JOHN PAUL: An End Time ministry, a ministry that says the Messiah is coming and prepare yourselves.

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1 1 SID: Chanukah and Christmas are known worldwide as the Festival of Lights. But when my guest speaks, as many as 400 people see brilliant lights that come flying across the heavens into the room. Next on this edition of It s Supernatural. Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after death? Are healing miracles real? Can you get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of It s Supernatural. SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it s naturally supernatural. My guest, John Paul Jackson, is such a fitting guest. And let me tell you why. This is the Christmas- Chanukah season, and Chanukah is known as the Festival of Lights. You have the Chanukah menorah and Christmas you think of light shows and displays. But you have never seen a light show like John Paul Jackson saw. It literally is a spectacular of all spectaculars because the lights were caused by God, produced by God. Four hundred people at this meeting and just about all outside of a half a dozen saw the most magnificent light show, which were, I believe, just angels in the spirit realm just moving and slowing down just enough so you could see these lights all over. And someone might say, well, but it could have been a magic trick. It could have been just strobe lights or something like that, except a half a dozen people walked over to John Paul Jackson after the meeting and they said, We didn t see any lights. But we ll talk about that a little bit later. John Paul, last time I had on the show you had an End Time revelation, and I m reminded of the angel coming to your mother. What did this angel tell your mother? JOHN PAUL: That she was going to become pregnant after having a miscarriage, and that she was going to have a son and that he would have an 11th hour ministry, and that even her pregnancy would be a sign of that 11th hour ministry. SID: And what does 11th hour ministry mean to you? JOHN PAUL: An End Time ministry, a ministry that says the Messiah is coming and prepare yourselves. SID: You had a 10-year window, what s going to happen over the next 10 years. And some of the things have already started, such as it had to do with weather, with politics, with wars, with the economy. In weather, what s happened? JOHN PAUL: Well take a look at the geophysical issues. There s been three major earthquakes in the world just recently. And what we find out is you have Haiti, you have Chile, you have New Zealand. The plate shifted and one of the things the Lord told me was the physical plates on the earth would shift and that would actually end up causing a wobble, a slight wobble in the rotation of the earth. And so the plate in Chile shifted three feet. That s unheard of that a huge plate would shift that far. But the plate in New Zealand, Sid, shifted 11 feet. That s a major shift that will cause a wobble to some degree in the earth, and that causes other earthquakes to take place. SID: And you also said there would be very unusual weather patterns.

2 2 JOHN PAUL: Yeah, very unusual weather patterns. Jet streams would shift and there would be unusual weather patterns so that everything would be in the record. So you have the record rain, you have record storms, you have record heat, you have record cold. So we have California who went through the coldest summer in their history. You have Moscow who went through the hottest summer in their history. And so you re having extremes everywhere on earth. You re having extremes. You re having Pakistan having over six weeks of flooding from rains that won t seem to leave the area. SID: Now a couple of things I ve got to ask John Paul. Israel. Iran is posturing itself. I mean, some of the terrorist organizations have got more rockets and missiles, and bombs than a small nation right in and adjacent to Israel. What s going to happen there? Is God showing you? JOHN PAUL: Yes. Well Israel and Iran are going to have a conflict. There will be explosions that take place in Iran and also in Israel to some degree. But Iran will be hit. It s gonna be hit by Israel. I m not sure if anybody is going to join with them, but I do know that Israel is going to be a proponent of that. I know that from that Israel will not be expected to survive it, but they will, and it s going to be miraculous. Again, God is going to show His hand of protection and His hand of provision for this incredible nation that He has chosen to speak messages into His kingdom and to advance His kingdom. They re going to return, people are going to return. And if you re watching there are so many people. My great-grandfather was Jewish and my grandfather was Jewish, and they came to know the Messiah. And I know that what happens when that takes place lives change, thought processes change, supernatural events begin to occur again, and you re going to see supernatural events occur. SID: John Paul, it s my belief that there is going to be a huge revival among Jewish people. JOHN PAUL: Yes, there is. SID: And then we Jewish believers are going to infect the congregation, the church and we re going to, they re supposed, the gentiles provoke the Jew to jealousy. These Jewish believers will be like Paul the Apostle, like a forerunner of the 144,000. It says the Word of Lord will go from Zion. I believe that s about ready to happen. JOHN PAUL: I believe that. SID: And I believe all the tenseness that s going on will do nothing but cause Jewish people to cry out, God, if Jesus is the Messiah, please show me! What did God show you about the economy of the United States? JOHN PAUL: Well the economy of the United States is going to get weaker. In fact in 2011, you re going to see an end of this, what I call a bubble. SID: It s got to stop somewhere.

