converstion Tyler Hll 11:00 m 12:00 pm Holy Euchrist Rite II Followg 11:00 m Service Lemonde on Lwn 5:00 6:30 pm EYC (Episcopl Youth Community, Grdes 612) Plese check clendr for meetg dtes. 5:30 6:15 pm Celtic Eveng Pryer & Communion with pryers for helg Nursery c fered Children s Mistry Center (CMC) 9:00 m 12:30 pm. The 11 m service is brodcst on WGAC 580 AM Rdio 95.1 FM Rdio. Listen live onle t Vestry & Officers Billy Bdger, Sr. Wrden Leslie Lmbert, Jr. Wrden Ann Ewell, Tresurer Brett Montroy, Chncellor Vestry Term Expires 2019 Vestry Term Expires 2020 Vestry Term Expires 2021 C Bordmn Nncy Cercy Crol Cook Chrlie Enicks Brbr Colemn Christe Flngn John Robertson Pmel Uros Donld Horton Committee Chirs Altr Guild C Stuckey Acolytes Todd Shfer Birthdy Sundys Peggy Bker & Nncy Trefz Buildgs Grounds Dick Mnng Children, Youth, Fmilies Todd Shfer Cretion C Bryn Hltermnn Endowment & Fnce Monty Osteen Evngelism Brbr Colemn Fcebook Stcy Nuessle & Lillin Huber Flower Guild Pmel DormeyUros & Clt Crroll History Susn Yrborough Hospitlity Bill Ford Interior Oversight Mt Nixon Len Guild Mt Nixon Lectors & Euchristic Misters Crolyn Dolen Nursery Guild Lur Robertson Outrech Anit Tnner & Mrilyn Gru Prish Life Christe Flngn & Cludi Figuero Ushers Rex Teeslk Clergy Stff The Reverend George Muir, Clergy ext. 211 The Reverend John Jenks, Clergy ext. 205 Keith Shfer, Music ext. 215 Mry Jckson, Fcilities ext. 203 Meredith Bech, Accountg ext. 204 Elisbeth Price, Prish Office ext. 225 Victori Hmmond Nikki Wickw, St. Nichols Choir Srh Pritchrd, Music Associte Emerit Hillry Brynt, Greg Mxie, Jmes Wheeler, Sextons Wright Montgomery, Audio Visul Visit our website St Pul's Church is prish Episcopl Diocese Georgi. The Church is open for pryer dily 9 m 3 pm, Mondy Thursdy, & 9 m 12 pm, Fridy. The Church Office Prish House closed Sturdys s well s Sundy fternoons. Tel: Reynolds Street, August Jo Our Emil List


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