3 3 JOHN PAUL: It will get worse in As the year progresses things are going to get dramatically worse. SID: The reason I have him on the show is that most of the prophecies that God has shown him have not come to pass. They re going to happen over the next 10 years. I m convinced of this, and that s why I ve had him on the show. But he recently had a visitation from the Lord that showed him a key that no matter what happens to the economy, no matter what bombs go off, no matter what happens to weather, no matter what happens with disease, no matter what happens in the political arena, we that know the Lord will be okay. Tell me about this visitation. JOHN PAUL: Well this issue of justice, the Lord began to talk to me about justice and He actually came into my office early in the morning. I was there before the sun even came up, and I was writing about His names. And I had just put on my heart, a burden on my heart, the names of God, all the ways that He provides for us because His glory and His acts, and His names are inseparable is not a God. He is not a God who doesn t bring peace, but He doesn t bring peace. He is God, Jehovah, Shalom. He does bring peace and He is peace. When He comes peace comes. All of His names are that way. When I came to Jehovah Mishpat, the God of Justice, I felt a hand on my back and it s almost like I could feel the fingerprints. And the spirit of the Lord was there so strong I didn t even want to turn around to see who was there. I actually thought it was one of my staff who had snuck in to the office and was laying his hands on me to pray for me, and I just was gonna let him keep praying for me. It was that real. SID: I understand that. Many times I ll feel something touch my head and it s an angel. But this was the Lord. JOHN PAUL: This was the Lord. I believe it was the Lord. SID: So why does He want you to teach His understand by revelation of justice at this moment in history? JOHN PAUL: Because over 500 times He talks about it in scripture. If prophets were to cry out forth and priests were to ensure its applications, and kings were to implement the process of justice throughout the entire kingdom. And Isaiah 59 is happening right now, Sid. And that is, No one is crying out for justice, Verse 4, No one is crying out for righteousness. Justice lies buried in the streets, dormant in the streets. SID: Well listen, we don t want it buried in your life any more. You ve had some injustices, injustices involving money, injustices involving health, injustices involving wives or husbands, injustices involving children, injustices involving employers, even going back several generations and no one is crying out for justice because they don t know they can do it. But when you learn how to do this your injustices are going to get settlements. And I ll take a settlement from God any day. Be right back after this word. We ll be right back to It s Supernatural.

4 4 *** We now return to It s Supernatural. SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with John Paul Jackson, and I m so excited the Lord Himself came to John Paul Jackson and said that there will be 10-year window of horrific things that are gonna happen on the earth, but that doesn t mean they have to happen to us. And there is a key and it has to do with justice. Over 500 times in the scriptures justice is mentioned. And there s a scripture, was it Jeremiah, No one calls out for justice? JOHN PAUL: Isaiah 59. SID: Isaiah 59: No one has called out for justice. And tell me, explain what injustices could be going on in people s lives and explain how justice will change it. JOHN PAUL: Well there s two things that happen. People can invite the enemy into the light because they do wrong and simple things. But there s an issue where you ve done nothing wrong and yet something happens to you, and that s where the enemy intrudes into your life. He steals life from you, he steals finances from you, he steals your emotions, he steals marriages, he steals relationships, and it can happen for generations. So crying out for justice is the act of asking God to uphold His throne. Psalms tells us that the foundations of the Throne of God are built on two things: righteousness and justice. If either one of those aren t implemented then the throne topples. That is not going to happen. So therefore, we are able to cry out to God for justice. Justice is too facetted. So you have, let s say you have a one-ton attack on your life and you cry out to God, you would expect a one-ton anointing or a one-ton repayment to come back to you, one ton stolen or five dollars stolen, five dollars back, one ton stolen, one ton back. SID: That would be fair. JOHN PAUL: That would be fair, but it doesn t take care of your pain. It doesn t take care of your sustenance. It doesn t take care of the emotional duress. It doesn t take care of the loss of life that you had prior to the settlement. So what God does, and it s covered in the scripture, What the palmer worm has eaten, what the cank worm has eaten I will repay seven times or they will restore seven times what they ate or they stole is the settlement in addition to the justice given. So there s part of justice is not just for one thing for one thing, there is additional implementation that God gives in our lives. And so we have, for example, a lady in Ohio was calling out unto God for issues that had gone on in her marriage, issues that had gone on her family, and she had an autistic son. She s asking for justice to come, and not knowing how it s going to come, because sometimes we don t know. It s not like you get a dollar for a dollar. Justice comes in many different ways that God chooses. In this particular case-- SID: So it s up to the judge. JOHN PAUL: It s up to the judge.

5 5 SID: As to what the settlement is. JOHN PAUL: Exactly. He determines the settlement. But you cry out for justice. He gives you justice. In this particular case, not only was her real estate issues that were solved in her family, but her autistic son over a short period of time was healed of autism that he had to where he was able to communicate, and it wasn t just like barely healed. He was totally healed of this autism that he had. Justice, in her case, meant the healing of her son as well. SID: Many times, and you ve alluded to this, generationally there s been injustice and many people call it curses, and they are curses. But from generations, there s an alcoholic in each family passes on and on. These are injustices. Do you have an example of someone that has taken your teaching and got a settlement for all these injustices happening to them? JOHN PAUL: Sure. I mean, there s many different ones. The issue, curses are passed down to the third and fourth generations. Blessings are also passed down to the third and fourth generation. So when the enemy steals from, say your great-great-grandfather, then let s just say he stole a million dollars. The lifestyle of the family is affected by the loss of those finances for the next several generations to come. So what happens is justice is waiting for somebody to cry out for it, and it will wait for three and four generations. SID: It sounds too simple, John Paul. JOHN PAUL: Well sometimes we try to make God complicated and God wants it to be very simple. He wants us to cry out. That s why it says no one cries out for justice. We have to cry out for it. So there s another individual who had issues of real estate. Their great-grandfather lost real estate and years and years had passed, and they had not been able to own a home. The grandfather had not been able to own a home. The father had not been able to own a home. They had not been able to own a home. SID: I ve seen this poverty passes on. JOHN PAUL: Poverty passes on. SID: That s an injustice. JOHN PAUL: And injustice, exactly. We cry out for justice, and so God give us ideas. God gives us understanding. And what ends up happening within a few weeks of crying out for justice they were able to buy their first house. And after that they had another piece of property, a commercial piece of property that they had not been able to close on trying to sell, hadn t been able to sell it. That also sold and justice began to happen to them. They re financial structure dramatically changed because they cried out for justice. SID: Okay. In your words with this 10-year window of, I would call it judgments in all of these different areas. By the way, you told me something God showed you about gold. Tell me about it.

6 6 JOHN PAUL: Yes. The gold was going to dramatically increase in price, dramatically increase in price. SID: There was another thing you told me about it. Not all gold is-- JOHN PAUL: Not all gold is gold. SID: What did that mean to you? JOHN PAUL: It meant that there is gold in the U.S. Treasury that is not gold. It has a gold covering, but underneath it, it is not gold. SID: So you re telling me that as broke as the U.S. is we re even broker? JOHN PAUL: We are even broker. SID: Okay. Why is it so important at this moment with this 10-year window of all these judgments that are coming on America, why is it so important? Why are you so passionate to teach this? JOHN PAUL: Because when justice comes it will come in the most opportune time that the judge knows how to deliver it, and you ll have ideas that you never had before. You ll have innovations you never had before. You ll have ways of avoiding issues that you never even thought of before. You ll have provision that you ve never even dreamt of before. These type of things God wants to put a whole new mindset into you, and part of that is the issue of justice. God wants to give justice and change the way we think. Poverty mentality is exactly that. It s a mentality and justice will break that mentality, and you ll find ideas coming to you that will work. SID: You know what I think is so wonderful, is when God shows up, whether He shows up in the arenas you re talking about or John Paul Jackson was in England. Four hundred people sitting in an auditorium. And this is Chanukah-Christmas time, the Festival of Lights. You don t know what lights are until God s lights show up. After all, the Messiah said, I am the Light of this world. Don t go away. We ll be right back after this word. We ll be right back to It s Supernatural. *** We now return to It s Supernatural. SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with John Paul Jackson. And I wish I had been there, John Paul. 1997, South Hampton, England, 400 people and you re speaking on my favorite subject, naturally supernatural. And by the way, I ve heard that teaching. That was fabulous teaching. JOHN PAUL: Thank you.

7 7 SID: But someone must have been impressed besides the audience because someone else showed up. Tell me what happened. JOHN PAUL: Well as I was talking about being naturally supernaturally and living a lifestyle that allows that to happen in your life, it s not reserved for just property people or apostolic people, or anything like that. It s reserved for everybody. You that are watching right now can live a naturally supernatural life having God intervene on your behalf. And I was talking about how to do that. One of the things I was talking about was light, and how God is light, He is the father of light. And that we find out that in that process, I mean, the children of Israel were led by this huge flaming fire that led them through the wilderness, and so he proved His light nature there. Well when I m talking about all of this these lights enter into the room. I don t see them at first. They re behind me. And the people see them and they begin to point and they begin to, the noise as you hear, begins to grow louder and louder. SID: I ve heard the audio CD of this and it is amazing. I mean, the whole, it was like a hum. Woo, woo. You must have been watching that. JOHN PAUL: And it went over my head. SID: Were you wondering what was happening? JOHN PAUL: I was at first. I thought, what is going on here. And then I saw them. There was like a, they just moved through the air and then they began to swirl. The more I talked about the Lord the more they began to swirl from side to side through the auditorium. People were watching. People were up in the balcony. They came down from the balcony. People fell out of their chairs or slid out of their chairs. SID: But wait a second. How do you know that wasn t just psychosomatic and someone had these laser lights and it was one of these shows? How do you know it wasn t? JOHN PAUL: Because God in His great wisdom allowed a handful of people, about six or eight people, to not see anything. And they came up to me afterwards and said, We didn t see any lights. What was going on here? You were talking about lights, but we didn t see any. And so I said, God bless you. You prove God will make this up to you because you prove this was not man-made. This was God-made. This wasn t strobe lights. This wasn t some laser lights. This was God doing something and he will make this up to you, because again, he is a God of justice. You never miss out on one thing without God giving you something greater. And so the people were looking at these lights. I was. Sid, there was yellow ones and blue ones, and red ones. There was multi-colored ones. There was one bar that was like 20-some feet wide, maybe six inches, four to six inches thick that moved across the whole auditorium that everybody saw as lights were racing around. And the more I talked about the Lord and who He was the faster they began to move. SID: The next morning you had an even larger meeting at that same conference. Did the lights show up?

8 8 JOHN PAUL: They did. They showed up again the next morning. SID: Now what are these lights? JOHN PAUL: They re either angels or heavenly hosts. You know, I kind of hesitate to define them because what I don t know I hate to define. But I know this. They were from Heaven. They were excited by the move of God and power was there with them. SID: Describe to me what was happening to people as a result of these, I ll call them, I believe they were angels, as a result of these angels showing up? What was happening? JOHN PAUL: People were weeping, people were crying. I saw husbands and wives hugging each other. There was an incredible love and holy hush that hit. But I say a holy hush on one hand, and yet on the other hand there was this incredible noise as people saw them moving. And you ll hear it on the CD. People tell me, You need to put a disclaimer. Do not play this while driving your car, because the anointing of the Lord is really there, the presence of the Lord. SID: Okay. We have to change the subject for a minute. I want to find out about that experience you had at God s throne. This was in 95, I believe. JOHN PAUL: It was. May 12, I am praying and I hear a harp, and this harp, next thing I know I m standing in this incredible light that s encased me, and I realize I ve been in some of the light before and not totally surrounded by it. And now all of a sudden I m surrounded by it. I m breathing it. And as I m breathing it, it s living in me, Sid. It enters into me and every cell of my body comes alive. And I literally felt like I was taken apart at the cellular level and put back together again as I m standing there. I m turning trying to find out where I am. And I turned, and as I turned I come face to face with whatever part of the Lord He wanted to see. I m not saying I saw all of Him. But I saw the throne and I saw Him sitting on the throne. I did not see Him face, but incredible light was coming from Him. I was like eight feet away. And my first instinct was not like, Hey God, how are you doing. I didn t think about giving God a hi-five. I was filled with the terror of the Lord. I was filled with it. SID: Now he gave you, and remember his mother, an angel visited that he would have an 11th hour ministry, which means he d be alive at the wrap-up and he d be having a prophetic influence. In order to have this influence you have to move in an awesome power. But the Lord told you something about the power he wants you to move in. What did He tell you? JOHN PAUL: He did. Well I was kind of complaining because I wasn t creating enough power. He came to me. Actually He didn t come to me. He spoke to me in what I perceive to be an audible voice and He said, Son, I long to give gifts to men more than those men long for those gifts themselves. But I love you too much to give you a gift. I would later have to judge you for it because you re not ready for the adulation that would come with that level of giving. He said, But if you do keep on the same track that you re on right now one day I will be able to grant your request.

9 9 SID: And I believe that, you know, Christmas, Chanukah, we think about gifts. How would you like gifts from God? If you will work on repenting and getting your character to reflect the character of the Messiah He will entrust you with the greatest Chanukah-Christmas gifts you have ever had. The greatest gift is the Light of the world, Yeshuah, Jesus, the King of the Jews. He s the greatest.

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